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Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121...

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FORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 www.fwotc.com Christmas Party December 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The Barking Times I would like to welcome all of the new club members to our club. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the board members that are listed on the front page of the Barking Times. Please review the “important dates” below so that you are familiar with the class schedule and any upcoming events. Please remember to clean up after your dogs both inside and outside. Also remember to NOT let your dog go to the end of your leash when entering and exiting the building. It is important to keep control of your dog at all times. Please note that the next open meeting / Christmas Party will be held on December 14, 2016, at 7pm. Please plan to arrive around 6:30. This event will be held in our training building. The club will provide the main course (chicken) and the drinks. We ask that you bring a dish and/or dessert to pass. We will also have a raffle which will be held throughout the evening. If you would like to donate something to the raffle, please contact Kelly Urick or myself ([email protected] or [email protected]). There will also be a “doggie” gift exchange worth $10 per gift. This is not mandatory. If you would like to participate, please bring a gift and you may take a gift. This will be done at the end of the evening. All those in attendance will receive 10 paws points. If you have a business matter that you feel needs to be heard by the club membership, please contact the President, Diane Townsend, at 260- 485-2965 prior to December 10, 2016. The executive board meeting will be held prior to the open meeting (place and time TBD). Have a safe and happy holiday! Diane Townsend, President CLUB OFFICERS December 2016 President’s Message & Open Meeting Club President - Diane Townsend 260-485-2965 [email protected] 1st Vice President - Sheila Dick [email protected] 2nd Vice President - Kelly Urick 260-341-2817 [email protected] Treasurer - Vanessa Scott 260-348-4150 [email protected] Recording Secretary - Deb Ward 260-410-4662 Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Kersjes 260-493-7738 [email protected] Club Member D.O.T. - Dean Lund 260-627-1067 [email protected] Non-Member D.O.T. - Diane Townsend 260-485-2965 [email protected] Co-Agility D.O.T. - Steve Wheeler 260-745-9943 [email protected] Co-Agility D.O.T. - Nanette Kersjes Board Members: Lynn Swager [email protected] Jeannine Brown [email protected] Katie Sweeney [email protected] Christine Mussleman [email protected] Tracking Coordinator - Pam Johnson 260-437-1546 [email protected] Barking Times Editor - Cory Dold 260-609-8129 [email protected] PAWS Points Administrator - Dawn Taylor 260-637-0368 [email protected]
Page 1: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

F O R T WAY N E O B E D I E N C E T R A I N I N G C L U BC L U B P H O N E : 260 .637 .2121 www. fwo tc .com

Christmas Party December 14, 2016

at 7:00 p.m.

The BarkingTimes

I would like to welcome all of the new club members to our club. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the board members that are listed on the front page of the Barking Times. Please review the “important dates” below so that you are familiar with the class schedule and any upcoming events.Please remember to clean up after your dogs both inside and outside. Also remember to NOT let your dog go to the end of your leash when entering and exiting the building. It is important to keep control of your dog at all times. Please note that the next open meeting / Christmas Party will be held on December 14, 2016, at 7pm. Please plan to arrive around 6:30. This event will be held in our training building. The club will provide the main course (chicken) and the drinks. We ask that you bring a dish and/or dessert to pass. We will also have a raffle which will be held throughout the evening. If you would like to donate something to the raffle, please contact Kelly Urick or myself ([email protected] or [email protected]). There will also be a “doggie” gift exchange worth $10 per gift. This is not mandatory. If you would like to participate, please bring a gift and you may take a gift. This will be done at the end of the evening. All those in attendance will receive 10 paws points. If you have a business matter that you feel needs to be heard by the club membership, please contact the President, Diane Townsend, at 260-485-2965 prior to December 10, 2016. The executive board meeting will be held prior to the open meeting (place and time TBD). Have a safe and happy holiday!

Diane Townsend, President


December 2016

President’s Message& Open Meeting

Club President - Diane Townsend260-485-2965 [email protected] 1st Vice President - Sheila Dick [email protected] Vice President - Kelly Urick260-341-2817 [email protected] - Vanessa Scott260-348-4150 [email protected] Secretary - Deb Ward260-410-4662

Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Kersjes 260-493-7738 [email protected] Member D.O.T. - Dean Lund260-627-1067 [email protected] D.O.T. - Diane Townsend260-485-2965 [email protected] Co-Agility D.O.T. - Steve Wheeler260-745-9943 [email protected] D.O.T. - Nanette KersjesBoard Members:Lynn Swager [email protected] Brown [email protected] Sweeney [email protected] Mussleman [email protected] Coordinator - Pam Johnson260-437-1546 [email protected] Times Editor - Cory Dold260-609-8129 [email protected] Points Administrator - Dawn Taylor260-637-0368 [email protected]

Page 2: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome
Page 3: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome


2016 T R A C K I N G S C H E D U L E

Tracking NewsOur VST test on October 2 2016 went off without a hitch. Our Judges were Ron Seeley from Port Lucie Florida and Connie Austin from Rochester Illinois. Great judges to work with. We did not have any passes at this test, but as some of you may know this is a difficult test. All the dogs and handlers did a nice job. Well there was a slight glitch when Ron Seeley’s flight was delayed due to weather out of West Palm Beach and he missed his connection in Atlanta so did not arrive until Saturday afternoon. So Pam Johnson walked all the tracks as they were plotted on Saturday with the Connie Austin, and in the process, learned how to do the calculations for the vegetative to non vegetative surface ratios needed to make these VST tracks legal. I do admit it was fun and quite educational.But I do digress. Huge thanks always go out to our volunteers, without them I would be in big trouble. Tracklayers are Bill Johnston, Kelly Urick, Marlene Hill, Steve Archacki, Debby Lynn, Kim Kearfott, and Barb Croy. Photographer Cheryl Ertelt. Judges Driver Pete Johnson. Food Robin Katen and Steve Archacki. Pam Johnson served as Test Secretary and Chair.

FWOTC Tracking Dog Urban test was held on Sunday October 16 2016. We had 10 entries for an 8 dog test. Judges Mike Roehrs and Debbie Maheu plotted an alternate track so we had 9 dogs run in the test. Sunday morning provided us with the setting of a full moon just before the draw at 8:15am. Light breezes and cloudy skies with temperatures in the mid 60s gave us some nice weather for the dogs to run their tracks. Tracks 1-4 were run over at Concordia Theological Seminary where we had one pass Golden Retriever Ruby and her able handler Laurie Nastas on Track #4. Everyone moved back to the Dupont Hospital campus for tracks 5-8 and the alternate track. The rain was threatening and by Track #6 was coming down first lightly and then with some gusto. Many of the dogs did a nice job but no more passes. The heartbreak was the alternate track with a German Shepherd Dog in the pouring rain that could not convince his handler that the final turn went right! We all huddled under an EZ UP for sandwiches after the test and then many of us over to DeBrand’s chocolate for ice cream, fellowship and paperwork.

Again I am forever grateful to our volunteers who make these tests successful for exhibitors. It’s a labor of love and dedication. So without further ado here are the folks that make it happen: Barb Croy Test Secretary and Chair along with laying rack #7, Steve Archacki who laid track #1 and track #8, Gail Henrie who drove up from Indianapolis IN to lay track #2, Brenda Griffin who drove in from Pennsylvania to lay track #3, Maugh Vail who drove in from Michigan to lay track #4 our passing track, Rick Reiff who laid track #5 and the alternate track who by the way got soaking wet when laying and walking with the judges when the alternate track ran, Ann Bruno who drove up from Westfield IN to lay track #6, Robin Katen who takes care of getting the food and keeping everyone hydrated and fed, Cheryl Ertelt who, at this test, did double duty with photographing the tracks along with running her dog on Track #6, Marlene Hill who was driving all over both Saturday and Sunday to get track layers and exhibitors where they needed to be, Pete Johnson who spent Saturday and Sunday as our judges driver, and Pam Johnson who considers this fun - rain or shine, daylight or dark, warm or cold to coordinate everyone so these tests run as smooth as possible.

Forward and onward to 2017. Will announce tracking test dates and other events in a future BT.

Pam Johnson, Tracking Coordinator.


Page 4: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

Tuesday Night Practice: If you want ring time to practice obedience on Tuesdays nights after 6pm contact Diane Townsend at [email protected]. Please emailby Friday of the week prior to when you wantring time. We are only reserving times on a week by week basis. The buildingis open on Tuesdays and can be used until 6:00pm without contacting them.

Daytime Practice: The building is open 9am to 6pm on Tuesday and Wednesday for obedience practice only. If you would like to go out there to practice, then you may do so without contacting anyone. Just go out, turn the lights on, and turn the heat on, if it isn’t already. Make sure you sign the book so we know you were there. Please work in one ring at a time so if anyone else comes they can use a different ring. Please put any equipment away that you may have gotten out, turn the heat down, and the lights off before you leave. Thank you for your cooperation.

I would like to remind all club members that the best way to resolve any concerns or issues would be to direct them to the appropriate club officer. From now on, I would like to stress that all questions, issues, concerns and suggestions for public night, club night, and agility night be directed to the DOT for the respective day. The DOT will then work with class instructors or president/board members as needed to resolve issues. This method of communication will help keep all issues clearly identified, address those issues, and maintain the appropriate line of communication to all club officers. Furthermore, if you have questions with regard to the following items, I have indicated the current contacts.

Paw Points - Dawn Taylor Barking Times – Cory Dold Dues - Diane Townsend Public night –Diane Townsend Agility Trial / Trial chair – Diane Townsend Club night - Dean Lund Obedience Trial / Trial chair – Sheila Dick Agility (AM & PM sessions) – Steve WheelerTracking Coordinator - Pam Johnson

T H I S & T H ATQuestions & ConcernsUse the Proper Channels


Nikki RichAlysha ScheidtSusie HarrellKaren Walker

Susan StillwellZenaida Amador

Jill SackashTonya Bedwell

Jenna Justice-BigginsRick & Candice Duvall

Jon StoughMelinda RoseSteve Burke

N E W M E M B E R S BragsCongratulations!

CONGRATULATIONS to Pam Johnson’s Lab Pilot! CHAMPION TRACKER TITLE! FWOTC FIRST!! CT Orion’s Ready for Takeoff TD TDU VST TDX. Pilot earned his TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent), which was the final title he needed for his Champion Tracker Title on Sunday September 25 2016 at the Ann Arbor Dog Training Club test at the Sharonville Game Preserve in Norvell Michigan. Pilot dragged Pam down hills, through tall cover, past 2 sets of cross tracks without even a hint they were there, in and out of woods on a meandering leg, and along a two track road for a total of 810 yards, on a 5 turn track, only stopping briefly for his 3 articles and to wait for Pam to catch her breath. It was a mostly a blur for me as his handler, but he was on a mission and knew exactly where the track was. This is an amazing accomplishment for me and this 3 year old dog. I am blessed to have him in my life.

Thanks again for all who trained this past session:Steve Wheeler, Dean Lund, Sharon Cullman, Bree Ann Beck, & Keely Beam I appreciate your help as always. You make my job easier.

Diane Townsend, Public DOT


Page 5: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

Sunshine Thank you to everyone for all the thoughtful kind words and gestures of condolences for Zoe’s passing. Little Zoe will be greatly missed especially in the nursing homes where she gave loving hugs to so many.

She always tried to do what I asked of her in the obedience ring as well as agility, but her health often got the better of her. She was such a fun-loving, playful girl when she was feeling well and, did I mention, she REALLY enjoyed playing “ball”!

Pam Johnson’s Sheltie, Yankee Doodle, died peacefully at home on Wednesday November 30 2016, surrounded by family and his two brothers Thor and Pilot. Yankee was born on May 15 2001. To put in perspective how long this little barking and bossy dog was with us, our son was 11 when Yankee came home to be with us. The years have flown by and Yankee was always there with us. He traveled to Maine, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Alabama, etc. wherever we went Yankee came with us. He leaves a big hole in our hearts along with a house that is very very quiet. His annoying barking is greatly missed believe it or not! Run free over the Rainbow Bridge my little Munchkin Man.

SUV cate for sale Door on both ends 41 long 20 wide 30 tall. Been used once. Asking $125.00. Contact Lynn Swager at [email protected]

For SaleBroad Jump for sale! 5’ PVC lightweight portable jumps NEW. Asking $150.00 for set. Contact Cory Dold at [email protected]

My dad is building beautiful wood and metal dog cages. He can build whatever size you want and whatever color you want. They can have sliding doors or swing style doors. We have single and double cages available. They look like furniture!! So much better than wire!! Please email at [email protected] call 260.645.0219 for more informationThanks!Christine Musselman

Page 6: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

Member Obedience ClassesWEDNESDAYS!

Schedule beginning January 11, 2017 running through March 1, 2017



6:00-7:00 PRE-NOVICE/NOVICEInstructor: Katie SweeneyThis class will cover “novice” levels based on class request.

7:00-8:00 OPENInstructor: Nancy WrightContinue to expand Open level training.

7:00-8:00 RALLYInstructor: Jean SmithRally at the Novice level.

8:00-9:15 NOSE WORKInstructor: BreeAnn BeckAll dogs use their noses naturally, and K-9 Nosework is a fun and fast-growing sport for ANY and ALL dogs, from high-energy dogs that need a job to do, to dogs that have been injured or are simply seniors. Dogs are trained to search for specific odor or odors, and the training methods are based from real life scent detection training. You will not only build stronger bond between you and your dog, but you will also see your dog’s confidence and enthusiasm to work for you grow! All you need is a hungry dog with a nose and a smile! This class will be an introduction to the exciting sport of nosework.

8:00-9:15 SUB-NOVICEInstructor: Sharon CullmanThis class will teach that “stay” means “STAY!”. Basic SIT, STAY, COME & HEEL exercises will be covered each week. LAUGHTER IS GOOD HERE!!! PLEASE bring lots of soft treats, a very hungry dog, patience and a great sense of humor!!! FREE TO NEW MEMBERS.


THANK-YOU!E-MAIL DEAN: [email protected] / 260-627-1067


PHONE CALLS ARE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS. Just leave class request, your name, dog’s name & breed please.

CLASS SIGN-UP: WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4th-----AFTER 7:00 PMFYI: please remember your instructor is teaching on their own time---volunteered. IF you

have a problem with the class or instructor-------LET ME KNOW! Read the write-up and/or ask questions about the class. PLEASE plan on attending ALL classes. Thanks, Dean

When requesting a class, have the following information ready:Handler’s full name, e-mail address & phone number

Dog’s name, breed, & ageMethod of payment

Page 7: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

Member Agility ClassesMONDAYS!

Schedule beginning January 9, 2016 running through February 27, 2016

MONDAYSMONDAY MORNING OPEN RINGThis is for those who would like to have extra ring time and are able to make it on Monday morning. Teams must be working at the Intermediate level or beyond. A course will be available, but you can use your time to work on your teams issues. If you are able to help with set up please be at the club building at about 8:00 am with runs to start at about 9 am. This is done as a group so when the group is done everyone must leave and there is to be no further use of the building until the evening classes.

5:30-6:30 - MOTIVATION/HANDLING/FOCUSWeeks 1-3 and 5-7 will concentrate on sequences that work on handling and the dog’s focus and motivation. Weeks 4 and 8 will be run throughs. 6:30-7:30 - CONTACTS/WEAVESWeeks 1-3 and 5-7 will concentrate on sequences that work on contacts and weaves. Weeks 4 and 8 will be run throughs 7:30-8:15 - AFTER FUNDAMENTALSThis is for those coming out of Tuesday Fundamentals class and those who need to continue to work on the basics of agility.

8:15-9:30 - PREMIERWe will be problem solving and running Premier sequences. Participants will take part in the problem solving. Class will be led by Deb Gropp. Teams should be in the Advanced class level.

Please bring a crate, if you have one. For sign up, please contact Steve at [email protected] or call (260) 745-9943.


PHONE CALLS ARE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS. Just leave class request, your name, dog’s name & breed please.


When requesting a class, have the following information ready:Handler’s full name, e-mail address & phone number

Dog’s name, breed, & ageMethod of payment

Page 8: Christmas Party The Barking TimesFORT WAYNE OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB CLUB PHONE: 260.637.2121 Christmas Party December 14, 2016 The Barking at 7:00 p.m. Times I would like to welcome

Fort Wayne Obedience Training ClubP.O. BOX 15744Fort Wayne, IN 46885-5744

In This IssuePage 1 - President’s MessagePage 2 - Minutes from General MeetingPage 3 - TrackingPage 4 - New MembersPage 5 - SunshinePage 6 - Obedience ClassesPage 7 - Agility Classes

Important Dates:

December 14 – Christmas PartyJanuary 4 - Class Sign-upJanuary 9- Agilty StartsJanuary 11 - Obedience StartsFebruary 8 - BT DeadlineMarch 8 – Open MeetingApril 9 - VST TestMay 6 & 7– Obedience Trial
