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Civil Rights 1950’s.

Date post: 17-Jan-2018
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1947 April 15 1947- Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in Major League Baseball- plays for the Brooklyn Dodgers

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Civil Rights 1950s 1947 April Jackie Robinsonbreaks colorbarrier in MajorLeague Baseball-plays for theBrooklyn Dodgers Segregation in schools
1896- Plessey v Ferguson-separate but equal schools 1952 Brown v BOETopeka Kansas Thurgood Marshall-lawyer for the NAACPargued for Brown Court ruled in racialsegregation illegal inpublic schools 1955- Supreme Courtissued ruling instructingfederal courts to endschool segregation withall deliberate speed LindaBrown 1957 Little Rock 9 African Americans(Little Rock 9) went toan all white CentralHigh School Eisenhower orders the101 Airborne (1,000+soldiers) to protect State National Guardordered by governor tonot go. Montgomery Bus Boycott
Dec. 1, Rosa Parksarrested for not giving upher seat on bus to a whiteman. To protest her arrest,@50,000 AfricanAmericans boycotted bussystem.Boycott led by 26year old Martin LutherKing Jr. Boycott worked Nov Supreme Courtruled segregation lawsunconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1957 Made it a federal crimeto prevent qualifiedpersons from voting. Set up Civil RightsCommission 1960 strengthenedcourts power to protectvoting rights of AfricanAmericans 1960s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Nonviolent resistance orpassive resistance (likeGandhi in India) Student NonviolentCoordinating Committee(SNCC) Sit-ins at lunchcounters Freedom Rides Supported by JFK Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Freedom riders took bus tripsthrough the South to drawattention to Civil Rights lawviolations Busses were attack and firebombed 1962- University of Mississippi
James Meredith- 1st AfricanAmerican admitted to OleMiss Governor Ross Barnettrefused to allow Meredithin (was there in person toblock the door) JFK federal marshals,Meredith enrolled 1963 Medger Evers- NAACP Field Secretary assassinated
A 1961 protest in AlbanyGeorgia was nonviolent onboth sides- protesters andpolice. Birmingham 1963-muchdifferent Nonviolent protesters Police turned fire hoses on theprotesters MLK arrested, writes famousLetter from a BirminghamJail 1963 August 28, 1963- March on Washington
MLK gives I have adream speech 6frC7hboc 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 JFK wanted a Civil Rights billto pass, LBJ got it passed June Voter RegistrationDrives in Mississippi: FreedomSummer 3 college students disappeared:Andrew Goodman, MichaelSchwerner and James Chaney Bodies were found 6 weeks later Story became subject of movieMississippi 1965 Selma Alabama Protest march from Selma to Montgomery (March 1965)
Governor George Wallacebanned protest Police attack marchers More came to join march Shocked by violence- LBJpresses for a speedypassage of a voting rightsact in a joint session ofCongress Voting Rights Act of passes in August Nation of Islam Malcolm X (aka MalcolmLittle, son of a BaptistMinister) Supported separatism &freedom to be broughtabout by any meansnecessary Assassinated in February1965 Black Power Called for black separatism
David Dennis-June tiredof nonviolent approach Im sick and tired of going tothe funerals of black men whohave been murdered by whitemen. Ive got vengeance inmy heart tonight Stokley Carmichael wouldbecome associated with BlackPower movement The Black Panthers Liked Black Power message
Organized by Bobby Seale andHuey Newton in OaklandCalifornia Black people will not be freeuntil we are free to determineour own destiny. Called for: Land Bread Housing Education Clothing Justice Peace Bobby Seale Panthers today in Philadelphia on election day 2012
Panthers today inPhiladelphia on electionday 2012 Created black defensegroups dedicated todefending theircommunities.
Appeared in public carriedfirearms. (illegal inCalifornia at the time) Often made nationalheadlines 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign Ralph Abernathy
Marched to Capitol Hill toprotest misuse ofgovernment spending April 4, MLKassassinated in Memphis,Tennessee by James EarlRay. King was in Memphis tosupport a sanitationworkers strike.-gave aspeech at a dinner the nightbefore
