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Cl5, - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 23. · ce as meaning ibl 1. (TA.) A man also says, by way of...

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390 [Bool I. face: (TA:) or to fall upon his face: (Msb:) or to fall in any manner. (TA.)- God de- lstroped Aim; or made him to perish. (A'Obeyd, I, I.) - God made him to become far removed. (A,I5.). -God lowered, or degraded, him. (A, V.) -You say, by way of imprecation, J L.u May he [full, having stumbled: or, stumble and fall: or, stlunblse and fall upon his hands and nouth: or, upon hisface: or]faU upon hisface: (Meb:) or may God make dextruretion to cleaW to him: (, TA:) [or mnay God destroy himtn.] AL o-Is-Abi says, in explanation of the phrasc .i Lai, in the Kur xlvii. 9), that it may be in the accurm. ce as meaning ibl 1. (TA.) A man also says, by way of imprecation, to his swift and excellent camel, whcn it stumbles, Cl5, meaning May God thlrow thee domwn upon tiy nostril: expressing his disapproval of the stum. bling of a beast of stuch age and strength: but ii it be not a swift and excellent beast, and stumble, he mys to it W'. (TA.) You say also, Aji t W-, *q [May God make hisrfortune, orgoodfortune, to sink I] (A.) 4: see Lu3, in three places. w.3 inf. n. of 1 [which see, throughout].- Also Evil; misehaief. (K1.) v.an: see wlhat next follows. ,.l (A, 1) and V,.. (Myb, 1) act. part. ns. of 1, [i. e., respectively, of _S and ,J, accord. to rule, used intransitively,] (A, Mlb ;,) both oapplicld to a man: (.:) and the former, to fortune, or good fortune. (A.) Jayh [A cause ofsfalling after stumbling: or of ltbrling andlfauind kc. (8ceel .)] Yousay, .. #.. -* , j , L.at o, I po)t i [This offaitr is a cause of ill lck ; a cause offalling ce.]. (A, TA.) .L t±, aor. t, inf n. 9.: , IIe left off, or abstained fromn, anointing himself, and shaving hi# pubes, and in consequence became dirty: (Myb :) or Ui5 signifies the state of being dirty; (Mgh;) the state of Aag matted and dusty hair, or a dustwy head, long t unanointed: (T, Mgh, m :) so in relation to the rites and cere- monies of the pilgrimage: (T,V:) thus explained by ISh; but not by any [other] of the lexicolo- gist*s: e sap that it is o of the rites and cere- monin of th pilgrimge; (T;) which is a con- ventional term of the profeusors, or lecturers, of the colleges: (Mgh:) accord to I'Ab, it signifiea the shaving, and shortening, or elipping, of tis beard and muwache and [the.hair of] the armpit, and daughtering [of the victims], and casting [oftAs pebble]: accord. to Fri the slaugh- tring of the [tictim ~ tr c u and other oictims, namely, ine, and heep or goats, and shavin tead, and paring the naivl, and tbh ike: (T:) AO says that no poem is adduced pre- senting an ex. of it: (Mb,TA:) and Zj ays that it is not known by the lexicologisbt except from the expositon of the furtin; (T, M;) who say that it is the clipping the mustacl, ad paring the nails, ) and plucking out the hair of the armpit, and shaving the pubes, and clipi,ing the hair [of the head]: (T:) or the plucking out the hair, and paring of the nails, andl deviatifg from all thiat i prohibited to the .M_.: (M:) as thoughl it wecre a passing from the state of .l.1 to the state I of J1 .: (T, M:) or, in the rites and cere- monies of the pilgrimage, the doing such things : as paring the nails, and clipping the nustache, and shaving the pubes (S, O5) and the head, and ] atting the pebbles, and slaughtering the 0-~, * (a,) 4c.: (Q, .: [but in two copies of the $, this art. is omitted:]) or the doing away with the matted and dusty state of the hair, and poUll- tion and dirt, absolutely. (TA.) Accord. to ISh, , ;11 ,L1 means The doing arway with the matted and dusty state of the hair by shaving, and paring the nails, and the like: (T:) or it f means the doing away with the state of,.ia, by clipping the mutache, and paring the nails, and plucking out the hair of the armpit, and shaving the pubes. (Mgh.) Accord. to IAar, i . .. i [in the .Kur xxii. 30] means Then let them accomplish their needful acts of shaving andl cleansing: (T:) or it means then let them do . away woith their dirtiness, by clipping the mus- tache, and paring the nails, and plucking out the hair of the armn'it, and shaving the pubes, on tle occaion of Jt'i- : (Bd:) it is an allowance, after entering dithe state of J .1l, of that which was forbidden them in the state of !A5l. (Msb.) _--- toL.i -. occurs in a trad., meaning And the blood (lit. bloods) contaminated the place thereof. (TA.) . a, (T, Mgh, ],) accord. to ISh, applied to a man, (T, Mgh,) Altered [in odour or the like], (.nd, T,) or dusty, (y:", Mgh, I], or , TA,) haring matted and dusty hair, not hauving anointed himself, (T, Mgh, ,°) nor shaven his pubes. (T, Mgh. [In the former it is implied that this explanation is doubtful.]) 4. .ij [lie gave him an apple]. You say, JL1;j , . 1MA&.JI [He makes a present to thee who giews thee an alpple]. (A: there immediately following the saying, a,.W J O'iL. ) aa.. A tweet odour. (Abu-1-Khat~;b, L.) ~tl, of the measure JW; an Arabic word; [not arabicized;] (M9b;) [The apple, orapples;] a certainfriiit, (L, Meb,) eUll known, (8, L, Myb, I,) plntiful in [the cooler parts of] the land of the Arabs: (AIn, TA:) the word is said by Abu-l-Khat{Ab to be derived from ii.. "a sweet odour :" (L :) the n. un. is with;: (1, L, Mb :) the pl. is lLW: (T:) and the dim. of the n. un. is vtL 2a. . (L.) You say, a.W u:. [Such a one, his preent is an apple]. (A.)_ ; l t4; and sI C,i33: see lJt.__ W i: see t., in art. .. _a..1a1 also sig- nifieq IT/h head of tho thigh-bone, ahich is in the i lhaunch-bone. (Kr, A, V.).-l.:i at 'ail :Ll [rit. They (women) slapped, with the jujubes, the apples] means, mith tlhe fingers, or the ends of tlhe fingers, the chceks. (A.) : see aia.. A place wsere apples growr (L, O) in abundance. (L.) j3Jij The & [or baxc] qf a date; (Ibn- 'AbblAd, IL;) a dial. var. of J4A3 [q. v.]: pl. _W. (TA.) 1. Ji3, [in the Cg, erroneouly, -J,] aor. ; (8, M, Myb, g) and ;, (, MRIb, g,) inf. n. j.b, (T, , M, M4b,) lIe spat; syn. : (M, KI:) [or rather, he slat, eiitting a smnall quantity of saliva, generally in scattered portions, as when one spits forth somne minute thing:] JOwJI is sitnilar to 31, but les in degree: (~, Mqb:*) the first degree is ji1; then. J. JI; tlhen, * 1! ; and then, i1t: (S:) 3J;JI with the mouth is [an action] never rwithout somerhat of spittle: a blowing withiout spittle is [said to be] termed . (T.) Hence, jtll J1 [The spitting of thei charmer, in which he emits a smaU qutity of saliva at a time, in scatitered portions: see also ,L/]. (8.) One says also, 'iS) i t .t j' , i. c. [He tasted the mater of the sca, and] s)irted it forth, by reason of dislike tihereof. (TA.)m ", (M, .,) nor. , (.,) inf. n. "/, (;,M, Mgh, ],) lie, or it, (a thing, M,) became altered for the worse in odiour, ill-smelling, or frouz!: (M, .K:) he neglected, or left off the use of, perfume: (M:) he was unperfumned: (S:) he neglected, or lef off the ue *f, perfume, anl so became altred for the worse0 in odour, ill-snelling, or frouzy: (Mgh, TA:) amnd . , aor. and inf. n. as above, she (a womant) stani, by reason of having neglected, or left .f' the use of, hrfunme and ointmne tIs: and also she p7iefuted hersef: thus bearing two contr. significations. (Msb.) 4. WI lie, or it, made him, or it, to be altered for the worse in odour, ill-wmeUlling, or frowzy, (J,) or unlperfunid. (S.) The rijiz says, [And she makes ambergris and mush, or the vesicle of mush, to hlave a bad odour, or to lose tiheir fragrance]. (s.) And it is said of the sun, t--l J.;; [It makes the odour of dthe person to be bad]. (TA, from a trad.) 0., J c: Be whlat next follows. , (,) or ,jW, (M, accord. to the TT,) nd tWL, (M, K,) vulgarly *j3 and J , (TA,) Spittle, or saliva, ejected from the mouth; syn. Wl; (M, .;) as also ?J : (Ibn-Abi-l- .Hadeed,TA:) or it is similar to 3 . (TA.) [Seec 1.]_ And Froth, orfoam. (M, l,) of the e; (TA;) and tihe like thereof. (M.) 1 z.1 .10 ' 0 . ltaunch-bone. (Kr, A, V.) -u;it ,OLW4 [rit. Thy (women) dapiped, with the jujubes, the apples) means, : mith tits fingen, or the ends of see ia-lz* A place wk-re apples grow (L, V) in abundanm. (L.) jp j3.PC The [or baxe] Rf a dtite; (Ibn- L4 4 J#,, 'AblASA, ].;) a dial. var. of J.5jA3 [q. v.]: pi. J 11 b;_jW- (TA.) 1. JW, [in the Clg, ononeouitly, WJ aor. 7 M, Mqb, XO and Afab, inf. n. ilb, (T,S,M,Mqb,) H# spat; syn. (M, K:) [or ither, he simt, einitting a small quantity qf saliva, genemlly in scattered portiow, as whm ow irpiU forth sotne ininute titing:] ~ is sivailar to jAl, but kit in degree: (, Mqb:O) die first degree is j bt.Ul; ,;JI; dion, JZh; tlien, ' 12 62 06.2 and then, " it: W) JCJI with die mouth is c- [an action] never without someirhat of #Pittk: a blowing widiout spittlo is [atid to be] termed 5 6. a .0 6, (T.) Henoe, j!pl JU [Tio gpittiny of tits charmer, in witich he emits a nnaU qu~ity of saliva at a time, in scaticmd portions: ace also One says also, ZULS. it AC. ' ' i. c. [He tasted the mater of tio sea, and] tjjirted it forth, by reason of disliko tlicreof. (TA.)~ (M, f-,) aor. j, Qg,) inf. n. "W, ffi M, Mgh, ],) .11e, or it, (a thin,-,' M,) became akered for tit# worm in tptiour, iu-gpncllinq, or frouzy (M, k(:) he nogtocted, or le.ft off tits use of, perfume: (M:) A4a was unperfurned: (:) A# neglected, or kp off tim uw if, lmrfame, awl so became alter&ifor elic worse in odour, ill-sinelling, or frou--y.. (MAt, TA:) and aor. and inf. n. as above, side (a wotitiii) ireault, by reason of having neqlected, or le.ft ty'the um of, lh-rfime and oinginepits: and also 3he Ikeifu?pted hersetf: thus bearing two contr. sibrnificatioris. (Msb.) 4. WI .77e, or it, made Itim, or it, to be altemd for the ~rse in odour, ill-xnwUipi.9, or froury, (KJ or unperfunied. (Sw.) The rijiz says, 0 111. 1 1.01 0 #P. [And she malies aitabergris and mujrlt, or the vesicle of mush, to ltave a bad odour, or to Ion tl&er fragrance]. (.) And it is said of the sun, --- JJ1 JA;j [It maita tl&e odour of die pemon to 5# bad]. (TA, from a tmd.) 0 0, JW Bee wlaat next follows. (K t c#, or JW, (M, accord. to die TT,) 40 W, (M, K,) vulgarly *,W an knd fi d VjLb, 'TA,) 8pittle, or saliva, ddected J5.om the moutil (M, X(;) as also ;yn. 0 W: (Ibn-Abi-l- kIadeed,TA:) or it is similar to (TA.) ',%c 1. ] -And Fioth, orfoam. (M, lg,) of the m; (TA;) andtitelikethmof. (M.)
Page 1: Cl5, - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 23. · ce as meaning ibl 1. (TA.) A man also says, by way of imprecation, to his swift and excellent camel, whcn it stumbles, Cl5, meaning May God

390[Bool I.

face: (TA:) or to fall upon his face: (Msb:)or to fall in any manner. (TA.)- God de-lstroped Aim; or made him to perish. (A'Obeyd,

I, I.) - God made him to become far removed.(A,I5.). -God lowered, or degraded, him. (A,V.) -You say, by way of imprecation, J L.uMay he [full, having stumbled: or, stumble andfall: or, stlunblse and fall upon his hands andnouth: or, upon hisface: or]faU upon hisface:

(Meb:) or may God make dextruretion to cleaWto him: (, TA:) [or mnay God destroy himtn.]AL o-Is-Abi says, in explanation of the phrasc.i Lai, in the Kur xlvii. 9), that it may be in

the accurm. ce as meaning ibl 1. (TA.)A man also says, by way of imprecation, to hisswift and excellent camel, whcn it stumbles, Cl5,meaning May God thlrow thee domwn upon tiynostril: expressing his disapproval of the stum.bling of a beast of stuch age and strength: but iiit be not a swift and excellent beast, and stumble,he mys to it W'. (TA.) You say also, Aji t W-,*q [May God make hisrfortune, orgoodfortune,

to sink I] (A.)

4: see Lu3, in three places.

w.3 inf. n. of 1 [which see, throughout].-Also Evil; misehaief. (K1.)

v.an: see wlhat next follows.

,.l (A, 1) and V,.. (Myb, 1) act. part. ns.of 1, [i. e., respectively, of _S and ,J, accord.to rule, used intransitively,] (A, Mlb ;,) both

oapplicld to a man: (.:) and the former, tofortune, or good fortune. (A.)

Jayh [A cause ofsfalling after stumbling: orof ltbrling andlfauind kc. (8ceel .)] Yousay,.. #.. - * , j ,L.at o, I po)t i [This offaitr is a causeof ill lck ; a cause offalling ce.]. (A, TA.)

.L t±, aor. t, inf n. 9.: , IIe left off, orabstained fromn, anointing himself, and shavinghi# pubes, and in consequence became dirty:(Myb :) or Ui5 signifies the state of being dirty;(Mgh;) the state of Aag matted and dustyhair, or a dustwy head, long t unanointed: (T,Mgh, m :) so in relation to the rites and cere-monies of the pilgrimage: (T,V:) thus explainedby ISh; but not by any [other] of the lexicolo-gist*s: e sap that it is o of the rites and cere-monin of th pilgrimge; (T;) which is a con-ventional term of the profeusors, or lecturers,of the colleges: (Mgh:) accord to I'Ab, itsignifiea the shaving, and shortening, or elipping,of tis beard and muwache and [the.hair of] thearmpit, and daughtering [of the victims], andcasting [oftAs pebble]: accord. to Fri the slaugh-tring of the [tictim ~ tr c u and otheroictims, namely, ine, and heep or goats, andshavin tead, and paring the naivl, and tbhike: (T:) AO says that no poem is adduced pre-

senting an ex. of it: (Mb,TA:) and Zj ays thatit is not known by the lexicologisbt except from theexpositon of the furtin; (T, M;) who say thatit is the clipping the mustacl, ad paring the nails,

) and plucking out the hair of the armpit, andshaving the pubes, and clipi,ing the hair [of thehead]: (T:) or the plucking out the hair, andparing of the nails, andl deviatifg from all thiati prohibited to the .M_.: (M:) as thoughl itwecre a passing from the state of .l.1 to the state

I of J1 .: (T, M:) or, in the rites and cere-monies of the pilgrimage, the doing such things: as paring the nails, and clipping the nustache,and shaving the pubes (S, O5) and the head, and] atting the pebbles, and slaughtering the 0-~,

* (a,) 4c.: (Q, .: [but in two copies of the $,this art. is omitted:]) or the doing away withthe matted and dusty state of the hair, and poUll-tion and dirt, absolutely. (TA.) Accord. to ISh,, ;11 ,L1 means The doing arway with thematted and dusty state of the hair by shaving,and paring the nails, and the like: (T:) or it

f means the doing away with the state of,.ia, byclipping the mutache, and paring the nails, andplucking out the hair of the armpit, and shavingthe pubes. (Mgh.) Accord. to IAar, i .

.. i [in the .Kur xxii. 30] means Then let themaccomplish their needful acts of shaving andlcleansing: (T:) or it means then let them do

. away woith their dirtiness, by clipping the mus-tache, and paring the nails, and plucking out thehair of the armn'it, and shaving the pubes, on tleoccaion of Jt'i- : (Bd:) it is an allowance,after entering dithe state of J .1l, of that whichwas forbidden them in the state of !A5l. (Msb.)_--- toL.i -. occurs in a trad., meaningAnd the blood (lit. bloods) contaminated the placethereof. (TA.)

. a, (T, Mgh, ],) accord. to ISh, applied to aman, (T, Mgh,) Altered [in odour or the like],

(.nd, T,) or dusty, (y:", Mgh, I], or ,TA,) haring matted and dusty hair, not hauvinganointed himself, (T, Mgh, ,°) nor shaven hispubes. (T, Mgh. [In the former it is impliedthat this explanation is doubtful.])

4. .ij [lie gave him an apple]. You say,JL1;j , . 1MA&.JI [He makes a present to theewho giews thee an alpple]. (A: there immediatelyfollowing the saying, a,.W J O'iL. )

aa.. A tweet odour. (Abu-1-Khat~;b, L.)

~tl, of the measure JW; an Arabic word;[not arabicized;] (M9b;) [The apple, orapples;]a certainfriiit, (L, Meb,) eUll known, (8, L, Myb,I,) plntiful in [the cooler parts of] the land ofthe Arabs: (AIn, TA:) the word is said byAbu-l-Khat{Ab to be derived from ii.. "a sweetodour :" (L :) the n. un. is with;: (1, L, Mb :)the pl. is lLW: (T:) and the dim. of the n. un.

is vtL 2a. . (L.) You say, a.W u:. [Such a one, his preent is an apple]. (A.)_; l t4; and sI C,i33: see lJt.__ W

i: see t., in art. .. _a..1a1 also sig-nifieq IT/h head of tho thigh-bone, ahich is in the i

lhaunch-bone. (Kr, A, V.).-l.:i at 'ail :Ll[rit. They (women) slapped, with the jujubes, theapples] means, mith tlhe fingers, or the ends oftlhe fingers, the chceks. (A.)

: see

aia.. A place wsere apples growr (L, O) inabundance. (L.)

j3Jij The & [or baxc] qf a date; (Ibn-'AbblAd, IL;) a dial. var. of J4A3 [q. v.]: pl.

_W. (TA.)

1. Ji3, [in the Cg, erroneouly, -J,] aor. ;

(8, M, Myb, g) and ;, (, MRIb, g,) inf. n. j.b,(T, , M, M4b,) lIe spat; syn. : (M, KI:)[or rather, he slat, eiitting a smnall quantity ofsaliva, generally in scattered portions, as whenone spits forth somne minute thing:] JOwJI issitnilar to 31, but les in degree: (~, Mqb:*) thefirst degree is ji1; then. J. JI; tlhen, * 1! ;and then, i1t: (S:) 3J;JI with the mouth is[an action] never rwithout somerhat of spittle: ablowing withiout spittle is [said to be] termed

. (T.) Hence, jtll J1 [The spitting ofthei charmer, in which he emits a smaU qutityof saliva at a time, in scatitered portions: seealso ,L/]. (8.) One says also, 'iS) i t .t j' ,i. c. [He tasted the mater of the sca, and] s)irtedit forth, by reason of dislike tihereof. (TA.)m", (M, .,) nor. , (.,) inf. n. "/, (;,M,

Mgh, ],) lie, or it, (a thing, M,) became alteredfor the worse in odiour, ill-smelling, or frouz!:(M, .K:) he neglected, or left off the use of,perfume: (M:) he was unperfumned: (S:) heneglected, or lef off the ue *f, perfume, anl sobecame altred for the worse0 in odour, ill-snelling,or frouzy: (Mgh, TA:) amnd . , aor. andinf. n. as above, she (a womant) stani, by reasonof having neglected, or left .f' the use of, hrfunmeand ointmne tIs: and also she p7iefuted hersef:thus bearing two contr. significations. (Msb.)

4. WI lie, or it, made him, or it, to be alteredfor the worse in odour, ill-wmeUlling, or frowzy,(J,) or unlperfunid. (S.) The rijiz says,

[And she makes ambergris and mush, or the vesicleof mush, to hlave a bad odour, or to lose tiheirfragrance]. (s.) And it is said of the sun,

t--l J.;; [It makes the odour of dthe person tobe bad]. (TA, from a trad.)

0.,J c: Be whlat next follows.

, (,) or ,jW, (M, accord. to the TT,)nd tWL, (M, K,) vulgarly *j3 and J ,

(TA,) Spittle, or saliva, ejected from the mouth;syn. Wl; (M, .;) as also ?J : (Ibn-Abi-l-.Hadeed,TA:) or it is similar to 3 . (TA.)[Seec 1.]_ And Froth, orfoam. (M, l,) of thee; (TA;) and tihe like thereof. (M.)1


.10 ' 0 .


(Kr, A, V.) -�u;it �,OLW4


Thy (women) dapiped, with the jujubes, the


means, : mith tits fingen, or the ends of



A place wk-re apples grow (L, V) in





The [or baxe] Rf a dtite; (Ibn-


4 J #,,


]�.;) a dial. var. of J.5jA3 [q. v.]: pi.






JW, [in the Clg, ononeouitly, WJ aor. 7


Mqb, XO and Afab, inf. n. ilb,


H# spat; syn. (M, K:)


i�ther, he simt, einitting a small quantity qf


genemlly in scattered portiow, as whm


irpiU forth sotne ininute titing:] ~ is


to jAl, but kit in degree: (�, Mqb:O) die


degree is j bt.Ul;


dion, JZh; tlien, ' 12


0 6.2


then, " it: W) JCJI with die mouth is


action] never without someirhat of #Pittk: a


widiout spittlo is [atid to be] termed


6. a .0 6,


Henoe, j!pl JU [Tio gpittiny of


charmer, in witich he emits a nnaU qu~ity


saliva at a time, in scaticmd portions: ace


One says also, ZULS. it AC. ' '


c. [He tasted the mater of tio sea, and] tjjirted


forth, by reason of disliko tlicreof. (TA.)~


f-,) aor. j�, Qg,) inf. n. "W, ffi M,


]�,) .11e, or it, (a thin,-,' M,) became akered


tit# worm in tptiour, iu-gpncllinq, or frouzy


k(:) he nogtocted, or le.ft off tits use of,


(M:) A4a was unperfurned: (�:) A#


or kp off tim uw if, lmrfame, awl so


alter&ifor elic worse in odour, ill-sinelling,


frou--y.. (MAt, TA:) and aor. and


n. as above, side (a wotitiii) ireault, by reason


having neqlected, or le.ft t�y'the um of, lh-rfime


oinginepits: and also 3he Ikeifu?pted hersetf:


bearing two contr. sibrnificatioris. (Msb.)


�WI .77e, or it, made Itim, or it, to be altemd


the ~rse in odour, ill-xnwUipi.9, or froury,


or unperfunied. (Sw.) The rijiz says,


111. 1 1.01 0 #P.


she malies aitabergris and mujrlt, or the vesicle


mush, to ltave a bad odour, or to Ion tl&e�r


(�.) And it is said of the sun,


JJ1 JA;j [It maita tl&e odour of die pemon to


bad]. (TA, from a tmd.)

0 0,JW

Bee wlaat next follows.


t c#,


JW, (M, accord. to die TT,)

4 0W,

(M, K,) vulgarly *,W an


fi d VjLb,


8pittle, or saliva, ddected J5.om the moutil


X(;) as also


0 W: (Ibn-Abi-l-


or it is similar to (TA.)


1. ] -And Fioth, orfoam. (M, lg,) of the


(TA;) andtitelikethmof. (M.)
