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civils in telugu

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  • 8/13/2019 civils in telugu


    ITCSA stands for Indian Telugu Civil Servants Association. It is the informal group of Civil Servants hailing from Andhra Pradesh working

    in different parts of India and abroad. The idea was conceived on 9th November, 2006 by Telugu Civil Servants of 80 Foundation Course

    (LABASNAA, Mussorie). The association uses web-based Google Group named ITCSA as the major platform for interaction among

    members. Anyone can interact with ITCSA members at: www.itcsa.blogspot.com or [email protected]

    ITCSA (Indian Telugu Civil Servants Association)

    Thursday, July 25, 2013

    How to prepare for Civil service Mains( New pattern)-for telugu medium aspirants

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    1. .. ?

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    2. . , .

    3. ( , , , , , .

    .. ? , . .

    1. -1 . . , , - , , . .

    2. . , , .

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    2. . , ? .

    3. .

    4. . .

    : -3 ( -2) 250 : ( ), ( ), (), ( ), ( )

    -2 , , . -2 .


    1. - , .. 1858 1947 . 1919, 1935 . (Preamble), (Funda-mental Rights), (DirecvePrinciples) , . V, VI, VI I, X, XI, XI I . , . : I ntroducon to the Constuon of I ndia, 20th edion. D. D.Basu

    2. , , ..

    , , , , (quasi federal nature) . 73, 74 . : I ntroducon to the Constuon of I ndia, 20th edion

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    3. .. (Montes-quieu) . . , , , . . : Introducon to Polical Theory, 4th edion, Gauba.

    4. - ..

    , . . , , , , ( ), . - , , - . : - , - , - , , . : Comparave Government and polics, 8th edion, Rod Haque and Marn Harrop.

    5. , : , . , . . : Our Parliament, Naonal Book Trust.

    6. (execuve), (judiciary) , .. , , , , . , ,

    . , , , . (judicial review), ( judicial acvism) . : Indian Administraon, Fadia, and Fadia.

    7. .. . , , . : hp://www.lawmin.nic.in/

    8. , , , .. , , , , , , , , , , , . , , . : I ndian Administraon

    9. , , .. , (Planning Commission) . . ,

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    () . , . (RBI ), SEBI , I RDA, Bar Council of India, Medical cou-ncil of India, AICTE , . : , ..

    10. (Government Policies), .. . ; ; , ; , ; ( ). , , . : Public Policy: Formulaon and Evaluaon, R.K.Sapru.

    11. , .. , (NGOs) . (SHGs) . ( ) , . : Development Administraon, R.K.Sapru.

    12. - ... , , , , , . . ; ; ; (



    : India Yearbook, 2013-chapter on Welfare programmes.

    13. (social sector services) , .... ; ; , , , . , , , . ( ), ( ) .





    14. ... , , , . , . , . : ,





    - . , , , , . , .

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    : Public Administraon, Avasthi & Maheswari.

    16. ... . . , , . ( )




    . . , . . - ; - . : India's Foreign policy, Sumit Ganguly.

    18. , , - .. NAM, SAARC, BRI CS, G20. : , ..

    19. , , ... . . : , ..

    20. ... ( ), UNDP, WHO, UNESCO . ; , . : Internaonal Organizaons, Clive Archer. . . .

    -4 ( -3) 250

    : (), , ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).

    - 10 . 125 . , . . .


    1. , , . . , , , 12 .

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    2. , . , , . (short notes).3. . . , , , , , .

    4. , , 13 , 14 .5. , , , , , , , .6. , , . . ( ), .7.




    , .8. , , , , . , , , , , .9. . . .10.



    , . - . ' ' .11. 1991 .. . , , , , . 1948, .

    12. - () . ,






    13. - . : Indian Economy: MI SHRA & P URI , 30th edion.Agriculture Economics: Sadhu & Singh.

    Public finance: Musgrave & Musgrave.

    India Infrastructure Report 2012

    Industrial Economics: Cherunilam

    Indian Economy: 22nd Edion, Uma Kapila & Raj Kapila.

    Economics of Development and Planning: M.L.Jhingan.

    : ,

    1. -2 . .


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    . (20, 50, 150, 350 ) . . . . . .

    3. , . ; , ; , , . .

    4. , , , , .

    5. , , , .

    6. , . , , , , , . .

    : , ; , , -1 I RNSS, -2, . - 3, . , .7. , , , , .8. . . (, , , ) . -, ,, , .9. , . , , , . ? , .10. , , . :Science Reporter, Discovery, Hindu environmental survey, India year book. : .

    , , 1. ? ? : , . ? ? .

    2. , , , , .

    3. .. 9, 10, 11 .


    4. , , (), (), ( ) . : hp://www.mha.gov.in/

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    , :

    , . . , , . . . , . : Development Challenges in Extremist Affected Areas, Planning commission report. , : , , , , , ( ), . , , , , , . : India's Security challenges at home and abroad, C.Raja Mohan and Ajai Sahni 2012.


    1. , , - , . ( ) . , , . . . . : Indian Administraon, Fadia & Fadia. 2. India's internal security challenges, Ved Marwah.2. - (2002) . .. . ? ? . : hp://www.lawmin.gov.in/ , ; : , ; , . , , . . :Indian foreign policy and contemporary security challenges, Mukherjee and Malone.

    , :1. ( ), - (), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).2. , , , , . , .

    : hp://www.mha.gov.in/

    , : . . . .

    -5 ( -4) -250The file was converted using http://www.convertapi.com Please purchase credits to remove this text http://www.convertapi.com/prices

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    : (Ethics), (Integrity), (Aptude) 70 . ( ) -4 . . - ..

    3. , (Aptude and Foundaonal Values for Civil Service): . . , . . . : , , , , , , . . . :New Horizons Of Public Administraon, Mohit Bhaacharya (Latest Edion).

    4. (Emoonal intelligence) - , : (Emoonal Intelligence) . , . , - , .

    - (Aributes):1. (Self Awareness).2. (Self Management).3. (Social Awareness).4. (Relaonship Management). ; , ; . .




    2. , 3. (communicate) 4. 5. , (posive) . . Emoonal Intelligence . :Emoonal Intelligence And The Construcon And Regulaon of Feelings, Mayer & Salovey, 1995)

    6. , (Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administraon): , , ; , , ; , , (Conscience), ,; ; ; .

    . . , , . . , . , .


    , . , , . ,

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    . . ( , , ..) , , . . :1. New Horizons Of Public Admini-straon, Mohit Bhaacharya. 2. News Papers, Magazines.

    7. /(Probity in Governance):; , ; , , , , , ( ), , , , . , ? , ? . . , . ( ) . , . . , ,

    . . . . , . , , , . ( , ) . :Public Administraon, Avasthi & Maheswari

    8. (Case Studies):A)


    :(Ethics, I ntegrity) .

    . . . . .. , . . . ? , . .

    1. .



    .2. . . .3. , . .

    B) ( ) UNRWA (United NaonsRelief And Work Agency) . : , . . , , , , ( ) .

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    Sadhu Narasimha Reddy IRS at 4:29 PM

    (Social Intelligence).. . : . .. , .. (Atude) . . . .


    Source : www.sakshi.com


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    1 comment:

    Narendra Babu September 21, 2013 at 10:18 PM

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