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Cision - Magnus Thell - Content marketing october 15th 2013

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Magnus Thells presentation om Content marketing från seminariet i Stockholm den 15 oktober 2013. http://www.cisionnewsroom.se/2013/10/15/lardomar-fran-dagens-seminarium-vikten-av-bra-rorligt-innehall/
Content Marketing 15 Oktober 2013 Magnus Thell. VD Cision Nordics
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Content Marketing15 Oktober 2013

Magnus Thell. VD Cision Nordics

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Source: Content Marketing Institute

Innehållsmarknadsföring innebär att utveckla och dela relevant, värdefullt och engagerande material med din målgrupp i syfte att skaffa nya kunder eller öka försäljningen till befintliga kunder. DVS, skapa innehåll som driver trafik & ökar din försäljning

Definition: Content Marketing

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Varför Content Marketing Nu?

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Note: Circles indicate rough differences in industry scaleSource: VSS, Content Marketing Institute

Converged Media – Nya möjligheter

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The Corporate PR professional today…

Role: PR or Corporate Communication professional focused on building brand awareness and protecting their corporate reputation

Responsibilities:• Build relationships with the media• Write press releases to generate publicity• Monitor what’s being said about your brand and

respond appropriately• Crisis communication• Manage PR campaigns

Use Cases• I need to reach out to journalists and influencers in my industry to promote my

brand’s key messages• I need to understand what’s being said about my company and spokespeople in

social and traditional media• I need to demonstrate the value of my PR campaigns to the C-Suite

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The Integrated Communications Professional tomorrow…

Role: PR & Communications professional responsible for publicity, branding, reputation and content marketing

Responsibilities:• Create content to raise awareness• Amplify through generating publicity, engaging in

social sites and advertising• Track lead conversions from marketing and PR

activities• Responsible for communications and media cycle

from start to finish

Use Cases• I need to identify new influencers, audiences and channels for my content.• I need to easily create and distribute that content.• I need to track the impact of my efforts in a measurable way for the c-suite

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PR Professionals - Tomorrow’s Skills

Today Tomorrow

Led by the Head of PR

Led by the CMO

Focused on Earned Media

Focused on Converged


Budget Devoted to

Staff, Creative

Budget Devoted to

Technology, Content &


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Content Marketers’ målsättning

Thought Leadership


Website Traffic

Customer Retention

Lead Generation

Customer Acquisition

Brand Awareness

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: Content Marketing Institute

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i Two-thirds of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2016

(source: Cisco)

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i The average user spends 88%more time on a website with video

(source: Mist Media)

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90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text

(source: 3M Corporation and Zabisco)i

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Så, Hur skapar du innehåll som blir uppmärksammat?

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Fråga dig själv:Vad har jag att erbjuda?

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Vilken typ av innehåll ska jag skapa?

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Lämpliga källor



White Papers



Tip Sheets


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Mitt innehåll är skapat: Vad gör jag nu?

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Sprid ditt budskap

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am·pli·fy: to increase the strength or amount of; especially: to make louder.” - Merriam-Webster In content

marketing terms,

amplification refers to tactics that help our

content reach the audiences we are

targeting. One form of this is

native advertising.

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Att tänka på

Inte avbrytande — Doesn’t interrupt the user flow and fits seamlessly into the experience

I flödet och i sammanhanget — Complements, rather than competes with, the content around it

Skapar förtroende — Engenders trust by delivering value as opposed to employing deceptive marketing tricks

Upprätthåller varumärkesintegritet — Takes the long view to craft and communicate a brand’s story authentically

Tillför värde — Supplements the experience by either entertaining, informing or engaging

Source: Solve Media
