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Chronicling America · LITERARY NOTES. Seven! of tbelate Mrs. Ewing'sexquisitelittle stories Will...

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LITERARY NOTES. Seven! of tbe late Mrs. Ewing's exquisite little stories Will soon ba reprinted here by Roberts Brothers. The Bret volume ot the posthumous works ot Victor ¦ugo appeared in Paris on Tuesday. Its contents, which an In vsree. eonsiat of "La Grand'mere," a comedy In one set; "L'Ep<?e," a drama in five seet.es; "Msnge- ront-llit" n comedy lu two acts: " La Foret Moulllee," a lantara in one act. There aro alto three comediettas. N ir la Listore d'un Rois;" .. LeaGusux ;" " Eire Aime," Only '. La Grau.Vniere " ls susceptibls ot representation on the modern stage. Mts*. louisa Livlng*ton Hunt has prepared a volume Of " Memoirs of Mr*. Edward Livingston." The book, by nason of Us nutbor and sullied, should be a noteworthy eoiiirllut lon to the records af American lifo aud man¬ ners. The Harpers will publish lt. Thr London BpeedmAmr concludes thus Its neat review of Mr. Jame*'* ¦. R, istonlans " : " Though weean truly say that we have never real say work of Mr. Henry James which had in lt so much that wa* new and origi¬ nal, we mu»t also say that wo have never real auy tale of his that ha I in it aa much af long-winded reiteration and long-drawn-out disquisition. Perhapt that, too, is In its way a relied ion of the thin, lonp-drawu elaborate- set* of Cottontail MOOS of thought." Another London weekly, 7 Ac Athriurum, in reviewing a n.-w novel, makes sneering mentiou of "a kind of American ' pottering willi chm actor " in the wiitin.; of fiction. Mr. H. I). Rlackmoro, who write* charmingly poetical prose, writes, oddly enough, very prosaic paetry. Rut Of that fact he dors not seem to be conscious, as he cou- tlnuos la iuvoko a reluctant Mme, ¦ E. fl," li Informed that Mr. K-lgar Fawcett ls the au¬ thor of " The BBBlllag Rall." In a recently published lecture by M. .lo-* -rani, of tho College ol france, is to be found an amusing ttory which illustrate* the Ignorance which prevailed among Frenchmen with r»g.rd to tho literature of their neigh¬ bor* le»« limn two centuries ago. Louie XIV. one day took it into hi* Dead to Inquire whether tho English really had anything which could be called a literature, but nobody ab ant lils court possessed knowledge euough j of the lati'Juaito to be able to inform him. The King was cot to bc battled, however. Ho bethought himself that he had an Aiiilia*sadorat Ixm on, and to ht ai accord¬ ingly a command wai addressed to obtain thc information hi* royal raaater desired. Ills Excellency was staggered by such an unusual injunction, and his reply wa* re- maikablA. Having nothing to say, he took a great many words to say lt tatt, and began by eonipiiui-utiug tho King BSOB the pr.."f of greatness and elevation of soul Binned liv lils laud .b,e desire to Increase his knowledge. I*, would render bis M.yesty, said tue Comtede Comintres, B"t les* Illustrious in centuries to come than success in tho battlefield and tho conquest of territory. But how to i ilisfy the King's curiosity! Tho Ambassador's ac* q.miltalie" evidently uid not Include men of letters, and, drawing ou hi* owu resources for the information which bc wa* too lguoraci to know whore to look for, bc wrote thus: " It seems that the arti aud science! sonni line* abandon one country that they may honor another. At tho present time they have Banged into France, aud If there remain any vestige* of thom here, lt 13 bul iu me memory of Bacon, of Moras, ot Baucanan, and, tn recent times, of oue Miltonlua, who rendered himself more Infamous by his daugerous writings than the butcher* aud assassins ot their King." And this when England was rejoicing lu vvhat In her vanity she was j'lcased to call the Augustan age of lier literature Robby Rums ueverlack* a defender and an advocate. though to true a poet hardly n-edi either. This ls not, beever, tho opinion of the pretldcnt of tho London Born* Club. He object* to Mr. Lowell's statement (in ht* paper on " Gray "i that the jioetry of the eighteenth ecntury "fell uuier a general condemnation as alto- ge'her wanting in tho Imaginative quality. . . . The thoughts, tuned with words above their own level, are always on their best behavior." "Surely," say* the lover of Burn*. " the cmla-it critic. In making thia eweejung stricture, ha* overlooked the claims and . quality ' of' Tam o'shanter ' and ' The Jolly BBSSJsra'" It ll reported that the girls of Girton College have wholly recovered from their enthusiasm for Mr Brown¬ ing. "They have formally di»tolved their Rrowniug So¬ ciety, and not ouly voted tnat the balance of funds In hand should be spent In ehoc.ol ites, but have actually bought thc clio,- il ne*, sud eaten them.'' Kim rjublu.itieno. M H. F. MARION CRAWFORD'S .New Story. A TALK OF A LONELY PARISH. By F. BfABIOS (UAWKORn. Author of "Mr Issac*,' "Ur. (lanolins," etc. l'J-no. Jl 50. taaaaaang Msaaenaattattal eeeaatde, meiodra-natic, ott- ¦-t. nsli. lu-h .* teat Bed t write » very good novel. His new 1 toBcoastal Bl eoefweek, The slory ls well conceived » nail abstracted, isa Barralin to alwan aanBatoa. aaa tl e*keti boa of cia'a, ter. alli,ou.'h they touch only aunace 1 at.oa- uro clear aud tine. , Hr. CnwftNfTaBUBS- Bg.eat el mi* sunik aensaage is huhiy effective, an ibo ula*:,nus In wm. hh li^ur.-s are 'Irainatic; thedifhciilt I-ene of the hrd BteflBag ttlth the wife ls ail'iiir..bly done Sid tho eoti'iK ciap'cr ls one or tlie strongest and af BM sa ne lime ojr, of tho mo t natural pl", es of writing thal suv sui'".) ha* given us .,New Vork Trii.uiie. I. it.arts;.1 tel t'ial the " 1'ale of a Lonely Parish " will be dcvo.ire I ny ai novel reader*, t.iai ll will ka talked Bb .ul by everybody, aad mat lt win bo tlie popular book ut ttteseaaea "A rabi sf a I eintjj ranab " i* mo best »:.,iy Mr raw-ford er, r publish" I. an one of the besl told st.rl.s in recent literature -[Boston Utaeon. " A lalo of B Louelv Parish " ls a most astonishing advance tc anS ail hts pievious warks, thu clever, uusophl* t.i sh il John ¦ mt, the eelf contained 'Siiulre, wita the ex » lent Vicar aad tu* wile, fonuln< a group far ni ire vaned aadtaratan bntoswatntg thoa aro foaad m almost any al the teeaatnanto, . . . Altogether, "ATaieof a Louelv Par task " will not oulv do maaS than any previous bo ik by Mr. 1'raw ford I . establish his claim to a permanent place lu Ut eratnre, hnt ilie norri >* sire ot a *i,li *..d lasting popular .i.i.ot lo.to:, Courier. A tali; of A LONELY PAUIisII. Hy P, MARION CUAWFORD. Thee :s not a dull pa?e in the boult. Its op Dion chapters lor charmine!. aa,i ser -rn Iv o iwar 1 without any Indication of .ho ira nat.c atnagth w.i'oi is afterward levelnpsd, but the Interest is j vci alloW'd to flag. ... It will be one ot t | in .st popular books of the season among the lovers of good not els. [Huston Budget. lie has wtltteu "A l'slftof a Lonely Parish " as if his heart W-re lu his work. Pratt tht, rlr*t ni' i* Marianas tut: what l.e ha* to t«l is worth r.-ai ti c. tod waen-he st-ry is enii.-a that hi* talent* wan inver mare successfully appliel.. [WatSaasjBBB carritti. UV <iawf-T<1. even In a " Lonely Parls'i.' find* nimen-tl lor B novel as thilluna asinanyadeiecliVf story. . It is a pleasure io have anything so perfect el lt* kimi a* this brief but vivid story. . . lt lt doubly a success, helot full of human sympathy a* well a* thoroughly aiti*tlc In its nice halai.cmg of thc unusual with tie cniuiinnplace. the clever Jnxtapositi ii of taaaooaoo and gu.it. comedy and tragesly, timplicl'y nail Intrigue.-[Critic. liss sdil'sl BBWetkaaaa and h-anty to thc author'* style without lading Bte fancy. . . TIih inosf doci'led a.tvaace which Bha novel shows I* tn Its dialogue.. Th» rl-aractrrs now talk witr an approach to natuialness. Indeed, there sr* pages ot talk between Mrs. 80S0S(*I and John Short wjdeb have sonnthing of the graceful tonch and pleasantry of Howell*. The humor ot it all 1* quiet sud kinta. .i.,.'e MACMILLAN & CO.. NF.W-YOKK, ASD ALL HOOK>KLLERS. Y RTLE HEABTOEAjSET READ IT. EQUAL TO MIORA HKOL'.ilTTON'el BiOhS. LITTLE ULAI l-l AS-K, Kqual to Rhoda Ilrougbton's best Hook*, and oue of the brightest tuft munt .m. rc.-tmg novel* of itu div. Hv Annie L. Wright Second edition featly this morning. Everybody is reading and recommending lt. Paper .60 rent* (loth. BL tr Lor sale everywhere, and ?ent Post Paid to any one, to Sty place, on n nutting jirice to the Publishers. T. H PKTKH-DN * B BOTH BBB, PHI I.AnKT.PHIA. ^" JEW-ENGLANDER AND YALE REVIEW. I APRIL NCMHEIL-Art I. loin Hr 'Vii. leonard W. paeon II. Rcf<,nn UL Lot/e's M Irrocosmu*. Coi go T. Lsdd IV. Possibilities of Worship iq Nun longlea! Churches, E. liuugci.ord, V. MeiriU'lisilc Agtosticlsni, J K flwlnell. EdncBllouitl Topic*.- I. The Harvard Elective i\vatem i II. Thoughts r-uegestod by Three Quest.ods l-ately Pnaeftaoed tothe Aliuiiul of Vale, C. ll. BOnth i lil. Ur. Hillie on Coi egc Oe ronmeat Pfteeper Year. $3. Winvic Number. .'40 ent*. Addie** william I* KlNOWLEY. Mow-Hana, Cobb. JfTNITTINQ AND CROCHET. ^^ MRW PATTERNS TRIBUNE EURA NO. 80. A MANUAL fer HOME WORKEHS. Hearty One Hundred Diffenat Patterns. y/riee Twanty-flvs Cents, Postpaid. THE TRIBUNE. SXW-YOSK. ACTINA ew«*D*rne'* tSsyl.BiiassttSSss Af ti SA CC BB 6th are- M. te View pnblicolioBS. ^HE CENTURY FOR APRIL COBTAIStt LONGFELLOW IN SOCIAL LIFE. By Mrs. JAMES T. FIEiris. An interesting personal sketch of the poet, with a rlue frontispiece portrait from an early ambrotypc taken tn IStSL STRIKES. LOCKOUTS, AND ARBITRATION. A timely and important esssy. urging arbitration In labor troubles. My OK"Ru! SLAT 1'ijWkLI-. ITALY, FROM A TRICYCLE. An acconnt of a rtcture»o.iie etciirslon. hy ELtZABVTH R"BI\s PKNM-I,'.. Illustrated In twenty eight sketches byJOStrii PLNNclLL. T\VO SHORT STORIES. " Sister Ts'.e*." n ntrtlv true Mot nf mnnsMlr life In et'lv PennavlvaniH.bv Dr l liiVAItl) BOOLEBTOSi aud'Apm * Lady." by AKL'J RATKis. TOY DOCS. Notes on Terrier*. Pugs. Spaniel*, etc., by JAMK8 WAT¬ SON. With seven pictures. TITI: "KEARSARGE" AND THE "ALABAMA." Tte sf orv of the naval duel told In three narratives by 1 Br ticipants. with inti), ron* Illustrations, a* follows LISS on Tin-: "ALABAMA." Hv Owe al Har Craw. rh. Two Teare1 cruise i!.e I turarter of ibo Others aud Men.The sinking of t ie "Alabama" c Itt BATS OK THE "ALABAMA." Rv lier Execnllvs OrMcer. Life on the ship t* Viewed norn I'cr (Jnartr deck Meeting th" Kearsu-'e" I'.ca. un of Captain Sunnies by Ihe Yacht " Reerhound " THU RVMI BKTWKKK THE "VEARSAROE" AND THE "ALABAMA." Uv the surgeon of the " Kear-arg"'' TOe Challenge ihe Fight lu tildes 1 lie Destruction of the Confederate Cruiser. THE MINlsTKK'S CHARGE. Fnrth»r csnnt»rs of Mr. Howell*'* Non'. In which new rhaiarers are introduced aud Lemuel Harker'* experience wlleus. CREOI.E SLAVE SONGS, Inclndlne chanters on The Lav .-ind the Dirge. Love Song*, ihe Voodoos, br DEO. W. CA ll' E With ten Illustrations l,y Kembie, sad the music of the most rharacteiislu song*. CHRISTI \NITY AND POPULAR EDCCATlOxf. A pica for more thorough mural training In our public school* by WA-ll Mi TON (il AIUH N. In ' OttOS Let. teis" th* iu«h-ipof Keataesy writes an the guest lea. " fh*n the Federal Ooveriimeut titra Aid le Popular Education r' THE GRANT MEMORIAL Some inqnlrv liv the editor s* to lt* style..Who shall make it 1 Wlial kind or a structure I I tTHTHER CONTENTS Comprise r'ncbi'Ittig r'apter* of Mr* Eoote'* novel; "Open Letter* " from Cnurllan I Palmer. Her Dr. i ha*. 8. BOfHB- *t»n. and othera Poem*, uric a Hrf. etc- Price, 3j ceut* , $1 a ye ir. sold every where M IHE CENTURY CO., N.JT^ R. STOCKTON'S NOVEL, THE LATH MRS. NULL. l vol., lisna $f so. "TTe has written a book which yon can't discus* without laughing; and that is proof enough of its quality.".(IT, Y. Tribune. '. 'ihe late Mrs. Null' ls the Hon of thc month, slthough the co.nes out wiih the landis at the close. All the bright and bewitching i|u:ilitle» of 'The BOMBOBi Wit.-'* Ulster' and ' The Transferred I Jhrmt' sre visible lu thi* their exquisite though dist ,nt relation. Mr«. Null 1* fascinatingly tbsurbing for simple c uirm of character, for rieiinte tou-hes of faiicl- fulnee* and for the moMt infectious and exhilarating Rpirilof run.".[N. Y. COaiinfTiiSl Advertiser. " We coitrrstnlate th* novel reader upon thc feast there i* in 'The late Mrs. Null.'".[Hartford Past. "Origin*.! bright, nnd fall ol the au thur's delicate humor." .[N. Y". Journal of commerce. THE LATH MRS. NULL. 1 vol., l'.'tno, $1 60. For sale everywhere, or Beni postpaid on receipt of price by CHARLES S( RUINER'S SONS, 713-74". Broadway, Sow York._ J IPPINCOT1 \S MON HEY MAGAZINE, A Popular Jonrn.,1 "f Oenertl Literature. TUE APRIL NT.Mil ER, Now Beady, Contains: TAKEN BT BIKOB. VE, VII. TWO DAYS IN CTA1I. Alice W. Hollins. TOWALI WIIir.MAN. Lora Ile id (io.vlsle. A BACH1 I.OR'S in.(NIH.p. XIII WI. Sf, E. Norris ACNT BUSBY. Kr.ineis courtenay Ration ASA CH R. r naries Henry Phelps. OLIt EX Pl- I'.I ENCL M I'KTINOS. r. My Literary AntOBtOgripky Julian Hawthorne A Pew l.ltera'V EipTleii'. *. E'l-ar Fawcett. An Accaienttd Anther. Joel chandler Harris. BCOSSSAJtn TALL1K8. Grant Allen. a vacant HOUSE m. ii attaorwaoa PATH Nt II IN A ft I", (hailotte Fiske Hate*. Ol'Il MONTHLY OOSBIP, ihe ('oniius American Novelist. A "Lady from phlla. Sal ina " trvag't KeneodncHon of Faust Waiter Herri** Pollock. Chil n-n'* Mines a'.d'.ames, ll M. ls the Poet I nabn to support Himself I W. ll. E. SOB SAUT BT ALL NEWSDEALERS. Subscription price, '2 ter annum, la advance, single Damner*. Sa orate Liberal arrangement! ma.io with those desiring to <ret up e u',s (f A ipriiuion iiuuioer tent postpaid for 'JO cents. J. B. L1PPIKCOTT (.iMi'ANY. Publishers, _ 715 AN li 717 M A li k" ET ST.. PIIIIiA DELPIIIA._ 1886. N0W READY! 18SG. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC and POLITICAL nEOIKTEB ruB 1886, Complied by The non. EDWARD MoPHKBSOIt, Brat Clerk of the United bute* Hons* of Representatives fTTJbT IHKUED. PRICE 80 CENTis. Sn]', of politics! Information ttRtittlcsi and other), Conslstljig In t-s- r of President I levelsnd's In* i),iii u Address OoinageofOold sod sn ter from organization of U. S Mint to end of June. 188a rostsge rabies and Postal Legislation loreign Trade, with duties, showing how new tariff la working, Political Platforms of all parties, Rcpuuili an Democratic and Prohibition; Abstract of Laws: S3t.tt.oiis of U. H. en.ii ors x li \ th i'oagressi Bsecutive I'epartiiieiits dilcois V. S.| Diplomstic Officers C. 8.; Judtcisi officers V. S.| Foreign Legations in C. B.| TJ. H. Dent i.atoii...nt .d two forms. Property Vnliintaon In Counties of New-Yon, D. ft. Revenue, Ac Governor* of Mates aud Territories: Fir! Retains of :S >tato Flections held tn 1886. Election Upturns New York state by Counties, ff. Y. City by Assembly Dtatriot*, Kings county kf ward* ant I owns for county Officers, bapervltort, Aldermen at langs, I'Ittr.ot Aldermen, .lr New-York state Government: Principal i omtulit~e»in ongmt; Poiiilcal Mu eli*,,y. ac. Ac Oe. PBJCE SO CENTO. VIVS COPIES FOR St Addreea THE TRIBUNE, Kew-Toxk. a /^rTiTTlT A l* not a salve, snnff or lotion. One trial O.V 1 liii A will cor,vince yon. 88 5TIT.AVE.. N. T. Jiielnution. For Boys snd Young Men.City. ROBERT R. RAYMOND. 1 ate Principal I5o*ton school of orstoTy KNICK EBB')( KKK HL'I I-1) I NIO, If th-sL and at li ave ,N.Y CCliOOL OK MLsfhS..I'lv-jiaratory School 0 A High school of Hclenro aud English. KB BAST iiill sr. J. WOOnSSIDOB DAVIS C. e.. Ph. I).. Principal. ITNIVERSITY GRAMMAR 8CHOOL, Ma V' 1.47H Brfsriway. i (tr f'.il-H.; Huh year; ruin, srv.com- d en isl sod <iatt-i<iu riri situ en tm instruction thorough. H. Al. llobuy. W. L Akin 1 itu',. B.< lienitiiikssju.Asso'to. Tor Both Seres.Citv. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL of LANGUAGES. J '.'» west Sid *t. Bise Bneklyr ''.'6 (curt tt.. liostnn, VS'atli'.Lgtoii, Philadelphia, die, du:. L'ecnginred everywhere aa th* beal Instiiiit'oi.* for leaniDg to speak modern tongues 1 ce my icisoualne. Spring Uno beg.ua bow._ I E LAS] (i-.TM-ST. SSJ MISH CHIBBOLXTS SCHOOL for oirti.i I. ai va:'I Preparatory 4 lass 'iii. Boys' Claise*. Art Schools.City. \f RS. LOT'IS A B. CULVER 1*1 will n-reive nup il*, beginning Tuesday, October 20, In drawing, o:l ann wafer color ji .tinting, .lill if.), howers and lSiidf>l.e, CLln.i painting 811.1 d- or U.-ei. fctuiiio, No. 80 Madltou-ava Iteferrnre* Slr. 1. Hnntington, President Nan.mal Acailemy of Daatanj Vt. V, iil.au. Bart, N. Au Mr. Jtiuet .M. Uart. N. Aa Mi. Liati'l Juliiiruu. N A. G Musical Instruction. RA.ND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 40-WK.S I' 2.SD-ST.-4A. The leading school of music, elocution, dramatic art, foreign lingua***, dian lng and painting, rice advantage* squat to liz irisoiit psi wa*.*, lol part lc ulai* address i %, tin. HU ABD, President. Jn-strndioit. For Bovs and YOTOUI Mon.Country. ALEXANDER INSTITUTE. - Military J\ Boarellna Sellout. XVJ.i'e Plums. NJ Y. 1-riiiclpiii". K. WILLIS, i'l: I>. B OHDENTOWN (N.J.I MILITAR. IN'S II- THTF I'rrpirelfor redlen*, scientific schooler nnll Bary business svst maur *e1 stael coin mon sens ISseh Inr Nerlcrleil foundation* bullen alter Healthy location. Homelikecsre. Addie** Hex* r. II. LANDON* A. M_ 1'rlncli al. IK.identowii, S. J. Hoys niid TOONQ MEN privately flttedftw Colli-pi' Couilitioiie(' or rel', ted candidates coached suraniei rn wlntci I HOFFMAN, .**tor_brul|re. Mass. _ ELMWOOD 8CHOOLFOE HoYS.-At Mil- I_ turd CS.i Pricata who ate aafertasata la tbeswew tcement cit th. ii SOBS will du pell lo pu.tit by the BdraatafOI nP. ten l.v Ibis «, '.I. Address PRA*!* K M HOXVK, -upi. V-oRT III I.I. SCHOOL (for Rove). x Bioonitrrar snlsrped ac--omiitodatlo ¦» ir.nn. rthV. JAM! B ll A 1 ::1i K LEI Bsad.BSSSC OBBBB.BgBOi M. Y. ffBEEHOLD INSTITUTE, Krcrliold. N. .J.. 1 C.dvesr. Inrnresfor boniness, for I'mcrton. ('o- limitil*. Vslo sad li,ii sa el iii v A CHAM BEBB. Pita. DIOHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. I 1 Worcester, Miss, n.uii rasi besteaBops*.'», hsv is MKTCALP, a. M . .siip'-rliitcnVnt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. ( liester. f'OStly l.ilil.lliL'S. 'Il'l.rninih Ilislnicliun. A Milli XISX ( Ol.LK'lK 'ivil L.i'irll.eeilnie, I lienil'lix*. Cia**ka Kasuah, COLOB KL TM hO, MYATT, Pras.eat, RECTORY SCHOOL Hamden, Cnntb A lannis- Itei.irdiiu- v< h. ul tor Yourip Hov*. I'ev. II SX NI¦'.*. I, 'BU Vi il ST, M. X [tsetse yon. Sprint- lerra (>;..-iis April ll. _ REV. A. G. SHEARS, M. D.. flourier of the first home sc.I. eefTe-r.ii rar-> Chas*. in Ms fiimllv. New-11 sven. unn.. t ,r th' best trsir.lnt nf * tea yoting bnyt In lic-alth. moral.. stanaora alni books ref- rene es. FTNIVERSirY ol- PENNSYLVANIA. I. n»ptrtirient of Art, II r.nvne Ne leniltle Sr'iool. TTL Wharton Behool of Plnanee r-n l Kcoeeair. IV. cnnrtein Philosophy. V ' nurse in MasM Y 1. Medical school. VII. Dcrtm'c'lfioi. VIII. Veterlnnrr school. IX Lbw Behest x. Btoiceieal Behool ni. Heoprtateat of Phtiosophr. In nniltini; iiuiuiiy piesse sn»c-fv deimrimenf. RI V Ji f**F V. BURK, seiret.iry Vlilvcrsitv o' PSBBMB/lraata Weet Philnili ipili*, l'enn. For Young* Ladlee Ooantrr. "-THIE ELMS," BpriBtrfleld, Maaa..Familw, 1 Day-ani Mnsle *chnetf'W Mri* Prinirr, Academia, I'ltstirftltnil ri>«t-Cr»dnate Courses. Mil.'KB IDHI MU A (HAM I'N KY. Principal*. For Both Sexei---Conn^.rsr. ROCKLAND COLLEGE.NY ACK-ON-THE llt'Ds.i.N I'n jiiet.tt. Tv ala! business for rentlemen: QrseBattas raarss Icm h.fia twelve leather*. Baler el any time, r-finl leer i stalom. XX'. IL HANISTKR. A. M., I'riiL *..¦ -^.. (Ccat l|cro. A.REST TE ACHERS, Talon and Govern- . ptsei supplied pithont rharae. tEACHF. RM reriarered free. Many racppciea Pom fer stamp. lt. K AVB RV, AflMneaa Behool Boreas, i xx'e-i i et ti si. ff. Y. A RELIABLE selection ul' school circulars for parents anil Kiitrlians. Teacher., tutors BBfOeTBecCM IBppHp. li M. COY RI ERK. SI mt 7th st., near ll'ilsva; AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHER8 J\ Adi-'NCY sneppnea Professors, Tosehera Tutors,'ior- ernrsscs, etc, tololjeiros, School! and Families, Applvto Mid*. M. J. X ol Nii.n Ll .i.N. SB Tulon -square- P XPERTESCEl) HEADMASTER wanted in I J Military Academy: salary Jl.'Jni) lc 11.6001 nive record ami refereiires . Address Mil.I i sky. in .line T'ptown office. 1,218 BrosdWBp. QCHOOL AGENCY. OfSldcil snd best Icnnivn 'n the I'nited Crates. KstnVd IBAB, J. XX'. t-( ll KUM Kit ll () UN A CO., "t I «»t 14 th st.. New. York. Dancing -Ua&cmifa. A LEXAN DER MACGREGOR'S, 112 Sth-ave. _A XXaltiinc tbiii"ii_'hi.v in i(ii;ii il in lew pilvate lessons istrtcliy prix ate.. Les ous iiaiiy. P, HARVARD REILLY, Master of Dsnclnr. 678 Bth mt SM cu. ular*. W fjelp Uliintcb p sri M ATE CLERK W ANTE I >. o mane r-tt matca for advil.Stag. Only lliote of Ur*" experieiu e, ol.I best references ami full particular*, deslr- iBg Sad SblC to gil Bl B libers *jlary an excellent position, inter ad.ltess A'iF.N'cv, I*. O, Pw 3,816, Ksw-Tarb City._ Ur ANTED.-.Poor first-class t.vpe-caaterB for san Knit,, isco must htve A 1 refcrer.ee*. fur vie rk on romans Apply to TA 1,M lill ,t l'.KY. bet li'anil o'clock, tn i'rlhiii.o alldlnf, N. Y. Spring Ucoorto. THE BRIGHTON, ATI.ANIIC (ITY. (¦pen all (lie year, lied ami coal sra wai' r hatb*i, P SS H '-1.1 X A HON Parlur carHirniifrti to Afiaiitic its on liam leavins New- York st 1 p. m. vi., Pennsylvania Knilriwtel._ PAVILION Hui Kl. anil cot tn ires, I SI. 11'. 1 l.tiMi IH I.AND, (rill opes for the season Mar 10. .iami-.s-i xiii: ft tBereeler, l_tavsre, csnerltb. st ,oss ncr sn.I prnanelur SEA SIDE HOUSeT ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Onntrslly alt.* .ted on i'lsnniylvsnls-sre., In nil rlcnr of etpem. tte -*!y rotille.'. and ruriilshsel wllhevery imp ovrment, Inciud.np tteaiu bett ..nd larne- inn i.*llery. .pen til Ibt TSBT._|_ (HAItl.Hs KV A.Ns*. THE SHELBURNE. ATLA.NII' (MTV, B, I. Open nil the vesr Inrctl on the beach. Hut ind roid sss waler bsUis^POa r-ltrl-S_A. B. Il Uh.UTri. 1 I ADDON HOUSE. 1 I lenin I mni. N'urtli e'arollna iv.., A Tl.AN li Y r ve-rv Impren t rac ot. st di «i l-i» i, los the comfort and rnn- * e iciice ul guests, huth in vi ililli and summer. e li rn iicorr. fjolcls. rrilK CHELSEA*.Eleganl Uble d' bete din- I mr TCi-...'...... te ** i' bu i'uiiiir restaaeaal 228 xxest Std tl. C. H. Iil'.l.l-.I'.KH. -tlisccllancous. J.O.MEYERINK GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, KSTAHLISIIKD 1S7r, 150 WASIIINliTON ST.. P. O. 1(0X2,117, ¦AM I'IMNCiSCO. CAI., desire* to add to his 'ieneral Commission nuslnr** the repre. scntatie.not a nw more KA**TKHM »I \ N | I'\( ll ¦( Lit* tor (he PACIP1C I'OAHT ..nd ll RX ll O. orrsspi sdenc* t'.licil'-d Iruit i aimil tc ami PSCSIBS house tl ^cspiiko and hr.eiich uffle e m Mmizaiiviilc, Menco. lt! I'l HUN' M WALTi H. BOHIt.I.lXd A CO., san 1'rancisco. KHAM'IS BIKV1 KB ABgtaCal. llxiik. San Francisco. L. (l RIO, Picsldi-ut u. r. saving* and Loan society, san Prsac.ce XXla llsi.KK BANK, Haaihurj. \ M'Ml'.l.i; nf very slig-tiy u*-od Dprfght and-ipnire I'l ANDS of ourmtke which were especially (..-lei ted iud00 s- usn! Ly ie A lt Isl-* of the M I.Tlinl't il.- 1'1'AN (It'Ki X Iii'! SI. Ci dui ni-the-p^t dpera HltSIQB vt Ul be auld at s HbSCSl reductiuu I ruin mir i-uulat pries. XX M. KN Alli. * cn lia PUtik-are. 4TB. MILLER'8, 68 6th-aveM near Waverly - j's place-, eeiitieineti will receive utmoti value tor their i»el-'.!i lot Inn);. Call ul ail iii -, -Vntlicn Galee. CHKRIFFS SAI.K.-.Tohn F. bT SmvihTAur^ Cl tiein-er. sellt to dsy, ion in at lleiH Kt eitel way upstairs, lot ol Cliiidrus'a and Ml,n»' . h.ak*. >acla*, etc .I.y urrtrr of lltOH J. UllA.NT, .-iherlff, JOHN B. BKXTOM, VndersbeilO. -oparlncrsbip Xoliccg. OKS, Alli Mr. El a partneishln in ou VLU-lLl h _CU. BBB Yoga, April I. 18«6. MR. WM. A. READ and Mr. EDWIN I). THO xx Hill IKiK arr *..inltt«e1 te) DarlueishlD In our Tltoxx Kill I)(iK are *..mitt«l to nial [ruin Hilt date:, -fnuiiuiiil. pASH WANTED IMMEDIATELY..Will \J r*Uat pu Ave ^,M)ii first tneertrare teveni of s Pennsvl. vanl* com pasy on property worth ten-fold -iud pavtitie taloc tt re^ciiitrly. I'a III li U I.s Ins, Box in, i rluuoe Otlice, f|UE AMEKlCAJkfsTEAM BOILER ]N>i;u~ 1 a nci. e e.Mi'AN Y <>f (insrtiv. t corporation duli ..r Cinnci! I'lidil elesiiier IttH Ol th' laws nf IS ..I of (lie BtPtS ot Siss-x cik .iiinii'I An art n. piuvide fm u,c m, orpcratioa of Life and I! Sal tb insurance <oiii|eau es and i IPPplty UMar- Dice eoli Jiaiiii'S ml in ie lalliiii toBpeO.Pl ul .iirli ceuupa. inr*," herei.yBirre notice tt >U liitentioii to lnrrrtseihs etpits! of saul rouipanv fruin twd hundred thoiitshd dollpra to ns i' ll ll lulled ll u.li ss ml liol a M. Ht ted february l!0, 1.18- V. ll.Hs'HKM'K, Se-e retarr. ('AS STOCKS nnd Bouda <>f Gaa Companiea ¦ in vari'.ui dil** lor »ie!e. Xlrldlng a ale return ous coutervalivo hiuinets. XX. iii.l-.N l n.N ss,.Lil ¦'¦ _I XS »1! tt._ TO THE HOLDERS OP BONDS OP THE 1 NKW-ORLRAKS ini.l KAll.iiOAI) COM PAVY \ on lie lineh'. peOgeSthPl ti WISffdBB(W sslth Hie provl" li,li, ut an ... "! mut l»i;e etc. ute.1 on (he .nih ul ni.,lier. IS77, ur the New ui.i-.sii, li-n eanrosil e ointi.ny liefureAB- dtew IH ro tr B"t .1 s-iiuii ll ni .Nrwa.rlepos. and duly rag lSleie-el.il lt.. oin r .-' ll,. IScco. ile r ot .Xl ort (tapis, ..un in ar enir'!»ii' r willi (hi- :erini Bl Ibt lionets Issin-d t(ie,niiucler, tb^t tl,e said ew OfloaBI Kell Itnllluail ullin.nv will, on the lir-ai lux ol Alu .1. IH-n, pty sud r-'leem all ll* militate h..inls a! the office of th» tsl.i . ouipeeiy in Hie city of New-Or¬ leans. I.a hy pay int oi tender inc te, tim hnldeiso'salil hoiul* Ihe prim aba! Ihriasif willi Inte-resl lu sud date ot lat April, 1 skae »nd a preniiiira of T uer aent upon tuen hoii.t*. You ar* tlieretoie untitli'. I tn pr. *rat Mid liiimtt fur redriiptioa and rivment it tim office uf tbe company in New-tnlaaas on tani ti dir el April, 1MB, when and when Ibe tender and p,y melli st afuretatd will he luselr. MW-OriS-iB, ssyt IU, HJS5. Br otvlcr (sf tue Iioird, B, b. CU A H LI'S, aeaiiurp. .financial. MTTum TRANSIT COMPANY STANDARD OIL COMPANY ..TIMK HOM.HT ABB SOI.il HY MOLLER & CO., Bl WALL-ST. GALVESTON, HARRISBURG & SAN ANTONIO RAILWAY SECOND MORTGAGE 77. COLD BONDS, DUB 1ISS. A limited BBBBBBl Nf 4ale liy I. B. NEWCOMBE & CO., ii it ito t oar. East Tenncwe. Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company. The Of.lion toiIi-|.o»l'f e r nsollit.ued ". per rent bettSS Of the a*t ,eiui'ssr.-. Virginiasadtueftria Batlreaa tTwaaoay rxiii'' d ott I arch If). of th.- entire issm- o' ll-i.iri.nun. hom!* to tho amount or 613,87 'i.ou.i I,..m- ;.,. n aepostteO, vmithk ii HLimiv nnrss that thb ll rei lt..I TrriSl "iiicanv "f N, v..', 01 I mil rceHvethe INCOME BONDS ..f I be Knst saneae* s, VurlBIa snd (.,or ii Rslirnad company, end tatar ita temporal v receipt* tt.-r..'or on and alter FBIDAY. "in-, -elli I'ESBU- A I'V iSSe* Th'-a*s, ssmeiit of *f>u per hind wlM not tie paru!'!'" until tluroii nn'i.e ,s i.-.nlr toilolivi'i il,- tecurltles of the new row nan v mi tbe completion ol tben si csu Ustl in _ I'. C. OL!'OTT. niall'linn of OBBBBUttOa New-York. Fc'i. 26, 1' 8._________ rr_[E COMMITTEE FOB THE REORGAN- A l/ation ol the Buffalo, SfW-fsfTa. and Philadelphia Railroad Company reque*'* holder* to deposit th.-ir si-.-urlto'* and assessment at oiicr with the Beak or Saw.York, S. B A., 48 Wail st.. New-Yerk, <.r nrtt the fidelity iBanraaoa Trnat sad Sala Deoosll iniipanr. In PBllBdelBhln linns of laoHBOll itimi aro obtainable from tho deuo'ltarle* Bad from theimdersiKIi'-'l (Alli, s, ii CU/.. Chairman. .'2 BzelkSBC* Placr, Beeta 17, New Yo- k. (LAI'.l'.N'i V. li. <"' A'tlC, .I", smith lld-st.. Phils. DHABI BS M. KUY, Hank of V-w York, U. IL .V, f Willi- st. New York. I8AAI N BSXlOhtAWi Mills Biilldnir. Vcw-Yorlr. T. Il ADHIAN TROMP, 69 Kicliangr Plana, Loora 17, Ne«-Y >rk. a. MASCUS, s-v.-etary, ll Etchant;* Place, Room 17, Baa York. FIH»T MOHTILMiF. LOAN'S. No leper* No flihiintlioiisi '"" Q Koto' 7 per cent rnaiiiit. il. lilli n or ii'lilt' .s * ( . Hine St >on, A-ems Ul>H.ltN PARU MOttTUAUSCO. ^____ 1ST Bi Bannar, B. r. _ TUB Chicago A.NI' ALTOS RAI.tOAD COMPAMY,) Bil iii.l.scv AM' TM.Bl BBK'I liner, > CHICAGO. 111., Mnrch t. 1806, ) ANNUAL MEETING..The stockholders snd votlnf boodbolders of toe MeMOead Alton Railroad Company ari hereby notified tint the annual meet.ie of **ni company for the eleetion of Director! and trans-totion of »uch otherliiidnr** a*m*7h(. (iresi-nio'l. will h.. li'i'l at tie com¬ pany's office In dil, a-,'o, llliuois, on Monday tho C-th day ot ^pr.l Best at lo o'- ,noka. m. 11., tiaiisf'-r hoik* win h- closed at the rio." of boslnesi hounonthe Isth dav of Maren, 1888, .mi reopeaed on the lill day of April next. CHARLES H. POBTRB. becietury. J'lLtn UK) Ili'-A'.O l<Alt.t''4P 'OMI'AXr, 7 Cttlt'AOO, UL. March*. ISSO.1 ANNUAL MEETING..The stockholders of tin- toilet and (.hirst;.i Itnilpeid Company are hnrchy nnflfle.' thal the mumal merlin- of said roiupiuiv un tba eleetioa of Directors and transsctlott of stub other bua_leeoaa may h.. piesi nted win hr bela nt theUeneral <>flic,> of thu ilucasto an.) Aiton f ulread Company lu Cbiesso, Illino!*, on Mon,lat, thc "Ul. day of Amil nc\f. St 10 o'clock a. m. The tr. n*fer books will hr closed "ti Mendal. March IS. l*»i.. at the rio*'- ol business hems ea that day, mid reopened on the nih ilav of April Belt, ha m.rs ii. foster, Beerotarr. j,\\i;m M(h:k;a(;i.s i; ia ka mk ho JL RY' A Btt-POKBIBLB COMPANY. RI rr RI TY EQUAL TO OOVBRNMBNT BONDS, ( WI upon oi ad'tir-,- the SSW -SOLANS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. _ 160 Broadway. New-York. TllK I.iKK BBOBB AM' Mil UliAV aOCTHBBa ItAII.Wtv Co., .ian ROl'THKBI RAH.WAV Co.. ) Cl IBO BM hal lu POI NSW-YORK, Miii.ii 20, IsSfj S I^HE traDsfer books of this company trill lip iios.-d ai .1 o'clock p. ni on SATURDAY, tba lin in day ol \piil urn. [preparatory tn tu- ann,lal electiun tor u,ri.i. to be bela en the .Kin dav ni Mar nen.) aad wm ne reopened outhe morning ol FRIDAY, the 8E\ EN lil Sar ot May asxt i D WoBi ii.it, I'reaearer. rpHE ONION PACIFIC RAILWAY COM- I Hi v Y th,- snnii.il n e.-tiiiir of Un- st,« khohlers ol Ihe i n-nn Paclfle Railway company, 'or tto- choice of Directors f,,r the rnsiiiiif yeer, ami Hie iran action of any other tost ne*.-, wi.si, mav .¦_ .tl iv rome before tbe meeline, will be neid at Meionson li.iii. .No 8n Tre*noni-sL. Boston, on Wednes- fisy, the Hurt. tii*t day ol Bal t: nm. at lo o'clock a m. Transfer booka will hr ci,.sr.: on March Kl. ciiakli rt i a ha Ms, nt.. President Hi Mi Y NICK A ULA NI), ar..reta ry. Boston, KehrnaiT 86, I8e_ rrilE MICHIGAN CENTRAL X RAILRO \'. OM PASY. TSt.BlTBtt '.- "HT V. riRANDCfSTrSAL I'KI'OT. 1 MW Yo ,k. March 18HH, S the TBAPTSI .-:U BOORS of thu company win ho .los.si at :. o'clock P, M on KATU I: day. the T St IUD tlnvof APRIL next (for Hu par-pose or thc neil annual neetinji of the sloes holden .i .1 will he reopened "ti the morninx of friday, the BEVBSra day of MAY ur Tt. ll KN RY I'RA I'T, Treasurer. "Ol"; ACTINA BATTERY" hts proTod s !,1,-ss.ne- to nil who havo iit,od lt »s .'.th ave. N \. Dnnkcrs nub Brokers. P. W. GALLAUDET & CO., HA Ms I. Il**, COM.Ml.I'.iiAL lAli.it, MUCKS and BOSTTJS, UNITS!) DANK Rt ILD1.MI. WAl.LhT.. (ORN LR BBOAOWAT. n. FITCH. Jr.. SSW-YOBX. Men,her N. v. Mock Eiihan«o. Diiubcnij Notirca. VIA. COUPONS iIik- 1st pros., and thcirrln- ri ai of ail banda due oo ilmt date. Issned by iii 1-7 RAILROAD Hui: i I'M kn r COMPANY, seemed by roiimx Sloi k furn:*!., d the (ollowlm railroads andel ear tm .t foiiu. will he pilli on ai-d iifler thnt date st tho oilier ot POST MARTIN 0 CO., No. I Pine-st.. New-York i E.W. li.ABB _ co., No. nf> south ,d *t., Phil adolfnie Ltarina Original Bunill Hut Out- Beted lim'. Aprill. itmnAiug. K'H-H A T. r*.8300,000 B16,000 Betlred. n")_r i V. W. 818.000 H.ollO BU I,Ol Kl «"".B,P*W. 180,000 6.04)0 110. rou Il"'7 M ,t S'. I. If1.,otto H.iiuO B.OO0 Bt|_-.C. VI.OOO l.noil 1,000 pa'_-t U. F.S. AW... B.000 l.oui) 2.000 HlJ-r A O . lhH.uoil 7.1100 Hullo nen N * « . 57..0(M) is.'.no f.'8.000 Bli'l-W O. AW. IJt.OOO 8.000 M.00.1 lUifl-R. W. AD 'all".,lM)0 6,000 23X.OOO B71-P. <'. AC. l-'o. 81.000 1,000 18.000 Sva.Q p . inf.ooo 1,000 147 nun DO-B-M. Y. AP _ t:.o,o m,oo() lil.ooi) na.E T V. A'L... lto.oi'O f ooo liu.ooo DI b'-K.'t.. V. A U 100,0 0 4.000 Bi.000 Also Coupons Hrrles SSU, Di, DIB, snd DI, A. Bond* and .oupnn*of K. T.. Va A lia lyillrosd Company carin)*.*. Serle* A and IL and Mrtnplds ,t- Ch.,i lesion Rail road Cowpauv esr trust, scrim Aili, uru payable at the ottice of the i i ntral Trust Company. Ilareh ll, 188* H. A. V. RUST, iTe;i*urer. Ol'HCK or TllK C6BTBAL TRIM Ci 08 SaTW-YoBS )~ Corner of Nassau and line *:*. \ BttW.YOBS. April 1, lHsfl. \ 4 BBCOND ANO FINAL DIVIDEND OF j\ BSTVKS ABD rilRF.i QUABTXBS Pl lt OBST will ba saMl aa aad arter taui sots al thiaatlee, io the-km-kiio,li¬ er* ol tun New-Yon Mate I. ian and Trust Com nany. Cr tillcaU--* of Mo. u i.,ust hr sarreadered for caui <i:atloii CENTRAL TBUBT MPANY Bk) KIVBB _ Ncw-Yors Bute Loan and 1 rust o. covatax Bu n* i m Watbb Weaaa co ii. Thfaslksk'b uni. lt. ' ( .ii BBOABWAr, SBOJ-YOBB cur S rrhe coupons mnluiinir April 1 on tba first 1 morieagr *tnklns fund snl.1 hon I* of tho onn. Il IllntTs (irv Wster \> erk* Cnmpany will oe paid on and iifMr that date ttnaa presmtsllon lo the F.nueis' oan snd Trust (inn psny. HARRY A LL KN, Treiisursr March 84,1880._ TllK FARMERS' I.i >AN" A ND TRUST COM- 1 PSST. -UA Mi 18 WILLIAM < V. ^-,i»-^-U The fotlosrtag eeonena arr payable .tt the office of the Farmers' Loan aili 11 list ouipiuiy April I, L-sHO: St Bl IN" ION A >4l8M)t SI IUVl.lt lt. R. (O. ( I NCI SN.\ H. WAsll IB iil( )N A HAL li MORE UM CO C'irnit.l BT1 am un vr CO. , iii M IL lil.Il IS WATER CO. B-t-BSOS TOWBBBIP. BVABSVsXLB A T-SSB haI'ti: r. r.co., BTOTTHT VBSNOB BSA SI ll. I (MIT PLAIN WATEIl CO. Jilli-I-lR-MlN VILLE, >'AI'ISON A INDIANAPOLIS R SOO. ESOKOI A DEShlOrSBS R. R. CO. KBMOBuTBBB STAT.B Oth MOSI-S A OBIO R R. CAR TRL'st. BO, E\ rBBSIOB. N ATKIN AL WATER WOIIK8. NEW YORK. TEX A8 A MEXICAN IL R. CO. BOBTB YDlllA WAI lit ,). TEllHE HAl'TE A INDIANAPOLIS lt. IL CO. DO. BBOIST1 hld. VHTO SIA rn A IT ll oo._ i acaariAKB um oniofB.itwsr coarAar.) No. -iJ H::,'Ao«i. (.Mu.ijt lu ii pim,,. } Mw-Vostt. March Ul, IBSS > rpHE COUPONS doe April l. 1sm«, ot tbe als 1 per cetil 1 '-'08 llond*. serle* A. and the (ii percent lill fminis ,u nu* amps ur alli he paid on aud aller thai dale al hi uttiv-c ut Hil Cou .ni. ED W. T. TO D SN 1E S. Trtssurer. Dioibcnb Notice*. CaSTBAl R. K Co. or WKX* JBBSKT, ) I ll) 1.1 uk ii ir st NRW-YOUK. Msrch 25. 1«H6 S AMERICAN DOCK AND IMPROVEMENT xs co. _ta_tapp bead aoapaaa, due January 1. lsx.-,,-m be paid nu pre*en,.-ll a.11. J. XV. WATS'IN. frasssiBL NriHIIIFIC't PsiiFir ll All,lae.le IOMrA.tr. 'I I,Ki*. ..nt a OrriCB, SO. 17 ItleoAll-Mr.. Nt.ss TOSH, Msrch 'lb, 18.4(1. COUPONB OP HE GENERAL hECOND HortaaffPOold Hints of (his ronipmr. duo April 1, IS8S, trill le inil.l i,m.ii nt .-*¦ nt iti-iei ni tint ..'lin- un and alter thitdate lite I moles lor Hie transfer of the B.5.000 lleK.s. lated w iitiiaie* wm cie.ee "arch 30, end reopen amii i. ,\t close of b_tissue March 31, ebecha lor laterosl dBC bb *iii Registered er.irtcnte* win ne mailed tn holde ri of rec ,r ,,t then teepee tire add lessee, t_ ll-ll. I*, LIl.Niix lilli.KN xp, Tr.a-urer. il II. HA.MOXD, ll ll- Kit 1 IBB'IAN.tniliS, DB III ll Sk). -Cl.IS.,Kil4l.il IC SILVSAY. > .J VXal|.,e(., Nev,- *, uric. March U'. 1 **(J. ) COl'IM »NS ol' 1 ic I'iisi Moi-in-an;,. Henel.*! na - (Tini* April I, UBS, Bill he paid on and sf er (! at ih,!- ii'.on pie-ie-utalion at tho l-llisi NAII"WXf. HANI.. .. Wa l .! Illus. K. Al KIN-*. Tieatar r. Orrie* or mk -"'thhix Pacific coipsiiri i 13 Bboaimtt. (MillsBulbliag) NSW Y,m_. March M, pOUPONSilue Anni 1, 1886, Irom the fol- \J lowtni; u-iiii" i b'lids Will bc paid OB and after that dat rn thi-i office Kout horn Psclfle R.B. Ca of Cal. istmo.-irsretip. c, Central Pactinc fl. i: o Lind'- p, c. ( isiiti-ii) Pacittc ll. K.i'o ,-an le.-vpiiii Itranchi 1*( R p. c. Morcan s oim'an a .V eta* cl. ll. .ic s. s. o. st T - iiienii.iifl i.,iii*i.iii i. ,- .\«.* ,k. ik. .. .-. .'. ¦. .-. ir*v. New Vork,Tessa t Moitcsn it. R. Co. Isl mortgBa*o4p c. 'mt I'l.liinS- lu ne il, le i o ls- morl unite (j p. c. Monterey h. ii co, lsi morl rs ¦.,- bp, e I tan 11 HY HOPKINS, Trea.su rnr. V O I ICE..Coil .ion.-! ol' tho following l)')l)(la, . ^ niatiri,nc April I*",, ssnl i,e [.all on Bod Sftoi dat'-ai Urn office of .loll.*. PATON . ('"., .'- \l llliam *c .New Yurt si. LOUIS, JACKSONVILLB AM. CHICAGO l-U'.-T Molli.; x.ii HIB8IBBIPP1 RIVER BRI DOB COMPANY FIRST Mollie.AUK. rpiiE Interest and dividends on the I (allowina ie,inti snd ttochssre payabls st tne bsnhina hooaeof Messrs. xviNeUivv. lani i-. ti ,x co., cornel oi Nus* ni und oder ala., Nsw-Ysrt ( tty. oa aad utter aphil ATLAS RNOlNE XV'iltlkS, I NI >!AN A POLIS. IND. first MortegSge ** CINCINNATI, ll SMILTON A DAYTON ll. ROO. i-iisi cmfii eiaieei UortaapTe'a l-l.est on eill.iatiil Molli/ Bel s. lint ('oesolid tte -i.ii'j,' .*. COLOMBITM AN'l. mu Ki.ve; i .Si.l.HV R R. CO. 1-' r*t Mi.rtT.iKi* 7* PAX TON AND Xii llliiA.N' lt. ll. CO. Third xi,,rte re 7* OHANI) IIAI'IH* INO INDIANA B, R CO. Fi st Mortie* re- Cu ,'iiai mteeu 7*. rsl Mnrtrape kx Land urantfa. C. KAN Ii ll s EN, Midi. Fundiii-.' Se. INDIANA six itt Hrf( ItofiindinrH'-j*. INDIANA PO M. iNn. Be hom .ii Municipal Bs Rorie* n. n. riTTSBt'H'l. V Kl xx AY.NK CHICAGO R'T CO. 1 lr i* Boi r-.ii' r*. series li k. com! Mortraca 7s. series K. I hud xinricitaifeTs. icu irteilv inv'd l^i percent, Special Stock. BTAPPORD TOWNSHIP, IN.), sc onl 'a. A PUIL ft HAMILTON (ii!'NIY. IND. (.iav,l Hoad (i*. A PHIL R. PITTSBURG, KOUT xv xx NK a CHICAGO R'Y co. ejii_r(i'i-ly Uiv'd :'i per cent, UcfU.ar stock. APRIL ia JOHNSON COUNTY. IND. Orara) Hoad Sa APRIL IL WrjITK (Ot'NTY. IND. (.ravel Road Ba. VRBMILLION COUNTT, IND. County (1*. APRIL 15. HATH (OL MTV, KY I'oniproiinse 7.*. CENTER T -Xs Ns. IP. IND. Se haled 7*. RICHLAND rOWNBHIP. IND. scbeiol 7*. APRIL 18. WniTK COI .VIV. IN!'. Oraral Hoad it*. APHIL 20. BEDFORD. IND. Muni, ipal Os. COLFAX, IND. .Municipal «*. OAU.THI XsflOSTAL RAKXJ NEW *,eiRK, March Ul. ltf*s(j. I THE DIRECTORS ol this Hunk have this day declared s DIVIDEND of PI VI ,v PERCENT ont ul Hie esminsSOf the ust six m.mt'is. payahle April I), ls-jij. Tue ti anster booka will remain closed uni tl that date. ARTHUR xx. SHERMAN, CaaBier_ *T*HE LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE I llallruad Cumpniiy will nay upon BreeCBtBllCe af l's e.IUce. ..il % li nure puce. Nets- York e itv, on Slid afn-r Thursday, ihe 1stplo.mo, tbeopopeas then due on the lol- loviiie iiiiirtLratri* honda ConaolUlatocJ mut?. -e. ssou'h itii.t N'rrtb .slcbniia sinklntr lund, I.eiuisviil e inclnnati ami Lexington secuml mnrt?a«re. New-York. March ie, IBM \. XS. Mukki-.3. _ _A*»l»(ant Beeretarp. Ml.'EKSI. RAJtOB RAILB0A0Oom'AST,) i.i m. ul orr* bs. / H.SSi C-K. Bte*-, March In. 18+;. ) TRK REGULAR QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OP a ii AND ONE-HALF PUK CENT QB thecapHat ste.ek .ef tills CO.pen V bj tiavatia' A url! ,",. 1--H, nt the oOjcM Ol the comp, my Hu,esk. Mich 0! St lt* transler icency lil tin* ny ot New York, toatookboldcra of record March 81, l-*d. H. s. emi.¦>:*;, Assistant ITeasuror. THE MI&SOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY (.*0.7 igg ii.-.oahstxv, Nsw-YOeta, Msreb in, Iggg A eiuarferlx' ilivldetel nf otu- uni Circe ejnarfers per rent on tin-1 a-.ital ttook of Hus cei lilian.- Ii.is tint dav I.r. dedari il, pasn'ile nu I'liursiliiy, tbs firs' dav elf April next, to «toe*c. ice Tieri uf record al tne rloss ol boslne. un Wodnesdar. "io tsvetiiv.'ourtti dav of M Teh. H-»l lin* (raas.r liookl ss iii lie clo ol on XX'ednesilisy. March 'H. tt -.'. o'clock p. m., ami rpppened nu Pndajr. April at ld o'clock a m. A. ll. CALI F, Treaseree NORWICH LINE. ltedn.tion of fai'es toallnoin'i: Rn,?on, |1 Woree*, ter, i- 'U Bteawore leers Pla ti, North airer, toni ul xVatt-e>t.. next pier Bbora DosLii-'ik.<e.s stroot lorry,st j:vd p. m. tUily, Bxcept Sunday^_ DAY LINE ll TO OLD I'* 11 NT co xi OUT. Xnrfuik. Va., ami Smith. ls Penn ii R 1:30 p. m. Purl.ir ar* to Beltimore, thence fal....s Bte*mers, armina: *t Old Polut si a. m.. Norto'k '.' a. in. U. V. lo.Xli'KI .*.'.->. (ie-i Pass. Acini. 81!) Broadway, N. V. TTOR RoNDOUT and KING8TOK, lanrlinu A mt. Cranston's, VX'ett Point. Cornwall. Newburr Mari boro. Milton. Pouetike-ep»io and Ksapu*. Tho fs-at Iroa Stosmsr Ci TV OP lNOsi-'N will le^ve every TuesJav lu. huit'lav lit p ni. spinrdtvt I p m.. from pier foo of Harrison tf N. K.. connect id ' with lister and Delaware-nd Btony X love and ivtskiil Mountain RallroPlP_ "TOR RONDODT and KINGSTON. A Ihe se e. .rr lAKEa W. HA i.DXVIV Will lesve every Monday. XVedtiesdav and Friday, st 4 o'clock p bl, fruin Pier foot of Harrison st. North tlivnr. Landing at ('raiiiiop (VS'est Peelnt). ( ern walt. New prf, Mailborn, Kelton. P'uiihl-o.'psle. and etpres* colin-ciiur with Dialer snit tie aware aud stouy clova an.t Cat»allt Mountatu Kailrotils. N NAVIGATION OREN. CATSKILL EVENING LIVE for Cat-kill. Stnyve*. snt and Intermediate Undines. Le iv. * New. York troni Dar 83, foot nf Jav-*t., N, il., for this week everv TD.BOAY, Tl:CH!-HAY and SATURDAY, attip in. PMp_t ncoived ¦Hiy anti (J, p. ui, IMPORTANT NOTICE Tu THE TRAVMLUNO PUBLIC AND BHIPPEU OP PBXIOUT. The Steiimers of the - PKOl'LK'S IINIT," DBBW AN!) dian RICHMOND, win commeiui* their leiftilir tr.ns to AlbBBT, coniiccllnif Ior .ill p'int* North aad xxct. on TUK8DAY. MARCH.K from Pier ll. North inver, foot of a ttl st., at si o'clock p. ui. s'itxti: ROOMB xx aii.xikii. N. B. Fri lttht received until Hie bear of departure. xx', xs. E\ Kn kt i. President *T»B0Y BOATS-CinZENS' LINE. Sicamcrs ( ITY OK TIl.iY and SARATOOA le ive Pier 41, Nortli EUrer. loot of e hiutupher-st., etaliv ex. epl Xaiur- day ul o |'. m. .iiuiclar itsouier louche* at Albany. PTIILADELPIITA AND READING R. R. Nh. XX.J Kit-KY CKNTRAL DIVISION, loni' (>F Ll BK RTY ST.. NOHl'H KtVKU. TIN i. I .x IILK-TAKINO EPPtl T O'"I. li. 1H*I3. , For IMlfi.ADKLPUIA snd TRENTON. " Bounei iim* Jinnie "nt t.i'O. 7 tft. U.-ii. 11:1.x ». m. 1: 0. 4:0.', t:8(». btHO, '¦itt ri.oi) D. a*.. 8C N I'A Y ti ton Sl4sa.BU BeSO KiOip.. I'lri-ct conneclloli at XX'tyni June; -rn for lirnnant'isvii sn I Chestnut Hill tat oiu.nuU-»ve. for Msnayunk. Couiht> hocken sad Norristown. DH a Wi Mi.room ('A RS on all i>sy Trains and SLEKIM Nd (Allson Niglit Trains. Rciiinuaif leave pm i.AUKLPIUA, Ninth sud Orera tts.. 7:30, .-JtSiv BiSn ).;(!() ^ m. 1:19. Mix 5;4n, B:4S. I»M p. Ul BTJ.fl) A Ti H:»h* l_. 6:80. 1'.' 'Hi p tn, Iliir-land I'.ciki nt at 5:10. 7 ,0 Bfl», 0 BO, lU:K a. lu l.O'i. S;Jd^ 6 -' *j:SJ') p HU Hf ND sY,8 ia a St. AMb.BL For LO K. HAVKN. PKALKtnd PHILLIPSHOKU. Pinn, -i- * .'.. m. For xx II.LIAMspiiItT, BDNBURT. LKXXISBI'IK) and MAHANoY ( l'lYilMX.Ii.M.u.. 3:1a. 4:00 0 in. Ior RKADl.N'O snd ll AllRloHC KO st 4:00. 7it», 8 4». 1 l:l.i a. ni., 1:00, 1:30. 4:00, a HO, 8 IV 12:00 ... in sunday*. SkSu. l.tpflip. m. ... For SCRANTON at 7:0P, 8 45 s. m ,3:15 n. tu. Fen XX ILKI-sRAKRK and PirTi»T"V at 7 00, 8:15 a. ox, 1:00, l;.,o -A-.ib 1S:4.-. p. m. SundSV* St 3 30 p. Vt. Fat mt iyins ut *:"" * _.,:iitftp. m. lorTAMAQt'A st 7 1)0. e:k.. *:4i ». Ul., 1:30. 8:45. 4:00, li!:00 o. m. sundavt. IViOOb m. _____ For UKI lll.KHRM.ALf.IN TOWN and MAI I H (HUNK St 4:0 >. T.'O. H-4ft S.IO., 1:00. 1:80, 3'46. fl.16 p. _. SBBdSP For B*A B ION ftt 4|t'0, 7il)0, »:45 s. m.. I 00. l;8u, A-Ab. 4 'JO tun, ,',.|, -, oo TikiO p. m. Kuuday* *:s)" a m.. 5:30 p. u. For HIOH ItRlDuK BKAMII at 4 00, 8:45*01.4 00 Pot-' vl!'l!M I NOTON "OO. 8 4(X a. ni., 1 00, 1:80. 4:00. 4:30. Koo. '.-sn o. m. Beadapa lija p. m. ForssiMIlHYILLK »t4:Jti. 8 0 7:00, *:46. 10:80, ll: 15a Ul. lil'). l.-'.O, K.30. 3.46. 4:1)0, sid., '. 00. ir.mO. Sttxb, tt-.ot). Bil 7 Of. '- :3c eu, li) a ip m Sui.'Uy*, i jxi r: " j .. l-(-i ...8" ."¦ y is For 1't.A.NFI LLD. 4:00. Sion, 7.00, 7:45, 846. BySOIBiM lltl.'i*. m., LOO. 1(90, 2 M. 3:.IO, 3i4ft, 4:00.4:30,500 5:15. I-BO 5l43 6:00. b,S0, 700. 7 8). KL, 8:80, 10:8-'. i'l"*» S. in' rtundsvt. 4:l'0. *:00, ... s. ia_ 13:00 IP., 1:30 4:i.M>. i.kO, 7:00, ViiO. VI.OOP. Ul. ,, __ For ra... iii a Alu tx .ii Mt, f. ts. S it>, ll so ». m. 1 oo, 8 HO. 4:00 I I I .' BlO V- Ul .*') id* t 4.00, * I I -ji For Ln.No BBANOU. OOBAN OROVB Ao. (Ali i-l)*! Lse.BjiB. ii un* m. io", i "0, i se Bios o. m. so* DA YR .etreiit Ocean (irovei ai 4 On. 8 4'-s. ai. Fer FR IC ' )t OLD*: l.H. 11:00 S. ».. 3:00, 4:00. 5:00. ":" I* Foi LA K (-1 xx ii i I*. TUMS IllVEll and BARNKOA1 al n.40, Por ATi.AN TIC CITY. VIN KLAN D and BR1DJKT0N a* 4i80 a. ni. 1 co p. iu. Nt\v .IKKM'.Y sOUTHBBD DIVI8IOV. KtuiiPlei No. 8..N oi Ul Hirer. vi» sam r HooB. Fer IIK.HI.S.NDB. NKABIUOR' LeNti BKANCU LAK li XX duli TOMS UIVKK. and bA KN KU Al, 3:46 D » licseit ctn besiocnrM' al fuut of Llueitv tu Pier no *. North utvri l'.'1, JUT. 901 .Ji7.4Ji.B44 lllOant.!.*¦ Bruadnsv nbV. 1 *7 aod IH Uta .tV*. 1 Rtviu^iou-tt-. IO. U- lu allll l4-> .x.ircjnwUli lt.; Itu .7v Rsst l'J .*& lt- l.U- B'.n llosvvrr. 1 rs anal a un e primdiyai hotetll IB New. Vors ( cy In Uroesklyp tt So * i ourt-.i. io7 Biosawtr Bis Bun Pinion st. 8in. rt f-a Xttnhaitaii asp In limjiln-n, lcX4 Wssliluitou lt. N.V 11.111,101 ump any will nail itt Sues qh'Ok bSTCas* irom tiote-li ur re*id-uce to ttsstiasUsa. i J". XV()OiT*CN. 1 c. HANOOe'lt. UeuTai Msuaaot. (Jen. Piss*, sud lionet Atv H. P. BALDWIN, ts,» p. abu. 111 Ubsrty sv. M. M. Glrambonts uno nailroubs. IjX*R HEW-HATER. Biossiets h-ove foci slip st lt p m. and ll p. m Mtiudsis Sic«pl«d). m. steamer arrives In tine for early u*lus North Kk ursion to New-Haven snl rt taro, 61 30. ^TORTHERN RAILROAD OF KEVV.JER8B1 I I rains leave from < i.a.i.h ,rs st. 'poi for Euslews* lioster. 1'1-riiKiut ai.-l Sjcl I < i io I 3 2o 4. 4-; 6 to. 8 lo. H .40 p m ll mldnlgnt Sundays 7, 7.1ft p m. N»iui -, spring Valley and Munt--, 7, ,o a ra. 4,60 e aaa Sundnya li a. ¦ 17 KI P. RAILWAY, nnw known as tho NRW, la iijRK.LAtt,b. ERIEABD WK-I ERN RAILROAD? Analise,i.e.us ol iia.n* Dual liam . s -r DeuoL i ,ot. 2sd st 16 Biantes earl er 9 a to Dally oicept Sundays Lav KlpiesB, Reflet Drswiirsv, r"'-:ii oa I..-* to Binghamton, kiti.u* Hoi i.edaville /Oil. fal... '. :i.'..i.t Palls sui ._ipsBsloii ). -i, ¦-. Bleeping! I om lies Uomellsville to Cincinnati. 6 p. m. Dsiiy. Calna* sod at i - . L'mite.i r-rMt .. . toil PilJiT.a n train of La. and t-1 Bloetdr,ia oa. bes. No extra <h*r*e far fast Um*. Arrive* Me.ilviLe TVll ,-li>nd. "¦' " S. m., Cteveltad. lo 60s. m. Clnrianst',t*f.'n ,.. Chlcsee. hoop ...aada\Loni*,7T8<ithe*estn>i cornfe*. 7 t. ii. Dally. " BuSaloand N.aifaia J .¦;: l.i. .ie.L arrive* buliaio 7 'fi s. m., nnsuensloii Prui/je -f.s m. li « .i-Otal BO] kl munt train bcfwea-,i N'e\t Y»>rl ai.-1 Uuffalo. Pp.m. Dai.v. Cbleaoo Baarese 1st Bte west a wild trsinj Ol Pullman La, tod Hlreblug Coal i. a* o il ugha oin El7 ni.i.i. n.ilfi.'o, N'spsra Far.*, eli. i_: .it ., d cotcase Snthertord uni I'imiIo, t .fl ii 46, Tu>, 7 vi ti;ao I0r2t> a.m.. t . m.09, 1.4*. H.oo. A 6), 4i40, lo, ft 30, ft V'. 6 ii).: « 80. 7 $0, 6 lo, lg SO p. m.. ia ri! '11 g it. aadsys, 6 lt!' J) .Ti. lo id a. m., 1,46. 'On. * 45. . ,12 mtdn shs? SateraM. 4 43, tu46, 7.v, 7:5-0 98», :".".. m., .Jn,ui" 1 ff.. 3"03 SO, 4 40, -IO.', ft.IO, S Jo. 8 ».. ft IO, (lau 7 lol 8:80, 10:30 ft Bt.l 19 nidii ¦ hi. BBuaW* ft 48. 8:80.1V.SS »:,.... 16, OHO. 74'-. Duo, 1,-*. 1 i -Mt Newark and Petarson. via N*w*ti, ¦'¦ "> -"'u sin iooe.1 ll 80 a. ... S:00, * j '. 4 vu 1 j... j -ii. 1 7 lu.SOO 10 0* Stiffen 1 13.6:41 TitM. 8 S'. 16 SO s. m.. lid, s so, :).ftO, ail 6mi,8 lo, 7710. 8:80, lo 80 p. ,11,a:,'. Ia mi.'.nlg't. ».,:,.uvffc 8:45, a.80 10 20 a.m. 146 6 30, 4, '.oe m. a. 1 12mldn'glifl W.trw.. k i tl, 7:90, lO.ao* m.. 4:30 p bi. Binda)* j fi S. li:. .".ewbnrii and Cornwall 7:60. U a m., 3 8u. I BA « p. m Bani dsj 1 80 .1. 01 ,8 ji. m. (loadout SMI hingston and Mon (.Tier .1 :t n. 3 .40 p BU Biimisy 8 :<o a. ra. Scranton Sa m., -,u.-:. v.excepted. ~ Goshen 4 tft. ft I.'., 7 11. e. lo /o» m.. .. 1. j 01 80, 7, Bi Pllo it tn, sm,,:;if ; 16. 8 .10. io vu a. in At. 7. 8 p. m. Middletowa ii'., ft tv 7:60, 6 io-jo* -e. :i io 4 80 7, Bi P 11" p M. siitoIhV 5:4-1, 8 140, IO 20 i 'ti I IO, ?, 8 p D Ynl ii ,i to and 8. '.') p. iu. ti»1i;s onnr,t H lt it New YorV 'nurla sud Western Kailioad at Ma.u-*t. ii,r '. t m. train *toy,i al M*m-st, utily. Port Jen * * tl, 7:10, 9. 10 20 a. m.. 4 30. 7 00. 8.00. 8 tl p ni st;- nay 8 IO, loco ft rr.. C SO, 7, 4 p. m. Doits leave J8d »:., N, Y ,6)48, 6 16 a ..... 6:18 tt ni. fo SH8 p. ', every f1fte«n minne*, ft ;.*, p. ra to IO 16 p. m. ever* Bllrty minot.-*, aud 11:4ft p. m. S i-.tayi every tturtO .illulia*. i triter* for passage iu.d spartt.ients Iq I irawine-Room »nd Pin puts Co;iCee*ra.ii he obtj.unl an,: .. .ri foi ilie o>.e, kins and IrsaslSl "f haaftaao ma; ie. >rt n 'hr (. ti'-i'tuy . otBeeB, >o*. i'H or ''57 Broi'Twa}. 181 \l 's tl . N. Y., No. 2 Court] lt., Mr.,oki) n. or at the ron,piny'" De ¦ I jpiees train* from rh..- w'e*' ati.'.t-iu New.York st 7il<a t^O, ll:-f a. m. am* 10 2" p. m. JOHN N. ABBOTT. Oen'l l.a.*'r Agent, Nsw.York. VLW-YOUK CENTRAL AND HUD80H Xl RIV EB P..ULUOAD o.,!,ci,. Nov. SA l-ia, tbroiiKh trad,* will loate Grand < enc .: t »8 a. m.. llueheder sm! Mouimal Ksprssa tl.mush draw* taa-roen can ta Beahaster, ai Albaetan Koa .. ro.ui. jo a bl, F**t Limited ('UlraKo Express, with dining ,-ars, ¦ foppui(? at; Alhany. L'Ucs. svr*t'i.e. ito. hrsi«r. U'.uT»i->. M*. ira* iii.n. Trie,, leve'and »nd Toledo, arru ina at Cluc-asS i* ju ». bi. neti day. .o ii'a m. chicago BttpresB.drawiBtt-etesa un to i:ut» i..tri* lto.1i..«rer, Nlijjiita Ea! s sad B itt* ¦. ill a. m.. Western BTW-York and BerUtera Eipre**, wita drawin(.roota cart. I in p m.. AU.nuy. Trov and lim I x- re«s. throuyh draw, inn sean ears. To r-aratoh-«. Ft Edward and (Lent BBBI ob hat urila} h oni>. *4 p. Ba, Ai, o .,,1..vii'lon to Alh inv a' .1 Tiny. .fl ;. m . tin, aao and at Lo * Bt press with seeping otra for Niau ira Eats Buffalo, CiBCtsnaU, lo.e.'.o. Detroit, (.bl. caff" Slid St Lo ii* b.i'ip m., I'.ipres* with sleeping.,-.iii la lytaSBBI snd ta Aiititiru read, sud o Baratora a's., to Montreal. l-l' 1". p. in Peeble Bx press, -.uh tie n e irs for itmh-t, ter, U'lffalo. Niagara Fall*, i loveland, Toledo, »t. Louis, l)*V trod sod Cm. .ur" II IS p. m.. Nik-ht F.xpre**. with tletmlaf-een to AD)»nf sod liov. Connect* win, the p.on.ln« trains ,'oi the Waal BM for the North except Satur.lsy night). Ticket* on nale at Onad Central Depot. No. 5 Bowling Orren, fia Hroadwnr, Harlein Depot. 126th st and 4tb ave,, ami a' Westeott'a Bxpress rrrBees, 3 1'^r, plseeineat Broad. way,. 781 and iH2 Bioadwav. and fl'J Wat 12'thsf. New. Yolk,...Ct Washington aud 7.0 Eiil'.ou sis, Li-ooah n. aud 78 ft!: *'.. W-lliaaiaburg. Aci'o:i,inodat'on* ii lrawing room an¦! lleeplag cars 'an bs pro ured at anv ot the ti Kel others li, N. a \ ort City, sae rtH:-t Wns.iln-.'tori *t.. Bron* in IISKgai;* -.lied tor and bi rkod from resldSBOB. .These tr*ln* rill d*1'V. A ly ex.-ept Sundaf. IThese 'r.lut stop st D.trlrin (121th ll ju t Uh are i J. M. TUCCEY", li. M. BBNOSIOB, Oem-ral superintendent._Orneial Psssenrai AaBSSV PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. On snd after Mtr h 22. sfi. GREAT TRC.N K LINE AND UNITED STATS* MAIL SOtTTBl Trains leave New-York.vi* I BBBtaeBBB .ni ouitl Itt.I StretO iel II' -. ,.e (,..,,ont's Uarilioiiiv. littshurg and the West, mi'i Eulin an 1'sisca un attiubed. 9 a rn 6. 7 an,I s j,, ni. «1 illy NcwVorksuS Chic .> .luntcS of t'.nor, Dinlur. Bot 'kuur aud Mleepiug Car* at ;. a. tn e»*iy day Williaiiin;,ot t, Look llavau, 0 s. m L p "' ''orrv ind Kris »t I- p :u coyuectirur af 'orr> for iitmviile, I'e'roUt.a Cotte :ind th- oil lu-gion*. Poi Le an ii :. * rn, 3 -Op. bl, ..nd 1:1 Bleat Baltimore, a'asnlnttion and the Soutii. LUaited ivashington Express of Pullman PalaeaCscs .'.*.) iceni sonder, io a m. trrln \V-shlugtou 4:iai d. tu tn 3 i" n ni arrive a it i'uj'f ii li o' p ._. reirular at O'.'o s ind 8 SJ a m., 1,4 3 and 9 p m. and ll uiirht. Sawlay, 8:1A i. m.. 4 J<\. an 1 8 p -n and 18 ti B.I For Atl.inflc City, except Suniay -Tor iajU Parlor Car', t p. m. Porcape Msy, etrept snndsy. ll!') a m. Lona Braned, Bar Head Juiiettiu and uu.-rmediate stations vu hahwsy sad Au.'',ir j a m. 12 noe., iii", ."ip m. On -linday. D.tft a.m. aud 6 p. m. donut a.np al Albury Pura For "ld Point snd NorMa via N'ew.York I'liUadelpbl t .tnt Nor'olk IIBUro.d. .; o a. m. week lat* Sad I ii rn .v.-ry dar. via Baltimore sod Bay Line. ;;3o p ai .ve, a dav*. Boats of lipioklvn .< nn"x conn'Ot wiri -ill "ipmr'i frao,* at ler»ey Cur. atTordiug a apeelv end din t ITSS.BM for Brooklyn f,,vei lian.* Arrive Frota litiaourg. 7:80. ¦< 10, ll:io*. m.. 6:55 Sod H:»6 p. m. dalli, prura \v ,nnin rion aa i Bauim-ire. 6: .'il, ll .'M'S. m..1: JO. :!:'-'0, :o '. «4), tl.20S.ld 10:3 p. in lllBllar. 8:20.6.60 a. m. .1 Ju, 920 sud lu 16 p. ni. tv tu lilli- delphi*, v.ft' 6:30.11:60. 7 10,8 I" i_. .i i .. lot'). 11-40 * to 1 30. "2. S 20 8: IO ft JO, 6 NI, 8:'.8 7 20, 8 .4". 9 j,(. ]iilft o-m. ind 12'-'0 nls'.t *nn,':i\ 8:30, ti:j,i. t) (). 7..40, 8 40. 1 1:35 b. m.. 3:'.'0, 0 BS, 0:3\ il Jo. 6; li, IO.Jj p. UL FOR PHILADELPHIA. ETprets trains leave New York, vin Deabrsesea aal Oaasa laudt st: -ct lo-rie,. aa follows 0 2u. -<' «¦ '.' tt Uicaa-o Limited ant 10 Wi*!iii«toa Liiiilted and ll s m.. I, 3 jo, 1. 4:3'. S.S. 7. M and J p. in and lJ niiC'.it. Ace MB OW.lt lon, -.0 ll ld a. tn ai.il 44) 0. m. suinlats. xtie4s 6:1! 8 IB Llirite.D, tut liiLin.: 4. l.t-i, ... 0. 7. is snit ,111 in snd 13 bi (ht. Tr.at ... iving Ssw.I 01 k dai 1. (Xi ii -. lav. .t 7 Jo. I. and lllo ;i. in 1. i. 4. ft aud p St., and o ji m. on "uodars, conn ct at 1 r. BtOfl f ., 1 ami. n let.: UBI tum.* .eiVi' Itroad sireet Rtattoa I'hllailelpliia. 13.-01.8:20.4:11 .ft.' Oft. OMI 7 0 6:30 I 'I. ll. milli* a ie i.mind Express 1 11. 1 :>'¦ \< ta, 1 ta, i. f. ft 6. bu.. 7 2 - 1-¦ and '..ni p iii OnPtiudsv l.' it. 1.20. 4 i'5. 6. U Oft, rt Mi ». m.. U VJ. 4 1 o Limited, ri-IS, 7:13 iud - 12 p in I.rr e pini delphi via camden. 0 a. m :i.iv siceot Sander, Ticketoiti.es.M8.436snd 844 Broadway, i Astor Hon**. and root of Desbto tees and cottrtlsa'.t .;-, » Coart-tt.. aasl Pro,, lyn Annex ht.ition, tool ot Puiton-st,, Breektyaj Lu^, 1,'s Hotel, Hoboken, station. Jersey itv. Knugraut luke''dil * No. 8 iu:ter> piece and istls larder. Ihe SeW.York I'ransier 1 oitrany will cjiI for sui ohsoB bair*. ^" fi''"ii Ii).els and rusulonce*. SABLES POOH, I. R. WOOD, llen-i-al Manager. Gene-al PasSIBgST Aa-enl, \\T.oT SIIOHE RAILROAD rv n y c. rr k it. r. . a, I '"""., THE WEST SHOBt BOUTS IB ALONG HF. WI73T situ:::-; HF THE \l OKI D-FA.M li ill LS .' ItIV..a, AUDI'S D P DTIIILL- DP CATSKILL MOONTA! -, AND I'llRoCilil BEACT1FCL VALI.l-Y OK I Uki MOB IS'K, On-md after Nfareh ll, ISMS, train* alli leane Weit rid. lt. ital on a* follows- All irani* les4'ofrosj new down 'own nation, foot of Jay sf. North ki. er '.ii Linutss earlier than fron r.-oi of v\ e*t f.'.lst. Detroit and Ctileago, 30 a. m., -«J BO, -S IO p. Bt, .l.eepors through. sit Lonia. *6:00, - IO p. m. Bleepers threnga Buffs 0 Bo. lu--'-, t, Simp, ii- ,,:, IDi.lip-. N .K-i.i Fall*.-DilS :i. Ii:., 't u" '8 lOp, m, Mee;.-rs md ji ,r--. i. ..- ,j a: I. Cn rii ai,il sv tonio, "3 ii), ll 2-i a m. 8 6 ' p. tu. HIsTblsnd, Po'keepsissnd Klua-ttou, flO 'o'. 11 tie. m- 3 ftft. -- D'. -12 o p. tn ano .>'¦ on t. m. for Killgsto* Hauirertieaan.l Albany. .7.1'). -0 80, ll JO j. m., 3 3j. -6 00, ..4 1" p. m. Catskill. .7 lo, "J '0, ll 25a rn I 65, s lo rn, m. cranaton's. West Point, CSfnwaU and Newbarg; '7 16. .8-80, 'lo:IO. 11:36 a. W.. H'.ft. flft. - 10, '1 in p. m. BBB ¦0 00 p iii. for ri nst in's Corttwsll *n.| v---.,.g. For Monlieil *nA ra...-"^ F .,(, .i IXI p. nt l'oii, London, *9 8oa. m, -ri.00. "S i p.m. Toronto, -.-Jua n, I" co. *a lOy at.. .D.uly. tDaily.ei.eptsaturday. Other ti .lu*fatBySSOBBf For tickets lime tables, parlor or sleepinr rai acorn.aaa. ton* or -tor-ailuB, apnlr .»' eincss: Bioikiys. 3u Washiiurtonst.. ;80 Fulton -*i.' Annex oin cs. loot of Fulton ««-: NOWYorS Cty 818 MS, H..I. 14I Brosdwsy, 13.-4 Boweiy. and West «Aora stations tool et W.st fid tl sud foot of J*v »i. .Nor:, tlrei W-s'cottl Bspresswlll caM tai sad ehastt bsajSM-11 om Bott saud res* deiicos. Oiders eau he loft at tu ko "tie*. c HEN n\ MN Lil. 2S0 Broadwsy. U BBBral rss»enger Agent pus 10N. NEWPORT. NORTH IND BAST ll FA IX RIVER l.s .-Best r.iif. vu Sound. Mm'. lunn sceoatawdntlona mi:iuntu:i r ih'*. Inn,1 lier 'i-s N. k, (ont of Murray *l every day iSondayi n ( An- 1 ai "00 PM. M. amers .1 and I'rovidenee. Conneti'm of Auui-x 1 oat from Rrook-lyu ii 1 p. m., Jer*ey (itv * 1'. M._ IJAHI.KM KIVF.R BRANCH. I I S W YORli. SEWHAVLN AND HAR I P iB D S. IL Tr. ns leave Hatie-n BlT«r Mtat'oiu coruer I J.I it.,a'in I inioiu-ate near Third Avenue Briars Si ros- Harlem uiver h..u . '1 \ * T'"rd A, od.*.. 1 lovaied Salli 0 id d Hiv «xoep| a'Kd.y* ^6^i.ft 7 Mt eD,, lo. ll Uaj^.1 :"-^V*-A Huuf* Poiut, west *arin». > »" ,,...._ ,,-i.J Ti,.,i,s..ir« Ra* Chesrsr I'ei'i-.m Ma. n»rt.'w (> ivjr n np-.. u«. a-v ' A $ m Kockell* eatxaoeihjf »i l.lsud), P. b.im Mailor « g#0j «,V\v^y\ rV Vew Raven a,:d fisrtfonl BaiII«ad. 8hor* I*. . a ri in" Di' mon*: N"» i'm)"'. Mlddl.toWB. New..u'u:n.adHumeld Branehes. Sid Lo. on aud ail souita EMldnlrht train f.-r Now Ho-be!!e and .'ll Intefiusd^lB *ta» Mldnigiu 1. exeept Mou.'ars. lSV.v train* for New Koch.-..- *)., all -nferniedl.te ita- . 1 Ii 12 iioou anl 8 nip m.t'.e si tel inls eta ineatla | ,'. N* ., llo'ksBe wlib way tralus to Ovaud O'.lrsl Oopot sui tt'.sinioii._ I KHIQH VALLEY RAII.ROAH -Pussmror 1 j 1 4im o-*'s ss .a- foot of or and sad "**.) aasssBB. at n. ml MO an I 7 p a tor act.. il- h » e.n. All*U- i«Jn uaidios Ms'i.h -nunk. 'i-oa mi". t. Wl4-e»>arre. -,",.. ni? wfie-v I-Sae" Sanrra l-l"'** B****!" ***** Wwi puIIiubb ihraaah et-aebe. .ut .'* y Uc»it talus si -am ano ''.»" P ui for **'on. Rotu'.eh itu »>.d opuy rr*V. leaving »' « . « "j »».' », l" ! "' sajaiaaa tor til a..' '*« ui M-thsSor aol Raile'on e..*: uy'. aja sunisy Usia feai < . for MSBOh il i"k aud Hallo*011. 8 a. m. O.nerH Ks.tern ",:.*. So lJ K^ft^ 0 p fc DOPOLAR SHOHF. LINK .or Hus ION and 1 theP.AST All rall from Orsnd Centrsi Depot, rhrso expre.a trains dsiy IBBBda' s <ue-pie.l) to I'-.)-' >¦' »t M.1":' 2 lim ti.aioi eil* alla, hedi Slid ll p il orita p k.sea t.eop. In, ta.,1- swBBSSrS ai 11 V- ». '^*|»Sta.*fift% JJJ^ rXCKFORD ROUTE IO rfEWPORT. R.L I ravs 'iraud eutral !.¦ ,-: a* follow* A" 8* "U.airviigia Sot. p'rt »l . .0 e. nt, A' kp bl.atrivtastaSeaaortel7sos tm. (1) awtar room cur* attat-l.ril to billi tralut.) ' _THK-iD,)RK W sRl^lXVHtipjk^ w H'.eateern Sail. parlor eare'reelLmg chairtl Setweei tteamrr's laoouis iud lostou without CT.Wf*nsVs^BnTSl I' '.taaataf ssaSA.
Page 1: Chronicling America · LITERARY NOTES. Seven! of tbelate Mrs. Ewing'sexquisitelittle stories Will soonbareprintedhere by Roberts Brothers. TheBretvolume ot the posthumous works ot

LITERARY NOTES.Seven! of tbe late Mrs. Ewing's exquisite little stories

Will soon ba reprinted here by Roberts Brothers.The Bret volume ot the posthumous works ot Victor

¦ugo appeared in Paris on Tuesday. Its contents, whichan In vsree. eonsiat of "La Grand'mere," a comedy Inone set; "L'Ep<?e," a drama in five seet.es; "Msnge-ront-llit" n comedy lu two acts: " La Foret Moulllee," alantara in one act. There aro alto three comediettas.N ir la Listore d'un Rois;" .. LeaGusux ;" " Eire Aime,"Only '. La Grau.Vniere " ls susceptibls ot representationon the modern stage.

Mts*. louisa Livlng*ton Hunt has prepared a volumeOf " Memoirs of Mr*. Edward Livingston." The book, bynason of Us nutbor and sullied, should be a noteworthyeoiiirllut lon to the records af American lifo aud man¬

ners. The Harpers will publish lt.

Thr London BpeedmAmr concludes thus Its neat reviewof Mr. Jame*'* ¦. R,istonlans " : " Though weean trulysay that we have never real say work of Mr. HenryJames which had in lt so much that wa* new and origi¬nal, we mu»t also say that wo have never real auy taleof his that ha I in it aa much af long-winded reiterationand long-drawn-out disquisition. Perhapt that, too, is

In its way a relied ion of the thin, lonp-drawu elaborate-set* of Cottontail MOOS of thought."Another London weekly, 7Ac Athriurum, in reviewing

a n.-w novel, makes sneering mentiou of "a kind ofAmerican ' pottering willi chm actor " in the wiitin.; offiction.Mr. H. I). Rlackmoro, who write* charmingly poetical

prose, writes, oddly enough, very prosaic paetry. RutOf that fact he dors not seem to be conscious, as he cou-

tlnuos la iuvoko a reluctant Mme,¦ E. fl," li Informed that Mr. K-lgar Fawcett ls the au¬

thor of " The BBBlllag Rall."In a recently published lecture by M. .lo-* -rani, of tho

College ol france, is to be found an amusing ttorywhich illustrate* the Ignorance which prevailed among

Frenchmen with r»g.rd to tho literature of their neigh¬bor* le»« limn two centuries ago. Louie XIV. one daytook it into hi* Dead to Inquire whether tho Englishreally had anything which could be called a literature,but nobody abant lils court possessed knowledge euough jof the lati'Juaito to be able to inform him. The Kingwas cot to bc battled, however. Ho bethought himselfthat he had an Aiiilia*sadorat Ixm on, and to htai accord¬

ingly a command wai addressed to obtain thc informationhi* royal raaater desired. Ills Excellency was staggeredby such an unusual injunction, and his reply wa* re-

maikablA. Having nothing to say, he took a great manywords to say lt tatt, and began by eonipiiui-utiug tho

King BSOB the pr.."f of greatness and elevation of soulBinned liv lils laud .b,e desire to Increase his knowledge.I*, would render bis M.yesty, said tue Comtede Comintres,

B"t les* Illustrious in centuries to come than success in

tho battlefield and tho conquest of territory. But how

to i ilisfy the King's curiosity! Tho Ambassador's ac*

q.miltalie" evidently uid not Include men of letters,and, drawing ou hi* owu resources for the informationwhich bc wa* too lguoraci to know whore to look for,

bc wrote thus: " It seems that the arti aud science!sonni line* abandon one country that they may honor

another. At tho present time they have Banged into

France, aud If there remain any vestige* of thom here,lt 13 bul iu me memory of Bacon, of Moras, ot Baucanan,

and, tn recent times, of oue Miltonlua, who renderedhimself more Infamous by his daugerous writings than

the butcher* aud assassins ot their King." And thiswhen England was rejoicing lu vvhat In her vanity she

was j'lcased to call the Augustan age of lier literature

Robby Rums ueverlack* a defender and an advocate.though to true a poet hardly n-edi either. This ls not,beever, tho opinion of the pretldcnt of tho London

Born* Club. He object* to Mr. Lowell's statement (inht* paper on " Gray "i that the jioetry of the eighteenthecntury "fell uuier a general condemnation as alto-

ge'her wanting in tho Imaginative quality. . . . The

thoughts, tuned with words above their own level, are

always on their best behavior." "Surely," say* the

lover of Burn*. " the cmla-it critic. In making thia

eweejung stricture, ha* overlooked the claims and. quality ' of' Tam o'shanter ' and ' The Jolly BBSSJsra'"

It ll reported that the girls of Girton College have

wholly recovered from their enthusiasm for Mr Brown¬

ing. "They have formally di»tolved their Rrowniug So¬

ciety, and not ouly voted tnat the balance of funds In

hand should be spent In ehoc.ol ites, but have actuallybought thc clio,- il ne*, sud eaten them.''

Kim rjublu.itieno.




Author of "Mr Issac*,' "Ur. (lanolins," etc.

l'J-no. Jl 50.

taaaaaang Msaaenaattattal eeeaatde, meiodra-natic, ott-¦-t. nsli. lu-h .* teat Bed t write » very good novel. His new

1 toBcoastal Bl eoefweek, The slory ls well conceived

» nail abstracted, isa Barralin to alwan aanBatoa. aaatl e*keti boa of cia'a, ter. alli,ou.'h they touch only aunace1 at.oa- uro clear aud tine. , Hr. CnwftNfTaBUBS-Bg.eat el mi* sunik aensaage is huhiy effective, an ibo

ula*:,nus In wm. h h li^ur.-s are 'Irainatic; thedifhciiltI-ene of the hrd BteflBag ttlth the wife ls ail'iiir..bly doneSid tho eoti'iK ciap'cr ls one or tlie strongest and af BMsa ne lime ojr, of tho mo t natural pl", es of writing thal suv

sui'".) ha* given us .,New Vork Trii.uiie.

I. it.arts;.1 tel t'ial the " 1'ale of a Lonely Parish "

will be dcvo.ire I ny ai novel reader*, t.iai ll will ka talkedBb .ul by everybody, aad mat lt win bo tlie popular book ut

ttteseaaea "A rabi sf a I eintjj ranab " i* mo best

»:.,iy Mr raw-ford er, r publish" I. an one of the besl told

st.rl.s in recent literature -[Boston Utaeon." A lalo of B Louelv Parish " ls a most astonishing advance

tc anS ail hts pievious warks, thu clever, uusophl*t.i sh il John ¦ mt, the eelf contained 'Siiulre, wita the ex

» lent Vicar aad tu* wile, fonuln< a group far ni ire vanedaadtaratan bntoswatntgthoa aro foaad m almost any al theteeaatnanto, . . . Altogether, "ATaieof a Louelv Par

task " will not oulv do maaS than any previous bo ik by Mr.

1'raw ford I . establish his claim to a permanent place lu Ut

eratnre, hnt ilie norri >* sire ot a *i,li *..d lasting popular.i.i.ot lo.to:, Courier.

A tali; of


P, MARION CUAWFORD.Thee :s not a dull pa?e in the boult. Its op Dion chapters

lor charmine!. aa,i ser -rn Iv o iwar 1 without any Indicationof .ho ira nat.c atnagth w.i'oi is afterward levelnpsd, but

the Interest is j vci alloW'd to flag. ... It will be one ot

t | in .st popular books of the season among the lovers of

good not els. [Huston Budget.lie has wtltteu "A l'slftof a Lonely Parish " as if his heart

W-re lu his work. Pratt tht, rlr*t ni' i* Marianas tut: what

l.e ha* to t«l is worth r.-ai ti c. tod waen-he st-ry is enii.-a

that hi* talent* wan inver mare successfully appliel..[WatSaasjBBB carritti.UV <iawf-T<1. even In a " Lonely Parls'i.' find* nimen-tl lor

B novel as thilluna asinanyadeiecliVf story. . It is a

pleasure io have anything so perfect el lt* kimi a* this brief

but vivid story. . . lt lt doubly a success, helot full of

human sympathy a* well a* thoroughly aiti*tlc In its nice

halai.cmg of thc unusual with tie cniuiinnplace. the clever

Jnxtapositi ii of taaaooaoo and gu.it. comedy and tragesly,timplicl'y nail Intrigue.-[Critic.

liss sdil'sl BBWetkaaaa and h-anty to thc author'* stylewithout lading Bte fancy. . . TIih inosf doci'led a.tvaace

which Bha novel shows I* tn Its dialogue.. Th» rl-aractrrs now

talk witr an approach to natuialness. Indeed, there sr*

pages ot talk between Mrs. 80S0S(*I and John Short wjdeb

have sonnthing of the graceful tonch and pleasantry ofHowell*. The humor ot it all 1* quiet sud kinta. .i.,.'e



LITTLE ULAI l-l AS-K, Kqual to Rhoda Ilrougbton'sbest Hook*, and oue of the brightest tuft munt .m. rc.-tmg

novel* of itu div. Hv Annie L. Wright Second edition

featly this morning. Everybody is reading and recommendinglt. Paper.60 rent* (loth. BLtr Lor sale everywhere, and ?ent Post Paid to any one, to

Sty place, on n nutting jirice to the Publishers.



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Thoughts r-uegestod by Three Quest.ods l-ately Pnaeftaoedtothe Aliuiiul of Vale, C. ll. BOnth i lil. Ur. Hillie on Coiegc Oeronmeat

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early ambrotypc taken tn IStSL

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SON. With seven pictures.

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ticipants. with inti), ron* Illustrations, a* followsLISS on Tin-: "ALABAMA." Hv Owe al Har Craw.

rh. Two Teare1 cruise i!.e I turarter of ibo Others audMen.The sinking of t ie "Alabama"c IttBATS OK THE "ALABAMA." Rv lier Execnllvs

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school* by WA-ll MiTON (il AIUH N. In ' OttOS Let.teis" th* iu«h-ipof Keataesy writes an the guest lea. " fh*nthe Federal Ooveriimeut titra Aid le Popular Education r'

THE GRANT MEMORIALSome inqnlrv liv the editor s* to lt* style..Who shall make

it 1 Wlial kind or a structure I

I tTHTHER CONTENTSComprise r'ncbi'Ittig r'apter* of Mr* Eoote'* novel; "OpenLetter* " from Cnurllan I Palmer. Her Dr. i ha*. 8. BOfHB-*t»n. and othera Poem*, uric a Hrf. etc-Price, 3j ceut* , $1 a ye ir. sold every where



l vol., lisna $f so.

"TTe has written a book which yon can't discus* without

laughing; and that is proof enough of its quality.".(IT, Y.Tribune.

'. 'ihe late Mrs. Null' ls the Hon of thc month, slthoughthe co.nes out wiih the landis at the close. All the bright andbewitching i|u:ilitle» of 'The BOMBOBi Wit.-'* Ulster' and' The Transferred I Jhrmt' sre visible lu thi* their exquisitethough dist ,nt relation. Mr«. Null 1* fascinatingly tbsurbingfor simple c uirm of character, for rieiinte tou-hes of faiicl-fulnee* and for the moMt infectious and exhilarating Rpirilofrun.".[N. Y. COaiinfTiiSl Advertiser." We coitrrstnlate th* novel reader upon thc feast there i*

in 'The late Mrs. Null.'".[Hartford Past."Origin*.! bright, nnd fall ol the au thur's delicate humor."

.[N. Y". Journal of commerce.

THE LATH MRS. NULL.1 vol., l'.'tno, $1 60.

For sale everywhere, or Beni postpaid on receipt of price by

CHARLES S( RUINER'S SONS,713-74". Broadway, Sow York._


A Popular Jonrn.,1 "f Oenertl Literature.

TUE APRIL NT.Mil ER,Now Beady, Contains:

TAKEN BT BIKOB. VE, VII.TWO DAYS IN CTA1I. Alice W. Hollins.TOWALI WIIir.MAN. Lora Ile id (io.vlsle.A BACH1 I.OR'S in.(NIH.p. XIII WI. Sf, E. NorrisACNT BUSBY. Kr.ineis courtenay RationASACH R. r naries Henry Phelps.OLIt EX Pl- I'.I ENCL M I'KTINOS. r.

My Literary AntOBtOgripky Julian HawthorneA Pew l.ltera'V EipTleii'. *. E'l-ar Fawcett.An Accaienttd Anther. Joel chandler Harris.

BCOSSSAJtn TALL1K8. Grant Allen.a vacant HOUSE m. ii attaorwaoaPATH Nt II IN A ft I", (hailotte Fiske Hate*.Ol'Il MONTHLY OOSBIP,

ihe ('oniius American Novelist. A "Lady from phlla.Sal ina "

trvag't KeneodncHon of Faust Waiter Herri** Pollock.Chil n-n'* Mines a'.d'.ames, ll M.ls the Poet I nabn to support Himself I W. ll. E.


Subscription price, '2 ter annum, la advance, singleDamner*. Sa orate Liberal arrangement! ma.io with thosedesiring to <ret up e u',s(f A ipriiuion iiuuioer tent postpaid for 'JO cents.

J. B. L1PPIKCOTT (.iMi'ANY. Publishers,_

715 AN li 717 M A li k" ET ST.. PIIIIiA DELPIIIA._



Complied byThe non. EDWARD MoPHKBSOIt,

Brat Clerk of the United bute* Hons* of RepresentativesfTTJbT IHKUED. PRICE 80 CENTis.

Sn]', of politics! Information ttRtittlcsi and other),Conslstljig In t-s- r of President I levelsnd's

In* i),iii u AddressOoinageofOold sod sn ter from organization of U. S

Mint to end of June. 188arostsge rabies and Postal Legislation

loreign Trade, with duties, showing how new tariffla working,

Political Platforms of all parties,Rcpuuili an Democratic and Prohibition;

Abstract of Laws:S3t.tt.oiis of U. H. en.ii ors x li \ th i'oagressi

Bsecutive I'epartiiieiits dilcois V. S.|Diplomstic Officers C. 8.;Judtcisi officers V. S.|

Foreign Legations in C. B.|TJ. H. Dent i.atoii...nt .d two forms.

Property Vnliintaon In Counties of New-Yon,D. ft. Revenue, Ac

Governor* of Mates aud Territories:Fir! Retains of :S >tato Flections held tn 1886.Election Upturns New York state by Counties,

ff. Y. City by Assembly Dtatriot*,Kings county kf ward* ant I owns for county Officers,

bapervltort, Aldermen at langs,I'Ittr.ot Aldermen, .lr

New-York state Government:Principal i omtulit~e»in ongmt;Poiiilcal Mu eli*,,y. ac. Ac Oe.


Addreea THE TRIBUNE,Kew-Toxk.

a /^rTiTTlT A l* not a salve, snnff or lotion. One trialO.V 1 liii A will cor,vince yon.

88 5TIT.AVE.. N. T.

Jiielnution.For Boys snd Young Men.City.

ROBERT R. RAYMOND.1 ate Principal I5o*ton school of orstoTy

KNICK EBB')( KKK HL'I I-1) I NIO, If th-sL and at li ave ,N.Y

CCliOOL OK MLsfhS..I'lv-jiaratory School0 A High school of Hclenro aud English.

KB BAST iiill sr.J.WOOnSSIDOB DAVIS C. e.. Ph. I).. Principal.

ITNIVERSITY GRAMMAR 8CHOOL, MaV' 1.47H Brfsriway. i (tr f'.il-H.; Huh year; ruin, srv.com-d en isl sod <iatt-i<iu riri situ en tm instruction thorough.H. Al. llobuy. W. L Akin 1 itu',. B.< lienitiiikssju.Asso'to.

Tor Both Seres.Citv.THE BERLITZ SCHOOL of LANGUAGES.J '.'» west Sid *t. Bise Bneklyr ''.'6 (curt tt.. liostnn,VS'atli'.Lgtoii, Philadelphia, die, du:. L'ecnginred everywhereaa th* beal Instiiiit'oi.* for leaniDg to speak modern tongues1 ce my icisoualne. Spring Uno beg.ua bow._I E LAS] (i-.TM-ST.SSJ MISH CHIBBOLXTS SCHOOL for oirti.i

I. ai va:'I Preparatory 4 lass 'iii. Boys' Claise*.

Art Schools.City.\f RS. LOT'ISA B. CULVER1*1 will n-reive nup il*, beginning Tuesday, October 20, Indrawing, o:l ann wafer color ji .tinting, .lill if.), howers andlSiidf>l.e, CLln.i painting 811.1 d- or U.-ei.

fctuiiio, No. 80 Madltou-avaIteferrnre*

Slr. 1. Hnntington, President Nan.mal Acailemy of DaatanjVt. V, iil.au. Bart, N. Au Mr. Jtiuet .M. Uart. N. Aa

Mi. Liati'l Juliiiruu. N A.

GMusical Instruction.


The leading school of music, elocution, dramatic art, foreignlingua***, dian lng and painting, rice advantage* squat toliz irisoiit psi wa*.*, lol part lc ulai* address

i %, tin. HU ABD, President.

Jn-strndioit.For Bovs and YOTOUI Mon.Country.

ALEXANDER INSTITUTE. - MilitaryJ\ Boarellna Sellout. XVJ.i'e Plums. NJ Y.

1-riiiclpiii". K. WILLIS, i'l: I>.

BOHDENTOWN (N.J.I MILITAR. IN'S II-THTF I'rrpirelfor redlen*, scientific schooler nnll

Bary business svst maur *e1 stael coin mon sens ISsehInr Nerlcrleil foundation* bullen alter Healthy location.

Homelikecsre. Addie** Hex* r. II. LANDON* A. M_1'rlncli al. IK.identowii, S. J.

Hoys niid TOONQ MEN privately flttedftwColli-pi' Couilitioiie(' or rel', ted candidates coached

suraniei rn wlntci I HOFFMAN, .**tor_brul|re. Mass._

ELMWOOD 8CHOOLFOE HoYS.-At Mil-I_ turd CS.i Pricata who ate aafertasata la tbeswewtcement cit th. ii SOBS will du pell lo pu.tit by the BdraatafOInP. ten l.v Ibis «, '.I. Address PRA*!* K M HOXVK, -upi.

V-oRT III I.I. SCHOOL (for Rove).x Bioonitrrar snlsrped ac--omiitodatlo ¦» ir.nn. rthV.JAM! B ll A 1 ::1i K LEI Bsad.BSSSC OBBBB.BgBOi M. Y.

ffBEEHOLD INSTITUTE, Krcrliold. N. .J..1 C.dvesr. Inrnresfor boniness, for I'mcrton. ('o-

limitil*. Vslo sad li,ii sa el iii v A (¦ CHAMBEBB. Pita.

DIOHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY.I 1 Worcester, Miss, n.uii rasi besteaBops*.'», hsv

is MKTCALP, a. M . .siip'-rliitcnVnt.

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY.( liester. f'OStly l.ilil.lliL'S. 'Il'l.rninih Ilislnicliun. A

Milli XISX ( Ol.LK'lK 'ivil L.i'irll.eeilnie, I lienil'lix*.Cia**ka Kasuah, COLOBKL TM hO, MYATT, Pras.eat,

RECTORY SCHOOL Hamden, CnntbA lannis- Itei.irdiiu- v< h. ul tor Yourip Hov*.

I'ev. II SX NI¦'.*. I, 'BU Vi il ST, M. X [tsetseyon. Sprint- lerra (>;..-iis April ll.


REV. A. G. SHEARS, M. D.. flourier of thefirst home sc.I. eefTe-r.ii rar-> Chas*. in Ms fiimllv.

New-11 sven. unn.. t ,r th' best trsir.lnt nf * tea yoting bnytIn lic-alth. moral.. stanaora alni books ref- rene es.

FTNIVERSirY ol- PENNSYLVANIA.I. n»ptrtirient of Art, II r.nvne Ne leniltle Sr'iool. TTL

Wharton Behool of Plnanee r-n l Kcoeeair. IV. cnnrteinPhilosophy. V ' nurse in MasM Y 1. Medical school. VII.Dcrtm'c'lfioi. VIII. Veterlnnrr school. IX Lbw Behestx. Btoiceieal Behool ni. Heoprtateat of Phtiosophr.In nniltini; iiuiuiiy piesse sn»c-fv deimrimenf.

RI V Ji f**F V. BURK, seiret.iryVlilvcrsitv o' PSBBMB/lraata Weet Philnili ipili*, l'enn.

For Young* Ladlee Ooantrr."-THIE ELMS," BpriBtrfleld, Maaa..Familw,

1 Day-ani Mnsle *chnetf'W Mri* Prinirr, Academia,I'ltstirftltnil ri>«t-Cr»dnate Courses.

Mil.'KB IDHI MU A (HAM I'N KY. Principal*.

For Both Sexei---Conn^.rsr.

ROCKLAND COLLEGE.NYACK-ON-THEllt'Ds.i.N I'n jiiet.tt.Tv ala! business for rentlemen:

QrseBattas raarss Icm h.fia twelve leather*. Baler elany time, r-finl leer i stalom.

XX'. IL HANISTKR. A. M., I'riiL*..¦ -^..

(Ccat l|cro.

A.REST TE ACHERS, Talon and Govern-. ptsei supplied pithont rharae. tEACHF.RM reriarered

free. Many racppciea Pom fer stamp. lt. K AVBRV,AflMneaa Behool Boreas, i xx'e-i i et ti si. ff. Y.

A RELIABLE selection ul' school circularsfor parents anil Kiitrlians. Teacher., tutors BBfOeTBecCM

IBppHp. li M. COYRIERK. SI mt 7th st., near ll'ilsva;

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHER8J\ Adi-'NCY sneppnea Professors, Tosehera Tutors,'ior-ernrsscs, etc, tololjeiros, School! and Families, Applvto

Mid*. M. J. X ol Nii.n Ll .i.N. SB Tulon -square-

PXPERTESCEl) HEADMASTER wanted inI J Military Academy: salary Jl.'Jni) lc 11.6001 nive recordami refereiires . Address

Mil.I i sky. in .line T'ptown office. 1,218 BrosdWBp.QCHOOL AGENCY.OfSldcil snd best Icnnivn 'n the I'nited Crates. KstnVd IBAB,J. XX'. t-( ll KUM Kit ll ()UN A CO., "t I «»t 14th st.. New.York.

Dancing -Ua&cmifa.A LEXANDER MACGREGOR'S, 112 Sth-ave._A XXaltiinc tbiii"ii_'hi.v in i(ii;ii il in lew pilvate lessonsistrtcliy prix ate.. Les ous iiaiiy.

P, HARVARD REILLY, Master ofDsnclnr. 678 Bth mt SM cu. ular*.W

fjelp Uliintcb


o mane r-tt matca for advil.Stag. Only lliote of Ur*"

experieiu e, ol.I best references ami full particular*, deslr-

iBg Sad SblC to gil BlB libers *jlary an excellent position,inter ad.ltess A'iF.N'cv, I*. O, Pw 3,816, Ksw-Tarb City._

UrANTED.-.Poor first-class t.vpe-caaterB forsan Knit,, isco must htve A 1 refcrer.ee*. fur vie rk on

romansApply to TA 1,M lill ,t l'.KY. bet li'anil o'clock,

tn i'rlhiii.o alldlnf, N. Y.

Spring Ucoorto.

THE BRIGHTON,ATI.ANIIC (ITY.(¦pen all (lie year,

lied ami coal sra wai' r hatb*i,P SS H '-1.1 X A HON

Parlur carHirniifrti to Afiaiitic its on liam leavins New-York st 1 p. m. vi., Pennsylvania Knilriwtel._PAVILION Hui Kl. anil cot tn ires, I SI. 11'.1 l.tiMi IH I.AND, (rill opes for the season Mar 10..iami-.s-i xiii: ft tBereeler, l_tavsre, csnerltb.st ,oss ncr sn.I prnanelur


Onntrslly alt.* .ted on i'lsnniylvsnls-sre., In nil rlcnr ofetpem. tte -*!y rotille.'. and ruriilshsel wllhevery imp ovrment,Inciud.np tteaiu bett ..nd larne- inn i.*llery. .pen til Ibt

TSBT._|_(HAItl.Hs KV A.Ns*.


Open nil the vesr Inrctl on the beach. Hut ind roidsss waler bsUis^POa r-ltrl-S_A. B. Il Uh.UTri.

1 I ADDON HOUSE.1I lenin I mni. N'urtli e'arollna iv..,

A Tl.AN li Yr ve-rv Impren t rac ot. st di «i l-i» i, los the comfort and rnn-

* e iciice ul guests, huth in vi ililli and summer.e lirniicorr.

fjolcls.rrilK CHELSEA*.Eleganl Uble d' bete din-I mr TCi-...'...... te ** i' bu i'uiiiir restaaeaal 228 xxest

Std tl. C. H. Iil'.l.l-.I'.KH.



KSTAHLISIIKD 1S7r,150 WASIIINliTON ST.. P. O. 1(0X2,117,

¦AM I'IMNCiSCO. CAI.,desire* to add to his 'ieneral Commission nuslnr** the repre.scntatie.not a nw more KA**TKHM »I \ N | I'\( ll ¦( Lit*tor (he PACIP1C I'OAHT ..nd llRX ll O. orrsspi sdenc*t'.licil'-d Iruit i aimil tc ami PSCSIBS house tl ^cspiiko andhr.eiich uffle e m Mmizaiiviilc, Menco.lt! I'l HUN' MWALTi H. BOHIt.I.lXd A CO., san 1'rancisco.KHAM'IS BIKV1 KB ABgtaCal. llxiik. San Francisco.L. (l RIO, Picsldi-ut u. r. saving* and Loan society, san

Prsac.ceXXla llsi.KK BANK, Haaihurj.

\ M'Ml'.l.i; nf very slig-tiy u*-od Dprfght^» and-ipnire I'l ANDS of ourmtke which were especially(..-lei ted iud00 s- usn! Ly ie A lt Isl-* of the M I.Tlinl't il.-1'1'AN (It'Ki X Iii'! SI. Ci dui ni-the-p^t dpera HltSIQBvt Ul be auld at s HbSCSl reductiuu I ruin mir i-uulat pries.

XX M. KN Alli. * cnlia PUtik-are.

4TB. MILLER'8, 68 6th-aveM near Waverly-

j's place-, eeiitieineti will receive utmoti value tor theiri»el-'.!i lot Inn);. Call ul ail iii -,

-Vntlicn Galee.

CHKRIFFS SAI.K.-.Tohn F. bT SmvihTAur^Cl tiein-er. sellt to dsy, ion in at lleiH Kt eitel way upstairs,lot ol Cliiidrus'a and Ml,n»' . h.ak*. >acla*, etc .I.y urrtrr of

lltOH J. UllA.NT, .-iherlff,JOHN B. BKXTOM, VndersbeilO.

-oparlncrsbip Xoliccg.OKS, AlliMr. El

a partneishln in ouVLU-lLl h _CU.

BBB Yoga, April I. 18«6.

MR. WM. A. READ and Mr. EDWIN I).THO xx Hill IKiK arr *..inltt«e1 te) DarlueishlD In ourTltoxx Kill I)(iK are *..mitt«l to

nial [ruin Hilt date:,


pASH WANTED IMMEDIATELY..Will\J r*Uat pu Ave ^,M)ii first tneertrare teveni of s Pennsvl.vanl* compasy on property worth ten-fold -iud pavtitie taloctt re^ciiitrly. I'a III li U I.s Ins, Box in, i rluuoe Otlice,f|UE AMEKlCAJkfsTEAM BOILER ]N>i;u~1 a nci. e e.Mi'AN Y <>f (insrtiv. t corporation duli ..r

Cinnci! I'lidil elesiiier IttH Ol th' laws nf IS ..I of (lie BtPtS otSiss-x cik .iiinii'I An art n. piuvide fm u,c m, orpcratioaof Life and I!Saltb insurance <oiii|eau es and i IPPplty UMar-Dice eoli Jiaiiii'S ml in ie lalliiii toBpeO.Pl ul .iirli ceuupa.inr*," herei.yBirre notice tt >U liitentioii to lnrrrtseihsetpits! of saul rouipanv fruin twd hundred thoiitshd dollprato ns i' ll ll lulled ll u.li ss ml liol a M.Ht ted february l!0, 1.18- V. ll.Hs'HKM'K,

Se-e retarr.

('AS STOCKS nnd Bouda <>f Gaa Companiea¦ in vari'.ui dil** lor »ie!e. Xlrldlng a ale return ous

coutervalivo hiuinets. XX. iii.l-.N l n.N ss,.Lil ¦'¦


\ on lie lineh'. peOgeSthPl ti WISffdBB(W sslth Hie provl"li,li, ut an ... "! mut l»i;e etc. ute.1 on (he .nih ul ni.,lier.IS77, ur the New ui.i-.sii, li-n eanrosil e ointi.ny liefureAB-dtew IH ro tr B"t .1 s-iiuii ll ni .Nrwa.rlepos. and duly raglSleie-el.il lt.. oin r .-' ll,. IScco. ile r ot .Xl ort (tapis, ..un in ar

enir'!»ii' r willi (hi- :erini Bl Ibt lionets Issin-d t(ie,niiucler, tb^ttl,e said ew OfloaBI Kell Itnllluail ullin.nv will, on thelir-ai lux ol Alu .1. IH-n, pty sud r-'leem all ll* militateh..inls a! the office of th» tsl.i . ouipeeiy in Hie city of New-Or¬leans. I.a hy pay int oi tender inc te, tim hnldeiso'salil hoiul*Ihe primaba! Ihriasif willi Inte-resl lu sud date ot lat April,1 skae »nd a preniiiira of T uer aent upon tuen hoii.t*. You ar*

tlieretoie untitli'. I tn pr. *rat Mid liiimtt fur redriiptioa and

rivment it tim office uf tbe company in New-tnlaaas on taniti dir el April, 1MB, when and when Ibe tender and p,y

melli st afuretatd will he luselr.MW-OriS-iB, ssyt IU, HJS5.

Br otvlcr (sf tue Iioird,B, b. CU A H LI'S,








DUB 1ISS. A limited BBBBBBl Nf 4ale liy

I. B. NEWCOMBE & CO.,ii it ito t oar.

East Tenncwe. Virginia and GeorgiaRailroad Company.

The Of.lion toiIi-|.o»l'f e r nsollit.ued ". per rent bettSS Ofthe a*t ,eiui'ssr.-. Virginiasadtueftria Batlreaa tTwaaoayrxiii'' d ott I arch If).of th.- entire issm- o' ll-i.iri.nun. hom!* to tho amount or

613,87 'i.ou.i I,..m- ;.,. n aepostteO,vmithk ii HLimiv nnrss that thbll rei lt..I TrriSl "iiicanv "f N, v..', 01 I mil rceHvetheINCOME BONDS ..f Ibe Knst saneae* s, VurlBIa snd(.,or ii Rslirnad company, end tatar ita temporalv receipt*tt.-r..'or on and alter FBIDAY. "in-, -elli I'ESBU-A I'V iSSe*Th'-a*s, ssmeiit of *f>u per hind wlM not tie paru!'!'" until

tluroii nn'i.e ,s i.-.nlr toilolivi'i il,- tecurltles of the new

row nan v mi tbe completion ol tben si csuUstl in_

I'. C. OL!'OTT.niall'linn of OBBBBUttOa

New-York. Fc'i. 26, 1' 8._________

rr_[E COMMITTEE FOB THE REORGAN-A l/ation ol the

Buffalo, SfW-fsfTa. and PhiladelphiaRailroad Company

reque*'* holder* to deposit th.-ir si-.-urlto'* and assessment

at oiicr with the Beak or Saw.York, S. B A., 48 Wail st..

New-Yerk, <.r nrtt the fidelity iBanraaoa Trnat sad SalaDeoosll iniipanr. In PBllBdelBhlnlinns of laoHBOll itimi aro obtainable from tho deuo'ltarle*

Bad from theimdersiKIi'-'l(Alli, s, ii CU/.. Chairman. .'2 BzelkSBC* Placr, Beeta 17,New Yo- k.(LAI'.l'.N'i V. li. <"' A'tlC, .I", smith lld-st.. Phils.

DHABI BS M. KUY, Hank of V-w York, U. IL .V, f Willi-

st. New York.I8AAI N BSXlOhtAWi Mills Biilldnir. Vcw-Yorlr.T. Il ADHIAN TROMP, 69 Kicliangr Plana, Loora 17,

Ne«-Y >rk.a. MASCUS, s-v.-etary, ll Etchant;* Place, Room 17,

Baa York.

FIH»T MOHTILMiF. LOAN'S.No leper* No flihiintlioiisi '"" Q Koto' 7 per centrnaiiiit. il. lilli n or ii'lilt' .s * ( . Hine St >on,A-ems Ul>H.ltN PARU MOttTUAUSCO.

^____1ST Bi Bannar, B. r. _

TUB Chicago A.NI' ALTOS RAI.tOAD COMPAMY,)Bil iii.l.scv AM' TM.Bl BBK'I liner, >

CHICAGO. 111., Mnrch t. 1806, )

ANNUAL MEETING..The stockholders sndvotlnf boodbolders of toe MeMOead Alton Railroad

Company ari hereby notified tint the annual meet.ie of **nicompany for the eleetion of Director! and trans-totion of »uchotherliiidnr** a*m*7h(. (iresi-nio'l. will h.. li'i'l at tie com¬

pany's office In dil, a-,'o, llliuois, on Monday tho C-th day ot^pr.l Best at lo o'- ,noka. m.

11., tiaiisf'-r hoik* win h- closed at the rio." of boslnesihounonthe Isth dav of Maren, 1888, .mi reopeaed on thelill day of April next.

CHARLES H. POBTRB.becietury.

J'lLtn UK) Ili'-A'.O l<Alt.t''4P 'OMI'AXr, 7Cttlt'AOO, UL. March*. ISSO.1

ANNUAL MEETING..The stockholders oftin- toilet and (.hirst;.i Itnilpeid Company are hnrchy

nnflfle.' thal the mumal merlin- of said roiupiuiv un tbaeleetioa of Directors and transsctlott of stub other bua_leeoaamay h.. piesi nted win hr bela nt theUeneral <>flic,> of thuilucasto an.) Aiton f ulread Company lu Cbiesso, Illino!*, on

Mon,lat, thc "Ul. day of Amil nc\f. St 10 o'clock a. m.The tr. n*fer books will hr closed "ti Mendal. March IS.

l*»i.. at the rio*'- ol business hems ea that day, mid reopenedon the nih ilav of April Belt,

ha m.rs ii. foster, Beerotarr.

j,\\i;m M(h:k;a(;i.s i; ia ka mk hoJL RY' A Btt-POKBIBLB COMPANY.

RI rr RI TY EQUAL TO OOVBRNMBNT BONDS,( WI upon oi ad'tir-,- the


160 Broadway. New-York.TllK I.iKK BBOBB AM' Mil UliAV aOCTHBBa ItAII.Wtv Co.,.ian ROl'THKBI RAH.WAV Co.. )

Cl IBO BM hal lu POINSW-YORK, Miii.ii 20, IsSfj S

I^HE traDsfer books of this company trill lipiios.-d ai .1 o'clock p. ni on SATURDAY, tba lin in

day ol \piil urn. [preparatory tn tu- ann,lal electiun toru,ri.i. to be bela en the .Kin dav ni Mar nen.) aad

wm ne reopened outhe morning ol FRIDAY, the8E\ EN lilSar ot May asxt i D WoBi ii.it, I'reaearer.

rpHE ONION PACIFIC RAILWAY COM-I Hi v Y th,- snnii.il n e.-tiiiir of Un- st,« khohlers ol Ihe

i n-nn Paclfle Railway company, 'or tto- choice of Directorsf,,r the rnsiiiiif yeer, ami Hie iran action of any other tostne*.-, wi.si, mav .¦_ .tl iv rome before tbe meeline, will be neidat Meionson li.iii. .No 8n Tre*noni-sL. Boston, on Wednes-fisy, the Hurt. tii*t day ol Bal t: nm. at lo o'clock a m.Transfer booka will hr ci,.sr.: on March Kl.

ciiakli rt i a ha Ms, nt.. PresidentHi Mi Y NICK A ULA NI), ar..reta ry.

Boston, KehrnaiT 86, I8e_rrilE MICHIGAN CENTRALX RAILRO \'. OMPASY.

TSt.BlTBtt '.- "HT V. riRANDCfSTrSAL I'KI'OT. 1MW Yo ,k. March _» 18HH, S

the TBAPTSI .-:U BOORS of thu company win ho .los.siat :. o'clock P, M on KATU I: day. the T St IUD tlnvof APRILnext (for Hu par-pose or thc neil annual neetinji of thesloesholden .i .1 will he reopened "ti the morninx offriday, the BEVBSra day of MAY ur Tt.

ll KN RY I'RA I'T, Treasurer.

"Ol"; ACTINA BATTERY"hts proTod s !,1,-ss.ne- to nil who havo iit,od lt

»s .'.th ave. N \.

Dnnkcrs nub Brokers.




Men,her N. v. Mock Eiihan«o.

Diiubcnij Notirca.

VIA. COUPONS iIik- 1st pros., and thcirrln-ri ai of ail banda due oo ilmt date. Issned by iii 1-7

RAILROAD Hui: i I'M kn r COMPANY, seemed by roiimxSloi k furn:*!., d the (ollowlm railroads andel ear tm .t foiiu.will he pilli on ai-d iifler thnt date st tho oilier ot POSTMARTIN 0 CO., No. I Pine-st.. New-York i E.W. li.ABB_ co., No. nf> south ,d *t., Philadolfnie

LtarinaOriginal Bunill Hut Out-

Betedlim'. Aprill. itmnAiug.K'H-H A T. r*.8300,000 B16,000 Betlred.n")_r i V. W. 818.000 H.ollO BU I,Ol Kl«"".B,P*W. 180,000 6.04)0 110.rouIl"'7 M ,t S'. I. If1.,otto H.iiuOB.OO0Bt|_-.C. VI.OOO l.noil 1,000pa'_-t U. F.S. AW... B.000 l.oui) 2.000HlJ-r A O . lhH.uoil 7.1100 Hullo

nen N * « . 57..0(M) is.'.no f.'8.000Bli'l-W O.AW. IJt.OOO 8.000 M.00.1lUifl-R. W. AD 'all".,lM)0 6,000 23X.OOOB71-P. <'. AC. l-'o. 81.000 1,000 18.000Sva.Q p . inf.ooo 1,000 147 nun

DO-B-M. Y.AP_ t:.o,o m,oo() lil.ooi)na.E T V. A'L... lto.oi'O f ooo liu.oooDI b'-K.'t.. V. A U 100,0 0 4.000 Bi.000Also Coupons Hrrles SSU, Di, DIB, snd DI, A.

Bond* and .oupnn*of K. T.. Va A lia lyillrosd Companycarin)*.*. Serle* A and IL and Mrtnplds ,t- Ch.,i lesion Railroad Cowpauv esr trust, scrim Aili, uru payable at the otticeof the i i ntral Trust Company.Ilareh ll, 188* H. A. V. RUST, iTe;i*urer.

Ol'HCK or TllK C6BTBAL TRIM Ci 08 SaTW-YoBS )~Corner of Nassau and line *:*. \

BttW.YOBS. April 1, lHsfl. \4 BBCOND ANO FINAL DIVIDEND OFj\ BSTVKS ABD rilRF.i QUABTXBS Pl lt OBST willba saMl aa aad arter taui sots al thiaatlee, io the-km-kiio,li¬er* ol tun New-Yon Mate I. ian and Trust Comnany. CrtillcaU--* of Mo. u i.,ust hr sarreadered for caui <i:atloii


Ncw-Yors Bute Loan and 1 rust o.

covatax Bu n* i m Watbb Weaaa co ii.Thfaslksk'b uni. lt.

' (.ii BBOABWAr, SBOJ-YOBB cur S

rrhe coupons mnluiinir April 1 on tba first1 morieagr *tnklns fund snl.1 hon I* of tho onn. Il IllntTs(irv Wster \> erk* Cnmpany will oe paid on and iifMr thatdate ttnaa presmtsllon lo the F.nueis' oan snd Trust (innpsny. HARRY ALLKN, TreiisursrMarch 84,1880._


The fotlosrtag eeonena arr payable .tt the office of theFarmers' Loan aili 11 list ouipiuiy April I, L-sHO:St Bl IN" ION A >4l8M)t SI IUVl.lt lt. R. (O.( I NCI SN.\ H. WAsll IB iil( )N A HAL li MORE UM COC'irnit.l BT1 am un vr CO., iii M IL lil.Il IS WATER CO.B-t-BSOS TOWBBBIP.BVABSVsXLB A T-SSB haI'ti: r. r.co., BTOTTHT





VHTO SIA rn A IT ll oo._i acaariAKB um oniofB.itwsr coarAar.)

No. -iJ H::,'Ao«i. (.Mu.ijt lu ii pim,,. }Mw-Vostt. March Ul, IBSS >

rpHE COUPONS doe April l. 1sm«, ot tbe als1 per cetil 1 '-'08 llond*. serle* A. and the (ii percent lill

fminis ,u nu* amps ur alli he paid on aud aller thai dale al

hi uttiv-c ut Hil Cou .ni.EDW. T. TO DSN 1E S. Trtssurer.

Dioibcnb Notice*.CaSTBAl R. K Co. or WKX* JBBSKT, )

I ll) 1.1 uk ii ir stNRW-YOUK. Msrch 25. 1«H6 S

AMERICAN DOCK AND IMPROVEMENTxs co. _ta_tapp bead aoapaaa, due January 1. lsx.-,,-mbe paid nu pre*en,.-lla.11. J. XV. WATS'IN.

frasssiBLNriHIIIFIC't PsiiFir ll All,lae.le IOMrA.tr.

'I I,Ki*. ..nt a OrriCB, SO. 17 ItleoAll-Mr..Nt.ss TOSH, Msrch 'lb, 18.4(1.

COUPONB OP HE GENERAL hECONDHortaaffPOold Hints of (his ronipmr. duo April 1,

IS8S, trill le inil.l i,m.ii nt .-*¦ nt iti-iei ni tint ..'lin- un and alterthitdate lite Imoles lor Hie transfer of the B.5.000 lleK.s.lated w iitiiaie* wm cie.ee "arch 30, end reopen amii i. ,\tclose of b_tissue March 31, ebecha lor laterosl dBC bb *iiiRegistered er.irtcnte* win ne mailed tn holde ri of rec ,r ,,tthen teepeetire addlessee,t_

ll-ll. I*, LIl.Niix lilli.KN xp, Tr.a-urer.il II. HA.MOXD, ll ll- Kit 1

IBB'IAN.tniliS, DB III ll Sk). -Cl.IS.,Kil4l.il IC SILVSAY. >.J VXal|.,e(., Nev,- *, uric. March U'. 1 **(J. )

COl'IM »NS ol' 1 ic I'iisi Moi-in-an;,. Henel.*! n a -

(Tini* April I, UBS, Bill he paid on and sf er (! at ih,!-ii'.on pie-ie-utalion at tho l-llisi NAII"WXf. HANI.. ..Wa l .! Illus. K. Al KIN-*. Tieatar r.

Orrie* or mk -"'thhix Pacific coipsiiri i13 Bboaimtt. (MillsBulbliag) NSW Y,m_. March M,pOUPONSilue Anni 1, 1886, Irom the fol-\J lowtni; u-iiii" i b'lids Will bc paid OB and after that datrn thi-i officeKouthorn Psclfle R.B. Ca of Cal. istmo.-irsretip. c,Central Pactinc fl. i: o Lind'- p, c.( isiiti-ii) Pacittc ll. K.i'o ,-an le.-vpiiii Itranchi 1*( R p. c.Morcan s oim'an a .V eta* cl. ll. .ic s. s. o. st T -

iiienii.iifl i.,iii*i.iii i. ,- .\«.* ,k. ik. .. .-. .'. ¦. .-. ir*v.

New Vork,Tessa t Moitcsn it. R. Co. Isl mortgBa*o4p c.

'mt I'l.liinS- lu ne il, le i o ls- morl unite (j p. c.

Monterey h. ii co, lsi morl rs ¦.,- bp, eI tan 11 HY HOPKINS, Trea.su rnr.

V O I ICE..Coil .ion.-! ol' tho following l)')l)(la,.^ niatiri,nc April I*",, ssnl i,e [.all on Bod Sftoi

dat'-ai Urn office of .loll.*. PATON . ('"., .'- \l llliam *c




rpiiE Interest and dividends on theI (allowina ie,inti snd ttochssre payabls st tne bsnhina

hooaeof Messrs. xviNeUivv. lani i-. ti ,x co., cornel oiNus* ni und oder ala., Nsw-Ysrt ( tty. oa aad utter aphil

ATLAS RNOlNE XV'iltlkS, I NI >!AN A POLIS. IND.first MortegSge **

CINCINNATI, ll SMILTON A DAYTON ll. ROO.i-iisi cmfii eiaieei UortaapTe'al-l.est on eill.iatiil Molli/ Bel s.

lint ('oesolid tte -i.ii'j,' .*.

COLOMBITM AN'l. mu Ki.ve; i .Si.l.HV R R. CO.1-' r*t Mi.rtT.iKi* 7*

PAX TON AND Xii llliiA.N' lt. ll. CO.Third xi,,rte re 7*

OHANI) IIAI'IH* INO INDIANA B, R CO.Fi st Mortie* re- Cu ,'iiai mteeu 7*.

rsl Mnrtrape kx Land urantfa.C. KAN Ii ll s EN, Midi.

Fundiii-.' Se.INDIANA six itt

Hrf( ItofiindinrH'-j*.INDIANA PO M. iNn.

Be hom .ii

Municipal Bs Rorie* n. n.riTTSBt'H'l. V Kl xx AY.NK ,« CHICAGO R'T CO.

1 lr i* Boi r-.ii' r*. series lik. com! Mortraca 7s. series K.I hud xinricitaifeTs.icu irteilv inv'd l^i percent, Special Stock.



(.iav,l Hoad (i*.A PHIL R.

PITTSBURG, KOUT xv xx NK a CHICAGO R'Y co.ejii_r(i'i-ly Uiv'd :'i per cent, UcfU.ar stock.


Orara) Hoad SaAPRIL IL

WrjITK (Ot'NTY. IND.(.ravel Road Ba.



I'oniproiinse 7.*.CENTER T -Xs Ns. IP. IND.


scbeiol 7*.APRIL 18.

WniTK COI .VIV. IN!'.Oraral Hoad it*.


Muni, ipal Os.COLFAX, IND.

.Municipal «*.OAU.THI XsflOSTAL RAKXJNEW *,eiRK, March Ul. ltf*s(j. I

THE DIRECTORS ol this Hunk have this daydeclared s DIVIDEND of PIVI ,v PERCENT ont

ul Hie esminsSOf the ust six m.mt'is. payahle April I), ls-jij.Tue ti anster booka will remain closed uni tl that date.

ARTHUR xx. SHERMAN, CaaBier_*T*HE LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLEI llallruad Cumpniiy will nay upon BreeCBtBllCe af l's

e.IUce. ..il % li nure puce. Nets- York e itv, on Slid afn-rThursday, ihe 1stplo.mo, tbeopopeas then due on the lol-loviiie iiiiirtLratri* hondaConaolUlatocJ mut?. -e.ssou'h itii.t N'rrtb .slcbniia sinklntr lund,I.eiuisviil e inclnnati ami Lexington secuml mnrt?a«re.

New-York. March ie, IBM \. XS. Mukki-.3.__A*»l»(ant Beeretarp.

Ml.'EKSI. RAJtOB RAILB0A0Oom'AST,)i.im. ul orr* bs. /

H.SSi C-K. Bte*-, March In. 18+;. )


ste.ek .ef tills CO.penV bj tiavatia' A url! ,",. 1--H, nt the oOjcM Olthe comp,my Hu,esk. Mich 0! St lt* transler icency lil tin*ny ot New York, toatookboldcra of record March 81, l-*d.

H. s. emi.¦>:*;,Assistant ITeasuror.

THE MI&SOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY (.*0.7igg ii.-.oahstxv, Nsw-YOeta, Msreb in, Iggg

A eiuarferlx' ilivldetel nf otu- uni Circe ejnarfers per rent ontin-1 a-.ital ttook of Hus cei lilian.- Ii.is tint dav I.r. dedari il,pasn'ile nu I'liursiliiy, tbs firs' dav elf April next, to «toe*c.ice Tieri uf record al tne rloss ol boslne. un Wodnesdar. "iotsvetiiv.'ourtti dav of M Teh. H-»l

lin* (raas.r liookl ss iii lie clo ol on XX'ednesilisy. March 'H.tt -.'. o'clock p. m., ami rpppened nu Pndajr. April at ldo'clock a m. A. ll. CALI F,


NORWICH LINE.ltedn.tion of fai'es toallnoin'i: Rn,?on, |1 Woree*,

ter, i- 'U Bteawore leers Pla ti, North airer, toni ulxVatt-e>t.. next pier Bbora DosLii-'ik.<e.s stroot lorry,st j:vdp. m. tUily, Bxcept Sunday^_DAY LINEll TO OLD I'* 11 NT co xi OUT. Xnrfuik. Va., ami Smith.

ls Penn ii R 1:30 p. m. Purl.ir ar* to Beltimore,thence fal....s Bte*mers, armina: *t Old Polut si a. m..

Norto'k '.' a. in. U. V. lo.Xli'KI .*.'.->. (ie-i Pass. Acini.81!) Broadway, N. V.

TTOR RoNDOUT and KING8TOK, lanrlinuA mt. Cranston's, VX'ett Point. Cornwall. Newburr Mariboro. Milton. Pouetike-ep»io and Ksapu*. Tho fs-at IroaStosmsr Ci TV OP lNOsi-'N will le^ve every TuesJavlu. huit'lav lit p ni. spinrdtvt I p m.. from pier foo ofHarrison tf N. K.. connect id ' with lister and Delaware-ndBtony X love and ivtskiil Mountain RallroPlP_

"TOR RONDODT and KINGSTON.A Ihe se e. .rr

lAKEa W. HA i.DXVIVWill lesve every Monday. XVedtiesdav and Friday, st 4

o'clock p bl, fruin Pier foot of Harrison st. North tlivnr.Landing at ('raiiiiop (VS'est Peelnt). ( ern walt. New prf,

Mailborn, Kelton. P'uiihl-o.'psle. and etpres* colin-ciiurwith Dialer snit tie aware aud stouy clova an.t Cat»alltMountatu Kailrotils.


snt and Intermediate Undines. Le iv. * New. York troni Dar83, foot nf Jav-*t., N, il., for this week everv TD.BOAY,Tl:CH!-HAY and SATURDAY, attip in. PMp_t ncoived¦Hiy anti (J, p. ui,


PBXIOUT.The Steiimers of the - PKOl'LK'S IINIT,"

DBBW AN!) dian RICHMOND,win commeiui* their leiftilir tr.ns to AlbBBT, coniiccllnifIor .ill p'int* North aad xxct. on TUK8DAY. MARCH.Kfrom Pier ll. North inver, foot of a ttl st., at si o'clock p. ui.

s'itxti: ROOMB xx aii.xikii.N. B. Fri lttht received until Hie bear of departure.

xx', xs. E\ Kn kt i. President

*T»B0Y BOATS-CinZENS' LINE.Sicamcrs ( ITY OK TIl.iY and SARATOOA le ive Pier

41, Nortli EUrer. loot of e hiutupher-st., etaliv ex. epl Xaiur-day ul o |'. m. .iiuiclar itsouier louche* at Albany.


loni' (>F LlBKRTY ST.. NOHl'H KtVKU.TIN i. I .x IILK-TAKINO EPPtl T O'"I. li. 1H*I3. ,

For IMlfi.ADKLPUIA snd TRENTON. " Bounei iim*Jinnie "nt t.i'O. 7 tft. U.-ii. 11:1.x ». m. 1: 0. 4:0.', t:8(». btHO,'¦itt ri.oi) D. a*.. 8 C N I'A Y ti ton Sl4sa.BU BeSO KiOip..

I'lri-ct conneclloli at XX'tyni June; -rn for lirnnant'isvii sn IChestnut Hill tat oiu.nuU-»ve. for Msnayunk. Couiht>hocken sad Norristown.DH a Wi Mi.room ('A RS on all i>sy Trains and SLEKIM Nd(Allson Niglit Trains.

Rciiinuaif leave pm i.AUKLPIUA, Ninth sud Orera tts..7:30, .-JtSiv BiSn ).;(!() ^ m. 1:19. Mix 5;4n, B:4S. I»Mp. Ul BTJ.fl)A Ti H:»h* l_. 6:80. 1'.' 'Hi p tn, Iliir-landI'.ciki nt at 5:10. 7 ,0 Bfl», 0 BO, lU:K a. lu l.O'i. S;Jd^6 -' *j:SJ') p HU Hf ND sY,8 ia a St. AMb.BL

For LO K. HAVKN. PKALKtnd PHILLIPSHOKU. Pinn,-i- * .'.. m.

For xx II.LIAMspiiItT, BDNBURT. LKXXISBI'IK) andMAHANoY ( l'lYilMX.Ii.M.u.. 3:1a. 4:00 0 in.

Ior RKADl.N'O snd llAllRloHC KO st 4:00. 7it», 8 4».1 l:l.i a. ni., 1:00, 1:30. 4:00, a HO, 8 IV 12:00 ... in sunday*.SkSu. l.tpflip. m. ...

For SCRANTON at 7:0P, 8 45 s. m ,3:15 n. tu.Fen XX ILKI-sRAKRK and PirTi»T"V at 7 00, 8:15 a. ox,1:00, l;.,o -A-.ib 1S:4.-. p. m. SundSV* St 3 30 p. Vt.

Fat mt iyins ut *:"" * _.,:iitftp. m.lorTAMAQt'A st 7 1)0. e:k.. *:4i ». Ul., 1:30. 8:45. 4:00,

li!:00 o. m. sundavt. IViOOb m. _____

For UKI lll.KHRM.ALf.INTOWN and MAI I H (HUNKSt 4:0 >. T.'O. H-4ft S.IO., 1:00. 1:80, 3'46. fl.16 p. _. SBBdSP

For B*A B ION ftt 4|t'0, 7il)0, »:45 s. m.. I 00. l;8u, A-Ab. 4 'JOtun, ,',.|, -, oo TikiO p. m. Kuuday* *:s)" a m.. 5:30 p. u.

For HIOH ItRlDuK BKAMII at 4 00, 8:45*01.4 00

Pot-' vl!'l!M I NOTON "OO. 8 4(X a. ni., 1 00, 1:80. 4:00. 4:30.Koo. '.-sn o. m. Beadapa lija p. m.

ForssiMIlHYILLK »t4:Jti. 8 0 7:00, *:46. 10:80, ll: 15aUl. lil'). l.-'.O, K.30. 3.46. 4:1)0, sid., '. 00. ir.mO. Sttxb, tt-.ot).Bil 7 Of. '- :3c eu, li) a ip m Sui.'Uy*, i jxi r: " j ..

l-(-i ...8" ."¦ y isFor 1't.A.NFI LLD. 4:00. Sion, 7.00, 7:45, 846. BySOIBiM

lltl.'i*. m., LOO. 1(90, 2 M. 3:.IO, 3i4ft, 4:00.4:30,500 5:15.I-BO 5l43 6:00. b,S0, 700. 7 8). KL, 8:80, 10:8-'. i'l"*»

S. in' rtundsvt. 4:l'0. *:00, ... s. ia_ 13:00 IP., 1:30 4:i.M>.i.kO, 7:00, ViiO. VI.OOP. Ul. ,,__

For ra... iii a Alu tx .ii Mt, f. ts. S it>, ll so ». m. 1 oo,8 HO. 4:00 I I I .' BlO V- Ul .*') id* t 4.00, * I I -ji

For Ln.No BBANOU. OOBAN OROVB Ao. (Ali i-l)*!Lse.BjiB. ii un* m. io", i "0, i se Bios o. m. so*DA YR .etreiit Ocean (irovei ai 4 On. 8 4'-s. ai.

Fer FR IC ' )t OLD*: l.H. 11:00 S. ».. 3:00, 4:00. 5:00. ":" I*Foi LA K (-1 xx ii i I*. TUMS IllVEll and BARNKOA1 al n.40,

Por ATi.AN TIC CITY. VIN KLAN D and BR1DJKT0N a*4i80 a. ni. 1 co p. iu.

Nt\v .IKKM'.Y sOUTHBBD DIVI8IOV.KtuiiPlei No. 8..N oi Ul Hirer. vi» sam r HooB.


licseit ctn besiocnrM' al fuut of Llueitv tu Pier no *.North utvri l'.'1, JUT. 901 .Ji7.4Ji.B44 lllOant.!.*¦Bruadnsv nbV. 1 *7 aod IH Uta .tV*. 1 Rtviu^iou-tt-. IO. U-lu allll l4-> .x.ircjnwUli lt.; Itu .7v Rsst l'J .*& lt- l.U-B'.n llosvvrr. 1 rs anal a un e primdiyai hotetll IB New.Vors ( cy In Uroesklyp tt So * i ourt-.i. io7 BiosawtrBis Bun Pinion st. 8in. rt f-a Xttnhaitaii asp In limjiln-n,lcX4 Wssliluitou lt. N.V 11.111,101 umpany will nail ittSues qh'Ok bSTCas* irom tiote-li ur re*id-uce to ttsstiasUsa.i J". XV()OiT*CN. 1 c. HANOOe'lt.UeuTai Msuaaot. (Jen. Piss*, sud lionet AtvH. P. BALDWIN, ts,» p. abu. 111 Ubsrty sv. M. M.

Glrambonts uno nailroubs.

IjX*R HEW-HATER. Biossiets h-ove focislip st lt p m. and ll p. m Mtiudsis Sic«pl«d).

m. steamer arrives In tine for early u*lus NorthKk ursion to New-Haven snl rt taro, 61 30.

^TORTHERN RAILROAD OF KEVV.JER8B1I I rains leave from < i.a.i.h ,rs st. 'poi for Euslews*

lioster. 1'1-riiKiut ai.-l Sjcl I < i io I 3 2o 4. 4-;6 to. 8 lo. H .40 p m ll mldnlgnt Sundays 7,7.1ft p m.

N»iui -, spring Valley and Munt--, 7, ,o a ra. 4,60 e aaaSundnya li a. ¦

17 KI P. RAILWAY, nnw known as tho NRW,la iijRK.LAtt,b. ERIEABD WK-I ERN RAILROAD?Analise,i.e.us ol iia.n* Dual liam . s -r DeuoL i ,ot.

2sd st 16 Biantes earl er9 a to Dally oicept Sundays Lav KlpiesB, Reflet Drswiirsv,

r"'-:ii oa I..-* to Binghamton, kiti.u* Hoi i.edaville /Oil.fal... '. :i.'..i.t Palls sui ._ipsBsloii ). -i, ¦-. Bleeping!I om lies Uomellsville to Cincinnati.

6 p. m. Dsiiy. Calna* sod at i - . L'mite.i r-rMt .. .

toil PilJiT.a n train of La. and t-1 Bloetdr,ia oa. bes.No extra <h*r*e far fast Um*. Arrive* Me.ilviLe TVll

,-li>nd. "¦' "S. m., Cteveltad. lo 60s. m. Clnrianst',t*f.'n ,.. Chlcsee.hoop ...aada\Loni*,7T8<ithe*estn>i cornfe*.

7 t. ii. Dally. " BuSaloand N.aifaia J .¦;: l.i. .ie.L arrive*buliaio 7 'fi s. m., nnsuensloii Prui/je -f.s m. li « .i-OtalBO] kl munt train bcfwea-,i N'e\t Y»>rl ai.-1 Uuffalo.

Pp.m. Dai.v. Cbleaoo Baarese 1st Bte west a wild trsinjOl Pullman La, tod Hlreblug Coal i. a* o il ugha oin El7ni.i.i. n.ilfi.'o, N'spsra Far.*, eli. i_: .it ., d cotcase

Snthertord uni I'imiIo, t .fl ii 46, Tu>, 7 vi ti;ao I0r2t>a.m.. t . m.09, 1.4*. H.oo. A 6), 4i40, lo, ft 30, ft V'. 6 ii).:« 80. 7 $0, 6 lo, lg SO p. m.. ia ri! '11 g it. aadsys, 6 lt!'J) .Ti. lo id a. m., 1,46. 'On. * 45. . ,12 mtdn shs?

SateraM. 4 43, tu46, 7.v, 7:5-0 98», :".".. m., .Jn,ui"1 ff.. 3"03 SO, 4 40, -IO.', ft.IO, S Jo. 8 ».. ft IO, (lau 7 lol8:80, 10:30 ft Bt.l 19 nidii ¦ hi. BBuaW* ft 48. 8:80.1V.SS»:,.... 16, OHO. 74'-. Duo, 1,-*. 1 i -MtNewark and Petarson. via N*w*ti, ¦'¦ "> -"'u sin iooe.1

ll 80 a. ... S:00, * j '. 4 vu 1 j... j -ii. 1 7 lu.SOO 10 0*

Stiffen 1 13.6:41 TitM. 8 S'. 16 SO s. m.. lid, s so, :).ftO, ail6mi,8 lo, 7710. 8:80, lo 80 p. ,11,a:,'. Ia mi.'.nlg't. ».,:,.uvffc8:45, a.80 10 20 a.m. 146 6 30, 4, '.oe m. a. 1 12mldn'gliflW.trw.. k i tl, 7:90, lO.ao* m.. 4:30 p bi. Binda)* j fi

S. li:..".ewbnrii and Cornwall 7:60. U a m., 3 8u. I BA « p. m Bani

dsj 1 80 .1. 01 ,8 ji. m.(loadout SMI hingston and Mon (.Tier .1 :t n. 3 .40 p BUBiimisy 8 :<o a. ra. Scranton Sa m., -,u.-:. v.excepted.


Goshen 4 tft. ft I.'., 7 11. e. lo /o» m.. .. 1. j 01 80, 7, BiPllo it tn, sm,,:;if ; 16. 8 .10. io vu a. in At. 7. 8 p. m.Middletowa ii'., ft tv 7:60, 6 io-jo* -e. :i io 4 80 7, Bi

P 11" p M. siitoIhV 5:4-1, 8 140, IO 20 i 'ti I IO, ?, 8 p D Ynlii ,i to and 8. '.') p. iu. ti»1i;s onnr,t H lt it New YorV 'nurlasud Western Kailioad at Ma.u-*t. ii,r '. t m. train *toy,i alM*m-st, utily.Port Jen * * tl, 7:10, 9. 10 20 a. m.. 4 30. 7 00. 8.00. 8 tl

p ni st;- nay 8 IO, loco ft rr.. C SO, 7, 4 p. m.Doits leave J8d »:., N, Y ,6)48, 6 16 a ..... 6:18 tt ni. fo SH8

p. ', every f1fte«n minne*, ft ;.*, p. ra to IO 16 p. m. ever*Bllrty minot.-*, aud 11:4ft p. m. S i-.tayi every tturtO.illulia*.i triter* for passage iu.d spartt.ients Iq I irawine-Room »nd

Pin puts Co;iCee*ra.ii he obtj.unl an,: .. .ri foi ilie o>.e, kinsand IrsaslSl "f haaftaao ma; ie. >rt n 'hr (. ti'-i'tuy . otBeeB,>o*. i'H or ''57 Broi'Twa}. 181 \l 's tl . N. Y., No. 2 Court]lt., Mr.,oki) n. or at the ron,piny'" De ¦

I jpiees train* from rh..- w'e*' ati.'.t-iu New.York st 7il<at^O, ll:-f a. m. am* 10 2" p. m.

JOHN N. ABBOTT. Oen'l l.a.*'r Agent, Nsw.York.

VLW-YOUK CENTRAL AND HUD80HXl RIVEB P..ULUOAD o.,!,ci,. Nov. SA l-ia,tbroiiKh trad,* will loate Grand < enc .: R» t

»8 a. m.. llueheder sm! Mouimal Ksprssa tl.mush draw*taa-roen can ta Beahaster, ai Albaetan Koa .. ro.ui..« jo a bl, F**t Limited ('UlraKo Express, with dining ,-ars,

¦ foppui(? at; Alhany. L'Ucs. svr*t'i.e. ito. hrsi«r. U'.uT»i->.M*. ira* iii.n. Trie,, leve'and »nd Toledo, arru ina at Cluc-asSi* ju ». bi. neti day.

.o ii'a m. chicago BttpresB.drawiBtt-etesa un to i:ut»i..tri* lto.1i..«rer, Nlijjiita Ea! s sad B itt* ¦.

ill a. m.. Western BTW-York and BerUtera Eipre**, witadrawin(.roota cart.

I in p m.. AU.nuy. Trov and lim I x- re«s. throuyh draw,inn sean ears. To r-aratoh-«. Ft Edward and (Lent BBBI obhat urila} h oni>.*4 p. Ba, Ai, o .,,1..vii'lon to Alh inv a' .1 Tiny..fl ;. m . tin, aao and at Lo * Btpress with seeping otra

for Niau ira Eats Buffalo, CiBCtsnaU, lo.e.'.o. Detroit, (.bl.caff" Slid St Lo ii*b.i'ip m., I'.ipres* with sleeping.,-.iii la lytaSBBI snd ta

Aiititiru read, sud o Baratora a's., to Montreal.l-l' 1". p. in Peeble Bxpress, -.uh tie n .¦ e irs for itmh-t,

ter, U'lffalo. Niagara Fall*, i loveland, Toledo, »t. Louis, l)*Vtrod sod Cm. .ur"

II IS p. m.. Nik-ht F.xpre**. with tletmlaf-een to AD)»nfsod liov. Connect* win, the p.on.ln« trains ,'oi the Waal BMfor the North except Satur.lsy night).Ticket* on nale at Onad Central Depot. No. 5 Bowling

Orren, fia Hroadwnr, Harlein Depot. 126th st and 4tb ave,,ami a' Westeott'a Bxpress rrrBees, 3 1'^r, plseeineat Broad.way,. 781 and iH2 Bioadwav. and fl'J Wat 12'thsf. New.Yolk,...Ct Washington aud 7.0 Eiil'.ou sis, Li-ooah n. aud 78ft!: *'.. W-lliaaiaburg.Aci'o:i,inodat'on* ii lrawing room an¦! lleeplag cars 'an bs

pro ured at anv ot the ti Kel others li, N. a \ ort City, saertH:-t Wns.iln-.'tori *t.. Bron* in

IISKgai;* -.lied tor and bi rkod from resldSBOB..These tr*ln* rill d*1'V. A ly ex.-ept Sundaf.IThese 'r.lut stop st D.trlrin (121th ll ju t Uh are i

J. M. TUCCEY", li. M. BBNOSIOB,Oem-ral superintendent._Orneial Psssenrai AaBSSV


AND UNITED STATS* MAIL SOtTTBlTrains leave New-York.vi* I BBBtaeBBB .ni ouitl Itt.I StretOiel II' -. ,.e (,..,,ont's

Uarilioiiiv. littshurg and the West, mi'i Eulin an 1'siscaun attiubed. 9 a rn 6. 7 an,I s j,, ni. «1 illy NcwVorksuS

Chic .> .luntcS of t'.nor, Dinlur. Bot 'kuur aud MleepiugCar* at ;. a. tn e»*iy day

Williaiiin;,ot t, Look llavau, 0 s. m L p "' ''orrv ind Kris»t I- p :u coyuectirur af 'orr> for iitmviile, I'e'roUt.aCotte :ind th- oil lu-gion*.

Poi Le an ii :. * rn, 3 -Op. bl, ..nd 1:1 BleatBaltimore, a'asnlnttion and the Soutii. LUaited ivashingtonExpress of Pullman PalaeaCscs .'.*.) iceni sonder, ioa m. trrln \V-shlugtou 4:iai d. tu tn 3 i" n ni arrivea it i'uj'f ii li o' p ._. reirular at O'.'o s ind 8 SJ a m.,1,4 3 and 9 p m. and ll uiirht. Sawlay, 8:1A i. m.. 4 J<\.an 1 8 p -n and 18 ti B.I

For Atl.inflc City, except Suniay -Tor iajU Parlor Car', tp. m.

Porcape Msy, etrept snndsy. ll!') a m.

Lona Braned, Bar Head Juiiettiu and uu.-rmediate stationsvu hahwsy sad Au.'',ir j a m. 12 noe., iii", ."ip m.

On -linday. D.tft a.m. aud 6 p. m. donut a.np al AlburyPura

For "ld Point snd NorMa via N'ew.York I'liUadelpbl t .tntNor'olk IIBUro.d. .; o a. m. week lat* Sad I ii rn .v.-rydar. via Baltimore sod Bay Line. ;;3o p ai .ve, a dav*.

Boats of lipioklvn .< nn"x conn'Ot wiri -ill "ipmr'i frao,*

at ler»ey Cur. atTordiug a apeelv end din t ITSS.BM forBrooklyn f,,vei

lian.* Arrive Frota litiaourg. 7:80. ¦< 10, ll:io*. m.. 6:55Sod H:»6 p. m. dalli, prura \v ,nnin rion aa i Bauim-ire. 6: .'il,ll .'M'S. m..1: JO. :!:'-'0, :o '. «4), tl.20S.ld 10:3 p. in lllBllar.8:20.6.60 a. m. .1 Ju, 920 sud lu 16 p. ni. tv tu lilli-delphi*, v.ft' 6:30.11:60. 7 10,8 I" i_. .i i .. lot'). 11-40* to 1 30. "2. S 20 8: IO ft JO, 6 NI, 8:'.8 7 20, 8 .4". 9 j,(.]iilft o-m. ind 12'-'0 nls'.t *nn,':i\ 8:30, ti:j,i. t) (). 7..40,8 40. 1 1:35 b. m.. 3:'.'0, 0 BS, 0:3\ il Jo. 6; li, IO.Jj p. UL

FOR PHILADELPHIA.ETprets trains leave New York, vin Deabrsesea aal Oaasalaudt st: -ct lo-rie,. aa follows

0 2u. -<' «¦ '.' tt Uicaa-o Limited ant 10 Wi*!iii«toaLiiiilted and ll s m.. I, 3 jo, 1. 4:3'. S.S. 7. M and Jp. in and lJ niiC'.it. Ace MBOW.lt lon, -.0 ll ld a. tnai.il 44) 0. m. suinlats. xtie4s 6:1! 8 IB Llirite.D,tut liiLin.: 4. l.t-i, ... 0. 7. is snit ,111 in snd 13 bi (ht.

Tr.at ... iving Ssw.I 01 k dai 1. (Xi ii -. lav. .t 7 Jo. I. andlllo ;i. in 1. i. 4. ft aud p St., and o ji m. on "uodars,conn ct at 1 r. BtOfl f ., 1 ami. n

let.: UBI tum.* .eiVi' Itroad sireet Rtattoa I'hllailelpliia.13.-01.8:20.4:11 .ft.' Oft. OMI 7 0 6:30 I 'I. ll. milli*a ie i.mind Express 1 11. 1 :>'¦ \< ta, 1 ta, i. f. ft 6.bu.. 7 2 - 1-¦ and '..ni p iii OnPtiudsv l.' it. 1.20.4 i'5. 6. U Oft, rt Mi ». m.. U VJ. 4 1 o Limited, ri-IS,7:13 iud - 12 p in

I.rr e pini delphi via camden. 0 a. m :i.iv siceot Sander,Ticketoiti.es.M8.436snd 844 Broadway, i Astor Hon**.

and root of Desbto tees and cottrtlsa'.t .;-, » Coart-tt.. aaslPro,, lyn Annex ht.ition, tool ot Puiton-st,, BreektyajLu^, 1,'s Hotel, Hoboken, station. Jersey itv. Knugrautluke''dil * No. 8 iu:ter> piece and istls larder.

Ihe SeW.York I'ransier 1 oitrany will cjiI for sui ohsoBbair*. ^" fi''"ii Ii).els and rusulonce*.

SABLES POOH, I. R. WOOD,llen-i-al Manager. Gene-al PasSIBgST Aa-enl,

\\T.oT SIIOHE RAILROADrv n y c. rr k it. r. . a, I '""".,

THE WEST SHOBt BOUTS IB ALONG HF. WI73Tsitu:::-; HF THE \l OKI D-FA.M li ill LS .' ItIV..a,AUDI'S D P DTIIILL- DP CATSKILL MOONTA! -,AND I'llRoCilil BEACT1FCL VALI.l-Y OK I UkiMOB IS'K,On-md after Nfareh ll, ISMS, train* alli leane Weit rid.

lt. ital on a* follows-All irani* les4'ofrosj new down 'own nation, foot of Jay sf.

North ki. er '.ii Linutss earlier than fron r.-oi of v\ e*tf.'.lst.Detroit and Ctileago, -» 30 a. m., -«J BO, -S IO p. Bt, .l.eepors

through.sit Lonia. *6:00, - IO p. m. Bleepers threngaBuffs 0 Bo. lu--'-, t, Simp, ii- ,,:, IDi.lip-. N .K-i.i Fall*.-DilS

:i. Ii:., 't u" '8 lOp, m, Mee;.-rs md ji ,r--. i. ..- ,j a: I.

Cn ri i ai,il sv tonio, "3 ii), ll 2-i a m. 8 6 ' p. tu.

HIsTblsnd, Po'keepsissnd Klua-ttou, flO 'o'. 11 tie. m-3 ftft. -- D'. -12 o p. tn ano .>'¦ on t. m. for Killgsto*Hauirertieaan.l Albany. .7.1'). -0 80, ll JO j. m., 3 3j. -6 00,

..4 1" p. m.Catskill. .7 lo, "J '0, ll 25a rn I 65, s lo rn, m.

cranaton's. West Point, CSfnwaU and Newbarg; '7 16..8-80, 'lo:IO. 11:36 a. W.. H'.ft. flft. - 10, '1 in p. m. BBB¦0 00 p iii. for ri nst in's Corttwsll *n.| v---.,.g.For Monlieil *nA ra...-"^ F .,(, .i IXI p. nt

H» l'oii, London, *9 8oa. m, -ri.00. "S i p.m. Toronto,-.-Jua n, I" co. *a lOy at..

.D.uly. tDaily.ei.eptsaturday. Other ti .lu*fatBySSOBBfFor tickets lime tables, parlor or sleepinr rai acorn.aaa.

ton* or -tor-ailuB, apnlr .»' eincss: Bioikiys.3u Washiiurtonst.. ;80 Fulton -*i.' Annex oin cs.

loot of Fulton ««-: NOWYorS Cty 818 MS, H..I. 14IBrosdwsy, 13.-4 Boweiy. and West «Aora stations tool etW.st fid tl sud foot of J*v »i. .Nor:, tlrei W-s'cottlBspresswlll caM tai sad ehastt bsajSM-11 om Bott saud res*deiicos. Oiders eau he loft at tu ko "tie*.

c HEN n\ MN Lil.2S0 Broadwsy. UBBBral rss»enger Agent

pus 10N. NEWPORT. NORTH IND BASTll FA IX RIVER l.s .-Best r.iif. vu Sound. Mm'.lunn sceoatawdntlona mi:iuntu:i r ih'*. Inn,1 lier 'i-s N. k,(ont of Murray *l every day iSondayi n (An- 1 ai "00 PM. M. amers .1 and I'rovidenee.Conneti'm of Auui-x 1 oat from Rrook-lyu ii 1 p. m., Jer*ey(itv * 1'. M._


Tr. ns leave Hatie-n BlT«r Mtat'oiu coruer I J.I it.,a'inI inioiu-ate near Third Avenue Briars Si ros- Harlem uiver

h..u . '1 \ * T'"rd A, od.*.. 1 lovaied Salli 0 id d Hiv «xoep|a'Kd.y* ^6^i.ft 7 Mt eD,, lo. ll Uaj^.1 :"-^V*-AHuuf* Poiut, west *arin». > »"

,,...._ ,,-i.JTi,.,i,s..ir« Ra* Chesrsr I'ei'i-.m Ma. n»rt.'w (> ivjrn np-.. u«. a-v '

A $ m Kockell* eatxaoeihjf »il.lsud), P. b.im Mailor « g#0j«,V\v^y\ rV Vew Raven a,:d fisrtfonl BaiII«ad. 8hor*I*. . a ri in" Di' mon*: N"» i'm)"'. Mlddl.toWB.New..u'u:n.adHumeld Branehes. Sid Lo. on aud ail souita

EMldnlrht train f.-r Now Ho-be!!e and .'ll Intefiusd^lB *ta»Mldnigiu 1. exeept Mou.'ars.

lSV.v train* for New Koch.-..- *)., all -nferniedl.te ita-. 1 Ii 12 iioou anl 8 nip m.t'.e si tel inls eta ineatla |,'. N* ., llo'ksBe wlib way tralus to Ovaud O'.lrsl Oopot suitt'.sinioii._I KHIQH VALLEY RAII.ROAH -Pussmror1 j 1 4im o-*'s ss .a- foot of or and sad "**.) aasssBB.at n. ml MO an I 7 p a tor act.. il- h » e.n. All*U-i«Jn uaidios Ms'i.h -nunk. 'i-oa mi". t. Wl4-e»>arre.

-,",.. ni? wfie-v I-Sae" Sanrra l-l"'** B****!" *****Wwi puIIiubb ihraaah et-aebe. .ut .'* y Uc»it talus si-am ano ''.»" P ui for **'on. Rotu'.eh itu »>.d opuyrr*V. leaving »' « . « "j »».' », l" ! "' sajaiaaa tor til

a..' '*« ui M-thsSor aol Raile'on e..*: uy'. aja sunisy Usiafeai < . for MSBOh il i"k aud Hallo*011. 8 a. m.

O.nerH Ks.tern ",:.*. So lJK^ft^0 p fc

DOPOLAR SHOHF. LINK .or Hus ION and1 theP.AST All rall from Orsnd Centrsi Depot, rhrso

expre.a trains dsiy IBBBda' s <ue-pie.l) to I'-.)-' >¦' »t M.1":'2 lim ti.aioi eil* alla, hedi Slid ll p il orita p k.sea t.eop.

In, ta.,1- swBBSSrS ai 11 V- ». '^*|»Sta.*fift% JJJ^rXCKFORD ROUTE IO rfEWPORT. R.L

I ravs 'iraud eutral !.¦ ,-: a* follow*A" 8* "U.airviigia Sot. p'rt »l . .0 e. nt,A' kp bl.atrivtastaSeaaortel7sos tm.(1) awtar room cur* attat-l.ril to billi tralut.)

' _THK-iD,)RK W sRl^lXVHtipjk^



parlor eare'reelLmg chairtl Setweei tteamrr's laoouis iud

lostou without CT.Wf*nsVs^BnTSl I' '.taaataf ssaSA.
