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CI ft ft*. *?w.W naBffiB& Tired -...

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¥&sss^m THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9. ttH. CIftft*. A l*««ty Wtate* llMMt frllBnla oheoni.-s • r. :>• «.. ..f the tlli&eee primrose, ia an>:!>. r n, >«t .!• elrahte and reliable » nt.- fl.n,-r<i j plant of the very en* •»! • lit'i-»> Sol tlaf plant* can ?*• p'.* -ire,; i, the »;. ; (Jive It a »ot] ..f !;«' 1 »j..- », nm ••,- •Wi »•» Water 1 tM'T-diy I * j . ' , f multitude of tine t,; r •• - I'.r. I like root* win. h l«U.' ui' tie ;n,. «•!•«> af the noil with great T"H'<<\ \\ Ulic it the *«me amount .»f wslir ttiat j 01 wouM gtir a gvrnnlum. and your plant would aonn «lie. In color this primula mages from sir. <»t pun- \v b i t e t.. ro«r Itiec aad bright pink It blooms .-on rtantly from November to May and Is iroerslly one mass of bloom shove it* wetty. spreading f >ltsge — Ebea 1. Reaford. ^^^fflSlsc. * ? w . W naBffiB&j i r»*i .1. I.I' •rr th.' Mppt alien her ^ woman can -' »i.tTnr« fri'm V"-*' -,'l. lit•-« rn ••<•,! ! ' : i t r » -m .... , „,.. 'r«(';ii. :, i-.; »l.<- d.«'« not . ,. 'i «.i »i >• . .n.en HI h . • . i: re i t ;' !• u»e of rilf I' -r ;•:,..n I- Tir.i-i k ..\ t I* •«• v . j.. t f. t!y GLOKIOUS FALL FLOV/LR. I T •>»-»-• Into the air a *l»ra> •! II .lil WI Dalafr lllonm. Ali Mil's pr>!i:',lil' sill , r . - I II«. well •t er wirli f I W *;HI mill cotrtt* Mttte Rale* «f Reaitk. A thorough dally airing of each room i#t clothing be shaken ever,* other Jay at leaaf from an open w indow, o-. better atUi. an nj>per pls*/.a and when feasible let It he brushed «»Ut of d4»>r* Dally airing and occaaioua! 1-eat ins rf mattresMc* and blanket* Open w»r against tli* fmtbrr doatrr A dry cellar at all time*. r-iy* I),,n " t ^ •^^ nwilod. )nt< Tmt* apple* and cut Into rnbea. Ont •9 aa\ eqoal qnantlty of crimp, tender i! alary aad tbe aane of hickory nnt •fMta. Mix aad dreaa with a mayon •erre In pnltahed. red ch**k wfctek kare bean boilowed for tke porpoa*. Sat each tm m brlUtaat Mtoain three tableapooofale I ef •OBBTDoma, catchup aad lemon fmlec. ffjtaea dropa of tabaavo aaoce. tbree-qoartere of a teaapoenral af aalt a daah or tiro of paprika Add email clama, aad divide In 1!;. '<• !« no al.vho'. In ' r»vorit» Pre- si-r j.t, >n." n«it';rr -i *« it n-i.tain ••pnim. .• -•» !,<• nur »n» i.tli«r h.irntiui rtrug It 'n the i i r . U * t nen*». an h>>i>«*»i. tem- pcrnnce miiiictna. It* 1IIBTC.1I"IIU ar* jiurely va(r«t*hla. and it » ;.. agraa with lh«> cr*t d^lirato constitution. hvpn..t;?i-d. or oirr p»r- ».'.'« pt.llB a kUtifct It lit*. This medicine ha* » rf-conl that** worth far more tiia'i any diff«>renco"in prire Sick aud ail'ng women »re itivir<^ to con»«!t Ihr. Pierce. citli>-r i<er»oniilIv or by let tar. ahsolutWy without charge or fee, thu* avoiding the unpleasant Quea- tiontnRw, offen-ivo examinations and oh- nnttoua U*c«i treatment* cnri'idared nec- «wry t"? many IO^AI practittmwra. AH corraapoiMienca treated as strictly private and sacred!? confidential. Write without fear and without, fe»- io Dr R. V. Plerea, aaa Main Siracu HufTalo. N Y. These tiny, sugar-coated ja. anti-hiVoii* VsJa>9aSVV grannies rng- and Bowels curt Constipation aud Bad Stomach, attend**! by foul breath. One or two for laxative, three er four for cathartic This great fasaily Poetor Book FRU on receipt of 31 one-cent postage «tamps to aovor coot of neiling; or. in One cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierca AfQ Main tisreaa, Buffalo. IS. T. tli..:i llilTit. of.. loll- Ii .:.,, ' s . ... . ,i 1,?*; w.tli any Thi* i* ii •« or*. rovt-nicnt i A tall. • «t t' .;!'. •• ce r.n t' •! IllI 'Oj. 1.11 •BMain Street. llutTalo a£^Br\em»«c m,c- cracks can b*> closed wttb cement or a new llnlnjr be put In with the nssnr ancc that nothing more is ntvded, welt If, on the contrary, yon are the chance of beta, lnconven- teaced all winter long; economise on something else and get a new. first claea. guaranteed Ktove with all tbe latest Improvements. If the old fur usee la out of repair, now is the time to -replace It with one that Is new and aot liable to leare yon In the lurch In the dead of winter.—Ladle** World. A QUAINT WARDROBE. •f a aevesrteeata Ceatarp la the year 15tU Sir Ralph Verney, a(«<l thirty KHII and recently widow- ed. decided to make the "grand tour" of th* continent with hia son Edmtmd. fourteen. He gave a list of the dotbee that were to be sent after them to IJOM. It Inclndcd "6 Floe night Laced marked V In Mack alike, 2 Ftae alght capps plalpe," for his aae, aad "4 new plaine eappa V la Blew alike" for the boy. were also numerous elaborate with hue and "Mew Camorick •afle Gaffes marked V m blew ii,i,u 1. i l s I*>1.1 flon-prs . ,!i.!»itM i l a i u t l u c s s and •-.oii iu Affet't hy their f fortthwy jrre<'U. Prom r.i-: early In the h 'H-ie nt the .<• i in s wi'l 1H^ thtfH^ or four ;'i lit Sp.ioniUcr nnd toeing ;i r « j»vfei-t storni of bripbt «!.'l'!j like finwers Sowing c aud in poor soil dwarfs the flowers Th •••eh the lnriro fliworins cosmos i.i«-s Ti.'t. OVCT ii wide mrhern latinnle, t'liuiT ti,l hue in the silicon, there I* A •"•iiiiirrrT or cirly flowering strain of Tin* plint. dvtavfer nnd more com- pn.'t th in the other, that l»cc'.ns to Koom. si'n:tpriniily somc'lniei. oven In itTjie, At ' !:i'renos till e.irly mitiinni. •lMin v lie till fro t It rt'iiiiiiim .uass of I'.o.im A lie.lain to the Araalear. ("osnios is a I'.er.Mint iiower to cult! vatp. It Is ent i c y free from insects, fine for ritl flowers, 1>! >itn* constantly nn.l profusely, a'nd. a* ne ial or Incipient roots form all al >ng thp tin lersi.lc of every brnnch. cutting** arc easily root- ed. These tioweriug branches can be nut ont in rainy weather at any time, sure to grow. Against a fence, wall or aide of house is the most suitable position for a row of plants. If a plant blows over, let It lie; cover the upheaved roots with earth and. If tbe soil la prepared and dampened, every branch that lies on rt will root and send up a new colony of branches loaded with flowers. A beautiful flowering hedge may be mad* this way of a few cosmos plants. e*Uta Glary of A»««aaa. The showiest of its class and. indeed, of almost any plant is tbe giant yellow or orange colored cosmos. It makes plants of larger and coarser foliage than the smaller varieties and grows ao tall that It looks like a flowering trine toward tbe close of summer and until late In the fall. A flower garden gay -prith thla fall flower, ao bright passing, la one of the glories of autumn HANDLING THE MILK. •telafal *«atweeil«ti* S>»r (he «•!«. a are af Dalrraaea. Immeili.itely the milk i* drawn from the cow it should he 'trained throng*, s wire Mini inuMin strainer, says Amer- ican i ulnv.itor All buckets, can* and other uten*lls with whiih the milk is brought in con- tact should be made of tin. Rusty ves- sels should never l>e used. The milk vessels should t>e kept clean and sweet ami washed with cold or tepid water first, then scalded with ix.illug water or steam and finished with a riusinR of lime water. They should afterward be drained out •untied ami aired. Milk from newly calved cows shonld not !>c used for skimming till after tbe eighth milking. Milk of some such cows is not fit for butter making for even a longer period and should not la* used until it is in suitable condition. The milk should be cooled quickly to as low a temperature as possible, and thia shonld lie done in a clean place where there is no dust or smell. It should be kept in a place where the atmosphere is free from foul or in- jurious islors. Thnt which Is left with out the shelter of a roof should be pro- tected from sun or rain by some other efficacious means. A thermometer should be user] to en- able every dairyman to know the dif- ference between the temperature of the atmosphere and available water; al*o the temperature of his dairy, milk and cream. The cans of milk should be kept in the coldest place. Night and morning's supply of milk should be kept in sepa- rate vessels, but may be mixed w ...<n at the same temperature. Persona engaged in milking should be always clean and tidy in their hab- its. Whet-eref possible a well should be snnk, so as to secure a permanent sup- ply of cold water. Tired « Nervous When you feel languid, tired, nervous "and irritable, your vi- tality is low—your supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lack of power. The organs of the body are working poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the blood and in- stead of throwing off the im- purities, distributes it all through the body. This bring* disease and misery. Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you will get strong and vigorous. •'My wife suffered with nsrreasneas f revioua to a recent attack of typhoid «ver, but after her recovery from the fever, she was much worse, and could hardly control heraelf being exceed* Ingly nervous when the least eacited. Bhe waa vary restless at night, and never had a good night» rent, gbs also aufterad much from nervous head* ache Dr. Mile** Nervine was reconf Mended by a friend. After the first thee* doaeo aha had a food nlarht'a rest, ana st the end of the first week's treatment she was wonderfully Im- proved. Continued use of Nervine baa oomnlatoa bar enUea cura.~ .... —_ OTTO KOLB, 1M1 Cherry St. shranavuia. Iml »e. MUea* Nervine Is sold by reur «eapol«t. who will guarantae that the first bottle will benefit If It fails, M will refund yoar anaaey. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad way; ssBDaf Wnsiaas mass* "ia^wr2l-S5-S.- 7^ ,!".• «f'*T*'<»rewiC •eaaar la Jaaaary. y. w '—'HTa-tam NRWYOlBi A. a RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. '*»•*—• _ ^_ ^ _ _ aVead,»peires of Bttle Holland Cages A rear anT Blertt. It has been stated as a curious fact by Professor John Craig of Cornell that the Beam Die! pear was better known in this country twenty-five years ago than it la at tbe present time ^-curious because the tree Is a reliable grower, producing ' large, handsome fruit and he hardly knows why it has eatatuively planted la a great •arte of the country, but large are BtaetteaUy unknown. 1 t t trait may ha dsaermed as large n» eery tasew. shearsts at saapa; skin ©are *f Y«m« walls. A bull should be taught to lead by a ring in his nose before be is a year old and when turned a year old may be al- lowed to serve a few heifers, says American Cultivator. Re should al- ways be in good condition, and this ap- plies to all young stock. They shonld never be allowed to fall low in condi- tion, or they receive a check from which they never recover. Bulla, when required for service (and this applies to sires of all classes), should be liber ally fed on food rich In protein, such as clover and bran. WWt the A m It costs no more to keep a cow thnt will make 300 pounds or more of but- ter In a year than one that will not make more.toan 150 pounds. Any cow to do her best must have what she needs of a well balanced ration. SIUG£ ANB TBE SILO By the nee of the silo the coca is re moved from the field at a tiaae whe. ao injury is dona the land by catting i up while soft. As tbe corn is cut be lore fiie blades are dry enough to snat tar. thera |s ao waste from weetae:1:: and both stalk aad grate being in g*> eanditioa the whale crop it by the stock, while with dry shoe • large pewaatage of the leave and botts af has atalk la waettd.-Pr feasor Fraser ef the Illinois Brie QU— Oleaned r m i th* T>a» •!•#,• •f AH Deawaalaattawa. Nature and God are the true hsa- pital for hurt hearts.—Rev. Dr. New- ell Dwight HillU, Goagregatlonalist, Brooklyn. Arte af the Gooac). Is the old gospel lotting its grip on the world? Not so long as the min- istry hides Itself behind the cross and preaches a Saviour lifted up. and not so long as the people understand the province of the church of Christ.—Bev. William Crowe, Methodist Frankfort •empasUrdayof 2«5* "f*r2!»»L°* "srea. _ Jalr, Speaow; Mooad Satardsy of g g a y *y?d aatwday of Ssnu.. ssmnTnaiinS^ *'Hg**;' r>f Wovea*sr, J^.r*^?^^«"^* iaiiay^sash xs&Est&t&r 1 - •—»-• •» At fllovarsrqia. oa the fourth Betardar of sat* •w^2! Ul o ta 5• l Si?" ow,: *""*• ••tMdar of APfll, H.T. KoJIoat; tourtb Saturday of bar. Ar aaknM. for the beariae of auitiaaa V , J n ^ ,! ft lB, • •jr°Uo«»s : First raeadar of ftBSf"* ** •**V' ;3 oSi-tw! 5f^ ! S H , JK^i w *Jf oow ' tar •• Parte baa ^ .. -. •* /s*tf«swbs«W, dlovanwIUe and Ptatta "•fjfh, wkea ajasaos Is preseat. The terow af the AppeUste Dlvision for the UUrd JadieiaJ oapartsaaot tor ta* M r ISO* will be held at toiknn i On the erst lawsisy of * — — w _ a -.^ •aytoAlhaay. OBUMSS One has often to wait a long time foe tbe h*n-«at of hl« ^>iritnal aowiuc but in 'Vlue season be will reap if be faints not" Tbe character of a good man la an abundant reward for all the pain and effort of a life of virtue and love. —Bev. H. 8. Bradley, Episcopaliaa, Atlanta, Ga. a*waai as •jaaBasa) fjaawts r «««e*a, TC , I•la• of las OoaatyOaart fsaai aad eflka -d—fTTS, ^jgsTaaa^aaffSag -^JP>hsMasfauows. of Issassof -Not arttfc Jary-fe SawTork. ddOaartoa latasfJayol of«aia*" 2fesohsM!4nbaiospt Hay. Aaiattasd ^^w.- bar, at the Chwbws oft6a Ooin^ J-taaTtatte In* trial of laaaasof law artU ataa tae Court •osm at the trialaaoTaf tas of learmg. aUensto Battell o assraoaTokastsraW -.T.. *-•. n.aLaT. -•''^•.^ **^-^i N jtCl-ay OTMI ot al-a. Joaa tf. *-~-Sattnf rnatna nn«l« W T • There was n tJme tbet men wees oat- rlgbt infidels, but now they are oahr agnosttcs; once they ware alert tMak- eea, new they are bund scaohutie tna- tbey commerciaUam only asks. "'Does It payf! The charch has eaogfat Oe spirit of tbe world.—Rev. J. T. ttan. Baptist Chicago. A When a hook Is found the Bible we may accept It Bat it Is never out of date. Iwtaaral* tty e l i t e Bible Is Car ahead of that of aay age. The natty ef the Btele iwoves Its eeawets dtvaJty. There ale thirty or forty porttOM aO baariaw the *JJha3»aia»^a»atBaoowsiy.» T.aotlestV •ri'gaysnsayiia^amtolaw.toaMBawoaaaav- g j y b a . s a a l a s , Ostkerhn tawasrd. M e of «BMis>yista.iam _ VarkL. BBBaaaaalak BBtn**rih*a aakaaBaaaatsi a) a ^"^? y?" ""e 1 ^- y.» T.I- itdttwuma, jr. t>, ••t* •» ktum. gortlsawjyTotaaapra- ej.i Srrwsss Aoa BeaTaloLonel AoooanaWli State ^•1. CMMIL WIBart. C«XeTAf •TTM. A^?wr-s\22y , w^ •1 I I i> m i IIIaa a* or -* aa—*. r S8TS,' OeaswaS Was. OMra-aa Ttsnaai B. Oasvaa. 1. f. ROTtrOBD. " A TTOBITBT aim OtHmtHELUlB AT LAB7 _<««• NiM.ki»wws:na. -—*- ~—tora. M«aTMf taaawl aad atatsaaw efer c. ». •. VP Tr¥ a aaS&fABavasa! J.I.UBO R.B. •flffMHtm 4V VUT, AT LAW. in rAf TltfJOU, ndrrwirBwaT, jr. r. *CATr»t-WmOH,W.Y •BK^-'. &@M&^Mi^M%<MikCiUM^^^,. .n..^. Ufe *>-i>i»:.'' MjMi


C I ft ft*. A l * « « t y W t a t e * l l M M t frllBnla oheoni.-s • r. :>• «.. ..f the

tlli&eee primrose, ia an>:!>. r n, >«t .!• elrahte and reliable » n t . - fl.n,-r<i j plant of the very en* •»! • lit'i-»> S o l tlaf plant* can ?*• p' .* -ire,; i, the »;. ; (J ive It a »ot] ..f !;«' 1 » j . . - » , nm ••,-•Wi » • » Water 1 tM'T-diy I * j . ' , f M« • multitude of tine t,; r •• - I'.r. I like root* win. h l«U.' ui' t i e ;n,. «•!•«> af the noil with great T"H'<<\ \\ U l i c it the *«me amount .»f w s l i r ttiat j 01 wouM gtir a gvrnnlum. and your plant would aonn «lie. In color this primula mages from sir. <»t pun- \v bite t.. ro«r Itiec aad bright pink It blooms .-on rtantly from November to May and Is iroers l ly one mass of bloom shove it* wetty. spreading f >ltsge — Ebea 1. Reaford.

^^^fflSlsc. *?w.W naBffiB&j

i r»*i . 1 . I . I '

•rr th.'

M p p t a l i e n her ^ • w o m a n c a n

• -' • »i.tTnr« fri'm V"-* ' -,'l. lit•-« rn

• • < • , ! ! ' : i t r » - m

. . . . , „,.. 'r«('; i i . :, i-.; »l.<- d.«'« not

. ,. 'i «.i »i >• . .n.en • • HI h • . • • . i: re i t ;' !• u»e of

r i l f I ' -r ;•:,..n

I- T i r . i - i k . . \ t I*

•«• • v . j . . t f . t ! y


I T •>»-»-• I n t o t h e a i r a * l»ra> • ! II .lil W I D a l a f r l l l o n m .

Ali M i l ' s pr>!i:',lil' sill , r . - I II«. w e l l

•t er wirli f I

W • * ; H I mill cotrtt*

Mttte Rale* «f Reaitk. A thorough dally airing of each room i # t clothing be shaken ever,* other

Jay at leaaf from an open w indow, o-. better atUi. an nj>per pls*/.a and when feasible let It he brushed «»Ut of d4»>r*

Dally airing and occaaioua! 1-eat ins rf mattresMc* and blanket*

Open w»r against tli* fmtbrr doatrr A dry cellar at all time*.

r-iy* I),,n"t ^ • ^ ^ nwilod. )nt<

Tmt* apple* and cut Into rnbea. Ont • 9 aa\ eqoal qnantlty of crimp, tender i! alary aad tbe a a n e of hickory nnt •fMta. Mix aad dreaa with a mayon

• e r r e In pnltahed. red ch**k wfctek k a r e bean boilowed

for tke porpoa*. Sat each tm m • brlUtaat M t o a i n

three tableapooofale I e f •OBBTDoma, catchup aad lemon

fmlec. ffjtaea dropa of tabaavo aaoce. tbree-qoartere of a teaapoenral af aalt

a daah or tiro of paprika Add email clama, aad divide In

1!;. '<• !« no al.vho'. In ' r»vorit» Pre-si-r j.t, >n." n«it';rr -i *« it n-i.tain ••pnim. .• -•» !,<• nur »n» i.tli«r h.irntiui rtrug It i« 'n the i i r . U * t nen*». an h>>i>«*»i. tem-pcrnnce miiiictna. It* 1IIBTC.1I"IIU ar* jiurely va(r«t*hla. and it » ;.. agraa with lh«> c r * t d^l irato cons t i tu t ion .

hvpn..t;?i-d. or oirr p»r-».'.'« pt.llB a kUtifct It lit*.

This medicine ha* » rf-conl that** worth far more tiia'i any diff«>renco"in prire

Sick aud ail'ng women »re itivir<^ to con»«!t Ihr. Pierce. citli>-r i<er»oniilIv or by let tar. ahsolutWy without charge or fee, thu* avoiding the unpleasant Quea-tiontnRw, offen-ivo examinations and oh-nnttoua U*c«i treatment* cnri'idared nec-« w r y t"? many IO^AI practittmwra. AH corraapoiMienca treated as strictly private and sacred!? confidential. Write without fear and without, fe»- io Dr R. V. Plerea, aaa Main Siracu HufTalo. N Y.

These tiny, sugar-coated

—ja. anti-hiVoii* VsJa>9aSVV grannies rng-

and Bowels curt Constipation aud Bad Stomach, attend**! by foul breath. One or two for laxative, three er four for cathartic

This great fasaily Poetor Book F R U on receipt of 31 one-cent postage «tamps to aovor coot of nei l ing; or. in One cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierca AfQ Main tisreaa, Buffalo. IS. T.

t l i . . : i

llilTit. o f . .

loll- Ii .: . , , ' s . . . . . , i 1,?*;

w.t l i a n y Thi* i* ii •« or*.

rovt-nicnt i A ta l l .

• «t t '

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r.n t'

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• B M a i n Street. llutTalo



cracks can b*> closed wttb cement or a new llnlnjr be put In with the nssnr ancc that nothing more is ntvded, welt

If, on the contrary, yon are the chance of beta, lnconven-

teaced all winter long; economise on something else and get a new. first claea. guaranteed Ktove with all tbe latest Improvements. If the old fur usee la out of repair, now is the time to -replace It with one that Is new and aot liable to leare yon In the lurch In the dead of winter.—Ladle** World.


• f a aevesrteeata Ceatarp

la the year 15tU Sir Ralph Verney, a(«<l t h i r t y K H I I a n d r e c e n t l y w i d o w -

ed. decided to make the "grand tour" of th* continent with hia son Edmtmd.

fourteen. H e g a v e a list of the dotbee that were to be sent after them to I J O M . It Inclndcd "6 Floe night

Laced marked V In Mack alike, 2 Ftae alght capps plalpe," for his

aae, aad "4 new plaine eappa V l a B lew alike" for the boy.

were also numerous elaborate with h u e and "Mew Camorick • a f l e Gaffes marked V m blew

i i , i ,u 1. i l s I*>1.1 flon-prs

. ,!i.!»itM ilaiutlucss and •-.oii iu Affet't hy their f fortthwy jrre<'U. Prom

r.i-: early In the h 'H-ie nt the .<• i in s wi'l 1H thtfH^ or four ;'i lit Sp.ioniUcr nnd t o e i n g

;i r « j»vfei-t storni of bripbt «!.'l'!j like finwers Sowing

c aud in poor soil dwarfs the flowers

Th •••eh the lnriro fliworins cosmos i.i«-s Ti.'t. OVCT ii wide m r h e r n latinnle, t'liuiT ti,l hue in the silicon, there I* A •"•iiiiirrrT or cirly flowering strain of Tin* pl int . dvtavfer nnd more com-pn.'t th in the other, that l»cc'.ns to Koom. si'n:tpriniily somc'lniei . oven In itTjie, At ' ! : i ' renos till e.irly mitiinni. •lMin v l i e till fro t It rt'iiiiiiim • .uass of I'.o.im

A l i e . l a i n t o the Araalear. ("osnios is a I'.er.Mint iiower to cult!

vatp. It Is ent i c y free from insects, fine for ritl flowers, 1>! >itn* constantly nn.l profusely, a'nd. a* ne ial or Incipient roots form all al >ng thp tin lersi.lc of every brnnch. cutting** arc easily root­ed. These tioweriug branches can be nut ont in rainy weather at any time, sure to grow.

Against a fence, wall or aide of house is the most suitable position for a row of plants. If a plant blows over, let It lie; cover the upheaved roots with earth and. If tbe soil la prepared and dampened, every branch that lies on rt wil l root and send up a new colony of branches loaded with flowers. A beautiful flowering hedge may b e mad* this way of a few cosmos plants.

e * U t a Glary of A»««aaa.

The showiest of its class and. indeed, of almost any plant is tbe giant yel low or orange colored cosmos. It makes plants of larger and coarser foliage than the smaller varieties and grows ao tall that It looks like a flowering trine toward tbe close of summer and until late In the fall. A flower garden gay -prith t h l a f a l l flower, ao br ight passing, la one of the glories of autumn


•telafal *«atweeil«ti* S>»r (he « • ! « . a are af Dalrraaea.

Immeili.itely the milk i* drawn from the cow it should he 'trained throng*, s wire Mini inuMin strainer, says Amer­ican i ulnv.itor

All buckets, can* and other uten*lls with whiih the milk is brought in con­tact should be made of tin. Rusty ves­sels should never l>e used.

T h e m i l k v e s s e l s s h o u l d t>e kept c l e a n

and sweet ami washed with cold or tepid water first, then scalded with ix.illug water or steam and finished with a riusinR of lime water. They should afterward be drained o u t •untied ami aired.

Milk from newly calved cows shonld not !>c used for skimming till after tbe eighth milking. Milk of some such cows is not fit for butter making for even a longer period and should not la* used until it is in suitable condition.

The milk should be cooled quickly to as low a temperature as possible, and thia shonld lie done in a clean place where there is no dust or smell.

It should be kept in a place where the atmosphere is free from foul or in­jurious islors. Thnt which Is left with out the shelter of a roof should be pro­tected from sun or rain by some other efficacious means.

A thermometer should be user] to en­able every dairyman to know the dif­ference between the temperature of the atmosphere and available water; al*o the temperature of his dairy, milk and cream.

The cans of milk should be kept in the coldest place. Night and morning's supply of milk should be kept in sepa­rate vessels, but may be mixed w ...<n at the same temperature.

Persona engaged in milking should be a l w a y s clean and tidy in their hab­its.

Whet-eref possible a well should be snnk, so as to secure a permanent sup­ply of cold water.

Tired «

Nervous When you feel languid, tired,

nervous "and irritable, your vi­tality is low—your supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for l ack o f p o w e r .

The organs of the body are working poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the blood and in­stead of throwing off the im­purities, distributes it all through the body. This bring* disease and misery.

Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you will get strong and vigorous.

•'My wife suffered with nsrreasneas f revioua to a recent attack of typhoid

«ver, but after her recovery from the fever, she was much worse, and could hardly control heraelf being exceed* Ingly nervous when the least eacited. Bhe waa vary restless at night, and never had a good night» rent, gbs also aufterad much from nervous head* ache Dr. Mile** Nervine was reconf Mended by a friend. After the first thee* doaeo aha had a food nlarht'a rest, ana s t the end of the first week's treatment she was wonderfully Im­proved. Continued use of Nervine baa oomnlatoa bar enUea cura.~

. . . . —_ — OTTO KOLB, 1M1 Cherry S t . shranavuia. Iml

»e . MUea* Nervine Is sold by reur «eapol«t. who will guarantae that the first bottle will benefit If It fails, M will refund yoar anaaey. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad

way; ssBDaf Wnsiaas mass*

" i a ^ w r 2 l - S 5 - S . - 7 ^ ,!".• «f'*T*'<»rewiC •eaaar la Jaaaary. y. w



A. a


' * » • * — • _ ^_ ^ _ _ a V e a d , » p e i r e s of Bttle Holland C a g e s

A rear anT Blertt. It has been stated as a curious fact

by Professor John Craig of Cornell that the Beam Die! pear was better known in this country twenty-five years ago than it la at tbe present time ^-curious because the tree Is a reliable grower, producing ' large, handsome f ru i t and h e hardly knows why it has

eatatuively planted l a a great

•arte of the country, but large are BtaetteaUy unknown.

1 t t trait may ha dsaermed as large n» eery tasew. shearsts at saapa; skin

©are *f Y « m « wal l s . A bull should be taught to lead by a

ring in his nose before be is a year old and when turned a year old may be al­lowed to serve a few heifers, says American Cultivator. R e should al­w a y s be in good condition, and this ap­plies t o all young stock. They shonld never be allowed to fall low in condi­tion, or they receive a check from which they never recover. Bulla, when required for service (and this applies t o sires of all classes), should be liber ally fed on food rich In protein, such as clover and bran.

W W t t h e A m It costs no more to keep a cow thnt

will make 300 pounds or more of but­ter In a year than one that will not make more.toan 150 pounds. Any cow to do her best must have what she needs of a well balanced ration.


B y the nee of the si lo the coca i s re moved from the field a t a tiaae whe. ao injury is dona the land by catting i up whi le soft. A s tbe corn i s cut be lore fiie blades are dry enough to snat tar. thera |s ao waste from weetae:1:: and both stalk aad grate being in g*> eanditioa the whale crop it by the stock, while with dry shoe

• large pewaatage of the leave and botts af has atalk la waettd.-Pr feasor Fraser ef the Illinois Brie

Q U — O l e a n e d r m i t h * T>a» • ! • # , • • f AH Deawaalaattawa.

Nature and God are the true hsa-pital for hurt hearts.—Rev. Dr. New­ell Dwight HillU, Goagregatlonalist, Brooklyn.

Arte af the Gooac). Is the old gospel lotting its grip on

the world? Not so long as the min­istry hides Itself behind the cross and preaches a Saviour lifted up. and not so long as the people understand the province of the church of Christ.—Bev. William Crowe, Methodist Frankfort

•empasUrdayof 2 « 5 * "f*r2!»»L°* "srea. _

Jalr, Speaow; Mooad Satardsy of g g a y *y?d aatwday of Ssnu.. ssmnTnaiinS^ *'Hg**;'r>f Wovea*sr, J ^ . r * ^ ? ^ ^ « " ^ * i a i i a y ^ s a s h

xs&Est&t&r1 - •—»-• •» At fllovarsrqia. oa the fourth Betardar of sat*

• w ^ 2 ! U l o t a 5 • l S i ? " o w , : *""*• ••tMdar of APfll, H.T. KoJIoat; tourtb Saturday of bar.

Ar aaknM. for the beariae of auitiaaa

V , J n ^ , ! f t l B , • •jr°Uo«»s : First raeadar of ftBSf"* ** •**V';3 oSi-tw! 5f^ !SH , JK^i w *Jf o o w ' t a r • • Parte baa

^ .. - . •* /s*tf«swbs«W, dlovanwIUe and Ptatta "•fjfh, wkea ajasaos Is preseat.

The terow af the AppeUste Dlvision for the UUrd JadieiaJ oapartsaaot tor t a * M r ISO*

will be held at toiknn i On the erst lawsisy of * — — w _ a - . ^

•aytoAlhaay. O B U M S S

One has often to wait a long time foe t b e h * n - « a t o f h l « ^> ir i tna l a o w i u c b u t in 'Vlue season be will reap if be faints not" Tbe character of a good man la an abundant reward for all the pain and effort of a life of virtue and love. —Bev. H. 8. Bradley, Episcopaliaa, Atlanta, Ga.

a*waai as •jaaBasa) fjaawts r«««e*a,

TC, I • la• of las OoaatyOaart fsaai aad eflka

- d — f T T S , ^ j g s T a a a ^ a a f f S a g -^JP>hsMasfauows. of Issassof -Not arttfc Jary-fe

SawTork. ddOaartoa

latasfJayol of«aia*"

2fesohsM!4nbaiospt Hay. Aaiattasd ^^w.-bar, at the Chwbws oft6a O o i n ^ J-taaTtatte

I n * trial of laaaasof law artU ataa

tae Court •osm at the trialaaoTaf tas

of learmg. aUensto Battel l o assraoaTokastsraW

-.T. . *-•. n.aLaT.

- • ' ' ^ • .^ **^-^i

Nj t C l - a y OTMI ot al-a. Joaa tf. *-~-Sattnf rnatna nn«l« W T •

There was n tJme tbet men wees oat-rlgbt infidels, but now they are oahr agnosttcs; once they ware alert tMak-eea, new they are bund scaohutie tna-

tbey commerciaUam only asks . "'Does

It payf! The charch has eaogfat Oe spirit o f tbe world.—Rev. J. T. ttan. B a p t i s t Chicago.

A When a hook Is found

the Bible w e m a y accept I t B a t i t Is never out o f date . I w t a a r a l * tty e l i t e Bible Is Car ahead o f that of aay age. The natty ef the Btele iwoves Its eeawets dtvaJty. There ale thirty or forty porttOM aO baariaw the

*JJha3»aia»^a»atBaoowsiy .» T.aotlestV •ri'gaysnsayiia^amtolaw.toaMBawoaaaav-g j y b a . s a a l a s , Ostkerhn tawasrd. M e of


_ VarkL. BBBaaaaalak BBtn**rih*a aakaaBaaaatsi a) a

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gortlsawjyTotaaapra- ej.i Srrwsss Aoa BeaTaloLonel AoooanaWli


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WIBart. C«XeTAf • • T T M .

A^?wr-s \22y , w^ • 1 I I i> mi • IIIaa a* or - * — aa—*.

rS8TS,' OeaswaS W a s . OMra-aa Ttsnaai B. Oasvaa.

1 . f . ROTtrOBD. " ATTOBITBT a i m OtHmtHELUlB AT LAB7 _ < « « • N i M . k i » w w s : n a . -—*- ~ — t o r a . M«aTMf taaawl aad atatsaaw

efer c.

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J . I . U B O R.B.

•flffMHtm 4V V U T , AT LAW.

in r A f TltfJOU,

ndrrwirBwaT, jr. r.


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