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© 2011 Marguerita Vorobioff You Have Been Chosen Claim Your Divine Destiny © 2011 Marguerita Vorobioff
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© 2011 Marguerita Vorobioff

You Have Been Chosen

Claim Your Divine Destiny

© 2011 Marguerita Vorobioff

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© 2011 Marguerita Vorobioff www.consciouswealthinstitute.com 1

The Beg inn ing

Have you ever had a feeling that there has to be more to life than a revolving door of sleeping, eating, working and meeting responsibilities and obligations that you’re not sure how you got lumped with and leave you feeling empty and discontent?

This is precisely because you are not living your soul purpose. You are not fulfilling your Divine Destiny, and that feeling of emptiness and discontent is your Spirits way of telling you to stop wasting time, get off your butt and start doing what you came here to do!

How would you like to wake up every morning with a feeling of intense anticipation and excitement about what your day holds? What if you could live to your full, limitless potential and fulfil your life’s destiny? Imagine being so engaged in your work that the days fled by leaving you wondering where the time went and wanting to continue working well beyond the normal hours? And how would you like to experience a deep sense of satisfaction at the end of every day, knowing you were accomplishing something meaningful and making a difference in the world?

If that sounds enticing to you, then it’s time to stop making a living, and start making a life. You need to step up and create your life by design, instead of by default.

I confess, I have been very fortunate to have been born passionate and purposeful. I threw myself into life

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from a very early age, eager to experience what it had to offer and trusting the world was a safe place for me to express the gifts I was endowed with and share them with the world.

Even when that trust was shattered at a very early age and I made the subconscious decision that it wasn’t safe for me to shine, which would lead me to sabotage my attempts at success for the next 35 years, I never lost my dedication to be the best I could be at everything I put my mind to.

I have always known, either consciously or unconsciously, that I have a greater purpose on the planet. This deep knowing and yearning to make a significant contribution to the world through helping others in some way. What I was not blessed with was the insight to know what that was, how I would contribute, or how to discover what my purpose on the planet was.

My journey to discovering my Divine Destiny has evolved painfully slowly, and has been a lifetime of continuing trial and error. And even now I believe I have only scratched the surface of what I am here to do, but at least now I am playing in the right arena. The important thing is that I have never given up searching for what my unique contribution is meant to be.

And throughout my journey and the many different ways I have sought to contribute and share the gifts I was born with, I have grown, evolved and developed into the person I am today. I have honed my skills and gifts through dedication and practice in many different

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opportunities and what, at first glance, would appear to be an eclectic and completely unrelated series of failed attempts in a wide variety of different professions and industries.

Interestingly though, even the thousands of hours that I used to believe was wasted effort in many different occupations and ventures, have helped me develop valuable skills and knowledge that are all part of my ultimate purpose.

The good news is that you don’t have to go through the years and years of searching and serial failure that I have to discover what your Divine Destiny is. We are living in very exciting times where knowledge and understanding that has previously been hidden from most of the population is now readily available through an explosion in technology and sharing of information through the many different forms of media. You have an unprecedented opportunity to step into your purpose with tools that will help to fast track your progress and I invite you to get excited because this book is the beginning of a very special time in your life.

By methodically and meticulously working through the exercises presented here, you will move forward in leaps and bounds toward living a rewarding life of passion and purpose and fulfilling your Divine Destiny. Doors will open that have been closed to you before and the Universe will magically line up people, situations, information and circumstances to align you with your purpose.

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You must be ready for the challenges to come that are designed to help you develop and hone the skills and characteristics you require to share your innate beauty, gifts and true magnificence with the world.

Make no mistake, you are a magnificent being with infinite potential. You have no idea just how powerful you are and what miracles you are capable of performing. And, by the grace of the Universe, you have been led to this book so you can begin a journey of self discovery that will be challenging, and at the same time, unbelievably rewarding.

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Discover ing Your Purpose So, what if you don’t know what your purpose is? I can

hear you say, ‘Well that’s all great, but I wouldn’t know where to start’. And my answer is, that’s just an excuse to keep you from having to make what will probably be some difficult choices and changes you are going to have to make to fulfil the contract that you signed up for before you arrived here on planet Earth.

If you don’t know what your purpose is, then find out! This world is not for wimps and pussies. And whatever your purpose is, you are absolutely going to face some challenges, because that is what life is filled with. And you’re going to have to toughen up and get serious if you don’t want to die having lived a life of mediocrity, fulfilling everybody else’s expectations and desires except your own. Using excuses like, “I don’t know what my purpose is” is just a cop out.

You may have more than one purpose on this planet. Take my husband for example. At the age of 22, Laurie began a rewarding career as a soldier in the Australian Army that was to last 22 years. He absolutely loved being a soldier and lived for his vocation and his dedication to the first love of his life meant he became a well respected, expert member of the Defence Force in his chosen profession.

Laurie’s purpose at that time was to be a soldier and serve his country and he did so admirably with a passion

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and commitment few people ever experience. However, this all changed when a collection of circumstances, (including me), conspired that caused him to choose to make an agonizing decision to leave the Defence Force and look for a civilian career.

Laurie’s next step was a natural progression to work with cadets at a prestigious private school in Sydney. Though he enjoyed the military interaction with the youth, it paled into insignificance when compared with his previous career.

He then started a business almost by accident and it ran him doggedly for several years. He was again working with youth, using the skills he had developed in his career in the army as a driving instructor to teach young people how to drive a car and get their licence. Laurie loved the time with the teenagers, and whilst it provided him a certain level of fulfilment, it still never matched what he had experienced as a soldier.

However, through spending so many hours sitting beside hundreds of teenagers, many of whom were confused about their lives or had issues at home, school, work or elsewhere, eventually a new career emerged. At the tender age of 50, Laurie started and ultimately completed a degree in psychology and counselling, as well as learning numerous energy psychology and healing techniques to complement his degree. He is now pursuing his new career focusing on helping teenagers navigate the sometimes treacherous journey of life and once again he has a deep sense of meaning and purpose.

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So, what would you do if you had a choice of anything in the world? How would you spend the brief time you have on this planet? Who would you serve? How would you serve? What activities would you choose to do even if nobody paid you, just for the sheer joy of it?

Following are a series of exercises that will start you on the road to finding what your purpose is. They will each take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete, and whilst you may not know your exact purpose in life after completing this course, you will have made a significant step toward fulfilling your contract and you’ll have a framework for living your life with more meaning immediately. By making decisions according to the outcomes you achieve in these exercises, you will soon be loving your new vocation and life.

So for each exercise put aside at least 20 to 30 minutes in a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed. Grab a notepad and pen and sit for a few moments in silence, taking deep breaths and bringing all your focus to this moment. Release any stresses that have occurred in the last few days and forget for the time being any obligations you have in the future. This moment and the exercise at hand are all that matter at that moment and you must give them your full, undivided attention.

Now that you are fully present, take up your pen and complete the next 8 steps one at a time ensuring you are completely satisfied with what you have written before moving to the next step.

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Step 1 : Your Core Be l i e f Systems Your core belief systems are a complex collection of

literally thousands and thousands of beliefs you have about yourself, your family, your environment, your past, your future, the world and the Universe. These belief systems have been formed from what your parents and other influential people in your life taught and demonstrated to you, as well as the experiences you have had throughout your life.

This elaborate blueprint held within your subconscious mind has developed since you were conceived, and I believe also incorporates memories and beliefs held within your cellular memory from past lives and encoded within your DNA from all the generations before you.

You have trillions of neural pathways dedicated to making sure your life unfolds according to those belief systems with the express purpose of keeping you safe from harm by avoiding situations that could cause painful or traumatic experiences.

Interestingly, this programming can either set you up for success or failure, depending on what your subconscious mind perceives as safe. And perversely, until you change your belief systems, you will continue to experience certain painful experiences over and over again, in order to avoid what your subconscious mind perceives as a greater threat to your physical, emotional or mental wellbeing.

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Your core values are also intricately interwoven within those belief systems and if your core values and belief systems are not aligned and prioritised in a healthy, balanced way that aligns you with success even fulfilling your destiny, then no matter how hard you work, you will continue to sabotage your efforts over and over again.

Examine your core belief systems about the major priorities in your life and put them in order of importance. This can be very revealing. For example, if you list acceptance above money, then you will automatically make choices that you believe will cause people to like you, rather than make money. Unfortunately, if you make a lot of money, even with the best of intentions, there will be people who don’t like you. So this conflict means you will probably never make a lot of money. (The funny part about that is, even if you don’t make a lot of money, there are still going to be people who don’t like you. You can’t please all of the people, all of the time!) Exercise

Listed below are some of the most common areas about which we form belief systems and values. This list is far from complete so feel free to add to it if you wish.

Rearrange these in order of priority and determine if you are getting in your own way for achieving success. There is no right or wrong here. And I am not suggesting for a moment that money should be at the top of your list above other very important aspects like your health or family. After all, if you don’t have your health, what good

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is money? And if you have neglected your family and they have abandoned you, who are you going to share your success with? However, if money and success come at the bottom of the list, then you need to reconsider your priorities and shift your thinking if you want to succeed.

! Money ! Health ! Career / Work ! Family ! Security ! Safety ! Friendships ! Success ! Personal Fulfilment ! Leisure / Relaxation ! Education ! Making a difference ! Freedom ! Respect ! Truth / Integrity ! Acceptance ! Spiritual Growth ! Personal Development ! .......................... ! .......................... ! .......................... ! ..........................

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Step 2 : Us ing Your Past As Your Guide Who we are, how we respond to situations in our

lives, our actions, behaviours and ultimately our results are all shaped by the belief systems we have adopted through our life experiences and learning, particularly in the very early years of our childhood.

We have many fears and limiting beliefs stored away in our super computer, our sub-conscious mind, that create our world by literally causing us to automatically act in particular ways that keep us in our comfort zone and out of what the subconscious mind perceives as unsafe territory. However uncomfortable, frustrating and painful our current existence might be, to our subconscious, it is better than the alternative.

Fear of rejection, abandonment, ridicule, failure, success, being left alone, being judged and criticized; a primal need for safety, acceptance, respect, friendship, love and security; generations of adopted beliefs that we are not worthy, not good enough, don’t deserve success or don’t deserve to be happy. These and many, many more, subconscious programs are either learnt responses to our conditioning throughout our lives, brought in with us through our past lifetimes, or inherited via our ancestry, and they cause us to stay trapped under a glass ceiling. We can see the dizzy heights, but no matter how hard we try, we keep hitting our head on this invisible barrier that we can neither see, nor understand.

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Smashing through that barrier is one of the hardest, and yet one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

To illustrate my point, I want to give you my own example of fear of success, as to most people this particular fear makes no sense at all. So here is a look at a very personal part of my childhood to help you understand how our past determines the subconscious decisions we make which then shape our future.

My childhood was nothing extraordinary. Parents who loved me and instilled a strong belief in myself and my ability. I certainly never felt any sense of lack or limitation in my earliest years. To all intents and purposes I was born with everything I needed to be a brilliant, successful and model citizen. Probably even a strong leader in any community. So, what went wrong that caused me to set myself up for continual failure right through till I was 40 years of age? What belief systems did I adopt that stopped me from achieving the dizzy heights of success I so desperately yearned for, for so long?

My strong scholastic ability was quickly recognized when I started school and, though I never felt or acted better than anybody else, my peers seemed to feel otherwise about me.

A critical turning point for me in my childhood was played out in my early years at school. I was top of my class and I didn’t even have to try. I’m not bragging, it’s just the truth. I always achieved 98 – 100% easily. I was extremely fortunate because learning was a joy for me as

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it came really easily. It wasn’t such a joy for my competitive class mates however.

At the tender age of 6, and a self confessed wimp and total softy, several of the other children at my school, who probably had parents who were high achievers, took great delight in picking on me and criticizing me constantly. They didn’t attack me physically, but their endless verbal taunts were very damaging, none the less.

I really did have a very soft and gentle nature and I had no understanding of what was happening or why they were being so cruel. I just thought that I was obviously doing something very wrong to earn this unwanted attention. I went to a private Catholic school and the teachers and nuns, though highly skilled, did not seem to have the knowledge or understanding to know how to handle what was unfolding for me.

I would go home crying many afternoons after school and, in spite of numerous visits to the school by my mother requesting the teachers intervene, they said that there was nothing they could do.

So the taunting continued for almost a year and a half before mum could not bear seeing me emotionally taken apart piece by piece any more and she finally moved me to a different school.

The damage had been done, however, and my grades suffered pretty badly from then on. Those young children had taught me it was not safe to shine and I no longer enjoyed school or achieving high grades.

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This fear of success and fear of shining continued for the next 35 years until I revisited the many layers of subconscious programming that had been laid down during those critical 18 months of my life. Using some amazing breakthrough energy healing and energy psychology techniques that have only become available to us in the last 15 to 20 years, I dissected and released the dozens of decisions I had made that were holding me back from achieving any success in some areas of my life. I had became very good at failure. And yet, no matter how safe this was for my subconscious, I eventually got so tired of repeating the same pattern of failure over and over again, I made a decision to do anything I could to release myself from those shackles and shine like I never had before.

This led me on a magical journey of self discovery and what was at times a painful healing process. I have learnt many wonderful and amazing healing tools which I continue to use every single day to keep moving forward as quickly as I possibly can and break through glass ceiling after glass ceiling, determined to realize my amazing full potential.

And ultimately, that experience has been one of my greatest teachers. If I had not had to uncover, detach from and release those belief systems and reinstall new ones that serve me better, I would not have learned all the wonderful skills and lessons I have and am now teaching to others to help them live to their full potential and be the best they can possibly be in every moment. That particular experience made me who I am today.

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So our perception of experiences as positive or negative is purely subjective. Did those events have a devastating effect on my psyche, my future and the life I have lived? Absolutely! Have they also had a positive effect shaping who I am today and what I am now doing as my life’s purpose? You bet! Did they make me stronger and ultimately determined not to shy away from standing out from the crowd, being controversial and willing to take criticism and rejection because I’m different? Absolutely, and if history is anything to go by, I may experience a lot more of that!

Whatever has happened to you throughout your life has contributed to who you are today and the results that you are experiencing in your life right now. They shape who you are and how you relate to the people and events in your world. They are a part of the Divine Plan for you.

It is your responsibility to look deeply at what inherited and experiential learnings have shaped who you are and what you have achieved, or failed to achieve. What you learn from those experiences will help you to understand more fully who you are and what you are here to achieve. How are you better and stronger because of them? And what are you doing now that you wouldn’t have done otherwise? Exercise

Reflecting on your past, write down all the significant events, people and situations that have turned up in your life, good and not so good, that you consider have shaped

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who you are, particularly those times that you believe were turning points in your life.

It’s important to recognise that miracles and blessings come in all shapes and sizes and even events that appear to be disasters are The Divine at work. The word dis-aster means ‘from the stars’. How have events that appeared catastrophic redefined your life? What action or new direction did you take in response? How are you different because of them?

And in examining the more significant positive experiences you have had, what beliefs, ideas, and goals did they install or reinforce within you. Where were you? What were you doing? How can those experiences be a guide for what you are supposed to be doing in your future?

See if you can notice any pattern with the significant events in your life and how they have caused you to change direction and shape who you are. How are they related? What direction did they push you away from, and which did they push you toward?

Think carefully about what the Universe was telling you in each situation and how it has been guiding you. You may not have picked up on its’ guiding message at the time, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start listening now and recognise which direction you should be going in.

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Step 3 : What ’ s Spec ia l About You? I believe we all come in as part of a divine plan and

with a destiny that helps to make the world a better place. To that end, every one of us is born with a unique collection of talents, gifts and personality traits that are specific to us in some way and intended for us to contribute to the world experience. What we do with our gifts, how we utilise them to make a difference and the level of success we achieve ultimately rests in our hands.

Many people scratch their heads unable to think of what special gifts and talents they possess. Often a lack of self-esteem prevents many of us from being able to connect with a concept that we could be unique or special. This is also because of a perception that a gift or talent must be something earth shattering like being a virtuoso pianist or a scientific genius. However, I guarantee you possess a variety of special gifts that you have probably overlooked as nothing particularly special.

For example, you may naturally be a great listener; genuinely compassionate; good at a particular sport; have a flair for decorating a home; a natural nurturer; creative with food; have a history of successfully guiding others to better outcomes in difficult situations; be a good organiser; be creative or artistic; love to network; have a gentle, soothing touch; good with children; able to make people laugh; love to teach; a good negotiator; have a charismatic and persuasive personality; etc. Do not

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underestimate any way that you are able to affect others and touch them in some way.

Oprah Winfrey is a gifted communicator and people naturally feel at ease when she is interviewing them, which is part of the reason she has become so successful. She also has a great empathy and gentle nature but with a determination of will and deep sense of faith in a higher power that has helped her to get to where she is today.

Donald Trump is a natural negotiator and loves the art of making a deal. He of course had to learn a great deal about real estate and particular knowledge and skills relating to negotiating the best outcome for him. But he would also have a collection of innate talents, gifts and personality traits such as an incredible amount of tenacity, being able to remain calm under pressure, have a strong instinct for a good investment opportunity, be a natural born leader, as well as possessing a killer instinct and a very thick skin. These are just a few of the dozens of talents, some obvious, some not so, that combine to make him a master in his profession or he would never have been able to build the multi-billion dollar empire he has today. Of course some of these traits and skills can be developed through commitment and determination, however, for a super achiever such as he is, he must have been born with a certain amount of those already present within his nature.

The more obvious gifts I have been born with that are a distinct part of my divine purpose are my singing voice; a natural desire and talent for performing; a strong ability

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to communicate with others easily through the written and spoken word; a gift of being able to heal through vibration.

Other gifts that are less apparent until I spend time with people is a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others; an ability to unite people for a common cause; a contagious smile; exceptionally resilient and positive nature; an undeniable sense of purpose and commitment; a high level of loyalty and honesty; and a hopeless devotion to helping anybody and everybody.

Of course these traits and talents became stronger through the choices I made and my journey over the last 42 years. But I was definitely born with them, and many others, already inherent within me and they are an essential part of what makes me who I am and enables me to do what I came here to do.

What do you seem to do better or more easily than most others and what activities can you lose yourself in because you are enjoying yourself so much?

There are dozens of different natural traits that you possess that you have probably never considered particularly special. However, because they are a part of your natural way of being, they will be a specific part of the contract you are meant to fulfil in this lifetime. List as many as you can, and keep this list close by you so you can add to it as you travel through life. These insights into who you are will be invaluable in finding out what you are meant to be doing.

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Exercise Write down at least 20 special talents, gifts and traits

you have that contribute to make you unique and special. Remember, they don’t have to be earth shattering. If you have a nice smile, soft eyes or contagious laugh, they are special gifts.

Once you start this exercise, it can be hard to stop. It is not only revealing for your Divine Destiny and purpose, it is also great for your self-esteem. Give yourself permission to indulge yourself. You will be surprised just how many gifts you find you have when you really put your mind to it.

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Step 4 : What Br ings You Joy? Happiness – Life’s Holy Grail. No matter what your

deepest desire is, one thing is for certain – you believe that achieving that goal will bring you happiness.

Interestingly, true happiness is unconditional. That feeling is already inside of you and making it dependant upon a particular condition, person, event or circumstance is keeping you locked in an illusion of separateness and will ultimately prevent you from attaining what has been illusive for humanity for so long.

For centuries we have put the cart before the horse, placing expectations on certain conditions to bring us happiness; placing the emphasis on things outside ourselves which are transient and ultimately outside of our control. This is hardly a recipe for lasting happiness if we are relying on conditions that are continually changing in spite of our efforts to get them to remain the same.

In fact, by going inside, thinking happy thoughts and expanding a sense of happiness within ourselves first and foremost, regardless of external conditions, in other words practicing the art of unconditional happiness, we have a certain path to realising our ultimate goal.

This can also be greatly assisted by participating in activities and events that bring us a deep sense of satisfaction and joy. Whilst our gifts and talents are strong indicators to discovering our Divine Destiny, so are the activities and situations that bring us the greatest sense of fulfilment, purpose and joy.

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We all have times, some of us frequently, others only rarely, when we are so engaged in an activity that we lose track of time entirely. In fact we lose ourselves in what we are doing so completely that suddenly everything else about our world disappears, time becomes irrelevant and all of our focus is turned to that one activity. We are utterly in the moment because we are enjoying ourselves so much that what we are doing draws all our attention.

These are the times we need to pay attention to because they are the other greatest indicator of what our purpose is. These activities are the ones we can perform with passion, and we will perform them well, either naturally, or through practice, because we enjoy them so much and we are so focused.

Ever since I was a child, it was evident I was a performer. Attending a Catholic school, I was fortunate to have a speech and drama class as part of the curriculum. I loved every second and I really shone in that class. When I went to eisteddfods I would easily win most of my categories. Of course I was nervous before a performance, but once I was on stage and over the initial anxious moments, I became consumed by my character and the nerves disappeared.

I was also gifted with a singing voice, so I sang in choirs and was often chosen to sing solos. Again, when I sang time stood still for me. And of course this was continually reinforced by the compliments and accolades I would receive. The combination of the performer and the singing voice led me much later in life to perform in

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amateur stage productions, especially musicals, and ultimately take up formal studies to become an opera singer.

Of course, my career as an opera singer never blossomed, in spite of thousands of hours of hard work and dedication. This was confusing to me for many years. How could I have this gift and not be meant to use it? Well, eventually my commitment paid off because several years ago, when my healing abilities emerged, which is a story in itself, I suddenly realised I was never supposed to have a career as an opera singer, but as a healer and all the training I had undertaken to be an opera singer was intended to be applied in the healing profession.

My love of the stage and engaging an audience is now played out in my role as a motivational speaker. Whilst it is said that most people would rather face a firing squad than take up public speaking, nothing excites me more than captivating an audience and transforming their lives by sharing my knowledge, expertise and, of course, through the healing power of my voice.

It is the same when I conduct workshops or when I am coaching someone. Time flies by so fast that I am notorious for running over time because it means nothing to me when I am so engaged.

I love these activities even more than acting and singing opera. They utilise my gifts and talents and I am so passionate about what I do that in the past I have risked everything to follow my passion. I am driven to do

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what I do, like an invisible force that will not let me turn away from my purpose even if I wanted to.

This is what your Divine Destiny is all about. And there can be nothing more rewarding than living every day engaged with that level of fulfilment, passion and joy. Just imagine waking up every morning knowing you get to play, doing what you love doing the most, whilst others have to work. This is the only way to live your life! Exercise

Think of at least 10 times in your life that you can remember brought you the most joy, fulfilment and satisfaction and write down the answers to the questions below for each. Go into as much detail and be as specific as you possibly can.

Of course, family and relationships may factor into these answers quite significantly, and if they are your entire focus, then perhaps your contract on this planet, or at least one of them, is to be a loving, supportive, nurturing partner and parent. There can be no greater responsibility than to raise confident, happy children who make a difference in the lives of others. However, if you are specifically seeking a role outside of your family responsibilities, then ensure you list times that are not specifically related to your family as well.

a. When did you feel most engaged and the happiest you have ever been in your life?

b. What were you doing? c. Who were you with? d. Whom did you have a positive influence upon?

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e. How did you influence them? f. What changed in their lives because of what you

were doing? g. What specifically about those times gave you that

deep sense of fulfilment and satisfaction? h. What things could you do to recreate that feeling

in your life again? i. What types of information or subjects consume

you when you are exposed to them? What could you read about hour after hour and still find fascinating?

Notice how many of these questions are focused on how your actions are impacting others. An important part of finding your true purpose is to focus on others. You want to live a life of passion and purpose and fulfil your contract and that innate desire is all about you. However, whatever your purpose is it will serve a higher purpose and make a difference by improving the quality of life of others in some way.

Sports people, innovators, teachers, medical professionals, computer programmers, entertainers, artists, plumbers, electricians, sales people, veterinarians, waiters, horticulturalists, botanists, carers, cleaners, full time parents, all serve someone or something other than themselves and make an impact on our quality of life either directly, or indirectly.

Whatever your purpose is, it will serve others first and will ultimately serve you too.

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Step 5: Create Your Life, Your Way

Have you ever watched children when they are lost in their imagination as they play? Do you remember playing ‘mummies and daddies’, ‘cowboys and indians’ or other role plays and how much you would enjoy yourself? When we are young we can escape real life in an instant through our imagination.

It is the greatest tragedy that, because of the conditioning of society, our parents and teachers, we left our imagination behind as we grew into young adults as it was considered a waste of time and inappropriate. It is a tragedy because our imagination is our greatest gift for creating the life that we do want.

The subconscious mind works in pictures and feelings. It also has no distinction between what is real and what is imagined, which is why visualisation is so powerful. And it is your subconscious that has the power to help you create your life by design instead of by default.

When we use our imagination to visualise our life as we would like it to be, and we connect with how it would feel to be living that life, we connect to a powerful force so great that it has the ability to create situations, events and encounters in our lives that help to turn those dreams into reality. The subconscious connects with the feeling associated with the pictures you are creating in your mind and goes to work making it happen for you.

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The subconscious has no understanding about what it is doing, it simply feels the intensity of emotion associated with what you are focused on and actively looks for ways to recreate more of that for you. Your subconscious is your direct line to the Universe and is your servant waiting to do your bidding.

There is a saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”, and when we abandon our imagination, it will take practice to strengthen that creative muscle again. It is worth the time and effort to do this however, because it will be your greatest ally in helping you bring your dreams into reality.

Not to mention it’s also a great deal of fun! After all what would life be without hopes and dreams? I can’t imagine life would be worth living if I didn’t have dreams. And when you start to connect with the power that you have to bring those dreams into reality through your imagination, your whole world will be transformed into a kaleidoscope of infinite possibilities. Literally anything becomes possible!

When I was a small child, I dreamed of being a doctor. It was all I wanted to be. My dreams became lost in the reality of a troubled time at school and grades that suffered because of it. Consequently becoming a doctor slipped from my grasp and my dreams quite early in life.

Do you think it’s coincidence that I am now a life coach and healer? My desire to be a doctor as a little girl was because I wanted to help people to heal. Considering my knowledge about conventional medicine and the

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pharmaceutical industry now, I know I would never have been satisfied in that profession. As a healer and a coach, however, I have an unparalleled opportunity to help others to discover the power they have to heal and transform their own lives, and I can also harness the powerful forces of the Universe to create healing within thousands of people at one time. I cannot tell you how humbled and privileged I feel to be living this incredible dream.

The dream I had as a child has come true, but in a much better way than I could have possibly imagined.

Now it’s your turn to engage your subconscious mind and start to bring your dreams into reality through the power of your imagination. You have full permission to have as much fun with this exercise as you can and let your imagination run wild. Don’t hold back. It’s your future, what do you really want? Exercise

Using the insights you gained from the previous exercise of listing what brings you joy, think about your ideal day. If you had the choice of doing absolutely anything you could possibly imagine, what would that be? What would really rock your world and create such a sense of excitement and fulfilment that you could barely sleep in anticipation for the day to come?

I am specifically referring to your vocation or career here. If you have had a light bulb moment and you know without a shadow of a doubt what you are meant to be doing now, fantastic. But for this part of the exercise, I

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just want you to focus on the activities you would participate in that would make up your ideal day in pursuit of your passion.

Write several paragraphs outlining the intimate details of how you would like your life to be. Start with waking up in the morning and, in your minds eye, watch your perfect day unfold.

! Where are you? ! Who are you with? ! What are you doing? ! What do you see? ! What do you hear? ! What do you taste, touch and smell? ! How do you feel? ! How are other people interacting with you?

Include as much detail as you can. Now, using those paragraphs, write out the specific

components that go into making that dream. Begin each sentence with “My life is ideal when” and complete each phrase using doing words like: e.g. living, loving, working, helping, enjoying, writing, laughing, being, transforming, lifting, meditating, walking, running, travelling, sharing, listening, caring, etc.

Write as many phrases as you want to according to what living your ideal day of passion and purpose looks like.

Eliminate all judgement and reasons why you believe ‘you can’t’ or ‘shouldn’t’. These are just your belief

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systems and programming and have no place here. You can deal with those later.

Write clear sentences that come from the heart. Don’t let your head get in the way, and write down things that make you feel truly alive and totally engaged in life. What would you want to do the most in life for a vocation even if there was no financial return? This is your opportunity to live you greatest fantasy, so go for it.

Forget about traditional ways of making money for now. Even if you can’t see how you can make money from what brings you joy just yet, that will become evident in time, and is not an important detail at this point. For now focus purely on what will bring you joy and satisfaction.

Tiger Woods, Richard Branson, Rupert Murdoch, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Bill Gates - these, and hundreds of other wealthy people in the world, follow their passions in order to make their money. Their focus is never the money, but what brings them joy. Donald Trump refers to money just as a convenient way to keep score!

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Step 6: Discover Your Top 5 Passions

Now you know what your ideal day looks like and what it’s made up of, it’s time to narrow the focus down to the most important components of living your ideal life.

If you want to achieve anything in life, focus is extremely important, and when we identify what is most important to us, we have clarity about what choices and decisions are required to make it happen.

Knowing what your ideal day looks like and visualizing it as often as possible is absolutely critical to your mission of transforming your life. And your ability to create this is intensified when you are able to make clear decisions in favour of the elements of your dream that are the most important to you.

When you go to a restaurant and you ask for a meal, are you specific? Do you carefully choose from the menu according to what appeals to you in that moment? And what do you expect to turn up when you have asked for a specific dish? And if you got a completely different order, what would you do? In theory, we should send it back, right? Though some people would prefer not to make a scene and eat what they have been served anyway!

Big mistake! When you get really clear and specific about what you want, powerful forces are activated, putting events, people and situations in motion to bring you what you desire.

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But like a restaurant, if you are unclear and ambiguous about what you want, or keep changing your mind, you may get some things that you want, but you will also get a whole lot of stuff that you don’t want.

Think of life as an endless menu of choices from a silver service restaurant, just waiting for you to pick what you want. And then put in your order, and be clear and specific and expect to receive what you ordered.

The Universe is your chef and it is capable of making whatever you want, no exceptions, but you must be clear and consistent. If you haven’t even bothered to look at the menu and put in an order, you are saying to the Universe, just give me whatever you’ve got. And that’s just what you will receive and have probably been receiving for years. Because you have not been clear about what you truly want, the Universe is giving you whatever comes your way by default.

An example for me was many years ago when I was introduced to this concept. I was struggling to get a break in my singing career. I read about this principle of focusing on what you want and thought, ‘what have I got to lose’? So I asked for a break in my career.

At the time my husband was in the army and we were living in a glorious little bushland suburb in the Gold Coast Hinterland called Tamborine on 3 ½ acres. I had my horses and I was quite content living there. Well, 2 weeks after I put in my ‘order’, my husband was posted to Sydney. That was my worst nightmare. It meant I had to leave behind my horses and my beautiful quiet acreage

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and live in the last place on earth I wanted to go. Then, after crying my eyes out for 2 weeks, I realised I had received exactly what I had asked for. The best place for me to make any real progress in my singing career was in Sydney. This was one of the most powerful ‘aha’ moments of my life.

When you realise that you have the power and authority to order whatever you want from the Menu of Infinite Choices, start being creative, and specific, and expect to get what you order, or something better. Always add, ‘or something better’, because the Universe wants 20 times more for you than you want for yourself, so never limit the possibilities. Exercise

Revisiting all the sentences you wrote out in the last exercise about your ideal life, compare each sentence in the list and put them in order of priority. A great way to do this is to compare the first one with the next and decide, if you had to choose just one, which one would it be. Then take that sentence and compare it with the next one on the list, choose the most important, and so on, until you have your number one most important passion on the list.

Keep repeating this process, leaving out the passion you have just listed in order each time, and find your next most important until you have listed your five top passions.

Ultimately you don’t have to leave out any of your passions, but it’s important to know the order of priority

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that’s right for you, so you can make future decisions in favour of your purpose and passions. Every time you have to make a decision about your present or your future, refer to your top 5 passions and always decide in favour of those. If it doesn’t match any of the criteria, then it has no place in your life of passion and purpose.

Now, write your top 5 passions down on pieces of card and keep them in places where you will be reminded of them frequently to keep you focused and on target for living your Divine Destiny.

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Step 7: Forget The How Now that you’ve established how your ideal life will

look, you may find yourself worrying about how you are going to make it happen. I have two words for you ……… ‘STOP IT’.

Focus purely on how your ideal life will look, and what you need to do to create it will be shown to you. Make decisions according to your top 5 passions. Pay attention to your inspiration and intuition and you will know exactly what you need to do. Sometimes our intuition makes no sense, but follow it anyway, because you never know where it will lead you.

You can only see an infinitesimal amount of the possibilities of how you can reach your destination. The Universe sees all and has all the resources you need to achieve your goals and dreams. It knows the most efficient and effective way of helping you to create what you want. So leave the details up to the Universe because you will get to your destination a lot faster and waste a lot less energy if you allow it to show you the way through the inspiration it will give you. “Let Go and Let God”.

Inspiration can come in many forms. You may hear about a particular book, movie, seminar, workshop, course, etc, and immediately feel drawn to it. Follow that. You may meet somebody who has just the right information or service to help you on your way. A television show may talk about a particular subject that

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you find especially interesting. Believe it or not, you will know it when you find it. Or when it finds you! Trust that everything will fall into place in time and don’t try to force it, because if you do, you will more than likely end up way off track and doing the wrong thing.

You need to take action, but the right kind of action, or you will waste a lot of time and energy. How do I know? Because I have taken the wrong kinds of action over and over and over, and let me tell you, there is nothing more frustrating than ending up at another dead end weeks or even months down the track.

Mind you, having said that, all the skills that I have learnt along the way (and I’ve learnt quite a few) are all invaluable to me in living my purpose. I may have taken the scenic route to this current moment, and I would have liked to have gotten here are lot more quickly, but the longer I am on this path, the more I realise that I am literally using all the knowledge and skills that I have learnt. So never think your efforts are wasted, even if it takes you longer to realize your perfect life than you would like it to, which it undoubtedly will!

So, you also need to be patient and flexible. We have an incredible power to create what we want in our lives, particularly when we are aligned with our purpose. Unfortunately, in our instant society, we want everything yesterday and we get frustrated when it doesn’t happen for us instantly. This causes most people to give up when they’ve only just begun.

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However, when you’ve spent your whole life creating it by default, it will take time and practice to create your life by design. Anything worth doing and achieving takes dedication and practice to learn and perfect the necessary knowledge and skills required and this is no different. Sure there are ways to fast track your efforts, but you still need to be patient and know that, out of all the effort you put in, very rarely will you get the outcome you desire first time. If it were that easy, everybody would have been doing it all their lives and the world would be a very different place!

The process to achieving any goal is always: 1. Decide – Decide what your goal is. Be specific. Set

your goal according to the SMART acronym. I have set out this method at the end of this section for you to familiarize yourself with.

2. Action – take action toward your goal. Inspiration will come quickly, and you must take action quickly.

3. Analyse – Analyse the outcome. If you have achieved your goal, fantastic, if not…………….

4. Adjust – Adjust the action you take accordingly and repeat steps 2 to 4 on a continual basis until you reach your goal.

This process is essential to achieving any goal, and any achiever, either consciously or unconsciously, will follow these steps every time, without fail.

Focus intensely on your dream and know that it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. The most important

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thing is to never lose sight of the big picture, your ultimate goal, and never, ever give up!

Temporary failure is an inevitable part of your ultimate success, so get used to it. But the only way you can fail completely is to give up! Exercise

Setting goals is an essential part of achieving success in any endeavour. However, to give yourself the best chance of success, it’s really important that those goals fit a certain criteria.

One of the most recognised criteria is the SMART Goals acronym.

S – Specific There is little point saying “My goal is to have more

money”. If somebody gave you $1, you would have more money. That statement is too vague. It will not inspire you to action and it will not give your subconscious mind the parameters it needs to achieve anything. Your goals need to be very specific and written in a clear and concise manner so there is no mistaking what you are aiming for. For example:

“I am going to make one million dollars” “I am going to meet the man of my dreams” “I am going to lose 10kg / 15 pld” And notice the language used. “Wishing” and

“Wanting” only produces more wishing and wanting. Remember Yoda from Star Wars: “Do, or do not. There is no try.” The subconscious mind hears and processes very

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literally. It doesn’t interpret, it only gives you what you tell it. So choose your language carefully, make it definite and state it in the positive.

M - Measurable You must be able to tell when you have achieved your

goal. What criteria will have to be fulfilled to show you that you have arrived at your destination?

The best way to measure is to set up a vision of what it will look like when you have achieved your goal. e.g. Visualise yourself looking at your bank account and you can see that you have one million dollars in the account. See yourself sitting in your favourite place with the man of your dreams. See yourself standing on the scales and they read 10kg / 15pld less than what you do now.

Review the section on visualisation if you need to refresh yourself on creating a vision for your goal.

A – Achievable Is it humanly possible? Have there been others who

have achieved the same thing before you? Do you actually believe that it can be done? Napolean Hill said “whatever man can conceive, he can achieve”. And I truly believe that almost anything is possible, particularly when you start delving into the metaphysical nature of our existence. What’s important is that you believe in your heart of hearts that it is humanly possible. When you have a track record of success, then you can start to set goals that nobody has realised before if you wish, because your self belief and goal achieving mechanism will be on fire and that is when you are capable of anything.

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R - Realistic Next assess your own limitations. You want to set

yourself up for success, not failure. A goal of earning one million dollars in a day might be realistic for Donald Trump, but is it for you? We are only limited by our own belief systems, but don’t set yourself up for failure before you’ve even had a chance to get going. Instead, choose to set yourself up for success.

Don’t make the goal too easy, because it won’t challenge or inspire you. However, make sure you believe that your goal is possible and not so far out of your depth that you become completely disassociated with your goal. If you do that, the game is over before it’s begun.

If you’ve never gotten what you want in life, then scale your goals back. If however, you’ve always succeeded in everything you do, then stretch yourself, make the goal bigger than you have ever imagined before. Earning one million dollars a day is humanly possible, but don’t make it your goal for tomorrow if you’ve never earned that kind of money before. If that’s what you would like to do, then make it a 2 year goal, or a 12 month goal, or even a 6 month goal, but start with a realistic vision for you.

And prove to yourself you can do it by setting smaller goals that will get you to the larger one. Success breeds success. Consciously build a belief in yourself that will make you unstoppable whenever you set out to achieve something. Once you’ve created a history of proving to

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yourself that you can achieve what you set out to achieve, this is priceless for the subconscious mind and your psyche.

T - Time Based You must set yourself a time constraint. There is no

point just saying “I’m going to earn a million dollars” without putting an end date on it. That could mean anything from tomorrow to 50 years from now. Set yourself a realistic date that you intend to achieve your goal by.

Now you know the SMART goal formula, you are going to write your goals out in a very specific way.

It is important that you write the formula in strong, positive language (i.e. “I now own all my possessions” instead of “I want to pay off my debt”) and in the present tense as if it’s already happened (“It is now ……….”). If you keep visualising your goal out in the future, then it will be like a carrot on a stick and it will stay in your future as you move forward and always be just out of your reach.

So you need to write your goal in this format: ‘It is now’ (Future Date) ‘and I am’ or ‘I have’

(Measurable Statement of what your goal looks / feels like).

e.g. “It is now 1st December, 2012 and I am relaxing with my husband and dogs on my beautiful veranda whilst reading a book and watching the sunset over the property we own outright.”

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Now it’s really important, as with visualisation, that you get in touch with the feeling associated with that goal. Some people struggle with visualisation, but just stay with it. It doesn’t mean it won’t work, it’s your focus that matters and as you practice this method, it will become easier and easier.

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Step 8: Eliminate Self Sabotage In Step 2: Using Your Past As Your Guide, I spoke

about the subconscious programming and belief systems. You may be surprised to know they determine 96 to 98 percent of our behaviours and the results that we see in our lives. We are literally living our lives on autopilot!

It was Einstein who said “Problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.” In other words, if you want to change your results, then you have to change the way you think, and more specifically, you need to get into the hard wiring in your brain and upgrade the programs you have installed.

If you recall my experience at school that caused me to believe it was dangerous and painful to be successful and consequently I became an average student with pretty much average results throughout my life for the next 35 years.

That experience caused me to make many different decisions about life including ‘rich girls are bitches’. My school trauma occurred at a private Catholic school so many of the students, including my tormentors, were quite well off. Why would I want to be rich when I had made up my mind that all rich girls are bitches? I’d prefer to be poor than a bitch.

I also felt a distinct lack of support and I felt abandoned. Sure, my mum loved me and comforted me, but she was powerless to do anything about it, and my

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teachers didn’t seem to know how to help me either. I made the decision that if I chose to be successful, then I would be lonely and abandoned and nobody would be there to support me.

The final blow during those painful months was when my best friend, who had stood by me all that time and consequently also received a lot of taunting and abuse, betrayed me by ‘moving to the dark side’ and also became one of my tormentors. I loved her dearly and was absolutely guttered. This created a belief within me that if I was successful, my best friend would betray me. Considering my best friend over the last 18 years has been my husband, do you think I would risk being successful if I believed in my subconscious that my husband, the person I loved more than anyone else in the world, would betray me if I did?

These are certainly not the only negative belief systems I formed relating to those painful times for me, but they were some of the major ones that caused a great deal of conflict within me when I was working my butt off trying to succeed at different ventures.

I am also the daughter of a work-a-holic who literally worked in his own business 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 30+ years, retiring at 77 years of age, and never, I mean NEVER took sick days or holidays. Mum and dad have been well off, but certainly not wealthy. My exposure to this from the day I was born meant I quickly made up my mind that if you wanted to be successful in business and

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make even a comfortable living then you had to work exceedingly hard.

Do you see where decisions like these made from the experiences you’ve had in life would cause conflict within you and probably prevent you from ever being successful?

What were your parents belief systems around money, work, success and rich people? We all adopt the belief systems of our ‘tribe’, good and not so good. Analyse the experience your family had with money, how they spoke about money, wealth and work, and what was unspoken but evident in the way they lived their lives.

At first you may be amazed by what you uncover, and then you will have a whole new perspective as you realise a new level of understanding about why you have experienced the results you have.

You won’t be able to complete the following exercise in one sitting. Actually, it’s one that you will need to keep revisiting for years on various subjects as you break through glass ceiling, after glass ceiling on your meteoric rise to success.

It’s invaluable to become acutely aware of your behaviours and responses to different situations in life so you can choose different actions to get different results. Practice researching and thinking through all the possible responses you can to life’s challenges to achieve the best possible outcome, and you will become a master at one of the most important skills for your future success in any endeavour.

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There are thousands of belief systems that cause us to react to situations automatically, and often in ways which do not create the outcome we consciously desire. If you want to succeed, you must dissect these belief systems behind your reactions, behaviours and actions, and get into the programs that have been hardwired into your central processing unit, your subconscious mind, so you can upgrade those old outdated programs that no longer serve you. You also want to install new ones that support you and help you to achieve your goals and dreams as quickly and effortlessly as possible, without the struggle.

People like Richard Branson are extremely rare because his environment from birth created positive programming that means he is hardwired to create success and happiness in his life. It is very likely that he doesn’t even understand how he naturally does what he does, or why many of us struggle most of our lives for even the smallest amount of success.

And ironically, the programming that is holding you back from living to your full potential has been adopted to keep you safe. It has been created either through experiences you’ve had or adopted by default from others, and has caused your subconscious mind to decide that it wanted to avoid certain circumstances at all costs, even if it means a life of constant struggle, mediocrity and uncertainty about your future.

However, when you change the belief systems that are causing you to self-sabotage your efforts, you will succeed naturally and though you will still encounter

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challenges, because everybody does, you will be more positive, resourceful and creative at overcoming what would have previously seemed a disastrous set back that would stop you in your tracks. Exercise 1

Using the new insights about your families experience and beliefs about money, write down all the negative belief systems and programming you can that you believe have been holding you back.

Then, looking back at your results from Part 2 of this work-book, examine your reactions in each situation and the subsequent outcomes. If the ultimate outcome was not ideal, how do you think you could have done things differently to achieve a different outcome? What belief systems or programming about yourself and the world around you do you think caused you to react in the way that you did that created that outcome?

For example: I’m not safe; I’m not good enough; Fear of failure; Fear of Success; Fear of rejection; Fear of abandonment; I don’t deserve to succeed; I don’t deserve to be happy; It’s not safe to be successful; Rich people are unhappy; etc.

Whilst recognizing these sabotaging belief systems can be tricky, so can changing life long patterns of automatic behaviour, even after you’ve identified their cause. Fortunately, there are many highly effective techniques that have emerged in recent years that will help you to change them quickly and with as little resistance as possible.

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Two of my favourite transformation techniques are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing. Working directly with the energy and vibrational systems of the body, these two methods literally deconstruct the negative subconscious programming and can also install positive programming and ways of responding to the world that will assist you to get closer to your goals, rather than sabotage them.

Once you have enlisted your subconscious mind as your ally on your journey to success, your progress will gain momentum and your journey will seem to take on a magical life of it’s own.

To find out more about EFT and Sound Healing, please visit my website, www.consciouswealthinstitute.com where you will find instructions on how and why they work as well as some free gifts. Exercise 2

To assist you to discover what belief systems are holding you back from succeeding beyond your wildest dreams, fill in the blanks on these statements.

Success is_________________________________________



Security is ________________________________________


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Changes to the economy are_________________________



Rich people are ___________________________________



Money is__________________________________________



Money is earned by ________________________________



Opportunity is_____________________________________



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My family is_______________________________________



My friends are_____________________________________



It’s not safe to be rich / successful because ___________



I am _____________________________________________



Complete this exercise as often as you like to uncover more and more unconscious programming around success and money that is holding you back from living your true purpose and realizing freedom.

This form of self-awareness and discovery is a life long practice if you want to be truly successful. Our programs are deeply ingrained, very powerful and can be

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extremely difficult to identify and isolate. With practice and growing awareness of your reactions and behaviours, it will become easier and easier to recognize belief systems that do not serve you so you can change them.

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Conclusion This e-course may or may not have shown you the

exact career you need to be engaged in just yet, with all the details in place. The different stages of your purpose will evolve and develop over time. The important thing is that, now you are aware of what your top 5 passions are, you are making decisions in line with them so every day you move closer and closer to living a life of pure passion, joy and fulfilment that many people only dream about.

People, events and situations that get you closer to your dream, will seem to miraculously appear in your life. Now the Universe has a clear idea of what you want, it can start to bring you what you need to get you there.

And remember, the word dis-aster means ‘from the stars’. Look at all your challenges as opportunities to get closer to your goals. Seek to know how they may serve you, even if they seem negative at the time.

Also, take the pressure off yourself and focus on how you would like to be engaged with others, or what service you would like to provide that improves the quality of life of others. You may serve children, adults, plants, animals, or the environment. Improving the quality of existence on the planet in any way, will ultimately improve the quality of life of the human race.

Finally, we are always evolving, and your passions and your purpose will evolve too. Revisit these exercises every 6 to 12 months to make sure you are still on track and recognise if you need to adjust what you are doing.

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To Your Success,

Marguerita Vorobioff www.consciouswealthinstitute.com
