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Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute...

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Summer in the Word: New Testament Week 1: Gospels & Acts Church of Southland Pastor Richard Kim & Pastor Tina Hsu Gospels I. Genre: Gospel II. Why were they written? Why are there four accounts? III. How did the Gospels come to be? IV. Synoptics vs. John V. Frequently Seen Characters & Locations in the Gospels A. Pharisees B. Scribes and Lawyers C. Synagogue D. Temple E. Sinners and Prostitutes F. Tax Collectors Summer in the Word Jun-Jul 2020 1
Page 1: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

Summer in the Word: New Testament Week 1: Gospels & ActsChurch of SouthlandPastor Richard Kim & Pastor Tina Hsu


I. Genre: Gospel

II. Why were they written? Why are there four accounts?

III. How did the Gospels come to be?

IV. Synoptics vs. John

V. Frequently Seen Characters & Locations in the Gospels

A. Pharisees

B. Scribes and Lawyers

C. Synagogue

D. Temple

E. Sinners and Prostitutes

F. Tax Collectors

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Page 2: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

G. Lepers

VI. Historical-Cultural & Social Background of Jesus’ Time

A. Purity Code

B. Fence around the Law (i.e. Sabbath)Jesus’ Main Message: The Kingdom of God

I. Old Testament - Israel’s HopeA. The Judgement of Israel’s Enemies - Joel 3:2, 12:13B. The Return of the Exiles - Micah 4:6-8C. The Renewal of the Land - Amos 9:13-15D. The Rebuilding of the Temple - Ezekiel 43:1-7E. The Coming of the Messiah “The Anointed One” - Ezekiel 27:21-25F. The Establishment of a New Covenant - Jeremiah 31:31-34G. The Outpouring of the Spirit - Joel 2:28-29H. The Healing and Purification of the People - Jeremiah 33:6-8; Isaiah 62:1-3I. The Inclusion of the Nations in the Blessings of the Kingdom - Zech. 8:20-23

II. Israel’s Condition During Jesus’ Time

Luke 2:25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him.

III. Jewish Expectation of the Kingdom of God

Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn, and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

A. The Two Ages

B. Imminent, Immediate

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Page 3: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

IV. Jesus’ Message - The Presence of the Kingdom

V. Jesus’ Message - The Delay of the Final Kingdom

The Uniqueness of Each Gospel

I. Gospel of Matthew

A. Who is Matthew?

B. Matthew’s Portrait of Jesus

C. Matthew’s Portrait of Discipleship

II. Gospel of Mark

A. Who is Mark?

B. Mark’s Portrait of Jesus

C. Mark’s Portrait of Discipleship

III. Gospel of Luke

A. Who is Luke?

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Page 4: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

B. Luke’s Portrait of Jesus

C. Luke’s Portrait of Discipleship

IV. Gospel of John

A. Who is John?

B. John’s Portrait of Jesus

C. John’s Portrait of Discipleship

Implications for Discipleship TodayLuke 6:40 A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.

I. The Grace of the Servant

II. The Demand of the Kingdom

III. The Great Commission

The Book of Acts

I. Sequel to Gospel of Luke

II. Acts of the Holy Spirit

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Page 5: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

III. Birth of the Church

IV. Peter’s Transformation and Ministry (Acts 1-12)

V. Spread of the GospelActs 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

A. Stephen the Deacon (Acts 6-7)

B. Philip the Apostle (Acts 8)

VI. Paul’s Conversion and Ministry (Acts 13-28)

Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and MinistrySource: Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 164-167.

I. THE YEARS OF PREPARATION .............................................................................................6 B.C. — A.D. 26Birth (Luke 2:1-38; Matt 1:18-2:23) ....................................................................................... 6-4 B.C.Life in Nazareth (Luke 2:39-40; Matt 2:22-23) ....................................................... c. 2 B.C. — A.D. 26Childhood Passover (Luke 2:41-52) ................................................................................ c. A.D. 8-9

II. THE YEAR OF OBSCURITY AND PRESENTATION ....................Summer A.D. 26—Fall A.D.27Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry .................................................................. Spring/Summer 26Baptism by John the Baptist (Matt 3:1-17)Temptation in the Wilderness (Matt 4:1-11)First Disciples (John 1:35-51)First Public Miracle (John 2:1-11)First Passover (John 2:13-25) .......................................................................... Spring, 27

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Ministry in Judea (John 3:22-24)Jesus’ Withdrawal from Judea to Galilee (John 4:1-4) .......................................................... Fall, 27The Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42)

III. THE YEAR OF POPULARITY Winter A.D. 28 — Winter A.D. 29(The early Galilean period)The First Disciples Called (Mark 1:16-20) ...................................................................... Winter, 28Second Passover (not recorded in the Gospels) .............................................................. Spring, 28The Twelve Appointed (Mark 3:13-19) Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) The Missionary Journey of the Twelve (Matt 9:35 — 11:1)The Parabolic Discourse (Matt 13)

IV. THE YEAR OF REJECTION ...................................................... Spring A.D. 29— Spring A.D. 30(The later Galilean period, the journey to Jerusalem, and the Passion week)Third Passover (or second recorded) (John 6:4) ................................................................................... Spring, 29Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6:4-15) .................................................................... Spring, 29Ministry in Gentile Regions ......................................................................... Spring /Summer, 29Peter’s Confession / Jesus’ First Prediction of Crucifixion (Matt 16:13-26) ....................... Summer, 29Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:11-31) .................................................................................... Fall, 29Ministry in Judea .......................................................................................................... Fall, 29Ministry in & around Perea ........................................................................................ Winter, 30

V. THE PASSION WEEK ................................................................................... March/April, 30Triumphal Entry, Temple Cleansed, Debates, Olivet DiscourseLast Supper, Betrayal, Trials, Crucifixion (Nisan 14)

VI. THE POST-RESURRECTION APPEARANCES ................................................. April—May, 30Resurrection, Appearances, 40 days of MinistryAscension ..................................................................................................................... May, 30Pentecost ...................................................................................................................... May, 30

Another Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry - “The Jesus Movement”Source: Wilkins, Michael J. Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992), ch. 7.

STAGE ONE (First year): Personal Initiative to Follow Jesus• See something significant in Jesus (John 1:35-42)• Exercise “belief”—John 2:2; 11 NAS; cf. John 2:23-25 • Process of curiosity, questioning and commitment (cf. John 3:22-26; 4:1-2). • Similarity between John’s and Jesus’ early ministries and disciples

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(cf. John 3:25-30; John 4:1-3; Mark 2:18; Luke 11:1-4)

STAGE TWO (Second year and a half): Jesus’ Call (see Matt 4:18-22/ Mark 1:16-20)• Jesus initiates the call (Compare to the scribe in Matt 8:19)• Jesus breaks through religious barriers (cf. Matt 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17)• The pivotal response

A response must be made. Once made, beginning of a new life (Matt 8:34-37; Luke 9:23-25; Matt 12:46-50)

• Coming out of the crowd (“Come out of the crowd to follow Jesus as His disciple” )• Counting the cost / Bearing the cross

+ The cost of allegiance to Jesus. See Matt 7:24+ Personalized Cost and Cross — Luke 14:25-33; cf. Mark 5:18-19// Luke 8:38-39

• Call to discipleship and call to apostleship (cf. Luke 6:13 and 17)The Twelve: as “disciples” examples for all believers.

as “apostles” leaders within the new movement to come, the church.

STAGE THREE (Half of third year): Jesus Sifts the Followers• The feeding of the five thousand — John 6:14-15• Teaching on the bread of life — John 6:22-59• The reaction of many of Jesus’ disciples — John 6:60• Jesus’ evaluation — John 6:64• The tragic departure — John 6:66 (cf. John 2:23-25)• The declaration of true discipleship — John 6:67-69

STAGE FOUR (Final months): The Limited Group of Followers• Who would remain? See 1 Cor 15:5, 6; Acts 1:15• Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea• The reduction in number sets the stage for the Great Commission — Matt 28:18-20

STAGE FIVE : The Early ChurchMultitude of “believers” (Acts 4:32) = multitude of “disciples” (Acts 6:2)

Gospels Comparison

The Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John

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Page 8: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

Author Matthew, the apostle, former tax collector

John Mark, based on Peter’s testimony

Luke, Apostle Paul’s companion

John, the apostle, son of Zebedee

Probable Date of Writing

60s 50s 60s 80s or 90s

Probable Place of Writing

Antioch, Syria Rome Rome (?) Ephesus

Intended & Immediate Audience

Jewish Christians under persecution

To show Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and promises, to present Him as the son of King David

Gentile Christians (+non-Christian Gentiles)

To present Jesus as the Son of God who is the Suffering Servant, and those who follow Him are called to a path of suffering and servanthood

Theophilus (+Gentile inquirers)

To provide a defense for Christianity so that people would know that what they have been taught is reliable and true

Christians who were threatened by Gnostic heresy

To present Jesus as the Son of God who both reveals the Father and is himself the revelation; to inspire faith in Jesus for those who were notfirst-hand witnesses

Portrait of Jesus (Theme)

Jesus is the Messiah, Son of David

Jesus is the Son of God, the Suffering Servant

Jesus is the Savior of all humanity

Jesus is the Son of God, the Word of God who gives eternal life

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An Outline of Matthew

Source: Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 164-167.

1. Narrative (1:1 – 4:25)1. Jesus’ genealogy (1:1-17)2. The birth of Jesus (1:18 – 25)3. The worship of Jesus by the magi (2:1 – 12)4. The flight into Egypt for protection from Herod the Great (2:13 – 18)5. The return and residence in Nazareth (2:19 – 23)6. The preparatory ministry of John the Baptist (3:1 – 17)

1. His preaching (3:1 – 12)2. His baptism of Jesus (3:13 – 17)

7. The temptation of Jesus by Satan (4:1 – 11)8. Beginnings of messianic preaching and miracle-working in Galilee, with the call

of Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John (4:12 – 25)

2. Discourse: the Sermon on the Mount (5:1 – 7:29)

3. Narrative (8:1 – 9:34)1. The cleansing of a leper (8:1 – 4)2. The healing of a centurion’s servant (8:5 – 13)3. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and others (8:14 – 17)4. Two would-be disciples (8:18 – 22)5. The stilling of a storm (8:23 – 27)6. The deliverance of two demoniacs (8:28 – 34)7. The forgiveness and healing of a paralytic (9:1 – 8)8. The call of Matthew and Jesus’ eating with tax collectors and sinners (9:9 – 13)9. A question about fasting (9:14 – 17)10.The healing of a woman with a chronic flow of blood and the raising of a

ruler’s deceased daughter (9:18 – 26)11.The healing of two blind men (9:27 – 31)12.The deliverance of a mute demoniac (9:32 – 34)

4. Discourse: the commission and instruction of the Twelve (9:35 – 11:1)

5. Narrative (11:2 – 12:50)1. The testimony of Jesus to John the Baptist (11:2 – 15)2. Jesus’ condemnation of the unrepentant (11:16 – 24)

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3. His thanksgiving to the Father and invitation to the weary (11:25 – 30)4. His lordship over the Sabbath (12:1 – 14)

1. His defense of the disciples’ plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath (12:1 – 8)

2. His healing a withered hand on the Sabbath (12:9 – 14)5. His withdrawal and further healings (12:15 – 21)6. His delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms

(12:22 – 37)7. His refusal to give any sign except that of Jonah, condemnation of self-

righteousness, and identification of his true spiritual kindred (12:38 – 50)

6. Discourse: a parable about parables, plus six parables about the kingdom and a seventh about understanding (13:1 – 52)1. The sower (13:1 – 9)2. Reasons for parabolic teaching (13:10 – 17)3. An interpretation of the sower (13:18 – 23)4. The wheat and the tares (13:24 – 30)5. The grain of mustard seed (13:31 – 32)6. The leaven and fulfillment of Scripture by the parabolic method (13:33 – 35)7. An interpretation of the wheat and the tares (13:36 – 43)8. The buried treasure (13:44)9. The costly pearl (13:45 – 46)10.The dragnet with good and bad fish (13:47 – 50)11.The houseowner (13:51 – 52)

7. Narrative (13:53 – 17:27)1. The rejection of Jesus at Nazareth (13:53 – 58)2. The death of John the Baptist (14:1 – 12)3. The feeding of five thousand (14:13 – 21)4. Jesus’ and Peter’s walking on water (14:22 – 36)5. Ritual versus moral defilement (15:1 – 20)6. Deliverance of the demonized daughter of a Canaanite woman and other

healings (15:21 – 28)7. The feeding of four thousand (15:29 – 39)8. Another refusal to give any sign except that of Jonah (16:1 – 4)9. A warning against Phariseeism and Sadduceeism (16:5 – 12)10.Peter’s confession of Jesus’ messiahship and Jesus’ blessing of Peter (16:13 –


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Page 11: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

11.A prediction by Jesus of his suffering, death, and resurrection; a rebuke of Peter for trying to dissuade him; and a call to cross-taking discipleship (16:21 – 28)

12.The transfiguration of Jesus (17:1 – 13)13.The healing of a demonized boy (17:14 – 21)14.Another prediction by Jesus of his death and resurrection (17:22 – 23)15.Paying the temple tax, or “Peter’s Penny” (17:24 – 27)

7. Discourse: humility and forgiveness among Jesus’ disciples (18:1 – 35)

8. Narrative (19:1 – 22:46)

1. Questions of divorce and marriage (19:1 – 12)2. Jesus’ blessing the children (19:13 – 15)3. The rich young man and the cost and reward of discipleship (19:16 – 30)4. The parable of an employer and laborers (20:1 – 16)5. Another prediction by Jesus of his death and resurrection (20:17 – 19)6. A request for positions of honor by the mother of James and John for her

sons (20:20 – 28)7. The healing of two blind men near Jericho (20:29 – 34)8. The triumphal entry (21:1 – 11)9. The cleansing of the temple (21:12 – 17)10.The cursing and withering of a fig tree (21:18 – 22)11.A challenge to Jesus’ authority (21:23 – 27)12.The parable of an obedient son and a disobedient one (21:28 – 32)13.The parable of some wicked tenant farmers (21:33 – 46)14.The parable of a royal marriage feast and wedding garment (22:1 – 14)15.A question about paying taxes to Caesar (22:15 – 22)16.A question of the Sadducees about the resurrection (22:23 – 33)17.A question about the greatest commandment (22:34 – 40)18. Jesus’ question about the Messiah’s Davidic descent and lordship (22:41 – 46)

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9. Discourse: denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees and the Olivet Discourse (23:1 – 25:46)1. Denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees (23:1 – 39)2. The Olivet Discourse (24:1 – 25:46)

1. A preview of events leading up to and including the return of Christ (24:1 – 31)

2. Exhortations to watchfulness, with parables of the fig tree, the thief, the faithful and unfaithful servants, the ten virgins, and the talents (24:32 – 25:30)

3. The judgment of the sheep and the goats (25:31 – 46)

10. Narrative (26:1 – 28:20)1. Another prediction by Jesus of his death, the plot of the Sanhedrin, and the

anointing of Jesus in Bethany, with a resultant bargain by Judas Iscariot to betray him (26:1 – 16)

2. The Last Supper (26:17 – 35)3. Jesus’ praying in Gethsemane (26:36 – 46)4. The arrest (26:47 – 56)5. The trials (26:57 – 27:26)1. The trial before Caiaphas, with Peter’s denials (26:57 – 75)2. The condemnatory decision of the Sanhedrin (27:1 – 2)3. The trial before Pontius Pilate, with the suicide of Judas and the release of

Barabbas (27:3 – 26)6. The crucifixion and death of Jesus (27:27 – 56)7. The burial (27:57 – 66)8. The resurrection (28:1 – 15)9. The Great Commission (28:16 – 20)

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An Outline of MarkSource: Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 128-131.

1. Introduction (1:1-13)a. The ministry of John the Baptist (1:1 – 8)b. The baptism of Jesus (1:9 – 11)c. The temptation of Jesus (1:12 – 13)

2. The Activities of Jesus in and Around Galilee (1:14 – 9:50)1. Jesus’ first preaching and call of Simon, Andrew, James, and John (1:14 – 20)2. A group of miracles (1:21 – 45)

1. An exorcism in the synagogue at Capernaum (1:21 – 28)2. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and others (1:29 – 39)3. The cleansing of a leper (1:40 – 45)

3. A group of controversies (2:1 – 3:35)1. The forgiveness and healing of a paralytic (2:1 – 12)

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2. The call of Levi and Jesus’ eating with toll collectors and sinners (2:13 – 17)

3. A question about fasting (2:18 – 22)4. The plucking and eating of grain on a Sabbath (2:23 – 27)5. The healing of a withered hand on the Sabbath (3:1 – 6)6. Jesus’ withdrawal and choice of the Twelve (3:7 – 19)7. The charges that Jesus is insane and possessed by Beelzebul (3:20 – 35)

4. A group of parables (4:1 – 34)1. The seeds and the soils (4:1 – 20)2. The lamp (4:21 – 25)3. The seed growing by itself (4:26 – 29)4. The mustard seed and others (4:30 – 34)

5. More miracles (4:35 – 5:43)1. The stilling of a storm (4:35 – 41)2. The exorcism of Legion from a demoniac (5:1 – 20)3. The healing of a woman with a constant flow of blood and the raising

of Jairus’s daughter (5:21 – 43)6. Rejection at Nazareth (6:1 – 6a)7. The mission of the Twelve throughout Galilee (6:6b – 13)8. The beheading of John the Baptist (6:14 – 29)9. The feeding of five thousand (6:30 – 44)10. Jesus’ walking on the water (6:45 – 52)11.Ministry at Gennesaret with controversy over ceremonial defilement (6:53 –

7:23)12.More miracles (7:24 – 8:26)

1. The exorcism of a demon from the daughter of a Syro-Phoenician woman (7:24 – 30)

2. The healing of a deaf mute (7:31 – 37)3. The feeding of four thousand (8:1 – 10)4. The demand of Pharisees for a sign (8:11 – 21)5. The healing of a blind man (8:22 – 26)

13.Peter’s confession of Jesus’ messiahship (8:27 – 30)14.Peter’s notion of Jesus’ messiahship and discipleship, corrected by Jesus’

prediction of suffering, death, and resurrection (8:31 – 9:1)15.The transfiguration (9:2 – 13)16.The exorcising of a demon from a boy (9:14 – 29)17.Another prediction by Jesus of his death and resurrection (9:30 – 32)18. Jesus’ making a child an example for his disciples (9:33 – 50)

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Page 15: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

3. The Activities of Jesus on His Way to Jerusalem through Transjordan and Judea (10:1 – 52)

1. The question of divorce (10:1 – 12)2. Jesus’ blessing of children (10:13 – 16)3. A rich man (10:17 – 31)4. Another prediction by Jesus of his death and Resurrection (10:32 – 34)5. The request of James and John for places of honor and Jesus’ reply concerning

self-sacrificial service (10:35 – 45)6. The healing of blind Bartimaeus (10:46 – 52)

4. The Activities of Jesus in and Around Jerusalem During the Week of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection (11:1 – 16:8)

1. The triumphal entry (11:1 – 10)2. The cursing of a barren fig tree (11:11 – 14)3. The cleansing of the temple (11:15 – 19)4. The withering of a fig tree (11:20 – 25)5. Debates in the temple (11:27 – 12:44)6. The demand for a sign from Jesus (11:27 – 33)7. The parable of a vineyard (12:1 – 12)8. A question of paying taxes to Caesar (12:13 – 17)9. A question about resurrection (12:18 – 27)10. A question about the most important commandment (12:28 – 34)11. Jesus’ question about the Messiah’s Davidic descent and lordship (12:35 – 37)12. Jesus’ warning against the scribes (12:38 – 40)13. A widow’s mite versus large gifts from the rich (12:41 – 44)14. The Olivet Discourse (13:1 – 37)15. The Sanhedrin’s plot against Jesus (14:1 – 2)16. The anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany (14:3 – 9)17. The bargain of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus (14:10 – 11)18. The Last Supper (14:12 – 31)19. Jesus’ praying in Gethsemane (14:32 – 42)20. The arrest of Jesus (14:43 – 52)21. The trials of Jesus (14:53 – 15:20)22. The trial before the Sanhedrin, with Peter’s denials (14:53 – 72)23. The trial before Pontius Pilate, with the release of Barabbas (15:1 – 20)24. The crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus (15:21 – 47)25. The resurrection of Jesus (16:1 – 8)

An Outline of Luke

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Source: Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 210-215.

Prologue: Dedication to Theophilus and Statement of Purpose to Write an Orderly Account of Historical Trustworthiness (1:1 – 4)

1. The Nativity and Childhood of John the Baptist and Jesus (1:5 – 2:52)1. The annunciation of John the Baptist’s birth to Zacharias and Elizabeth (1:5 –

25)2. The annunciation of Jesus’ birth to Mary (1:26 – 38)3. The visit of Mary to Elizabeth and Mary’s Magnificat (1:39 – 56)4. The birth, circumcision, and naming of John the Baptist, and the Benedictus of

Zacharias (1:57 – 79)5. John the Baptist’s growing up in the wilderness (1:80)6. The birth of Jesus (2:1 – 7)7. The visit of the shepherds (2:8 – 20)8. The circumcision and naming of Jesus (2:21)9. The presentation in the temple, with the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon and the

adoration of Anna (2:22 – 40)10. Jesus’ visit to the temple at the age of twelve (2:41 – 52)

2. The Prelude to Jesus’ Ministry (3:1 – 4:13)1. The preparatory ministry of John the Baptist (3:1 – 20)2. The baptism of Jesus (3:21 – 22)3. The genealogy of Jesus (3:23 – 38)4. The temptation of Jesus (4:1 – 13)

3. The Galilean Ministry (4:14 – 9:50)1. The rejection of Jesus in Nazareth (4:14 – 30)2. An exorcism in the synagogue at Capernaum (4:31 – 37)3. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and further miracles and preaching

(4:38 – 44)4. A miraculous catch of fish and the call of Simon Peter, James, and John to

discipleship (5:1 – 11)5. The cleansing of a leper (5:12 – 16)6. The forgiveness and healing of a paralytic (5:17 – 26)7. The call of Levi and Jesus’ eating with tax collectors and sinners (5:27 – 32)8. Remarks about fasting (5:33 – 39)9. Jesus’ defense of his disciples’ plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath (6:1 – 5)10.The healing of a withered hand on the Sabbath (6:6 – 11)

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11.The choice of the Twelve (6:12 – 16)12.The Sermon on the Plain (“a level place,” 6:17 – 49)13.The healing of a centurion’s servant (7:1 – 10)14.The raising from the dead of a widow’s son (7:11 – 17)15.The question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ answer and tribute to him (7:18 –

35)16. Jesus’ anointing by and forgiveness of a sinful woman (7:36 – 50)17.Preaching with financial support from certain women (8:1 – 3)18.The parables of the seeds and the soils and of the lamp (8:4 – 18)19.The attempt of Jesus’ family to see him (8:19 – 21)20.The stilling of a storm (8:22 – 25)21.The deliverance of a demoniac (8:26 – 39)22.The healing of the woman with a chronic flow of blood and the raising of

Jairus’s daughter from the dead (8:40 – 56)23.The mission of the Twelve (9:1 – 6)24.The guilty fear of Herod Antipas over the death of John the Baptist (9:7 – 9)25.The feeding of the five thousand (9:10 – 17)26.Peter’s confession of Jesus’ messiahship and the prediction by Jesus of his own

death and resurrection, with a call to cross-taking discipleship (9:18 – 27)27.The transfiguration (9:28 – 36)28.The deliverance of a demonized boy (9:37 – 45)29.Remarks on humility (with a child as an example) and tolerance (9:46 – 50)

4. The Last Journey to Jerusalem (9:51 – 19:27)1. Jesus’ determination to go to Jerusalem and the inhospitality of a Samaritan

village (9:51 – 56)2. Remarks on discipleship to would-be disciples (9:57 – 62)3. The mission of the Seventy-two (10:1 – 24)4. The parable of the good Samaritan (10:25 – 37)5. Entertainment of Jesus by Mary and Martha (10:38 – 42)6. Teaching about prayer, including the Lord’s Prayer and the parable of the host

whose guest arrived at midnight (11:1 – 13)7. Polemical episodes (11:14 – 12:12)8. Defense against the charge of satanic empowerment, refusal to give any sign

except that of Jonah, and the parable of the lamp (11:14 – 36)9. Exposé of the Pharisees and lawyers (11:37 – 54)10.Warning against Phariseeism (12:1 – 12)11.Remarks on covetousness, anxiety, trust, and eschatological watchfulness,

including the parable of a rich fool (12:13 – 59)

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12.A call to repentance, including the parable of the fig tree (13:1 – 9)13.The healing on a Sabbath of a woman bent over (13:10 – 17)14.The parables of the mustard seed, leaven, and narrow door (13:18 – 30)15. Jesus’ refusal to be panicked in the face of Herod Antipas, and a lamentation

over Jerusalem (13:31 – 35)16.The Sabbath healing of a man with dropsy (14:1 – 6)17.A parable about invitations to a marriage feast (14:7 – 14)18.The parable of a great banquet (14:15 – 24)19.The parables of a tower-builder and of a king who goes to war (14:25 – 35)20.Three parables in defense of welcoming sinners (15:1 – 32)

1. The parable of a lost sheep (15:1 – 7)2. The parable of a lost coin (15:8 – 10)3. The parable of the prodigal son and his elder brother (15:11 – 32)

21.Two parables about the use of money (16:1 – 31)1. The parable of the unjust steward, with further comments to the

Pharisees (16:1 – 18)2. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus (16:19 – 31)

22.Remarks on forgiveness, faith, and a sense of duty (17:1 – 10)23.The healing of ten lepers and the gratitude of one, a Samaritan (17:11 – 19)24.The coming of God’s kingdom and the Son of Man, including the parable of a

widow and an unjust judge (17:20 – 18:8)25.The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (18:9 – 14)26. Jesus’ welcoming little children (18:15 – 17)27.The rich ruler (18:18 – 30)28.Prediction by Jesus of his death and resurrection (18:31 – 34)29.The healing of a blind man near Jericho (18:35 – 43)30.The conversion of Zacchaeus (19:1 – 10)31.The parable of ten minas (19:11 – 27)

5. Passion Week and the Death, Resurrection, Postresurrection Ministry, and Ascension of Jesus in and Around Jerusalem (19:28 – 24:53)1. Passion Week and the death of Jesus (19:28 – 23:56)

1. Jesus’ triumphal entry, including his cleansing of the temple (19:28 – 48)2. Theological debate in the temple precincts (20:1 – 21:38)

1. A challenge to Jesus’ authority (20:1 – 8)2. A parable about the wicked tenants of a vineyard (20:9 – 18)3. A question about paying taxes to Caesar (20:19 – 26)4. The Sadducees’ question about resurrection (20:27 – 40)

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5. Jesus’ question about the Christ’s Davidic ancestry and lordship (20:41 – 44)

6. Warning against the scribes (20:45 – 47)7. A widow’s two copper coins (21:1 – 4)8. Prophetic teaching (21:5 – 36)9. Further teaching (21:37 – 38)

3. The Sanhedrin’s plot to kill Jesus and the bargain with Judas Iscariot (22:1 – 6)

4. The Last Supper (22:7 – 38)5. Jesus’ praying in Gethsemane (22:39 – 46)6. The arrest (22:47 – 53)7. The trials (22:54 – 23:25)

1. A nighttime hearing in the high priest’s house, with Peter’s denials of Jesus (22:54 – 65)

2. An early morning condemnation by the Sanhedrin (22:66 – 71)3. The first hearing before Pilate (23:1 – 5)4. A hearing before Herod Antipas (23:6 – 12)5. The second hearing before Pilate, with his grudging release of

Barabbas and delivering up of Jesus for crucifixion (23:13 – 25)8. Jesus’ crucifixion (23:26 – 49)

1. The carrying of Jesus’ cross by Simon of Cyrene and the lament of women (23:26 – 31)

2. The crucifixion and mocking of Jesus (23:32 – 38)3. The repentant criminal (23:39 – 43)4. Jesus’ death (23:44 – 49)

9. Jesus’ burial (23:50 – 56)2. Jesus’ resurrection (24:1 – 12)3. Jesus’ postresurrection ministry (24:13 – 49)

1. A walk to Emmaus with Cleopas and another disciple (24:13 – 35)2. An appearance in Jerusalem (24:36 – 43)3. Jesus’ teaching about himself from the Old Testament, and the Great

Commission (24:44 – 49)4. Jesus’ ascension (24:50 – 53)

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An Outline of John

Source:Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 260-261.

Prologue: Jesus Christ the Revelatory Word [Logos] of God (1:1 – 18)

1. The Faith-Producing Impact of Jesus’ Initial Ministry (1:19 – 4:42)1. Narrative (1:19 – 2:25)

1. The testimony of John the Baptist and the making of Jesus’ first disciples (1:19 – 51)

2. The turning of water to wine at a wedding in Cana (2:1 – 12)3. The cleansing of the temple and the performing of signs in Jerusalem

(2:13 – 25)2. Discourse (3:1 – 4:42)

2. The new birth in conversation with Nicodemus (3:1 – 21)3. The superiority of Jesus according to John the Baptist’s testimony during

their concurrent ministries of baptism (3:22 – 36)1. The water of life in conversation with the Samaritan woman, plus her

conversion and that of her fellow townspeople (4:1 – 42)

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Page 21: Chronological Overview of Jesus’ Life and Ministry · Web viewHis delivering a blind and mute demoniac and defense of his exorcisms (12:22 – 37) His refusal to give any sign except

4. The Authority of Jesus’ Life-Giving Words (4:43 – 5:47)1. Narrative (4:43 – 5:9a)

1. The healing of an official’s son (4:43 – 54)2. The healing on a Sabbath of the invalid by a pool in Jerusalem (5:1 – 9a)

2. Discourse: the authority of Jesus’ words (5:9b – 47)5. The Giving of Jesus’ Flesh and Blood for the Life of the World (6:1 – 71)

1. Narrative: the feeding of the five thousand and the walking on water (6:1 – 21)2. Discourse: the bread of life (6:22 – 71)

6. The Illumination of People by Jesus with Their Resultant Division into Unbelievers, Destined for Judgment, and Believers, Destined for Eternal Life (7:1 – 8:59)1. Narrative: the attendance of Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles and a division

of opinion about him (7:1 – 52)2. Discourse: the light of the world and the true children of Abraham (8:12 – 59)

7. Jesus’ Kindness in Contrast with Mistreatment by the Jewish Religious Authorities (9:1 – 10:39)1. Narrative: a blind man’s healing and excommunication from the synagogue

(9:1 – 41)2. Discourse: the Good Shepherd, hirelings, thieves, and robbers (10:1 – 39)

8. The Gift of Life Through Jesus’ Death (10:40 – 12:50)1. Narrative (10:40 – 12:19)

1. The raising of Lazarus with the Sanhedrin’s consequent plot to kill Jesus (10:40 – 11:57)

2. The anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany and the Sanhedrin’s plot to kill Lazarus (12:1 – 11)

3. The triumphal entry (12:12 – 19)2. Discourse: the grain of wheat that dies and springs to fruitful life (12:20 – 50)

9. The Departure and Return of Jesus (13:1–20:29)1. Discourse (13:1 – 17:26)

1. The cleansing of the disciples and their menial service to one another as signified by Jesus’ washing their feet (13:1 – 20)

2. The announcement of betrayal and the dismissal of Judas Iscariot (13:21 – 30)

3. The advantages to the disciples of Jesus’ departure and of the Holy Spirit’s coming (13:31 – 16:33)

4. The prayer of Jesus for his disciples (17:1 – 26)2. Narrative (18:1 – 20:29)

1. The arrest of Jesus (18:1 – 11)

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2. The hearings before Annas and Caiaphas with Peter’s denials (18:12 – 27)

3. The hearing before Pilate (18:28 – 19:16)4. The crucifixion and burial (19:17 – 42)5. The empty tomb and resurrection appearances to Mary Magdalene and

the disciples (20:1 – 29)

Conclusion: The Purpose of the Fourth Gospel to Evoke Life-Bringing Faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God (20:30 – 31)

Epilogue (21:1 – 25)1. Narrative: another resurrection appearance to the disciples, with a miraculous catch

of fish and breakfast on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias [Galilee] (21:1–14)2. Discourse: the recommission of Peter (21:15 – 23)

Final Authentication (21:24 – 25)

An Outline of Acts

Source: Gundry, Robert. A Survey of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), pg. 299-301.

1. The Acts of the Spirit of Christ in and out from Jerusalem (1:1 – 12:25)1. In Jerusalem (1:1 – 8:3)

1. The post resurrection ministry and ascension of Jesus (1:1 – 11)2. The replacement of Judas Iscariot with Matthias (1:12 – 26)

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3. The Day of Pentecost: an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, Peter’s sermon, mass conversion, and Christian community (2:1 – 47)

4. The healing of a lame man and Peter’s sermon (3:1 – 26)5. The imprisonment and release of Peter and John (4:1 – 31)6. The community of goods in the Jerusalem church and the death of

Ananias and Sapphira (4:32 – 5:11)7. Miracles, conversions, imprisonment of the apostles, and release

(5:12 – 42)8. A dispute over food rations and the choice of seven “deacons” (6:1 –

7)9. The sermon and martyrdom of Stephen and a general persecution

following (6:8 – 8:3)2. Out from Jerusalem (8:4 – 12:25)

1. Philip’s evangelization of Samaria, the Samaritan reception of the Spirit, and the story of Simon the magician (8:4 – 25)

2. Philip’s conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26 – 40)3. The conversion of Saul (Paul), his preaching in and escape from

Damascus, return to Jerusalem, and flight to Tarsus (9:1 – 31)4. Peter’s healing of Aeneas and raising of Tabitha (9:32 – 43)5. The salvation of Cornelius and his Gentile household, including Peter’s

vision of a sheet, a sermon by him, and Gentile reception of the Spirit (10:1 – 11:18)

6. The spread of the gospel to Antioch in Syria (11:19 – 26)7. The bringing of famine relief from Antioch to Jerusalem by Barnabas

and Saul (Paul) (11:27 – 30)8. Herod Agrippa I’s execution of James the apostle and imprisonment of

Peter, Peter’s miraculous release, and Herod’s horrible death (12:1 – 25)

2. The Acts of the Spirit of Christ Far and Wide through the Apostle Paul (13:1 – 28:31)1. Paul’s first missionary journey (13:1 – 14:28)

1. The sending from Antioch, Syria (13:1 – 3)2. Cyprus: the blinding of Elymas and conversion of Sergius Paulus (13:4 –

12)3. Perga: the departure of John Mark (13:13)4. Antioch of Pisidia: Paul’s sermon in the synagogue (13:14 – 52)

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5. Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe: the healing of a crippled beggar, worship of Barnabas and Paul as Zeus and Hermes, and stoning of Paul at Lystra (14:1 – 18)

6. The return to Antioch, Syria, with preaching in Perga (14:19 – 28)2. The Judaizing controversy (15:1 – 35)

1. Debate in Antioch, Syria (15:1 – 2)2. The Jerusalem Council: a decision for Gentile freedom from the

Mosaic law and considerateness toward Jewish Christians (15:3 – 35)3. Paul’s second missionary journey (15:36 – 18:21)

1. A dispute with Barnabas over John Mark and the departure from Antioch, Syria, with Silas (15:36 – 41)

2. A journey through South Galatia and the selection of Timothy (16:1 – 5)

3. Troas: a vision of the man of Macedonia (16:6 – 10)4. Philippi: the conversion of Lydia, deliverance of a demon-possessed girl,

jailing of Paul and Silas, earthquake, and conversion of the jailer and his household (16:11 – 40)

5. Thessalonica: a Jewish assault on the house of Jason, Paul’s host (17:1 – 9)

6. Berea: the verifying of Paul’s message with the Old Testament (17:10 – 15)

7. Athens: Paul’s sermon on Mars’ Hill (17:16 – 34)8. Corinth: Paul’s tentmaking with Aquila and Priscilla, a favorable

decision by the Roman proconsul Gallio, and general success (18:1 – 17)

9. The return to Antioch, Syria, via Cenchrea (18:18 – 21)4. Paul’s third missionary journey (18:22 – 21:16)

1. A journey through Galatia and Phrygia (18:22 – 23)2. The preparatory ministry of Apollos in Ephesus (18:24 – 28)3. Ephesus: the Christian baptism of disciples of John the Baptist,

successful evangelism, and a riot led by Demetrius (19:1 – 41)4. A journey through Macedonia to Greece and back through Macedonia

(20:1 – 5)5. Troas: Eutychus’s fall from a window during Paul’s sermon (20:6 – 12)6. A journey to Miletus and Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders

(20:13 – 38)7. A voyage to Caesarea and predictions of misfortune for Paul in

Jerusalem (21:1 – 14)8. A journey to Jerusalem (21:15 – 16)

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5. Events in Jerusalem (21:17 – 23:35)1. Paul’s involvement in a Jewish vow (21:17 – 26)2. A riot in the temple area, Paul’s arrest, defense before a mob, and

conversation with Claudius Lysias (21:27 – 22:29)3. Paul’s defense before the Sanhedrin (22:30 – 23:11)4. A Jewish plot against Paul and his transfer to Caesarea (23:12 – 35)

6. Events in Caesarea (24:1 – 26:32)1. Paul’s trial before Felix (24:1 – 23)2. Paul’s private hearing before Felix and Drusilla (24:24 – 27)3. Paul’s trial before Festus and appeal to Caesar (25:1 – 12)4. Paul’s hearing before Festus and Herod Agrippa II (25:13 – 26:32)

7. Paul’s voyage to Rome, including a shipwreck on Malta (27:1 – 28:16)8. The preaching of Paul to Jews and Gentiles in his Roman house-prison

(28:17 – 31)

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