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City Visions Exhibition Guide

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Urban Planning in Berlin, London, Paris and Chicago 1910 and 2010
Page 1: City Visions Exhibition Guide

Urban Planning in Berlin, London, Paris and Chicago1910 and 2010

Page 2: City Visions Exhibition Guide

Introduction p.1

100 Years General Town Planning Exhibition in Berlin

Town planning concerns everyone. It influences not just where and how we live and work, and how much we move around, but ultimately our happiness and well-being and that of our descendants. But it also has an impact on the ‘costs’ of urban living, today and in the future.

Planning creates hopes and visions for a better, more liveable city. Over the years it has also been the subject of criticism and outrage. It has a long history and has been practised since cities came into exist-ence. It is only since shortly before the First World War, however, that town planning was established as a profession with its own visions, principles and methods. And back then it was a success story.

General Town Planning Exhibition in Berlin 1910

On 1st May, the ‘Allgemeine Städtebau-Ausstellung’ (General Town Planning Exhibition) opened its gates at the Royal Arts Academy in Charlottenburg at Harden -bergstrasse (today Berlin’s University of the Arts).

The exhibition was inspired by the urban planning competition for Greater Berlin, the results of which were shown alongside many projects and plans from Germany and abroad. It reached a broad audience, attracting 65,000 visitors; success which came as a surprise to some. The feedback from abroad was equally positive. In August of the same year, it was shown in Düsseldorf and in the autumn some sections of the exhibition were presented at the International Town Planning Conference in London.

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Introduction p.3

Berlin | Paris | London | Chicago

The exhibition concentrates on Berlin, Paris, London and Chicago, four outstanding metropolitan cities, whose approaches to town planning attracted a lot of attention in 1910 as it does today.


In 1910 Berlin was trying to find answers to the challenges of unplanned growth in the industrial age. 100 years later Berlin is considered a model city of the post-industrial society.


Paris in 1910 was characterised by the big plans and visions of Eugène Hénard. Today’s Grand Pari(s) initiative marks an era of a new national urban development policy.


Previously Greater London was the birthplace of the Garden City Movement, which aimed to decentralise the metropolis in an orderly way. Today it has become the model of a renaissance of urban centres.


In Chicago the world famous plan of Daniel H. Burnham was introduced in 1909. This aspired to enhance a city seen as lacking in beauty. Chicago Metropolis 2020 presents itself as a new strategic plan to develop a sustainable metropolitan region.

Introduction p.2

City Visions 1910 | 2010

The exhibition City Visions 1910 | 2010 is a celebration of the anniversary of the General Town Planning Exhibition. It compares two key moments in time: The years around 1910 and 2010.


The planning exhibition of 1910 presented the summation of contemporary urbanist thought and knowledge. It was the first time that an exhibition had given a comprehensive account of the reality of the built environment of metropolitan areas in the industrial age. The aim was to find solutions ‘for the demands of traffic as well as beauty, public health and economic efficiency’. The main message was that the problems of large cities could only be overcome with a multi-disciplinary approach.


A hundred years later today’s agenda in the post- industrial metropolis is determined by a sustainable design approach. The big themes have remained the same to some degree; their context has changed dramatically, however. A new understanding of urban development is finding its way into town planning strategies, which are often broad in approach and controversial in design. At the same time new prob-lems that threaten the integrity of cities are emerging such as a dramatic weakening of the influence of the public sector, the encroachment of private companies on the public realm and new forms of social polarisation as a result of de-industrialisation and immigration.

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One hundred years ago Berlin was going through immense growth, encouraged by private initiatives. This raised numerous key issues: at the fore were the issues of hous-ing provision, transport capacity and the availability of public open space. At the same time planning professionals considered Berlin to be an urban laboratory, where new visions and new approaches to planning were tested. Many of these ideas were made visible at the Town Planning Exhibition in 1910.

After the First World War the circumstances changed dramati-cally. Berlin was decentralised, the construction of housing in urban areas largely ceased and urban planning became public sector led. By the end of the Second World War, East and West Berlin faced grave housing shortages. Social housing delivery, however, was primarily concentrated in suburban areas. The compact and densely populated fabric of Berlin that had been severely decimated by bombings was further de-creased by demolition programmes and car-oriented infrastructure schemes.

In the years following the First World War, Berlin relied on strict planning policy controls and heavy subsidies. Since the fall of the Wall

in 1989, Berlin’s public sector-led approach to urban planning has faced new challenges. Nowadays, an ageing population, increased social polarisation and climate change require new wasys of working. This comes at a time when the public sector is drasti-cally reducing its lead role.

Today, Berlin is concentrating its scarce resources on the central district. Alongside its historic splendour, the inner city is still home to former industrial sites and a great deal of former working-class areas with dense tenement housing, which suffer from social exclusion but are also places to experiment.

The outer districts, especially their vast social housing develop-ments, are also important. The major city region of today is larger than its predecessor in 1910 and it is stretching beyond Berlin’s administrative boundaries into the federal state of Brandenburg. Limiting urban sprawl on one hand and addressing the renaissance of the southern half of the city region, catalysed by the new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport and the revitalisation of Potsdam, require combined efforts from the authorities of Berlin and Brandenburg.





In 1910, London — the heart of the British Empire — was the capital of the largest political system in the world and the largest city in Europe. In this era, many urban planning strategies were designed to improve imperial London, such as the con-struction of the ceremonial route, The Mall and the Kingsway through Holborn. This followed half a century from 1855 when large scale urban infrastructure projects such as sewers and underground railways had been pioneered in London. Large and all-encompassing urban plans, however, did not really stand a chance in London around 1900, at least in central London. The urban structure of the inner city experienced little change until the widespread destruction caused by the Second World War. Efforts to decentralise metropolitan areas, through the development of garden suburbs and new towns, were meticulously executed over decades. London doubled in size between 1918 and 1939 but lost population in the 1950s and 1960s at the height of the decentralisa-tion to the new and expanded towns such as Harlow, Stevenage and Peterborough, regaining its upward growth from the 1980s.

Industrial decline in London has freed up many industrial sites for redevelopment. One of the largest such sites, was the port of the

West India Docks in East London, which was redeveloped into the Canary Wharf business district during the 1980s. This vast project has moved the financial centre of London eastwards. The late 1990s brought a u-turn in policy from de centralisation towards re-urban-isation, and focused on increased competition and innovation within the service and tourism sectors.

The cuts to the system of local politics and planning made by the Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher, reached their zenith in 1986 with the abolition of the Greater London Council, London’s regional governing body. Its functions were transferred to the boroughs and the Government Office for London. The city was in desperate need of coordinated, regional planning and so, in the year 2000, under Tony Blair’s Labour government, the Greater London Authority (GLA) was estab-lished. The GLA is an institution that sees London’s urban develop-ment as a top priority. Strategically placed urban projects, steered by a comparatively lean authority, equipped with similarly lean budgets, are intended to support the regeneration of targeted areas within London. The aim is to turn London into a city that is economi-cally thriving, inclusive and sus-tainable, with high-quality design.






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By 1910 Paris had accomplished its dramatic redevelopment pro-gramme, begun during the second half of the 19th century. This re-development, associated with the name of prefect Georges Eugène Haussmann, continues to affect the fabric and image of the central city today. Until 1910, its connecti-vity to the outer areas was strongly limited by the historic city wall. At that time, all attempts to break this ring failed. The construction of the underground metro since 1900 and later the introduction of the regional-high speed-rail system in the 1970s, however, has since connected the inner city with outer areas. Since the 1960s the urban ring road, Boulevard Périférique, forms a new barrier.

Neither government nor any other official planning policy co-ordinated metropolitan planning / activities for a long time. The ‘banlieue’, or urban fringe, remained dominated by ‘pavillonnaire’, single dwelling suburban housing. The construction of five new satellite cities, ‘villes nouvelles’, from 1965 onwards has not changed the situation notably. However, over the last ten years some new ideas have emerged. In 2007 the dispute over the competition for the conversion of the covered market, Les Halles, led to a change in opinion about

the importance of this central location for the entire metropolitan area.

In June 2009 the cross-borough partnership, Paris Métropole, was founded. The historically single centre-focused Paris is moving away from splendid isolation.

An expert study by 10 invited planning groups, Le Grand Pari du Grand Paris (The Big Challenge for Greater-Paris), began in 2008 and promised a comprehensive urban vision. The study envisages a metropolis suited to the post- Kyoto Protocol era committing to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, in terms of mobility, density, densification of the ‘pavillonaire’ (single dwelling suburban housing areas), regeneration of the ‘grands ensembles’ (large social housingestates), urban agriculture and, lastly, a new structuring of the spatial organisation of the entire metropolitan area. The details of the overall process are highly debated by the public. The history of ‘Grand Paris’ might have to be rewritten.









The second half of the 19th century brought a phase of incredible growth for Chicago — which had not even existed prior to 1800 and was only made a city in 1836. Within a few decades the city turned from a small military town on Lake Michigan to the second biggest city in the USA and into one of largest industrial metropolitan areas in the world. The city be-came famous for its dynamism and prosperity. The unmanaged growth that accompanied Chicago’s rapid industrialisation, however, was characterised by housing shortages, social conflict, traffic chaos and unsanitary conditions. The business elite of the city, in a group called the Commercial Club, responded to these problems by commission-ing the Plan of Chicago (1909). The Plan, designed by Daniel Burnham and Edward Bennett, delivered a regional approach to planning of hitherto unknown scale. It was recognised as exemplar well beyond the borders of the US.

Unfortunately this dynamic ‘Spirit of Chicago’ could not prevent the post ‘Great Depression’ and World War II decline of the city which accelerated because of suburbani-sation and deindustrialisation. Until the early 1980s, Chicago was still suffering from the conse-quences of this decline and of comprehensive Urban Renewal

programmes, the construction of inner city motorways, which were mostly implemented after World War II, despite its many modernist architectural gems. Many parts of the city were dominated by urban decline and poverty, with the declining central business district surrounded by derelict, post- industrial quarters.

Nowadays, Chicago’s inner city area is an attractive workplace, popular leisure centre and most of all a desirable residential location. Its reputation comes mainly from an innovative approach regarding urban revitalisation since the 1990s, but also from a clever combination of market orientated development policies and strategic planning. Once again the Commer-cial Club helped to deliver change to the City through planning. Of particular importance for the change in planning strategy was the support given by Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago since 1989. The socially ambivalent consequences of this market- orientated development are very much apparent in Chicago’s urban fabric today, mainly in buzzing public spaces and parks or re-used historic buildings.







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The Big Plan

1910 Chapter#1

The big urban plan, and its present­ational medium, the bird’s eye view, was considered a driving force of urban planning by 1910. This approach formed part of a clear style of 20th century planning, distinct from plan­ning practices in the 19th century. This later form of planning used more pragmatic urban extension plans to steer the enormous growth of cities in the era of industrialisation. The competition ‘Groß­Berlin 1908/1910’ for example, demanded a comprehensive reform of the entire metropolitan region including the historic centre and the suburbs.

In the 19th century town planning was mostly based on defining the border between public and privately owned land, the regulation of build­ing heights, and initiatives to improve the city’s technical and transport infra structures. A more holistic approach to planning developed in the 20th century, which included subjects such as road and rail infra­structure, public recreation spaces healthy living conditions and the grouping of grand civic buildings.

Fascination with the ‘big plan’ was an international phenomenon. The labo­rious images were no longer directedexclusively at aristocrats or planning experts, but were looking to appeal to a broad section of the population to convince them of the need for radical plans. The American City Beautiful Movement is a prime exam­ple. In 1909 politicians and civilians alike were particularly drawn to the Plan of Chicago because of its im­pressive bird’s eye views painted by Jules Guerin. This popular plan,effective as an advertisement yet extremely complex, became the subject of a local, national and inter­national media hype. Today the Plan of Chicago continues to symbolisethe ‘big plan’.

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood […]. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once record ed will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever­growing insistency.


1910 #1—TheBigPlan Berlin p.1

Hermann Jansen

Plan for the spatial development of Greater Berlin

Contribution to the urban planning competition for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

The plan for the spatial development of Greater Berlin (Grundplan für die bauliche Entwicklung von Groß-Berlin)is one of two projects that were awarded the first prize in the urban planning competition for Greater Berlin 1908/1910. The main topic of Hermann Jansen’s contribution was ‘within the limits of possibility’. Jansen became Professor

of Urban Planning at the Technische Hochschule Berlin­Charlottenburg in 1923. The plan at a scale of 1:10,000 roughly covers the area of Berlin today, a size which was initially reached in 1920. The plan includes eye­catching features, including parklands and open spaces, and a railway network, both above and underground.



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Albert Gessner

Vision for Berlin’s urban city regionContribution to the urban planning competition

for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

This aerial view shows a vision of an ordered, urban metropolis. It clearly demonstrates how Greater Berlin was perceived on a region­al level. The lower third of the picture shows Kreuzberg Hill. In the background is Berlin’s green hinterland, with numerous water­ways. The picture was part of the contribution by Berlin’s architect Albert Gessner for the compet­ition for Greater Berlin 1908/1910 and it won a special prize of the jury. It followed the motto ‘Become the most comfortable place to live in the world’ (‘Werde der wohnlichste Wohnort der Welt’).


1910 #1—TheBigPlan Berlin p.2 1910 #1—TheBigPlan Paris p.2

Léon Jaussely / Roger-Henri Expert / Louis Sollier

Plan for redevelopment and extension of Paris

The plan for the redevelopment and extension of Paris by Léon Jaussely, Roger­Henri Expert and Louis Sollier won the first prize in a competition for the exten­sion and beautification of Paris in 1919. The basis for the competition, run by the Département Seine was the release of a new town planning law from 1919 (Loi Cornudet). The award­winning planis considered to be a summary of urban visions for Grand Paris in the 1910s. The design is reminiscent of the (also award­winning) plan, which Hermann Jansen submitted for Berlin in 1910.



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Paul Waterhouse

An Imaginary Plan for London

This plan is a curious manifesto of ideal­ism and coherence. Waterhouse recon­figured the patchwork chaos of London’s urban fabric into a geometrically ordered plan, but kept the most important sites, such as a Royal Palace which would have replaced Buckingham Palace, in their historically­determined locations. His plan was a retroactive manifesto as it main­tained the randomness of historical evo­lution, and so demonstrated how London could have been shaped by a general plan when there was no desire to have such a plan.


1910 #1—TheBigPlan London p.1


1910 #1—TheBigPlan Chicago p.2

Daniel H. Burnham / Edward H. Bennett

Plan of ChicagoBird’s-eye view looking at Chicago

on the banks of Lake Michigan

Chicago’s strategic position on two important waterways, and its importance as a railway centre, turned the city into a key infra­structure hub in North America in the second half of the 19th century. Burnham’s vision for the Plan of Chicago was illus­trated with watercolour paintings drawn in Burnham’s office but coloured in by Jules Guerin. The vast extent of the area depicted in the drawings matches the scale of opportunities available to the rapidly growing Chicago. The existing transport infrastruc­ture in the region facilitated Chicago’s expansion plans.

2DanielH.Burnham,EdwardH.BennettPlan of Chicago,bird’seyeviewoverChicagoonthebanksofLakeMichigan,1909Drawing:JulesGuerinCourtesy:ChicagoHistoryMuseum


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MonumentalCity Centre

1910 Chapter#2

The exceptional growth of large urban regions put enormous pressure to modernise on many pre­industrial cities in Europe. Next to traditional civic buildings like churches, castles and town halls, new buildings were erected such as universities, museums, theatres, monuments to trade and commerce, hotels, and government and administrative buildings. The dev­elopment of the contemporary city centre most notably grew around train stations and along high streets. Medieval historic centres were ren­dered less relevant and became sites for radical redevelopment and demo­lition, often to clear the way for new infrastructure.

The main objective of the ruling classes in the era before the First World War was the construction of the Monumentalstadt (Monumental City). An impressive ‘arrangement of monumental buildings’ was intended to give the public realm a new and impressive dimension.

The unchallenged model for these kinds of transformations was Paris, which in 1853 was given a modern yet artful compact shape by Georg­es­Eugène Haussmann. Haussmann concentrated on the meticulous application of classic design princi­ples such as ‘axis’ and ‘symmetry’ and therefore focused on a histori­cally grounded understanding of ‘monumentality’. Via the Parisian

École des Beaux-Arts, which had a strong influence on urban planning in the United States, the idea of mon­umentality was adopted by Daniel H. Burnham in the Plan of Chicago of 1909 and informed the City Beautiful Movement.

In London the redevelopment of the Mall embodied a symbol of global power, though was relatively small in size, and its impact on the city as a whole was not great. Paris followed with projects by Eugène Hénard. At the Greater Berlin competition 1908/ 1910, Eber stadt, Möhring & Petersen proposed to transform the Königsplatz (the King’s Square) into the Reichsforum (National Forum) of imperial grandeur, while Bruno Schmitz, with his bird’s eye view of a monumental Berlin, even outplayed Burnham’s civic design for Chicago.

Most large cities only show character in their city centres.





Havestadt & Contag / Schmitz & Blum

Monumental City CentreContribution to the

urban planning competition for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

The most startling contribution to the Greater Berlin competition was the set of large charcoal drawings made by respected preservationist Bruno Schmitz. The drawings displayed a vision for Berlin, which overstated the scale of Berlin as a world city. A ‘monumental city’ (Monumentalstadt) north of the Koenigsplatz, accommodating palaces of the arts and civic buildings, form the largest of five areas included in the expansion of Berlin’s city centre. To avoid disturbing the artistic expression of his drawings, Schmitz did not define any specific uses.

1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentre Berlin p.1

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1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentre Berlin p.3

Joseph Brix / Felix Genzmer

Upgrading of Königgrätzer Street between Anhalt Station and Potsdam Station

Contribution to the urban planning competition for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

Like other competitors, Brix and Genzmer proposed a north­south railway line to be run under Berlin’s central park (Tiergarten). With two stations close to Potsdamer Platz there was not enough space to cope with the number of people moving to and from the station. This was solved by directing commuter trains to Potsdam Station (Potsdamer Bahnhof) and national rail to Anhalt Station (Anhalter Bahnhof). Both were strategically linked by a newly widen­ed street, which freed up space for the expansion of the business district around Leipziger and Potsdamer Platz.





1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentre Paris p.1

Eugène Hénard

Promenade and viewing corridor between Champs Élysées and Invalides

Only a few of the ideas of Eugène Hénard were ever realised. One of them was the magnificent promenade and visual axis, which was created for the World’s Fair in 1900. The promenade, which spanned the River Seine, was designed to connect two significant areas of the city, the Champs Élysées and the Esplanade des Invalides. The Alexander III Bridge (Pont Alexandre III) was built specifically to form this link. Hénard’s promenade effectuated one of the most significant transformations in the layout of Paris since the extensive inter­ventions of Georges­Eugène Haussmann in the 19th century.





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1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentre London p.1

Aston Webb

Design for the Queen Victoria Monument

Plan and bird’s eye view


The redesign of The Mall, by Aston Webb in the early 20th century, forms the centrepiece of imperial urban planning in London. The large statue of Queen Victoria in front of Buckingham Palace, and Admiralty Arch, which forms the entrance to The Mall, were part of Webb’s redesign. Webb also added the very thin stone facing to the palace’s façade.


1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentres London p.2

Paul Waterhouse

Central Plan of London


With his plan to create a new thorough­fare in the centre of London, Paul Waterhouse hoped to improve east­west circulation of traffic. His street layout, however, was not straight like Georges­Eugène Haussmann’s design for Paris, but curved, following John Nash’s design

for Regent Street. Waterhouse thought the composition would create surprising moments and enable the design of interesting commercial buildings.


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1910 #2—MonumentalCityCentre Chicago p.1

Daniel H. Burnham / Edward H. Bennett

Plan of ChicagoBird’s-eye view looking from the west with

proposed Civic Center Plaza as urban centre


The planners of Chicago paid special attention to its core or central area, where central junctions were identified as ideal locations for grand civic buildings. At the terminus of an impressive boulevard, was a 50,000 square metre forum for civic administration, with the town hall at its heart. The administrative cluster was never realised and its site is now a huge motor­way junction.

1DanielH.Burnham,EdwardH.BennettPlan of Chicago,bird’seyeviewlookingoverthecityfromthewest,showingproposedCivicCenterPlazaascentralhubofasystemofmaintrafficthorough-faresandsurroundings,1909Drawing:JulesGuerinCourtesy:ChicagoHistoryMuseum

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New Models for Dense Urban Living

1910 Chapter#3

‘The housing problem’ formed the central debate in the European town planning discourse. Criticism was focused on the living conditions of workers in densely­built and over­crowded tenement housing areas. Towards the end of the 19th century these stretched well beyond the boundary of the city centres into new developments in the outskirts.

Planners generally saw their own cities as a ‘bad example’ and looked to others to draw inspiration. While Ebenezer Howard wanted to get rid of the chaos of London, Daniel H. Burnham recommended George­Eugène Haussmann’s Paris as a role model for Chicago’s reorganisation. This in turn was a nightmare prospect for many reformers in Germany, who viewed London with its suburbs as a role model.

This international climate of criticism and propaganda furthered impressive urban alternatives to high­density city centres. Berlin was one of the centres of discussion and a testing ground for new ideas. Experiments with new urban block typologies, private roads, mixed­use developments and new district centres in the urban fringe were manifold. Eugène Hénard invented a new ‘stepped’ building structure for Paris which allowed façades to project into the streets they flanked, an alternative that never saw the light of day.

London’s slums began to be replaced with modern workers’ quarters funded from the public purse and charities. Daniel H. Burnham was inspired by an all­embracing streamlining of the large city. All these alternatives insist­ed on dense urban patterns, urban streets and public spaces.

The biggest new invention was a new type of large­scale urban project; new city districts built in one go by a new generation of private land dev­elopment companies. These were typ ically narrow building blocks with courtyards and were mainly targeted at high­income residents. To some progressive planners of the era such private land development companies were nothing more than speculative developers. Their rented apartments were compared to working class ten­ements and urban design exhibitions largely ignored these typologies.

1,088,269 of Berlin’s residents (excluding Greater Berlin) are living in flats, where every single heated room contains between 3 and 13 people. Berlin has got a population of 2,040,148.


1910 #3—NewModelsforDenseUrbanLiving Berlin p.2

Hermann Jansen

Development of the Tempelhofer Feld Contribution to the urban planning competition

for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

The development of the western Tempelhofer Feld (Field) caused one of the biggest disputes in Berlin prior to the First World War. Hermann Jansen sub­mitted a design proposal to the Greater Berlin 1908/1910 competition, for a residential quarter, with an urban block structure that omitted lateral blocks and side wings. The bird’s eye view from 1910 shows an attractive urban alternative to the outdated, dense tenement stock, and a generous green belt can be seen in the background. Jansen’s proposal was never realised.







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1910 #3—NewModelsforDenseUrbanLiving Paris p.1

Eugène Hénard

Boulevard à Redans


With his Boulevard à Redans — ‘stepped boulevard’, Eugène Hénard developed an alternative to the out­dated boulevards of 19th century Paris. While Hénard’s concept did not greatly alter building density or landownership rights, inter­locking building frontage elements allowed





for increased window sizes, improving access to natural light and broke up the wall created by building frontages Hénard’s idea, however, was never implemented.

1 3

Carl-James Bühring

The Civic Forum WeißenseeNew centre in a growing metropolitan region

In the heyday of local municipal comp­etition, some suburban authorities devel­oped local town centres, with the hope of supporting localised urbanisation and creating local identities. This helped to establish the base for Berlin’s polycentric structure. One example is the Civic Forum (Kommunales Forum) of the Weißensee borough. This forum, which was built between 1907 and 1912, was based on plans by the local development director, Carl­James Bühring.







It comprised a hall for community uses, a public pool, an innovative high school, fire station and housing for civil servants arranged around a small lake. Civic devel­opment in Weißensee was made possible by the establishment of a land acquisition fund, a public initiative to acquire the necessary properties.

1910 #3—NewModelsforDenseUrbanLiving Berlin p.3

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1910 #3—NewModelsforDenseUrbanLiving London p.1

London County Council (LCC), Architects’ Department

Condition before and after redevelopment 1893–1900



The Boundary Street Estate in Bethnal Green (1893–1900) was the first big project initiated by the Architects’ Department of the London County Council (LCC) to clear slums and replace them with flats for workers. The simple, red brick buildings, which featured traditional, resi­dential decorative elements such as gables, surrounded a circular green. The LCC applied ideas from the Arts and Crafts Move­ment to the design of buildings. Despite their configuration in rows — rather than perimeter blocks — a mixed­use quarter with many urban functions was formed.



1910 #3—NewModelsforDenseUrbanLiving Chicago p.1

1DanielH.Burnham,EdwardH.BennettPlan of Chicago,bird’seyeviewlookingoverthecityfromthewest,showingproposedCivicCenterPlazaascentralhubofasystemofmaintrafficthorough-faresandsurroundings,1909Drawing:JulesGuerinCourtesy:ChicagoHistoryMuseum

Chicago’s transport system could not cope with its volume of pass engers, and its business quarter in particular was heavily congested. One solution pro­posed by the planners was the widening of Michigan Avenue, which had the purpose to sepa­rate goods and service deliveries from the elegant lives of shoppers. Planned as a grand boulevard, the entire road was to be ele­vated so that the east­west traffic could pass under neath with help of ramps. A double­decker bridge was to then lead the traffic unhindered across theChicago River.


Daniel H. Burnham / Edward H. Bennett

Plan of ChicagoPlanned boulevard connecting

north and south sides of the river

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Green Belts,Corridors and Parks

1910 Chapter#4

An orderly growth of metropolitan areas with help of green grids and green belts or green wedges was seen by many social reformers as a way to achieve health and well­ being of the metropolitan population. Dense development of these areas was to be structured with ‘decorative, productive, outer and inner parks’ and flooded with light and air. Public parks and baths, lidos and large rec­reational areas for play and sport were mostly planned for the working classes. It was believed that a healthy population would lead to an increase in productivity.

In this context the work of landscape architects came to the fare. The park section of the Town Planning Exhibi­tion 1910 was a favourite amongst the visitors.

In Paris Eugène Hénard designed a plan with nine parks, which, connect­ed through the ‘Boulevard à Redans’ alongside the former city wall, were supposed to surround the inner city. The entries for the Greater Berlin competition 1908 contained a multi­tude of concepts to make the metro­politan region greener. While Hermann Jansen proposed two con­centric green belts, Bruno Möhring envisaged green strips that connect­ed the city centre with the city fringe.

In the US, park planning reached hitherto unknown dimensions. The Plan of Chicago, introduced in 1909 by Daniel H. Burnham and Edward H. Bennett, envisaged several rings of parks and thus linked their plan conceptually to the Park networks of the Olmsted Brothers. The aim was to provide every resident in the city with a park in walking distance. These American park systems became a much admired model for Europe.

These parks and open space networks of the American cities comprise everything that people living in dense large cities need for their recreation.


1910 #4—GreenBelts,CorridorsandParks Berlin p.1

Joseph Brix / Felix Genzmer

Plan for Green SpacesContribution to the urban planning competition

for Greater Berlin 1908/1910


The establishment and protection of green infrastructure was a central concern for the Greater Berlin competition 1908/10. The plan by Brix and Genzmer, two pro­fessors at the Technical University, aimed to maintain surrounding woodlands as well as significantly expanding green spaces. Brix and Genzmer also suggested creating an association with the purpose of acquir­ing and managing the woodlands. How­ever, the jury criticised the plan, arguing that the ‘green bands’ did not enter deep enough into the urban centre.




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1910 #4—GreenBelts,CorridorsandParks Berlin p.2

Friedrich Bauer

Schillerpark in Berlin

Before the World War I there was wide­spread criticism of the lack of playgrounds and usable small urban spaces (play­grounds, parks, promenades) in Berlin. One attempt to rectify this situation was the Schillerpark, built 1909–1913 in the North of Berlin and designed by land­scape architect and ‘gardening poet’ Friedrich Bauer of Magdeburg. This park was widely praised at the time, Werner Hegemann called the Schillerpark the



‘first modern park in Berlin’, as it allotted large spaces to be used for playing sports and games. The ‘meadow for citizens’ on the left was intended for relaxation purposes, while the ‘meadow for students’ on the right was for sport.

1910 #4—GreenBelts,CorridorsandParks Paris p.1

Eugène Hénard

Expansion of Paris

Eugène Hénard’s plan from 1905, which was never imple­mented, addressed a public debate about the extremely low proportion of green spaces in Paris. The planning area includ­ed the suburban area (Grand Paris) and comprised 165 km2 with 3.47 million residents (1906). The plan proposed a homogenous distribution of new parks, particularly in areas where parks were lacking. Furthermore Hénard suggested a total merge of the suburbs (banlieue) with Paris — an idea which still pre­occupies planners today.





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Grant Park occupies the central part of the urban waterfront of Lake Michigan. The park itself was intended to be Chicago’s cultural centre, with museums and a library dedicated to the arts and sciences. In front of the park a marina was proposed, while to the north and south, water parks with lagoons, beaches and promenades were to be added. Their purpose was to offer recreational facilities for Chicago’s residents, especially during the hot summer months.

Framedfacsimile:DanielH.Burnham,EdwardH.BennettPlan of Chicago,bird’seyeviewofGrantPark,themarina,lagoonsandparkonthesouthside.Drawing:JulesGuerinCourtesy:ChicagoHistoryMuseum


1910 #4—GreenBelts,CorridorsandParks Chicago p.3

Daniel H. Burnham / Edward H. Bennett

Plan of ChicagoBird’s eye view of Grant Park with planned marina, lagoons and park on the south side



Chicago’s park system included several neighbourhood parks, which were comparatively small (on average 4 hectares). They were used for recreation and child play. Park No. 2, for example con­tained a large sports field, which could be turned into an ice skat­ing rink in the winter. It also con­tained a race track, a swimming and paddling pool, a playground and playing field for children as well as a comm u nity centre. Such facilities were typical of Chicago’s new parks.

1910 #4—GreenBelts,CorridorsandParks Chicago p.2

Frederick Law Olmsted / John Charles Olmsted

Park No.2

Page 19: City Visions Exhibition Guide

New Garden Suburbs

1910 Chapter#5

Suburbs had long existed alongside large cities, but the arrival of railways meant they could be far larger and further from the city centre. The prospect of more space and escape from the increasingly dense, noisy and unhealthy central areas gradually made them favoured residential districts for the middle class.

In 1898 Ebenezer Howard proposed a radical new urban model, the ‘garden city’. It was conceived of as a self­sufficient urban community, co­operatively organised, made greener and restricted to 32,000 residents. It aimed for an ideal syn­thesis of city and countryside.

This idea was convincing. What made the ‘garden cities’ distinctive and attractive, in particular to the middle classes, was their landscaping, small commercial centres and good transport connections to the central city. Raymond Unwin planned the first, Letchworth, and with his partner Barry Parker produced a memorable architectural idiom that slyly adjusted vernacular architectural forms for civic and private life.

The very attractiveness of the image they produced undermined the purity of Howard’s social ideals, because the architecture was easier to imitate than the social programme was to inculcate. Consequently what looked like garden cities were at best garden suburbs, extensions to towns that were not self­sufficient in the way Howard envisaged.

The Garden City Movement hadbarely begun to take off when it was absorbed as yet another suburban typology. Almost all contributions to the Greater Berlin competition 1908/1910 used this typology. Exam­ples were the Garden City Frohnau in Berlin (1908), London’s Hampstead Garden Suburb (1905), also planned by Unwin, and the Cité­Jardin du Grand Paris (1919) in Paris.

The garden suburb of the early 20th century was built around its own local centre and train station, which differs from later suburbs, character­ised by auto­centric, urban sprawl.

City and countryside need to ‘wed’ and the outcome will be new hope, new life and a new culture.


1910 #5—NewGardenSuburbs Berlin p.1

Joseph Brix / Felix Genzmer

Garden City Frohnau

In 1907, the construction of Frohnau, a commercial garden city was planned for the Northern edge of Berlin. The client was the Berliner Terrain­Centrale. The design of Frohnau was de­cided through a competition in 1908, won by Joseph Brix and Felix Genzmer, both professors at the Technical University of Berlin. As the land parcels plan from 1913 shows, the garden city had a distinctive centre with a square either side of the station, surrounded by a system of curved streets.



1 2

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1910 #5—NewGardenSuburbs Berlin p.3

Hermann Jansen

A perfect small settlementContribution to the urban planning competition

for Greater Berlin 1908/1910

Shortly before the World War I a radical change took place in the typology of sub­urban housing. The aim was to develop small settlements and single house types to make life outside the city centre in­creasingly accessible to the less privileged social classes. As part of the Greater Berlin competition 1908/10 Hermann Jansen pre­sented a small residential estate with group­ed terraced houses. Jansen succeeded in creating a relatively urban typology for this project.








Hampstead Garden Suburb was the most sophisticated and convincing plan for a new garden suburb in London. Garden suburbs differed from garden cities in that they were attached to existing cities, rather than self­contained social and eco­nomic entities. It had begun as a social enterprise by the philanthropist Henrietta Barnett. In the first plan, Unwin and Parker suggested an informal and curved net­work of streets, which, together with the traditional English village green, aimed to give people a sense of traditional village life. In 1908 Edwin Lutyens turned the Green into a geometrically ordered town square with the main frontage formed by an educational building with two churches at either side.

Unwin did not have typical suburban single­family dwellings in mind when he designed Hampstead Garden Suburb. Even if the single dwelling formed the basic typology these were part of a wider spatial plan. Groupings of eight white walled and red roofed single family homes were designed, which created a unified aesthetic, but allowed for slight differences on second glance. In addition, they were assembled around a communal courtyard and grouped using shared walls and roofs to create an enclosed ensemble.

1910 #5—NewGardenSuburbs London p.2

Barry Parker / Raymond Unwin

Hampstead Garden Suburb


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1910 Chapter#6

The traffic problem was hotly debat­ed at the Town Planning Exhibition in 1910. The prime objective was an im­proved organisation of the expanding metropolitan area with the help of a system of radial high­speed rail and primary roads. The centre was to make way for the modern age of transport with numerous projects to drive new roads through historic urban fabric. Metropolitan regions and mass­transport have since be­come important subjects in terms of town planning.

The extreme growth of many metropolises in the early 20th century, made new transport infrastructure projects inevitable. The old road network could no longer cope with the new requirements of passenger and freight transportation.

The rail lines serving suburban com­muters already played an important role in 1910. In the early 20th century newly built and extended railway and underground systems in Berlin, Paris, London and Chicago improved con­nections between the city centre and the region. These were funded by private companies or by the public sector.

Whether lines were planned above or below ground was often controver­sial. Technical, design quality and fi­nancial arguments had to be weighed up. Costs for overground lines were more affordable, but elevated rail­ways on viaducts were not only a source of noise but also unsightly. Vi­sions of high­level railways joining the tops of buildings did not come to fruition.

Many of the plans to open up new streets inside the city centres, which were exhibited at the Town Planning Exhibition in 1910, never saw the light of day. That spared catastrophic con­sequences for the urban fabric of many cities.

[…] for the first time ever there has been a planning strategy for the transport in metropolitan areas.


1910 #6—MetropolitanMobility Berlin p.1

Erich Giese

Design for a high-speed rail network in Greater Berlin


1ErichGieseDesignforahigh-speedrailnetworkforGreaterBerlin,1916Courtesy:ErichGiese, ‘DaszukünftigeSchnellbahnnetzfürGroß-Berlin’,ed.VerbandGroß-Berlin,Berlin1919,table13

Railways generated rapid growth in greater Berlin during the second half of the 19th century. Around 1900 high­speed rail was the primary driver of de­urban­isation as it brought more distant areas within reach. In response to this pressure, plans for expanding the rail network became a central part of submissions for the Greater Berlin competition 1908/10. The proposal by Eric Giese from 1916 shows the fast growing rail network, which was slowed down abruptly by World War I.

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1910 #6—MetropolitanMobility Berlin p.2

August Scherl

Proposal for an elevated railway

Radical alternatives to the outdated metro railway system were a frequent topic of discussion in the years before World War I, due to the increasing importance of high­speed rail transport for the metropolitan region. August Scherl, publicist and media mogul proposed an elevated railway in 1909. He recommended a radial­periphery system with several concentric rings, served by radial railways terminating at a central station. The elevated trains never came to fruition but they did attract a lot of publicity.





1910 #6—MetropolitanMobility London p.1

Ebenezer Howard

Diagram of a central city with surrounding garden cities

Arthur Crow

Map of the Ten Cities of HealthWith his original Garden City concept of a central city for 58,000 inhabitants, surrounded by six well­connected small gar­den cities of 32,000 inhabitants, Ebenezer Howard proposed a metropolitan planning vision as an alternative to the chaotically growing city. A schematic trans­lation of this diagram is present­ed in the proposal of Ten Cities of Health in London’s hinterland, presented by Whitechapel’s district surveyor at the London Town Planning Conference of the RIBA in 1910. It shows how a social idea with utopian goals can gradually be translated into reality. This idea was only realised after World War II in the new towns that followed Patrick Abercrombie’s Greater London Plan of 1944, the New Towns Act of 1946 or the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947.





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1910 #6—MetropolitanMobility Chicago p.1

Daniel H. Burnham / Edward H. Bennett

Plan of ChicagoPlan of the outer, concentric

and radial highways

1DanielH.Burnham,EdwardH.BennettPlan of Chicago,planoftheouter,concentricandradialhighways,1909Courtesy:ChicagoHistoryMuseum

The design of the Plan of Chicago was based on contemporary forecasts of pop­ulation growth from two to thirteen million people over 30 years. The developed area of the region around the southern part of Lake Michigan had to grow in size

accordingly. A system made of radial and concentric streets, the longest with a radius of 90 km, were to provide a future structure, interconnecting suburbs and linking them back to the centre.


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2010 Chapter#7


The idea of ‘mobility’ is the trade­mark of the 20 th and 21st century. It is the embodiment of progress, advancement, and of the future itself. Pioneers in mobility can be found in England, Germany, France and in the US. Despite high­speed rail and elec­tric vehicle innovation, the car, with its immense appetite for fossil fuels, is still at the centre of investment in mobility — a potent symbol of indi­vidual freedom.

Mobility continues to dominate urban planning. The construction and ex­tension of motorways is top of the priority list. This is no longer accepted by everyone, however, and remains highly controversial, as it nearly always has been. The public is aware of the increased destruction of the country­side and air and noise pollution. Traffic congestion is everyone’s urban night­mare. Overcrowded public transport is not a meaningful alternative while increasing ridership and huge costs make it difficult to satisfy demand economically. Slowly but surely, how­ever, more sustainable means of trans­port, which conserve resources and reduce space consumption are gaining importance.

Sustainable mobility must become an integral part of urban planning. New transport infrastructure is the armature of our future regions. Dependence on the car will only decline if alter­natives like trams and electric buses, new inner city rail stations and the urbanisation of airports, receive sufficient investment.

Political initiatives like congestion charging, promotion of cycling and public space programmes also play an important role. Metropolitan regions are once again ‘paving the way’ for new types of mobility, as they did a hundred years ago.

Suddenly I had the thought that the balance between parks and car parks could be the best indicator for quality of life in our cities.


2010 #7—SustainableMobility Berlin p.1

J. S. K. International / gmp

Turn 3 into 1— The Transformation of Berlin’s Airports

The new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport is being built in southeast Berlin. It will cost more than 3 billion and will be complemented by a wide range of facili­ties including an underground railway station and a business park. It will have a big impact on movement patterns in the metropolitan area and on the hier archy of urban areas. Berlin’s planning department expects areas along the axis between the airport and central train station in Berlin’s centre to undergo strong redevelopment. In South Berlin areas of which some have been prosperous since the 19th century will gain even more importance. In contrast, combined with the closure of the existing Tegel Airport, the North will lose out.















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2010 #7—SustainableMobility Berlin p.2

The Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development has been seeking to increase the proportion of bicycles among Berlin’s transportation options since 2006. At the moment bicycle trips make up 13% of all journeys. This should increase to 25% in the inner city area. Berlin’s cycle lane network, which covers 125 km, is being extended by a further 30 km. New cycle lanes will be largely located on roads. Simultaneously, the German rail authority, Deutsche Bahn, with the city of Berlin, is developing the StadtRAD project, which will enable public transport ticket holders to make use of cycle hire.





Berlin’s Cycling Strategy



2010 #7—SustainableMobility Paris p.1

Le grand huit — The Big Eight

The 130 km new high­speed regional railway project, which consists of two overlapping rings, is intended to improve connections between Paris and its hinter­land. It will serve the most important existing transport hubs and development opportunity areas including airports, train terminals, and destinations like La Défense, Marne­la­Vallée, Saclay and Saint­Denis. The controversial project is part of the government’s major action plan to strengthen the region in terms of sustain­ability, attractiveness and quality of life.





1Le grand huit,thenewhigh-speedregionalrailproject,plannedroutesCourtesy:SociétéduGrandParis







AéroportCharles de Gaulle

AulnayLe BourgetAéroport

Trianglede Gonesse






Parc des ExpositionsRER B

Villepinte-TremblayParc des Expositions

Villiers-sur-Marne-Le Plessis-Trévise





Gare de Lyon



Cour St-EmilionBibliothèque François Mitterrand

ChampignyLe Plant

Créteil l’Echat

Le Vert deMaisonsLes Ardoines

Vitry Centre

Villejuif InstitutGustave Roussy Villejuif

Louis Aragon

M.I.N Portede Thiais

Aéroport d’OrlyMassy - Palaiseau

Saclay Sud

Versailles Matelots


Versailles Chantiers

NanterreLa Défense

Grande Arche

Ile Seguin


Gennevilliers RER C

Port deGennevilliers


Les Agnettes

Les Grésillons

Mairie de Saint-Ouen

Saint-OuenRER C

Porte de Clichy

Kremlin-Bicêtre Hôpital

Arcueil - Cachan

Bagneux M4

Châtillon - Montrouge

Les Moulineaux

Pont de Sèvres


Suresnes Centre

Le BourgetRER B


















Ligne rouge


Tracé variante

Tracé variante

Tracé variante

Gare TGV

Gare optionnelle


Ligne bleue

Ligne verte



Source fond de plan : © IGN 2010

Ligne 14 actuelle

Ligne du

Corridor de tracés possibles

Ligne 14 actuelle

réseau existant




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2010 #7—SustainableMobility London p.1

University College London / Gort Scott / URS / Fluid / East

Mapping Suburban High Streets — High Street 2012

London’s high streets are to be strength­ened in recognition of their importance for the urban fabric. Many used to be historic corridors for trade. Some date back to Roman times. High streets suffer from competition with shopping centres, heavy traffic and congestion. The High Street 2012 project will extensively re­design the stretch between Aldgate and Stratford in east London, showcasing one of London’s key high streets during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The quality of the public realm is to be upgraded and the distinctive character of the areas along the corridor is to be enhanced and celebrated.














2010 #7—SustainableMobility London p.2

5th Studio / Regeneris / Marks Barfield

Crossrail and Crossrail Urban Impact: Thamesmead / Abbey Wood

Crossrail, the UK’s largest high speed regional railway infrastructure project, is likely to have several dramatic effects on inner and outer London and the parts of its catchment area affected by Crossrail’s route. From 2018 onwards the new route will connect Heathrow, the West End, the City of London and Canary Wharf. Design for London and Crossrail’s Urban Integration Team are involved in urban design studies to define regeneration priorities and to embed individual stations like Abbey Wood in Thamesmead within their surroundings, focusing on public realm improvements and high quality developments. This work will help to maximise the potential of these locations for urban regeneration.

















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2010 #7—SustainableMobility Chicago p.1

The Chicago Metropolis 2020 framework proposes to strengthen and enhance the core city, existing centres and districts in the inner urban area. Urban growth will be concentrated within regional centres, with a diverse social structure and a mix of uses. Local public transport will con­nect these centres with suburban employ­ment areas. A regional green grid will secure recreational areas close to resi­dential settlements. Lastly, the plan aims to create a powerful metropolitan planning agency.





Chicago Metropolis 2020 — Connectivity



Page 28: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 Chapter#8

Urban Land Recycled

Vacant brownfield sites and derelict buildings are a big challenge and a unique opportunity for major cities. Mixed­use quarters and large devel­opments, hard to accommodate in inner cities, can be built on these sites.

The redevelopment of vacant land has increased dramatically. Sites include disused military and indust­rial areas, railway sidings and docks as well as derelict commercial build­ings like empty department stores in Germany and redundant shopping centres in the US.

Berlin has a vast offering of brown­field sites that include a redundant airport and former border zones. In London, Paris and Chicago there is still plenty of land for development within the urban area, despite great demand for growth. The Lower Lea Valley in East London, where the 2012 Olympic Park is sited, is a well­known example.

A combination of historic fabric, romantic notions of former uses, low values and locational advantages make urban wasteland areas attractive for urban pioneers with unusual con­cepts for temporary uses. This can have mixed effects. Landowners and investors’ objectives often differ from the requirements of temporary users and existing residents, but they gen­erally benefit in the longer term. The initial conflict frequently causes issues for less well­prepared local authori­ties. A well known case study for this issue is the eastern area of the River Spree in Berlin, known as ‘Media­spree Areal’.

Unused spaces and wastelands are not a constraint but a base condition for urban regenera tion. They act as a ‘future room’ and offer a field for learning and experimenting with the future city. They are part of the richness of this city.


2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled Berlin p.1

ASTOC / Studio UC Klaus Overmeyer / ARGUS

Urbanisation of the Main Station Area



Until recently Berlin’s central railway station sat in isolation on a large vacant site in the former border area between East and West Berlin. A new urban district is now developing around the station on the basis of the Masterplan Berlin Heidestrasse (April 2009), which proposes a flexible approach to development. The pharmaceutical company Bayer Healthcare is also planning to expand its campus towards the North Harbour in the northern part of the masterplan area. Appropriate station forecourts have yet to be designed and implemented.



















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2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled Berlin p.3

Faber / Klenzendorf / Söcknick GbR

Bar 25 —Temporary Uses at the Spree

Bar 25 was one of the most prominent temporary uses along the eastern em­bankment of the River Spree. The pop­ular waterside drinking spot was created on the site of a former port area previously occupied by the Berlin Wall. Since 2002 the city’s municipality has been trying to attract media businesses into the area. This has been a controversial plan which threatened to force temporary uses out of the area, of which Bar 25 is a prime example. For years it fought to stay, but was eventually closed down in October 2010. It remains unclear who owns the waterside of the Spree and who will be allowed to use it in the future.




5BarextensionJohannesburg 24,2010Photo:CarolinSaage

6Bar 25,plan





2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled Paris p.1

Atelier Christian de Portzamparc /Institut d’urbanisme de Paris / Laboratoire CRÉTEIL

Fenêtre Paris NordMasterplan

The masterplan for the so­called ‘North Window’ stretches from the stations Paris Nord to Paris Est and from the suburb of Aubervilliers to Saint Denis. Architect Christian de Portzamparc, one of the practices involved in the Grand Pari(s) study of 2008, proposes to close the rail­way stations, but to preserve the glamorous station concourses, dating back to the 19th century. Redundant railway tracks from Paris Nord could be transformed into a green corridor with new residential buildings alongside its edges. At Paris Est these could also be used for a new, dense and mixed­use residential quarter, whose main spine could extend along the Boulevard Sébastopol to the newly pro­posed Europe Station.








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2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled London p.1 2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled London p.2

The Olympic Legacy for the Lower Lea Valley








London’s Olympic project is a catalyst to the delivery of much­needed investment in East London and aims to dramatically improve the quality of life for the com­munities of the Lower Lea Valley and surrounding areas. The Olympic Park itself will be transformed after the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games into a new urban district with 4 Olympic sport­ing venues and the new park at its heart. This redevelopment will take around 25 years, and will deliver around 10,000 new homes, neighbourhoods which connect into the surrounding areas, new schools, workplaces and transport connections.

The areas around the Olympic Park itself are referred to as the ‘Olympic Fringe’, and it is expected that the new develop­ments in thse areas will accommodate around 35,000 new residents, especially around Stratford, Bromley by Bow, Leyton and Hackney Wick. The Mayor of London and the Boroughs, and the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation are working together on masterplans and are already delivering new public spaces, connections and community facilities to ensure that all this investment creates sucessful places which will have a long­lasting benefit for current and future local communities.

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2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled London p.4

Design for London / East / Terry Farrell / muf / Landroom / Maccreanor Lavington / AECOM amongst others

The Royal Docks

The Royal Docks in East London are one of the biggest regeneration opportunities in the UK. Derelict since the 1980s, large swathes of land have lain dormant for the last three decades, despite large amounts of investment and a number of attempts at masterplans. In 2010 the local Mayor of Newham and the Mayor of Londo launched a new vision for the Royal Docks, present­ing a strong partnership, using the combi­nation of land holdings and the local plan­ning powers to form a ‘virtual development corporation’. The plan is to develop a ‘flexible strategy’ able to last over a longer­term development phase, focus a spatial plan on raising the standard of the in­ between spaces, attract temporary ‘mean­while uses’ for 2012 to coincide with the Olympics, and work with the private sector to establish para meters for devel­opment without being too prescriptive.










2010 #8—UrbanLandRecycled Chicago p.1

Office for Metropolitan Studies OMA

McCormick Tribune Campus Center

The Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is situated on the south side of Chicago, an area with pockets of social and eco­nomic deprivation. As part of a new masterplan for the campus, Rem Koolhaas has designed a campus centre, nick­named The Tube. The design includes a noise­absorbing steel tube which wraps the elevated railway above the centre. The centre itself is a flat building with cafes, shops, exhibition andconference spaces.










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2010 Chapter#9

Alternatives to Suburban

SprawlSuburban sprawl has become one of the most serious global concerns in urban planning. Suburban develop­ment, once a beacon of hope for the orderly growth of cities, has lost some of its appeal in recent years. Sprawl, it is now thought, can compromise the social and cultural coherence of society. Its dependence on cars and fossil fuels contributes considerably to climate change.

Sprawl is an issue in all countries but the most critical debate is taking place in the US. There is a shared view amongst US professionals, media, community initiatives and in politics, particularly under President Obama, that urban sprawl needs to be confined. The aim is to move away from its land­hungry, car­ dependent typology. An updated version of the historic garden city has been trialled incorporating higher densities, social and functional diversity and good public transport. Examples can be found in the Chicago region.

Suburban sprawl is no longer as common in Europe where different problems have arisen. Formerly sprawling metropolitan regions have shrunk and re­urbanisation has taken place — a model that has been pro­moted in the US. Curiously Europe

has also been importing some subur­ban models of development from the US such as ‘gated communities’, although these are increasingly resisted as being socially exclusive.

The metropolitan regions of London and Paris have become laboratories to test out new models to contain sprawl. The aim is to cut back subsi­dies, intensify dispersed comm unities by adding small centres, encourage the re­use of brownfield sites and make life in centres more attractive. Development of greenfield sites is heavily regulated and must focus on key transport hubs.

[…] if the Regional Coordin at ing Council were even partially successful in creating intermo dal transportation hubs in the region and bring about large mixed­use developments surrounding these hubs, more suburban residents would choose to live and work in one of these intermodal villages.


2010 #9—AlternativestoSuburbanSprawl Paris p.2

Cooper Robertson & Partners

Val d’Europe

Thirty kilometres east of Paris near Euro Disney, the suburb of Val d’Europe is being built. Val d’Europe will have forty­thousand residents by 2017. A large shop ping centre adjacent to the local station, several business and residential areas, large parks and a golf course have already been built. The entire town is planned and managed by Euro Disney S.C.A. and located adjacent to the theme park, surrounded by car parking.






5Residentialquarterquartier du parcCourtesy:Cooper,Robertson&Partners





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2010 #9—AlternativestoSuburbanSprawl London p.1

East / Witherford Watson Mann / Gustafson Porter / Allies & Morrison

Woolwich Town CentreModels for urban renaissance

Woolwich Town Centre in South­East London is an important area for growth. It is well known as the former location of the biggest ammunition factory of the British Empire, the Royal Arsenal. The area has become more attractive for investment because of enhanced public transport connections. A total of approx­imately 3,700 new units are planned on the former factory site alone. A variety of newly designed open spaces will make Woolwich Town Centre more attractive for pedestrians and stitch together old and new parts of the urban fabric.















2010 #9—AlternativestoSuburbanSprawl London p.2

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2010 #9—AlternativestoSuburbanSprawl Chicago p.1

William Johnson, Peter Lidsay / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP

Prairie CrossingSustainable urban sprawl

The development of Prairie Crossing, which refers to itself as a ‘conservation community’, is a residential area located in the outer fringe of the metro­politan regions of Chicago and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It con­sists of only 359 houses, one school, an organic farm and a comm u nity centre. The original plan to develop the centre of the community with medium density residential buildings and shops was only partly realised. Special attention was given to an energy­efficient construction technique, sustainably­sourced materials and sensitive integration into the local landscape and ecology.









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2010 Chapter#10

The Green City

Green spaces are enjoying a renais­sance in the metropolitan areas of Europe and the US. Brownfield sites are being turned into new urban quarters with large parks; gardens and parks of various scales are key requirements in planning policy. They increase attractiveness and value.

Berlin’s former Tempelhof Airport is currently available for temporary uses, seen as part of a phased and participatory approach to planning. Chicago’s Meigs Field Airport has been turned into a park in recent years. The development of the Lower Lea Valley in London for the 2012 Games will include a vast new urban park. The study Le Grand Pari(s) also suggests the redevelop­ment of old industrial and port areas into new parks.

Allotments and urban agriculture are playing an increasing role. Urban ag­riculture in Chicago is used for food production and social integration. Berlin has developed ideas about how these businesses can offer leisure and entertainment as well as food retail. Making public green spaces multifunctional has become a key aim of city councils and park operators.

Climate change and global loss of bi­odiversity give urban green space a new meaning. New policies demand increases in green space, living roofs and green walls.

In addition to the large green space projects led by local government, bottom­up community greening, such as ‘guerrilla’ gardening initia­tives, are contributing to the green­ing of our cities. Urban policy has begun to recognise the importance of these unplanned projects.

We are not doing this because it is fashionable, but because it makes sense. It improves the public health, makes the city more beautiful, increases the quality of life, saves money and will leave a legacy for generations to come.


2010 #10—TheGreenCity Berlin p.1

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin

Tempelhofer Feld — a Park for Pioneers

A strategy for the re­use of the large area of the former airport Tempelhof (386 hectares) was agreed in the mid 1990s. The former airfield was to remain a meadow with development to be allowed only along the fringes. One aspect of the open landscape competition ‘Parkland­scape Tempelhof’ (ParklandschaftTempelhof) which took place in 2010was to clarify future management of the park despite decreasing investment from the authorities. The design of the open spaces is to culminate in an international garden exhibition in 2017.
















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2010 #10—TheGreenCity Paris p.1

LIN Finn Geipel & Giulia Andi

Grand Pari(s)Multifunctional Landscapes

As part of their contribution to the study Grand Pari(s), LIN propose that habitation, water retention, food production, pro tect­ion of biodiversity and energy prod uction should all be able to co­exist in equal measure in the ‘multifunctional landscapes’. The architects suggest insert ing ‘green poles’ and ‘ecological micro­centres’ into a number of sparsely pop ulated suburbs of Paris. These could become the link between residential areas, small eco­logical businesses and agricultural zones. Additionally, LIN propose the idea of ‘market lanes’, where community members can buy fresh produce from local farmers.








2010 #10—TheGreenCity London p.1

Witherford Watson Mann Architects

Bankside Urban Forest

The open space strategy, Bankside Urban Forest, will improve the quality of public realm in the Bankside area south of the River Thames. This area has a lack of green space and is criss­crossed by railway via­ducts and busy roads. The Urban Forest establishes a network of clearings, mean­dering paths and mysterious spaces along the railway viaducts. Footpaths and bicycle lanes will be extended and upgraded, tree planting will make the area greener and serene gardens will make the area more attractive for residents.









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2010 #10—TheGreenCity London p.2


2010 #10—TheGreenCity London p.3

5th Studio / Jonathan Cook Landscape Architects / Churchman Landscape Architects

Lea River Park(The Fatwalk)

The Lea Valley is the largest regen eration area in London. Together with the 2012 Olympic Park, the Lea River Park will fi­nally realise a 26­mile connection — first envisaged in the Greater London Plan of 1944 — between London’s Green Belt and the River Thames. The ‘Fatwalk’ is the primary project in the realisation of the Lea River Park. It will form a generous walking and cycling route between the River Thames and the Olympic Park, as well as creating new cross­valley connect­ions linking surrounding communities to the River Lea for the first time. Initial works will establish a continuous route as the backbone of the future park and projects therefore address physical severances and obstructions with new bridges, a new










lift connection and green links. These early pieces of infrastructure are regarded as catalysts for converting what is currently land used for gas storage, sewage pump­ing and transport infrastructure into diverse park spaces of the Lea River Park: turning what is today an industrial back­water into the foreground of a new pub­lic space which people can start to access, use and enjoy

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2010 #10—TheGreenCity Chicago p.1

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP / Frank O. Gehry

Millennium Park

Millennium Park completes the historic layout of Grant Park designed by Daniel Burnham. As with Grant Park, it was necessary that transport infrastructure — in this case a railway station and car park — was sunk below grade to make room for the new park. The exciting land­scape features several recreational facili­ties and stages, sculptures and fountains. The Jay Pritzker Pavilion and the BP Pedestrian Bridge, both designed by Frank Gehry, are particularly notable. Chicago City Council provided $270 million and private donors gave $205 million for the development of the park.










2010 #10—TheGreenCity Chicago p.2

JJR Landscape Architecture / Studio Gang Architects

Northerly Island ParkRe-development of an airport close to the city centre

According to local newspapers Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley arranged to demol­ish the runway of Merill C. Meigs Field Airport on the night of 30th March 2003 in what some would describe as a ‘cloak and dagger’ operation and in breach of a contract with federal airport authorities. Since then, the area has been open to the public. Open air events are being held and former airport buildings and open areas are being converted into a new park. A themed landscape design was proposed in 2010 showcasing princi­ples of nature conservation and sustain­ability as part of a development framework.









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2010 Chapter#11

Renewal of Working-Class

NeighbourhoodsPockets of social and economic dep­rivation have developed in many cities as a consequence of the decline of the urban industrial sector in Europe and America. These areas often function as testing grounds for the co­existence of different ethnic groups, while challenges posed by the transition to a primarily post­industrial economy are endemic.

Former working­class areas are often characterised by high­density housing and redundant post­indust rial brownfield sites. They are often close to the revitalised urban centre. An increasing number are becomingattractive residential areas for the re­urbanised upper middle classes. Both ‘gentrification’ and revitalisation can have negative impacts, such as dis­placement of existing residents and business owners.

Versatile support programmes address the problems of former working­class areas with varying suc­cess. Since the 1980s the modern­isation of residential buildings has turned Berlin into a model of ‘gentle urban regeneration’.

For the past ten years support has been focused on improving social structures while issues surrounding urban planning and housing policy took a back seat. It is only now that regeneration projects are progress­ing with the aim of strengthening the neighbourhood centres of problem­atic quarters. In London, much focus has been placed on schemes that emphasise cultural, social and spatial conditions.

Important aspects of the future of our metropolitan regions are being deter­mined within these inner­city former working­class areas. They become a benchmark for weaknesses as well as opportunities and strengths in terms of diversity and social incl usion. Due to their density, mix of uses and good public transport, these quarters can become a model for the sustain­able city.

Value what is there. Nurture the possible. Define what is missing.


2010 #11—RenewalofWorkingClassNeighbourhoods Berlin p.1

Jahn, Mack & Partner

Revitalisation of the Local Centre Müllerstraße

The run­down district centre of Müllerstraße is located in Wedding, a former workers’ quarter. In 2008 planning con­sultants Jahn, Mack & Partner presented a development pro­posal with the slogan ‘re­discover Wedding at the Müllerstraße’ (‘An der Müllerstraße den Wedding neu entdecken’). The proposal seeks to revitalise the ‘hidden treasures’ of the district centre: the historic Leopoldplatz, the new areas of Rathausplatz and Müllerstraße, an extension of the existing library and the main arterial road. The concept is funded by Active Town Centres, a Federal State programme.








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2010 #11—RenewalofWorkingClassNeighbourhoods Berlin p.3

Plus 4930 — Architektur

Campus Rütli — CR²

In 2006, in the wake of teachers protest­ing about abusive behaviour by students at the Rütli­Schule in Neukölln, an event which caused something of a ‘media­storm’ in Germany, an ambitious regen­eration project was started. The project, which proposes to cluster education and welfare institutions, is led by the Zukunft Berlin Trust (Future Berlin) and the local council in Neukölln. A masterplan com­petition took place in May 2009, but entries were unable to fulfil the brief’svision for a new and well­connected inner­city district centre.





2010 #11—RenewalofWorkingClassNeighbourhoods London p.3

muf architecture/art / J&L Gibbons LLP

Making Space in Dalston

Dalston, in the London Borough of Hackney, is a vibrant and dynamic neigh­bourhood. As a relatively afford able neighbourhood that is close to Central London, there is increasing development pressure on the area culminating in the development around the new East London Line Station. In close collaboration with residents a network of high quality open spaces has been created to ensure the community benefit from the transform­ation processes. One of the key projects is the ‘Eastern Curve’ community garden, a temporary project built on a disused railway cutting.















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2010 #11—RenewalofWorkingClassNeighbourhoods London p.1 2010 #11—RenewalofWorkingClassNeighbourhoods London p.2

Bordering the City of London to the east is the culturally rich urban quarter of Spitalfields, which has become a centre for the Bangladeshi­Sylheti community and has traditionally been an area where immigrants first settle in London. Brick Lane, in particular, is famous for its curry houses and has been branded ‘Bangla­town’. The booming popularity of Brick Lane’s street market and the influx of ‘loft’ dwellers, fash ionable shops, bars, cafés, restaurants and creative businesses however is rapidly changing the area’s character. Extensive improvements to







David Gallagher Associates

Brick Lane Cultural Trail

historic buildings and the public realm have been carried out since the end of the 1990s to make the area more attractive for businesses and tourists. The public spaces and streets have been made more pedestrian­friendly. A culture trail includ­ing information boards and an illuminated Minaret­like structure has been imple­mented in 2010 to make the multicultural background of the area more accessible and visible.


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Page 42: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 Chapter#12

Housing Estate Renewal

After almost a century of investment in state­led social housing programmes, large housing estates of the post­ war period in Europe and the United States continue to present many urban challenges and some severe problems.

In France, England and the US, they have in some extreme instances become the ‘slums’ they were intend­ed to eradicate. Many social housing buildings have lacked neces sary maintenance and witnessed the closure of critical social and cultural facilities despite being well thought out, designed and constructed. De­industrialisation, job losses and fall­ing household incomes exacerbated problems. Those with better incomes often move to other neighbourhoods and are replaced by immigrants, often with low levels of education. Similar trends can be seen in the vast housing areas of Berlin, the banlieues in Paris, the council housing estates in London and the projects in Chicago.

All four cities developed spatial, social and economical programmes to de­liver the framework for estate regen­eration ranging from refurbishment to demolition. Each city has enjoyed some success, mostly addressing spatial, rather than social conditions. New quarters often include real streets and places, better linkages with the urban fabric and a focus on greater mix of tenure. While these

are sensible objectives, they hardly constitute a solution for the problems of the spatially­isolated, most de­prived parts of society.

The significant housing problem of the 21st century — which includes London’s severe shortage of afford­able housing, the rapidly increasing number of households brought about by demographic change, and the need for housing to help tackle climate change issues — has yet to become an integral, substantial part of today’s discourse in urban planning in the way it was earlier in the century.

Nowadays urban policies tend to turn towards areas of opportunity, rather than areas simply in need. A change in political priorities would be seen as a return to old­fashioned socialism and wealth redistribution with neg­ative impacts on economic growth.

Metro, boulot, dodo (commute, work hard, kip)





2010 #12—HousingEstateRenewal Berlin p.1

Büro Stadt Akzent

Regenerating Marzahn Nord: Ahrensfelder Terrassen

The Ahrensfelder Terrassen in Marzahn, East Berlin, is Germany’s largest residential estate built with pre­fabrication techniques during the GDR era. Today, the estate is considered a successful part of the urban regen eration of East Berlin. Originally in­cluding 1,670 flats in eleven storey build­ings, the development was reduced to 409 rented and 38 privately­owned flats in buildings that ranged from three to six stories. The large roof terraces are ex­tremely popular, but the public open spaces remain a cause for concern and the over­scaled and car­dominated streets are even less attractive when surrounded by buildings of reduced height.









3RedevelopmentofhousingestatesinMarzahnandHellersdorf buildingtobedemolished buildingtobereduced


Page 43: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #12—HousingEstateRenewal Paris p.1

Atelier Xavier Bohl

Rebuilding Le Plessis-Robinson

Le Plessis­Robinson, a social housing estate on the inner fringe of the southern banlieue of Paris, is a classic garden city. The first garden city on this site, built between 1924 and 1939, was demolished in the late 1980s following steady decline. It was replaced in 2006–09 with a new version of the Garden City based on a masterplan by Xavier Pohl, including a mixed­use city centre. Mayor Philippe Pemezec, a member of the conservative UMP party led by President Nicolas Sarkozy and key champion of the re­development, was keen to recreate a trad­ition al settlement in the suburbs (banlieue) of Grand Paris, an area dominated by high­rise development.








2010 #12—HousingEstateRenewal London p.2

AHMM / muf / Peter Barber / East / Sergison Bates amongst others

Revitalising Barking Town Centre

Barking Town Centre, once blighted by neglected public spaces and council housing following the decline of local manufacturing — is now benefiting from a series of integrated urban design and public space proposals and projects and 8,000 new homes. The revital isation of Barking Town Centre improves quality of life and creates a sense of coherence and identity for the local population.





When:since2005 6









Page 44: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #12—HousingEstateRenewal Chicago p.1

With CHAnge — Plan for Transformation the Chicago Housing Authority launched a programme to demolish more than 18,000 apartments in the city’s large housing estates in 1999, widely known as centres of extreme social deprivation. They are to be replaced by residential areas with a more diverse social and functional mix in a traditional layout. The Robert Taylor Homes (4,230 units) and Stateway Gardens (1,644 units) form a long band along the South Side of Chicago and border the renowned Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). This area is to become the renamed Legends South and Park Boulevard settlements. The former will include 851 social housing, 800 affordable and 800 units for the private market, the latter a further 439 social housing, 437 affordable and 438 private market flats.






Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (Park Boulevard, CHA)

Park Boulevard / Stateway Gardens Masterplan




Page 45: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 Chapter#13

New City Centre —Mirror of

the City RegionIn Europe and the US most city centres are going through a highly visible urban renaissance which significantly alters their shapes and functions. This is particularly true of cities such as Berlin, London and Chicago, where the city centres lost some of their vitality in the post­war period — although Paris was perhaps an exception — prior to a post­ industrial renaissance.

Recent thinking in urban planning has played an important role in the renaissance of city centres. Many public spaces have been re­designed to become more pedestrian­friendly rather than car­oriented. Waterfront locations like the South Bank in London have benefitted from investment. New parks are being developed which can help to mitigate climate change and add attractiveness. Chicago’s Millennium Park is a good example.

After decades of indifference, historic assets which make cities special and unique are once again in demand. Historic buildings and spaces are conserved or reconstructed and, as in Berlin, historic urban plans are be­ing recreated. While some unpopular modern buildings from the post­war period have been demolished excit­ing new landmark developments are becoming symbols for the innovative strength of metropolitan regions, but are quite often controversial.

The renewal of urban centres also has a social impact. Tourists are attract­ed by the recreational qualities of the enhanced centres and there is a ‘gold rush’ atmosphere to invest private capital. This effect was seen in Berlin when the Wall came down and is still evident in London, even after the 2008 ‘Credit Crunch’ and record prices are still being achieved for developments with global appeal.

This effect can result in rushed and unsympathetic designs of key, central sites, as well as increasing privatisa­tion and control of public spaces. Successful urban centres need not only be beautiful, rich in history and culture, pedestrian and cycle­friendly, but must also be socially diverseand inclusive.

The creation of dynamic town centers that include a mix of housing, offices, stores, civic buildings, and theaters — all in a pedestrian­friendly setting — is one of the most important trends in real estate and planning today.


2010 #13—NewCityCentre Berlin p.1

David Chipperfield Architects / Franco Stella

Museum Island and Humboldt Forum

The masterplan of Berlin’s Museum Island (Museumsinsel) proposes the redevelopment of the Northern Island in the River Spree (Spreeinsel) in the city’s historic centre. The exist­ing buildings (Altes Museum, Neues Museum, the Pergamon­museum, Alte Nationalgalerie and Bode­Museum) will be re­furbished, modernised and con­nected through a newly created Archaeological Promenade for 1.5 billion. The controversial reconstruction of the Humboldt­Forum on the other side of the Lustgarten (Pleasure Garden) park on the island, envisaged as ‘an international forum for art, culture and science’, will add another 552 million to the overall cost. These projects will strengthen Mitte, Berlin’s central district, as an international cultural destination.

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Page 46: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #13—NewCityCentre Berlin p.2

David Chipperfield Architects / Graft / Kiefer Landschaftsarchitekten

Vision for Berlin’s Town Hall Forum

The future of the huge parcel of land between Berlin’s Fernseh turm (TV Tower) and the River Spree is highly contested. Proposals for the site range from recon­structing the medieval urban fabric to a massive water basin. Any substantial development will have to wait until 2017 however, as there are underground rail­way works underway. This redeveloped ‘Old Centre’ is to become a symbol of 800 years of vibrant history and act as an important spatial connector between East and West as well as North and South Berlin.














2010 #13—NewCityCentre Berlin p.4

Projektgemeinschaft City West / Christoph Mäckler Architekten / SAQ

New Heart of the ‘City West’

‘City West’, the centre of West Berlin, has been in economic decline since re­unification. This became apparent when mainline trains no longer stopped at the local Zoologischer Garten station and the permanent site for Berlin’s film festival was moved to Potsdamer Platz. Planning guidance for City West, developed in 2009, attempts to address this decline. At the heart of City West is Breitscheidplatz (Breitscheid Square) which will soon be framed by new buildings. Amongst them is an interesting building, the Zoofenster, a 118m tall skyscraper by architect Christoph Mäckler.




Architects:CityWest:Projektgemeinschaft City West:Urbanizers–BürofürstädtischeKonzepte,PlanungsgruppeStadt+Dorf,consultants:Prof.LuiseKing













Page 47: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #13—NewCityCentre Paris p.1

David Mangin / Groupe SEURA / Patrick Berger /Jacques Anziutti

Forum des Halles

The Forum des Halles replaced Paris’ famous central wholesale market demol­ished in 1971 and is now the busiest local commuter interchange in Europe. Consid­ered to be confusing and unattractive, the planning process for its second transfor­mation started in 2004. The group SEURA / David Mangin was commissioned for the masterplan and landscape design. Architects Patrick Berger and Jacques Anziutti won the international competition in 2007 for a large building — La Canopée — which will replace the above­ground buildings. The redesign of the Forum des Halles will bring more visibility to the market and become the main gateway for Paris.











2010 #13—NewCityCentre London p.3

William Whitfield / Allies & Morrison amongst others

Paternoster Square and St Paul’s Environs

One of the longest­running architectural debates, in which Prince Charles became involved, came to a close with the re­development of Paternoster Square in the City of London in 2003. The new office quarter, assembled around a public square adjacent to St Paul’s Cathedral, was built in accordance with a masterplan created by William Whitfield. The archi­tecturally controversial design embodies a significant change in direction from a rather dull financial quarter to a mixed­use, multifunctional centre, albeit still dominated by major office buildings,











which now also attracts a good number of tourists. More recently the area has been revitalised through high quality landscape improvements led by the city of London and Jean Nouvel’s new shop­ping centre ‘One New Change’.

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2010 #13—NewCityCentre London p.2

Herzog & de Meuron / Vogt / Foster and Partners / ARUP

Tate Modern and the Millennium Bridge

The development of the Tate Modern and the Millennium Bridge, two projects financed through the Millennium Lottery Fund, led to the radical transformation of the South Bank of the River Thames which had been in decline for several decades, following the closure of the nearby docks on both sides of the river. Since the opening of the Tate Modern — in the disused Bankside Power Station — and the Millennium Bridge, the area has turned into a desirable real estate location, popular tourist destination and well­used public space. It has also become an icon of aspirational planning in London. A dra­matic new extension of Tate Modern is under construction on site.













2010 #13—NewCityCentre London p.1

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2010 #13—NewCityCentre Chicago p.1

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP

Chicago Central Area Planning

The Central Area Plan of Chicago, supplemented in 2009 with the Central Area Action Plan, provides guidance for the development of the city centre in three categories: land use and spatial design; waterfront and public realm; and public transport. It seeks to strengthen the city centre by attracting business, de­veloping more office space, creating a science hub and improving cultural attractions. The adjacent former indust rial quarters will be developed with middle­income housing, parks and attractive public open spaces.








2010 #13—NewCityCentre London p.4


Farringdon Urban Design Study

In 2018, when Crossrail, the new major railway link through Central London, will be completed, the urban quarter of Farringdon will become a key focus of regeneration. The specific character of the area — located in the Northern fringe of the City — will be preserved with the aid of a spatial strategy, which will also help steer the expected

momentum for growth. The railway tracks that run through the area and are parallel to the subterranean River Fleet are to be partially decked over to make room for new public spaces and create a better visual connection with St. Paul’s Cathedral.













Page 50: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 Chapter#14

The Strategic Plan

Today, the ‘strategic plan’ is consid­ered a magic wand in urban planning; the answer to all new challenges fac­ing major cities in Europe and the US. ‘Competition’, ‘quality of life’ and ‘sustainability’ are catchwords found in most strategic plans. How these plans are produced, their targets implemented and who is involved differs widely.

The plans identify opportunity areas that should be given development priority. Economic, social, ecological and cultural ‘goalposts’ are also de­fined. Major topics in Berlin, Paris, London and Chicago are the demise of the industrial sector, how to increase the ability of locations to compete, as well as a focus on the environment and how to dampen the blow of these transformations. The implementation of these aims focuses on carefully selected strategic pilot projects.

Paris, London and Chicago are prime examples of the new renaissance in strategic planning. The London Plan is the central planning tool of the Mayor of London. The study, Le Grand Pari(s), was initiated on anational level as a project for the city region. In Berlin strategic planning is mainly the duty of the city council. The US plan — Chicago: Metropolis 2020 — was not commissioned by

the government but by the Com mercial Club, a consortium of 300 members from business, politics, civil society and science backgrounds, which had also commissioned the Plan of Chicago 1909.

A strategic plan needs expert political guidance, which self­confidently com­municates a clear vision supported by a competent administration. A strategic plan also needs close cooperation between representatives from politics, administration, civil society, eco­nomics and science. This coop­eration demands a public discussion around common targets and projects.

[…] London will not only lengthen its lead as the greatest city on earth. It will come to be seen as the best big city on earth, the best big city to live in. I believe these strategies will help us to achieve that ambition.


2010 #14—TheStrategicPlan Berlin p.1

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin

Berlin’s Strategic Areas

In 2006 the Senate Department for Urban Development presented a plan covering the entire city, pointing out areas of stra­tegic significance. The plan shows that the new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport will significantly change the hier­archy of Berlin’s urban quarters. South­east Berlin will gain in importance while the northern section will lose its econ­omic advantage. The map sets out the vision of the political leadership, its prior­ities and where to steer development. It plays an important role in promoting investment in strategic areas.






City West


Historische Mitte


Zukunftsraum Tegel

Umfeld Hauptbahnhof

Wissenschaftsstadt Adlershof

Tempelhofer Feld

Flughafen BBI

Landschafts- und Naturraum“ „Zukunftstechnologien imForschungs- und Industriepark

Graphik: Studio UC / Unverzagt. Visuelle Kommunikation / bit-better visualisierungen

© Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Abteilung Stadt- und Freiraumplanung, 2006 - Aktualisierung: Dezember 2009

Freizeit, Kultur Wohnen am Wasser

Medienstandorte kreative BranchenStadtumbau Zwischennutzungen

Verkehrsknoten SüdbahnhofInnerstädtischer NaturparkWohnen und Arbeiten am Park

Forschungs- und BildungsstandorteWirtschaft und Wissenschaft

Messe, Events

Industrielle Kerne, Hafen

StadtumbauVielfältiges WohnungsangebotZwischennutzungen

Kreative BranchenQuartiersmanagementInnerstädtisches Wohnen

Zukunftsraum Tegel Buch - Medizin im Park

Wohnen mit Weitblick

Innovation und Entertain-ment am Spreeufer

LandschaftsraumSpree - Dahme

EntwicklungsachseInnenstadt - Flughafen BBI

Innovative urbane Milieus

Wirtschaft im Westen

Schaufenster am Westkreuz

Wissenscampus Dahlem

Innenstadt - Herz der Metropole

TransformationsraumSüdkreuz - Gleisdreieck

Gesundheits- und Wissenschafts-standorteWohnen im GrünenErholung

Regierungs- und CityfunktionenWirtschaft und MedienInternationalität und HeadquartersInnerstädtisches Wohnen

Flughafenumfeld BBIWissenschaft und WirtschaftVerkehr und LogistikWohnen und Soziale Stadt



Page 51: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #14—TheStrategicPlan London p.1

Mayor of London / Greater London Authority

The London Plan

One of the main tasks for the Mayor of London is to produce a spatial develop­ment strategy for London which defines a strategic approach for all pressing issues in the metropolitan region. One of the central ideas is to absorb the large projected population growth within the existing footprint of London, i.e. to avoid the expansion of the urban area into the green belt. The London Plan itself lacks detailed spatial plans but is supplemented with a number of guidance documents. It can be seen as the benchmark for plan­ning strategies in metropolitan areas in the 21st Century. Design for London has been instrumental to communicating and developingthe Mayor’s spatial strategies.













2010 #14—TheStrategicPlan Paris p.1

LIN Finn Geipel & Giulia Andi

Paris — ‘Soft Metropolis’

The French President Nicholas Sarkozy is keen to turn the metropolitan region of Paris into a sustainable ‘post­Kyoto landscape’ with the focus of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. In 2008, under the label Le Grand Pari(s), ten teams led by architects and planners were commissioned to develop ideas of how to achieve this goal. The team LIN Finn Geipel & Giulia Andi proposes that

existing residential and mixed­use hubs should be intensified. Wetlands along the numerous rivers in the region and green spaces should be protected and re­naturalised. Given that there are eight Départements and 1,281 local authorities in the Region Île de France it will be a challenge in the realization to overcome the fragmented structure of local authority.

Client:Frenchgovernment,studyLe Grand Pari(s),2008





Page 52: City Visions Exhibition Guide

2010 #14—TheStrategicPlan Chicago p.1

In 1999, the Commercial Club of Chicago, a consortium of 300 members from business, politics, civil society and science backgrounds, published the strategic development plan, Chicago Metropolis 2020. The document argues that urban sprawl is reducing Chicago’s competitive edge by dispersing the benefits of agglomeration which cities thrive on. The proposed solution calls for sustain­able regional development strategies and political reforms. The Commercial Club founded the non­profit organisation, Chicago Metropolis 2020, to promoteits ideas.






Chicago Metropolis 2020Development Plan

Page 53: City Visions Exhibition Guide


Berlin exhibition (October – December 2010)

Hosted by Museum of Architecture of the Berlin University of Technology

Initiators Harald Bodenschatz (Professor for Sociology of Planning and Architecture at the Berlin University of Technology) and Hans-Dieter Nägelke (Head of the Museum of Architecture of the TU Berlin)

in cooperation with Harald Kegler (Bauhaus University Weimar) and Wolfgang Sonne (Dort-mund University of Technology)

Curated by Christina Gräwe (Kuratorenwerkstatt)

London Exhibition

Curated by Cordelia Polinna (TU Berlin/Think Berl!n), Tobias Goevert and Kalin Coromina (Design for London)

Editorial support Lee Mallett, Jeremy Melvin (Urbik), David Dunster

Exhibition designAxel Feldmann, Siaron Hughes, Niki Lampaski (objectif)

Contributors Harald Bodenschatz (TU Berlin), Dorothee Brantz (TU Berlin), Sonja Dümpelmann (University of Maryland), Dieter Frick (TU Berlin), Si-mone Goevert, Christina Gräwe (Kuratorenwerkstatt), Aljoscha Hofmann (TU Berlin), Corinne Jaquand (Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Clemont-Ferrand), Harald Kegler (Bauhaus University Weimar), Hans-Di-eter Nägelke (TU Berlin), Cordelia Polinna (TU Berlin/Think Berl!n), Bar-bara Schönig (TU Darmstadt), Wolfgang Sonne (TU Dortmund), Design for London team including Mark Brearley, Paul Clarke, Eleanor Fawcett, Tobias Goevert, Eva Herr, Tim Rettler, Ed-mund Bird, Alison Mayor, Charlotte Khatso

in cooperation with Regula Lüscher (Director of the Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin), Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin, Borough of Berlin-Mitte.


City Visions 1910 | 2010 has been organised by

The Museum of Architecture, Berlin University of TechnologyDesign for London

Funded by

German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development — Office for Building and Regional PlanningDesign for London / London Development AgencyBarratt HomesJohn McAslan + PartnersBritish Council

Supported by

Mayor of LondonLondon Development AgencyTransport for LondonLondon Borough of HackneyHackney Access ProjectOpen Dalston
