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Chronicling AmericaJ r-Uji-- - 1 1 Ft'" 0?HE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1906. COMMERCIAL...

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J r - Uji-- - 1 1 Ft'" 0?HE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1906. COMMERCIAL TRAVELER WILL OCCIPY TYLER PLACE PULPIT. Edgar McClelland, Elder in the Presbyterian Church, Preaches There vv Mornsny. - v If il 1 litlviliflHMaf lfi-PHaiDiHflH- i HP SBa-- K," EDGAR McOLELLAND. Edgar McClelland, an older In the Wash- ington and Compton Avenue Presbyterian Church and a traveling salesman for ono of the largest dry goods houses In the city, will All the pulpit of the Tyler Tlace M. E. Church morning. Mr. McClelland Is a native of Tennessee, end came to St. Louis Ir. 1572, uniting Kith the- church of which he Is now an officer. When the old Soulard Market Mlsrion was established In 1S75, be took an active part in the work and has bad a Bible class there for fifteen years. Mr. McClelland was-- the first president of the Christian Endeavor Society of that mission at the time of Its organization, thirteen years ago. and of the St. Louis Christian Endeavor Union In 1331. There Is nothing irregular about Mr. occapylng any pulpit, as all Pres- byterian elders are regularly ordained and have the right to exercise their gifts of teaching as circumstances may indicate. In this particular Instance the speaker has had especial training educationally and from the stano'oolnt of experience, and the prob- abilities are that the Tyler Place people will not be disappointed. There 'will be special music for the occasion. NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. The services at the Compton Heights Christian Church, No.JSOO St. Vincent ave- nue, morning will be of the rally order, and the programme will include special features: Five-minu- te ad- dress by E. S. Potter on "Child Culture," five-minu-te address by Doctor George H. Gibson on "The Past and the Future of This Church." te address by Mrs. W. B. Sbelton on "Enlistment and Co-o- p- eratibn." short address by the pastor, the Jleverend Sherman B. Moore, on "Enlarge- - ment." The pastor of the Memorial Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, the Reverend Doctor H. MagiU. has not taken o. vacation this summer, and has preached twice every Sunday. The doctor now proposes to open the fall campaign with a special series of evangelistic meetings, to be conducted by the Reverend Chester Birch, the evangelist and coraetlst. These meetings are to begin morning and will continue two weeks. There will be services each, even- ing, and the public Is cordially invited. The Southern Epworth leagues of the city will hold their annual picnic at the Marvin Camp Grounds and the pro- gramme for tho occasion includes games and a spelling match, also refreshments. Present indications arc that it will be tho largest gathering of Southern Epworth Leaguers in the history of the city. The Suburban and Easton avenuo lines connect at Wellston for the grounds. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Da- y Saints will open Its remod- eled, church, Glasgow avenuo and Dickson street, formerly the Glasgow Avenue Pres- byterian Church, The stated order of services will be as follons: 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching; S p. m.. prayer meeting, and 8 p. m , preach- ing'. The public is invited to all these serv- ices. A report of the London Christian En- deavor Convention will bo given at the First Christian Church, Ko. 31SS Locust street, evening "by XV. 11. n. A special song service vrtll precede. The Reverend Doctor John B. Brandt, paster of the Tyler Place Presbyterian Church, will arrive In the city to-d- and will fill his pulpit as usual. The doctor has had on extended vacation. The Mount Cabanne Christian Church has issued a special order of service for In addition to the usual auxiliary serv- ices, the Reverend W. J. Russell, pastor f the Christian Church of Rushville, Inu.. is announced to preach In the morning on "To Whom Shall We Go?" and in the even- ing on "Life's Purpose, Plan and Prize." Doctor Rursoll may be selected as Doctor Dungan's successor. The Reverend A. E. Nelson, pastor of the Christian Assembly, has returned, and will preach aa usual. During his four weeks' vacation Mr. Nelson delivered sev- eral lectures at the Christian Summer As- sembly and Chautauqua at Defiance, O. The Presbytery of St Loula will meet In stated fall session at De Soto, September 33. at 720 p. m. The matter of revision, to- gether with other questions of importance, will be up for consideration. The Presbyterian Ministers' Association wilt resume its meetings at No. 1516 Locust street next Monday at 11 a. m., and tho Reverend Doctor S. C Palmer, pastor of the Lafayette Park .Presbyterian Church, will read the paper for the occasion. The Iteverend S. C. Eby, pastor of the Swedenborclan Church, Delmar and Spring avenues, will resume services Sunday, Sep- tember 9. The Reverend Howard S. MacAycat, pas- tor of the Central Congregational Church, baa returned and all services v. ill be re- sumed The Rtverend Baxter Waters; pastor of the Central Christian Church, has returned from his vacation and will fill his pulpit both morning and evening. The Reverend Doctor B. M. Messlck, pas- tor of Cabanne M. E. Church, announces that the question of the future " of that church wlil be especially discussed at to- morrow morning's service. ."The Reverend XV. Irving Carroll of Dal- las, Tex will preach at the West Pres- byterian Church morning, and will address the Y. M. C. A. men's meeting in the afternoon. The Reverend Doctor WalcOtt Calkins, wbo has leen supplying' the Pilgrim Con- - grcgational Church during the summer, will preach his last sermons The Reverend J. C. Cromer, pastor of the Fountain Park Congregational Church, has returned, and will preach morn- ing on "An Opportunity." and In the even- ing on "An Occan-Goin- g Veseel." Special evangelistic meetings will b.gln at the Taylor Avenue Baptist Church to- morrow, and they will be under the spec nl direction of the Reverend S. G. Xcil. the chapel car evangelist. Mrs. Xcll will as- sist. The St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Michi- gan avenue and Malt street. will bo morning by Mlas Has-wel- l. a missionary from India. The Methodist Episcopal minister meet- ings will be resumed next Monday, and the Reverend David day will read a paper on "The Condition of Children in Missouri Poorhouses." The Iteverend Doctor J. F. Cannon, pas- tor of the Grand Avenue I'rcsbyterian Church. South, has returned, and will preach morning and evening as usual. , The Reverend Henry C. Evans, pastor of Kirkvvood Presbyterian Church, has re- turned and will preach as usual. There will be a special gospel service at the Second Presbvterian Church evening, and tho Reverend C. M. Rauch. the pastor's assistant, will speak on "HIi Last Promise." These services are becoming very popular in xhe ll-ti- End. and will be con- tinued through the present month. Tho meetings open w!:h a song service, begin- ning at 7:43 p. m The Central Y. St. C. A- - srhnnl nr overling classes will open In the association h.nl.U lng. Grand and Franklin avenues. October L """, s." ihoS?mlS Hfrtn0Us.ffd! tunity to acquire a practical education at a comparatively mtie cost. The curriculum covers all the practical arts and sciences. Including music, vocal and Instrumental, and also affords special opportunities In clubs and literary societies. Abram Lber-sol- e. educational director, says the Indi- cations are that the enrollment this year will far exceed that of previous years. . The outing to Eureka Springs, Ark., given tinder tho auspices of the St. Louis Chris- tian Endeavor Union and the St. Louis Sunday-Scho- ol Union, will take place next Wednesday. September 5, and will ccvr seven days. A complete Itinerary hai been arranged, and prompt return is guaranjoed. The Union Mission tent meetings at Six- teenth and Chestnut streets are being largciy attended, and some thlrty-flv-e con- versions are reported to date. There will be special services there at 7 and s p. ra., and the meetings will be con- tinued all next week. Tho Sunday school of the LIndell Avnue M. B. Church will reopen on Sunday, Sep- tember 9, at 0M a, m. There will be no church services until September 16. SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICERS. Revised List of Those Who Will Serve State Association. The Reverend Doctor A. P. George, State Sunday school superintendent, has returned from the recent State Convention, at Colum- bia, Mo., ar.d in an interview yesterday said that tho list cf State officers had not been published correctly, Thcro were some changes made In the final session of the convention, and the following Is the re- vised list to date: President, Hobart Brlnsroade of St. Louis; vice presidents, W. H. McClaln of St. Loul". Noah M. Glvan of HarronsvIUe, Mo., L. J. Loomis of Bevler. Mo., and C. J. Smith of Carl Junction, Mo.; State secretary, the Reverend li. M. Inlow of Harrlsouville, Mo.; State treasurer. Frank P. Hays. St. LouU; president primary department, Mrs. M. Parks, St. Louis; secretary primary depart- ment, Mrs. Jennie Conway, Su Louis; super- intendent of tho house-to-bou- visitation, the Revtrcr.d Mr. Burris of Kahoka. Mo. New directors for 1105, D. R. Wolfe. R. M. Scruggs, Doctor O. M. Stewart and G. W. Brown. W. J. Semclroth was elected to fill out unexpired term of Mr. Brlnsmade for another year. Doctor George further said that the entire proceedings of tho convention would be at tho State office In the Laclede building, and ready for distribution y. Also that there were thirteen different denominations represented at the convention, representing forty counties, and that four delegates drove northward 100 miles to attend. After a week's rest. Doctor George will Start In with the fall series of conventions through- out tho State. CONTINUOUS SUNDAY SERVICE. Lafayette Park Baptist Church Adopts the Plan, The Lafayette Park Baptist Church has hit upon a plan by which it proposes to have every member of the church in the Sunday school, and all the Sunday school In tho preaching rervlce. The plan Is entitled. "A combined and continuous Sunday school and preaching service." which Is to begin promptly at 10 a. m.. and close promptly at ll: a. m. An almost Identical plan of morning service has been In successful operation In the Sec- ond Christian Church of this cltv for the last year, and tho pastor of the Lafnvette Park Church, the Reverend Docto- - T. C. Carletoh, says he hopes It will be equally successful In that part of the city. The fol- lowing la the order of service In detail: Organ voluntary: song, standing at last verse; Invocation and Lord's prayer; song, three verses (birthday offering): roil call of Dfflcera and teachers; song (Bible clAmei retire); Scripture reading; classes form: silent prayer; tlrsit gavel, close class work; eecontt gavel, classes return; song; lesson thoughts; song; report of secretary: song, standing; organ voluntary: song; prayer; Scripture reading: announcements; collec- tion; solo or song by congregation; sermon; pong, reception of new members; Lord's supper; song. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETIES. Topic, "Seek Sotila" Luke xv, 110. The various young people's societies will have for their topic evening "Seek Souls," founded on the gospel ac- cording to Luke sv, 110, which contains two important parables. Let it be o!erve.l that tlirso vvi-r- e spoken In anvex to the Charge of the Svftbos and Pharisee- -. "TtiH man recelveth tlnjcr and cateth with them." The firt parable spoken relates to a shep- herd and his hhecj. "Whit nun of you." s.iyn lie. "having jn hundred sheep. If he lc;e one of them, doth not leave the Idnet mi-nine In the wilderi.era and i;o aficr Hut which Is lot until lie find It.'" raut, the Mrsler broadly outlines hli gen- eral jKihcy as th" Savior of men. Jtiit, iurthr, the iMrable declares, "and wnen he hutli found it. he layeth It on rejoicing. And when he coricth home, he calleth togetlur hW lrlend ami neigh- bors', having unto them. Rejoice with with me; for I havi found the sheep which was lot. Thus he would rtbuke Ihr scribe nr.d Pharisees for their Indifference and hypocrisy, and pre- pares them for receiving Uli final statement: "I say unto you, that l!lrnIo Jov rhall be In heaven over one Mnner that Vepentrtli. more thin over nlnety-and-nln- e Just per- sons w h!ch need no repentance." The second parable of tin Icsoi is quite similar In import, that of the w mau arJ the lost piece of raon" : "Either what woman having ten pieces of i!vor. If Mie lose one piece, doth nut light a candle uiul svveep the houio, teck diligently till she tir.d It? And when sl.o hith found It, she calletli 1 er friends ard her neighbors tosetl'er. Rejoice with me. for I have found the piece which I had lost. ' The closing less-o- of this parable In couched In almo- -t the same language. "LIkfv"Ie I ray un- to you. there Is joy In the rresnncc of fie angels of God over one sinner tint repent-etl- i. ' Thus Christ would teach the carp- ing serines ard Pharisees that hee "Mn- - ners to which they sneeringly referred were not poIng as saints, but as sinners, and consequTtly were In a posit on to re- - iu iuc innnui' luve ana mercy or came to seek and to stve that which was lost. As he in another pHce, "I came not to the rlghtc us, but Khmer, to repentance." This was h's one great mission. g from the historic setting of tnese parables, the question aries. Whit is there In them or practical Import vvcll. II cms without saving, that human ftu?? '? rauc!l ,he aarne to-d- as when the Savior of maT walked tMs earth There, are still the scribes and Pharisees, ror their race is by no mean- - extinct. There are still a few "publicans and sinners," and they don't rill wall: the streets at night, Ther,e "ircfcre the same nteJ of a per- sonal Savinr. and when he Is properly in- troduced to the hearts of thosj who are f,?feELedly 'l"11."1. they will respond aa of old. The flnner. whether In the pew or out of II, is still aloof to seeking and saving that which is lost. They want an aristocratic church and ah aristocratic neaven. and so are opp0s-- d to having their minister mingle too freely with modern publicans and Pinners." In a word, they belong to the "proud In spirit." and not to ... , ,.u. riurii. ivuo'e is me Kingdom "0l of tho spirIt of tho Master Again it would rcem that the chief les- son Is that of winning souls for Chri-st- , not only on the part of the Individual but also 95. th0pa,rt. the entire Christian church. Co. disciple all nations." H still the great of ',I,lt to hU church, and not until "the end of the world" will this obliga- tion be removed. And one of the grand to, cfrort alons tnI Hno Is the fact that thcro Is "joy in heaven" and "joy in the presence of the angels of God" over every sinner won for the Master. None but those who are engaged In tho blessed work of winning souls know also the Joy that comts to tho heart of thoeo who are successful In the work. It fej ours, therefore, to have re- spect to the recompense or reward as out-Si1,- 1; the prophet Daniel: "They that be Ji e. literally, teachers) shall hlne as the brightness of the firmament: and they that turn many to rlghtrnusness as the stars for ever and ever." This was the "Joy and crown nlsn tA vM.., tt. n..it. 't-.- ., looked, when, nearing the end of his career. f'?I(V l haxc fout a good fight. I have nnlshed my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth, there Is laid up for me the ''Khteousnes, whch tie Tr.j, !iit.,ST.lr.0U8..Au(,R' l" "ive ree In that souls i l" S trUe' "h that 'nlnnetl1 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. M ttn ?f ,he B'r pastors have "J1 vnlng rvl are Renerallr sermons and topics li si fol- - Ilaptlst. Dni?l?nAAXE?VE; ljlmar ar.a rendition: th j. t. m. Johnntcn. Pa-t- 11 a. m.. The F. lard"; 7a) p. m.. oanir people's meeting. """t slvan: the HeT- - erend A. llowella Morning and evening cervices as usual. GIIANI) AVKNUli No. KOI North Grand; the 1.:.?,vr.'n(1 A1,ln CUxon. IVutor-H- Mi o. m. Recipients a Divine Repast"; 8 p. m.. "The Triumph of ?." and iisnMn: th- - Rev- - trend c..11. Murray. Pastor It a. m.. "The in!SfiS5Ii,y?.,h' a1".". P. m, "Un- - LAPATETTi: PARK. Lata ette and Mississippi: the Revcrrnd Doctor T. C Carleton. Pastor-- -- Mornln? and een!nc services as usual. SECOND, laumont and Iciit: the Rever-er- d Doctor W. VV. Uoj-d- . Pastor Homing. Al- len T. Ruras of University ot Chlcaso, "Tha 1 eaco of God ; t.fe p. m., young peop.es serv- ice. TAYLOR AVn:.Tjn. No. IK! North Tajlor; lh i?efre.r.a..s- - J1- - Kwlng. 1'astor Tha liecrcrd b. o. Aeil. chapel car evangelist, rooming and evening. THIRD. Grand an J Washi- - irton: the Itererena Doclcr ,. I. Johnston. Pastor Monilar and etenfrg renices as usual. WATER TOWi:il. Grand and Ftortsi.t: the Reverend J. K. Herget. Tastor It r. n, 'Tlia 1.1'es of tne Heart"; S p. m.. "Cords of slln." VVEiST r.RK. Isador and Ella: the Reverend vv. O. Iwis. Pastor Morning and evening ser- vices as usual. CAIIONDELKT. Robert anJ Virginia; the Rev-v- v. D. Uoltcn. l'atorltornlng. "is Life V.orth LlvInK?" evenins. ".V Uetttr Lite." TOWER nnuVE. No. sro Norfolk; th Rev- erend Menta fcturgecn, I'astor Morning and evening services as uual. RUSSELL AVENUE. No. 100S Ruseli; the Rev- erend rrank Itorton. Pastor Morning and even- ing services as usual. Christian. Enur.AII. Marcus and Hammett; the Reverend W. A. Moore, l'astor Mornlnsr. "Oods Plan fit Saving Man"; evening. "Tr. Kcst loung Man." CAIl0nEL: the Reverend M. L. bornborger. Pastor elect Sen Ices as usual. CENTRAL. Finney. Near Grand; the Reverend liaxter Waters. Panor Momlnc. "Jesus's Ap- peal to Manhood", evening, "An 1 virtue." COMilON HEIGHTS. California nd St. Vin- cent: the Reverend U. 11. Mojre. l'itor 14.M a. m., special rally services; a p. m., usual services. nr.ST. Locust, Near Compton; the Reverend F. U. Fanncn, i'a sua eMrcv ices as usual. FOURTH. No. t I'enrosc: the Reverend n. T. McFarlard. rartor Services at lu:0 a. m. and 8 p. m. a- - usual. FIFTH. No. SMI Suuth Seventh: the Reverenl W. K. llama tin. raster Morning and evening services as usual. MOUNT UARAN'NE. King's lllchwar and Mor- gan; the Ueve-en- d William J, iti:seil of Ruh-vlll- e. Ind Mornlrg, 'To Whom Wiall W Go?" evening, "Llle f I'urpose. 1 Ian and Illze." SECOND, Eleventh and Tjler; the Reverend E. Daviess 1'tttman, l'astor Services as usual. TUXEDO. Tuiedo Park, the Iteverend 1. N. Gillette. Pastor Services as usual. WEST liN'D. and Hamilton; the Rev- erend O. A. Bartholomew, l'astor Morning and evening services as usual. ELLENDALE: the Reverend A. J. Manha'l. l'astor Services as usual. Congregational. CnNTRAL, Newrtead and Delmar; th- - Rev t rend Howard B MacAyeal. l'astor All services morning and evening as uaal CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER. Barrett and Thcropron; the Itevennd 1. E. Hall, Pastor-Mor-ning and evening se.vlces as iieust. JHtST. Delmar. Near Grand: the Reverend Doc- tor C II. i'atton. I'aetor 11 ". nj.. tne Rev-ejy- Doctor William B. Chsmbeilaln of subject. 'Thought Life"; no evening service. rcUNTAIN PARK, Aubert and Fountain; J, C Cromer, iMstnr 11 a. ra.. "An Oi portunlty": t p. rn.. "An Ocean-Goln- g Vea-se- HYDE PARK. Bremen and Rlalr: th Reverend William M. Jones. 111. D, l'astor Mcrnlng and evening as usual. IMMANU5I. Hantock abd Jamieson; the Rev- erend MUtou J. Norton, l'astor Morning and evening services as usual. MEMORIAL. Sulphur and Way; the Reverend Frank Foster, l'astor s n. iru, special service of wejcom to pastor on bis return. OLIVE BRANCH. S'dney and MIsourl: the Rev- erend William Johnson. Pastor Morning "Add- ing Knowledge to Virtue"; evening, communion service. PILGRIM. Washington and Ewlng; the Reverend Doctor M. Burnnam, Pastor Morning and evening, prrachlnc tiy the Reverend Doctor Walcott Calkins ot Boston. This will be his last Sunday at the church. ItEBEU PLACE. MackUid and Old Manchester; the Iteverend Firth fatrlEKer. Pastor Morning. The McssHe of tne croaa': evening. "Dwell- ing In the Hecret Place of the Most High." UNION. No. .1123 North Tenth: the Reverend S. T. McKlnney, Pastor Morning and evening eerv Icea as usual MAPLEWOOD; the Reverend T. T. Hnlwar. l'ustcs-- Jl a. m . "Christ Our Life." reII6ned by communion nnd reception pf memoers; t p rn . sermon by Professor vV. B. Chamberlain of Chicago. OLD ORCHARD: the Reverend Harry Blunt. laftor Morning and evening services as usual. W EBiTEtt GROVES: tne Reverend C I, K'oss. l'astor Morning ami evening services ns usual COMPTON HILL, Coaptvn and Lafayette; tai Reverend W. W. Newell, Fastor Preachlss and communion nt 10:U a. m. by the Reverend Itank rosier. Uplacnpnl. CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRVL Thirteenth and Locust; the Iteverend C M. Uavl. Dean 7 a. m, ana S a. m.. holy communion; 11 a. ra. and 3 p. m.. sermon and services. CHURCH OF THE ASCENhlON. Cales and tloodfellow; the Heierend Doctor J, R. Win- chester, Rector 11 u. m.. scrmen and tervtos. CHURCH Or THE HOLY COMMUNION. Twentv-elght- h and Washington; the Kcvertnl Robert E. Lee Craig, Itctur 9 a. m. ho'y communion: 11 a. m.. sermon and services. N evening frvloe. OltACU, Eleventh and Wania: the Reverend J. 1". T. Insraham, Rector 10:13 a. m. and p. m.. sermon and services. MOUNT CALVARY, Grand and Larajetle: t'ie Iteverend 1". W. Fauntleroy. Iectoi-- a. m. and 8 p. ni sermon and services ST. ANDREWS. Garrison anl Cas : the Itev erend J. A. Doorls. Hotter 11 a. m.. litan and noiy communion. ST. ALGUSTINK"?, Urnno and Blendoi; the lloverend U. D. It .Miller, Itevtor 11 a. m., srnian anil " 'v communion. ST. CHRSO!?TOM-S- . No tro John; the Itever- end VVIIIlsm Uaidrn. Rertur 2::9 jk in. fjn-la- y scluwl: 3 p. m,. sennon and services. ST. OKOIMirrrt. Pendleton an! Olive, the Rev-ile- lK.ctor IC A. Holland, Rertor 11 a. iu. and 4U0 I. m. sermon and service. ST. JAMES'S, Gor.de and 1te Ilrllllante; the Kevennd E. IuCkvorih ltector-- ll a. in. and a t' ln . services ind rmoti. bT. JOHN'S. Ilkkcry nn.l Dolman, the Rev- erend C 11. MoIer. Uec'r t.si a. in., nuiy communion; Pi IS a m. ar.d p. m., serin tu urd services. Ihe lector has returned and will ultklate. ST. MARK'S. Fortieth an.I Washington, th-- Reverend I. K. Ilrrmun. IteCur 9 a. m . ho y communion. 11 a. m., seri.vm and servHes. ST. IMrri:il'i. Ladill .d sp Ing. the Rver-in- d WlllUm hiort. Rittor li a. in. sirnrn and holy communion. ST. PHILIP H. Urlon and Map.e; the Rererid William i:imer. Rector 11 a. m. and a I', m.. seimon and eerv lev s. ST Hinl'HEVS. falxlh and Rutger, the Rever- end 3. Tuvktrman. Ilctur 1 and s n m, hay eomniunloii; p. m. sermon an J service. TRINITY, Krnnkt'n and Ounnin, the Reverend w'llll-i- Ittirdens. llwior -) a. in . boly 11 a. m. and S p. in , aeraiua and sexv Ices. BT MATTHEW'S-- . VAIlson. Near Frlei-- Park; te Revert nd C II. Collins'. Rector It a. m, sermon naC rervlce. ST. PAULS. No. Michigan 19.K a. rn. and 7.-- 3 p. m. sernun an.t service. HOLY INNOt-ENT- Morgan Ford Road and Tholozan; the Reverend O. A. Ottnun. Rector i:Zti a. m. ho.y communion; 1).L a. iu. and 7.M p. m.. sermon mid service CHI P.CH Ol THE GOOD No :SH Salrna: the Rnverend I!. 1'. Neaton. ltector- -ll a. m. and & Tt. m, ermon ind er ices. ST; THOMAS'S MISSION'. Thirteenth. Near L- - cust. tne lteveremi J. li. tiouu, itector li a. in , sermon and services Mctlmdlxt. CAROVDELFiT (South). Virginia and Hiven; the KcvercnJ J. V. Trllrfeit. Pastor Serv Icea ns usual. CARONDELKT, No. n'-- VI ginia; the Reverend M. tl. Mais, Paster Serv lrs as uual. BOWMAN. Obear and Twentieth, the Reverend Jce A. Bal.er, Pator i?erv Ices as usual. CENTENARY (South), fclxfenth ard lire: the Riverend Doctor J. II. onng. Pastor Sermon ard service by tho pastor at 10:3) a. n. und 7 Mi p. m. COOK AVENUE (mith). Cock nl Pprlnu: the Reverend Doctor It. l. smalt, paitor Services a usual EDEN (German). Nineteenth and Wsrrr--i: the Rtverend II. C. Magartt. Pastor -- Serv ices as USUfll. TIRhT (floutht. Glaew and Davton, the Rev- erend Occur J II. paitor cervices at 10.15 a. m. and s p. m as uual. GOODK ABUH Ooo.le ard North Market: tho Reverend B. P. Wh'te, l'a,tor frervlces as usual. lilMANUEL (South). McCausland; the Reverend W'. H. La I'rade. l'astor Sen Ices as usual. LAFAYETTE PARK (South). Lafayette and Mis- sissippi; the Reverend Doctor C. E. Pattlllo. l'astor Services as usual. LINDELL AVENUE, Newstead and LIndell: the Reverend Doctor Daniel Dorchester, I"aa-to- r Services as usual. MAPLE AVENUE. Belt and Msple: the Rever- end Doctor A. M. Uilllngsiey, Pastor Serv Ices teih morning and evening as usual. MARVIN (bouth). Twelfth and Sidney; the Rev- erend IL C Mjl'herson. l'astor Services as usual MOUNT AUBURN (Sruth), North Market and Hodlamont: the Reverend Joethus Stephan. 1 tstor Morcine. "The Church Comforting the World": evening, "Tlie Sin of Knowing and ioing. MEMORIAL (German). Jefferson and Accomac: the Reverend William schutz. Pastor Services as usual. CABANNE (South). Arcade Hall: the Reverend Ioctor B. M. Metrick. l'astor Morning. "The IXturouf Cabanne Consldereu." ST. JOHN'S (South), Locust and Ewlng: the Reverend Doctor I s. Hopkins. Pastor No rtrvlcea during August. Morning and afternoon servUes as usual. ST. LUKE'S. Potomac nnd Texas; the Reverend Harry White, Pastor Mcrnlng anl evening tvrv Ices as usual. ST. PAUL'S (urate. No. 1SJ7 St. Louis; th Reverend M. T. Haw. Pastor Morning and evenlna: services as ususl. TOWER GROVE (South), No. 1117 Kentucky: the Reverend W. A. Brown, Pastor Morning. "Rej- oicing: That Thy Were Cuunted Worthy"; evening. "Tha Cloud of Witnesses." TRINITY, Tenth and North Market: the Rever- end Geo. H. Stokes, l'astor 11 a. m., the Rev-tren- d Doctor S. B. Warner: evening, pastor. TYLER PLACE (Boutin, Tower Grove and Mc-lte- e; the Reverend O. W. Wendell. Pastor Mornlnx and evening services as usual. UNION, Lucas and Oarrlson: the Reverend Doc- tor N. Lucoock. Castor Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra., as uvuaL WAGONER PLACE (South). Wagoner and Lucky; the Reverend Doctor T. E. Sharp. l'as- tor Morrlng and evening services as usual. OLD ORCHARD AND TUXEDO: the Roverend T. E. Prall. rastor Mcrnlng and evening serv- ices aa usual. JHNMNOS; th Revererd R. D. Snder. Pastor Mornlnc and evening services as usual. EPWORTH CHAPEL. Newstead and EIrabsnk Standay school and services aa usual. Presbyterian. BRANK MEMORIAL (South). Aubert and Tage; the Reverend W. M. Langtrv. l'astor Morning nnd evcn'nir services as uuai, CARONDELET, No His Michigan; the Reverend J. II. Gauss. Pastor Morning and evening rcrvices as usual. CENTRAL tSouth), Lacas and Garrison: the Iteverend A. F. Carr. Pastor Mcrnlng and evcnlnir servicer as usual. COTE BRILLIANTE. Marcus and Inbadle; the Reverend J. M. Campbell. Pastor-Morni- ng and ever.Irg services as usual. CI'RUY MEMORIAL. Utah and Tesas- - the Rev- erend Doctor E. D. Walker, l'astor Morning and evening services as usual. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT. No. S7M North Grand; the Revetecd I T. Connor. Pastor Ha. m., "Things God Values"; 6 p. m., vesper service. COOK AVENUE (Socth). Co.ik nrd Sarah; the Reverend Doctor M. O. Gorln. Pastor Morning and ev tnlng serv Ices as usual. GRACE. Rldire ard Blackstone; th Reverend E C Jacl.n. l'astor Morning. "Benefits Derived I'lom tho Lord's 8uner": evening. "Fool I'reachers snd Craiy Church Members." GRAND AVENUE (South). Grind and Washing- ton; the Reverend Doctor J. F. Cannon. Pastor Mornlna- - ard evening services as usual. CRAND AVENUE) (U. P.). Grand and Forest Park Boulevard; the Revererd J. W. Ashwood. Tastor Morning and evening services as usual. FIRST. Washington and Sarah; the Reverend Doctor J. W. McKittrlck. Pastor Morning, the Rtverend S. I. Lindsay will preach on "The Prophetts Outlook": no evening service. riRST (U. P.), Morgin and Newstevd The Rev- erend Doctor A. P. George, State Sunday school superlnterdent. will preach at 11 a. ro.: im ev eali.g sen Ice. FIItfaT tUerman). Tenth and Rutrer; the Rever- end J. G. Kessler. l'astor Morning and even- ing services aa uual. LAFArETTB PARK. Albion and Missouri: th Reverend Doctor S. C Palmer. Pastor 10. SO a. rrt.. "The Unwearied Gol"; evening services ns ususl. LEB AVENUE. Prairie nnd Lee: the Reverend Henry Gardner. Pator Morning, fifth annl-vera- rr sermon and communion; evening, song eerv Ice. LUCAS AVENUE (Cumberland). Lucas and Cnannirg; the Reverend Doctor B. P. Fuller-tot- .. Pastor Momlna. "A Single Deism and a oreat lnirpose"; evening services as MeCAUSLAND AVENUE. Benton; the Reverend J N. Beall will preach at 11 a. m. on "Tho Agony of Jesus." MEMORIAL TABERNACLE. Fifteenth and Carr the Reverend Doctcr H. Maglll, ereclal revival services mornlrg and evening, and tho Iteverend Chester Uln--h will preach MENARD STREET MISSION. Menard and Julia; th Reverend Charles Stelzle. Pastor Services as usuaL 1" 9,lT?'' Eleventh ard Chamters; the Reverend J- - O. Klene. l'astor Mornlnir. "Deliver Us tm ?".": tr,lnV. "Impressions trom the State Sunday School Convention." NORTH CABANNE; Howard S. Smith, Supply-Servi- ces as usual. OAK HILL, Bent end Humphrey: th Rev- erend D. It. Inland, Faetor-- 8 p. m., the Rev- erend David Clark of Galena, 111. PEOPLE'S (South;, No 81S North Eleventh; the Reverend Doctor J, M. Spencer. Pastor Serv- ices as usual. RAYMOND PLACE (Cumberland). King's High- way and Cabanne: th Reverend Taylor Ber- nard. Pastor Services as usual. SECOND. Taylor and Westminster; the Rever- end Doctor S. J. Nlccolls. LL. D.. Pastor The Reverend C 31 Rauch; II a. m.. "Where Is lour Faith 7"; 7M3 p. m., gospel service. SECOND (German). No. 4M North Nineteenth: the Reverend J. F. Mueller, Pastor Services as usual. TYLER PLACE. Kiad and Spring: the Reverend Doctor J..G. Brandt, l'astor Morning. "The Unerring Voice." WASHINGTON AND COMITON AVENUE: the Reverend Doctor Frank W. Sneed. Pastor Serv Ices as usual. WEST. Maple and Mar land; the Reverend JJ?ct,0L.p- - Ferguson. Pastor The Reverend Vv. Irving Carroll of Dallas, Tex., will preach in the morning. No evening service. WALNUT PARK (German). Robin near Harney th Reverend Doctor Aufderheide. Pastor Services as usual. WEBSTER GROVES; the Reverend Doctor W k Ba.M' lwtor Mornl-jg- . "The Indwelling t hrlst : evening, joint rAurch and Christian Endeavor service. COMITON HILL CHAPEL. Xo. 3: La Salle-th- e Reverend F. O. Seaman:. Pastor Services as usual. WAGONER PLACE fU. P.); the Reverend J. J. Walter, l'astor Services as usual. FERGUSON; th Reverend at, V. P. Yearcaa. l'astor Services j usuaL ROCK HILL: tho Reverend W. B. Smith. I'astor-Servi- ces as usual. Mlacrllanrous. UNION MIfIOV, No. HU Franklin; the Rev- erend M. B. Gott, Pastar:J0 a. m praise service; it a. m preaching by the lieverend t J. Martin; IO0 p. m., Sunday school- - 3.3 pv m., gospel wagon. ' ST. LOUis CITY MISSION. No. IMS sv,.,th Broadway: Mr. and Mm. M. F. Murphy, Supe- rintendentsSunday school and evening services J CilKlSTIA-- N ASSEMBLY. FoUom and Ter Grove: the Peverend A. E. Nelson. Pastor 10:J a. m, tnnlvcrsary services sermon and communion; 7:ii p. m. evangelistic ervices, special music CHURCH OF GOD. No. 2 Montgomery; the Reverend II II. Rplher. l'astor rVrvlcra at 10.30 a. m , 3 and 8 p. in. as usual. OPEN-DOO- MISSION, Seventh nnd Gratiot; the Reverend ind Mrs. Haines. Superlntendnts Sunday schcnl and services as urual. HOLINESS MISSION. No ttt Kasti-n-l- a. m., praise service; 13:13 p. m . Sunday xchocl. 2M anil & p m, preacnin? NIEDRINOHAUO MISSION Cass and Seventh: Mrs. M Woodward Hvrrls. Supcrlnler.dtut 3 p in., school. S p. in., preaching. UNIVERSAL BtlOTIinRHOOD (Theo-ephy- ). No. Sil Emllle Rullllni. Ninth and Olive 3 p. m, TlieosvPhlcal Interptetatlons of tne New Tes- tament ' LATTrn-DA- HAINTH. Elliot an.1 Ilenton 9 a. m, Hundav scimjoI; it a, m. anu s p. m . preaching. Humphrey and Morgan Frd 10 a. m SunCitv sefiool. 2.30 and S p. n., prca-hln- t: No S7:t Slanctester 1 a. m.. Sundiy schicl; ZSv and s p si., preaching. CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL UNITY. No. 3K3 Morcan. the Re.srenii Vv' J. 'eea. l'astor FlXtm- - CHUnCH OF CHRIST lEtTIdT, No. Jits Pine lu-- a m.. Sjbs'ance." THE TEMPLE-Bervl- ees every Sunday at 3 anl P. ni . tlachhig by the Reverend L. C Hall and Mary McOee Hall. I.iiltllsll l.ullirrnn. fcT MAP.i: .. Uell and Cardinal; the Rsverend Doctor If. W r. l'astor Morning, the liev ererul Clurlct. Jvva-- .s of Fatst St. IQ'a's; no evening senlrj MOUNT CALVARY. No. 1W Fuclld: I he nv- - erend K T Covner Pastor looo a. in , "f'ure or the Spiritually Deaf and Dumli"; 1 p m. Oeirrsn service, S p. m. "lMhjer llJoys In Educat.on " GRACE. Oarilson aid Ft. laiuls; the llver-n-d 11 S Sonmer. Morning and evening services as ual Ilrfurmeil Churches. MPLE AYKNIMJ. Maple and Clarendon, the Reverend J V Horning I'astur viotnlng, "The EnL'ghteneil llestt"; evening. "Obedience." f.LEM iCerman). the W. F. Horst-mele- r. Pastor Mornfng and evening services as usual. Cntlinilr. CATHCDRAI- Walnut, betw-e- n Second and Tu.'d. P-- e Iteverend Eug lie- - Cpvle, Pator -- Mas at b, g an I J0J) a. m.: vespers 3:10 t. m. ANNl N'"IAT10N. Sixth and Is a!l. th- - Rev- erend J. J. Head. Pastor Mass . 80 ard 10 43 a m vesper- -, 3:0 p. m. ASSUMPTION. Sldner and Ninth.-- ; the Reverend Patrick Doclt. Pestor Miss, ;.!0 ard 10 a. m. HOLY CROvS (Oirman) Chan-- Roal. Near liltner: the Reverend Peter Wlgger. Ptor Mt-- s, 5:10 and 1030 a. m rcrprs, So p m. HOLY GHOST (German) Ta or and Garfield: the Reverend II. Tle Pator Ma. .8 and 10 a. re . vepcr 3 n m. I'OLY INNOCENTS. Brannon and Magnolia: th Reverend John White. Pattor Mass at 8 nd 1) a. m. HOLY NAME nrJEM'-i- . No. 5- -l East Grsnd. th l'.evrrepn i'attlck ju. ranvn. l'astor iiass at C. 8. 3 and 1) a. in,, ve pis. 7.30 i. m. SACRED HEART, tnlversltv Near Twenty- - the Revermd james MeCbe. Pastoi lars, S.:0, 7. and 10 a. m ; vespers, 7:30 p. m. VISITATION. TaI0r and Eacton. the Reverend K J. Dcmprey Past C. 7u. and 10) a m : vesper. 3.30 p. m. HOLY ANGELS'. St Anite and La Salle- - the Revere.id l M. Kkltj. I'astur Mas. . 7. 8:J end Hi n; vespers. 3.30 p. rn. HOLY ROSARY. Newtead ard Marevretta; the RtverimV l J. Iaiverv. Pa-t- Mass al t. 720. Khddien). 10 teermon) a. m. IMMACULATE OONCEITION. Jefrron and Iacut: the Reverend O. D. Power. 1'astw-Mis- s. t. 7:30, 3 and 10 .21 n. m ; Sunday school. 3 p. m. IDY OF GOOD COUNSEL. Eleventh and the Hevetentl I. O'Dorohue. l'astor Mass, 7 and 10 a. m.; vespers. 3 p. m. LADY OP MOUNT CARMEL. Church and Hall's Terry R acs: the Reverend D. S. Phe-la-n. Pastor Mass. 7.D and 1J:W a. m. ; ves- pers. 20 d. m. LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR (Cerman). Irtcn nnd Twentieth: the Reverend Augustine J. Schllilnr Pastor Mas, 60. and 1) a. m.; v tspere. Z.W p m. ST. AOATHA'8 (German). No. J2J3 South Ninth; the Reverend Henry Schrage. l'astor Mass. e. 8 end 10 a. m.: vespers. 3.30 p. m. ST. AGVES'S. Sidney nnd Salens: the Reverend John T. Tannrath, pastor Mass. . 7:30. 8:30 end 10:15 am; vespers. 8 p. m. ST. ALOYSIUS'S. Magnolia and January: the Revererd F. O. Holweck, l'astor Mass. 7:15, 5 and IS a. m.: vesper. IdO p. m. ST. ALPHONSUS'S. Grard and Cook Mass. 5:15. . 7. X and 0 a. in.; high mass, 10.34 a. m.: ves- pers, 7:20 p. m. ST. ANN'S. Page and Whlttler; the Reverend O. J. McDonald. Pastor Mass. 4. 7.30. . 10J0 a. m.; 7.30 p. rn. ST. ANTHONY'S (German) Merarcec and Comp- ton; the Reverend Francis Albers. Pastor Mass, 5 8 and 10 a. m.; vespers, 2- -0 p. m. ST. AUGUSTINE'S (German). Llsmore and He- - n: vna iteverena 11. A. iiukestetn. Mas. s, 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers. 2.30 p. m ST. ANTHONY'S (Srlo-Maronlt- No. 18 South the Reverend George Emmanuel, Pas- torMass. a. m. ST. BERNARD'S. Hawk and Gratiot; the Rever- end Peter J. Bremerlch, Pastor Mass. J.M. ":Z and 10 a. m.; vespers 2 p. m. ST. BONIFACn'SS (German). Michigan and tlcMrmer: th Reverend H. Nleters Pastor Msss. S. 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers, 230 p. m. ST. BRIDGET'S. Carr and Jefferson: the Rever- end Edw. Fenlon. l'astor Moss. C.30 to 10JO a. m.: 3d. m. ST. CASIMIR'S. Eichth and Mullanchy; the Rev- erend Raphael F. X Gniellnskl. Pastor Mass, 6. 8 and 10 a. m.j vepers. i p. m. ST COLUMBKILLE-S- . Michigan and Davis; the Rtverend Francis J. Jones, Pastor Mass. , 8 and 10 a. m.; vespers, 4 p. m. ST. PRONAN'S. Boyle and Swan: th Reveremd J. 1. Foley. Pastor Mass. 6. 730. and 1J -- m.; vesper". 3 p. m. ST EDWARD'S. Clara and Maffltt: the Rever- end Edward J. Wynne, l'astor Mass, 7.30 and 10 a. m ; vesper. 4 p. ra. ST. ELIZABETH'S (Colored), No. 81 North Fourteenth: tha Reverend Michael F. Speich, rastor Mass, 7. 8.30 and 9:39 a. m.; vespers, 8 p. m. ST. MATTHEW'S. Kenneriy and Sarah: the Reverend Joseph T. Shieldj. Pastor Mass. S, 7:30, 8:30 and 10 a. m.; vespers, 7:30 p. ra. ST. MICHAEL'S. Eleventh and Clinton; the Reverend Michael J. MeCabe. Pastor Mass, t. 7:30. J and W:3o a. m ; vespers. 2 JO p. m. ST. NICHOLAS'S (Genran), No. ltll Lucas; the Reverend Joseph A. Schaefers, Pastor-Ma- ss, e. 8 and 10 a. rn. ST. PATRICK'S. Sixth and Riddle; th Reverend Timothy Dempsey. Pastor Mass, 6. 7:30, S aad 10 a. m : vespers. 8.30 p. m. SS. PETER AND PAUL'S (German). Seventh and Allen; the Reverend G. F. Ooller. Pastor-M-ass. G a. m.; vepers. 4 p. m. ST. ROSE'S, OoodfeiJow and Etsel; th Rever- erd J. J. McGIynn. Pastor Mass, S0. 8 and 10 a. m. ST. STANISLAUS'S (Polish). Twentieth and Cass: the Reverend Urban Stanowskl. Pastor-Ma- ss. 7:30 and J JO a. rn.; vespeis, 3 p. m. ST. TERESA'S No. 2113 North Grand; tha Rev- erend J. A. Conrelly. l'astor Mass. 3:13. (.43 ard 9:15: high mass, 10:30 a. m.: children mass. 8 a. ra.; benediction, i p. m. ST. THOMAS OF AQUIN'R. Iowa and Osase; the Reverend John II. May. D. D , Pastor-M- ass. C. S and 10 a. ra.; Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S (German and Eng-llh- ). Tark anJ Ninth; tha Reverend D. W. Kenrlck. C M: the Iteverend A. 11. Arrauth. C M.: the Reverend 1. V. Judge. C. M.: the Reverend S P, Hueber. C. M. Pastors Mass and sermon. .30. t.30 and .43 a. m.: high mass anl sermon. 8 and 10 30 a. m.: vespers, devotions and benedictlors. S.30 p. m. ST. WENCEJ-LACS'- (Bohemian). No. 1 Ore- - the Reverend Chas Blake. l'astor Mas, fon: 10 a. m.; vespers, 3 p. m. SS. MARY AND JOF.PH'S, Minnesota and Iron: the Reverend Miles W. Tobyn. Pastor Mvsg, & and 10 a. m. ST. KEVIN'S. Park and Cardinal; the lil J. l'astor Mass, ;;). 7. 8.00. S:U!u and 10 a) a. m. ST. MARGARET'S. Rusell and Vandevenler Masse at 7 and 10 a. rn. BT. nNGELBERT'S. Carter nnd Marcus; th Reverend Anton Pauck. Pastor Mass. 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers, I'M p. m. fcT. FRANCIS DE SALE'S (German). Gravols and Ohio; tho Reverend 1. J. Iotr, Pator Mass. 3:30. 7:15 and 10 a. m.; vespers. 2.10 p.m. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER'P. Grand and Llrdell: tho Reverend Ilenrv S. Bronsseett. S. J Mass C C. 7, 8:30 and 10 : a. m.; vesjrs, 7.t3 p. m. ST. HENRY'S. Hlckorv and California: the Rev- erend John A. Hoffman, pastor Mass, 4:30, 7:30 and 10 a. rn ; vespers, 1 p. m. ST. JAMES'S. Tamm, Opposite Wade: the Rev- erend V. A. Casey, Pastor Mass, 3 and 10 a. m. ST. JOHN'S. Sixteenth and Chestnut; the Rev- erend Jamts T. Coffey, Pstnr Mass. , 7:30, 9 and 10:30 a. m.: vespers. 8 p. m. ST. JOHN OF NErOMUK'S (Bohemian). Sou- lard and Eleventh; the Reverend Joseph Hes. eoun. Paster Mass, s and 10 a. m.; vespers, 3 p. m. ST. JOSEPH'S (German). Eleventh and Riddle; the Reverend J. Trancls Valaxia. S, J. Mass. 0. 8 nnd 10 a. m.. Sunday school at 2 p. m.; lnedlctlon at 3 p. m. ST. LAW'KFVCB O'TOOLE'S, Fourteenth and O'Fallon; the Reverend M. . Brennan. Pastor Mass, 6:30. 7, 3. 8:11 and 10 JO a. m.; vespers. 3:30 p. m. ST. Mullanphy and Twenty-third- : th Reverend J. II. Harty. Pastor Mas. 6J0. 7. SO for children: 9 W:H. with sermon: even- ing service, consisting of rosary, sermon and benediction. BT. LIBORIUS-- (GerrcanV. North Market and Hogan; the Iteverend . A. Reis, Pastor Mass. S. 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers at 2. SO p. m. BT. LOUIS CATHEDRAL CHAPEL. Newstesd and jv,riand; the Reverend P. F. O'Reilly. Pastor Mass, C. 7:30, 9 and 10:50 a. m.; ves- pers, 1p.m. ST. MALACHT'S. Clark and Ewlng; the Rever- end Charles Zlegler. l'astor Mass. 8:30, 7, 89 and 1020 a. m.; vespers, 7:30 p. m. ST. MRK EVANGELIST, Pare and Academy; the Reverend Pet- -r J. O'hourke, Pastor Mass. 1.30. 7:45. 9 and 10 .SO a. ru FT. MARY'S (German). Third and Gratiot; the Reverend W. Faerber. Pastor Mass. , 8 and 10 a. m.: Sunday school alt p. m.; benediction at 3 p. m. THE SUNDAY-SCHOO- L LESSON. The Seventy Sent Forth Luke x, 111. Prepare I for The Republic by Reverend J. E. Gilbert. D. D.. Secretary of American Society of Relulous Education. INTRODUCTION The) student should be- gin with verse SI of the previous chapter. Jesus wag about to hcgln his last great Ifttl mvm .! Ia TnsHIOn TAB". TlaAS Ma rt s I own volition being constrained to meet his dedlnv he r.Klnlv fnrn-it- and aa Hi ? J X. 7 .V plainly predicted. (Matt. xvl. 21.) Purpos- - lng to pass through Samaria, which was ln the way southward, he sent disciples to make ready for Dim. but the Samaritans, knowing his destination, and being jealous of tbeJc3, refused to receive the mesaen- - ' crs. Proceeding therefore, without any mvnwn'mvm'm.k'nwwnwwimwm imiicjLin am kf'T Letters from Women Relieved c. rinrcnanrs vegetable Compound ' ' s- - e. Painful sWoncMiornsi Wt - ss 4 sassa(siaiaaai saw mmm "DeAB Mbs. PnnniAM: I was troubled with female weakness, irrefenlar A VitssWI JCXJeON. and painful rnenstruation. I sttffered so every J S. fJSt1SsM your medicine 1 now well. 1 all women who suffer as I did Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Lacy, Ross, Iowa. Musselsnsn bearinp-do- ; monta mat uianics 10 would advise rise Lydia E. Mrs. Anna . Grateful nfoTT " Dear Mrs. tgPL WB& !Wk time of with sometimes vomiting became worse. tained mmSmk your Pinkham's medicine. nWmnEA- - your other is painless. your ' I am Tory 1 has done for nsvstfWKm ,m TT woman would m:mXm 611 West Ave., xmm , Prostration mm "Dear with iIgssllllBlH weak and k have taken ' pound for wwSBtSt ' Pills and Emmwm: improved prised see ! I would advise WfMfK Lydia E. , Mueller, S43 I'sssssBissslssssssssssssssssfV-- " Ohio. " Dear Mrs. mKm. I for what SiHK pound has simmtxA herverymuch. imwmiy but obtained and a half regular, apoetite her side and her headache is I ili-l- riilt 1! am to t? it. In to at several months, also used the Liver Sanative. Wash, and doing own work. every woman to try has the pain has left 1 your kind advice." Mas. August Byron, Wis. - Fifty letters like these at Mrs. ia k Mass.. tnac woman s is E. preparation, his jouraty vras for a time of that purely Incidental character which had attended all his wanfcrlngs from place t& place. It was while tltca passing along that one offered to follow bim (Luke lx. 67-3- ). and learned that Jestx bad no home; and another made the sane proposal, but de- sired previously to go-an-d tury dead, while a third derlrci to say farewell to kindred. l 1). Jeius did not abandon his purpose to. tend agents ln ad- vance because the Samaritans had been In- attentive. But he selected from amona; his followers seventy men, whom he appointed to this service. They wore directed to so before him, very much after the manner of the heralds who ia ancieet tlmea preceded the King on his Journeys.' They were fore- runners, or couriers, sent to announce- the coming of their Master. They were to go along the way which h would take, a course already determined. It no small honor to be thus appointed, for it In- dicated the confluence imposed in them, as not only competent, but trustworthy. There has been rwme tha motive of Jesus ln thus these men, and a few persons hove presumed to question iu wUdom.' A rtllclent reason may be found ln the that as this was the last time Jesus would pass that way ha might properly desire to retch the largest possible number, to rally to himself and carry with him to the great city all who had partially espoused his cause. Z). Lsokin; over tha company that gathered about him and for a moment th condition of the peoole amons whom he ttust move as ho pursued his Journey. Jesus became affected by the religious Deeds of tha country and the times.. It seemed to him that this was like a harvest Mason, when the grain is ready to be gathered And a great harvest It was, thI harvest of souls. (John lv, 35.) For a moteent he de- tained the heralds, bidding them to pray that laborers might be sent into the bar-ve- st. (11 Thess. I.) But hy, prayT Was It not the business of Christ to send men? Was he indifferent to awn cause? Did he need that ona should urge him to care for the Thes questions have been often asked concerning prayer under any In 'this case Jesus would make these men feel the nature and importance ot their mlsslon.land lead them to an unselfish desire for assistance, and make them remember that Uey were responsible to him who bad sent Hem, and so fill them with missionary enthusiasm. 3 and s)It If the meu did not go of their own accord, self-mov- neither did they go at tktlr own pleasure, unrestrained. It was eminently proper that, as they represented another they should receive) and do will. The directions were threefold: L Go your way, to the apfplnted, not wandering about carelessly, crossing each others' paths and leaving someplaces unv letted, but following the itinerary laid down for them. 2. They must remember who they were, what kind of n;et they were expected to be. Innocent as Iambi, and what kind ot men would be about hcm. men like wolves, so protecting themfclves against danger and doing no evil to others (Matt. x. 16), a very trying posltioi J. They must fco free from unnecessary bur- dens, carrying no nurse, taking no maney with them: carrying no script, that ls.ibag or leather wallet In which small 'article of convenience might be kept (I Sam., xvllJ-W)- , sometimes called husk (II Kings, lv.jjj), because of the material of which It as made; carrying no shoes except the sln-da- ls worn. These same directions vAre given to the twelve. (Luke J). I i, S and greetings were common as marksf politeness and Rood will. One was expedu ed to salute a stranger, both as a prolr that he intended m evil, nnd n menit of securing favor. (Gen. xxxlll, 31.) fluently these salutations were hvrjocritlc: although sometimes they ind cated the highest friendship, fl Ram. it 41.) Jesu3 instructed the seventy not ti salute any one in the hhrhwav. Tha would havo taken too much time. Inasmuch1 us tnose demonstrations were excessive, consisting of many obeisances on approach and separation. Tha business was urgent and admitted of no such delay. But on a dwelling where they were anxious to abide they were required to sa- lute the host (Matt x. 12), but that was to be done after the manner of a religious teacher. They would pronounce a bless- ing upon the house, which was quite as to offer a prayer for Its Inmates. That would disclose the character of tha owner, as welt as tho guest, If a right- eous man abode there he would welcome them, and the peace should remain.. 7 and S).- -It Is evident that Jesus Intended to proceed leisurely toward Jerusalem, and therefore the seventy would be absent from him sev- eral days. Wherever thev nauaed thiv were expected to find hospitality among- - t'juu ircvuie wno wouia welcome them be- cause of their errand. They were not therefore to think of as mendi- cants. They were to consider that the la- borer was worthy of hire, that tho spiritual benefits conferred them were an equivalent for temporal good received. (I Cor. ix. 11.) Accordingly they were to remain in one piace. as 01 rignt, n to tnty. .ere and the trouble must be shifted and borne by several. They should feel as much at home as now would at a hotel where be paid bill. they must eat such things as were set before them, not makinc themselves peculiar by selecting their diet. ur tuusiUK uimtrccsaary annoyance oy certain provl- - waa to deliver tSie of Pain by Lydis 4 " "M . . - sW , mmmmmmrmm j. tvnvs oDligeu 10 go to bctl, but 4 Pixkiiam : I alwavs suffered at ever since menses began. n pains, sickness at stomach. for two days, sometimes blood. As I grew older, the I tried many things, but ob- - At last I to try I took several bottles of Lydia E. to troubled nati, better. deep- ly places themselves relief. concluded and followed J directions, and now I feel and know that I owe it all medicine, and never fail to recommend no mm thankful forwhatyourmedicine J me, and wish that every afflicted A try it." Jessie C. faiancy, Ohio. Monthly Periods A Mrs. Fixkhaji : I was greatly my periods, was very nervous, could not work all. I Lydia Com-- and am wonderfully health. My all sur- - mo out my suffering his was fact ln. ill. his his his lx. Ft the for his by not one his last A at E. are remedies. "Mrs. Hexbt Ave., Clifton, Cincin Menstruation Pixkham : I want to thank yon Lydia E. Com- - done for my It has helped Shehaddoctoredfortwoyears, no relief, and now In. two months M she is welL is now returned, k South Pinkham's office JLynn, prove tne or ncaun PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND aiESSENGERS-(Ve- rs speculatloatconcernlng coatilssloniog IABORERS-(.Ve- ni con- templating circumstances. DIRECTIONS-tVcrs- es instructions, SALUTATIONS-O'ers- es n formalities, approaching same UOSPITALITY-rVers- es "..flL0"8' Furthermore, articles. Monthly Miss menstruation vomiting suffering Vegetable Compound menstruation Mc3SZLMA:t, menstrual Pinkham's Vegetable neighbors Pinkham's McAlpin Irregular Pinkham's Vegetable daughter. Menstruation PrALZGKAT, thousand saieguara LYDIA feel Tery thankful to you also for A TllOUB 3Ub Notc X7fl HIEADACHCI frTP iitYiiwri THET NEVER FAIL TO CURE' Htidtifit, Fcvtrs, Neuralgia, aft. CONTAIN NO BROMOS-Price- lO Cents. Sruccists will order tbem for you. tha exactions that had been made through 'k4 subtle Interpretations of the law. inNISTRY-iVe- rse 91. So far tha words of Christ pertained to tho temporal condl- - ,3 xtona ana arrangements 01 ipe njcacitsc- - ! It was very necessary that such matters ij snouia do aajusiea. uutueauKi . -- i thera would have caused ustold tmiihln- - nnxslhlvr rtefeallnfr tha orudnal DU- r- pose. But tho mission was tha pnneem ATifl Jfosua atatea that under fWO heads. 1. They should heal tho sick, minis- - teruig to tne Domes 01 tne people, paruy ouv. of road will, hut Drincinallv to win taoaa who witnessed the miracles and .prepara ,4 mem for tne message inai louowea. uenn-o- f henevnler.cn must creeede words or : sm1. IffA.. wt. .. I,AA lAAM f,tln Vltl 11 UU. 4U.CU ,UV M,V lv. ..,-- n.. - II.Irh 9 V.sn ,tf nM.nh t,l mu III, - AUlbCll. . .C .WBfc fy..u,u . . ereat truth with which JohB the BaDtlatr (Matt. 111. 2) began ln the wilderness otl-- juaea. ana wnicn jesus anerwara piw-- ,: claimed In Galilee (Mark 1. 14) was to ; heralded by these commissioned men, "tha ; klncdom of God is coma" tho truth which mare than anv other would stir the Jewlsk - heart. For many centuries the chosen peo-vC- v pie naa Deen anxiously waiung lor uussi kingdom, (uan. 11. .) OPTPI -- I'llV- 1ft anil 41 TCTtlje If this message, so delivered, should De-r- ei a jectcu, aa uouuiiesa 111 uiujjjr uimukuvum j,. was? Shall the preachers remain and en-- deavor to overcome the opposition or In-- ;, difference? Shall they resort to some xnora.t; nonular mode of calnlnz attention and".; favor? Shall they arsue the matter which y iney nave prociaimeu; ouaii vnry uvau- - tutn soma other mora accentable theme? v Jesus provides for such & contingency. ?a Thev have done their dutr and reached a the limit of their service, and thev must-'-- J move on to some other place. But they rJ shall depart ln a public way witn a demon- - st ration that shall probably create lmpres- -j ion upon an tne innaoiinnis or ina vuy-- ,, Btanaing in tne street, ouiiiuo or any en. closure, ln the full fc.ir.e of all. they (halt j shake the dust from their trarments. unwlll- -l lng to be defiled by anything that belongs to the town (Acts xill. SI), a testimony that. the people who rejected the message area: lUoiuMsnv, rcjcciri iiui nivj suaii v.-- . . this with the assertion of what they hadl previously said about uia kingdom, xnai their last words might be left rlngtog la-- : the ears of the rejectors. CONCLUSIOK Some persona have erron-- 3 eousiy supposed tnat ministers are now r- - quired to conduct their work" upon tha plaa : herein prescriDea. Tnat wouia oe isipo- - blc and undesirable because ot the chanted I rnnrHMi-m- There are hnvrever. valnabla suggestions in the passage. 1. A minister "f a servant of .lev-i-s Christ, obligated to go-- and labor for his Master, following instrue-- 'j tlons so far at any are "riven. 2. Ha must!' be diligent ln this service, not assuming anyl; unnecessary puraena or inccmorance. noia--In- g himself steadily and constantly to hWi dutv. 3. He mu?t not persist ln worlc-whera- ; It it evident that nothing can be accora-i- y pushed, but must openly testiry against those who have rejected his message, and! nn on tn other Melds. 4. He should not rc-- 1 gard himself as a pauper or hireling, WhatS he receives is a mucn nts as tne wsgea j.-- i any other, but that snouia not De consiaen urinv the prvlct he renders. And the four remarks apply not only to ordains pastors, but to all who are truly sent-o- ut before the Lord's face to do any service that; shall prepare ror him. Fourth-Clas- s l'astmaaters. The Republic Bureau, llth St. and Pennsylvania. Ave.. VT7atifn etnn Alls'. ?1 Tha f ollOWlnaf fourth-clas- s Postmasters have been- - ap- - ' pointed: Arkansas TJuRger. Boone County. William i Duger. vice "V. L, Duggcr, resigned. . Georgia "Walkersville. Pifrco County. I. , Y,A,l.. -- .1 TOtlll.. IMa- -.. -- ..IvnMT. . i J. IIUIILC, V11.-I- I, UltaiU !.., itatftM- -. Indiana Kelly. Lake County. Minnie Bew--- a 81:, vice u. J. Williams, resujneo. - ; Trdlan Territorv Wilson. Chickasaw IS- -. I tion. J. L. Clark, vice J. H. Wilson. i- - a maveiu m i.r 7?m1t1ln Cotmtv. G. .? bWagner. vice F. S. Whitney, resumea; ms- - (FO(I. Jiauiiuii vuuiti- - uiauv ufit- - t- - rMlssourl Mechanicsville, St. Charlee)3 County. R. E. Gamble, vice Elizabeth' A vraiu, rransiiinj. 1 Tenneupe Urnextone Cov-p- . TJnicot COQ- B- Jy. D. W. Buchanan. vlcc.O. R. Mliler. re-- .a tgnea. I Th Republic Bureau. llth St. and Pennsylvania AT. iWashlngton, Aug. JL-- The followinr Lrnments to regiments of officers rec Promoted are maae: ICaptatn J. D. Barrctte, to the FinhArtsVaa W, '4i iaii . i'iwiJ- u.ir T i.7Fiii.ri:ini. jiauus ii.iuji.c. ir mw - ". Artillery, Battery D. .rt? lrBt vi. i. "ui"t w iak,,r ; a professor at Fairfield Seminary sad aasW--J tary Academy, Fairfield, N. Y. - ",2,JS VaPtain v, ,. vyer, iwraio ,niami;i wall report at Fort siocum for fluty witaya fruits to oe sent- - o iue x"uuippinfj, r- - rrivate ti. J. uiDns. jiospuai v.Qfp.".-- j tort cno, win oe scar. it .jtorvjsu Dfajfll. j - " 'i Cavalry, now at Fort SUi, is transfers M torn, Cnrr9. - r v?: ia "Te4ivr w-- jr .j Ti.-- fe . a. iHLtj 1- - 4s '1'. T- '9 .fi !: el lh
  • J

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    Uji-- - 1 1




    Edgar McClelland, Elder in the Presbyterian Church, PreachesThere vv Mornsny.

    - v

    If il1 litlviliflHMaf lfi-PHaiDiHflH- i HP



    Edgar McClelland, an older In the Wash-ington and Compton Avenue PresbyterianChurch and a traveling salesman for onoof the largest dry goods houses In the city,will All the pulpit of the Tyler Tlace M. E.Church morning.

    Mr. McClelland Is a native of Tennessee,end came to St. Louis Ir. 1572, uniting Kiththe- church of which he Is now an officer.When the old Soulard Market Mlsrion wasestablished In 1S75, be took an active partin the work and has bad a Bible class therefor fifteen years. Mr. McClelland was-- thefirst president of the Christian EndeavorSociety of that mission at the time of Itsorganization, thirteen years ago. and of theSt. Louis Christian Endeavor Union In 1331.

    There Is nothing irregular about Mr.occapylng any pulpit, as all Pres-

    byterian elders are regularly ordained andhave the right to exercise their gifts ofteaching as circumstances may indicate.In this particular Instance the speaker hashad especial training educationally and fromthe stano'oolnt of experience, and the prob-abilities are that the Tyler Place peoplewill not be disappointed. There 'will bespecial music for the occasion.


    The services at the Compton HeightsChristian Church, No.JSOO St. Vincent ave-nue, morning will be of the rallyorder, and the programme will include

    special features: Five-minu- te ad-dress by E. S. Potter on "Child Culture,"five-minu-te address by Doctor George H.Gibson on "The Past and the Future ofThis Church." te address by Mrs.W. B. Sbelton on "Enlistment and Co-o- p-eratibn." short address by the pastor, theJleverend Sherman B. Moore, on "Enlarge- -ment."

    The pastor of the Memorial TabernaclePresbyterian Church, the Reverend DoctorH. MagiU. has not taken o. vacation thissummer, and has preached twice everySunday. The doctor now proposes to openthe fall campaign with a special series ofevangelistic meetings, to be conducted bythe Reverend Chester Birch, the evangelistand coraetlst. These meetings are to begin

    morning and will continue twoweeks. There will be services each, even-ing, and the public Is cordially invited.

    The Southern Epworth leagues of thecity will hold their annual picnic at theMarvin Camp Grounds and the pro-gramme for tho occasion includes gamesand a spelling match, also refreshments.Present indications arc that it will be tholargest gathering of Southern EpworthLeaguers in the history of the city. TheSuburban and Easton avenuo lines connectat Wellston for the grounds.

    The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christof Latter-Da- y Saints will open Its remod-eled, church, Glasgow avenuo and Dicksonstreet, formerly the Glasgow Avenue Pres-byterian Church, The statedorder of services will be as follons: 9:30 a.m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching; Sp. m.. prayer meeting, and 8 p. m , preach-ing'. The public is invited to all these serv-ices.

    A report of the London Christian En-deavor Convention will bo given at theFirst Christian Church, Ko. 31SS Locuststreet, evening "by XV. 11. n.

    A special song service vrtll precede.

    The Reverend Doctor John B. Brandt,paster of the Tyler Place PresbyterianChurch, will arrive In the city to-d- andwill fill his pulpit as usual. Thedoctor has had on extended vacation.

    The Mount Cabanne Christian Church hasissued a special order of service for

    In addition to the usual auxiliary serv-ices, the Reverend W. J. Russell, pastor fthe Christian Church of Rushville, Inu..is announced to preach In the morning on"To Whom Shall We Go?" and in the even-ing on "Life's Purpose, Plan and Prize."Doctor Rursoll may be selected as DoctorDungan's successor.

    The Reverend A. E. Nelson, pastor of theChristian Assembly, has returned, and willpreach aa usual. During his fourweeks' vacation Mr. Nelson delivered sev-eral lectures at the Christian Summer As-sembly and Chautauqua at Defiance, O.

    The Presbytery of St Loula will meet Instated fall session at De Soto, September33. at 720 p. m. The matter of revision, to-gether with other questions of importance,will be up for consideration.

    The Presbyterian Ministers' Associationwilt resume its meetings at No. 1516 Locuststreet next Monday at 11 a. m., and thoReverend Doctor S. C Palmer, pastor ofthe Lafayette Park .Presbyterian Church,will read the paper for the occasion.

    The Iteverend S. C. Eby, pastor of theSwedenborclan Church, Delmar and Springavenues, will resume services Sunday, Sep-tember 9.

    The Reverend Howard S. MacAycat, pas-tor of the Central Congregational Church,baa returned and all services v. ill be re-sumed

    The Rtverend Baxter Waters; pastor ofthe Central Christian Church, has returnedfrom his vacation and will fill his pulpit

    both morning and evening.

    The Reverend Doctor B. M. Messlck, pas-tor of Cabanne M. E. Church, announcesthat the question of the future " of thatchurch wlil be especially discussed at to-morrow morning's service.."The Reverend XV. Irving Carroll of Dal-las, Tex will preach at the West Pres-byterian Church morning, andwill address the Y. M. C. A. men's meetingin the afternoon.

    The Reverend Doctor WalcOtt Calkins,wbo has leen supplying' the Pilgrim Con- -

    grcgational Church during the summer, willpreach his last sermons

    The Reverend J. C. Cromer, pastor of theFountain Park Congregational Church, hasreturned, and will preach morn-ing on "An Opportunity." and In the even-ing on "An Occan-Goin-g Veseel."

    Special evangelistic meetings will b.glnat the Taylor Avenue Baptist Church to-morrow, and they will be under the spec nldirection of the Reverend S. G. Xcil. thechapel car evangelist. Mrs. Xcll will as-sist.

    The St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Michi-gan avenue and Malt street. will bomorning by Mlas Has-wel- l.

    a missionary from India.The Methodist Episcopal minister meet-

    ings will be resumed next Monday, and theReverend David day will read a paper on"The Condition of Children in MissouriPoorhouses."

    The Iteverend Doctor J. F. Cannon, pas-tor of the Grand Avenue I'rcsbyterianChurch. South, has returned, and willpreach morning and evening asusual. ,

    The Reverend Henry C. Evans, pastor ofKirkvvood Presbyterian Church, has re-turned and will preach as usual.

    There will be a special gospel service atthe Second Presbvterian Churchevening, and tho Reverend C. M. Rauch. thepastor's assistant, will speak on "HIi LastPromise." These services are becoming verypopular in xhe ll-ti- End. and will be con-tinued through the present month. Thomeetings open w!:h a song service, begin-ning at 7:43 p. m

    The Central Y. St. C. A- - srhnnl nr overlingclasses will open In the association h.nl.Ulng. Grand and Franklin avenues. October

    L""", s."ihoS?mlS Hfrtn0Us.ffd!tunity to acquire a practical education ata comparatively mtie cost. The curriculumcovers all the practical arts and sciences.Including music, vocal and Instrumental,and also affords special opportunities Inclubs and literary societies. Abram Lber-sol- e.

    educational director, says the Indi-cations are that the enrollment this yearwill far exceed that of previous years.. The outing to Eureka Springs, Ark., giventinder tho auspices of the St. Louis Chris-tian Endeavor Union and the St. LouisSunday-Scho- ol Union, will take place nextWednesday. September 5, and will ccvrseven days. A complete Itinerary hai beenarranged, and prompt return is guaranjoed.

    The Union Mission tent meetings at Six-teenth and Chestnut streets are beinglargciy attended, and some thlrty-flv-e con-versions are reported to date. There willbe special services there at 7and s p. ra., and the meetings will be con-tinued all next week.

    Tho Sunday school of the LIndell AvnueM. B. Church will reopen on Sunday, Sep-tember 9, at 0M a, m. There will be nochurch services until September 16.


    Revised List of Those Who WillServe State Association.

    The Reverend Doctor A. P. George, StateSunday school superintendent, has returnedfrom the recent State Convention, at Colum-bia, Mo., ar.d in an interview yesterday saidthat tho list cf State officers had not beenpublished correctly, Thcro were somechanges made In the final session of theconvention, and the following Is the re-vised list to date:

    President, Hobart Brlnsroade of St. Louis;vice presidents, W. H. McClaln of St. Loul".Noah M. Glvan of HarronsvIUe, Mo., L. J.Loomis of Bevler. Mo., and C. J. Smith ofCarl Junction, Mo.; State secretary, theReverend li. M. Inlow of Harrlsouville, Mo.;State treasurer. Frank P. Hays. St. LouU;president primary department, Mrs. M.Parks, St. Louis; secretary primary depart-ment, Mrs. Jennie Conway, Su Louis; super-intendent of tho house-to-bou- visitation,the Revtrcr.d Mr. Burris of Kahoka. Mo.New directors for 1105, D. R. Wolfe. R. M.Scruggs, Doctor O. M. Stewart and G. W.Brown. W. J. Semclroth was elected tofill out unexpired term of Mr. Brlnsmade foranother year.

    Doctor George further said that the entireproceedings of tho convention would be attho State office In the Laclede building, andready for distribution y. Also thatthere were thirteen different denominationsrepresented at the convention, representingforty counties, and that four delegatesdrove northward 100 miles to attend. Aftera week's rest. Doctor George will Start Inwith the fall series of conventions through-out tho State.


    Lafayette Park Baptist ChurchAdopts the Plan,

    The Lafayette Park Baptist Church hashit upon a plan by which it proposes to haveevery member of the church in the Sundayschool, and all the Sunday school In thopreaching rervlce.

    The plan Is entitled. "A combined andcontinuous Sunday school and preachingservice." which Is to begin promptly at 10a. m.. and close promptly at ll: a. m. Analmost Identical plan of morning servicehas been In successful operation In the Sec-ond Christian Church of this cltv for thelast year, and tho pastor of the LafnvettePark Church, the Reverend Docto- - T. C.Carletoh, says he hopes It will be equallysuccessful In that part of the city. The fol-lowing la the order of service In detail:Organ voluntary: song, standing at lastverse; Invocation and Lord's prayer; song,three verses (birthday offering): roil call ofDfflcera and teachers; song (Bible clAmeiretire); Scripture reading; classes form:silent prayer; tlrsit gavel, close class work;eecontt gavel, classes return; song; lesson

    thoughts; song; report of secretary: song,standing; organ voluntary: song; prayer;Scripture reading: announcements; collec-tion; solo or song by congregation; sermon;pong, reception of new members; Lord'ssupper; song.


    Topic, "Seek Sotila" Luke xv,110.

    The various young people's societies willhave for their topic evening"Seek Souls," founded on the gospel ac-cording to Luke sv, 110, which containstwo important parables. Let it be o!erve.lthat tlirso vvi-r- e spoken In anvex to theCharge of the Svftbos and Pharisee- -. "TtiHman recelveth tlnjcr and cateth withthem."

    The firt parable spoken relates to a shep-herd and his hhecj. "Whit nun ofyou." s.iyn lie. "having jn hundred sheep. Ifhe lc;e one of them, doth not leave theIdnet mi-nine In the wilderi.era and i;oaficr Hut which Is lot until lie find It.'"raut, the Mrsler broadly outlines hli gen-eral jKihcy as th" Savior of men. Jtiit,iurthr, the iMrable declares, "and wnenhe hutli found it. he layeth It on

    rejoicing. And when he coricth home,he calleth togetlur hW lrlend ami neigh-bors', having unto them. Rejoice withwith me; for I havi found thesheep which was lot. Thus hewould rtbuke Ihr scribe nr.d Pharisees fortheir Indifference and hypocrisy, and pre-pares them for receiving Uli final statement:"I say unto you, that l!lrnIo Jov rhall beIn heaven over one Mnner that Vepentrtli.more thin over nlnety-and-nln- e Just per-sons w h!ch need no repentance."

    The second parable of tin Icsoi is quitesimilar In import, that of the w mauarJ the lost piece of raon" : "Either whatwoman having ten pieces of i!vor. If Mielose one piece, doth nut light a candle uiulsvveep the houio, teck diligently tillshe tir.d It? And when sl.o hith found It,she calletli 1 er friends ard her neighborstosetl'er. Rejoice with me.for I have found the piece whichI had lost. ' The closing less-o- ofthis parable In couched In almo- -tthe same language. "LIkfv"Ie I ray un-to you. there Is joy In the rresnncc of fieangels of God over one sinner tint repent-etl- i.' Thus Christ would teach the carp-ing serines ard Pharisees that hee "Mn- -ners to which they sneeringly referredwere not poIng as saints, but as sinners,and consequTtly were In a posit on to re--

    iu iuc innnui' luve ana mercy orcame to seek and to stve thatwhich was lost. As he in anotherpHce, "I came not to the rlghtc us, butKhmer, to repentance." This was h's onegreat mission.g from the historic setting oftnese parables, the question aries. Whit isthere In them or practical Import

    vvcll. II cms without saving, that humanftu?? '? rauc!l ,he aarne to-d- as whenthe Savior of maT walked tMs earthThere, are still the scribes and Pharisees,ror their race is by no mean- - extinct.There are still a few "publicans and sinners,"and they don't rill wall: the streets at night,Ther,e "ircfcre the same nteJ of a per-sonal Savinr. and when he Is properly in-troduced to the hearts of thosj who aref,?feELedly 'l"11."1. they will respond aa ofold. The flnner. whether Inthe pew or out of II, is still aloof to seekingand saving that which is lost. They wantan aristocratic church and ah aristocraticneaven. and so are opp0s-- d to having theirminister mingle too freely with modernpublicans and Pinners." In a word, theybelong to the "proud In spirit." and not to... ,,.u. riurii. ivuo'e is me Kingdom

    "0l of tho spirIt of thoMasterAgain it would rcem that the chief les-son Is that of winning souls for Chri-st- , notonly on the part of the Individual but also

    95. th0pa,rt. the entire Christian church.Co. disciple all nations." H still the greatof ',I,lt to hU church, and notuntil "the end of the world" will this obliga-tion be removed. And one of the grandto, cfrort alons tnI Hno Is the factthat thcro Is "joy in heaven" and "joy in thepresence of the angels of God" over everysinner won for the Master. None but thosewho are engaged In tho blessed work ofwinning souls know also the Joy that comtsto tho heart of thoeo who are successful Inthe work. It fej ours, therefore, to have re-spect to the recompense or reward as out-Si1,- 1;the prophet Daniel: "They that beJi e. literally, teachers) shall hlne as thebrightness of the firmament: and they thatturn many to rlghtrnusness as the starsfor ever and ever." This was the "Joy andcrown nlsn tA vM.., tt. n..it. 't-.- .,looked, when, nearing the end of his career.

    f'?I(V l haxc fout a good fight. I havennlshed my course, I have kept the faith:henceforth, there Is laid up for me the''Khteousnes, whch tie Tr.j,!iit.,ST.lr.0U8..Au(,R' l" "ive ree In thatsouls i l"

    S trUe' "h that 'nlnnetl1


    M ttn ?f ,he B'r pastors have"J1 vnlng rvl are Renerallrsermons and topics li si fol- -

    Ilaptlst.Dni?l?nAAXE?VE; ljlmar ar.a rendition: thj. t. m. Johnntcn. Pa-t-11 a. m.. The F. lard"; 7a) p. m..oanir people's meeting.

    """t slvan: the HeT- -erend A. llowella Morning and eveningcervices as usual.GIIANI) AVKNUli No. KOI North Grand; the1.:.?,vr.'n(1 A1,ln CUxon. IVutor-H- Mi o. m.Recipients a Divine Repast"; 8 p. m.. "TheTriumph of

    ?." and iisnMn: th-- Rev- -trend c..11. Murray. Pastor It a. m.. "Thein!SfiS5Ii,y?.,h' a1".". P. m, "Un- -

    LAPATETTi: PARK. Lata ette and Mississippi:the Revcrrnd Doctor T. C Carleton. Pastor----Mornln? and een!nc services as usual.SECOND, laumont and Iciit: the Rever-er- dDoctor W. VV. Uoj-d- . Pastor Homing. Al-len T. Ruras of University ot Chlcaso, "Tha1 eaco of God ; t.fe p. m., young peop.es serv-ice.

    TAYLOR AVn:.Tjn. No. IK! North Tajlor; lhi?efre.r.a..s- - J1- - Kwlng. 1'astor Tha liecrcrdb. o. Aeil. chapel car evangelist, rooming andevening.

    THIRD. Grand an J Washi- - irton: the ItererenaDoclcr ,. I. Johnston. Pastor Monilar andetenfrg renices as usual.WATER TOWi:il. Grand and Ftortsi.t: theReverend J. K. Herget. Tastor It r. n, 'Tlia1.1'es of tne Heart"; S p. m.. "Cords of slln."VVEiST r.RK. Isador and Ella: the Reverendvv. O. Iwis. Pastor Morning and evening ser-vices as usual.CAIIONDELKT. Robert anJ Virginia; the Rev-v- v.

    D. Uoltcn. l'atorltornlng. "is LifeV.orth LlvInK?" evenins. ".V Uetttr Lite."TOWER nnuVE. No. sro Norfolk; th Rev-

    erend Menta fcturgecn, I'astor Morning andevening services as uual.RUSSELL AVENUE. No. 100S Ruseli; the Rev-

    erend rrank Itorton. Pastor Morning and even-ing services as usual.Christian.

    Enur.AII. Marcus and Hammett; the ReverendW. A. Moore, l'astor Mornlnsr. "Oods Plan fitSaving Man"; evening. "Tr. Kcst loung Man."

    CAIl0nEL: the Reverend M. L. bornborger.Pastor elect Sen Ices as usual.CENTRAL. Finney. Near Grand; the Reverend

    liaxter Waters. Panor Momlnc. "Jesus's Ap-peal to Manhood", evening, "An 1virtue."

    COMilON HEIGHTS. California nd St. Vin-cent: the Reverend U. 11. Mojre. l'itor 14.Ma. m., special rally services; a p. m., usualservices.

    nr.ST. Locust, Near Compton; the Reverend F.U. Fanncn, i'a sua eMrcv ices as usual.

    FOURTH. No. t I'enrosc: the Reverend n. T.McFarlard. rartor Services at lu:0 a. m. and8 p. m. a-- usual.

    FIFTH. No. SMI Suuth Seventh: the ReverenlW. K. llama tin. raster Morning and eveningservices as usual.

    MOUNT UARAN'NE. King's lllchwar and Mor-gan; the Ueve-en- d William J, iti:seil of Ruh-vlll- e.Ind Mornlrg, 'To Whom Wiall W Go?"evening, "Llle f I'urpose. 1 Ian and Illze."SECOND, Eleventh and Tjler; the Reverend E.

    Daviess 1'tttman, l'astor Services as usual.TUXEDO. Tuiedo Park, the Iteverend 1. N.

    Gillette. Pastor Services as usual.WEST liN'D. and Hamilton; the Rev-

    erend O. A. Bartholomew, l'astor Morning andevening services as usual.

    ELLENDALE: the Reverend A. J. Manha'l.l'astor Services as usual.Congregational.CnNTRAL, Newrtead and Delmar; th-- Rev t rend

    Howard B MacAyeal. l'astor All servicesmorning and evening as uaalCHURCH OF THE REDEEMER. Barrett and

    Thcropron; the Itevennd 1. E. Hall, Pastor-Mor-ningand evening se.vlces as iieust.

    JHtST. Delmar. Near Grand: the Reverend Doc-tor C II. i'atton. I'aetor 11 ". nj.. tne Rev-ejy-

    Doctor William B. Chsmbeilaln ofsubject. 'Thought Life"; no evening

    service.rcUNTAIN PARK, Aubert and Fountain;

    J, C Cromer, iMstnr 11 a. ra.. "AnOi portunlty": t p. rn.. "An Ocean-Goln- g Vea-se-

    HYDE PARK. Bremen and Rlalr: th ReverendWilliam M. Jones. 111. D , l'astor Mcrnlng andevening as usual.

    IMMANU5I. Hantock abd Jamieson; the Rev-erend MUtou J. Norton, l'astor Morning andevening services as usual.

    MEMORIAL. Sulphur and Way; the ReverendFrank Foster, l'astor s n. iru, special serviceof wejcom to pastor on bis return.

    OLIVE BRANCH. S'dney and MIsourl: the Rev-erend William Johnson. Pastor Morning "Add-ing Knowledge to Virtue"; evening, communionservice.

    PILGRIM. Washington and Ewlng; the ReverendDoctor M. Burnnam, Pastor Morning andevening, prrachlnc tiy the Reverend DoctorWalcott Calkins ot Boston. This will be hislast Sunday at the church.

    ItEBEU PLACE. MackUid and Old Manchester;the Iteverend Firth fatrlEKer. Pastor Morning.The McssHe of tne croaa': evening. "Dwell-

    ing In the Hecret Place of the Most High."UNION. No. .1123 North Tenth: the Reverend S.

    T. McKlnney, Pastor Morning and eveningeerv Icea as usual

    MAPLEWOOD; the Reverend T. T. Hnlwar.l'ustcs-- Jl a. m . "Christ Our Life." reII6nedby communion nnd reception pf memoers; tp rn . sermon by Professor vV. B. Chamberlainof Chicago.

    OLD ORCHARD: the Reverend Harry Blunt.laftor Morning and evening services as usual.W EBiTEtt GROVES: tne Reverend C I, K'oss.l'astor Morning ami evening services ns usualCOMPTON HILL, Coaptvn and Lafayette; tai

    Reverend W. W. Newell, Fastor Preachlssand communion nt 10:U a. m. by the ReverendItank rosier.

    Uplacnpnl.CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRVL Thirteenth

    and Locust; the Iteverend C M. Uavl. Dean7 a. m, ana S a. m.. holy communion; 11 a. ra.and 3 p. m.. sermon and services.

    CHURCH OF THE ASCENhlON. Cales andtloodfellow; the Heierend Doctor J, R. Win-chester, Rector 11 u. m.. scrmen and tervtos.

    CHURCH Or THE HOLY COMMUNION.Twentv-elght- h and Washington; the KcvertnlRobert E. Lee Craig, Itctur 9 a. m . ho'ycommunion: 11 a. m.. sermon and services. Nevening frvloe.

    OltACU, Eleventh and Wania: the Reverend J.1". T. Insraham, Rector 10:13 a. m. and p.m.. sermon and services.

    MOUNT CALVARY, Grand and Larajetle: t'ieIteverend 1". W. Fauntleroy. Iectoi-- a. m.and 8 p. ni sermon and services

    ST. ANDREWS. Garrison anl Cas : the Iteverend J. A. Doorls. Hotter 11 a. m.. litan andnoiy communion.

    ST. ALGUSTINK"?, Urnno and Blendoi; thelloverend U. D. It .Miller, Itevtor 11 a. m.,srnian anil " 'v communion.

    ST. CHRSO!?TOM-S- . No tro John; the Itever-end VVIIIlsm Uaidrn. Rertur 2::9 jk in. fjn-la- y

    scluwl: 3 p. m,. sennon and services.ST. OKOIMirrrt. Pendleton an! Olive, the Rev-ile-

    lK.ctor IC A. Holland, Rertor 11 a. iu.and 4U0 I. m. sermon and service.

    ST. JAMES'S, Gor.de and 1te Ilrllllante; theKevennd E. IuCkvorih ltector-- ll a. in. anda t' ln . services ind rmoti.

    bT. JOHN'S. Ilkkcry nn.l Dolman, the Rev-erend C 11. MoIer. Uec'r t.si a. in., nuiycommunion; Pi IS a m. ar.d p. m., serin tuurd services. Ihe lector has returned and willultklate.

    ST. MARK'S. Fortieth an.I Washington, th--Reverend I. K. Ilrrmun. IteCur 9 a. m . ho ycommunion. 11 a. m., seri.vm and servHes.

    ST. IMrri:il'i. Ladill .d sp Ing. the Rver-in- dWlllUm hiort. Rittor li a. in. sirnrn

    and holy communion.ST. PHILIP H. Urlon and Map.e; the Rererid

    William i:imer. Rector 11 a. m. and a I', m..seimon and eerv lev s.

    ST Hinl'HEVS. falxlh and Rutger, the Rever-end 3. Tuvktrman. Ilctur 1 and s n m , hayeomniunloii; p. m . sermon an J service.

    TRINITY, Krnnkt'n and Ounnin, the Reverendw'llll-i- Ittirdens. llwior -) a. in . boly

    11 a. m. and S p. in , aeraiua andsexv Ices.

    BT MATTHEW'S-- . VAIlson. Near Frlei-- Park;te Revert nd C II. Collins'. Rector It a. m,sermon naC rervlce.

    ST. PAULS. No. Michigan 19.K a. rn. and7.-- 3 p. m. sernun an.t service.

    HOLY INNOt-ENT- Morgan Ford Road andTholozan; the Reverend O. A. Ottnun. Rector

    i:Zti a. m . ho.y communion; 1).L a. iu. and7.M p. m.. sermon mid service

    CHI P.CH Ol THE GOOD No :SHSalrna: the Rnverend I!. 1'. Neaton. ltector- -ll

    a. m. and & Tt. m , ermon ind er ices.ST; THOMAS'S MISSION'. Thirteenth. Near L- -

    cust. tne lteveremi J. li. tiouu, itector li a.in , sermon and services

    Mctlmdlxt.CAROVDELFiT (South). Virginia and Hiven;

    the KcvercnJ J. V. Trllrfeit. Pastor Serv Icea nsusual.

    CARONDELKT, No. n'-- VI ginia; the ReverendM. tl. Mais, Paster Serv lrs as uual.

    BOWMAN. Obear and Twentieth, the ReverendJce A. Bal.er, Pator i?erv Ices as usual.

    CENTENARY (South), fclxfenth ard lire: theRiverend Doctor J. II. onng. Pastor Sermonard service by tho pastor at 10:3) a. n. und7 Mi p. m.

    COOK AVENUE (mith). Cock nl Pprlnu: theReverend Doctor It. l. smalt, paitor Servicesa usual

    EDEN (German). Nineteenth and Wsrrr--i: theRtverend II. C. Magartt. Pastor -- Serv ices asUSUfll.

    TIRhT (floutht. Glaew and Davton, the Rev-erend Occur J II. paitor cervices at10.15 a. m. and s p. m as uual.

    GOODK ABUH Ooo.le ard North Market:tho Reverend B. P. Wh'te, l'a,tor frervlces asusual.

    lilMANUEL (South). McCausland; the ReverendW'. H. La I'rade. l'astor Sen Ices as usual.

    LAFAYETTE PARK (South). Lafayette and Mis-sissippi; the Reverend Doctor C. E. Pattlllo.l'astor Services as usual.

    LINDELL AVENUE, Newstead and LIndell:the Reverend Doctor Daniel Dorchester, I"aa-to- r

    Services as usual.MAPLE AVENUE. Belt and Msple: the Rever-

    end Doctor A. M. Uilllngsiey, Pastor Serv Icesteih morning and evening as usual.

    MARVIN (bouth). Twelfth and Sidney; the Rev-erend IL C Mjl'herson. l'astor Services asusual

    MOUNT AUBURN (Sruth), North Market andHodlamont: the Reverend Joethus Stephan.1 tstor Morcine. "The Church Comforting theWorld": evening, "Tlie Sin of Knowing and

    ioing.MEMORIAL (German). Jefferson and Accomac:

    the Reverend William schutz. Pastor Servicesas usual.CABANNE (South). Arcade Hall: the Reverend

    Ioctor B. M. Metrick. l'astor Morning. "TheIXturouf Cabanne Consldereu."

    ST. JOHN'S (South), Locust and Ewlng: theReverend Doctor I s. Hopkins. Pastor Nortrvlcea during August. Morning and afternoonservUes as usual.

    ST. LUKE'S. Potomac nnd Texas; the ReverendHarry White, Pastor Mcrnlng anl eveningtvrv Ices as usual.

    ST. PAUL'S (urate. No. 1SJ7 St. Louis; thReverend M. T. Haw. Pastor Morning andevenlna: services as ususl.

    TOWER GROVE (South), No. 1117 Kentucky: theReverend W. A. Brown, Pastor Morning. "Rej-oicing: That Thy Were Cuunted Worthy";evening. "Tha Cloud of Witnesses."

    TRINITY, Tenth and North Market: the Rever-end Geo. H. Stokes, l'astor 11 a. m., the Rev-tren- d

    Doctor S. B. Warner: evening, pastor.TYLER PLACE (Boutin, Tower Grove and Mc-lte- e;

    the Reverend O. W. Wendell. PastorMornlnx and evening services as usual.

    UNION, Lucas and Oarrlson: the Reverend Doc-tor N. Lucoock. Castor Services at 11 a. m.and 8 p. ra., as uvuaLWAGONER PLACE (South). Wagoner and

    Lucky; the Reverend Doctor T. E. Sharp. l'as-tor Morrlng and evening services as usual.

    OLD ORCHARD AND TUXEDO: the RoverendT. E. Prall. rastor Mcrnlng and evening serv-ices aa usual.

    JHNMNOS; th Revererd R. D. Snder. PastorMornlnc and evening services as usual.

    EPWORTH CHAPEL. Newstead and EIrabsnkStanday school and services aa usual.

    Presbyterian.BRANK MEMORIAL (South). Aubert and Tage;

    the Reverend W. M. Langtrv. l'astor Morningnnd evcn'nir services as uuai,

    CARONDELET, No His Michigan; the ReverendJ. II. Gauss. Pastor Morning and eveningrcrvices as usual.

    CENTRAL tSouth), Lacas and Garrison: theIteverend A. F. Carr. Pastor Mcrnlng andevcnlnir servicer as usual.

    COTE BRILLIANTE. Marcus and Inbadle; theReverend J. M. Campbell. Pastor-Morni- ng andever.Irg services as usual.

    CI'RUY MEMORIAL. Utah and Tesas- - the Rev-erend Doctor E. D. Walker, l'astor Morningand evening services as usual.

    CHURCH OF THE COVENANT. No. S7M NorthGrand; the Revetecd I T. Connor. PastorHa. m., "Things God Values"; 6 p. m., vesperservice.

    COOK AVENUE (Socth). Co.ik nrd Sarah; theReverend Doctor M. O. Gorln. Pastor Morningand ev tnlng serv Ices as usual.

    GRACE. Rldire ard Blackstone; th Reverend EC Jacl.n. l'astor Morning. "Benefits DerivedI'lom tho Lord's 8uner": evening. "FoolI'reachers snd Craiy Church Members."

    GRAND AVENUE (South). Grind and Washing-ton; the Reverend Doctor J. F. Cannon. PastorMornlna- - ard evening services as usual.

    CRAND AVENUE) (U. P.). Grand and ForestPark Boulevard; the Revererd J. W. Ashwood.Tastor Morning and evening services as usual.

    FIRST. Washington and Sarah; the ReverendDoctor J. W. McKittrlck. Pastor Morning, theRtverend S. I. Lindsay will preach on "TheProphetts Outlook": no evening service.

    riRST (U. P.), Morgin and Newstevd The Rev-erend Doctor A. P. George, State Sunday schoolsuperlnterdent. will preach at 11 a. ro.: imev eali.g sen Ice.

    FIItfaT tUerman). Tenth and Rutrer; the Rever-end J. G. Kessler. l'astor Morning and even-ing services aa uual.

    LAFArETTB PARK. Albion and Missouri: thReverend Doctor S. C Palmer. Pastor 10. SO a.rrt.. "The Unwearied Gol"; evening servicesns ususl.

    LEB AVENUE. Prairie nnd Lee: the ReverendHenry Gardner. Pator Morning, fifth annl-vera- rrsermon and communion; evening, songeerv Ice.

    LUCAS AVENUE (Cumberland). Lucas andCnannirg; the Reverend Doctor B. P. Fuller-tot- ..Pastor Momlna. "A Single Deism and aoreat lnirpose"; evening services asMeCAUSLAND AVENUE. Benton; the ReverendJ N. Beall will preach at 11 a. m. on "ThoAgony of Jesus."MEMORIAL TABERNACLE. Fifteenth andCarr the Reverend Doctcr H. Maglll,

    ereclal revival services mornlrg and evening,and tho Iteverend Chester Uln--h will preachMENARD STREET MISSION. Menard andJulia; th Reverend Charles Stelzle. PastorServices as usuaL1" 9,lT?'' Eleventh ard Chamters; the Reverend

    J- - O. Klene. l'astor Mornlnir. "Deliver Ustm ?".": tr,lnV. "Impressions trom theState Sunday School Convention."NORTH CABANNE; Howard S. Smith, Supply-Servi- ces

    as usual.OAK HILL, Bent end Humphrey: th Rev-

    erend D. It. Inland, Faetor-- 8 p. m., the Rev-erend David Clark of Galena, 111.

    PEOPLE'S (South;, No 81S North Eleventh; theReverend Doctor J, M. Spencer. Pastor Serv-ices as usual.

    RAYMOND PLACE (Cumberland). King's High-way and Cabanne: th Reverend Taylor Ber-nard. Pastor Services as usual.

    SECOND. Taylor and Westminster; the Rever-end Doctor S. J. Nlccolls. LL. D.. PastorThe Reverend C 31 Rauch; II a. m.. "WhereIs lour Faith 7"; 7M3 p. m., gospel service.

    SECOND (German). No. 4M North Nineteenth:the Reverend J. F. Mueller, Pastor Services asusual.

    TYLER PLACE. Kiad and Spring: the ReverendDoctor J..G. Brandt, l'astor Morning. "TheUnerring Voice."WASHINGTON AND COMITON AVENUE: theReverend Doctor Frank W. Sneed. Pastor

    Serv Ices as usual.WEST. Maple and Mar land; the Reverend

    JJ?ct,0L.p- - Ferguson. Pastor The ReverendVv. Irving Carroll of Dallas, Tex., will preachin the morning. No evening service.

    WALNUT PARK (German). Robin near Harneyth Reverend Doctor Aufderheide. PastorServices as usual.

    WEBSTER GROVES; the Reverend Doctor Wk Ba.M' lwtor Mornl-jg- . "The Indwellingt hrlst : evening, joint rAurch and ChristianEndeavor service.

    COMITON HILL CHAPEL. Xo. 3: La Salle-th- eReverend F. O. Seaman:. Pastor Servicesas usual.

    WAGONER PLACE fU. P.); the ReverendJ. J. Walter, l'astor Services as usual.FERGUSON; th Reverend at, V. P. Yearcaa.l'astor Services j usuaLROCK HILL: tho Reverend W. B. Smith.

    I'astor-Servi- ces as usual.Mlacrllanrous.

    UNION MIfIOV, No. HU Franklin; the Rev-erend M. B. Gott, Pastar:J0 a. m praiseservice; it a. m preaching by the lieverendt J. Martin; IO0 p. m., Sunday school- - 3.3pv m., gospel wagon. 'ST. LOUis CITY MISSION. No. IMS sv,.,th

    Broadway: Mr. and Mm. M. F. Murphy, Supe-rintendentsSunday school and evening servicesJ

    CilKlSTIA-- N ASSEMBLY. FoUom and Ter

    Grove: the Peverend A. E. Nelson. Pastor10:J a. m, tnnlvcrsary services sermon andcommunion; 7:ii p. m. evangelistic ervices,special music

    CHURCH OF GOD. No. 2 Montgomery; theReverend II II. Rplher. l'astor rVrvlcra at10.30 a. m , 3 and 8 p. in. as usual.

    OPEN-DOO- MISSION, Seventh nnd Gratiot;the Reverend ind Mrs. Haines. Superlntendnts

    Sunday schcnl and services as urual.HOLINESS MISSION. No ttt Kasti-n-l- a. m.,

    praise service; 13:13 p. m . Sunday xchocl. 2Manil & p m , preacnin?

    NIEDRINOHAUO MISSION Cass and Seventh:Mrs. M Woodward Hvrrls. Supcrlnler.dtut 3p in., school. S p. in., preaching.

    UNIVERSAL BtlOTIinRHOOD (Theo-ephy- ). No.Sil Emllle Rullllni. Ninth and Olive 3 p. m,TlieosvPhlcal Interptetatlons of tne New Tes-

    tament 'LATTrn-DA- HAINTH. Elliot an.1 Ilenton 9 a.

    m, Hundav scimjoI; it a, m. anu s p. m .preaching. Humphrey and Morgan Frd 10 a.m SunCitv sefiool. 2.30 and S p. n., prca-hln- t:No S7:t Slanctester 1 a. m.. Sundiy schicl;ZSv and s p si., preaching.

    CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL UNITY. No. 3K3Morcan. the Re.srenii Vv' J. 'eea. l'astor

    FlXtm- - CHUnCH OF CHRIST lEtTIdT, No.Jits Pine lu-- a m.. Sjbs'ance."

    THE TEMPLE-Bervl- ees every Sunday at 3 anlP. ni . tlachhig by the Reverend L. C Hall

    and Mary McOee Hall.I.iiltllsll l.ullirrnn.

    fcT MAP.i: .. Uell and Cardinal; the RsverendDoctor If. W r. l'astor Morning, the lievererul Clurlct. Jvva-- .s of Fatst St. IQ'a's; noevening senlrj

    MOUNT CALVARY. No. 1W Fuclld: I he nv- -erend K T Covner Pastor looo a. in , "f'ureor the Spiritually Deaf and Dumli"; 1 p m .Oeirrsn service, S p. m . "lMhjer llJoys InEducat.on "

    GRACE. Oarilson aid Ft. laiuls; the llver-n-d11 S Sonmer. Morning and eveningservices as ual

    Ilrfurmeil Churches.MPLE AYKNIMJ. Maple and Clarendon, the

    Reverend J V Horning I'astur viotnlng, "TheEnL'ghteneil llestt"; evening. "Obedience."

    f.LEM iCerman). the W. F. Horst-mele- r.Pastor Mornfng and evening services as


    CATHCDRAI- Walnut, betw-e- n Second andTu.'d. P--e Iteverend Eug lie-- Cpvle, Pator --Mas at b, g an I J0J) a. m.: vespers 3:10 t. m.

    ANNl N'"IAT10N. Sixth and Is a!l. th-- Rev-erend J. J. Head. Pastor Mass . 80 ard10 43 a m vesper- -, 3:0 p. m.

    ASSUMPTION. Sldner and Ninth.-- ; the ReverendPatrick Doclt. Pestor Miss, ;.!0 ard 10 a. m.

    HOLY CROvS (Oirman) Chan-- Roal. Nearliltner: the Reverend Peter Wlgger. PtorMt-- s, 5:10 and 1030 a. m rcrprs, So p m.

    HOLY GHOST (German) Ta or and Garfield:the Reverend II. Tle Pator Ma. . 8 and10 a. re . vepcr 3 n m.

    I'OLY INNOCENTS. Brannon and Magnolia:th Reverend John White. Pattor Mass at 8nd 1) a. m.

    HOLY NAME nrJEM'-i- . No. 5- -l East Grsnd.th l'.evrrepn i'attlck ju. ranvn. l'astor iiassat C. 8. 3 and 1) a. in,, ve pis. 7.30 i. m.

    SACRED HEART, tnlversltv Near Twenty- -the Revermd james MeCbe. Pastoi

    lars, S.:0, 7. and 10 a. m ; vespers, 7:30p. m.

    VISITATION. TaI0r and Eacton. the ReverendK J. Dcmprey Past C. 7u. and10) a m : vesper. 3.30 p. m.

    HOLY ANGELS'. St Anite and La Salle- - theRevere.id l M. Kkltj. I'astur Mas. . 7. 8:Jend Hi n; vespers. 3.30 p. rn.

    HOLY ROSARY. Newtead ard Marevretta; theRtverimV l J. Iaiverv. Pa-t- Mass al t.720. Khddien). 10 teermon) a. m.

    IMMACULATE OONCEITION. Jefrron andIacut: the Reverend O. D. Power. 1'astw-Mis- s.t. 7:30, 3 and 10 .21 n. m ; Sunday school.

    3 p. m.IDY OF GOOD COUNSEL. Eleventh andthe Hevetentl I. O'Dorohue. l'astor

    Mass, 7 and 10 a. m.; vespers. 3 p. m.LADY OP MOUNT CARMEL. Church and

    Hall's Terry R acs: the Reverend D. S. Phe-la-n.Pastor Mass. 7.D and 1J:W a. m. ; ves-pers. 20 d. m.

    LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR (Cerman).Irtcn nnd Twentieth: the Reverend AugustineJ. Schllilnr Pastor Mas, 60. and 1) a. m.;v tspere. Z.W p m.

    ST. AOATHA'8 (German). No. J2J3 South Ninth;the Reverend Henry Schrage. l'astor Mass. e.8 end 10 a. m.: vespers. 3.30 p. m.

    ST. AGVES'S. Sidney nnd Salens: the ReverendJohn T. Tannrath, pastor Mass. . 7:30. 8:30end 10:15 am; vespers. 8 p. m.

    ST. ALOYSIUS'S. Magnolia and January: theRevererd F. O. Holweck, l'astor Mass. 7:15,5 and IS a. m.: vesper. IdO p. m.

    ST. ALPHONSUS'S. Grard and Cook Mass. 5:15.. 7. X and 0 a. in.; high mass, 10.34 a. m.: ves-pers, 7:20 p. m.

    ST. ANN'S. Page and Whlttler; the Reverend O.J. McDonald. Pastor Mass. 4. 7.30. . 10J0 a.m.; 7.30 p. rn.ST. ANTHONY'S (German) Merarcec and Comp-

    ton; the Reverend Francis Albers. PastorMass, 5 8 and 10 a. m.; vespers, 2- -0 p. m.

    ST. AUGUSTINE'S (German). Llsmore and He- -n: vna iteverena 11. A. iiukestetn.Mas. s, 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers. 2.30 p. m

    ST. ANTHONY'S (Srlo-Maronlt- No. 18 Souththe Reverend George Emmanuel, Pas-

    torMass. a. m.ST. BERNARD'S. Hawk and Gratiot; the Rever-

    end Peter J. Bremerlch, Pastor Mass. J.M. ":Zand 10 a. m.; vespers 2 p. m.

    ST. BONIFACn'SS (German). Michigan andtlcMrmer: th Reverend H. Nleters PastorMsss. S. 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers, 230 p. m.

    ST. BRIDGET'S. Carr and Jefferson: the Rever-end Edw. Fenlon. l'astor Moss. C.30 to 10JO a.m.: 3d. m.

    ST. CASIMIR'S. Eichth and Mullanchy; the Rev-erend Raphael F. X Gniellnskl. Pastor Mass,6. 8 and 10 a. m.j vepers. i p. m.

    ST COLUMBKILLE-S- . Michigan and Davis; theRtverend Francis J. Jones, Pastor Mass. , 8and 10 a. m.; vespers, 4 p. m.

    ST. PRONAN'S. Boyle and Swan: th ReveremdJ. 1. Foley. Pastor Mass. 6. 730. and 1J --m.; vesper". 3 p. m.ST EDWARD'S. Clara and Maffltt: the Rever-

    end Edward J. Wynne, l'astor Mass, 7.30 and10 a. m ; vesper. 4 p. ra.

    ST. ELIZABETH'S (Colored), No. 81 NorthFourteenth: tha Reverend Michael F. Speich,rastor Mass, 7. 8.30 and 9:39 a. m.; vespers,8 p. m.

    ST. MATTHEW'S. Kenneriy and Sarah: theReverend Joseph T. Shieldj. Pastor Mass. S,7:30, 8:30 and 10 a. m.; vespers, 7:30 p. ra.

    ST. MICHAEL'S. Eleventh and Clinton; theReverend Michael J. MeCabe. Pastor Mass, t.7:30. J and W:3o a. m ; vespers. 2 JO p. m.

    ST. NICHOLAS'S (Genran), No. ltll Lucas;the Reverend Joseph A. Schaefers, Pastor-Ma- ss,

    e. 8 and 10 a. rn.ST. PATRICK'S. Sixth and Riddle; th Reverend

    Timothy Dempsey. Pastor Mass, 6. 7:30, S aad10 a. m : vespers. 8.30 p. m.

    SS. PETER AND PAUL'S (German). Seventhand Allen; the Reverend G. F. Ooller. Pastor-M-ass.

    G a. m.; vepers. 4 p. m.ST. ROSE'S, OoodfeiJow and Etsel; th Rever-

    erd J. J. McGIynn. Pastor Mass, S0. 8 and10 a. m.

    ST. STANISLAUS'S (Polish). Twentieth andCass: the Reverend Urban Stanowskl. Pastor-Ma- ss.

    7:30 and J JO a. rn.; vespeis, 3 p. m.ST. TERESA'S No. 2113 North Grand; tha Rev-

    erend J. A. Conrelly. l'astor Mass. 3:13. (.43ard 9:15: high mass, 10:30 a. m.: childrenmass. 8 a. ra.; benediction, i p. m.

    ST. THOMAS OF AQUIN'R. Iowa and Osase;the Reverend John II. May. D. D , Pastor-M- ass.

    C. S and 10 a. ra.; Sunday school, 2:30p. m.

    ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S (German and Eng-llh- ).Tark anJ Ninth; tha Reverend D. W.

    Kenrlck. C M : the Iteverend A. 11. Arrauth.C M.: the Reverend 1. V. Judge. C. M.: theReverend S P, Hueber. C. M . Pastors Massand sermon. .30. t.30 and .43 a. m.: highmass anl sermon. 8 and 10 30 a. m.: vespers,devotions and benedictlors. S.30 p. m.

    ST. WENCEJ-LACS'- (Bohemian). No. 1 Ore- -the Reverend Chas Blake. l'astor Mas,fon: 10 a. m.; vespers, 3 p. m.

    SS. MARY AND JOF.PH'S, Minnesota andIron: the Reverend Miles W. Tobyn. PastorMvsg, & and 10 a. m.

    ST. KEVIN'S. Park and Cardinal; thelil J. l'astor Mass, ;;). 7. 8.00. S:U!uand 10 a) a. m.

    ST. MARGARET'S. Rusell and VandevenlerMasse at 7 and 10 a. rn.

    BT. nNGELBERT'S. Carter nnd Marcus; thReverend Anton Pauck. Pastor Mass. 8 and10 a. m.: vespers, I'M p. m.

    fcT. FRANCIS DE SALE'S (German). Gravolsand Ohio; tho Reverend 1. J. Iotr, PatorMass. 3:30. 7:15 and 10 a. m.; vespers. 2.10 p.m.

    ST. FRANCIS XAVIER'P. Grand and Llrdell:tho Reverend Ilenrv S. Bronsseett. S. J MassC C. 7, 8:30 and 10 : a. m.; vesjrs, 7.t3 p. m.

    ST. HENRY'S. Hlckorv and California: the Rev-erend John A. Hoffman, pastor Mass, 4:30,7:30 and 10 a. rn ; vespers, 1 p. m.

    ST. JAMES'S. Tamm, Opposite Wade: the Rev-erend V. A. Casey, Pastor Mass, 3 and 10a. m.

    ST. JOHN'S. Sixteenth and Chestnut; the Rev-erend Jamts T. Coffey, Pstnr Mass. , 7:30,9 and 10:30 a. m.: vespers. 8 p. m.

    ST. JOHN OF NErOMUK'S (Bohemian). Sou-lard and Eleventh; the Reverend Joseph Hes.eoun. Paster Mass, s and 10 a. m.; vespers, 3p. m.

    ST. JOSEPH'S (German). Eleventh and Riddle;the Reverend J. Trancls Valaxia. S, J. Mass.0. 8 nnd 10 a. m.. Sunday school at 2 p. m.;lnedlctlon at 3 p. m.

    ST. LAW'KFVCB O'TOOLE'S, Fourteenth andO'Fallon; the Reverend M. . Brennan. Pastor

    Mass, 6:30. 7, 3. 8:11 and 10 JO a. m.; vespers.3:30 p. m.

    ST. Mullanphy and Twenty-third- : thReverend J. II. Harty. Pastor Mas. 6J0. 7.SO for children: 9 W:H. with sermon: even-ing service, consisting of rosary, sermon andbenediction.

    BT. LIBORIUS-- (GerrcanV. North Market andHogan; the Iteverend . A. Reis, Pastor Mass.S. 8 and 10 a. m.: vespers at 2. SO p. m.

    BT. LOUIS CATHEDRAL CHAPEL. Newstesdand jv,riand; the Reverend P. F. O'Reilly.Pastor Mass, C. 7:30, 9 and 10:50 a. m.; ves-pers, 1p.m.

    ST. MALACHT'S. Clark and Ewlng; the Rever-end Charles Zlegler. l'astor Mass. 8:30, 7, 89and 1020 a. m.; vespers, 7:30 p. m.

    ST. MRK EVANGELIST, Pare and Academy;the Reverend Pet- -r J. O'hourke, Pastor Mass.1.30. 7:45. 9 and 10 .SO a. ru

    FT. MARY'S (German). Third and Gratiot; theReverend W. Faerber. Pastor Mass. , 8 and10 a. m.: Sunday school alt p. m.; benedictionat 3 p. m.


    The Seventy Sent Forth Luke x,111.

    Prepare I for The Republic by Reverend J. E.Gilbert. D. D.. Secretary of American Societyof Relulous Education.INTRODUCTION The) student should be-

    gin with verse SI of the previous chapter.Jesus wag about to hcgln his last greatIfttl mvm .! Ia TnsHIOn TAB". TlaAS Ma rt s Iown volition being constrained to meet hisdedlnv he r.Klnlv fnrn-it- and aaHi ? J X. 7 .Vplainly predicted. (Matt. xvl. 21.) Purpos- -lng to pass through Samaria, which was lnthe way southward, he sent disciples tomake ready for Dim. but the Samaritans,knowing his destination, and being jealousof tbeJc3, refused to receive the mesaen- -'crs. Proceeding therefore, without any


    imiicjLinamkf'TLetters from Women Relieved

    c. rinrcnanrs vegetable Compound' '

    s--e. Painful sWoncMiornsi

    Wt - ss

    4 sassa(siaiaaai saw mmm"DeAB Mbs. PnnniAM: I was troubled with female weakness, irrefenlar A

    VitssWI JCXJeON. and painful rnenstruation. I sttffered so every JS. fJSt1SsM

    your medicine 1 now well. 1all women who suffer as I didPinkham's Vegetable Compound."Lacy, Ross, Iowa.



    ; monta matuianics 10would adviserise Lydia E.

    Mrs. Anna. GratefulnfoTT " Dear Mrs.

    tgPL WB& !Wk time ofwithsometimesvomitingbecame worse.tained

    mmSmk yourPinkham'smedicine.nWmnEA- - your otheris painless.

    your' I am Tory1 has done for

    nsvstfWKm ,m TT woman wouldm:mXm 611 West Ave.,xmm , Prostrationmm "DearwithiIgssllllBlH weak andk have taken' pound forwwSBtSt ' Pills andEmmwm: improvedprised see! I would advise

    WfMfK Lydia E., Mueller, S43I'sssssBissslssssssssssssssssfV-- "Ohio.

    " Dear Mrs.mKm.I for whatSiHK pound hassimmtxA herverymuch.imwmiy but obtainedand a halfregular, apoetite

    her side and her headache is I








    several months, also used the LiverSanative. Wash,

    and doing own work.every woman to try

    has the pain has left 1

    your kind advice." Mas. August Byron, Wis.- Fifty letters like these at Mrs. ia

    k Mass.. tnac woman s isE.

    preparation, his jouraty vras for a time ofthat purely Incidental character which hadattended all his wanfcrlngs from place t&place. It was while tltca passing along thatone offered to follow bim (Luke lx. 67-3-).and learned that Jestx bad no home; andanother made the sane proposal, but de-sired previously to go-an-d tury dead,while a third derlrci to say farewell tokindred. l

    1). Jeius did notabandon his purpose to. tend agents ln ad-vance because the Samaritans had been In-attentive. But he selected from amona; hisfollowers seventy men, whom he appointedto this service. They wore directed to sobefore him, very much after the manner ofthe heralds who ia ancieet tlmea precededthe King on his Journeys.' They were fore-runners, or couriers, sent to announce- thecoming of their Master. They were to goalong the way which h would take, acourse already determined. It nosmall honor to be thus appointed, for it In-dicated the confluence imposed in them, asnot only competent, but trustworthy. Therehas been rwme thamotive of Jesus ln thus thesemen, and a few persons hove presumed toquestion iu wUdom.' A rtllclent reasonmay be found ln the that as this wasthe last time Jesus would pass that way hamight properly desire to retch the largestpossible number, to rally to himself andcarry with him to the great city all whohad partially espoused his cause.

    Z). Lsokin; over thacompany that gathered about him and

    for a moment th condition ofthe peoole amons whom he ttust move asho pursued his Journey. Jesus became

    affected by the religious Deeds of thacountry and the times.. It seemed to himthat this was like a harvest Mason, whenthe grain is ready to be gathered Anda great harvest It was, thI harvest ofsouls. (John lv, 35.) For a moteent he de-tained the heralds, bidding them to praythat laborers might be sent into the bar-ve- st.

    (11 Thess. I.) But hy, prayTWas It not the business of Christ to sendmen? Was he indifferent to awn cause?Did he need that ona should urge him tocare for the Thes questionshave been often asked concerning prayerunder any In 'this caseJesus would make these men feel the natureand importance ot their mlsslon.land leadthem to an unselfish desire for assistance,and make them remember that Uey wereresponsible to him who bad sent Hem, andso fill them with missionary enthusiasm.

    3 and s)It If themeu did not go of their own accord, self-mov-

    neither did they go at tktlr ownpleasure, unrestrained. It was eminentlyproper that, as they represented anotherthey should receive) anddo will. The directions were threefold:L Go your way, to the apfplnted,not wandering about carelessly, crossingeach others' paths and leaving someplacesunv letted, but following the itinerary laiddown for them. 2. They must rememberwho they were, what kind of n;et theywere expected to be. Innocent as Iambi, andwhat kind ot men would be about hcm.men like wolves, so protecting themfclvesagainst danger and doing no evil to others(Matt. x. 16), a very trying posltioi J.They must fco free from unnecessary bur-dens, carrying no nurse, taking no maneywith them: carrying no script, that ls.ibagor leather wallet In which small 'article ofconvenience might be kept (I Sam., xvllJ-W)- ,sometimes called husk (II Kings, lv.jjj),because of the material of which It asmade; carrying no shoes except the sln-da- ls

    worn. These same directions vAregiven to the twelve. (Luke J). I

    i, S andgreetings were common as marksfpoliteness and Rood will. One was expedu

    ed to salute a stranger, both as a prolrthat he intended m evil, nnd n menitof securing favor. (Gen. xxxlll, 31.)fluently these salutations were hvrjocritlc:

    although sometimes they indcated the highest friendship, fl Ram. it41.) Jesu3 instructed the seventy not tisalute any one in the hhrhwav. Thawould havo taken too much time. Inasmuch1us tnose demonstrations were excessive,consisting of many obeisances on approachand separation. Tha business was urgentand admitted of no such delay. But ona dwelling where they wereanxious to abide they were required to sa-lute the host (Matt x. 12), but that was tobe done after the manner of a religiousteacher. They would pronounce a bless-ing upon the house, which was quiteas to offer a prayer for Its Inmates.That would disclose the character of thaowner, as welt as tho guest, If a right-eous man abode there he would welcomethem, and the peace should remain..

    7 and S).--It Isevident that Jesus Intended to proceedleisurely toward Jerusalem, and thereforethe seventy would be absent from him sev-eral days. Wherever thev nauaed thivwere expected to find hospitality among- -t'juu ircvuie wno wouia welcome them be-cause of their errand. They were nottherefore to think of as mendi-cants. They were to consider that the la-borer was worthy of hire, that thospiritual benefits conferred them werean equivalent for temporal good received.(I Cor. ix. 11.) Accordingly they were toremain in one piace. as 01 rignt,

    n totnty. .ere and the troublemust be shifted and borne by several.They should feel as much at home asnow would at a hotel where be paidbill. they must eat suchthings as were set before them, not makincthemselves peculiar by selecting their diet.ur tuusiUK uimtrccsaary annoyance oy

    certain provl- -waa to deliver tSie

    of Pain by Lydis 4" "M. . -

    sW , mmmmmmrmm

    j. tvnvs oDligeu 10 go to bctl, but 4

    Pixkiiam : I alwavs suffered atever since menses began.

    n pains, sickness at stomach.for two days, sometimes

    blood. As I grew older, theI tried many things, but ob- -

    At last I to tryI took several bottles of Lydia E.








    relief. concluded

    and followed Jdirections, and nowI feel and know that I owe it all

    medicine, and never fail to recommend



    thankful forwhatyourmedicine Jme, and wish that every afflicted A

    try it." Jessie C.faiancy, Ohio.

    Monthly Periods AMrs. Fixkhaji : I was greatly

    my periods, was verynervous, could not work all. ILydia Com--

    and am wonderfullyhealth. My all sur- -mo out my




















    remedies. "Mrs. HexbtAve., Clifton, Cincin

    MenstruationPixkham : I want to thank yon

    Lydia E. Com--done for my It has helped

    Shehaddoctoredfortwoyears,no relief, and now In. two months M

    she is welL is nowreturned,

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    Pinkham's officeJLynn, prove tne or ncaun


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    TllOUB 3Ub Notc X7fl



    Htidtifit, Fcvtrs, Neuralgia, aft.CONTAIN NO BROMOS-Price- lO Cents.Sruccists will order tbem for you.

    tha exactions that had been made through 'k4subtle Interpretations of the law.

    inNISTRY-iVe- rse 91. So far tha wordsof Christ pertained to tho temporal condl- - ,3xtona ana arrangements 01 ipe njcacitsc- - !It was very necessary that such matters ijsnouia do aajusiea. uutueauKi . -- ithera would have caused ustoldtmiihln- - nnxslhlvr rtefeallnfr tha orudnal DU- r-pose. But tho mission was thapnneem ATifl Jfosua atatea that under fWOheads. 1. They should heal tho sick, minis- -teruig to tne Domes 01 tne people, paruy ouv.of road will, hut Drincinallv to win taoaawho witnessed the miracles and .prepara ,4mem for tne message inai louowea. uenn-o- f

    henevnler.cn must creeede words or :sm1. IffA.. wt. .. I,AA lAAM f,tln Vltl11 UU. 4U.CU ,UV M,V lv. ..,-- n.. -II.Irh 9 V.sn ,tf nM.nh t,l mu III, -AUlbCll. . .C .WBfc fy..u,u . .ereat truth with which JohB the BaDtlatr

    (Matt. 111. 2) began ln the wilderness otl--juaea. ana wnicn jesus anerwara piw-- ,:claimed In Galilee (Mark 1. 14) was to ;heralded by these commissioned men, "tha ;klncdom of God is coma" tho truth whichmare than anv other would stir the Jewlsk -heart. For many centuries the chosen peo-vC- vpie naa Deen anxiously waiung lor uussikingdom, (uan. 11. .)

    OPTPI -- I'llV- 1ft anil 41 TCTtljeIf this message, so delivered, should De-r- ei ajectcu, aa uouuiiesa 111 uiujjjr uimukuvum j,.was? Shall the preachers remain and en--deavor to overcome the opposition or In-- ;,difference? Shall they resort to some xnora.t;nonular mode of calnlnz attention and".;favor? Shall they arsue the matter which yiney nave prociaimeu; ouaii vnry uvau--tutn soma other mora accentable theme? vJesus provides for such & contingency. ?aThev have done their dutr and reached athe limit of their service, and thev must-'-- Jmove on to some other place. But they rJshall depart ln a public way witn a demon- -st ration that shall probably create lmpres- -j

    ion upon an tne innaoiinnis or ina vuy-- ,,Btanaing in tne street, ouiiiuo or any en.closure, ln the full fc.ir.e of all. they (halt jshake the dust from their trarments. unwlll- -llng to be defiled by anything that belongsto the town (Acts xill. SI), a testimony that.the people who rejected the message area:lUoiuMsnv, rcjcciri iiui nivj suaii v.-- . .this with the assertion of what they hadlpreviously said about uia kingdom, xnaitheir last words might be left rlngtog la-- :the ears of the rejectors.

    CONCLUSIOK Some persona have erron-- 3eousiy supposed tnat ministers are now r- -quired to conduct their work" upon tha plaa :herein prescriDea. Tnat wouia oe isipo- -blc and undesirable because ot the chanted IrnnrHMi-m- There are hnvrever. valnablasuggestions in the passage. 1. A minister "fa servant of .lev-i-s Christ, obligated to go--and labor for his Master, following instrue-- 'jtlons so far at any are "riven. 2. Ha must!'be diligent ln this service, not assuming anyl;unnecessary puraena or inccmorance. noia--In- g

    himself steadily and constantly to hWidutv. 3. He mu?t not persist ln worlc-whera- ;It it evident that nothing can be accora-i- ypushed, but must openly testiry againstthose who have rejected his message, and!nn on tn other Melds. 4. He should not rc-- 1gard himself as a pauper or hireling, WhatShe receives is a mucn nts as tne wsgea j.-- iany other, but that snouia not De consiaenurinv the prvlct he renders. And thefour remarks apply not only to ordainspastors, but to all who are truly sent-o-utbefore the Lord's face to do any service that;shall prepare ror him.

    Fourth-Clas- s l'astmaaters.The Republic Bureau,

    llth St. and Pennsylvania. Ave..VT7atifn etnn Alls'. ?1 Tha follOWlnaf

    fourth-clas- s Postmasters have been- - ap-- 'pointed:

    Arkansas TJuRger. Boone County. William iDuger. vice "V. L, Duggcr, resigned. .

    Georgia "Walkersville. Pifrco County. I. ,Y,A,l.. -- .1 TOtlll.. IMa- -.. --..IvnMT. .iJ. IIUIILC, V11.-I- I, UltaiU !.., itatftM- -.Indiana Kelly. Lake County. Minnie Bew--- a81:, vice u. J. Williams, resujneo. - ;

    Trdlan Territorv Wilson. Chickasaw IS- -.I tion. J. L. Clark, vice J. H. Wilson. i- - a

    maveiu mi.r 7?m1t1ln Cotmtv. G. .?

    bWagner. vice F. S. Whitney, resumea; ms--(FO(I. Jiauiiuii vuuiti- - uiauv ufit- - t- -

    rMlssourl Mechanicsville, St. Charlee)3County. R. E. Gamble, vice Elizabeth'Avraiu, rransiiinj.1 Tenneupe Urnextone Cov-p-. TJnicot COQ-B-Jy. D. W. Buchanan. vlcc.O. R. Mliler. re-- .a


    Th Republic Bureau.llth St. and Pennsylvania AT.

    iWashlngton, Aug. JL-- The followinrLrnments to regiments of officers rec

    Promoted are maae:ICaptatn J. D. Barrctte, to the FinhArtsVaaW, '4i iaii . i'iwiJ-u.ir T i.7Fiii.ri:ini. jiauus ii.iuji.c. ir mw -". Artillery, Battery D. .rt?lrBt vi. i. "ui"t w iak,,r ;a professor at Fairfield Seminary sad aasW--Jtary Academy, Fairfield, N. Y. - ",2,JS

    VaPtain v, ,. vyer, iwraio ,niami;iwall report at Fort siocum for fluty witayafruits to oe sent- - o iue x"uuippinfj, r- -rrivate ti. J. uiDns. jiospuai v.Qfp.".-- j

    tort cno, win oe scar. it .jtorvjsuDfajfll. j - " 'iCavalry, now at Fort SUi, is transfers Mtorn, Cnrr9. - r v?: ia"Te4ivr w-- jr .j

    Ti.-- fe .a. iHLtj

    1- - 4s '1'.

    T- '9 .fi !: el

