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CKY Newsletter 2nd edition

Date post: 01-Aug-2016
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1 PO LEUNG KUK CHOI KAI YAU SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 June 2016 IN THIS ISSUE 14th Anniversary Open Day PAGE 1 World Scholar’s Cup PAGE 3 Confucius Teaching PAGE 4 IB Art Exhibition PAGE 6 Sports News PAGE 8 Study Tour PAGE 10 Alumni News PAGE 12





IN THIS ISSUE 14th Anniversary Open Day


World Scholar’s CupPAGE 3

Confucius TeachingPAGE 4

IB Art Exhibition PAGE 6

Sports News PAGE 8

Study Tour PAGE 10

Alumni News PAGE 12



The second edition of our CKY Newsletter is now published online. I am grateful for our teachers and students’ dedication and hard work. Their articles and reflections have certainly revealed the different aspects of school life with which our joy is shared and achievements celebrated.

Head Principal, Dr. Lau Siu Ling

Principal's Words

It seems it has been no more than a blink of an eye, and yet our 14th academic year is coming to its end and our 15th school year is about to begin. Our Speech Day, as well, is fast approaching and before long, we will be celebrating the graduation of our fourth cohort of students. Whether time sits still or passes by at lightning speeds hinges on how purposefully we choose to live our lives, and I hope we will continue to learn from our experiences and past mistakes. I am happy to see that the communal spirit is well founded and cherished in CKY, where magnanimous support and help is always at hand. I hope our students will extend the camaraderie they enjoy at school wherever they go and with whomever they meet..

14thAnniversaryOpenDay Open Day… Twowordswhichconjureupmixedfeelingsamong the school commu-nity. Happiness and joy, for exam-ple, mingled with wonder, pride,even nostalgia, and closely fol-lowed by exhausCon! Open Day isone date in the school calendarwhere CKY opens its doors to anassortment of visitors, includingspecial guests from Po Leung Kuk,an impressive army of supporCveparents, a bevy of rapidly over-grown alumni, and a large dash ofprospecCveparentsandYear1stu-dentswhowere allwondering thesame thing ‘would we be happycomingtothisschool?’

Theirques7onwasansweredresounding-lyifourstudents’fabulousperformanceswere anything to go by. Awide array ofschool orchestras, wind-bands, choirs,dance groups, and hand-bell teamsshowcased their skills during spectacularpieces.Parentsandcoachesbeamedwithpride, andonlookers gawpedat theper-formers’ precocious talent. That some-thing in this school,which every child isgoodat,isoHenfoundintheperformingarts,asshownbytheplethoraofmusicaland dance performances that receivedrapturousapplauseonOpenDay.

Performing arts are not the only field inwhichourstudentsexcel.Sportsfeaturedheavily throughoutOpenDay,with foot-ball,basketballandvolleyballallowingforsomefriendlycompe77onsbetweenstu-dent and parent-teacher teams.Althoughtheparentsand teacherswereoHende-cidedly thrashed, sportfixturesofferedawelcomeopportunityforplayerstobond(andforadultstotakemoreexercise),allinthenameoffun!

Friendly compe77onwas foundnotonlyon the spor7ng pitches or at the swim-ming gala. There was healthy rivalryamong around forty game boothswhichdoRed along the ground floor. Strollingthrough the en7cing and occasionallyingenious games brought out the innerchild in each of us; one who longed forandlovedthefunfair!Boothsbrandishedcuddly toys and other big prizes to cap-tureaRen7onandtemptgameplayerstopartwiththeir7ckets.

Jason ChinSenior Teacher

Page 1

The interac7ve classrooms allowedvisitors to gain a glimpse into howlearning at CKY is both exci7ng andfun. Laboratory demonstra7ons re-vealing the wonders of Science in-spired‘oohs’and‘ahs’amongthepar-7cipants,whileArtofferedvisitorstheopportunity to ‘Picasso their face’.Dramaperformancesentertainedandamused, as did Library storytelling inthe reading garden (a garden whichreclaimed its intendeduseback fromthe IB students, who seem to havemarked the territoryas their chill-outspace…).

Aday’sworthofboothplaying, inter-ac7ve learning, sports specta7ng andperformance apprecia7on leH manyvisitors in need of food and nourish-ment. JuniorMasterChef in theFoodTechnology roomproducedadelight-ful spread of tasty dishes, preparedand cooked by our very ownGordonRamsays and Nigella Lawsons in themaking. Café on the Hill faced s7ffcompe77on not only from the snackshop,butalsoanewkidontheblock,Pizza Express. The pizza stand had aroaring trade and happily donated acertain amount of profits to the CKYfundraiser.Each7cketbookletboughtwasanindirectdona7ontotheschoolfundraiser – funds which will enableCKY to con7nue inves7ng inexcellentschoolfacili7esforourstudents.

Put simply, there seemed to be somuch going on during Open Day;morethancouldpossiblybe includedin this one ar7cle. And we are yeteven tomen7onmorning exercise. Arite of passage for every Year 1 stu-dent on Open Day (photos of whichalumni oHen reminisce, laugh orslightly cringe over), the choreo-grapheddanceandchantsofover170six-year-olds leH the audience withfacial expressions which alternatedbetween a broad smile and that dis-7nctfacewhichsays‘oh,bless..!’.

Ittookmonthstoplanand7ringworkon the day from everyone involved.But a milestone event such as OpenDaycelebratedthe14thAnniversaryofthe school’s founding, as well aseverything that is great about CKY.Diverse student talent, strong parentsupport, close year-level and depart-mental teams, all coming togetherasoneschoolcommunity,toshoweveryvisitorthefinestofwhataCKYeduca-7onisallabout.


Text Box
14th Anniversary Open Day
Text Box
Saturday 19th March 2016

Open Day English

The English department succeed-edinrunningaboothaswellasanEnglish game room forOpenDay.In the boothwe encouraged con-testants to try their luck in“Char-acter Pong” where they werecheeredonastheyneededtogetthe ping pong ball to land intoempty cups in one bounce. Thisbrought tremendous amount ofjoy to each and every person!Everycuphada famouswriteronit and allowed the contestants anopportunity todelve into the fan-tas7chistoryofsomeof themostsuperb books that grace ourshelves.

Equally, our English room of-feredmany a laugh and enjoy-ment as those who enteredweretreatedtoanarrayofdif-ferent games ranging from Pinthe quill on Shakespeare, DiskThrow (where a contestantthrew disks onto story charac-ters and aRempted to namethem), and “Funwith Phonics”where people iden7fied andmatched an object with thecorrect phone7c sounds. Thedepartment also played Mixand Match with the students,which tested the memory ofanyonewhotriedtheirhand

Overall, the kids really engagedwith games in an atmospherewhere they not only had the op-portunity to experience learningwith their parents, but also tohavefunatthesame7me.

Orchestra Performance

The orchestra performancewas a great suc-cess. On the day, we performed ‘Selec7onsfromWest Side Story’, which comes from apopular movie. West Side Story is a tragicstory,andthedarktheme,sophis7catedmu-sic,extendeddancescenes,andfocusonso-cial problems marked a turning point inAmerican musical theater. In our perfor-mance,wefocusedonconveyingthesadnessof thestory. It turnedout tobeagreat suc-cess,theperformancewasverymoving.

Open Day Biology

Have you ever held a worm before?Have you ever dissect-ed a real heart? Havey o u e v e r l o o k e dthrough a microscopeand seen the 7nymembersofourworld,so small that we can-notsee themwithourraweyes?IntheBiolo-gy Lab (6/F) on OpenDay, visitors, studentvolunteers and teach-erswhohavean inter-est inbiologywenttothebiologylabtoex-perience the wonder of Science and tech-nology. There were three amazing sessionsintotal,including:

1. Observingmealworms2. Heartdissec7on3. Microscopes

LOREM IPSUM Catque nonsultus losuntium auctus imihilibus. Sim res! Iptilne oribus ficae quam huciendum ia pece catque non-sultus losuntium auctus imihilibus. Sim res! Iptilne oribus ficae quam hucien-dum ia pece.

Page 2

Travis DellEnglish Teacher

Henry Lee9D

In the first ac7vity we put MealWorms into containerswith differentcondi7onsandobservedwhatkindofenvironmentthey likedmost—wetordry?Brightordark?TheMealWorms,according to our observa7on, likedthe wet and dark sides. In the heartdissec7onsession,wedissectedarealpigheart.

It was put in the fridge for quite along7me,whichwasgood,becauseitwasnotbloodyoranything.Infact,itwasquitecool.Imean,itisnoteveryday you get to dissect a real heart,right?Theteacherstaughtthevisitorsthe parts and func7ons of the heart,which Ididnotknowmyself. Shecutopen the heart and let us touch thedifferent textures—withgloveson,ofcourse. For the final ac7vity, welooked through microscopes. Therewerelotsofdifferentspecimens, like:human tooth, hair follicle, Daphnia,etc. I personally found the Daphniamost interes7ng. It was transparentand alive. ALIVE! Through themicro-scope, I could see it moving and itsheartbea7ng.

These ac7vi7es would not havebeenasuccesswithouttheenthusias-7c visitors. Theywereeager to knowmore, especially the kids, which wasnotwhatIexpected.Allinall,signingup for biology was worth it, and Iwould like to thank all who con-tributed, especially the teachers andvisitors for spending so much effortandcarryingoutthisac7vity.

Theac7vi7eswereall very funand interest-ing, and I highly recommend you to comenextyear.

Janice Wong6A

WhenIdecidedtojointheWorldScholar’sCupforthethirdtime,myfriends asked, “Again? Did you not participate in the last few year’salready?Areyounotbored?”TowhichIanswered,“TheWorldScholar’sCupexperienceonlygetsbettereveryyear.”

I rea l i zed that encourag ingdiscussionsandquesIonswouldaidjunior scholars to understandmaterials with more depth andbreadth while nurturing them intoinquisiIve learners. The success ofourtrainingswasexemplifiedintheclosingceremonywhereourjuniorsdid equally well as the seniorscholarswholedthesessions.

AKerachievingterrificresultsintheregional round, it is now importantforscholarstoworkevenharderfortheGlobalRound,wheremorethan3000 scholarswhohaveexcelled intheir regional rounds from allaround the world will gather andcompete. The level of compeIIonwillbemoreimmensethanmanyofourscholarshaveeverexperienced,andIhopethattheGlobalRoundinBangkok this year will serve as anevengreatermoIvaIonforthemtostriveforthebest.

TheWorld Scholar’s Cup ismore than just anacademic compe77on. It is an event thatembracesglobalvaluesanddiversity.Scholarsexcel inpersonaldevelopmentaswellasfulfiltheir role in a team and in the greatercommunity. The compe77on celebratesacceptanceofpeoplefromeverycorneroftheworld and fosters increased culturalunderstandingthatwillnodoubtprepareustobebeBerglobalci7zensinthefuture.

Eunice Li 12A

Page 3

World Scholar’s Cup

Having parIcipated in the WorldScholar’sCupforthepastthreeyears,Ihave aRended the Global Rounds inSingapore and Kuala Lumpur and theTournamentofChampionstwice–allofthemeye-opening experienceswhere Igottomeetandbefriendscholarsfromaround the world. The seamless blendofcompeIIonandsocializaIonamongscholarsisoneofthequaliIesIadmiremost about the event. The social andculturalelements,suchastheScholar’sBall and the Cultural Fair, are equallyimportant compared to the academicelements, which is what makes WorldScholar’sCupsouniqueandinvaluable.

Asastudentleaderintrainingsessions,I am especially impressed by theprogress we have accelerated as aschool.AKertwoyearsofbeingthehostof the Hong Kong regional round, CKYhas emerged as one of the strongestand most victorious schools in HongKong.Wewonatotalof161awards,includingearning the Itle as the overallChampion Team in the Senior Division(Kelvin Ho 9C, Clement Ho 9D, OwenYeung 9A), coming First in Individual

WriIng(EuniceLi(12A)andSecondinOverall Individual Scholar (KelvinHo9C),ourbestachievementsyet.AKerrigoroustrainingsessionsoverthe course of four months, I havew i t n e s s ed t h e g row th a ndmaturaIonofmanyjuniorscholars,whohaveimprovedexponenIallyinacquiring knowledge, debaIng andwriIng. Inthetrainingsessionsthisyear, we decided to take a moreinclusive approach – all seniorscholars were responsible forresearching on certain topics andteaching them to the juniors, incontrary to the previous yearswhere we had only a few studentleadersteachingtheenIrerangeofsubjects.The change in teachingmethods definitely made trainingsessions more interesIng andinclusive.

Best Writer

Overall Champions

Group Picture



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Page 5

TheannualVisualArt IBGradua3onExhibi3on was showcased fromMarch 15th to March 19th, 2016.Nineyoungar3sts fromtheYear12gradua3ng class have created artpiecesrangingfromawiderangeofmedia, including drawing, pain3ng,photography, video art, ceramics,insta l la3on art , fash ion andsculpture. Their marvellous pieceshave impressed all visitors andinspired many students at theschool.

Nine dedicated and enthusias3cgradua3ng art students wereinvolvedinorganisingthisexhibi3ondisplaying a body of work undertheir chosen theme, which theycreated over the two-years as partof their IB diploma requirement for

visual art. Based on their personalinterests and curiosi3es, they haveexploredvariousthemessuchasthehybrid culture of Hong Kong, theeconomic turmoil in Hong Kong,utopia, finding comfort, dreamversusreality,thelivingenvironmentof Hong Kong, recovery, repe33on,andvulnerabilityversusstrength.

As part of the exhibi3on, these arts tudents c reated the i r ownpostcards as souvenirs for thevisitors and an exhibi3on booklet.Throughout the whole prepara3onprocess, the effort of teachers andstudentsmadetheexhibi3onagreatsuccess. The graduates also sharedtheir stories and experience increa3ng their works during theopening ceremonyof theexhibi3on

and school open day. They wereundoubtedly a group of skilled andpassionate students who movedeveryonewiththeirpassiontowardstheir work. Their enjoyment increa3ng and presen3ng art isbeau3fullyreflectedintheirworks.

IB Art ExhibitionMarch 15th to March 19th, 2016.

Michelle WangArt Department Head (Secondary)

Page 6


Exhibition Highlights

Principal Lau andMs. MichelleWang, IB art





Principal Lau, Dr. Abrioux, Designated Principal

Ng, Vice Principal Ms. Chong, Vice Principal Ms.

Lam, secondary art department,Mr. Hernan and






Page 7

Newsin th

e SportsDivision 3 Overall Champions

Division 3 Overall 5th Position

Page 8

Page 9

Junior and Senior Volleyball Team 2015-16

Every Wednesday and Friday a.erschool, the volleyball team comestogether to train for the compe::onsin theupcomingyear.During training,wehavetofirstwarmupbeforegoinginto various exercises. While weprac:ce physically, we also improveour mentality and try to overcomeadversi:es. Last Saturday, thebgradeteam competed in the inter-schoolvolleyball semifinals against LogosAcademy. Lots of our classmates andparents were there to support us forwhichwearereallythankfulfor.Inthefirst set we lost at 25-27, so for thesecond set we stuck together as at e am and b ro ke f ree o f ou rinsecuri:es, ul:mately winning thes e c o n d a n d t h i r d s e t w i t hperseverance and teamwork. ThisupcomingSundaybgradeteamwillbefacing the final match in our long,enduring yet exci:ng journey of the

inter-school volleyball compe::on.Thisweekwehaveworkedextrahardto fully prepare ourselves for thec h amp i on ma t c h , o u r fe l l owclassmates andparentswere there tosupport us once more. With all thesupport and commitment we wereable to perform at our best level andcomeoutaschampions.

The C grades on the team arecompe:ng in the first round of theinter-schoolcompe::on.Wecurrentlyhold the top posi:on among all theotherschoolsinthedistrictgroup.Ouraim for this year is to place first, andthenextcompe::onwillbeon24/4.Cgrade Volleyball girls came out aschampions in theDivision 3 andhavebeen promoted to Division 2 forcomingacademicyear.


Volleyballisnotjustasport.Itisalsoabout team spirit. Thinking back toone of the matches, we were all soexhausted and dispirited, the qualityof our play was really low and weweredevastated.However, insteadofthrowing in the towel, we screamedand shoutedour chant as thunder. Itwas so powerful that it brought ourteam back together, and Ainally, weblew the competition away! Teamspirit is the key to success, withoutteamspirit,wewouldnothavebeenable toovercomeall of theobstaclesandgettowherewearetoday!

Venus Lam, all smiles after winning the game

Chris Fung 9A

Page 8


HKSSF Inter-school Basketball Match Results update (2015 – 2016)

Girls Basketball Team B Grade: 5th Place

Girls Basketball Team C Grade: 5th Place


Y10C Queenie Chan

This year, we have improved as a team and have become closer than we have ever been. Unfortunately, we were not able to get into the semi-finals and lost in the quarter-finals for the fourth year in a row in the in ter - schoo l basketba l l competition. It is possibly the last match for all of the year 10 students, as there might not be

enough to people for A-grade girls basketball team. Although the girls basketball team does not win a lot of awards like other sports teams, I never regret my choice of joining the school's basketball team. I may not have any medals after joining the basketball team for six years, but it has rewarded me with a lot of experience and memories, and given me the opportunity to befriend with some of my best friends. We win together, we lose together, and no matter what happens, we are still a team. Thanks to them, I am not scared of trying and failing, because I know that they will be there for me. Frankly, I can no longer tell if I like to play basketball because of the sport itself, or if I just enjoy playing basketball with them. All I know is that I will definitely miss the time we play basketball together.

I would like to take this chance to say a few words. First, to the C-grade girls basketball team, good luck and add oil, I wish you all the best in the upcoming competitions. To the B-grade girls basketball team, thank you for playing basketball with me, I really do enjoy it. Last but not least, to you, who are reading this, go down to the basketball court and play, for all you know, your future best friends might be waiting for you down there!

10B Michelle Lam

Being a part of the B Grade Girls Basketball Team is like being in a big family, where you a n d y o u r teammates train hard and work together towards the same goal. Being able to play a sport that we enjoy and have teammates who laugh with you through ups and downs is definitely something we love about the team. We complain a lot about how tiring our trainings are, but they are part of what makes our school life complete.Throughout the

years, our team have made a lot of progress. On a personal level, we have improved our skills and endurance; and as a team, we play better together and the chemistry has been there. We have had a lot of extra training sessions and friendly matches in weekends which have improved our performances in the matches. Although it was quite upsetting that we were not able to make it to the semi finals this year, we believe that we have tried our best and do not have any regrets towards our achievement.

Dorothy Chan 10B

Junior and Senior Basketball Girl team 2015-2016

Senior Girls in action during a division game

Page 9

Year 7 SingaporeMap of the Night Safari Final Show Sky walk in Gardens at

the bayAr#ficialtreeGrovesinGardensatthebay

Study ToursYear 6 and Year 7

Page 10

In this Year 7 Singapore Study Tour, we went to numerous a t t rac t ions including Gardens by the Bay, the Merlion Park and the Night Safari. The trip created many memories f o r u s a n d m a d e u s discover a new side of Singapore. This was no doubt one of my favourite study tours, and of course the most meaningful and unforgettable one.

The weather in Singaporewas extremely hot andhumidthroughoutthetrip.The cloudless sky let thesunshinedirectlyontotheground, making the tem-perature unbearably high.The environment aroundwas surprisingly clean,nota garbage in sight. Treesand plants are planted allaround the city. The gov-ernment has also built alot of greenery and envi-

ronmental friendly struc-tures around like Gardensby the Bay, so as tomakeSingaporea‘GardenCity’.

The two most memorablevisits in this study tourwere the Night Safari andthe Gardens by the Bay.We arrived at the NightSafari aroundeight o’clockin the evening. The teach-ers arrangedus to rideonSafari Jeeps. It was verydarkandquietaround.Ourhearts filled with curiosityas we passed throughlooming shadows of treesandplantswiththeraJlingsound of the Jeep. Thespeaker enthusiasKcallywelcomed us and intro-duced each animal to uswith fun details. We ob-served each animal fromclose distance; astonishedby its behaviour and char-acterisKcs.TheSafarisimu-lateda realisKchabitat fortheanimals to live in,also

provided us with an ex-perience of walkingthrough rainforests,plainsandmeadows.

We visited the skywalko f t h e s u p e r - t r e eGroves, in the Gardensby the Bay as well. Thea rKfic ia l super- t reeGroves were humongous,with thousands of vinesand ferns growing up.Wefelt the tropical touch ofnature when slowly walk-ingupthesuper-trees.Thesun beamed in with therefreshing wind, bringinginpulpyfruitsmell.WhenIarrived at the top, I feltdizzy looking at how highwewere. From above, weoverlooked at differentstructuresaroundtheMer-lion bay. Walking throughthenarrowbridge,ween-joyedourselves takingpic-tures and observing thesurroundings.

In this tour, we experienced the touch of nature and learnt more about Singapore’s envi-ronment. In schools, we enjoyed our times learning with our buddies and we compared the differences between Singapore and Hong Kong. This tour made me realize how precious nature is. Reflecting back to Hong Kong, if we kept on polluting this city, soon, all local animals and plants will vanish. We must learn from Singapore and keep our place unpolluted and healthy.

7F Joshua Lee ���

6F students next to the bund


West lake

Page 116FEuniceLee���

Principal addressing all the students & parents before the meal

2011 1212




Alumni News

Nickson Ng

Page 12

Kelvin WongHi everyone, my name is Kelvin Wong and I studied at CKY from 2003 until 2012. After my IGCSE and part of my IB course, I decided to continue my education in the United States and in May 2015, I graduated from Indiana University of Bloomington, majoring in Communications and Culture.

I am now focusing on further developing myself and my career.

Whilst studying overseas, I discovered a couple of things that I miss about CKY.  Things such as seeing the same group of friends and teachers every day where it seemed that everyone was literally in convoy with each other every second. With only a knock on the staffroom door, teachers’ assistance would always b e t h e r e f o r y o u w i t h o u t reservation. Basically, when I went to university, everything I mentioned above changed. I found that I was not as close to my friends and professors when compared to the relationships I

developed at CKY and nothing s e e m e d t o b e s p o n t a n e o u s anymore.

I still keep in touch with my friends from CKY, whether they be from my year group or below, as well as with some of the teachers and even the principal herself.   I contact them through social media mostly but also I enjoy visiting them personally especially when I return to Hong K o n g d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r holidays.  Ever since I left CKY, I have learned how to be more independent, taking care of myself and friends and most importantly treasuring each moment that I have spent with my friends, teachers and family. I especially refer here to my friends and teachers in CKY.   Throughout time and as the years go by, they have become a part of my family, and life mentors.

My proudest achievement by far is being the youngest graduate from my university, graduating

at the age of 19, other than that I would say being a CKY alumnus is also something to be proud of. It has always been an honor to be a part of the CKY family, the second dearest and closest family.

Since I have left CKY and studied in America, and am now back from graduation, it is time to conquer the next stage of life, my own career. I have started applying for various jobs in d i f f e r e n t f i e l d s , g a i n i n g experience from the various interviews that I have been invited to and hoping that some of the companies will offer me a job that is suitable to me.

My advice to CKY students is do not be afraid to go for anything that seems impossible, at least you have tried and will not have regrets. Just be prepared and always strive for greater success.

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