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Citizen Schools' Performance Management Process

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1 January, 2015 Performance Management Philosophy, Model, and Process
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1January, 2015

Performance ManagementPhilosophy, Model, and Process

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You Can’t Forget the Soft Stuff

“ [For] most people that derail as leaders … it’s not because they couldn't do the math and calculate return on investment properly. The issues are communication and understanding. All of what typically would've been called the 'soft stuff.' You have to be authentic. You have to be dialed into the soft stuff.

Douglas Conant

CEO, Campbell Soup


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Sharing Something New

▪ Citizen Schools’ Senior Leadership Team is Proud to Share our New Performance Management Process

▪ We’ve made thoughtful changes to our existing practice in order to:

▪ Position all staff for success

▪ Improve our management practice

▪ Promote staff retention

▪ Cultivate Growth

▪ Inspire the best in each of us

▪ Talent is holding 15 small group discussions with both managers and individual contributors to create a safe space to learn and an opportunity to build new habits together.

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We Are All Learning Together

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The Learning Starts Here

Thinking About It:

● Learn the philosophy and research behind the new PMP

Prepare for Action:

● Learn the PMP system and process and know what resources are available to support your learning

Participants will be able to:1. Describe the rationale for change2. Describe the 3 main principles of our

PMP3. Outline the 4 components of the QPC4. Identify resources to support adoption

of the new process

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Thinking About It

What do we mean by Performance Management Process or PMP?

Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization.

It is not just performance appraisals, but the series of steps taken by managers to support, develop, coach, understand and connect with their direct reports.

Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) are related to our Performance Management Process, but separate. PIPs are introduced by managers when employees are struggling beyond what is normally expected to achieve expected outcomes.

Source: Heathfield, Susan M. "Performance Management Is NOT an Annual Appraisal." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2015.

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Thinking About It

Most organizations use the same practices to manage performance…

…yet fewer than 3% get the results they are seeking.

Source: Ashford, Orlando, ed. "2013 Global Performance Management Report" (2013): n. pag. Mercer Talent. Web. 3 Jan. 2015.

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Thinking About It

Discussion Point: Why might these elements not work to drive


Source: Ashford, Orlando, ed. "2013 Global Performance Management Report" (2013): n. pag. Mercer Talent. Web. 3 Jan. 2015.

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Some Reasons for Failure Include:

1. Competing priorities - employees want recognition and managers want to see improvement.

2. Lack of trust - do I care what my manager thinks?

3. Numbers label people - are you judging me or my work?

4. Process is complex - can one manager do it all for each direct report?

5. Failures of servant leadership - am I here to judge or help?

Thinking About It

“When there is limited trust and openness there is little chance for engagement, growth,

collaboration, creativity and possibility. “- Steven Covey

Leading at the Speed of Trust

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Thinking About It

Trust → Engagement → Results

The service-profit chain

Sustainability, growth for students &


Engaged funders &

school partners

Engaged employees

Source: Davis, Paul J. "In Search of the Common Wealth: A Service-profit Chain for the Public Sector." International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55.2 (2006): 163-72. Web.

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Where Does Trust Come From?

Thinking About It

Source: Maister, David H., Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford. The Trusted Advisor. New York: Free, 2000. Print.

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The components of trust building are fundamental to our new approach to performance management

Thinking About It


Multiple points of interaction that focus on the individual strengths of both direct reports and managers (Know our individual talents)

ReliabilityDemonstrate an ongoing commitment to cultivating success by following each component of the PMP with consistency


Ongoing opportunities for private dialogue focused on supportive and honest feedback from managers and direct reports familiar with each others’ day-to-day work.


See other perspectives and align towards common goals through increased opportunities for dialogue and collaboration.

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Thinking About It

And the science shows us when we get this balance right we can create magic called:


A matching of job responsibilities and individual strengths that lead to:


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We’ve designed our new process with trust in mind and...

Three Main Principles

Prepare for Action

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On-going opportunities for managers and direct reports to share specific and timely feedback with each other. Investing in each others success by providing key insights to promote growth and excellence.

Prepare for Action

Continuous Informal Feedback

Quarterly Performance Conversation



Deep dives four times per year to review progress towards goals at key milestones and include structured dialogue about strengths, organizational values, career growth or employee engagement.

Dedicated weekly one-on-one interactions of at least 30 minutes that allow managers and direct reports to catch-up, review tactics for goal attainment and position managers to help remove roadblocks to success.

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Prepare for Action

Questions on Philosophy or Principles?

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Prepare for Action

Each Quarterly Performance Conversation (QPC) includes four


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Before your QPC, you and your manager will spend time aligning on what you’d each like to discuss during the upcoming conversation.

Prepare for Action

Prepare for your upcoming conversation, by reflecting on the agenda and using UltiPro to record and send your self-assessment of goals to your manager for their review and comments.

Agenda Setting


Goals are assessed using the Stop Light Model

Green: goal is on-track for completionYellow: goal may move off track, careful

attention is neededRed: goal is off-track, and may not be be completed on time or with expected attention to quality.

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Prepare for Action

Using your regularly scheduled 1:1 you will meet with your manager to have a genuine, open dialogue about goals as well as one of the four pre-selected topics.

At the completion of the QPC, both the manager and the employee need to sign off on the review and submit an exit ticket.



NOTE: While goals are rated using the Stop Light Model during Quarters 1-3, each employee will receive a 1-5 numerical rating on their goals in Q4.

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Prepare for Action

Here’s the schedule for QPCs:

Quarter End Date QPC Completion Date

Quarter 1 September 30 October 31

Quarter 2 December 31 January 31

Quarter 3 March 31 April 30

Quarter 4 June 30 July 31

● The PMP process will open on the last day of the quarter.

● In FY15 the Q2PC PMP Process will not open until January 14 to give employees extra time to finalize goals.

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1.You must have goals in UltiPro to have a QPC.

▪ If you set goals in Cornerstone…Your goals are now in UltiPro, please review them and update as needed.

▪ If you didn’t set goals in Cornerstone…

Create goals directly in UltiPro this week and submit them to your manager for review (using the system). Kait Rogers and Dana Connolly are available to help with goal-setting.

Taking Action

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2.You must have a standing weekly 1:1 with your manager.

Check out the available resources on 1:1s:

For Managers: http://www.manager-tools.com/2005/07/the-single-most-effective-management-tool-part-1

For Direct Reports: https://www.manager-tools.com/2008/02/one-on-ones-for-the-direct

Taking Action

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3.Review the resources available on WOW Cloud.


4. Review the appropriate QPC Guide.

5. Sign up for 1 hour webinars:

a. Strengths-Based Approach (1/15 @ noon EST)

b. Managing to Goals (1/20 @ noon EST)

c. Genuine Conversations (1/23 @ 2PM EST)

6. Take advantage of available articles and podcasts.

Taking Action

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4.Lean in, think about how to build the highest quality relationships with each other and call an employee relations generalist (ERG) if you need help.

▪ Julia Herzig - 617-695-2300 x1290Serving MA, TX, US2020, and National/HQ

▪ Christina Paul - 617-695-2300 x1291Serving CA, IL, NC, NJ, and NY

Taking Action

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APPENDIX: Navigating UltiPro

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UltiPro: Goals

Myself menu → Career & Education section → Goals link

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UltiPro: Adding Goals

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UltiPro: Reviews

Myself menu → Career & Education section → Reviews link

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UltiPro: My Reviews

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UltiPro: My Reviews

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UltiPro: Inbox/Requests
