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Circulating the Light

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CIRCULATING THE LIGHT In our opinion there are three indispensable necessities for any ritual and innumerable options. Your intention is the single most important part of any ritual. The purpose of any ritual is to accomplish your purpose whether it be for good or ill, you or another. If you don't have your purpose firmly in mind, the Universe will accept your poorly-defined and unvoiced intention at its face value and that's what you'll receive. No more. No less. We do receive what we ask for. Secondly, your Beliefs are the second most important part of any ritual. You cannot and will not receive anything you don't believe you will receive. If you don't believe, you won't receive. It's as simple as that. But what you really believe may be buried deep within your subconscious mind. That belief may be that you're not worthy to receive. That belief needs to change before you experience any success with ritual. Thirdly, your Attitude is most important. Arrogance won't cut it. Demanding the Universe comply with your wishes will fail far more often than it succeeds. But you do need to have an attitude of worthiness and you do need to assert your beliefs. This is sometimes a difficult thing to accomplish for individuals not following a spiritual path. Those following a spiritual path do develop an attitude of humility and a deep conviction of their worthiness to receive the bounty of the Universe. We'll discuss options as we discuss how to perform rituals. You can choose any name of Deity you want to use and you can perform your own rituals in any way you decide. You can use the magical tools of your choice or you can use yourself, your hands and feet, to accomplish the same things. Look at the suggested rituals in this way: If you don't like some part of the ritual,
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In our opinion there are three indispensable necessities for any ritual and innumerable options. Your intention is the single most important part of any ritual. The purpose of any ritual is to accomplish your purpose whether it be for good or ill, you or another. If you don't have your purpose firmly in mind, the Universe will accept your poorly-defined and unvoiced intention at its face value and that's what you'll receive. No more. No less. We do receive what we ask for.

Secondly, your Beliefs are the second most important part of any ritual. You cannot and will not receive anything you don't believe you will receive. If you don't believe, you won't receive. It's as simple as that. But what you really believe may be buried deep within your subconscious mind. That belief may be that you're not worthy to receive. That belief needs to change before you experience any success with ritual.

Thirdly, your Attitude is most important. Arrogance won't cut it. Demanding the Universe comply with your wishes will fail far more often than it succeeds. But you do need to have an attitude of worthiness and you do need to assert your beliefs. This is sometimes a difficult thing to accomplish for individuals not following a spiritual path. Those following a spiritual path do develop an attitude of humility and a deep conviction of their worthiness to receive the bounty of the Universe.

We'll discuss options as we discuss how to perform rituals. You can choose any name of Deity you want to use and you can perform your own rituals in any way you decide. You can use the magical tools of your choice or you can use yourself, your hands and feet, to accomplish the same things. Look at the suggested rituals in this way: If you don't like some part of the ritual, change it to suit yourself.

The first ritual we'll practice is called "Circulating the Light." Start by standing in an open space or the center of a room facing East, North, South or West. Say a prayer to Deity asking for your ritual to place you within a Sphere of Protection. Imagine a line going through your body from head to feet and extending upwards and downwards to infinity. Imagine a second line going from your heart both forward and backward to infinity. Imagine a third line going through your heart to the left and the right to infinity. You now stand in the middle of three lines going through your heart to infinity in

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six directions: Above, Below, North, South, East and West.

After a few seconds, raise your right hand with your index finger extended, and point forward with your arm extended at the height of your heart. You are now pointing straight ahead along your heart line to infinity. Imagine a white light coming out of your index finger. Slowly turn to your right stopping momentarily at each of the four directions so as to return to your beginning position. Hold this for a few moments and slowly drop your hand down to its normal position.

You've just traced the symbol of a circle of white light in the space surrounding you. The Circle is a symbol of the Spirit Element so you've just placed yourself in the center of a symbol for Spirit. Now imagine this circle as a sort of hula-hoop of white light encircling you at chest level. Envision it spinning around you counter-clockwise (or clockwise as it really doesn't seem to make any difference) faster and faster. The center of this circle is a point inside your heart and that point is part of a vertical line that runs through your heart to infinity above and infinity below. This line is the axis around which your circle of light rotates. This is the first circulation.

The second circulation is accomplished by visualizing, or imagining if you have trouble visualizing, the circle (large "hula-hoop") in front of you rising up until it's above your head. At the same time, the circle behind you is is moving downward until it's beneath your feet. Then imagine the circle spinning faster and faster as it rotates around you from front to above and back to below. You may also rotate this circle the other way by letting it rise behind you and move down beneath your feet from in front of you. Think of this circulation of light as a tumbling action similar to a forward roll. The light is tumbling around you as if it were doing a forward tumbling roll.

The third circulation is accomplished by visualizing, or imagining, the circle of white light rising on your right and lowering on your left and then spinning around you from right to above to left to below faster and faster. You may also rotate this circle from right to below to left to above and back to the right. Think of this circulation of light as being similar to a cartwheel. The light is cart-wheeling around you like it's starting a cartwheel with its left hand going down first.

You now have a sphere of spinning white light surrounding you. This light is spinning in three different directions along the three main axes through your body and centered at your heart: Above-Below, East-West, and North-South. Your heart is at the center of this spinning sphere. Actually you have three spheres spinning in different directions, but it only makes one sphere of three-way spinning light.

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You've just completed your first ritual which is called "Circulating the Light." By doing so, you've created a Sphere of Protection around yourself in the form of a "Ring-Pass-Not" which defines the ends of the Universe in all directions. You're created a living example of the sphere without a circumference whose center is everywhere.

The Ring-Pass-Not is the boundary which separates the creation from the Creator, which separates us from the Abyss. The circle or sphere without circumference whose center is everywhere is a mathematical description of Deity. Consequently it's also a description of who and what we really are in our own Spirit.

The electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom also creates a Ring-Pass-Not which is a boundary that separates one atom from another. Thus millions and millions of atoms can come together to form our physical body but each atom is protected by a Sphere of Protection created by moving electrons. The only difference is that your personal Sphere of Protection is created by a sphere of moving white light.

The sphere of spinning white light surrounding you is a Ring-Pass-Not spiritually protecting you from all negativity if that is your intention and belief, and the ritual is performed with an expectant and grateful attitude. If your intention is to protect you from all good things, that too will happen. If you believe you're not entitled to the loving grace of Deity, then the spinning sphere of white light won't protect you.If you believe you're entitled to the loving grace of Deity, then the spinning sphere of white light will protect you. As you believe, so it is.

Intention, Belief and Attitude are everything in ritual. We recommend placing yourself in a sphere of spinning white light every morning and ask Deity to protect you and help you travel your chosen spiritual path. Continue practicing until you feel comfortable doing this ritual. The next ritual for you to learn is the Elemental Cross

Make no mistake about it, Circulating the Light is a very powerful Sphere of Protection and can be used for protection against disincarnate beings. It can also be just one step in creating an even more powerful Sphere of Protection. To that end, the next step is to learn about the Elemental Cross.

The Elemental Cross Ritual

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The Elemental Cross Ritual is several thousand years old. It's the same ritual as the more modern Kabbalistic (or Qabalistic) Cross. It's the same ritual but with different words. In reality, the Qabalistic Cross is just one form of the Elemental Cross which uses Hebrew God Names. In the basic Elemental Cross, the ritualist may use any names for Deity the ritualist desires.

The intention of the Elemental Cross Ritual is to create a spiritual space where negative energies cannot exist and to enhance positive energies for the benefit of the ritualist. The ritual is composed of seven distinct steps:

1. Preparation

2. Touch your forehead

3. Touch your lower abdomen

4. Touch your right shoulder

5. Touch your left shoulder

6. Form a standing cross

7. Complete the ritual

Those ritualists who want to use the Kabbalistic Cross are encouraged to do so. But first learn the basic Elemental Cross:


Find a space where you can stretch your hands out to your sides while standing erect. Calm yourself and relax. Center yourself and let the cares of this world fade away. Take a deep breath and exhale completely then breath deeply and slowly. Stay mentally alert and let all your thoughts fade away. Stand erect with your hands at your side.

Touch your forehead

Reach up with your right hand above your head as far as you can reach. Hold your wrist straight and don't bend it. Bring your fingers together and draw a straight line down to your forehead. As you draw this line, imagine or visualize it as a line of white light that extends to infinity above and comes down through the crown of your head to the middle of your head. Rest your fingers momentarily on your forehead, intone the name of Deity and then continue with the next step.

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Some people hold their index and middle fingers together with their thumb, the three digits touching each other. The other two fingers are folded down into the palm of their hand. Others hold their index and middle fingers erect, fold their other two fingers down into the palm of their hand and rest their thumb on those two fingers. Yet others use only their index finger and fold the others into their palms. You decide which fingers you want to use and how.

Intone the name of Deity you want to use when your fingers touch your forehead. What name you use is entirely up to you. Some people use their name for the Creator of the Universe when touching their forehead. Others consider the head to be a combination of Father-Mother God. Most consider this point to be the masculine father part of their pantheon.

Intoning may be done aloud, silently or any way in between. It may be done with a wide vibrato, called vibrating, with no vibrato or any way in between. Some people mumble. Others speak distinctly. You decide how you want to intone what names of Deity.

Touch your lower abdomen

This point is about half-way between your belly button and pubic line. As you bring your hand to this position draw a line of white light from the middle of your head to the middle of your lower abdomen halfway between your front and back. Imagine or visualize this white line as continuing downward to infinity. You now have a line of white light extending through you to infinity above and below. Rest your fingers here momentarily and intone the name of Deity you assign to this place. Some people next point down to infinity and then go to the next step. Others just go to the next step.

Some people consider this to be the place of Spirit Below just as the forehead indicates Spirit above. Others consider it to be the God of the Earth. Most consider this the place of God the Son and the vertical line represents the masculine old and young deities. Decide what name of Deity you want to use for this part of the cross.

Touch your right shoulder

Touch your right shoulder and imagine or visualize a line of white light extending to infinity on your right. Imagine this light going not into your shoulder but straight through your side to your heart. Rest your fingers on your shoulder momentarily and intone the name of Deity you want to assign to this direction. Then move to the next step.

Those people who consider the forehead to represent the Creator usually consider the right shoulder to represent the masculine aspect of Deity. Most

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people who consider the vertical line of white light as representing masculine Deity, also consider the horizontal line to represent feminine Deity. They consider the right side of the crossbar to represent the older feminine aspect of Deity. Decide what name of Deity you want to use for this portion of the crossbar on the Elemental Cross.

Touch your left shoulder

Touch your left shoulder and visualize or imagine the horizontal line of white light coming straight out from your heart and extending to infinity on your left. Rest your fingers on your left shoulder momentarily and intone the name of Deity you want to assign to this direction. Then go to the next step.

Those people who consider the forehead to represent the Creator usually consider the left shoulder to represent the feminine aspect of Deity. Most people who consider the vertical line of white light as representing the feminine aspect of Deity, also consider the left side of the crossbar to represent the younger feminine aspect of Deity. Decide what name you want to use for this portion of the crossbar on the Elemental Cross.

Form a standing cross

Extend both of your arms out to the side forming a standing cross. Visualize or imagine a line of white light extending from your heart straight ahead to infinity and straight back to infinity thus making a three-dimensional Elemental Cross. Intone the name of Deity you assign to the forward and backward directions, the name you assign to Deity Within or a phrase you use for completing the Elemental Cross.

Then bring your hands together in the prayer position and close the ritual or bring your right hand to your heart letting your left hand return to your side. Then drop your right hand to your side or instead of touching your heart just bring both your hands to your side. You have several options for closing this ritual. Select one you prefer.

An Example of the Elemental Cross Ritual

Having prepared myself for doing a spiritual ritual, I stand facing East the direction of the rising Sun. I extend my right hand upward to a position representing Deity Unmanifest and draw the white light down to the middle of my head and upward to infinity while bringing my hand down to my forehead. I intone: "Osiris, mighty Father."

I bring my fingers from my forehead to my lower abdomen while bringing the white light from my head through my heart to my sacral plexus and on to infinity below. I intone: "Horus, son of Osiris."

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I bring my fingers to my right shoulder while visualizing a line of white light extending from my heart to infinity on my right. I intone "Isis, mighty Mother." Then I move my hand to my left shoulder while visualizing the white light going from my heart to infinity on my left while I intone: "Nephthys, daughter of Earth."

I become the sign of the cross by holding my hands straight out to my sides with my palms facing the Earth while visualizing the white light extending from my heart to infinity both in front of me and behind me, above me and below me, to my left and right. I intone: "Protect me now and forever I pray." Lowering my hands to my side I intone: "So mote it be."

This ends the example of the Elemental Cross Ritual. Use your own words and create your own ritual for your purposes. One of those purposes is to Circulate the Light of the Cross. Another is to form a Sphere of Protection and then Circulate the Light. There are other uses for the Elemental Cross which will be covered later.

Circulating the Light of the Cross

Circulating the Light can done either after first performing the Kabbalistic Cross or the Elemental Cross. You're encouraged to find other ways in which Circulating the Light can be used.

Elemental Cross

Kabbalistic Cross

Circulating the Light following an Elemental or Kabbalistic Cross Ritual is done in the following manner:

Visualize the line of white light going through you from top to bottom. This light intersects the horizontal line going through your heart from left to right. Take a deep breath and visualize the line above you rotating down to the front of you. At the same time, the line below is rotating toward the back of you. As you exhale, spin this line of light quickly around you. Take two more deep breaths and spin this line faster and faster.

Secondly, visualize the line of white light going through your heart from left to right. This light intersects the vertical line going through the middle of

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your body. Take a deep breath and visualize the light on your right rotating toward the front of you. At the same time, the light on your left is rotating toward the back of you. As you exhale, visualize this line of light spinning around you counter-clockwise. Take two more deep breaths and spin this line faster and faster.

Thirdly, visualize the horizontal line of white light going through your heart from left to right. This light intersects the horizontal line going through your body from front to back. Take a deep breath and visualize the line going out in front of you rotating up to above you. At the same time, the line behind you is rotating down below you. As you exhale, spin this line faster. Take two more deep breaths and spin this line faster and faster.

You're now spinning three spheres of light around you. Each sphere is spinning around one of the three arms of the cross. The three spheres form one triple sphere spinning in three different directions all at the same time. This is called a Ring-Not-Pass and forms an outer Sphere of Protection with you as the center.

Circulating the Light after completing the Invoking and Banishing Rituals is done in exactly the same manner. However, in this case you also circulate the colored Elemental Symbols as well. This is optional and forms a spinning multi-colored Sphere of Protection as the three primary colors mix and remix constantly to blend the colors into every color of the Rainbow. For this reason Circulating the Light following the Invoking and Banishing Rituals is also known as creating the Rainbow Sphere of Protection.

Having advanced this far, the next step is to protect yourself against psychic attack. Other people, becoming fearful or jealous of your spiritual advancement, may seek to harm you. Disincarnate people may also sense you as a possible vehicle for helping them accomplish something here in the physical world. You'll need to learn how to protect yourself against psychic attack.

The alternate description for Circulating the Light   given earlier can be used if the student finds this approach more appealing. The intent is to create a Ring-Pass-Not around you and circulate this all around you in three different directions to create a Sphere of Protection. This sphere will protect you from both Elemental attacks and attacks by disincarnate beings. The final step is to protect yourself from psychic attack as well.

The next step is to simultaneously invoke and banish the Elements starting with Air in the East. We start with Air in the East as a matter

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of convention. There is, of course, no reason why the ritualist may not start with any direction. There's also no reason not to assign the Element of Air to a different direction at the option of the ritualist. In point of fact, if you already assign the Air Element to another direction, there's no reason why you should not continue to do so.

In the Sphere of Protection we invoke the positive aspects of the Element in question and at the same time banish the negative aspects. The positive aspects are those which nourish and enrich the ritualist and others while the negative aspects are those which are considered to be harmful to the ritualist or others.

We use the method for invoking the Element and only the invoking procedure. When we charge the symbol in living color we state our intention to invoke the positive aspects we desire and at the same time banish the negative aspects we don't want in our lives. Since we're Invoking and Banishing at the same time, there's no need to close the ritual at any time.

In the rituals to follow certain colors are assigned to each Element. While these are the customary colors, they are not universal. The ritualist may already have another color assigned to the Elements or may prefer to use another color. This is a matter of personal choice. In any event, we're going to start with the Element of Air.

Invoking and Banishing Air

The elementary basics of ritual are the Elements themselves. The first element is the Element of Air. It's normally attributed to the East and to the Mind. The First World of Creation is the Element of Air. It's the Archetypes from which everything is manifested. Without this initial thought, without the Archetypes, nothing can exist.

The ancient symbol for the Air Element is a circle with a vertical line extending above it. The circle represents Spirit which has no beginning and no ending, it's continuous and ever-lasting. Since Air rises, it's natural to think of Air as "arising out of Spirit." We use this symbol for the Element of Air and acknowledge there are several others which could be used.

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It's important to understand that any symbol can be used to represent anything. Symbols are important only in what they mean to us. Yes, there are Universal Symbols but these often have different meanings according to different authors.

A circle, for example, is a symbol for Spirit but it's also a symbol of infinity, unity and community. In our discussions of ritual, the circle will represent the Element of Spirit and the Circle with an upward pointing line at the top, where the line is about as long as the circle is wide, will represent the Element of Air.

You're free to read these instructions and use your own symbols. You're free to alter these instructions to suit your own purposes. Ritual is individual because Magick is individual. Ritual is universal because a lot of people use the same symbols. You get to decide how you want to do your own rituals.

You make the symbol for the Element of Air by facing East with your index finger pointing straight ahead at eye level. Draw a circle in the air from that point clockwise to a point about level with your lower belly (Foundation or Matrix = Yesod) and back to the beginning point. Your lower belly is below your belly button and above your pubic line. Then draw a vertical line straight up as far as you can reach. Imagine or visualize the line you draw to create this symbol as a bright celestial yellow colored flame about an inch thick. Imagine or visualize this flaming yellow colored flame completely filling the circle of your symbol. Also imagine or visualize that you can easily see through this transparent yellow colored flame. Imagine or visualize these things.

You've just completed the second part of the Invocation of the Element of Air Ritual. The first part is to have a good intention in mind before invoking the Element of Air. If you don't have a good intention in mind, the Element of Air will come at your calling and do what it thinks is best for you at the time. This can be positive or negative. If that's what you want, you can skip the first step. Or, you can decide that's going to be your intention and state it as something like: "I invoke you to improve my mind by doing what needs to be done without harm to me or anyone."

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The third part of the ritual is to state your purpose in the form of: "I invoke you to _____" and fill in the blank. This intention is related to the World of Air, the World of the Mind. Your intention can be to remove mental confusion, improve mental concentration or attention, improve memory or memory recall, expand your mind, improve your attitude or anything the World of Air controls. The World of Air is your mind, your thoughts and ideas, imagination, memory, attitudes, concentration and attention. So choose any of these things as your purpose.

The fourth part of the ritual is to leave it open to allow the Element of Air to do whatever it is you request. This may take a few moments or a few hours at your option. You could invoke Air to assist you with your attention today and leave the ritual open all day long. You could also invoke Air to assist you with your attention today and close the ritual within a few moments. How long you leave the ritual open is entirely up to you. Our preference is to meditate for a few minutes and close the ritual. But, it's your ritual and your choice. You may leave the ritual open for a whole day and close it in the evening. You can even leave it open while you sleep but it will close automatically before you awake to a new day.

The fifth part of the ritual is to close the ritual. This is done by facing East and tracing the Circle of Air in front of you in a counter-clockwise manner. Then complete the symbol by drawing the vertical line. Imagine this symbol as a flaming bright transparent yellow color as before. Then thank the Element of Air for performing the requested service. Something like this: "Thank you for assisting me with ____ (fill in the blank according to your intention) and I release you from this duty. At the same time I banish all negative thoughts and ideas, all negative attitudes and all negative thought energy far away from me."

This completes the Invocation of Air Ritual.

The Banishing of Air Ritual is done by drawing a counter-clockwise circle of bright yellow transparent flame with a vertical tail as previously done. This is the first part. The second part is to state your intention as "I banish all negative thoughts and ideas, negative mental energy and attitudes, from within and around me. I banish you far away from me." Your intention is to keep away any negative

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thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and negative thought forms. Choose what you wish to banish and use those words. These two parts constitute the whole of the Banishing of Air Ritual.

We suggest you practice both invoking and banishing Air every morning for one week and see how things go for you. If you need more practice, use as much time as you need. When you feel comfortable invoking and banishing Air, proceed to the Element of Fire.

Invoking and Banishing Fire

The five steps to perform an Invoking of Fire Ritual are to 1) decide upon and frame your intention, 2) face South and draw the symbol for Fire clockwise in bright transparent red flame, 3) state your intention, 4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and 5) close the ritual.

Fire is the Element of your Desires. It's the Third World of the Tree of Life. This means Fire contains both Air and Water and is the child of both. Desires are a combination of thoughts (Air) and emotions (Water). Fire is also the Element of your passions, drive, force, energy, enthusiasm, intuitive insights, needs, wants and related things. Your intention for invoking Fire is to help you improve, realize, attain or control one of these aspects of your life. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step One.

Face South and place your index finger in approximately the same position as for starting the symbol for Air. This point is the top of a triangle. Draw a line down and to your right as far as you can reach at about level with your lower belly. Continue drawing from right to left at this level to form the base of the triangle. At the left-most point of this base continue drawing back up to the beginning point. Imagine this triangle as being brilliant, transparent, red flame composed of one inch thick lines and the red flame filling the whole triangle. This is Step Two.

For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you want for Fire to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this purpose is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Fire symbol counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent red flame while

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thanking Fire for the service provided: "Thank you Fire for _____ and now I banish all negative desires and energy from within and around me."

The two steps for the Banishing of Fire Ritual are to 1) face South and draw the symbol for Fire counter-clockwise in bright transparent red flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative and unwanted desires, intentions, passions, addictions, habits and energy far away from you. The first step is the same as given above but the triangle is drawn counter-clockwise. The second step is to state your intention to banish negative passions, intentions, energy, drive, force, needs, wants, addictions, habits and desires from within and around you and keep them far away from you.

We suggest you practice these rituals for one week and see what you think. If you need more practice, continue your practice. If you feel comfortable with banishing and invoking the Element of Fire, proceed to the next rituals for invoking and banishing the Element of Water.

Invoking and Banishing Water

The five steps to perform an Invoking of Water Ritual are to 1) decide upon and frame your intention, 2) face West and draw the symbol for Water clockwise in bright transparent blue flame, 3) state your intention, 4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and 5) close the ritual.

Water is the Element of your Emotions and Relationships. It's the Second World of the Tree of Life and it's the child of Air. This means our Mind is the basis for our emotions. Water is the Element of Love, Apathy, Peace, Anger, Fear, Joy, Happiness, Sadness, and all your other emotions. Water is also the World of your relationships both positive and negative. Your intention for invoking Water is to help you overcome or improve your emotions or relationships. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step One.

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Face West and place your index finger in front of you at about your lower belly. This point is the bottom of a triangle. Draw a line up and to your left as far as you can reach at about eye level. Continue drawing from left to right at this level to form the top base of the triangle. At the right-most point of this base continue drawing back down to the beginning point. Imagine this triangle as being brilliant, transparent, blue flame composed of one inch thick lines and the blue flame filling the whole triangle. This is Step Two.

For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you want for Water to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this purpose is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Water symbol counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent blue flame while thanking Water for the service provided: "Thank you Water for _____ and now I banish all negative emotions and negative energy in my relationships from within and around me."

The two steps for the Banishing of Water Ritual are to 1) face West and draw the symbol for Water counter-clockwise in bright transparent blue flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative emotions and poisonous relationships far away from you. The first step is the same as given above but the triangle is drawn counter-clockwise. The second step is to state your intention to banish negative emotions and negative energy in relationship from within and around you and keep them far away from you.

We suggest you try these rituals for one week and see how things go for you. If you need more practice, continue practicing the rituals. If you feel comfortable with the Element of Water, proceed to the next rituals for the Element of Earth.

Invoking and Banishing Earth

The five steps to perform an Invoking of Earth Ritual are to 1) decide upon and frame your intention, 2) face North and draw the symbol for Earth clockwise in bright transparent green flame, 3) state your

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intention, 4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and 5) close the ritual.

Earth is the Element of your Financial Affairs, Personal Health and Physical Possessions. It's the Fourth World of the Tree of Life and it's the child of Air, Water and Fire. This means our thoughts, emotions and desires all affect our physical world. Earth is the Element of Money, Financial Affairs, Health, Possessions and the things that help you attain them. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step One.

Face North and place your index finger in front of you at about your lower belly. This point is the bottom of a circle. Draw a curving line up and to your left and back to center at about eye level. Continue drawing from this point around to the right to complete the circle. Then draw a vertical line straight down as far as you can reach while standing straight. Imagine or visualize this circle as being brilliant, transparent, green flame composed of one inch thick lines and the green flame filling the whole circle. This is Step Two.

For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you want for Earth to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this purpose is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Earth symbol counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent green flame while thanking Earth for the service provided: "Thank you Earth for _____ and now I invoke abundance, vibrant good health and freedom from injury."

The two steps for the Banishing of Earth Ritual are to 1) face North and draw the symbol for Earth counter-clockwise in bright transparent green flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative financial energy and poor health far away from you. The first step is the same as given above but the circle and downward tail are drawn counter-clockwise. The second step is to state your intention to banish negative finances poor health and nutrition, injury and harm from within and around you and keep them far away from you.

We suggest you try these rituals for one week. Continue practicing until you're comfortable with banishing and invoking Earth. Then proceed on to the next lesson which discusses the Element of Spirit..

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Invoking Spirit

The five steps to perform an Invoking of Spirit Ritual are to 1) decide upon and frame your intention, 2) face East and draw the symbol for Spirit Above slightly in front of you and above your head in a clockwise direction in bright transparent violet flame, 3) draw the symbol for Spirit Below slightly in front of you and toward your feet in bright transparent orange flame, 4) touch your chest in the area of your heart as a symbol for Spirit Within and visualize filling yourself with bright white light, and 5) state your intention.

Spirit is the Element of your Spiritual Path and Spiritual Energies. It resides above the Tree of Life in the Unmanifest World. Here your highest intentions for your Spiritual Growth reside. So too do your worst fears for your Spiritual Life. We normally invoke the highest intentions for our Spiritual Growth and banish all possible negative intentions. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step One.

Face East and place your index finger in front of you and pointing above you. This point is the front of a circle. Draw a curving line around to your right to make a circle. Imagine or visualize this circle as being brilliant, transparent, violet flame composed of one inch thick lines and a violet flame filling the whole circle. This is Step Two.

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Place your index finger in front of you and pointing down below you. This point is the front of a circle. Draw a curving line around to your right to make a circle. Imagine or visualize this circle as being brilliant, transparent, orange flame composed of one inch thick lines and an orange flame filling the whole circle. This is Step Three.

Point your index finger at your heart and touch your chest. This represents your Spirit Within. Imagine or visualize yourself being filled with brilliant white light. This is Step Four.

For Step Five voice your intention to bring your highest aspirations into your Spiritual Life and banish all your lower aspirations.

Steps Six and Seven are optional as the Spirit Element never needs to be banished nor does an invocation of the Spirit Element need to be closed. But should the magician decide to do so, Step Six is to leave the ritual open for awhile and Step Seven is to close it by banishing the Spirit Element.

The steps for banishing the Spirit Element are exactly the same except the symbols for both Spirit Above and Spirit Below are drawn in a counter-clockwise direction.

We suggest you try these rituals for one week. Continue practicing until you're comfortable

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invoking Spirit. Then put it all together in one ritual for Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit.

Simultaneously Invoking and Banishing the Elements

Simultaneously Invoking and Banishing the Elements is done by performing the ritual to invoke Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit in that order but with the intention to invoke the positive and banish the negative. We are invoking the positive aspects of the Element in question and at the same time banishing the negative aspects. The positive aspects are those which nourish and enrich the ritualist and others while the negative aspects are those which are considered to be harmful to the ritualist or others.

We use the method for invoking the Element and only the invoking procedure. When we charge the symbol we state our intention to invoke the positive aspects we desire and at the same time banish the negative aspects we don't want in our lives. The process of charging a symbol involves placing our index finger in the symbol and visualizing the color flowing out of us into the symbol. Charging may be done as aggressively or passively as the magician desires. Since we're Invoking and Banishing at the same time, there's no need to close the ritual at any time.

To review, the steps are:

1. Invoke the Air Elements  in the East2. Charge the Air Symbol3. State an intention to simultaneously invoke the positive and banish the negative4. Draw a line of white light to the South5. Invoke the Fire Elements  in the South6. Charge the Fire Symbol7. State an intention to simultaneously invoke the positive and banish the negative8. Draw a line of white light to the West9. Invoke the Water Elements  in the West10. Charge the Water Symbol11. State an intention to simultaneously invoke the positive and banish the negative12. Draw a line of white light to the North13. Invoke the Earth Elements  in the North14. Charge the Earth Symbol15. State an intention to simultaneously invoke the positive and banish the negative16. Draw a line of white light to the East17. Invoke Spirit Above, Below and Within  in the East

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18. Charge these symbols19. State your spiritual intention20. Circulate the Light

There is no need to close out this ritual as the Elements have all been invoked for good and banished to prevent evil.

The twentieth and final step in this process forms a sphere of protection around you. The six primary and secondary colors of the rainbow swirl around you with the connecting white light. This sphere is one type of the Sphere of Protection. We'll discuss a second type that can be combined with the first for additional protection in the next ritual.

By combining these rituals into one comprehensive ritual of protection we cast the most effective form of protection possible. Having completed the ritual we may now state an over-riding intention for the sphere to protect us for a specific purpose or from a specific evil. The ritual for Protection Against Psychic Attack   is one such special purpose for which the Sphere of Protection may be used.

We suggest Candidates practice the Sphere of Protection daily for several weeks. That's a good time to study the Candidate's lessons.

One other technique you can use is called the Cube of Protection. What you do is create a Sphere of Protection about yourself. Then change the size and shape of that sphere to conform with your workspace. This may be an altar, a room, a building, temple or a large open space. Just expand the Sphere of Protection to conform with the real or imaginary walls of your space and you have a Cube of Protection.

Only those with your permission may enter this Cube of Protection. The more powerful you become as a magician, the more powerful this Cube of Protection will become in the physical universe. But in the astral and higher planes your Cube of Protection will keep out anything and anybody you don't allow to enter. That makes the Cube of Protection a very powerful form of protection.

Please keep in mind that the study materials for the Candidate form the set of basic knowledge required to advance through the

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initiations of Magical Golden Dawn. These initiations are very powerful and they will completely change the person you are today. You will advance step by step to become a spiritual adept and everything you want to become and more.

Protection Against Psychic Attackby Brother A. A.

As you progress along your spiritual path, you'll undoubtedly pique the interest of others, both incarnate and disincarnate. Those incarnated in the flesh may be tempted to attack you psychically in order to elevate themselves. The net result of their attack is to hinder their spiritual growth. At the same time, you may experience some negativity in your life because of their negative energy. You can protect yourself against these attacks.

Those not incarnated in the flesh are usually, but not always, more benign. They usually just want to get your attention to deliver a message for them to somebody residing in the flesh. Occasionally, they want to talk with you, to warn you of some coming event, to persuade you to change your ways, or just to chat with somebody who'll listen. It's good to remember, when working with disincarnate entities, that they're not all Holy people. In fact, they're just exactly the same person they were when they died except they no longer have a physical vehicle.

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The disincarnate may communicate with you in any number of ways including:

1.Visual: by showing you themselves or other things

2.Auditory: by speaking to you or making other sounds

3.Tactile: by touching you or causing sensations on or within your skin

4.Olfactory: by causing odors to affect your sense of smell

5.Gustatory: by causing tastes to affect your tongue

6.Psychic: by attempting to cause you some sort of harm

The incarnate may also attempt to harm you psychically by using any one or more of those same techniques in their psychic attack. They may send you pictures, messages, sensory perceptions, odors or tastes. More likely they will attempt to harm you in a physical or emotional manner, to cause you physical injury, to induce a heart attack, to choke you, to induce fear and terror, or great sadness and depression.

By whatever method your assailant may attack you or benign entities may intrude into your mind, you have at your disposal a most helpful form of protection called the Sphere of Protection. When used to protect yourself against psychic attack, use

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the following adjustments or additions to the Sphere of Protection. The adjustments may be substituted for the intentions of the Sphere of Protection, but our intention is to add them to the Sphere. That way you have two layers of protection against attack. These are the suggested adjustments or additions:


The Element of Air is associated with sound, any kind of sound including psychic or disincarnate voices. When banishing Air also banish all unwanted voices and sounds.


The Element of Fire is associated with sight, any form of visual aid including their physical body when incarnate here on Earth. When banishing Fire also banish all unwanted visions of every kind.


The Element of Water is associated with touching and emotions including all sensations to the skin. When banishing Water also banish all sense of touch. Unwanted emotions are included in the regular Sphere of Protection.


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The Element of Earth is associated with both taste and smell including all unsolicited smells and tastes. When banishing Earth also banish all unsolicited tastes and smells.


There may be times when you want these intrusions, or at least some of them. These times include an emergency and anytime you voluntarily want to speak with disincarnate beings. When invoking Spirit you can indicate such times or establish a signal so disincarnate beings know this is the time you will offer them an audience.

Several years ago when I did a lot of trance mediumship and channeling I used the symbol for Spirit Above anytime during the day when I was willing to open myself to disincarnate beings. I still use that symbol and I always state my specific purpose when using it. I've had to stop opening myself to all the entities that want to talk. There's just not enough time in the day to listen to every one of them. But, I do allow urgent messages for people I know at the end of my sessions.

These simple techniques really do work. The secret is to learn the Sphere of Protection very well first. Then expand it to include psychic protection. The alternative is to do the Sphere of Protection and follow that with a Sphere of Psychic Protection. This second method is suggested to those people who

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have a problem receiving too much information from the other side. After a few days or weeks, when the individual has solved his or her psychic problem, the two rituals may be combined into one.

If, after using the Sphere of Protection for several days you still experience unwanted communications, we suggest you try the Essene Healing

Breath to raise your vibration level. Perform the Sphere of Protection, spend ten to fifteen minutes doing the Essene Healing Breath Meditation, and then perform the Sphere of Psychic Protection. After several days or a few weeks this can all be compressed down into one expanded version of the Sphere of Protection
