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chuyen cuoi nuoc anh.ppt

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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  • 8/10/2019 chuyen cuoi nuoc anh.ppt


    Hc ting anh qua cc cu chuynBn s thy ngn ng ca nc anh

    tht tuyt viHy cng chng ti khm ph nhCui cng chc cc bn thnh cngtrn con ng ma mnh chn vkhi ra trng c mt kin thc bch nh

  • 8/10/2019 chuyen cuoi nuoc anh.ppt



    Dave worked in a factory , and he

    always made sandwiches in themorning , took them to work and atethem at midday

    Then he married , so he thought :now my wifes going to make mysandwiches

    One the first day , she made himsome , and when he got home in theevening , she said to him : were the

    sandwiches all right ?.

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  • 8/10/2019 chuyen cuoi nuoc anh.ppt


    The story two

    Harry didnt stop his car at some traffic-lights when thay were red , and he hitanother car . harry jumped out and went toit . there were an old man in the car . he

    was very frightened and said to harry : what are you doing ? you nearly killed

    me !

    Yes , harry answer , Im very sorry . hetook a bottle out of his car and said : drinksome of this . then you ll fell better . hegave the man some whisky , and the mandrank it , but then he shouted again you

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    Harry gave him the bottle again , andthe old man drank a lot of the whisky ,

    then he smile and said to harry :thank you . I feel mch better now . butwhy arent you drinking?.

    Oh , well, harry answer , I dont wantany whisky now . Im going to sit hereand wait for police

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    The story seventy Mr and mrs jones very seldom go out

    in the evening , but last Saturday ,mrs jones said to her husband :theres a good film at the cinema

    tonight . Can we go and see it ? Mr jones was quite happy about it , so

    they went , and both of them enjoyedthe film They came out of cinema at 11

    oclock , got into their car and bagan

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    look , bill a womans running alongthe road very fast , and mans running

    after her . Can you see them ? Mr jones said :

    yes I can . he drove the car slowlynear the woman and said to her : canwe help you ?

    No , thank you , the woman said , butshe did not stop running . myhusband and I always run home after

    the cinema , and the last one washes

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    The story seventy one

    There were a lot of mens clubs in London

    a few years ago . men went there andread their newspapers quietly or drank orhad meals with their friends

    All of these mens clubs had a lot of verygood servants . at every club one of theservants is a doorman

    Mr grace was the doorman of one of theseclubs . he was fifty five years old and hehad grey hair and a big grey moustache .the telephone rang in his office at sixoclock in

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    the evening and a woman spoke tohim . she said :are you the doorman

    of the george club? Yes I am , mr grace answered

    Please give my husband a message ,the woman said

    Your husband isnt at the club this

    evening , mr grace answered But I havent told you his name ! the

    woman said angrily

    That isnt necessary , mr grace

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    New word: Club

    Newpaper Hair Moustche

    Telephone Grey Message

    Necessary Ever servants

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    The story seventy two

    Jimmy lives in London and began

    swimming a few months ago . he likesswimming , and he often goes and swimsthere for an hour or two

    He was six years old last week , and hismother said : you swim quite well now ,

    jimmy , but youve never seen the sea ,

    have you ? your father and I are going totake you there on Sunday , and youregoing to swim in the sea .

    it isnt cold now and its much like than a

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    Jimmys father and mother took him to thesea in their car on Sunday , and theystopped at the side of a small harbour .

    jimmy went out and looked at the sea for along time , but he was not very happy .then he said to his mother : which is theshallow end ? .

    New word: An hour Swimming pool On Sunday

    In their car At the sea Harbour Looked at For a long time

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    The story ninety

    Perter judd joined the army when he was

    eighteen , and for several months he was taughthow to be a good soldier . he id quite well ineverthing except shooting . one day he and hisfriends were practicing their shooting and his

    friends were practsing their shooting , and all ofthem were doing quite well except peter . afterhe had shot at the target nine times and had nothit I once , the officer who was trying to teach

    the young soldiers to school said :youre quitehopeless . peter ! dont waste your last bullettoo!go behind the wall and shoot yourself with it

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    The story ninety one

    Mr Richards works in a small seaside

    town , and he and his wife had acomfortable house near the sea .during the winter they were quitehappy there but every summer a lot oftheir relatives used to want to comeand stay with them , because it was anice place for a holiday , and it wasmuch cheaper than staying in a hotel

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    Finally on june mr Richardscomplanined to an interlligent friendof his who lived in the same place .one of my wifes cousins intends tobring her husband and children andspend ten days with us next month

    again . how do you prevent all yourrelatives coming to live with you insummer ?

    Oh , the friend answered , that isntdifficult , I just borrow money from allthe rich ones , and lend it to all thepoor ones . after that none of them

    come again

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    New word :

    comfortable relatives a nice place for a holiday it was much cheaper than staying in a

    hotel complanined to an interlligent friend lived in the same place cousins

    intends prevent all your relatives coming I just borrow money from all the rich ones lend it to all the poor ones

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    THE STORY 114 Perter was 10 years old , and he was

    having painting lessons every week at asmall private class. During the Christmas holiday , he had a

    party at is home , and he wanted to invite

    one of the other students , but he onlyknew her name celia poe . he did not knowaddress or telephone number .

    Peters mother looked in the telephone

    book and said : well , there are only fourpoes here , so Ill telephone each of themand ask whther they have a daughter whohas painting lessons .

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    She telephoned the first one . and thetelephone rang for rather a long time

    before a woman answered .petersmother said : excuse me . is that themrs poe whohas a daughter who

    takes painting lessons ? No , it isnt, the woman answered ,

    this is the mrs poe who had to get outof her bath to answer the telephone

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