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1 KALOMA CHRONICLE November 2012 EDITION Locked Bag 3006 GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Phone: (07) 4671 1422 Fax: (07) 4671 3890 [email protected] Locked Bag 3006 GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Phone: (07) 4671 1422 Fax: (07) 4671 3890 [email protected] INSIDE THIS ISSUE CEO Report CACP’S and Quality Report Hugh’s Safety Tips Brigalow News and Activity Calendar Brolga Warrigal News and Activity Calendar Clinical Nurse Report Mary’s Quality Corner Seasonal Influenza 2012 Comment and Complaints Process Meetings Education Happy Birthday Residents & CACP’s Heather Glasser Phillipa Day Elsie McBride Ray Rose Bob Yeo Edi Beasley Staff Melissa Allen Colleen See Emily Adams Katie Schell Kath Mann Tracey Mailman Virginia Adams
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Locked Bag 3006 GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Phone: (07) 4671 1422 Fax: (07) 4671 3890 [email protected]

Locked Bag 3006 GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Phone: (07) 4671 1422 Fax: (07) 4671 3890 [email protected]

INSIDE THIS ISSUE CEO Report CACP’S and Quality Report Hugh’s Safety Tips Brigalow News and Activity Calendar Brolga Warrigal News and Activity Calendar Clinical Nurse Report Mary’s Quality Corner Seasonal Influenza 2012 Comment and Complaints Process Meetings Education

Happy Birthday

Residents & CACP’s Heather Glasser Phillipa Day Elsie McBride Ray Rose Bob Yeo Edi Beasley


Melissa Allen Colleen See Emily Adams Katie Schell Kath Mann Tracey Mailman Virginia Adams

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Hello Everyone I am pleased to report that the development is now complete. We have a lovely modern facility which addresses Kaloma, residents, clients and staff needs well into the future. New furniture is coming but in the meantime we will be using our existing furniture. Rotary donated $4000 toward the cost of the new furniture. Kaloma has reused our curtains and blinds from our previous upgrade in 2005 as they were good quality items then and remain so. I am aware that residents are most pleased to be getting back to use the new areas. Staff are busy emptying the containers and getting things unpacked and back into the new areas. Digital TV Scheme - Background Information from Dept Human Services From 24 September 2012, residents of nursing homes and aged care facilities will be able to apply as a group rather than individually for the digital TV Household Assistance Scheme. The scheme will provide technical assistance and install one high definition set-top box free of charge for each eligible resident. This will help eligible customers make the switch to digital TV. The Department of Human Services will send potentially eligible residents Household Assistance Scheme (HAS) invitation letters. To access this service, residents must nominate a facility representative who can apply on behalf of all the residents at the same time and coordinate the installations with a service contractor. The nominated facility representative can request an application pack by calling the Digital Ready Information Line on FreecallTM 1800 20 10 13. To facilitate the above, residents/representatives will be asked if they would like assistance with arranging the above, and if so, to nominate Kaloma's Hugh Hamilton who will be the liaison person. Kaloma's waiting list is almost non-existent at present so if you know of anyone looking for a permanent residential care and respite care could you please refer them to me Penni Roberts on 46 711422. Fee Increases As residents and community clients are aware the fees for all programs were raised by the Department of Health & Ageing from 20th September 2012.

Community Fees CACP and EACHD clients now pay $8.90 per day

Our Mission

Is to provide the highest standard of culturally relevant care based on

respect, compassion and choice while assisting residents to maintain

their emotional and spiritual identity and physical potential.

We strive to provide a safe and tranquil environment in which

individuality is upheld and extended families are involved.


From the Chief Executive Officer

Penni Roberts

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Residential Basic Daily Care Fee

Respite $43.22 per day Standard Resident (full pensioners and some part pensioners $43.22 per day Phased Residents (non-pensioners and some part pensioners $42.72 per day

It is pleasing to see that we now have 6 residents in Kaloma's independent units now in receipt of a community aged care package. This what we were hoping would happen when Kaloma purchased the units from the Department of Housing this year. Residents of our units who are eligible for this type of program and support receive the package of care free of charge. This service is designed to keep older people in their homes as long as possible. On the 17th October I undertook a presentation to the Qld Association of Nurse Leaders conference at the Convention Centre in Brisbane. The invitation to speak followed on from Kaloma's win in the Workforce Council's Workforce Innovation Awards earlier in the year. I was very nervous but it seemed to go satisfactorily. An earlier guest speaker was Li Cunxin "Mao's Last Dancer'. What a wonderful man and an inspiration to all to do their best. He spoke of the utter poverty in Mao's China being on of 7 sons and his life's journey. Li Cuxin is now the Director of the Qld Ballet Company. We are busy reviewing our emergency plans now that summer is upon us. We can only hope that we get some rain however we need to plan for floods and other emergencies. There is to be a partial evacuation drill soon to prepare us for evacuation in the event of fire. Please ensure that all food brought on to the premises is recorded in the Food Register located at the entry to both Brigalow and near Reception. Congratulations to the winners of the peer nominated Staff Achievement and Encouragement Awards. Kitchen Coordinator Alana Wilson won the Achievement Award and Housekeeping second-in-charge David Edwards won the Encouragement Award. Award winners respectively winning a $50 and $30 gift voucher. All nominees go into the ‘hat’ at the end of the year to win the 2 night stay at the Boulevard Towers at Broadbeach. Quality reports as usual are included in the newsletter. Thank you for your ongoing support. Penni Roberts

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Turning lives around together 

Community Corner

Hello and welcome to the November 2012 edition of the Kaloma Chronicle from the community, we have been enjoying some lovely warm weather of late, Please remember to drink plenty of water.

With the majority of our community clients needs increasing if you require TRANSPORT, it is important that you give staff at least 1 weeks notice for all appointments so that we are able to schedule the appointment in to avoid disappointment.

Please ensure that your appointments are made between 10am and 11.30am as this is when we have staff available to transport you to/from your appointments. We would also like to remind our clients that we are unable to provide transport on weekends or public holidays.

There remain 2 vacancy on the EACHD (high care dementia) program and we are actively trying to fill these as no doubt there are many elders locally who would benefit. ACAT approval is required for eligibility.

We hope to fill a few more of these vacancies shortly, currently we only have 2 carers working on a weekend, it would be appreciated if you require assistance with washing that you do your washing during the week. This will enable staff to spend quality care time with you. We thank you for your understanding at this time.

Sadly we fair welled Michelle on the 7th November, we wish her all the best in her future career and we will miss her. Kiely will also be leaving us to work in Brigalow. We would like to welcome Julie & Trish to our community program and we look forward to working with you.

We would like to wish Philippa Day a happy birthday for November

A letter will be going out at the end of the month asking our clients what services they will be require ring over Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years Day. Please be advised that staff will be finishing after lunch on these days so there will not be any afternoon call those 3 days, so they can spend some time with their families.

I would like to thank all the cacp’s carers and Penni for all the help and support they give me on a regular basis. With out our trained team of community carers Kalama’s Community programs would not run as efficient as they do, so a BIG thank you to all our community Carers.

Only 1 month until Christmas!!!!!!! Until next time. Take care, From the Community Team Jo (Coordinator), Beulah (2ic) Shirley, Virginia, Emily, Kiely & Julie

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Finally....the building renovations are almost complete and we are busy getting things back in order and our systems reviewed to be compliant due to changes to the structure and layout of the building. During all of this we have also changed chemical suppliers which means that retraining for staff and changing all of our chemical management documentation. Fire safety Many of the evacuation plans displayed around the building have to be changed as the layout of the escape routes has changed. This is not a small job as all of the residents rooms have an evacuation plan in them which are now non compliant. As this is one of our most important safety issues it is now our highest priority and we are putting everything aside until completed. We have completed a controlled evacuation training session of the Brolga wing. During the training session the staff will be orientated with the changes to the building ( emergency gas shut off button, changed paths of exit). They will also be advised of changes to the Emergency and Evacuation Plan that were identified when I reviewed it to identify and implement the necessary changes. Chemical Safety The second and final Staff Chemical Safety training session by Hugh Stirling was held on the 22/10/2012 and nearly all the remainder of staff attended. We are in the final stage of changeover with our chemical suppliers as we have had to use to use up all of our stock of the previous supplier before switching to the new chemicals. This has been a bit challenging as we have had to constantly change the manuals for the MSDS sheets on a regular basis. This week we are finally removing the small amount of the previous suppliers chemicals and reprinting the MSDS manuals. Safety management systems at kaloma I am nearing the end a Certificate 4 in Occupational Health and Safety course and some interesting and useful things have come out of it particularly in relation to Work Health and safety management systems and Australian Standard 4801. As part of this assignment I was required to complete an audit of our OHS management systems and we did pretty well. We will have to make some changes to our safety policy's but it mostly things that we are already doing but have not got documented as per the standard. part of the assignment is to complete an action plan which I will do and log it as a Quality Improvement. It is a relief to see the building works completed and all of the safety issues associated with it over without a single injury or serious incident throughout the project. The staff have done an excellent job under very trying circumstances keeping themselves and the residents and visitors safe and the residents have been very understanding while everything was happening around them. I will now be able to relax and enjoy the next two weeks holiday. Until next month, stay happy and stay safe Safety Advisor Hugh Hamilton



An N D


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Life Style & Leisure with Carol Burcher

Brigalow News November 2012

Sadly we say good bye to Roma Ford we will miss her character and ability to have us in stitcher with her sense of humour. We also sadly said good bye to Desley Peters with her beautiful smile and gentle nature Hello Everyone, November is here, where has this year gone? This year has flown. We have reached the very busy season lots to look forward too. Melbourne CUP luncheon $8.50 plus we will celebrate with our very own YABBIE race this will be so exciting for everyone also we have a raffle on the day. We will enjoy watching The RACE THE THAT’S STOPS THE NATION while we enjoy refreshments. We will have a prize for best dressed lady and man and best hat or fascinator .This will be a great day all welcome. We will be auctioning art work which residents have assisted in making. Anyone wishing to help make crafts ect. or to donate items please contact Brigalow staff or myself. Funds raised will go towards purchasing equipment and resources for our wing. The visit from Mac’ Kneipp of Border Vets was sensational with everyone pampering the beautiful Joey and little dog. It’s just lovely to see the faces of everyone light up by these little animals. Our recent bus trip had a surprise visit to Border Vets Horses. Our bus trips with David are fortnightly. Pet theory is an important part of our programme. Our lovely dog Delilah and our little birds bring lots of joy. We had the pleasure of Bill Bishop entertaining us with his Ukulele. Thanks Bill. We look forward to future visits. Our Millers Fashion Parade was a lovely morning with our Models enjoying High Tea prior to taking to the cat walk. Rolina had everyone in stitches with her pink wig and natural antics. Thanks to Jean, Colleen and Rolina our lovely models. This was the first time for myself to walk the cat walk I must say I had a lovely time. Kristine did a great job comparing the morning.

6th 12.00md

Melbourne Cup

14th 10.30am

Coffee Club

2nd 9.30am

Dee Castle Sing a Long

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27th 10.30am

Vets and Pets

Happy Melbourne Cup

We enjoy our mornings when we prepare and cook, recently we cooked pikelets, everyone ate and ate until there wasn’t any left. Our gardener Michel spent Coffee Club morning with us and revamped our veggie garden. Allan and Bill helped with planting the seedlings. Allan regularly waters and maintains our gardens to keep them in tip top shape. Bingo is well attended weekly the highlight is winning chocolates. Dee Castle sings monthly for us this morning is always enjoyed by everyone. Our regular activities are still popular Puzzle’s exercises walks crafts and beauty care. Church services are twice monthly and are well attended. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has made this month special for our residents. There are so many of you .If you would like to become a volunteer please let me know and I will arrange it. Welcome back to Brigalow Taleah It is lovely to have your happy smiling face around and your caring nature. God Bless you all. Until next month, Carol, and all the staff in Brigalow.

REMINDER……………………… Sunday November 25th at 10-00-1130


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Cooking in Brigalow

Gardening and Coffee Club

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Hodge Family & Friends


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Red Cross Ladies Foot Care

Annie The Florist Pet Day

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1st 9.30 Morning Walk 10.30 Exercises and Music 2.30 Relaxation Activities

2nd 9.30 Dee Castle Sing a Long 2.30 Relaxation Activities

3rd 9.30 Walk and Ice Cream in Garden 10.30 Nail-Care 2.30 Poetry & Reading Relaxation Activities

4th 9.30 Walk 2.30 One on One & Massages and Relaxation


9.30 Walk 10.30 Bingo 2.30 Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Phil O’Shea 12.00 Melbourne Cup Lunch followed by drinks and nibbles

7th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Crafts 2.30 Crafts & Puzzles Relaxation Activities

8th 9.30 Walk

11.00 Church Service 2.30 Relaxation Activities


10.am Bus Tour 2.30 Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Nail-care 2.30 Poetry & Reading .Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Remembrance Day Activities 2.30 Relaxation Activities

12h 9.30 Walk 10.30 Bingo 2.30 One on One & Massages

13h 9.30 Walk 10.30 Vets and Pets 2.30 Reading & Jokes Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Coffee Club 2.30 Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk

10.00 Carpet Bowls

2.30 Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Craft 2.30 Relaxation Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Beauty Care 2.30 Poetry & Reading Relaxation Activities

18tht 9.30 Walk 10.30 Quiz/Crafts 2.30 Movie Relaxation Activities

19th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Bingo 2.30 Movie 2.30 Relaxation Activities

20th 9.30 Walk

10.30 Cooking &

Morning Tea

2.30 Puzzles and Quiz

21st 9.30 Walk 10.30 Movie 2.30 Happy Hour

22nd 9.30 Walk with 11 Church Service and Barbecue 2..30 Relaxation and Activities

23rd 10.00 Bus Trip 2.30 Relaxation and Activities


9.30 Walk, 10.30 Beauty Care 2.30 Relaxation Activities

25th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Quiz/Crafts 2.30 Movies

26th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Bingo 2.30 Movies Relaxation and Activities

27th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Vets and Pets 2.30 Movie Relaxation and Activities

28th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Men’s Group 2.30 Movie Relaxation and Activities

29th 9.30 Walk 10.30 Movie 2.30 Relaxation and Activities


9.30 Walk 10.30 Poetry and Reading2.30 Relaxation and Activities

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Warrigal/Brolga Activity Planner November 2012

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Oliver Wemdal Holmes.

1. 10am Bingo Warrigal Lounge 2.00pm Room Visits 3.30pm Walking Group

2.. Bus Outing 3.00pm Personal Shopping Outing

3.Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion or listening to music

4.Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge,. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion

5. .9.00am Kaloma Bus Service to CBD 10.00am Music Matinee

REST TIME 2.00pm Room Visits

3.00pm Walking Group

6. 8.30am Hair Care with Emily Rose Melbourne Cup Luncheon REST TIME & Free Choice of Activities.

7. 9.30am Playgroup in the Kaloma Gardens 10.45am Catholic Church Service 2.30 One-on-one care with Sue Music Experience- Warrigal Lounge

8. 10am Bingo Warrigal Lounge. 2.00pm One-on-one with Sue DVD Documentary- Warrigal Lounge 3.30pm Walking Group

9 Sing-a-long with Margie 2.00pm Reminiscing Game & Cognitive Therapy 3.00pm Personal Shopping Outing

10. Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion or listening to music.

11.9.30amRemembrance Day Service...Coolabah Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge

12. .9.00am Kaloma Bus Service to CBD 10.00am Danielle O'Donnell in Concert 3.30pm WALKING GROUP

13. 8.30am Hair Care with Emily Rose 9.30am Chairobics 10.00am Craft 3.00pm Strawberry Farm Ice creams 3.30pm Walking Group

149am Red Cross Angels hand nail care 10.45am Memorial Service ( Rev Zoe 12Noon Railway for Lunch

15. 10am Bingo Warrigal Lounge. 2.00pm Room Visits Mystery Movie- Warrigal Lounge 3.30pm Walking Group

16. Bus Outing- Mystery Lunch 2.00pm Musical Experience- Vinyl Records 3.00pm Personal Shopping Outing

17. Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge,. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion/ listening to music.

18. Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge,. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion

19.9.00am Kaloma Bus Service to CBD 10.00am Armchair Travel 2.00pm Room Visits 3.00pm Arm Chair Travel-Warrigal Lounge Churches Of Goondiwindi Annual Memorial Service Goondiwindi Cemetery.

20.8.30am Hair Care with Emily Rose 9.30am Chairobics 10.00am Craft 10.45am Catholic Service Warrigal Lounge 3pm Personal Shopping with Sue

21. 9.30am Sing-a-long with Lucia & Don Warrigal Barbecue PM Free Choice –Special Time. 3.00pm Room Visits

22. 10am Bingo Warrigal Lounge. Pies,Peas,Chips”N” Gravy Lunch on the Patio PM REST TIME Steve Erwin DVD- Warrigal Lounge 3.30pm Walking Group

23 Sing-a-long with Margie 2.00pm One-on-one Sue Armchair Travel –Warrigal Lounge HAPPY HOUR

24. Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge, Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion or listening to music.

25. Relaxation with Family & Friends, a Movie in the Warrigal Lounge,. Walks and reading in the Kaloma Garden 4pm Newspaper discussion

26.9.00am Kaloma Bus Service to CBD 10.00am Movie Mystery 12 noon Kaloma BBQ Lunch REST TIME 3.30pm Room Visits

27.8.30am Hair Care with Emily Rose 9.30am Chairobics 11.00am Resident's Meeting 9.30am Memory Games 2.00pm Room Visits Arm Chair Travel 3..00pm

28.9.30am Cooking Experience with Sue- Toasted Sandwiches for M/Tea. 9am Red Cross Angels hand nail care 10.45am Anglican Church Service( Warrigal After Lunch. Rest Time

29.10am Bingo Warrigal Lounge. 3.00pm One-on-one with Sue 4pm Sing-along in the Coolabah Lounge with Simon

30.MOVIE DAY and Maccas for Lunch REST TIME

3.30pm Room Visits

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Lifestyle and Leisure with Diversional Therapist Sue Swayn

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them! Henry David Thoreau.

Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan. Well , we certainly can not sat " Christmas is just around the corner! We can now say," Christmas is now next month!" Frightening! Wow! Just think, a time that will keep us all so busy as we plan for the Silly Season! not to forget.....before we can even think about this WE have to settle into our new environment....the Coolabah Lounge and what a beautiful area we have in which to enjoy our Activities. Yes, we do have a pretty full on schedule from now on….Remembrance Day, the Kaloma Memorial Service ,Melbourne Cup Party, Christmas Concerts, Christmas Lights Tour and this doesn’t include all of the other everyday activities that we have planned. From this area we will be able to access the Coffee Shop and a Library. A large gauzed out door area overlooking the gardens will be great for us to use when we are doing our cooking activities and will also provide a nice place to sit and relax with our family and friends. The Time Frame for Bus Service to the CBD has been changed from the Wednesday to the Monday. Monday is the better day as there is no Church Service programmed and we can shop without rushing and enjoy a cuppa before returning home. The highlight of the month was our day out at Carol's home at Yelarbon. I am sure that everyone would agree that the day was just superb! Carol and her family had gone to so much trouble making the day " just right" in a Spring Garden setting. Lunch was so delicious and , Carol, that Apple Pie was just mouth watering! A sincere thank you from the bottom of all our hearts. We had a fantastic day out and I am certain one that will stay in our memories forever! A change in plans was necessary on the day we were going to walk the Macintyre River due to an extensive spike in the Goondiwindi Temperature on that day predicted at 36 degrees! Wow1 that is hot!

6th November

Melbourne Cup


& The Boys

14th November Playgroup Christmas Party in the Kaloma Gardens

21st November Sing-a-long with Lucia & Don & Barbie


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So the Red Cross Angels and myself put on our thinking caps and decided that we would not go walking; instead we would go for a drive in the bus and at 10.30am meet up with the Red Cross Angels at the Botanical Gardens for morning tea. Thank you to our Red Cross Angels and the beautiful morning tea they prepared especially for us. We set off early so that we could " beat the heat forecast for the day" and we were so glad we did just that. We all had an wonderful time as we meandered around the streets of Goondiwindi and along the Macintyre River taking in the sights and watching the Cockatoos" as they continued on their mission destroying the beautiful trees. Yes! we still enjoyed travelling the banks of the Mac River in the bus; beats walking on a really hot day!!!! Our Weekly shopping trips for October found us enjoying our Cuppas at Neen's Coffee Shop where we tucked into fresh scones, cream and strawberry jam. Just reminding our folk who reside in the units that this service is also available to them It is a FREE service; make use of it while you all can and enjoy the freedom that goes with it! Browsing through the shops, stopping to catch up with friends we haven't seen in a while while on our Monday outing helps make our day one of " normality". Do No Forget ,should you wish to use this service , to book with myself or Elizabeth in Reception or Suzette the day before. This is important. If you need reminding please let me know and I will phone to remind you. As Seniors, we greatly enjoy activities where we all come together for a sing-a-long, to listen to the old vinyl records that open those windows of memories rekindling our life's journey. Mmusic therapy is stimulating, encourages social interaction, reduces agitation, stimulates memory and clear thinking, and reduces behavioral, social, cognitive, and emotional problems. Just listening to a song stirs within. Assists in remembering the words to a favorite song as you sing-a-long. Just listening to your favorite musicians is uplifting and beneficial to the soul. Every second Friday sees us enjoying a really fun morning as we sing-a-long with Margie Ryan. Margie knows just the right songs to play for us and we all have an absolute "ball" singing them. Margie plays the piano and sings along with us while Sue adds her special " comedian" touches that adds more fun to the morning. A big thank you to all the Volunteers who so readily give their time for us . Merlene and Gwen are regular faces we see a lot of as they lend a hand and assist myself to fulfill our journeys of interest as we "Brain Train " with our Word Building, exercise using different techniques to keep our bodies in working order, work on different crafts and take us on the many outings that they do. Thank you Merlene & Gwen for your dedication and for being there for me when I have Medical appointments to attend. There are the "Bingo Ladies" who religiously turn up every Thursday, rail, hail or shine, to make sure that we have a great morning playing Bingo! To you wonderful people, Thank You and God Bless you all.

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Our Happy Hour in Warrigal was a special afternoon shared with Margaret Chesterfield.We had a lot of fun sharing the yummy fruit platter, dips and other tantalising finger food as we enjoyed Margaret's company and the special music program she so kindly put together. Singing along or just humming along with Margaret just made our day. A sincere thank you to Margaret for sharing her time with us and for the lovely, relaxing afternoon. Our special Warrigal Barbecue Lunch was a real treat. Everyone enjoyed the steaketts and sausages served up with a Tropical Queensland Tossed Salad and a Minty Potato Salad made by Sue .It was just so nice to sit back and relax with friends over lunch in such a casual environment. Barbecues are always great for the relaxed atmosphere they seem to provide and the ability to create the social interaction . The Gundy Grey's visit for their Meeting followed by a delicious Barbecue Lunch was a really memorable one……one our men folk all enjoyed and I am sure will never forget. The Greys always give their very best to the Kaloma menfolk…..and I am sure the time spent here sharing their many tales and the usual 'ManTalk" over a coldie or two really makes the day for the men of Kaloma. The Bingo tables on Thursdays are still drawing good numbers of players. Residents enjoy the interaction and look forward to Thursdays. Playing Bingo provides good cognitive therapy which assists in keeping our minds alert and active. Our minds are like our bodies….enjoy a good exercise work out…helping us to feel better ! A big welcome to Shirley Devon who has recently joined the Kaloma Family .Shirley is enjoying playing Bingo and is happily settling in to the Kaloma Family environment and way of life. Shirley has tried and tested quite a few of the daily activities and seems to be enjoying them. Welcome, Shirley. We all hope you enjoy your time with your extended Family. The Warrigal/ Brolga Barbecue Sausage Sizzle went down well. We all sat out on the Patio enjoying the aroma of sausages and onions as they sizzled away on the Barbie. washed down with a cold beer, wine and fruit Juice. What a way to spend a lazy day at Kaloma! Well on this note, I will say…Keep smilin’ and spend every day HAPPY ! God Bless, Love Sue.

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Food For The Soul

Start The New Year Right

Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another....

To start the New Year right, you must let go of any old grudges that are weighing you down. Phillip Yancey describes forgiveness as an unnatural act and says, " You don't find dolphins forgiving sharks for eating playmates . It's a dog-eat-dog world not a dog-forgive-dog world". Bitterness comes naturally when you've been hurt, whereas forgiving is supernatural and requires God's enabling grace. But remember, Jesus said, " If you do not forgive....your Father will not forgive your sins. Humanly speaking, there is not one single reason God should forgive your sins, yet the offences He pardons you for every day far outweigh anything you will ever be asked to forgive others for. By forgiving, you change the whole dynamic. You open the door of a prison where you are both a prisoner and jailer, setting yourself and others free. Grudges not only isolate you from people who were once friends, they actually shorten your life by producing deadly enzymes that contribute to a host of physical ailments. One man told his counsellor, " I wish my brother could come to my wedding but we haven't spoken in years." the counsellor asked, " How come?' Pausing, the man replied, " It sounds ridiculous now, but I don't even remember." Drifting apart is the natural result of an unforgiving spirit; forgiveness reverses the trend by restoring and healing broken relationships. It's a medical certainty that forgiveness adds years to your life. As a general rule, when you talk to people who have passed the eighty-year mark you find they are at peace with themselves- because they have learned to forgive and let go.

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Remembrance Day Service You are cordially invited to attend the Kaloma Remembrance DayService in the Coolabah Lounge. This Special Event will take place on Sunday 11th November 2012 commencing at 9.30am. We look forward to your company on this special day. Thank You. Sue Swayn.

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Dates To Remember

November Melbourne Cup Luncheon 5th Hair Care with Emily Rose 6th 13th 20th 27th Playgroup in the Kaloma Gardens 7th

Remembrance Day Service 11th

Memorial Service- Coolabah 14th

Bus Outings 2nd 16th

Bus Service to CBD 5th 12th 19th 26th

Churches of Goondiwindi

Memorial Service-Goondiwindi Cemetry 19th

Railway for Lunch 21st

Kaloma Barbecue 26th

Resident’s Meeting 27th Maccas Lunch 26th

Church Services: Catholic ------------------ 6th 20th Anglican ---------------- 13th and 27th

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An 1892 Melbourne Cup Story 1892 Glenloth

Far removed from the rich pastoralists and breeders who owned much of the best horseflesh of the era, Mr James

Urquhart, the owner of 1892 Melbourne Cup winner Glenloth, was but a humble milkman. And indeed, it was

Urquhart’s generosity in going about the business of his daily trade that was primarily responsible for his acquisition of

Glenloth in the first place. In a time when the cold fingers of the depression had

found their way into the purses and wallets of many Victorian families, Urquhart would often establish a line of credit with his clients, allowing them the leeway of honouring their bill when pay-day came around. The McGowan’s were one such family who had fallen on difficult times, but young jockey

P. McGowan decided to employ a quintessentially Australian method of alleviating his debt—the simple ‘hot tip’. In a bid to bring about a ‘stay of proceedings’ of sorts to keep the milkman happy, McGowan gave Urquhart the sly whisper that he was very confident of winning the 1890 Caulfield

Cup on Vengeance. Suitably persuaded, McGowan coupled Vengeance with the favourite Carbine in the 1890 Caulfield. Melbourne Cup double, his resultant £200 collect more than

compensating for any unpaid milk bill! Urquhart used his winnings on the punt to form a syndicate and purchase Glenloth, a handy bush galloper who had won

11 races in his first two seasons of racing, for £400. The sale was particularly difficult for Glenloth’s devoted breeder,

James Sutherland Snr, to swallow, having been forced to offload his bloodstock due to the financial pressures brought

about by the drought in the Riverina. Weather-wise, the Cup of 1892 was one of the worst on record, with torrential downpours lashing Flemington and turning the track into a quagmire. Mindful of the heavy

conditions, Glenloth’s trainer M Carmody tied a knot in his horse’s particularly long tail, fearing that it might pick-up up clods of mud and interfere with his galloping action. Without

doubt, the magnificent flowing tail and unruly mane are just two of the most impressive aspects of the thoroughbred racehorse in full flight, but with his comically shortened tail,

the brown five-year-old could not hope to do justice to the natural grace of his equine brethren.

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Not surprisingly, Glenloth was the laughing-stock of the course when he made his way out onto the track with his new ‘bob-tail’ accessory on show, though when it became clear at the 200m that the 50/1 bush nag with the funny tail was going to romp home in the Cup, the collective amusement was somewhat tempered. Relishing his 7st 13lb handicap, Glenloth scored a win for the ‘little guy’ in ploughing through the mud and rain to trounce

second-placed Ronda by three lengths. Among the horses left in Glenloth’s wake (perhaps ‘furrow’ is the more appropriate term given the conditions) was the 6/1 favourite Malvolio,

who couldn’t back-up his previous year’s Cup win. The trophy won by Urquhart was one of the most intricate to be awarded for a Melbourne Cup, featuring three horses

and jockeys milling around a central bowl, the entirety of the 45cm-high feature cast out of sterling silver. A far cry from the

famous but unadorned three-handled ‘Loving Cup’ awarded today, this rarest of Cups was purchased in 2007 by none other than Julie Madgwick, the great-great-granddaughter of Glenloth’s breeder, James Sutherland Snr. Having heard stories passed down from generation to generation about

Glenloth’s exploits, Madgwick decided to honour her greatgreat- grandfather and bring to his family the Melbourne Cup

that had slipped through his fingers, buying the trophy for the considerable sum of $168,000.

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1892 Cup Handed Over To Museum

The 1892 Melbourne Cup won by Glenloth has been handed over to Champions – The Australian Racing Museum and Hall of Fame.

The 1892 Melbourne Cup won by Glenloth has been handed over to Champions – The Australian Racing Museum and Hall of Fame. Owner of the Cup, Julie Madgwick, is the great-great-granddaughter of the breeder of Glenloth and purchased the ornate silver trophy at an auction last November for $168,000, which is now on loan to the Museum. Chief Executive Officer of Champions, Doug Cross said, “This is extremely generous of Julie and we are so grateful that the general public can now come and see this unique piece of history.” The 1892 Melbourne Cup is a rags to riches story. Owner of Glenloth, James Urquhart was a milkman and among his clients was a jockey named P. McGowan who could not afford to pay his bills. As payment, McGowan instead insisted Urquhart take a punt on his mount, Vengeance, in the 1890 Caulfield Cup. Urquhart took the Cups double, coupling Vengeance with Melbourne Cup victor Carbine, winning 200 pounds. With his winnings Urquhart purchased Glenloth in a syndicate, who was described as a “bag of bones”. No-one expected Glenloth to win the Melbourne Cup, but at odds of 50-1 he proved everyone wrong and galloped to victory by three lengths. The trophy is made from sterling silver and is extremely rare, featuring three horses on the plinth surrounding a bowl – unlike the famous ‘Loving Cup’ trophy we know today. Accompanying the trophy on display is a race book from 1892 Melbourne Cup Day and a cigarette card featuring Glenloth and his jockey. The museum is also home to the 1890 Melbourne Cup won by Carbine.

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Special November Birthdays

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Kaloma Home for the Aged Melbourne Cup Luncheon

6th November 2010

Admission: $8.50 2 course Luncheon & Nibblies


Tickets on sale for Christmas Raffles Tickets: $2 each

Or 3 for $5.00 Drawn 19th December at the Christmas Party

Sweep Tickets: Ask Sue Swayn

Today’s Prize Draws: Best Dressed Lady Best Dressed Man Game Prizes & Give Aways RSVP……. 26th OCTOBER for Catering Purposes

No Booking....NO MEAL

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Craft Morning.. Pet Rocks!

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Life At Kaloma

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Exercises ……. Fun with Dance!

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Happy Hour

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Yelarbon Spring Luncheon @ Carol’s Place! Yee Ha!!!!!!

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Red Cross Angels– Sausage Sizzle @ the Water Park!

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Morning Tea with the Red Cross Angels at the Botanical Gardens! What a great morning...Thank You ...Angels oxoxoxoxoxoxo

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Doing Gangnam Style OUR Way!!!!!

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Sewing, ,Singing, Easting Strawberries and enjoying the CBD!!!!!! All in a Day at Kaloma !!

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Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

Education by our own Clinical Nurse and Educator: Pauline Cleary

The Two Musketeers!

Just A little help, please!

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Mary’s Quality Corner

The Quality Improvement Committee would like to welcome new Residents, families and staff to Kaloma and hope you enjoy your time at your new Home and bring with you some exciting ideas to further improve what we do. We are always looking for ways to improve and your ideas are invaluable in assisting us. We invite staff and volunteers to join the Quality Committee. A significant change for our quality program is that now the Quality Logs/Suggestions are now computerised on the SARAH software program. This means staff can immediately access a centralised system from anywhere within Kaloma. A Quality Logs report is printed off ready for each Quality Committee Meeting. We log improvements from a number of sources eg.

outcomes of audits where we haven't achieved 100% complaints or concerns raised concerns raised at Resident and Staff Meetings results of satisfaction surveys undertaken by residents, families, staff,

doctors; and allied health. A suggestion Box is located at the Sign-In desk at the main reception and Brigalow Wing entrance near Brigalow car park. Please take the opportunity to record your comments on one of the suggestion forms and place in the wooden box provided. Your comments can only be helpful in assisting us to provide a quality service to all. The internal and external complaints mechanism/ procedure is regularly published in the monthly newsletter The Kaloma Chronicle. Recent Audit results from last month are as follows:

Resident Choice and Decision Making audit achieved 92.1% compliance. Strengthening still needed in the area of ensuring that consultations with residents/ representatives about the Care Plan (care and lifestyle) are documented in the Progress Notes or Care Plan. Otherwise a significant improvement has been noted in the area of documenting residents preferences and choices. Clinical Care audit achieved 87.6.% compliance.

As above for Choice and Decision Making our result on this audit was significantly decreased due to lack of documentation to indicate that residents and/or representatives had been consulted about the Care Plan on a regular basis eg. 3 monthly. If it isn't written it didn't happen irrespective of whether consultation occurred. All registered nurses must

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Mary’s Quality Corner

take more responsibility for ensuring this consultation occurs and is documented.

Another opportunity for improvement is that there is no clear evidence that changes to the Care Plan are communicated to the Carers although this happens at the handover before each shift commences nor that Carers are reading the Care Plans. Every month each resident has what we call a 'Special Care Day' which includes the review of the residents Care Plan. The Care Plan is printed off and care staff across all shifts have input in to any changes noted in the resident. It seems that this system has broken down and needs tightening up which Care Manager Bev Carter is addressing.

Cleaning Service Audit achieved 90% compliance.

Improvement opportunities are to improve documented evidence that housekeeping staff have undertaken infection control training as staff have attended but not signed for attending. Need system in place to ensure mandatory education is attended and documented.

Not all shelving and drawers in public areas are free from dust however housekeeping staff are working very hard during the development to ensure that all surfaces are as free from dust as possible with additional dusting scheduled. Now that the development has been completed cleaning staff have undertaken a thorough clean and will continue to do so.

Representative Satisfaction Surveys - no tallied result as ongoing -will

report next month. If representatives could please complete their form and either place in Suggestion Box; e-mail, fax or hand to administration staff, this would be most appreciated. So far the results have been very positive with some sound suggestions made for improvement.

Till next month Mary and Penni

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We are all at risk of acquiring,

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Comment and Complaint Process

At Kaloma, we actively seek out comment and suggestion from stakeholders to enable us to improve our service to stakeholders who include the elders in our care and their extended families; our staff; service providers, and the wider community.

Comments are welcomed and accepted without retribution against any person. If you wish to make comment the procedure is as follows;

Take a Suggestion Form from the desk at both entrances to the Home. When completed place it in the Suggestion Box at either entrance to Kaloma. Or you can hand it to Reception staff for the attention of the Chief Executive Officer. Community clients can ask Carers for a complaint form and they will provide it to the CEO.

Contact the Chief Executive Officer directly to discuss your concerns.

If you do not wish to complete a complaints form staff are obligated by policy to

record the complaint to ensure that the Chief Executive Officer is informed.

Other opportunities for comment or complaint are available through,

The monthly Residents Meeting with a copy of Minutes to each resident, area manager and Kaloma’s Board President. Agenda items include consultation about changes within the organisation as well as, resident’s satisfaction with care, staffing, menu, cleaning, laundry and maintenance and grounds.

An annual schedule of audits and satisfaction surveys with feedback provided via

the Kaloma Newsletter. These audits go to residents and community clients as well your representatives.

Room visits to residents by the Chief Executive Officer

Consultation in the development and review of all aspects of your Care Plan

Should you feel that after using these avenues of complaint that you remain dissatisfied you may write to Kaloma’s Board. The contact details are as follows,

‘Confidential’ President of Kaloma Board

Locked Bag 3006, Goondiwindi. Qld. 4390.

If you remain dissatisfied, the Complaints Resolution Scheme of the Department of Health & Ageing will look into any unresolved grievance you may have. The contact details are, Aged Care Complaints Investigation Scheme GPO Box 9848

Brisbane. Qld. 4001. Telephone: 1800 550 552 (freecall) or 3360 2765

OR Queensland Aged and Disability Advocacy 121 Copperfield Street

Geebung. Qld. Telephone: 3637 6000 or 1800 700 600

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November 2012 Frequency Date Time Who Attends General Staff Meeting & Staff Awards Monthly

(3rd Thursday) 15th 2.00pm All Staff.

Supervisors Meeting

Monthly (1st Tuesday)

6th 2.00pm

Care Manager, Clinical Nurse& Care Supervisors

Link Nurses

Monthly (last Friday)

30th 11.00am Link Nurses, Preceptors and Care Manager

Manual Handling Focus Group (to be arranged with Physio

monthly (1st Monday)

5th 10.00am Care Manager, Clinical Nurse; WHSO and Focus Group Members

Quality Improvement Monthly 14th 12.00pm Quality Coordinator, Area Coordinators and Quality Committee representatives. All welcome. (Paid time at ordinary rates)

Leadership Group

6 weekly 4th &


6pm – 8pm CEO, Area Managers and Care Supervisors, Care Manager, Clinical Nurse

Brigalow Staff Meeting

Monthly (3rd Tuesday)

20th 2pm All Brigalow Staff, Clinical Nurse, Care Manager

Warrigal / Brolga Staff Meeting

Monthly (2nd Tuesday)

13th 2pm All Warrigal and Brolga Staff and Care Manager

Workplace Health & Safety (quarterly)

Quarterly - Tuesday

20th 10.00am WHSO, All Coordinators, Staff WPHS Representative & Workplace Health & Safety Committee.(Paid ordinary rates)

Infection Control Meeting Bi-monthly on first Tuesday

9th 11.00am RN Bev Silverwood and Infection Control Committee.

Medication Advisory Meeting

Quarterly (Thursday)

4th 6.30pm

Dr Charles Midimu, both Pharmacists, Care Manager, Clinical Nurse and all interested persons.

Kitchen Staff (2-monthly) Monthly 1st Monday

5th 1.30pm Catering staff.

Housekeeping Meeting (2-monthly)

2 monthly 12th 1.00pm Cleaning and laundry staff (meetings paid time at ordinary rates)

CACP Staff/Care Plan/ Quality Meeting Monthly (Tues) 3rd

20th 1.45pm CACP’s Coordinator and all CACP’s Carers. (Paid time ordinary rates)

Residents Meeting - Warrigal/Brolga

3rd Monday 19th 11am before BBQ

Residents, CEO and Care Manager.

Brigalow Residents & Family Meeting Monthly (2nd Wednesday)

14th 10.30am Brigalow Residents & family, Coordinator, Clinical Nurse, Care Manager, CEO.

Board Meeting

Monthly (4th Tuesday)

27th 12.30Finance 1pm General

Kaloma Board of Directors, CEO and Care Manager

Lifestyle and Catering

Monthly Last Monday

26th 1.302pm Catering and Lifestyle

Preceptors Meeting Monthly (Last Friday)

30th 10.00am Preceptors, Care Manager, Clinical Nurse

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STAFF & VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT PLAN - FAMILY WELCOME TO ATTEND Important Message to nursing staff: AHPRA requires evidence of education attendance

November 2012 Learning Outcomes Standard When Who

Staff please note: To get to your next pay point you must attend a minimum of 24 hours of education/training per year

The importance of hydration

It takes a team approach to maintain a healthy Mouth Why fluids are important Palliative Care for RN;s

To understand why good oral health is essential to healthy ageing How to conduct and oral assessment To be able to identify problems and the importance of reporting Common conditions encounted On Handover throughout the month a 5 minute presentations will be held throughout the facility This workshop has been postponed until 2013 date and time to be confirmed by QLD Health


2 2

Brolga/Warrigal/ and Brigalow Care Staff meetings 09.45am OR 1.15pm OR 3.30pm To be advised

Clinical Nurse Aged Care Channel Metro South Brisbane

Competencies EN’s Saftintimas

Indications for the sue of a saftintima Preparation of equipment Selecting a suitable site What areas to be avoided


Care Supervisors Meeting

Clinical Nurse

RN's, EN’s and Care Supervisors Meetings Standard 1

How to run an effective meeting What are the key ingredients for meetings


Staff who have completed Cert 4 in Frontline Management

To be negotiated
