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Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs...

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Page 1: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


Page 2: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


Class 1

Foundational Beliefs Required for Success

Page 3: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


Hi. This is David Neagle. I want to welcome you to Class 1 of Just Believe Masterclass.

During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want.

Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a great little book called Think and Grow Rich. It’s probably the foundational or cornerstone book in regards to all of the success that is out there.

He interviewed 500 of the world’s most successful people in great detail over a period of 20 years to come up with what the core beliefs are in the foundational understandings of the ultra-successful in life.

I personally have dedicated my entire life to really understanding the difference between what is it that allows some people to go on to create unbelievable success in their life while others stay stuck and can’t seem to get out of their own way.

I think that Hill coined it very well when he said, “Somewhere in your makeup lies the seeds of achievement, which if aroused and put into action, would carry you to heights such as you may never had hoped to attain.

“Just as a master musician may cause the most beautiful strings of music to pour forth from the strings of a violin, so may you arouse the genius which lies asleep in your brain and cause it to drive you upward to whatever goal you may wish to achieve.”

That is a pretty lofty promise, but I can guarantee you, and my sincere promise to you is, that if you go through this course and you do absolutely everything that I am outlining and teaching you to do, you will at some point achieve whatever it is that you want.

Let me start off by asking you this question: What do you really want?

Understanding what we really want is one of the first principles that we have to discuss in uncovering the success, achieving the success and living the success in our life that we really hope to acquire.

Many years ago, I was in a situation where I found myself literally waking up one day and realizing that I was a total failure. I was the epitome of being stuck in my own circumstances in my own life.

Page 4: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


When I say stuck, what I’m talking about is that you know that you have the ability to achieve more. You can feel it in your heart. You can feel it in your being. It’s in your wishes, hopes and dreams, but you literally do not know how to get there. This is really stuck. You don’t know, and you don’t know that you don’t know.

So many people that I come across in my career really are in a place where they know that there’s something there inside of them, but they can’t seem to tap into what it is.

I found myself living in a situation where I was a high school dropout. I was married. I had two children. I had more bills and debt than I had income coming in. I literally could not figure out how to turn the situation around.

How do you turn a situation around that requires more education, money and time when you don’t have education, you don’t have more money and you definitely don’t have more time?

This was the catalyst to driving me to a place of just complete and utter breakdown in my own psychology and my own emotions as to what I had created, and then being able to turn it around by accepting the responsibility of the position that I was in and really starting to think first and foremost, “What do I really want?”

I’ll tell you this. Very often, when I ask people, “What is it that you really want?” they’ll paint pictures of making multi-millions of dollars, mansions, yachts, private airplanes and really living the fantasy lifestyle of what they believe the ultra-wealthy and the ultra-successful live.

While dreaming and using your imagination is all well and good, and I encourage those things, it is definitely not the place where people need to start.

We have to understand, like Eric Hoffer said, “To learn, you need a certain degree of confidence, not too much and not too little. If you have too little confidence, you’ll think that you can’t learn. If you have too much, you’ll think that you don’t have to learn.”

I think that was probably the problem that I had been facing most of my life. I had too much confidence, or a false ego, if you will, and I didn’t think that I had to learn.

Part of my problem was, at that time in my life, I didn’t like to learn. It’s one of the reasons why I quit high school when I was 17 years old.

Page 5: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


I went on to finish that later on in my life, but at that time in my life, I was really in a position where I just wanted to escape the reality that literally made up my life at that time.

I think that a lot of people really don’t comprehend the idea that successful people have a completely different belief and value system from those people that are not successful.

I was raised in a working class, middle class environment. I was raised with the idea basically of why I couldn’t do something and not how I could. It wasn’t assumed that I would go on to get a higher education. It was pretty much assumed that I wouldn’t.

There I was, waking up one day, working on a dock. I drove a forklift for a living. I worked six and a half days a week. I could not seem to get past $20,000 a year in my income.

That number is not important for you, because what’s important for you is that you understand what income you’re currently making.

In one of your note sheets, what I’d like to suggest that you do is just write down the amount of money that you currently make every year. It doesn’t matter if it’s low, medium or high.

You may be somebody who’s already very successful, making several million dollars a year and you’re finding yourself stuck. This program somehow or another got into your hands. It will do for you what it will do for anyone.

You could be homeless. You could be starting out in a place where you’re sleeping on a curb every night. If you’re able to get your hands on this program, I guarantee you in a short period of time, not only will you not be homeless, but you’ll be on your way to a really bright future.

Where are you now? There are two things that we need to know in order to become successful. You’ll hear me talk about this several times throughout this program.

One is to have some idea of where we’re going. In other words, what do we want?

When I was working on the dock, I was literally loading food into trailers every day. It actually wasn’t every day. It was every night because I worked nights.

Page 6: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


I didn’t have a house. I lived basically in an apartment in a not very desirable neighborhood. It had drug dealers in the neighborhood. It had all kinds of problems in that neighborhood.

It was not something that I was proud of, that I was bringing up two children in this kind of a neighborhood, but there I was. I was stuck and faced with it every single day.

I didn’t have enough money to pay my bills on time. I was chronically late paying my bills. Even though I was chronically late, I was still spending money on things that had little or no importance to my life, which was increasing my debt. Not only was I stuck, but I was in a complete spiral going down.

In a very short period of time, I completely turned this around. The reason that I’m telling you this story is that it doesn’t matter where you are. You can turn it around and you can turn it around very quickly.

That’s what one of the ideas behind the Just Believe Masterclass is. You start to become a master at your own life. You become a master at creating what it is that you want.

Let me tell you a little bit more about my story to give you some idea of where I was and actually how I began to change this.

During this time of my life, not only were things not good, but I was not well as an individual. What I mean by that is I was really stuck in my own psychology about where I was.

I was victimizing myself. I had a ton of self-pity. I had a lot of self-blame, but I also would blame everybody else around me. I did not understand what it meant to literally accept responsibility for who I was, what I was doing and what I was creating on a regular basis. I just didn’t understand this.

It’s really one of the main keys to changing everything that you want in your life. You can learn to accept responsibility for everything that you think and feel and all the things that you do that are creating the results in your life.

One night, it was a Tuesday night in February. It was probably around 2:00 in the morning. I was working in the back of this trailer loading food. I had been reprimanded several times during the day for my performance.

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I was just not well in my thinking. All I could think about was, “How did I get myself into this situation?”

As the night went on, not only from being completely exhausted physically because I was working so much, but being exhausted emotionally, I literally broke down and began to cry.

A little voice in my head said, “David, change your attitude.” As I say that to you, as I put this down in this recording, I can visually remember going back to that trailer that night, exactly what that was like, and I can still hear those words going off in my mind again. David, change your attitude.

Here’s what was interesting about this. I had been hearing that since I was a kid. Teachers would tell my parents, “David’s a pretty bright guy. If he would just change his attitude, he’d be getting good marks in school.” I would go home. My parents would ground me. They would tell me to change my attitude.

Come next report card season, my grades were exactly where they were in the prior season. Nothing changed because nobody ever told me or showed me how to change my attitude.

I had a realization that evening that I honestly did not know what an attitude really was. I think most of us think we probably know. It is how we’re behaving, how we’re thinking and what our outlook on life, other people and our situation actually is.

I think that, if you’ve never made a concerted effort to actually look your attitude about how you view everything right in the face and say, “This is either productive or not productive,” and be willing to change it, you really don’t know intimately what your attitude is.

Most people just get out of bed every day. Their attitude is whatever it is. It’s engrained in them. It’s a subconscious behavior. It’s a subconscious perception of how they view their world.

They just continue to move through their world with the same attitude that they had yesterday, all the time wishing, wanting and maybe evening complaining about the way things are and wanting things to be slightly different. They don’t know that the first key is to change your attitude.

I’ll tell you this. I found that changing my attitude in those very first days, not only was productive but it borderlined on magical in my mind.

Page 8: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


Here’s the reason why. I was making $20,000 a year. Through changing nothing other than my attitude and the behaviors that followed with it, I watched my income go from $20,000 to $62,000 in the matter of a month. That’s right. You heard that correctly. Not in a year, but in a month.

It so spun my head around as to what had happened and what could be possible for my life that it caused me to go on a mission that literally turned into a magnificent obsession to find out what the heck I actually did to create this first stage of success in my life.

I guarantee you that you can do the exact same thing in your life. I’ve been teaching people how to do this for going on 20 years now. I probably have made more millionaires in the professional development industry than any other coach, trainer or speaker that is out there.

I’ve been around a long time. Believe me when I tell you that I have watched people who literally have given us their last dime turn out to be millionaires in a very short period of time, sometimes within the span of 12 months.

It all started though with this changing of belief inside of myself. I want to share with you a really great passage before I tell you the rest of the story, again from Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich.

If you’ve never read the book, I would suggest that you get yourself a copy and make it a consistent study.

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill says, “There’s a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes that he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish.”

Then he goes on to say, “Open mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief. Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.”

In other words, the same effort that you use every day that is bringing you the results that you currently have, that you currently do not like and that you currently want to change, that same effort refocused and pointed in a different direction can literally work miracles in your life.

Page 9: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


I don’t say that with any hype whatsoever. I did it in my own life, and I’ve taught thousands of people all over the world to do exactly the same thing. Guess what? You’re next.

That night in that trailer, the decisions that I made for my life have led me to this very day where you’re listening to me in this recording. It has led me through every subsequent decision that I have made since because, without changing my attitude, I would have never been opened up to a world that I didn’t even know existed.

I began to ask myself the question, “What exactly is an attitude, and where do I need to change mine?” I became in that moment what my mentor used to call an unconscious competent. In other words, I started doing the right things for success, but I didn’t know that I was doing them.

Once I figured that out, I thought to myself, “Boy, if I could ever figure out exactly what it is that I am doing, I could really begin to control my success. Plus, I don’t fall in the pitfall of making a mistake and then not knowing what to change.”

You go from an unconscious competent to a conscious competent. You really start to get a handle on what it is that you’re doing.

When I started to ask myself what an attitude is, I looked for someone that I could relate to that had success and compare, in my mind anyway, what the difference is between this person and myself.

The person that I compared to myself to happened to be the owner of the company that I was working for. I was working for a company called KeHE Foods in Lisle, Illinois. They’re probably the largest food importer in the country, or at least they were at that time.

The stories that I had heard were that Mr. Kehe literally started the company in his garage. He had built it into a magnificent company that employed thousands of people.

I thought, “What’s the difference between him and me?” Here are the three conclusions that I came up with.

Number one, he must have loved what he did. I thought to myself, “My god, I hate what I do. I don’t love what I do. I absolutely hate it.”

Page 10: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


Being that he loved it, it must have been easy for him to come to work every day. It must have been easy for him to think about the things that he needed to do every day.

In other words, he wasn’t battling himself in his own mind as to how he should work or what kind of quality of work he should do. Should he come to work? Should he not come to work? He just automatically did it because that’s what he loved.

I said, “That’s the first thing I’m going to change. I’m going to act like I love what I do.”

The second thing was he treated everybody with total respect. I used to work on a dock. I worked with people of all different kinds of races and backgrounds. They were workers. They were working class individuals. Some of them didn’t even speak English.

When Mr. Kehe would come walking through the warehouse, dressed in a very nice three-piece suit, often with other businessmen and women doing business, showing them the warehouse and showing them how things operated, he would never not pass someone and stop and say hello, ask how their family was, shake their hand, thank them for working for him and tell them they were doing a good job.

I thought to myself, “Boy, I don’t treat people like that at all. As a matter of fact, I’m always angry at other people. The reason that I’m angry at other people is because, for some strange reason, I think that those people are responsible for where I am. I’m responsible for where I am, not those other people.

“I’m going to start treating people with respect just because they’re human beings and just because everybody should be treated with some level of respect because they’re part of our human family.”

The third thing, and perhaps one of the most important things, was that I thought he must have done a really good job to build a company, to build a real world-class company like he had.

I thought, “I don’t do a good job.” I really didn’t do a good job because I didn’t care. I had no interest. I had a terrible sense of entitlement. It showed in my work. I was always being brought up on some kind of disciplinary charge for the quality, or should I say the lack of quality, of the work that I was doing.

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I changed those three things immediately. I’ll tell you that it wasn’t without an argument, if you will.

Each one of us has that other voice in our head that is always telling us we can’t do something, we shouldn’t do something, laughing at us and ridiculing us.

This voice in my head said, “David, you have never in your whole life changed anything and actually stuck with it.” The problem with the voice was that the voice was right. The voice was using my own history against my decision-making ability in the moment.

I can’t tell you why, to this day, that I ignored that voice when I guess I had listened to it all my life up to that point, but I did. I said, “I have tried everything else. I don’t know how to get out of this situation. I am going to try this for 12 months and I’m going to see what happens.” I was desperate. I had no other place to turn.

I immediately began to set on that path. From that moment forward, I acted like I loved what I did. I treated everybody with total respect regardless of how they treated me. I did every job to the best of my ability.

I would come in the next day and I would do every job to what I thought was the best of my ability. Instantly, I began to see how I could do it better the next day. The next day, I would see how I could do better the next day.

Doing your best and being your best every day begins to build upon itself. You begin to create momentum in a very positive direction that you want to go. It stacks. It gains strength. Your belief becomes deeper and stronger. Your confidence in what you’re doing becomes stronger.

In 30 days, my life changed like I had never seen or even hoped that it would change up until that point in time. I literally went from $20,000 to $62,000. I thought to myself, “I just don’t understand how this could possibly change so fast.”

It broke all the conventional rules of wisdom that said, “You need to go back to school, learn a different skill set, work for a corporation, build yourself up, work long and hard and climb the ladder.” That’s what life had told me. That’s what I had been taught.

Here I was, making a massive change, a quantum leap, if you will, in my results that happened so fast that it caused me to pay very close attention to what I was doing.

Page 12: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


People around me were saying, “David, you’re lucky. You must know someone. You must be related to someone for something like this to happen.”

You also have to remember that this happened around the late ’80s, early ’90s when most of the people that I had grown up with were making around $30,000 a year working a job for 20 years. I didn’t even know anybody that was making $60,000 a year. It caused me to say, “What the heck did I just do?”

I’ll tell you that this all started with me asking myself a question. When I looked back later on and I really tried to analyze what had I done that caused this to work, the first question I started asking myself was, “What do I really want?”

What I wanted at that time in my life was, number one, to make more money. I was focused on making $40,000 a year. I thought, “Boy, if I could make $40,000 a year, it would be like somebody gave me the keys to the kingdom.”

The second thing was that I wanted a home. I wanted desperately to get my family out of the terrible neighborhood that we were living in, living next door to a drug dealer, and move ourselves into a safe environment in which I could raise my children to the best that I possibly could.

The third thing was I thought maybe if I could invest in some land, then I would be starting to set myself up so that when it’s time for me to retire, I would have a place in which, hopefully if I spent my money and saved my money well, I could build a home for myself and I could retire.

That was in northern Wisconsin. I was from Illinois. I spent a lot of my youth in Wisconsin. I just fell in love with the area.

That’s what I wanted. I wanted those three things.

I thought that one other thing that I would really love to have would be a boat. That came out of a very simple story of, when I was kid, my father used to take me fishing all the time. We couldn’t afford our own boat in those days, so we always had to rent one. It had a little tiny motor on it. We would go up and down the river.

All these other boats would pass us flying past us. It would take us two hours to get where it was we wanted to go. I thought, “Someday, I’m going to have my own boat.” Those are the things that I wanted.

Page 13: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote


I want to ask you to really spend some time after you listen to this first session asking yourself, “What do you really want?” Here’s the most important thing. You have to start where you are.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not telling you not to dream. I’m not telling you not to think about really grandiose ideas that would be absolutely amazing at some point in your life. I want you to do those things. We’ll get to those things a little bit later in the course.

You cannot get there if you don’t start where you are. Every person that wants success and wants success quickly needs to understand this unmovable principle: You must start where you are.

The reason for this, which I’ll talk about in the next lesson, is that when you start where you are, you also grow from where you are, which is what causes your success to begin with.

It is your own personal growth that is going to cause you to be the person that brings every bit of success you could possibly imagine into your life. Let’s start there.

What do you really want? Take as much time as you need to write it down in as much detail, and start where you are.

I keep saying, “Start where you are,” so let me give you a little bit more clarity on what I mean by that. What do you really believe in your heart of hearts that you can see yourself with? More money? A better job, a business, being an entrepreneur? A great relationship, a great marriage, a wonderful family? A house, a boat, a car?

Whatever it is for you, you have to literally be able to feel it in your body that you believe that you can have that thing. If you can do that, that is the place where you need to start.

Go ahead and have a lot of fun with it. Be real with yourself. Don’t lie. Don’t make yourself more than you are or less than you are. Start exactly where you are.

I’m going to see you on the next call. This concludes Class 1. This is David Neagle. I’ll be with you again on the next class of Just Believe Masterclass.

Page 14: Class 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · During Class 1, I will be covering with you the foundational beliefs that are required for the success that you want. Many years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote
