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Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica

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  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    F;:"}x-fi-ia'eFciitics cf Science to tlae Sciereceof pclirics: rhe Dirficult &,{ake JpLr, heR-o'nanranPoliticar sciendu.{\IELBARBU

    ' Forrhesocial :i.^T:::l]lrgh ,L..rise nclpreciicamenrf Romanianporiricacience,s mportant .experieice.rst *.yi;i;;'n'o*o,.iur, acaclemia,s a topicenlencedo a certaindegree f obscurity. o,nu"iul., .r.,orurl".,'"y'r?"t, o. anndividuaibasis' espectabllity..d'r".ognitioni. the nternational cie^tificcom-uniry'but trone vouldexpeit hem.to it co]Iecti".ry i.,. ";Ji;ffil;lut scie,.,cend t isonly air osay,haimargintriryr p.tr-r.ir r-r.ti""scapableareof au pcliticalc;*ncenterrrisesn Ce:riiar nc EasiernE'rope.rola-u.ica:r, Britisri,Geiman,rendr' ndeven ialianpolitical ci..,.u,arenotonlydominant, ui also eif-reliantndself-sufficient'hereiore,t woulclu" *"* i";;tJJ;g to rook at rvhat (omania.oiiticalsciencei rather han at what ii aae+"r rrf";to do. Thai is to say thaisrnanian oiiticalscienceouldbenoteworth),-""i; ;',h" extent t is cornprelie*cledfrffi"l*:?H3:'; ownighi,egardress"f ,il;"';#.r ;;,*.,'i;;;J,ry creareIf we rnake^ours heodoreLorvi'sc,ontenlion hat the \ ray *re study, politicssuallv abidesbv the politics rve study'..rl-. h;i;;;.;i"gt,.-,u i-ras he irrcrinaiion ioroduie a polirici consonanto rsell "ia ,f.rri ril"qi;";u),, ever), egirnealso tendso generate politicalscience onsistent ;tniGir"t:ii;;; if fotlouls tir-atn 1:ecomi.ga\vareo'fR'hatRonianianpcliticalscienceries o be r,vemight jusi learn sonethi.g"OtX:-IT--rjan post-commr:nist olity u,la pJti.r." -)ee-r-nrngly'udl a ft tncbionalssessmeniis'otcloingviolence to a s.,rbsiar-Lt i" .d.t" f i lduofrof r irerature.Indeed,.aRo;n;.J;; iru, i i"rsciencei, j n=.,.e: ,__:,:arrxisiaiirj s stiil on ihe fringesof existence.{hich'explirr-,sto a large e>:i.:rr ,-.: -: -uiarity enjoyedafter1989Lyall sortso.f vriti.gs ";;;; about pclitics, rvhici, s..,,.o inciicateo an inexperte1'qhat the.iir.ipil:j,r"r?il, taken off. This _s:ai:;r,e:,:s onlyoutrvardlyparidoxiial, as ascience"-beaded instrong theoietical racjiticr..snd ecnpiricar iolrrise cloes or usualry1";;i;;;#;rry gained popuJar a'oi.or therecanbe u f'u" acimittance "iv to those tteliectual terriiories,wiiich are noi;'etmeihodologicailymappgdanclconceptually.h;;a.; As soon asa^ intellectualerrain is colonizedby i given scie^ce, dn',itto,-,.es iegututed by a nr:rnber o,febtrictions nd exclusions. hus, hegeneralpublic loosescontrol over that fielcl ofnor+'Iacge.. popurationof "speciaiisis;,-rr"r" ."**ina fro* that mome.t o'.cademicclearance nd brueprintsare -r."lurortn"."i?a.ndeed,f theverynorion f "scienrifil^11 ;rr,j.";iJ.pirt"mciogicalryveak,rsne'eriheiessndisplrablehat t irasaclear oiiarconient o the extentt ack'or,v-edgesheexistence iilri* the nterlectuulre.,a i uliiii".t group of ,,specialistsi,defined y cerrain {9s 9f scientific roduction;;;;;aucEon.ier us^raker fcirantedhata scientific isciplines ully.rtlu,rirh.l ;^ri-,;';;i"J f:'JrTl"rja2 aie'1 :.l TieoCore J. LOIYI, "The Sta e in polit icai Sc io,rco.Hn,. , r ,u^ F ^ -L : . , asc,e1g, d,e-,ru,"". ,,r r;?;*Fcal sciertce:orvvesqcbo,*\v]'nt,vetudy"',nAntericanciircalnr J,f:;,0;;;,f,*,1:F"rt1,*.,1', [j'":i:"ce froritique",nrtoa.t'.in. p"Ar\Trz"Jean ECA,eds),relj

    Ilor:rruir' PsEtica cience ciicu,

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    I tt D,\NltL lJ,UilJUfulfiiled: a corlsensus n the veqynameand purposeof the disciplirre; an agreerllenton the iopics that fall within the capabiiitiesof the discipline ancl rvhich can be satis-faciorv aidressed bv no otherbranchof science; numberof institutions of educatipnand research ecognizeci rrd egitinratedby the academiccommttnitY; ih_e ccunu-lation of a sufficient amount of resources ;d tools,suchas ournals,'textbooks, flu-blication.series, olloquia,con'ferencesnd the ike.My argumentls hat hreeof theseour criteriaarenot asydt utterly mef despitethe inlpressive quantity of tra4siations,essays,commentaries,books-_a1darticlesrelated to politici which are currently published n Romania,First of all, there is noconsensus n the appropriatenarne or the study of politics. Political science,psli-fica] scr'enceslnd 'lpolitology'' are siiii indistinctly used,both in ihe academia andby the media. Secondly, heie is no accordamong "specialists" on what exactiy thesiience of politics is and does,and many evenmay doubt that a science of politicscould or shouid exist at ali. Finally, there s at best towards the end of the first post-communist decad.e,hat Romanianpolitical scientists ame o publish several booksbasedon original S.orough esearch, itherempiricalor theoretical;moreover, thefirst Ronianjin acaciemic ee''-revieweciournal of politicai ;cience, S?adiaPolitica.RomanianPoliticaJScienieReview'wasssuedas ateas 2001.The only criteion thatseems o be somehow satjsfied s the insiitutional one, as Lhere are several soljdDepartrnentsof PoliticalScience nd a fair amount of their graduates. Nevertheless,eve-nat this level the critical question if political sciencehas a name and a realm oflis own still remains .rnuns*e-t"d. Paradbxicaily enough, two or.lt of the tluee majordepartrrents do noi teachpolitical scienceas a ciisciptrinen its own right.- To wind up, a coolmon r:rrderstaldltg of politics and its science does not existin Romania.Therearestill doubts as o thepossibility o scientifically explaining politicson the basis of endogenousapproaches, s poiitical sibnce ciaims to be able to do2.Politics seems o be, n the eyesof many a Romanian specialist" the mere alecdoticsurfaceof othenvisedeep-rootedphenomenaof socialand econonric nature. Politicsis commonly seenas driven mainly by societainceniivesand economic stimulus, asdevoid of its orrrn aiionalif, ald virtually alwayscornmandedby an externa-lrationa-le.'Therefore,it is probablysaie o say hat, aI east n thLisespect,dialectic and historicalmaterialism hai probably ost n'ruchof its reputationbut not altoge'Jrer ts irLfluence.ln order to 6e ironically faithful to the Nlarxist teleology, this instance shouldbe referred to as a sublation,.meaning,as Hegel did by this term, that scientificsocialism s consurrentlycancelledand preservedin ie make up of.post-comrnunistpolitical science. his survey h.ies o explorepreisely ihe reasons or this unrecognizedind iiu;idioussurvivalof an orthodoxandunexpeciedlyenduring Marxism-Leninismbeyond the demiseof communismand ts scientific xplanationof history and society.

    A TentatiueGenealogtf tltePolitics f Scienceln pre-communistRomania,olificaiscience racticallydid not-exis as an auto-uomou field of teaching nd research. or a short ime after 1915, he'University oft This sirange luralcould eexplained_inwo vays: ither,asnabbreviationf the"politicaland socialsie.5rces- f the"pr -1989eriod, r is un acknorvledgementhatunder.il'e 1p;l.o the study of politics ihereis a'broadassoci'ationf disciplines,nternationalelationseing hem6stvalftp..Nevertheless,nternationalrelair'ons reexplicitly ot akennto rccorrnin thlssun'ey, s n Romaniahey dnd0c orm, n termsof research;;;;;;;;i i;i t.J'"1'i".,i"esa self-suf{icientndsepaiateubdiscipline' , ' '-: GiovanniSARTOhLFrom he Sociologyf Politicso Political ociology"r.in: eymourM. LIPSET ed,),- PoliticsandSocra/ crenccs,xfordUniversiiyPress, EivYork,1969, p.6F100.

    ffen'isnomltnl degtiinll Politictr" Vol,ll " Nr.t i-2002

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    Fron he oliricsfscience0 rle cienccfPoritic.scerniufi' asafcrmerAuslria'* ,igirer-educaLjo'instittrtiorr,nheritecia pol.itical ciehairheldbv Alex-andruupo.olteot.;;;;;tl;;"i'",-,.1 una'ailing.schoiar vrrocrn themicl'/0s vithno scit"itd;t":terity. rn 79z4,trrechoorof Ljw at trre J.iveryof Bucharestreaied doctoral egre'e,r "poriticarancleco.,Ji.,,i. c.ierrces,fhvo-year urriculum'As lateas1958. ; In;;;.;r. of rnoral arLdpc_rliticalcien'ascreatedvithinthatschooiofLaw l ;;;;;i; ir:ouia. a^ instiruri.nar r,ramervor thePhDarvstudents ithunn.ua.*t;l;iilit,.. porirics. he app,o .6to poiith this nstitute vasmerelya regar"r., ;;ili;.;i"r:;".. Derng i"r-rcii*ii,,r he scief thestate'very much *the ,iu,*., ii rvas ";; sometimesstili is -- rr acrieo,rre renchacurrcsre roit. yi.'o*, ir...."rii"re did,.,oa ,,;;i;,.ri:H::;,1onkibute o ihebirth of politicalcience;;';;;;e'ric clisciprine s r rr,,asros dorvn n theearly'40,butit is rvorthL ;;il;.; ;liuur. Grrira onescu, , iror of triiishJournalGovernmentatdoppoiiiiil",;firfig"ished sc rorarof i:or,rrnunisnd of theporitical rocess f Europeanntegration,waseducatecrrr,", .ne of the easonsor thjspreiarious":fiilii""al set-upof poliii..al_:cie^cFl ?fiT:fr'jfr:Til"#fi,:rfi,ilr;lyi;,';fi?fstJ*liounder ndmastermindfRomani; ,;;ioi;;i ;o chairor rheo";:f,:?T::::nstitute' sociology should ha"e be-en, nd actr-iaiiy uu, considereci fo rrav,-:becomhecompleteb6[hnormativeg-a3*tiiii:J"t"nce of then;,li,,rL, rrichcounswer rl thequesrionsaised.byhes'o.iul,"."""-i.^;;';:r; tlcar ife of thi"ffifirTl::*"mro9:::-*tri*il}'ier:s1,';i, the ield fannciusiv"o.ruir.i"r.,.*,rr,a.rrtooa;"0 o?J.tol".?i:3;,i,:;.":"*i;:if the rration. n this sefting,"uu":-:?Tspi..rous poiiri.ut object fi_]. poiitjc; 1partieseceived a philosophical-siciolo.lc.al treafment3i g.orur1t ol lnd incijrfere rt to th'el1-stablished in terna ional poiitical rJ."..'ii i"r?,rru o th a ti,',-, .his parricular brand of sociology. t{d;ng and irrqiu,.ing he narionaommunity asa'. undividable strucfurl, u"a ir"r.iurorJuninteres^teciirii,,rd a'oidhghe sh*dy of cleavages nd confl icts, r ; ; t ; ; i isputea preclci- , i i i , r i . i : i t i -na.rsiream nteilectual raciiio.mat.h"l.d;;;";;;-r",,social qu.rstir,;i, I .:.[oreanfterWorld War I, j. -wasncun-rbent .r.,,*1.*u1* ito*ur.,iar, sodal rhirrker i I adclreshe rv+fordssue"dlnagraria.-11.1:tJI;ilqi;'."i.,.tur.t tc g^, : bi, h t , a viabomesticbourgeoismiddie class' oasiantin-Dob'rogeanu-GhcreaCo'st.,,Ltin stereonstanrinlcl'ulescu_Mou, efan31:C, #;"\i;*"a, Ir4il-, l,a'.,i ff ?l:Ladgearu' ucrefiuPitrigcanu, ndDimiiti" c"r,ii:1,s5rr exploreci hrsquesnonnd ib political onsequences,longdifferentli-,""r"u..,perspe( i\,,: r.arrgi'g arhe rvay romor hodoi andrevision"isl,,ru.*lr* i-oycorporaisrn.As politicallyncorrect s t mayseem oday,Mihail Ma.oi.lescll ,{iacr.o -.^_ommunisrRomanianporiticaiautrror "lro ";t;i;;'l-,. rviclestur;, ,r.,JIi: *"":::*t-X31d reputation'otonlywas.hetheFa'drirg,-,.opu*heorisl"ii,t 'o;lll'Jl?rn theveryageof corporatism{,tut lso is -ni"tirifir considr.red. h;,ve r-ovide

    I His writinss lvere e 'entuall;'collected and editedby his family: Rontania alitice. Doctrini, i jei, figur907-I9zsThe oriticaromania.'Diirrri,",-r.lror"na cr,irirturl'i'i'fi-lszsl,Buo:16ri.r2.crrra oNESCU,sain ook_ dJ" ,y."rl:l n;;;;: i;;;-tga.z, *r*Jur,i,,u,..ity re :,, ondon::?;Ji#-f'.tJffiifffffiT ,"mm::'t"',wu;a."i.rJ.rdj.h"r.:",onijon,i,,si-1,",,,r,arra;;,h;;i;; i; i i i5."r.n acadenricr.L*ror;,lt.,tnlfinE-fhisto?icaldevelopnre;;;;;;;-r";), r,,, ourd noRi"sa"-,,.;i"l t.ai,Li*;;;d?,T;,h[;l,T;:t?,j'..3,r.t9[:X1{i?":[,';::,,.:;,,1:,;l,".y":itjigh -:uTq:gthorirarianand antj-Seml;;;";i"l". -; tI P'P'NEGULESC1J,artideteolir;i(Fit..,iotii .yt.na1ries),institutur ocialRonin, B, , r-,rr . 1926.rrihdrrrAf,ronescu,D$c:;zsei;;ii '^tip"i;iiJ#;,.L,,b;;:r,veucnRes,mesror,:,n.., 1i_,,e.r

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    Frorn he Politicsoi scrcnce0 tllc )clcncc0I l'0tlllt\r".ener.rlolientationndproviclirrg.casualelrsorshipo clirect tu'olvet"rretrtn researcl'tpoticies, Prograllls, plai:i;i ' ;:ig, i(iois' riicii; '; ': ls a;l-i i i:e:-':: 'These l.,or",g*,,-, f.'u oii,i.t oi scier-tce irrorecl in scaieand sc-ope critical aird'rajor transfo''atior"tof ti.r.officialscience f.pr,olitics'.I.deetl,

    . the late'60 a.d i^theearly,70, he tuo".hingofhe$tefa. GheorgliitrAcaclemy-vas 'Io lt't9f embeddeciin ortlrodox tvtorxism-lE,'ri,'tltt't,and prgmirient figures of the early "scie^tific so-cia'ism,,,as Raclu;i;;;;i;tt 'ruch of th"it influJ^ce. As the Party itself changedits methodsof soJal mobilizatio.,or',.1inclusiorr,

    he official ic-leology oined at the;;;;;;;;;"t r;."i"; nrore concernedrvith developme.t issues' economicrna*gement, an*tec*ologicai revo.lutio^'Hon' to escap-L"'ackivardnessnd esta-blish a mociern".orffi t"u?= he topicsadclresse.{ y theoreticiarrs ike

    Mircea MalilaanclN{ihaiBotez, vho never questioned he politicai-rnonopoly:f tl-reParty' evenrvrren hey tr:rrrea r-,to irridents, asBotezeventuaily cli-d.n iact, for this line of thin-kt";-,;i.,i.n ,urutas he C6inesepragn'ILtisrn.ofhe'80 and'90 -- poLiticswas .o t'ierr,edasbeing oirt," essence.

    olilicsiealryexistgcl .ry i^ trre orm of good policiesof economicgrowih and social mprovement.This new scientific course rougl'ily.oi.1Caur vitir a sl-rort eriod of pcliticalde-Stalinization'There vere,hou,ever, omeoutstandingauthors-toemerge from'.if not againstthis backgrour.rd. ;;; i;;;;, the most nflluential of rrrem nlernrs of the discipline,turnedout to be Vladimir"Tiu*ul1uunu'Unsurprisingly, he started in Romania aSaliberal stud,ent"f ;;t;:M;rxism1, to laterbecome, onie reborn as a

    American poiiti-cal scientist,a sc)rolarof civil society n Centraiand Easterl ur9ee2' Td 1 stern criticof anti-liberui u'd raclical ntelleciual and political trends in the region:' In the '90he served. s a role rnoderand a mentor,for^manyRornanian poiitical scie^tists. Thesecond o aus"-e u rf..iur mention is paVelcdrnpeam, u .orn''runist rnilitant in hisearly stages ul- "rroived into a significantstuclent of Stalinism4, and, in

    the late '80'rt,as he Ronranianvoice n the ,.r]]i.turc open by the Ner,vschool of social Researchin Nerv York to prominentclissidentsrom Central and Eastefir Europe'T6reeorher;;;;:L"1ars, alihoughnot poiitical scientistsby tr-ainingor vocaiion'bordered " ,h":illy o1porii.r. ThJfirst tivo of thern \\,ereconfessedand rnnova-ti'e ,.'r,larxistS,lte tiiir.i a iescluiie anF,-cor';i:'r':-nist' enri H' Stahl' tl-re re'e;edprorynSnt of non.or-,ianocialhistoryand of the national sociological raditicn' hadan onglna, "u,.,il" f6u t'iurxist theoryof the modes of-productions'

    Zigu Ornea' aiiterary historian, ubstantiatecl omeof tL',umajor trendi of Romanian political andsocial ninfi',gr. lurtly, tf,uhistorian Vlad.Georgescunot only published in'"aluablequantitativestudieso"'t rtu raming glth: ou.uiij,sn1e and'Jre evolution of Roma-nian political deasl but,asan emifrO, e headed he Romanian department of RadioFreeEurope.

    r \.adimir TISN,IANEANU,Arou.r f,ngS,s $coala cIea FranlJuri (Tfie A'erv Left and theFra:'k'furt SchooD'Editr:ra Politici, Buclre;ii. 1976':\,'ladimirT1SN{ANEAT\U,RententingPoi'jdcs-EaslemEuropfromstalittollavel'FreePress'NewYork'1991'r IDE*{, Fanfasjes"f i)t"rlir-i"r. i"^3rrrr,r,N'aricrra/i-sm,'t,..aVytl't in Post-Communist Europe' Princeion

    Univesin Press,Prjnceion,Nj, 199S'{ pav;l cAMpge,Nr,i'irrJil"g insof stalinisn. Fron'tLeninist Revolution to Stalirtistsociefv, ir'18' sharpe'

    "*l*Jk l?|fli, t-nut onal Rontat.tia'ii,lage onrnrunitjes:rSeran-..ftiofrom theContmunalo thecapira{isrutodef prod;;;;; ;; 'tlrioilu're n9fion, ambridgeniversitY ress,ambridge, 979'- 6E.g.AguoRr,\EA,fZri; i^ri.s,"Jirsoa.:t"gir(i, lruriu-iitn,.ASoailogicalApproachi,Edih-rrau"*rTr:'otTSoRCEScu,IroliticalLleasnri fieErr/:'gfireru:re-'f.h,tJre,Rmaiian Principalirie.s,olunrl'universitr ress, erv iire ii)tl"iitirt" iarilr^piiifrJ" omar,egti1s6s-ts7s)TheHisto-ryf theRomanjal'd;;;;I ii""t} ionDurlitrrr erlag'r{iinchen'9E7'

    lionn.rri'.tnlo[ticd Scicrtccleljcrv-\'ol'il ' l]'I " 2002

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    2i6u.'\l\lJjL Dlll\rru

    the icleoiagical ranrervork for the'BrazilianEsta

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    Be t as t nray, heseauthorsdid rrot tone rp the llomanian intellectual land-scapevrarn the aie'70 anr-l uring the 80, hesociil scieuces aggecl-underh.e veigirtof i hegemonic aticnal communism.The stage,as far as the studl' of politics rvas.orr"*rri"d, belonged o theoreticians isposed o ground.their nteri:retatior-r f socialalcl political ife n"omore ur lassicalvlarxis.theoryor in the-crititlueof backwardr;ess,but in the lvorks of NicolaeCeaugescu,he unchallenged eader of the RomanianCornnrunistPariy. For them,politicsdid not existbut uuder thg shap-e f thenationalirrterestofRomuniu.The eadingcharacterof this cast vasundotrbtedly Ovidiu T16'z-'ea, chairnranof tire exclusive,IParty-members-only,

    -omanianAssociation of Poli-ticalScienceetup in 1968, nd,assuch, heofficialpolitical scientistof the regimei.Nohr,ithstattiitrs his evoltrtion, he'different nterpretationsof politics undercommunismshare h'e ommonbelief hatsocial ife cannotbe explained n politicalterms.Therefore, politicalsciencevouldhaveno reason o exist. ts task,whateverthat may havebeei was far better, ccomplished y.other sciences, conomy in thefirst place-My argument is that suchabelief s cbmpelled o use a rhetorical structurethat ?inaily ends-itself o justifiTing he very presumptions it professes o deny: the,rutonorn/of poiiticsand ihe tegitimacyof a science f politics.None of the diiferenti.teilectual shupesassumed rl'"tt'r.Romanianscjentificsociaiism (orthodox, Uberal,clevelopmental, ationalist) could noi or would not evade their Leninist outset andttrecircularreasoningof a revolutionary type it brings along.A sor"rndMarxist assumP-tion indicates that $Uti.r is closely tiia to and dependent up-on class structures andecononric relatio#- O11thisu..or-rr"rt, olitics should be a hollorv ground in the face"i t"o*f*Age. Nevertheless, eninis* isstt*"d,,*d i"aT{ proved, tha fo]i$cs mightin fact inv&t class skuctuies and economic relations. Where is then in this setting,the placeof political science?Under statesocialisrn, he scienceof politics equatespoli'ticalaAion tself. ts \older is thegovernment,and ihe Sovernmentalone.Poiiticalicience rgould. hereforebe the self-consciousnessf the government, a governmenttfiai doesact, n a Marxist terminology, not on]y in itseif,but also for itself. Politicaiscience ,assubsequently he study oi Partypolicies- nd Party Ianguage, nasmuchas they try to respond o the people'sscientific alidatedwants. As a consequence,tl-tu.*a*rnncling of politics^inRornaniabefore 1989 vas not orLlyrvants-oriented,rather hen iqhts:entenched, ut alsovergedon a Perverseorm of public droice* ' r . . ^ 'o^ ' ' "theorr. Curiorlsly, f not ominously, this is the major lessonpost-communist poiiticalscieni'e as eamed from scientific ociaiism'

    Eietaeen,oliticsattdScientce:he n'stitutional ranwtaorkIf a unified parad.igms needed n order to give rise o a scientificdisciplind, itis gnquestionablidrat sircha broad nteilectualconstruct, asedon a seriesof commonobservations nd.sharedassumptions, oesnot exist n Romanian academiaas fa ras po.ljtical cience s concerned.On the contrary,Rgmanian social scientistsseem tofollow atleast rvo separate, nd contending, etsof instructionsas to.where to lookfor the appropriateexplanatiorsof what poliiics s, Andthey q.oso in a rather intuitivervay. They *or," instinctively rvithin disconnected disciplinary.matrixes", to useKuhn's rvords,accordingnoionly to the ntellectualexperienceshey rvent through

    ; . . ,r lon CETERCHI,Ovidiu TRAZNEA,CorneliuVLAD, The PoliticalSygtem t tr,e>octallsr epublic ofRomania,Edituratiinlificl5i Enciclopedici,ucuregti,979'-._ 2Ttronras .KUHN; fntitirt"o Lf kientific Revo/utr'ons,hicagoUniversifyPiess,Chicago,7962'pp-1U73'

    R$isrrRontin'lde$tijnli Poljticl " Vol.ll o y1.l o -OQJ

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica




    t rom u}9 r0ul i t ) u' t JLlv l lLU U I 'r iuvvrvrrvu vr ^ vrruvv

    before 19g9,but also to their clifferent nc{erstarrrlirrgf horv and rvhy scientific,** i ' , , . , , lou1" i re, ' ,1- , - . i ; . -' . f , ' . : ' , , : - . ,1 i . ' ' - : l ' : li i ' l. " ' ,: t r - isca' l ll - -^ r '1r . nntr tarreol tsparadigrns post-frf^Xist-LefinisLancileo-WcL'ciiittt, eari.g i*.riird tirai tliey a'errot to be i*terpr.il;; tire evidence f a fuliy.awa'e opera-tio*of theorericalanci;."dJ;;;tJdd.:R;;i.i, th.separactigms',ave ecrluited he."rselves heir pro-ponents, or most oitt" no*unian politicaiscie^tistsqualify as "t-lnconscior-rshi.-tl,,;fip;i,J;t theoretical nawaieness, ho react oihe d;ange in poiitical regimeand to theexpansio,.,"ra."1ocraticpoliticsby spontaneouslyresorting to "couceptual

    ,l"ti:"*;';,'th;y;;;;fi;;in trrgirold meihoclsancl anguage so as to cover a Lrroa-der and far more dj.rrerse rray or political ssues l-ran he ones they \^rereused totacklea decadebefore.The first stream cuts acrossvariotls scientific coutexts and methodologicalassumpiior-,,r, orJu, * "aop, an all-incrusivequ-antitative diom for lr']ricl-rpcliticsis a dep.,rdent variable hai iestsupon theo'erriding problen'rof acquisitio., as con-ceivedby Marx. This s tantamounf o s'aying-that co-nbmicerationships and relativescarcity.o**u.rd-rlr-u .onfig*utiott of p"U'tic nterestsas exPressed n the politicalarpna-Consequently, ro-pertyorvnership,deprivation, immiseratiorr' party cotn-petitionfor thecon6l bf tf,urrteans f prod-uction nd the appropriaho. of the voter'siott lo*ttess become he linchpinsof politicsThe seconap"r"aig* puils severai ntellectual threacls together to,convey theoverail idea. of frufr"r#t d"escent,hat the collapse of cornmunism and the socialdemnsiruction iihe;;a should be experienced-as n opportunit{l9l establishing;;;il; bo.d, if not a leq social ontract (vergesells chaftung)'.Hence, politicsis held."r u ,utiorrafirutio" of public-conductswithiria system of -rneanings(Sinnzu-

    santm",thdng"l,;ilil e;; i^ r.r.hcategoriesfbelieis_ar1:qll1ll,^,hu dernvstification of urrthority, hu prodtrAlon of a"nd.onformity to norms, or the function ofthe market. 'And if that is the case, f indeed here are apparentiy-ir."-o.rva.ysf erplainingrvharplitics i, "11;;;it, ti-r"tt t foliorvs hat Roiinian ptttical s;cience, s a nervlyborn acade*i. ii"ra oi study and research, ad no rear ntellectual opport'nity to;;;;;;;; ."f r-i.", and seu-sustained iscipline.For the dialectics of continuitl'versus change ;; ;;it r^arkecl ifre evcluiion oi p.rraclig'rs, b''ri also largel,v.o**rr-ta"d,ihe process f institutionalization f political science' .,Even f d"*5;r;; r"p.tr.a"cl state ocialisniciuiteunexp.ectedly,.the *'eilersof sientifi. ,o.iair*L itr developmental-nationuiist onlunian version rvere notcaughiuy ,r-rrp$". r.iJ t-f."t 1tey.h'uveoreseen he event, but for they rveie' befoieany',.hing tru,u*f,"J i.,',ne Politi.oof socialsciences'Therefore, they changed theirvocabulary, ith5"i*.*t"ppi"9$uk tinderstandingof polid?to* its Leninist coreand, most of all, lvithout reshuffling their persorur.j. O"iai" TrXznea rvas naturallyreelectedo cl-rairt. no*ut.lan Asiociationof PoliticalScience3,vhile I:t it":9:.i;;li;;g";, (v";ii;;;ire9, Vlaclimir

    pasfi, Cornel Codi56, oan ]r{ircea Pagcu, I'atiDobrescr:) mmed-iatelywent to sen'eas ad.visors o the post-commuuist presidenand o theNationalsalvationFroniieadership,while eng;leerin' S" :"t"ival of thepar' e.ua"*y:. iir"y ?"11;;""dspontaneo..sly ,hat rnigit be ca1leda logic of appro

    r Iborrorv hese otions nd heirmeaningrom_Gio'anniARToRI, Con-cePtvlisformationrrComparalrf,.ii,i*-, A,a ^,uriro, Political cience er':gY' XIV'no' 4' 1970' p' i033-1053'r In approximotingr..'J'r*.o"iur;;tg*t;i hov"(oilo',,uuihe-iy'sienratizationf Andrerv c' JANOS' Politandpara,Jtsnts.Chongirg-ThJiriifin*grin*Sooalgcience-', ia.[orclUni'ersitv Press'Stanford'Calif" 1953To&L day, hen..r"i*'trbciatioi-of Poiitical ciences a iving dead, hat s it doesnominallyexibut t has oacrivity. ,#i, " sr;r;.; G;r iacultv ndsruddntsrom-rhe epartment fpoliticar cience

    ;:iliffiri;?;J;i;;, siort?a heiri*' professi6nalssociatioir,heRomanian ocietvof Politicaiscien

    R:nrenirnPolticalScience evierv \'6 ' [ c' ]'i o l(Jg.2

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    priateness,sopposed o a logicof conseqtrence,vhich vould have nafurally elimilateil.r.,r'r rom t'h,iprublicsquari. As a group, they _didnoj s.se leir.rocracyas a raclicalpolitical.or',r*q,r.r,cef ihe comrnunist ollapse.nstead,ireywere ready to einbracei kirrd of "state Cemocracy" san appropriatenstrument o carry on the economicar-rciocialwants thatstatesocialismiiled to fulfill. The collapseof communismelidlot even root out automaticallyall institutions inked to Marxism-Leninism andscierrtific ocialism.They simply reshaped.themselves,aking uP-uew names andembarkingon ltetv missions, ut not ch.angingheir frame of mind.The$IefanGheorghiuAcademyof theCentralCommitteeof tl'reRotnanianCom-rluuist Party s perhaps he major nstitution,ali-thepublic-organizationconside-red, thathai suri' ivedilmost unimpaired hebreakdorvhof the communist regime.In order o vash a\^rayireirprevious ommitment o scientific ociaiism, is teadringstaff sought irst to join theUniversityof Bucharest..Br-rtheysoon came.tounderstandthat ther- voulclbi no Sltuldfragedebateo question heir past, and that they couldafford to stancl up again us un inJluentialgrbup. Thus, irr the fall of 1991, thegoyerunent clecidedo refinancehe formerAcademyry a gublic institutiol, undetil-,. rlo** "The Nationalschoolof PoliticalStudiesand Pr-rblic clministratlon". Fotall inienis and. purposes, his instihr_tion, resided over by Vasiie Se:dleg, the lastsecretary f the Communistcell of the Party Academy,-andOvidiu TrXznea,chair

    of Deparhnent of Political Science ntil 1996,prese_rved " goil and structu.re/aswell as most of the faculty of the former Party Academy. Even the institute createdin the late'60s to provide managementskills t9 the hjgl.officials 9f t\e socialisteconoqy continued to be associaledwith the "National School" under the label ofIROMA ffhe RomanianInstituie of Management).A two years general training ininternational relations, and public administration and policies rv4s offered tocancliclatesf different aqademic ackgrounds n order to enable thern to get civilservanrc ositions. t is on-lyn 1995 hai theNational Schoo1 f Politicai and Admi-nisti.atii,e iudiesstartedo orgarjzeundergr.rduateh:'fies r-r oli6cal science,P99tiadministration,and journalish. Since7998, one-yeargraduateProgram is addedeyery oll, hespecialhesovered einggender tudies, -evelopanentnd.goverrlance/iirternalionalrelations,and.politicai anthropology.The Schoolhas now threeDepart-melts: PoliticalSciencesch,airedy a forrnereditor of the Communist Party's olvnrrrrbl ishins' ouse), Pubiic Administrat ionand ]oumalism (headed by the lastr *-^ ' " ' * 'oiecretary5f th" Communistcellof theParfy'sofficialnewspaper),and-iscr:.rrentlyirr hepioc"rsof establ ishingrvonerv epartments, f socio)ogyT+ of economics.Ndeanrvl-Lile,he Univerilty of Buchaiest, fter having rejected the survivors ofthe Pady Academy, decicled o foster ts orvn?-rogram-of raining and research nr-rollicalscience.At first,betrveen1991and 1994, he department assigned o thisnrissionwas nrade in the samemould as a French nstitut d'Etudes Politiques andrvas argeiy sponsoredby the Agence (Jniversitait'eFrancoph2ne-(AuF),.This nter-nationisupport explains vhy politicalsciencewas first_taught n_Frenchand whyits roots ay mostli' itt Eutop.inand legalstudies-1n{ poliiical philosophy, and lessi1 formal esearchr. s of t995, he Departmentof PoliticalScience vasrestruchrredrvirh the aim of developing hreedireitionsof undergraduate fudy in th3 major ofpoiiiicat science: oliticalscience,niemational elationsand public policies.Ever since,ifie meti-lodological roundrvork of the curricula is commanded by a variefy -o_ftheoreiicaland Jmpiricalorientations,whidr tends o be ncreasingly"Americanized"'As a crrn-seqllence,nd n order to make his diversityo.fapprpl.h"t Tgte transparent,the teacfiing anguagesof the departmentare English,Fiench)-and Ron+airian. heGraduateSihoot of d-re epartrnent rga:rizeslvo ),ears ro$rams or masterdegreesi1 poiiticalscience,nternatiorral elabions, nd public poliCe's,as weli as doctoral -

    Revislaomtuif e$tiiflaPol.itica Vol.ll.r Nr.l .-2002

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    r i 'urr. i . i rC t i ; r i l l l

    il:rieni:n-PoliticdScierrcele',icil'oYol.ll ' Ilrl ' 2002

    studiesi : rpol i l . - , . i . t t ' ' "1 . ' i l : r . ) 11 ' r ' l ' ' ' r t ' , t '6 ' " - ' ' , ,1 ' r f l1) ,c lr rrL lsalrrrrctq l l ' .1] rr . ; l :sa ldundergradlaten; : , r r , ; : . : , . , ' . i : : i - . * i - , i : i : ; , , - ; i :h : tmat l t rLr i : - , . . io i ' '1y, th i : l l : '5eStinstitqtion to serve ilre discipline. Foreign sltrdents (from France, Srveden, the Uni-ted States,Swi.tzerland,Itaiy, Austria, Lebanon,Turkey, Tttuisia, Iraq, Aiba:ria, Came-roon Co"go, the Dernocratic Republic.gf .Co.nq.o,.uinea, anc{ N'loidova)frePlesentat momenis tO%ofthis population,rvhich s delirritely urlusual for Romanian-high.ereducation institutiont li tt'tu ield of socialsciences,and tends to confirm that theDepartmenthasacquireda fair internationaleputaiiorr.Todal', most of the regulart.fu,y ;n,t".r hjve af leastone degreen a European Juiversity,.aud are either,".*iLd from researchnstitutesor selected mong]ioung gradnates, Iu fact, tl-re irstsenerationof Romanians o hold a regularBA degree n poiitical sciencegraclr-ratedFrom he University of Bucharestn 1995'The next geneiation of.1996, as trained n the secoud argest Ilomanian tini-versity, he Uiiversity Babeg-Bolyaif Cluj-Napoca,_which tarted its ou'n chair ofpoli6iai sciencevithin theDepartment f History in1992,and reorganized it in i995as an autonomousDeparrmentof PoiiiicalScience nd Public Administration. This.,.rBScntical juncture for the history of lhe teachingof po.litical-scie,nc.e.inIui, asthe Deparhnenigraduallydistance-dtself rom ihe pre-19S9 hair of scientific socialismin whih it was originaliy gro,rnd.ed, nd extricatbd tself from the chairmansidpcfthe survivors of t Jtiottui-iommunism. Cluj was privileged to rnature as part of apartrsship networlg funded by the Iniernational Researchand Exchanges Boardlmplq "f fiashingtonD arvhigtrfcluded.mostly political sience deparbments romArnerican.rniversities.Today, ed by Vasilegoaii, the Department develops - bothat t1p'ndergraduate and graduateevels threedirectionsof studies:political science,publJcadmiijstration, anf,ioumalism. Theteaching s given in Romanian except fora sectionof journalism in Hungarian'Finajly, n \996,*teUniveriify.of Iagicreatedan MA programin political scjencervithin hebepartment f phi losophy ndsocial cieuces, ainly devoteC o poli t icaltheory.Chalr id by Anton Carpinichi, heprogramdevelopedel 'ent iral lyalso at the'ndJgraduate le'vel,and is very acfive n.promoting the adt'ancement of th.edis-cinlinp*in e tr,,loldavianegionaisetlinq.Also, a small Politicai ScienceSection u'ases,t- :hl ishe,tn 199S .l hrr -Inive'rsity' l:Or;:dea' he sameyear, a pol i t ical scienceprogmn started vithiri theLarv and PublicAdministration Dgpartment of the Uni-i,n#ty l-ucian Biagaof Sibiu,arrda_Departmen^tf Political Scienceand Comnu-nication.uu, org*Izecl at theWestUniversitl'of Timigoara.These nstitutions haveso far ferv facultymembersand a limited number of students.I'.shouldbeadded ftatseveral therDeparLmenis, 'hich are not offering rnajor.sor degreesn politicalscience,laimaparticular nterest n tl-Lis iscipline.Three such.ou"#r" ,*orih being isted,Firstandforeinost, he Chair of Politology rvhich is stiilir, fur-r.tlor-,vithin tiie PolytechnicUniversity of Bucharest,as a iegacy of the chairof scientificsocialism, vhich was on duty before 1989 as in ail other Roma:-Lianuniversities-ndeed,scierrtific ocialism, olitical economy and, since the early'E0,a fictitiousdisciplinecalleci fundanreutaiproblems of the history of the Fatherlandanclof the Party; rveremandatorycoursesn all higher educalion nsii.tutions.Tocial',ihe junior undergraduatesn teihnicaisciences re still offered general courscs ilpoliticsby instruc"torsvith some eaclilrgexperiencen Mardsm-Leninism. Secondly,ihe nepu.rtmentof EuropeanStudiesal the University of Cluj-NaPoca offers itsstudenisa significar"rtumberof coursesn political science, ometimesoverlappingthe political ScienceDepartment'smission'and aculty. Thirdil', the chair of nroral;"; 6li,ical philosophy of- he Departmglf of Philosophy at the University ofBuc6arest vowsa stake n lhe studyof poi i t ics, lbeit t doesnot offer coursesand

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    seminarsrelatecio politicalscience, xcept or a ttraster

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    I I , ; i i : ; i i . , t al i .Tir ' : . l rr ; :r trnentf Pi"r l i t icalcienceatr ' : lPt ' r l : l icAdnrinistrat iouai t l - ie ;beg-Eclyoi i , ;veri i tycleatecin1997 ts olvu ;\cadeinicCer' iet for Suei;r lStr-rdies,hich.,,-,derli-tu"pltuision of VasileBoali devotescollsidelable effort toempirical ,"ruur.h, Lrni.-riufi* rvith a suPerio.rn'rethodologitll. ttrS;oyShfess' and;t#"d #;1y;;,h;;;;;t of theelectrbnicournal East'PotiticatScignce eview'Moreover,U-r" .tiJii.r oiu .oupte of Instituiesof t5e Romanian Academy in I3u-charesrpartialy;;;;;; p;liticil science. he Institute of Sociology put in place aresearcheam n order to exploreelectoral appaigrrs,anclmedia response o political;;;;;G;r"niiriir.,"^r*fitlte for rire t*cly6f rotoliturianismmbarked Ponanexiensivestudy,i;;.h ;herlomenaas coriecti' ization of agriculture and politicalrepressionunder communism'TbeScien'cefPolitical' cien'ceThe end of thecold war, and theextinctionof communism both asan ideologyand a practic. of gouurnment,not only have macle Possiblean unparalleled exPe-rimentinbuiiding? i"*o.t"ti. orcler n Centraland Eistern Europe, but have openedup a naostextraordinary intellectualopportunity: to understand'and comPare r'vhath|;;;;t]; U*" "Jiiner understuttd"blunor comparable' PoLticai sciencervasestablishedr no*-uJo u*iart the_debris f scientific s6cialism n the realization thati1." p*Uf-*r u"a*"."* of both new and old democraciesare beginning to con-verge-Ever since .i;;ii;ili3;.r.h.lars in the field of socialsciencesand political 'ohilosophy "r" ,*iJr.,g t"?Jfif i" long-fruskated d'esire6y u*tettd]lg

    their ieaching5#;J;;ih;;;;ripot-itical issues]The esult s the e*etg"'',.e of a grorving bgdy#;;;;;'#;J;i;;;iri ofcrirical nsasement ithE,.uopeanndAmeiicani"t"ff"Arrf o.,d political trad,itions hatinspired the.moderrr notions of democracy/pluralism, poriti."' ilJU.ity, i"ai"idual freedom, and ci'il rights' For reasons o be5r;rffiiilil;;1.,.i;;' i, neitheran unchallenged,nor a iainstrearn endeavor.'^"';;;;;k;;' i,ilJ",""]"il of theCommunistmonopoly over the interpretltiglof pofrn.f thru. i.r,a..r.iut rvere rnmediatelymanifest' hey should be understood'aqainst" Uu.i.groi,.r,af complete retrodolJgicalstarvation,os

    'efore 19E9 ot onlyR|frj;fr;;j?l;;";ces, t;r.cl^-':ii:ig.:sirn' arrE egal studies, vt?recolrlpleteiv opa.qu:io any form of .;;;6i;;;; to the"Westein heor[tical and conceptual debaies' but'most of the time, socialscientistssimply refrained. rom asking themselves lvhetherthere s or noi ^ ,,..1r-.,oaf scientific nquiry to underpin the m-ethodological

    routineof their research.First,several esearchersn history,philosophy and larv tried to piece oqgtireltheir acader,ri. ;;;i;;;"; and join forces vith-junior scholars rainbd in politicalsciences r relatedhelds n westem Europeanor Nbrth A'rerican lJniversities in orderio lay down . JJd,r;oretical gro.t.tJ?o, th" emergenceof political science'Theycould not dependon anypreviousac-hievement,s political science vas not

    a disciplinerooted n the pre-war Romaniar1 caclemiCerita'ge, nd it rvas not even smuggledintoRomaniansocial ciencesuring thecommunistperiod.Thek endeavor vas Sooi.harbored by th;;ep^;t;.{ of Foiitical Scienceand the Institute for PoliticalResearch i the ;;"J;i;;oi g*l^turust.Teachingancl esearchare underrakenheiein an eclectic heoretical ramervork, vhich inclirciesmainly historical approaches,neo-i'stiturio."iil* rytt"* th.oty and rationai choice heoiyl' Those who represeirt

    r A tentativeheoreticalisplay f hese rientalionsndalistof topics.hatRorfranianolitical ciencehouldaddressn thisperspect,". r'iJ'ui r"""J r" poniergtRBU, $apte-teie de politicl romlieascd seven ssuesnR;;;;..; i'oliiics),'Anet,BucueFi, 1997'

    liornuilu Politicd-scielcclcticrr' Yt-ri'll \" 1 ' lOt)l--::

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    this tEndellc)r re usuaiiy nclined o develop eachingn1ethodsarldtacjdress opicsi,r,lt surni:lcn rL)and porrd,,:rhe respectiveneritsof r\mericar"r ormal air:-r1"r'sisfl. t . ' . ,^ - ^, ..

    -.--,politics,Germansociai riticism, renchpoliticai heory,and iialian historicai appro-irches. heir basicassumptions that sucha balancedand marrifold academic rai-ning, convergentwith a plurality of politicalscienceesearch tandards,wili.qven-tuaily yield an intelleciualoverspilleffect, y dint of being dispensed o several ge-uerationsof graduateand undergraduate tudents. heystand against any forrn ofpens6eurugueinpoliticalsciencehat rvouldmimic theambition oi the ate scientificsocialism o be the oneand onJyofficiallyapprovedscience f politics. In adciition,the researchersinked inteileciuallyor merely n institutional terms (Daniel Barbu,the late Alexandru Du u, Aiexandra onescu, ilon Morar, Iulia lr,Iotoc,Dan Pavel,CristianPreda,SorinGabrielSebe, telianTinase,Laurer-rliu lad, George roicu) tothe Departmentof PoliticalScience t the Universityof Bucirarest,author by them--qelves ore than6A%of the Romanianproductionof booksand articlesof politicalscience.Associateo this endency s thework of somesociologistsvho tried to developa Romanjanmodel for the study of socialcapital.Focusedon transition, the con-iributionsof Durr'.iii-.i an.lu roni ttreDepartmentof Sociclog)'or the University ofBuchar-est1,s rvell as }re teamwork of a group of young scholars2 epresent so farthe lnramouni piecesof solid empirical research hat involves political values andbehavior., In fact, t might be alleged hat closera political sciencedepartment stands tosociolory, the more developed ts quantitative researcJr ets.This general remark ispariiculady true with respect o the Department of Political Scienceand Public Ad-ndnistration of Cluj,lvhich has over time demonstrated he steadiest comrnitmentto the ormal methodsgf politicalanalysis, onductedby a well structured researchgroup run by Gabiiel Bidescu3. nstead, he University of BucharestDepartmentharbors omehighly theorebicalor inal research ue to ifc -^l i^. ' ^t - .^-";{ne bothsociologists and mathgmaticians{.

    rr rLJLqrLlr {u LV rtr PLr'L)' L ' l ' l (LLL-. l Lht6 uvLrt

    Thi survivorsof the ParlyPoliticalAcaclemyargeiyembociy he second rend,harboredby the Nationalschoolof PoiiticalShrdiesand Public Administration andthe Institr-rte f Politicalscience nd InternationalRelations.ncidenially, the partitionnf lho Parfrr An:dpmv inio a resea16[ Outf i t and a teachine estab] ishment isr r rv (( e{1ru q Lrqlt uL5 LJlqulrDr lmeaningfr:l or theevolutionof onecommr,rnistehvork n a democraticenvironment.The less nfluential representat ives f scienti f icsoci, . l ; -^^,*ned the" he reica"'ri s i n ;iffi;; it "'., , "g he r ionai ; : ; r"#,tiu ;;15"'s co e lthe lastdecadeof totalitarianism.n the rneanrvhile,he better-connectedmembersof tfrenet rveregiven the more pragmatic ask to takeover the market of politicaland civil service areers. heywere soon eamedup by a number of junior scholars,as rveddedas their seniors o the heteronomyof politics,which tl-rey end to un-dersiandexclusively n termsof public choice, overnn'rent erformance,pblicies ofdevelopment,or the ack of them.

    I Dusrjtru S.{NDU, Sociologia ranziS:ei.Va ori gi tipuri sociele n RomAnia The Sociclogy of Transition.SocjaJ-V:lues 1d Typ-esn Romania),Staff,Bucure5ti,1995, nd Spafiu/ socialal tranzisiei (Tli Sociat SpaceofTransilion),Polirom. ia5i,1999.?loneJaBEREVOIESCIJ t a ., Feleleschimh;rii. Rontinii gi provocirile tranzifiei(The Faces f Change. TheRontanjarrsand tl'te Challetryes f Transi ion),Nemira, Bucr.rregti;999.3Co-author in Traian ROTARIU et a ., h'[etode talrstjceaplicatein Stiblele.soc]ale Sfaijstjcal hlethbds inthe SocialScr'ences),olironr, agi, 1999.{ SorinCabrielSEBE, Une extension}rdorique e 'echelle e Taagepera/',n Studra Politica.RontanianPoliticalScience ievrerv,I, No. 1, 2001,pp. 195-20.1,

    Rciisl;ron:turie$tiintl oItjc.l" Vol.ll" llr. l " 2002

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    l.roln {le ,oiitics0t bclellce 0 tlleJulurrLErr -urrtrLsA.substa*t iat inq xample f thisunrvi l l ingnesso ailot a t l .reoret icalcienti ty topc;iii.:rss offc,erl b; d,l;;d"* or.,'.]rt;r,rcl3'tlie leadirrg rtstructors of the schooll'5;;;;;kri.".," pti.ricaily *o referenceLo.tireajor indings auciaul]rorsof politicalscieuce. 1cl cle.ot. ,on't" kincl of carrclicl-gloripce-o-f tlie r*les arrd nret[6ds ofscier.rtificesearch n.l .,'vriting.It is no accicl"enthey fall behirrd tlie devlop-nrentaltd."l;t of the futu';Oo i'tJ t'," early'70;as they are cirive^ by a-vernacula' audsomervhat ^co*sciousMarxism, mpurely connected'to he clerical and sometin"res

    resourceful ne of their predec"ssors.n t(is capacity, hev representwhat mig}t be

    considered clrifi that dmulatesa ocal traditio;1, s opposedCI the raclical enclencyi6at doesnot acknorn'i.dg.anoverallRomanian ntellectual egacy,but oniy,aPPre-ciationo[ some .,ai,ria"Xt achievements,s far asa scienceof politics may be con-cenred.Continr:ityand strategic ntent,.however, oesnot ensureperformance' at leastr.rotn terrnsof research. tio, d,oeshe tacticsof deniai. very mudr.like.their fellow-successrsof the Communist pa.rty n the governme^tal i.d politic.alrealn-rs' hemembersof this ";;;;k;te,6otbr-indivicitLlly and as-agroup, subjectedto r'vhat

    iiiay be calleclu do-u"g-is-nakecl" synrlronte.ncleecl, or t'e-asons f democraticapprop,riareness,h;y tpf;l1y rejeci, esent,a.d-try to deter any reference o iheirpre-19g9nstitutionai.ootsanclaffiliations.One of the most

    elusive paradoxesof theiloma.ri.n political and intellectual arena s that, by covering up t\.eir not so remotepasf the former ia*irgi*l craftsmenof-stateso.iulistt-,u* th" first to entail thatcommurus* aourili J3r"*" ," u" lookeclat. Because, ad the kig been handsome,;;d;;lJ nurr" *en bothered if he cane out naked from totalitarianism?^-FrJt tf,," f-titaorientationsurrenclerso a forrn gf empilililP_:l:::y' It indulgesin polk, poifr ***entaries an-dpredictions ather than ProPer research'Ansrversareusually gi'urr.,-uitho"l u"y theoretica-l uestionsaskecl,albeit ernpiricai social in-quiry is supposed o secreteirornrativeudgme.nts..Nevertheless,he most popularand handy i.rt*-ur',ii.t tttu tgdy of poliEcs. as become he opinion sui:r'ey' Re-gardless f any "dii,-" tt might have,srrchan instrumentcan Provide only shallo*'Xccounts f polit .uti,', .l.rrJ-lt disoositions. li thesame, he polltakers

    have beconethe pu*dits of ltomanian poiitrtr..r-ti ol iis cerij.iiecliiterpreia.rion. hcr'. aic ' '-ukedup by poiiiicians;;A..iedia, and t1'picallvo.ok:l?tTf it political scientisLs"'vltomtli"y .i"siaer inexpeii'enced nd cut-from-reality ntellectuals'Thereur* u"#rul Romanianpoll firms curiently engaged n surveys, some-ofthemhar.,ing.rr;;;;;; ;;;i;i thiii investigationsn theTrimervork, and *nd er the,"p.*af"noof theNerv bemocraciesBaronieter oordinatedby the Paul LazaisfeldSocietyn Vienna- hl *ort reliableof these irms seems obe the Romanian lnstitr"ttefor Fublic Opini;;;ri".y (IRSOP),.chairedy *,t:,Datculescu2 and dorninar't Lrtheearly,90.Todaf,lt ,hui.i ihe market ,ith tlie Center or Urban Sociology(CUI1S),*r, Uybor.f eUlif-t-*; theCenter for PoliticalStudiesand Comparative Analysisof Dorel gu'rao, iCpSCAlr the Institute for Nlarketing and.surveys

    (INAAS)o.'vi-redby Alin TeodoreJr and baun Anastasiu;and rvith J relatively-newcomer, N'letro-Ir,{ed.iaTransifrru*u..he ast irnr deserves cautionarymention, because,after ConS-tarrtly"r-,auggruJriu"fi'ftuai.t*g theoveru'heimingui.tory of the Social


    1\4ad:mir PASTI,Rom|nja in tra,tzilie.Cdd-erean viitor (Ronrania n Transition),N.'-i,', Bucuretti' 1995;vladimir pAsrl, N{ihaelo{ii"t]lri, t"r"a coDiTA, Ronrinia - sta reade fapt(Romania: the act of the matter)'Nemira, BucureSti,1997.: FetreDATCULESCU, ,part jesand issuesafter 19S9",and "Pattersof voter Al ignments in Present-DayRomania.,nKayLAtvsoN, ;;;liohirtrgr-e, onacuorgi_rcARAslN4EoNoveds)lCleavages,art'tes'ndliofe,s-f,dje romBut;;;'":;;'e;;;'i;;uAir, wungury:,olanc ,ndRomania,rieger,\tstport' CT'a:rdLondon.999,p.169-13J.61-273'Rotnr:-iiruolticxl Science nieri " \'o1'll ii"'1 ' 2002

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    28(r Ur\-lilbL lJrU$JU

    r Alira NIUNGIU, Ronrdnil dupd 1969. storia unei neinJe/egeriRoman:'ansafter 1989.The History of a.\y'rsndersfan ng), Huma ni as.Bucu egti,1995'- . rJul"nu rilir-rr-rf, -IheEnrergenieof politicalPluralisrn Romania", n comrir-uris t and Post-ComntunistStudiesizz,199t,pp. lr i+z; ef u*oidru RADU, CheorgheRADU,.Ioana qRyl{B,'sktemul pol i t ic rominesc--"i itrrii i".trlpfu (The iontanian polirical S1's.ten::n Eilropicil System2 Editura Tehnici,

    Bucuregti, 1995;Alexandnr RADU, N,evoiasJunrbirii: un deciniu de pluripartidisnl in Rominia'(The Necessity of Change: aDeceraiumaf Mu\ti-F_artislriinBonr;rnja),Editura lon Cristoiu'Bucure'sti' @0

    Rnisu Ront l t r lCe$dinf gsl i l ic t - Vol. l l ' Nr,t ' 2OOZ

    party in tjre?-000 leciions,ts chiefexecutive fficer,VasileDiuctt, a melllber of thefacutfyci sociolog), f theUni.relsiiy'ofCiuj. er:an',eheCaL'inetN4inisier or PublicIlforrnation. Horvever, he accuracy f thepolls s occasionalll' uestionedas \vord,arld somecircumstantiai roof,of collusion vith governmelltalor PartisansPollsorshas come out in tl're ecentyears.This orieptaiion s spoi

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    FrottrhePolitics f Science0 ttleScieltccl r0lltlcsfc,i*.,,-ctr:rdpre etei-,;tsln an app;Cve'l rarne"vOrt:Ry g-t:.tntte token' metirodologicrrluniquenessssor'-,uii*es estoweci-i6io* rnp,iriiai iciel irlcjtiir-\',,r-irici' 'ir mo.st asesis inspired uy o ir"r"t.a ""a ,.i'int dehuuioiism.This "r,.oi'rorit on trre outco'res

    ofporiciesand poriticJi;il;i4., ,utl-.,u,l.,ari he processof cte'cisio^-maki'g leads to theirncierstancling f politicalscience , u .ot',su*er of actttal politics' raiher thai a criticof thebody poritic nJii, .ou.,-,unts. hisbra^clof political sciencecraims o follorvrvhat it considers o be the mainstreamcanonof.p'ublic"choice tudies, discardirrgfrom the outset the troubl.esomeact fhat the p.ulilic spheres and

    the choices theyuphotd u'a ...og,ii;;;;i;;t be alike n Norih Ameiica, Western Europe' or Ro-mar1ia. urther more, t takespride in beinga iheoreticaland value free' because tiras no ptan o ."r.";;;;;.;;, of what pis.t-commu$.st s or should be' It is

    veryrnuch lfte,when d;"r#g;;ith i text,onerniourclnerely cle.tiff trrealphaber n rvhichit rvaswritten,arrcl roviclea graPnoiogical vaiuation' vitho:-rtany reference o thei*i*" anclcontentof tiratparticular ype of literature'undeniably, it nrightbe countered hat thereare,after all, Romanian stude^tsof elecions ""d ;;il;:al parties .or',.ur',.a raiher with the nature

    of the politicalsysterrl than rvith its mereoperations'And indeecl here ale son1e vho refuse aninsidicnsly posr-M;;irfaru*Uuck of critical thinking, ancLdo believe that politics'rather han respond o popular wants,should p'o*Jt" and enforce rights' Still '

    thefirst athrnpt to theorize he structut" o"a f.rnciions,of partisanship i. a democraticsocidypys little heed o extensive omparativeevidenie' and' argily disregards the' enollrxnrsbody "i;;;";;devoted io politicalparties2' hough'

    more recentstudies'shed a Co6 "r,i il*".f"f figirt on the origir',, electoral *it1-t--tits,

    and political;;;;tt}" of tire pott-to**unist RomanianParty sysiem'post-communism s anyrvay,u.J not .i""*p.lt.dly, one of tr: jlYottte topicsof t'e political p.oS".X""ei1',eless,ransition o^d"emociacynderstood' in a cortrt-femarrativ" *ur,r,""i ur'" poiiti.^r process-throughvhich the society mirrors its orvndividesand conflictshardiy everre.ceived'n apiosite treatment in noli.ticalscienceas sudf, .tuurfy'o',itffi;J.; i1 this iespect ty sociological research5' In return',-,-{iii;:l ..=-,-*i".1;;;;;, a nrolrili'l-ltronievicJin elector"al ampaigns

    and bel'o.d'ir;G,h#;il;t"d i;pi;r ihe re'oruiion asa pai.rro dernoirary wai, i.ir:'-' ' ;-'r' ljnan0Yel5] ln i ] j ' i f l , ing] In lu. :er- i } . '? ' : fa i lectocapturei tsfui inreaningforthesocialsciencesT-itherto, riore detailed.ssuesof politica-l ransition and democratizationa,re o u, ..or."i.l:ii""ifif .J,l"t utor.,"adciressecl. ne reason ooms iarger thar-ranyoLl.Ler-vr,her.,t-,"Jt rll "ipor,-.o-*,*irrr', is stripped of its "curr:ent

    affairs" features

    ,r-Gr"a opEscu,-AhangerporvernR^omania:heResults""oti:S3fffrr"rJ,B;y;n:tTili:lEtectlcp'd, rn Got'ernmentii 5ppotition,32t7997'pp' 172-'186;lin'aVFffi'H#ru[:]il:]:tiiffFr',:"ft;;::;1ru{"1,r:i}ii ;,f;:Tk9f"1.23,e"'-+iisezRAR,^k productiontecrorateu s1'sfinreoumainn":?1IF;-E*T't#i;;i:t#;,:iBucuresttBucureSti,oooiiC;il"-ne'rrocr'4iaprivile':iilor:a/e;lerj/e /e'si/'pn*,#ryerections^x .7^i"l,r"JJ"i",'-,.;;;iffi;; i''''?;ii'\Ebt,;:iTffiH*:?Aiffii."f;oatru ndinuri,, (TheRoniu'Jonloiiri.ut sy,sienr fterFour Elections),n Str:a'jrh"-:?'*'{ i-* ai{riifu}}:n:i{:::,:tr^ilii.';':i:i:fi[",:'J;:lf;;'ccmunrs(rnsti]tornepubti*'ffi#jff#ft5g,,"r"i; :#ili#"'S,?it, ilj'.o*"* et )-, onstruc|iaimbola cAms,ttuilectorat(Thiinbolit Construct-t"i,ft" Eit'.il,t"i"#*i f"ltirtruf European' agi'1993;CorneliaEECiu, Folitica;rruo;ri{ irlitiri-priitir"in *nrj.*;r'"iirtitiie (D-lscursi'e olidcs. political

    practicesn ana4g?m,ni",c.#iiliiji'jllm,.*ti:F;11ii:l::iti:E:8,t";;##:,Tf":,ol ; t i i :ddst tocrs l i lor( l4o len ie 'Mvt: t '" ' . t .1 ' : " " ; "1 : : : t t ' I . ta t ' ' r \ r ( rar rrvrr l 'Lb;i;;; of ilieDenocrsisj'icurcsti' ll' 9es'RonrnirrpotrtliatciencecricwVol'll li"'l ' l00l

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    2E(J U.'\|ill-:L lJrUilJUP,rrty n tlre 2-000 lections,ts chiefexecutive fficer,VasileDiuctt, a member of thefaculfyof sociolc,g)'offteUni.;,:rsitl'o.fCluj.ber:ame]ieCabinetMil' lisier for Ptrblic1-rformation. oribver, tfue ccuracy f thepolls s occasionalil' uestionedas rvord,arrdsomecircumstantiai roof,of collusionwith governmelltalor partisan sPollsorshas come out in the recentYears.This orieltation is spoken or not only by numerouscomtnercial pollsters,butalsoby a quite argepopuiationof self-or media-appoiniedpolitical analysts". ndeed,thoseivho dediclte thimselves g n'ricro-politicsnalysis,.e. to current affairs andpoliticalanecdote, re oftenconsidered, nd alwaysconsider hemselves,as comPetentichoiarsof politics.Renorvned political analysts" ecomeusually only those whocledicatehe'mselveso the nterpretationof opinionpolis, vho corrstrue or the publicthe outcomeof the recentelectibns, ho commeut tt the atestpolitical eveuts, vhoseem o elucidate he behind the scenes omectionbeiweenpolitical parties,poli-tiians, andbig busiless, vhobring to light corrupdo.nases, nct denounce he abusesof ihe authori-ties nd the civil service. he reputation f being a "political analyst"is mostcases arnecl y the ficbion-tvriier,he pLrblicist,heessayistand more rarelyby thesocioiogiitrvholeaks nto themediasome rumbsoi iireoreticalor empiri.cail:nowledge,u.rd especiallyf he or shedoes hat n an vivid and vigorous maniler.The mosfuccessfuieru*pt" of thiskind of poiiticaiProses-perhapsa bookauthoredby a physician convert nio joumalisml. Cleverlyrvritten, the volume has the wholetot tl-t m"t es a bestseller;piecesof advise for tl'reopposition, admonitions for thegoverment, and interpretartonsof collectivepatternsof public behavior; indeed, theilook has everything-but references o the appropriate social science literature;moreover, t carefuXJr voidsany disclosureof rvhateverempirical data it may havere[ed on.So t is easy io feel dismay about the overallquality of the Romanian politicala1alysis.For running through it is a dangerousco.nftisi,.on.hat betu'een politics asgouJ**urlt of peopGand eionomy asadministrationof things. Indeed, {.,"1" is clearJrrid*n.u of the iuboming - in apost-Marxistlogic - of political scienceby the languageof economjcs,vhichhas-largely rivenout the anguage f politics itselfand, d-iiefly,the languageof constitudJnulis*. The sources nd PltrPosesof politics are thusleglectld ii favor of listing rnoredirectly d:scerni.blerends of public opinion andpof,U.rtU*havior.That s, nfavor of thepolitical egirne tself,aspartisanmobilization,purq'.o*Oetiiion, and elecioral articipationare ully authorized conducts,utilizedfy tfru Staie o en-forcets legitimacy.Therefore, olitical sciencedoes not provideair appraisalof posi-communist ody politic n terms.ofegitirrracy, ocialcleavages,ur-td onfii.ts of meanings, ut is complacent vithrvhat he system asks ts citizensto chose, elieve,and evencomplainaboutr:rstandagainst.As a result,many obsenters f electoral?rocessesnd party system, or instance,are inclined to acknorr,ledgey omission hat partiesdo not have to identify poli-ticaliyapd ethicallydesirable venues f soclal hange, or thel' do have to organizecopslnt through deconstructinghe mythology of the State2;hey are ooked at aslrerely Lrolidc;lequivalelis of companiesol'fering oliry products'and competing

    r Alina \IUNGIU, Rom;in:J dupd 19E9. Istoria unei neinfe/egeri (Romanians after 1989. The History of al\fisunde.rslandi;rg), umaniias, Bucurcgti,1995,I Eg.I-ilianu filififff, 'The Enrergenieof lojitical Pluralisrn n Romania", i:' Comrriu;u'st and Post-ComnunistStudieiz7,199a, pp. 41'1122;Alexaidru RADIJ, CheorgheRAD ,,l3ana POR_UN{B,'Sistemulo}itic romdnesc- "i titt"^ entropic? The RontanianPoliticatSysLetr.'rnEntropicalSystem4 Editura Tehnici, Bucuregti, L995;Alexandru RADU, A'er.oia scltintbirii: un deceniude piuripartidisnr in Rominia'(The Necessify of Change: aDeceru-riumf il4u ti-partisilijn Ron:lnra), Editur.r Ion Cristoiu,Bucure;ti.2000.

    Rer{suonrxnle$riinliP-outici-Vol.ll Nr.1 2002

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    anri anal)'ses,t hasno exploredground to restorr.The research i Romanian-poiiticsasa traditiol af iirilljr-r.{ancla hiLoLical xperienccsat is very beginnin;;s.F{it}rerto,only tlvo major opicsslern to havebeenexplored-soar:otr the one haud, the foun-, lat ions f the ooiurn Rornanian oli t icalbulturel;on the other hancl,pol i t ical arrdcolstitutionalnationaiism, nd themaking of Romanianuational identity. Nati6na-lisnr,construedas a mainstrearn oiitical culture opposed to the intricate boost ofclemocrbticalues, s to a iargeexientcentral o the public delratel, since t seems obe rnore mpervious o change han any form of political teneP.Flence,nationalism- in its various embodirnents'and orms of manifestation is criticaily and sys-tematicallydismantied n an entangledmulticultural, pluralist, and human rights per-spective{.A genuine iberal and coherent heoretical nquiry into Romauian natio-rualisms also to be noteds,In fact, t is probably safeto say that the most substantive adrievements of theRomanianpoiitiialscience are to be found in the field of,political theory. But even inthis respecinot aii piecesof researcharecreatedgtua1.The group of authors linkedio theInstituteof SocialTheorymaybe prolifig but theirbooksaretoo methodologicallyconf'L:*send d.eolcgicallyncongnto,-tsic.cor:nt lt. By conirast, vell-defended essal's-cn the pur.poses id iimits of political thinkingT,o-r: n the conceptual junctures ofpoliticalscience8 arrant the thoughtfr-rl ttentionof academics,'rvhilea more generalaudience vill profit from timeiy reviewsof the ar-rthoritativeWestern Ijterah:re on broadiopics suchai conservatismor liberalisme.Furthermore, a cog_ent nd original inter-pt"t"ti*, of the conditionsof liberty in a political.socie$,basedon a closeand criticalieadingof the iberaltraditiory promises o prevaillo,3s t mnverges rr'ith somevaluableconkibutions in the theory of poiitical representationrl,n the interpretutiql of the social. contract theoriesl2,or in the fustory of the Romanian political thirLl

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    It ,,.', 'nr.rl

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    thirrkinp tht' tralslatiorl of classic rorks n politicalpl-Lilosophynci theory; the eclitingc,fhandiooks; theprornOLic:',:,iL.--':,'l:i.i',;irri'lLi',i.:r; li't nl ;-,1:.t of-sp":ciali:e 1'':r-r1^15''fire rnostactiveplbfirllirlg housesn this resPect reNemita,Humanitas ati' j ,rrliofBrrcharest.,nd Poli.rom nd Institutul Erti:opeanf Iasi. A11heseprivate co,-n'::rrie:;issueseries levoted o poiitical science,he most.profuse eing Societatea olititd -rvith forty bookspublisliedover he ast fo'.rr ears eclitedni' CrisrJanPredaon behalfof Nemira.A seriouseffort to recall rom oblivion or denialseveralPre-communistRoma-nian au*rorswas undertaken.Bbthsocial-liberalheoreticiansConstantinStere,Virgillvfadgearu, tefanZeletin),and reactionary hinkers ConstantinRddulescu-lr4otru,Miha"ilManoilescu) ourci a renewedplace n the public square,and their rwitingsare evermore looked at as and.markiof a yet scarcely xplored history of the Ro-mailian political ideas.Someclassicmasterpieces f political philosophy,amid rvhich Locke's Ti+'oTreatises f Government and Tocqueville'sDemocracy n Anterica,lvere translatedi1 Romanian or the ust time.Moreover,an'holecomPanyof political thinkers appealtl the l;on-,a1i;rrrublic in its c',vn anguage:Karl.Popper, saiah Beriin, NorbertoBobbio,ALbertO. Hirschman,Leo Strauss,Hannah Arendt, Friecirichvon Hayek,Giovanni sartori, Ralf Dahrendorf, RobertDahl, ]urgen Haberg'Las.

    Somervhat esssuccessfulwas the handbook endeavor.Aiongside a thoughtlu|and seriausly assembled. andbook of formal methods in the social sciencesl,a us5iulbut unfirrished keatise of political science2,which may serve not only as a good-in-troduction for the b"si"rjr; shrdent,but alsoas a review for those reasonably familiarrvith the ield, and a ouptJof decenthisioriesof political deas3, tands a miscarriage-A textbook of political Soctrines,purportedly confronting thq "universai" conceptsrvith their Romanian inchrnationsa hould be listed here not in order to assign anyblame or to conJert a arger than ife importance, ut inasmuch as t turns out to besignificant for the upptoih bolh publishing houses,and certain editors have to po-hf,cal science;ugr"ituUty for thosestudents-whomight have sougtrt guidance in tirecomplex vorld 6f ideologies,and despite he presencen the volume of a numberof cl.istingr-rishecl.uthr-,ts,1ome f the contributots were selecied among politiciansand jou#aiists, decidedjyunfamiliarrvith.anyi.lung lose o a political concept.Onecan uspeC hat a *o.u .ipuble lead rom theeditoron mattersof scopeand dtectionrvould ta'e resulted n a vastly differentandbetterbooks.Eqouily neffectualand failing far shori of their purDose,proygd.to be the fir'oclictionaries f "essential"politicaTt,ritings hat rver-eecently published, notwith-siancl: ,nshe ouali ty of serieral f theirpa;t icuJar ntr ies, nd the knowledgeabil i ty- ' - "1- - . 'of many"contiibutors. lthough theobjectiv.,u,"d ramervc,rk f such undertakingsmake inse intuitively, the differentpiecesof the rvorle hold iogether corrfusingly,and both voiumes are padded with material hat any advised reader lvill find irre-Ievani-The reason iesin ihe lack of theoretical utlook and political insight of the

    I T;aian ROTAR.IUet a ., Ltetode statistice p)icate n fti;n.fs.reociale,Poiirom, Iagi, 1999.r.A,nronCARpINSCFIL C.irtiun BOCANCEA; I6inla politicutr:r. rafaf Lhe Scjenceof Poli6cs.A Hattdbook),\,Iol. I, Ild tura UniversitSlii A.I. Cuza, Ia9i,1998.r Alexandru DUTU, 'Hisroireie la pensleet des nentaliiis pol::,;queseuropd.enrtes,Editura.Universitiliidin BucurEti, Buc.rrieltl, iggg; ton GOIAN, De,la polis. a^ontologia politici (From the Polls to PoliticalOntolan4, idi tut" Insi i tutului de TeorieSociai i ,Bucureqt i , 001'{ Alina \Iur,-clu-piPplDl (ed.),Docf,rnepolitice. Concepteuruversalegi realitdsi romineStj (PoJitjcalDoctr-rnes.t-tniversatConct"plsand Ron'tanianReafitje-s),olironr, Ia5i, 99E' .5Thesameeditor coordinateda poi i t icalsciencemanual for higl' r choolspubl ished by Pol irom of IaSi n'oo'':-*"'"'0":"hasanoptionaiprace'^ln'""''^:::::-ffi-r-,vorrrn,., zoo,

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica



    :l:1t[ .II


    fi:ral prorl:ct, 6.uec thepclr: e,-litorial ork provided cither by a:r nexpert qraclttateStuC&rtlOr evenby so,-t-le-i1fl'l'lbelsf the Romanian ;\caciein;']Even f the p,iltiuhir1g ouseswelcomeby a1d large.mopt gf t]'t. original pro-cl.uctionsf the Romanian"authorslaiming to wlite \viti'rin the borders/.Porousasthey may be, of politicalscience,his liberality is rrot.lviihottt risk' As'tlre variot-lsuniversitvpresses"r. ""a", financedand havLno natioual distribution, tltost of the'tburden lay on tnu *uttut-oriented eciitors.Driven by commercial interests, ihey'sually discouragehesubmission

    f lengthymanuscripts, oaded rvith scholarly trotes,references nd ilrdexei. t "y rypically ltei"r to proniote authors rvho aiready iraveu Ju.u i^ the publicrnincl or hiving bee,rpresenteither n politics, ol.il the media,;;;, t.;;;ir";,h. case,n both.Thus, the-publicat large takes or reliablepolitical;;i";d;piolific freelancersike Silviu Brucan,a journalist of the militant 1'earsoftotaiitaria*ism,and a last mirruie clissident, ven though such best-selling autirors;;;;t;a u"yth,.,g in common r,vith he basic ules of scientific research,a-llsciencesconsiderecl3.ertainly, n any culture there s Avenlle, and perhapsa Valid missiou,for commentators f currelt uffui.t, and for political essayists. roviding there is alsoa position,and an audience,or political siientists arrd their sdrolarly productio;r,#"1y meant o be gratified-bya huge popuiariiyyet, Romanian'pr-tUtice6ate"."ho s

    mainiy ihose books rvritten by insiders of,roUtics,' esearch tself being regarded as an -unredeemable ve;rture of outsideri"*"if["J, *hor"nt derstaridinf of the political arena and stakes is purely absj11c,t'ih;;-**y politicai scientists re rvilling to indulge themselves in th^ -"l'rir"qexpectationsand rua" tf-r"sciolarly rvorkbJhind a moie p"UU."ffy co.,lrrriti"f, tql;ior evenloose.interestn any form of theoreticalperspectit'e, or empilicaiinr'3stig1ti.o1''A c*rrent aJfairsdominant diom, which with"ts ui"uy any ambition-of poli tical thi-''-kt;th; th"s U"lo*e the habitual dialectnot just of politlcians and journalists, butalsoof many u poriti*r scientist.Consequentiy, olitical journaiism seems o standout asa cleai*d pru-o.rr.tanger o theRomanian-rvould-beolitical science. ecauseit does vhata sC&ie would ,,"urr", o: t discloses, djudicatei, nsLlucts, nd predicts,it hasnc intellecLuf-ao"Utr hatsoever,eno:-eseihodological cleadlocks, nd fitsconveniently heconrrnonvisdom'PoiiricaiLrrose nd poiiticai science tave De or;ichopelesslyembroiled and confused'^ Tne ccount rvould not be complete vithout bringing in the fen'L-ooks vrittenrlirpr-ilw n infemationai anguoges(Fterrcharrcl engiisli) bi' -a small number ofil;a,*an p;il*l ;i entis s."Th to pi.r ad cl essed li th,ut" auth o rs rang e fr om thesources f Romanianpolitical cultuie6 o political theoryT,and, of course, o demc-

    tront thePotitics l bctence0 tlleJulellcc0t t'olitlcs

    r {-aurenliu TEFAN-SCALATed.),DiclionarCe scrieri o}itice fundamentaleA Dictionaq' of EssentiaPoEtic l W i in gs),Humani rs, Bucu e5i, 2000': Alerandru sunou,'C(""rgrr" \'r;ouTESCU, and Alexandru BoBoC (eds) Enciclopediaopete.lofuncamentale"lutilouirlloli'tfir-n',oarrnu iriru Encyclopaedia f Essential {orks itt N{odern Politica

    Philosophv),ditura nstjtur.rlui eTeorieSocialS, urure9Li.'001'"-it#J^^];;;;;;;y he ried n 136 agesosolve li hequestions f social{range-i1Russia nd Eastererr.p* si"i,iuniJcAN, i'r.i i cu,unqelfirrlsra and Eastem utope, raeg.erublisheri, 'Vestport, onn , 199E{ DanpAVEL, Levjatattttl izantTt't.ltalize, tifudi,rrisi tudir'-po/iticel heByzantineLeviathatt.Ana/,t"seAttitudesand Political tudies),olirom, a5i,1998'' ^'- S-ilinNaSf, fotililli^ ,oe5ecelire isoaetafeTfieRevo.lufionhat Failed:Elifes ,rdSoce|), PoiirontIagi,1996.6AlexandruDUTU, ,{oCelsand.Nationaldeniifjesn "Ortltodox" Europe,Babel,Bucharest, 998;DanieBARBU, ,zance,no."*ri"rnoiitirt.Essaisurlaproductionp.oliti.quedela'foiau 'toS.'enAge,Babel"Bii;r"1d; \tiDl;;.t t"ui,o;rs et nrenfa/itis.extes r'dLrnrsla n'tdmoire u Professeur lexandru DulttIJ.rbel,ucacs , 1999.7CristianPREDA, -eib{ralisnedu ddsespoir.raditionbLrdralet cntrclrj: rr lotalitarisne artses nnnicslg-2,s-lc/i-Editurau.i*"iiitliJi,'tBucureqii,Brrcurepti,2000;Ale1-a1{1O.ryESCU,'ebiencomnlu'ter-

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica


    crat ic inn-" i t ion nr iconsolidat iolr l .hreeb:anslat ions,ue to nr.rrgirr l p' i r l t l is)rers,Lalrghtc i:e a.lclr:dr.is hey :::.r',' e nslrunrerrialn promoting topics related to I{o-nranianpolitics n the international retla'Yet,sinceMarch 2001, heRomanian esearchn poiitical science s mainly epi-tomized by tire ournal Stuciia oiitica. tontaruan o,rdcal ScjenceRevigwlPubiishecLquarterly- in English,Fiench,Cerman, talian,and Romaniair by the Institute ofPolitical"Researcf, t the University of Bucharestand printed by the N'{ericlianePublisl-Lingouse.DanielBarbu,CiistianPredaand Alexandra lonescll are editingthe jouma"l rrcler heautl"rorityof prestigiousnternationalarlvisory board. Belie-vir-rg h.at deasdo matter, he--editorsharea common commitment as ntelleciuals,rlcl"scholarso try to shed ight on themajorpoliticalproblems acing_Romania, ndto re',,isit, fter the demiseof the totalitarianexperience,he very foundations ofclemocraticd.ealsanclprocedures. hey thin-Lof the jor-rrlral s a challenge and aprandate o be invol,red n contemporaryssues f fundamentai mportance, relatedrrot only to the dernocratization f RomanianPolty and pclitics, but to ih.e"greattransfonnation" hat s takingplace n Centraland EasternEurope. The main topicstargetedso far are the theoryof democracl,,he hisLorl'cf the Romanian politicaltho"ught,adicalpolitics,anctihecultures f nationalismand citizenship.The ournalsubniits all articjes o a refereeing rocess, nd has an extensive section of bookreviervs,both novelties n the Romanianpolitical sciencesetting.The Departrnent of Political Scienceand Public Administration at the UniversityBabeg-Bolyai f Cluj-,Napoca ublishesannually since1996 Smdia Universitatis Babeg-Bolyai-Politica,t*hi.h inciudesmainly short_papers resented o seminars and con-ferinces. The outlet of the Institute of SocialTheory of i}'e ilomanjan Academy isRerrisfadeTeorie Sociald71'teloumal of SocialTheory)whidr is suitably ne\/er quotedexceptby its orvn ediiorpand authors,as thgy rvriie-so ar out ihe ruies of social,eseirch'tllat s obvious heyneverhad a reliable ocial cience o think in. Yet, thereare oth.erournals issuedby different Institutesof the Ro.manianAcademy that arervorthrvhile o be usedby-politicalscientists. he most helpful in this respect areRevista Romdndde Sociologie The RomanianJournal of Soio\ogQ and-ArkiveleTotalitarismului (Totaktariansm Ardtives).Trvoother academic ournais should notpassunnoticed,as hey represent-ndispensableools.forpolitica.lscientists:Rer.':sfacle CeLcetdriSocialeThe'Journalof SocialResearclt)nd, particularly, SaciologieRom 6reascd (Rornanian Sociology)fuveral other oumals and magazines ddressssues n political science,but asthey a;re dited b;i privaie organizitions, hey only possess Precarious.academiclooi f imenr dn nnF i; . r , - 'oo"-reviprved arf ic les- and ale often t imes behinci the sche-- {gSILlr l ic{L}/ LILJ I l \JL yr l l t l y=E f LvrurYuq q^rrLrve,clrile.Am'ong hem, a speciaimention deservesSferaPoliticii (Th9Splere of Politics),- -^ i i+i^-r ----- ins edited ince 992byStel ianTXr-rase.he outlet doesnot convenecr PUIILJLdI l ILAEAZUrs sql (cu auLrv L/ /amost of theacidemicstandards, ut lvas or manyyears, eforeplunging into currentjournalism, he only publicationat hand fo-1nalY political scieniists.Note*'orihyare also: Polis.Revistide ptiinlepolitice (Polis.A Journal of Political Sciences), ubli-sl-red sof 7994bya poll fit-mand devoted ncreasinglyo transJatingnto Romanianariiclesof p',romineninternational cholars;Rev:sf-R.omAnd e $tiinle Politice (Ti"te

    1CristianBOCANCEA, La Rountanie u conmunisnteau postcomnru,'u'smg 'Hai-mattan, Paris,1998;Filon1IORA& La productton 1lectoraleIu sl,sfdnreounrainrfesparties, ditura Universiii ii din Brrorre;ii, Buctuegti,2000.:.AlinaN{UNCIU, DeRunriurcn na& 9, Friedrich-Ebert-Siiitun&ntergrap}rVerlag, }i4iindren"1996; IladimirPASTI, The Challenges f Transit ion:Romaila n Transit ion, rans]ated y Frag.aCheva Cusin, East EuropeanNIonograpfu,Bouldir, CO,1997; igu ORNEA, The Romanian xlreme Right: he J9i0s, t ranslatedb1' EugeniaN{aria-Popescu, ast European "'lonograplu,Boulder.CO. 1999'

    Rcdsta omtn1 eStifirtrlolitici Vol.ii Nr.f- 2002

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    r,rii c,nsulieriisyiil"rin rrl1jgnsoliticalparties.Sn er, l-,r 'trlkel. rvas eble tr: absorbir*ci recogpi::clie utiiily of 1'oirr,g oliiicalscientists. s tir,;ir;iitnibt:r i.; .o t-,i:::ageclramatic*illy ver the next years,a certaiuamountof concertl s about to looil outof the high'enrolment atio in politicalscience epartments.This escalatiol of the stu^dent opulation is not innocent, and for a couplerofr'otives. Firbt,silce i.999, he departmentsare inancedby the N4inistryof Educationanci tesearch ccording o thenumber of siudents hey currently enroll. The more,the u,ealthier, ould be"*iereforehe new motto of Romaniarr igher education' Se-,_:o*diy,hereare on averageand'anygiven fall five timesmore candidates han places",ruitJllu in the political J.i.r',." deplrhents, generousas they may.be in.their re-cruiting policies.For a political science ducation s generally cons.idered o be aprefere"ntiulassagervayo an mportant,appointedor elected,public position.Because o"1J*a11poiifics tnett s more bo.rt r,vho nd horv governs, than rvhyand ,ighator. It follorvs'naturaliy hat politicals,ciences commonly understood asa study of rule apprehended sdominion, ather hanasnorm. Notably enough, theiitrt uitu*pt to h'escribe he landscapeof the post-communist Romanian politicai,.iu".*t pJid, ,r-.oybe eseivedly,more attentibn o the Poygr brokerage and thedistributi^or"Lf ,eso,:rces ithin aiademicandpara-academjcirdes, tl:,an o the qualitya1d capabiliiy of research.As institutionalized Romanian political science s moreabout control, ranking ancipublic recognition, han about scientific findings able toadvanceour understJnd"ing f Romanianpolitics and polity. For that ma.tter,Roma-lian political scientistsof iny intellectual persuasion end to be more involved inthe pirlitics of thei.rdiscipline, than in disciplining the political and scientific legacythe3,'are upposed o think over and shapeup'

    To conclud.e,rvomaih reasons eem o standbehind ie slolv coming of age oftire RomanianPoliticai Science'On the onehand, he institutionsof continuitl'had - and still do - a priviiegedaccess o public resources funcling, ocals,.equipment,political support)' Theyncrr,elrrare" ' , anoroadr o poli t icsand the pol i t ical argely ndebted o national ism*^ '-r land rrrrlgurMarxlim and theyare ob-marketolientated, hus, the tirreeuniversities,Buchare"st, abeg-Bolyai f 'Cluj,and Iagi, vhich bear the burden of change,_arefrequentil,confrbnted vith survival problems,and praclicallyvery scarce undingfot -piti.ai researc-|.n fact, he veiy id.ea f researchn political science s hardly'.r-r.pnr;.]v rhp no[tica] environment.Beyond he rutitutional coniinui[', the mainhe'iia.,e.,irho ..,mmunist era iesn-rayben thervaypolitics s understood,not as a' -^- -- - - - - -_. i . ' : .leo i t in iate obiectof empir ical research nd theoret ical xP_lorat ion, u.t as a ser ies oli-""il;;;;#Jlu"r,t, to be construecln aneconomic ey. hav.ealready empha-:il"{how gleat a tol1 he languageand reasoningof economicshas taken of politicalargurient.And this s not amereacademicvorry.Indeed,l post cgmmul]st politics,thEnerv capitalist"superstructuretoreveiseMarx's erminology)is gr.eclited

    t facer.,alue,vhilsi no one seehseager o ir-rvestn a rights-enh'enchedolitical infrash-uchrreable to suppori the unprecedented ynan-,ics f-social hange. -On t}1e ther hand, the pre-communist or-rdiiionf political scieirce eems o bereaci ivated:is egit imaq, s;hal lenged othb1' ociolog-ywhich clainrs monopolynn rlrp mnir ir-al.r .or.h of thesocLty and61'public qrv rvhichhas theambit ionvl a uaLto be ihe only true science f theStat-e. or is that all.As in the '20 and the '30, the

    I Lrr"inia STAN,',Romanian PoliticalScience ince19S9",n Europe..rn/o mal of Political Researcrh,5,7999,^- qn7.,q??

    Revistaornhl e$tUnp oIdc . Vol.II Nr,1 2002

  • 8/12/2019 Class 3 - Barbu - Studia Politica




    r iu l l t t t lu rul l t lLJ ur

    criscoursen pori i ics uns he risk to be confiscatecly thc' freelar lce ol i t icar o'r :-r::rl sm..'l-r:ii.-,ir:r-1by1',e irrbitiono sci ire r'ries nct )rci"rlgirrSeoi ;i.11i ca1.ali' i;is'perhaps he greaterii;.;; ior rl',eRomaniauPoliticai siience is to cirarv on a'dr,rinforce irecl+miriant iiscoursef Society-anctoiity, insteaci f provid.ing a criticaltheoryof politics.g;.";", rt Max Wei:eiforrlo,'rsly rguecll,a solial ssienceshoulclratherrecognizenconvenientacts,meani^g rrose rralco.trovert co*rfortably esta-blished certainties, ncluding its very own'On balance, 1',e omu#un science f politics suffers rom a number of defects'rvhicrrundermin"'iri-r.i."iific cred.entiarsnd acaclernic^tegrity: the.failure toelinrinare .uaeq,ruiu",h"";;r;;*inorogical coirfusicn,.an excess f descriptivisrn anclcurrent_affairism, nd the enticement"to esort to icleological ^tin'ridation. Thesepar'oiogie, ur. r,o**rlt;';;;;to^the malaciies hat havJ afflicted the larger bodyof social sciences r,venty ears agoi but they min'ric the very diseasesof post-communistpoutics.Ron ""it" polidcai.scie,-,cei indeed consistent vith the P:of":t,-u1capitalistur-ra "n o.'ut;t p"iit)t it has hemission to encompassand probe' For thatmatter, it stiil remainsan oxyllloron'

    r h.iaxvEBER,..sciencesa rocntiorr".n H.I{.CERTI-{,.\v. \llLLs (ecls nd ranslators),ron l'lex \leLtEtrr,..'ilSoclo li1,:i',O*f"'aUniversityPrlsst,Ne;v ork' 1975'F: 147'- ' "i Hub"rt BL/.L9CK. Basjc iies'rnt,r tf ieSocjJ ""t*Ts-se Publications,everlyHill, Calif' '19t4'
