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Classification of Pipe Selection

Date post: 23-Feb-2018
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  • 7/24/2019 Classification of Pipe Selection


    Classifcation O Pipe Selection, Depth O Cover And Bedding

    Existing water pipe size from the main road : 0.75 meter

    Suggested materials for selection of pipe : Ductile Iron

    Selection of pipe materials based on laing conditions

    !usti"cation of selection of pipe :#ased on the information gi$en% we disco$ered

    that the tpe of soil at the proposed area of de$elopment is non&corrosi$e soil. 'he

    relationship between tpe of soil and pipe material needs to be studied carefull as

    we understand that pipes are being installed will be functioning at least (0 to (5

    ears. )rom the *niform 'echnical +uideline% the ,oints of Ductile Iron pipes shall

    be push&in tpe complete with or without tie bars depending on site conditions .

    -roposed depth of co$er #ased on S/#S1 :( meter

    Information extracted from the guideline as it matches the de$elopment criteria.

  • 7/24/2019 Classification of Pipe Selection


    ccording to pipeline designers from -ure 'echnologies *2% ductile iron pipes are

    commonl 3nown as pressure pipe where this material is pro$en to be a better pipe

    material as compared to plastics pipe. Ductile iron pipes are stronger and more

    fracture resistant.

    Di4erent sizes and shapes of ductile pipes and ,oints a$ailable in the mar3et

    dditional information reuired for calculation form the guideline

  • 7/24/2019 Classification of Pipe Selection


    #ased on the

    pipe size gi$e% recommended $al$e size selection from the guideline

    !usti"cation on $al$e selection : Since the diameter of pipes is less than 600mm%

    therefore% all isolating $al$es shall be of the anged ended sluice tpe of pipe. )or

    external reticulation networ3 sstems% isolating $al$es shall be pro$ided at all

    ,unctions8 branches of pipelines. Isolating $al$es are to be ,udiciousl placed within

    the external reticulation sstem in order to segregate the sstem into smaller zonesfor a number of purposes including achie$ing greater control o$er the distribution of

    water9 for lea3age detection and control purposes9 for water ualit monitoring9 and

    for containment of a problem such as pipe brea3ages1 to small areas of the sstem

    so that suppl to the entire networ3 sstem is not compromise.

    #edding details :'he trench abo$e the pipe shall be well compacted with

    suitable bac3"ll materials% and all pipes shall be able to withstand the expected

    design trac loads ta3ing into consideration the standard of pipe bedding selected.

    s suggested% water pipes shall not be laid below sewers. minimum $ertical

    clearance shall be pro$ided between the crown of a sewer pipe and the bottom of a

    water pipe. 'he horizontal clearance between sewer and water pipelines shall be;.0m where water pipes shall be installed on the opposite side of road carriagewas

    or shoulders in relation to sewers installed along the same road. 'he pipes shall be

    laid a minimum of

  • 7/24/2019 Classification of Pipe Selection


    Illustration bedding of pipeline sstem

    Suggested bedding : tpe 5

    -roposed distance between pipes : ; meters

    #esides understanding the classi"cation of pipes and stud about the bedding

    details% we do ha$e to consider in constructing whether or not to ha$e a water

    sampling station. Since the number of connections is less that ;00% we do not ha$e

    install water sampling station.

    =lassi"cation on number of connections with water sampling stations

  • 7/24/2019 Classification of Pipe Selection



    In our design% we ha$e two ow cases: pea3 ow and a$erage ow > "re ow. 'he

    water is initiall ow from reser$oir located at (00.?6m in reduced le$el to the

    water tan3 in the de$elopment area with reduced le$el of 76m. Since our

    de$elopment is at reduced le$el of 56m% thus the water tan3 need to be design at a

    higher le$el to suppl adeuate water pressure to the housing area b gra$it.

    'herefore% the water tan3 is design to be @0m ele$ated from the ground le$el. )rom

    the water tan3% the water will distribute to the housing area based on their local


    'he local demand of each house% da school% surau%and wet mar3et was calculated

    and ta3ing in for the consideration before we design the whole secondreticulation sstem. )or both the cases% the head in the sstem was range from

    (00.60 to (00.?6m. 'he nearer the house to the water tan3% the higher the head at

    that house. 'his is due to the head loss in the sstem cause b the frictional loss%

    "tting loss and gra$itational loss.

    'he total water demand is 6.50? A-S. )or pea3 ow case% the total water demand in

    the sstem is ((.@70 A-S. 'herefore% ((.7@0 A-S of ow will distribute out from the

    tan3. 0.((@ A-S of ow will go to the surau and 0.;67 A-S to school and 0.@BB A-S

    to wet mar3et. 'he rest of the ow% will go to each of the housing section based on

    the demand and number of house in a row. Chile for the a$erage ow > "re ow

    case% total water demand is @;.50? A-S. )rom the water tan3% 0.@?0 A-S will go tosurau% 0.?7 to school %and 0.767 to wet mar3et while the rest to the houses.
