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· c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl....

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Page 1: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the
Page 2: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the
Page 3: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

·c~I~UTES.0 .. .


1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and

letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the Gro\'e church being objected oo, nnd the

hands of the Committee on the State of the .. ,.JIIk">Gt:•gation. '"

Organized by electing T. H. Griffin, -.. ~ ... ·-·""'~''" Assistant; D. P. )fcDona1d. Clerk, J.

stant. . Called for Petitional'.\'· Lett.et·~. Recei ,·ed a

from two Qburches, and the band of fellows bi)>. . " "8 ~n~:1~~.o ·thc delegates bearing t he same·

5th. following Committees wer~ appointed: On Preacfting-J,J: J ernigan, G. \V. Cle,·elaitd, V. H. Arm­

At. V. Apper·sorh Jns. Brown. ~~- P .• Jones. On Bnsirress-W. B. Lane, J . M. Bray, P. L. 1\fize. G. 'f. ·wi-' J. B. McCullers. · • 0. Stat.e of the Churches-Tb~ ahm·e namerl'Committec .

. On QbituaJ•ies-The Clerks and Pnsto1~ of each .chu.I'C.:Ii. On Tempe~-The same Committee (\ontinuetl. ·

'· Oa Sabbfith SohA»ls-Pr·eston Gause. T. R. McDnnnltl, T.

~ M~ms, Maner Wright, ·? '· W. Cleveh{orl., .T. E .• Grifthf. Bcrri ­Mmter~ J . W. 4Pa'lm, John West, W. C. Deffill, B. B.· Wa~ ­

n, S. Streetma11.'-rheopbiJus PaviR. J . T. Joiner, Wm. HiiJ, .W. ~- Jones, Ben Jones~ F. M. Mosely. •

On Flnan.ce-C. C. Mart i" J. M. Bm,·. V . H. A•·mstead. Heard the Repm't of Committee ~ .. .. ~, . ON PREACHING.

We~ your Committee, heg let,l\'e to make the ng re-ReY. J . M. Br·ay, -viii preac!h to-night. N. S._ Little. a·l­

~ .... ,~.~..., ;: &odny morning, 9 o'ciACk, Re'·· P . L. Mtze.. J:l. Hm ; ll..a'clock. 1ReY. J. Y. Hendley.., C. · f!. Mnrt.iu altet

; at 2 o'clock, R M., Rev. G. T. Wiley, W. B. La11e altetf.! ; at nilr)lt, ReY. D. P . McDonald, ' J. B. McCtillera nlter­

V. H . ARMSTEAD,. Chairman.

Page 4: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

(2) /

AdjouJ·ncd until Moncln)-. 9 o'clocl\, A. M. Prayer by ~\'. J . Y. Hencll <'~· .

• :\fmmAr MoRNING. 9 o'<·lock. Nov. 12:th, 1883.

he body met nCCoJ•din_g ~ adjott J•nmen- and afte*l'fl.VCI' JoReph Sn.u.)R, tn·ocecded to call an,a..enroll t mes

rresent, nft<'t' wbi~ hea1·d Ref'Drt ot Co


r Committ.~P, t·<:>rommcmrl tbnt ftbe bnsine·ss be t.akcn as laid dowu in-the u~curum. 1 ·

ll.r submitted. · J . R McCm.LERS, C bm'n.

clent.s, .and received from .th•e Southcae-.A:ssociation ~l!Qthrcn J . Y. Hen\tle~. G. W. 01

Ch.a1·li.e Q:fllb, S. Shillholster; fl·om.Sp1·ing ntion~ ·.Bret.hren G. W. Edede1·s nt1ci L . • J.

• I 1 l

1tr Lettc~~hich was rend n'\ul J'C'!Ccived. · Cof'l'espotJ.$1ipg 8et'.ret.ary wu.s rel\d and ~-te-

tbe snme Secrctnl'ics he continn~l. to· wit: T . H.Griffin. appointed to coa·a·eFpond, as follows:

n Alo. Association-C. C. M:artin, J. 1tcDonald, G. T. Wiley, J. B. McCullers, v.,

Aa'IDstend anct D. P. McDnnald. · 1 1'o the Spring Ct·ee~ Colo1·ed Assoc,:att:o'll.-G. liV. Webb. Resolved. That. f<e,· .J. B. ~lcCnllc•J'S ~nit<' t.hc Ci l'f'Ulal' Let-

ter. . L"nion l'ceti10gs ns follul\·s: Ji'il·st Disu·~t·tr--Tcl h<' h t!ld with .Fri <"ll<l!;hip chut·cll, Sumter

county, Gil., and tAK\OID ill,en~ on· FJ•icluj· night befiore the first. 8.abhath to Au_gust, ~884; J. M. Bmy to prea<:l1 tbe lntroduc· to1·y Sem10n, D. J . At1~e1·~90. alte1·nate.

Secon•l District-~ hc;)leld with :\lacedoniaCh nrch. Mille1· county, Ga., to c.:ommcne-e ori · Fa·jctay night bcfor·e the · fta·s t, Snnd&ly in July, 1884!; Re'::. 'f. H. Griffin to preaclh the Intm-<luetory Sermu~. J. B. McCullers alternate. ~

Ruol"ed. Tbat the next session of this boclv be! helct wit.h.-. . - . . .. . Coa·inth cbu co J;Dty, Ga., l'.ommer.cing· on Fricln~· -night berore rst Su_ · '!I in Octo'be•·. 1884; Re\'. .r. n. .. McCullers 1 h · : ·· t.mductm-.r Sermon. \V. B. Lane> ultea·ne.te. . ·· ·~~~ , •

. .Aflj_oorned l, · P.~. Mf. 1'' : ra~1· h);. G. ·w. Clm·elnnct. • · 1 0 CLOCK.; • • M.-T~l)\la)1 met ac:cording to·adjoua·nplcnt.

Prayt,.. by Rev.\\'. k. M~n~d. . • The subject of Ho~~ )fissmps was considered, anci $14 65

placed in tite hat1ds of Dev. C . .C . ..,)IaJ·tiu to be us:ed f~a· that - pm·pose. The hotly tlten hca1:J the l'elJOI't of Committee

Page 5: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the





We, your Committee on State of the Churches, beg leave to submtt the following report : •

Resolved, lat. That we find all of the churches orderlv and godly except Pleasant Grove Church. Randolph county,· Ga.

Besol"ed, 2il. That we' fi.nd pleasant Grove chu1·ch ia ~is ·~ order, in' tJtat it is departing from gospel ordinances, that r walk-ing or refusing to practice the orrl ma~ as enj

t..hc gospel of Christ. · .;,=. · BestJlved, Sa. That we recommend to thatch b. a

.to gospel or~er, and also a \-estoration of B_ro. B den to bersbip jb his chut·ch, feeling, as we do, that the·· church parted from the Rules ofDecorum .. h i his expulsion •.

Resolved, J,.th. That all proper steps be tnken in t o restore peace and order i·n the communion.

All of which is respectfully submitted. J . B. ~~"'-'"'~~

Heard the t'P.pot·t of Committee

ON FINANCE . • \Vc, youdJommittee on Finune:e, beg leave t.o make

lowing a·eport: · Balance in hnnd o{ Treasurer .... . ..... . ..... . .. . I~or Minutes : .... . .

1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .

~ mount on hanrl . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. . .... • .. '" 80 ollected nn Sunday *18 00. whit'h was given to Bro. Ap-

person. V. H. ARMSTF.AD • . r. M. BnA-r. f'. ('. :\fARTIN •

. f'nmmi t.tne.

TREASURER'S RE PORT FOR 188i . Paid for Minutes . .' ... . .' .. : . ...... .. . · ...... . . Pnirl to Clt>rk . . . . . .. . . ... . . ..... ~ ...... ... . Postn.e-c ....... ... .. . ... .. .. . . .. ...... . ..... . ·Balance or. band . .. . .... . .. . .... . ......... . . .

t, Reepec.t.C.ully submi tted. • C. C. MARTIN, I ,.:.T . ~ l~uolved, That we tender our t hanks to ·~ant Hill and vicinity, fOi' t.hei•· kind

$25 00 15 00 4 00 5 4:5


•, ...,(r_-eojourn among them. B!:soLVED. That t be Clet·k he paid $12, $5. A~ourned to meet with Corinth Chnrcb, ~unty.

• Ga.,..,o~ Friday night before the first ::oiundas tn Oc~r. 1884 . . '?onve\·ances will be at Americus to meet .del~ates. The

~ hanrl was taken. pmyet· by B,cv. G. T. Wile_y. T. H. GRIFFIN, Motleratot·. . '

MeDoN.\ t .D. 'Clerk.

Page 6: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

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The Olw.ttalz.oochee Unitecllfree Wlll BapUst A8socia.tion, to Her Sistet· Association8 of Libet·al Baptists, •wt'th tohom She Oan·esponds: -

DEAR BRETHREN-We havejust closed quite an interesting Peace aQd h81'mon..r prel'ails among us. May the

bless yonr· labors of lov.e. We desire a corres~ndence all, nod woulrl feel gratified to have-you visit · us at


Cor~sponcl i og Secreta l'ies . •

OBITUARIES· . at his r~si«tence in Early county, Ga., in the 57th year

B. T. He waS' Deacon of White - and consistent member. His illness

hich ~ime all that skrll of physidans dblwas-done to rehe""e him, but all

durifig the chilly hours of night De!l.th m. :He .was an el:ernplary christian, a

kinrl father, good neighbor anO. a wal'}n of tho~e. P.l~in, good men, whom ·to know ,

His death has ~lj'i·9wn a gloom over our (>eople / long be felt. Om· 1 '~ 'is his gain: Be has gone to/ worlct. . . . i ~- Ia . .::~~-~ . . '··-. -~~ .

Dcpart:ed this life. in th~,.!Q.:~~..year of his ag.e, Bro. JEPTRA. ~x;. He was a consis_~qt. rii~mber· of White Pond cbUJlCh, and died in the e:tercise of _·raitli}· He has gone where the

w1ckerl cease "from tr·ou h)ing, anrl · the weary are at rest.

Depar·~·t thi~ life. 1883, in the .22rl yeat· ' of her age, sistet· MARY KENNEDY. She professed religion, anrl l>a(>tism was ad­mipistered to bet· by Re\·. J. H. Du:pree. Ft·om then until the day of her rlenth ~_she w~s a de\'ote•l t~lu·istian - and consisten·t member of Rocky Mount church. How true it is that in life we aa·e in the midst of rle~th. We can only say, "Thy will be done. ­ob God,'' anrl with tears and saddeuerl hearts say, •'Farewell, deat· MARY/' She bas gone to a better worltt. J. H. DUPRER.

. /l BETBIAB was born in 1795, cle'parted this life March her 89th year. A good woman h:ts fall- .~ en. She consistent member of the United Baptist V Chnrc:b ofyears bcf'ot·e her rleath-a member'at Union 15ind to all. anci all abe knew she lo\'eO, .. and up tG she walked and communerl with Jesus;· abe often. or her happ'- home. anrl lQnged to he wrth Je-. sus. Blessed are they that fall asleel> in Jesus.

Departed this life~, in 1883, Bro. F. R. EAsoM. Bt·o. EASoll

Page 7: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

. (il)

· was a membe1· of SpririgfiehJ chu1·ch, Early count~·. Ga., and was a consistent membet· fr·om the time of his baptism. joined the church in 1876, and was baptized ~ Bro. G. T. ley, aud d'led in the 77th•yea•· of his age. He was an ::u:~d good man, and all who knew him loved him·. at home is hard to fill. .T. I.

Det:arted th1s tile ~orerube1· 20th, 1882, s· wife uf Bro. R. A. Easom, and <.laught.et· of Sister EASOM was a consistent member otSpn and is gone to reap her •·ewnrd, where there is ness, sotTow not· death, but all will ue peace, pleasm·e beyond this vale of .tears.

Departed this life, Elder Tuos. R. in Taylor counts. Gn~. on the 29th rt the 76th ye:u:, of his age. Bro. the Union M~ting at Pleasaut Hill, un Saturday ;.,fteJ' the me.eting~m)ke up his hip, f{·om which he never recover~d. baptiarl in 1845 b.r El(le•· John Lockba·rt, ber of Friendship l<~ •·ee Will Baptist. church,.

' /GOOrgia. He wasJicensed to preach by that r tet·wards-oruainctl. Bro. D u PI<EJ-: wns a good man ;

}o,·ed him; they lo,·ed to hea1· Laim vreach ; be was a man, anu macle g1·e:1t sac rifices for the cause--..wvas · did nut kno\v a lettel' in the uible. but used scriptur·e by ory, and was a good preacher for his o1iportunities. i known him to walk and cuny hiii satclu~l on bis back to appointments. . He was ,a good ex'borter, aule in prayet·; place will he IJ.urd to till. We (:ondole the loss, an<.t sympatbt~ with bts frienrls antlrelattous. He exhot:ted ~s·~u meet him iu beu,·en. Our· loss is uis eternal gain. Let us lh·e so as t& meet the old broth~· in he:n·en. h':u·ewell, we s hall ~ee him no )JlOJ'e 011 CRI'I h. •

Tltt.' ll tn m~· rapt.urctl eur:-_ I..e1 un~ ~WPP.t i'On g lw ~_.; n.•n:

l.c·t llllt ::!ic· d uu·m wc• lu:s1 om earlh .\ ml ;...rrc•t•l Ill(' tir>'l· ht ht'll\' t'll .

Thcu d""l' m y sigl rtlt·>'~ <'~·fi:o • ..!nd lu\· we clown t.(.o rc~t ·

.\ ntl r·lu!:j\ m~· Jh11P and iry h:t 1· pon nt\' liit•le>"" bren>'l. . . .

Tileu ·rc;mttl mv :<t'Hselc.":oc ..tav . • \:.~<t'lll hie. ttiuse 1 lo\'c. ·

·.\ uJ l'iug of ll&n•eu. tlt'ligiJt.fuJ ~~ \' J!lnrillll !'< .hcomc :1 bon: . • 1


Page 8: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

. '

Will Bapti~t. church at. Pine Gt'O\'e. under tbe minista·y of Bt'O. L .Rill, in 1878, of whtcb chua·eh she remained .a consistent

ber to b~ rleath, which w•as sudden. being from heart dis­Y~t we doubt not~be was tound ready. and like the

vil·g~ns arlmitt.e'~ in t.o the •uat·riage supper of the L:lmb. ~· B. )lcCuLLE~s.

I t.bis life April 23d, 1883, H. J : SHEio' nELl>. Ht·o. was iu t.he 28th }:_ear of his age when be was called

ad\eu to a lo\·ing wife,'~ ual'ling sistet· and many other and friends, .wJ10 mou t·n tbeit· loss. Be was a, devo·

raat.IKJ[1. and pfP.pared .fi9. serve his Mas~r·l:l will. His weeks. rlut:ilfig which time h~ mua·mured not

ld lia\i filled the deacon· s office in tlw ahd!pertorin~•l ·his dutie~ well. His

II. ~ut out· loss js his gain. He bu~ -



' .....

daughter of Bro. Stephen and Sister , ·-and wife of DaYirl Harria. was born in Ear­une 17th. 1862. and died in Decatur t.·ountv.

ary 1st. 1883. She joined the Free Will Baptist at Open Pond. onder ~he ministry of J. B . .McCullers. of which she lh·ed a conststent member untilremo\·ed tb her et'etnal reward. . The circtsmstunces of her

trere of.' such n nature as to forbid dying testimony to reciousne8s of"Goo' s grace in her ·last moments; but the

IUIJlt::t:t pu>rity of her.Jife is the clearest evidence of a peace­death. Natu·rall~o4~ sprl s:ettring her christian vir­

tuett shone '~Vith greate:9t !'u'st11e to those most intimately ac· _ qno.inted with her. .The ~weetness of h·er rlisposition en~e:u·­• ed her to all who knew her.: In fn.ct, to know ht>r was to lm·e

her. None knew her but to loYc, und none named her hut to 0 praise. Tbe large crowd of'_~~ping~riends that followed. bet"' l'em:ltns to their last resti~~ ~;},lace sttestt-ll their appreciat.ion of her many ~irtues. A L ly husband. a grief-stricken mo-thet'. devoted ~thers !ltJ s jst:crs~ and many :.ppa·edatt\'e

our sympa~li.~)l their $.ad berea,·ement, an,i snnct1'6:':~~ sad clispe'nsation t.o all on I' ' r heaf(s~CJ9.Ber t.o hp,·en, where. tbrou·gh

&.ianctifying grace we will he re-united in that Hone~ not made with bands. wbtore sickness, sorrow, pam ancl death.

more; where the-w1cked cease from troub· :.. Af(> a·t reAl. \V. B. LA'Ni:.

• • ,---- . \ Mllfi._. Hoooa "as oot·n in Wasbingt.on county./ '

abiMiti\IJQO; and died in.Earl~· «.~unty, Ga., June 3d, 18~8. HCJIDGiaf:WJtR Rmongst thl'l first sPttlt>r~ of Ea1'1.r eonnt-~·,

Page 9: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

• ,

t \ ..

( 7)

where he bas been long and ra,·orabl.} known. He.(inited the Missionary Baptist church ~t Blakely, Ga., in 1868. moving to this neigbborbooci be united with the Free ~aptist church at Open .Pond, as one ~fits constituent hers, in which be lh•ed a consistent und devoted member death remo,·ed him t.o the church. triumphant. For . years be fUlcd the oflle.e of' deacon, until age and dered him inefficient in th&t.<ifllt.-e. Bro. Hoooa was those christians whose virtues shone brightest to acquainted with him\ He was no Sunday or revivatl christian, bot one that liv(>(l religion every day. anci it everywhere: it can be emphaticall,\· said of Bro. he &tad not an enemy in the world, and died aa respected and loved by all who knew him• livin&', but also a dying testimony that death of Ba·o, HoDGES his fi\Ultly has k4td and aft'eetionate fathea·. t.he com the county au upright citizt-n, and the llt!r antl exetuplar t.o all. But we hM·c no hope. ~L us imitate him him in heaven. ·

Died at her resirlence nem· Culeman Station, a.a.uuu•

ty, Ga .• April 20th. l883. in tlw 3oth rea•: of her age, RY S. SAULS, con~ol·t of Bel". Joseph Sauls. From her she hnrl been a devoted christian. She joinect the cho was baptized in t he 14th year of her age. Her illness one week, dul'ing which time the skill of physicians and cJt.re of relatives and friends watched over her wit.h solicitude, ltnt all proven una,·ailing. · She left 7 little 'lr~n, among whom waR a d eJ&r lit\le babe, around which her heartMtrings twined in tenderness. known only to a <lying mol ther. We <·an only say, ··Thy will be rlonf> .. 0 God,'' and with

( ·· · tears and saddened hearts, sar. ~•Farewell , dear. MARl·." She ~~~ to :1 better world.


Dt:AR Bllii.'TBREK-Tlae t.ime htts arrived yon through the · me11ium of . :.L Ci let us. call your attention to the sub,Lect of

;: l'cxt, Alat~w. 28th <~hapter·. l8th. ftth • Y powea· is gh•en me i~ he&Yen and i" earth.

and teach all nntions, hapt.izing them in tber, and of" the Son, auxl of the Httly ........ _""' ob,erve all r.hiogs whatsoevc•· J ha,·e ..,.,~~,....., I am with you, always, e\·en unto t he end no"· we must regard what He tsaitl to them, er·s Ilia\· t.o " "· Nnw ",.hat (lid He S &\' t-o them? . . .

Page 10: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the


Now. in t.h~Lt c l..tnpter we tind the De,·il bad a sug­to make ; anri he, knowing the weak place, approaches

dns Lo ~do:bis l.>i«lding, just as he did Eve, in the garden of­len. slw.l.>eing,the weaker v~ssel, but one that was capable,

el' pt·oper ins'truction, to' do wore than the strong. Now. ctu·rie•l t.hc ronner. We' infer from that. that be wus · .

# u gt'(jtt t ,tlHHl)' pcopic a re nnw: He was llnughty, foppish. \. nncl wpuJd ~el bimselr degrncl_e,l to do tl..tc work of u

t~. Now. t hat proud,' haugbty t~pirit. chd in hiw .show i.ts .eud, e\'en tt~estnu;tion. Now let us see wbat was the on Pete11. bec;ause ~ was chief among them. In his esti-·

• of himself, no ll<•ulw he though,t it below his dig.nity to in· washing.:l.>.ut the ~a vim· told him if be did not

bad on p:lt·t wi th l..tim. antl he saw tbe danger des i r~(l to he waslte1l all on~a·. :X ow there a<l <;.en'tinut~d in llis cout·~c. and not t.lic

l.c.l ~\re went. like Judas did, and his hab-'~ . ~ltanother tnke his office. But what

17.tp~~flapt<'l' . 7tll to lOt.h ven;e? ··But a\'io:i':4i• !'"a.nt plowing ur feeding c&ttle ...

l>y anil.';t))·. fYt.cn he is come fi'Om the lidd. •go n to meat,·;:uo~ W;i.ll not rather say unto him, •make

iLI1 1 mn~· snp,~and g1rd tbysclt' un" sen·e me till nne\ drunken, and afterwards thou shalt eat nntl

Doth. he t ltank that' sea·n~nt b,ecause he did tb~ things w~re comma.n,tcd? I tro·w not. ·So, li.kewise.-ye, wllen ~·e · ha,·e done ull'thqse tbin.gs which are cor_nmanded you, •wp are unprofitable $en·ants. we ha\'e clone t llat which (lttr tlutf.,to tlo.' :• But you see in tlli s case that Judas, 9 · De\'11, suysthis is only to s how humility, and was not ~ t,o

continued. Dirl He nut command them to rlo that to · one another? (Yes. ) Dotb be not command obedience? (Yes. ) then he eummnn•ls _yon t.hrough the ApoAtles to teach aU -ttle wot'ltl to ohsern~ these things. How long? until the end of the wol'ld. Then as \.hat wol'ltl hus not ended, the commandO is of full force nne\ \'irtue to-<hly. Dn you ti1en obser\'e these things now·~ (No, ) not. all tlo.:'t. Then see t he result: llat · thew, 3d chapter· and lOth ,·ersl~~ •· And now, also. the nxe is

the root oftlw tret~. t herE>fnr<' c\'ery tr<lc whid.1 bring· good fruit is hewn down aud caRt into \.he tire:·

in this <.:use, is tbat foppish pride. :o;o misst:nlled tin tl1\.~ midst of tlle l'll urcb, o.nd i~ matting

the body u~ttil t hey become unl'rnitiful . no~ fit. for anything but \.fl l.>e

wa •• unll ns c\'erv nne's wo$ hns got. oo . .W. if it oam't stnnc\ the beat it is but·nett up. n.tftf ~

Just t hink he t·e v.·hnt Peter was ahout to ash fet>t-. (his pa.rt/ witJh Christ,) :md fe:tr left, yon fall s boa1. ns J udrui tlitl aJt.ea· the

u~t:u•ca wllicti is a damning e;in, anc.l if so ~.eath. Now see Luke, otb cllaptel\ -!th to 8th

wh~n be h:t1l l<'ft. nthpPuking. he snit! · nnto Si-

• .

Page 11: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the



mon, 'launch out _into; the deep, and let down yout· nets draught.' and Simon said unto him, 'Master, we have all night a.nd have ~aken notning: but at thy word I will

· down the nets.' And when they had this done they su.•vlVI:I'tN

• • a great mtdtittide of fishes, and their nets brake." \ ·. we see th~r bad toiled bard and caught nothing. uei;aut~ J ' they bad toiled in theii· own way, and was not in the way

Christ. Now go ·and teach them to obsen·e all I have 111111111. manded yon, and I commanded you to wash one another's ~ ( Nc.) The net would bt·ea:k-tbat old . pride would

the old mis -call.ed refinement would go into vulgari~ icule, and so we m_ust keep the prafse of ·men, and with the miods of the arrogant. . See.John~ 15th 3d verse: "Now ye are cl~an throng~ the word spoken unto yon.'' Here we see that if w~rd, they get the prize, bot if not they barrtD;'Iibd that wof'd was " wash one w,{sbed your feet._,' See Acts. 15tb •'When thercf01·e P~ul snd Bat·nabas

;L. and disputation with them, they ~ nabas and cet·tain · other~ of them should

unto the Apostles an'l Elders about this qnet~ticJil seems that ctrcnmciston had been the seal to all arising in the Jewish church. So we see from said to Peter, that feet washing ga\'e a pz~.rt with tlnrs He commande~ them to wash one another's feet. ·in John, 6th chapter and 60th vet·se, He says a gr~at in the 66th says: "From ~at time many .of his disciples back ~1d ~alked no more with Him. Then said Jesus to tweln~. ·will .'·e also go away?' Tben ~imon Peter Him, •Lord, to whom sha11 we go? Thou bast the wo1·ds of nal life, and we believe and are sure that thou at·t that t be son of the li~ing God." Now we see that some of th walkell pot lvith Him' because they did not lite to clo t hings that Be <.·nmruanderl them, but some of them

( some nf their own ways ; but wb~t is it to walk with ()hri~t., but to do all things that He commnnded. ·and one of them• things is to wash one :mother's r~et. Now. Matthew, 23d chapter, 8th verse: ·•But be not ye called RaJ>bi, (or your ~laster, ·c:-ven C;hrist. and all ye are bretllren." t.his case there scesns to be a master. and if so obedience. becnustl He has nll power and all mand. Heat· hirn: ~·wash one another's ch:tptel' of Luke we find mocb to indicate

- woman as she stooped behind Him a!l\L.t J ' itb t.eat·s a to wipe tl.tem wi ttl the -t.

'even kissed t.hcm, hy which she received the sins, which were many. And no~· .. if I am

• are- in me. ttnll 1 in the ~'ather that sent )'OU wllsh one oftheee little one'sJeet you like the wmnan you go in peace:· and to God, or pence from God is to keep His.:,

Page 12: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the


promised H h; peu..ce nofonly Lo the end of . the ltorlu, all e_temity. No,w Matthew says i~ lltb chaptea·,

my yoke upon you ·an4:1~arn af me." Now in this case are we to learn? We are·w ,learn what the will of th~

and this is U:is wUl,: that we keep His comiD&Ildment.s to His apostles. Just tut·n to the 13th _obapter of

nnd you will tind a good portion of His commands. Lo Romans, 12th chapter, .and you will find there, u Let

without dissimulation, 'abbot· that which is evil, cleave which is good.'' Now did Chri.st ever do any evil?

did He not al,ways do that which was good? ''Tben do as I have done-1 washed my disciples' feet, soothers' feet; i(you are my disciples." See 1st

you find tbere that the younger is re-elder, and be clothed with humility;

, and at the 5th \'et·se where the im· for ~be trou b~ing of the water, for

n. ~imes and troubled the water, he~led of whatever di&t!.'\Se h'e

S1lepherd bas come down and ana commanded the man first to

:Him. Now we see Him ufter· they water and wash His disciples' feet, and L; _n

one tuiothers~ feet, and then endowed them with .' high. What.Jor? To go into all the world and , .

done unto the~nd lJids them •·tollow mf:, and all tbe w~t'ld ~~ ave taught you;" bid th~m to th~ngs, great apaf~all, that I .. have oom!Jlanded

I will be' wi th Y(!Ai..tu~l when? tht! day of pentecost1 until tbe.enu oftbk *orld ;'' and this was one· of His

ents, t.o wash "iiue A-uotllers' feet. Now turn to lOth chapter, ~b ~et·sc, ·•'fue disciple is not above , not· the sea·v:mt abo,·e his Lord." No"·· why do

Loru-Lord and my Lord, nod .not do the work of the and His work is t(, d·o His will. And will He com -


t . t


\ ~

d any one to dn that w)lil~ll is not His will? (No.) Then ., -commanded His disciples to wash one anothea·s' fee~~ ' ­not only thutr for He commanded them to go and teach all ,/

the world to <io the' same. Nuw turn to Luke, 6th chapter, nod. at the and you will find tlte same thing; and· also ill and 20th t"el'8e, and· you will find the _.­

He charges them to remember that they grander nor g•·ea ter than Be was, but 1'\oes ehow by their works· that the.v t.lon't deem

H4!? ~ee James, 4th cliapter :md 17th him Jllat knoweth to do g~n(l doetb "~~\. " Ilrow what man is tbere !flat cion't '­did a ban ac~ ban. to the t·everse, ahva,\'S holy, just and gOGrl Then if that be

that it is a righteous act to wash say to J ohn, .. Sutl'f:n· it to be so

us to fulfill .,all righwnusnE-s~:· :0\ee

Page 13: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

,- 11 I . ' · ~


( ll)

Psalms, 41st, a&.nd 9th vet·se, "Yea mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, ba~h hfted his heel against me." Now to him that. acknowledges J and takes up his cross to follo~· Him, is that friend, and them He commits the true :-~bee. In ~his failing to do will qf God, be lifts up his heel against. his friend. See 14th chapter, 18th verse: '"And ae they ~at and did eat, said, •verily I say unto you, one of you which eatetb

· shall betrav me.•· ' In this case, if all the reference is can find how closel.r c.ommunion and feet washing go And still further, see Luke, 2M chapter and 21st shows the same connection. And it still goes on te chapte•· and 26th \'erse, and there shows love aad obeying all things that is cOIDIII&.n. ae~ct. 21st chapter of John, and &iuuy ~·~,u-·-• and see ·bow e.asy it is to see the upon him there to keep His com things that wns commanded there (ul Jesus was in cbal'ging Peter, and what he should do, u.ud what Anything to come in that would


manded him to do; and all • do, he was positively comw~•u ... t!C\.1 to

~ntile direct, but all nations, and !Jii!Ver 'to depart from thut, for nu lords or teachers. a jealous God, and I ch~nge n·•t, neitbE>r do· I vary, things that I have commanded JOU to teach shall changed unto the end of the worlcl, for I am God, and none other.'' Brit some will say, Judas-like, that f~t ing was not a perpetual thing, and . tbe Avostles never ticecl it anJ more, but look what Paul said to TiQlothy iu 5th chapter s.nd lOth verse, w~ll t·eported of fet· good "If she has brought up childt·en, if she has lodged if she bas washed the saintR' feet, if she bas relieved the t.ed, if sbe bas diligently followed e,·cry good work." this was 32 years aftea:.J;hrist had washed Hi& disciples' feet_ · warthis thmg tuught, and that by one that was not in that large upper room, where Christ washed His disciples' feet, and goes to show ,·ery plainly that the com maud of Christ to wash one soothers' feet., and to teach all the the same thing, was faithfully caa·ried out who followed after t.be discip}es ; and it able to' suppose that It ws.s kept up until was elected Bishop of Rome aud cuorr.JIU!:oc:u insomuch that No,·ation nnd back to tbt practice of the for martJrdom: bot we must not go mto Qf the church in those dark daye, and the chul'ch. to :1. gl'eat measui·e 'took .j ,l.

low. from the very words of Christ$ Him to last ns long an<l go as far as its ftCCOtnpnn~·ing graceS and triltDt:~8e

Page 14: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the


that \!&shed His discj(1les' feet; was the Son .of God, the Re­deemer of israel, and the Sa,•iour.of the world. And now let

so acl:ept and obey Him as such in all things whatsoever commanded ;l{ts discipl~. and. then we will fulfill the

Jaw"of.ebl'ist, Which it is OlH' OUt)' to do. T. H. GRIFFrN.

CHURCH DECORUM. church w ay choose a p~tor . al'1llually' at the last regular

in associat'ional yeari. or,:ifthey prefer it, may choose a. indefinite length ot to continue from y~ar to year,

..... "'""'' ...... , n•~"'"' up the connection. mav be chosen at auv dth·

s~ial conference, th~ time meeti.JlS! ~f the church .\

_ .... ~·· •• .C. ... L church, but when he is au• present, some suitable broth-


in the church, wh.9se duty • and disbursement or all con-

, ew., and to distribute IUI!atn~.litiJ•u of the Lord's Supper. notice u{ such members ~ rP.fuse or

Supper, and endea\·or to ascertain · the ~me m~y be lutd before the church in confereu~e

_. •• ..x.un-. member s hall be appointed clerk, and it shall be all the rec'ording and c.ither writing pertaining to the

the dmre~' • and to preserve « file of the minutes of the as-

a new clerk i'S appoin~ed, all the books, minutes, etc., be­. clerk, ahall ~ immeni.ately deli~ered to him by hi~

ber, male :md female, to a~­rru•'ll'·o.an_ for on tltat day the ·pastor

'-'ll\U\..U ~!""~"'' .,.11""."'" manner by giving ~lain and the rules of holy liv-

to attend three successive ·Ji,lliall~~r, who 1nay be gtmerally rt>­

urch, according to the· cov,e­r in conference and an&we r

"''"'~'"'"'t memberA -from this rnl~



" ..

Page 15: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the


~all be allowed to speak and make motions or seconds, but »>f. al­,lo\\:ed to vote. ·

14. An orderly member of the Baptist Church, which does not hold this church in fellowship may be received into the church without a ,lette~ when it is made apparent that his christian character is un..i.m­

, ~hable, and that he has applied for a letter, and could not 1t 8ecause h e desired to join this or some sister church. All persons must join by letter or by baptism.

~ 15. No member shall be recQived ithout the unanimous

r of the memlters present: but unreasonable objections shall not id; and unless withdrawn, the member who maltes them shall liable to be taken under dealing by the church.

16. When the moderator calls for absentees, the church what m&le members have been sive conferences, aad the moderator shall brethren to cite each of them to the next

17. No member shall be expelled or in writing, to ~ttend flt Iris trial, LO the church. . · ~

18! When a witn~, not a member shall not be eramined till the qu~ua.'U•u

L . ..a... Will you hear the testimQny of this r ~ 19. The evidence in every case of

sa all be minuted in ~church book. 20. Members dismi&sed from this church

\lrderly, or continue to hold tq.e~Ers without reason, be cited to conference to anwr eir conduct. .

21. Expelled members m·~oo red to fellowship on their tion, it 'their walk since expUlsion has com·inced the church have sincerely repented o( their former e\·il conducL .

22. A vote shall not be taken upon any question without a and second,and in all important questions the Yote shall be rising to the feet.

z.J. No motion shaU be made while aruovcnnd ~econd is before the ference.

24. It sbaU be considered <llisorderly for any member to absent himself fro10 conference when an important. question is to be decided; but a mem­J~r UJ>Of:l his request may be uempted by the church fToru voting on eith-er side .m peculiar cases. •

25. No member shall leave the house during conference without a ~nf-

• licientca~1 nor engage in conversation or whis~ring, without being sub- · • ject to be caued to order by the moderatot.

26. AJld.i.scussious in conference must be cenducted with cahunesa and goM feeli¥j those who speak must rise to their feet and address tbe mod-crllWf, aJl(f .Keep to the point in debate.

'Zi. No one lShatl speak more than three times on the same out permission irom thtt moderator, nor sluul the remarkB tulrellSOnably long.

28. When the moderator speaks !n debate, ln'OtheT n1oderotor iu hlsstcnd.

29. No one shall be iuterrupted \Yllile SJ>4~li•inJg~•llll call him to order.

30. It shall be the rule of the church to a~nd the Lord's Supper, a t least four times n year,

a,tl&e church. . • at. MembeT8 not in good st:tnding shall not

tratien ahalluot be deferred on account of auy 32. Feet washln& shall be atteuded to ~ the

• 33 .. Public fas ting. humiliation and prayer, OCC88101~. v

M. ~e decorum mav lte altered or &JlltenQel the merubt'~ pre~ent at any two ~llCt>e>;i\·~

Page 16: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the



L W <l believe that n gospe~.cl~urch or a church of Christ, is a congrega-tion of <'hristians coustitut.ed ,8.itif governed a.ccordin~ to t.be rules )aiel, ~vu in t.he ~ew 'festament.' -2. 'l'hn t tJ1ese rnle!J require clJurches to preserve the fOJ:Jll of government

the o rctina.uces of t he tirst christian churche.~, and to he composed of Ia· believers in Ghrist. · . Je,

That t he visible<:lmreh is the aggregate or whole nttmber of gospel au.l'CH'= .;· and that the imrisible church h; composed of t he redeemed now

• cb,ristians on earth a.s are nut attached to tb<l vis-

churches or

rules. of a centnll or ca.tholic government oyer t.hc

thereof, is a tlevice of earthly ambition, -repug­n ...... ,.,n . ., or the churches, and dangerous to

onl~· ccclesinstical bodies or tribunals au-church has tlle LULrestricted right to

t or interference, being c·.~-. --- ·:cute; and if t h is right be

delegation OT otherwise,

which docs not "'"""t.niin..-1 mutual

that aevice b,· any""""'' ' T~t the-authority is ciesigned .. for the perpetuation of true religion of th . for the pr~s~rvatiou o~ .n pure orderly bodv of · earth . that 1t ts fully s uftictent for

p'Urposes intetideq, exteud to the per:sons, proper-~· of cou~i,@uce of men in :lll}"l:Wlc \vhat.eYer. '8. Thatthe onlv requisi~ l o)cllflrch Ju("mbers hip ure faith in Christ,

and obedience to.thegospcl.; that ft\ith in Christ necessnrily exists in CQII­uec~ion with the belicfln lihe fundiull.ent al truths o( christia.uity, and that .~el) to pre11cribc any other requisite of clmrch 111en\bcrship, is an assumptiou ".i of aut.tiority on the pllrt of the-<'lmrch. uuu a departure from tbe plan of the gospel. •

!l. Tbut the oftlcera of a ctittr cll nrc f lder11 and deacons; that e lders nr~ _> also ; tlutt al t!ldera are equal in rank. though>

since some may be the b~hops v~ c·hurche.'!, while others may be aimply elder!l, having \

of tho minh!ter of the gospel extends to t~aching not further ; t hat he cannot perform any ~

it,H.,.'ih • the cbu.rch, sucb a s t he reception of or· L!Je expulsion of offenders; th a t tul a

more t·hun a.my other member. and if he is be brought to trial before lilil hrethren;

same, manner as if he were 11 priTute d proper to call in advisory help, espe­upon a eharge of h eresy.

the i.mtueM!iou of a beUevet• in water. in the Son, and of the H oly Ghost.

Ol'dinanee t.o be observed in tbe cltnrclt

be set apart t.o their oftice b)· orc:Una­of the presbvten·, and prayer. \\-"itbout

adt'llin if<ltcr the or<l in_Rn"cs JlCrtainin~ to


Page 17: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

" ol



,. .

1. ,\·e believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely spired, and is a tl'easure of heavenly instruction; tb.at it has God for &\lthorJ salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error its matter; that it reveah the principles by which God wlll judge 'and therefore th'at it shall remain witl1 us to the end of time.._. the centre of christian w1ion, and the supreme standard to wJaich au couduct a nd opiuious should conform.

2. That there is on~ true and living God, whose name is J Maker and Ruler of H eave u and earth inexpreasibly worthy of all possible honor, confidence and distinction ofl!'ather, Son.and Jlilly. tion, and executing uiatinct but li ~nrJnonu redemption.

3. That man was created in a state of ker, but by volUJltl:try t ransgression in COlll!equence of which men are choice, Leing by nature utterh· of God, wholly given to the • .. .,.~ ............ .,. own sinful pass£ons, and therefore in without defence or excuse.

of sinners God, who His

Christ of Hisiulln \ s uch ~ believe that j · ~ of sin aJ eternal life

- cousuess, that it . in t>..omridcruLiou of ha\'c rloue, but . u rightcon~>ness that it hritJ~ u:; into a state of mos t. blessed peace aml fa

That the ble:i~in{,rs of salvation are tuadc free to ull by t.bt! unmedi:.w duty of a!l to receh·e t hem by a cordial t, and th at nothing prevents thet~alvatiou of the greatest

4 enrtu but lilil owu volunturv rdusal to submit to the Lord J e.o;ua which rl'fusal will subject l:iitu to au nggraY:tted conuenllliltiou.

7. Thut in orue• to be :-aved we must be regenerated or born Agaiu • l'CgCIIeratiou oousi.'! IS in giving a holy dispoSition to the mind, und iJI cd in u liiiUlllCr UW\'C our comprehension by the]Jower of the Holy Spirit, producing \'Oluntury obedience to thego~pel. aud that its }11'Vp!!re\·idetwc 1s fowul iu the holy lrui:Ech Wl! bring forth to God.

ti. That electiou ~is the iuu:i l?urpot~e of G6Xl, a ccording to which He rCb'Cnerutc:-. ::.aucti.fics un savt!::l :nnuers'; thut beu1g perfecth · ~istcut with the free ugcncy of DlAU it ooruprehench! aU the means with tlie end; tlklt it is a mos;. g lorious di:!play o!G<td's wise, l1olv, unchw1geabl1!; that h u tlcrl)' hu-mility, prarl'r, prnibl!, trust in God, and active l'Y ; that it "encouru~;C:i tltc U!<C oi means in the the fonuuutiuu uf cliti.~tiau assurance; and that t.u uurseh·cs, \lcmnnus uuu descn·es our utruOIIt.-

!J. 1'hat the preserviu~ ut.t.achmept of true grand mark which df8Wlguisbes th~JU u ~pcc..'ial pl't>\rirlcnee watchc~ onir their power of Uod through faith unto ,., ... v .........

10. That the In w or Goo ill that it iis holy ju~t aud good; ascribe:; to rLi'llcu man to fultlllit~ nrt~CIDfas of tlin, to deliver them h'OIIl tor~ to unfeigned obedience to of tne means of ~ace

11. That the tirst.duy of 1 tbnt it s hould be kept aacred J9 "ocular labor and recreation, ti'y grace, both p rivate a nd pubhc·, nncl utaint~ for t be p<'ople of Goo.

Page 18: · c~I~UTES.0 · · c~I~UTES.0 .. . nc~s. 1st. Invitation as giYen to minis~r·s of other 2rl. Called fqr Corresponrling Letters, and letter'S from 21 churches of the Association-the

'm ista ken in reg&-cl to the a l>o\'c m·ti· not-designed as a creed or rule

~w''"""· but mcTely u declaration of For we bold

O~AIN.ED ~I~OOS. ; ____.__


R. lf. Gray, Rcynoldf:. Gn. /
