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Christmas Mon WOW !!! CONGRATULATIONS...Page 3 Bronwyn Oloaga Katelyn Price Madison Tidmarsh Thomas...

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From the Principal’s desk…Mrs Browne 3o/11/2011 NO SCOOTERS OR BIKES IN SCHOOL FOYER PLEASE X DATES Kids return from Camp Fri 2/12 Parent Helper Morning Tea Mon 5/12 Parent Excursion Wed 7/12 Christmas Concert Mon 12/12 Year 6 Presentation Tue 13/12 Year 6 Farewell Tue 13/12 Last Day Fri 16/12 Busy End of Year Events With December almost upon us you will probably have noticed the school and teachers getting busier than ever! Stage 3 headed off to camp today full of excite- ment. Let’s cross our fingers that the fine weather continues and that all involved have a great time! Tomorrow brings the Special Children’s Christmas Party for our Support Classes and Year 1 students, and on Thursday the Support Classes are off to a Fun Day at St Andrews Public School. A big thanks to Mr Morrissey who will be our bus driver on this day. On Monday we are holding our Parent Helper Lunch which will now be held in the library . Helpers should have received their invitations by now. Please see Jess in the Community Room if yours has been misplaced. Next Tuesday we have a return visit from Maryanne and Rebecca to follow up on the very successful Parent WorkshopHelping Students with Special Needs. The ladies are returning with more practical ideas for working with children at home. This workshop will be held in the Computer Lab in the Library so that everyone can learn to make the resources to use at home. Everyone is welcome to attend at 9am next Tuesday. Wednesday brings our Parent Excursion. Hope it’s a great day for the beach! Fri- day is our Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal which also serves as an opportunity for students to see the items performed by other classes. Remember to get your tickets for the actual concert on Monday 12th December. Have a great week! WOW !!! CONGRATULATIONS For reaching Level 9 in Kindergarten! David Matagia KR Emily Jagers KR Sera Suters KR

From the Principal’s desk…Mrs Browne







Kids return from Camp



Parent Helper Morning Tea



Parent Excursion



Christmas Concert



Year 6 Presentation



Year 6 Farewell



Last Day Fri


Busy End of Year Events

With December almost upon us you will probably have noticed the school and

teachers getting busier than ever! Stage 3 headed off to camp today full of excite-

ment. Let’s cross our fingers that the fine weather continues and that all involved

have a great time! Tomorrow brings the Special Children’s Christmas Party for our

Support Classes and Year 1 students, and on Thursday the Support Classes are off

to a Fun Day at St Andrews Public School. A big thanks to Mr Morrissey who will

be our bus driver on this day.

On Monday we are holding our Parent Helper Lunch which will now be held in

the library. Helpers should have received their invitations by now. Please see Jess

in the Community Room if yours has been misplaced.

Next Tuesday we have a return visit from Maryanne and Rebecca to follow up on

the very successful Parent Workshop—Helping Students with Special Needs. The

ladies are returning with more practical ideas for working with children at home.

This workshop will be held in the Computer Lab in the Library so that everyone

can learn to make the resources to use at home. Everyone is welcome to attend at

9am next Tuesday.

Wednesday brings our Parent Excursion. Hope it’s a great day for the beach! Fri-

day is our Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal which also serves as an opportunity

for students to see the items performed by other classes. Remember to get your

tickets for the actual concert on Monday 12th December. Have a great week!


For reaching Level 9 in Kindergarten!

David Matagia KR Emily Jagers KR Sera Suters KR

Preschool Paulo Voorwinden Shannon Rodgers

KR Jesse Alam Jade Hughes

Katelyn Towne Scala

KM Jayden Ellis

Jayke Slater

Imogen Matthews

Byron Chaffey

K/3R Lachlan Guthrie Taneesha Prasad

1A Alister Voorwinden

Luke Lawrence

1H Tristan Musgrave Caitlin Ellis Tristan Musgrave Sara Knight

2M Shakayla French Sarah Everett

2P Courtney Maisano

Dylan Connolly

Jazmyn Dobson Jumain Wickey

Sarah Hardy

3S Grace Taala

Blaze Thompson

Shakira Dickson Gray

Tremayne Beve-Leigh

3/4C Maria Lilomaiava

Mathew Collins Christian Fuiomaono

Craige Nelson Maria Lilomaiava

Sophie Walsh Mathew Collins

3/6M Bradley Lewis -Waller Alice Horspool

3/6W Aidan Conwell Rayshaun Carr Micheal Anderson

4K Caitlyn V McCarthy

Casey Tidmarsh

5M Rose Talala K-Lib Tanea

Morrison Charlessworth -Budge

Zion Nauer Angel Polutele

5/6S Timothy Matagia Madison O’Rourke

Lachlan Stennett Jessica Wirtz

Justin Cleary Tray Hoskins

Chloe Baker Jaimee Morrissey

6R Conner Gimblett

Oscar Charlesworth -Budge

Holly Moutelik

Lorna Hampton

Amanda Ngahe

Brandan Connolly

Mandy Talaoloa

Luke McDonald

Congratulations to the following Merit Award Winners


Page 3

Bronwyn Oloaga

Katelyn Price

Madison Tidmarsh

Thomas Wright

Shania Anderson

Jacob McIntosh Fililava

Jordan Larcombe

Brianna Cherry

Todd Leslie

Jake Borg

Angel Polutele

Braydon Watkins

K-Lib Tanea

Andrew Burns

Zion Nauer

Jasmine Slavin

Bonnie Hoile

Kyleasha Dicksons -Gray

Martin Davis

Praise Varu

Chloe Baker

Michelle Naicori


David Matagia

Lachlan Connolly

Alice Horspool

Aaron Lynch

Sophie Walsh

Crystal Batiste

Teleya McDonald

Jayden Vidovic -McCarthy

Thomas Wright

Shania Anderson

Morrison C Budge

Dakota Connolly

Tara Bell

Morrison C Budge

Justin Dawson

Jacib Wilkins

Samara Lynch

Jaiden Talbot

Brayden Rodgers Seiver

Emily Jagers

Wagun Carr

Logan Hoskins

Jarod Gillett

Steven Leului

Rose Taala

Monique Asciak

Lisa Diomei

Haley Lardner

Jordan Rodgers- Seiver

Rayshaun Carr

Timothy Matagia






Page 4


KM— Jayke Slater

1H — Dakota Green

1A— Glen Sawyer

2M— Ashton Reeves

2P— Jesse Collins


3/4C– Maara Teara Jones

3/6W - Olivia Campbell

3/6M— Etone Mati- Leifi

4K— Courtnie Hardy

5M— Shania Anderson

5/6S— Steven Leului

KR - Wagun Carr

K/3R— Rayshaun Carr


KM– Jayden Ellis

KR– David Matagia

K/3R—Shane Lynch



2M—Tiana Willoughby

2P— Dylan Connolly

3S— Grace Cherry

3/4C— Salvation Leatuafi

3/6W— Aidan Conwell

3/6M— Bradley Lewis Waller

4K— Jye Robinson

5M— Madison Tidmarsh

5/6S-Jessica Wirtz

6R—Mackauley Jones 6R— Pelagia Dmitrieff

Page 5

Meet the Staff Member

Jess Jones

Favourite colour? Yellow

Favourite food? Baked Dinners

What is your favourite TV Show?

Modern Family

What is your hobby?

Dancing in my lounge room.

What do you like about Briar Rd School?

I get the opportunity to meet fantastic kids

and Parents.

Social Skill Focus week


Don’t spread



Being Honest

Meet the Staff Member

Katy Chatfield

Favourite colour? Musky Pink

Favourite food? Seafood

What is your favourite TV Show?

Greys Anatomy

What is your hobby?

Watching Movies

What do you like about Briar Rd


Friendly environment and working

with the kids

Page 6

Mathew from 3s worked for 4

weeks to complete his airplane

model. Well done Mathew what

a great effort and plane.

Page 7

Wheely Good Fun Playgroup Christmas Party

When: Mondays 9:00—10.45am

Where: School Hall

Who can come: Children between 0-5years

Parent Workshop—Supporting children with „Special Needs‟

When: Tuesday 6th December 2011

Time: 9.00—11.00

Where: Computer Room—School Library

Morning tea is provided in The Community room

Walking Group!

If you are looking to get fit or just wanting to

meet new people in the community, there is a

walking group on Thursday mornings meeting

outside the school at 9:15am. Join Kat from

Community Change Makers.

Fundraising Team

Please check your children’s bags for Raffle Tickets!

$1.00 each

Money is due 12/12/2011 Raffle will be drawn on Monday


2nd Hand Uniforms


If you have any old uniforms at home

please donate them to the school, we

sell them for a gold coin donation. All

money goes back into the school!

Wednesday Craft Group

This week the craft group painted on canvas boards. They

painted door signs and paintings for display in their


Next week we will be making Christmas or Birthday

Cards!! Come join in the fun!!

Christmas Concert Tickets

You can purchase them Wednesday

from 8.45am—10.00am

* You can purchase them on the day of

the concert if they are still available.

A big thank you to Kylie Waller for donating excursion ID

pouches which will be put to good use for our Special

Christmas Excursion and others to follow.

Thank you

Page 8

News from the Counsellor

Our Counsellor Ros McClure will be adding information

here each fortnight. Ros is at Briar Rd School every

Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday.

Hi Everyone,

Did you know that children experiencing language difficulties are 4-5 times more likely to have

reading & spelling problems at school? This places them at risk of frustration, teasing and low self

-esteem. At home you can make some immediate changes to help your child‟s speech and lan-

guage skills:-

1. TALK! Talk all the time with your child about what they can see, what they are doing and what

you are doing together.

2. Talk one step above your child. For example if they are using single words, speak to them us-

ing two word combinations. If your child is using 2-3 word sentences speak to them with 3-4 word

sentences. Your child will learn and understand from you.

3. Try to minimise T.V and computer games as your child is missing valuable opportunities to

practise “their talking”.

4. READ! Reading books with your child helps to build their attention and gives opportunity to

ask and answer questions. Remember “two books a day keeps the Speech Pathologist away!”



WHERE: Ms Aspers room...1A

All students welcomed

Page 9

Newsletter Title

KM have been trying

their very best!

They are enjoying the

Tens program, reading

‘Too Many Pears’ with

expression in AL and

writing some interesting



Please discuss with your child if they/you would like them to attend

scripture every fortnight.

If you do not wish for your child to attend scripture at school please come

to the front office to change your child’s details.

Thank you

Rhonda’s Canteen Specials

Friday special—Lasagne Garlic Bread Drink combo $6.00 yum

Potato Pies are now available for only $3.50…delicious

Place your orders in the morning before 9.30am


No chips or chocolate will be sold in

the mornings…….

If your child wants chips for lunch or recess time they will have to purchase

these items during these times.

Parents if you would like to buy these items for your child's lunch box, do so

in the morning and make sure it goes into their bags.

Too many students are buying these items instead of a lunch order and are

then left with nothing for lunch.

Thank you.

Briar Road Public School

Briar Road


NSW 2560

Ph 46 255 957

Fax 46 280 134

School Security...1300 880 021

Briar Road Public School works tirelessly to provide all

students with the highest standard of education. It is our aim

to allow all students to reach their full potential. We want all

students to feel safe at school and valued as

citizens. If you have any issues regarding your child‟s

education please do not hesitate to come and see us.


Would you like your newsletter

emailed to you?

Please give email address details

to front office and we should

be up and running for Term 2.


Canteen Stationery

Pens 50c Rubbers 50c

Rulers $1.00

Pencils 30c

Available through put the


We are on

the Web!

We would like to thank McDonalds for their generous donation of 500

McDonald‟s Awards—this sponsorship is to the value of $3000.



If you have a new phone number or a

new emergency contact please let the

front office know as it can be very frustrating

when we try and call parents/caregivers and we

can not reach anyone. This can lead to a vey

stressful child if they are not feeling well.


Uniforms can be purchased or placed on Layby through

the canteen. Please see Rhonda.

Please let the school know when your child is away or

if you intend on starting holidays early.
