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Cisco Cerfied Network Associate - GENCOR

Date post: 07-Feb-2022
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Syllabus CCNA Duration:- 1.5 Months 9135000020 www.gencor.in R.K. Avenue Ext,“East of Dinkar Chowk”, Rajendra Nagar,Patna – 800016 (INDIA) www.facebook.com/gencor 9135000020 www.instagram.com/gencortraining Cisco Cerfied Network Associate Implemenng and Administering Cisco Soluons What you’ll learn in this course The Implemenng and Administering Cisco Soluons (CCNA) v1.0 course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. Through a combinaon of lecture, hands-on labs, and self-study, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers; managing network devices; and idenfying basic security threats. The course also gives you a foundaon in network programmability, automaon, and soware-defined networking. This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco® Cerfied Network Associate (CCNA®) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA cerficaon. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020 How you’ll benefit This course will help you: ● Learn the knowledge and skills to install, configure, and operate a small- to medium-sized network ● Gain a foundaon in the essenals of networking, security, and automaon ● Prepare for the 200-301 CCNA exam, which earns CCNA cerficaon What to expect in the exam The 200-301 CCNA exam cerfies your knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connecvity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automaon and programmability. Aer you pass 200-301 CCNA, you earn CCNA cerficaon. Who should enroll This course is designed for anyone seeking CCNA cerficaon. The course also provides foundaonal knowledge for all support technicians involved in the basic installaon, operaon, and verificaon of Cisco networks. The job roles best suited to the material in this course are: ● Entry-level network engineer ● Network administrator ● Network support technician ● Help desk technician Course details Objecves Aer taking this course, you should be able to: ● Idenfy the components of a computer network and describe their basic characteriscs ● Understand the model of host-to-host communicaon ● Describe the features and funcons of the Cisco Internetwork Operang System (IOS®) soware ● Describe LANs and the role of switches within LANs ● Describe Ethernet as the network access layer of TCP/IP and describe the operaon of switches ● Install a switch and perform the inial configuraon ● Describe the TCP/IP Internet layer, IPv4, its addressing scheme, and subneng ● Describe the TCP/IP Transport layer and Applicaon layer ● Explore funcons of roung ● Implement basic configuraon on a Cisco router ● Explain host-to-host communicaons across switches and routers ● Idenfy and resolve common switched network issues and common problems associated with Ipv4 addressing ● Describe IPv6 main features and addresses, and configure and verify basic IPv6 connecvity ● Describe the operaon, benefits, and limitaons of stac roung ● Describe, implement, and verify Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and trunks ● Describe the applicaon and configuraon of inter-VLAN roung ● Explain the basics of dynamic roung protocols and describe components and terms of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) ● Explain how Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) work ● Configure link aggregaon using EtherChannel ● Describe the purpose of Layer 3 redundancy protocols ● Describe basic WAN and VPN concepts ● Describe the operaon of Access Control Lists (ACLs) and their applicaons in the network ● Configure Internet access using Dynamic Host Configuraon Protocol (DHCP) clients and explain and configure Network Address Translaon (NAT) on Cisco routers ● Describe basic Quality of Service (QoS) concepts ● Describe the concepts of wireless networks, which types of wireless networks can be built, and how to use Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs) ● Describe network and device architectures and introduce virtualizaon ● Introduce the concept of network programmability and Soware-Defined Networking (SDN) and describe smart network management soluons such as Cisco DNA Center™, Soware-Defined Access (SD-Access), and Soware-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) ● Configure basic IOS system monitoring tools ● Describe the management of Cisco devices ● Describe the current security threat landscape ● Describe threat defense technologies ● Implement a basic security configuraon of the device management plane ● Implement basic steps to harden network devices Lab outline ● Get Started with Cisco Command-Line Interface (CLI) ● Observe How a Switch Operates ● Perform Basic Switch Configuraon ● Implement the Inial Switch Configuraon ● Inspect TCP/IP Applicaons ● Configure an Interface on a Cisco Router ● Configure and Verify Layer 2 Discovery Protocols ● Implement an Inial Router Configuraon ● Configure Default Gateway ● Explore Packet Forwarding ● Troubleshoot Switch Media and Port Issues ● Troubleshoot Port Duplex Issues ● Configure Basic IPv6 Connecvity ● Configure and Verify IPv4 Stac Routes ● Configure IPv6 Stac Routes ● Implement IPv4 Stac Roung ● Implement IPv6 Stac Roung ● Configure VLAN and Trunk ● Troubleshoot VLANs and Trunk ● Configure a Router on a Sck ● Implement Mulple VLANs and Basic Roung Between the VLANs ● Configure and Verify Single-Area OSPF ● Configure and Verify EtherChannel ● Improve Redundant Switched Topologies with EtherChannel ● Configure and Verify IPv4 ACLs ● Implement Numbered and Named IPv4 ACLs ● Configure a Provider-Assigned IPv4 Address ● Configure Stac NAT ● Configure Dynamic NAT and Port Address Translaon (PAT) ● Implement PAT ● Log into the WLC ● Monitor the WLC ● Configure a Dynamic (VLAN) Interface ● Configure a DHCP Scope ● Configure a WLAN ● Define a Remote Access Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Server ● Explore Management Opons ● Explore the Cisco DNA™ Center ● Configure and Verify NTP ● Configure System Message Logging ● Create the Cisco IOS Image Backup ● Upgrade Cisco IOS Image ● Configure WLAN Using Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Using the GUI ● Secure Console and Remote Access ● Enable and Limit Remote Access Connecvity ● Secure Device Administrave Access ● Configure and Verify Port Security ● Implement Device Hardening
Page 1: Cisco Cerfied Network Associate - GENCOR



Duration:- 1.5 Months


R.K. Avenue Ext,“East of Dinkar Chowk”,Rajendra Nagar,Patna – 800016 (INDIA)



Cisco Cer�fied Network Associate

Implemen�ng and Administering Cisco Solu�ons

What you’ll learn in this courseThe Implemen�ng and Administering Cisco Solu�ons (CCNA) v1.0 course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. Through a combina�on of lecture, hands-on labs, and self-study, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers; managing network devices; and iden�fying basic security threats. The course also gives you a founda�on in network programmability, automa�on, and so�ware-defined networking.This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco® Cer�fied Network Associate (CCNA®) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA cer�fica�on. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020

How you’ll benefitThis course will help you:● Learn the knowledge and skills to install, configure, and operate a small- to medium-sized network● Gain a founda�on in the essen�als of networking, security, and automa�on● Prepare for the 200-301 CCNA exam, which earns CCNA cer�fica�onWhat to expect in the examThe 200-301 CCNA exam cer�fies your knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connec�vity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automa�on and programmability. A�er you pass 200-301 CCNA, you earn CCNA cer�fica�on. Who should enrollThis course is designed for anyone seeking CCNA cer�fica�on. The course also provides founda�onal knowledge for all support technicians involved in the basic installa�on, opera�on, and verifica�on of Cisco networks.The job roles best suited to the material in this course are:● Entry-level network engineer● Network administrator● Network support technician● Help desk technicianCourse detailsObjec�vesA�er taking this course, you should be able to:● Iden�fy the components of a computer network and describe their basic characteris�cs● Understand the model of host-to-host communica�on● Describe the features and func�ons of the Cisco Internetwork Opera�ng System (IOS®) so�ware● Describe LANs and the role of switches within LANs● Describe Ethernet as the network access layer of TCP/IP and describe the opera�on of switches● Install a switch and perform the ini�al configura�on● Describe the TCP/IP Internet layer, IPv4, its addressing scheme, and subne�ng● Describe the TCP/IP Transport layer and Applica�on layer● Explore func�ons of rou�ng● Implement basic configura�on on a Cisco router● Explain host-to-host communica�ons across switches and routers● Iden�fy and resolve common switched network issues and common problems associated with Ipv4 addressing● Describe IPv6 main features and addresses, and configure and verify basic IPv6 connec�vity● Describe the opera�on, benefits, and limita�ons of sta�c rou�ng● Describe, implement, and verify Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and trunks● Describe the applica�on and configura�on of inter-VLAN rou�ng● Explain the basics of dynamic rou�ng protocols and describe components and terms of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)● Explain how Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) work● Configure link aggrega�on using EtherChannel● Describe the purpose of Layer 3 redundancy protocols● Describe basic WAN and VPN concepts● Describe the opera�on of Access Control Lists (ACLs) and their applica�ons in the network● Configure Internet access using Dynamic Host Configura�on Protocol (DHCP) clients and explain and configure Network Address Transla�on (NAT) on Cisco routers● Describe basic Quality of Service (QoS) concepts● Describe the concepts of wireless networks, which types of wireless networks can be built, and how to use Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs)● Describe network and device architectures and introduce virtualiza�on● Introduce the concept of network programmability and So�ware-Defined Networking (SDN) and describe smart network management solu�ons such as Cisco DNA Center™, So�ware-Defined Access (SD-Access), and So�ware-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)● Configure basic IOS system monitoring tools● Describe the management of Cisco devices● Describe the current security threat landscape● Describe threat defense technologies● Implement a basic security configura�on of the device management plane● Implement basic steps to harden network devicesLab outline● Get Started with Cisco Command-Line Interface (CLI)● Observe How a Switch Operates● Perform Basic Switch Configura�on● Implement the Ini�al Switch Configura�on● Inspect TCP/IP Applica�ons● Configure an Interface on a Cisco Router● Configure and Verify Layer 2 Discovery Protocols● Implement an Ini�al Router Configura�on● Configure Default Gateway● Explore Packet Forwarding● Troubleshoot Switch Media and Port Issues● Troubleshoot Port Duplex Issues● Configure Basic IPv6 Connec�vity● Configure and Verify IPv4 Sta�c Routes● Configure IPv6 Sta�c Routes● Implement IPv4 Sta�c Rou�ng● Implement IPv6 Sta�c Rou�ng● Configure VLAN and Trunk● Troubleshoot VLANs and Trunk● Configure a Router on a S�ck● Implement Mul�ple VLANs and Basic Rou�ng Between the VLANs● Configure and Verify Single-Area OSPF● Configure and Verify EtherChannel● Improve Redundant Switched Topologies with EtherChannel● Configure and Verify IPv4 ACLs● Implement Numbered and Named IPv4 ACLs● Configure a Provider-Assigned IPv4 Address● Configure Sta�c NAT● Configure Dynamic NAT and Port Address Transla�on (PAT)● Implement PAT● Log into the WLC● Monitor the WLC● Configure a Dynamic (VLAN) Interface● Configure a DHCP Scope● Configure a WLAN● Define a Remote Access Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Server● Explore Management Op�ons● Explore the Cisco DNA™ Center● Configure and Verify NTP● Configure System Message Logging● Create the Cisco IOS Image Backup● Upgrade Cisco IOS Image● Configure WLAN Using Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Using the GUI● Secure Console and Remote Access● Enable and Limit Remote Access Connec�vity● Secure Device Administra�ve Access● Configure and Verify Port Security● Implement Device Hardening
