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CKX: Wellbeing Toronto - More Than Just a Map

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CKX Summit Wellbeing Toronto: Lessons Learned November 20, 2014

CKX SummitWellbeing Toronto: Lessons Learned

November 20, 2014

Page 2

Toronto: a city of neighbourhoods

Source: Ontariotravel.net

What is a neighbourhood?




Page 8

What is a neighbourhood?

Neighbourhoods are historical, social, ethno-cultural and perceptual constructs

defining part of an urban area.

They are assigned an identity by the people who work, play and live in them. In a

few cases, identity is manufactured, as in the case of neighbourhood names

created by real estate boards or government planners (“Regent Park”).

Such identity is often based around landmarks (“the clocktower”, “high park”),

institutions (“the hospital”), ethnic affiliation (“little Italy”) or sometimes historical


Strongly associated with history and tradition – hence controversial.

Boundaries are often vague and disputed; everyone has a slightly different idea

of the edges of a neighbourhood.

GIS does not support fuzzy boundaries or trinary logic very well.

Demographic change can be rapid, and GIS administrators struggle to keep up.

Wellbeing Toronto is new web-tool that helps measure & monitor community

wellbeing across 140 neighbourhoods.

A support tool for staff and Council in the development of policies and programs

that require a place-based neighbourhood perspective.

A multi-year long-term indicators tool that provides a common fact base across

both neighbourhoods, and over time.

Consolidates a variety of City operational metrics, socio-demographics and

infrastructure service data.

A system-level lens at addressing neighbourhood issues.

Data from many different sources both internally (across Divisions) and

externally (Statistics Canada).

Open Data Open Mapping Open Analysis.

Built on community & stakeholder input.

Page 9

Wellbeing Toronto: What is it?

Page 10



Background: Old SNTF Report

Key Outcome from Strong Neighbourhoods Task Force:

Established legitimacy of analysis and targeted investment at the neighbourhood level

Achieved through:

Development of fact base to inform the identification of service inequities

New method for measuring service accessibility

Overlaid service accessibility information with demographic data

Result central to the identification of 13 priority areas

Now lays the foundation for new system of monitoring wellbeing across all neighbourhoods

Page 11

New web tool that helps measure neighbourhood wellbeing.

Select indicators and see your results instantly on a map, graph or table.

Combine and weight data to suit your own needs.

Improves decision-making, and government transparency when a place-based lens is needed.

Leverages & consolidates data across “silos”.

A collaborative Open Data approach, full range of indicators across domains, value-free, and accessed for free.

LESSON: Set your goals clearly. Free or paid? Internal or external users? Management or frontline staff? Simple or complex? One-use or multi-function?

This dictum is easier to write than to follow given competing partner interests (more later).

Page 12

Background: New SNTF Project Goals

Page 13



Operational Metrics

Human Services Infrastructure


Neighbourhood Well-Being Indices

Fires, shootings, voter participation, program registrants, etc.

Schools, libraries, recreation centres, etc.

Age, sex, income, education, etc.

Housing Environment Health Safety Education

Civics Transport Recreation Culture Economics

Page 15

Lessons Learned 1: Finding Builders

Complicated City of Toronto RFP process – expedited and finished in 3 months (a

record, believe it or not). Sole source vendor did not work out.

LESSON: Go open RFP, there are tonnes of hidden startups that do amazing

work… often for cheap. More established players can be slow.

RFP terms included ownership of final software code + warranty.

LESSON: don’t get locked into vendor “loss leader” strategies of cheap upfront

and very expensive maintenance/proprietary code, like municipalities usually do.

Avoid the software “black box” phenomena; vendors move on, black boxes are

impossible to repair or upgrade without the original designers. (cf. Grantium)

Extensive work with Legal and City’s IT Legal team to get RFP and final contract.

LESSON: Budget 1 year for large government organization to get full

RFC/RFP/Contract done. If less, consider yourself lucky.

LESSON: IT Lawyers will understand the intricacies of software design contracts

much better than regular lawyers. Know the difference, get a specialist.

Our Partners

Page 16

-FindHelp Toronto


-School Boards


- United Way

- St. Christopher


- CRICH at St.

Michael's Hospital

- Social Planning


- Housing



- Toronto Community


- Woodgreen

Community Services

- Wellesley Institute

- Academia

- Citizenship Immigration Canada

- Statistics Canada


-McMaster University (Health)

-Ryerson University (Geography,

Journalism, Politics, Public Policy,

Urban & Regional Planning)

-St Michael’s Hospital

-University of Toronto (Geography,

Medicine, Planning, Social Work)

-Wellesley Institute

-York University (Geography)


Shelter &


Emp. &




Forestry &






Police, Fire

City Mgr




Orders of






Geo Spatial


Centre (Infrastr.)

Wellbeing Toronto


Public Health


Development, &



Page 17

Lessons Learned 2: Working With Partners

Few people can do this alone: nobody has ALL THE DATA. However, Design by

Committee is not the goal. Partners must be subordinate.

LESSON: Find lots of partners but don’t let them run the show. Offer functionality

and assistance in geo-enabling their data in exchange for raw data.

• Data collated by City’s social policy unit, sourced from dozens of other groups.

Consultations with each expert group and data provider to make them

comfortable with sharing their data, that their needs will be met.

• LESSON: Assuage data provider fears long before release date.

• FAILURE: Miscommunication with TDSB resulted in educational indicators being

pulled, still trying to reintegrate them 3 years later.

• LESSON: Get raw data at the lowest level of geography (points) whenever

possible. Easy to aggregate higher, impossible to disaggregate lower.

• LESSON: Determine optimal geography; very hard to support every possible

level of geography. We chose neighbourhoods. Others may choose wards or

postal codes, but know the strengths and weaknesses of each.

• FAILURE: Corporate brand standards & corporate IT standards. Talk to these

people long before so that the necessary approvals get done early on.

Page 18


Under the Wellbeing Hood - City’s Geospatial Environment

Page 19


o Street Fabric

o Address Repository

o Cadastral Fabric

o Operational/Administrative Areas - Police Patrol Areas, …

o Addresses of Business/Operational Interest - Fire/Police/Ambulance stations, …

o Ortho Imagery

o Topographic Mapping


o ArcGIS Server 9.3 Map Services

o Cached/Tiled Map Service

o Dynamic Map Service

City’s Geospatial Environment – Architecture

Page 20

Client Tier

GIS Desktop Clients (ArcGIS, ArcExplorer,

MapInfo GeoMedia,




Web Tier


Logic Tier

Data Tier



Web Servers





InternetIBM HTTP


Sun Solaris

InternetIBM HTTP


Sun Solaris

IntranetIBM HTTP


Sun Solaris

IntranetIBM HTTP


Sun Solaris


Sun Solaris


Sun Solaris


Sun Solaris


Sun Solaris


ArcGIS Server

Sun Solaris *


ArcGIS Server

Sun Solaris *

Unix Oracle



Primary View ArcSDE Oracle


Sun Solaris



Oracle Spatial

Sun Solaris

* In 2010 Replaced by

Four MS Windows


GCC Management

IAG Management

Maintenance ArcSDE Oracle


Sun Solaris

Wellbeing Toronto Leverages City’s Geospatial Environment

Page 21

City Components used in Wellbeing

REST Map Service • Base Map & Imagery

• Reference Layers (Addresses of Business/Operational Interest)

• Neighborhood Layer ( Operational/Administrative Layer)

REST Locate


• One string Search

• For Address, Intersection, Name

• Soundex

REST DB Connect


• Access indicators from DB

• Websphere connection pooling instead of JDBC connect.

Display in Wellbeing

REST Service for Neighborhood –

Dynamic AGS Map Service

Used as a Feature Layer on the client side –

allows mouse over

REST Service for Reference Layers –

Dynamic AGS Map Service

Used as a Dynamic layer on the client side

Page 22

Lessons Learned 3 – Techie Stuff

Detail specific functionality; blue-skying does not yield optimal results. Focus on

no more than 5 major features for the builder to implement.

• Back-end server implementation performed by the City’s Geospatial Competency

Centre (ArcGIS Server 9.3.1, SDE, Websphere, Java REST interfaces).

• Front-end developed by Azavea, a cutting-edge web map developer from

Philadelphia (JS, JQuery, OpenLayers, Raphael, etc.).

• LESSON: One central developer; One central system integrator.

• Learn existing system architecture first, builder must adapt to it. Easy to build

from scratch, much harder to fit into existing older systems. (startup mentality will

seriously irritate established Corporate IT developers).

• Dev, Test & Production environment mismatches have to be tested long before.

Vendor and corporate test environments may seem similar but have huge

differences (eg, Websphere 6 versus Websphere 7).

• LESSON: First-day demand is always crazy; get ready for crashes. The web app

developer’s dream – and nightmare – is that everyone in the world will want to

see the app on the first day. Plan failover and get your app on clustered servers.

Page 23

Lessons Learned 3b – Techie Stuff

• Security is not an after-thought for large organizations; penetration testing is long

and expensive. In our case it revealed a serious flaw in ArcGIS Server which was

referred to ESRI in Redlands for fixing. Took a lot of time.

• LESSON: Make time for security flaws.

• New Javascript and HTML5 functionality can help avoid proprietary standards

such as Flash or Silverlight. Consider using open-source components to help with

code ownership. In our case these were OpenLayers, Git, Ant, kTable, Raphael,

geotools, and more.

• LESSON: don’t get locked into proprietary web tech; it changes too fast.

• Initial browser targeting was for IE8, Firefox 5, Chrome 8. We’re now on IE11,

Firefox 33, Chrome 38…along with all the changes that brought. WT still works.

• LESSON: Plan for rapid change in browser tech. Ideally plan an upgrade cycle in

advance of launch and budget for it with your vendor/partners.

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Page 25

Indicator – a piece of data associated with some phenomena in real life, and in this case

assigned a geographic location (neighbourhood). Eg, an Indicator of Violent Crime shows

the frequency of violent crimes in a geographic area such as a neighbourhoods or wards.

Composite Index – several indicators added together. In order to be added together

(composited), indicators have to be normalized. It’s an index because it serves to indicate

some relation between two or more phenomena. Now called Combined Indicators.

Normalization – the process of standardizing data so that it can be compared. For example,

tree coverage may be in hectares while crimes may be counts of incidents. Those are

different things, but using normalization calculations they can be compared.

Time series – a collection of data for specific points in time. Eg, crime rates in 2001, 2006

and 2011. Time series have to be normalized to be comparable.

Weighting – giving less or more importance to an indicator. Eg, if you feel that Premature

Mortality is more important than # of TTC Stops, you can give it a heavier weight in the

calculations that create the Composite Index. In WT weighting is controlled by the user.

Reference Layers – the streets, churches, comm centres, etc. that you see in the background

of the main map. These can be lines (eg, streets), polygons (eg, wards) or points (eg,



Page 26

Base Map – the background map. It can show either streets or aerial imagery.

Metadata – data about data. Metadata gives you info about when an indicator was collected,

who did the collection, the source, the methods and other information.

Currency – how current a particular indicator may be, usually expressed as a date or year.

Eg, “the currency of the Library data is 2008”. This can usually be found in the metadata.

Histogram – a histogram is a bar chart that shows the distribution of values in a dataset. For

example, when looking at the Seniors Living Alone indicator, most of the values are in the

1-40 range, with only a few in the 41-100 range. The histogram shows this distribution


Scaling/Scoring – a normalization process that converts raw indicator data to a scale of 1-100

used in Wellbeing Toronto. If everything is scaled to 1-100 it can be added and compared.

Data values can either be raw or a score which uses a 1-100 scale.

Polarity – whether something is negative or positive. A positive indicator might be Voting

Turnout, while a negative one might be Premature Mortality. Some indicators - like Social

Housing or Businesses – can be ambiguous or controversial, so in WT the user sets the

polarity of indicators according to their own preferences.


Page 27


Any number.

Eg, 214 people or 130.5 hectares of


Not normalized, cannot be added


Scale is indefinite (-billion to


Not compared to anything.


1 to 100 only.

Eg, 52 or 89.

Normalized, can be added together.

Scale is always 1 to 100, with 1 being a

low amount of something and 100

being a large amount of something.

Each neighbourhood value is compared

to the other 139 neighbourhoods.


Page 28

Reference Period – a grouping of data sets

that contains data from several similar years.

We cannot collect data fast enough to have

annual data sets for each indicator, so we

have to group them together.

The Canadian Census takes place only once

every 5 years.

Wellbeing Toronto will try to align reference

periods with the Census (eg, 2011, 2016,

2021) to show change over time.

A time series is a special set of indicators that

shows percentage (%) change for indicators

between two reference periods (eg, 2008-

2011 or 2011-2016)


Page 29

• The problem of value ranges in multi-year datasets complicates indexing.

• If you adjust for changing ranges for each year, previous values are incomparable.

• If you don’t adjust, values will inevitably fall outside defined range at some point.

• If value scores are incomparable, they cannot be added to make a composite index.

• Our solution: Wellbeing Toronto v2 will use adjusted % Change Values as “raw values”, which are then converted to the standard 1-100 score.

• Most phenomena fall within a -100% to +100% range. Anything outside of this range is compressed to -100% or +100%.

• The % change values are converted to the 1-100 score, then mapped.

• The time series indicators show how much or how little change there is over time.

• For actual raw values (not percentages), use the indicators for each individual year.





raw % change

…+100,000%-100% +100%




Final score

Adjusted % change


POLARITY (cardinality)

Page 31

Polarity inverts the score of a scaled indicator on the 1-100 scale.

Example :

1. Neighbourhood Alpha

Indicator 1 Positive original score = 50

Indicator 2 Negative original score = 20 inverted score = 80

Indicator 3 Positive original score = 80

Indicator 4 Negative original score = 5 inverted score = 95

Original composite index: 50 + 20 + 80 + 5 / 4 = 39

Composite index with polarity: 50 + 80 + 80 + 95 / 4 = 76

(assuming equal weighting)

The Composite Index Explained

Page 32

How the Composite (user) Index is built:

Raw hood aggregates 0-100 scale 1-100 scale weighted

composite index

0-100 scaled value = a = 100 * ( (raw value – minimum) / range)

1-100 scaled value = b = a + ( (100 – a) / 100)

Composite Index (inside app) = (v1 * w1) + (v2 * w2) / (w1 + w2)

Weighting options in the app are 0-5 (0=off, 1=lowest, 5=highest)

Page 33

Lessons Learned 4 – Difficult Concepts

• LESSON: FAQs, documentation and help files are a must…but nobody will read

them. Hands-on training is best: time-consuming but think of it as advertising.

• Videos are great and can be generated with a moderate amount of work using

cheap video tools like Camtasia Recorder.

• LESSON: Always label your data with currency (what year/time period it is valid

for), when it was published, when it becomes obsolete or superceded (if

possible). It’s frustrating to look at data and then only later realize it’s from 1998.

• Indicators that have time series that are meant to be compared on a common

scale (index value) will have problems as dataset ranges change.

• FAILURE: no easy solution to data time series bounding problem.

• Expect users to be baffled by even simple-sounding concepts like ‘average’ or

‘scale’. Try to eliminate technical jargon if you can. Get a layperson friend or 5 to

preview the app/data before launch and watch their reaction.

• LESSON: if your app is complex, keep an area of the interface for simple

operations for those people who don’t want complexity. Foldouts for more

complex operations for expert users. They know how to open a tab.

Page 34


Data Quality Techniques

Page 35

Wellbeing Toronto indicators are assessed for:

Accessibility: data can be obtained easily and at an affordable cost.

Comparability: can be related to other indicators and standardized.

Consistency: geographically spread and does not change much over time.

Credibility: believable to domain experts and comes from a reliable source.

Relevance: indicator measures progress towards a goal, not just random

number-counting. It resonates with the audience, both public and expert.

Measurability: indicator can be framed as a number, percentage or proportion.

Validity: the indicator measures what it is intended to measure and not a by-

product/proxy. Well-grounded in theory and fact. Can be defended and justified

in logical or scientific terms.

Page 36

Lessons Learned 5 – Data

• Everybody wants a tonne of data; what if you get it? Be careful what you wish for.

• LESSON: Have a system in place for handling large amounts of heterogenous

data. We settled on a custom app, the Bulk Loader.

• Cleaning & verifying data will take a lot of your time. Most people do not work in

nice clean Excel sheets or XML feeds, and their datasets will reflect a variety of

formats, systems, management techniques. Get ready for a big mess.

• Even good data may not be appropriate for the work you are doing or the app you

are developing.

• LESSON: Have sorting and selection criteria for your data. But don’t be a

perfectionist, there’s no such thing as perfect data (cf. Google Maps). Good-

Enough Data is still suitable for everything short of an academic scientific test.

• LESSON: Learn to live with data discontinuity. Datasets die, methodologies

change, people move on, organizations merge, SQL queries get lost.

• LESSON: Ask for detailed documentation from data providers (down to SQL

queries and definitions of terms if possible). Metadata is king.

Bulk Loader

Page 37

Research team is working on a bulk loading tool that will allow anyone to

upload raw data and turn it into a Wellbeing Toronto indicator. This is

probably the system that will be used for Grants and Crisis in the future.

Page 38

Lessons Learned 5b – Data

• 2006 and 2011 Census and NHS are not truly comparable.

• LESSON: Know your data, plan for data time-series incompatibility. It happens.

• LESSON: If you rely on the Census, synchronize your data collection with the

Census; every 5 years, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021, etc.

• Wellbeing Toronto was designed for 5-year time intervals, but there is huge

pressure to present annual data. System not built for it, difficult to get annual or

monthly data (eg, Census).

• LESSON: Plan your time series. How often is your data going to be updated?

What if that time period changes? Amazon can afford by-the-pico-second

transactional systems, but can you?

• FAILURE: Communicating complex concepts to the general public (eg,

Composite Index or Polarity).

• Some geographies are so small (eg, Dissemination Areas) that they incur

suppression or don’t have enough data points to create a statistically-valid


• LESSON: Average datasets over multiple years for small datasets and small

geographies, or pick a larger geography.

Page 39


Like any data resource, there can be mis-use or errors in usage:

Combining indicators and assuming causation.

Ecological Fallacy: making incorrect inferences about individuals based on group data. Don’t assume neighbourhood data is exactly the same across the entire neighbourhood.

Don’t assume that the greater presence of service locations means that “an area is well served”.

WT presents mostly raw count data; it is up to the user to normalize it for population, area, etc.

Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP): point data aggregated to polygon areas can become distorted. Point data sitting right on the intersection of polygon boundaries can be averaged out. Eg, 5 poor areas + 1 rich area can create a “rich” neighbourhood.

Simpson’s Paradox: in some cases aggregation can reverse the signs of causality. For detailed analysis, data may have to be partitioned below the neighbourhood level.

Ignoring change if the data is available. Some indicators fluctuate wildly year to year (eg, Murders).

Page 40



All indicators will be accompanied by descriptions of the data.

Embedded links to data providers have detailed methodological notes which should be read by all practitioners.

Detailed guidebook is available including FAQ.

It is best to present sound data and good notation to user community openly; this fosters healthy debate on neighbourhood issues.

Explanatory videos if possible.

Run workshops for all interested organizations. Explore use of corporate training facilities and train-the-trainer options.

For more detailed analysis, download the data. The app is not a substitute for complex desktop applications like SAS.

Always be open to user suggestions, data & indicator requests.

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Page 42

Successful launch in 2011, upgraded in 2013.

Steady demand over the 3 years, about 5X more visitors to Wellbeing Toronto than to old demographics portal, though it has tailed off.

Fair reception in newspapers and online; some criticism.

Won 4 awards so far: Corporate IT Award of Excellence, MISA Excellence in Municipal Systems Partnership Award, IPAC Finalist Award, federal GTEC Distinction Award.

Set a new, high standard for web mapping interfaces inside the Corporation.

Feedback received via email, phone and the online survey.

Biggest criticism was about neighbourhood names.

Browser technology has advanced very quickly (Chrome v9 Chrome v26)

2012 User Acceptance Testing showed weaknesses in some parts of the user experience; problem hopefully mitigated by instructional videos.

Still receiving feedback from experts on how to improve certain indicators.


Page 43





9% User Type








6% Functionality


No change



9% Amount of Data

About Right

Too little

Too much


6% Tutorials

Needs work



n = 36


Page 44



Mean: 6.3 (average)

Mode: 8.0 (most common)

Median: 7.0 (middle of list)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8










Most Popular Domains

Written/Oral Feedback:

• Want information about points

• Want “normalization by X”

• Want polarity

• Want more current data (eg, Census 2011)

• Want more features

Page 45

Lessons Learned 6 – Users

• A lot of people use Wellbeing Toronto… few understand it.

• LESSON: Train, train, train your users if the app is multi-function or make it a 1-

function app. Provide workshops for complex apps.

• Our intended target was researchers and City staff; our biggest users turned out

to be average citizens, according to an online feedback survey.

• LESSON: “The street finds its own use for things.” Your userbase may end up

being different from your intended one. Survey your users if you can, they may

tell you things about your data or app that never occurred to you.

• FAILURE: To this day, 3 years later, people are still amazed that the City of

Toronto came up with an app like Wellbeing Toronto. They had never heard of it

before. Word-of-mouth only gets you so far.

• LESSON: Advertise your app. If you’re a large organization, have a

communication strategy.

• FAILURE: People want video. We tried but did not have time to create a series of

explanatory videos to assist new users.

Page 46

Key Lessons

• Avoid black box software development.

• Find as many partners as you can handle. Everyone has data!

• Metadata is critical; time series always need meticulous data documentation.

• Trade data and functionality (can I map this for you?) with partners.

• Find your level of geography and stick to it.

• Have one central data collator, person and system.

• Advertise and explain your app beyond just a FAQ.

• Prepare a data management system beforehand.

• Get raw data as points whenever possible.

• Use open source technologies.

• Get your statistics straight.

• Learn to manage less-than-perfect data.

Hunting Data in the Digital Jungle


For more information contact:

Mat Krepicz

Senior Analyst

Telephone: 416-392-3143

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

