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City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in...

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Notice of Council & Committee Meetings NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88 of the Local Government Act 1999, that a meeting of the COUNCIL and Corporate and Regulatory Standing Committee Strategy and Community Standing Committee of the CITY OF WEST TORRENS will be held in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton on TUESDAY, 15 JULY 2014 at 7.30 PM Terry Buss Chief Executive Officer City of West Torrens Disclaimer Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision.
Page 1: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

Notice of Council & Committee Meetings

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88 of the Local Government Act 1999, that a meeting of the


and • Corporate and Regulatory Standing Committee • Strategy and Community Standing Committee

of the


will be held in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton


TUESDAY, 15 JULY 2014 at 7.30 PM

Terry Buss Chief Executive Officer

City of West Torrens Disclaimer Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision.

Page 2: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that



1. MEETING OPENED ...................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Evacuation Procedure ....................................................................................... 1

2. PRESENT ..................................................................................................................... 1

3. APOLOGIES ................................................................................................................. 1

4. DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS ...................................................................................... 1

5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ................................................................................... 1

6. MAYOR'S REPORT ...................................................................................................... 1

7. ELECTED MEMBER REPORTS .................................................................................. 2

8. PETITIONS ................................................................................................................... 2

9. DEPUTATIONS ............................................................................................................ 2

10. ADJOURN INTO STANDING COMMITTEES ............................................................... 2


11.1 CORPORATE AND REGULATORY COMMITTEE.............................................. 2

11.2 STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE .................................................... 2

12. ADOPTION OF GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 3

13. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ........................................................................................ 3

13.1 Development Plan and Development Assessment Process ........................... 3

14. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ................................................................................. 4

15. MOTIONS WITH NOTICE ............................................................................................. 4

15.1 Bust of John Hallett at the Brickworks Marketplace Site ................................ 4

15.2 Leave of Absence - Cr Sarris ............................................................................ 5

16. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ..................................................................................... 5

17. REPORTS OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ...................................................... 6

17.1 Crime Report - Camden Park Area .................................................................... 6

17.2 Road Closure - Church of St Nicholas Street Party 2014 .............................. 16

17.3 Kaurna ILUA Liaison Committee - Nomination .............................................. 21

17.4 Australian Airports Association National Conference 2014.......................... 29

17.5 2014 Joy Baluch Award Nominations ............................................................. 34

18. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS .......................................................................... 40

18.1 Local Government Circulars ........................................................................... 40

19. MEMBERS' BOOKSHELF .......................................................................................... 45

20. CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................................ 45

20.1 State Emergency Management Committee Nominees .................................. 45

20.2 Proposed Natural Resources Management Levy 2014/15 ............................. 45

20.3 Urban Ecology Australia.................................................................................. 45

20.4 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Minutes ............................................................................................................. 45

21. CONFIDENTIAL ......................................................................................................... 57

Page 3: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 22. MEETING CLOSE ...................................................................................................... 57

Page 4: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


1.1 Evacuation Procedure 2. PRESENT



The following information should be considered by Council Members prior to a meeting: 1. Consider Section 73 of the Local Government Act and determine whether they have a conflict

of interest in any matter to be considered in this Agenda; and

2. Disclose these interests in accordance with the requirements of Sections 74 and 75 of the Local Government Act 1999.

The following disclosures of interest have been made in relation to:


RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 1 July 2014 be confirmed as a true and correct record. 6. MAYOR'S REPORT

(Preliminary report as of Thursday night 10 July 2014 for the agenda to be distributed Friday, 11 July 2014) In the two weeks since the last Council Meeting of 1 July 2014 functions and meetings involving the Mayor have included: Wednesday Thursday 3 July 11.30am Attended the West Beach Combined Probus Club 21st Birthday celebrations. 6.00pm Participated in the West Torrens Road Safety Committee meeting. Friday 4 July 5.30pm Attended the pre match dinner prior to the game between West Adelaide and the

Adelaide Crows Reserves at City Mazda Stadium. Tuesday 8 July 6.30pm Participated in a meeting with CEO Terry Buss, Deputy CEO Declan Moore, Manager

Community Services Danny Broderick, Crs McKay and Mangos to discuss the ANZAC Centenary Commemoration in the City of West Torrens for April 2015..

Page 5: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 2 Wednesday 9 July 4.30pm Participated in the Metropolitan Local Government Group meeting at LGA House. In addition, after the compilation of this report on Thursday as part of the distributed Agenda, but before next Tuesday's Council meeting, I also expect to have attended or participated in the following: Saturday 12 July 6.30pm Attending in my capacity as Patron, the West Adelaide Football Club Gala Auction. Tuesday 15 July 6.00pm Pre meeting briefing. 7.30pm Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Mayor's Report be noted. 7. ELECTED MEMBER REPORTS




RECOMMENDATION That the meeting be adjourned, move into Standing Committees and reconvene at the conclusion of the Strategy and Community Standing Committee. 11. ADOPTION OF STANDING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS

11.1 CORPORATE AND REGULATORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That the recommendations of the Corporate and Regulatory Standing Committee held on 15 July 2014 be adopted. 11.2 STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That the recommendations of the Strategy and Community Standing Committee held on 15 July 2014 be adopted.

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13.1 Development Plan and Development Assessment Process Cr Mangos has given notice of his intention to ask the following questions: Question 1 When a development not approved by the DAP is challenged and goes to the next level the DAC Court. Why is the resolution from the DAC in confidence go to the DAP in Confidence.? Where is the transparency? Answer When a decision of the DAP has been appealed to the ERD Court, the matter is required by the Environment, Resources & Development Court Act 1993 to be dealt with in confidence until a decision of the Court has been made. Question 2 Why is not the public allowed to hear the decision of the DAP from the DAC. Answer The public is allowed to hear the decision of the DAP, the DAC and the ERD Court, once a decision has been made. Question 3 When a Category 3 development , a business is located in a residential zone are Commercial rates applied to that property. Answer Rates are applied in accordance with the land use regardless of the Zone or Policy Area of the property. Question 4 If an "illegal" use of a property is operating in a residential zone, Why does the law allow its continuance of use, if in our planning regulations and law hold, why have a Category for land use if it can't be upheld. Answer Once a development application has been lodged, Council is prevented (by the ERD Court) from undertaking compliance action against an unauthorised use until such time as the development application has been fully resolved. If the resulting decision is that the use is approved then the use becomes 'authorised' and no further action is required. Alternately if the resulting decision is that the use is refused then, subject to appeals, compliance action will commence. Question 5 If an area is zoned residential why can other uses occur on a property? And be allowed to continue of they do not fit the R1 guidelines.

Page 7: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 4 Answer Each Zone has a series of envisaged uses, the wording of Residential Zone permits non dwelling uses such as:

• Childcare • Health & welfare service • Primary school • Secondary school • Recreation area • Shop (measuring under 250sqm floor area) • Supported accommodation

Question 6 Why do we as a Council have these plans when they are so loose a fish an even sharks swim through the net? Answer It is virtually impossible to envisage every potential combination and scenario when writing policy this at times results in unexpected consequences. Council has an opportunity to address these matters during Section 30 Reviews and subsequent DPAs, but the resulting Development Plan must still conform to the State Government's planning regime and obtain the consent of the Minister. Question 7 How can council protect residents from this type of encroachment of Non complying uses in residential zones. Answer "Non-complying use" is a very specific term used in the Development Act 1993 and Council's Development Plan to describe developments that are specifically mentioned as not wanted in a particular area, in the Residential Zone, these include:

• Caravan Park • Hospital • Hotel • Restaurant • Warehouse • Wrecking Yard • Etc

"Non-complying uses" are very easy for Council to refuse and there are no appeal rights if they are refused. However, there are many uses that are neither "non-complying" or "envisaged", it is these uses that can be difficult to assess and prevent. 14. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE


15.1 Bust of John Hallett at the Brickworks Marketplace Site Cr Mangos has indicated his intention to move the following motion: That the Administration prepare a cost estimate for referral to the 2015/16 budget to commission a bust of John Hallett for placement at a suitable location at the Brickworks Marketplace site.

Page 8: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 5 15.2 Leave of Absence - Cr Sarris Cr Sarris has indicated his intention to move the following motion. That Cr Sarris be granted a leave of absence from Council for the period of 17 July to 7 September 2014. 16. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE

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17.1 Crime Report - Camden Park Area Brief This report seeks to provide an overview of crime statistics in the Camden Park area following reports of an escalation of crime related activities in the first half of 2014 and possible actions by Council to address this matter. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended to Council that: 1. The report about crime in Camden Park be received 2. The intervention strategies listed in this report be noted and that Council undertake the

following actions to help address crime related activities in the Camden Park area and the Council area generally:

a. Provide in-kind support as deemed appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer to assist

in the re-establishment of Neighbourhood Watch for Camden Park b. Work with SAPOL to implement the Council resolution carried 1 July 2014 relating to the

use of Council's existing banner sites and its variable message board signs to promote appropriate messages that reinforce the importance of crime prevention in our city.

c. Promote crime prevention messages in our monthly Messenger feature column and

Talking Points as deemed appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer. d. Promote crime prevention messages and links to SAPOLs web site when Council goes

live with its own social media sites in the coming weeks. Introduction Following reports of a recent escalation of crime related activities in the Camden Park area in the first half of 2014 especially in relation to Residential SCT offences (serious criminal trespass), Council at its meeting held 17 June 2014 resolved that a report be prepared by the Administration on this issue with any suggested recommendations to Council that could assist to address this concern. In preparing this report the Administration has relied upon data and comments provided by the Sturt Local Service Area of SAPOL, noting that the data are somewhat constrained in terms of privacy provisions and SAPOL operations. Accordingly, this report provides a general overview of crime activities in the area and the suggested recommendations or intervention strategies are, for the most part, suitable for implementation by local government if it so chooses. Discussion Local government is increasingly becoming a key player in community-based crime prevention. Councils are responsible for a range of services that contribute to crime prevention, including managing public spaces, building design, providing a range of community services and developing policies that affect local businesses and residents. More recently, there has been increasing pressure on local government to contribute to the delivery of a variety of social services and to engage in social planning. Councils are often involved in developing and implementing a range of crime prevention initiatives, frequently in partnership with other stakeholders such as police and non-government organisations. This can include things such as helping to raise residential awareness of personal

Page 10: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 7 and household security measures, improving street lighting and ensuring that consideration is given to the impact of urban planning and new developments on community safety, and delivering community events and cultural programs to help build a sense of community. In high crime areas, albeit most noticeably interstate and overseas, Councils may also be the lead agency in the development of local crime prevention plans, which identify and prioritise concerns about community safety and crime prevention in specific locations , and identify key action areas and those responsible for those actions (including, police, security, councils etc). Furthermore, it is worth noting that there are significant differences between the roles and responsibilities of local government in Australia compared with other countries. This has important implications for assessing the suitability of crime prevention strategies, institutional arrangements and governance structures developed and implemented by local government. For example, some care is required in determining whether local governments in South Australia have the capacity in terms of resources and responsibilities to implement imported strategies being delivered by local government in, for example, the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, the ability of local government to influence factors that provide the opportunities for crime to occur and an increasing role in the delivery of social services, means that councils are an important player in the planning and implementation of crime prevention plans and projects. The Sturt Local Service Area (LSA) response covers 224 square kilometres and encompasses the western suburbs districts from the Torrens River in the north to the Field River in the south and the eastern boundary extends up to Eagle on the Hill. Two major patrol bases (Sturt Police Complex) located at Sturt Road Bedford Park and (Netley Police Complex) Marion Road Netley service this area. There are also 3 satellite stations of Glenelg, Hallett Cove and Malvern as well as a police office within the Westfield Marion Shopping Complex. The LSA incorporates the local government areas of Holdfast Bay, Marion, Unley, Mitcham, West Torrens and parts of the Onkaparinga council districts and provides a policing service to more than 390,000 residents. At the Police and Community Engagement Forum held at the West Adelaide Football Club on 4 June 2014, the following data was presented relating to the Sturt LSA (Local Service Area) which includes the suburb of Camden Park.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 11 While the above graphs reflect data and trends for the whole of the Sturt LSA, the Administration sought the assistance of SAPOL to provide more meaningful data specifically for Camden Park. Accordingly, SAPOL provided the following data for the period 1/1/14 to 24/6/14.

Camden Park Neighbourhood Watch Area 479

Crime reported from 1/1/14 to 24/6/14 Break-ins: 15/1/14 Unit on Anzac Highway. Window jemmied & TV stolen. 21/2/14 Curzon St. Entry gained through smashing glass door panel. 25/2/14 Creslin Tce. Rear window smashed. Jewellery & cash stolen. 3/4/14 Whelan Ave. Forced rear sliding window. Jewellery stolen. 14/3/14 Penong Ave. Access via insecure door. 22/3/14 Bourlang Ave. Access gained & stole bag, cash, jewellery & other items. 22/3/14 Bourlang Ave. Access gained & stole jewellery. 23/3/14 Bourlang Ave. Smashed rear window & stole property. 23/3/14 Stonehouse Ave. Smashed bathroom window & stole property. 24/3/14 Cromer St. Smashed laundry window & stole jewellery. 25/3/14 Gardner St. Jemmied rear window & stole jewellery. 25/3/14 Penong Ave. Entry through rear window & stole jewellery. 27/3/14 Bristol Ave. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 28/3/14 Whelan Ave. Smashed rear window. No access gained. 31/3/14 Patricia Ave. Smashed side window & stole cash. 28/3/14 Patricia Ave. Jemmied rear window & stole IPAD. 28/3/14 Carlisle St. Flyscreen removed. No access gained. 28/3/14 Carlisle St. Windows & door damaged. Nil stolen. 29/3/14 Capper St. Removed rear flyscreen, forced window & stole jewellery. 30/3/14 Mabel Tce. Access through smashed door. Stole purse & contents. Disturbed by home

owner. 30/3/14 Capper St. Smashed side window. Purse & contents stolen. 16/4/14 Anzac Highway. Stole shoes from unlocked shed. 17/4/14 Patricia Ave. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 21/4/14 Carlton Rd. Jemmied side window & gained access. 19/4/14 Whelan Ave. Rear flyscreen cut & access gained. 20/4/14 Curzon St. Rear screen removed & window cracked. Nil access. 20/4/14 Capper St. Rear window jemmied open. 21/4/14 Gardner St. Smashed rear window & gained access. 30/4/14 Victoria Ave. Removed rear flyscreen and pushed open window. Jewellery stolen. 1/5/14 Pensford Crt. Attempted to force rear screen. No access. 1/5/14 Curzon St. Access gained & property stolen. 5/5/14 Capper St. Access via side window. Jewellery stolen. 20/5/14 Clifton St. Jemmied side window & stole jewellery. 3/5/14 Curzon St. Cut rear screen & access via door. Jewellery stolen. 3/5/14 Curzon St. Smashed rear window. 3/5/14 Carlton St. Jemmied side window. Jewellery stolen. 19/5/14 Carlisle St. Jemmied rear window. 6/5/14 Clifton St. Removed screen & access via window. Jewellery stolen. 6/5/14 Penong Ave. Jemmied rear door & stole jewellery. 6/5/14 Clifton St. Jemmied rear window. 6/5/14 Capper St. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 8/5/14 Curzon St. Jemmied side window. 7/5/14 Victoria Ave. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 7/5/14 Curzon St. Removed screen & access gained. 9/5/14 Salisbury Tce. Entry via side window & stole jewellery.

Page 15: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 12 Break-ins (cont'd): 21/5/14 Jeanie St. Smashed side window. 22/5/14 Deeds Rd. Jemmied rear door& stole electrical items. 27/5/14 Clifton St. Flyscreen removed & attempt to force window. No access. 1/6/14 Capper St. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 29/5/14 Anzac Highway. Screen removed. Activated alarm. No access. 30/5/14 Clifton St. Removed flyscreen & damaged window lock. Nil access. 31/5/14 Acorn rd. Attempt to remove door locks. No access. 1/6/14 Cromer St. Forced laundry window. Jewellery stolen. 31/5/14 Cromer St. Jemmied rear window & access gained. 31/5/14 Cromer St. Smashed rear window & stole jewellery. 7/6/14 Curzon St. Damaged flyscreens. No access gained. Vehicle offences: 2/1/14 Acorn Rd. Rego plates stolen from van parked in driveway. 14/2/14 Stonehouse Ave. Car stolen from carport. 16/3/14 Gunnawarra Ave. Briefcase & contents stolen from vehicle. 18/3/14 Gunnawarra Ave. Wallet & contents stolen from car parked in street. 20/3/14 Whelan Ave. Smashed window, reached in to unlock door. Laptop stolen. 28/3/14 Henderson Crt. Property stolen form utility parked at unit complex. 17/4/14 Curzon St. Smashed window & stole purse & contents. 30/4/14 Carlisle St. Entry via unlocked driver’s door. Stole laptop & other property. 30/4/14 Curzon St. Rear window smashed of vehicle parked in street. Cash stolen. 6/5/14 Victoria Ave. Vehicle stolen form driveway. 5/6/14 Curzon St. Front number plate stolen from vehicle. 24/6/14 Patricia Ave. Passenger door jemmied open. SAPOL has also provided the following comments in relation to activities in Camden Park: • The community have held 2 of their own meetings, organised by local resident Ms Storey.

Dave Modra from Sturt CIB attended the 2nd meeting and discussed the police operational issues and crime figures.

• Senior Sergeant Jones attended a community meeting on 24/6/14 at which 40+ residents

attended. It is understood 2 elected councillors attended, further discussion took place re the ongoing problems, Senior Sergeant Jones presented on Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)and Kev Taylor WatchSA gave a presentation.

Twenty of those attending the last meeting filled in applications to volunteer and restart the NHW group which closed 8 years ago.

• Senior Sergeant Jones attended another community meeting at Ms Storey's house on Wednesday 2/7/14 and spoke to and signed up another 11 residents to join NHW (those that could not attend previous meetings).

• The next community meeting is planned for early/mid-August at which it is envisaged filling

the committee positions and officially get the group started. We have yet to identify a police coordinator and that is a work in progress.

• On a more proactive basis SAPOL have commenced Operation Saturate – including Traffic /

Patrols / CIB Tactical with High visibility policing incorporating Dog Operations, Mounted Operations, STAR Operations, State Tactical Response Group, local General Duties Patrols and plain clothes officers. Westfield Marion Response bike patrols have also been utilised where appropriate, in addition to maintaining Directed Patrolling to the area (taskings permitting) and this has included monitoring the tram Stop at Morphettville as well as bus stops.

Page 16: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 13 • CIB Tac have Operation Ainu running and this has included SCT’s in the Camden Park area.

In the past 3 weeks the CIB Tac have concentrated their efforts in the area through targeting offenders using any information available to locate and arrest those involved. At least three offenders (offending in the area in question) have been arrested to date and whilst the SCT’s have dropped off a little we still seek continued support from the community as this is essential.

Following further discussions with SAPOL (Sturt SLA) they provided some additional analysis of the data for Camden Park. The top 5 offences for Camden Park in 2013/14 were as follows:

SAPOL - Camden Park - Sturt LSA Total Variance to 2012/13

SCT - Residence 63 200%

Other theft 49 -8%

Other property damage and environmental 25 14%

Theft from motor vehicle 14 -22%

Common Assault 10 233% Looking solely at residential SCT’s, the main entry method was Break/Smash (33%), Jemmied (25%), a Window (70%) via the Rear (44%) or Side (19%) of the premises. Targeted property was predominately jewellery. The highest months for residential SCT’s during 2013/14 were May (19), followed by March (16) and April (9) and June (6). All remaining months incurred between 1-3 reported incidents. Majority of the incidents reported (for residential SCT) occurred over the weekend period and Fridays, primarily during Multi – Shift or Afternoon shift (1600 -1930 hours). For clarity, Residential SCT is distinct from robbery in that in involves trespass into the property when no inhabitants are present. If persons are present when the trespass occurs it becomes robbery or assault depending on the outcomes and nature of the trespass. From a brief review of various crime prevention literature available, the following extracts are worth noting: 1. The occurrence of residential burglary is frequently attributed to its opportunistic nature.

Many Australian households are an attractive target for offenders due to the large number of highly valuable and portable goods, the number of houses that are empty during the day and large number of detached dwellings that have many accessible entry points such as doors and windows (Grabosky P 1995. Burglary prevention. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice no. 49. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.)

2. Burglaries are usually ‘unplanned and speculative in nature’. As such, successful prevention

strategies are often targeted at reducing opportunity risk factors. However, some research also suggests that some offenders are ‘experts’—rational agents who ‘case’ a residence/dwelling on numerous occasions prior to committing an offence (Nee C & Meenaghan 2006, Expert decision making in burglars, British Journal of Criminology 46: 935–949).

Page 17: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 14 3. There are a number of situational risk factors that contribute to residential burglary, including:

o the presence of suitable cover for offenders (eg overgrown shrubbery and trees) located along the perimeter of dwellings;

o unsecured entry points to the dwelling (eg unlocked gates and windows); o the absence of a garage or properties with an open carport; o proximity to pawnshops—offenders may target areas that are in close proximity to a pawn

shop so that they can dispose of their stolen goods as quickly as possible; and o proximity to public transport—offenders may choose dwellings that are in close proximity

to public transport so they can access and leave the neighbourhood quickly and easily o dwellings that are unoccupied for significant periods of time during the day are more

attractive to offenders.

(Morgan A, Boxall H, Linderman K, Anderson J, Research & Public Policy Series 120, Effective Crime Prevention Interventions for Implementation by Local Government, Australian Institute of Criminology)

Research literature also indicates there are a number of intervention strategies that can be used with varying amounts of effectiveness to reduce the impact of residential burglary in local neighbourhoods. These intervention strategies can be implemented by both property owners/occupiers and local government alike and include: • Access control measures that involve actively encouraging or installing improved security

measures by or on behalf of residents being: o Fitting dead locks to doors, windows and screens o Locking doors, gates and sheds when not in use o Locking garden tools and ladders away o Installation of sensor lighting o Installation of monitored security systems o Installation of lockable gates on laneways o Improved street lighting o Making the property appear occupied, particularly when the homeowner is away

• Awareness raising campaigns that aim to improve awareness of risk factors for victimisation,

offending ‘hotspots’ and prevention measures, including strategies with a universal focus targeting whole neighbourhoods and those targeted at high-risk households.

• Property marking, whereby residents are provided with assistance to record identifying information on valuable personal belongings

• Improving natural surveillance by way of CPTED principles (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) or urban renewal projects and keeping bushes, hedges and trees trimmed to increase the 'surveillability' of the property

• Community patrols and Neighbourhood Watch initiatives involving security patrols and Neighbourhood Watch groups actively patrolling and keeping watch on their communities.

• Diversionary activities like providing some form of alternative activity after school or during school holidays for youths at risk of becoming involved in property crime.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 15 Vehicle crime prevention tips include:

o Park your vehicle off the road and in a secure space if possible o Always secure your vehicle o Remove all valuables from your vehicle o If not removed from the vehicle, secure valuables out of sight o Fit security devices - steering lock, immobiliser, kill switch, alarm. o Use one-way screws to prevent theft of registration plates. 'Rego-Plate lock kits can be

ordered from the Watch shop at www.nhws.com.au Council at its meeting held 1 July 2014 resolved "to approach SAPOL with the aim of using Council's existing banner site locations and its variable message board signs (VMS) to promote appropriate messages that reinforce the importance of crime prevention within our city." Council can also promote appropriate crime prevention messages in its monthly Messenger column and in Talking Points. Council is also about to go 'live' in the coming weeks with its own social media sites Facebook and Twitter and these sites could be used to post similar crime prevention messages and links back to SAPOLs own web site. These strategies along with other possible intervention strategies listed in this report could be implemented within available resource constraints to address criminal activities in the Camden Park area. Conclusion Given a rise in burglaries in the Camden Park area in the first half of 2014, Council called for a report on the matter and possible recommendations to help address this concern. Data has been obtained from SAPOL, within the limits of privacy provisions and SAPOL operations, which show that that the months of March, April and May 2014 were particularly high in terms of Residential SCT. This report mentions a number of intervention strategies that could be used within available resource constraints and highlights the differences in capacity and responsibility of local government in Australia with that overseas. There are a number of passive strategies/actions that Council could undertake to assist local residents and businesses to prevent serial criminal trespass and they are recommended to Council accordingly.

Page 19: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 16 17.2 Road Closure - Church of St Nicholas Street Party 2014 Brief To advise Council of a request for the closure of a section of George Street Thebarton, between Dew Street and Albert Street, by the Greek Orthodox Community of SA Incorporated to facilitate the holding of the Church of St Nicholas 'Street Party' on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th December 2014. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended to Council that: 1. Approval be granted for the closure of the section of George Street, Thebarton between

Dew Street and Albert Street from 8am on Saturday 13 December 2014 to 10pm on Sunday 14 December 2014 for the Church of St Nicholas "street party".

2. The Administration undertakes the temporary closure of George Street, Thebarton under

delegated authority pursuant to Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act and advises the applicant of the requirements and conditions for compliance with the road closure order.

3. The costs associated with the event including any statutory charges for the event shall be

borne by the applicant. Introduction The Church of St Nicholas since December 2011 has held a "Street Party" which entailed the closure of a section of George Street, Thebarton, between Dew Street and Albert Street. Last year the approved road closure applied from 8am on Saturday 14 December 2013 and remained in place until 2am on Monday 16 December 2013. Through traffic was detoured via Chapel Street during the period of the road closures. The Church has submitted a request to Council (Attachment 1) to hold another street party in December this year and to again close a section of George Street, between Dew Street and Albert Street (Attachment 2) to accommodate the event. Discussion In prior years, the local community was consulted via formal notification, which was distributed by post, to residents and business premises in the area bounded by South Road, August Street and Neville Road (west) to Port Road (east) and from Kintore Street (south) to Dove Street and Light Terrace (north) (Attachment 3). As for the past events, it will be the responsibility of the organisers to undertake advance public notification to residents and businesses in the local area likely to be affected by the event that the street party is to take place. The notification will be via a letterbox drop to residents and business premises in the area indicated in (Attachment 3) as was done for previous events. With regard to last year's event the organiser where required to develop a noise management plan as a result of the previous year's complaint on noise levels. The development and implementation of this plan has assisted in minimising noise impacts which was evident by way of Council not receiving complaints. This will also be a requirement for this year. As there are several retail businesses within the closure area that trade during the road closure period, the location of barricades to give effect to the closure considers the access and operating requirements of those businesses. Directional signs and allocated parking are to be provided to maintain and assist access for their customers.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 17 As heavy additional parking is generated in adjacent residential streets over an extended period by the event, a number of temporary permit parking zones were established in 2013 for several nearby residents with no off-street parking and similar areas are likely to be required again. The organisers are expecting at least 7,000 – 8,000 attendees over the weekend based on previous year's attendance numbers. A public notice of the road closure is required to be published in a newspaper prior to the event in conformity with the Road Traffic Act. The costs associated with the event including any statutory charges for the event shall be borne by the applicant. Conclusion It is suggested that approval for the St Nicholas Church to hold a “street party” in December 2014 be given and that the Administration, under delegated authority pursuant to section 33 of the Road Traffic Act, implement the temporary road closure and advise the applicant of the requirements and conditions for compliance with the road closure order.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 21 17.3 Kaurna ILUA Liaison Committee - Nomination Brief The LGA have written to the CEO seeking Expressions of Interest for the Kaurna ILUA Liaison Committee following a resolution by 25 of the 28 Councils within the Kaurna claim to participate in the ILUA. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended to Council that, subject to their confirmation, Cr……………… be nominated for consideration as Committee Members of the Kaurna ILUA Liaison Committee. or That the report be received. Introduction The CEO has received correspondence from the Chief Executive Officer of the LGA seeking Expressions of Interest for the Kaurna ILUA Liaison Committee. Twenty five of the twenty eight Councils within the Kaurna claim area, which includes the City of West Torrens, have resolved to participate in the ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement). Councils have also committed funds to support the establishment and operation of a Liaison Committee. The LG Leadership Group, endorsed by the State Executive, represents all of the Participating Councils and is the group of people who have represented the Participating Councils in negotiations with the Kaurna for a seven year period. The CEO is a member of this group. Discussion Membership of the Liaison Committee will comprise an equal number of Local Government (six members) and Kaurna membership (three members of each of the Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation and the Kaurna Heritage Association). The functions of the Liaison Committee cover a range of matters (set out more fully in clause 6.2 of the Kaurna ILUA), but include:

• providing funding for projects of mutual benefit to Kaurna and Local Government; • building capacity of Kaurna community and developing on-going relationships between

Kaurna and Local Government; • acting as a forum to resolve issues causing concern between both parties including

heritage monitoring and conduct of surveys; • mechanisms to achieve recognition within the general community in the ILUA area of the

Kaurna as the Aboriginal group that asserts traditional ownership of the ILUA area; • promoting reconciliation between the Councils and the Kaurna and the community within

the ILUA area generally; • economic development opportunities within the ILUA area for the parties; • Aboriginal training, employment, contracting and business opportunities and strategies

within the ILUA area; • service delivery by the Councils and other persons to the Kaurna and other Aboriginal

people living within the ILUA area; and • further funding of activities arising out of the ILUA and making application for such funding

upon behalf of the parties or any of them.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 22 In order to effectively fulfil the requirements of being a member of the Liaison Committee it is expected suitable representatives would have extensive experience in one or more of the following areas:

• an understanding of and experience in working with indigenous cultures; • Indigenous affairs; and • Native Title matters.

In addition experience in Local Government as a Council Member or officer and working with representative boards or committees would be desirable. If Councils wish to nominate persons who are not a Council Member or officer and they meet the essential requirements, consideration would be given to their appointment. More information on the contents and operation of the ILUA and Liaison Committee, together with the selection criteria is attached for information (Attachment 1). The Expression of Interest form (Part B) is also attached and should be completed and returned by Council to the LGA by close of business on Wednesday 3 September 2014 (Attachment 2).

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 29 17.4 Australian Airports Association National Conference 2014 Brief This report provides notice of the Australian Airports Association (AAA) National Convention to be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland from 23 to 27 November 2014. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended to Council that: 1. Subject to their confirmation and re-election at the November 2014 elections, Council

approves the attendance of Cr Palmer, Cr Mangos and Cr/s .......................................... at the Australian Airports Association National Convention to be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland from 23 to 27 November 2014.

2. Expenses be reimbursed in accordance with Council policy. 3. Subject to their confirmation, Council approves the attendance of spouses/partners of

attending Elected Members and further, consistent with Council policy, that costs other than airfares, be met by Council.

Introduction The AAA National Conference (the Conference) will be held from 23 to 27 November 2014 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland. An outline of the Conference is attached for Members' information (Attachment 1). Discussion The Conference is Australia's largest aviation industry event, bringing together more than 600 senior airport stakeholders and participants from across Australia and the Asia Pacific region. The Conference provides an excellent networking opportunity as well as and the opportunity for delegates to discuss the latest trends and get the latest information on emerging issues in the aviation industry. A copy of the program is provided as Attachment 2. The extensive program brochure can be downloaded from the Australian Airports Association website at http://airports.asn.au/events-and-calendar/2011-winners/. Registration for days 1 and 2 of the Conference is $1,195 for Australian Airports Association members at the early bird rate or $1,395 after 31 August 2014. If a delegate is not re-elected at the November 2014 elections, a substitute delegate may attend in his or her place. The approximate cost of airfares is $500 to $700 return with early booking and accommodation is approximately $200 to $215 per room per night dependent on availability. Cr Palmer and Cr Mangos have expressed their interest in attending.

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COUNCIL MEETING 15 July 2014 Page 34 17.5 2014 Joy Baluch Award Nominations Brief This report advises that the Local Government Association is seeking nominations of currently serving female Elected Members or staff for the 2014 Joy Baluch Award for Women in Local Government. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the LGA call for nominations for the 2014 Joy Baluch Award be noted. Introduction The Local Government Association (LGA) Circular 27.3 is seeking nominations from councils of currently serving female Elected Members and employees for the 2014 Joy Baluch Award (Attachment 1). Discussion The 2014 Joy Baluch Award (the Award), launched at the 2014 LGA Ordinary General Meeting and Showcase, is an annual award for currently serving female Elected Members and employees. The Award honours the late (Nancy) Joy Baluch AM, former President of the LGA and Mayor of Port Augusta. This award has been established to recognise the contributions of women currently serving as employees or Elected Members of South Australian Councils. An information flyer and nomination form has been included for Members' consideration (Attachment 2). The information flyer outlines the criteria requirement for nominees as well as details of the awards committee. Nominees must be able to demonstrate actions and outcomes that have been inspirational, innovative and beneficial to the Council and/or community and have influenced other women to increase participation in the Local Government sector. Nominations addressing the award criteria must be received by the LGA at 5pm on 1 August 2014. The award will be presented to the successful nominee at the LGA Annual General Meeting held on 31 October 2014.

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18.1 Local Government Circulars Brief This report provides details a listing of current items under review by the Local Government Association. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the Local Government Circulars report be received. Discussion The Local Government Association (LGA) distributes a weekly briefing on a range of matters affecting the general functions, administration and operations of councils through a 'General Circular'. The indices attached for Members' information in this report are numbers 26 and 27. Should Members require further information, they may contact the Chief Executive Officer's Secretariat. In some circumstances, it may then be appropriate for the Member to contact the relevant General Manager for more information. The LGA Circulars are also available on the Members' Extranet.

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20.1 State Emergency Management Committee Nominees Correspondence has been received from the Director of Infrastructure of the Local Government Association of South Australia, David Hitchcock, regarding nominees for the State Emergency Management Committee (Attachment 1). RECOMMENDATION That the correspondence be received. 20.2 Proposed Natural Resources Management Levy 2014/15 Correspondence has been received from the Regional Manager of the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board, Kym Good, in relation to the approval of the proposed contribution for the 2014/15 NRM Levy (Attachment 2). RECOMMENDATION That the correspondence be received. 20.3 Urban Ecology Australia Correspondence has been received from Viv Cavuoto, Urban Ecology Australia Inc, regarding the 'urban eco-village' located in the city of Adelaide and invitation for elected members to visit the medium density urban design project (Attachment 3). RECOMMENDATION That the correspondence be received. 20.4 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Minutes Correspondence has been received from the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board regarding the minutes of the board meeting held on 27 March 2014 (Attachment 4). RECOMMENDATION That the correspondence be received.

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1. MEETING OPENED ...................................................................................................... 1

2. PRESENT ..................................................................................................................... 1

3. APOLOGIES ................................................................................................................. 1

4. DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS ...................................................................................... 1

5. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES ................................................................ 1

6. COMMUNICATIONS BY THE CHAIRPERSON............................................................ 1

7. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ........................................................................................ 1

8. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ................................................................................. 1

9. MOTIONS WITH NOTICE ............................................................................................. 1

10. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ..................................................................................... 1

11. CORPORATE AND REGULATORY DIVISION REPORTS .......................................... 2

11.1 Creditor Payments ............................................................................................. 2

11.2 LGFA Annual General Meeting 2014 ............................................................... 16

11.3 Property Leases ............................................................................................... 23

11.4 Mendelson Financial Report June 2014 Interim ............................................. 26

11.5 Regulatory Services Activity Report............................................................... 32

11.6 Service Centre Activity Report ........................................................................ 37

12. MEETING CLOSE ...................................................................................................... 42

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The following information should be considered by Committee Members prior to a meeting: 1. Consider Section 73 of the Local Government Act and determine whether they have a conflict

of interest in any matter to be considered in this Agenda; and

2. Disclose these interests in accordance with the requirements of Sections 74 and 75 of the Local Government Act 1999.

The following disclosures of interest have been made in relation to:


RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate and Regulatory Standing Committee held on 17 June 2014 be confirmed as a true and correct record. 6. COMMUNICATIONS BY THE CHAIRPERSON





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11.1 Creditor Payments Brief This report tables a schedule of creditor payments for June 2014. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the schedule of creditor payments for June 2014 be received. Discussion A schedule of creditor payments totalling $4,179,807.70 ($4,095,996.8 in May 2014) is attached for the information of Elected Members. Notable items include:

• A payment to Boral Construction Materials Group Pty Ltd for various road treatments of $411,274.54 (refer ref. no 106);

• A payment to Camco SA Pty Ltd for the reconstruction of Gray Street of $226,257.71

(refer ref. no. 121); • A payment to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of $290,605.50 for a

quarterly NRM levy payment (refer ref. No.177); • A payment to DML Constructions Pty Ltd for kerb replacement in various roads of

$128,656.56 (refer ref. no. 188); • A payment to Infor Global Solutions (ANZ) Pty Ltd for software maintenance support of

$124,303.59 (refer ref. no. 273); • A payment to Kent Civil Pty Ltd for kerb replacement in various roads of $209,461.63

(refer ref. no. 307); • A deposit payment to Lempriere Abbot McLeod Trust Account for the purchase of 173-

187 Sir Donald Bradman Road of $223,000.00 (refer ref. no 325); • A payment to SEM Civil Pty Ltd for Manchester Street and Keswick Creek bridge

reconstructions of $137,623.57 (refer ref. no 493); • A payment to Solo Resource Recovery of $300,731.85 for both waste collection and

disposal for May 2014 (refer ref. no. 478). Conclusion A schedule of creditor payments for June 2014 is provided for Elected Members’ information and review.

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Ref Cheque/ Payee Invoice Description ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

1 056222 A & F Gorgone Refund Rates Concession 190.00

2 EFT29428 A & R Castell Cummins Caretaker 1,406.22

3 EFT29206 AAPT Limited Internet Connection 2,699.40

4 EFT29540 AAPT Limited Internet Connection 2,727.03

5 EFT29396 Academy IT Pty Ltd Staff Training 2,025.00

6 EFT29406 Active Ageing SA Inc Staff Training 44.00

7 EFT29405 Active Mobility Pty Ltd Furniture 228.10

8 EFT29532 Adami's Sand & Metal Depot Supplies 1,768.29

9 EFT29210 Adams Cleaning & Maintenance Services Cleaning 4,666.75

10 EFT29410 Adams Cleaning & Maintenance Services Cleaning 391.98

11 EFT29205 Adams Pest Control Pest Control 265.69

12 EFT29204 Adamscape Constructions Pty Ltd Roadworks 10,560.00

13 EFT29531 Adamscape Constructions Pty Ltd Roadworks 8,250.00

14 EFT29538 Adamscape Constructions Pty Ltd Roadworks 9,636.00

15 EFT29542 Adcorp Australia Ltd Advertising 6,727.17

16 EFT29546 Adelaide Advanced Trees Trees 1,177.00

17 EFT29534 Adelaide Chainwire & Domestic Fencing Pty Ltd Fencing 1,563.10

18 EFT29535 Adelaide Curtain Cleaners Clean Curtains 249.70

19 EFT29200 Adelaide EWP Inc SA Diesel & Hydraulics Depot Supplies 2,312.97

20 EFT29311 Adelaide EWP Inc SA Diesel & Hydraulics Depot Supplies 2,310.22

21 056194 Adelaide Floor Sanding & Timber Supplies Pty Ltd Flooring 1,420.21

22 EFT29211 Adelaide Industrial Labour Service Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 5,151.93

23 EFT29319 Adelaide Industrial Labour Service Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 3,825.68

24 EFT29411 Adelaide Industrial Labour Service Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 2,420.84

25 EFT29543 Adelaide Industrial Labour Service Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 4,160.08

26 EFT29395 Adelaide Merchandising Depot Supplies 798.05

27 EFT29539 Adelaide Oxygen Service St Martins Medical Supplies 107.60

28 EFT29312 Adelaide Pipeline Maintenance Services Drainage 1,287.00

29 EFT29401 Adelaide Pipeline Maintenance Services Drainage 1,072.50

30 EFT29209 Adelaide Sewing Centre Sewing Machines 1,204.50

31 056258 Adelaide Titans Football Club Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 500.00

32 EFT29414 Adelaide Tools Tools 787.00

33 EFT29314 Adelaide Unique Surrounds & Distinguished Gardens Landscaping 17,011.29

34 EFT29402 Adelaide Unique Surrounds & Distinguished Gardens Landscaping 1,575.53

35 EFT29536 Adelaide Unique Surrounds & Distinguished Gardens Landscaping 4,145.13

36 EFT29533 Adelaide Waste & Recycling Centre Rubbish Disposal 8,842.31

37 EFT29214 Adtrade - Industrial Supplies Depot Supplies 328.00

38 EFT29415 Adtrade - Industrial Supplies Depot Supplies 438.00

39 EFT29313 Advam Pty Ltd Transaction Fees 218.46

40 056261 Advertiser Newspapers Ltd Advertising 2,569.00

41 EFT29203 Aged & Community Services SA & NT Inc Membership 5,030.52

42 EFT29316 Aged & Community Services SA & NT Inc Staff Training 230.00

43 EFT29409 Aged Care Essential Services Pty Ltd St Martins Physio 5,538.23

44 056227 AGL South Australia Pty Ltd Power 1,651.77

45 EFT29404 Air Conditioning Hire Heatbusters Airconditioner Hire 935.00

46 EFT29393 Air Filter Cleaners Vehicle Maintenance 426.59

47 EFT29315 Aish Data & Design Pty Ltd Stationery 918.02

48 EFT29257 AJ & CA Mackintosh Weed Spraying 3,355.00


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Ref Cheque/ Payee Invoice Description ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

49 EFT29464 AJ & CA Mackintosh Weed Spraying 7,844.10

50 EFT29376 Alan Shepard Workshop 350.00

51 EFT29453 Alex Hearst St Martins Supplies 120.00

52 056288 Alexander Parsons Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

53 056294 Alexandra Stewart Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

54 EFT29201 All Catering Maintenance Pty Ltd Purchase Dishwasher / Maintenance 14,893.54

55 EFT29394 All Laundry & Linen Pty Ltd Contract Linen 282.28

56 EFT29220 Allen Bolaffi Audit Committee Allowance 1,162.00

57 EFT29399 Allen Press Pty Ltd Business Cards 121.00

58 EFT29212 Allfresh Fruit & Veg St Martins Food 1,757.76

59 EFT29412 Allfresh Fruit & Veg St Martins Food 2,204.30

60 EFT29544 Allfresh Fruit & Veg St Martins Food 1,689.01

61 EFT29202 Allsurv Engineering Surveys Pty Ltd Field Survey 660.00

62 EFT29537 Alsco Pty Ltd Dry Cleaning 21.13

63 EFT29408 Amgrow Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 627.00

64 056191 Andrew Donnelly Refund Cage Deposit 60.00

65 EFT29321 Angklung@Australia Library Performance 950.00

66 EFT29207 Animal Management Services Pty Ltd Doggy Bags 957.00

67 EFT29541 Animal Management Services Pty Ltd Doggy Bags 957.00

68 EFT29392 Animal Welfare League SA Inc Impound Dogs 868.10

69 EFT29317 Answering Adelaide Pty Ltd After Hours Answering Service 879.01

70 EFT29361 Apex Steel Supplies Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 927.03

71 EFT29400 AquaPlan Irrigation Irrigation 3,839.00

72 EFT29547 Aquarium Aid Library Aquarium Maintenance 95.00

73 EFT29403 Arborgreen Landscape Products Depot Supplies 5,306.40

74 EFT29407 Arrow Scientific Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 181.50

75 EFT29398 Artcraft Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 1,268.21

76 EFT29320 Assa Abloy Entrance Systems Aust Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 12,893.10

77 EFT29545 Atlas McNeil Healthcare St Martins Medical Supplies 7,378.85

78 EFT29215 Aussie Digging Roadworks 4,752.00

79 EFT29417 Aussie Digging Roadworks 2,871.00

80 EFT29549 Aussie Digging Roadworks 1,914.00

81 EFT29318 Aust College for Infection Prevention & Control Ltd Membership 145.00

82 EFT29310 Australia Post Postage 5,170.40

83 EFT29322 Australia Post Agency Collection Fees 5,995.50

84 EFT29397 Australian Airports Association Membership 1,116.50

85 056262 Australian Institute of Animal Management Membership 500.00

86 056263 Australian Institute of Building Surveyors Subscription 42.35

87 EFT29213 Australian Refugee Association Sponsorship 2,200.00

88 EFT29208 Australian Water Association Membership 250.00

89 056168 Australian Water Quality Centre Water Quality Testing 4,749.80

90 056169 Australian Working Dog Rescue Staff Casual Day Donations 94.10

91 056228 Autism SA Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 500.00

92 EFT29218 Badge A Minit Name Badges 39.99

93 056264 Baker's Delight Hilton Plaza Catering 157.60

94 056235 Barbara Dietrich Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 52.56

95 EFT29324 Barcode Direct Library Supplies 2,443.10

96 056230 Battery World Hilton Batteries 1,588.35


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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

97 EFT29323 BDO Audit Partnership (SA) Auditors 6,462.50

98 EFT29530 Belly Dance Adelaide Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 500.00

99 056216 Ben Stanton Worm Farm Rebate 50.00

100 EFT29217 Best Signs Signage 132.00

101 EFT29422 BGC Industrial Cleaning Cleaning Chemicals 2,548.92

102 056265 Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) Staff Casual Day Donations 89.45

103 056266 Bob Jane T Mart - Brooklyn Park Tyres 7,586.00

104 056241 Bob Rathbone Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 138.51

105 EFT29419 BOC Limited Depot Supplies 362.16

106 EFT29552 Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd Roadworks 411,274.54

107 056229 Bower Place Consultants 192.00

108 EFT29421 BPF Equipment Depot Supplies 170.50

109 EFT29383 Brenda Rosemary Taheny Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 124.10

110 056278 Brenton Gill Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 22.48

111 EFT29219 Budget Rent a Car Australia Car Rental 204.70

112 EFT29555 Built Security Australia Building Maintenance 1,670.90

113 EFT29221 Bundaleer Apiaries Wasp Removal 165.00

114 EFT29418 Bunnings Building Supplies Pty Ltd Maintenance Supplies 316.04

115 EFT29420 Bunzl Limited Disposable Paper Products 2,810.97

116 EFT29216 Butterfields Services (SA) Pty Ltd Airconditioner Maintenance 5,429.63

117 EFT29551 Butterfields Services (SA) Pty Ltd Airconditioner Maintenance 271.15

118 056305 C Mennillo Refund Vacant Land Rebate 304.05

119 056195 Cabcharge Australia Pty Ltd Cab Fares 812.71

120 056270 Cafe Hilton Catering 57.00

121 EFT29426 Camco SA Pty Ltd Roadworks 226,257.71

122 EFT29558 Camco SA Pty Ltd Roadworks 95,010.05

123 EFT29557 Campbell's Cash & Carry St Martins Food 414.10

124 056223 Cancelled

125 EFT29571 Cancelled

126 EFT29427 Canon Australia Pty Ltd Copier Charges 30.62

127 EFT29228 Carvosso Constructions & Building Services Building Maintenance 11,170.50

128 EFT29567 Carvosso Constructions & Building Services Building Maintenance 1,650.00

129 EFT29430 Cash Security Services Pty Ltd Banking 912.45

130 056196 Castrol Australia Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 2,126.96

131 056193 Chelsea Williams Junior Development Grant 200.00

132 056255 Chetankumar Patel Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 500.00

133 056225 Chloe Filipatos Junior Development Grant 100.00

134 056244 Christine Smee Consultant 2,816.00

135 EFT29328 Chubb Fire & Security Ltd Security 7,566.39

136 EFT29565 Chubb Fire & Security Ltd Security 515.90

137 056298 Cindy Taylor Reimburse Expenses 150.00

138 EFT29563 City Circle Newsagents Library Magazines 84.45

139 056269 City of Charles Sturt Immunisation Staff 1,880.28

140 056268 City of West Torrens St Martins Payments 346.00

141 056267 City of West Torrens Petty Cash Petty Cash 4,264.70

142 EFT29559 Civil Contractors Federation SA Staff Training 294.69

143 EFT29227 Clarksons Glazing 1,180.87

144 EFT29564 Classic Roller Building Maintenance 278.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

145 EFT29229 Clements Industrial Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 378.60

146 EFT29329 Clements Industrial Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 2,158.16

147 EFT29568 Clements Industrial Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 378.60

148 EFT29562 Clever Patch Pty Ltd Library Supplies 401.94

149 EFT29431 Clifford Hallman Healthcare St Martins Medical Supplies 1,152.00

150 EFT29325 CMI Hino Vehicle Maintenance 347.40

151 EFT29225 Combo Industries Vehicle Maintenance 5,099.05

152 EFT29223 Complete Building Services (SA) Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 11,525.25

153 056224 Conveyancing Matters Trust Account Refund Overpaid Rates 292.25

154 EFT29327 Cooke Precast Concrete Depot Supplies 3,104.20

155 EFT29561 Cooke Precast Concrete Depot Supplies 235.40

156 056171 Cornes Toyota Purchase Vehicle 66,393.99

157 056231 Cornes Toyota Purchase Vehicle 67,952.39

158 EFT29566 Corporate Platters Catering 232.00

159 EFT29336 Corporate Traveller Airfares 841.00

160 056170 COTA SA Staff Training 495.00

161 056309 CP Liew & CB Lee Refund Overpaid Rates 598.05

162 056239 Cr AC Mangos Reimburse Expenses 119.35

163 056217 DA & Z Gough Refund Overpaid Rates 265.00

164 EFT29432 Daimler Trucks Adelaide Vehicle Maintenance 2,184.71

165 EFT29234 Dallas Equipment Depot Shelving 6,875.00

166 EFT29435 Dallas Equipment Clean Drains 3,586.00

167 056251 Darren Qi Cummins Bond Return 200.00

168 EFT29387 Daryl K Warman Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 43.80

169 EFT29333 Data Mobility Voice Pty Ltd Purchase Phones 949.00

170 EFT29574 Data Mobility Voice Pty Ltd Purchase Phones 960.00

171 EFT29233 Data#3 Limited Computer Software 1,594.29

172 EFT29330 Databasics Pty Ltd Software 825.00

173 056249 Dean Tiver Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 157.68

174 EFT29584 Deidre Frost Reimburse Expenses 150.00

175 EFT29231 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Professional Fees 2,750.00

176 056236 Department for Education and Child Development Library Books 72.00

177 EFT29569 Department of Environment and Natural Resources NRM Levy 290,605.50

178 056185 Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Street Lighting / Vehicle Searches / Drainage Act Instalment 23,068.77

179 056248 Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Vehicle Searches 3,164.00

180 056172 Dina Stavrou Hairdressing St Martins Hairdresser 360.00

181 056198 Dina Stavrou Hairdressing St Martins Hairdresser 465.00

182 056234 Dina Stavrou Hairdressing St Martins Hairdresser 340.00

183 056271 Dina Stavrou Hairdressing St Martins Hairdresser 320.00

184 056209 Ding Yu Liu Refund Application Fee 375.00

185 EFT29434 Direct Comms Pty Limited TXT2U Messages 352.44

186 EFT29573 Direct Mix Concrete Sales Concrete 12,314.19

187 EFT29232 Displayline Commercial Interiors Group Library Supplies 541.00

188 EFT29572 DML Constructions Pty Ltd Kerbing 128,656.56

189 056304 Domenic Mandica Refund Cage Deposit 60.00

190 EFT29332 Dorma Automatics Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 522.50

191 EFT29570 Dorma Automatics Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 2,843.50

192 EFT29528 Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd Asphalt 332.75


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

193 056220 DR Tapley Refund Rates Concession 380.00

194 056199 Dressed 4 Success Pty ltd St Martins Supplies 59.00

195 056197 Dymocks Adelaide Library Books 1,650.57

196 056233 Dymocks Adelaide Library Books 1,451.26

197 EFT29334 EBOS Group Pty Ltd St Martins Medical Supplies 382.25

198 EFT29239 Eco Energy Holdings Pty Ltd Consultants 7,920.00

199 056311 Elizabeth Hovinga Cummins Bond Return 400.00

200 EFT29638 Elizabeth Richards School Supplies Pty Ltd Library Supplies 50.00

201 EFT29436 EMA Consulting Consultants 1,861.75

202 EFT29578 EMA Consulting Consultants 127.60

203 EFT29237 EMA Legal Legal Fees 3,209.25

204 EFT29577 EMA Legal Legal Fees 4,105.37

205 056173 Empire Interlink Services Interpreting Service 218.90

206 056274 Empire Interlink Services Interpreting Service 218.90

207 EFT29579 Engineers Australia Membership 531.00

208 EFT29575 Enspec Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 495.00

209 EFT29580 Envestra Limited Alter Services 2,035.00

210 EFT29236 EnvironArc Design Pty Ltd Engineering Services 2,337.50

211 056275 Errington Special Education Centre Environment Grant 1,100.00

212 EFT29235 Esar Home Care Home Assist 249.06

213 EFT29576 Esar Home Care Home Assist 332.60

214 EFT29238 European Catering Reception Pty Ltd Catering 2,496.00

215 EFT29335 Fasteners Australia Depot Supplies 208.67

216 EFT29240 Fazz Plumbing Plumbing 825.00

217 EFT29438 Fazz Plumbing Plumbing 165.00

218 EFT29441 Fine Choice Distribution Pty Ltd Coffee Machine 6,754.00

219 EFT29437 Finsbury Green Printing 4,966.09

220 EFT29582 First Degree Commercial Refrigeration Refrigeration Services 193.60

221 EFT29242 Flexible Drive Agencies Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 2,342.18

222 EFT29439 Forpark Australia (SA) Playground Equipment 495.00

223 056201 Foxtel Cable Television Pty Ltd Library Connection 124.00

224 056200 Frank Siow Management Pty Ltd Traffic Management Consultants 9,576.88

225 EFT29241 Freshford Nurseries Pty Ltd Plants 2,178.00

226 EFT29581 Freshford Nurseries Pty Ltd Plants 24,413.95

227 EFT29585 Freshwater Systems Australia Pty Ltd Water Heater 1,442.10

228 EFT29639 Fuji Xerox Businessforce Pty Ltd Rate Notices 1,995.45

229 056277 Fulham Park Pre-School Kindergarten Environment Grant 1,772.00

230 EFT29485 Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd Roadworks 2,055.01

231 EFT29440 Future Industrial Supplies Depot Supplies 1,030.34

232 EFT29592 Gascoigne Consultants Consultants 1,001.00

233 056279 Georgia Goddard Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

234 EFT29443 G-Force Building & Consulting Building Maintenance 28,611.00

235 EFT29589 Gilbert Motors Pty Ltd Vehicle Maintenance 647.80

236 EFT29245 Gleam Team Domestic Services Home Assist 234.50

237 EFT29444 Gleam Team Domestic Services Home Assist 257.05

238 EFT29590 Gleam Team Domestic Services Home Assist 425.17

239 EFT29593 GLG GreenLife Group Pty Ltd Verge Mowing 11,267.19

240 EFT29446 Global Movies Direct Australia Pty Ltd Library DVD's 672.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

241 EFT29591 Goodstart Early Learning Ltd Environment Grant 440.00

242 EFT29648 Gordon J Tregoning Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 665.20

243 EFT29246 Grace Records Management (Aust) Pty Ltd Records Storage 2,711.63

244 EFT29588 Greene Eden Watering Systems Pty Ltd Irrigation 20,643.70

245 EFT29243 Greening Australia (SA) Ltd Landscaping 38,347.10

246 EFT29337 Greening Australia (SA) Ltd Landscaping West Beach Basin 43,582.00

247 EFT29586 Greening Australia (SA) Ltd Plants 14,025.00

248 EFT29595 GRH Supplies Depot Supplies 4,934.43

249 EFT29594 GTA Consultants Consultants 4,235.00

250 EFT29339 Haines Medical Australia St Martins Medical Supplies 150.15

251 EFT29300 Head-Stylist St Martins Hairdresser 454.00

252 EFT29386 Head-Stylist St Martins Hairdresser 670.00

253 EFT29516 Head-Stylist St Martins Hairdresser 696.00

254 EFT29655 Head-Stylist St Martins Hairdresser 658.00

255 EFT29449 Heritage Bushcare Weed Control 574.75

256 EFT29596 Hi-Line Hardware Distributors Pty Ltd Home Assist 1,004.30

257 EFT29597 Hilti (Aust) Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 314.01

258 EFT29248 Hilton Hemz Clothing Alterations 60.00

259 EFT29451 Hilton Hemz Clothing Alterations 60.00

260 EFT29338 Hilton Plaza LPO Newspapers 101.20

261 EFT29448 Hitachi Construction Machinery (Australia) Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 4,667.27

262 EFT29447 Holco St Martins Food 3,917.46

263 056280 Holdfast Baptist Church Donation 1,000.00

264 EFT29454 Hospital Safety Services Consultants 1,860.00

265 056189 Hynes & Co Lawyers Trust Account Refund Overpaid Rates 225.80

266 EFT29601 IBM Global Financing Australia Ltd Lease Payment 1,923.97

267 056303 IL Arena Refund Rates Concession 190.00

268 056254 Inclusive Directions Refund Thebarton Community Centre Fees 1,715.00

269 EFT29340 Independent Fuels Australia Pty Ltd Fuel 14,502.80

270 EFT29599 Independent Fuels Australia Pty Ltd Fuel 17,921.73

271 EFT29455 Indigeflora Nursery Plants 2,152.70

272 EFT29244 Infor Global Solutions (ANZ) Pty Ltd Consultants 1,716.00

273 EFT29587 Infor Global Solutions (ANZ) Pty Ltd Software Support 124,303.59

274 EFT29626 Infor Public Sector User Forum Forum Registration 550.00

275 EFT29261 Innova Group Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 556.60

276 EFT29469 Innova Group Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 853.60

277 EFT29600 Institute of Public Works Engineering Aust SA Div Inc Memberships 990.00

278 056174 Internode Systems Pty Ltd Internet Connection 19.95

279 056238 Internode Systems Pty Ltd Internet Connection 1,388.50

280 EFT29341 iSentia Pty Ltd Media Monitoring 624.42

281 EFT29510 ISS Facility Services Aust Limited Cleaning 3,338.09

282 EFT29250 J & J Grease Cleaning Services Pty Ltd Cleaning 37.40

283 EFT29603 J & J Grease Cleaning Services Pty Ltd Cleaning 37.40

284 056211 Jack Tsaconas Junior Development Grant 100.00

285 EFT29452 James Hay Reimburse Expenses 60.00

286 EFT29602 Jasol Australia Cleaning Chemicals 3,496.25

287 EFT29423 Jason Bury Reimburse Expenses 60.00

288 056214 Jem-Ella Warley Junior Development Grant 500.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

289 EFT29343 JPE Design Studio Pty Ltd Consultants 4,323.00

290 EFT29456 JPE Design Studio Pty Ltd Consultants 5,222.80

291 EFT29230 JR Devereaux Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 36.45

292 EFT29331 JR Devereaux Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 36.45

293 EFT29461 Judith Lord Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 116.80

294 EFT29269 Junee Butler-Noke Library Workshop 100.00

295 EFT29354 Junee Butler-Noke Library Workshop 100.00

296 EFT29477 Junee Butler-Noke Library Workshop 100.00

297 EFT29458 K & T Pty Ltd Plant Maintenance 250.80

298 056300 Kane Valente Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

299 056286 Kate Obst Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

300 056253 Katherine Holman Refund Overpaid Rates 312.15

301 EFT29309 KE Johnson Refund Overpaid Rates 7.65

302 EFT29459 Kelledy Jones Lawyers Legal Fees 115.50

303 EFT29254 Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd Professional Fees 11,963.55

304 EFT29347 Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd Professional Fees 25,187.25

305 EFT29606 Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd Professional Fees 11,644.96

306 EFT29346 Kennards Hire Traffic Hire Message Board 600.00

307 EFT29604 Kent Civil Pty Ltd Roadworks 209,461.63

308 EFT29345 Kinetics Engineering Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 1,309.00

309 056232 Kishor Chand Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 81.00

310 EFT29390 KM Harris & KA James Refund Overpaid Rates 318.80

311 EFT29344 Kone Elevators Lift Maintenance 1,161.47

312 EFT29252 Koori Kids Pty Ltd Sponsorship 450.00

313 EFT29460 Kwik Kopy Printing 390.00

314 EFT29249 Kylie Harrison Reimburse Expenses 646.57

315 EFT29222 Kym Strelan Home Assist 857.00

316 EFT29556 Kym Strelan Home Assist 1,526.60

317 EFT29463 L&H Lawrence & Hanson Electrical Supplies 824.81

318 056260 LA Forza Refund Development Fees 963.50

319 056283 Lachlan McKenzie Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

320 056188 Lakshmi Veerapandian Compost Bin Rebate 49.50

321 EFT29610 Land Services Group Searches 552.70

322 EFT29462 Lane Print & Post Printing 4,950.00

323 EFT29342 Laundry Solutions Australia St Martins Laundry Labels 508.86

324 EFT29271 LD&D Australia Pty Ltd St Martins Food 1,622.64

325 EFT29348 Lempriere Abbot McLeod Trust Account Property Purchase Deposit 223,000.00

326 EFT29256 LGA Asset Mutual Fund Insurance Excess 500.00

327 EFT29445 Lisa Grubb Reimburse Expenses 80.00

328 056219 LJ Hooker - Westlakes Trust Account Refund Overpaid Rates 308.85

329 EFT29255 Local Government Association of SA Metro Local Govt Group Fund Contribution 2,783.00

330 EFT29607 Local Government Association of SA Metro Local Govt Group Fund Contribution 2,405.26

331 EFT29609 Local Government Managers Aust (SA) Inc Staff Training 154.00

332 EFT29611 Lockleys Football Club Community Grant 2,200.00

333 056212 Lucas Tsaconas Junior Development Grant 100.00

334 EFT29608 Lucy Engravers Mendelson Medals 240.00

335 056250 Lynn Thompson Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 62.05

336 056175 MA Hawks Football Club Community Grant 2,000.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ Payee Invoice Description ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

337 EFT29465 MacDonald Johnston Engineering Co P/L Vehicle Maintenance 2,921.36

338 EFT29475 Maesbury Plumbers Pty Ltd Plumbing 3,344.01

339 EFT29615 Maesbury Plumbers Pty Ltd Plumbing 631.68

340 EFT29260 Maloney Field Services Professional Fees 2,750.00

341 EFT29467 Maloney Field Services Professional Fees 7,700.00

342 EFT29265 MapData Services Pty Ltd Subscription 4,488.00

343 EFT29259 Marino Uniforms Uniforms 159.50

344 EFT29466 Marino Uniforms Uniforms 132.00

345 056207 Marjorie Tuckfield Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 132.30

346 EFT29351 Mark Bowman Consulting Pty Ltd Consultants 15,642.00

347 EFT29263 Master Builders Association (SA) Inc Subscription 95.00

348 EFT29349 Matlin Auto Pty Ltd Vehicle Maintenance 386.00

349 EFT29262 Maxima Group Training Temp Depot Staff 2,161.06

350 EFT29293 Maxima Tempskill Temp Depot Staff 18,165.83

351 EFT29646 Maxima Tempskill Temp Depot Staff 10,623.89

352 EFT29468 McDougall & Vines Heritage Advices 621.50

353 EFT29264 Mechanical Vegetation Solutions Pty Ltd Tree Maintenance 1,540.00

354 EFT29472 Mechanical Vegetation Solutions Pty Ltd Tree Maintenance 6,127.00

355 056308 Medallion Homes Pty Ltd Refund Development Fees 601.20

356 EFT29282 Mel Rymill-Butcher Reimburse Expenses 239.25

357 056282 Messinian Association of SA Environment Grant 3,000.00

358 056257 Michael Caroscio Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 1,000.00

359 056272 Michael Doherty DAP Member Allowance 1,162.00

360 056252 Mindful Movement Physiotherapy Cummins Bond Return 200.00

361 EFT29258 Mobiletek Installations Vehicle Maintenance 610.50

362 EFT29612 Mobiletek Installations Vehicle Maintenance 2,058.50

363 EFT29470 Momar Australia Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 2,080.10

364 EFT29350 Moonlite Investments Lighting 130.68

365 EFT29474 MoPo Co Library Supplies 299.00

366 EFT29267 Mosaic Recruitment Pty Ltd Temp Staff 5,236.77

367 EFT29473 Mosaic Recruitment Pty Ltd Temp Staff 1,496.22

368 EFT29613 Mosaic Recruitment Pty Ltd Temp Staff 2,992.44

369 056226 Mr Jim Ray Fencing Contribution 625.00

370 EFT29391 Mr Steve Cross Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 1,000.00

371 056243 Mr Wayne Stokes DAP Member Allowance 1,162.00

372 056259 Ms Helen Badman Refund Overpaid Rates 223.50

373 EFT29614 Mt Compass Sand & Loam Depot Supplies 702.59

374 EFT29471 Mulhern Waste Oil Removal Pty Ltd Waste Removal 969.10

375 EFT29266 Multitrode Pty Ltd Pumpview Access 660.00

376 EFT29305 Natalie Von Bertouch Temp Staff 1,370.00

377 EFT29522 Natalie Von Bertouch Temp Staff 2,625.00

378 056301 Natasha Xerri Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

379 EFT29560 Nathan Cunningham DAP Member Allowance 1,162.00

380 056281 Nathan Harrison Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

381 EFT29479 National Credit Management Ltd Debt Collection 81.40

382 EFT29620 National Credit Management Ltd Debt Collection 2,196.70

383 056178 Nationwide News Pty Ltd St Martins Newspapers 124.80

384 EFT29357 Neat N Trim Uniforms Pty Ltd Corporate Wardrobe 1,277.33


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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

385 EFT29476 Nelson Locksmiths Pty Ltd Locks 518.00

386 056176 Nerissa Nicholson Reimburse Expenses 1,715.77

387 EFT29619 Neverfail Springwater Ltd Spring Water 46.13

388 056177 News Limited St Martins Newspapers 207.98

389 056204 News Limited St Martins Newspapers 66.58

390 056284 News Limited St Martins Newspapers 100.00

391 056190 Nick Jones Junior Development Grant 200.00

392 056291 Nicola Robinson Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

393 056297 Nikita Trewartha Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

394 EFT29270 NN Occupational Health Pty Ltd Recruitment 407.00

395 EFT29355 NN Occupational Health Pty Ltd Recruitment 203.50

396 EFT29618 NN Occupational Health Pty Ltd Recruitment 121.00

397 EFT29554 Norm Biggs Reimburse Expenses 365.94

398 EFT29478 Norman Waterhouse Legal Fees 7,844.10

399 EFT29617 Norman Waterhouse Legal Fees 5,676.45

400 EFT29352 North East Isuzu Vehicle Maintenance 55.26

401 EFT29356 North Plympton Pharmacy St Martins Chemist 111.00

402 EFT29353 Nova Group Services Pty Ltd Footpath Works 90,394.66

403 056285 NP Vietnamese Books Library Magazines 595.00

404 EFT29272 Oaklands Road Mower Centre Mower Repairs / Purchases 684.80

405 EFT29480 Oaklands Road Mower Centre Mower Repairs / Purchases 1,810.00

406 EFT29621 Oaklands Road Mower Centre Mower Repairs / Purchases 595.25

407 EFT29358 Oce Australia Ltd Lease 302.36

408 EFT29623 Orana Home Assist 768.75

409 056179 Origin Energy Electricity Limited Power 6,668.08

410 056240 Origin Energy Electricity Limited Power 11,131.52

411 056287 Origin Energy Electricity Limited Power 68,526.27

412 EFT29273 O'Shea's Organisation Carpet Cleaning 1,920.27

413 EFT29482 O'Shea's Organisation Carpet Cleaning 803.44

414 EFT29359 Otis Elevator Company Pty Ltd Lift Maintenance 1,604.89

415 EFT29388 Owen Wheeler Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 21.90

416 056310 Oxford Conveyancing Trust Account Refund Overpaid Rates 440.35

417 EFT29483 Oxigen Pty Ltd Consultants 7,590.99

418 EFT29583 P & A Fragomeli Roadworks 12,716.00

419 056302 P Alexander Refund Rates Concession 190.00

420 EFT29366 Pacific Hydro Retail Pty Ltd Green Power Sales 1,435.41

421 EFT29274 Packwise Depot Supplies 210.00

422 056205 Panrhodian Society Colossus Inc Community Grant 2,000.00

423 EFT29268 PayTec Technology That Counts Support 403.29

424 EFT29625 Peats Soil & Garden Supplies Loam 550.00

425 EFT29524 Pegi Williams Book Shop Library Books 195.54

426 EFT29488 Pete’s Bobcat Excavation Contractors Pty Ltd Roadworks 313.50

427 EFT29523 Peter Varricchio Podiatry St Martins Podiatrist 1,345.90

428 EFT29658 Peter Varricchio Podiatry St Martins Podiatrist 735.30

429 EFT29367 PFD Food Services (SA) Pty Ltd St Martins Food 13,542.30

430 EFT29278 Platters Plus Catering Pty Ltd Catering 1,611.60

431 EFT29489 Platters Plus Catering Pty Ltd Catering 1,250.30

432 EFT29627 PlayRight Australia Pty Ltd Staff Training 6,600.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

433 EFT29363 Plumbing & Pipeline Solutions SA Pty Ltd Plumbing 2,636.26

434 EFT29490 PNR Project Management Consultants 3,080.00

435 056180 Powerdirect Pty Ltd Power 6,309.39

436 EFT29364 PPI Promotion & Apparel Promotional Material 2,758.80

437 EFT29275 Premier Art Supplies Stationery 3,262.56

438 EFT29360 Prime Medical Placements Temp Nursing Home Staff 19,986.40

439 EFT29484 Prime Medical Placements Temp Nursing Home Staff 25,044.54

440 EFT29624 Prime Medical Placements Temp Nursing Home Staff 15,657.59

441 EFT29277 Priority One Care & Service Staff Temp Nursing Home Staff 611.66

442 EFT29365 Priority One Care & Service Staff Temp Nursing Home Staff 801.37

443 EFT29630 Priority One Care & Service Staff Temp Nursing Home Staff 348.48

444 EFT29491 Pro Bitumen Pty Ltd Roadworks 8,552.00

445 EFT29276 ProActiv People Solutions Consultants 401.84

446 EFT29486 ProActiv People Solutions Consultants 431.60

447 EFT29629 ProActiv People Solutions Consultants 9,706.40

448 EFT29631 Prospect Contractors Pty Ltd Maintenance Works 72,875.00

449 EFT29413 Protector Alsafe Pty Ltd Protective Clothing 1,801.80

450 EFT29633 Quin Sports & Nets Tennis Nets 203.50

451 056192 R Chen Refund Rates Concession 190.00

452 EFT29280 Raeco International Pty Ltd Library Supplies 1,831.80

453 EFT29550 Ralph Bock Electrical Pty Ltd Electrical 14,624.50

454 EFT29481 RCR O'Donnell Griffin Pty Ltd Linear Park Upgrade 30,690.00

455 EFT29492 Reece Pty Ltd Irrigation 1,446.34

456 EFT29634 Rehtek Pty Ltd Repairs 175.00

457 EFT29368 Rentokil Tropical Plants Indoor Plant Hire 547.05

458 056289 Repco Depot Supplies 717.20

459 EFT29279 Resource Furniture Office Furniture 9,425.35

460 056290 Revenue SA Refund Rates 2,000.00

461 EFT29636 Ricoh Australia Ltd Copy Charges 5,117.42

462 056307 Rise Property Group Refund Development Fees 98.00

463 EFT29493 RMB Service Group Vehicle Maintenance 9,688.15

464 EFT29281 Roadrunner Couriers Couriers 847.93

465 EFT29369 Roadrunner Couriers Couriers 922.48

466 EFT29635 Roadrunner Couriers Couriers 693.09

467 056181 Roads Corporation Vehicle Searches 95.70

468 056242 Roads Corporation Vehicle Searches 147.90

469 EFT29494 Roadside Services & Solution Depot Supplies 4,769.37

470 EFT29370 Rundle Mall Plaza Newsagency Library Magazines 518.99

471 EFT29637 Rundle Mall Plaza Newsagency Library Magazines 689.46

472 056306 Russo Design & Construction Refund Development Fees 497.00

473 056295 SA Centrals Soccer Club Community Grant 500.00

474 EFT29287 SA Healthfirst Solutions Pty Ltd Temp Immunisation Staff 1,522.13

475 EFT29283 SA Institute of Rate Administrators Membership 285.00

476 EFT29371 SA Linen Service Pty Ltd Contract Linen 4,606.80

477 EFT29500 SA Mobile Mower Grinders Pty Ltd Mower Repairs 3,199.35

478 056293 SA Power Networks Power 35,944.60

479 056182 SA Water Water 116.00

480 EFT29292 SA Window Cleaning Pty Ltd Window Cleaning 4,114.00


Payee Invoice Description

Page 74: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

481 EFT29642 Safe Work Practice Staff Training 2,880.24

482 056296 SafeWork SA Licence Renewal 173.00

483 EFT29289 Saggese Transport & Crane Services Pty Ltd Plant Maintenance 393.25

484 EFT29285 Salmat Mediaforce Pty Ltd Printing 2,975.97

485 EFT29598 Samantha Hourigan Reimburse Expenses 150.00

486 EFT29304 Samsung Communications Centre St Martins Supplies 825.00

487 056203 Sandy Lowe St Martins Speech Pathology 80.00

488 056292 Sassafras Agencies Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 658.94

489 EFT29506 SCF Group Pty Ltd Container Rental 106.26

490 056183 Scout Recycling Centre Recycling 93.50

491 EFT29499 Seamless (Aust) Pty Ltd Intranet Development 21,137.82

492 EFT29641 Seamless (Aust) Pty Ltd Staff Training 21,137.82

493 EFT29378 SEM Civil Pty Ltd Roadworks 137,623.57

494 056246 Sensis Pty Ltd Yellow Pages Listing 137.49

495 EFT29640 Simply Ice Depot Supplies 33.00

496 056245 SITA Environmental Solutions Rubbish Removal 3,389.15

497 EFT29504 Skynet Satellite Communications Tracking 279.40

498 EFT29505 Snap Hilton Printing 61.30

499 EFT29374 Solar Clean Services Building Maintenance 2,051.00

500 EFT29288 SolarWinds Software Europe Limited Software 340.00

501 EFT29372 Solo Resource Recovery Garbage Collection 300,731.85

502 EFT29496 Solo Resource Recovery Rubbish Removal 142.56

503 056312 Sophie Zadow Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

504 EFT29286 Source Separation Systems Pty Ltd Compost Caddy Bags 2,125.54

505 056206 South Australian Cricket Association Ex Gratia Payment 500.00

506 EFT29226 Southern Cross Protection Patrol Service 3,460.77

507 EFT29373 SPNT Pty Ltd Payroll Salary Sacrificing 58.90

508 EFT29498 SPNT Pty Ltd Payroll Salary Sacrificing 58.90

509 EFT29645 Spray Shop Depot Supplies 978.90

510 EFT29377 St George College Opal Project 257.02

511 EFT29503 Stan's Distilled & Spring Water Water 238.70

512 EFT29425 Staples Australia Pty Ltd Stationery 5,035.91

513 EFT29501 Star Safety Depot Supplies 903.80

514 EFT29284 Starkey Zone Photography 583.00

515 EFT29290 Steamatic of Adelaide Pty Ltd Building Maintenance 1,053.23

516 EFT29450 Steffen Helgerod Reimburse Expenses 40.00

517 EFT29495 Stormwater Industry Association Membership 495.00

518 EFT29497 Street & Park Furniture Pty Ltd Park Benches 7,887.00

519 EFT29379 Stumpy Stumps Grind Stumps 350.00

520 EFT29507 Stumpy Stumps Grind Stumps 600.00

521 EFT29643 Stumpy Stumps Grind Stumps 800.00

522 EFT29291 Styleside Plumbing Services Pty Ltd Plumbing 2,086.70

523 EFT29508 Styleside Plumbing Services Pty Ltd Plumbing 11,321.21

524 EFT29644 Styleside Plumbing Services Pty Ltd Plumbing 13,386.45

525 056215 Sue Rudle Compost Bin Rebate 26.45

526 EFT29502 Sunny Industrial Brushware Sweeper Brooms 3,908.30

527 EFT29294 Taking Care of Trees Grind Stumps 10,783.00

528 EFT29511 Taking Care of Trees Grind Stumps 29,749.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

529 EFT29515 TC Advantage Pty Ltd Depot Supplies 3,210.35

530 056184 Telstra Telephone 43.05

531 056247 Telstra Telephone 9,744.39

532 EFT29616 Terence Nixon Furnishings Pty Ltd Curtains 1,899.70

533 EFT29509 Terrain Group Pty Ltd Irrigation 8,977.10

534 EFT29553 Terry Buss Reimburse Expenses 149.70

535 EFT29416 The Adelaide Tree Surgery Tree Maintenance 16,060.00

536 EFT29548 The Adelaide Tree Surgery Tree Maintenance 2,057.00

537 EFT29326 The Chair Doctor Furniture Repairs 60.50

538 EFT29224 The Charlotte Trust Cleaning 2,772.00

539 EFT29429 The Charlotte Trust Cleaning 1,386.00

540 EFT29433 The Department for Correctional Services Litter Collection 1,650.00

541 056276 The Flying Doctor Service Staff Casual Day Donations 106.45

542 056237 The Good Guys Electrical Appliance 820.00

543 056202 The Grainhouse Cafe Catering 379.83

544 EFT29253 The Kiln Advertising Advertising 2,073.50

545 EFT29605 The Kiln Advertising Advertising 319.00

546 EFT29632 The Paper Bahn Stationery 7,094.39

547 EFT29362 The Personnel Risk Management Group Security Checks 48.40

548 EFT29628 The Personnel Risk Management Group Security Checks 30.80

549 EFT29295 The Table & Chair Co Furniture 957.00

550 EFT29656 Think Water Irrigation 81.00

551 EFT29298 Tie Networks Pty Ltd Software Renewal 5,698.00

552 EFT29297 Tip Top Bakeries St Martins Food 233.77

553 EFT29385 Tip Top Bakeries St Martins Food 233.77

554 EFT29513 Tip Top Bakeries St Martins Food 436.58

555 EFT29654 Tip Top Bakeries St Martins Food 209.69

556 056221 TJ Davies Refund Rates Concession 380.00

557 EFT29382 TNPK Staff Pty Ltd Temp Compliance Staff 2,970.00

558 EFT29649 TNPK Staff Pty Ltd Temp Compliance Staff 20,702.00

559 EFT29299 TNT Express Courier 97.48

560 EFT29247 Tom Howard's Crash Repair Service Vehicle Maintenance 811.80

561 EFT29251 Tomas Jelinek Jim's Mowing (Cowandilla) Mowing 45.00

562 EFT29651 Tom's Car Wash Vehicle Maintenance 3,805.40

563 EFT29381 Tonkin Consulting Consultants 4,158.00

564 056218 Tony Severino Conveyancer Trust Account Refund Overpaid Rates 297.55

565 EFT29647 Toro Australia Pty Ltd Mower Repairs 486.55

566 EFT29650 Torrens Safety Depot Supplies 1,043.42

567 EFT29380 Total Construction Surveys Pty Ltd Survey and Setouts 19,569.00

568 EFT29442 Totally Workwear Richmond Safety Clothing 60.50

569 EFT29457 Tracey Beaumont Catering 787.50

570 EFT29384 Tracking, Labels & Consulting Pty Ltd Library Supplies 177.10

571 EFT29653 Tracking, Labels & Consulting Pty Ltd Library Supplies 405.13

572 EFT29657 Transpacific Cleanaway Ltd Rubbish Disposal 1,381.55

573 EFT29296 Transpacific Technical Services - Adelaide Waste Removal 543.40

574 EFT29514 Tree Care Machinery Depot Supplies 53.90

575 EFT29652 Treevolution Arboricultural Consultants Pty Ltd Consultants 605.00

576 EFT29622 Trevor Owen DAP Member Allowance 2,324.00


Payee Invoice Description

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Ref Cheque/ ChequeNo. EFT No. Total

577 EFT29512 Triplepoint Calibrations Calibration 198.00

578 056299 Underdale High School Equipment Grant 1,100.00

579 EFT29302 United Landscaping Depot Supplies 7,843.44

580 056186 Uniting Care Wesley Bowden Inc Sponsorship 199.69

581 EFT29301 Urban & Regional Planning Solutions Consultants 1,375.00

582 EFT29519 Urban & Regional Planning Solutions Consultants 3,987.50

583 EFT29517 Urban Development Institute of Aust SA Membership 1,259.00

584 EFT29518 Urban Sustainable Landscapes Landscaping 355.30

585 056273 Van Thanh Dang Mendelson Scholarship 3,000.00

586 EFT29375 Vanessa Sanzari Reimburse Expenses 150.00

587 EFT29521 Veolia Environmental Services Rubbish Removal 225.60

588 EFT29306 Veri Fire Fire Safety 1,706.72

589 EFT29303 Vili's Catering 244.78

590 EFT29520 Vili's Catering 244.78

591 EFT29307 Wallbridge & Gilbert Consultancy 14,410.00

592 EFT29526 Wavesound Pty Ltd Library Supplies 545.60

593 EFT29660 Wavesound Pty Ltd Library Supplies 1,658.25

594 EFT29663 WC Convenience Management Pty Ltd Public Toilet / BBQ Cleaning 5,446.14

595 EFT29525 Web Safety Pty Ltd Clothing 9,729.63

596 EFT29659 Web Safety Pty Ltd Clothing 962.45

597 EFT29527 Westaff (Aust) Pty Ltd Temp Admin Staff 226.52

598 EFT29662 Westaff (Aust) Pty Ltd Temp Admin Staff 226.52

599 056256 Western Carers & Others Thebarton Community Centre Bond Return 120.00

600 056210 William Day Junior Development Grant 200.00

601 056187 Wohlers Furniture 2,326.78

602 EFT29661 Worlds Best Specialised Cleaning Graffiti Removal 5,841.00

603 EFT29424 WP Crowhurst Pty Ltd Paint Supplies 2,655.13

604 EFT29389 X-Treme Towing Service Pty Ltd Vehicle Tow 110.00

605 056208 Yakult St Martins Food 19.80

606 EFT29529 Your Nursing Agency Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 649.11

607 EFT29664 Your Nursing Agency Pty Ltd Temp Nursing Home Staff 372.04

608 EFT29487 Zagarine Paxinos Reimburse Volunteer Expenses 68.48

609 056213 Zane Judd Junior Development Grant 200.00

610 EFT29308 Zen Home Energy Systems Install Solar Hot Water Systems 19,603.58



Payee Invoice Description

Page 77: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 16 11.2 LGFA Annual General Meeting 2014 Brief The Local Government Finance Authority has advised of its upcoming AGM and is calling for motions, Board nominations and an appointment for the meeting. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended to Council that: 1. The Local Government Finance Authority be advised that Council has no motions for the

upcoming Annual General Meeting. 2. Mr Bill Ross, General Manager, Corporate and Regulatory, be appointed as Council's

representative to the Annual General Meeting. 3. Cr .................. be nominated to the Board of the Local Government Finance Authority. Introduction The Local Government Finance Authority (LGFA) has advised of its upcoming AGM on Friday 31 October 2014 and is calling for motions, Board nominations and the appointment of a Council representative for the meeting. Discussion The Annual General Meeting of the Local Government Finance Authority will be held on Friday 31 October 2014, in the William Magarey Room at Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive, Adelaide. The meeting will coincide with the Annual General Meeting of the Local Government Association of SA, with the commencement time to be advised. The Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia Act 1983 (the Act) provides that "every Council is entitled to appoint a person to represent it at a general meeting of the Authority." Council should therefore consider nominating a member / officer to be its representative at the meeting. Mr Ross has been nominated in past years. The Act also provides that “two persons are elected in accordance with the rules of the Authority” for a two year term. Nominations must be lodged at the LGFA by Friday 22 August 2014. A copy of the correspondence, which also outlines requirements, including requirements for any proposed notice of motions, is included as Attachment 1 for Members' information. Conclusion The Local Government Finance Authority has advised of its upcoming AGM on 31 October 2014 and is calling for Board nominations, motions and the appointment of a Council representative for the meeting.

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Page 84: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 23 11.3 Property Leases Brief This report provides information on overdue property lease payments that are greater than $2,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the report be received. Introduction This report provides information on the property lease payments that are overdue, pursuant to the requirements of a Council resolution on 17 September 2013. Discussion The following lease amounts have been invoiced and were overdue as at 30 June 2014. A comparison is provided with the situation reported to Council as at 30 June 2013 and as at 31 May 2014.

Debtor As at 30 Jun 2013

As at 31 May 2014

As at 30 June 2014 Variance

Adelaide Baseball Club 0.00 2,907.96 2,172.15 -735.81

Solo Waste 0.00 0.00 31,576.98 31,576.98

Adelaide Waste & Recycling 0.00 0.00 46,518.33 46,518.33

Weslo Holdings Pty Ltd 2,574.00 57,128.70 24,130.62 -32,998.08

West Adelaide Football Club Inc 51,782.81

41,486.05 44,396.48 2,910.43

Hindmarsh Bowling Club Inc 0.00 0.00 3,027.55 3,027.55 PHOS Camden Sports & Social Club 0.00

6,702.81 2,165.99 -4,536.82

Murray Darling Association 0.00

2,917.20 4,440.93 1,523.73

Total 54,356.81

111,142.72 158,429.03 47,286.31 Adelaide Baseball Club The overdue amount relates to Origin gas charges from October 2013 to April 2014. Solo Waste The overdue amount relates to lease fees for April to June and an SA Water account for the same period. Adelaide Waste & Recycling The overdue amount is royalty payments for January to March.

Page 85: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 24 Weslo Holdings Pty Ltd The overdue amount is the rent for the South Road property for the months of May and June ($20,556.62), theatre hire charges for April (balance of $1,000) and an amount of $2,574 which has been in dispute over theatre alterations. The overdue debts of Weslo Holdings have been reported to Council in the 2013/14 financial year as follows:

Date $ 31-Jul-13 N/A

31-Aug-13 32,510 30-Sep-13 55,537 31-Oct-13 44,135 30-Nov-13 72,202 31-Dec-13 48,340 31-Jan-14 36,072 28-Feb-14 51,399 31-Mar-14 60,710 30-Apr-14 64,244

31-May-14 57,129 30-Jun-14 24,131

Since 30 June, Weslo has paid the arrears in full, with the exception of the disputed $2,574. A credit note has now been raised for that amount. Weslo has given an undertaking to pay future accounts as they fall due. West Adelaide Football Club Inc The overdue amount consists of lease fees for January (part), May and June ($7,061.85), interest for November 2013, January, February, March and April ($1,028.00), SA Water accounts for July 2013 to March 2014 ($1,063.76), an oval lighting advance repayment of $24,242.87 and an AAL lighting contribution of $11,000. The overdue debts of the WAFC have been reported to Council in the 2013/14 financial year as follows:

Date $ 31-Jul-13 N/A

31-Aug-13 39,614 30-Sep-13 28,696 31-Oct-13 25,029 30-Nov-13 26,538 31-Dec-13 1,574 31-Jan-14 4,828 28-Feb-14 7,450 31-Mar-14 40,541 30-Apr-14 43,678

31-May-14 41,486 30-Jun-14 44,396

No payments have been received towards the property lease account during June.

Page 86: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 25 Hindmarsh Bowling Club Inc The overdue amount consists of the balance of SA Water account for April to June ($3,000) and December interest of $27.55. PHOS Camden Sports and Social Club An adjustment has recently been made to the water charges. The overdue amount now relates to the annual lease fees of $1,687.95, remaining SA Water charges for April to June of $330.51 and gas accounts of $147.53. Murray Darling Association The overdue amount involves rent for April to June and a gas account. Conclusion The report provides information on the property lease payments that are overdue, in response to a Council resolution on 17 September 2013.

Page 87: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 26 11.4 Mendelson Financial Report June 2014 Interim Brief This report provides interim information on the financial performance of the Mendelson Foundation as at 30th June 2014. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the report be received. Discussion The following interim financial reports as at 30th June 2014 are attached for Elected Member information:

• Balance Sheet (Attachment 1); • FMD Financial Pty Ltd Investment Portfolio Report (Attachment 2); • Cash Movement Report (Attachment 3).

For the twelve month period ended 30th June 2014, FMD Financial Pty Ltd is reporting a net return on investments of 10.2 per cent, as follows:

Attachment 2 shows defensive (or income) assets and growth assets separately, to highlight the weighting between the two as a way of monitoring compliance with investment policy targets.

Jun May

Interim PreviousMonth YTD Month YTD

Market Movement on Equities 84,590.46$ 103,923.17$

Add Dividends 32,565.75$ 31,662.91$

Add Interest 8,169.97$ 6,728.19$

125,326.18$ 142,314.27$

Less Trustee Charges 10,117.57$ 9,172.72$

Net Return 115,208.61$ 133,141.55$

Fund Balance @ 1 July 13 1,134,976.71$ 1,134,976.71$

Net Return on Investments 10.2% 11.7%

Page 88: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 27 The weighting at 30th June 2014 is 36.8 per cent for income assets and 63.2 per cent for growth assets, which contrasts favourably with our policy targets as shown below:

Target Weightings

Actual Weightings

Income Assets

No Less Than 35% 36.8%

Growth Assets

No Greater Than 65% 63.2%

Conclusion Information is provided in this report on the financial performance of the Mendelson Foundation as at 30th June 2014.

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$ $ $Final Interim

at 30/06/13 at 30/06/14 Variance

CURRENT ASSETSCash held at Council 11,496 23,491 11,995Investments - FMD Financial Pty Ltd 1,129,893 1,209,174 79,280GST Refunds/Imputation Credits Due 12,095 293 (11,802)Dividend Income due not yet received 5,083 0 (5,083)Interest Income due not yet received 0 0 0

Total Current Assets 1,158,568 1,232,957 74,390

Non-Current Assets 0 0 0

TOTAL ASSETS 1,158,568 1,232,957 74,390

Less Liabilities 0 0 0

NET ASSETS 1,158,568 1,232,957 74,390

FOUNDATION WEALTHAccumulated Funds ** 1,158,568 1,232,957 74,390Reserves 0 0 0

TOTAL FOUNDATION WEALTH 1,158,568 1,232,957 74,390

** Accumulated Funds - Opening 1,158,568 Plus Revenue 138,929 Less YTD Expenditure 64,540

Accumulated Funds - Closing 1,232,957



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Balance at Weight at Balance at Weight at30/06/2013 30/06/2013 30/06/2014 30/06/2014 Variance Variance

$ % $ % $ %

ANZ Convertible Pref Shares 33,874 3.0% 0 0.0% (33,874) -100.0%

ANZ Convertible Pref Cap Note2 0 0.0% 35,394 2.9% 35,394 0.0%

CBA PERLS V 30,423 2.7% 30,660 2.5% 237 0.8%

General Property Trust 23,105 2.0% 23,105 1.9% 0 0.0%

Macquarie Goodman Ind Property Trust 29,910 2.6% 30,951 2.6% 1,042 3.5%

Stockland Trust Group 33,130 2.9% 36,938 3.1% 3,808 11.5%

Cash 146,277 12.9% 198,367 16.4% 52,090 35.6%

ANZ Convertible Pref Shares CPS2 29,985 2.6% 30,467 2.5% 482 1.6%

AMP Unsecured Sub Frn 59,122 5.2% 0 0.0% (59,122) -100.0%

Westpac Prefer Sec II 60,352 5.3% 0 0.0% (60,352) -100.0%

Westpac Non-Cum Converting Perp Cap Note II 0 0.0% 59,460 4.9% 59,460 0.0%

Dividends due not yet received 5,083 0.4% 0 0.0% (5,083) -100.0%

Total for Defensive Assets: 451,261 39.8% 445,343 36.8% (5,918) -1.3%

Argo 22,481 2.0% 26,552 2.2% 4,072 18.1%

BHP Billiton 61,642 5.4% 70,544 5.8% 8,901 14.4%

CBA 95,814 8.4% 112,019 9.3% 16,205 16.9%

CSL 104,563 9.2% 113,002 9.3% 8,439 8.1%

MLC Platinum Global Fund 54,280 4.8% 65,643 5.4% 11,363 20.9%

NAB 44,817 3.9% 49,498 4.1% 4,681 10.4%

OneSteel 2,012 0.2% 2,051 0.2% 39 1.9%

Origin Energy Limited 22,475 2.0% 26,141 2.2% 3,665 16.3%

QBE Insurance Group Limited 34,405 3.0% 24,784 2.0% (9,622) -28.0%

Rio Tinto 61,482 5.4% 69,630 5.8% 8,148 13.3%

Santos Limited 41,098 3.6% 46,773 3.9% 5,674 13.8%

Westpac Corporation Deferred Ex St George 37,457 3.3% 43,942 3.6% 6,485 17.3%

Woodside Petroleum Ltd Ord 46,493 4.1% 54,541 4.5% 8,048 17.3%

Woolworths 54,694 4.8% 58,712 4.9% 4,017 7.3%

Total for Growth Assets: 683,716 60.2% 763,831 63.2% 80,115 11.7%

Total Investments 1,134,977 100.0% 1,209,174 100.0% 74,197 6.5%



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$ $

Balance at 30/06/2013 146,277.15

Add Sales EquitiesANZ Convertible Perf Shares ANZPB - 100 units 34,000.00 AMP Group Finance - 574 shares 57,400.00 WBCPE - Westpec Non-Cum Perp Cap Note II - 583 units 58,300.00

149,700.00 Less Equities - Purchases

ANZ Convertible Perf Shares ANZPE - 100 units 34,000.00 WBCPB - Westpec Pref Shares Sec II - 583 units 58,300.00

92,300.00 Add Dividends/Interest/Income

Interest Received in July 2013 347.80 Dividend Income Received in July 2013 3,680.39 Interest Received in August 2013 1,422.42 Dividend Income Received in August 2013 1,736.94 Interest Received in September 2013 289.89 Dividend Income Received in September 2013 7,051.25 Interest Received in October 2013 302.46 Dividend Income Received in October 2013 321.30 Dividend Income Due Received in October 2013 4,998.43 Interest Received in November 2013 1,360.42 Dividend Income Due Received in December 2013 301.44 Interest Received in December 2013 307.07 Dividend Income Received in December 2013 3,683.07 Interest Received in January 2014 310.72 Dividend Income Received in January 2014 317.32 Interest Received in February 2014 281.29 Dividend Income Received in February 2014 2,836.77 Interest Received in March 2014 317.50 Dividend Income Received in March 2014 5,940.62 Interest Received in April 2014 323.99 Dividend Income Received in April 2014 6,938.69 Interest Received in May 2014 404.62 Dividend Income Received in May 2014 1,032.22 Dividend Income Due Received in June 2014 902.84 Interest Received in June 2014 409.56



AS AT 30/06/2014

Page 92: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


$ $

Less FeesFMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (July) 966.81 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (August) 993.58 Cash Call - Cash held at council 20,000.00 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (September) 990.91 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (October) 1,021.91 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (November) 1,015.29 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (December) 1,017.63 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (January) 1,001.46 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (February) 1,026.68 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (March) 1,021.80 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (April) 1,033.92 Cash Call - Cash held at council 20,000.00 FMD Financial Pty Ltd Administration Fee inc. GST (May) 1,039.33


Cash at 30/06/2014 198,366.85

Less FMD Financial Pty Ltd Balance (Macquarie CMT) 198,366.85

Imbalance -

AS AT 30/06/2014


Page 93: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 32 11.5 Regulatory Services Activity Report Brief This report provides information on the activities of the Regulatory Services Department for June 2014. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the activity report be received. Introduction Details are provided each month on the activities of Regulatory Services for the information of Council. Discussion Health Number of routine premise inspections = 30+ 2 Supported Residential Facility Audits.

Inspection Class Routine Inspections

Routine Audits Re-Inspections

Food Premises Cooling Towers Swimming Pools Supported Residential Facility Hairdresser/Skin Penetration Number of Complaints acted upon = 14

18 0 4 0 8

0 0 0 2 0

5 0 0 0 0

Total Number of Inspections 14 258 15 225

Complaint Type Acted Upon June 14 YTD 13/14

June 13

YTD 12/13

Environmental Nuisances: Noise Odour Smoke Dust Stormwater

1 0 0 1 4

32 11 5 19 35

1 1 0 2 4

29 14 2

16 31

Public Health Public Health General Duty Hairdressers/Skin Penetration Beauty Therapy Communicable/Notifiable Diseases Swimming Pools/Spas Domestic Squalor Legionella Notification/Investigation Rats/Mice Public Health Pests (Mosquitoes/Head lice etc)

0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0

17 0 0 5 1 5 3 62 9

2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

29 0 0 9 3 1 0

45 2

Page 94: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Complaint Type Acted Upon Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Jun 13 YTD 12/13 Food Storage/Temperature Date Labelling Contamination – Foreign Matter Contamination – Microbial Contamination- Chemical Hygiene – Personal Hygiene – Unclean Premises Poisoning – Non-Specific/Alleged Food Poisoning - Confirmed Pests Food Handling Recall Food Premises - Fit out Supported Residential Facilities Complaint

0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 0 0 7 12 4 0 8 2 4


0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

4 3 8 0 0 0 3 12 2 3 3 2 4

0 Immunisation Vaccine Description Number Influenza - Seasonal Flu Vaccine 21 Hepatitis A Adult/Paediatric 2 Hepatitis B Adult 1 Adult Diphtheria Tetanus 5 IFXIPV – Child Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough, Polio 9 IFX HEXA - Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough Polio HIB 53 Hiberix – HIB Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine 0 RotaTeq - Gastroenteritis Vaccine 50 Hepatitis B Paediatric 1 Hepatitis B (HBVAXII) School Yr 8 4 Prevenar - Pneumococcal Vaccine 53 Meningococcal C - Meningococcal Meningitis 0 Priorix - Measles, Mumps and Rubella 21 Pneumococcal 23 valent Pneumonia Vaccine 0 Twinrix - Hepatitis A&B Vaccine 1 Varicella - Chicken Pox 8 Boostrix - Adult Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough 83 IPV - Inactivated Polio Vaccine 5 Gardasil - Cervical Cancer and Genital Wart Vaccine 143 Adacel/Boostrix - Adult Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough Menitorix - HIB/ Meningococcal CC Priorix - Tetra -Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella

0 9 13

Vaccines Administered (Episodes) TOTAL 482 People Vaccinated (Encounters) TOTAL` 261 Purchased Vaccines Administered (inc CWT Staff) 18

Page 95: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 34 Waste Management Waste Bin Inspections Total Number of Inspections 10 111 9 171

Waste Bin Complaints Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Jun 13 YTD 12/13 Residents Bins Left on Verge Residents Bins Complaints Residents Bins Missed (escalated issues) Residents Bins Contamination Residents Bins Misc/Other

8 0 0 2 0

44 4 5

13 15

4 1 0 1 1

49 20 17 14 37

Street Bins Odour/Repairs/Damaged Street/Reserve Bin Requests Street Bin Removal Street Bin Overflow

0 0 0 0

7 7 3


1 0 0 1

13 9 0


Food Waste Program Worm Farm, Compost Bin and Kitchen Caddy Subsidy Total number of residents applied for subsidy since 1/7/2013 34 Total amount reimbursed $1,297 Total number purchased items through Council 8 Total number purchased items privately 26 Type Number Worm Farm 14 Worms 14 Accessories 5 Compost Bins Kitchen Caddy (privately purchased)

18 0

Illegal Dumping Requests and Cubic Metres Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Number of work requests 37 771 Cubic metres (approx.) 14 258 Number of requests where items removed by Residents



Cubic metres of items removed by residents (approx)



Type of Items Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Mattresses 9 133 TV's 10 144 Lounge Chairs and suites 7 144 Non TV Electrical/Microwave/Fridge/Stove


49 Cupboards/Entertainments Units etc (larger wooden furniture)



Tyres 0 41 Other (bags of rubbish/green waste etc)



Page 96: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Dumping by Suburb June 14 YTD 13/14 Ashford 1 12 Brooklyn Park 0 62 Camden Park 1 43 Cowandilla 0 22 Fulham 0 11 Glandore 1 16 Glenelg North 0 6 Hilton 1 28 Keswick 1 28 Kurralta Park 1 52 Lockleys 0 33 Marleston 4 31 Mile End 2 72 Mile End South 0 4 Netley 2 23 North Plympton 3 35 Novar Gardens 2 15 Plympton 7 79 Richmond 3 62 Thebarton 0 32 Torrensville 2 48 Underdale 3 28 West Beach 0 7 West Richmond 2 16

Mattress and Sofa Collection Bookings/Waste Disposal Vouchers Number of Bookings/Vouchers Jun 14 YTD 2013/14

Mattress/Sofa 53 579 Waste Voucher 91 823


Total Number of Inspections 167 2553 200 2489

Animals Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Jun 13 YTD

12/13 Dog Attack on Animal 1 19 4 20 Dog Attack on Human 2 19 2 14 Dog Wandering at Large 34 447 23 391 Lost Dog 4 105 6 95 Barking Dogs 1 47 1 48 Dog Harassments to Animals 1 6 1 6 Dog Harassments to Humans 0 15 1 11 Dogs Creating a Nuisance 1 36 3 15 Dogs Not Registered 0 41 58 235 Number of Animals on Property 0 20 0 24 Cats Creating a Nuisance 2 19 0 9 Other Animals Creating a Nuisance 3 35 3 35

Page 97: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


General Compliance Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Jun 13 YTD

12/13 Bees on Public Land 0 36 6 53 European Wasp Nest Sighting 1 36 2 102 Council Tree Damage 0 14 0 11 Environment - Backyard Burning 0 31 3 22 Environment - Pick up Syringes Environment - Drag Out Building Sites

0 0

17 3

1 0

19 3

Development /Utilities Damage 4 60 0 21 Damaged Driveways/Footpaths 0 10 1 11 Damaged Incorrect Crossovers 2 12 2 10 Signs Banners and Posters Signs - Installation

0 0

11 0

1 0

9 0

Signs - A Frames 0 7 1 10 Election Signs 0 8 0 1 Littering by Contractors Litter and Dumping

0 0

4 23

0 0

6 17

Unsightly Yard 1 44 5 39 Sleeping on Council Land 1 2 0 7 Overgrown/Fire Hazard 4 98 0 75 Trees Overhanging from Private Properties 5 94 5 93 Obstruction on Footpaths - Goods/Bins Obstruction on Footpaths - Outdoor Dining Obstruction on Road

1 0 1

17 3 4

0 0 0

20 1 1

Rubbish Hard Waste/Rubbish 0 1 0 52 Conducting Business on a Road 0 1 0 1 Shopping Trolleys 0 2 0 2

Parking Jun 14 YTD 13/14 Jun 13 YTD

12/13 Abandoned Vehicles 26 353 21 295 Parking Complaints 72




Conclusion Details are provided each month on the activities of Regulatory Services for the information of Council.

Page 98: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 37 11.6 Service Centre Activity Report Brief This report provides information on activities of Council’s Service Centre for the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 financial year. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that this activity report be received. Introduction The objective of the Council’s Service Centre is to “provide quality and excellence in service to those contacting Council". To achieve this, key performance indicators (KPI’s) have been established to measure call volumes, abandonment rates, service levels and cash transactions taken. In addition any abnormal or major events / projects that impact on KPI’s are reported. Discussion Detailed below are the Service Centre’s most relevant KPI’s for the 2013/14 financial year. The following table provides a comparison of KPI's for the fourth quarter of this financial year compared to the corresponding period last year.

Functions Benchmark KPI April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Total Q4

2013/14 Total Q4 2012/13

Calls Received 5,595 6,475 5,807 17,877 17,676

Abandoned Call Rate 3% 2.9% 2.5% 2.4% 2.6% 2.6%

Average Queue Time 30 secs 31 secs 26 secs 23 secs 26 secs 29 secs

Average Ring Time on Phone 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs

Call Response Level >80% 81.8% 84.9% 86.6% 84.4% 83.7%

Average Talk Time

2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 15 secs 6 secs 5 secs 8 secs 13 secs

Call Duration < 5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 36 secs 27 secs 26 secs 29 secs 33 secs

Call Resolution Rate > 80% 82.4% 82.6%

After Hour Calls 225 234 194 653 NA

Overall calls received increased by 201 (or 1.1%) compared to the corresponding period last year and decreased by 427 (2.3%) compared to the third quarter of 2013/14. The abandoned call rate for this quarter increased marginally by 0.03% compared to the same period last year; the rate also increased slightly by 0.2% compared to the third quarter of 2013/14. Call response level increased by 0.8% compared to last year and increased 0.2% compared to the third quarter of 2013/14.

Page 99: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 38 The average wait time for this quarter decreased by three seconds when compared to the same period last year, with the wait time reflecting the same as recorded for the third quarter of 2013/14. Reporting of after hour calls commenced in October 2013. After hour calls decreased compared to the previous quarter; however, there is currently limited comparative data to reflect any seasonal trends. The table below provides a comparison of the major KPI's for the full year compared to last year.

Benchmark - KPI 2013/14 2012/13

Total Enquiries 73,990 68,572

Average Answer Time 30 seconds 27 seconds 26 seconds

Abandoned Call % 3% 2.3% 2.1%

Call Response Level >80% 84.6% 85.0%

Resolution Rate % 80% 83.2% 81.7%

Overall calls increased by 5,418 (or 7.9%) when compared to last year, the call volume was higher every month compared to the corresponding month in the previous year. Abandonment rate and average call answer time increased slightly for the year by 0.2% and one second respectively, while response level decreased by 0.4%. The percentage of calls resolved increased by 1.5% when compared to the previous year. Calls Received As indicated by the chart below the number of calls received followed the same trend as the previous year with the only variation being a slight increase in calls received each month.

Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2012/13 5946 6384 6009 5379 5357 4726 5329 5895 5871 5562 6409 57052013/14 6971 6864 7080 5906 5798 5190 5383 6242 6679 5595 6475 5807












Calls Received

Page 100: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 39 After Hour Calls The graph below reflects the volume of after hour calls received since October 2013.

A breakdown of calls to the after hour’s service provider for this quarter identifies the following key points:

• Of the 120 property related calls, 89 were for building alarms; • Of the 204 regulatory service calls, 100 calls were dog related and 63 calls were regarding

expiation notices; • 186 callers advised they would call back during business hours.

Abandoned Calls The overall abandoned call rate was similar to the previous year; the rate was slightly higher in April and May but lower in June when compared to the previous year.

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2013/14 0 0 0 202 188 264 239 235 298 225 234 194











After Hour Calls

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2012/13 1.95% 1.77% 1.63% 1.38% 1.81% 2.16% 2.85% 2.19% 2.32% 2.84% 2.18% 2.72%2013/14 2.51% 2.35% 1.81% 2.37% 2.09% 1.95% 1.84% 2.64% 2.56% 2.91% 2.46% 2.43%Target 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%











Abandoned Calls

Page 101: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 40 Call Response Levels Call response levels also mirrored the previous year with a slight variation in June where the response level was 2% higher than the previous year.

Call Resolution The graph below highlights the method of call resolution, with 55% of the calls resolved by Service Centre staff. This figure is slightly lower compared to the third quarter (56%) and the same as the corresponding period last year (55%).

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2012/13 85.30% 87.21% 85.78% 89.01% 87.51% 85.36% 82.12% 83.34% 83.70% 81.98% 84.45% 84.44%2013/14 81.63% 84.92% 86.31% 84.68% 85.26% 86.68% 86.90% 83.62% 82.57% 81.76% 84.86% 86.56%Target 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%











l %

Call Response Level


55% 13%






Call Resolution - Quarter 4

Customer Request



Asked Name - Trsfer

Asked Name - Email



No Data Entered

Page 102: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

CORPORATE AND REGULATORY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 41 Payment Methods The chart below indicates how payments were made to Council, with 69% of payments being undertaken through on line services. This is an increase of 1.0% compared to the same period last year and the same percentage recorded in the third quarter this year.

Payment Activities The table and graph below highlight that rate receipting continues to be the largest activity undertaken, making up 83% of all payments received for the quarter. There was an increase in payment activity by 1,360 transactions (5.5%) when compared to the same period last year. Payment activity is slightly lower when compared to the third quarter with the only significant difference being a reduction in rates transactions by 325 and an increase in debtor's transactions by 317. Rate payments accounted for 81% of all payment activities for the year. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Animals 5,195 269 214 181 5,859

Application Receipt 485 509 470 459 1923

Debtors Receipt 473 492 830 1147 2942

General Ledger Receipt 62 39 58 42 201

Infringement Receipt 1,865 1,723 1,399 1434 6,421

Job Costing Receipt 5 4 2 2 13

Licencing Receipt 57 30 30 42 159

Miscellaneous Receipts 1,318 1,230 1,133 1116 4,797

Rates Receipt 29,374 22,718 21,960 21635 95,687

Total 38,834 27,014 26,096 26058 118,002





Payment Method - Quarter 4

Call Centre




Page 103: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Conclusion The report provides an overview of the key activities of Council’s Service Centre for the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 financial year. 12. MEETING CLOSE

1% 2%



6% 0%

0% 4%


Payment Activity - Quarter 4


Application Receipt

Debtors Receipt

General Ledger Receipt

Infringement Receipt

Job Costing Receipt

Licencing Receipt

Miscellaneous Receipts

Rates Receipt

Page 104: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that



1. MEETING OPENED ...................................................................................................... 1

2. PRESENT ..................................................................................................................... 1

3. APOLOGIES ................................................................................................................. 1

4. DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS ...................................................................................... 1

5. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES ................................................................ 1

6. COMMUNICATIONS BY THE CHAIRPERSON............................................................ 1

7. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ........................................................................................ 1

8. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ................................................................................. 1

9. MOTIONS WITH NOTICE ............................................................................................. 1

10. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ..................................................................................... 1

11. STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY DIVISION REPORTS................................................. 2

11.1 New Member of Building Fire Safety Committee ............................................. 2

11.2 City Development Activities Report .................................................................. 4

11.3 City Strategy Activity Report ............................................................................. 8

11.4 St Martins Activity Report ............................................................................... 11

11.5 Community Services Update Activities Report .............................................. 16

12. MEETING CLOSE ...................................................................................................... 19

Page 105: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that





The following information should be considered by Committee Members prior to a meeting: 1. Consider Section 73 of the Local Government Act and determine whether they have a conflict

of interest in any matter to be considered in this Agenda; and

2. Disclose these interests in accordance with the requirements of Sections 74 and 75 of the Local Government Act 1999.

The following disclosures of interest have been made in relation to:


RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the meeting of the Strategy and Community Standing Committee held on 17 June 2014 be confirmed as a true and correct record. 6. COMMUNICATIONS BY THE CHAIRPERSON





Page 106: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


11.1 New Member of Building Fire Safety Committee Brief To advise of new persons nominated by the Chief Officer of the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service as members of the West Torrens Building Fire Safety Committee pursuant to Section 71 of the Development Act 1993. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council receive and note the information. Introduction Section 71 of the Development Act 1993 requires Council to establish a Building Fire Safety Committee (BFSC) for the council area, or establish and participate in a Regional Building Fire Safety Committee. Discussion All new buildings and proposed alterations and extensions to existing buildings must comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and the fire safety in such buildings is carefully assessed as part of the process of issuing a development approval. For existing old buildings Section 71 of the Development Act 1993 provides for Council to investigate whether building owners are maintaining proper levels of fire safety in their buildings for the protection of occupiers. A Building Fire Safety Committee is established as the “appropriate authority” under the Development Act to take action, when required, to have the owner upgrade the fire safety of a building to the appropriate level. A member and deputy member is nominated by the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service representative to attend meetings and undertake inspections. At its meeting of 17 September 2013, Council appointed a new Building Fire Safety Committee and acknowledged Rodney Bahr (and Andrew Sharrad as Deputy) as persons nominated by the Chief Officer of the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service. On 3 July 2014, Council received written advice (Attachment 1) that the persons nominated by the Chief Officer of the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service from this point forward are Jonathon Pearce (and Rodney Bahr as Deputy). Conclusion In order to meet its obligations under the Development Act 1993 relating to building fire safety, it is recommended that Council receive and note the advice of new persons nominated by the Chief Officer of the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service as members of the West Torrens Building Fire Safety Committee pursuant to Section 71 of the Development Act 1993.

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Page 108: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 4 11.2 City Development Activities Report Brief To provide Elected Members with information on activities within the City Development Department. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the Activities Report be received. Summary This report details the activities of the City Development Department up to the end of June 2014.

Points of interest: The month of June saw the number of development applications and Section 12 requests remain at four year highs for the month. Economic analysts are predicting interest rates to remain steady for the next twelve months, with a few predicting a further drop in interest rates, both scenarios suggest that the current development levels will continue.

The 2013-14 financial year saw the highest number of development approvals since 2007-8 and the highest number of lodgements since 2010-11. Development Assessment

Development Plan Consents

Active files - Development Approval
















Lodgement 88 105 113 101 108 124 82 92 116 85 78 116 108Consents issued 76 79 99 100 80 96 86 73 125 102 84 87 78

Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14Active files 233 252 252 249 283 293 299 306 304 299 299 332









Page 109: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Difference in Active File Numbers Compared to 12 Months Earlier

Active files - Building Rules Consent

BRO = Building Rules Only applications

Development Assessment Panel Decision

Building Rules Consent issued









































Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14Active 12 7 11 24 29 9 17 19 14 21 19 16On Hold 21 23 27 17 18 22 27 30 34 32 35 37BRO 30 29 22 21 27 20 21 22 38 25 20 21Total 33 30 38 41 47 31 44 49 48 53 54 53






25With RecommendationNot with Recommendation



























Jul-13 Aug-13

Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-

13Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-

14Mar-14 Apr-14 May-

14 Jun-14

Certifier 36 31 51 50 19 42 32 45 40 33 53 48Council 57 55 39 39 45 32 34 41 47 38 36 40

Page 110: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


Full Development Approval issued

Note: This number does not include Refusals or Withdrawals and reflects what will actually be acted upon


Month / Year

No of Actions Received

Actions Resolved within the month

Actions Resolved from previous months

Total Ongoing Actions

Section 84 Issued

Section 69 Issued

New Actions with ERD Court

Resolved Actions with ERD Court

Total ongoing Actions with ERD Court

Section 51 Clearances

Jul 13 20 6 30 83 - - 1 - 6 11 Aug 13 17 8 9 84 1 - - - 6 16 Sep 13 20 11 7 85 3 - - - 6 8 Oct 13 24 10 4 95 2 1 - - 6 16 Nov 13 17 2 18 92 2 - 1 1 6 5 Dec 13 13 6 2 97 1 1 2 - 6 11 Jan 14 15 2 2 108 2 - - 1 4 7 Feb 14 9 6 8 103 3 1 - - 4 7 Mar 14 18 8 - 113 5 1 1 - 5 8 Apr 14 12 5 3 117 2 - - - 5 6 May 14 12 4 11 102 1 - 1 1 5 12 Jun14 14 5 8 108 3 - - - 4 8

Building Inspections














Approvals 63 110 117 100 116 94 83 76 113 113 75 107 100





















Class 1&2 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%Class 3-9 33% 67% 100% 67% 33% 79% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 20%Class 10 100% 100% 100% 81% 53% 67% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%Pools 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 83% 67% 33% 21% 36% 100%



Inspection shortfalls are included in the following month's inspection quota

Page 111: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that


ePathway Development Application Enquiries

Liquor Licence

Licence Applications

Section 12 Searches

Section 12 Searches

Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Enquiries 341 333 349 426 426 452 317 432 576 491 490 472 448





















Limited Licence 0 3 2 4 5 4 1 6 0 2 1 0 Extension of Licence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer of Licence 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Other Licence 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 Restaurant Licence 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 0 TOTAL 0 4 5 7 7 7 5 11 1 4 6 1








Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-











Urgent 58 73 71 53 91 95 52 56 86 85 63 85 81Standard 38 79 37 51 81 60 36 39 55 86 66 53 48Total 96 152 108 104 172 155 88 95 141 171 129 138 129Rates 27 138 62 31 71 37 35 35 29 20 17 27 19



Page 112: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 8 11.3 City Strategy Activity Report Brief To provide Elected Members with information on recent activities undertaken by the City Strategy department. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the report be received. Introduction An update on key projects and activities within City Strategy follows:

Key activities Update

Community Planning and Engagement

Community Facilities Tenders closed for Architects and Quantity Surveyors for the development of the Camden Community Facility on Wednesday 18th June 2014. Four Architecture firms and two Quantity Surveyors were invited to tender and all submitted quotations. An evaluation process is currently taking place to select the successful companies. It is anticipated that the successful companies will be appointed in early July and design development will be complete with full cost estimates for reporting to the Community Hubs Committee in October 2014.

Our Place The Our Place process has now finished, and following presentation of the report to Council in May, the consultation findings have been made available to the public through Council's website.

Public Health Plan The draft plan was presented to the Policy, Planning and Performance Committee in June, and is presently out for public consultation until 6 August 2014.

Environmental Planning

Water Management A draft discussion paper relating to a revision of the Water Management Action Plan is being developed. An Elected Member Workshop is planned for 29 July 2014. A number of proposed amendments to the water strategies in the Community Plan based on Elected Member and community feedback and emerging issues in water management were submitted to the PPP Committee on 24 June as part of the draft revised Community Plan. An intranet page showing Council's water consumption from 2004/05 to 2012/13 has been posted. This page shows Council's water consumption from mains potable supplies, rainwater, groundwater and recycled water.

Page 113: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 9 Local Government Energy Efficiency Projects

All LGEEP projects have been completed, with solar hot water systems installed at eight community facilities: • Thebarton Oval • Peake Gardens Riverside Tennis Club • Hindmarsh Bowling Club • Novar Gardens Bowling Club • Airport Over 50's Club • Reedbeds Community Centre • MA Hawks Soccer Club • Lockleys Oval Soccer Club.

Project reports have now been approved by the Australian Government and the financial acquittal has been submitted. The entire project cost $95,496 (incl GST). Council received a grant for $61,732 (incl GST) and contributed $33,763 towards the projects itself.

Environment Events Arbor Day was held on Sunday 22 June at Breakout Creek, Lockleys. Hosted in conjunction with Greening Australia, over 100 people volunteered their time to participate in this community planting event including local residents, Lockleys Girl Guides, AGL & Beyond Bank employees. The Hon. Ian Hunter (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation) and Hon. Michelle Lensink (Shadow Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation) also joined us on the day. Over 4,500 seedlings were planted, continuing on from previous community planting events held at the site each year to create a corridor of native vegetation along this section of the River Torrens. Council's Children's Services Officer ran nature story time and craft sessions, with over 40 children participating. A community seminar on Modern Cloth Nappies was hosted on Thursday 26 June to promote the health and environmental benefits of modern cloth nappies and the cloth nappy library. 10 people attended the event. The Food in the Suburbs tour was held on Saturday 28 June. The tour showcased people who are finding creative ways to provide fresh produce and connect local communities. Founders of Ripe-Near-Me, a local food-swap program started by two West Torrens residents spoke about their program which is receiving recognition as far away as Paris. Wagtail Farm was another highlight - people had the chance to meet and see how three young urban farmers are growing a range of vegetables on an urban block which are then sold to local markets, food co-ops and the local community. Organic gardening enthusiast, Harry Harrison ran a session on organic pest control for the home vegetable garden. The event was almost fully booked within the first hour of sending out a notification through GreenE-news. 21 people attended the event, and over 20 have asked to be notified if the event is repeated in the future.

Page 114: City of West Torrens€¦ · Notice of Council & Committee Meetings . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Sections 83, 84, 87 and 88of the . Local Government Act 1999, that

STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 10 Western Adelaide Region Climate Change Adaptation Plan project

Following the assessment of tenders received for consideration to undertake Stages 2, 3 and 4 of the Western Adelaide Region Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Urban and Regional Planning (URPS) have been engaged as the successful contractor. An inception meeting has was held with the Project Steering Group (PSG) and URPS to introduce key personnel and discuss items requiring confirmation from the three Councils including agreed baseline climate projections and variables to be used for the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA). A series of community workshops with stakeholders across the western Adelaide region will be held over the coming months, with the first meeting being held on 15 July 2014. The aim of the workshop is to identify key decisions and outcomes relevant to the projected risks (and opportunities) of climate change across the region. Tenders were also received for consideration to undertake work relating to the Coastal and Inundation Modelling study as part of Stage 2. Applications have been assessed by the Tender Evaluation Panel and the successful contractor awarded to undertake this study will be announced shortly.

Land Use Planning

Housing Diversity DPA Following Council's resolution on 1 July regarding development facing laneways in the Mile End Conservation Policy Area 30, a revised DPA has been submitted to the Minister consistent with this resolution. The Minister may now: • decide to approve the revised DPA, • approve the DPA with amendments or • refuse the DPA.

Strategic Directions Report

Following completion of the Housing Diversity DPA, the Section 30 Review of Council's Development Plan is currently underway. A report along with a draft SDR will be presented to the Policy, Planning and Performance Committee meeting on 26 August 2014.

Corridor Structure Planning

The consultants (WAX Designs) who were undertaking the preparation of the Corridor Structure Plan project in early 2013 have been re-engaged to finalise the Structure Plan project, after it was placed on hold during the preparation of the Housing Diversity DPA. An Elected Members Pre-briefing on the project and its future direction is scheduled for 5 August 2014.

Corporate Planning

Community Plan Review

The revised Towards 2025 Community Plan was approved for public consultation in June, and is presently out for public consultation until 6 August 2014.

Conclusion This report details recent activities of the City Strategy department.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 11 11.4 St Martins Activity Report Brief To present a regular report on key data and activities from St Martins for the information of members. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to Council that the report be received. Introduction This report covers key activity for the period April 2014 to June 2014. Bed Occupancy There were a total of 295 vacant bed days between April and June 2014. This was a combination of permanent and respite days, but generally equates to less than 2.6% of available bed days. Resident Movement In the period April to June 2014 the facility had 6 Female departures and 4 Male and 5 Female admissions. As at 30 June 2014 the average resident age was 86 years. Staffing Recruitment of permanent staff has assisted in reducing our reliance on agency staff, however agency staff must still be used to cover personal, maternity and holiday leave. As represented in the below graph, staffing hours are slightly higher than the same month in previous years, in response to resident needs and funding.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 12 Agency Hours for the June 2014 period remained high due to increased workers compensation leave.

Lifestyle Our volunteers continue to provide stalwart support to St Martins that enables us to maintain the current programs. The increased programs in Camellia continue with successful support for restless residents. The annual event during August and September will focus on events in Australian history. Once again the craft group are preparing props to enhance the activities for residents. Capital Projects

• The additional lift is now completed • Minor works in regards to certification are competed

Accreditation / Legislative Review St Martins has not had a visit from the Aged Care Accreditations department in the period, but continues to review and update systems to reflect compliance with the prevailing accreditation standards. St Martins has received notification of the Completion of its Certification Review with an overall score of 83 out of 100 (65 being the pass mark). Living Longer Living Better St Martins has updated all administration / admission policies in line with the 1/7/14 implementation of Room Prices, currently working on implementation of the updated Care Principles which were released on 28 June 2014. Key Performance Indicators As represented in the graph below, St Martins has three revenue streams, each support associated expenditure. Investment Income is representative of interest received from bonds, associated expenditure is depreciation, preventative maintenance and ongoing minor repairs to the facility.


Jul Aug Sep-12 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2011-12 1873.25 1092.75 1856.42 1720.45 1750.25 1269.75 2086.25 2351.25 2339.17 1860.7 2125.83 2643.25

2012-13 2417.42 1968.51 2483.75 2963.61 2532.5 1958.74 2808.25 2340.33 1807 1991.5 1775.5 1472.83

2013-14 1619.31 1914.5 1752.08 2151.17 1991.33 2363.99 2445.17 2361.33 2067.25 2437.58 2585.33 2240.75

Agency Hours YTD Comparison

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 13 Daily Care Fees are currently 85% of the pension and are paid for by residents of St Martins, associated expenditures are in relation to food, laundry, housekeeping staff, utilities and day to day operational expenditures. ACFI Income is representative of funds received for care costs with associated expenditure of nursing staff, agency staff and medical costs.

St Martins' occupancy rate continues to be in the high 90% range. As indicated following, our major expenditure is wages. ACFI income has increased to the level of supporting Care Wages and associated care costs. As indicated in the graph, care wages as a % of ACFI income in June 2013 was 106.55%. The care wages as a % of ACFI income in June 2014 was102.08%.

$- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000

Total Expenditure

Total Income

ACFI Expense YTD


Daily Care Fee Expense YTD

Daily Care Fee Income YTD

Investment Expense YTD

Investment Income YTD

TotalExpenditure Total Income ACFI Expense


YTDDaily Care FeeExpense YTD

Daily Care FeeIncome YTD

InvestmentExpense YTD

InvestmentIncome YTD

YTD June 2014 $7,504,168 $7,677,281 $4,813,766 $4,952,744 $2,102,764 $2,072,382 $587,638 $652,156

YTD as of June 2014

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 15 Bonds Bond holdings at the end of June 2014 were $17.7mil. Unpaid bonds at the end of June 2014 were $1.2mil (as per legislation, residents have 6 months upon entry to pay bonds or enter into payment arrangements). Bonds refunds owing are $983K (refunds are subject to probate and include interest calculations to date). Capital Expenditure As at: YTD Revised Budget YTD Actual YTD Variance June 2014




Continuous Improvement In accordance with the Aged Care Accreditation Standards, St Martins maintains a Continuous Improvement log and this is available for Elected Members to view on request to the Manager St Martins. Finances The End of Financial Year report will be presented together with the full Council report after auditing. Subject to end of year processes or audit, a small operating surplus ($100,000) is anticipated. Conclusion This report summarises significant matters in the operation of St Martins, Members are encouraged to contact the Deputy CEO or Manager St Martins if further or more detailed information is required on any matter.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 16 11.5 Community Services Update Activities Report Brief To provide Elected Members with information on activities within the Community Services Department. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Activities Report be received. OPAL Update Discussions are proceeding with SA Health regarding the future of the OPAL program in the wake of the Commonwealth Government's budget decision to withdraw its funding at the end of the 2013/14 financial year. The impact for the remaining years of the program is an approximate $7.2 million shortfall state wide. On 2 July 2014, the Minister for Health confirmed that the State Government would be continuing with its funding for OPAL which amounts to $6.3 million over 3 years. SA Health has also committed to specific negotiations with each affected Council to discuss how each local OPAL program may proceed. Additionally the LGA is establishing a consultative working party made up of nominees from participating councils to discuss broader issues affecting OPAL (e.g. scope of evaluation and data collection, role of a central coordination unit and aspects of the OPAL model going forward in the wake of funding cuts). The Administration is now discussing with SA Health the replacement of its local manager who commenced 14 months leave of absence at the end of May. This appointment had been frozen by SA Health until there was more clarity concerning funding. There is a minor amendment to last month's report in that the scheduled next major OPAL event "The Amazing Race" will now be launched on Friday 8th August rather than 1st August as previously advised. This event launches a month long strategy to encourage residents to be more physically active and make greater use of parks and gardens in the West Torrens area. OPAL staff are continuing to offer nutritional and dietary training support and advice to staff of canteens in local schools and child care centres. Jim Crawford and Rod East Awards 2014 The winners of the biennial Jim Crawford Award for Innovation in Libraries and the Rod East Memorial Fellowship will be announced on Friday July 18th at a Public Libraries SA function. The Jim Crawford Award is available to individuals or groups working in, or associated with, public libraries eligible for funding by the Libraries Board of SA. West Torrens Library Service won the Jim Crawford Award in 2006 and 2010 and has entered a nomination in 2014. The Rod East Memorial Fellowship enables a person, involved in the SA public library field to undertake a program of research within Australia or overseas. A member of the West Torrens Library staff was awarded the Fellowship in 2010. A New Library Collection: Healthy Living Kits The Health Kits have been created with a goal to promote healthy lifestyles and wellness in the community. Each kit contains a book, a cook book, a DVD and a piece of equipment. Information is provided on health issues such as depression, diabetes and quitting smoking.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 17 The Libraries Board Metropolitan Tour The tour on June 16 resulted in compliments from Alan Smith, Director of the State Library, on our range of programs for our diverse community and from James Bruce, Chair of the Libraries Board, for the enthusiasm and commitment of the Library team and their efforts to provide a quality responsive service to the community. Arbor Day On Sunday 22 June 2014, the Children's Services Officer was part of the 2014 Arbor Day event at Breakout Creek Wetland. A 'storytelling' marquee was in place adjacent to the river and after the first round of planting, approximately 40 children listened to stories about trees, nature and the importance of looking after our environment. Following the stories, a variety of 'nature' themed craft activities took place, and were enjoyed by all. On display was a selection of library books including nature-themed picture books, and a range of non-fiction titles for children on gardening, nature projects, spending time outdoors etc. Various Library services, programs and collections were also promoted. Acknowledge Refugee Week (15 - 21 June 2014) The screening of the second series of 'Go Back to Where You Came From' was a successful evening. Although the series was scheduled to be screened over two nights, the audience chose to stay and watch all three episodes on one evening as they were so involved in the stories on screen. A Taste of Indonesia The event held on June 26 was a very successful evening, attended by over 100 people who enjoyed live music, Indonesian food and a music workshop. Lean Thinking Staff from the State Library will be visiting the Library on 9 July 9 to learn more about the West Torrens Lean philosophy as applied in the library and to review our Lean projects. Movie Night A James Bond film marathon will be held on September 12, 13 and 14 in the Auditorium. Football United Soccer Program Our Football United Program completed its round one delivery at the end of school term two. To help celebrate its success and to recognise Refugee Week, two Adelaide United Soccer Players (Awer Mabil & Osama Malik) and the Equal Opportunities Commissioner (and Soccer Ambassador), Ms Anne Gale, attended the session to share their experiences and to congratulate the participants.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 18 Enterprise Barista Program The program commenced on Thursday 5 June, with 10 enthusiastic, local young people participating. The participants undertook an on line Certificated Food Handling Course, before two weeks of Cooking and Food Preparation, Week 4 was a training session around Customer Service and Point of Sale, and Week 5 involved "coffee making"- for 3hrs. While the course will continue with two further cooking sessions, the next two weeks will be work experience - on the job training at various "Aroma Cafés" around the city. Excellent feedback from Instructors, parents and the youth involved, with several participants already getting job offers. We have a waiting list of potential participants, if we were to offer another course. Summer Festival Planning is underway for the 2014/15 Summer Festival. The dates proposed are 13 December 2014, 10, 17 and 31 January and 7 February 2015. After reviewing the opportunities and successes established over the life of the program to date, we are developing this year's themes to target our West Torrens demographic and to build on the festival's reputation. We will still present the things the community know and love such as live music and movies, but aim to enrich each event with learning and engagement opportunities. For example the children's movie night will be accompanied by children's entertainment, activities and a pyjama party theme encouraging the whole family to get into the spirit of the evening. A team is working on both the creative and logistical aspects of the festival to bring the community a high quality and value for money event that enhances Council's presence in its community. School Holiday Program Activities are once again on offer for Children and Youth throughout the Winter School Holidays, with a greater than usual number of activities planned for the 'Tween' ages 8-12 in response to demand from this age group. Events are programmed from Tuesday 8 July to Thursday 17th July, 2014. Activities include cooking classes, movie nights, arts and crafts, video game development workshops, theatre shows, arcade lock-ins, swimming and outdoor events. Ongoing improvements to the booking system are also ensuring fair access for all young people. Community Transport As reported last month, the Coaster Bus is having the wheelchair lifter installed and a replacement (hired) bus is currently in service. The new Community Transport Coordinator commenced his six month secondment (from Public Works) on 1 July 2014. Disability & Vulnerable People An Access and Inclusion Matters meeting was held on Wednesday 25 June, the topic was Independent Living Aids, 9 people attended. The Administration's Disability Action Committee meets regularly to report on how each department contributes towards improving access for people with disabilities. Updates will be posted, in story and photographic detail, to Council's Website Oil Painting Classes A free 10 week Oil Painting Class was offered to 20 vulnerable local residents and/or their carers throughout May and June. A tutor was contracted to provide practical support and tuition in the techniques of colour shading, blending, perspective etc. Seventeen participants completed the course and are keen to display their works in an Exhibition entitled "Life on Canvas" to be held in the West Torrens Auditorium Gallery between Friday 26t September and Monday 5 October 2014. A launch and afternoon tea will be held on 27 Saturday 27 between 2-4pm all welcome.

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STRATEGY AND COMMUNITY STANDING COMMITTEE 15 July 2014 Page 19 Every Generation - October Celebrations Local planning has commenced for the Every Generation Celebrations to be held in October, with a Raw Food preparation demonstration and an afternoon tea Matinee Performance at the Star Theatre being arranged so far. Centres in Action Tour Late in May 2014 a tour was organised for staff from the Community Development Team and local Centres (Reedbeds, Camden, Western Youth, Star Theatre, and Cummins House) to visit the centres within West Torrens that provide services, activities and events. The aim of the tour was to increase staff awareness of other centres (facilities & services) and to cross promote to increase patronage. Similar tours will be arranged to visit recreational facilities and key attractions across the city. Volunteers A Manual Handling training session was held on 18 June 2014 for volunteers and staff, and a series of Food Handling and Nutrition training sessions were held throughout June for OPAL volunteers wishing to participate in school based programs. 12. MEETING CLOSE
