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©CIS lqg lf>I THE GREETING MESSENGER M U M dxst? ;1§ Vol. VI DECEMBER, 1931 Number 12 JESUS CHRIST, the Chosen, Christed and Conscious Son of Aum-Jehovah, and by his Will the Messiah, is our Elder Brother, the Great Master, the Head of the Great White Brotherhood, the Way-shower and Perfect Pattern for all humanity. CONTENTS RESTITUTION TRUE CHRISTIANITY (IV. JESUS CHRIST AND THE FRUITION) CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ANTHEM HEALING THE DEVOTIONAL PATH CHURCH ACTIVITIES CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT PEACE (A Sor.g) $1.00 P E R Y E A R 10 CENTS A COPY Published by CHURCH TRUTH UNIVERSAL—AUM. INC. 927 West 36th Place Los Angeles, Calif.
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Vol. VI DECEMBER, 1931 Number 12
JESUS CHRIST, t h e Chosen, Christed and Conscious Son of A u m - J e h o v a h , and by hi s Will the Messiah, is our Elder Brother, t he G r e a t M a s t e r , t h e Head of the Great White Brotherhood, theW a y - s h o w e r and P e r f e c t Pattern for all humanity.
PEACE (A Sor.g)
Published by CHURCH T R U T H UN IV ER S AL — AUM. INC.
927 West 36th Place Los Angeles, Calif.
Vol. VI DECEMBER, 1931 Number 12
P ub lished m onth ly . P ub lished b y Church T ruth U niversal—Aum, Inc., upon the 15th d a y of each m onth . P ub lication address, 927 W . 36th Place, L os A n geles, C alifornia. P rice , ?1.00 per year; ten cen ts per copy.
Official P ub lication of Church T ruth U niversa l—Aum, and the Great W h ite B rotherhood, p resen tin g , a s th e “M essage of the N ew Age,” the A bsolu te T ruth—AUM , and the teach in g s o f J esu s Christ (the Messiah) and the G reat W h ite B rotherhood, re la tiv e to C onscious L iving Immor­ ta lity , R edem ption full and com p lete in M an’s fourfold nature, Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit, through the LIV IN G of T R U E CHRISTIANITY (exp ress in g in K IN D N E S S to e v e ry liv in g crea tu re), and the establish­ m en t in th is N e w D a y o f the K ingdom of L ove and Peace, and the B rotherhood of M an by J esu s C hrist, the now M essiah, under the guid­ an ce of the F a th er (A u m -Jeh ovah ), and w ith the assistan ce of the M asters in the W h ite B rotherhood—M asters in Love, W isdom and Com­ passion , and co n stitu tin g G od-conscious and R edeem ed m embers of this H um anity .
Rev. Elizabeth Delvine King __ ... ___________ Editor Dr. E. W. Miller. ___ __ ______ Assistant Editor Orice H. King .... .... __ / ________ ...Business Manager Bird M. Hanson__________ / __ ____________ Secretary
Copyright, 1931, by Church T ru th Universal— Aum— Aum-
A rticles appearing in the G reeting M essenger, AUM, are for the most partj contributed by the M asters in the W h ite B rotherhood and the Editor, A ssista n t Editor, and other Ordained M inisters of Church Truth U n iversal—Aum, under their direction. It is our editorial pur­ pose to present in its purity the m essage of the A bsolu te Truth, Aum, from the sp iritual concept o f A tm an (the D ivine S elf) free from the m ists, confusions and illu sions of the carnal m ind concept (relativity). Therefore, all contributions, before acceptance, m ust be considered from th id: view point.
C ontributions of verse and prose, not exceedin g seven hundred words in length, and conform ing to the sp iritual “M essage of the N ew A ge” are so licited . T hey w ill be carefu lly considered, and w hen found accept­ able, used in an issu e of the m agazine. A s the ed iting of th is m agazine is a work of Love, and the serv ices of all connected therew ith freely given , artic les sen t in for publication w ill be deem ed to have been donated in the sam e sp irit. T hose not acceptab le w ill be returned to the writer.
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©nr iHottxi: uhr (Snlhrn fiulr “ DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ -- RESTITUTION
Written in the Vibration of a Master in The White Brotherhood
AUM is the vital key of the message of Immortality. When a Master has arrived, he knows AUM. Jesus of Naza­ reth proved that he knew; and AUM is the Presence in which each Atman lives. Buddhic Wisdom and Devotion and Love, as taught, lived and proved by Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, bring us to the Redeemed state now; not a mental now, as anyone in the mind can say, “now.”
As an object lesson, look at a tree filled with buds. Ob­ serve the expression of life through the tree. The bud is destined to become the fruit. The fruit is destined to become ripe and perfect on the tree. There is one Tree that is Life. This expresses throughout infinity. The essence of Infinity is AUM; and each Atman is of that Tree. The last birth in relativity is where Atman, by Jehovah’s help, has become liberated from the bondage of the carnal illusion.
This, being the time of Restitution, the subtle forces of the Anti-Christ, are cunningly conniving to deceive the elect, who are those old souls here to catch the Light, the Love, the Peace and to partake of AUM. Blessed are those, it matters not of what race they are or in which part of the planet they abide, who catch the fragrance of the essence of the Reality, and assist now as the Kingdom is being established by Jesus Christ, who functioned in Jerusalem; and is now functioning in the Aliveness of the Eternal Reality. Catch the deep key of the message here in Wisdom, Love and Devotion, and per­ ceive that death does not belong in this Dimension. The bodies are to be returned to the Father, and He, by that Divine touch, causes Immortality to express through your bodies.
AUM is Positive Essence. Relativity does not enter here. With the balance, and anchored in AUM, let the Atman-
self rejoice, for the battle of Armageddon is drawing to its close.
By Dr. E. W. Miller Jesus Christ is now the Living Messiah. He is the greatest
Master and Adept who has ever expressed on this planet. He is more— the chosen Son of Aum-Jehovah; and, by Divine appointment, in active charge of the Spiritual affairs of this planet. Jesus Christ is thus, by Divine Right, the Head of the Great White Brotherhood, which is composed of the Re­ deemed members of this humanity, dwelling in “The King­ dom” now, and as Masters in Love, Compassion and Wis­ dom, under the direction of the Messiah, busily engaged in assisting in the establishment on earth of this “Kingdom of Heaven.”
As the humble Nazarene, Jesus completed the circle of human experience, solved every problem, became the Christed son of the Living God, and before all men demonstrated his Mastery over the third dimension and death. By Jehovah's help, his body was saved and transmuted into Spirit; and Immortality in the body was proven beyond all doubt. He was Redeemed in BODY, Mind, Soul and Spirit, and ascended into the “Kingdom” in God-conscious Freedom. He was and is the greatest Incarnation the world has ever had; and is now recognized and appreciated by every Master in the White Brotherhood, and every truly Illumined one on this planet, as the Messiah in charge of the establishment of the Kingdom upon earth. A similar recognition and appreciation of Jesus Christ, and acceptance of Him as the Divine One who is to reign in Peace in the Golden Age now at hand, will be of the greatest help to every sincere soul earnestly seeking “The Kingdom” within and the right to consciously dwell therein.
Aum-Jehovah is guiding the destiny of this planet, and whenever humanity is ready for a step upward, he lights the way. The Light of T ruth which Jehovah is causing to shine brightly now is the true relation of Jesus Christ and The Great White Brotherhood to humanity and the ushering in of the Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness in this New Age. Jesus Christ is closer to the people now than he was in the Jerusalem birth, because the time of FRU ITION is here. The Great Drama is being taken up by Him, under Jehovah’s guidance, where it left off in Jerusalem and the players are being made ready to perform their parts. [ P a g e T w o ]
What is the FRUITION of “True Christianity,” as taught by Jesus Christ? Mastership over the carnal dream or illusion or the third dimension; full Buddhic Enlightenment or Wisdom; Freedom; and Conscious Individual Immortal­ ity, or Redemption full and complete, in BODY, Mind, Soul and Spirit. This result carries one into the KINGDOM promised by Jesus Christ. This is exactly where the Masters in the Great White Brotherhood stand, and they are the rip­ ened fruit on the Tree of Life, and this is the goal of every man and woman of this humanity. Many in bodies now are ready for this great step, because this is the FR U IT IO N time —the “Harvest Time” of Souls.
Jesus Christ, the great shepherd, is calling 'His Sheep,” and those who know his voice will give heed, hear and enter the fold (the Kingdom).
In this issue of the Greeting Messenger, in the article en­ titled “The Devotional Path,” the journey of the Soul up the mountain of T ruth is shown, and Mastership is the goal. Then the Kingdom is a Reality and one is worthy to fellow­ ship with the Masters in the White Brotherhood— “W hite” because the “White” or “Christ Path” has taken him there, and he is given the “White Robe” to wear. As stated in Flashlights of T ruth (page 221) ;
“ The prodigal son has now returned Home to his Father’s Flouse, and the Father places the robe of Righteousness upon him, which robe is his pure Spirit­ ual Body.”
In that article is also made clear the important parts played by Jesus Christ and the Masters in the White Brotherhood in the Divine Plan for the Redemption of each one of this humanity.
Jchovah-God is a conscious expression of the Infinite; Jesus Christ is the Conscious Son of the Infinite in expression. That which expressed the Conscious Mind of God in Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God.— Flashlights of Truth, p. 414.
CHRISTMAS True Christianity of this New Day brings forth a new
concept of Christmas and its deep significance. Christmas marks not only the birth of a great Spiritual
teacher, but the beginning of a divinely appointed drama in which the Nazarene, under Jehovah’s guidance and the help of the Great White Brotherhood, climbed the steep Mountain of T ru th to the very summit (Freedom Divine) solved the ‘ Problem of the Ages,” overcame the "world” and the last enemy— death, and proved that the Spiritual or Divine Self (Atman) may rise in supremacy over nature’s laws in the relative world (Redeemed in Body and Mind) into Life Eter­ nal or Conscious Individual Immortality.
Jesus Christ is the “first-fruit” of this humanity, be­ cause, in his last birth, the Jerusalem birth, he completed his karmic pattern and rose to a Spiritual height not attained by any other of this humanity. Of his own life he said (Aquar­ ian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, Ch. 178) :
“All my life was one great drama for the Sons of men. I lived to show the possibilities of man.
“My human life was wholly given to bring my will to tune with the deific will. When will of man and will of God are one the resurrection is a fact.
“What I have done all men will do and what I am all men will be.”
True Christianity brings the joyous message that Jesus Christ is close with humanity now, to bring into outer ex­ pression (as the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth) the Father­ hood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, in accordance with, and in fulfillment of, his promise; and to actually reign in Peace in this Fruition or Harvest Time. Let us all rejoice, for the Kingdom is NOW at hand.
The birth of Jesus Christ brought Love Divine, Peace, Life and Light to this planet to a degree theretofore un­ known. It brought our Great Shepherd, our Elder Brother whose Love, Compassion and Kindness is so great that he tenderly watches over, guides, helps and assists each one, great or small, high or low. honored or rejected of men, into the Love-Presence of our Father, Aum-Jehovah. [ P a g e F o u r ]
Awake! Arise! and greet with cheer, The Savior, Jesus Christ, so dear. In Spirit form, our Lord is here; The Living Christ, we greet this year.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; Let not a single heart be sad. The Savior born in Bethlehem, Brings now the “New Jerusalem.”
The “Golden Age” of Love, we hail; The Dawn of Light; the Holy Grail. The promised “Cup of Life” awaits; And Light of Aum shines through the gates.
Sweet Cosmic Bells are ringing clear, To bring to everyone good cheer; And Peace on earth, Good-will to all; Be still in Peace and hear the call.
Let Joy and Peace and Gratitude Grace every heart with faith renewed: ’Till holy music fills all space, And Love reveals the Master s face.
Rejoice, and sing the Song of Songs, That to the Child of God belongs. Rejoice and sing: the Christ is here, T o spread abroad the Christmas Cheer.
[ P a g e F i v e ]
When the need for T ruth is great, the Father, Aum- Jehovah, responds.
At present, there is a growing demand for definite Light on the important subject of HEALING. Already the Father has responded. In the publications authorized by the Great White Brotherhood (the Masters never act except under the guidance of the Father), particularly TH E FLASHLIGHTS OF T R U T H and THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS, writ­ ten through the Holy Ghost, by Elizabeth Delvine King, Healing Instructions from the standpoint of Truth Absolute are given.
It is our purpose to present outlines of the vital teach­ ings there set forth, with the prayer that many of our readers may come to such a clear understanding of the subject of Healing from a purely Spiritual standpoint that they may be able to follow somewhat in the footsteps of our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, and be of service to those who need.
The foundation or rock upon which to stand is the Absolute T ruth— Aum, whose Intelligence and Presence is everywhere. The stand on this ‘'Rock of Ages”— Aum must be from the Divine or Atman-Self concept; and not according to the imperfect, false and limited concept of the carnal mind of man. Although the carnal mind fails to perceive it, there is a gulf or dividing line between the ‘‘Mind of God” whether cosmically expressed or manifesting in the individual Atman, and the carnal, or human finite mind. Above this line is that which is Spiritual; below it, that which is carnal and mental. Mental activities, no matter how refined cannot reach or pene­ trate the realms of spirit above this gulf. The Higher is the Real; the lower is the counterfeit, or the shadow. Hence, the Masters knowingly present “The Higher Metaphysics.” As stated in Flashlights of Truth, in the chapter on ‘‘Science in Action” page 280, the man who steps out from under the "tyranny of the carnal mind, takes as his foundation stone upon which to stand, ‘God is All; there is none beside Him.’ From that foundation his next step is, ‘God and his mani­ festations or expressions are all there is.’ This means, God and his Spiritual Creation, the universe and systems and myriad of systems of universes and all within them, includ- [ P a g e S i x ]
ing man, ‘the crowning glory of God.’ His next step is, ‘I, man, am created by God, in his image and likeness.’ So reads the allegory given in the first chapter of Genesis. This is the Absolute Truth and is the foundation upon which to stand —the three stones in one.”
This man, created in the likeness of God, is the Perfect Divine Self of each one, which is now covered and obscured by the encrustations (false concepts) built by selfishness and ignorance. Within them are contained the causes of disease and death. They can only be removed, ‘‘By the washing process of denials of their reality and power, until the selfish desires are removed from the mind. Then comes the garnish­ ing, which is accomplished by affirming the Truth of man’s Being in God. When man’s mind is thus emptied, swept and garnished, he will then ‘stay’ his clear mind upon God, it be­ coming filled with T ruth and Good, and the result will be that the Perfect (Atman) will come into expression. ‘It is God who ever giveth the increase’.” (Flashlights of Truth, p. 349.)
This, in brief, is the scientific Prayer, not only for Health, but for Freedom from the bondage of the carnal mind, its doubts, fears and superstitions. There is a vital point about the Scientific Prayer which deserves emphasis at the opening of these articles on Healing. The one using it must ever remain clear in understanding that "it is God who doeth the works.” (See Higher Metaphysics, p. 26.) Any departure from this recognition that God (not man) must ever be the "doer” in all Spiritual Healing, takes the whole process out of the field of action of the Spirit (AUM ) into carnal or lower mind action, with an undesirable result.
As pointed out in the November number, Jesus Christ employed nothing but Spiritual Healing. None of his work was in the carnal mind plane.
Jesus Healed by the Sacred W ord (A u m )
And while they tarried in the place a man, a Pharisee, invited Jesus and a few of those who followed him, to dine with him upon the Sabbath day, to celebrate the marriage of his son.
Among the guests was one afflicted with a dropsical dis­ ease. And Jesus said to those who had been sent to get from
[ P a g e S e v e n ]
his own lips some words by which they might accuse him of a crime, you lawyers and you Pharisees, what do you say about the lawlessness of healing on the Sabbath day?
Here is a man, one of your own, and he is sore distressed. Shall I, in God’s own strength, say out the healing Word and heal this man?
The lawyers and the Pharisees were dumb; they answered not. Then Jesus spoke the healing Word and healed the man and he, rejoicing, went his way.
— Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, Ch. 141.
TH E D EV O TIO N A L PA TH Written in the Vibration of a Master in
The White Brotherhood The Divine Reality is that for which the awakened ones
of all times have searched, among all peoples and in every age. The Reality is found, understood and brought into expres­ sion by only a very few. Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, brought the Reality into expression here upon earth, having taken birth on the Hebrew Path, in a Jewish family, among Jewish relations according to flesh, in the plan through the guidance of Jehovah-God. Crude, indeed, were the manners and cus­ toms of those people among whom he lived and grew to man­ hood, meeting many baffling experiences with courage and faith, as he knew the key of Prayer.
There were many prophets of old among the ancient Hebrews; Malachi being the last prophet before Christ. If the reader will take a short time daily and read a little con­ cerning the prophets and their place in the Father’s plan, the outer mind will understand a little more clearly the present times, the conditions and the actions of the people. Moses was chosen by Jehovah, the Father, and through miracles, through suffering, and very many years of preparation even­ tually established that branch called the Hebrew branch, about six thousand years ago; the purpose being that, through those people and their descendants, the teaching be gradually given. These prophets of God (the pioneers), blazed a way through the wilderness and this way now stretches across [ P a g e E i g h t ]
plains, the mountains, the deserts, and over the great ocean and the islands of the sea and to the people of the Far East, where the first and firm foundations were laid of religion, the first recognition of God, through revelation, and the ancient Holy Ones gave life after life in search of the great cause, the first and only Reality. Many temples were built, some only caves in the side of the mountain where these truths were taught to the initiates who could gain entrance thereto. Down the ages this has continued and there have been many temples built in different parts of the world and in the desert.
There is a connecting link between the teachings given in the Temples and Monasteries of India, of Egypt and in earlier times the heart of Africa (of which very little is now known); also those of Greece, Persia, Arabia and Palestine, and from there on westward.
Jesus Christ took birth in Palestine, among a people quite far from refinement and culture, as it is known in the civili­ zation of this time, twenty centuries later; because Jehovah- God had chosen these people for a divine purpose; for, as you know, the Father seeth the end of events, even before they begin. The Christ was to manifest at that time in a new expression of the Reality— God: and it was his mission to prove the Divine "dominion” over the carnal world, and all its influences. This, at the right time, Jesus of Nazareth accomplished successfully, after he became the Christed Son of God. which means, that Jehovah-God gave him the mystic touch, making him a Master.
It is to be understood and known that the Holy Ghost is a gift from the Father, and that it cannot be scientifically attained. It can be attained only through Adoration, Thanks­ giving, Praise, Prayer and Renunciation. When, through Re­ nunciation. the vessel is sufficiently cleansed the Gift enters to abide within this somewhat purified temple. Then it is that the Father truly assists the child of earth (if he earnestly perseveres) until his temple becomes pure, through and through. Then, when the Master, Jesus Christ, who is the Guardian of Humanity, secs the one who is ready for the next step, which is preparation for entrance into the Great Order, he commissions the Masters whom he chooses to quicken and vibrate with him. Thus the Masters finally find many who respond and come into training. This is the Pro­ bation Path, at that stage. Then comes the Initiations. Each
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Initiation is given at the place upon the Path, where the Initiate is ready to take a higher step. Vital, indeed, are these Initiations. Few there are in the Western World who com­ prehend their deep significance. However, the few are verily blessed and assisted until the lessons are learned. When suffi­ ciently learned, the call to Mastership attainment is given. Then it is “alone” that the individual steps over the Path, but, hark! as soon as the Master Consciousness begins to express within him, he perceives no loneliness, and ere he has traveled in this degree into deeper Mastership Consciousness, the Masters are his companions and comrades. Alone! no, never alone. Mastership means that the individual has made the conscious At-one-ment with the Father. There is then no more going out, neither returning. He has stepped aside from that wheel of night and day. He now lives in the light supernal, where the mantle of green is spread, the flowers bloom continually, the birds sing sweetly and everything is in one accord— the Tranquillity of Aum in expression, and, lo, man loves his fellow man, for God is, Christ reigns and man perceives Divine Reality everywhere.
All down the centuries, those who have arrived at the day when the urge within the Soul-Self leads them onward, as they feel intuitively the call from on high, and searching deeply, perceive the unsubstantiality of things and conditions in the home of the carnal man. Then, reaching outward in the search for knowledge, each one passes into and finally through the Hall of Learning, having therein gleaned suffi­ cient knowledge and as he sees each flower fade and each aspiration crumble, he then is ready for a higher step, and passes the portal into the Wisdom degree. This, as you know, requires many years, extending, in the majority of cases, over many births. Thence onward to the Sacred Portal. Thence, in Humility, Love and Thanksgiving to God, he enters the Devotional precincts which lead to Spiritual Mastership. Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, exemplified it on earth. Endeavor to follow his example. It is his example that is to be followed in the daily life of the disciple, and not the ecclesiastical teaching of the Hebrews, the Jews nor the Christians.
There have been temples built for the searchers after the Divine Reality all down the ages; many ages before the coming of Jesus. He as a lad and a young man visited and studied in many of these temples and monasteries. There is now being [ P a g e T e n ]
brought into expression the deeper light of the depth of Truth leading to the birth, the life, the ministry and the works of Jesus Christ, because as he comes again into mani­ festation as the Messiah, in the midst of humanity, it is rea­ sonable to perceive that his teaching, his coming and his mes­ sage, then given, cannot be ignored in this time. The foun­ dation is well laid. It is Aum, which has been known to the Illumined prophets, apostles and sages of all times.
Now, as the continuation of Jesus Christ’s ministry is to begin in a vital and definite way, speedily, every religion is being clarified and harmonized that the Christ may find lodgement in its midst. Man must know the Truth, as Jesus proclaimed. Scientific understanding of the Spiritual Reality is required of the chosen ones today. Thus equipped, and travelling on the Devotional Path understandingly, they rest in action, in kindness to their fellow man.
The mental current, flowing in the great mental wave, will become dry and the mental wave cease, as Jesus Christ, the Messiah, again comes into objective activity among the inhabitants of earth. There will be a temple built on the Western coast of the great ocean which rolls near your City of Light.
Jehovah-God is watching over; and Jesus Christ is guid­ ing, and that which was given to the Hebrews, to Moses, to Abraham, to Isaac and Jacob, as well as that which Jesus proclaimed, w'ill come into expression, now, at this time. Become not confused in the midst of the much confusion among the children of men. All religions will become refined and transmuted into a higher Spiritual Light and a higher vibration.
— Written at 927 West 36th Place, Los Angeles, June 24, 1926.
Jesus Christ lived upon the earth in the body of the flesh in the Divine Consciousness that he is a Son of God. His teachings and examples proved distinctly that the Father who sent him desires all men. His Sons, to awaken from the illu­ sive concepts and become conscious Sons of God. But that is not sufficient, for we remember Jesus’ call to all men is, ‘‘Follow Me” ; and he met and mastered death and took his transmuted body with him.— Flashlights of Truth, p. 416.
[ P a g e E l e v e n ]
THANKSGIVING DAY was observed by Church T ru th Universal— Aum, and our close friends, at the La Crescenta Valley Unit, at Highway Highlands, 3612 Foot­ hill Boulevard, known as the "Aum Center,” in a manner befitting the New Age. The day was given over to morning and evening Devotional Services in the Spirit of deep Devo­ tion, Thanksgiving and Praise to our Father-Mother God, Aum-Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the Now Messiah, and the Mas­ ters in the Great White Brotherhood.
In the morning, from eleven to twelve o’clock, were the opening services for prayer and the singing of our New Age songs of Praise and Devotion. Both the words and music of these songs are in the vibration of the New Day.
At noon luncheon was served and those not serving chanted the sacred mantrams which greatly assist in bringing into expression the Christ Light and Love now being ushered in by the Messiah.
At two o’clock there were held the main services of the day, consisting of Prayers, singing our songs of Praise, and talks on the Spiritual side of the observance of Thanksgiving, and the blessings which are showered by the Father upon those who, in their Devotions, strike deep notes of Gratitude and Thanksgiving, not only on one day, but on every day.
On Friday evening, November 20th, at the Science-Phil­ osophy Studio, 414 Phillips Building, 224 South Spring Street, a reception was held for those interested in the Light and Message of the New Age. The reception was arranged by Miss Edna Phillips, who is in charge of the activities of the Studio. There were talks on Immortality and other vital subjects concerning the New Order, and the passing of the old dispensation. Refreshments were served.
It is at this Studio that Rev. Elizabeth Delvine King, con­ ducts devotional services and talks on Aum-the Foundation, and True Christianity, each Thursday at 2:30 p. m.; and Dr. E. W. Miller holds devotional services and talks on the Love and Wisdom Message of the New Age on Friday eve­ nings, at eight o’clock. [ P a g e T w e l v e ]
The Birth of Jesus, the Christ
The Christmas-season is here! These words are glad tidings to all of you, dear Little Ones, because you have been living in the expectation of the joy and happiness which Christmas will bring. Now let us this year see if we can approach this sacred season of the year as children of the New Day.
Up to this time people have been celebrating Christmas, the Birth of Jesus, in a most peculiar way, that is to say, by feasting, merry-making and giving presents to each other. It has even gone so far, that Christmas, and all the preparations for this day, have become a burden and hardship to many people and the true Christmas spirit is seldom found any­ where.
How different from these noisy celebrations in the outer was that sweet, silent, holy night, near two thousand years ago, when in the hills of Bethlehem the Christ-babe was born. In The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, we read (Chapt. 3:3-15) :
“Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests, and Joseph and his wife could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there they slept. At midnight came a cry, A child is born in yonder cave among the beasts. And lo. the promised son of man was born. And strangers took the little one and wrapped him in the dainty robes that Mary had prepared and laid him in a trough from which the beasts of burden fed. Three persons clad in snow-white robes came in and stood before the child and said, All strength, all wisdom and all love be yours, Immanuel.
“Now, on the hills of Bethlehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them. The shepherds were devout, were men of prayer, and they were wait­ ing for a strong deliverer to come. And when the child of promise came a man in snow-white robe appeared to them, and they fell back in fear. The man stood forth
[ P a g e T h i r t e e n ]
and said, Fear not! behold I bring you joyful news. At midnight in a cave in Bethlehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting for.
"And then the shepherds all were glad; they felt that all the hills were filled with messengers of light, who said, All glory be to God on high; peace, peace on earth, good will to men.
"And then the shepherds came with haste to Beth­ lehem and to the cave, that they might see and honor him whom men had called Immanuel. Now, when the morning came, a shepherdess whose home was near, pre­ pared a room for Mary, Joseph and child; and here they tarried many days.”
Long had the people of Israel been waiting for this child of promise, Jesus, the great Master, who took birth at the Father's call, to lead the children of earth to the Light, and to become the wayshower for this humanity. Greater and of more importance was his work than that of any king, yet he came as the lowly Nazarene, born in a cave and laid in a manger. But the Father’s living, loving presence was there as well as if he had been born in a palace, and Jehovah God sent his own ambassadors, the Masters from the White Brotherhood to be near the Babe in this holy night. These messengers from God appeared to the shepherds on the hills and the very air was filled with the glorious song of "peace, peace on earth good will to men,” and the refrain of this song of peace has never ceased to vibrate over and through this planet. The shepherds came to bring their gifts and honor the child.
That was the holy night of the Birth of Jesus, the Christ. The holiness of that marvelous night will never van­ ish. The divine Silence and the glorious Light, was God's Presence and his Glory manifesting on earth when this child, who was Love Divine, in form, was born.
Jesus Christ’s coming at that time has proven to be the greatest blessing to humanity, and the example of his holy life, full of Love to God and Kindness to his fellow men, stands as a beacon light before us all and he said, "follow me.”
Tw o thousand years have passed and we are now stand­ ing at the dawn of a New Day. The glorious Day of Peace [ P a g e F o u r t e e n ]
on earth is at hand, and this sacred Christmas season is like the holy night at Bethlehem. All the world is waiting for the Messiah, but He is not coming to take birth as a babe. He is coming as the Prince of Peace proclaiming the King­ dom of Heaven and peace upon earth. Just as the night was dark in Bethlehem, when Jesus was born, so is the night dark here on earth now because people do not understand clearly concerning these times and they are in darkness. Now, those who are awake and watchful, as the shepherds were, see the Light of God lighting the heavens now and they hear the same Peace chanted by the messengers of Light, who are the Masters in the White Brotherhood; and they hear the call of Jesus, the Messiah, who chants “Peace, Peace, Peace,” without ceasing.
Let us, like the shepherds, joyfully answer the call and in love and adoration bring our gifts to Jesus this year. What do you think might be a gift that is acceptable to the beloved Master? “Give me thy heart,” God has often said. The heart within us is the place where we meet Jesus; but Jesus can only enter there when the heart has been cleared of all selfishness, greed and hatred. This means, that we have to hold housecleaning first.
The domineering, selfish, carnal self has to be swept out and kept out, so that our real self, the child of God in all its Purity, Love and Kindness, can invite Jesus to be the guest and to come and abide.
Give Him your hearts, oh Little Ones, and invite Him to abide with you this Christmas season and always. Jesus will respond to your call for he stands at the door of the heart of every one. Then partake with him of the manna of heaven, the Peace that he brings, now.
Be grateful and appreciate all the things kind parents and friends give to you. Do not forget to share with those who are less fortunate than you are at this time; but above all let us be awake as the children of the New Day, like the shepherds were, and partake of the blessings of this holy time of Christmas in a more understanding way. The gifts from friends will pass away; but the gifts and blessings of our Father-God will be everlasting to those who will open up to them, and, in the true Christmas spirit, let us join in the sacred refrain, "All Glory be to God on High; Peace, Peace on earth, Good-will to men.”
PEACE By Dr. E. W. Miller
Peace is the Christ, and its symbol the dove; Love brings this Peace from the Kingdom above. Aum is this Peace, and this Peace, it is Aum; Sweet is this Peace of the Christ, it is Aum.
Peace is the Heart of all Hearts; Peace is Aum; Peace is the goal of all Souls; it is Home. Peace is the blending of Wisdom and Love; Peace is a gift from our Father above.
Jesus gives Peace to the faithful and true; Peace is the blessing the Christ brings to you. Peace is the Kingdom of God; it is Aum; Jesus chants Peace just to call you back Home.
“Peace to the Heart of the bird and the beast: Peace to the Heart of the greatest and least; Peace to the Heart of all men; Peace to all; Peace to the Heart of all Hearts,” is his call.
Peace, Peace, Eternal Peace; Peace, Peace of the Christ, Sweet Peace; Peace, Peace, Jehovah’s Peace; Peace, Peace to all Hearts, Sweet Peace.
[ P a g e S i x t e e n ]
SUNDAY SERVICES A T CHURCH HOME CHURCH SCHOOL— 10-11 a. m. Lessons in True Christianity for
Adults, Young People and Children. DEVOTIONAL SERVICE— 11-12 a. m. Prayers, New Age Music,
and Devotion to the Father. Holy Communion on the first Sunday in each month.
HEALING SERVICE— 7:30-8 p. m. Prayers voiced in the name of Jesus Christ for the sick and for healing in body, mind or en­ vironment. Come in person or send in name.
DEVOTIONAL SERVICE— 8-9 p. m. Deep Devotion and Divine Mantrams.
927 West 36th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. "U ” Car. Phone ATlantic 6682
p. m. Devotion. New Age Music. Talks and Lessons on True Christianity and T ruth Absolute— Aum. Children specially invited.
3612 Foothill Blvd., Highway Highlands La Crescenta Valley, Calif.
Directions: Drive out road to Sunland. via Montrose, on Foothill Blvd. (formerly Michigan Ave.) to above number. Bus Service: Leaves Union Stage Depot (5th and Los Angeles Sts.) Sunland Bus, 1:00 p. m. Leaves Glendale Ave. and Broadway, Glendale, 1 :29 p. m. Arrives Highway Highlands 1 :54 p. m. Leaves for Los Angeles 4:03 and arrives 4:55 p. m.
THURSDAYS— MORNING: Private Instructions, by special appoint­ ment, in True Christianity and the Inner Work on the Christ Path, by Rev. Elizabeth Delvine King, the founder of the Church. Phone: ATlantic 6682. AFTERNOON: DEVOTIONAL SERVICE— 2:30-3:30 p. m. Conducted by Rev. Elizabeth Delvine King. Devotion and talks on Aum— the Foundation. Prayer, and True Christianity.
FRIDAYS— EVENING: DEVOTIONAL SERVICE— 8-9 p. m. Con­ ducted by Dr. E. W. Miller. Devotion; and talks on the Love and Wisdom Message of the New Age. Sacred Mantrams.
Room 414. I. I. Phillips Bldg., 224 S. Spring Street ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
