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CIO Execu ve Network Advancing business technology leaders...Eddy Long, Sr. Account Executive, CIO...

Date post: 29-Jan-2021
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CIO Execu�ve Network Advancing business technology leaders The CIO Execu�ve Council is a member-led execu�ve organiza�on, consis�ng of current and future business leaders working to impact the intersec�on of business, technology and strategy. Our mission is to foster measurable value for all members by enabling them, through peer reliance and outreach, to apply the knowl- edge, insights and best prac�ces of their peers to the success of their enterprise and personal achievement. Visit cioexecu�vecouncil.com to learn more. CONNECT WITH US Advance your organiza�on with a future-first approach to ensure profitable growth. An industry-lead- ing strategic partner in your corner — empowering your decisions — makes the difference between mediocre and the most influen�al organiza�ons. To be influen�al, organiza�ons must leverage collabo- ra�on with other strategic thinkers across industry ver�cals. Translate your insights into ac�on with the world’s largest community of technology/IT execu�ves and networking events for candid peer-to-peer engagements and sharing of best prac�ces. For more informa�on contact: Eddy Long, Sr. Account Executive, CIO Execu�ve Council elong@idc.com Execu�ve Connec�ons - Join our global network community members, academics, business leaders, CIOs, editors, publishers and researchers, all suppor�ng the IT profession. Converse with like-minded leaders on a specific challenge in a private environment. Our leaders are bold and candid in providing feedback on your immediate needs - making it relevant now. Brand Management Services - Shape the percep�on others have of you, and showcase yourself and your organiza�on with our Brand Management Services. We’ll help you tell your story - how you want it to be told. Complimentary Event Access Members may aend the IDG porolio of media, awards, naonal and regional event properes including CIO100, CSO50, Agenda, IDC Direcons, CIO Leadership and FutureIT Private one-to-one conversa�ons with a global network Leverage prac��oner point-of-view to validate decisions and mi�gate risks Par�cipate in roundtables with other IT leaders with similar challenges OVERVIEW PRODUCT OFFERING Editorial Opportuni�es present your IT topical views and showcase your brand’s latest iniaves with opportunies such as CIO.com’s CIO Execuve Point of View opinion column on a wide range of topics and Peer Intelligence Case Studies which focus on the challenge, soluon and outcomes of a live project or acvity and are featured on CIO.com Personal Assessment - We’ll develop your Custom Media Profile (CMP) to idenfy your interests and your internal and external communicaon capabilies and prepare a year-long strategic roadmap to deliver opportunies aligned with your goals Awards Coaching - We’ll leverage our awards experse for members in the applicaon process for industry awards that will get you noced and considered for winning status. IDG and IDC brands produce several highly recognized award programs, including the CIO Hall of Fame, CIO100, CSO50, FutureEdge, Ones to Watch, Best Places to Work, and Smart Cies Live Media Opportuni�es through CIO and CEC producons such as: CIO Leadership Live. a 60-minute interview with Maryfran Johnson, streamed to Twier, YouTube, and LinkedIn; audio podcasts and event recordings; Power Hour Webcast subject maer expert appearance; speaking and panelist opportunies for regional and naonal events
  • CIO Execu�ve NetworkAdvancing business technology leaders

    The CIO Execu�ve Council is a member-led execu�ve organiza�on, consis�ng of current and future business leaders working to impact the intersec�on of business, technology and strategy. Our mission is to foster measurable value for all members by enabling them, through peer reliance and outreach, to apply the knowl-edge, insights and best prac�ces of their peers to the success of their enterprise and personal achievement. Visit cioexecu�vecouncil.com to learn more.


    Advance your organiza�on with a future-first approach to ensure profitable growth. An industry-lead-ing strategic partner in your corner — empowering your decisions — makes the difference between mediocre and the most influen�al organiza�ons. To be influen�al, organiza�ons must leverage collabo-ra�on with other strategic thinkers across industry ver�cals.

    Translate your insights into ac�on with the world’s largest community of technology/IT execu�ves and networking events for candid peer-to-peer engagements and sharing of best prac�ces.

    For more informa�on contact:Eddy Long, Sr. Account Executive, CIO Execu�ve Council [email protected]

    Execu�ve Connec�ons - Join our global network community members, academics, business leaders, CIOs, editors, publishers and researchers, all suppor�ng the IT profession. Converse with like-minded leaders on a specific challenge in a private environment. Our leaders are bold and candid in providing feedback on your immediate needs - making it relevant now.

    Brand Management Services - Shape the percep�on others have of you, and showcase yourself and your organiza�on with our Brand Management Services. We’ll help you tell your story - how you want it to be told.

    ComplimentaryEvent Access

    Members may attend the

    IDG portfolio of media,

    awards, national and

    regional event

    properties including

    CIO100, CSO50, Agenda,

    IDC Directions, CIO

    Leadership and FutureIT•••

    Private one-to-one conversa�ons with a global networkLeverage prac��oner point-of-view to validate decisions and mi�gate risksPar�cipate in roundtables with other IT leaders with similar challenges



    Editorial Opportuni�es present your IT topical views and showcase your brand’s latest initiatives with opportunities such as CIO.com’s CIO Executive Point of View opinion column on a wide range of topics and Peer Intelligence Case Studies which focus on the challenge, solution and outcomes of a live project or activity and are featured on CIO.com

    Personal Assessment - We’ll develop your Custom Media Profile (CMP) to identify your interests and your internal and external communication capabilities and prepare a year-long strategic roadmap to deliver opportunities aligned with your goals

    Awards Coaching - We’ll leverage our awards expertise for members in the application process for industry awards that will get you noticed and considered for winning status. IDG and IDC brands produce several highly recognized award programs, including the CIO Hall of Fame, CIO100, CSO50, FutureEdge, Ones to Watch, Best Places to Work, and Smart Cities

    Live Media Opportuni�es through CIO and CEC productions such as: CIO Leadership Live. a 60-minute interview with Maryfran Johnson, streamed to Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn; audio podcasts and event recordings; Power Hour Webcast subject matter expert appearance; speaking and panelist opportunities for regional and national events

  • CIO Execu�ve CouncilAdvancing business technology leaders

    The CIO Execu�ve Council is a member-led execu�ve organiza�on, consis�ng of current and future business leaders working to impact the intersec�on of business, technology and strategy. Our mission is to foster measurable value for all members by enabling them, through peer reliance and outreach, to apply the knowl-edge, insights and best prac�ces of their peers to the success of their enterprise and personal achievement. Visit cioexecu�vecouncil.com to learn more.


    Validate decision-making and mi�gate risksShare advice and knowledge to help member CIOs make be�er decisionsDevelop business management capabili�es of staffCul�vate IT careers and advance the CIO role in today’s compe��ve landscape

    Translate insights into ac�on with the world’s largest community of technology/IT execu�ves and networking events for candid peer-to-peer engagements and sharing of best prac�ces.

    For more informa�on contact: Eddy Long, Sr. Account Executive, CIO Execu�ve Council [email protected]


    Brand Management Services - Visibility & Branding - Exclusive media and speaking opportunities, and a platform to showcase success stories

    Leadership Development - Build Business & Strategy Competencies - Premier programs created for high potential groups and individuals

    Execu�ve Connec�ons - More Informed Strategic Decisions - Harness the collective knowledge and experience of the world’s leading organizations

    Strategic Enterprise Services - Accelerate Business Results - Custom programs address the evolving needs of IT organizations

    Influence the Profession - Change the Global Business landscape - Engage your organization in meaningul programs that will leave a legacy

    The CIO Execu�ve Council & IDC are your digital transforma�on partners, offering the best of the CIO prac��oner network with industry-defining technology research and advisory services from IDC. Each member's experience is tailored to u�lize the services and tools that will best impact your career and advance your organiza�on. At our core, our services are commi�ed to:


