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Churchland Elementary Schoolwide Discipline Plan · Churchland Elementary School Wide Discipline...

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Churchland Elementary School Wide Discipline Plan GUIDING PRINCIPLES Every person deserves to be respected. Every person deserves to be safe, to feel safe, and to be free from danger. Students attend school to learn academics, behavioral skills, social skills and learning is enhanced in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Learning is enhanced by the establishment of academic and behavioral expectations. Special emphasis will be placed on the teaching of self-discipline, good citizenship and social skills. SCHOOL RULES I will follow directions the first time given. I will keep my hands, feet, mouth, and objects to myself. I will put people up, not down. I will always be in the proper place. I will walk in the building always. I will use all materials and equipment properly. PBIS “BUZZ” WORDS Be respectful Be responsible. Be safe. "It's a FAMILY Thing" We RESPECT others. We are RESPONSIBLE. We WORK QUIETLY. We are KIND. We ALWAYS do our BEST work. We stand in line and WAIT our turn. We look for the GOOD in others. We are POLITE, even when the other person is rude. We don't HAVE to be FIRST. We don't get angry over small things, and we FORGIVE one another QUICKLY. We are HAPPY with the SUCCESSES of others. We ALWAYS PROTECT each other. We NEVER give up because PERSISTENCE is the key to knowledge.

Churchland Elementary

School Wide Discipline Plan


• Every person deserves to be respected. • Every person deserves to be safe, to feel safe, and to be free from danger. • Students attend school to learn academics, behavioral skills, social skills and learning is

enhanced in a physically and emotionally safe environment. • Learning is enhanced by the establishment of academic and behavioral expectations. • Special emphasis will be placed on the teaching of self-discipline, good citizenship and

social skills.


• I will follow directions the first time given. • I will keep my hands, feet, mouth, and objects to myself. • I will put people up, not down. • I will always be in the proper place. • I will walk in the building always. • I will use all materials and equipment properly.


• Be respectful • Be responsible. • Be safe.

"It's a FAMILY Thing"

We RESPECT others. We are RESPONSIBLE. We WORK QUIETLY. We are KIND. We ALWAYS do our BEST work. We stand in line and WAIT our turn. We look for the GOOD in

others. We are POLITE, even when the other person is rude. We don't HAVE to be FIRST. We don't get angry over small things, and we FORGIVE one another QUICKLY.

We are HAPPY with the SUCCESSES of others. We ALWAYS PROTECT each other.

We NEVER give up because PERSISTENCE is the key to knowledge.

Generalized Expectations (Additional rules are located in the CES Student Handbook)

Being ready to learn: § Students must come to school each day prepared to learn. § Students will be required to complete and return all class work and homework as

assigned. Student safety:

§ No fighting, hitting, pushing, or play fighting at school. This includes on the way to and from school.

§ Instances that include instigating, promoting, or encouraging students to fight are not permitted.

§ Verbal or physical threats of any manner will not be tolerated. § Students will be required to follow all playground rules and walk on the playground. Games

that could result in student injury are not permitted. § Students are expected to line up in an orderly fashion without pushing, yelling, or causing

a disturbance. Students need to wait quietly for their teacher to meet the line. § Students should always walk on campus. § Students are required to follow all safety rules while riding on any bus.

Demonstrating respect and responsibility: § Respect yourself and always treat others with respect. Racial or ethnic slurs, name

calling, harassment, and bad language will not be tolerated. § Show respect to all staff members and all adults on campus. § Take care of all assigned school materials and equipment, including computers, playground

equipment, and any other school property. Students who vandalize or destroy school property will be required to pay for damages.

§ Students need to enter the cafeteria area quietly and use a whisper voice. Items not to bring to school:

§ Possession of any kind of weapon, knife, or dangerous object is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, knives, ammunition, fireworks or other explosives, tools, kitchen utensils, letter openers, lasers, and chains. Imitations, such as toys, will be treated as the genuine article.

§ Electronic games, cell phones, music devices, trading cards, or any other type of object or toy that can cause distractions, are not permitted at school. If confiscated, these items will need to be picked up by a parent in the office.

§ Harmful substances, like tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or things that look like tobacco, alcohol, or drugs are not allowed at school.

§ Skateboards and roller blades are not allowed at school.

DISCIPLINE PLAN Inappropriate behaviors fall into 4 categories or levels of offenses. Each level is addressed either by the classroom teacher or the school administration.

Level 1 Offenses Handled by the teacher with documentation of behavior and action.

Not following directions Running in hallways Excessive talking

Inappropriate laughing/sneering Derogatory notes/pictures

Teasing/put downs Inappropriate language

Eye rolling Interrupting

Consistent tardiness Name calling

Misuse of materials Wandering


Level 2 Offenses

Handled by the teacher with documentation of behavior and action. Parent contact required.

Back talking/arguing Inappropriate gestures/language

Taunting Refusing to work

Open defiance Cheating/lying

Throwing objects Hitting

Disruptive Clothing

Level 3 Offenses Handled by the administration.

Direct office referral with accompanying referral form. Parent contact by administration.

Fighting Ethnic slurs

Obscene gestures Inappropriate touching

Damaging property Direct and willful disobedience of

school rules and policies

Bullying Threatening/taunting

Threatening bodily harm Stealing

Use of extreme profanity Pulling fire alarm Excessive truancy

Harassment, including sexual harassment

Zero Tolerance Handled by the administration.

Direct office referral with accompanying referral form. Parent contact by administration.

Drugs Weapons/facsimile of a weapon/dangerous instrument

Leaving school without permission Assault with intent to fight with another student

DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Classroom Level 1 and Level 2 behaviors handled by the teacher.

• The teacher will follow individual classroom policies of behavior management. • At least 3 interventions/strategies (one must be a parent contact) must be implemented before an office

referral may be made. • Documentation and data collection are strongly recommended for records and possible MTSS referral

School Administration Level 3 and Zero Tolerance behaviors handled by the administration.

• Results in a direct office referral. • An administrator will contact student’s parent. • An appropriate consequence will be given.

In an emergency situation, the student may be brought straight to the office. If the teacher or assistant is unable to bring the student, the office will be contacted and an administrator will come to the classroom and remove the student. Prior to an Office Discipline Referral: 1. Parents and students must know teacher expectations and procedures. 2. Parents and students must know the classroom teacher’s discipline plans and procedures. 3.Teachers must document unacceptable behaviors and consequences imposed, trying several strategies or interventions to stop the inappropriate behavior. Several types of parent contacts must be made before an office referral is made for repetitive Level 1 and 2 behaviors. 4. All Level 3, Zero Tolerance (or any safety violations) warrant an immediate office referral. *A completed office referral form must accompany the student to the office. Suspension/Expulsion Protocol Certain offenses require an immediate office referral (e.g. sexual/racial harassment, possession of a weapon, making threats, inflicting bodily harm on others and other safety violations). These incidents may immediately result in an Out-of-School Suspension or other consequences at the discretion of the administrator. Extreme or chronic behaviors warrant a referral to the MTSS team. Students facing suspension/expulsion will be provided due process as outlined in the Davidson County School district policy. Specialty Classes The specialty teachers (Art, Technology, P.E., Media, and Music) will follow the same level system of behaviors as the classroom teacher. The specialty teacher must report Level 1 and 2 behavior problems to the classroom teacher (documentation on form) and Level 3/Zero Tolerance behavior problems to administration. Playground All school rules and disciplinary procedures apply. The teacher will address the behaviors according to the classroom discipline plan. Level 3/Zero Tolerance behaviors will result in a direct office referral. Bus Separate behavioral protocol has been explained and will be adhered to regarding bus safety and consequences for violations. Bus incidents will be recorded on the DCS Bus Incident Form.

Possible Disciplinary Consequences Churchland Elementary School follows a progressive discipline policy. The administration reserves the right to assign severe consequences out of progression when behaviors are considered dangerous or extreme. Each referral for disciplinary action will be reviewed individually. The school will work closely with parents to assist all students in exhibiting appropriate behavior at all times. Violation of the school rules may result in disciplinary action including one or more of the following:

§ Consequences given as part of individual classroom discipline plans § Referral to the Assistant Principal or Principal § Parent contacts, by phone, in person, and/or in writing, as necessary § Reflection time with a specific assignment (after school or during lunch) § Silent or solitary lunch (in separate spot in cafeteria or in office) § Time out in another teacher’s class (on or off grade level) § Being required to walk during recess § Student conferences with a teacher, administrator, or counselor § Corrective Counseling § In-school suspension (single or multiple days) § Conferences or MTSS Referral meetings, including parents, the student, teachers, and

administrators, as needed § Behavior contracts or support plans § School service (like community service), with parent permission § Fines for damaged school materials and/or property § Prohibition from school wide events, such as the Fall Festival, Field Day, School Dances,

or other privileges/activities § Referrals to appropriate community agencies including: SRO, CPS, and Mental Health § Bus incidents can result in suspensions from the bus, or removal from the bus for the

remainder of the school year § Out-of-school suspension

Administrators at Churchland Elementary School reserve the right to apply other disciplinary consequences and measures as deemed appropriate in order to help students develop positive and productive behavior.

16 Positive Behavior Intervention Skills

Getting the Teacher’s Attention

1. Look at the teacher 2. Raise your hand and stay calm 3. Wait until the teacher says your name 4. Ask your question

Accepting Criticism/Consequence

1. Look at the person 2. Say “okay” 3. Stay calm

Accepting “No” for an answer

1. Look at the person 2. Say “Okay” 3. Stay calm 4. If you disagree, ask later (at a better time)

Working with Others (group work)

1. Identify the task to each person 2. Assign tasks to each person 3. Discuss ideas in a calm, quiet voice and let everyone share their ideas 4. Work on tasks until completed

Asking Permission

1. Look at the person 2. Use a calm and pleasant voice 3. Say “May I…” 4. Accept the answer calmly

Disagreeing Appropriately

1. Look at the person 2. Use a calm and pleasant voice 3. Say “I understand how you feel” 4. Say “I feel differently because . . .”

5. Give a reason 6. Listen to the other person

Following Instructions

1. Look at the person 2. Say “Okay” 3. Do what you have been asked right away 4. Check Back

Giving Criticism

1. Look at the person 2. Stay calm and use a pleasant voice 3. Say something positive or “I understand” 4. Describe exactly what you are criticizing 5. Tell why this is a problem 6. Listen to the person/be polite


1. Look at the person who is talking 2. Wait until the other person is done before speaking 3. Show you have heard the other person by nodding your head, or saying “OK,” “That’s

interesting,” etc.

Using Appropriate Voice Tone

1. Identify the appropriate voice tone for the situation 2. Change your voice to match the situation 3. Watch/Listen for visual/verbal cues and adjust your voice

Asking for Help

1. Look at the person 2. Ask the person if they have time to help you 3. Clearly explain the kind of help you need 4. Thank the person for helping you

Making an Apology

1. Look at the person 2. Use a serious, sincere voice 3. Say “I’m sorry for..” or “I want to apologize for…” 4. Explain how you plan on doing better in the future

5. Say, “Thanks for listening”

MYOB-Mind Your Own Business

1. Focus on your assignment, task or activity 2. Ignore all conversations, gestures and distractions that are someone else’s business 3. Keep working or stay on your task until you receive further instructions or the time is up

Resisting Peer Pressure

1. Look at the person 2. Use a calm voice 3. Say clearly you do not want to participate 4. Suggest something else to do 5. If necessary, continue to say “No” 6. Leave the situation

Staying on Task

1. Look at your task or assignment 2. Think about the steps needed to complete the task 3. Focus all of your attention on the task 4. Stop working only when instructed 5. Ignore distractions and interruptions

Waiting your Turn

1. Sit or stand quietly 2. Keep your arms and legs still 3. Avoid begging, whining or teeth sucking 4. Engage in the activity when directed by an adult or until it is your turn 5. Thank the person who gives you a turn

Adapted from: Teaching Social Skills to Youth: Boys Town Press

PBIS Overview Character Education Each month, we will focus on one of seven character education traits: October- Bully-Free November- Diligence December--Studious January- Courteous February-Curious March – Courageous April- Cheerful “Lunch and Learn” with the Principal Churchland Elementary recognizes children who demonstrate great character education values. Every month, teachers will nominate a student in their class to attend “Lunch and Learn” with the Principal. The teachers will nominate students who have demonstrated behavior consistent with the monthly character trait taught in the classroom. Soaring With the Best Students will be given "Soaring with the Best" tickets by teachers and other school personnel when they are "caught being good." Students will put their "Soar" tickets in a container in the office. Each Friday, during morning announcements, tickets will be drawn and the students will come to the office to receive a prize. Shout Outs Students can be nominated for a “Shout Out” by being helpful, respectful, and responsible. School staff may complete the form and return to the principal’s mailbox. Classroom Incentives Each individual classroom has incentives and rewards for appropriate behavior. PBIS Quarterly School Wide Behavior Incentives Students who meet outlined criteria will be able to participate in fun school wide events each quarter.

Churchland Elementary School Office Referral Student Name_______________________________________________Grade___________ Date________________ Referring Teacher________________________________

Level 3 Offenses

£ Fighting £ Ethnic slurs £ Obscene gestures £ Inappropriate touching £ Damaging property £ Direct and willful disobedience of

school rules and policies

£ Bullying £ Threatening/taunting £ Threatening bodily harm £ Stealing £ Use of extreme profanity £ Pulling fire alarm £ Excessive truancy £ Harassment, including sexual


Zero Tolerance

£ Drugs £ Weapons/facsimile of a weapon/dangerous instrument £ Leaving school without permission £ Assault

Incident Details_____________________________________________________________





£ Warning/Parent Contact £ Parent Conference_______________ £ Time-Out in Another Teacher’s Classroom ________________________ £ Solitary Lunch Date(s)_____________ Location____________________ £ Parent Pickup Time_______________ £ ISS Date(s)_____________________ £ OSS Date(s)____________________ £ Other________________________________________________________________

Parent Contact Notes_____________________________________________________________________
