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City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance

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  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions




    Subsection 22.001 Auto!it"

    In accordance (ith s. )2.**+ ,isconsin Stat-tes+ and for the p-rposes isted therein+ the City ordains these/oning reg-ations.

    Subsection 22.002 Pu!#ose

    1 The oera p-rpose of this Chapter is to i3pe3ent the City of Edgerton #aster %an to the e4tentpossi5e -nder /oning+ as a-thori/ed 5y State of ,isconsin Stat-tes.

    2 This Chapter is designed to essen congestion in the streets6 to sec-re safety fro3 fire+ panic andother dangers6 to pro3ote heath and the genera (efare6 to proide ade7-ate ight and air+ inc-ding

    access to s-night for soar coectors and to (ind for (ind energy syste3s6 to enco-rage theprotection of gro-nd(ater reso-rces6 to preent the oercro(ding of and6 to aoid -nd-econcentration of pop-ation6 and to faciitate the ade7-ate proision of transportation+ (ater+se(erage+ schoos+ par8s+ and other p-5ic re7-ire3ents6 and to presere 5-ria sites as defined ins.19.01. State Law Reference: Section 62.23(7)(c), Wisconsin Statutes

    * Specificay+ this Chapter is adopted for the p-rpose of protecting the p-5ic heath+ safety+ 3oras+co3fort+ conenience and genera (efare 5y i3pe3enting certain goas and o5;ecties of the #aster%an. &dditiona p-rposes of this Chapter are specified thro-gho-t this Chapter.

    Subsection 22.00$ Ab!o%&tion &n' G!e&te! Rest!ictions

    It is not intended 5y this chapter to repea+ a5rogate+ ann-+ i3pair or interfere (ith any e4isting ease3ents+coenants+ deed restrictions+ agree3ents+ ordinances+ r-es+ reg-ations or per3its preio-sy adopted or

    iss-ed p-rs-ant to a(s.

  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Subsection 22.00 Re#e&-

    1 This Chapter+ in part+ carries for(ard 5y re=enact3ent so3e of the proisions of the reg-ationsgoerning /oning and reated 3atters+ 5eing preio-sy 8no(n coectiey as the >Zoning Code?+Chapter 22 of the City of Edgerton Code of enera Ordinances+ adopted prior to the effectie dateof this Chapter. It is not the intention of this Chapter to repea+ 5-t rather re=enact and contin-e in

    force s-ch e4isting proisions so that a rights and ia5iities that hae accr-ed there-nder arepresered and 3ay 5e enforced+ -ness e4picity s-rrendered 5y specific proisions of this Chapteror atered 5y the Officia Zoning #ap.

    2 & proisions of Chapter 22 of the City of Edgerton Code of enera Ordinances (hich are not re=enacted herein are here5y repeaed.

    * The adoption of this Chapter sha not adersey affect the City@s right to prosec-te any ioation ofthe predecessor Zoning Ordinance proided the ioation occ-rred (hie that Chapter (as in effect.

    A & other ordinances+ 3aps+ or part of Ordinances of the City inconsistent or conficting (ith thisOrdinance+ to the e4tent of the inconsistency ony+ are here5y repeaed+ inc-ding (itho-t i3itationpreio-sy adopted Zoning Ordinances.

    Subsection 22.00/ Tit-eThis Ordinance sha 5e 8no(n as+ referred to+ or cited as the BZoning Ordinance+ City of Edgerton+,isconsinB.


    Po-"st!uctu!e: See s-5section 22.*0Ah

    Subsection 22.101 Gene!&--"

    1 For the p-rpose of these reg-ations+ certain n-35ers+ a55reiations+ ter3s and (ords -sed hereinsha 5e -sed+ interpreted and defined as set forth in this chapter.

    2 $ness the conte4t ceary indicated to the contrary+ (ords -sed in the present tense inc-de the f-t-retense6 (ords -sed in the p-ra n-35er inc-de the sing-ar6 the (ord BhereinB 3eans Bin thereg-ationsB+ the (ord Breg-ationsB 3eans Bthese reg-ationsB.

    * & BpersonB inc-des a corporation+ a partnership and an incorporated association of persons s-ch as ac-56 BshaB is a(ays 3andatory6 a B5-idingB inc-des a Bstr-ct-reB6 a B5-idingB or Bstr-ct-reBinc-des any part thereof6 B-sedB or Bocc-pied as appied to any and or 5-iding sha 5e constr-edto inc-de the (ords Bintended+ arranged or designed to 5e -sed or occ-pied.B

    Subsection 22.102: Deinitions

    The foo(ing (ords+ ter3s and phrases+ (hereer they occ-r in this Chapter+ sha hae the 3eaningsascri5ed to the3 5y this S-5section. Definitions proided 5y this S-5section inc-de:


  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    Accesso!" use o! st!uctu!e: & -se or str-ct-re s-5ordinate to+ and sering+ the principa -se or str-ct-reon the sa3e ot and c-sto3ariy incidenta thereto.

    Ac!e: A*+9)0 s7-are feet.

    Acti,e out'oo! #ub-ic !ec!e&tion&- -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A*5

    Acti,it" cente!: &n area (hich is typified 5y a concentration of nonresidentia andor 3-ti=fa3iydeeop3ent.

    A''ition: &ny (aed and roofed e4pansion to the peri3eter andor height of a 5-iding in (hich theaddition is connected 5y a co33on oad=5earing (a. &ny (aed and roofed addition (hich isconnected 5y a fire (a or is separated 5y independent peri3eter oad=5earing (as and is ne(constr-ction.

    A'5&cent: &5-tting+ or 5eing ocated directy across a right=of=(ay fro3+ a separate ot.

    A%!icu-tu!&- se!,ices -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A2d.

    Ai!#o!t6He-i#o!t -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A5.

    A--e":& street or thoro-ghfare ess than 21 feet (ide and affording ony secondary access to a5-ttingproperties.

    Ani7&- unit: One ani3a -nit sha 5e defined e7-iaent to the foo(ing:One 1 1+000 5. steer6One 1 5eef co(6One 1 dairy co( and caf6T(o 2 heifers+ 10 3onths to freshening6Fo-r A caes+ 1 12 3onths to 10 3onths6T(o 2 5eef co(s+ 10 3onths to freshening6Fo-r A s(ine6Eight caes+ 5irth to 1 12 3onths6Ten 10 sheep6Ten 10 goats6100 chic8ens6100 ra55its690 d-c8s690 t-r8eys+ or other po-try6One 1 horse.

    A#&!t7ent -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A1a .

    A##e&-: & 3eans for o5taining reie( of a decision+ deter3ination+ order+ or fai-re to act p-rs-ant to theter3s of this Chapter as e4pressy a-thori/ed 5y the proisions of S-5section 22.212.

    A##-ic&nt:The o(ner of the and or his representatie.

    A!citectu!&- co7#&tibi-it": The appearance of str-ct-res 3aintains a consistency of design+ 3aterias+coors+ and arrange3ent (ith near5y properties of si3iar -se+ (hich co3py (ith the genera

    architect-ra g-ideines proided in s-5sections a. thro-gh e.+ 5eo(+ as deter3ined 5y the %anCo33ission:a E4terior constr-ction 3aterias sha 5e consistent (ith Section 22.A165 E4terior 5-iding design or appearance sha not 5e of s-ch -northodo4 or a5nor3a character in

    reation to its s-rro-ndings as to 5e -nsighty or offensie to generay accepted taste andco33-nity standards6

    c E4terior 5-iding design or appearance sha not 5e so identica (ith near5y 5-idings so as tocreate e4cessie 3onotony or dra5ness. & 3ini3-3 of fie 5asic ho3e styes sha 5e proided ineach residentia s-5diision6


  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    d E4terior 5-iding design or appearance sha not 5e constr-cted or faced (ith an e4terior 3ateria(hich is aestheticay inco3pati5e (ith other near5y 5-idings or (hich presents an -nattractieappearance to the p-5ic and fro3 s-rro-nding properties6 and

    e E4terior 5-iding+ sign+ and ighting design or appearance sha not 5e sited on the property in a3anner (hich (o-d -nnecessariy destroy or s-5stantiay da3age the nat-ra 5ea-ty of the area.

    A!te!i&- st!eet: & p-5ic street or high(ay intended to 5e -sed pri3ariy for fast or heay thro-gh traffic.&rteria streets and high(ays sha inc-de free(ays and e4press(ays as (e as arteria streets+high(ays and par8(ays.

    A!tis&n stu'io6#!o'uction so# -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AAt.

    Attic: That part of a 5-iding (hich is i33ediatey 5eo( and (hoy or party (ithin the roof fra3ing.

    A,e!&%e %!oun' e-e,&tion: The aerage ee of the finished s-rface of the gro-nd ad;acent to the e4terior(as of a 5-iding or str-ct-re.

    8&se -oo': The food haing a one percent chance of 5eing e7-aed or e4ceeded in any gien year. The100 year food.

    8&se7ent: & story party -ndergro-nd.

    8e' &n' b!e&9&st est&b-is7ents -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AA;.8e'!oo7: & roo3 in a residence 3ar8eted+ designed+ or other(ise i8ey to f-nction pri3ariy for seeping.

    8ee! G&!'ens: See O-tdoor Co33ercia Entertain3ent.

    8-&n9et ,&!i&nce: & ariance (hich is a-to3aticay granted 5y a proision of this Chapter in order tored-ce the creation of ega nonconfor3ing deeop3ents or ega nonconfor3ing residentia str-ct-res.

    8o&!'in% ouse -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AAn.

    8on':&ny for3 of sec-rity inc-ding cash deposit+ s-rety 5ond+ coatera+ property or instr-3ent ofcredits in the a3o-nt and for3 satisfactory to goerning 5ody.

    8ue!"&!': &ny per3itted co35ination of distance+ egetation+ fencing and 5er3ing (hich res-ts in ared-ction of is-a and other interaction (ith an ad;oining property. See Section 22.)0.

    8ui-'in%: & str-ct-re 5-it+ 3aintained+ or intended for -se for the sheter or encos-re of persons+ ani3as+or property of any 8ind. The ter3 is inc-sie of any part thereof. ,here independent -nits (ithseparate entrances are diided 5y party (as+ each -nit is a 5-iding.

    8ui-'in%3 &ccesso!": & 5-iding (hich:a Is s-5ordinate to and seres a principa str-ct-re or a principa -se65 Is s-5ordinate in area+ e4tend+ and p-rpose to the principa str-ct-re or -se sered6c Is ocated on the sa3e ot as the principa str-ct-re or -se sered e4cept as other(ise e4pressy

    a-thori/ed 5y proisions of this Chapter6 andd Is c-sto3ariy incidenta to the principa str-ct-re or -se. &ny portion of a principa 5-iding

    deoted or intended to 5e deoted to an accessory -se is not an accessory 5-iding.

    8ui-'in% &!e&: Tota gro-nd coerage in s7-are feet of a 5-idings and str-ct-res inc-ding garages+carports and other attached or accessory str-ct-res.

    8ui-'in% en,e-o#e: & co3ponent of a gro-p deeop3ent (hich confor3s to the ot ines of deeop3ents(hich are not gro-p deeop3ents+ in that re7-ired 3ini3-3 set5ac8 distances are 3eas-red fro3 the5-iding eneope ine.

    8ui-'in% !ont: That e4terior (a of a 5-iding (hich faces the front ot ine of the ot.

    8ui-'in% ei%t: The ertica distance fro3: 1 the aerage eeation of the ad;oining gro-nd ee or 2the esta5ished grade+ (hicheer is o(er to the top of the cornice of a fat roof+ to the dec8 ine of a


  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    3ansard roof+ to a point of the roof directy a5oe the highest (a of a shed roof+ to the -pper3ostpoint on a ro-nd or other arch type roof+ to the 3ean distance of the highest ga5e on a pitched or hiproof. &so appies to str-ct-res.

    8ui-'in% -ine: & ine on a ot+ generay parae to a ot ine or road right=of=(ay ine+ ocated a s-fficientdistance there fro3 to proide the 3ini3-3 yards re7-ired 5y this Chapter. The 5-iding inedeter3ines the area in (hich 5-idings are per3itted s-5;ect to a appica5e proisions of thisChapter. This is aso referred to as a Bset5ac8B.

    8ui-'in%3 #!inci#&-: & 5-iding in (hich is cond-cted+ or in (hich is intended to 5e cond-cted+ the 3ain orprincipa -se of the ot on (hich it is ocated.

    8ui-'in% se#&!&tion: The narro(est distance 5et(een t(o 5-idings. See 3ini3-3 5-iding separation.

    8ui-'in% sie: The tota gross foor area of a 5-iding. See 3a4i3-3 5-iding si/e.

    8u-9of a 5-iding: The co35ination of 5-iding height+ si/e+ and ocation on a ot.

    C&ete!i&3 Co7#&n" -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9f

    C&-i#e!: & 3eas-re3ent of the si/e of a tree e7-a to the dia3eter of its tr-n8 3eas-re3ent one=haf 0.9foot a5oe nat-ra grade. $sed for trees in a n-rsery setting.

    C&7#%!oun' -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAs.

    C&n'-e#o;e!: The a3o-nt of ight that (i i-3inate a s-rface one foot distant fro3 a ight so-rce to anintensity of one foot=cande. #a4i3-3 pea8 candepo(er is the argest a3o-nt of candepo(ere3itted 5y any a3p+ ight so-rce+ or -3inaire.


  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Co7#&n">P!o,i'e' on>site !ec!e&tion -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9g.

    Co7#!eensi,e ?&ste! P-&n: The #aster %an of the City of Edgerton+ ,isconsin+ as of 19 and ass-5se7-enty a3ended.

    Co7#ostin% o#e!&tion -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Af.

    Con'ition&- use: & and -se (hich re7-ires a conditiona -se per3it in order to deeop. See S-5section22.20) for appica5e proced-res.

    Cont!&cto!@s on>site eui#7ent sto!&%e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A)5.

    Cont!&cto!@s #!o5ect oice -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A)a.

    Co!e ';e--in% 'i7ension: The area or space (ithin a d(eing -nit+ 3eas-red at gro-nd foor eeation+deoted to the principa residentia -se of the str-ct-re+ e4c-ding attached garages+ porches+ sheds+dec8s+ carports+ or other app-rtenances.

    Cu-ti,&tion -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A2a.

    D&" c&!e cente! B ci-'!en4-&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AA8.

    Dec9: & str-ct-re that has no roof or (as and is eeated a5oe grade 5y 3ore than eight inches. Can

    5e attached or detached to the principe str-ct-re. If attached+ it is re7-ired to hae 3ain s-pports andcontin-o-s footings 5eo( grade 5y AB and 3-st 5e raised a5oe grade and 3-st co3py (ithprincipe set5ac8 re7-ire3ents. If detached+ sha 5e an accessory str-ct-re.

    De'ic&tion: The transfer of property interest fro3 priate to p-5ic o(nership for a p-5ic p-rpose. Thetransfer 3ay 5e of fee=si3pe interest or of a ess than fee=si3pe interest+ inc-ding an ease3ent.

    Densit": & ter3 -sed to descri5e the n-35er of d(eing -nits per acre.

    Det&ce' #!i,&te !esi'enti&- %&!&%e3 c&!#o!t3 o! uti-it" se' -&n' use4 : See S-5section 22.*0A9d.

    De,e-o#e!: The ega or 5eneficia o(ners of a ot or parce of any and proposed for inc-sion in adeeop3ent+ inc-ding an optionee or contract p-rchaser.

    De,e-o#7ent: The diision of a parce of and into t(o or 3ore parces6 the constr-ction+ reconstr-ction+

    conersion+ str-ct-ra ateration+ reocation+ or enarge3ent of any 5-idings6 any -se or change in -seof any 5-idings or and6 any e4tension of any -se of and6 or any cearing+ grading+ or other 3oe3entof and+ for (hich per3ission 3ay 5e re7-ired p-rs-ant to this Chapter.

    De,e-o#7ent #&': The area of a ot (ithin a arge ot residentia deeop3ent that is deoted to str-ct-resand septic syste3s.

    Di!ect &ccess: & condition of i33ediate physica connection res-ting fro3 ad;acency of a road orright=of=(ay a5-tting a property.

    Dist!ibution cente! -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Ad.

    D!&in&%e: The re3oa of s-rface (ater or gro-nd(ater fro3 and 5y drains+ grading+ or other 3eans.Drainage inc-des the contro of r-noff+ to 3ini3i/e erosion and sedi3entation d-ring and afterdeeop3ent+ and the 3eans necessary for (ater s-ppy preseration or preention or aeiation offooding.

    D!&in&%e st!uctu!e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A98.

    D!i#-ine:O-ter peri3eter edge of a tree canopy as transferred perpendic-ary to gro-nd ee.

    D!i,e>in in&nci&- institution -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAr.

    D!i,e;&":& 3inor priate (ay -sed 5y ehices and pedestrians for co33on access to a ot+ s3a gro-pof ots or faciities.


  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    D!"-&n' &ccess:& ehic-ar access ro-te (hich is a5oe the regiona food eeation and (hich connectsand ocated in the foodpain to and (hich is o-tside the foodpain+ s-ch as a road (ith its s-rfacea5oe the regiona food eeation and (ide eno-gh to acco33odate (heeed ehices.

    Du#-e=: See S-5section 22.*0A1a2.

    D;e--in%: & residentia 5-iding or one or 3ore portions thereof occ-pied or intended to 5e occ-pied

    e4c-siey for residence p-rpose+ 5-t not inc-ding ha5itations proided in nonresidentia -ses s-ch asodging -ses and co33ercia ca3pgro-nds.

    D;e--in%3 &tt&ce': & d(eing (hich is ;oined to another d(eing at 1 or 3ore sides 5y a party (a or(as.

    D;e--in%3 'et&ce': & d(eing (hich is entirey s-rro-nded 5y open space on the sa3e ot.

    D;e--in%3 7u-ti#-e>&7i-":& 5-iding or portion thereof designated for+ or occ-pied 5y+ three or 3orefa3iies or ho-sehods.

    D;e--in%3 sin%-e>&7i-" 'et&ce': See S-5section 22.*0A1a1.

    D;e--in%3 t;o>&7i-": & detached 5-iding designed for+ or occ-pied e4c-siey 5y+ t(o fa3iies orho-sehods.

    D;e--in% unit: & roo3 or gro-p of roo3s+ proiding or intended to proide iing 7-arters for not 3orethan 1 fa3iy.

    D;e--in% unit se#&!&tion: The narro(est distance 5et(een t(o d(eing -nits. See 3ini3-3 d(eing -nitseparation.

    E&!t;o!9:The 3oing of 3ore than 2 c-5ic yards of any type of sois.

    E&se7ent: &-thori/ation 5y a property o(ner for another party to -se for a specified p-rpose anydesignated part of his property.

    E-e,&te' 8ui-'in%: & non=5ase3ent 5-iding 5-it to hae its o(est foor eeated a5oe the gro-nd ee5y 3eans of fi+ soid fo-ndation peri3eter (as+ piings co-3ns post and piers+ shear (as+ or5rea8a(ay (as.

    E7e!%enc" se-te!:%-5ic or priate encos-res designed to protect peope fro3 food+ (indstor3+ fire+riots or inasions6 and fro3 aeria+ radioogica+ 5ioogica or che3ica (arfare.

    Enc!o&c7ent:&ny fi+ str-ct-re+ 5-iding+ -se+ or deeop3ent in the food(ay.

    En,i!on7ent&- Cont!o- &ci-it": &ny faciity+ te3porary or per3anent+ (hich is reasona5y e4pected toa5ate+ red-ce+ or aid in the preention+ 3eas-re3ent+ contro or 3onitoring of noise+ air+ or (aterpo-tants+ soid (aste or ther3a po-tion+ radiation or other po-tants+ inc-ding faciities instaedprincipay to s-ppe3ent or to repace e4isting property or e7-ip3ent not 3eeting or aegedy not3eeting accepta5e po-tion contro standards or (hich are to 5e s-ppe3ented or repaced 5y otherpo-tion contro faciities.

    En,i!ons o te Cit" o E'%e!ton4: The area in (hich the City of Edgerton e4ercises e4traterritoriapo(ers.

    E!osion: The detach3ent and 3oe3ent of soi or roc8 frag3ents 5y (ater+ (ind+ ice+ andor graity.

    Essenti&- Se!,ices: Faciities that are:a O(ned or 3aintained 5y p-5ic -tiity co3panies or p-5ic agencies+ and65 'ocated in p-5ic (ays or in ease3ents proided for the p-rpose+ or on a c-sto3ers pre3ises and

    not re7-iring a priate right=of=(ay+ and6c !easona5y necessary for the f-rnishing of ade7-ate (ater+ se(er+ gas+ eectric+ co33-nication+ or

    si3iar serices to ad;acent c-sto3ers+ and6d "ot inc-ding any cross=co-ntry ine on to(ers.

  • 8/12/2019 City of Edgerton Zoning Ordinance


    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    E=t!&te!!ito!i&- &!e&: The area o-tside of the City 'i3its in (hich the City of Edgerton e4ercisese4traterritoria po(ers of and diision+ andor /oning+ reie(.

    E=#!ess;&":& diided arteria street or high(ay+ either (ith f- or partia contro of access+ and (ith or(itho-t grade separated intersections.

    E=te!io! co77unic&tion 'e,ices -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A93.

    E=t!&ction use -&n' use4.See S-5section 22.*0Ad.

    &7i-": &n indiid-a or t(o 2 or 3ore persons+ each reated 5y 5ood+ 3arriage or adoption+ iingtogether as a singe ho-se8eeping -nit6 or a gro-p of not 3ore than fo-r A persons not so reated+3aintaining a co33on ho-sehod.

    &7i-" '&" c&!e o7e -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9t.

    &!7 !esi'ence -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9c.

    i--in% -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9.

    i!st &bit&b-e -oo!: The top s-rface a5oe an -nfinished 5ase3ent+ cear or cra( space that is intendedfor iing 7-arters.

    -oo' #-&in:The and ad;acent to a 5ody of (ater (hich is s-5;ect to periodic oerfo( therefro3.-oo';&": The channe of a strea3 and s-ch ad;acent portions of the foodpain as are re7-ired to

    acco33odate food fo(s.

    -oo! &!e&: The s-3 of the gross hori/onta areas of the seera foors of a 5-iding inc-ding interior5aconies+ 3e//anines+ 5ase3ents and attached accessory 5-idings+ fitting roo3s+ stairs+ escaators+-nencosed porches+ detached accessory 5-idings -tii/ed as dead storage+ heating and -tiity roo3s+inside off=street par8ing or oading space. #eas-re3ents sha 5e 3ade fro3 the inside of the e4terior(as and to the center of interior (as.

    -oo! &!e& !&tio AR4: The ratio cac-ated 5y diiding the tota foor area of a 5-idings on a site 5ythe ross Site &rea. See 3a4i3-3 foor area ratio.

    oot>c&n'-e: & -nit of i-3ination prod-ced on a s-rface+ a points of (hich are one 1 foot fro3 a-nifor3 point so-rce of one cande.

    !eebo&!': !epresents a factor of safety -s-ay e4pressed in ter3s of a certain a3o-nt of feet a5oe acac-ated food ee. Free5oard co3pensates for the 3any -n8no(n factors that contri5-te to foodheights greater than the height cac-ated. These -n8no(n factors 3ay inc-de+ 5-t are not i3ited to+ice ;a3s+ de5ris acc-3-ation+ (ae action+ o5str-ction of 5ridge openings and food(ays+ the effectsof -r5ani/ation on the hydroogy of the (atershed+ oss of food storage areas d-e to deeop3ent andthe sedi3entation of a rier or strea3 5ed.

    !ee;&": &n e4press(ay (ith f- contro of access and (ith f-y grade separated intersections.

    !ei%t te!7in&- -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0Ac.

    !ont&%e: The side of a ot a5-tting on a p-5ic street or (ay and ordinariy regarded as the front of the

    ot.G&!&%e !esi'enti&-4: & detached accessory 5-iding or portion of the principa 5-iding+ inc-ding a

    carport+ (hich is -sed pri3ariy for storing passenger ehices+ traiers or one 1 tr-c8 of a ratedcapacity not in e4cess of ten tho-sand 10+000 po-nds.

    Gene!&- -oo! #-&ns: & graphic representation of the anticipated -tii/ation of the foor area (ithin a5-iding or str-ct-re+ 5-t not necessariy as detaied as constr-ction pans.

    Gene!&- te7#o!&!" out'oo! s&-es -&n' use4: See s-5section 22.*0A)e.

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    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    G-&!e: The 5rightness of a ight so-rce (hich ca-ses eye disco3fort.

    G!een s#&ce !&tio GSR4: The percentage of the gross site area (hich is presered as per3anentyprotected green space. reen space ratio is cac-ated 5y diiding the area of per3anenty protectedgreen space 5y the gross site area. See 3ini3-3 green space ratio.

    G!oss 'ensit": The res-t of diiding the n-35er of d(eing -nits ocated on a site 5y the gross site area.

    See 3a4i3-3 gross density.G!oss -oo! &!e&: The tota foor area of a 5-iding.

    G!oss site &!e& GSA4: The tota area of a site aaia5e for inc-sion in cac-ations of the 3a4i3-3per3itted density or intensity of deeop3ent. ross site area is deter3ined see the cac-ationcontained in "at-ra !eso-rces Site Ea-ation ,or8sheet 5y s-5tracting fro3 the tota site area asdeter3ined 5y act-a on=site s-rey the foo(ing: a area (ithin proposed rights=of=(ay andproposed 5o-ndaries of p-5ic faciities6 5 and (hich is not contig-o-s to+ or accessi5e fro3 theproposed road net(or86 c and (hich is proposed for a different deeop3ent option or different/oning district6 and e area of naiga5e (aters. See 3ini3-3 site area.

    G!ou# 'e,e-o#7ent-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AA7.

    G!ou# o7es o! ci-'!en:& faciity icensed 5y the Depart3ent of

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    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    In'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAe.

    In'oo! s&-es inci'ent to -i%t in'ust!i&- use -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9p.

    In'oo! s&-es inci'ent&- to oice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9r.

    In'oo! s&-es o! se!,ice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAc.

    In'oo! sto!&%e o! ;o-es&-in% -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Aa.In'oo! ,eic-e sto!&%e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Ae.

    Ini-- 'e,e-o#7ent: Deeop3ent ocated in areas (hich are for the 3ost part deeoped aready.

    Intensi,e A%!icu-tu!e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A2f.

    Institution&- !esi'enti&- -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A*f.

    Intensit": & ter3 -sed to descri5e the a3o-nt of gross foor area or andscaped area+ on a ot or site+co3pared to the gross area of the ot or site.

    Intensi,e soi-s su!,e":The testing of soi at a partic-ar geographic ocation as to its indiid-a assets andi3itations.

    Inte!c&n%e:& grade=separated high(ay intersection (ith one or 3ore t-rning anes for trae 5et(eenintersecting roads or high(ay.

    Inte!7e'i&te '&" c&!e o7e -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9t.

    In>,eic-e s&-es o! se!,ice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAf.

    In>,eic-e s&-es &n' se!,ice &s &n &ccesso!" use -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9i.

    *un9"&!' o! s&-,&%e "&!' -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0Ad.

    L&9eso!e: Those ands ying (ithin the foo(ing distances fro3 the ordinary high (ater 3ar8 ofnaiga5e (aters: 1+000 feet fro3 a a8e+ pond+ or fo(age6 and *00 feet fro3 a rier or strea36 or to aand(ard side of the foodpain+ (hicheer distance is the greater. 'a8eshores sha not inc-de thoseands ad;acent to far3 drainage ditches (here a s-ch ands are not ad;acent to a naiga5e strea3 or

    rier6 5 those parts of s-ch drainage ditches ad;acent to s-ch ands (ere not naiga5e strea3s 5eforeditching or had no preio-s strea3 history6 and c s-ch ands are 3aintained in non=str-ct-raagric-t-ra -se.

    L&n'sce #oint: See S-5section 22.)0*.

    L&n'sce ;&--s: "onstr-ct-ra decoratie (as+ typicay 3ade of stone or 5ric8.

    L&n' 'i,ision: The diision of a ot+ parce+ tract or interest in and 5y the o(ner or o(ners agent for thep-rpose of transfer of o(nership or 5-iding deeop3ent or (hich creates the need for a p-5icdedication or reseration of and for p-5ic faciities or i3proe3ents. For p-rposes of co3piance(ith this code other than s-rey re7-ire3ents+ and diision inc-des condo3ini-3 pat.

    L&n'sce' &!e&: The area of a site (hich is panted and contin-ay 3aintained in egetation+ inc-dinggrasses+ fo(ers+ her5s+ garden pants+ natie or introd-ced gro-ndcoers+ shr-5s+ 5-shes+ and trees.

    'andscaped area inc-des the area ocated (ithin panted and contin-ay 3aintained andscapedpanters.

    L&n'sce su!&ce &!e& !&tio LSR4: The percentage of the gross site area or ot area (hich is preseredas per3anenty protected andscaped area.

    L&n' use: The type of deeop3ent andor actiity occ-rring on a piece of property.

    Li%t in'ust!i&- -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Aa.

    Li%t in'ust!i&- inci'ent to in'oo! s&-es -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9;.


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    Lo&'in% be!t: & co3petey off=street space or 5erth on a ot for the oading or -noading of freightcarriers+ haing ade7-ate ingress and egress to a p-5ic street or aey. See S-5section 22.A09 forappica5e standards.

    Loc&- !esi'enti&- st!eet: & road (hich pri3ariy seres to coect traffic originating directy fro3residentia drie(ays and priate residentia co-rts and streets.

    Lot: & parce of and that:a is -ndiided 5y any street or priate road65 is occ-pied 5y+ or designated to 5e deeoped for+ one 1 5-iding or principa -se6 andc contains the accessory 5-idings or -ses c-sto3ariy incidenta to s-ch 5-iding+ -se+ or

    deeop3ent+ inc-ding s-ch open spaces and yards as designed and arranged or re7-ired 5y thisChapter for s-ch 5-iding+ -se+ or deeop3ent.

    Lot &!e&: The area contained (ithin the property 5o-ndaries of a recorded ot. See 3ini3-3 ot area.

    Lot &!e&3 !e&!: The area contained (ithin the property 5o-ndaries of a recorded ot+ to the rear of theprincipa str-ct-re.

    Lot co!ne!: & ot sit-ated at the ;-nction of and a5-tting on t(o or 3ore intersection streets+ or a ot at thepoint of defection in aign3ent of a contin-o-s street+ the interior ange of (hich does not e4ceed 1*9

    degrees.Lot 'e#t: The 3ean hori/onta distance 5et(een the front ot ine and the rear ot ine of a ot.

    Lot !ont&%e: 'ot (idth 3eas-red at the street ot ine. ,hen a ot has 3ore than one street ot ine+ ot(idth sha 5e 3eas-red+ and the 3ini3-3 ot (idth re7-ired 5y this Chapter sha 5e proided at eachs-ch ine.

    Lot inte!io!: & ot other than a corner ot.

    Lot -ine: & ot ine is the property ine 5o-nding a ot e4cept that (here any portion of a ot e4tends into thep-5ic right=of=(ay or a proposed p-5ic right=of=(ay+ the ine of s-ch p-5ic right=of=(ay sha 5e theot ine for appying this Chapter.

    Lot -ine3 !ont: & ot ine (hich a5-ts a p-5ic or priate street right=of=(ay. In the case of a ot (hich has

    t(o of 3ore street frontages+ the ot ine aong the street fro3 (hich the ho-se is addressed sha 5e thefront ot ine.

    Lot -ine3 !e&!: In the case of rectang-ar or 3ost trape/oida shaped ots+ that ot ine (hich is parae toand 3ost distant fro3 the front ot ine of the ot. In the case of an irreg-ar+ triang-ar+ or gore=shapedot+ a ine 20 feet in ength+ entirey (ithin the ot+ parae to and at the 3a4i3-3 possi5e distancefro3 the front ine sha 5e considered to 5e the rear ot ine. In the case of ots (hich hae frontage on3ore than one road or street+ the rear ot ine sha 5e opposite the ot ine aong (hich the ot ta8esaccess to a street.

    Lot -ine3 si'e: &ny 5o-ndary of a ot (hich is not a front ot ine+ a street side ot ine+ or a rear ot ine.

    Lot -ine3 st!eet si'e: &ny ot ine (hich a5-ts a p-5ic or priate street right=of=(ay (hich is not the frontot ine.

    Lot o !eco!': & patted ot or ot descri5ed in a certified s-rey 3ap or 3etes and 5o-nds description(hich has 5een approed 5y the City+ or 5y !oc8 or Dane Co-nty6 and has 5een recorded in the officeof the !egister of Deeds.

    Lot3 t!ou%: & ot (hich has a pair of opposite ot ines a5-tting t(o s-5stantiay parae streets one or3ore of (hich 3ay 5e a portion of a c-=de=sac. E4cept for thro-gh ots (hich a5-t an arteria ornonresidentia coector street+ thro-gh ots sha 5e prohi5ited -nder the proisions of this Chapter.

    Lot ;i't: The 3a4i3-3 hori/onta distance 5et(een the side ot ines of a ot+ 3eas-red parae to thefront ot ines and at the rear of the re7-ired front yard. See 3ini3-3 ot (idth.


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    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Lo;est -oo!: The o(est encosed foor inc-ding 5ase3ent. &ny -nfinished or food resistant encos-re+-sa5e soey for par8ing ehices+ 5-iding access or storage+ in an area other than a 5ase3ent area+ isnot considered a 5-idings o(est foor+ proided that s-ch encosed area is not 5-it so as to render thestr-ct-re in ioation of the appica5e non=eeation design re7-ire3ents of this Chapter.

    ?&inten&nce %u&!&ntee: & g-arantee of faciities or (or8 to either ens-re the correction of any fai-res ofany i3proe3ents re7-ired p-rs-ant to this Chapter or to 3aintain sa3e.

    ?&nu&ctu!e' ';e--in% -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A1a10.

    ?&nu&ctu!e' o7e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A1a.

    ?&ste! P-&n: & pan+ 3ap+ report+ or other doc-3ent pertaining to the physica deeop3ent of the City(hich has 5een adopted 5y the City %an Co33ission+ as descri5ed in s. )2.2*2 and *.

    ?&=i7u7 bui-'in% sie ?8S4: The argest per3itted tota gross foor area a 5-iding 3ay contain. See5-iding si/e.

    ?&=i7u7 -oo! &!e& !&tio AR4: The argest a3o-nt of foor area per3itted on a site. See foor arearatio.

    ?&=i7u7 %!oss 'ensit" ?GD4: The 3a4i3-3 n-35er of d(eing -nits per3itted per acre of gross site

    area. See gross density.?&=i7u7 ei%t: The 3a4i3-3 height of the highest portion of any str-ct-re. See height.

    ?ic!ob!e;e!": See Indoor Co33ercia Entertain3ent.

    ?i%!&nt L&bo! C&7# -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A97.

    ?ini7u7 bui-'in% se#&!&tion: The narro(est per3itted 5-iding separation. See 5-iding separation.

    ?ini7u7 ';e--in% unit se#&!&tion: The narro(est per3itted d(eing -nit separation. See d(eing -nitseparation.

    ?ini7u7 -oo! e-e,&tion: The o(est eeation per3issi5e for the constr-ction+ erection+ or otherpace3ent of any foor+ inc-ding a 5ase3ent foor.

    ?ini7u7 -&n'sce su!&ce !&tio LSR4: The o(est per3itted andscape s-rface ratio. See andscapes-rface ratio.

    ?ini7u7 -ot &!e& ?LA4: The 3ini3-3 si/e ot per3itted (ithin the specified /oning district anddeeop3ent option.

    ?ini7u7 -ot ;i't: The s3aest per3issi5e ot (idth for the appica5e d(eing -nit type ornonresidentia deeop3ent. See ot (idth.

    ?ini7u7 setb&c9: The narro(est distance per3itted fro3 a street+ side+ or rear property ine to astr-ct-re.

    ?ini7u7 site &!e& ?SA4: The 3ini3-3 gross site area in (hich the specified deeop3ent option 3ayocc-r. See gross site area S&.

    ?ino! st!uctu!e:&ny s3a+ 3oa5e accessory str-ct-re or constr-ction s-ch as 5irdho-ses+ too ho-ses+pet ho-ses+ pay e7-ip3ent+ ar5ors+ and (as and fences -nder fo-r feet in height.

    ?obi-e o7e-&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A1a.

    ?obi-e Ho7e P&!9 Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A1d.

    ?obi-e Ho7e Sub'i,ision Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A1c.

    ?ote-:See Co33ercia indoor odging.

    ?u-ti#-e= -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A15).


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    N&tu!&- !esou!ce #!otection o,e!-&" onin% 'ist!icts: Zoning districts (hich pri3ariy identify andreg-ate the dist-r5ance of areas containing protected nat-ra reso-rces.

    N&tu!&- Resou!ce Site E,&-u&tion o!9seet: ,or8sheet contained in S-5section 22.21 of thisOrdinance (hich is -sed for deter3ining the net deeopa5e acreage of a site.

    N&,i%&b-e ;&te!: 'a8e S-perior+ 'a8e #ichigan+ a nat-ra inand a8es (ithin ,isconsin+ and a riers+

    strea3s+ ponds+ so-ghs+ fo(ages+ and other (aters (ithin the territoria i3its of this state+ inc-dingthe ,isconsin portion of 5o-ndary (aters+ (hich are naiga5e -nder the a(s of this state. The,isconsin S-pre3e Co-rt has decared naiga5e a 5odies of (ater (ith a 5ed differentiated fro3ad;acent -pands and (ith ees of fo( s-fficient to s-pport naigation 5y a recreationa craft of theshao(est draft on an ann-ay rec-rring 5asis. G#-ench . %-5ic Serice Co33ission+ 2)1 ,is. A2192+ and Deaynor and Co.+ Inc. . Depart3ent of "at-ra !eso-rces+ 0 ,is. 2d *) 19H.For the p-rposes of this Chapter+ riers and strea3s (i 5e pres-3ed to 5e naiga5e if they aredesignated as either contin-o-s or inter3ittent (ater(ays on the $nited States eoogica S-rey7-adrange 3aps -nti s-ch ti3e that the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra !eso-rces has 3ade adeter3ination that the (ater(ay is not+ in fact+ naiga5e.

    Net 'e,e-o#&b-e &!e& NDA4: The area of a site (hich 3ay 5e dist-r5ed 5y deeop3ent actiity. "etDeeopa5e &rea is cac-ated in the "at-ra !eso-rces Site Ea-ation ,or8sheet+ and is the res-t of

    s-5tracting !e7-ired !eso-rce %rotection &rea !%& fro3 the ross Site &rea S&.

    Noncono!7in% bui-'in% o! st!uctu!e:&ny 5-iding+ or other str-ct-re+ (hich is a(f-y e4isting -nderproisions preceding this Chapter+ (hich (o-d not confor3 to the appica5e reg-ations if the5-iding or str-ct-re (ere to 5e erected -nder the proisions of this Chapter. See S-5section22.*0*2.

    Noncono!7in% 'e,e-o#7ent: & a(f- deeop3ent approed -nder proisions preceding the effectiedate of this Chapter+ (hich (o-d not confor3 to the appica5e reg-ations if the deeop3ent (ere to5e created -nder the c-rrent proisions of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*.

    Noncono!7in% use: &n actie and act-a -se of and+ 5-idings or str-ct-res a(f-y e4isting prior to thisChapter (hich has contin-ed as the sa3e -se to the present and (hich does not co3py (ith a theappica5e reg-ations of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*1.

    No=ious 7&tte! o! 7&te!i&-s: #ateria capa5e of ca-sing in;-ry to iing organis3s 5y che3ica reaction+or is capa5e of ca-sing detri3enta effects on the physica or econo3ic (e=5eing of indiid-as.

    Nu!se!" scoo-: See Day Care Center.

    Nu!sin% o7e:See Instit-tiona !esidentia S-5section 22.*0A1a.

    Obst!uction to -o;: &ny deeop3ent (hich physicay 5oc8s the coneyance of food(aters s-ch thatthis deeop3ent 5y itsef or in con;-nction (ith any f-t-re si3iar deeop3ent (i ca-se an increasein regiona food height.

    Oice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AAa.

    Oici&- 7: The 3ap adopted 5y the Co33on Co-nci (hich indicates the e4isting and proposed ocationof streets+ high(ays+ par8s+ paygro-nds+ roads+ rights=of=(ay+ (ater(ays+ p-5ic transit faciities andother p-5ic faciities as a-thori/ed 5y State Stat-tes.

    Oici&- onin% 7: See S-5section 22.01 and 22.02

    O>Site P&!9in% Lot -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0Aa.

    On>site: 'ocated on the ot in 7-estion+ e4cept in the conte4t of on=site detention+ (hen the ter3 3eans(ithin the 5o-ndaries of the deeop3ent site as a (hoe.

    On=Site A%!icu-tu!&- Ret&i- -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A2g.


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    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    On=Site Co7#ostin%6oo' Pi-es -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9o.

    On=Site P&!9in% Lot -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A95.

    On=Site Re&- Est&te S&-es Oice -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A)d.

    O#&cit": The degree to (hich ision is 5oc8ed 5y 5-fferyard. Opacity is the proportion of a 5-fferyardsertica pane (hich o5str-cts ie(s into an ad;oining property.

    O#en s&-es -ot: &n -nencosed portion of a ot or ot of record (here goods are dispayed for sae+ rent ortrade.

    O!'in&nce: &ny egisatie action+ ho(eer no3inated+ of a oca goern3ent (hich has the force of a(+inc-ding any a3end3ent or repea of any ordinance.

    O!'in&!" i% ;&te! 7&!9: The point on the 5an8 or shore of a 5ody of (ater -p to (hich the presenceand action of s-rface (ater is so contin-o-s as to eae a distinctie 3ar8 s-ch as 5y erosion+destr-ction or preention of terrestria egetation+ predo3inance of a7-atic egetation+ or other easiyrecogni/ed characteristics.

    Ote! #e!7&nent-" #!otecte' %!een s#&ce: %er3anenty protected green space areas (hich are notconstrained 5y one of the protected nat-ra reso-rces. E4a3pes inc-de portions of priate ots+

    o-tots+ or parces co33ony hed 5y a property o(ners association as in a c-ster deeop3ent(hich are deed restricted fro3 site disr-ption.

    Out'oo! E&tin% A!e&s: See O-tdoor Co33ercia Entertain3ent.

    Out'oo! Asse7b-" -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A)g.

    Out'oo! Co77e!ci&- Ente!t&in7ent -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AA3.

    Out'oo! Dis#-&" -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AAd.

    Out'oo! 'is#-&" Inci'ent&- -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A9h.

    Out'oo! Institution&- -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A*d.

    Out'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AA.

    Out'oo! Sto!&%e o! o-es&-in% -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0A5.

    O,e!-&" onin% 'ist!ict: & /oning district (hich i3poses -nifor3 restrictions on a properties (ithin itsarea (hich are in addition to the restrictions specific to the standard /oning districts descri5ed inSection 22.00+ as (e as the genera restrictions of this Chapter.

    O;ne!: The person or persons haing the right of ega tite to a ot or parce of and.

    P&'3 De,e-o#7ent: See deeop3ent pad.

    P&!ce-: The area (ithin the 5o-ndary ines of a ot.

    P&ssi,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion&- -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A*a.

    Pe!o!7&nce %u&!&ntee: & financia g-arantee to ens-re that a i3proe3ents+ faciities+ or (or8 re7-ired

    5y this Chapter (i 5e co3peted in co3piance (ith the Chapter+ reg-ations and the approed pansand specifications of a deeop3ent.

    Pe!o!7&nce st&n'&!': Criterion esta5ished to contro and i3it the i3pacts generated 5y+ or inherent in+-ses of and or 5-idings. See Section 22.A00.

    Pe!i#e!&- setb&c9: The distance 5et(een a str-ct-re and the 5o-ndary of a deeop3ent option.

    Pe!7&nent-" #!otecte' %!een s#&ce: &n area in (hich site disr-ption andor deeop3ent is strictyi3ited. %er3anenty %rotected reen Space are areas that are re7-ired to 3eet the #ini3-3'andscape S-rface ratio and area inc-ded in "at-ra !eso-rce Oeray Zoning Districts.


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    Pe!7itte' use: $ses isted -nder this heading are per3itted as a right. See S-5section 22.*011 forappica5e proced-res.

    Pe!son: &n indiid-a+ fir3+ tr-st+ partnership+ p-5ic or priate association or corporation.

    Pe!son&- o! P!oession&- Se!,ice -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0AA5.

    Pe!son&- Sto!&%e &ci-it" -&n' use4:See S-5section 22.*0Ac.

    P-&n Co77ission: The %an Co33ission of the City of Edgerton.

    P-&nne' nit De,e-o#7ent: See S-5section 22.21A.

    Po-"st!uctu!e: See s-5section 22.*0Ah

    P!inci#&- bui-'in%: See 5-iding+ principa.

    P!inci#&- use: &ny and a of the pri3ary -ses of a property+ treated as a -se per3itted 5y right+ as aspecia -se+ or as a conditiona -se rather than as an accessory -se or a te3porary -se.

    P!i,&te Resi'enti&- Rec!e&tion&- &ci-it" -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9e.

    P!i,&te Resi'enti&- St&b-e -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A9.

    P!otecte' n&tu!&- !esou!ces: !eso-rces s-ch as food(ays+ foodfringes+ foodpain conserancy areas+(etands+ drainage(ays+ (oodands+ steep sopes+ and a8eshores.

    Pub-ic i7#!o,e7ent: &ny i3proe3ent+ faciity+ or serice+ together (ith c-sto3ary i3proe3ents andapp-rtenances thereto+ necessary to proide for p-5ic needs s-ch as: streets+ roads+ aeys orpedestrian (a8s or paths+ stor3 se(ers+ food contro i3proe3ents+ (ater s-ppy and distri5-tionfaciities+ sanitary se(age disposa and treat3ent+ p-5ic -tiity and energy serices.

    Pub-ic Se!,ices &n' ti-ities -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A*e.

    Pub-ic se;e!: Inc-des the City of Edgerton se(er syste3 and other for3s of se(er syste3s approed 5ythe State Depart3ent of "at-ra !eso-rces and 3aintained 5y a p-5ic agency a-thori/ed to operates-ch syste3s.

    Reco!'e' -ot: See ot of record.

    Rec!e&tion&- ,eic-e: & ehic-ar -nit designed as te3porary iing 7-arters for recreationa+ ca3ping+ ortrae -se (hich either has its o(n 3otie po(er or is 3o-nted on or dra(n 5y another ehice. The5asic entites area: trae traier+ ca3ping traier+ tr-c8 ca3per+ or 3otor ho3e.

    Re-oc&t&b-e 8ui-'in% -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A)c.

    Reui!e' !esou!ce #!otection &!e& RPA4: The area of a site (hich 3ay not 5e dist-r5ed 5y deeop3entactiity and (hich 3-st aso 5e resered as per3anenty protected green space. !e7-ired reso-rceprotection area is cac-ated in the "at-ra !eso-rce Site Ea-ation ,or8sheet+ and is the res-t ofs-5tracting the net deeopa5e area "D& fro3 the gross site area S&.

    Resi'enti&- co--ecto! st!eet: & coector street sering pri3ariy residentia and -ses (hich pri3ariy

    seres to connect oca residentia streets to coector or arteria streets.

    Resi'enti&--" one': & property ocated in a residentia district.

    Rest!icti,e3 7o!e -ess4: & reg-ation i3posed 5y this Chapter is 3ore ess restrictie than another if itprohi5its or i3its deeop3ent to a greater esser e4tent or 5y 3eans of 3ore ess detaiedspecifications.

    Sc&-e o 'e,e-o#7ent4: & ter3 -sed to descri5e the gross foor area+ height+ or o-3e of a singestr-ct-re or gro-p of str-ct-res.


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    Section 22.100 City of EdgertonDefinitions Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Se&son&- Out'oo! S&-es o P!o'ucts -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A)f.

    Se'i7ent&tion: The deposition of soi that has 5een transported fro3 its site of origin 5y (ater+ ice+ (ind+graity+ or other nat-ra 3eans as a res-t of erosion.

    Se-ecti,e Cuttin% -&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A25.

    Se!,ice bui-'in%:& str-ct-re ho-sing toiet+ (ashing+ and 5athing faciities and s-ch other faciities as 3ay5e re7-ired 5y this chapter.

    Setb&c9: The shortest distance 5et(een a 5-idings or str-ct-res e4terior fro3 the nearest point on thereferenced ot ine. See 3ini3-3 set5ac8.

    Se=u&--" o!iente' -&n' uses4:See S-5section 22.*0AAg.

    So##in% cente!: & gro-p deeop3ent containing t(o or 3ore non=residentia -ses on the sa3e story.

    S!ub: & o(=ying decid-o-s or eergreen pant. See S-5section 22.)10.

    Si%n: See S-5section 22.901 for appica5e proced-res.

    Sin%-e>&7i-" 'et&ce' ';e--in% unit: See d(eing+ singe=fa3iy detached site=5-it.

    Site &!e&: See gross site area.

    Site #-&n: See S-5section 22.21* for appica5e proced-res.

    S9"-i%t: & (indo( or other paned area ocated on the ceiing or roof of a str-ct-re.

    So-i' ence: &ny fence (hich cannot 5e seen thro-gh. S-ch fences inc-de 5as8et(eae fences+ stoc8adefences+ pan8 fences+ and si3iar fences.

    S#eci&- use: & and -se (hich 3-st 5e deeoped per a set of re7-ire3ents specificay appying to that -se.

    St&n'&!'s:The set5ac8s+ -sing ision corners+ sideine re7-ire3ents+ height i3itations+ s7-are footagere7-ire3ents and other specifications as re7-ired 5y this chapter.

    St&n'&!' In'ust!i&- C-&ssiic&tion co'e SIC4: The n-3eric code for categori/ing and -ses deeoped 5ythe $S Depart3ent of Co33erce. SIC codes in this Chapter are 5ased on the isting contained (ithin

    the 1 3an-a.St&n'&!' In'ust!i&- C-&ssiic&tion co'e SIC4: The n-3eric code for categori/ing and -ses deeoped 5y

    the $S Depart3ent of Co33erce. SIC codes in this Chapter are 5ased on the isting contained (ithinthe 1 3an-a.

    St&n'&!' soi-s su!,e":& sois s-rey of !oc8 Co-nty and Dane Co-nty 5y the Soi Conseration Serice+$.S. Depart3ent of &gric-t-re.

    St&n'&!' onin% 'ist!icts: Zoning districts (hich pri3ariy reg-ate the -se of and+ and intensity ordensity of s-ch -se.

    St&!t o Const!uction: The date the 5-iding per3it is iss-ed+ proided the act-a start of actiity (as(ithin *0 caendar days of the per3it date. The act-a start of actiity 3eans either the firstpace3ent of per3anent constr-ction of a str-ct-re on the site s-ch as the po-ring of a sa5 or footings+

    the instaation of pies+ or the constr-ction of co-3ns. %er3anent constr-ction does not inc-de andpreparation+ s-ch as cearing+ grading and fiing6 nor does it inc-de the instaation of streets andor(a8(ays6 nor does it inc-de e4caation for 5ase3ent+ footings+ piers+ or fo-ndations6 nor does itinc-de the erection of te3porary for3s6 nor does it inc-de the instaation on the property ofaccessory 5-idings+ s-ch as garages or shed not occ-pied as d(eing -nits or part of the 3ainstr-ct-re.

    Sto!&%e se': See -tiity shed.

    Sto!": That portion of a 5-iding inc-ded 5et(een the s-rface of any foor and the s-rface of the foor ne4t


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.100Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance Definitions

    (hich s-ch ot is ocated.

    F&!'3 !eui!e': The area 5et(een the 5-iding and the re7-ired set5ac8 ine

    F&!'3 si'e: & yard e4tending aong the side ot ine 5et(een the front and rear yards+ (ith a (idth specifiedin the yard reg-ations for the district (here the ot is ocated.

    F&!'3 st!eet: The re7-ired set5ac8 a(ay fro3 the street right=of=(ay.

    Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The City e3poyee charged (ith the appication and interpretation of this Chapter.

    Zonin% 7: See BOfficia Zoning #apB+ a5oe.


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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


    Subsection 22.201 Cit" P-&nnin% Co77ission

    There is here5y esta5ished a City %anning Co33ission for the City of Edgerton+ (hich sha 5e appointed

    in accordance (ith Chapter 2.0 of this #-nicipa Code.

    Subsection 22.202 Zonin% A'7inist!&to!

    14 Desi%n&tionThe Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee of the Zoning &d3inistrator is here5y designated as thead3inistratie and enforce3ent officer for the proisions of this Code. The d-ty of the Zoning&d3inistrator or a designee of the Zoning &d3inistrator is to interpret and ad3inister this Code and toiss-e+ after on=site inspection+ a per3its re7-ired 5y this Code.

    24 Duties

    The proisions of this Chapter sha 5e ad3inistered and enforced 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator or a

    designee+ (ho in addition thereto and in f-rtherance of said a-thority 3ay:Deter3ine that a Detaied Site &nayses+ J-iding %er3its+ Certificates of Occ-pancy+ Sign %er3its+ Site

    %ans+ and their constit-ent pans co3py (ith a proisions of this Chapter.

    Cond-ct inspections of 5-idings+ str-ct-res+ (aters and and to deter3ine co3piance (ith a proisionsof this Chapter.

    Je per3itted access to pre3ises and str-ct-res d-ring reasona5e ho-rs to 3a8e those inspections asdee3ed necessary 5y hi3 to ens-re co3piance (ith this Ordinance. If+ ho(eer heshe is ref-sedentry after presentations of his identification+ heshe 3ay proc-re a specia inspection (arrant inaccordance (ith Section )).011 of the ,isconsin stat-tes. Cond-ct inspections of 5-idings+str-ct-res+ (aters and and to deter3ine co3piance (ith a proisions of this Chapter.

    #aintain per3anent and c-rrent records of this Chapter+ inc-ding 5-t not i3ited to a 3aps+a3end3ents+ conditiona -ses+ te3porary -ses+ sign per3its+ site pans+ occ-pancy per3its+ariances+ appeas+ interpretations+ and appications therefore.

    !ecord the first foor and o(est foor 5ase3ent or cra((ay eeations of a str-ct-res erected+ 3oed+atered+ or i3proed in the C=1 oeray districts.

    !eceie+ fie and for(ard a appications for a proced-res goerned 5y this Chapter to the designatedofficia 5odies.

    Inestigate a co3paints 3ade reating to the ocation of str-ct-res and the -se of str-ct-res+ ands+ and(aters+ gie notice of a ioations of this Code to the o(ner+ resident+ agent+ or occ-pant of thepre3ises+ and report -ncorrected ioations to the City &ttorney in a 3anner specified 5y hi3.

    Instit-te+ in the na3e of the City of Edgerton+ any appropriate actions or proceedings against a ioator of

    this Chapter+ as proided 5y a(.%rohi5it the -se or erection of any str-ct-re+ and or (ater -nti he or she has inspected and approed

    s-ch -se or erection.

    ,here -sef-+ the Zoning &d3inistrator+ or his agent+ 3ay set 3ar8s on 5ridges or 5-idings or other3ar8ers (hich sho( the depth of the regiona food6 or 3ay set 3ar8s deineating the 5o-ndaries of(etands.

    !e7-est assistance and cooperation fro3 the City %oice Depart3ent and City &ttorney as dee3ednecessary.


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    #a8e aaia5e to the p-5ic+ to the f-est e4tent possi5e+ a reports and doc-3ents concerning theCity@s co3prehensie pan and ordinances. In addition+ infor3ation in the for3 of reports+ 5-etins+3aps+ and engineering data sha 5e readiy aaia5e and (idey distri5-ted. The City Co-nci 3ayset fees necessary to recoer the cost of proiding infor3ation to the p-5ic.

    The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay designated a Dep-ty Zoning &d3inistrator.

    #a8e interpretations regarding the proisions of this Ordinance per Section 22.212rant 3inor ariations fro3 the di3ensiona set5ac8+ height+ and area re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance6

    -p to a 3a4i3-3 ariation of 9 for set5ac8s and height i3itations6 and -p to a 3a4i3-3ariation of 9 or 1+000 s7-are feet for area re7-ire3ents (hicheer is ess6 so ong as the spiritand intent of the perfor3ance standards are presered.

    Subsection 22.20$ 8o&!' o A##e&-s

    There is here5y esta5ished a Joard of Zoning &ppeas for the City of Edgerton for the p-rpose of hearingappeas and appications+ and granting ariances to the proisions of this Zoning Ordinance in har3ony(ith the p-rpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Joard of &ppeas sha 5e organi/ed inaccordance (ith Chapter 2.09* of this #-nicipa Code.

    Subsection 22.20( 8ui-'in% Pe!7its

    "o per3it pertaining to the -se of and+ 5-idings or str-ct-res sha 5e iss-ed -ness the appication fors-ch per3it has 5een e4a3ined 5y the J-iding Inspector and he has signed it indicating that the proposed-se of and+ 5-idings+ or str-ct-res and any f-t-re proposed 5-idings or str-ct-res co3py (ith a of theproisions of this Chapter. &ny per3it or certificate of occ-pancy iss-ed in confict (ith the proisions ofthis chapter sha 5e n- and oid. See Section 20.0) for J-iding per3it reg-ations.

    Subsection 22.20) Ce!tiic&te o Occu#&nc"

    1 Pe!7its Reui!e': "o per3it pertaining to the -se of and+ 5-idings or str-ct-res sha 5e iss-ed-ness the appication for s-ch per3it has 5een e4a3ined 5y the J-iding Inspector and he has signedit indicating that the proposed -se of and+ 5-idings+ or str-ct-res and any f-t-re proposed 5-idingsor str-ct-res co3py (ith a of the proisions of this Chapter. &ny per3it or certificate ofocc-pancy iss-ed in confict (ith the proisions of this chapter sha 5e n- and oid. See Section20.0) for J-iding per3it reg-ations.

    2 L&n' ses &n' De,e-o#7ent Reui!in% & Ce!tiic&te o Occu#&nc":Certificate of Occ-pancy sha 5e re7-ired for any of the foo(ing :

    a Occ-pancy and -se of a 5-iding or str-ct-re hereafter erected or str-ct-ray atered.

    5 "e( occ-pancy and -se of an e4isting 5-iding (hen the ne( -se is of a different and -secassification.

    c &ny occ-pancy and -se of acant and.

    d "e( -se of acant and (hen the ne( -se is of a different and -se cassification.

    e &ny change in the -se of a nonconfor3ing -se. "o s-ch occ-pancy+ -se of or change of -se

    sha ta8e pace -nti a Certificate of Occ-pancy therefor sha hae 5een iss-ed 5y the CityJ-iding Inspector.

    * Issu&nce o Ce!tiic&te o Occu#&nc":

    a Eery appication for a J-iding %er3it sha aso 5e dee3ed to 5e an appication for aCertificate of Occ-pancy for a ne( 5-iding or for an e4isting 5-iding (hich is to 5es-5stantiay atered or enarged as deter3ined 5y the J-iding Inspector. S-ch Certificatesha 5e iss-ed (ithin ten (or8ing days after a (ritten re7-est for the sa3e has 5een 3ade to


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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    the J-iding Inspector after the erection or ateration of s-ch 5-iding or part thereof has 5eenco3peted in confor3ity (ith the proisions of this Ordinance.

    5 ,ritten appication for a Certificate of Occ-pancy for the -se of acant and or for a change inthe -se of and or of a 5-iding+ or for a change in a nonconfor3ing -se+ as herein proided+sha 5e 3ade to the J-iding Inspector 6 if the proposed -se is in confor3ity (ith theproisions of this Ordinance+ the Certificate of Occ-pancy sha 5e iss-ed (ithin ten (or8ing

    days after the appication therefor has 5een 3ade.c Eery Certificate of Occ-pancy sha state that 5oth the 5-iding+ and the proposed -se of

    5-iding or and+ s-5stantiay co3pies (ith a proisions of this Ordinance and the StateJ-iding Code. & record of a Certificates of Occ-pancy sha 5e 8ept on fie in the office ofthe J-iding Inspector and copies sha 5e f-rnished on re7-est to any person haingproprietary or tenancy interest in the 5-iding or and affected.

    d The J-iding Inspector sha officiay approe the appication and an occ-pancy per3it sha5e s-5se7-enty iss-ed to the appicant if the J-iding Inspector finds the foo(ing to 5e tr-e:the 5-iding co3pies (ith a City Ordinances and the $nifor3 D(eing Code6 the cr-shedaggregate 5ase co-rse for the street p-5ic or priate is instaed ao(ing ingress and egressto the 5-iding6 the City Engineer has approed the street i3proe3ents as 5eing accepta5e toao( ingress and egress to the 5-iding6 and road right=of=(ay has 5een dedicated.

    A Ce!tiic&te o Occu#&nc" o! Le%&- Noncono!7in% ses: $pon appication+ a Certificate ofOcc-pancy sha 5e iss-ed for a a(f- nonconfor3ing -ses of and or 5-idings created 5yadoption of this Ordinance+ or in e4istence at the effectie date of this Ordinance. &ppication fors-ch Certificate of Occ-pancy for nonconfor3ing -se sha 5e fied (ith the J-iding Inspector 5ythe o(ner or essee of the 5-iding or and occ-pied 5y s-ch nonconfor3ing -se (ithin one year ofthe effectie date of the Ordinance. It sha 5e the d-ty of the J-iding Inspector to iss-e aCertificate of Occ-pancy for a ega nonconfor3ing -se.

    9 Te!7in&tion o & Ce!tiic&te o Occu#&nc": It sha constit-te a ioation of this Ordinance for anyperson+ fir3+ corporation+ or o-ntary association+ either o(ner or agent+ to do any of the things3entioned in 22.2092+ a5oe+ (itho-t haing first o5tained a Certificate of Occ-pancy. &nyCertificate iss-ed -pon a fase state3ent of any fact (hich is 3ateria to the iss-ance thereof sha 5eoid. ,heneer the fact of s-ch fase state3ent sha 5e esta5ished to the satisfaction of theJ-iding Inspector+ he sha forth(ith reo8e the Certificate of Occ-pancy+ 5y notice in (riting to 5edeiered 5y hi3 to the hoder of the oid Certificate -pon the pre3ises (here the ioation hasocc-rred+ or if s-ch hoder 5e not fo-nd there+ 5y 3aiing the said notice of reocation 5y Certified'etter to his ast 8no(n address. &ny person (ho sha proceed thereafter (ith s-ch (or8 or -se(itho-t haing o5tained a ne( Certificate of Occ-pancy sha 5e dee3ed g-ity of ioation of thisOrdinance.

    ) Te7#o!&!" Ce!tiic&tes: $nder s-ch r-es and reg-ations as 3ay 5e esta5ished 5y the CityCo-nci+ the J-iding Inspector 3ay iss-ed a te3porary certificate of occ-pancy for part of a5-iding.

    ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21)


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    Subsection 22.20+ Con'ition&- se Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&-

    1 Pu!#ose

    a The p-rpose of this S-5section is to proide reg-ations (hich goern the proced-re andre7-ire3ents for the reie( and approa+ or denia+ of proposed conditiona -ses.

    5 Certain -ses in sit-ations (hich are of s-ch a specia nat-re+ or are so dependent -pon act-aconte3porary circ-3stances+ as to 3a8e i3practica the predeter3ination of per3issi5iity+ orthe detaiing in this Chapter of specific standards+ reg-ation+ or conditions (hich (o-dper3it s-ch deter3ination in each indiid-a sit-ation+ 3ay 5e per3itted as conditiona -ses.

    c $nder this Chapter+ a proposed Conditiona $se sha 5e denied -ness the &ppicant cande3onstrate+ to the satisfaction of the City+ that the proposed Conditiona $se (i not create3a;or -ndesira5e i3pacts on near5y properties+ the eniron3ent+ nor the co33-nity as a(hoe+ as deter3ined 5y the %an Co33ission per S-5section 22.20)Ad.

    2 Initi&tion o Reuest o! A##!o,&- o & Con'ition&- se : %roceedings for approa of a conditiona-se 3ay 5e initiated 5y an appication of the o(ners of the s-5;ect property.

    * A##-ic&tion Reui!e7ents: & appications for proposed conditiona -ses sha 5e approed as

    co3pete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5epaced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=ony ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+(itho-t an appication. Said appication sha 5e co3prised of a of the foo(ing -ness the Zoning&d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not appica5e to the petition:

    a & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a ands for (hich the conditiona -se is proposed.Said 3ap and a its parts and attach3ents sha 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is cearyreprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at a scae (hich is not ess than one inch e7-as)00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic scae+ and a north arro( sha 5eproided6

    5 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property and a other ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of thes-5;ect property+ together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a ands on said 3apas the sa3e appear on the c-rrent ta4 records of the City of Edgerton. Said 3ap sha ceary

    indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its enirons+ and the ;-risdictions(hich 3aintains that contro. Said 3ap and a its parts and attach3ents sha 5e s-53itted ina for3 (hich is ceary reprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at a scae (hich is notess than one inch e7-as )00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic scae+and a north arro( sha 5e proided. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the city+ at thediscretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6

    c & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se %an #ap+ of the generai/ed ocation of the s-5;ect property inreation to the City as a (hoe. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the city+ at thediscretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6

    d & (ritten description of the proposed conditiona -se descri5ing the type of actiities+5-idings+ and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect property and their genera ocations6

    e & site pan of the s-5;ect property as proposed for deeop3ent. Said site pan sha confor3

    to any and a the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21**. If the proposed conditiona -se is agro-p deeop3ent+ a proposed prei3inary pat or concept-a pat 3ay 5e s-5stit-ted for there7-ired site pan+ proided said pat contains a infor3ation re7-ired on said site pan perS-5section 22.21*6

    f &s an optiona re7-ire3ent+ the &ppicant 3ay (ish to proide (ritten ;-stification for theproposed conditiona -se consisting of the reasons (hy the &ppicant 5eiees the proposedconditiona -se is appropriate+ partic-ary as eidenced 5y co3piance (ith the standards setforth in S-5section Ac1.=).+ 5eo(.

    A Re,ie; b" Te Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The proposed conditiona -se sha 5e reie(ed 5y the


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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Zoning &d3inistrator as foo(s:

    a The Zoning &d3inistrator sha deter3ine (hether the appication is co3pete and f-fis there7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the appication isnot co3pete or does not f-fi the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha ret-rn the appicationto the &ppicant.

    5 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha reie( the appication and ea-ate and co33ent on the

    (ritten ;-stification for the proposed conditiona -se proided in the appication per S-5section*a=f+ a5oe.

    c The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay aso ea-ate the appication to deter3ine (hether there7-ested conditiona -se is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the Citys #aster %an+partic-ary as eidenced 5y co3piance (ith the standards of S-5section Ac1.=). 5eo(:


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    the s-5;ect property as identified in S-5section *5+ a5oe6 and to the Cer8 of any3-nicipaity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the ;-risdiction of thisChapter. Fai-re to 3ai said notice+ proided it is -nintentiona+ sha not inaidateproceedings -nder this S-5section.

    5 ,ithin )0 days after the p-5ic hearing or (ithin an e4tension of said period re7-ested in(riting 5y the &ppicant and granted 5y the %an Co33ission+ the %an Co33ission sha

    3a8e deter3ination regarding the appication as a (hoe. If the %an Co33ission 3a8es afaora5e of an appication+ it sha state in the 3in-tes and in a s-5se7-enty iss-ed (rittenconditiona -se per3it+ the foo(ing: that the potentia p-5ic 5enefits of the proposedconditiona -se o-t(eigh any and a potentia aderse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona -se+as identified in S-5sections Ac1.=).+ a5oe+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa 5ythe &ppicant.

    c If a faora5e finding is 3ade 5y the %an Co33ission+ the City staff sha prepare a (rittenconditiona -se per3it for %an Co33ission reie(.

    ) in&- Con'ition&- se Pe!7it b" te P-&n Co77ission: The %an Co33ission 3ay re7-est f-rtherinfor3ation andor additiona reports fro3 the Zoning &d3inistrator+ City staff andor the &ppicant.The %an Co33ission 3ay ta8e fina action on the appication at the ti3e of its initia 3eeting+ or3ay contin-e the proceedings at its discretion or at the &ppicants re7-est. The %an Co33ission

    3ay approe the conditiona -se as originay proposed+ 3ay approe the proposed conditiona -se(ith 3odifications per the reco33endations of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the &ppicant+ other Citystaff+ a-thori/ed o-tside e4perts+ genera p-5ic+ or its o(n 3e35ers or 3ay deny approa of theproposed conditiona -se. In a cases+ the %an Co33ission sha 3a8e findings regardingS-5section A+ a5oe. If the %an Co33ission (ishes to 3a8e significant changes in the proposedconditiona -se+ then the proced-re set forth in s. )2.2*d of the ,isconsin Stat-tes sha 5efoo(ed prior to %an Co33ission action. &ny action to a3end the proisions of the proposedconditiona -se per3it re7-ires a 3a;ority ote of the %an Co33ission. The %an Co33issionsapproa of the proposed conditiona -se sha 5e considered the approa of a -ni7-e re7-est+ andsha not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed conditiona -se.

    Eect o Deni&-: "o appication (hich has 5een denied either (hoy or in part sha 5eres-53itted for a period of 12 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne(

    eidence or proof of change of factors fo-nd aid 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator.

    Te!7in&tion o &n A##!o,e' Con'ition&- se: $pon approa 5y %an Co33ission+ the &ppicant3-st de3onstrate that the proposed conditiona -se 3eets a genera and specific conditiona -sere7-ire3ents in the site pan re7-ired for initiation of deeop3ent actiity on the s-5;ect propertyper S-5section 22.21*. Once a conditiona -se is granted+ no Erosion Contro %er3it+ Site %anapproa per S-5section 22.21*+ Certificate of Occ-pancy per S-5section 22.209+ or J-iding%er3it sha 5e iss-ed for any deeop3ent (hich does not co3py (ith a re7-ire3ents of thisChapter. &ny conditiona -se fo-nd not to 5e in co3piance (ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha 5econsidered in ioation of this Chapter and sha 5e s-5;ect to a appica5e proced-res and penaties.& conditiona -se 3ay 5e reo8ed for s-ch a ioation 5y 3a;ority ote of the City Co-nci+ foo(ingthe proced-res o-tined in S-5sections 2 thro-gh + a5oe.

    Ti7e Li7its on te De,e-o#7ent o Con'ition&- se: The start of constr-ction of any and aconditiona -ses sha 5e initiated (ithin *)9 days of their approa 5y %an Co33ission and sha 5eoperationa (ithin *0 days of said approa. Fai-re to initiate or co3pete deeop3ent (ithin thisperiod sha a-to3aticay constit-te a reocation of the conditiona -se. For the p-rposes of thisS-5section+ BoperationaB sha 5e defined as co3pying (ith the conditions of the conditiona -seper3it. %rior to s-ch a reocation+ the &ppicant 3ay re7-est an e4tension of this period. Saidre7-est sha re7-ire for3a approa 5y %an Co33ission and sha 5e 5ased -pon a sho(ing ofaccepta5e ;-stification as deter3ined 5y %an Co33ission.

    10 Discontinuin% &n A##!o,e' Con'ition&- se: &ny and a conditiona -ses (hich hae 5een


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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    discontin-ed for a period e4ceeding *)9 days sha hae their conditiona -se inaidateda-to3aticay. The 5-rden of proof sha 5e on the property o(ner to conc-siey de3onstrate thatthe s-5;ect conditiona -se (as operationa d-ring this period.

    11 C&n%e o O;ne!si#: & re7-ire3ents of the approed conditiona -se sha 5e contin-edregardess of o(nership of the s-5;ect property. #odification+ ateration+ or e4pansion of anyconditiona -se in ioation as approed per )+ a5oe+ (itho-t approa 5y %an Co33ission+ sha5e gro-nds for reocation of said conditiona -se approa per + a5oe.

    12 Reco!'in% o Con'ition&- se Reui!e7ents: E4cept for conditiona -se approas for te3porary-ses+ a doc-3ents associated (ith the (ritten description+ the approed site pan+ and the specificre7-ire3ents of approa+ and a 3e3orand-3 referring to and stating the genera p-rpose of theconditiona -se aong (ith a ega description of the s-5;ect property+ sha 5e recorded 5y the City(ith the Co-nty !egister of Deeds office.

    1* Notice to te DNR: The %an Co33ission sha trans3it a copy of each appication for a conditiona-se for conserancy reg-ations in the Shoreand=,etand+ Food(ay+ Foodpain+ or FoodfringeOeray Zoning Districts to the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra !eso-rces D"! for reie( andco33ent at east 10 days prior to any p-5ic hearings. Fina action on the appication sha not 5eta8en for *0 days or -nti the D"! has 3ade its reco33endation+ (hicheer co3es first. & copy of

    a decisions reating to conditiona -ses for shoreand=(etand conserancy reg-ations or tofoodand reg-ations sha 5e trans3itted to the D"! (ithin 10 days of the date of s-ch decision.

    1A ee: One or 3ore fees are re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21.

    Subsection 22.20 se Pe!7itte' b" Ri%t ;it S#eci&- Reui!e7ents Re,ie; &n'


    1 Pu!#ose

    a The p-rpose of this Section is to proide reg-ations (hich goern the proced-re andre7-ire3ents for the reie( and approa+ or denia+ of proposed -ses per3itted 5y right (ithspecia re7-ire3ents.

    5 $ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3ents are those -ses (hich hae the potentia to

    create -ndesira5e i3pacts on near5y properties if ao(ed to deeop si3py -nder the generare7-ire3ents of this Chapter. In order to preent this fro3 occ-rring+ a -ses per3itted 5yright (ith specia re7-ire3ents are re7-ired to 3eet certain re7-ire3ents appica5e ony to-ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3ents+ in addition to the genera re7-ire3ents ofthis Chapter and the re7-ire3ents of the /oning district in (hich the s-5;ect property isocated.

    c 'and -ses proposed (hich fai to 3eet one of the re7-ire3ents for -ses per3itted 5y right (ithspecia re7-ire3ents of Section 22.20+ 3ay 5e reie(ed as a conditiona -se+ per Section22.20).

    2 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to A-- se Pe!7itte' b" Ri%t ;it S#eci&- Reui!e7ents : "o p-5ichearing is re7-ired to deeop a -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3ents+ ho(eer+ ade3onstration that the deeoper proposes to 3eet a re7-ire3ents for -ses per3itted 5y right (ithspecia re7-ire3ents of this Chapter 3-st 5e 3ade at ti3e of site pan appication. F-rther3ore+ noJ-iding %er3it sha 5e iss-ed for any deeop3ent (hich does not co3py (ith a re7-ire3ents ofthis Chapter. &ny -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3ents fo-nd not to 5e in co3piance(ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha 5e considered in ioation of this Chapter and sha 5e s-5;ect toa appica5e proced-res and penaties.

    * A##-ic&tion Reui!e7ents: & appications for proposed -ses per3itted 5y right (ith speciare7-ire3ents+ sha 5e approed as co3pete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the proposed -seper3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3ents. Said co3pete appication sha 5e co3prised of a of


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    the foo(ing -ness the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not appica5e tothe petition.

    a & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a ands for (hich the -se per3itted 5y right (ithspecia re7-ire3ents is proposed. Said 3ap sha ceary indicate the c-rrent /oning of thes-5;ect property and its enirons+ and the ;-risdictions (hich 3aintains that contro. Said3ap and a its parts and attach3ents sha 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is ceary

    reprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at a scae (hich is not ess than one inch e7-as)00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic scae+ and a north arro( sha 5eproided6

    5 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se %an #ap+ of the generai/ed ocation of the s-5;ect property inreation to the City as a (hoe G"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the City+ at the discretion ofthe Zoning &d3inistratorH6

    c & (ritten description of the proposed -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia re7-ire3entsdescri5ing the type of actiities+ 5-idings+ and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect propertyand their genera ocations6 and+

    d & site pan of the s-5;ect property as proposed for deeop3ent. Said site pan sha confor3to any and a the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.21*.

    A A##!o,&- b" te Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: &pproa of a -se per3itted 5y right (ith speciare7-ire3ents sha 5e 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator foo(ing reie( of said co3pete appication per* a5oe.

    9 ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to Section 22.21

    Subsection 22.20/ Te7#o!&!" se Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&-

    1 Pu!#ose

    a The p-rpose of this Section is to proide reg-ations (hich goern the proced-re andre7-ire3ents for the reie( and approa+ or denia+ of proposed te3porary -se.

    5 Te3porary -ses are those -ses (hich hae the potentia to create -ndesira5e i3pacts onnear5y properties if ao(ed to deeop si3py -nder the genera re7-ire3ents of this Chapter.

    In addition to s-ch potentia+ te3porary -ses aso hae the potentia to create -ndesira5ei3pacts on near5y properties (hich potentiay cannot 5e deter3ined e4cept on a case 5y case5asis. In order to preent this fro3 occ-rring+ a te3porary -ses are re7-ired to 3eet certainproced-ra re7-ire3ents appica5e ony to te3porary -ses+ in addition to the generare7-ire3ents of this Chapter and the re7-ire3ents of the /oning district in (hich the s-5;ectproperty is ocated.

    c 'and -ses proposed (hich fai to 3eet one of the re7-ire3ents for te3porary -ses of Section22.20+ 3ay 5e reie(ed as a conditiona -se+ per Section 22.20).

    2 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to A-- Te7#o!&!" ses: "o p-5ic hearing is re7-ired to deeop ate3porary -se+ ho(eer+ a de3onstration that the deeoper proposes to 3eet a te3porary -sere7-ire3ents of this Chapter 3-st 5e 3ade at ti3e of site pan appication. F-rther3ore+ noJ-iding %er3it sha 5e iss-ed for any deeop3ent (hich does not co3py (ith a re7-ire3ents of

    this Chapter. &ny te3porary -se fo-nd not to 5e in co3piance (ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha5e considered in ioation of this Chapter and sha 5e s-5;ect to a appica5e proced-res andpenaties.

    * A##-ic&tion Reui!e7ents: & appications for proposed te3porary -ses+ sha 5e approed asco3pete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the proposed te3porary -se. Said co3peteappication sha 5e co3prised of a of the foo(ing -ness the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines aspecific re7-ire3ent is not appica5e to the petition.

    a & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a ands for (hich the te3porary -se is proposed.


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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    Said 3ap sha ceary indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its enirons+ andthe ;-risdictions (hich 3aintains that contro. Said 3ap and a its parts and attach3entssha 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is ceary reprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at ascae (hich is not ess than one inch e7-as )00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ectproperty+ a graphic scae+ and a north arro( sha 5e proided6

    5 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se %an #ap+ of the generai/ed ocation of the s-5;ect property in

    reation to the City as a (hoe G"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the City+ at the discretion ofthe Zoning &d3inistratorH6

    c & (ritten description of the proposed te3porary -se descri5ing the type of actiities+ 5-idings+and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect property and their genera ocations6 and+

    d & site pan of the s-5;ect property as proposed for deeop3ent. Said site pan sha confor3to any and a the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.21*.

    A A##!o,&- b" te Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: &pproa of a te3porary -se sha 5e 5y the Zoning&d3inistrator foo(ing reie( of said co3pete appication per * a5oe.

    9 ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to Section 22.21

    Subsection 22.20B A7en'7ent o Zonin% Re%u-&tions

    1 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to proide reg-ations (hich goern the proced-re andre7-ire3ents for the reie( and approa+ or denia+ of proposed a3end3ents to proisions of thisChapter. !efer to the re7-ire3ents of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*d.

    2 Initi&tion o Reuest o! A7en'7ent to tis Cte!%roceedings for a3end3ent of this Chapter 3ay 5e initiated 5y any one of the foo(ing three3ethods:

    a an appication 5y any 3e35er of the genera p-5ic6

    5 a reco33endation of the City staff or %an Co33ission6 or

    c 5y action of the City Co-nci.

    * A##-ic&tion Reui!e7ents: & appications for proposed a3end3ents to this Chapter+ regardess of

    the party of their initiation per 2 a5oe sha 5e approed as co3pete 5y the Zoning &d3inistratorprior to the for3a initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e paced on any agenda as adisc-ssion=ony ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an appication. Saidco3pete appication sha 5e co3prised of a of the foo(ing -ness the Zoning &d3inistratordeter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not appica5e to the petition.

    a & copy of the portion of the c-rrent proisions of this Chapter (hich are proposed to 5ea3ended+ (ith said proisions ceary indicated in a 3anner (hich is ceary reprod-ci5e (itha photocopier6

    5 & copy of the te4t (hich is proposed to repace the c-rrent te4t6 and

    c &s an optiona re7-ire3ent+ the &ppicant 3ay (ish to proide (ritten ;-stification for theproposed te4t a3end3ent+ consisting of the reasons (hy the &ppicant 5eiees the proposedte4t a3end3ent is in har3ony (ith the reco33endation of the City of Edgerton #aster %an+

    partic-ary as eidenced 5y co3piance (ith the standards set o-t in s-5section Ac1.=9.+5eo(.

    A Re,ie; b" te Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The proposed te4t a3end3ent sha 5e reie(ed 5y theZoning &d3inistrator as foo(s:

    a The Zoning &d3inistrator sha deter3ine (hether the appication is co3pete and f-fis there7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the appication isnot co3pete or does not f-fi the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha ret-rn the appicationto the &ppicant.


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    5 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha reie( the appication and ea-ate and co33ent on the(ritten ;-stification for the proposed te4t a3end3ent proided in the appication perS-5section *a=c+ a5oe.

    c The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay aso ea-ate the appication to deter3ine (hether there7-ested te4t a3end3ent is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of Edgertons#aster %an+ partic-ary as eidenced 5y co3piance (ith the standards of S-5section A

    c1.=9. 5eo(:1.

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    Section 22.200 City of Edgerton&d3inistration and %roced-res Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

    an e4tension of said period re7-ested in (riting 5y the &ppicant and granted 5y the %anCo33ission+ the %an Co33ission sha 3a8e a (ritten report to the City Co-nci+ andorsha state in the 3in-tes+ stating its findings regarding S-5section A+ a5oe+ and itsreco33endations regarding the appication as a (hoe. Said report sha inc-de a for3afinding of facts deeoped and approed 5y the %an Co33ission concerning the re7-ire3entsof Ac1. thro-gh 9.+ a5oe.

    c If the %an Co33ission fais to 3a8e a report (ithin )0 days after the fiing of said co3peteappication and in the a5sence of a &ppicant=approed e4tension per 5+ a5oe+ then theCity Co-nci 3ay initiate )+ 5eo(+ (ithin *0 days after the e4piration of said )0 day period.Fai-re to receie said (ritten report fro3 the %an Co33ission per S-5section 95+ a5oe+sha not inaidate the proceedings or actions of City Co-nci. State Law Reference: Section62.23(7)(d).

    d If the %an Co33ission reco33ends approa of an appication+ it sha state in the 3in-tes orin a s-5se7-enty iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting itsconc-sion as to the foo(ing: that the potentia p-5ic 5enefits of the proposed te4ta3end3ent o-t(eigh a potentia aderse i3pacts of the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ asidentified in S-5sections Ac1.=9. a5oe+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa 5y the&ppicant.

    ) Re,ie; &n' Action b" Cit" Counci-:

    a City Co-nci sha consider the %an Co33issions reco33endation regarding the proposedte4t a3end3ent. The Co-nci 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andor additiona reports fro3the %an Co33ission+ Zoning &d3inistrator+ andor the &ppicant.

    5 The City Co-nci sha foo( the proced-res for first and second reading of ordinances andreso-tions per Section *.** of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa Code+ and sha not act -ponthe proposed te4t a3end3ent -nti after the second reading of the proposed te4t a3end3ent.

    c The Co-nci 3ay ta8e fina action on the appication foo(ing the second reading+ or 3aycontin-e the proceedings at the &ppicants re7-est. City Co-nci 3ay approe the a3end3entas originay proposed+ 3ay approe the proposed a3end3ent (ith 3odifications per thereco33endations of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the %an Co33ission+ a-thori/ed o-tsidee4perts+ or its o(n 3e35ers+ or 3ay deny approa of the proposed a3end3ent. If the City

    Co-nci (ishes to 3a8e significant changes in the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ as reco33ended5y the %an Co33ission+ then the proced-re set forth in Section )2.2*d of the ,isconsinStat-tes sha 5e foo(ed prior to Co-nci action. &ny action to a3end the proisions of theproposed a3end3ent re7-ires a 3a;ority ote of the Co-nci.

    d ,hen the City Co-nci ta8es action on the appication+ it sha state in the 3in-tes andor in as-5se7-enty iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting itsconc-sion as to the foo(ing: that the potentia p-5ic 5enefits of the proposed te4ta3end3ent o-t(eigh+ or do not o-t(eigh+ any and a potentia aderse i3pacts of theproposed te4t a3end3ent+ as identified in S-5sections 22.20Ac1.=9. a5oe+ after ta8inginto consideration the proposa 5y the appicant and the reco33endation of the %anCo33ission.

    e The City Co-ncis approa of the re7-ested a3end3ent sha 5e considered the approa of a

    -ni7-e re7-est+ and sha not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed a3end3ent.

    Eect o Deni&-: "o appication (hich has 5een denied either (hoy or in part sha 5eres-53itted for a period of 12 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne(eidence or proof of change of factors fo-nd aid 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator.

    ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21.


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    City of Edgerton Section 22.200Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance &d3inistration and %roced-res

    Subsection 22.210 A7en'7ent o Oici&- Zonin% ?

    1 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to proide reg-ations (hich goern the proced-re andre7-ire3ents for the reie( and approa+ or denia+ of proposed a3end3ents to proisions of theOfficia Zoning #ap. !efer to the re7-ire3ents of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*d2.

    2 Initi&tion o Reuest o! A7en'7ent to Oici&- Zonin% ?: %roceedings for a3end3ent of the

    Officia Zoning #ap 3ay 5e initiated 5y any one of the foo(ing three 3ethods:

    a an appication of the o(ners of the s-5;ect property6

    5 a reco33endation of the City staff or the %an Co33ission6 or

    c 5y action of the City Co-nci.

    * A##-ic&tion Reui!e7ents: & appications for proposed a3end3ents to the Officia Zoning #ap+regardess of the party of their initiation per 2 a5oe+ sha 5e fied in the office of the Zoning&d3inistrator+ and sha 5e approed as co3pete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the for3ainitiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e paced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=ony ite3+ (iththe per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an appication. Said co3pete appication sha5e co3prised of a of the foo(ing -ness the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specificre7-ire3ent is not appica5e to the petition.

    a & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a ands for (hich the /oning 3ap a3end3ent isproposed. Said 3ap and a its parts and attach3ents sha 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich isceary reprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at a scae (hich is not ess than one inche7-as )00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic scae+ and a north arro(sha 5e proided6

    5 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property and a other ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of thes-5;ect property together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a ands on said 3apas the sa3e appear on the c-rrent ta4 records of the City of Edgerton. Said 3ap sha cearyindicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its enirons+ and the ;-risdictions(hich 3aintains that contro. Said 3ap and a its parts and attach3ents sha 5e s-53itted ina for3 (hich is ceary reprod-ci5e (ith a photocopier+ and sha 5e at a scae (hich is notess than one inch e7-as )00 feet. & ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic scae+

    and a north arro( sha 5e proided. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the city+ at thediscretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6

    c & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se %an #ap+ of the generai/ed ocation of the s-5;ect property inreation to the City as a (hoe. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e proided 5y the city+ at thedis
