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Classified Advertisers are Satisfied Advertisers. Call ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY...

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COTMER, FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 23. 1921 H <—*• 1 Classified Advertisers are Satisfied Advertisers. Call Seneca 2786 Today 11—Automobiles for Sale. 'J—Auto Truck* for Sal*. IS—Auto Acossscrtoa— Part*. 14—Oarage*—Auto* for Hire. IS—Motorcycles and Btcyc>« :•— Repairing. Sarrlc* Stations. It—Wanted— AutomobiW*. BUSINESS SERVICE. 18—Bust—• Service Offered. 19—Building—Con tractiac. 80—Clsanlng. Dreiag, Renovating r.—Drii—iaalng—Millinery 33—Heattag. Plumbing. Rooflag 33—Insurance. 34—Laundering SS—Morlnc. Trucking. Storage. S3—Painting—Papertn*j. 21—Printing—Engravin*. ?*— Professional Service. 23—Repairing. §*—Tailortag. 31—Wanted)—Business. »Service. EMPLOTMENT. 33— Help Wanted—Female. 33—Help Wasted—Hale. 34—Help Wanted— Stale or Jerr.ale. 35—Solicitors—Canvsssers—Agents 3<v Situation Wanted—Female. 37—Situation Wanted—Male. FINANCIAL. It—Business Opportunities. 33—Investments. Stocks. Bonds. 4tt—Money to Loan. 40A—Money to Loan—Mor'gsgen. 41—Wanted—To B o n >«r INSTRUCTIONS. «•- -Correspondence Course* 43—Local Instruction Classes 44—Mnstcal. Dancing. Dramatic. •0—Prtvat* Instruction. 43—Wasted—Instructions. LIVESTOCK. 47—Dogs. Cats, Pets. 43— Horse*. Cattle. Vehicles. 49—Poultry and Supplies SO—Was ted— Livestock MERCHANDISE. 33—Articles for Ssle. 31A—Barter and Exchange 32—Business and Office Equipment. 13—Boats and Accessories, t 34—Building and Materials. 33—Farm and Dairy I rod uc is. M—Fuel. Feed. Fer'liisers. 3?—Good Things IO Kit 33—Home-Made Goods. •9— Household floods. 30—Jewelry and Watches CI—Machinery and Too.;. 33—Musical Equipment. 3SA—Radio Equipment. 13 Seeds. Plar s and Flowers. 34—Specials st the Stores. . 33 Wearing Apparel. 33—Wanted—To Huy ROOMS AND BOARD. 3?—Room with Board. 33—Rooms without Board. 33—Rooms for Housekeeping. Tt»—Vacation Places. 71—Where io Est. « 73—Where to Stot» 4 n Town 7—Wanted—Room* cr Board.. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 7<—Apartments and Flats 7i—Business Places f<n Rert. 7«—Farms for Rent. T" House for Rent. 78—Office and .Desk R->om. 79—Suburban for Rent. M—Summer Places for Rent. II—Wanted—To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. R—Brokers in Rem! Estate. 85—Business Property for Sale. »*—Farms and Land for Sale. *»—Houses. Single, for Sale. 14 A—Houses. Double, for Sale. la-Lots for Sale. S3—Resort Prot»_rtV for Sa>«. 37—Suburban for Sale. 13—Real Estate for i.xchan«e. 13—Wanted—Real Estate. AUCTION. 30—Auction Sales. Business Service Employment I Service Offered. 18 CIRCULAR BETTERS—The kind that are "business builders;" let us snow i you complete mailing service. Savage i Multi System. Navlon Bldg.. Beaeos 3304. DETBCTrVTKS—Secret ssrvtc* Ey *s> . pert detectives; oommerclsl. criminal, civil sad industrial investigation; do- mestlc relations confidentially Investi- gated. Queen City Detective Agency. 37 Builder's Exchange. Buffalo. N t Phone Sen«oa 2017. FORM LETTERS—The kind that get results multigTsphlng. complete mail- ing service. Carlyls Multigrauh Letter Co. 212 Liberty Bldg. Sen. 2333. LETTER SERVICE—MultigTaplUag and I mailing; sales and advertising cam- C dgns handled. A arias Trust Bldg. A. A. Trauti Help Wanted—Male. SS MEN—Two. wanted to work in Buffalo who are looking for a sales position with a future, age* 23 to 60 preferred. Phone Seneca 1024. Pyotng. BsssovaUng. 30 CARPETS AND RUOS—We clean* tnVm clean; electric scrubbing a specialty. Compressed Air Carpet A Rug Cleaning Co.. ISO Niagara street. T-leuhon* Tup- per 1422. - CLEANERS—Of everything for house- hold. Adam Meldrum & Anderson, master dry cleaners and dyers. Only fireproof plant in Buffalo. 184 Barton St. Seneca 4080-Bldwell 3303. MEN—Wanted, with ability to construct and handle sales organisation for Buffalo and several counties; must furnish reference as to financial and moral responsibility. Call C. W. Mad- den. Iroquois Hotel, for appointment. SOLDERS WANTED—Bench and floor, also coremakers. for our malleable foundry; good wages; steady work; no labor trouble. Apply Keadvlll* Malle- able Iron Co., Meadville. Pa. PIANO TUNER—Must be experienced in sll branches of repair work. Good salary and steady work guaranteed. Apply Manager. Rudolph Wurlitser Co.. 333 Third St.. Niagara, lulls. N. T. DRY CLEANING—Oelllgan. 3323 Mala 'St.. driver for calL Quality work. Crescent 1133. . RUGS—Native doctor for Oriental ruga specialty cleaning and repairing In your own home, also a t 1537 Hertel avenue; Kareken. formerly with Hint A Kent. SS FAMILY HOMES—Wanted tor children. alt sees: hoarding and free homes. Ag- e r H. F. Hunt. Department of County liters. 337 Terrace. Buffalo. M. T. Launderfg. 34 DAMP WASH—23 pound*. SI; family wash special, collected and delivered Red Diamond Laundry. 1338 Fillmore Fi'.lmore 3*33. Moving. Trucking. Storage). SS MOVlXO^Cartlng. baggage transfer. Burt Maggio. 101 Whitney place. Tup- per 0094-W. Local and long distance, 4-ton trurfc. S17 day. MOVING—Largest equipment in Buf- falo for moving, packing and storing furniture and pianos Glenn A San. 304 Terrace. WANTED— A vanload of furniture from Buf- falo to Pittsburgh, or any east- ern city. March 1st. The Big 4 Transfer Co.. Inc.. 157 Georgia St. Seneca 0570. ' PRINTING Quality printing, i Glenwood Press Fillmore 0172 1? Thn 1423 Flllmor* Ave. PLUMBERS—Must be first-das* nie~ chanics; steady work, open shop; out of town; |1.021-2 per hour; higher scale on or before June 1; state age, experience, etc. Address Box 140, care Courier. REPRESENT^ATWE^^^r~alTlJ~^art of United States, for manufacture and sale high class toilet and pro- prietory preparations In use thirty years In Canada; high class dermatolo- glcal instruction included if desired; require expenditure of from three thou- sand up; fullest investigation. Hiscott Institute. Toronto. SALESMBN—That can' sell a staple article to the retail grocer. We are one of the oldest houses in our line; salary and commission. R. H. Bertolette, Room 310. Mutual Life Bldg.. 210 Pearl Street, 3-11 a. m.. 3-5 p. m. only. SALESMEN—Our men are making good money selling the remarkable "Sunny- sud">" Electric Washer. We are in iffv of two more ambitious men. who hav confidence in themselves. Apply at once. 25 West Chippewa street, Mr. SUcktui. __ SALESMEN—A well-known company manufacturing the highest type of as- phalt roofing requires the services of two or three experienced salesmen who know the building supply trade in cen- tral New York: liberal terms will be made with salesmen whose past record snows them to be producers; give age. references, territory covered fn the past two years and volume of sales. Box 649. 2504 World Tower Bldg.. N. Y. SALESMAN Open, traveling position with well established company. Box 517. Care Courier. SALESMEN—To sell Durant and Star motor cars; experienced preferred; must have reference. Apply Sales- manager. 354 Genesee street. _ SALESMEN—Write for list of lines and full particulars. Earn 32.800 to 310,000 yearly. Big demand tor men. Inex- perienced or experienced. City or traveling. Natl Salesmen* Tr. Dept 375. Chicago. DO YOU KNOW! BETTER WA T o s a v s m o n e y T To BUYS time and worry? To cot what you want—when you The way we suggest is to take yot troubles to The Courier-Enquirer'* Clasi It's vary evidently the best way that faio people know. Every day they changing opportunities in the classifl< they're getting" satisfaction all the time. Tou may want to buy a rocking el to find a horns or a houseworker—or of the hundreds of different things that! the scores of interesting classifications. And remember—the alphabetical out makes it the work of only a momc what you want. Read the Classified Section today! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ALWAYS THE SAME—IN SJ ALWAYS DIFFERENT—IN OPP^ >F A It? needs and your Section. lousands of Buf- •ult the svar- columns. And a refrigurator. may want any re offered under rement through- to find exactly >S IV1CE kTUNITY. Financial Money to Loan 40 MONEY—Loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; business strictly confi- dential. Mose Cohen, Square Deal Jeweler. 639 Main St. MONEY—Why pay pawnbrokers' rates? —The Prudential Society. Inc. 15 South Division St.. Elllcott Square Bldg.. have absolutely lowest rates on diamonds, watches, etc. An institution of the better kind. MONEY—To loan on first mortgages; improved city property; quick service. Apply Harrison Real Estate Corpn., 15 West Eagle street. 'chandise VIOLIN- printograpk cade, 619 Business teles for Sale. 51 typewriter, vocaliser. bargain. 72 Market Ar- lin, upstairs. Office Equipment. AS MORTGAGE—We nuy second mort- gages on real estate; quick service. Frontier Mortgage Corp.. 236 Main St. MORRIS PLAN Franklin at Huron Sts.. loans moaky for the payment of debts, business expansion or any useful purpose to wage earners, professional and business men; your character and earning power the basis of credit. PAWNBROKERS—Rothschild Loan Co. —315 Main St., reliable pawnbrokers; we buy old gold, platinum and dia- monds for cash. TOM MARSHALL—Pawnbroker; lowest rates Over Strand theater. Money to Loan—Mortgages 40A PRINTING—William J. Keller, printer. | STOCK SALESMEN—Llvest proposi- , , night and day service. 333 Main St] tion In Canada; directorate composed | DINSMORK REALTY CO.—Ti© Brisbane j j^xTION ADDING cash resist easy termi 4331. 147 CASH RE< Register Q rebuilt an| for sale. CASH" RE4 changed; Louis res change, 38 DESKS—Wl mahogany cost to mi money. 71 DESKS AS you monej furniture; ture. Buf change. Pearl St. FIXTURE! buys and hotel and! Washingtof ICHINBS Typewriters. i. new and second hsad; (repairs; supplies, Seneca Midway, STERS—Remington Cash 168 Franklin St., has 95 secondhand cash registers ITERS—Bought, sold. eX- rency American and St. •era. Cash Register Ex- Iroadway. Jefferson 3613. are closing out oak and it top desks at less than ifacturer; see us and save Jefferson St. Tupper 2134. ( j 0 f bankers and biggest business men Srf, j; . _ : r~~ ^ will work with you; live leads: big professions- serrroe. sH money for live wires; men are earning CHIROPRACTOR—<:. T. tUmer. mas- from 1300 to $2.5«0 per week; get in sage and ^electric" treatments a spec- touch with me at once; good territory- Address H. C. Shields. 902 Royal Bank Bldg.. Toronto, Ont.. Canada. SUPER INT r_XDENT Construction superintendent, technical trained man Bldg.. loans money on first mortgage on Improved city property. See them._ MORTGAGES—Loans A nnouncements I mfty, HI E. Genesee St DfrrBCTlVE WORK — In all its branches, personal, criminal, civil |n- I vestigations. Frontier Detective Bu- reau. Inc.. 812 Erie Co. Bank Bldg.. Buffalo. N. Y. Phon<»>e, day, Seneca ;0I9; nhrht. Tupper 1981-R. MASSAGK—Etectrtc treatments, baths 410 Franklin near Virginia. For ap- pointment call Tupper 4172. = Opea evenings MARCEL WAVING—Curilng. perman-1 solicitor*.—Canrnssers Agents 85 , eat wave; shampooing, scalp treat- I I7=r_^ri5;—w_^T_3—^T~iih nn_~«T~tlw» E X s ^ n * avenue* "** ^ " ^ * | ^ ^ E ^ ^ * ^ « n thTm^ket! Jefferson avenue. big profits. 615 Mutual Life Bldg. MASSAGE — And electric treatments v,»,.,.-, "*^_ri iT»r>r'ii , »Y ^X>KCAI TT-. riven by a nurse. 472 Pearl St. Tup ' l)RLA ' AND GROCERY SPECALTY— experienced in supervising frame con struction and small structural steel work: unqualified references required. Bixby A Bros. Employment Agency, 80 West denesee St. TKA31STER—Wanted. S48 Elk St. Funeral Directors i««i. LUX MRS. JOSEPH—Funeral director and em banner. 124 Qosdau St. Tup^ar •091 _nd Tupper 7733. •AUERWEIN. HENRY—Puaerai dT- rector end emsalsasr; formerly loos led en Niagara. Is sow at 2288 Main. Cres> cent 4213 \WREATHS—Cut flower* and creatlou* •f distinction al_rs*_»jnaa4s frtosn Niagara Flower Snogs SIS Niagara Seneca 3333. Los* and Found. 10 MASSAGE-SHAMPOO Manicure at your home: best materials; work guar- anteed: prices reasonable. Mrs. Smith. Tupper 4148-W. before 9 a. m. SUPERFLUO US HAIR MoTetu aU blemishe<i permanently removed. Meta McCormack. 39 Root Bldg. Seneca 3318. SWEDISH MASSAGK—Electrical treat- ments, batba practical nurse; 10 a. sm. to 9 p m. 212 Franklin; entrance door to right. SWEDISH MASSAGE — And electro treatments under supervision of prac- tical curse: open evenings. 44 North Division. Flat No. 2. only auihe isters boi m first and sec- [ changed. ond mortgages; quick and reliable serv- I Co.. 653 Ice. Room 55. Builders' Exchange. ' SHOWCAS] facturers any busing Seneca St ^^_^-. _____ j T y pg^RTT Local Instruction Classes. 43 . e< j repa iri Portable.' porium. 3Q CHAIRS—We can save |0n new and 'used office also repair office furnl- Office Furniture Ex- ihouse end salesroom, 88 „ty Store Fixture CoZ all kinds of store, offece, restaurant fixtures. SOS St. Seneca 6270. [CASH REGISTERS—The ed office in Buffalo; reg- sold, repaired and ex- National Cash Register St. Tupper 0035. Instruction women BARBER TRADE—Men and wanted to learn, day or evening classes: a special tuition on account of large trad?. Trl-City Barber School. 150 Main St. BARBER"TRADE;—Men wanted to learn, day or evening classes; tuition $15, tools given. Before starting see Buf- falo Barber School. 16 Exchange. BOOK K: EE7>IN<_ "Or short taita *»_ typewriting taught in ten weeks; cata- logue free. Buffalo School of Com- 793 Main St. -Soda fountains, manu- Icomplete store outfits for A. Dutch A Co.. .148 It^ tS—All makes, sold, rent- agents for the."Corona Juffalo Typewriter Em- fain St. M Rooms and Board Rooms without Board. Real Estate For Sale •8 Farms and Land for Sale. COSY—Well heated front room; re - fined surroundings; Tupper 0493-M, after 4 p. m. | ^_ FRANKL-N ST., 555—Nice, clean, steam heated sleeping rooms in very exclusive district. Very reasonable. FRANKLIN ST.. 330—Vtry desirable, well lighted, clesn, comfortable, large or smaS sleeping room*. Electricity. FURNISMEb ROOMS—For young men, 80 Anderson PL >______ - JOHNSON" PARK. 25—Desirable room; reasonable. . ROOM—Large sleeping room with hot water heat, tile bath, kitchen priv- ileges to respectable man and wife, or two gentlemen. Call Tupper 5700-J. NICE—Front room, best heated apart- ment, on* two gentlemen; private family; no other roomers; all con- veniences; some privileges. Tupper 1962-R. , NICELY—Furnished pleasant room for gentleman only, in private family; can be seen before 2 p. m. and after 8 p. m. Phone Tuppec 4484. WEST MOHAWK 87—Opposite new Statler Hotel; rooms 84 week up. Rooms for Honsefceeplng. St APARTMENTS—For sleeping or kitch- enette apartments. See Free Renting Bureau. 1432 Main street. PROSPECT AVE., 645—One or two fur- nished rooms; light housekeeping; gas, bath, electricity; laundry; furnace heat. Where to _*_ |g BEJROALLOS RESTAURANT 84-88 Niagara St.; superior meals, a la carte; Italian-American cooking that pleases; noonday and evening services FRANKLINS ENGLISH CHOP HOUSB —431 Washlnr-on street, business men's lunch served from 11:30 a. n_ to 2:30 p. m.; sea food, steaks, chop a chickens and all good things to sat served a la carte. LAUBE CAFETERIA—Pearl and Eagle, makes a careful study of your demands snd satisfies them. Music noon and evening. RALEIGH RESTAURANT—354 Frank- lin St.; new management announces special 40c lunch and 60c dinner week days; chicken dinner Sundays. 73c _83 FARM BUYERS— Send for our cata- logue of over 339 farms for sale and exchange; many bargains. Cody. 393 Elllcott Sq. FARMS WANTED—Any sise; we have sold and exchanged 248 farms in the last two,years to westerners: list now for quick cash results, or good ex- chsnge; we have the client with money and property. Lewi* Farm Agency, es- tablished 1896. 680 Elllcott Sq., Buffalo. N. Y. . FARMS—See u* about our suburban property at North Tonawanda; acre- age near trolleys; With city improve- ments. Bolller. Inc., Brisbane Bldg. Single Houses for Sale. ALLENHtTRST ROAD—University sec- tion; lot 40x175; two-car garage; sun room; three sleeping rooms; screens, •hades and awnings; windows weath- er-proofed; real fireplace: a complete home. Price 811.500: convenient terms Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street, Sen- eca 8633. AMSTERDAM —'Near ttelavan; 6-room bungalow, bath, gas, electricity, laun- dry, cellar, furnace, room for drive and garage; 80.000. D. Maxson Estee, 550 Ellieott Square.. EAST STREET—Two single houses; - room for six car garage; present income 3340; only 82.000 cash needed. Ricaby Company, 200 Peearl street, Seneca 3633. FRANKLIN ST.. SOUTH TUPPER— ST. brie Three story brick, deep lot, easily al- tered and moderate expense to busi- ness front sufficient for two stores; reasonable figure for quick action, C. W. Breadon Co.. Erie County bank. FIFTEENTH STREET—Only 85.500 for fine little home. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street. Seneca 8633. Where to Stop In Town. 71 BROADWAY HOTEL-45 B-way; Tn~* place to Hive, eat and sleep; rooms fl and up; special weekly rata*; dinner 11 to 2. CTTY HOTEL—Michigan Ave. and E_> change St; rooms 81 a- day and up; hot. cold water, baths; convenient is depots and boats; garage in connec- tion. _ ' FLORIDA HOTEL —Eagle and Pearl: men only, running water in each room; centrally located; 31-50 and 82.00; week- ly rates. . ROANOKE HOTEL Chippewa and South Elmwood; family hotel; central to shopping and theater district; every room with bath. An opportunity is offered to reliable. energetic men to represent in Buffalo I merce. and neighborhood; on a commission i CHIROPRACTIC—Become basis, having a world-wide reputation | praetor;" and an established sale: It wil! be necessary to do considerable mission- ary work among the retail trade. Ad- dress M. Herrman, 12 East 48th St.. New York. 300«r» P R O F I T — A n d a business of your own: Snap Laundry Crystals wash clothes absolutely without "rubbing: big value: women buy on sight; get free sample and particulars today. Snap Products. Dent. F.. Rochester. N. Y. BUNDLE OF LAUNDRY—Liberal re- ward. Quality Damp Laundry. Tun 8400. Repairing. SO Financial STOVES— O. Q. A D. H. Donaldson—Re- I pairs stoves and ranges of all kinds. 90 ARE YOl PURSE—Lost on Main street city lin* car about 8 p. m.. containing money South Division St. Bo-lnesa Opportunities SS "ontemplating the purchase ... „ . r .„.._ WATCH REPAIRINO and valuable papers; finder k;nd.y re-| wriat , w *. t _ h _J_P* lr i n turn to Mrs. George Hoefie. 123 Min- nesota avenue, or Crescent 0532- R, and receive reward. High grade: my specialty; Harry i A utomobiles AntonaobUea for Sale. kt OAKLAND SIX—1318 modef. good con- dition; real thing for jitneying: sell \ easonaate. Enquire 184 Edson St. ""' ' Auto AroeaaorlQB Parts. - l a AUTO PAHTS—For alii m a k e s of cars St 30 «© 7» per cent off list. WiOlass Street Auto Parte. 033 William St. FORDS—Used parts for sale; fenders, hoods. 82 93- shells. 75c; head amps. 38 cents *_en; tire carrier. 81-33; gas tasks, 81 95; running boards. *0 cents Am** Bodies. 333 Main. RADIATORS—Fender* and bodies re- patred and made'new; best equipped shop in city- Morrison. 26 E. North s t r e e t . T u p p e r 7T06>. ^_ KADIATOR_—Made and repaired. Buf- falo Auto Radiator Co.. 1*88 Mala St. suposite Dodge. ftAb IATOR8—Ford honeyooaia, now and guaranteed; price Sll- M. J. Pow* over thirty years' experience J. Meng. People's Bank Bldg. THE PURPOSE—Of display ads is to create desire; the purpose of classified ads is to satisfy desire already created. Employment Help Wanted—Female. sell SS COUPONS—Woman to sell coupons; good offer. Pohle tSudios, 9 W. Chip- jpewa St. \ LADY—Over 25 years of age who will appreciate a position where she will have the same chance of promotion as men; experieace not necessary. Apply Zm Lockwood Bldg. Ask for Mr. Stev- ens. MARKERS—Experienced, wanted: also girls in ladies' clothes dept. Apply Peerless IJUndry. 30 Goodrich St. -Wo^srft placing two of a business? Our office* are head- quarters for business opportunities. We have the largest and most up to date lists in the otty. Every proposition strictly investigated before being placed on the market. Copy of the Hunt Magazine containing list mailed free. Hunt. 339 Brisbane Bldg. BRANCH MANAGERS—Chain" of cut- rate tire stores require branch man- agers; salary $49 per week and com- mission which would average 86 per week in ail: experience unnecessary, but 8750 c*ah security required. For full particulars call at Roy's Tire Store, 249 East Genesee street. BCYETRtS-^SeTlers. traders, see us for quick action. Wood. 311 Mutual Life Bldg. Seneca 0867. CAPITAL—Produced and partnerships "Chiro- study it in Buffalo; enroll now. Interstate Chiropractic School. 846 Jersey St., at Fargo. HURST'S PRIVATE SCHOOL,—26 years, Brisbane Bldg.; after May 1, Hurst Building, Huron_and Franklin Sts. MILLINERY—Girls desiring to finish course for Easter work should enroll now; essy payments. New Method Millinery School Tupper 2843. Local Instruction CI. 43 NIGHT SCHOOL— Course* In finance, advertising, selling and accounting at Bryant A Stratum's Business College, will fit you for a better paying position. Csll at 1023 Main St or phone Tupper 8752 for details Musical, Danclus. Dramatic. 44 W_~FURN| to length telepone eca 0161. Geo. W Square FLAPPERS chocolates,! for 5s. MaC sold ever HONEY n honey. 5-a post for S] wheat; sti large quai carload; M guarantee^ ville, N. Y| "434 FOOl 1, Fertilisers. THE LAUREL—1349 Main; rooms With and without board; refined snd home- like. . THE MEN'S HOTEL—Pearl and Gens* see; Red Triangle Inn. Washington and Carroll, for men only; safe, clean, sanitary; no tipping; 81.00 a day hotsla TREMONT HOTEL—Seneca and Wash- ington; rooms 81 and up; weekly rates; regular dinner 35c. American manage- ment. ___ VICTORIA HOTEL—7 to 13 W. Huron, near Main St.; special winter rates for i HERKIMER ST.—For quick sale, cosy seven-room bungalow-type house; steam heat, electric light; all improve ments. See Gann. 305 Brisbane Bldg KENINGTON SECTION—Elegant little home, right nesr street car line and re- tail section; must leave city March 1st; will sacrifice: only $300 cash needed. Call at once. Cres. 1140-M. Single Houses for Sale. 84 RODNEY 266—North Main section'; new house just completed; three bedrooms; full cellar: furnace, laundry, bath; hard- wood sun parlor; low price. $5,800; terms, too. Danford-Bliss, 616 Wash- ington street. - . NORTH PARK SECTION — We have several new, well-constructed single houses on Roanoke and Frontenac ave- nues. Mr. Diginan. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street; Seneca 8623. NORWALK AVE.—New six-room bun- galow, steam heat, oak floors and trim; enclosed porch, tile bath; $7,800; terms arranged to suit purchaser. Miller. 1490 Hertel. Crescent 3.190. SHERLEYo AVE.—Just the kind of house for your little family; have the painting and decorating according to your own taste; pick your home now; $500 down. Wallace. 3303 Bailey. SOUTH ELMWOOD—Brick residence; desirable lot; this property has a good business future; secure it now at a reasonable figure and make money. C. W. Breadon Co., Erie County .bank. STEVENS ST.—Near Eas"fteSvan; new bungalows; rear bedrooms; $500 down. Otto Schorb, 405 Grider St. Fill. 6655. Real Estate For Sale U P Suburban for Sale. FOR SALE OR RENT—Ravine piac*,> town Elma; ten miles from Buffalo^ romantic, lovely woods; Buffalo cree», in rear; ravine running through center. Address M. E. Hurd, East Aurora^ N. Y. »jm Real Estate for Exchange. 8§f make a TRADE that property; we specialty of exchanging anything ajnyj where. Choate Realty, Ellieott Sq. $15,000 EQUITY above one mortgage four-flat store? two cottages; for farpa; or vacant. Choat? Realty, Cllicott Sq.* Wanted—Real Estate. *9 FARMS—Buffalo Farm Exchange. lOSjl Broadway, ha* many buyers for farms- List yours today. PETRIND-ROSE-f—Have you any prop- erty for sale. See Petrino-Rosen Realty Corporation. Ssle will be cos- summated the same day if pries to _____% _ _ Auction Kales. M AUCTION SALE—Tuesday. Feb. 27. 10:30 a. m . balance of bankrupt stock of the Ideal Furniture Co. has been moved to 881 Broadway, cor. Detroit, and will be sold to the highest bidder: some of the goods are returned goods, and are as good as new; some elegant pieces, such as dining room sulte*^ bedroom suites, living rooiff suites, combination coal and gas ranges and a. big lot of odd living room rockers and, chairs, children's carriages and strol-' lers. Al Irr, auctioneer. Classified Display Service tit | Why Sleep Hard j When we will renovate your mattress, sterilise It s n d cover 0 it with a new ticking for $6.50. Call Jefferson 3174. Sanitary Bed- ding Co.. 293 William street. Employment Machinists, boiiermakers. freight . :ar repairmen and car repairmen repair- tf lespers. Also first-class Men on passenger cars Three (Sec shipments to Pittsburgh weekly. ! Experienced men only need apply. H Penna. R. R. Free Employment W Bureau. 13 Ellieott Street. U I—Dry pine car sills, cut i VTRGINLa HOTE Mgg^ryS__g -^,? __.'_ ! _- ! r__ k ! TILUNQHAST PL. - Reception hall. S ired for grates or furnaces, your requirements. S*n- _ make prompt delivery, niegs, Inc.. 328 Elllcott Things to Eat. ST -884 Main St.; up delicious combination of pmonds and cocoanut; all I by Queen City Candy Co.; ere. to-date rooms, centrally located; $1 day and up; low rates for permanent guests. Wanted—Rooms or Board. 7S - Two or three furnished housekeeping. Box M-l WANTED ' rooms for Courier, SALE—Warranted pure pall delivered - by parcel either clover or buck- choice; ask for prices on ties; attractive price on ft with order; satisfaction Adams & Myers, Ransom- '.rchandise Tilings to Eat. 57 arranged, any kind of business^quick | ZWICKEYS—688 Main St. Social Sat DANCING—All latest ballroom dances, waltz, fox trot, tango taught by Prof. Winthrop; stage dancing for children, also adults; including jig. tap, eccen- tric. Russian; lessons all hours, 667 Main St. Tupper 6251. DANCING—Arthur J. Funks' Dellwood danc?« and Dancing School. Main St and W. Utica; spacious, dignified. In- viting: Yankee Six Orchestra. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings; class Monday evenings; private appoint- ments; large and email ballroom to rent for club dances, meeting, sale* display, etc. Tupper 8308. service. Square. LeVee Agency. 395 Ellieott EXa__JL_3NT OPPORTUNITT-^FOT on* or two dressmakers to. purchase chil- dren's wearing apparel shoppe. Elm- wood district; price $500. Cooper, Erie County Bank Bldg. ner. foT Main St." Phone Topper 7301. j Fenders and bodies re- | REFINED LADY tkdtes in our sale* organisation selling a nationally advertised product. This post.ion affords excellent opportunity I FOR SALE—Coat yara in growing townf for one who is interested in a real trestle and plenty of room for other future. We may be able to place a ; business. Box 124,. Buffalo Courier married woman who would like to I Office, work part time. Apply 25 West Chip urday. February 24. Indies night. Ladies admitted free. Gentlemen 40c. Music by Silvertone Five. Beginners Wednesdays and Fridays. Live Stock Dogs. Cats, Pets. SEA caught fi ters. etc.. falo Oyst 0391 FURNITUI the kitchen Mangus. 3j FURNJTUl nlture we tion on ture Co., i St.. 2H E. FURNITUI nlture to Seneca 1931 LAMPS—Pf lamps $22. table Ja mi flna line tals, $2.50 ; 176 Bread j ' RANGES price: one perfect co^ i ranging $4 Bargain St I REED CHJ tapestry ; Harwood corner of -And delicatessen; freah cotults, rockaways, oys- Ijvered to your home. Buf- 414 Pearl St Tupper Behold Goods. 50 47 aTOVES- DOGS—All kinds of puppies, hunting I *ram ran dogs, guaranteed brokej_ these dogs RADIATORS- paired, gasoline tanks made and re- paired: work guaranteed. S-hanxlm & Kinn. 1141 Main St. stADDXTOR- REPAIRING—If you nar* 1 WOMAN—Wanted for housework seen trying? radiator repairmen without , " teal satisfaetior. call on our aervtas dsnarunsnt for expert factory repair- fag and I seating Fodder* Mt»- Co . Inn, 1 87 Tonawanda. Faon*^ Biawelt 1200. •LADIATORS—All kinds M paired f f*a- ' "deTVnd"body" work < m nfecUtty- 1 ." , ^." r, "' Teunt Radiator Co.. 337 M a l a S t T u p - [______=____ wa street. . TWO^iRLlP^WanTed for restaurant work. Apply Central Restaurant, 135 Ridge read, Lackawanna. ' 583 Ellieott St.; reference. ^^ WOME.S—Several between ages of twenty-five and thirty-five inspecting hosiery. Pleassnt work and excellent working condition*. Apply Auto- Knitter Hosiery Co., 330-838 Genesee per 1755. repaired sad Radiator Be* RADIATOR*-All m recored st Miller's Auto ynlr Waraa 473-475 Genese* St TIRES--At the lowest prices in the city; mail order* fiUd. Tire Ex^hang*. 838 Genesee St. Open svealngs. TTRES—Murrsy Cords and ether _ ard stakes at lowest price*. Burkard Tire Corp.. Genesee and Oak Sts. 8100.00. Help Wanted—Male. SS BOYS—Three, to carry morning Courier. Dutkiewicx. N o . 8'13 Seneca. COUPON—Salesman; live proposition; good offer. Pohle Studio. 9 W. Chip- pewa St. . COLLECTOR AND SALESMEN—Cats- olle: steady work; good pay; also ersw managers; heat proposition. 403 Pearl St.. Room 11- JEWELRY BUSINESS—For ssle; a good repair plant for an all-round watchmaker: must sell on account of ill health. Box 135. care Courier. LIST With us and get results. We do what others promise. D. A Z. Realty Co.. 321 Brlabane Bldg. MANUFACTURER—Is desirous of mak- ing connection with party to represent him in Buffalo on exclusive basis; about three thousand dollars will han- dle thla proposition; guarantee of $000 weekly net profit; please give your phone number in reply. Address Box 501. Buffalo Courier^ MININ^G - CLAIMS—Three lor sale" In Delora Township near the Holllnger. Appleton. 79 Shuter St.. Toronto. Can. NATL MFR—Will give Franchise for Buffalo to right party; $250 per week net Income from $1,800 «_xh invested in merchandise; immediate results; no overhead; bears strict investigation; references required; in reply give phone. Address Box 474. Courier. sound and healthy. 621 William St B \ ^ ^ ^ n \ ^ . - ^ K h m ^ ^ ! ^^ A ec U tTve P a_imy. ^ h n ^ i S I PARTNER WANTED-Cash lnvlStm«_t " ~i__iHioe~Hlr-. Id 1 perience in cast stone plant: good $300- Call office 7 over 34 Tracy St. proposition for proper person. Address RESTAURANT—Valuable lease; Broad- Box 479. Courier. [ way-FiUmore section; chance ot a life downtown to uptown, one dollar, now* 1 f D I-NDllY~T_a"B6RERS^-Steady posl- time for g good restaurant man. Le- *ea 857V tlona Jewett A Company Stove Works. \ e e . 8J5 Ellieott Squsre. PEOPLES TAXI—Day and" sight ****" j Military road. I Ice: ©a* or two persona anywhsr* la | - _M_ 81- Phone Seneca 3330. FOR BREEDING PURPOSES Regis- tered Boston terrier, "Nubbins Mc- Gregor"; exact weight, ten pounds. 100 16th St. Poultry and Supplies. 49 stoves in change. 21| STOVES-- gains in nl m your oUf 875 Main --Ton the living room to It a g •nuir.e saving of 35%. {'Niag *ra. Phone. -If it's reed or willow fur- ike it: always large selec- Buffalo Willow Fuml- | stores, 324 Rhode Island psesee St. "WANTED—Sell your fur- id. 191 Seneca St. Phone and junior, $17.50; bridge |mplete; also ?:ood buys In with silk or glass shades; I;smoking sets and pedes- $20. West Furniture Co., Open evenings. Lt l e s s than half former bzen coal and gas ranges; [tion; slightly used; prices fto $75; real bargains The le. 193 Seneca St. I—Or rocker, well built, lolstering. special $14.75. Jiture Co.. 280 E. Ferry. fetson. jalns, Jewett and Mono- heaterd, very cheap; lade. Seneca Stove Ex- geneca and 1427 Fillmore. guaranteed; special bar- and rebuilt stoves; trade tove. Buffalo Stove Store. CLASSIFIED ADS—Cost less if you call at the office and pay for them within a week after they're first printed. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats. 74 APARTMENTS non't waste your time looking for furnished rooms or apartments. Open evenings. Free Renting Bureau, 1432 Main St. APARTMENTS Steam-heated flat*, housekeeping and sleeping room*. Peck. 308 B-isbane Bldg.. Sen. 8056. BRUNSWICK BLVD.. 215—Modern iow- er flat- Call Bid. 51S6. CARLTON COURT Will have" one apartment available, including dishes, linens, etc.; steam heat, hot and cold filtered water, electric cooking range, built-in refrigerator, automatically iced; private tile bath and laundry; janitor, elevator and maid 6ervioe. Ap- Ply 915 Main St. FURNISHED FLATS Houses, apart- ments, housekeeping suites, sleeping rooms, $3 up. Miller Service. Tup. 7788. Bid. 6936. large living room, dining room, kitchen, two stairways, full cellar, four bed- rooms, den, two porches, double ga- rage. McNutt. 114 Tiuinghast place. TROWBRIDGE ST.—Large single, four bedrooms, suitable for rooming house; to close an estate; act at once if you are interested in a bargain. Repp, _ IS Triangle street. ' 127, 133, 1377 1$9 ELMER AVE—Semi- bungalow; your last chance for new home on Elmer. Cr. 0358. $350 DOWN—$25 monthly - will enable you to own your home; we finance, build and guarantee to save hundreds of dollars. S-24, r are Courier. $5,500—For quick sate buys cozy seven room house, bungalow type, west side; all improvement": steam heat. See Gann, 305 Brisbane Bldg. WINTER ACCESSORIES that you need for your car are specially priced today by advertisers in Classification 13 of the Classified Ad Section. 0 AFew I I SEWERS NEEDED f l] BY HAND AND POWER T % MACHINE £ Some experience necessary. We teach you to make men's clothes in bright, clean, well ventilated work rooms. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Sat. 8 to 11 Good wages while learning and very fine when experienced. M. Wile & Co., 77 Swan St. * ^ 4 ><=__o_r ci> I o. 8 : Double Houses for Sale. S4A P WANTED I y 2 TRUCK BUILDERS 0 I 2 BLACKSMITH Jt HELPERS 1 WHEEL BORER WHEEL ROLLERS LUMBER HANDLERS AND LABORERS j Apply at employment office W. J. CONNERS CAR CO., 1300 WILLIAM ST. f 0 a o. o fl r I o fl o 0 m >o<9, HERTEL AVE., 1353—Beautiful mod- ern upper; steam heat; garage; adults. Phone Crescent 1126-R. KITCHENETTE 2-room apartment, very clean and cozy; rent reasonable. Allen St.. 224: Tupper 2067. MAIN ST., 879—Three-room furniiSed apartment; front. All conveniences; reasonable. ____________ JdDDBR'N—NewTower flat facing Mas"- ten Park, to let. 316 B. st S t SUMMIT, 291—Attractive modern, up- per flat. Phone Fillmore 6924-J. and Watches. •O BABY* CHICKS—Now booking orders DIAMONDS for March and April delivery. Circular | tered optfl free F. W. Karcher, 243 Leroy Ave., I years expe Buffalo, N. Y. ' "* n ~" " at Best's. WANTED—You to know that it will pay I Mac you to feed Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a- j „/MCTTVI^ ce-a for eggs, always; from the very ^™S?7J first feed of it you will see a change ftennls 131 come over your flock; there will be i we jj «I*J song and scratch, and cackle going on • _r7^rr_»_~-i in your back yard. And there will be , , V eggs for the market basket. For lice. teie. none provide a dust bath; sifted coal ashes M will do; add Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer; your hens will do the rest; far j roup, use Dr. Hess Roup remedy; all guaranteed. Sold by all dealers ill poultry supplies. Co.. Senec prices. 61 Merchandise DRAKE'S DOLLAR TAXI=Day sight; two people uptown to downto .SOMA TAXI—228 Pennsylvania sliest; text by trln or hour; cars for wsddlngs and funerals: courteous, efficient driv- ers. Phone Tupper 8888. JPr*___*'_""""T7l'r""™H "*""* " !l ""~; " " " "3-sua._..-••'• IM "7 i i n—ii i ••jy stotorryclow and Bicycles-. IS sIlCTCLES—Buy now; 81 per week. Pierce Agency, 248 Broadway. BICTCUBS"— Required; ail parts on head; work guaranteed: reasonable. barton, t Oak 9 t Branch at Hamburg. •ARTS—If you need parts for an old make motoreyel* go to ths Liberty Motorcycle Shop. 840 Michigan. Ma- "" i*s far gale. ~S8»t8P-u'" Ti nreter and IgnlUoa troubles remedied; ante overhauled; welding and hrsiing. Smith's Ants 1U- palr. 484 13m S t Tupper 8844. FOUR MEN—Wanted sales experience; we train and guaran- tee 82.00 per day while learning: posi- tion pays 830.04 per week if you qual- ify. H. K. Hangauer, Ellieott Square Building. ~~ | ROOMING HOUSE—Practical, In Elm- with or without j __,_.*•_ wood district; all rooms rented; very reasonable. Address Owner, Box 237, care Courier. _•_ RADIATORS— Frox«-n repaired or re- cored; prompt service. The Auto Radiator Shop. 11 Perry street Seneca J48*f. sU_QRTNDINQ—Cylinder, sew plstos* and ntns. erank shaft regrlnding.^Kejr P T*ol"*rM*tal Parte Corp. Business Servics SsirrlcsjJjfjgwL.^* Arwirt*CTANT S y s f t n s instalied. a^^silSd. closed and balanced. ^•eaTSS"inoome taajreports^cem. 'rTroert serv:ce Tupper 4T78;_. ._____, maiuamm HANDY—Man who can drive Ford truck and understand* touching up furniture. Southslde Furniture Co.. 2213 Seneca atreet. JOB COMPOSITOR—Steady posi tion: writ* giving full particulars; open shop. P. O. Box 878. Erie. Pa, Articles for Kale. 51 BARRELS—Of all sixes, crock*, bo*ties: complete supplies for home beverages; wholesale and retail. H. Goldman, 180 Jefferson. | BARREL8—Kegs, crocks. Jugs, bottl*a supplies of all kinds for home bever- ages. Chas. Schroff. 264 Genesee St Tupper 7511. . i CASH REGISTER—For sale. 830; Suit- able for any retail business. 16S' Franklin. MAN—INTELJUIOENT MAN OVER TWENTT-FTV1I WITH GOOD AP- PBARANCB, WHO IS INTERESTHD IN A FUTURE- APPLY 28 WEST CHIPPEWA STREET, ROOM NO. 12. MAN—Of pleasing personality over 35 years of ago, who will appreciate a position with far above the average earnings: experience not necessary. Ap- ply 800 Lock wood Bldg. Ask for Mr. Stevens ROOMING HOUSES—Of high character bought and sold on easy terms. Carl Vlehman, 188 Allen *tr**t. Tup. 4888. TAILOR SHOP—For sale; 1100; center of city; rent 840 with living rooms Ad- dress Tailor Shop, care Courier. Investments, Stocks, ^ ^ at FOR SALE—71 shares Augustine Rotary Engine Co. stock; make me an offer. Box 188. Courier Office. MJDNEY—i can place your money on Mt cMsa improved real estate first mortgages, 6 per cent, any amount. 81,000 and up, without expense to you. John Eckbart, Mutual Llfs Bldg. T to Log* AUTOMOBILES—Money to loan on au- tomobiles stored with ua Used Car Exchange. 871 Oak S t MEN—With apeciai training in demand for automobile mechanics; good pay. steady work; we give practical shop training, day or evening, by experts; moderate rates. Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Mohawk and Franklin Sts MCM^-Wlth good lob* to buy watches. —._—__ ____•___ ____, _mi__ ANYTHING—Bought, notes, chattels; second and third mortgages, loans st tangible securities auto*. *tc. Wood- burn, Morgan Bldg. MONEY 1 —Buffalo Security (a personal) Loan Co., 737 Elllcott Square; quick confidential loan* on furniture, pianos and diamonds; legal Interest; banking department supervision. Phone S*a- __w__ rT___sj_t_r> _J__L OsT CASH REGISTER—National; like new: bargain. 248 Broadway. -. LIBERTY BONDS—Astonishing record; high prices, 852 for 850 1st; 851 for 850 3d; cash. Donovan. 301 Brisbane. MILWAUKEE MALT AN_> HOPS— Make your own, the snappiest old- fashioned beverage known. Milwaukee Malt Co.. 886 Broadway. Jefferson 8393. Ask about it SALE—ARMY SHOES SALE — We have Just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson Isst shoes to be sold to the public direct; price 88.75; these shoes are 100 per cent solid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed; the uppers are of heavy tan caroms leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof: these shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to in- sure your order being filled. The sises are 6 to 11 all widths; pay postman on reeslpt of goods or send money order; money refunded if shoes are not satis- factory. The V. S. Stores Co., 1441 Broadwsy. New York City. t"RUNKS—WaTrdrobe trunksr$17TM and Mt CONSOLE like new. Edna PI. PIANOS—11 old pianos! Smorch, If V1CTROI and repack chines cade; Tup.J VICTROLi also every stocks. VTOL1NS- mandolins. Music Stc KALYPTO- relief for tis, croup.] tion. Soldf tee at yov DIAMOND! watches. In western prices. Brisbane LOGS^Wel any Umbel to market! PAPER—HI newspaper iron. Rot St, phonej RAGS—We* rags. 818SJ cents per 8903. fetches, jewelry. Regis- etrtsts and opticians, 40 fence. Eyes examined free E. Genesee. |nery and Tools. Si JGfNE—Single drum Lld- tlng engine for rent. C. A. iuburn Ave, Phone Bid- ight sold and repaired; learns Electric Equipment 1196. Used motors at right Broadway. tl Instruments. 62 ICTROLA —With records. ill mornings; no phone.' 41 and used nickel In sfot iken In trade, piano rolls. 'iagara St. Repaired, oiled, cleaned accessories for all me- ilin Bros.. 44 Market Ar- M7. Business Places for Ilent. 73 CALUMET CHIPPEWA _T—STORE. BLDG. APPLY TO ESTATE OF F. H. ROOT, 52 WEST CHIPPEWA ST. STORES —^High class; steam heated; offices and light mfg. space. Bidwell, 1977 -W. ' 77 Houses for Rent. 222 BIRD AVE.—Furnished cottage in rear; combination stove; $8.00 a week. Call morning or evening: adults.^ Office and Desk Room. 78 BARGAINS—In I wo-family and single houses, all parts of the city. Call Barnes. Drennan & Woilmuth, Inc., Tupper 8044. Open evenings. ______ BENZINGER ST.—Two-family house | _? on Bensinger St., modern, sacrifice; price $6,300; investigate this bargain before it 'is too late. E. A. Neuffer Service Realty, 196 Gold St.; open evenings. . '•.: -; HUMBOLDT. NEAR DELAVA.V—Each | flat 6 rooms, tile bath. gas. electricity. laundry, cellar, furnace, fireplaces, oak floors, doubie grarage in rear; $12,500. D. Maxson Eetee. 550 Ellieott Square. DEWEY; 26— 2-famfly: double garage; $9,000. Danford-Blias, 616 Washington St. EXETER TERRACE—Modem 2-famiiy ii - A house; each flat fj rooms, bath, gas, U . _ —, . , ij electricity, oak floors, fireplace, laun- o With. Experienced men d.T% U EXPERIENCED Wood Freight Car Builders A o II s Inside work, all year round, n | Plenty of materials to work f CALUMET BLDG. Chippewa, Cor. Franklin Sts.; reasonable rents. FOR RENT—Splendid office. Marine Trust Bldg.; throe rooms, part or whole; Immediate possession. Apply R. W. Morris & Co , Lockwood Bldg.. Franklin and Genesee Sts. Phone Sen- eca 7472. GREINER BLDG.—800 Jefferson 'Are.: offices with light and heat, $15.00 monthly. % _______ W a n t e d — t o Rent SI -Used at reasonable prices, t talnable Vlctrola record In es Liske. 108? Genes** j_t rge assortments tit violins, ultars. ukeleles r.t Frank's 55 Genesee St. •4 at the Stores. JB Affords immediate id 8. sore throat, bronchi- lfiammation and conges- lth a money-back iruggist. t'uarar.- ______*To Buy. 66 We buy d 1 a m o n ds, rold teeth: largest buyers lew York, and highest iter Diamond Co.. 716-A ly all kinds; if you have n your property you want rrlte Q. E. Ellas j Bros. lest price paid for old rags, rubber and scrap Ever* & Son, 30 Bristol iffarspn 4341-W. ly 81.10 per hundred for er hundred magaslnea. 80 idred for paper. Call Jsff. Rodkis and Board >m with Board. 67 MAIN ST. «p; cowhide traveling bag.; $8 and! j. 5 ?™ ^jf *•** I Uble host up; cowhide suitcases, $8 and up; ten bag*, fl.28. Stumm's, 48 I sensea. ! Ros^ without Bo VACUUM CLEANER - Pr*ml*r_ ns__r 1 AVON~4M___|'f_r-0 Ar*7 1 aasd: wlU a__rifle*. 41 • _ • WL WO IHim ••___ 1 Mm** : -M |20—Handsomely furnished running water, and [with private bath, with Phone Tuppw 0334-W. without Board. -' : M FI^RNISIDJTD APARTMENTS—Or kitch- enettes wanted immediately. Better Homes, 143. Main St Real Estate For Sale Business Property For Sale 82 HOTELS Heart of "city; of excellent atone and brick construction*"; all im- provements; steam heat including all furniture; for quick sal* eighty-five thousand; fine district. Address Down- town. SYCAMORE ST.—Two stores, two flats; splendid investment; must sell to re- alize __g_t_ J. M. Gram. Seneca MjjjL $7.500—Buys store, three apartments and two-car garage; south side. Call Culliton. Seneca 4378. Farms and Land for Sale. SS 43 ACRES—$4,500; one-quarter mile from cheese factory and Macadam road; IS acres timber, 80 apple, 18 pear, 93 cherry, 170 plum trees; 10 Acres grapes; also 170 -hens, hay, team, 2 cows, 3 shotes, wagon, sleighs, har- nesses, harrow, cultivator, plow, horse rake, mowing machine and small tools; splendid 7-room house; running water; dandy hennery, 14 by €0; nearly new barn; easy terms. Ellis Bros., Inc., SpringvlHe. N. T. dry, cellar, furnace 200; terms. D. Maxson Elllcott Square GEARY ST.—Near <_eneca; two-family ' house; large lot; good investment; $5 500. Willis, 533 Brisbane Bldg. HUDSON—Near Wadsworth; 2-fa.mily, old-fashioned, best order; $5,800. Dan- ford-BHss. 616 Washington St. LAFAYETTE AVENUE Near West; modern flats, A-l condition; good buy. J. M. Gram. Seneca S252. LEROY, 14S—Two-family; every im- provement; will sell very reasonably; easy terms. LINDEN—Near Best: modern 2-family; fine condition: $13,000. terms. New- man. 520 Brisbane Bldg.. Seneca 6493. LIVINGSTON—Near Auburn", three bed- rooms and den; good condition; income $1,200. Price $11,000; cash required. $3.- $000. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street. S e n e c a M>33. NORTH PARK—$10,600 b_y« very af- tractive. modern two-family house: full cellar; $2,000 down. A. B. Price. Real- tor. 526 Brisbane Bldg. Seneca 2026. ONTARIO ST.—Two two-family houses"; all improvements; splendid investment; buy in this booming section before prices go too high. J. M. Gram. Sen. 825t. ;"' lot' 33Tl50;'~$i!- fl ,, *-— - o ixson Estee. 550; U making good wages. Cafe- 1 teria at plant where meals j! ] are served at cost.. 0 I W. J. Conners Car Co., jj * 1300 William Street. i * 0 _ RHODE isi_\ND—Street near Rich- mond; attractive two-family; large lot; bargain for quick sale. J. M. Gram, Seneca 8252. NORTH PARK SECTION — We have several new, well-constructed two-fam- ily houses-on Rugby rosd. Tacoma and Roanoke avenues. . Mr. Digmon. Ricaby Company. 200 Pearl street. Seneca 8633. WEST DELAVAN Near Par-dale; each flat 6 rooms, bath, gas, cellar, furnace, laundry, electricity, double garage; $8,000; terms. D. Maxson Es- tee. 550 Ellieott Square. WEST SIDE $11,500; double house; must sell quickly; exceptionally well- built; this is your chance. See Gann, 305 Brisbane Bldg. Lota for Sale. SS 86 ACRES—Ontario Lake front farm. 87$ feet frontage, near Olcott Beach; fin* home and good investment; 88 acres in apples and peached. Foley Realty Co., Inc./ 189 Ontario St., Lockport. feUFFALO FARM EXCHANGE - 808 Brisbane Bldg.. and 1080 Broadway. hav* some special farm bargains with all stock, tools and crops tor sale sr exchange for city property; catalogue free; send today. BLASDELL—20 acres Just over Lacka- wanna city line, about 800 fast from street car. fine piece for subdivision, has all improvements; price rigM: easy immi. W . QL Pratt. If a - J ™»* LOTS—Vacant lota in all parts of the city; special inducement to horn* build- ers and contractors; will flnanc* first mortgage; write or phone for lists. Seneca 8S40, William Speldet. 424 Pru- dential Bldg. PRATT—Subdivision will open up larger and better this spring. Buy now be- fore prices advance. W. G. Pratt, 37 Richmond Ave. VACANT LOT—$15 foot North Tona"- wanda business corner on Fans boule- vard and high speed line, 84 feet front, both streets paved. Cement walk. Bid- well 4088. VACANT—Out of town owner has two pieces of vacant adjoining Kenmore; one piece about sixty <80) seres, otivr about twenty acres. Very desirable property. WlU sell reasonably. Ad* dress Kenmore 100. Courier' office. Suburban for Sale blii_l)lN»_ lA/lS^iiou*** and tanus ta the Wllliainsvllle, Snyder and Kggerts- viiw sectiou. &ome r«ai bargains. Chas S, Burkhardt. 71 Dun Bldg. Seneca 1480. . _ HAMBURG VILLAGE Homes; some | -ifM. 3<=>OCN WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RY. COMPANY will increase the force i n m o d - y em locomotive back shop, lo- cated at Brewster (near Can- ton, Ohio) and offers perman- ent employment to- ERECTING FLOOR MACHINISTS BOILER MAKERS A JACKET MEN * and II TINNERS See E. P. JONES, Employ- ment Agent 695 Ellieott Square U Buffalo—Tel. Seneca 4485. o Os>ec_=>oc 0 0 3<=_0^» Financial C_OC^ 1 EXECUTIVE f 1 WANTED 0 who ean invest $1,000 or o jj more with sefviees in a 1 merchandising organization ° of unlimited possibilities, y Address Box 650, Courier- 0 Enq fl mirer. i fl galas; some on easy terms; also i y TWO FAMILY HOUSE, hard wood floors and trim; three- car garage. Price |_S,000, one- half cash. Phone Abbott 1»24, or •one on easy terms; also) U Abbott 1718-M after € p m |i|Swl<ilW1MH _ . } Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Classified Advertisers are Satisfied Advertisers. Call ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · ing service. Carlyls Multigrauh Letter Co . 212 Liberty Bldg. Sen.


1 Classified Advertisers are Satisfied Advertisers. Call Seneca 2786 Today 11—Automobiles for Sale. 'J—Auto Truck* for Sal*. IS—Auto Acossscrtoa— Part*. 14—Oarage*—Auto* for Hire. IS—Motorcycles and Btcyc>« :•— Repairing. Sarrlc* Stations. I t—Wanted— AutomobiW*.

B U S I N E S S SERVICE. 1 8 — B u s t — • Service Offered. 19—Building—Con tractiac. 80—Clsanlng. Dre iag , Renovat ing r .—Dri i—iaalng—Mil l inery 33—Heattag. Plumbing. Roof lag 33—Insurance. 34—Laundering SS—Morlnc. Trucking. Storage. S3—Painting—Papertn*j. 21—Printing—Engravin*. ?*— Professional Service. 23—Repairing. §*—Tailortag. 31—Wanted)—Business. »Service.

EMPLOTMENT. 33— Help Wanted—Female . 33—Help Wasted—Hale . 34—Help Wanted— Stale or Jerr.ale. 35—Solic i tors—Canvsssers—Agents 3<v Situation Wanted—Female . 37—Situation Wanted—Male.

FINANCIAL. I t—Business Opportunities. 33—Investments. Stocks. Bonds. 4tt—Money to Loan. 40A—Money to Loan—Mor'gsgen. 41—Wanted—To B o n >«r

INSTRUCTIONS. «•- -Correspondence Course* 43—Local Instruction Classes 44—Mnstcal. Dancing. Dramatic. •0—Prtvat* Instruction. 43—Wasted—Instructions.

LIVESTOCK. 47—Dogs. Cats, Pets . 43— Horse*. Cattle . Vehicles. 49—Poultry and Supplies SO—Was ted— Livestock

MERCHANDISE. 33—Articles for Ss le . 31A—Barter and Exchange 32—Business a n d Office Equipment. 13—Boats and Accessories,

t 34—Building and Materials. 33—Farm and Dairy I rod uc is. M—Fuel. Feed. Fer' l i isers . 3?—Good Th ings IO Ki t 33—Home-Made Goods. • 9 — Household floods. 30—Jewelry a n d W a t c h e s CI—Machinery and Too.; . 33—Musical Equipment. 3SA—Radio Equipment. 13 Seeds. Plar s and Flowers. 34—Specials s t the Stores. . 33 Wearing Apparel. 33—Wanted—To Huy

ROOMS A N D BOARD. 3?—Room with Board. 33—Rooms without Board. 33—Rooms for Housekeeping. Tt»—Vacation Places. 71—Where i o Es t . « 73—Where to Stot» 4n Town 7—Wanted—Room* cr Board..

R E A L E S T A T E FOR R E N T 7<—Apartments and Flats 7 i—Business Places f<n Rert . 7«—Farms for Rent. T" House for Rent. 78—Office and .Desk R->om. 79—Suburban for Rent. M—Summer P laces for Rent. I I—Wanted—To Rent.

R E A L E S T A T E FOR SALE. R—Brokers in Rem! Estate . 85—Business Property for Sale. »*—Farms and Land for Sale. *»—Houses. Single, for Sale. 14 A—Houses. Double, for Sale. l a - L o t s for Sale. S3—Resort Prot»_rtV for Sa>«. 37—Suburban for Sale. 13—Real Estate for i .xchan«e. 13—Wanted—Real Estate .

AUCTION. 30—Auction Sales.

Business Service Employment I S e r v i c e O f f e r e d . 18

CIRCULAR BETTERS—The kind that are "business builders;" let u s snow

i you complete mail ing service. Savage i Multi Sys tem. Navlon Bldg.. Beaeos

3304. DETBCTrVTKS—Secret ssrvtc* Ey *s>

. pert detect ives ; oommercls l . criminal, civil s a d industrial invest igat ion; do-

• mest lc relations confidentially Investi­gated. Queen City Detect ive Agency. 37 Builder's Exchange . Buffalo. N t

• Phone Sen«oa 2017. FORM LETTERS—The kind that get r e s u l t s multigTsphlng. complete mail ­ing service. Carlyls Multigrauh Letter C o . 212 Liberty B l d g . Sen. 2333.

L E T T E R SERVICE—MultigTaplUag and I mail ing; sa le s and advertis ing cam-

Cdgns handled. A ar ias Trust Bldg.

A. A. Traut i

H e l p W a n t e d — M a l e . SS MEN—Two. wanted to work in Buffalo

who are looking for a sales position with a future, age* 23 to 60 preferred. Phone Seneca 1024.

P y o t n g . B s s s o v a U n g . 3 0 CARPETS A N D RUOS— W e clean* tnVm clean; electric scrubbing a specialty. Compressed Air Carpet A Rug Cleaning Co.. ISO Niagara street. T- leuhon* Tup-per 1422. -

CLEANERS—Of everything for house­hold. Adam Meldrum & Anderson, master dry cleaners and dyers. Only fireproof plant in Buffalo. 184 Barton S t . Seneca 4080-Bldwell 3303.

MEN—Wanted, with abil ity to construct and handle sa les organisation for Buffa lo and several count ies ; m u s t furnish reference a s t o financial and moral responsibility. Call C. W. Mad-den. Iroquois Hotel, for appointment.

S O L D E R S W A N T E D — B e n c h and floor, a lso coremakers. for our malleable foundry; good wages ; steady work; no labor trouble. Apply Keadvl l l* Malle-able Iron Co., Meadville. Pa.

P I A N O TUNER—Must be experienced in sll branches of repair work. Good salary and steady work guaranteed. Apply Manager. Rudolph Wurlitser Co.. 333 Third St. . Niagara, l u l l s . N. T.

DRY CLEANING—Oelllgan. 3323 Mala 'St . . driver for calL Quality work. Crescent 1133. .

RUGS—Native doctor for Oriental r u g a specialty cleaning and repairing In your own home, a lso a t 1537 Hertel avenue; Kareken. formerly w i t h H i n t A Kent .

SS FAMILY HOMES—Wanted tor children.

alt s e e s : hoarding and free homes. A g -er H. F. Hunt. Department of County l i t e r s . 337 Terrace. Buffalo. M. T.

• L a u n d e r f g . 3 4 DAMP WASH—23 pound*. SI; family wash special, collected and del ivered Red Diamond Laundry. 1338 Fi l lmore Fi'.lmore 3*33.

M o v i n g . T r u c k i n g . Storage). SS MOVlXO^Cart lng. baggage transfer.

Burt Maggio. 101 Whitney place. Tup-per 0094-W. Local and long distance, 4-ton trurfc. S17 day.

MOVING—Largest equipment in Buf-falo for moving, packing and storing furniture and p i a n o s Glenn A San. 304 Terrace. •

W A N T E D —

A vanload of furniture from Buf­falo to Pittsburgh, or any eas t ­ern city. March 1st. The Big 4 Transfer Co.. Inc.. 157 Georgia St. Seneca 0570.

' PRINTING — Quality printing, i Glenwood Press

Fillmore 0172

1? Thn

1423 Flllmor* Ave.

PLUMBERS—Must be f irs t -das* nie~ chanics; s teady work, open shop; out of town; | 1 . 0 2 1 - 2 per hour; higher scale on or before June 1; s tate age, experience, etc. Address Box 140, care Courier.

R E P R E S E N T ^ A T W E ^ ^ ^ r ~ a l T l J ~ ^ a r t of United States, for manufacture and sale high class toilet and pro­prietory preparations In use thirty years In Canada; high class dermatolo-glcal instruction included if desired; require expenditure of from three thou­sand up; fullest investigation. Hiscott Institute. Toronto.

SALESMBN—That can' sell a staple article to the retail grocer. W e are one of the oldest houses in our l ine; salary and commission. R. H. Bertolette, Room 310. Mutual Life Bldg.. 210 Pearl Street, 3-11 a. m.. 3-5 p. m. only.

SALESMEN—Our men are making good money se l l ing the remarkable "Sunny-sud">" Electric Washer. W e are in i f f v of two more ambit ious men. who hav • confidence in themselves. Apply at once. 25 West Chippewa street, Mr. SUcktui. __

SALESMEN—A well-known company manufacturing the highest type of a s ­phalt roofing requires the services of t w o or three experienced salesmen who know the building supply trade in cen­tral N e w York: liberal terms will be made with salesmen whose past record snows them to be producers; give age. references, territory covered fn the past two years and volume of sales. Box 649. 2504 World Tower Bldg.. N. Y.

SALESMAN — Open, traveling position wi th well established company. Box 517. Care Courier.

SALESMEN—To sell Durant and Star motor cars; experienced preferred; must have reference. Apply Sales-manager. 354 Genesee street. _

SALESMEN—Write for list of l ines and full particulars. Earn 32.800 to 310,000 yearly. Big demand tor men. Inex­perienced or experienced. City or traveling. N a t l Salesmen* Tr. D e p t 375. Chicago.


T o s a v s m o n e y T

T o BUYS t i m e a n d w o r r y ?

T o c o t w h a t y o u w a n t — w h e n y o u

T h e w a y w e s u g g e s t i s t o t a k e y o t t r o u b l e s t o T h e Cour ier -Enquirer '* Clas i

I t ' s v a r y e v i d e n t l y t h e b e s t w a y t h a t fa io people k n o w . E v e r y day t h e y c h a n g i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s in t h e classifl< they 're g e t t i n g " s a t i s f a c t i o n a l l t h e t ime .

T o u m a y w a n t to b u y a r o c k i n g e l t o f ind a horns or a h o u s e w o r k e r — o r of t h e h u n d r e d s of d i f ferent t h i n g s t h a t ! the s c o r e s of i n t e r e s t i n g c la s s i f i ca t ions .

A n d r e m e m b e r — t h e a l p h a b e t i c a l out m a k e s it the w o r k of on ly a m o m c w h a t y o u w a n t .

R e a d the Class i f i ed S e c t i o n today!

T H E A - B - C C L A S S I F I E D A L W A Y S T H E S A M E — I N SJ

A L W A Y S D I F F E R E N T — I N OPP^

>F A


n e e d s a n d y o u r S e c t i o n .

l o u s a n d s of B u f -•u l t t h e s v a r -c o l u m n s . A n d

a refrigurator. m a y w a n t a n y

re of fered under

rement t h r o u g h -to f ind e x a c t l y

>S IV1CE k T U N I T Y .

Financial Money to Loan 40

MONEY—Loaned on watches , diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; business strictly confi­dential. Mose Cohen, Square Deal Jeweler. 639 Main St.

MONEY—Why pay pawnbrokers' rates? —The Prudential Society. I n c . 15 South Division St.. Elllcott Square Bldg.. have absolutely lowest rates on diamonds, watches , etc. An institution of the better kind.

MONEY—To loan on first mortgages; improved city property; quick service. Apply Harrison Real Estate Corpn., 15 West Eagle street.


VIOLIN-printograpk cade, 619

B u s i n e s s

teles for Sale. 5 1 typewriter, vocaliser.

bargain. 72 Market Ar-lin, upstairs.

O f f i c e E q u i p m e n t . AS

MORTGAGE—We nuy second mort­g a g e s on real es tate; quick service. Frontier Mortgage Corp.. 236 Main St.

MORRIS P L A N — Franklin at Huron Sts.. loans moaky for the payment of debts, business expansion or any useful purpose to wage earners, professional and business men; your character and earning power the basis of credit.

PAWNBROKERS—Rothschi ld Loan Co. —315 Main St., reliable pawnbrokers; we buy old gold, platinum and dia-monds for cash.

TOM MARSHALL—Pawnbroker; lowest r a t e s Over Strand theater.

M o n e y to L o a n — M o r t g a g e s 4 0 A PRINTING—Will iam J. Keller, printer. | STOCK SALESMEN—Llvest proposi- , , night and day service. 333 Main S t ] tion In Canada; directorate composed | DINSMORK REALTY CO.—Ti© Brisbane j j^xTION

ADDING cash resist easy termi 4331. 147

CASH RE< Register Q rebuilt a n | for sale.

CASH" RE4 changed; Louis res change, 38

DESKS—Wl mahogany cost to mi money. 71

D E S K S AS you monej furniture; ture. Buf change. Pearl St.

FIXTURE! buys and hotel a n d ! Washingtof

ICHINBS — Typewriters. i. new and second h s a d ;

(repairs; supplies, Seneca Midway, STERS—Remington Cash

168 Franklin St., has 95 secondhand cash registers

ITERS—Bought, sold. eX-rency American and St. •era. Cash Register Ex-Iroadway. Jefferson 3613. are closing out oak and it top desks at less than

ifacturer; see us and save Jefferson St.

Tupper 2134. ( j 0 f bankers and biggest business men S r f , j; . _ : r~~ ^ will work with you; live leads: big p r o f e s s i o n s - s e r r r o e . sH money for live wires; men are earning

CHIROPRACTOR—<:. T. t U m e r . m a s - from 1300 to $2.5«0 per week; get in sage and ^electric" treatments a spec- touch with me at once; good territory-

Address H. C. Shields. 902 Royal Bank Bldg.. Toronto, Ont.. Canada.

SUPER INT r_XDENT — Construction superintendent, technical trained man

Bldg.. loans money on first mortgage on Improved city property. See them._


A nnouncements

I mfty, H I E . Genesee St D f r r B C T l V E WORK — In all its

branches, personal, criminal, civil | n -I vest igat ions. Frontier Detective Bu­

reau. Inc.. 812 Erie Co. Bank Bldg.. Buffalo. N. Y. Phon<»>e, day, Seneca ;0I9; nhrht. Tupper 1981-R.

MASSAGK—Etectrtc treatments , b a t h s 410 Franklin near Virginia. For a p ­pointment call Tupper 4172. = Opea e v e n i n g s

MARCEL WAVING—Curilng. perman-1 s o l i c i t o r * . — C a n r n s s e r s A g e n t s 8 5 , eat wave ; shampooing, scalp treat- I I7=r_^ri5;—w_^T_3—^T~iih nn_~«T~tlw»

E X s ^ n * avenue* "** ^ " ^ * | ^ ^ E ^ ^ * ^ « n t h T m ^ k e t ! Jefferson avenue. big profits. 615 Mutual Life Bldg. MASSAGE — And electric treatments v,»,.,.-, "*^_ri iT»r>r'ii,»Y ^X>KCAI T T - .

riven by a nurse. 472 Pearl St. Tup ' l ) R L A ' A N D G R O C E R Y SPECALTY—

experienced in supervising frame con struction and small structural steel work: unqualified references required. Bixby A Bros. Employment Agency, 80 West d e n e s e e St.

TKA31STER—Wanted. S48 Elk St.

F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r s i««i.

L U X MRS. JOSEPH—Funeral director and em banner. 124 Qosdau St. Tup^ar •091 _nd Tupper 7733.

• A U E R W E I N . HENRY—Puaera i dT-rector end emsalsasr; formerly loos led en Niagara. Is s o w a t 2288 Main. Cres> cent 4213

\WREATHS—Cut flower* and creatlou* • f distinction a l_rs*_»jnaa4s fr tosn Niagara Flower Snogs SIS N i a g a r a Seneca 3333.

L o s * a n d F o u n d . 10

MASSAGE-SHAMPOO — Manicure at your home: best materials; work guar­anteed: prices reasonable. Mrs. Smith. Tupper 4148-W. before 9 a. m.

S U P E R F L U O U S HAIR — MoTetu aU blemishe<i permanently removed. Meta McCormack. 39 Root Bldg. Seneca 3318.

SWEDISH MASSAGK—Electrical treat­ments , b a t b a practical nurse; 10 a. sm. to 9 p m. 212 Franklin; entrance door to right.

SWEDISH MASSAGE — And electro t reatments under supervision of prac­tical curse : open evenings. 44 North Division. F lat No. 2.

only auihe isters boi

m first and sec- [ changed. ond mortgages; quick and reliable serv- I Co.. 653 Ice. Room 55. Builders' Exchange. ' SHOWCAS]

facturers any busing Seneca St

^ ^ _ ^ - . _ _ _ _ _ j T y pg^RTT L o c a l I n s t r u c t i o n C las se s . 4 3 . e<j r e p a i r i

Portable.' porium. 3Q

CHAIRS—We can save |0n new and 'used office

also repair office furnl-Office Furniture E x -

ihouse end salesroom, 88

„ t y Store Fixture CoZ all kinds of store, offece,

restaurant fixtures. SOS St. Seneca 6270.

[CASH REGISTERS—The ed office in Buffalo; reg-

sold, repaired and ex-National Cash Register

St. Tupper 0035.


women BARBER TRADE—Men and wanted to learn, day or evening classes: a special tuition on account of large trad?. Trl-City Barber School. 150 Main St.

BARBER"TRADE;—Men wanted to learn, day or evening c lasses; tuition $15, tools given. Before start ing see Buf­falo Barber School. 16 Exchange.

BOOK K: EE7>IN<_ — "Or short • taita *»_ typewriting taught in ten weeks ; cata­logue free. Buffalo School of Com-

793 Main St.

-Soda fountains, manu-Icomplete store outfits for

A. Dutch A Co.. .148 I t^

tS—All makes, sold, rent-agents for the ."Corona

Juffalo Typewriter E m -fain St.


Rooms and Board R o o m s w i t h o u t B o a r d .

Real Estate For Sale • 8 F a r m s a n d L a n d f o r S a l e .

COSY—Well heated front room; re -fined surroundings; Tupper 0493-M, after 4 p. m. | ^_

F R A N K L - N ST. , 555—Nice, clean, s t eam heated sleeping rooms in very exclusive district. Very reasonable.

FRANKLIN ST.. 330— Vtry desirable, well l ighted, c lesn, comfortable, large or s m a S sleeping room*. Electricity.

F U R N I S M E b ROOMS—For young men, 80 Anderson PL >______ -

JOHNSON" PARK. 25—Desirable room; reasonable. .

ROOM—Large sleeping room with hot water heat, tile bath, kitchen priv­i leges to respectable man and wife, or two gentlemen. Call Tupper 5700-J.

NICE—Front room, best heated apart­ment, on* two gentlemen; private family; no other roomers; all con­veniences; some privileges. Tupper 1962-R. ,

NICELY—Furnished pleasant room for gentleman only, in private family; can be seen before 2 p. m. and after 8 p. m. Phone Tuppec 4484.

W E S T M O H A W K 87—Opposite new Statler Hotel; rooms 84 week up.

R o o m s f o r H o n s e f c e e p l n g . S t APARTMENTS—For sleeping or kitch­enette apartments . See Free Renting Bureau. 1432 Main street .

PROSPECT AVE. , 645—One or two fur­nished rooms; l ight housekeeping; gas , bath, electricity; laundry; furnace heat.

Where to _ * _ | g BEJROALLOS R E S T A U R A N T — 84-88

Niagara St.; superior meals, a la carte; Italian-American cooking that pleases; noonday and evening serv ices

F R A N K L I N S ENGLISH CHOP HOUSB —431 Washlnr-on street, business men's lunch served from 11:30 a. n_ to 2:30 p. m.; sea food, steaks, chop a chickens and all good things to sat served a la carte.

L A U B E CAFETERIA—Pearl and Eagle, makes a careful study of your demands snd satisfies them. Music noon and evening.

RALEIGH RESTAURANT—354 Frank-lin St.; new management announces special 40c lunch and 60c dinner week days; chicken dinner Sundays. 73c

_83 FARM BUYERS— Send for our c a t a ­logue of over 339 farms for sale and exchange; many bargains. Cody. 393 Elllcott Sq.

FARMS W A N T E D — A n y s i s e ; we have sold and exchanged 248 farms in the last t w o , y e a r s t o westerners: list now for quick cash results, or good ex-c h s n g e ; we have the cl ient with money and property. Lewi* Farm Agency, e s ­tablished 1896. 680 Elllcott Sq., Buffalo. N. Y. .

FARMS—See u* about our suburban property a t North Tonawanda; acre­age near trolleys; With city improve­ments . Bolller. Inc., Brisbane Bldg.

S i n g l e H o u s e s f o r S a l e . ALLENHtTRST ROAD—University sec ­

t ion; lot 40x175; two-car garage; sun room; three s leeping rooms; screens, •hades and awnings ; windows w e a t h ­er-proofed; real fireplace: a complete home. Price 811.500: convenient t e r m s Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street, Sen­eca 8633.

AMSTERDAM —'Near ttelavan; 6-room bungalow, bath, gas , electricity, laun­dry, cellar, furnace, room for drive and garage; 80.000. D. Maxson Estee, 550 Ellieott Square..

E A S T STREET—Two single houses; - room for six car garage; present income

3340; only 82.000 cash needed. Ricaby Company, 200 Peearl street, Seneca 3633.

F R A N K L I N ST.. SOUTH TUPPER— ST. brie Three story brick, deep lot, easily a l ­

tered and moderate expense to busi­ness front sufficient for two stores; reasonable figure for quick action, C. W. Breadon Co.. Erie County bank.

F I F T E E N T H STREET—Only 85.500 for fine little home. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street. Seneca 8633.

W h e r e to S t o p In T o w n . 7 1 BROADWAY H O T E L - 4 5 B - w a y ; Tn~*

place to Hive, eat and sleep; rooms f l and up; special weekly rata*; dinner 11 to 2. •

CTTY HOTEL—Michigan Ave. and E_> change S t ; rooms 81 a- day and up; hot. cold water, baths; convenient i s depots and boats; garage in connec­tion. _ '

FLORIDA HOTEL — E a g l e and Pearl: men only, running water in each room; centrally located; 31-50 and 82.00; week-ly rates. .

ROANOKE HOTEL — Chippewa and South Elmwood; family hotel; central to shopping and theater district; every room with bath.

An opportunity is offered to reliable. energetic men to represent in Buffalo I merce. and neighborhood; on a commission i CHIROPRACTIC—Become basis , having a world-wide reputation | praetor;" and an established sa le : It wil! be necessary to do considerable mission­ary work among the retail trade. Ad­dress M. Herrman, 12 Eas t 48th St.. N e w York.

300«r» PROFIT—And a business of your own: Snap Laundry Crystals wash clothes absolutely without "rubbing: big value: women buy on s ight; g e t free sample and particulars today. Snap Products . Dent. F.. Rochester. N. Y.

B U N D L E O F LAUNDRY—Liberal re­ward. Quality Damp Laundry. T u n 8400.

R e p a i r i n g . SO Financial

STOVES— O. Q. A D. H. Donaldson—Re- I pairs s toves and ranges of all kinds. 90 ARE YOl

PURSE—Lost on Main street city lin* car about 8 p. m.. containing money

South Division St.

B o - l n e s a O p p o r t u n i t i e s SS "ontemplating the purchase

. . . „ . r . „ . . _ W A T C H R E P A I R I N O and valuable papers; finder k;nd.y r e - | wriat , w * . t _ h _ J _ P * l r i n , « turn to Mrs. George Hoefie. 123 Min­nesota avenue, or Crescent 0532- R, and receive reward.

High grade: my specialty;

Harry i

A utomobiles AntonaobUea for Sale. kt

O A K L A N D SIX—1318 modef. good con­dition; real thing for j i tneying: sell \ easonaate. Enquire 184 Edson St.

""' ' A u t o AroeaaorlQB P a r t s . - l a AUTO PAHTS—For alii makes of cars St 30 «© 7» per cent off list. WiOlass Street Auto Parte. 033 Will iam St.

FORDS—Used parts for sa le ; fenders, hoods. 82 93- shel l s . 75c; head a m p s . 38 cent s *_en; tire carrier. 81-33; g a s t a s k s , 81 95; running boards. *0 c e n t s Am** Bodies. 333 Main.

RADIATORS—Fender* and bodies re-patred and m a d e ' n e w ; best equipped shop in city- Morrison. 26 E. North street. Tupper 7T06>. ^ _

KADIATOR_—Made and repaired. Buf­falo Auto Radiator Co.. 1*88 Mala S t . suposite Dodge .

f t A b IATOR8—Ford honeyooaia, now and guaranteed; price Sll- M. J. Pow*

over thirty years' experience J. Meng. People's Bank Bldg.

T H E PURPOSE—Of display ads i s to create desire; the purpose of classified a d s is to satisfy desire already created.

Employment H e l p W a n t e d — F e m a l e .

sell SS

COUPONS—Woman to sell coupons; good offer. Pohle tSudios, 9 W. Chip-

jpewa St. \ • LADY—Over 25 years of age who will appreciate a position where she will have the same chance of promotion as men; experieace not necessary. Apply Zm Lockwood Bldg. Ask for Mr. Stev­ens.

MARKERS—Experienced, wanted: also girls in ladies' c lothes dept. Apply Peerless I J U n d r y . 30 Goodrich St.

-Wo^srft placing two

of a business? Our office* are head­quarters for business opportunities. W e have the largest and most up to date l ists in the otty. Every proposition strictly investigated before being placed on the market. Copy of the Hunt Magazine containing list mailed free. Hunt. 339 Brisbane Bldg.

BRANCH MANAGERS—Chain" of cut-rate tire stores require branch m a n ­agers; salary $49 per week and com­mission which would average 86 per week in ail: experience unnecessary, but 8750 c*ah security required. For full particulars call a t Roy's Tire Store, 249 East Genesee street.

BCYETRtS-^SeTlers. traders, see us for quick action. Wood. 311 Mutual Life Bldg. Seneca 0867.

CAPITAL—Produced and partnerships

"Chiro-study it in Buffalo; enroll

now. Interstate Chiropractic School. 846 Jersey St., at Fargo.

HURST'S PRIVATE SCHOOL,—26 years, Brisbane Bldg.; after May 1, Hurst Building, Huron_and Franklin Sts.

MILLINERY—Girls desiring to finish course for Easter work should enroll now; e s s y payments . New Method Millinery School Tupper 2843.

L o c a l I n s t r u c t i o n CI. 43


Course* In finance, advertising, selling and accounting at Bryant A Stratum's Business College, will fit you for a better paying position. Csl l at 1023 Main S t or phone Tupper 8752 for deta i l s

M u s i c a l , D a n c l u s . D r a m a t i c . 4 4

W _ ~ F U R N | to length telepone eca 0161. Geo. W Square

FLAPPERS chocolates,! for 5s. MaC sold ever

HONEY n honey. 5 - a post for S] wheat; sti large quai carload; M guarantee^ ville, N. Y |

"434 FOOl

1, F e r t i l i s e r s . 5«

T H E LAUREL—1349 Main; rooms With and without board; refined s n d home­like. .

T H E MEN'S HOTEL—Pearl and Gens* see; Red Triangle Inn. Washington and Carroll, for men only; safe, clean, sanitary; no tipping; 81.00 a day hots la

TREMONT HOTEL—Seneca and W a s h ­ington; rooms 81 and up; weekly rates; regular dinner 35c. American manage­ment. _ _ _

VICTORIA HOTEL—7 to 13 W. Huron, near Main St.; special winter rates for i

HERKIMER ST.—For quick sale, cosy seven-room bungalow-type h o u s e ; s team heat, electric l ight; all improve ments. See Gann. 305 Brisbane Bldg

KENINGTON SECTION—Elegant little home, right n e s r street car line and re­tail section; must leave city March 1st; will sacrifice: only $300 cash needed.

Call at once. Cres. 1140-M.

S i n g l e H o u s e s f o r Sa le . 84

RODNEY 266—North Main section'; new house just completed; three bedrooms; full cellar: furnace, laundry, bath; hard­wood sun parlor; low price. $5,800; terms, too. Danford-Bliss, 616 Wash-ington street. - .

NORTH PARK SECTION — We have several new, well-constructed single houses on Roanoke and Frontenac ave ­nues. Mr. Diginan. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street; Seneca 8623.

NORWALK AVE.—New six-room bun­galow, s team heat, oak floors and trim; enclosed porch, tile bath; $7,800; terms arranged to su i t purchaser. Miller. 1490 Hertel. Crescent 3.190.

SHERLEYo AVE.—Just the kind of house for your little family; have the painting and decorating according to your own taste; pick your home now; $500 down. Wallace. 3303 Bailey.

SOUTH ELMWOOD—Brick residence; desirable lot; this property has a good business future; secure it now at a reasonable figure and make money. C. W. Breadon Co., Erie County .bank.

S T E V E N S ST.—Near E a s " f t e S v a n ; new bungalows; rear bedrooms; $500 down. Otto Schorb, 405 Grider St. Fill. 6655.

Real Estate For Sale U P S u b u r b a n for S a l e .

FOR SALE OR RENT—Ravine piac*,> town Elma; ten miles from Buffa lo^ romantic, lovely woods; Buffalo cree» , in rear; ravine running through center. Address M. E. Hurd, Eas t Aurora^ N. Y. »jm

R e a l E s t a t e f o r E x c h a n g e . 8 § f make a T R A D E that property; we

specialty of exchanging anything ajnyj where. Choate Realty, Ellieott Sq. j»

$15,000 EQUITY above one mortgage • four-flat store? two cot tages; for farpa; or vacant. Choat? Realty, Cllicott Sq.*

W a n t e d — R e a l E s t a t e . * 9 FARMS—Buffalo Farm Exchange . lOSjl

Broadway, ha* many buyers for farms-List yours today. •

PETRIND-ROSE-f—Have you any prop­erty for sale. See Petr ino-Rosen Realty Corporation. Ss le will be c o s -summated the same day if pries to

_ _ _ _ _ % • _ _

A u c t i o n Kales . M AUCTION SALE—Tuesday. Feb. 27.

10:30 a. m . balance of bankrupt stock of the Ideal Furniture Co. has been moved to 881 Broadway, cor. Detroit , and will be sold to the highest bidder: some of the goods are returned g o o d s , and are a s good as new; some e legant pieces, such as dining room sulte*^ bedroom suites , l iving rooiff su i tes , combination coal and g a s ranges and a. big lot of odd living room rockers and, chairs, children's carriages and strol-' lers. Al Irr, auctioneer.

Classified Display Service

tit | Why Sleep Hard j

When w e will renovate your mattress , steril ise It s n d cover

0 i t with a new ticking for $6.50. Call Jefferson 3174. Sanitary B e d ­ding Co.. 293 William street.


Machinists, boiiermakers. freight . :ar repairmen and car repairmen

repair- tf lespers. Also f irst-class Men on passenger cars Three


shipments to Pittsburgh weekly . ! Experienced men only need apply. H Penna. R. R. Free Employment W

Bureau. 13 Ellieott Street. U

I—Dry pine car sills, cut i VTRGINLa HOTE M g g ^ r y S _ _ g - ^ , ? _ _ . ' _ ! _ - ! r _ _ k ! T I L U N Q H A S T PL. - Reception hall.

Sired for grates or furnaces, your requirements. S*n-_ make prompt delivery,

niegs, Inc.. 328 Elllcott

T h i n g s t o E a t . ST

-884 Main St.; up

delicious combination of pmonds and cocoanut; all I by Queen City Candy Co.;


to-date rooms, centrally located; $1 day and up; low rates for permanent guests .

W a n t e d — R o o m s o r B o a r d . 7S - Two or three furnished housekeeping. Box M-l

W A N T E D ' rooms for


SALE—Warranted pure pall delivered - by parcel

either clover or buck-choice; ask for prices on

ties; attractive price on ft with order; satisfaction Adams & Myers, Ransom-

'.rchandise T i l i n g s t o E a t . 57

arranged, any kind of bus iness^quick | ZWICKEYS—688 Main St. Social Sat

DANCING—All latest ballroom dances, waltz, fox trot, tango taught by Prof. Winthrop; stage dancing for children, also adults; including jig. tap, eccen­tric. Russian; lessons all hours, 667 Main St. Tupper 6251.

DANCING—Arthur J. Funks' Dellwood danc?« and Dancing School. Main St and W. Utica; spacious, dignified. In­viting: Yankee Six Orchestra. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings; class Monday evenings; private appoint­ments ; large and email ballroom to rent for club dances, meeting, sale* display, etc. Tupper 8308.

service. Square.

LeVee Agency. 395 Ellieott

EXa__JL_3NT O P P O R T U N I T T - ^ F O T on* or two dressmakers to. purchase chil­dren's wearing apparel shoppe. E lm-wood district; price $500. Cooper, Erie County Bank Bldg.

ner. foT Main St." Phone Topper 7301. j Fenders and bodies re - |

R E F I N E D LADY tkdtes in our sale* organisation sell ing a nationally advertised product. Th i s post.ion affords excel lent opportunity I FOR SALE—Coat yara in growing townf for one who is interested in a real trestle and plenty of room for other future. We m a y be able to place a ; business. Box 124,. Buffalo Courier married woman who would like to I Office, work part time. Apply 25 West Chip

urday. February 24. I n d i e s night. Ladies admitted free. Gentlemen 40c. Music by Silvertone Five. Beginners Wednesdays and Fridays.

Live Stock D o g s . Cats , P e t s .

SEA caught fi ters. etc.. falo Oyst 0391

FURNITUI the kitchen Mangus. 3j

FURNJTUl nlture we tion on ture Co.,


nlture to Seneca 1931

LAMPS—Pf lamps $22. table Ja mi flna line tals, $2.50

; 176 Bread j ' RANGES

price: one perfect co^

i ranging $4 Bargain St

I R E E D CHJ tapestry

; Harwood corner of

-And delicatessen; freah cotults, rockaways, oys -

Ijvered to your home. Buf-414 Pearl S t Tupper

Behold G o o d s . 50

47 aTOVES-DOGS—All kinds of puppies, hunting I *ram ran

dogs, guaranteed brokej_ these dogs

RADIATORS-paired, gasol ine tanks made and re ­paired: work guaranteed. S-hanxlm & Kinn. 1141 Main St.

stADDXTOR- REPAIRING—If you nar* 1 WOMAN—Wanted for housework s e e n trying? radiator repairmen without , " — tea l sat i s faet ior . call on our aervtas dsnarunsnt for expert factory repair-fag and I seat ing Fodder* Mt»- Co . I n n , 1 87 Tonawanda. Faon*^ Biawelt 1200.

•LADIATORS—All k inds M paired f f*a- ' " d e T V n d " b o d y " work < m nfecUtty- 1 . " , ^ . " r , " ' Teunt Radiator Co.. 337 Mala S t T u p - [______=____

p« wa street. . T W O ^ i R L l P ^ W a n T e d f o r restaurant

work. Apply Central Restaurant, 135 Ridge read, Lackawanna.

' 583 Ellieott St . ; reference. ^ ^

WOME.S—Several between ages of twenty-f ive and thirty-five inspect ing hosiery. P leassnt work and excel lent working condition*. Apply Auto-

Knitter Hosiery Co., 330-838 Genesee

per 1755. repaired s a d Radiator Be*

R A D I A T O R * - A l l m recored s t Miller's Auto ynlr W a r a a 473-475 Genese* S t

T I R E S - - A t the lowest prices in the c i ty; mail order* f iUd. Tire Ex^hang*. 838 Genesee St. Open svea lngs .

T T R E S — M u r r s y Cords and ether _ ard s takes a t lowest price*. Burkard Tire Corp.. Genesee and Oak Sts .


H e l p W a n t e d — M a l e . SS BOYS—Three, to carry morning Courier.

Dutkiewicx. No. 8'13 Seneca. COUPON—Salesman; live proposition;

good offer. Pohle Studio. 9 W. Chip­pewa St. .

COLLECTOR A N D SAL E SM E N—Cats -olle: s teady work; good pay; a l so ersw managers ; heat proposition. 403 Pearl St.. Room 11-

J E W E L R Y BUSINESS—For s s l e ; a good repair plant for an all-round watchmaker: must sell on account of ill health. Box 135. care Courier.

LIST With us and g e t results. We do what others promise. D. A Z. Realty Co.. 321 Brlabane Bldg.

MANUFACTURER—Is desirous of mak­ing connection with party to represent him in Buffalo on exclusive basis; about three thousand dollars will han­dle thla proposition; guarantee of $000 weekly net profit; please give your phone number in reply. Address Box 501. Buffalo Courier^

M I N I N ^ G - C L A I M S — T h r e e lor sale" In Delora Township near the Holllnger. Appleton. 79 Shuter St.. Toronto. Can.

N A T L MFR—Wil l give Franchise for Buffalo to right party; $250 per week net Income from $1,800 «_xh invested in merchandise; immediate results; no overhead; bears strict investigation; references required; in reply give phone. Address Box 474. Courier.

sound and healthy. 621 Will iam S t

B \ ^ ^ ^ n \ ^ . - ^ K h m ^ ^ ! ^ ^ A e c U t T v e P a _ i m y . ^ h n ^ i S I P A R T N E R W A N T E D - C a s h lnvlStm«_t — " ~ i _ _ i H i o e ~ H l r - . I d 1 perience in cast s tone plant: good $300- Call office 7 over 34 Tracy St.

proposition for proper person. Address RESTAURANT—Valuable lease; Broad-Box 479. Courier. [ way-FiUmore sect ion; chance ot a life

downtown to uptown, o n e dollar, now* 1 f D I -NDl lY~T_a"B6RERS^-Steady posl- time for g good restaurant man. Le-*ea 857V t lona Jewet t A Company Stove Works. \ e e . 8J5 Ellieott Squsre.

P E O P L E S TAXI—Day and" s i g h t ****" j Military road. I Ice: ©a* or two persona a n y w h s r * la | - • _M_ 81- Phone Seneca 3330.

FOR BREEDING PURPOSES — Regis ­tered Boston terrier, "Nubbins Mc­Gregor"; exact weight, ten pounds. 100 16th St.

P o u l t r y a n d S u p p l i e s . 4 9

stoves in change. 21 |

STOVES--gains in nl m your oUf 875 Main

- - T o n the living room to It a g •nuir.e saving of 35%. {'Niag *ra. Phone.

-If it's reed or willow fur-ike it: a lways large selec-

Buffalo Willow F u m l -| stores, 324 Rhode Island psesee St. "WANTED—Sell your fur-id. 191 Seneca St. Phone

and junior, $17.50; bridge |mplete; also ?:ood buys In with silk or glass shades;

I;smoking se t s and pedes-$20. West Furniture Co.,

Open evenings. Lt less than half former bzen coal and g a s ranges; [tion; slightly used; prices fto $75; real barga ins The l e . 193 Seneca St. I—Or rocker, well built, lolstering. special $14.75.

Jiture Co.. 280 E . Ferry. fetson. jalns, Jewett and Mono-

heaterd, very cheap; lade. Seneca Stove Ex-geneca and 1427 Fillmore.

guaranteed; special bar-and rebuilt s toves ; trade

tove. Buffalo Stove Store.

CLASSIFIED ADS—Cost less if you call at the office and pay for them within a week after they're first printed.

Real Estate For Rent A p a r t m e n t s a n d F l a t s . 74

APARTMENTS — non't waste your time looking for furnished rooms or apartments. Open evenings. Free Renting Bureau, 1432 Main St.

A P A R T M E N T S — Steam-heated flat*, housekeeping and sleeping room*. Peck. 308 B-isbane Bldg.. Sen. 8056.

BRUNSWICK BLVD.. 215—Modern iow-er flat- Call Bid. 51S6.

CARLTON COURT — Will have" one apartment available, including dishes, linens, etc.; steam heat, hot and cold filtered water, electric cooking range, built-in refrigerator, automatically iced; private tile bath and laundry; janitor, elevator and maid 6ervioe. Ap-Ply 915 Main St.

F U R N I S H E D F L A T S — Houses, apart­ments, housekeeping suites, sleeping rooms, $3 up. Miller Service. Tup. 7788. Bid. 6936.

large l iving room, dining room, kitchen, two stairways, full cellar, four bed­rooms, den, two porches, double ga -rage. McNutt . 114 Tiuinghast place.

TROWBRIDGE ST.—Large single, four bedrooms, suitable for rooming house; to close an estate; act at once if you are interested in a bargain. Repp, _ IS Triangle street. '

127, 133, 1377 1$9 ELMER A V E — S e m i -bungalow; your last chance for new home on Elmer. Cr. 0358.

$350 DOWN—$25 m o n t h l y - w i l l enable you to own your home; we finance, build and guarantee to save hundreds of dollars. S-24, r a r e Courier.

$5,500—For quick sate buys cozy seven room house, bungalow type, wes t side; all improvement": steam heat. See Gann, 305 Brisbane Bldg.

WINTER ACCESSORIES that you need for your car are specially priced today by advertisers in Classification 13 of the Classified Ad Section.


Some experience necessary. We teach you to make men's clothes in bright, clean, well venti lated work rooms. Hours 8 t o 12 and 1 to 5. Sat. 8 to 11 Good w a g e s while learning and very fine when experienced. M. Wile & Co., 77 Swan St. * ^ 4

><=__o_r ci>

I o.

8 :

D o u b l e H o u s e s f o r S a l e . S4A





j Apply at employment office


1300 WILLIAM ST. f

0 a

o. o

fl r I o

fl o




H E R T E L AVE., 1353—Beautiful mod­ern upper; steam heat; garage; adults. Phone Crescent 1126-R.

K I T C H E N E T T E — 2-room apartment, very clean and cozy; rent reasonable. Allen St.. 224: Tupper 2067.

MAIN ST., 879—Three-room furniiSed apartment; front. All conveniences; reasonable. ____________

JdDDBR'N—NewTower flat facing Mas"-ten Park, to let. 316 B. st S t

SUMMIT, 291—Attractive modern, up-per flat. Phone Fillmore 6924-J.

a n d W a t c h e s . •O BABY* CHICKS—Now booking orders DIAMONDS

for March and April delivery. Circular | tered optfl free F. W. Karcher, 243 Leroy Ave. , I years expe Buffalo, N. Y. ' "* n~" " a t Best's .

WANTED—You to know that it will pay I Mac you to feed Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a - j „ / M C T T V I ^ ce -a for eggs, a lways ; from the very ^ ™ S ? 7 J first feed of it you will see a change ftennls 131 come over your flock; there will be i w e j j « I * J song and scratch, and cackle going on • _r7^rr_»_~-i in your back yard. And there will be , , V eggs for the market basket. For lice. te ie . none provide a dust bath; sifted coal ashes M

will do; add Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer; your hens will do the rest; far j roup, use Dr. Hess Roup remedy; all guaranteed. Sold by all dealers ill poultry supplies.

Co.. Senec prices. 61

Merchandise D R A K E ' S DOLLAR T A X I = D a y

s ight ; two people uptown to downto

.SOMA TAXI—228 Pennsylvania s l i e s t ; text by trln or hour; cars for wsdd lngs and funerals: courteous, efficient driv­ers. Phone Tupper 8888. •

JPr*___*'_""""T7l'r""™H "*""* " ! l " " ~ ; " " " "3-sua._. .-••'• I M " 7 i i n—ii i • • j y

s t o t o r r y c l o w a n d Bicycles- . I S sI lCTCLES—Buy now; 81 per week.

Pierce Agency, 248 Broadway. BICTCUBS"— Required; ail parts on h e a d ; work guaranteed: reasonable. b a r t o n , t Oak 9 t Branch a t Hamburg .

• A R T S — I f you need parts for an old make motoreyel* go to ths Liberty Motorcycle Shop. 840 Michigan. Ma-

"" i*s far gale. ~S8»t8P-u'" T i

nreter and IgnlUoa troubles remedied; a n t e overhauled; welding and hrs i ing . Smith's A n t s 1U-palr. 484 13m S t Tupper 8844.

FOUR MEN—Wanted sa les experience; we train and guaran­t e e 82.00 per day while learning: posi­tion pays 830.04 per week if you qual­ify. H. K. Hangauer, Ell ieott Square Building.

~~ | ROOMING HOUSE—Practical , In Elm-with or without j _ _ , _ . * • _

wood district; all rooms rented; very

reasonable. Address Owner, Box 237,

care Courier. _ • _

RADIATORS— Frox«-n repaired or re-cored; prompt service. T h e Auto Radiator Shop. 11 Perry s t r e e t Seneca J48*f.

sU_QRTNDINQ—Cylinder, s e w p l s tos* and ntns. erank shaft regrlnding.^Kejr

P T*ol"*rM*tal P a r t e C o r p .

Business Servics S s i r r l c s j J j f j g w L . ^ *

Arwirt*CTANT — S y s f tns instalied. a ^ ^ s i l S d . closed and balanced. ^ • e a T S S " i n o o m e taajreport s^cem.

'rTroert serv:ce Tupper 4T78;_. . _ _ _ _ _ , maiuamm

HANDY—Man who can drive Ford truck and understand* touching up furniture. Southslde Furniture Co.. 2213 Seneca atreet.

JOB COMPOSITOR—Steady posi tion: writ* g iv ing full particulars; open shop. P. O. Box 878. Erie. Pa,

A r t i c l e s f o r Kale. 51 BARRELS—Of all sixes, crock*, bo*ties: complete supplies for home beverages; wholesale and retail. H. Goldman, 180 Jefferson. |

BARREL8—Kegs , crocks. Jugs, bot t l*a supplies of all kinds for home bever­ages . Chas. Schroff. 264 Genesee S t Tupper 7511. . i

CASH REGISTER—For sale. 830; Suit­able for any retail business. 16S' Franklin.



P B A R A N C B , W H O IS I N T E R E S T H D

I N A F U T U R E - A P P L Y 28 W E S T

C H I P P E W A S T R E E T , ROOM NO. 12.

MAN—Of pleasing personality over 35 years of ago, who will appreciate a position wi th far above the average earnings: experience not necessary. Ap­ply 800 Lock wood Bldg. Ask for Mr. S t e v e n s

ROOMING HOUSES—Of high character bought and sold on easy terms. Carl Vlehman, 188 Allen *tr**t. Tup. 4888.

TAILOR SHOP—For sale; 1100; center of city; rent 840 with living r o o m s Ad­dress Tailor Shop, care Courier.

Investments, Stocks, ^ ^ at FOR SALE—71 shares August ine Rotary

Engine Co. stock; make m e an offer. B o x 188. Courier Office.

MJDNEY—i can place your money on M t cMsa improved real es tate first mortgages , 6 per cent, a n y amount . 81,000 and up, without expense to you.

John Eckbart, Mutual Ll fs Bldg.

T to L o g * AUTOMOBILES—Money to loan on a u ­

tomobiles stored with u a Used Car Exchange . 871 Oak S t

MEN—With apeciai training in demand for automobile mechanics; good pay. s teady work; w e g ive practical shop training, day or evening, by experts; moderate rates. Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Mohawk and Franklin S t s

MCM^-Wlth good lob* to buy watches . — . _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , — _ m i _ _

ANYTHING—Bought , notes , chattels; second and third mortgages, loans s t tangible s ecur i t i e s auto*. *tc. Wood-burn, Morgan Bldg.

MONEY1—Buffalo Security (a personal) Loan Co., 737 Elllcott Square; quick confidential loan* on furniture, pianos and diamonds; legal Interest; banking department supervision. Phone S*a-

__w__ rT___sj_t_r> _ J _ _ L OsT

CASH REGISTER—National; like new: bargain. 248 Broadway. -.

LIBERTY BONDS—Astonishing record; high prices, 852 for 850 1st; 851 for 850 3d; cash. Donovan. 301 Brisbane.

M I L W A U K E E MALT AN_> HOPS— Make your own, the snappiest old-fashioned beverage known. Milwaukee Malt Co.. 886 Broadway. Jefferson 8393. Ask about i t

S A L E — A R M Y SHOES — SALE — We have Just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson Isst shoes to be sold to the public direct; price 88.75; these shoes are 100 per cent solid leather wi th heavy double soles sewed and nailed; the uppers are of heavy tan caroms leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof: these shoes are sell ing very fast and we advise you to order at once to i n ­sure your order being filled. The s i ses are 6 to 11 all widths; pay postman on reeslpt of goods or send money order; money refunded if shoes are not sa t i s ­factory. The V. S. Stores Co., 1441 Broadwsy. N e w York City.

t"RUNKS—WaTrdrobe trunksr$17TM and


like new. Edna PI.

PIANOS—11 old pianos! Smorch, I f

V1CTROI and repack c h i n e s cade; Tup.J

VICTROLi also every stocks.

VTOL1NS-mandolins. Music Stc

KALYPTO-relief for tis, croup.] tion. Soldf tee a t yov

DIAMOND! watches. In western prices. Brisbane

L O G S ^ W e l any Umbel to market!

PAPER—HI newspaper iron. Rot S t , phonej

RAGS—We* rags. 818SJ cents per 8903.

fetches, jewelry. Regis-etrtsts and opticians, 40

fence. Eyes examined free E. Genesee.

| n e r y a n d T o o l s . S i JGfNE—Single drum Lld-

tlng engine for rent. C. A. iuburn Ave, Phone Bid-

i g h t sold and repaired; learns Electric Equipment 1196. Used motors a t right


tl I n s t r u m e n t s . 6 2 ICTROLA — W i t h records. ill mornings; no phone.' 41

and used nickel In s fo t iken In trade, piano rolls. ' iagara St.

Repaired, oiled, cleaned accessories for all m e -

ilin Bros.. 44 Market Ar-M7.

B u s i n e s s P l a c e s for I l e n t . 73




STORES —^High class; s team heated; offices and light mfg. space. Bidwell, 1977 -W. '

77 H o u s e s for R e n t . 222 BIRD AVE.—Furnished cottage in

rear; combination stove; $8.00 a week. Call morning or evening: adults.^

O f f i c e a n d D e s k R o o m . 7 8

BARGAINS—In I wo-family and single houses, all parts of the city. Call Barnes. Drennan & Woilmuth, Inc., Tupper 8044. Open evenings. _ _ _ _ _ _

BENZINGER ST.—Two-family house | _? on Bensinger St., modern, sacrifice; price $6,300; investigate this bargain before it ' i s too late. E. A. Neuffer Service Realty, 196 Gold St.; open evenings. . '•.: -;

HUMBOLDT. NEAR DELAVA.V—Each | flat 6 rooms, tile bath. gas. electricity. laundry, cellar, furnace, fireplaces, oak floors, doubie grarage in rear; $12,500. D. Maxson Eetee. 550 Ellieott Square.

DEWEY; 26— 2-famfly: double garage; $9,000. Danford-Blias, 616 Washington St.

E X E T E R TERRACE—Modem 2-famiiy ii - A house; each flat fj rooms, bath, gas , U . _ —, . , ij electricity, oak floors, fireplace, laun- o W i t h . E x p e r i e n c e d m e n d.T% U


Wood Freight Car Builders

A o II s

Inside work, all year round, n

| Plenty of materials to work f

CALUMET BLDG. — Chippewa, Cor. Franklin Sts.; reasonable rents.

FOR RENT—Splendid office. Marine Trust Bldg.; throe rooms, part or whole; Immediate possession. Apply R. W. Morris & Co , Lockwood Bldg.. Franklin and Genesee Sts. Phone Sen-eca 7472.

GREINER BLDG.—800 Jefferson 'Are . : offices with light and heat, $15.00 monthly. % _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W a n t e d — t o R e n t S I

-Used at reasonable prices,

ttalnable Vlctrola record In es Liske. 108? Genes** j_t

rge assortments tit violins, ultars. ukeleles r.t Frank's 55 Genesee St.

• 4 a t t h e S t o r e s . JB — Affords immediate

id 8. sore throat, bronchi-lf iammation and conges-lth a money-back iruggist.


______*To Buy. 6 6 W e buy d 1 a m o n ds,

rold teeth: largest buyers lew York, and highest iter Diamond Co.. 716-A

ly all kinds; if you have n your property you want rrlte Q. E. Ellas j Bros. lest price paid for old

rags, rubber and scrap Ever* & Son, 30 Bristol

iffarspn 4341-W. ly 81.10 per hundred for er hundred magaslnea. 80 idred for paper. Call Jsff.

Rodkis and Board >m with Board. 67


« p ; cowhide traveling bag . ; $8 a n d ! j.5?™ ^ j f * • * * I U b l e host up; cowhide suitcases , $8 and up;

ten bag*, f l . 28 . Stumm's, 48 I s ensea . ! R o s ^ w i t h o u t B o

VACUUM C L E A N E R - Pr*ml*r_ ns__r 1 A V O N ~ 4 M _ _ _ | ' f _ r - 0 A r * 7 1 aasd: wlU a__rifle*. 41 • _ • WL WO I H i m • • _ _ _ 1 Mm**:-M

|20—Handsomely furnished running water, and

[with private bath, with Phone T u p p w 0334-W.

w i t h o u t B o a r d . -' : M

F I ^ R N I S I D J T D APARTMENTS—Or kitch­enettes wanted immediately. Bet ter Homes, 143. Main S t

Real Estate For Sale B u s i n e s s P r o p e r t y F o r S a l e 8 2

HOTELS — Heart of "city; of excellent atone and brick construction*"; all im­provements; s team h e a t including all furniture; for quick sal* eighty-five thousand; fine district. Address Down-town.

SYCAMORE ST.—Two stores, two flats; splendid investment; must sell to re-alize __g_t_ J. M. Gram. Seneca MjjjL

$7.500—Buys store, three apartments and two-car garage; south side. Call Culliton. Seneca 4378.

Farms and Land for Sale. SS 43 ACRES—$4,500; one-quarter mile

from cheese factory and Macadam road; IS acres timber, 80 apple, 18 pear, 93 cherry, 170 plum trees ; 10 Acres grapes; a l so 170 -hens, hay, team, 2 cows, 3 shotes, wagon, sleighs, har­nesses , harrow, cultivator, plow, horse rake, mowing machine and small tools; splendid 7-room house; running water; dandy hennery, 14 by €0; nearly new barn; easy terms. Ellis Bros., Inc. , SpringvlHe. N . T.

dry, cellar, furnace 200; terms. D. Maxson Elllcott Square

GEARY ST.—Near <_eneca; two-family ' house; large lot; good investment; $5 500. Willis, 533 Brisbane Bldg.

HUDSON—Near Wadsworth; 2-fa.mily, old-fashioned, best order; $5,800. Dan-ford-BHss. 616 Washington St.

L A F A Y E T T E A V E N U E — Near West; modern flats, A - l condition; good buy. J. M. Gram. Seneca S252.

LEROY, 14S—Two-family; every im­provement; will sell very reasonably; easy terms.

LINDEN—Near Best : modern 2-family; fine condition: $13,000. terms. N e w -man. 520 Brisbane Bldg.. Seneca 6493.

LIVINGSTON—Near Auburn", three bed­rooms and den; good condition; income $1,200. Price $11,000; cash required. $3.-$000. Ricaby Company, 200 Pearl street. Seneca M>33.

NORTH PARK—$10,600 b_y« very af-tractive. modern two-family house: full cellar; $2,000 down. A. B. Price. Real-tor. 526 Brisbane Bldg. Seneca 2026.

ONTARIO ST.—Two two-family houses"; all improvements; splendid investment; buy in this booming section before prices go too high. J. M. Gram. Sen. 825t.

;"' lot' 33Tl50;'~$i!- fl , , *-— - o ixson Estee. 550; U making good wages. Cafe- 1

teria at plant where meals j !

] are served at cost.. 0

I W. J. Conners Car Co., jj * 1300 William Street. i

* 0 _

RHODE i s i _ \ N D — S t r e e t near Rich­mond; attractive two-family; large lot; bargain for quick sale. J. M. Gram, Seneca 8252.

NORTH PARK SECTION — W e have several new, well-constructed two- fam­ily houses-on Rugby rosd. Tacoma and Roanoke avenues. . Mr. Digmon. Ricaby Company. 200 Pearl street. Seneca 8633.

W E S T DELAVAN — Near Par-da le ; each flat 6 rooms, bath, gas , cellar, furnace, laundry, electricity, double garage; $8,000; terms. D. Maxson E s -tee. 550 Ellieott Square.

W E S T SIDE — $11,500; double house; must sell quickly; exceptionally wel l -built; this is your chance. See Gann, 305 Brisbane Bldg.

Lota for Sale. SS

86 ACRES—Ontario Lake front farm. 87$ feet frontage, near Olcott Beach; fin* home and good inves tment; 88 acres in apples and peached. Foley Realty Co., Inc./ 189 Ontario St., Lockport.

feUFFALO FARM E X C H A N G E - 808 Brisbane Bldg.. and 1080 Broadway. hav* some special farm bargains with all stock, tools and crops tor sa le sr exchange for c i ty property; catalogue free; send today.

BLASDELL—20 acres Just over Lacka-wanna c i t y line, about 800 fast from street car. fine piece for subdivision, h a s al l improvements; price rigM: e a s y immi. W . QL Prat t . I f a - J ™ » *

LOTS—Vacant lota in all parts of the c i ty; special inducement to horn* build­ers and contractors; will flnanc* first mortgage; write or phone for lists. Seneca 8S40, William Speldet. 424 Pru-dential Bldg.

PRATT—Subdivis ion will open up larger and better this spring. Buy now be­fore prices advance. W. G. Pratt , 37 Richmond Ave.

VACANT LOT—$15 f o o t North Tona"-wanda business corner on F a n s boule­vard and high speed line, 84 feet front, both s treets paved. Cement walk. B id-well 4088.

VACANT—Out of town owner has two pieces of vacant adjoining Kenmore; one piece about s ix ty <80) seres , o t i v r about twenty acres . Very desirable

property. WlU sel l reasonably. Ad* dress Kenmore 100. Courier' office.

Suburban for Sale bl i i_ l ) lN»_ l A / l S ^ i i o u * * * and t a n u s ta

the Wllliainsvllle, Snyder and Kggerts-viiw sectiou. &ome r«ai bargains. Chas S, Burkhardt. 71 Dun Bldg. Seneca 1480. . _

HAMBURG VILLAGE — Homes; some | - i f M .



COMPANY w i l l i n c r e a s e t h e f o r c e in m o d - y e m l o c o m o t i v e back s h o p , l o -c a t e d a t B r e w s t e r ( n e a r C a n ­t o n , O h i o ) a n d o f f e r s p e r m a n ­e n t e m p l o y m e n t to-




See E. P. JONES, Employ­ment Agent

695 Ellieott Square U B u f f a l o — T e l . S e n e c a 4 4 8 5 . o Os>ec_=>oc




Financial C _ O C ^

1 EXECUTIVE f 1 WANTED 0 who ean invest $1,000 or o

jj more with sefviees in a 1 merchandising organization ° of unlimited possibilities, y Address Box 650, Courier-0 Enq


mirer. i

fl g a l a s ; some on easy terms; also i y

TWO FAMILY HOUSE, hard wood floors and tr im; three-car garage . Price |_S,000, o n e -half cash. Phone Abbott 1»24, or

• o n e on easy terms; a lso) U Abbott 1718-M after € p m | i | S w l < i l W 1 M H _ . }

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

