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City Repair's 2014 Village Builder magazine

Date post: 15-Oct-2015
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The Village IS BACK! Welcome to the 14th Annual Village Building Convergence! This year's theme is "Beat Of The Urban Hearth," and by this we mean that the heart of urban placemaking is the hearth of where we live, the most central gathering places that bring us together in community. With the return of the VBC, we also mean that the beat of that heart is strong!

of 64

  • 2designing beautiful & sustainable places that bring people together in community

    contact us for a free 2-hour consultation at the site of your choice or in our office.



    PROJECT SITES.....................










    to keep up-to-date with changes and up-to-the-minute of whats happening at #vbc14,and visit our fb page @ facebook.com/villagebuildingconvergence



    This year, we are encouraging you to take photos, videos, and write about the sites that you visit. Upon doing so, please upload them to social media like twitter, facebook, and instagram. By using hashtags, anyone can find what you have shared, and we all benefit! A hashtag is a word with the number sign in front of it. Its simple. Just submit the content or photo, and put the hashtag somewhere.

    There are three types of hashtags we are using.

    #vbc14 #]neighborhood[ #]placemakingtype[

    So an example would be: The Sunnyside Piazza is amazing! The design is beautiful and people young and old were getting involved. #vbc14 #sunnyside #intersectionrepair.




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    The Village IS BACK! Welcome to the 14th Annual Village Building Convergence! This year's theme is "Beat Of The Urban Hearth," and by this we mean that the heart of urban placemaking is the hearth of where we live, the most central gathering places that bring us together in community. With the return of the VBC, we also mean that the beat of that heart is strong!

    We are ready to go! We are also so glad that you can join us for what will surely be another remarkable experience, as people all over the city will live, learn, play, work, and create together over the course of these 10 days of the VBC! In fact, since early February, nearly 40 communities have been preparing to transform their own spaces into places, fallow lots into gardens, street intersections into piazzas, houses into homesteads, and so much more. Each community has been gathering, networking, designing, finding resources, and preparing to build and install the projects that will bring them together ever-after the VBC is done!

    The VBC has been described in so many ways. We like to think of it as "Villager Practice," but in real time. We learn by doing, do by learning! Every project is a step forward to a better world. The idea is to utterly challenge the full spectrum of unsustainable assumptions that we live within, such as that we have no power where we live, that all we can do is work for others, and rarely work together with the people we live among. No, instead VBC begins with people saying "We are powerful where we live, we can and will make a difference in our own lives!" Whether growing local food systems, transforming streets, building community gathering places out of natural or recycled materials, engaging youth, or building our local democracy, we are activating our people to get off the couch and find their own voice and their own power, together!

    So, come dance with us, as we learn and grow! Fall in love with your life in new ways, as you see more clearly how wonderful and amazing life can be as we recreate and rediscover our shared human habitat. By whatever name, the village, the town, the place, let's converge with sublime intention and remake our places so that they are worthy of all the villagers yet to come!

    From The VBC14 Organizing Team, Welcome to Portland, Oregon!



    If we could think locally, we would take far better care of things than we do now. The right local questions and answers will be the right global ones. The Amish question, What will this do for our community? tends towardthe right answer for the world. ~ Wendell Berry

    Placemaking inspires creativity. As an organizing team, VBC hopes to create beautiful places where people can thrive. Inherently, architecture, landscape, and nourishment are interconnected and all needs are met for all life on Earth. We envision these places to be reflective of participatory, ecologically resilient communities. This year, nearly 30 communities have prepared for these ten days of VBC and are excited to share their vision and work their ideas into reality! The results of these community projects over the last seventeen years has made City Repair internationally recognized for doing the most sustainable work in cities. Our stories have reached through our bioregion and beyond, traveling like spores and mycelium in the undergrowth and inspiring positive change in literally hundreds of other places globally.

    In the daytime of VBC, we engage in a world which cultivates our integrity, resiliency, and personal development through our deep interdependence with the physical world. The expression of public art, access to sustainable technology, natural building construction, ecological gardening, regenerative restoration, and public art is profound work. Socially, it provides an opportunity for collaborative decision making, conflict resolution, creative problem solving, and enhancement of local culture.

    This culture stands out on a basis of connection rather than isolation and independence. For most in the United States, community is hard to find because we are told we need to purchase the foundations of our lives, instead of meeting our needs through personal relationships. Its hard to build community when the sense is what we need is lots of money and we shouldnt need each other. Yet, we desperately do need each other, not only for our own emotional and spiritual well-being, but in serious need to heal the Earth. We are not meant to be good at everything, and we cannot undertake environmental stewardship alone.

    You will see a wide representation of community needs being creatively responded to in the following pages. These projects are collaboratively imagined, designed, built, and maintained by the communities themselves. VBC folk are teachers, inspirerers, connect-the-dots-ers, and a support structure. Together, we have co-created projects and a journey of Identity. What are our individual roles in all of this? How do we fit into applying our skills to benefit all? The idea is to honor everyones gifts, and challenge ourselves to remember that our world is beautiful, already full of creative power and magic that just needs to be allowed to flow.

    So when were asked how something amazing like this can happen in other cities, or what a sustainable culture will look like, the answer is never going to be Like Portland. You can see even on our city-scale, all of the projects are different. There is never a design that is a copy, and no project is absent of its own unique process. The same is true of any Place. A sustainable culture is one of participation, expression, diversity, and empowerment for all, and that

  • 7means it will look different wherever you go! You will know these Places because they will have more carefulness to the air, you will feel involved in its presence, and appreciated for the gifts you have brought to this lifetime, and it will always be a reflection of the landscape in which we are a part. Itll always be hard work, too. Sustainability and community are not easy things. But it is good work.

    Most importantly, it will always be pretty magical. And fun! Placemaking transforms the world in a more profound ripple effect than any one of us can see alone. When we come together for meals in the evening, we share experiences with each other and change the world by just Being ourselves, honest to our story and excited by what we have to offer.


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    City Repair is an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. City Repair facilitates artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. The many projects of City Repair have been accomplished by a mostly volunteer staff and thousands of volunteer citizen activists.

    City Repair began in Portland, Oregon with the idea that localization - of culture, of economy, of decision-making - is a necessary foundation of sustainability. By reclaiming urban spaces to create community-oriented places, we plant the seeds for greater neighborhood communication, empower our communities and nurture our local culture. Throughout the year we educate the community with workshops on all forms of sustainability. As an almost entirely volunteer-driven nonprofit organization, we rely solely on the support of our community. Please consider donating to help ensure our vision becomes a reality.

    PlaceMakingPlaceMaking is a multi-layered process within which citizens foster active, engaged relationships to the space which they inhabit, the landscapes of their lives, and shape those spaces in a way which creates a sense of communal stewardship and lived connection. This is most often accomplished through a creative reclamation of public space: projects which take the form of benches on street corners where neighbors can sit, rest and talk with each other, kiosks on sidewalks where neighbors can post information about local events, needs and resources and street paintings in the public right-of-way that demonstrate to all who pass through that this is a Place: inhabited, known and loved by its residents. In all instances, these projects are undertaken by local communities who come together to discuss what it is they want in their neighborhood and how the community can work together with the resources they have to create their own place.

    The essence of Natural Building lies in its inherent emphasis on environmental preservation and social sustainability. Natural building is a method of construction based in using minimally processed, natural materials that are available locally. The techniques for most natural building methods reflect the materials themselves in that they are simple, low-tech.

    Permaculture is the conscious design of sustainable human settlements. It is also about being local: shepherding the resources that enter a place; keeping them cycling within the system, be it backyard, neighborhood, or bioregion; and creating beneficial connections between each part. Community and a sense of place can only be created by the people who dwell together and who have a real stake in creating a home.

    Public Art in our neighborhoods can also create a strong sense of place, whether it is a mural, a sculpture, temporary art such as chalk drawings or functional art pieces like benches or lampposts. Public art presents an opportunity for a neighborhood to tell its history, express local culture and have a fun project for anyone to get involved.


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    SPONSORSPortland Bureau of Transportation

    The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation is a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides people and businesses access and mobility. We keep Portland moving. Portland stands as a national leader in innovative transportation solutions. Planning and constructing solutions to meet the demands of a growing city and region, while maintaining our economic vitality and neighborhood character, requires Transportation to leverage its limited resources. Stewardship of Portlands mobility and livability is our primary responsibility.

    Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

    The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) promotes integrated land use planning and development based on sustainability principles and practices. BPS also develops and implements policies and programs that provide environmental, economic and social benefits to residents, businesses and government, which strengthen Portlands position as an international model of sustainable practices and commerce.

    Miller Paint

    Miller Paint has been making the best paint in the Northwest since 1890. We have 50 stores throughout Oregon and Washington. Our employee owners have the knowledge and experience to help you complete you project with ease. Come in to a Miller Paint store to find great locally made products that are backed with exceptional customer service.


    We design beautiful and sustainable places that bring people together in community. With an approach that explores new creative territories, we remain as accessible as possible. We are absolutely committed to sustainability, while respecting the needs and priorities of all the individuals, families, and communities with whom we work and play.

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    Hankins Hardware

    Located at 1720 Southeast Hawthorne Blvd. We are your locally owned hardware store providing you with the expert advice and products you need for a great shopping experience, Electrical & Lighting Supplies, Plumbing Tools & Repair Parts, Hand & Power Tools, Lawn & Garden Tools and Decor and Paint Shop. We are proud to support the VBC and the community placemaking sites.

    Portland Metro

    Open spaces, waste and recycling, transit infrastructure, and so much more! Metro crosses city limits and county lines to work with communities in creating a vibrant and sustainable region for all. Through shared values of public service, excellence, teamwork, sustainability, innovation and respect, Metro employees serve the region in a variety of roles from economists to park rangers, cartographers to zookeepers, and recycling specialists to theater ushers.

    M Realty

    M Realty is powered partly by Eric Steindler, one of the main visionaries of City Repair since as far back as 1998 when he fed hundreds and hundreds at the Hands Around Portland that year. He was also an integral part of producing the Earth Day village Celebration until about 2006. Eric also coordinates the HOWL Halloween Party, City Repairs biggest annual fund raising event. At M Realty he does an amazing job of bringing people and their dreams of finding an awesome place to live together, and everyone has a great time in the process. Call Eric to find out more.


    KBOO is a non-profit, listener-funded FM community radio station broadcasting from Portland, Oregon. The stations mission is to serve groups in its listening area who are underrepresented on other local radio stations and to provide access to the airwaves for people who have unconventional or controversial tastes and points of view. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has been on the air since 1968.


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    SPONSORSPeoples Food Co-op

    Peoples Food Co-op is a community-owned natural foods store. We provide the best, most wholesome food available while building community and a sustainable local economy, and promoting healthy connections to our bioregion and the earth. We believe in safe, sustainable growing and manufacturing practices. When you shop at the co-op you join us in supporting local farmers, producers, craftspeople. We realize these goals through conscious product selection, mindful business practices, and the fulfillment of cooperative principles.

    Rebuilding Center

    The ReBuilding Center, a project of Our United Villages, is a vibrant resource working to strengthen the environmental, economic, and social fabric of local communities. Founded by volunteers in 1998, The ReBuilding Center carries the regions largest volume of used building and remodeling materials. It provides resources that make home repairs affordable to everyone, with the goal of promoting the reuse of salvaged and reclaimed materials.

    Bureau of Environmental Services

    The Bureau of Environmental Services serves the Portland community by protecting public health, water quality and the environment. We protect the quality of surface and ground waters and conduct activities that promote healthy ecosystems in our watersheds. We provide sewage and stormwater collection and treatment services to accommodate Portlands current and future needs.

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    NORTHFortune CrossingAttunement CenterOverlook Feng ShuiThe Unity Circle

    NORTHEAST8th & HolmanBeech St. ProjectCommunity BloomingCommunity BloomingDharma Rain Zen CenterDignity Village Eliot Neighborhood CrossingKazuko GardensMoon CottageUjima CenterFreda's Tree

    SOUTHEASTSE 16th & AshJean's Farm The ManifestStationSunnsyside PiazzaShare-it SquareIllumination StationPlanet Repair InstituteSunny CrossroadsBuckman Community CompostingWeMoon Women's Land

    SOUTHWESTPortland State UniversitySunstone Montessori SchoolTryon Life Community Farm

    VANCOUVERThe Kids Cooking CornerThe Secret Reading Nook

    N Houghton St & Fortune Ave & Superior St 1732-N. Blandena StN Overlook Blvd, N Concord Ave, N Failing StN Haight Ave & Emerson Ave

    8th & HolmanNE 10th & 14th Ave @ Beech St.NE 85th Ave at Beech & Milton Streets8643-NE Beech StNE Siskiyou St & NE 85th Ave9410-NE SunderlandNE Tillamook & Rodney5715-NE 48th Ave4039-NE 14th AveNE 20th & Holman StNE 56th & Stanton St

    SE 16th Ave. & SE Ash St3707-SE Johnson Creek2020-SE Bush StSE 33rd Avenue & Yamhill StSE Sherrett Street & 9th Ave8425-SE 9th St8512-SE 8thSE 42nd Ave & Morrison StSE 15th & Alder StNear Estacada

    1825-SW Broadway6318-SW Corbett Ave11640-SW Boones Ferry Rd

    5206-NE 78th St Vancouver, WA13405-SE 7th St Vancouver, WA






    CENTRAL VENUESunnyside Methodist Church 3520 SE Yamhill St 1


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    Monica Roxburgh [email protected]

    N Houghton St & Fortune Ave & Superior St #FORTUNECROSSING

    Friday May 30th Morning: Clean intersection. Afternoon: Draw outlines for painting.

    Saturday May 31st 10am to 5pm: Paint intersection! Noon to 4pm: Kids activities (rock painting, hula hoops, chalk drawing) 5pm: Clean-up and neighborhood celebration.

    Back-up dates in case of rain: Friday June 6th & Saturday June 7th (Same times as above)

    Fall 2014- Street tree planting with Friends of Trees, native plant & pollinator garden at the SW corner of the intersection, and a Childrens Little Free Library at the NE corner.

    The Fortune Crossing neighborhood is tucked just north of busy Lombard, and just east of the Peninsula Crossing Trail. It is a quiet and diverse neighborhood that features distinctive street names, and good access to natural spaces and urban resources. But it hasnt had a place for neighbors to gather together and build a sense of community. This project is changing that.

    As neighbors and community members of Fortune Crossing, we hereby claim the intersection of N Fortune, N Houghton and N Superior as our center of community and neighborhood gathering place. To honor this claim, we will paint the street together.

    Within this painting, the compass orients us, and reminds us of the directions we came together from. The spoked wheel at the center suggests the great Wheel of Fortune, as well as a bicycle wheel (the present and future) or cart wheel (the past). And the salmon remind us to respect the natural richness and beauty of this region, and the cycles of life and of nature.

    In that spirit, we will also plant trees and native plants along the intersection this fall. In phase two of the project, (2015), we will add images of local landmarks, plants and animals to the street painting. We also plan to install a community notice board, and to paint a large checkerboard on an unused remnant of sidewalk bordering N Superior St.

    Together we transform the intersection into a place of beauty, a useful resource, a space to visit and to visit with others, and a source of pride. Thus, we build our community. Special thanks to the Portsmouth Neighborhood Association for their support and encouragement.




    Joelle Budinich 503-548-8250 [email protected]

    1732 N. Blandena St.#ATTUNEMENTCENTER

    Sat 5/24: 11am Join us in learning about the many beneficial insects in the garden and building a habitat for them.1-5pm Patio Building (leveling, placing stones).

    Sun 5/25: 11am We will discuss then build a solar oven on wheels for easy maneuvering. 1-5pm Patio Building

    Wed 5/28: 11am Create a grey water kitchen sink system.1-5pm Finish building out kitchen work space/ counters.

    Thur 5/29: 11am Learn about and build an evaporative cooling refrigeration device and herb drying rack (utilizing salvaged materials).1-5pm Complete Projects, possibly build three bin composting system for the garden.

    Sat 5/31: 11-5pm All Day Open House; play in the garden, make kale chips in the solar dehydrator and utilize the solar oven weather permitting. Complete all other project tasks.

    Attunement Center is an urban permaculture homestead guesthaus that hosts sustainably minded travelers with the intention of inspiring guests to take home new ideas and living practices from their experience here.

    The landscape is all edible and medicinal, complete with a flock of eleven chickens and colony of honey bees. We are bringing the community together over topics of sustainability providing a central neighborhood learning site by creating a space to get hands on experience gardening with perennials, medicinals, mycelium, chickens, bees, worms, composting, sheet mulching, natural building, water management, permaculture and food preservation.

    Come by and experience the last two years VBC projects; chicken coop/ greenhouse bio-shelter with eco roof utilizing salvage materials + natural building, hugelkultured food forest mandala garden, and flow form pond incorporating edible plants for filtration. This years main project will be to break ground on

    the off-grid outdoor community kitchen patio, with the hopes of building a wood fired barrel cobb oven later this summer! We will be building a few off-grid kitchen elements utilizing appropriate technologies including an herb drying rack, solar oven, evaporative cooling refrigeration device (pot in pot) and grey water re-use sink.

    There will be an awesome solar dehydrator on hand designed by Jenny Pell to check out and potentially utilize as well (if the weather permits!). In the garden we will build an insect habitat hotel to bring more beneficial insects into the space.



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    We're putting a brand spankin' new coat of paint on our really big intersection and the planter boxes that we put on the street to help make it safer.

    There will be food and drink (potluck and Kenny & Zukes pastrami), music, Bee-Friendly Info, Emergency Prep Info and lots of painters of all ages! Will we break the record from 2012 and have more than 180 helpers? We will if you come help!!

    Come early, stay late - it's going to be a great day! Bring a friend - or 5! - or grab a neighbor and join our crowd!



    Leslee Lewis [email protected]

    N Overlook Blvd, Concord Ave, & Failing St#OVERLOOK

    Saturday, May 31 9am-4pm: repaint BIG intersection and planter boxes


    In 2012 a group of residents petitioned with support from the Humboldt Neighborhood Association and local businesses to support the project. Now were all partners. Since then theres a communal spark in the neighborhood. The N. Haight & N. Emerson street painting, Unity Circle, creates a much needed public space.

    The thriving diversity of the Humboldt neighborhood is the inspiration for the painting. The design represents a cohesive geodesic structure with multi-colored triangular pieces joining together harmoniously.

    The best part of the Unity Circle is making it happen. This rebuilding effort creates a sense of community and fosters positive partnerships. Community members, residents, businesses and schools are engaging together in a spectacular celebration!

    Please see the neighborhood Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/119778448144567/

    Kymberly Jeka 858.705.4418 [email protected]


    N. Haight Ave. & N. Emerson Ave.#UNITYCIRCLE


    Saturday May 31st

    9am set up materials/tables/chairs/paint supplies/clean debris from street10am begin painting1030am-1230pm kids rock painting activity1pm-2pm break for lunch (Hummus plates provided by McMenamins!)2pm-dark painting + block party + fun + music = happiness230-430pm kids rock painting activity

    Sunday June 1st

    9am set up materials/tables/chairs/paint supplies10am begin painting final touches1030am-1230pm kids rock painting activity1pm-2pm break for lunch (Hummus plates provided by McMenamins!)2pm-dark painting + block party + fun + music = happiness230-430pm kids rock painting activity



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    8TH & HOLMAN

    We are so proud of our beautiful intersection painting, inspired by a Navajo chant about the changing seasons, weather, and times of day.

    She is a bit weathered after two years without a new coat and we're so excited to brighten her up!

    Each time we re-paint we so enjoy renewing the connections made on painting days past and look forward to making new connections as we repaint this amazing space in our neighborhood!



    Anne Tracy [email protected]

    NE 8th and Holman#8THANDHOLMAN

    Painting Day is Sunday May 25th at 10am.

    (If we get rained out the back-up day is Saturday May 31st, also at 10am)




    Our goal is a super community-friendly, gorgeous, interactive, happy space for moseying and chatting with neighbors. Including: two intersection paintings, three little libraries, filling several curbstrips with beautiful pollinator attracting plants, and an urbanite bench. We are planning to have lots of fun working together, so come by and join in. This is a Fly Awake PDX project, with support from: Whole Foods, Advantis Credit Union, Albina Library, Beanstalk, Papa Murphys, Natures Needs, Caff Destino, Acadia, Hankins Hardware, Thicket PDX, Irvington Veterinary Clinic, and, of course, our awesome neighbors, City Repair and, all you, the volunteers!



    Arati von Behren [email protected] 503-867-8905 or 503-729-1602

    NE 10th & 14th Ave @ Beech St.#BEECHSTREET

    Friday 5/23 9-1 Amend soil with compost, install little libraries (coffee/breakfast) Saturday 5/249-7pm Paint the flower of life and eat Pizza. Wear: your favorite color Sunday 5/25 9-7Dress up like your favorite creature. Paint creatures! 2-4 Fairy craftskids/all ages Monday 5/26 Build urbanite bench with cob mortar 930 to 2 (lunch) Tuesday 5/27Plant the curbstrips. 9-1230 (caffeine/brunch) Wednesday 5/28 130-3pm: Interfaith/spiritual meet up. Meet neighbors, see the progress and set intentions for Beech Street/the neighborhood at large. Bring peace and love and Fly Awake PDX will provide drinks. Saturday 5/31 1:30-3 Neighborhood history: Come share/hear neighborhood history. 3-5 Bookmaking with Nina from Albina Library (babes-teens) Snacks and drinks.



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    Community Blooming is about the neighbors of NE Beech & Milton Streets joining together to transform our neighborhood from a hub for drugs and prostitution into a supportive, collaborative, and safe community.

    Over the past two years, we have gone from individuals living side-by-side but largely isolated from one another to neighbors gathering for community barbecues, going on walks together, sharing books and recipes, borrowing tools, caring for one anothers children, and now, growing food and creating community art together!

    This years projects include two Intersection Repairs and the Beech Street Community Garden. We are truly a Community Blooming, and we hope you will join us to help that bloom continue to open!

    The designs for our intersection repairs integrate the past, present, and future of our



    Erin Cornell [email protected]

    NE 85th Ave at Beech & Milton Streets #COMMUNITYBLOOMING

    Saturday, May 24th

    8:00am 10:00am: Outlining the Design 10:00am - 5:00pm: Painting!

    Sunday, May 25th

    8:00am 5:00pm: Touch-up / 2nd Coat Painting (If rained out, project will be moved to the following weekend.)continued on next page...


    neighborhood. The rose and cobblestone pattern speaks to 85th Avenues historical name, Rosemont Ave and to the areas historical name, Rose Villas. The people and animals represent the vibrancy of the people who live in our neighborhood, and the vines represent our community growth and development reaching out into the future.

    The Beech Street Community Garden is in its burgeoning year with neighbors working side by side, with support from the Urban Farm Collective, to create a prosperous garden and community gathering space.

    This 10,000 sqft piece of property is made possible through a partnership with Park Forest Care Center. The community garden unites us both physically and metaphorically as we lay roots to reap a harvest of food and relationships in the years to come.



    Ben Cutler or Heather Wild [email protected] [email protected]


    Saturday, May 24th:

    Noon 5:00pm: Adventure Play Days

    Saturday, May 31st:

    Noon - 5:00pm: Adventure Play Days

    Adventure Play Days are all about empowering kids to create their own play environments. We will be exploring the wonderful woods of the Beech Street Community Garden and creating with the natural materials at hand. This is a free-play event open to all kids and families!



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    Doug Hull or Jeff Stookey [email protected] [email protected] 503-232-6867

    NE 85th Ave. and Siskiyou St.#DHARMARAIN

    Garden work: Friday May 23rd through Saturday May 31st from 10 AM to 4 PM. Lunch at 12:30-1 PM.

    Mural painting will focus on Sat. May 24th and Sun. May 25th. Workshops: Saturday, May 24th10-Noon: How to Grow a Food Forest with permaculture designer Jonathan Brandt.2-4 PM: Jordan Weiss will lead a workshop on mushrooms and bioremediation. [For the workshop we request a $5-20 sliding scale donation, no one turned away for lack of funds. Please register in advance by emailing .]

    Last year Dharma Rain Zen Center planned to begin work on our garden area and had to change plans to building the orchard trail. This year we will return our focus to the gardens. We will be building a variety of raised beds with straw bails, logs, and lumber, and creating hugelkultur beds with buried branches and logs. We will also be working on improving the soil.An additional project will be painting a mural on the metal shipping container where we store tools near the front gate. Each day we will offer a nutritious vegetarian lunch. Permaculture and mushroom workshops are planned for Saturday, May 24th.




    Mitchell [email protected]

    9401 NE Sunderland Rd -- off of 33rd / 1/2 mile south of Marine Drive #DIGNITYVILLAGE

    Saturday, 24th May, 9am till 6pm

    Tours and insight into our community will be ongoing all day.

    Dignity Village's entrance is getting a make over.We will be making better use of our sidewalk strips by making raised beds and by planting natives, edibles and pollinators. Come join s to continue our permaculture program, and join in our community building. We will be having a BBQ to feed our volunteers.



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    The Eliot neighborhood crossing painted intersection is one of the newest and growing recognizable landmarks in Eliot neighborhood. The annual repainting party tradition will keep our neighborhood looking bright and beautiful and brings neighbors together to celebrate our growing and diverse community.



    Jeri Bee [email protected]

    NE Tillamook and Rodney#ELIOTNEIGHBORHOOD

    Fri 6/27 5-8p power washing and prep for intersection

    Sat 6/28 10-6 painting block party

    Sun 6/29 8-12p painting touch up and celebration potluck.



    At Kazuko Garden we are doing more than just growing vegetables. Thanks to a partnership with the Urban Farm Collective, we have an opportunity to create place for cross cultural community exchange in NE Portland.

    Our Gardeners are from a dozen different countries, most of whom are still studying English. At each of our weekly work parties we share our food, language, and cultural knowledge with each other. All of our volunteers will earn credits to spend at a weekly barter market hosted by the Urban Farm Collective starting in June. Visit urbanfarmcollective.com and click on Kazuko Garden for more info.



    Will Lillard503-395-7628 [email protected]

    5715 NE 48th Ave.#KAZUKOGARDENS

    Tuesday May 27: 12-2pm: Muti-Cultural BBQ Potluck; 2-6pm

    Installing garden irrigation system; Building the green house

    Wednesday May 28: 2-6pm Installing garden irrigation system; Building the green house

    Thursday May 29: 2-6pm Installing garden irrigation system; Building the green house

    Friday May 30: 2-6pm Installing garden irrigation system; Building the green house

    Saturday May 31: 2-6pm Installing garden irrigation system; Building the green house

    Monday June 2: 6-7pm Urban Farm Collective First Barter Market of the Season at St Andrews parking lot, NE 9th & Alberta

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    Please join us in the backyard garden of Portland householder," author and teacher of food preservation and urban farming as we build a 200 square foot studio dubbed the "Moon Cottage.

    The Moon Cottage joins an existing home, a natural-clay garden house, vegetable, flower and herb beds, fruit trees, grape arbor, perennials, a huglekulture strawberry bed and outdoor canning kitchen.

    Participants will engage in the mixing and installation of light-straw-clay insulation -- a beautiful natural building technique that has been gaining popularity as a highly viable alternative to conventional insulation.

    This project offers an extraordinary opportunity for hands on learning about the elements and intricacies of light-straw-clay construction, including Larsen-truss framing, plywood forming, straw-clay materials, mixing and packing tools and techniques, building principles, and the art of working together.



    Harriet Fasenfest 503-989-4333 [email protected]

    4039 ne 14th#MOONCOTTAGE

    Sunday, May 25th and Monday the 26th - mixing clay and straw as a team and, as hands permit, begin filling walls. Tuesday, May 27th through Thursday the 29th - packing the walls.

    Friday the 30th - cleaning and admiring a good week's work

    The site will be open from 9:30 to 5:00 each day,

    Lunch - Volunteers will enjoy a satisfying lunch from foods grown and/or preserved in the backyard garden and from other urban farmers in the area.

    In addition to the building techniques, participants are encouraged to bring their interest and questions regarding food preservation. Copies of the DVD "Preserving with Friends" will be offered at weeks end.


    Susanna Low-Beer (503)-309-5939


    NE 20th and Holman St#UJIMA


    From Driveway to Multifunctional Hedgerow: Transforming the Urban LandscapeWith Jude Hobbs of Cascadia Permaculture

    http://www.cascadiapermaculture.com5.30.14 10 2pm

    In this one-day workshop at Ujima, we will begin the initial stages of planning, designing, and preparing to implement a multifunctional hedgerow in what was once an urban driveway. Hedgerow expert Jude Hobbs will guide us through the process of design, plant selection, and bed prep, as well as provide an overview about multifunctional hedgerows, their history and usage in modern times. In the second part of the day, we will begin to prepare the beds for fall planting. (The planting portion of the workshop will take place in the fall.) In this workshop we will explore these myriad uses and functions of hedgerows in the context of an urban living situation.

    Rainwater Catchment and Storage IntensiveWith Jeremiah Kidd of San Isidro Permaculture

    http://www.sipermacutlure.com5.31.14 10- 2pm.

    Today we will design and begin the installation of a larger scale catchment system. The main feature of the system will be 4000 gallon cistern, which will connect to other elements in order to create multiple functions. Different options for elements in the system as well as strategies will be discussed- outdoor showers/kitchens, ponds, and gravity fed irrigation will be part of the conversation. Jeremiah Kidd is the founder of San Isidro Permaculture, a design and installation company focused on water catchment, greywater systems, native and edible plant landscapes, erosion control, and land restoration. He has a wealth of experience with rainwater system design. If you are interested in how to capture and use rainwater in creative ways, this is the workshop for you!



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    Chris Cross503-515-7269 [email protected]

    NE 56th & Stanton St#FREDASTREE

    We will be painting the first dry day May 24, 25, 31 or June 1. Start time around 10AM.

    Commemorating a magnificent chestnut tree that stood at this corner for almost 100 years, our street painting connects the neighbors living around NE 56th & Stanton. It was first painted in 2007.

    Many of our school-age children come out to paint they can hardly wait the two years between paintings. The painting party brings a cooperative spirit to all involved.


  • 16TH & ASH

    The traffic circle at SE 16th and Ash is a well-trafficked bike route and just a block from the arts-magnet school, Buckman Elementary. And we want to give it some love! Comeon out and help us put a fresh face on this part of Portland. We will be making a time lapse movie of the day and posting it up to YouTube. You can find last year's time lapse movie if you search for ""16th and Ash street painting"" on YouTube.



    Jim Forristal 503-407-1310 [email protected]

    SE 16th Ave. and SE Ash St.#16THANDASH

    Saturday May 31st: 10am to 7pm



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    Matt [email protected] 503-351-2075

    3707 SE Johnson CreekSee below for access restrictions.#JEANSFARM


    Since last year's VBC, the folks at Jeans Farm have made good progress with the outdoor kitchen renovation project, adding a triple sink and counter, a barrel oven, a composting toilet and a new chicken coup run.

    For VBC 14, the barrel oven will get its long-awaited roof. We'll have a handful of other farm and garden projects too. Fridays are farm work party days, hosted by the Rising Stone farmers. The first Saturday through Monday, we'll build the roof and a materials shed. We'll have a couple of workshops in the mix too, including chicken keeping, beekeeping and herbal medicinals. Check our schedule daily at www.facebook.com/JeansFarm or by scanning the QR code below.

    Fri 5/23: Farm work party day & roof site prep. 10am-2pm. Lunch provided.Sat 5/24-Mon 5/26: Roof-building days. 10am-4pm. Lunch provided.Tues-Thurs: School group days. Closed to the public. No drop-ins please.Fri 5/30: Farm work party day. Open 10am-2pm. Lunch provided.Sat-Sun: Workshop with Jon Young. Pre-registration required. No drop-ins please.

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    The ManifestStation is an Art Refuge Sanctuary where creativity and community flourish, right in the heart of SE Portland. Sculpture, metal fabrication, bike building, sewing, glass, tattoos, music, painting, a gallery, and gardens are all part of the wonderful scene at this re-purposed warehouse! We will be building a big cob pizza oven in our yard; a very unique and inspiring place, right on the train tracks and surrounded by amazing artists making beautyfullll things! We are making a veritable oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle. This place is becoming a landmark in Portland, come add to the beauty by smashing some cob with us!



    Bonsai 503 309 6724 (text only) [email protected]

    2020 se Bush st. / 21st and Bush#THEMANIFESTATION

    sunday may 25 start first layer of oven, laying bricks, smooching cob,

    monday may 26 continue cob

    tuesday may 27 continue cob

    wed may 28 continue cob

    thurs may 29 open house - possible no work though

    fri may 30 open house - possible no work though

    sat may 31 cob plaster - finish up

    monday june 1 finish up. maybe bake pizza if oven is done. open house.




    Chip Rees, [email protected] Mulkey, [email protected]

    SE 33rd Ave & Yamhill St. #SUNNYSIDE

    Saturday, May 24th

    9am 10am: Chalk outline the sunflower pattern10a 6pm: The main event PAINT THE SUNFLOWER

    Sunday, May 25th10am 4pm: Touch-up painting/ 2nd coat painting

    Now in its 14th year, one of the most famous and iconic of all the citys intersection projects - the re-painting of the Sunflower - is a long standing tradition during the Village Building Convergence and this year is no different. This project is one of the few public places in the world to incorporate Fibonacci geometry. With its vibrant colors of yellow, orange, red and green, this street piazza is considered by many to be the heart of the Sunnyside Neighborhood whose symbol is the Sunflower. With the Sunflower just a block off bustling Belmont street, this intersection is admired daily by neighbors and local business patrons alike.

    Dig out that old painting garb and mark your calendars to come out to our little corner of Portland on Saturday, May 24th between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, and join in on the fun. Festivities will include picnicking, live music, kids activities and of course PAINTING! Well have food on hand, but please feel free

    to bring a dish to add to the community table or simply pack yourself a picnic. Work will naturally get done but this too is a celebration!



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    Share-It Square was the first intersection repair in the world and has continued to repaint a new design every year for the past 18 years. This year's design is a combination of neighbors' visions and last year's painting, tying in the tree theme from last year with various cultures represented in the community through the symbols of doors. There's also a dream-like quality to the image as shown by the houses that surround the square turning into birds and taking flight. Always an anticipated annual event, repainting the square is sure to be a splendid time!

    Sarah Heath541-531-2948

    SE 9th Ave and SE Sherrett St.#SHAREITSQUARE

    Saturday, May 31st:

    10am - 3 or 4ish PAINT!

    We will be repainting a new design for most of the day. There will be light refreshments in the middle of the day and possibly a couple of other fun activities! Come join us for the fun!




    This lovely, modest installation may be small in scale, but it contains a universe of possibility. Dedicated to the mystic poet Rumi, this station of illumination will nestle in between two trees and various edible plants that will burst with fruit every year on planetary cue. There you will find a cozy, stone bench and a hand calligraphy-based poetry dispenser for both children and adults. It will provide a small place to sit with family, a lover, or a new friend while you delight in the timeless insights and secrets of one of the great lovers of life.

    Liane Allhdadi503-341-9176 [email protected]


    Opening Dedication:

    Saturday, May 31st at some time during the Share-It Square annual street celebration.



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    Mark Lakeman & Frances Michaelson5033815885/[email protected], 612-355-0631/[email protected]

    CONTACT planetrepair.org

    8512 SE 8th Ave.#PLANETREPAIR


    Planet Repair is where City Repair began in 1996, and weve been creating change ever since then!

    This year we will make progress on projects already underway, including natural plasters with relief and inlaid mosaic glass, living roof projects, and water catchment installations such as rain barrel towers.

    The plaster work on the front of the building will complete the inspiring image that PRI projects to the larger community, which already includes natural and metaphorical themes.

    After this VBC and the work that will proceed through this summer, we will have nine living roofs - more than 1100 square feet of it! The rain water catchment projects we will complete will help us model sustainable water stewardship and use for the larger community.

    Come visit!

    Saturday, May 24: 9am-4pm, Plaster work (limited participation), water catchment projects.

    Sunday, May 25: 9am-4pm, Plaster work (limited participation), water catchment projects.1-4pm, Food Forest & Perennial Polyculture Workshop2-3:30pm PRI & Block Repair Site Tour

    Monday, May 26: 9am-4pm, Finish up plaster work (limited participation), small projects at nearby Share-It Square, water catchment projects.

    Tuesday, May 27: 9am-4pm, Small projects at nearby Share-It Square, water catchment projects.

    Wednesday, May 28: 9am-4pm, Oil color-wash greenhouse cob thermal mass wall, Oil front exterior cob. 1-2pm PRI & Block Repair Site Tour, water catchment projects.

    Thursday, May 29: Living roof projects.

    Friday, May 30: Living Roof Projects.

    Saturday, May 31: Site closed for events at Share-It Square.

    Sunday, June 1: Site closed for VBC events





    Marti Frank503.819.4789 [email protected]

    SE 42nd Ave and SE Morrison St#SUNNYCROSSROADS

    Saturday, 31st May.

    Kid-friendly entertainment all afternoon! Kids can be entertained while parents help paint!

    NoonWho: Olive Rootbeer & DingoWhat: The dynamic duo that brings you stories, songs, love, laughter, balloons, and all kinds of shenanigans!

    1pmWho: Tallulah's DaddyWhat: Fun, energetic acoustic music for kids.

    2pm-4pmWhat: Circus arts, stilt walkers, and kids' bike rodeo. Circus arts taught by neighbors and the Joy Now Arts Project, a music and performing arts experience for kids taught by members of the March Fourth Marching Band. The bike rodeo will feature bike skills races and a bike tire art project.

    4pmWho: Luck DragonWhat: A band for kids and adults, featuring the sounds of the ukelele, violin, cello, glockenspiel, cazoo, trumpet, and musical saw.

    Our new neighborhood street painting symbolizes the many bikes that pass through the intersection every day (it's on a bike boulevard), as well as the sunny in our neighborhood name. We will also be building a bike kiosk with a bike map and tools, and a Little Free Library for kids and adults.

    On May 31st we will be hosting a bike carnival with live music, a bike rodeo for kids, carnival games, juggling and hula hoop lessons for all ages, and plenty of food!



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    Nancy Oberschmidt 503-231-7322 (H) 503-381-2248 (C)[email protected]

    SE 15th & Alder St#BUCKMAN

    Friday, May 23 3PM clean the street with eco-friendly soap

    Saturday, May 24 10 AM re-paint the street graphic

    Neighbor supplied Potluck Lunch with a hearty Vegan Soup at Noon

    This is the sixth year of the Buckman Community Composting project.

    Most of the efforts of the Buckman Community Associations Sustainability Committee will have taken place before the VBC re- planting three traffic circles and getting new Picture a Garden sites on line.

    During the VBC we will re-paint our beautiful street graphic and have fun.

    These projects are supported this year by a small grant from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Thank You!





    RSVP Kelly at 971-276-3507, or greenninjapdx@ gmail.com with VBC/WeMoon in subject line.

    35 miles SE of Portland (Metro bus #31), near Eagle Fern Park in Estacada. RSVP for directions. #WEMOON

    Sunday, May 25 Tuesday, May 27 11 am - 3 pm

    Help us revitalize the garden and make it accessible for mutli-ability use. Well build raised beds of varying heights, so those with limited knee-bending mobility can garden with ease. Likewise, well build wheelchair accessible raised beds and pathways. These and other garden/permaculture activities to take place on 52 beautiful acres of Womens Land.

    Carpooling/camping possible. Bring your friends fora fun women-only outing! Work projects by day, relax at vegetarian potluck meals and fire circles at night. WeMoon has women-built structures, tent space and a community house with convenient amenities.Be sure to RSVP so we know youre coming! Other Garden Workdays: Tuesday, June 10, 11 am - 3 pm. See you there!

    Join us to make the garden more accessible for women of differing abilities! Some raised garden beds will be wheelchair accessible; others will be of varying heights for those with limited knee-bending mobility. Our VBC project is intended as part of a larger effort, including a wheelchair accessible deck on the community house.

    On 52 acres of old-growth forest, with an organic garden, greenhouse and natural open spaces, WeMoon is an intentional womens community thats been around for 40+ years. Originally the home of the WeMoon datebook and calendar, the land currently hosts the WeMooniversity, an experiential School of Life for women and children in community with Mother Earth, dedicated to bringing the outpouring of WeMoon creativity down to earth... where artists, writers, astrologers, healers, priestesses, eco-feminists, gardeners, and earth-friendly builders can meet, share and learn in community. www.wemoon.ws



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    Kenzie [email protected]

    1825 SW Broadway#PSUVBC

    Indigenous Permaculture in Practice: Friday, May 23; 10 am 12 pm; 710 SW Jackson Street (SW Jackson & Park Ave)

    Diversity & Intercultural community building: Saturday May 24; 8 - 10 pm, VBC Central Venue (3520 SE Yamhill Street) Free for students with PSU IDs. Free Dinner at 6 pm.

    Guild Work Party in the Orchard: Tuesday May 27; 12 - 4 pm; SW 12 & Montgomery. Free lunch.

    Continued Work Party in the Orchard: Wednesday May 28; 10 am 3 pm; SW 12 & Montgomery. Free lunch.

    Final Work Party in the Orchard; Friday May 30 10 am - 3 pm; SW 12 & Montgomery. Free lunch.Paths to Diversity with Pandora Thomas at PSU, Venue and Time: TBD

    Cultural Humility and Indigenous Allyship:Friday May 30; 8 -10 pm; VBC Central Venue (3520 SE Yamhill Street) *Free for students with PSU IDs Free Dinner at 6 pm.

    VBC 14 Closing Cob Oven Pizza Party! Sunday June 1; 11 am 2 pm (SW Park Ave & Harrison). Free Pizza for Everyone!

    The PSU Community Orchard is a place in transition--help it flourish! Join the next generation of stewards for several days of landscaping and planting work parties as we plant beneficial guilds around our young fruit trees.

    We will also be learning from Indigenous ways of knowing during our Indigenous Permaculture in Practice event. To have a little fun, we will also be celebrating our first cob oven firing this year, with a pizza party.

    We have two exciting participatory events at the VBC Central Venue, one about art and intercultural community building. The other is a panel of Indigenous speakers and allies leading courageous conversations followed by an interactive discussion to catalyze us towards effective Indigenous solidarity and social/cultural sustainability.



    Join us as we build a picnic table and benches for the public gathering space in front of the school. We are using reclaimed materials to create a beautifully designed wooden table and benches.

    Building will start in the morning and in the afternoon we will co-create a mosaic for the top of the table. There will be additional activities and complementary snacks starting at 1:00pm. Come celebrate this space and community!

    Talia [email protected]


    6318 SW Corbett Ave#SUNSTONE


    Saturday May 31st

    9:00-12:00: building picnic table and benches

    12:00-1:00: lunch break (lunch provided by local businesses for builders and volunteers)

    1:00- 4:00: Continue building tables and benches, co-create and install mosaic design on table top

    1:15-1:50 Vermiculture workshop (Work in groups to learn about and make a worm bin. Five to six participants will get to take home their very own worm bin!)

    2:00-3:00- Stump the Master Gardener: Come get answers to your gardening questions!

    In the afternoon, there will be free snacks, activities and space to run and play.



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    Tryon Life Community Farm is a unique sustainability educational facility and community gathering place. This year, we are working on three projects:

    1) Cob Sauna: Ten years ago, many loving hands began building TLC Farms beautiful cob sauna at the VBC. We will use cob and earthen plaster to patch it up and add new artistic elements of glass and ceramic. 2) A new structure: Using the natural building technique known as Wattle and Daub, we are building a 7-sided structure that will serve as a temporary living space for artists, activists and visitors. 3) Sheet Mulching: Sheet mulching is a permaculture technique to create nutrient-rich and aerated garden beds - without digging - by layering various organic materials.Lunch provided all three days. A shuttle will leave from Sunnyside Church, the central venue (SE 35th & Yamhill) each day at 9:30am to go to the farm and will return at 4:30pm. Please RSVP for a spot on the shuttle to [email protected].

    Isobel Charle [email protected] 603-978-7114


    11640 SW Boones Ferry Rd.#TRYONLIFE


    Thursday 5/29 10am-4pm: Sheet Mulching Workshop

    Friday 5/30: Earthen plaster/sprucing up the sauna and cobbing walls of new structure. 10am-4pm.

    Saturday 5/31: Earthen plaster/sprucing up the sauna and cobbing walls of new structure. 10am-4pm.




    The Kids Cooking Corner is the Vancouver-Portland areas first and only non-profit childrens culinary school. Founded in 2010, the KCC is a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization that teaches kids age 3 and older how to cook -- and along the way aims to develop confidence, inspire creativity, encourage nutritious eating and build practical skills that will last a lifetime.

    The KCC will be holding a handful of workshops on topics such as permaculture, rain catchment systems, bee keeping, chicken rearing and more, while we spend the week preparing our new permaculture garden and doing general maintenance to our property.



    Drake Carnahan (360) 513-7608 [email protected]

    5206 NE 78th St. Vancouver, WA#KIDSCOOKINGCORNER

    Please check our website for a day-by-day schedule!


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    Cari Corbet-Owen [email protected] 707-227-6190

    13405 SE 7th str, Vancouver, WA#SECRETREADINGNOOK

    All workshops start at 10am:Saturday May 24th - natural plaster workshopSunday May 25th - cob building workshopMonday 26th and Friday 30th well be both plastering and building the secret reading nook.Saturday the 31st of May - mosaic a cob bench workshopSunday the 1st June well be working to complete all 3 projects.

    This year well be plastering the exterior of Poseys Pozzi - the communal Greenhouse / Creative Corner we built during VBC 2013. Well be doing the mosaic on the cob bench on the interior and well also be building a new structure.The Secret Reading nook. Poseys Pozzi (pozzi means place) was built in honour of Posey - once the community glue amongst neighbours who hadnt met since he died 17 years ago. Neighbors, along with VBCers, all built this charming communal area last year, and as a result gates between neighbours have been opened, and communal chickens and vegetable gardens now bring neighbours together into a supportive community.The Secret Reading nook will be a huge quirky cob belly where neighbours who want to have a private retreat space can curl up with a good book or just sit and contemplate their lives.Well be hosting three workshops during VBC2014:

    A plastering workshop by June Bonneheim who became interested in natural building six years ago. June recently co-founded a collective

    of builders called Clay Play, which works to facilitate earthen projects in schools.When not working with Clay Play, she can be found doing interior clay and lime plasters with Living Walls.

    A building with cob workshop lead by Cari Corbet-Owen; a exuberant natural builder. She is an alum from Cob Cottage from 6 years ago and hasnt stopped building ever since. In this workshop well discuss siting your building, foundations, how to make and build with cob.

    A mosaic workshop lead by Jorie Kennedy who is passionate about bringing building skills to the people. Jorie was trained at the Cob Cottage company and works as a natural plasterer and builder. Well be mosaicing a cob bench inside of Poseys Pozzi.

    Simple, but wholesome food will be served daily. This site will be open the 24th, 25th, 26th and then the 30th, 31st or May and 1st of June.

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    www.SmallHouse-HappyLife.comIn 1953 the average size of our homes was 953 square foot, but 2003, that average size had grown to 2300 square foot. Along with that the building code has developed into a mind numbing number of pages that the average person couldnt wade through and if they did they wouldnt understand most of it. And along with the massive increase in size of housing comes massive waste - 41% of what goes to our landfills comes from the construction industry. Along with ever increasing house sizes and building codes that demand the use of new and expensive materials in order to be up to code - the cost of housing as spiralled out of control. Since 1953, the cost of housing has quadrupled while the average salary has only doubled.

    There are a growing number of us who want to:scale down to a smaller footprint home;

    live more lightly on the earth; live in less toxic homes

    reduce their mortgage burdens. build their own homes with neighbours and friends.

    Natural builders everywhere feel thwarted by the building codes. Permitting officers are there to keep us safe and need to follow the rules. This dilemma means that natural builders often either dont build (but feel frustrated) or they build and live in fear of being told to demolish their home. On the other hand, 51% of the world build their own safe and durable homes from earth and scrap materials without help from building inspectors. There is nothing like building your own home to improve a sense of mastery and confidence and as neighbours eagerly get involved, it builds stronger connections and communities as well. If we dont use these inherent skills we are born with to build our own shelters - we lose them and then believe that only expensive building contractors can build for us which saddles us with debt. Ive never felt as empowered as I did when, with about 18 friends, we built a 14 x 14 foot octagonal earth and straw bale cabin which, using salvaged materials and wood harvested from the land up to roof level had cost less than $1000. We will be plastering and putting in a rocket mass heater this cabin high up in a remote canyon in New Mexico in August 2014.you can join us with only a small donation for food. On July 15th this year, Ill be leaving on a 3-month adventure making a documentary to help natural builders. Well be interviewing builders who have built their own natural homes - some who have been told to demolish them; well be talking to engineers, university professors, people who have already changed sections of the building codes to find out their secrets and also to Natural builder teachers. Its going to be an exciting journey.Heres what Id love to achieve a completely separate building code for a small house hand built home (anything with a footprint of under 400 square foot, less than 20 foot high to allow loft living that specifically specifies the use of salvaged materials to reduce what goes to landfills).

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    Support and guidance for the management of s leep, trauma, phobias, stress pain and more. Reach your goals with a sense of relaxation and peace.

    JOYCE STEINDLERCH.t, CEHP, TLT, DEH & Spiritual Counsellor

    Certied Clinical Hypnotherapist &Certied Energy Health Practitioner

    [email protected]

    www.energyhealthclinic.com3810 SE Belmont StreetPortland, Oregon 97214

    5 0 3 - 7 5 0 - 5 2 7 1

    Siskiyou Permaculture offers Workshops and Advanced Permaculture courses in Southern Oregon.

    Water Resource Design Workshop

    Instructed by: Tom Ward, Karen Taylor & Melanie Mindlin July 26th 28th, near Ashland, OR

    $250 early bird registration by June 27th.

    Optical Surveying for Earthworks & Water Advanced Permaculture Course with Tom Ward

    Nov. 4-9, 2014, Wolf Gulch Farm 6-day certificate course for advanced students

    $500 includes camping $475 early bird by Sept. 11th

    Social Forestry January 2015

    Advanced Permaculture Course with Tom Ward This 6 day Social Forestry course is held at Wolf Gulch Farm in S. Oregon and explores how we can find our place in the

    forest ecosystem again Reindigenate!

    For more information and for registration visit our web site at: SiskiyouPermaculture.com

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    Friday, May 23Theme: Embodied PermacultureLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    *5:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Dinner*Note dinner is usually served from 6 - 7 pm on other Central Venue nights

    6:30 pm - 7 pm: Opening Circle facilitated by VBC veteran SaraHope, and Saffire.To Ignite the fires of our community in each of us to feel the beat of our urban hearts as one in this ephemeral village hearth as we prepare to go out and build community together. Calling in the qualities of villagers and naming these aspects in and among us so that they thrive in our culture over the next week. co-creating our community culture so that we do beat more as one urban heart/hearth. To create the container for this dispersed and yet cohesive community that we have spread across Portland. Join us, dear villagers.

    7 - 7:45 pm: David Eisenberg on Redefining Building Safety in an Age of Great Change: Being Good Ancestors

    Weaving lessons learned, insights, and sources of inspiration from his two decades of work leading the Development Center for Appropriate Technology, David Eisenberg, beloved elder in the cause of regenerative culture-building, will share stories from past and current work and thoughts about our role in creating needed changes in thinking, designing, building and living as if the future matters.

    8 - 8:45 pm: Marisha Auerbach on A Sense of Place: Permaculture-based Site Analysis for Portland, OR.Permaculture design is specific to place, local culture, and inhabitants. When we come together for the Village Building Convergence, we join as villagers to develop regenerative culture here in Portland. We have affected the urban fabric of our place for the past 14 years! In this presentation, Marisha Auerbach will share some of the climatic factors to consider when designing in Portland, including weather conditions, soils, native vegetation, and prior history, and how these are unique in your neighborhood. Join us for a permaculture site analysis perspective to enrich your sense of place and provide a foundation as we move into this potent week of building and designing for enhancing our local connections in Portland!

    9 - 10 pm: Jon Young on Culture RepairInformed by his work as a mentor and naturalist, Jon will explore the connections between individual and cultural transformation and how the individual commitment to embodying a permaculture value system supports broader societal shifts. Jon will indicate places that are most challenging in transferring individual resolution into cultural currents, and how a changing cultural landscape can empower and support individual change as well.

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    10:15 pm - 11 pm: Music for the Human Tribe by Omiza RiverJoin Omiza River as they bring forth elements of Embodied Permaculture in music through a synthesis between acoustic and electronic genres. Using the resources around them, Tanyia Bluecorn and Keith Firesong combine soulful lyrics & harmonies with live guitar, keys & Native American flutes (handmade by Keith Firesong), supported by lush soundscapes and high vibrations.

    Saturday, May 24Theme: Diversity and MulticulturalismLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    6 - 7 pm: Delicious Middle Eastern Cuisine by family business Hoda.

    7 - 7:45 pm: Sarah Pugh on Urban Permaculture in Bristol, UKJoin Permaculture activist and founder of the worlds first Transition City on an exploration of urban permaculture in the UK, particularly Bristol, where social connections, sharing resources and skills and working with other organisations make for a robust and resilient movement. With a network of urban farms, community gardens, green builders, energy projects and training projects Bristol is leading the UK in grassroots sustainability.

    8 - 8:45 pm: Nuhamin Assegid Eiden and Hope Yamasaki on Diversity and SustainabilityNuhamin will discuss her work as a resident services coordinator at one of the Portland Community Reinvestment Initiative's (PCRI) community centers and as a planning committee member of the Portland Roots Festival. She will focus on what sustainability means to East African immigrants living in Portland, drawing on her own experience as well as from the perspective of her residents.

    Hope will discuss how the organization she founded - Sustainability For All fills the lack of diversity within sustainability discourse in the United States that reinforces dominant culture. By critically looking at issues related to race and privilege by highlighting diverse perspectives, and by using multiple lenses and frameworks, sustainability educators and leaders can help bridge this divide increasing the diversity of change agents and strengthening the overall movement.

    9 - 9:45 pm: Loveness Wesa & the Bantus Band with Danceable Zimbabwean Afro-popDance along to original and traditional Zimbabwean Afro-pop music performance in a combination of invigorating danceable grooves, stimulating vocal harmonies, and traditional and modern dance moves. We invite you to enjoy this musical offering and make it your own by dancing, clapping, and singing along.

    10 - 10:45 pm: Kemba Shannon Dance EnsembleKemba Shannon Dance Center's mission is to create a creative and transforming environment that helps young people build self-esteem, discipline and confidence via training in performing and visual arts. KDSC seeks to empower students through a creative outlet and life skills that build character for any chosen career or life situation.

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    We will perform three 15 minute selections, a Samba Parade and an MLK Piece with audience participation and end the night with a Solo/Duet selection.

    Sunday, May 25Theme: Intergenerations: For our FamiliesLocation: Leaven Project, 5431 NE 20 Avenue (NE 20 & Killingsworth)

    *Exciting family ticket discounts ;)*3 - 5 pm: Alexis Thompson presents Cooking with Kids! This program is for children to be responsible for the design, preparation, and cleanup of a large community meal. Children ages 4 and up are invited to share their ideas and get their hands dirty while experiencing the joy of cooking for a family.

    5 - 6 pm: Dinner that the kids helped prepare.

    6 - 7 pm: Mobile Puppet Theater with Frances Michaelson and Helen HillThere will be two characters, roaming the halls. They will be wearing coats. Inside the coats will be stories, puppet stories. They will converge, the curtains will be drawn and the stories will be told. These will be the kind of stories that leave a heart strong.

    7 - 8 pm: Remembering Play with Leon SmithIn this presentation we will discuss the value of outdoor play for healthy development in young children. We will examine how a yard can be transformed into a learning-landscape that supports the full range of rich creative play possibilities by inviting nature in! We will look at examples of how to engage the community in the creation of a unique Natural Playscape on a limited budget.

    8 - 9 pm: Somatic Education with Keren Ganin-PintoAs creatures of the universe, we have the capacity to connect our bodies to our evolutionary ancestors. Join us as we move through our history: floating in the ocean, lying on the rocks, creeping along the sand, crawling along the prairies, and standing up with our heads to the sky! This movement class will be a playful opportunity for adults and children to explore the different parts of our rich, expressive selves.

    Monday, May 26* Memorial DayTheme: Empowering CommunityLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    *Free day workshop in the the Parlor Room, Central Venue3 - 4 pm: Resiliency Rising with Ted SwagertyAfter traveling through Asia, the Middle East and Europe documenting the steady growth of permaculture and small scale renewable energy, Ted would like to share his experiences and observations about how the larger international permaculture movement is advancing and how a greater awareness of sustainability is spreading across the globe.

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    4 - 5 pm: Reclaiming Our Soleful Connection with Sarah HeathCome to this hour long workshop to learn about the important role our feet play in keeping us connected. Shoes are a habitual fixture in our society today, but unfortunately to a fault. We are less connected than ever to each other, ourselves, and this planet. Come learn about why it's important to take off your shoes and walk.

    6 - 7 pm: Dinner prepared by our wonderful kitchen staff

    7 - 7:45 pm: Community Resilience with Jeremy OLeary, Mark Lear and Amanda Rain We live with many uncertainties. Earthquakes, the economy, energy sourcing, water supply, as well as climate change set the stage for an unpredictable future. Preparedness and resilience are essential in times such as these. Community and collective co-empowerment are vital. Together, we will explore how to stack functions to meet all of these needs. We will also look at how people interact with scarcity, stress and various stages of grief. We will discuss how placemaking fits in peacetime and as rallying points in the not-so-good-time. There is no silver bullet for the unexpected, yet, with preparation, planning, community building and resilience training, we can come together to make the best and the most of challenging circumstances. Come for an interactive dialogue to get to the heart of Community Resilience and Emergency Preparedness.

    8 - 8:45 pm: Removing Regulatory barriers to sustainability with ReCodes Melora Golden and Molly Daniellson Melora Golden has provided vision and project management for Recode since 2008. Before becoming an environmental activist, Melora was a social worker for 12 years. She believes that bringing more intention and tools to group interaction will significantly increase the effectiveness of those groups.

    Mollys work focuses on composting toilets, urine diversion and graywater reuse; she will talk about various angles of legalizing sustainability.

    9 - 9:45 pm: Urban Edible Landscaping & HarvestingJoin us for an inspiring co-presentation with lead facilitators of two upcoming edible landscaping projects in the Portland Metro area. The first is the Sellwood Moreland GAP project SMILE with permaculturalist from the Planet Repair Institute (PRI) in Portlands Sellwood Neighborhood - Mighk Simpson. Shawna Zierdt, co-liaison for the Inter-Tribal Gathering Garden, will share the unique community engagement and design process for ITGG with the regions urban and tribal Native Americans and non-Native allies. ITGG is poised to be the first urban Native ecocultural gathering in an urban Portland park where Native community members will be able to harvest culturally significant plant materials.

    10 - 10:45 pm: Sid Sambergs Solo piano works which raise issues about our connection to nature and the environment. A pianist and composer whose music explores our relationship to the natural world, Sid Samberg's works have been described as "mindscapes", challenging to both performer

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    and listener. A native Chicagoan, Samberg performed for the 2012 Great Lakes Bioneers Conference at the University of Illinois, and is honored to be taking part in this year's VBC.

    Tuesday, May 27Theme: Community Supported EverythingLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    *Free day workshop in the the Parlor Room, Central Venue3 - 5 pm: An in-depth workshop on Community Resilience and Emergency Preparedness with Jeremy OLeary We live with many uncertainties. Earthquakes, the economy, energy sourcing, water supply, as well as climate change all set the stage for an unpredictable future. Preparedness and Resilience are essential in times such as these. Community and collective co-empowerment are vital. Together, we will explore how to stack functions to meet all of these needs. We will also look at how people interact with scarcity, stress and various stages of grief. We will discuss how placemaking fits in peacetime and as rallying points in the not-so-good-times. There is no silver bullet solution for the unexpected. Yet, with preparation, planning, community building and resilience training, we can come together to make the best and the most of challenging circumstances. Come for an interactive dialogue to get to the heart of Community Resilience and Emergency Preparedness.

    *Non-ticketed Evening Programs6 - 7 pm: Community Potluck Dinner! Please bring something to share.

    7 - 8:45 pm: Community Supported Everything with Sam Smith and Laura ScherCommunity Supported Everything is a grassroots alternative higher ed program based on freedom education, systems thinking, personal growth, and community resilience. In this workshop, we'll explore the inner and outer work that creating change requires--setting goals, facing our fears, and examining what is holding us back from creating the world we want to live in. We'll hear from residents about their year in this living-learning program, and then we'll break into small groups for deeper exploration.

    Community Supported Everything is re-imagining higher education as a self directed, community integrated process. We're creating systems of accountability and feedback so that residents can overcome blocks, learn at their edges, and take action. On this night, we'll be exploring these topics as community, assessing our goals, and working through barriers!

    9 - 9:45 pm: Open Music Circle led by Dusu Mali Bands Ibrahim Moussa KellyBring your instruments! As the Music Circles facilitator, Ibrahim will be teaching west African rhythms and sharing the history of jembe and how important it is in the west African culture.

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    10 - 10:45 pm: Re-wilding of Self: Exploring our Ecological Identity with Lindsay Hagamen & Teri CiacchiWhere has our wildness gone? Our socialized personas frequently leave us with an experience of ourselves as isolated and small in the face of overwhelming issues such as heartbreak, climate change, loss of ability, species extinction and personal and cultural resource depletion. Using ecosomatics and group work processes from Joanna Macys The Work that Reconnects, we will guide a group Self-Restoration practice.

    Our identities are complex, diverse and symbiotic. Moving across the full range of feelings and sensations, increasing our awareness of our inter-personal zones of permaculture and how permaculture principles can inform our social interactions, we will be better equipped to build resilient community and regenerate abundant ecosystems. We will welcome back your Wild Self, and welcome you Home to Body, Community and Earth.

    Wednesday, May 28Theme: Recentralization Night at NE Beech StreetLocation: Fly Awake Tea Garden 3514 NE 13 Ave (NE Fremont & 13)

    The location of Recentralization night is based on its active transformation this year. We have two amazing VBC 14 Placemaking projects in close proximity to each other. Beech Street Project is leading intersection paintings and curbside native and pollinator plantings on NE 10 Ave and 14 Ave on Beech Street and Harriet Fasenfest is hosting Straw Clay workshops for her Moon Cottage at 4039 NE 14 Avenue. If thats not enough to bring you over, weve got an exciting line-up of speakers, local artists and sumptuous food!

    4:30 - 5:30 pm: Deep Herbalism with Morgan Brent4:30 - 5:30 pm: Bee workshop5:30 - 6:30 pm: Dinner provided by Moon Cottage Placemaking Site lead Harriet Fasenfest, Manda Beckett and Beech Street Placemaking Site Lead Arati Lloyd von Behren6:30 - 7:30 pm: Kids Time! Interactive Circus with Paul Battram (Circus Cascadia): A hand held stilt and flower stick workshop.

    7:30 - 8:15 pm: Storytelling - Visioning for a neighborhood

    8:15 - 9:00 pm: Conscious Hip Hop with neighborhood artists EquinoxMusic performances reaching topics of social justice, the collective conscious, and universal unity.

    9:00 - 9:45 pm: Abioto Sisters Cross-format arts crossing the void to you. Super group of artist-sisters making it all up as we go along. Hanifah Abioto is a songstress, music curator, and visual artist. Intisar Abioto is a photographer-writer-dancer explorer. Amenta Abioto is a magician-musician-songstress-actor. This is magic, but it's not an act.

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    Thursday, May 29Theme: VBC in the Streets for Last Thursday, Alberta Street FairLocation: 1626 NE Alberta Street (NE 16 & Alberta)

    4 - 9:00 pm: Join us for tea time and connections as we bring our beloved T-Horse to the street fair and to share warm tea and conversations. We will also have a range of spontaneous community building activities with Community Supported Brewing (CSB) and Kaleidoscope Yoga happening at the hub for Community Supported Learning, CSB and many other grand ideas of superhero-dom.

    Friday, May 30Theme: Cultural Humility and Indigenous AllyshipLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    6 - 7 pm: Delicious Navajo Stew and Cornbread provided by NAYAs Nawitka catering

    7 - 7:45 pm: Communication Tools for Confronting Privilege with Amanda Rain It is challenging to confront privilege and power in ways that are effective and elicit meaningful behavior change. Their pervasive nature and slippery quality often result in the perpetuation of unearned privilege instead of bringing it to an end. There are far too many accepted justifications and unquestioned assumptions that go unchallenged. Come learn communication tools, discuss how to avoid common pitfalls and strengthen your skills through interactive exercises with Amanda Rain of Speaking the Unspeakable. We will open with some initial framing and personal exercises then move into sharing communication tools with exercises to build confidence and skill in confronting privilege and power.

    8 - 9:45 pm: Cultural Humility and Indigenous Allyship Panel and Discussion with PSUs Indigenous faculty, students and rain crowe.A 45 minute panel followed by 45 minute interactive discussion with the following wonderful people:Judy BlueHorse,a faculty member at PSU's Indigenous Nations Studies program and the 2014 recipient of the "Outstanding Teacher of the Year" award by the Oregon Indian Education Association, is a Native herbalist and Indigenous Permaculturalist. She is a strong advocate for cultural education, indigenous food sovereignty and indigenous sustainability leadership. Shilo George is completing her graduate degree in Education. A strong advocate for Decolonization and Indigenous Pedagogy, Shilo has inspired many with her firm, compassionate commitment to social justice in the education system. Karly Foster is studying Anthropology at PSU. She has been at the helm of many Native community events including PSU's Naimuma Powwow in 2013. Karly is passionate about food justice issues in Indian country as well as co-articulating appropriate protocol for cultural sharing. Kevin Thomas is currently the Cultural Sustainability Liaison with PSU's student

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    sustainability center. He has been a strong advocate for diversity and cultural competence for Native communities through much of his scholarly career. rain crowe is the creator of Calling Ourselves Home, a body of work dedicated to cultivating the design and embodiment of regenerative culture through a multitude of group facilitation processes, teaching and presentation, and public speaking. She currently works with spiritual, political, and rewilding groups and intentional communities all over the country on creating and sustaining social designs for resiliency and empowerment. Participants have described her offerings as focused, provocative, and inspiring, and her style as eloquent, knowledgeable, and intuitive.

    10 - 10:45 pm: Native American Flute with Isaac TrimbleJoin 11-year Indigenous Flutist Isaac Trimble for a flute performance. Isaac Trimble (Apache) is a recording artist specializing in the Native American flute, a Men's fancy dancer, and performer with the Northstar Dance Company.

    Saturday, May 31Theme: Building with NatureLocation: VBC 14 Central Venue, Sunnyside Methodist Church, 3520 SE Yamhill Street (SE 35 & Yamhill).

    *$35 - $75 Sliding Scale Paid Workshop Scale at Central Venues Parlor Room9 am - 5:30 pm: Social Permaculture Design for Resilience and Empowerment with rain croweIn this one day intensive we'll explore some aspects of the social systems that can be found in families, kinship circles, organizations, and communities of all sizes.

    The content of the day's work will touch on how to:Use the combination of structure and narrative in designing social systemsDetermine your group's values and use them to create or strengthen your visionMap the unique talents, skills and aptitudes of the group's members and apply themto the visionNourish healthy communication, rapport, and collaboration through shared powerAnticipate conflict and have a response plan

    In addition to the presentation of material, there will be ample time for questions and group exploration of real life examples of challenges and obstacles in your current groups or the ones you are excited to create. Resource list will be provided at the end of the teaching.

    Please register here: http://callingourselveshome.weebly.com/social-permaculture-design-for-resilience-and-empowerment.html

    6 - 7 pm: Delicious Dinner provided by our wonderful kitchen volunteers and staff.

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    7 - 7:45 pm: Pandora Thomas and Nichole Martin on Diversity and SustainabilityA co-presentation/discussion with Pandora Thomas and Nichole Martin through an engaging conversation around sustainability and diversity in a way that values the unique perspective we as African American sustainability educators bring to the movement.

    8 - 8:45 pm: Closing Circle led by VBC 14 Natural Building Coordinator Frances MichaelsonJoin us for a night of remembering where we came from. The Hallmark of Natural Building leaders that have participated in the VBC throughout it's long life will gather on this final night of our celebration to share stories of past projects, to acknowledge the long road traveled and to lay the foundation for the one before us. What are the underlying principles of this art of building our homes from the earth, how does it lead us, where will it grow? These questions will be the ones we ask ourselves as we give thanks for the VBC 2014 and look forward to the next year!

    9 - 9:45 pm: Cascadian Folk Music with The MoonshineKick off your mud boots and kick up some dust with The Moonshine! Guitar, Autoharp, Fiddle, Banjo and Stand-up Bass, at your service! Join Michael and Rachel Levasseur, Sara Wolf, Elwood and Susanne Lowbeer for a five piece stringband original and dynamic set. With strong roots into Americana, Rock, Old-time, Gypsy and Cajun traditions this music is a adventure that all sorts of audiences can jump on board with.

    10 - 10:45 pm: Heart-opening fractal bliss with Sol NectarFor VBC this year, we are offering a welcoming and connective musical experience that provides glimpses into what a truly holistic culture might look and feel like. This experience will help people build on their sense of community connection while supporting audience members to become connectors in the mycelium network of community and sacred space creation. It will be a mixture of concert, ecstatic dance, song circle, and ceremony. The people who attend this experience will then be primed as catalysts for gently encouraging joyful connection throughout the larger event.

    Sunday, June 1, 11 am - 2 pmTheme: Pizza in the Park BlocksLocation: PSU's Co
