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Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and...

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Civil War • Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war 3) Evaluate the Emancipation Proclamation and whether it achieved the
Page 1: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Civil War • Objectives

1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South

2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war

3) Evaluate the Emancipation Proclamation and whether it achieved the goal of ending slavery in America.

Page 2: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

North/Union vs. South/Confederacy

North’s Advantages• Navy- can blockade S. to stop

European support• Industry- North can make war

materials (guns, clothes, trains)• Dollars- N. has 4x’s the wealth

of South• Population- 30 mil. in N vs. 8

mil. Whites in S.– ?Which advantage is most

important? Why?

South’s Advantages• Defensive War- South does not

have to take land• Officers- planter’s sons

educated at military schools• Revolution/Freedom- S.

believes in it’s cause• N. Disadvantage- can N.

overcome distances to invade S.– ?Which advantage is most

important to South

Page 3: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Border States- Slave States that stayed in the Union (considered first Union victory)

• Maryland– Habeas Corpus suspended

• Kentucky– Invaded by Union forces

• West Virginia• Importance of Border

States– Population– Food Production– Transportation

Page 4: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

EXIT TICKET• Objectives

1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South


Page 5: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Civil War • Objectives

Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war

Page 6: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

4 Major Battles of the CW1. Fort Sumter(Apr 1861)1st shots fired,

33 hours– Upper South Secedes

• ?Why does the Upper South secede after Fort Sumter?

2. 1St Bull Run- 1st major battle– 30K Union vs. 22K South• N. belief- war will be easy– Spectators watch

• S. Rout- N. beaten– ?What Southern advantage

allowed S. to win this battle?– Total War- total destruction

of enemy (N. realizes that is how to beat S. and slavery)

Page 7: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

War in the West• Gen. Ulysses S. Grant- most important

Union General– Character- poor student, alcoholic,

failure in civilian life• Positives- photogenic memory,

understood total warfare (destroying enemies will to fight, wear down enemy– *? Would you want this guy

as your leader?3. Battle of Shiloh- 1st total war battle

(23,000 casualties in 2 days)– *What does this battle show about

the south and their attitude towards war?

Page 8: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

4. Battle of Antietam- bloodiest 1 day battle in US history (23K casualties)

– Gen. Lee Invades Maryland/ North (North has been losing for two years, Lee hoping to get Europe to support South by making S. CW victory look inevitable)• Why is this a mistake for S?

– S. battle Plans- found by Northern soldier• What advantage does the north

have? • What advantage does the South


– Lee escapes• N. won the battle but was the

North really victorious? Explain?

Page 9: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Bloody Lane – Antietam

Page 10: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Emancipation Proclamation?What was the purpose of

the Civil War for Union?

• Antietam victory allowed the N. to feel it could win the CW

• “All slaves in areas of rebellion of free”– ?How many slaves did the

EP free?– ?Why is the EP important?

How does EP change the nature of the CW?

– Add answer to notes!

Page 11: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Exit Ticket• Objectives

Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war

Page 12: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Gettysburg and Vicksburg- two battles that allow the North to win the CW

• Vicksburg- city that held control of Miss. River

• Gen. Grant fights a 3 week battle and destroys city of Vicks. – Cuts S. in half

• How is this an example of Total Warfare?

• Gettysburg-Lee invades N again• Why is Lee at a disadvantage?

– Losses N- 23K, S 28K (1/3 of Lee’s troops)• Why is this battle such a devastating

defeat for S. and not so much for the North?

Page 13: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Election of 1864- only time a country has held a Presidential election during a Civil War

• Lincoln/Union Party- unites republicans and pro-war Dems– Andrew Johnson (Tn/D) Vice-President

• ?Why is the Vice-President so important?

• McClellan/Democrats- says war is a failure and Union should quit– Sherman captures Atlanta- shows Union

is winning– Army vote- overwhelmingly support

Lincoln• ?What does troop vote show about

their opinion on CW?– Emancipation- Electing Lincoln means

slavery will be abolished ?WHY?– 13th Amendment- abolishes slavery

Page 14: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Impact of War• Appomattox Courthouse- Apr. 1865 Lee

surrenders to Grant• Cost of War

– Lives- 600,000 dead– $20 bil (10x’s value of all slaves in South)– Industrialization- N. built factories to

provide for war• Creates an industrial base that will

make US a world economic power in late 1800’s

– Nationalism “The Unites States”– Spiritual- S. hurt, beaten, and humiliated

• Is making the S. feel bad for once having slaves the right course of action? Should the S. be punished?

• Who will the S. take their anger out on?

Page 15: Civil War Objectives 1)Identify and explain 2 key advantages of both North and South 2)Identify and explain the importance of 2 major battles of the war.

Exit Ticket1. Evaluate the

Emancipation Proclamation and whether it achieved the goal of ending slavery in America.
