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CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN …Mi esperanza es que Dios honre esta elección y...

Date post: 27-Jan-2021
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CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE LOYOLA Fifth Sunday of Lent Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma March 29th, 2020 Lazarus, come out! ¡Lázaro, sal!


    Fifth Sunday of Lent Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma March 29th, 2020

    Lazarus, come out! ¡Lázaro, sal!

  • (Continúa en la página 4)

    From the Desk of the Pastor

    2/Fourth Sunday of Lent (Continued on page 4)

    Fifth Sunday of Lent w March 29th, 2020Ezek 37:12-14 w Rom 8:8-11 w John 11:1-45

    Estimados Feligreses:En mis casi 33 años de sacerdocio, nunca he dicho una misa

    privada. Sospecho que soy algo inusual en ese sentido. Pero, ir solo a las pequeñas capillas del tamaño de un armario que son un elemento básico en las comunidades jesuitas, nunca me ha sentado bien. Porque, ¿quién va a responder cuando diga, "El Señor esté contigo"? ¿Yo? ¿No es la Misa un diálogo? Siempre sentí que al menos otra persona necesitaba estar físicamente presente: "porque donde dos o tres estén reunidos en mi nom-bre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos" (Mt. 18,20). No ofrecer una misa privada siempre me ha servido para darme cuenta concretamente de que fui ordenado no para mi propio benefi-cio espiritual, sino para ser un ministro del Pueblo de Dios. Sin ellos, no tengo ministerio.

    Cuando la Arquidiócesis suspendió las Misas el 13 de marzo de-bido a nuestra actual crisis de salud, no había duda sobre si debía poner mi nombre en la hoja de registro para usar nuestra pequeña capilla del cuarto piso del tamaño del armario para mi propia misa privada.

    La única pregunta que tenía fue si asistiría a la misa diaria de la co-

    munidad jesuita. Disfruto y me nutro mucho. Incluso de vez en cuando puedo presidirla.

    Utilizando el método de discernimiento que San Ignacio nos ha enseñado, rogué por la iluminación de Dios para descubrir razones honestas y sinceras a favor y en contra de asistir o no a la misa comunitaria. Después de sopesarlos ante Dios, mi de-cisión en buena conciencia fue ser solidario con todos ustedes, nuestros feligreses. Decidí, por lo tanto, asistir a la misa y reci-bir la santa comunión durante este tiempo sólo cuando estoy virtualmente con ustedes en una pequeña misa comunitaria.

    Hay muchas razones teológicas a cada lado de esa elección. De hecho, algunos serán bastante críticos con la elección a la que llegué e incluso encontrarán la decisión escandalosa. Otros simplemente dirán, Amén.

    Con esta elección no quiero hacer ninguna crítica a esos sacerdotes que han tomado una decisión diferente. Simple-mente traté de tomar esta decisión humildemente ante Dios y sólo para mí. Mi esperanza es que Dios honre esta elección y que esta acción me ayude a ser auténtico, en palabras del Papa Francisco, un pastor que huele como sus ovejas.

    Anhelamos seriamente el día en el que podamos reunirnos en San Ignacio para celebrar la Eucaristía, fuente y cumbre de nuestra vida. Espero que Juntos deseemos profundamente un momento en el que nuestra comunión espiritual actual se con-vierta en comunión en el verdadero Pan de Vida y Copa de Salvación, comunión en el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Oremos

    Dear Parishioners,In almost 33 years of priesthood, I have never said a private

    Mass. I suspect I am somewhat unusual in that regard. But, go-ing all alone into the small closet-sized chapels that are a staple in Jesuit communities has never felt quite right for me. After all, who is going to respond when I say, “The Lord be with you”? Me? Isn’t the Mass a dialogue? I always felt that at least one other person needed to be physically present: “for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt. 18:20). Not offering a private Mass has always served, to make me realize concretely that I was ordained not for my own spiritu-al benefit, but to minister to the People of God. Without them, I have no ministry.

    When the Archdiocese suspended the Masses on March 13th because of our current health crisis, there was no question about whether I should put my name on the signup sheet to use our little closet-sized fourth floor chapel for my own private Mass.

    The only question I did have was whether I would attend the daily Jesuit community Mass. Whenever I am not assigned to preside at the parish, I often attend that late afternoon Mass. I enjoy and am nourished by it very much. I even occasionally get to preside at it.

    Using the method of discernment St. Ignatius has taught, I begged for God’s enlightenment to discover honest and sin-cere reasons for and against whether or not to attend the com-munity Mass. After weighing these before God, my decision in good conscience was to be in solidarity with all of you, our parishioners. I decided, therefore, to attend Mass and receive holy Communion during this time only when I am virtually with you at a small communal Mass.

    There are many theological reasons on each side of that choice. In fact, some will be quite critical of the side of the choice in which I landed and even find the decision scandalous. Still others will simply say, Amen.

    With this choice I do not mean to imply any criticism of those priests making a different choice. I simply tried to make this decision humbly before God and only for me. My hope is that God will honor this choice and that this action will help me to be authentically, in Pope Francis’s words, a shepherd who smells like his sheep.

    Together let us earnestly long for that day when we can gath-er at St. Ignatius to celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of our life. Together let us deeply desire a time when our current spiritual communion becomes a communion in the real Bread of Life and Cup of Salvation, a communion in

  • 3/Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Vida espiritual | Spiritual Life












    ConversaciónRecursos para la construcción de la

    comunidad ignacianaDeberías haber recibido un correo electrónico este pasado Miércoles con detalles sobre actuar como uncomunidad durante este tiempo de incertidum-bre. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener recursos

    espirituales, así como bienestar y apoyo social::stignatiuschestnuthill.org/113.

    Verifique su carpeta de correo no deseado o basura si no recibió un correo electrónico. Si no está en esas carpetas, comuníquese con la Oficina Parro-quial para actualizar tu información de contacto:

    [email protected] or 617-552-6100.

    Ignatian Community Building ResourcesYou should have received an email this past

    Wednesday with details about acting as a community during this time of uncertainty.

    Visit our website for Spiritual Resources as well as Wellness and Social Supports:


    Please check your spam or junk folder if you did not receive an email. If it is not in those folders,

    contact the Parish Office to update your contact information:

    [email protected] or 617-552-6100.

    Get the St. Ignatius Bulletin emailed to you!Simply go to: www.pilotbulletins.net/sign-up Scroll down (alphabetically) and select St. Ignatius, Newton. You will then receive a confirmation email from The Pilot to register.

    Online Masses at St. IgnatiusWhile Masses are

    temporarily suspended, parishioners and community

    members are invited to visit our web-site to worship online and celebrate the

    Liturgy with us: stignatiuschestnuthill.org.A worship aid will be available on our website.

    We will be sending out email reminders about these Masses.If you have not received them, and would like to be on our email

    mailing list, please contact the parish office at 617-552-6100 or [email protected] to give us your address.

    Dear Parishioners,If you are on our mailing list, you should have already re-ceived an Easter letter from me. This letter, as you might well imagine, was written, printed and ready for mailing at the post office weeks before these days in which we now find ourselves. Letters like these need a huge lead time. While the need is still there for help with the replacement of our boilers and the chiller for our air-conditioner, I certainly realize that this request seems inappropriate at best at this time. Let me apologize, therefore, if you were startled by it. The planning for these replacements is still moving forward. But know that I recognize that these are uncertain times and only hope that you might help as you are able.

    In Christ,Fr. Joe

    If you did not recieve this letter and you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact the parish office at

    617-552-6100 or [email protected] to give us your address.

  • 4/Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Outreach MinistriesTHE PROJECT BREAD WALK FOR HUNGER HAS BEEN CANCELLEDHowever, the fundraiser must go on—and is focused on rapid response to food insecurity being caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Donations can be made online on the TEAM IGNATIUS page: https://bit.ly/2Qr6f13. Every single donation counts, no matter the amount!

    Our Socks and Shower Sandals Drive to assist the patients of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program has ended. Thank you for your donations.

    CRS Rice Bowl - Dreams for Tomorrow“I want to be a doctor to help poor patients,” says Trinh. She knows that if she wants to achieve her dream, she’ll need to attend university and her parents are ready to help her get there. “Trinh will be different than me,” her mother says. “I want her to be fully educated and not drop out of school. It’ll be hard for us at home—but I’m prepared to work to make Trinh’s dreams come true.”

    Yvone’s wants to be a hairdresser so that she can earn money to help her family. She dreams of one day being able to buy a car and give rides to her family, so they won’t have to walk far distances.

    Maria Ana wants to help people by being a nurse. To do this, she will need more education and training be-yond the opportunities available in her community. Several times a week, she travels two hours to the nearest city where she earns money cleaning homes. Maria Ana feels called to help people be healthy, especially the children she sees in her community who suffer from malnutrition and lack of proper hygiene. THROUGH CRS, WE’RE HELPING ALL THREE GIRLS—AND THEIR FAMILIES—


    Faith FormationSt. Ignatius Faith Formation Wants to Hear From You! In order to make sure our young people stay engaged in their faith journey during this challenging time, we have made ef-forts to empower parents as the primary catechists for their children. If you have not yet received these resources or if you have any questions, please contact Annarose at [email protected] or Justin at [email protected] hopes of maintaining our sense of community during this time of physical distancing, you are invited to send photos of your family's Faith Formation and/or prayer time together to [email protected]. With your permission, these photos will be included in our next weekly update via Constant Contact.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    the Body and Blood of Christ. Together let us fervently pray for those who will succumb to this virus, those struck by grief, and those who will endure psychological, emotional, spiritual and financial hardship resulting from this current pandemic.

    In this time of separation, may our faith, hope and love for God and one another remain courageously strong as we in solidarity with one another join together in what Pope Fran-cis has called a Lenten Penance we did not choose.

    Your servant,Fr. Joe

    juntos fervientemente por aquellos que sucumbirán a este virus, los que están golpeados por el dolor y los que soportarán dificultades psicológicas, emocionales, espirituales y finan-cieras resultantes de esta pandemia actual.

    En este tiempo de separación, que nuestra fe, esperanza y amor por Dios y por los unos a los otros permanezcan vali-entemente fuertes mientras solidariamente nos unimos unos con otros en lo que el Papa Francisco ha llamado la peniten-cia cuaresmal que no elegimos.

    Su Servidor,P. Joe

    (Continúa de la página 2)(Continued from page 2)

    Offertory GivingAll of our parishioners are always in our daily prayers.

    Here are some ways you can continue to support our parish while public Masses are suspended:wMail a check to the parish -

    28 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill MA 02467wSet up monthly or weekly donations via your bank's

    online banking/ bill pay program. wRegister for Online Giving via our parish website: giving.parishsoft.com/app/giving/stignatius.

    Our Online Giving site is a safe and easy way to support our parish on a regular basis.

    Contact Karen O’Reilly for assistance: 617-552-6117 or [email protected]

  • 5/Fourth Sunday of Lent


    So much has been and will continue to be, for some time, cancelled:

    sports events, concerts, plays, worship services, rallies, travel, meetings,

    classes, family gatherings, and so much more.

    However - Love has not been cancelled.

    Mercy has not been cancelled.Prayer has not been cancelled.

    Attentiveness has not been cancelled.Goodness has not been cancelled.

    Thanksgiving has not been cancelled.Loving relationships have not been cancelled.

    Kindness has not been cancelled.Music has not been cancelled.

    Conversations have not been cancelled.Learning has not been cancelled.

    Poetry and storytelling have not been cancelled.Courage has not been cancelled.

    Meditation and contemplation have not been cancelled.Painting and dancing have not been cancelled.

    Families have not been cancelled.Community and solidarity have not been cancelled.

    Faith has not been cancelled.Hope has not been cancelled.

    And … God’s presence with us, has not been cancelled.

    A Litany by David Haas

  • 6/Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

    Phone: 617-552-6100 v Fax: 617-552-6101 v Email: [email protected] v Web: stignatiuschestnuthill.orgPARISH OFFICE HOURS

    Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m (Closed 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.)

    The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., Associate Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Gerald Finnegan, S.J., Senior Priest [email protected] 617-552-6100 Karen O’Reilly, Accounts/HR Manager [email protected] 617-552-6117Michael Sennett, Administrative Assistant/Media Specialist [email protected] 617-552-6102Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach Ministries [email protected] 617-552-6107Matt Anderson, Organist, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] 617-552-6114Justin Hoch, Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6105Annarose Jowenson, Pre-K - 8 Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6103 Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life & Ignatian Community Development Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6112 Rev. Mr. Jason Downer, S.J., Transitional Deacon [email protected]. Mr. Doug Ray, S.J., Transitional Deacon [email protected] Huggins, Facilities Manager [email protected] 617-552-6100Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6100Parish Pastoral Council [email protected]

    The Celebration of the Eucharist

    Newcomers to St. Ignatius are invited and encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with Faith Formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities and more.

    Registration forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space or on the website.Please note that you must be registered for at least six months before we can issue any verification

    of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters.

    CAP Team (Child Abuse Protection) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support. Kathy Maher, Chair [email protected] Gervais, Team Member [email protected]

    Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infant and child Baptisms are by arrangement. First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confirmation—Our Confirmation program begins in 9th grade; students are confirmed in the spring of 10th grade. For young adults who have been baptized but are not yet confirmed, contact the Parish Office.Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact the parish office for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick—By arrangement. Contact the parish office.

    Upper ChurchLower Church

    Lower ChurchLower ChurchUpper Church

    8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 5:30 p.m.10:00 a.m., Family Liturgy12:00 p.m., Misa En Español En La Capilla Lannon12:15 p.m. & 5:30 p.m [Friday Adoration -- 12:45 p.m.]9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Vigil)



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