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CHURCH OF THE WORD...Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral...

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C atholic ink L Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 082 667 3857. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: www.rpp.org.za. Redemptorist Publications SouthAfrica SUNDAY MASS ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place. FIRST READING: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 128. RESPONSE: Blessed are all who fear the Lord. 1. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, and walk in his ways! By the labour of your hands you shall eat. You will be blessed and prosper. 2. Your wife like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house; your children like shoots of the olive around your table. 3. Indeed thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Sion. May you see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life!. SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! Abide in me, and I in you, says the Lord; he who abides in me bears much fruit. Alleluia. GOSPEL: Matthew 25:14-30 COMMUNION ANTIPHON: To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord. CHURCH OF THE WORD 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Divine Office: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications Order from our website www.rpp.org.za or email [email protected]. Enquiries: 082 667 3857. R250 plus delivery Live the Word THE WEEK AHEAD (KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial) R=Religious Mon 16 Nov (St Margaret of Scotland) Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Psalm 1; Luke 18:35-43 Suffering can be a good teacher. It has the capac- ity to open our hearts to God, and to re-focus our lives – if we allow it. God uses everything to draw us into a relationship with him. Sun 22 Nov CHRIST THE KING Ezekiel 34:11-12.15-17; Psalm 23; Matthew 25:31-46 Identify a compassionate deed that you will do today for a brother or sister in need. Jesus, help me to reach out today to someone in need, knowing that in doing so, I am really doing it for you. Sat 21 Nov Presentation of Our Lady Zech 2:14-17; Psalm: Luke 1:46-55; Matthew 12:46-50 God’s love never fails. Mary's life was a witness to how God’s grace comes to those who trust. In big and in small ways, God’s generous and faithful love allows great things to happen in our lives. Fri 20 Nov Liturgy of the Day Revelations 10:8-11; Psalm 119; Luke 19:45-48 We can become indifferent to suffering, barely noticing how deeply it has taken root in our hearts. Ask God to open your heart that you might know how to use your hands to reach out to those in need. Thu 19 Nov Liturgy of the Day Revelation 5:1-10; Psalm 149; Luke 19:41-44 "Each of us must turn inward and destroy in himself all that he thinks he ought to destroy in others. Every atom of hate that we add to this world makes it still more inhospitable" – Etty Hillesum. Wed 18 Nov (Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter & Paul) Rev 4:1-11; Psalm 150; Luke 19:11-28 God is able to draw great good out of any situa- tion. This is at the heart of the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. With us, too, suffering and difficulty can become a powerful source of good. Tue 17 Nov St Elizabeth of Hungary, R Revelation 3:1-6.14-22; Psalm 15; Luke 19:1-10 God doesn’t ask for perfection, but our continued best effort. God doesn’t punish us for our mistakes, but rather offers guidance and invitation to forgive- ness – all this because we are loved. O ne of the most famous sayings of St Jerome is, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” St Jerome (347–420 AD) is the patron saint of Bible scholars and translators, having been the first to translate the Bible into Latin – the official language of the Roman empire. He also wrote biblical commentaries. This week’s Bible sharing method takes its cue from St Jerome’s saying. The approach is quite simple: what could this passage tell us about the person of Jesus? There’s only one condition though: we need to have some relationship with, some knowledge of, Jesus, to explore that question. It is similar to the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, where Luke tells us that the stranger who joined them on the road was Jesus, who “beginning with Moses and the prophets, explained to them everything in the Scriptures that was about himself” (Luke 24:27). In this approach, therefore, we take any passage and ask ourselves what it says about Jesus. That is easy enough when it is a Gospel text, or a text in St Paul, or another New Testament writer saying something about the person of Jesus. But what if it is an Old Testament passage, or a Psalm? It is not so simple then, and whatever we do, we must not force the issue. But there are many passages in the Hebrew Bible that speak of Jesus’ qualities such as wisdom, compassion, prophetic courage, self-sacrifice, and so on. There are also passages that are known as types of Christ. “Typology” is the study of events that prefigure later ones. The sacrifice of Isaac is a prefiguring of Christ. The imprisonment and torture of Jeremiah is a prefiguring of Jesus’ experience. The Jewish Passover and the crossing of The Reed Sea prefigure Christian mysteries. For practical purposes, however, this Bible study method is best used with a Gospel passage. Here are some leading questions that might help: Where is Jesus in the passage? What is he doing? Who is he talking to? What is he saying? What is his tone? His attitude? What does he not say? What are others saying to or about Jesus? How do they feel about him? How do they respond to him? How do I myself feel about Jesus? What are my impressions of him? What is Jesus saying or doing in the passage that could change my life? What qualities of Jesus would I like to see in my own life? How can I grow in my relationship with Jesus? At the heart of this Christ-centred approach to reading and studying the word of God in the Bible is, of course, the truth that Jesus Christ is the Word. John opens his Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). The Word is with God from all eternity, and in the fullness of time, “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The ultimate purpose of studying the Scriptures, of sharing on the Bible, is so that the Word – Jesus – may dwell among us too, and so that his message may take flesh in our lives today. Bible Study Method 3 Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio, 1606 Drawing on scripture, history and spiritual practice, Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world. ‘God loves things by becoming them,’ he writes, and Jesus’ life was meant to declare that humanity has never been separate from God – except by its own negative choice. When we recover this fundamental truth, faith becomes less about proving Jesus was God, and more about learning to recognise the Creator’s presence all around us and in everyone we meet. Thought-provoking, practical and full of deep hope and vision, The Universal Christ is a landmark book from one of our most beloved spiritual writers, and an invitation to contemplate how God liberates and loves all that is.
Page 1: CHURCH OF THE WORD...Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications Order from our website or email orders@rpp.org.za. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.

Catholic inkL

Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 082 667 3857. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: www.rpp.org.za.


SUNDAY MASSENTRANCE ANTIPHON:The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affl iction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place.

FIRST READING: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31.


RESPONSE:Blessed are all who fear the Lord.

1. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, and walk in his ways! By the labour of your hands you shall eat. You will be blessed and prosper. ℟2. Your wife like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house; your children like shoots of the olive around your table. ℟3. Indeed thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Sion. May you see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life!. ℟SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:Alleluia, alleluia! Abide in me, and I in you, says the Lord; he who abides in me bears much fruit. Alleluia.

GOSPEL: Matthew 25:14-30

COMMUNION ANTIPHON:To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord.


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020


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Order from our website www.rpp.org.za or email [email protected]. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.Order from our website www.rpp.org.za or email

R250 plus delivery

Live the Word T H E W E E K A H E A D

(KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial)R=Religious

Mon 16 Nov (St Margaret of Scotland)Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Psalm 1; Luke 18:35-43Suffering can be a good teacher. It has the capac-ity to open our hearts to God, and to re-focus our lives – if we allow it. God uses everything to draw us into a relationship with him.

Sun 22 Nov CHRIST THE KINGEzekiel 34:11-12.15-17; Psalm 23; Matthew 25:31-46Identify a compassionate deed that you will do today for a brother or sister in need. Jesus, help me to reach out today to someone in need, knowing that in doing so, I am really doing it for you.

Sat 21 Nov Presentation of Our LadyZech 2:14-17; Psalm: Luke 1:46-55; Matthew 12:46-50God’s love never fails. Mary's life was a witness to how God’s grace comes to those who trust. In big and in small ways, God’s generous and faithful love allows great things to happen in our lives.

Fri 20 Nov Liturgy of the DayRevelations 10:8-11; Psalm 119; Luke 19:45-48We can become indifferent to suffering, barely noticing how deeply it has taken root in our hearts. Ask God to open your heart that you might know how to use your hands to reach out to those in need.

Thu 19 Nov Liturgy of the Day Revelation 5:1-10; Psalm 149; Luke 19:41-44"Each of us must turn inward and destroy in himself all that he thinks he ought to destroy in others. Every atom of hate that we add to this world makes it still more inhospitable" – Etty Hillesum.

Wed 18 Nov (Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter & Paul) Rev 4:1-11; Psalm 150; Luke 19:11-28

God is able to draw great good out of any situa-tion. This is at the heart of the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. With us, too, suffering and diffi culty can become a powerful source of good.

Tue 17 Nov St Elizabeth of Hungary, R Revelation 3:1-6.14-22; Psalm 15; Luke 19:1-10God doesn’t ask for perfection, but our continued best effort. God doesn’t punish us for our mistakes, but rather offers guidance and invitation to forgive-ness – all this because we are loved.

One of the most famous sayings of St Jerome is, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” St Jerome (347–420 AD) is the

patron saint of Bible scholars and translators, having been the fi rst to translate the Bible into Latin – the offi cial language of the Roman empire. He also wrote biblical commentaries.

This week’s Bible sharing method takes its cue from St Jerome’s saying. The approach is quite simple: what could this passage tell us about the person of Jesus? There’s only one condition though: we need to have some relationship with, some knowledge of, Jesus, to explore that question. It is similar to the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, where Luke tells us that the stranger who joined them on the road was Jesus, who “beginning with Moses and the prophets, explained to them everything in the Scriptures that was about himself” (Luke 24:27).

In this approach, therefore, we take any passage and ask ourselves what it says about Jesus. That is easy enough when it is a Gospel text, or a text in St Paul, or another New Testament writer saying something about the person of Jesus. But what if it is an Old Testament passage, or a Psalm? It is not so simple then, and whatever we do, we must not force the issue. But there are many passages in the Hebrew Bible that speak of Jesus’ qualities such as wisdom, compassion, prophetic courage, self-sacrifi ce, and so on. There are also passages that are known as types of Christ. “Typology” is the study of events that prefi gure later ones. The sacrifi ce of Isaac is a prefi guring of Christ. The imprisonment and torture of Jeremiah is

a prefi guring of Jesus’ experience. The Jewish Passover and the crossing of The Reed Sea prefi gure Christian mysteries.

For practical purposes, however, this Bible study method is best used with a Gospel passage. Here are some leading questions that might help:

Where is Jesus in the passage?What is he doing?Who is he talking to?What is he saying?What is his tone? His attitude?What does he not say?What are others saying to or about Jesus?How do they feel about him?How do they respond to him?How do I myself feel about Jesus?What are my impressions of him?What is Jesus saying or doing in the passage that could change my life?What qualities of Jesus would I like to see in my own life?How can I grow in my relationship with Jesus?

At the heart of this Christ-centred approach to reading and studying the word of God in the Bible is, of course, the truth that Jesus Christ is the Word. John opens his Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). The Word is with God from all eternity, and in the fullness of time, “the Word was made fl esh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).

The ultimate purpose of studying the Scriptures, of sharing on the Bible, is so that the Word – Jesus – may dwell among us too, and so that his message may take fl esh in our lives today.

Bible Study Method 3

Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio, 1606

Drawing on scripture, history and spiritual practice, Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world. ‘God loves things by becoming them,’ he writes, and Jesus’ life was meant to declare that humanity has never been separate from God – except by its own negative choice. When we recover this fundamental truth, faith becomes less about proving Jesus was God, and more about learning to recognise the Creator’s presence all around us and in everyone we meet.

Thought-provoking, practical and full of deep hope and vision, The Universal Christ is a landmark book from one of our most beloved spiritual writers, and an invitation to contemplate how God liberates and loves all that is.

Page 2: CHURCH OF THE WORD...Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications Order from our website or email orders@rpp.org.za. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.


Parish Priest:

Fr. Thabiso Ledwaba

Tel: 012 333 4738/083 669 7329

Email: [email protected]

Assistant Parish Priest:

Fr Harry Bopape

[email protected] / 072 358 1545

Parish Office Administrator:

Angela Solomons - [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 07:30 - 16:30

Tel: 012 3334738

For any appointments with Fr. Thabiso, please

contact Angela, she manages Fr. Thabiso’s calendar.

University Chaplain:

Fr Manuel Graca: [email protected]

Tel: 073 254 4185

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 18h00 Sunday 08h00, 10h00 and 18h30 Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday at 18h00

Please note: A maximum of 135 people is allowed at all Masses. Register online for weekend Masses to avoid disappointment. To register, go to Facebook page of Christ the King Catholic Parish. No registering online for weekday Masses.

DONATIONS AND TITHING: The generosity of all parishioners who have contributed financially during these difficult times is highly appreciated. Please continue to support the Parish using the banking details below as we are still experiencing a serious financial strain. The form attached to this bulletin can be used if you wish to be included in our records as a dedication or tithe contributor or alternatively use the attached Snapscan. CHURCH BANKING DETAILS FOR TITHE: Please continue to support our Parish via the Tithe banking details. Queenswood Catholic Standard Bank, Branch: Tshwane Midcity, 051001, Cheque Account, No: 011181230


SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: Help make a difference in the parish by joining or making a donation to the SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (SSVP).

SVP Conference Queenswood; Standard Bank account No. 414045114; branch Gezina. OUTREACH: We thank everyone for their gener-ous donations. Thank you to the volunteers for assisting in the packing of the parcels. They assist us in feeding 84 families every month. Should you wish to make a cash donation our banking details are Christ the King Catholic Church Queenswood; ABSA account 9262935634, branch code 642005. All donations are gratefully accepted. For more information contact Louis on 082 829 8105. We are still looking for a second hand washing machine for a parishioner in need. If you have one to spare please contact Angela 012 333 4738 or Louis.


VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DIFFERENT MINISTRIES: We are currently recruiting new members for all ministries please contact the relevant leaders should you wish to join. Liturgy, Proclaimers/ Readers, and Ministers of the Eucharist: Mark Oakes 083 258 8768. Altar servers: Francis Manickum 081 791 3992 Board operators: Kevin Tobias 071 897 9258 Choir members: Aiden O’Mahoney 076 107 3177 Volunteers to assist at the registration tables: Sheila Houghton 061 619 8308. Full training will be provided.

YOUTH NEWS: www.ctky.co.za Youth Email: [email protected] Don't forget to like, follow and comment on all our social media platforms

1154 Woodlands Drive, Queenswood, PRETORIA, 0186 www.christking.org.za

[email protected] Tel: 012 333 4738

(For banking details please contact the Parish Office)



OFFICE: The office is not fully functioning, no printing or scan-ning is able to be done due to the effects of the light-ning strike this week. Hope we will be back on line soon. RCIA: The confirmation for the RCIA group will take place at the 08h00 Mass on the 22nd November. The booking is open should you wish to participate.

FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING: The Mass of the parish patronal feast will be celebrated at 10h00 on the 22nd of November. We will have a farewell for Deacon Tony, Fr. Peter, a Welcome to Fr Harry and a congratulatory service for Jason Lottering at this Mass. The booking is open for the Mass. Due to the large number of congregants, the Mass will be outside. Please bring your own picnic basket, gazebo, umbrellas, chairs, masks and sanitizer. Remember to register before 12h00 on Friday 20 November 2020. There will be a second collection after all Masses this weekend towards farewell and welcome gifts.

WORLD POOR DAY: This falls this weekend on the 15th of November. We have many families that we support with food parcels as well as clothing bags every month. If you have clothes or any items that you don’t want or need any more please consider dropping them off at the Out-reach center, the Parish office, or leave it in bags in the baskets in the front of the church. We thank you for your generous assistance to others during this time. BAPTISMS: Baptism classes take place on the 3rd Monday night of the month. Baptisms take place the First Sunday of the month, after the 10.00 am Mass, i.e. from about 11.15 am onwards. For more information please contact Fr Harry beforehand directly on 012 333 4738 or 072 358 1545. ENGAGED COUPLES: Please notify Fr. Thabiso or Fr. Harry as soon as you are engaged. Engaged couples need to keep in mind that the priest requires at least six months before your anticipated wedding date to begin the marriage preparation process with you. MENS GROUP TO ASSIST WITH CHURCH MAINTENANCE: If you are willing to assist, please contact Tino at 0829650705 or the parish secretary at 012 333 4738. BIBLE STUDY: We host bible study groups on a Tuesday evening at 19h00 and on Thursday morning at 09h00. Please join us.


14 Sat 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

15 Sun 08:00 RIP Manuel Teixeira

10:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

18:30 For all our souls in Purgatory

16 Mon 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

17 Tue 18:00 In thanksgiving for the Pather Family

18 Wed 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

19 Thu 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

20 Fri 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND AND THEIR CAREGIVERS Marge Gwilym, Yvonne Dietz, Wendy Elliot, Els Hamilton, Rosario de Peniche, Harry Shiers, Traude Rijfkogel, John Le Roux, Gideon Wathen, Maria Wathen, Miriam Marais, Moira Lottering, Hilarie Currie, Mario Pellarini, Milana da Silva Texeira, Antonio Savides, Marinda Stroh, Lenie Bosma, Maria Fernandes, Peter Kuhn, Emilie Georgiades, Rodney (Ottie) Naidoo, Maria Nader , Maria Nunes, Maria Boel.

Should you wish to add a loved one to our sick list please send their details to [email protected]

Page 3: CHURCH OF THE WORD...Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications Order from our website or email orders@rpp.org.za. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.


Parish Priest:

Fr. Thabiso Ledwaba

Tel: 012 333 4738/083 669 7329

Email: [email protected]

Assistant Parish Priest:

Fr Harry Bopape

[email protected] / 072 358 1545

Parish Office Administrator:

Angela Solomons - [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 07:30 - 16:30

Tel: 012 3334738

For any appointments with Fr. Thabiso, please

contact Angela, she manages Fr. Thabiso’s calendar.

University Chaplain:

Fr Manuel Graca: [email protected]

Tel: 073 254 4185

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 18h00 Sunday 08h00, 10h00 and 18h30 Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday at 18h00

Please note: A maximum of 135 people is allowed at all Masses. Register online for weekend Masses to avoid disappointment. To register, go to Facebook page of Christ the King Catholic Parish. No registering online for weekday Masses.

DONATIONS AND TITHING: The generosity of all parishioners who have contributed financially during these difficult times is highly appreciated. Please continue to support the Parish using the banking details below as we are still experiencing a serious financial strain. The form attached to this bulletin can be used if you wish to be included in our records as a dedication or tithe contributor or alternatively use the attached Snapscan. CHURCH BANKING DETAILS FOR TITHE: Please continue to support our Parish via the Tithe banking details. Queenswood Catholic Standard Bank, Branch: Tshwane Midcity, 051001, Cheque Account, No: 011181230


SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: Help make a difference in the parish by joining or making a donation to the SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (SSVP).

SVP Conference Queenswood; Standard Bank account No. 414045114; branch Gezina. OUTREACH: We thank everyone for their gener-ous donations. Thank you to the volunteers for assisting in the packing of the parcels. They assist us in feeding 84 families every month. Should you wish to make a cash donation our banking details are Christ the King Catholic Church Queenswood; ABSA account 9262935634, branch code 642005. All donations are gratefully accepted. For more information contact Louis on 082 829 8105. We are still looking for a second hand washing machine for a parishioner in need. If you have one to spare please contact Angela 012 333 4738 or Louis.


VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DIFFERENT MINISTRIES: We are currently recruiting new members for all ministries please contact the relevant leaders should you wish to join. Liturgy, Proclaimers/ Readers, and Ministers of the Eucharist: Mark Oakes 083 258 8768. Altar servers: Francis Manickum 081 791 3992 Board operators: Kevin Tobias 071 897 9258 Choir members: Aiden O’Mahoney 076 107 3177 Volunteers to assist at the registration tables: Sheila Houghton 061 619 8308. Full training will be provided.

YOUTH NEWS: www.ctky.co.za Youth Email: [email protected] Don't forget to like, follow and comment on all our social media platforms

1154 Woodlands Drive, Queenswood, PRETORIA, 0186 www.christking.org.za

[email protected] Tel: 012 333 4738

(For banking details please contact the Parish Office)



OFFICE: The office is not fully functioning, no printing or scan-ning is able to be done due to the effects of the light-ning strike this week. Hope we will be back on line soon. RCIA: The confirmation for the RCIA group will take place at the 08h00 Mass on the 22nd November. The booking is open should you wish to participate.

FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING: The Mass of the parish patronal feast will be celebrated at 10h00 on the 22nd of November. We will have a farewell for Deacon Tony, Fr. Peter, a Welcome to Fr Harry and a congratulatory service for Jason Lottering at this Mass. The booking is open for the Mass. Due to the large number of congregants, the Mass will be outside. Please bring your own picnic basket, gazebo, umbrellas, chairs, masks and sanitizer. Remember to register before 12h00 on Friday 20 November 2020. There will be a second collection after all Masses this weekend towards farewell and welcome gifts.

WORLD POOR DAY: This falls this weekend on the 15th of November. We have many families that we support with food parcels as well as clothing bags every month. If you have clothes or any items that you don’t want or need any more please consider dropping them off at the Out-reach center, the Parish office, or leave it in bags in the baskets in the front of the church. We thank you for your generous assistance to others during this time. BAPTISMS: Baptism classes take place on the 3rd Monday night of the month. Baptisms take place the First Sunday of the month, after the 10.00 am Mass, i.e. from about 11.15 am onwards. For more information please contact Fr Harry beforehand directly on 012 333 4738 or 072 358 1545. ENGAGED COUPLES: Please notify Fr. Thabiso or Fr. Harry as soon as you are engaged. Engaged couples need to keep in mind that the priest requires at least six months before your anticipated wedding date to begin the marriage preparation process with you. MENS GROUP TO ASSIST WITH CHURCH MAINTENANCE: If you are willing to assist, please contact Tino at 0829650705 or the parish secretary at 012 333 4738. BIBLE STUDY: We host bible study groups on a Tuesday evening at 19h00 and on Thursday morning at 09h00. Please join us.


14 Sat 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

15 Sun 08:00 RIP Manuel Teixeira

10:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

18:30 For all our souls in Purgatory

16 Mon 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

17 Tue 18:00 In thanksgiving for the Pather Family

18 Wed 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

19 Thu 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

20 Fri 18:00 For all our souls in Purgatory

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND AND THEIR CAREGIVERS Marge Gwilym, Yvonne Dietz, Wendy Elliot, Els Hamilton, Rosario de Peniche, Harry Shiers, Traude Rijfkogel, John Le Roux, Gideon Wathen, Maria Wathen, Miriam Marais, Moira Lottering, Hilarie Currie, Mario Pellarini, Milana da Silva Texeira, Antonio Savides, Marinda Stroh, Lenie Bosma, Maria Fernandes, Peter Kuhn, Emilie Georgiades, Rodney (Ottie) Naidoo, Maria Nader , Maria Nunes, Maria Boel.

Should you wish to add a loved one to our sick list please send their details to [email protected]

Page 4: CHURCH OF THE WORD...Divine Offi ce: Week I 15 November 2020 Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications Order from our website or email orders@rpp.org.za. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.

DEDICATION / TITHE After prayerful consideration, I would like to be included as a Dedication / Tithe


Once completed, please email to [email protected] or leave at the Parish

Office during office hours.

SURNAME: ______________________________________________

NAME: _______________________________________________

CELLPHONE: ____________________________________________

EMAIL: __________________________________________________

Your dedication number will be emailed, sms’d or phoned through to you.

I have decided that I can dedicate R________

⃝ Monthly to the works of the Church

⃝ Annually to the works of the Church

⃝ I will do this by EFT into the Parish Tithe Account

⃝ I would like to give cash in an envelope

⃝ Please contact me to make a Bequest to the church in my Last Will and


Signed: _______________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Thank you for your kind contribution.
