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Church on the Green Vision

Date post: 15-Apr-2016
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An overview of the vision for Nunhead Salvation Army to be the Church on the Green
Vision Plan
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Vision Plan

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“Where there is no vision - no revelation from God through His word - the people of perish, losing their way.”

paraphrase of Proverbs 29:18

Page 3: Church on the Green Vision



About the Vision Plan p4

The Vision p5

Loving Fellowship

Where we are now p6

Towards the vision p7

Bible Study p8-9

Radical Discipleship

Where we are now p10

Towards the vision p11

Bible Study p12-13

Dynamic Mission

Where we are now p14

Towards the vision p15

Bible Study p16-17

Empowering Leadership / Faithful Stewardship

Where we are now p18

Towards the vision p19

Bible Study p20-21

What’s Next p22

Page 4: Church on the Green Vision


About the Vision Plan

For coming up to two years members of the corps council have met with first Major Alan Norton, and then later Captain Tim Lennox with the purpose of praying, discussing and discerning a clear vision for the future of the church and how we engage with our community.

This has been an important process as scripture teaches us that without a clear vision or revelation from God that the church will lose its way. Therefore, it was an imperative to seek from God clear guidance for the way forward.

This process is known as the Mission Development Plan within the Salvation Army which is a tool that aids us in seeking vision, setting our goals, tracking our progress and being supported and held accountable.

This Vision Plan document doesn’t contain everything which is recorded within the Mission Development Plan, but is rather a summary of the vision, and the key objectives that are currently perceived as being necessary towards that vision. As the vision is worked out by the grace of God, many of these objectives will become a reality, some will not. Some objectives might alter as the path ahead becomes clearer. But the vision itself, what we sense God is calling us to be is certain.

Please take the time to read over the vision and various sections found in this document. Pray about it, think it over, complete the bible studies that are found within this plan, and listen to the sermons in coming weeks that will explore these broad themes in more depth.

This is an exciting journey of faith which we are embarking on together for the glory of God, in grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the Spirit. It will require much prayer, much faith, and a unity which God himself will grant.

Page 5: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is that we would be The Church on the Green.

We envisage that our fellowship, mission, discipleship, and leadership would revolve around and interact within the communal life on Nunhead Green. We envisage our church as the place on Nunhead Green where the Kingdom of God is present and available, where the will of the Father is done on earth as it is done in Heaven.

The vision is that our church would be a loving fellowship that deeply abides in Jesus, and that Jesus deeply abides in by His Spirit (John 15:7). That we would be a church that embraces, welcomes and accepts people of all backgrounds. That we would be a church where all can belong and contribute to the life of the church (Acts 2:42).

The vision is that our church would be a community of radical disciples where all are fully committed to being disciple-making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). That we would be a church that equips people to use their gifts and to fulfil the roles of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd & teacher (Ephesians 4:12). That we would be a church that nurtures and disciples children and young people. That we would be a church that trains and equips people to be local leaders, Salvation Army Officers and missionaries.

The vision is that our church would be engaged in dynamic mission by understanding the community we are called to reach. That we would be The Church on the Green, a place where the Kingdom of God is present and available to the community. That we would be a church that runs programme and events that are relevant to our vision and to the local community. That we would be a church that works in partnership with others towards mutually beneficial purposes. That would be a church that supports the wider mission of the Church.

The vision is that our church would have a synergy between empowering leadership and faithful stewardship. That we would be a church that empowers people to be involved in leadership. That we would be a church that is self-financed and an effective steward of the resources and finance at our disposal. That we would be a church that is committed to the ongoing development of our vision and mission.

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Our vision is that we would be a loving fellowship.

The vision is that our church would be a loving fellowship that deeply abides in Jesus, and that Jesus deeply abides in by His Spirit (John 15:7). That we would be a church that embraces, welcomes and accepts people of all backgrounds. That we would be a church where all can belong and contribute to the life of the church (Acts 2:42).

Where we are now

Our church is already marked by a spirit of love and of acceptance of one another. People genuinely caring for one another, seeking to encourage and build up, and celebrating our diversity.

There is a beautiful mix within our family of ages, gender and culture, and there is room within the church family for people to contribute to the life we share together. Times of worship, prayer and sharing in God’s Word enriches our fellowship with Jesus and with one another. At present, times of fellowship are well enjoyed, yet are limited for the majority of the church family to after the church service on a Sunday and the occasional fellowship event.

There is a range of activity across the life of the church seeking to involve people of all ages, which are open and accessible to people of all backgrounds. New people are well received and welcomed into our fami-ly. Recognition must be given to those who make up the welcome team on a Sunday who provide a good introduction to the church.

Although our fellowship is marked by love, there is a need for us to go deeper with God and deeper with one another where we go beyond the good welcome to creating meaningful relationships with all people within the fellowship, and with those who come into our fellowship.

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Our vision is that we would be a loving fellowship.

Towards the vision

We want to experience loving fellowship with Jesus, with one another, and with people from our community. These are some steps we want to take:

To deepen our fellowship with Jesus

Provide teaching and tools on spiritual disciplines

Provide creative ways in the week for people to encounter Jesus

Explore what practising Sabbath means and looks like

To deepen our fellowship with one another

Provide more opportunities for fellowship together

Develop an effective social media presence

Create a monthly newsletter to which different people can contribute

Keep in touch with fringe members and friends of the church

Nurture a culture that recognises & values people’s contributions

To deepen our fellowship with our community

Expand the welcome team, and provide training

Develop our entrance areas to be more welcoming and accessible

Create an attractive church welcome pack

Develop a visitors card so we can obtain information and build contacts

Improve the system of following up on visitors with a visit

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Our vision is that we would be a loving fellowship.

Bible Study

Take time to read John 15:1-17. Pray for the Lord to guide you to a key verse or phrase that is for you. What is God saying to you about fellowship.

John 15:5 says “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

What does it mean for you to abide in Jesus? What helps with this?





How are we able to be fruitful? What is the fruit that is produced in us?





As a fellowship what steps can we take together to abide in Jesus?

In what ways does Jesus abide within our fellowship?





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Our vision is that we would be a loving fellowship.

John 15:12 says “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

How can people demonstrate love to one another within the fellowship?





Are there any particular ways of loving others that appeals to you?





Are there aspects of loving one another that you struggle with?





What might make a difference in deepening the love we share for one another?





Page 10: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is that we would be a community of radical disciples.

The vision is that our church would be a community of radical disciples where all are fully committed to being disciple-making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). That we would be a church that equips people to use their gifts and to fulfil the roles of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd & teacher (Ephesians 4:12). That we would be a church that nurtures and disciples children and young people. That we would be a church that trains and equips people to be local leaders, Salvation Army Officers and missionaries.

Where we are now

Our church has a long history of discipleship, of teaching and equipping people for works of ministry, and deepening the spiritual life. At present there are a few ways in which discipleship is carried out, teaching on Sundays, bible study, and one to one discipleship. Recruits classes have also taken place for those considering soldiership. These are however limited in terms of discipling everyone and ensuring consistent growth.

We also have discipleship in the form of Children’s Church and Youth Cell. This has worked to an extent, and recognition of those people who help is important. Yet at times these have suffered from a lack of consistent leadership and attendance.

There is though, a deep sense that the church wants effective discipleship and is willing to creative approach how we can better help people grow.

Page 11: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is that we would be a community of radical disciples.

Towards the vision

We want to be a community of radical disciples following Jesus and becoming more like Him. These are some steps that we want to take:

Committed to making disciple-making disciples

Commence a 2nd Sunday gathering focussed on teaching

Introduce various means of spiritual disciplines as tools for people

Form small groups across for people to do discipleship together

Provide training on personal evangelism and mission

Make teaching available online

Equip people to use their gifts

Provide teaching on spiritual gifts and ministry roles

Conduct a spiritual gifts and passions audit

Release people into ministry relevant to their gifts and passions

Empower a coordinator and team to deliver consistent children’s church

Develop youth cell into a weekly consistent discipleship group

Provide mentoring for all workers with children and youth

Provide mentoring system for all young people in or linked to the church

Help train people for local leadership, Officership and ministry

Develop an internship programme that develops leadership potential

Deliver occasional seminars & conferences

Support cadets going through training

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Our vision is that we would be a community of radical disciples.

Bible Study

Take time to read Matthew 28:16-20. As you read this commission given to the disciples of Jesus pray to the Lord to open you heart to follow Him with complete trust and to reveal what discipleship should look for you.

What do you think discipleship is?





What aspects of discipleship appeal to you?





Are there aspects of discipleship that you struggle with?





At this point in the study take time to thank God for areas of discipleship with give you much fulfilment. Also take time to ask Jesus to help you and create in you a love for those areas that are difficult.

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Our vision is that we would be a community of radical disciples.

We are commanded “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). What does it mean to ‘make’ disciples, and how do we go about doing it?





Who were the key people in your discipleship? How did they encourage growth in your walk with Jesus?




Are there people in your life that God is placing on your heart, that you can encourage and support in their discipleship?




Take a few moments to pray thanking God for influential people in your walk with Lord, and to pray for those people who are on your heart that you desire to see grow deeper with God.

In what ways as a church can we support people in their discipleship?





Page 14: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is that we would be engaged in dynamic mission.

The vision is that our church would be engaged in dynamic mission by understanding the community we are called to reach. That we would be The Church on the Green, a place where the Kingdom of God is present and available to the community. That we would be a church that runs programme and events that are relevant to our vision and to the local community. That we would be a church that works in partnership with others towards mutually beneficial purposes. That would be a church that supports the wider mission of the Church.

Where we are now

Our church has been committed for a long time to dynamic mission. In the past five years for various reasons a number of ministries have either ceased to happen or have diminished.

That has led to a period of rediscovery and an opportunity to learn more about our community. With Nunhead changing - something that is set to continue - we are carefully listening to the community so that we can develop our mission to meet real needs and make a big difference. We still have a varied programme that is currently under review. Time is being taken to discern how best to develop our existing ministries.

We have entered into a number of partnerships in recent years - London City Mission and Citizens UK - and we have further links with community organisations that use our premises - Siloam and Palm Tree. We too are privileged to have officers, cadets and their families worshipping with us and entering into different ministries.

It is felt that our building has become a hindrance to effective mission due to its unique layout, being rather tired, lack of visibility and a perceived lack of accessibility. That said, our site is full of potential, and with some creative thinking can be used more effectively.

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Our vision is that we would be engaged in dynamic mission.

Towards the vision

We want to be engaged in dynamic mission, bringing God’s love and gospel to peo-ple in ways that will enable them to respond to Jesus. These are some steps we want to take:

To better understand our community

Map the community, conduct surveys and compile statistics about Nunhead

Network with local organisations including the new community centre

Relevant programme and events

Review all the current programme & make changes as necessary

Explore possibilities for children, youth and family work in Nunhead

Develop space & programme creatively to ensure effective mission

Be present and available for the community

Maximise opportunities during Christmas, Easter & Pentecost

Employ a community worker to support people in the community

Employ a youth worker to engage with local youth

Be the Church on the Green

Carry out a building review and audit

Redevelop the building so that it is fit for purpose

Explore the potential of a family friendly coffee shop

Hold more worship events on Nunhead Green

Work in mutually beneficial partnerships

Release our London City Missioner to spend more time in the community

Participate fully in London Citizens to act on real community issues

Ensure that programme connects to real community issues

Review existing license agreements and use of hall

Work with WBC to mutually support training and local mission

Develop links with local corps and centres in the borough and local churches

Support the wider missions

Develop how the church engages with the Big Collection

Identify a Salvation Army mission project overseas to support

Explore doing an overseas mission trip

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Our vision is that we would be engaged in dynamic mission.

Bible Study

Take time to read Luke 10:1-12. As you read thank God that He is a saving and a sending God. Ask Him to use you according to His will.

Write down what you observe about what Jesus says as He sends out His disciples on mission.





What kind of mission does Jesus send His disciples out to do?





Read Luke 10:17-20. What do you note about the disciple’s response to mission, and Jesus’ response to mission?





At this point in the study take time to ask God to reveal how this relates to your experience of mission. Is there anything you need to thank him for, confess and repent of, seek guidance and help for.

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Our vision is that we would be engaged in dynamic mission.

What might Jesus’ say to us today as He sends us out on mission?





What issues or places might Jesus be sending us to bring His love to?





How does Jesus equip us for the task of mission today?





Take a few moments to pray thanking God for sending us Jesus. Pray for clear guidance on how He is sending you on mission. And pray for Jesus to send more labourers as the harvest IS plentiful!

Write down names of people who don’t yet know Jesus who the Lord is placing on your heart. Take time to pray for them.





Page 18: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is for a synergy between empowering leadership and

faithful stewardship.

The vision is that our church would have a synergy between empowering leadership and faithful stewardship. That we would be a church that empowers people to be involved in leadership. That we would be a church that is self-financed and an effective steward of the resources and finance at our disposal. That we would be a church that is committed to the ongoing development of our vision and mission.

Where we are now

One of the great limitations of our church is that there are no recognised local leaders. We have a corps council with a varied membership, yet the impact of no local leaders holds the church back in many areas. Participation on a Sunday is welcomed, yet much our midweek activities are hampered by having no leaders and limited teams.

The lack of a Pastoral Care Council has led to much needed pastoral support of people to be limited.

In regards to the use of our resources there is a sense of the church not utilising these things to maximum effectiveness, whether people, our finances or the building. Although people give generously the church still receives Mission Support (financial support from central headquarters).

We recognise that with simple changes a more robust and effective use of our resources is achievable. Part of this is a desire to review things like finances, our building, use of people and resources so we can discern those things which can be utilised much more effectively.

As part of this the Corps Council will regularly review and discuss the Mission Development Plan and church stewardship.

Page 19: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is for a synergy between empowering leadership and

faithful stewardship.

Towards the vision

We want to empower people for leadership, and to be faithful to God in utilising the resources he entrusts to us. These are some steps we want to take:

Empower people for leadership

Develop ministry groups that are open for anyone to participate in

Identify potential leaders in the church and community to be developed

Re-instate the Pastoral Care Council and train effective pastoral leaders

To become self-financed & to steward all resources effectively

Regularly review income and spending within the church

Evaluate the current use of resources and make necessary changes

Explore ways of generating funds and cutting costs

Consider the ‘give to grow’ programme

Develop the building to be more accessible to people

Commit to ongoing development

Regularly review the vision and mission of the church

Implement the TIDE strategy and measure our mission using the four values of transformation, integration, discipleship and effectiveness

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Our vision is for a synergy between empowering leadership and

faithful stewardship.

Bible Study

Take time to read Matthew 25:14-30. As you read account of stewardship bring to mind the good gifts God has given you and thank Him. Bring to mind what your needs are at this time and trust Him to meet them. Bring to mind those things most precious to you, and entrust them to Him.

What do you notice about how the three servants utilised the resources?





What do you notice about the response of the Master to the servants?





What do we learn about stewardship from these verses?





Page 21: Church on the Green Vision


Our vision is for a synergy between empowering leadership and

faithful stewardship.

What resources has God given to you?





In what ways can you effectively and faithful utilise these resources?





What resources has God given to the church?





In what ways can we effectively and faithful utilise these resources?





Thank God for His faithfulness and provision. Ask Him for wisdom for yourself and the church, that we might be faithful stewards of His gifts.

Page 22: Church on the Green Vision


What’s Next

Over the coming weeks we are going to continue exploring the various sections of the vision together - through our Sunday teaching, bible studies and ongoing conversation. Here are some key dates:

The Church on the Green sermon series

Sunday 17th January Sermon: Loving Fellowship Bible Verses: John 15:1-17

Sunday 24th January Sermon: Radical Discipleship Bible Verses: Luke 14:25-33

Sunday 31st January Sermon: Dynamic Mission Bible Verses: Luke 10:1-12

Sunday 7th February Sermon: Faithful Stewardship Bible Verses: Matthew 25:14-30

Implementing the Plan

Seeing the vision become a reality will take time. This is the vision for the next 5, 10, 15 years and beyond.

At the next corps council steps will begin to be made to implement and action particular objectives. In 2016, there will be some significant changes in the life of the church as we begin to work

towards the vision, yet it is stressed that the overall vision will be an ongoing development.

Please keep praying, make yourself available to contribute, and have the faith that the One who has given us this vision, Jesus Christ, He will see it happen, He will build His church, He will save.

Question & Answer Session

Sunday 14th February

Ask your questions about the vision to a panel of people

Please submit any questions in the in the weeks leading up to the Q&A

There will also be opportunity an

open mic questions

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Nunhead Salvation Army 217a Gordon Road, Nunhead, SE15 2EH [email protected] Hall: 020 7639 7292 Qtrs: 020 7732 4015 FB page: Nunhead Salvation Army FB group: Nunhead Salvation Army Corps Twitter: @NunheadSA
