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Date post: 15-May-2018
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The Washington Herald CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTORY READ FOR PROFITS USE FOR RE ULTS -*^b«-j_ud «»in la j lb Lb· jmai _j Tb« W«*· R--T-«« Uenid G-_a?-_?7 ». i»-i_9 Kl*t«U «iwt, Wr__hisst.-m. D. C. I^vrboe· __te_tan««-CaU M_i_ SBa (Tm alaami8m _t_T»«rn«nii«Bta uk f***r Branch I), **»»¦**·¦(>*«¦ Audit Bur*«- ? ^jrwiiatìoe- CLASSIFTED RATES v»*a__d ?«1?.] ONE *a_t«d _t_»».l«__._..| CENT *G?1G??"?:? a word . _irto»am 1-SC _-r«_-.¡Citar».. »V. . '.' ..=. ar laaa. <.| *.aa *>«¦*¦· «a» .a--«· aaaaec-jtls. _o.. 5_. «Xi ??-lCsv rLArlRinOATIOieS- WtVe- t U«»·._.IS «e« » "a*·· aSWSaWSSSS.__.U-saeta . »ma» rsao rails«».» rao-a ' U«»« -_--.··--. t-Dt« Oairrrset Batas Oa Raq-aaat. Mi._ .n Toso Urta. R>R-01 R«PR_|-_.TAT1V_5 .B S. IJ. -tr, ot -so »j*_r*v_!. »????G ?«. Tark O·!««.. Tv-trouii« WSS Mo.«o OST.,.t?·».»· Bids- Dm u oen».os i^m »o* «s. Lsaat -«rosa.Tbtre Sauowal Baa.« Bids LOST. ???ß?-?-?? PTBCB. BLCB ??. ON nu¬ da». B. IB», batanaa -th and '«a on r at. Itesi.-a to *7_ .asa as«, and rao.va rower- _h JO--» uv-vn-ooo-rrxi wT-j-rr watch, initial* E. It A. ; rsrorard, W Triasiboa· Colu»· usst t??t??-? shb-l. olassbs. ß?· laaatt- «ad ? stieat oar Hani. TVrradaj «as* ria«. Bavard. IM Oäve «t. Kentlwssrth. I*".ne Lio».ala WS _»sa.-»st HELP Wo-tJsT-D. WALL WaWiI>-? lOL.sO __-N WHO UNDER stand« print-.» »iurs««« ALEXANDRIA r, vsri'l'L. Alexandna. V«. _«MSaV« W À SI ? S r> PiIUT BCP¡ Pain'tER-- I stead? «era. W. G. ASDBXW8. 1JM nth at. aw._mtdO-Jt WA.«ITtf> tAIÍXift aVD BCBHELUAN; «odd «alan, «U ts an WS._me3-.vt N. L BOYS WANTED TO SERVE Herald route». $8 to $12 per month and theater ticket» for good »ervice. Apply 1018 K »t. or at Herald Office. mh28-6t GOOD POSITIONS OPEN AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN F-mMANENT WORK GOOD PAY Special consideration given appli- rations of e_-»oldiers and men hav- in*; previous experience. Apply Vonday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 to 12 A. M. ' Instruction Department, G h ngton Railway and Electric Company, ¡¦tth and East Capitol sts. mh22-10t TAILORS ... wum-ru » c*o*U- Julius Utrftnkl- _m<-__»-ti ¦. -CTÄN'ArTÖRDTÖ USE ITS c!aà» fled columns. The co»t of campaign, continued until your result achieved, will be trifling compared with the value of that result. Suppose a case: You be¬ lieve you should be earning a larger salary.a thousand dollars a year larger than your present posi¬ tion pay» you. You spend from one to twenty-five dollars, say, in classified advertising.and get your desired position. Do you know of a more attractive investment? _mh]6-tf LABORERS WANTED FOR store work. 17th and Monroe st». ne. · mh3Mt HELP WANTED. FEMALE. SEWERS Julius Garfinkle fie Co. has« uaed for expaa-v .«ua for altartn«- wo mori»·« eoa., draasaa, wai.e «ad eair-. Tito»a who ar« vati. actory will be »Ivo. permarieoit possi·!«.a. rocl-t-ti HELP WANTED.Male aad Fe-mal« PHOTOS S.ÏSÊjg Finished promptly. BROOKS, 1330 F st. nw. ja28-«jot FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RE.VT *.604 A ST. SB - rUR-v-ISHSD _>-r_OOB ovorn aaxt to bath ; h. w. ; electrie and gas H«at«; IM « Booth. m_*_ AKl-U.SA HUTtU J10 C at. nw.-.NBATLli luroi·.ed room«; so per weak up; tran.onta, HELP YOURSEL. BY RENTING that spare room meeting, through the extra revenue, some of thi» year's extra taxation. Through Herald classified advertising you can »ecure a DESIRABLE TEN¬ ANT.one glad of the opportunity to find a DESIRABLE PLACE TO U\E. Phone Mam 3300. give your ad and bill «vili be tent. _mh16-tt ¦.-.ft RE NT-LA HO ; E KRÖNT ROOM. r*L_- _«had or ._ar.«bed. 143 V at. aw. Apt. 1. mar.-It WANTED.ROOMS.- #A«rt_D TWO CIsTCRNISHBrj BOOMS with prisât« (a__j, pr-erarslj with board. C»? Civs, .1 afSS I m._ mt.Mo. REAL E.STATL J. J. McNEY REAL ESTATE Bought. Sold and Exchang-ed FARMS A SPECIALTY. Quick and Best Result«. '¦Consult He." 223-224 Oxford Building 4th and N. Y. Avenue N. W Main 6230 _ mhlj-tf Rj^GEÄATORS^jCE BOXES. ¦Refrigerators, ice boxes I THAT ARE SUPERIOR I VEI_!ON REFRIGKRATOU CO kl I F St. N. W. Franklin 2757 CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS We Also Pay Cash for Liberty Bond Card», Whether Paid Up IN FULL OR NOT. Note.OUT-OF-TOWN Client» Should Send Their Bond» by Registered Mail Only. ??G? Daily, 8 A. M. to 9 P. It \Jl Li ? Sunday, 9 A. M. to I P. M. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD LIBERTY INVESTMENT CO.' 9-'8-9jo F Street N. W. First Floor, Room 3 FOR SALE.FARMS. m\oaaa Day * ftu-a» <m ia»*muaam ai CABIN JOHN P.ARK! WHI «SOT TOUAlf Far .-a'» .Uuatreted book», «ad tail ?? «txHit Ut«·* tittle fama ittr«e«w >«· .tim, tnd ???* prie·», ta« ?? vrlM J. S. TOMUNSON. 31 rfOCTHCHN BUM. MAIN T«·». tls a-« boraaa \n-'. bunafl··«*· reody for l^ki, I « W H-SOt BUSINESS CHANCES. MERCHANTS! Get Our 50-50 Plan per ont caah: W par ont trad· Stn.LY-8 SOLDIER'S SIGN ß??G. Frantili san. ßl ?*- ·«·* Bw* ~.:5J0·. NOBODT COCLD GCARANTTE CERTAIN raaulta Iroat clsssiäed «drartisie». It that could done th· stSSmmm ot Htm would ba too c*»r But.tn moat instane··. Hnrald cla·- «ifl.*Tl ad»«"rt*s-ln* der«· y**"Ul tb· multe dcariradT. SPIRITUAL READINGS. I.icMued by tb« Diatnct ot Columbi«. KEELER, KNOWN THB WORLD OVKB FUH independent writing, meseafe« on any matter, by BppotntnM-nL UH Parkwood pUca nw. Phon· Columbia 3? Ttraa, $3. mbU-JOt Piychic aod Vocational Erpert. Dr. Charlotte Jeanne WHÏ NOT COMMUA O.N'E OF AilM* 1CA'3 »ort comet mediuma" Ad tic« -a retard to baalth. fucc«ea «nt* happtnaaa, tf you ar« Ul or diatouritud an anaJyaia of tout osa· «ill baiu you unrnerliatriy. Of¬ fe· -noon 11 L n. to I p. a Md Ef« aL nw. Roo« 1. »Yinki'n M17-J. MME. KARTO riairrojant and pajeluc. Medi-un adrlc· all affair« Ufe. Baari.nfi daily; boura, 11 to 9 8atifclaction guusateed. S10 5th at. PALMISTRY. BELMONT. Noted dairvo?aot and pa1mlat. Giaaa adrim oa buaineaa matterà, lo·»«, health, and family affair«. Telia name of your fatar· huabtnd or wife, tells if on« jou lore la tra· or falae. What tart of tb« rountrj ia Inckiaat t* you What to do to be tuccwaf'il in life. 121* N. T. arc. nw. Next door to Masonic Tempie. Readings, IL mh2B-90t I'almmry u a recofnizeti acience, and RIZPAH ELDON ia known aa a·» ita greatest e ?;-on enta. Hun¬ dred« riait thi« raua-rk&bl« «omen dally; con· píete reading with accurate deaerip-tioea ot what your b*nd foretells only $]. R>*c»ptloa P*r lor ne. comer of 6th and Q nw. Entrance «th *. Hour« 10 a. m- to ft p*. m mhX-Kfc il A DA ? E b*TAÍÍLKT. ROÏAL OÏP3Y Ml» in, irada tb« band Like an open book; aatie- faction fiiar-mteed, gir« bar « call. 1311 H «t. o·*. mh^-90t MADAME ZELLA .Genuine Egyptian Palmist. If in doubt of love, business or fam¬ ily affairs, consult Madame Zella. 622 FIFTH STREET N. W. Madame Edwards 3enulne Egyptian scientific palm- laL Read» your entire life.past. present and future. Telia name» of friend» and enemies. Satisfaction ruaranteed. Readln»s. 11.00.615 7th St. N. W. CLAIRVOYANT. PIIOF. WRIGHT ratnust and ct»ir«oy«nt. Frítate riding daily: satisfaction tusrantead. Hours. U «. an. to S μ. m. Phon· Main 143t. âtî F «t. nw. mhJWet-d-sx-s SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY. «HU? ? THEODORS ALLEN. DIRECTOR, .UtTo logical Research Society. Priant« Reta¬ tati, by appointment only. IZ. Typtwntta· rorvcaata, by mail ftS u-? Expert Vocation»! Ad- raam. U4 ? at. nw Pboa» FVankliii 9KL mta-m FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. BRADBURY CPBIOHT PIANO; EXCEL· lent condition; diniag-room aet bra« bed·, 1 Hüfte, 1 doubíe; one Une parlor rocker. 4JOl Uarriaon at., after 7 p.m. week d*y»; \m\m9a ft ?--G?. Sunday, rie-re. K3. gjjMj WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS^ STEAM BOILBK. ADUREA*) ?G?? Sl BmldOft»_marS-lt WANTEH-BICYCLI. SaX'ST BE IN (¡OOD condition snd s bargain. ITU ? at. «e. _^_mhS-*X It IOC WIU. SIND POR LOUIS NOTES. «1« E ST. N.W.. TOC WILL GET TUE BEBT CASH PRICES »OR FC ?.M ITU ? ? OF ALL KINDS PHONE FRANKLIN IS WILL CALL AT YOCB CONVEM EM E nhlUPt WILL CALL IN MY CNLETTEKKD ~ÂUTÎ> mobil«, city or «uburtMD. and par you hlsbNt prtce« (or ladia·'. tent;em<Ti>. ctuWrim s dis- ».-.-: cJothln». of all de»criptiot*s. AddraM postal or l«. iw I will call E. RIOI. la .to .t. ow Norrh ?pß fsS-t/ *??)G CAN'T BIDE YOCR JO TUB clsaaaflcd columns-lor therr« isn't a hidiaf Hat» the«». Theae «J» aJ« HEAD, nrbtt-tl CENTOÄFR^ITlJRE'CÖr-7 Will pay y*oo the hifbe« price» for aecood Q«nd furniture. 611 LouaUn* are. nw. Phow HOTELS AND CAFES. SHEPHERD HOUSE CO-NCR la* mai E ST**. NW. Uoom «nd KosrQ IS DU soard. cao s Du _ .-sa·) iîîorfoaiqu« 3-UstauraR.t ¦"*"'. It· ¡»Ola- liu><*l*»on. · cola op-*««! Mindsy OnuMrs *5o^lt^«*ttl ??tt?« Oeklasl Can *cco«n*T.T«T-i« . t*(w Mor. atls U<«rd>r> ?1» l'a. «t«, u,, PERSONALS. WHISKEY: Send ILOO to Welfare Co., Box 568, Herald office, and receive by return mall 12 reclpea for mak¬ ing whlakey, wine, brandy, etc, for home use. FLORA MAL r*»ip tTMU-M.t. aha, fecit! m«**«·. 1418 W St. N. W., Apt 31. Uia'dir.-it. eaalp treatment, ehaapoolaf maA facial mat *****.-*··*?-. Your Fyej -¿Cl·, Are T\ey Dofecr.Vü M. BERNARD KANN, - Waa marl· th· exa*a_n*Üoo th« eyea bia hi· wort, la a guareetee, that aw which ta· irrwcnbcs are ¦dentlfieaJty ac¬ corate. Such glaJeae ¦r>crr«ct Um aariooa phjm a tele r- of th· r>« which pt«_duce «7% «trato- DR. M BERaN'ARD KANN, -.>*Mght _pec_a_l_t, aM ? at. nw. Room 11 Oppoaft· Patent Office. MM Skin Affections a specialty Ecaema, acne, pimplee. inpna, etc. Local ta- T* -1 ·¦ 1 caa***>r«: no entune, >- NM HnU ¦ON, UB6 ? «t. DW. It to ' » tn T Íal-Ml PIANO LESSONS. 8? A LM<-0:n, BKOIN- nera only, hating atudifd (oar years under .'-*·. (.'tme erta tory graduate, »ill gt?e par- eonaJ attention to each pupil to unmaa cor· eel t ¦¦:-.-· l.adï teacher. For appointment. phoBe North JBT-W. fe»_. Economize on Your Moving 7r* reUabM auiea wmi» oa local and iaag dtetaoc· raonng rail -tn A. BITS. W ? H tf. Phooe *-rane_.D 1Í4VW 4aal-« DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 SEVE^?T__NTH STREET OVER 30 YEARS ¦"-«¦""¦.¦i I*·»*· ·» Nerve.a and Spe_al ¡tasser, of Vara and Womee. Means Health to You if You Suffer Fi-rom <_.tarrh. Obee1rs, T_euraaUa.. Cv-aatlpe- trot». Pile«. Throet. Lusca. Brain. Heart, S'.ooA aad Skla D.raeae. Nerooou. D_nUt*o. K.dns» Inesaaes. Bladder Traoble. «.peone Blrsod I'M- .ala». .mp-oona, fleer» and All Private Dla o-ases C_vrd for Life try Safe Methods Charge* Low. Medicine Furnished. CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room for Ladies Oflice Honre, 10 to !.. J to> «. Sunder». II to 11 WORKINQJXIN, TH» QUESTION WHICH ar.aa in the aüad lot« of aan-eat buatlaor«. how mach «nd where to bus an ovaavroat for Ise« than ré-ors-ailing prioorsv. Well, «uppoee tou aa« shots liera at 15 up for a fine «rede, alight. .used -ram.nt. Shows up mlfhtv well. Jl -*: H s OLD BT.IND. S'.J s* mi_l ·. *A OLD-FASHIONED HERBS The herb u purely a vflgetabie product and can hare do bad affert upon the ayttem u purlflee the blood. op the ayatem. .¦-;«lee .% -·. the k) .- neyg thereby r-fitr.:;.g Blight» Dteeeae, Orme- e-I, Rheumaticm, Sciat¬ ic«. Lumbago, Oougha and Colda M. A. LOUIS & SONS The Herb Spedaliata, a_ Ii «t_ aw. TBaUTJIK-VTHFUK VA_lolia -1.la.NT». a...90t MADAM PARKER Olfted FalmuK im_ CLiira -y».m, ¿uta adnee «a all affairs ? Ufa. She aaka or« question·, txrt win tell ?«rj «bat von want to Know. Too will bo wiecv aud haptaer alter aeeiag her *4at_s- faction or do tr/iargee. üeadinga, 0.10. ii -, ii- 10 A. M. TO « P. W BU Ig. o«-, between llth and Utb eta DR. HOWARD CHIBOPBACnC PHTslClArt RHEUMATISM SPECIALIST betaue. Muscular. ArticuJar "OJT THB ,?,??ß" It matten not who haa been your phjaiaan or what treatment t?? have bad. If you can get to rey office you probably can regain your health. and 1 extend to you an Invitation to call aod learn .at what can be done for you. HOOM r Warder Bldg., corner 9th and ? ata. aw. mhlsVtf DIAMOND AND J KV·. .Lit Bought for caab from prtsaU partlea aad estate·. ZM Washington Loan aod Tniat Building, tth aad t ata aw. testât THB INDUN-HavE YOU SEEN HIMT Look for him tn Sunday'» persons-, aad caJ at OLD INDIAN HERB SHOP. IT» Tth at. nw, ptin ftt MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. J. & N. AUTO TRANSFER CO. Baggage Express and Hauling. 1728 H St. N. W. F. 3820. SMITH'S TRANSFBR AND STORAQll CO. NORTH »341 ? 3341. ?. 1144 Nlk-ht or Holi¬ day. Franklin Itll. s-»J.M_-Ul_TAN_E muvlnq. ""safety firstT ABaOLLTfcL- riBKPUUU» sTOsU,n_ >«ttaai H aas up. Mona» aavS Pacai.s LMITCD ·??1_» ¦'TiiBAiil r*_ t*».» l3 st. sw I.. t.I «ad rraaklla tl f UJ1 H St. N. W. ^.' Baggage and Hauling Wm. VV. Danenhower. Jr, Franklin tiare. 7M. Night cair M. 7*71. (Tur Motto. "Service".Our Motto MOVING ftn_ar» lane paotdad «as» «a« «»ratal ma» .radi· jam getta». PACKE-S et tarattai«. passa«, «aia«, tate» be·*»* "c Kaperteoeeo! a«· eats. »BIPPlNu la an »ana «a* the wars- STORAOi low __r_* sWsWk ··_ kssas» eoiM Krooso KRIEG'S EXPRESS LIBERTY BONDS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS BOUGHT We Will Also Buy Partial Payment Cards. Central Building, Room 11.Cor. 9th and Pa. Ave. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. MAKES«? BEER Wine» and Fruit Brandies at Home. Simple and Explicit Reclpea. icopynjlitsd.) Two râlions of rood beer, about 5% of alcohol, for 60c Can be u»ed 4 week» from date of brew¬ ing. For beet- recipe »end 11-00 to The American Joy Kitchen Co. 2603 Mozart Place. Phone Columbia 2758. ._mch27-tf-d *x a TINNING AND HKATINO. GEORGE ESSIG GG???Gtßß, RANGE« AND LATBOBEB, TINNING. OITTEK1NÜ A>jJ SI'OCTINU. » iota «t. nw. l-btan» Mata SSk ms»»»» RAZOR BLADES RKSHARPENED RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED EQl??. Til NEW »IT JTH ST ? W NBAK NEW YORK AVB. EXTERMINATOR·. Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! 20th Century Insecticide .«Ul lid yoar bom« of rosabas, ants. ««.«roti**». sad bedbua». Will aztennlnatje roachs« In jour bass» lot tUa. Sold try drufftts of A tt. C OO, Ml N. T. Main W»_Islf-W» GENERAL HOI SE REPAIRING. Carpenter and Contractor Alteration» and orna work dona tor rasscrasSt« prirr. Atvly «J U at. w 1'bon« Non» «3's-j ¡LBS SHOE REPAIRING. Monroe Rapid SHOE REPAIRING CO.. liana ua. Tail lour Mi.» IToublas. ¦UMM SEVEimi STREET SHOE REPAIRING Wc do joir work »hue jou »»il, at pr*· arar prie«». Out »bop u equipped with -n¦**¦ am «tactnc machmeo. W* mike old »bom D»tW. H. EDLOWITZ, I34I 7th Street N. W. CANDY ' CARLISLE E5(SÏaNGÊ~ Be*X (»G-'.)» ??*-(-¡«?? Af-rata for MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES Try Our Ooodiss . Urs M. Blair. T-fW mi* ru PLUMBING. A. W. HAGERMAN JOBBING Il Ell ub IL ISO gtJAUTT p?ßt. I«rsntn» «Ul UJI SS» m nw, _lais-** PRINTING. BUSINESS LAKbï IDO CALLING ASL" Se; ? ?G-|??.-"? cords. (Be. EARLS WAYNE, ¦ I at. aw. _«am FO« SATISFACTORY-"HINT!NU ~~RÏABÖfS- able prioea call ? ?. PRINTING CO.; prompt same« Praaklln f«TL it «l « ¦« MACHINISTS. MACHINE SHOP. At.a Ml«· rvptund ami owb*mr«l to rafn-fertOun pumpi and Kim fora« J. L. ONEY & SON. frsnUiB «74. JS3 Uta st, aa. ELECTRICAL·. J. G. GEORGIOU. ron.ttt!ting Dectrictu tut-pa-m Contract· ¦r\a. repair.n«, etc. :',2 Va. aie. di. I'h ¦?* KriDklK! ME ita» m BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. _MUSIC._ ÓLB VIOLINS ftSaTORa"l);'HIW ViôLIns «art-stad: «ipatt bo« rspslxlaa, J. R. hop LEK. IBS O at. aw LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. J. Br\RBAGALLO & CO. Wholesale and Betsll Leather and Shoe Findings 817 9th St. N. W. AUTOMOBILES. Batteriesl Batteries! Have lot» of pep when we do the work. General Batterv Co., 406 13th St. N. W. at Pa. Ave. DISCO STARTING AND LIGHTING System for Ford Cars. iBstsilrd Complet«, Vv Guaranteed to do sll 11 Isa« i or money re- fimrird. Out-It InclTidfw 140 stora-B« battary case, smmsasr, wir!»», u**hu. switches, fnss blocks, mie HIÑES AUTO SUPPLY CO.. ¦ Dan. Franklin Distributers, maff-tf "CASCO" For tw-tr·! Home Dm Bifblj-PoU-thed Furniture Hud wood Floor*. Linoleum, Wood «or It Etc Mad·* Id Wuhinfton. Sold E'erTwher· DEALERS ftOLlCTTED CENTRAL AUTO SUPPLY CO. 10W G«. .·¦ :.¦' Usin tU ï ASTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. a* ?,1.1/. .\iih.N.. wu- Don't run down your bt-Uerr while port¬ ing al ni»bt. Um Diets ***utanf Lamp». Special tale do« on, V. J. Free au imatv ttna. V i-ri ita linn Open Sunday HARRY BUELL 522 8th st. «. BIG AUTO SALES. TIRE, ACCESSORIES AND RE-PAJH Ì--Ì-.T »a ;.·.¦*-»- by SULLY'S SIGNS. rb *r.« rrankhn 5SH d Ft, am nw, rah»FOU HALE.APTOIHOBsXES. Come to the Largest Used Auto Dealers in the World. THE ROMAN AUTO CO. ?a ?. Broad st.. Philadelphia. 1.000 csrs to «elect frotn-ms 1MT. l»It modsi«. In sll msJtea. J2Ä up. Cstsiosue frs» on re- Quest. mhJ.s.T.io.u.M.iT.U.a.RS.a.Ji A FEW CARS TO CHOOSE FROM THIS WEEK: 191» ?tislrnars, t pass. Dopici, sport modal; an Qoodyesr tire« sud one extra cord; In flrst-riass meehanii-aI condition. This la s chance to let s classy car cheap for.G*'«J 1911 «-pass National, ail near tires; car nsranteed .*?.10000 UMS Vi·«««. Chilnwrs. demonstra tur ail new tiros.SI,tuo« »U Palte tour-in«*. In exosllent oonditloai..S*«(M)rj HIT »Orerlend, Psndle body delirery .na» .»i»w t-MT-psaa Hudson, (nod oondltioo; bar¬ atin .G?-«? 191« S-pssa Chalmers, two extra tires.t*Z* W 191· Veils, in perfsct ooodiUon.stimo me Alien. 6-paas. in tine condition.US.01 1919 Chalmers, 7 peas, touring, lerfeet condition .ß.*50.«] 191« 8tudr-t*a*er. T-psas. tiwnng, »nod condition .MIS.·) 191« locomobile, all new tires. tww «strs, tine condition.STSO-Gi COMBS MOTOR CO. Used Car Ospt, Opsn Surd·,« V Street N. W. North T1Í1 EVERETT TRUE BY CONDu it u/HeR<? you uKe. AUTOMOBILES. TROUBLE w»h yam lunarie* matlr r«madud by ow H-nioa VftTJ * i'.atterle· la perfeet TKSTINU FEE*. K-i-tirun RerhaVftn». THE BATTERY SPECIALISTS ?. ?. BAI IB oo.. a 0 »t Mais «US F. C. FEHERMAN 604 E Street N. W. Ot-R rxperts aie ready for ail firenerator und starter work. Auto repairing done at pre-war prieea. Don't fail to see the Norwïlk Car. AS GOOD AS NEW; TWIN SIS PACKAH-U «eren pseaetigrr car, T-eesonsNe price snd term» will be cxmaiiieiTtd. POX 467, Herald ome«. _ ash»** KamA. «FlMMMt -NfUHOT~aB aaodel perfeet lSth st. Ph. ACTOS rOR HIRE. VIM TRUCKS h* bots, du araei or ea-onth. Bea dm *m ?*-*»-· t -prtcae Pbona Franàho W* ·* A HITK .- '.( -t re atZ.it AITO KKI'AIUIM. DAW & PHELPS Jt' ? .IT N. W. Phons Franklin Till. GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Carbon Removed. 50c a Cylinder AUCTION SALES I bo». J. Owea A 8·«. Auctioneer» TRUSTEES' v\!.i. OF VAXsUABLE KUAL eatate od Nicho!· aee., Aua«)etia, D. O. By ruin· ol a certain deed of tmet doty recorded In Liber No. ¥KA. G?-ïto -MS, et e*Q- ot the lud record« ?? the District of (VlumfaU. and al tha request of tbe laxrtj aecured thereby, th* uader- vaaed truatea» «Ul «all, at pubUe ß???as? In tbe office Tboe J. Owen 4 Sen. UK Ü it nw ¦w The 4th du of April. A. D 1*1·, at I o'doc* p- m-, th» fofiowintf-deaeribed land and premine, attuata tn tbe Diatrict at Ou-luakbU, aad dea- tffnated and beinf part of Lot 5 In Section I In Postero? and otbefa, Truateea' ëubdleiaioo of "Barry Farm." u plat recorded In Libar Levy Court No. Î, folio 1. of tbe Raconta of the office of tbe Surveyor of tht Dutnct of Cc*u»- bU. now knuern m Lot KO la Square Wi aad more paniruUriy deaeri bed to »aid deed of tragL T>nn» of aale: All caah. A d -j>«t of Jl» re- quircd at time of »ale and tbe purchAMr allowed fifteen day· to compiate the p-nrchaaa Further parucu'an at Üme of aale l'AL'L L. WRIGHT EUUENE. E (.ADDIS. Truateea ^srfi'-H« PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS WA&H- tnffton, D. C, llâJTi 9. it 9. Saaiad pro¬ porla will reeeieed at thi» offie, Koom HI, Diatrict iluiìdine. natii 2 o'cioc* P. M-. April M. for furnuián* achool chain without caatln-n aad for furnishing caatlagi for ohain aod deaka. «Specification· and fjrn· ot pro- poaUa may he had upon application to the Purcbaain-g. Officer, Boom 3J\ District Build Inc. U'VIH RHOWSIOW, W OWYN.n GAJUMXER, CHAULES W. ?G??. CJoav mi<oii«nen, D C. mh-U X SPECIAL NOTICE. I WILL .NOT HL RESPONSIBLE FOR ANT debts r-ontrseted by anyone other than nrsrjf. nu:i*mu;K ai»am» wood, m t> mu-st Summer Window Shades At as ? r* p ORDIR Special Factory rnces. sow; The Shade Shop, it, u. «tri « STi'KKS -.AMMO.·,*·». Ftnprtetsr. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER .UJIiLL' r. Kfc-_TIS IMMEDIAT* ATTENTION OIVKN TO RUSH WORK. »1 MATHER l.LLxi ni G ST. KW _mhP^Pt MONEY TO LOAA. ¦OPXÏ T«> LOAN ON APPROVED CITY real estate at lowest current rates; special prirllecea with respect to nice parsacnts. TÏLER & HITHERKORD. Inc.. »IT Uti at a* MONEY TO LOAN-eSO TO (¡OK** as, D C. reel estate. Serersl trust funds. AU tr-ins- articms conducted with ccanornlcaJ considersuoo for burrowers. WM. B SAINDEKS a CO.. .Voutbero Buydins. SS 19th st. »w. _ leí.» WATCH THE CLASNIKIED COLUMNS FOR e-njTi!(*es of the growth of thi» citj. This m«j seem like sn odd suereet'.on.but It len'L _m chJI-ti FUNERAL DESIGNS. Appropriate Funeral Tokens Artistic.esjasssln inessenstTe. Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street Prompt sato dettrer-r ssmce. rshO-tl FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS~~ M-MCtf. cj mntauoB >»:.¦.» ¦- «m < ?·-,»... t-Íemcea readeraa ,r aJI pana af ta* taited -nie» :¦, «peoaj repnatcuutea Telephone IAa1n5612-t>&l> 17SU-3Ï Pa. ATcoua DIED. VICKERY.Saturday. March 28, ISIS. at 3:«0 a. m., CHARLES WYRE. beloved husband of Cora Lv Vlck- ery and father of Mr». Cora T. Horton. Mrs Stuart J. Gaa», Mr» John M Healy and Mr». Jamea U. Archer Funeral »ervlcea from hi» late reel- dence-, 1522 Newton Street north¬ west. Monday, at 2 p. m. Inter¬ ment at Arlington Cemetery. Mem¬ ber«! of G.irfield Post. No. 7. G. A. R.. Invited to attend Schools And Colleges FinsT uRADE civil s&hvics: um.ui nsticm« for cleiks April 9 and 13. Tuition tor entire course tor these exsrnlnstlona, IS. The CIVIL SERVICE I'REPAltATORY SCHOOL ar cor. 10th snd E sts Franklin TUX* ]a2-SM l321G'*tfw ßuSlNf^.S(3LLEC: I rPOTEET Ar*<DWHIinOl<tl .at.rn.uMm iyppwr:!;r.g Book¬ keeping. Accounting, English, renmanchin. Letter Writing. Day and Eventi.fî Claaaee. PHONE MAIN 9871 YU G A '-».^r«"1 ITI»«te tí-tiooi u .IVI. ?-*·. r\m *w9*a\ «Wen aod Womi ACCOL'KTA.NCY (drfree franimi jK>wanj. PRtl'ARATOBY laccredited lami. COMMERIIAI«. (Gremii sboeütiand. f:.S»> actUt, DKAKTlMì (merhantral. urblter.tural). <-<,· vpv. <-!.!j -p ereainc) New feinH>trr r-aiwea ?????«. IlTN G Si. N. W. Bulletin rrm NATION'S NEED OF 'GAS' PROVED Holland Says By-Product of Petroleum Has Been Industrial Spur. Not many year» have passed «Iocs the fate Jabea ?.. fìostwick found himself in great perplexity beoauM there eeemed to be no way of util¬ ising;, commercially, gaaohne Mr, Boitwlck was one of the leaders tn the Standard Oil Company. His Interests In the development of by¬ product» from petroleum was ai· ways very «Treat and It was thia which led htm to wonder whether It would not be possible to find some way by which gasoline, at that time an absolutely waste product follow¬ ing the refining of petroleum, could be put to commercial uee. After many Inquine« and much Investi¬ gation Mr. Bostwlck was thrown lato association with a man who was of a scientific turn of mind and who was convinced that gasoline In¬ stead of being an absolutely waste product could be so capturad and utilized as to become perhaps quit· as important aa any of tbe by-prod¬ uct» from petroleum. Thl» man made investigations snd experiments and at last discovered that gasoline could be economically snd adequately employed In driving an Internal combustion engine. He established a plant at Bridgeport, Corn., where gasoline was made use of In driving motor boats. Ifr. Bostwlck was rejoiced. He was confident that In a short time gaso¬ line would command a world-wide market Then came the automobile, which might not have been develop¬ ed to such an enormous extent as Is the case, had the flrat manufactur¬ ers of automobile« not taken a hint from the builder« of motor boats and adapted the Internal combustion engine so that gasoline could be used as the explosive force In driv¬ ing it -at-sral Roaasrooa Having been Invited by the Rotary ¦Club of Miami. Florida, to deliver an address to Its members. Dr. G. Acheson. who has been sojourning thl» winto-r at Miami, accepted the in¬ vitation and spoke briefly but lm- roT*CÄ»!ve!y to these club member». The organization represents men who think, men who hsve been active In our Industrial and commercial life. Including some men of financial repu- tstlon Reports that tell of this meet-| Ing reached New Tork today. In the coursa of hla address» Dr. Ac.eson spoke of tbe necessity of conserving our natural rvs>s»Dureesf* ivmong which petroleum ata.nd» prom¬ inent. He was able to say something which would have rejoiced Mr. Bost¬ wlck were he now living, for he told his hearer» that gasoline was com¬ monly thought to have been, next to munitions, the most voluminous and valuable product we supplied to our allies. For »everal years .t. Acheson has made a careful study of our oil resources ao that ha ma, well fortified with facts and figure« with which to emphasise tbe various points which he made. He told his hearers that In 1117 we sold to the allies 300.000.0(10 gallons of gasoline. We were using in the same year at home many millions of gallons of gasoline, the magnitude of the flg- uree not having been understood by the po-ople until the so-called gaste»» Sundays of last fall demonstrated th« enormity of our use of it. These facts Justify the prediction made by Mr. Bostwlck tn the early 90'« that gaso¬ line would become one of the moat valuable of the by-products of petro¬ leum. Bay *IIIH..n. ,1 Co, linn. Enormous ha» been the use ol gasoline snd great as has been the export of It to our allies, still tt does not equal the amount of lubricating oil which our allies boupht of ua In 1$1P. Dr. Acheeon said, we »eld to our allies four hundred million gallons of lubri- eating oil. Some of the statistic« which Dr. Acheson was able to put before his hearers caused astonish¬ ment accordinig to reports received here from Miami. Be asserted that approximately one-tenth of the pe¬ troleum produced in the United States distills off and retines Into lubricating oil. That being the case the three hundred and forty-live million five hundred thousand bar¬ rels of petroleum which were pro¬ duced In the United State» In 1>1I furnished thirty-four million flva hundred thousand barrels of lubri¬ cating oil and that Is a quantity In excess of any other liquid excepting water. The Importance of oil to the civilised world can beat be grasped when It Is known that the clothing we wear, all the articles on our per¬ son, the houses we live In and I Tactically every article in the houses would not exist were there no lubrication. This statement or one somewhat similar to It was made a few days ago In an exhaustive article upon our oil resource«, the article golnr- .o far as to say that civilisation as tallied were It not for lubrication. Dr. Acheson told his hearers of the Rotary Club that If the ??¬ formation he obtained be correct the United States produce· approx- lrrat« ly 60 per oent of the pe¬ troleum of the world. If that be to we must bo producing more than t* per cent of the lubricating oil, because much **f the potroleum G???a in foreicn countries is. of a very heavy, thick character and Is boM-t available for fuel It Is likely hat many other cVposlta of pe- trolo-uii· will be found in th· world. Dr. Clapp. who Is one of the four leading author!..? «? the world pe- trcleum production has recevntly published a series 'of articles in which he ha» pointed cut the vast resources of petroleum which exist In South America, G?-lro.lo am *»«-»o»l- There seemed to be a clear Intima¬ tion in his article that the United Stato» may be compelled by reason of the possible exhaustion of our petro¬ leum, some of the experts saying that this may occur within sixte·« years, to Import more and more petroleum from Mexico and from South Ameri¬ ca. When It Is recalled that for a long time one of the chief exports from the l'nited States was petroleum and Its products, there does seem to bye reason for approahenalon lest the enormous use of petroleum produced in the United States may gradually exhaust our supply so that Instead of becoming a heavy exporter of petro¬ leum we may find ourserlvos obliged to Import pcrhap*. as much formerly v»*e exponed Dr. Acheson wa» one of the first to begin an at:its'ion which had for j ils purpose th· oo_serv-tJon «of our | natur·- resources ) , - v^y,'. ly at the meeun« of the ,,s st-n which »«» veiled by Presad ««it Itrio. ?.< to cons deo how >·¦ »¦ ·. Id oonaer-y. OUT e^,, ,^?,-«, .-tuet, are lansi. for.R. mineral« and wst«r, oil being included of coure· «ninssT the mlsasra- Dr. Ac-esosv told hi» heaj-er, at Miami of the poeeib(ht- ef great .naervation «rf our ooal through tho ul u.·.:.. r o* trlclty. our natural rseources la water-power being '.rft_i_*l«ilt He als* spoke of s method recently dls- covered of lubrication which permit» the reduction in the coruramption of oil by more than one-half of that which - «»<_ under Ut* »Id methoe. He Intimated that It Is poesiMe that chemUtry may discover a prore« for making pétrole·»- t_|-ncatlng oil from cartoon and hydrogen which are al¬ way» obtainable. In fact he intimat¬ ed that we may perfect the méthode of extracting oil from shale so as«· meet Um requirements It ts t^|i evident that the people have awaken* ed to the neceeslty of conservatKUri .ef our oil resources. The recent organi¬ sation of the a-soclation of oil producers proof that the agitation begun by Dr Acheaon and other« sev¬ eral rear» ago is beginning to avail. HOLLA XD. Many D. C. Newspapermen On Staff of A. E.F. Paper. The Star* and Striper ..*¦*--.-. m The 8tars aad Stripe», the risma»' newspaper of the Amerio-«« -kp*** dltlonary Forcea, In France. al¬ most a Washington Institution. The officer-In-charge Is Capi Mark 8. Wauon (Field Artillery), who wa» in the local bureau of the Chicago Tribune; the assistant offl- cer-ln-chsrce is First Lieut Stephen T. Early (Machine Oua). of the L\.t C bureau of th« A. P.: the adver¬ tising manager Is Second .'eut.JL B. FendHck (Air Bervlce), of ,G*»· Wa«hlngton Herald; the »porting editor Nat Worley ( Errgim-s-rs). of The Wsshlngton Herald; th« of transportation Is Sergt Charle« Buseius (Machine Oun), of The Washington Herald, and on the edi¬ torial staff la Lester Baukhege, of the International vs « The Star« and Stripe« ha« ¦*¦-av¬ erage circulation of 1,00.000. and is the daddy of about 150 Uv-ilt papera rrlnted through the American K.- pedltlonary Forcea Physician Tries Dinner And Theater As Meant Of Winning Back Wii« Chicago. March JO..Dr. Jame» Ifo-a reau Brown. 2d, and his wife. Mr- Edna V. Brown, cetranged ansi unit¬ ing a legal battle for custody of ilaear chlld. Jame« Moreau Bro»en. ird. so set back to their courtship for a few hsawr« laat night They took dinner to*· gether and after that went to the tbeater. The Judge conducting the hear.ng aa to whether Brown or hi« wife ahaS-d have custody of the child was -.ad¬ érate at the trial at réconciliât ? suggested the dinner Mrs. Brown was willing to go toThe party, but said there waa no chance of reconciliation Dr. Brown wa» mor« confident J. T. Lord, Chairman Utilities Committee Jame» T. Lord chairman of the committee on public utilities of the Chamber of Commerce, as annou Saturday, Jamea F. Oyster is chairman. Other member» are Walter C. Baild. erstqn. John Barrett Char L. D. Burdett, S. T. Cameron. J Capers, James B- Hendrnsori. Hnrl Godwin. J. D. Denty. Harrv Cs-i·· Benjamin Crane. J V. Devis. Fdve#v_ B I>e_n. _. C. Graham. M. t. Chame, H i "ill Walter J. Hopkins, ???,Gt? King, Phil King. Ralph W Lee. virent Leet. Theo Pickard. Jackson H ton. W. T. Weaver sr.d J. A. wTaSW field. Savs Telephone Company Is Not to Blame for Rates Oklahoma City. Okla.. Marchio..As¬ serting he did not justliy the new Federal telephone ratoo». Gov« Robertson hau« vetoed the ler-irla'ìv« revocation of the Southwestern charter. The legislature acted because of the Increases in rate« Decision» of the 8'ipr« ra* Court of Oklahoma. Massachusetts and Illinois) were cited, holding the telephone pany not responsible for Instituting Increoaeed rates. LIBEiTT BONDS Bought For Cash. $50, $100, $500. $1,000 Denominations. GET OUR PRICES. We Sell Liberty Bond? at Current Market Price». TH0S. L. HUME, Broker 1412 G St N. W. Tel. M. 13«. The Sifert liintniMb , ·¦-« V 1s.S -*»** t_.o «a ok« nBL __ cr^-wmetitsr ^^STwmÒawSasì r^rTnjr: «»?»»«·'*««· ye ."-*'*¦"¦"-'¦¦ *_ "* Swartxell. Rhretn A Hen*eT C·., 727 Füt*e» Str-eel ?·?_«»·_»



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Oairrrset Batas Oa Raq-aaat.Mi._.n Toso Urta.

R>R-01 R«PR_|-_.TAT1V_5.B S. IJ. -tr, ot ?¦ -so »j*_r*v_!. »????G?«. Tark O·!««.. Tv-trouii« WSSMo.«o OST.,.t?·».»· Bids-Dm u oen».os i^m »o*«s. Lsaat -«rosa.Tbtre Sauowal Baa.« Bids

LOST.???ß?-?-?? PTBCB. BLCB ??. ON nu¬da». B. IB», batanaa -th and '«a on r at.

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uv-vn-ooo-rrxi wT-j-rr watch, initial*E. It A. ; rsrorard, W Triasiboa· Colu»·

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ria«. Bavard. IM Oäve «t. Kentlwssrth.I*".ne Lio».ala WS _»sa.-»st

HELP Wo-tJsT-D.WALLWaWiI>-? lOL.sO __-N WHO UNDERstand« print-.» »iurs««« ALEXANDRIA

r, vsri'l'L. Alexandna. V«. _«MSaV«W À SI ? S r> PiIUT BCP¡ Pain'tER--

I stead? «era. W. G. ASDBXW8. 1JM nthat. aw._mtdO-JtWA.«ITtf> tAIÍXift aVD BCBHELUAN;«odd «alan, «U ts an WS._me3-.vt

N. L BOYS WANTED TO SERVEHerald route». $8 to $12 per

month and theater ticket» for good»ervice. Apply 1018 K »t. or at

Herald Office. mh28-6t



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Julius Garfinkle fie Co.has« uaed for expaa-v .«ua for altartn«- womori»·« eoa., draasaa, wai.e «ad eair-. Tito»awho ar« vati. actory will be »Ivo. permarieoitpossi·!«.a. rocl-t-ti

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faction fiiar-mteed, gir« bar « call. 1311 H «t. o·*.mh^-90t

MADAME ZELLA.Genuine Egyptian Palmist. Ifin doubt of love, business or fam¬ily affairs, consult Madame Zella.622 FIFTH STREET N. W.

Madame Edwards3enulne Egyptian scientific palm-laL Read» your entire life.past.present and future. Telia name» offriend» and enemies. Satisfactionruaranteed.Readln»s. 11.00.615 7th St. N. W.


ratnust and ct»ir«oy«nt.Frítate riding daily: satisfaction tusrantead.

Hours. U «. an. to S µ. m. Phon· Main 143t.âtî F «t. nw. mhJWet-d-sx-s

SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY.«HU? ? THEODORS ALLEN. DIRECTOR,.UtTo logical Research Society. Priant« Reta¬

tati, by appointment only. IZ. Typtwntta·rorvcaata, by mail ftS u-? Expert Vocation»! Ad-raam. U4 ? at. nw Pboa» FVankliii 9KL


FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS.BRADBURY CPBIOHT PIANO; EXCEL·lent condition; diniag-room aet bra« bed·,

1 Hüfte, 1 doubíe; one Une parlor rocker.4JOl Uarriaon at., after 7 p.m. week d*y»;\m\m9a ft ?--G?. Sunday, rie-re. K3. gjjMjWANTED.MISCELLANEOUS^

STEAM BOILBK. ADUREA*) ?G?? SlBmldOft»_marS-lt

WANTEH-BICYCLI. SaX'ST BE IN (¡OODcondition snd s bargain. ITU ? at. «e.



prtce« (or ladia·'. tent;em<Ti>. ctuWrim s dis-».-.-: cJothln». of all de»criptiot*s. AddraMpostal or l«. iw I will call E. RIOI. la .to.t. ow Norrh ?pß fsS-t/*??)G CAN'T BIDE YOCR JO TÑ TUBclsaaaflcd columns-lor therr« isn't a hidiaf

Hat» the«». Theae «J» aJ« HEAD, nrbtt-tl

CENTOÄFR^ITlJRE'CÖr-7Will pay y*oo the hifbe« price» for aecoodQ«nd furniture. 611 LouaUn* are. nw. Phow


CO-NCR la* mai E ST**. NW.Uoom «nd KosrQ

IS DU soard. cao s Du_ .-sa·)

iîîorfoaiqu« 3-UstauraR.t¦"*"'. It· ¡»Ola- liu><*l*»on. · colaop-*««! Mindsy OnuMrs

*5o^lt^«*ttl ??tt?« OeklaslCan *cco«n*T.T«T-i« . t*(w Mor. atls U<«rd>r>?1» l'a. «t«, u,,


Send ILOO to Welfare Co., Box568, Herald office, and receive byreturn mall 12 reclpea for mak¬ing whlakey, wine, brandy, etc,for home use.

FLORA MALr*»ip tTMU-M.t. aha,

fecit! m«**«·.1418 W St. N. W., Apt 31.

Uia'dir.-it. eaalp treatment, ehaapoolaf maAfacial mat

*****.-*··*?-. Your Fyej-¿Cl·, Are T\ey^» Dofecr.VüM. BERNARD KANN,

- Waa marl· th· exa*a_n*Üoo oí th« eyeabia hi· wort, la a guareetee, that gìawwhich ta· irrwcnbcs are ¦dentlfieaJty ac¬corate. Such glaJeae ¦r>crr«ct Um aariooa phjm

a tele r- of th· r>« which pt«_duce «7%«trato-

DR. M BERaN'ARD KANN,-.>*Mght _pec_a_l_t, aM ? at. nw.Room 11 Oppoaft· Patent Office.


Skin Affections a specialtyEcaema, acne, pimplee. inpna, etc. Local ta-

T* -1 ·¦ 1 caa***>r«: no entune, >- NM HnU¦ON, UB6 ? «t. DW. It to ' » tn T Íal-MlPIANO LESSONS. 8? A LM<-0:n, BKOIN-nera only, hating atudifd (oar years under

.'-*·. (.'tmeertatory graduate, »ill gt?e par-eonaJ attention to each pupil to unmaa cor·eel t ¦¦:-.-· l.adï teacher. For appointment.phoBe North JBT-W. fe»_.

Economize on Your Moving7r* reUabM auiea wmi» oa local and iaag

dtetaoc· raonng rail -tn A. BITS. W ? H tf.Phooe *-rane_.D 1Í4VW 4aal-«


804 SEVE^?T__NTH STREETOVER 30 YEARS ¦"-«¦""¦.¦i I*·»*· ·»

Nerve.a and Spe_al ¡tasser, of Vara and Womee.Means Health to You if You SufferFi-rom <_.tarrh. Obee1rs, T_euraaUa.. Cv-aatlpe-trot». Pile«. Throet. Lusca. Brain. Heart, S'.ooAaad Skla D.raeae. Nerooou. D_nUt*o. K.dns»Inesaaes. Bladder Traoble. «.peone Blrsod I'M-.ala». .mp-oona, fleer» and All Private Dlao-ases C_vrd for Life try Safe Methods

Charge* Low. Medicine Furnished.CONSULTATION FREE

Private Waiting Room for LadiesOflice Honre, 10 to !.. J to> «. Sunder». II to 11

WORKINQJXIN, TH» QUESTION WHICHar.aa in the aüad oí lot« of aan-eat buatlaor«.

how mach «nd where to bus an ovaavroat forIse« than ré-ors-ailing prioorsv. Well, «uppoee touaa« shots liera at 15 up for a fine «rede,alight. .used -ram.nt. Shows up mlfhtv well.Jl -*: H s OLD BT.IND. S'.J 1» s* mi_l ·.


The herb u purely avflgetabie product andcan hare do bad affertupon the ayttem upurlflee the blood.

-· op the ayatem..¦-;«lee .% -·. the k) .-

neyg thereby r-fitr.:;.gBlight» Dteeeae, Orme-e-I, Rheumaticm, Sciat¬ic«. Lumbago, Ooughaand Colda

M. A. LOUIS & SONSThe Herb Spedaliata, a_ Ii «t_ aw.

TBaUTJIK-VTHFUK VA_lolia -1.la.NT».a...90t

MADAM PARKEROlfted FalmuK im_ CLiira -y».m, ¿uta adnee

«a all affairs ? Ufa. She aaka or« question·, txrtwin tell ?«rj «bat von want to Know. Too willbo wiecv aud haptaer alter aeeiag her *4at_s-faction or do tr/iargee. üeadinga, 0.10.

ii -, ii- 10 A. M. TO « P. WBU Ig. o«-, between llth and Utb eta


RHEUMATISM SPECIALISTbetaue. Muscular. ArticuJar

"OJT THB ,?,??ß"It matten not who haa been your phjaiaan or

what treatment t?? have bad. If you can get torey office you probably can regain your health.and 1 extend to you an Invitation to call aodlearn .at what can be done for you. HOOMr Warder Bldg., corner 9th and ? ata. aw.


AND J KV·. .LitBought for caab from prtsaU partlea aad estate·.ZM Washington Loan aod Tniat Building, tthaad t ata aw. testâtTHB INDUN-HavE YOU SEEN HIMTLook for him tn Sunday'» persons-, aad caJ

at OLD INDIAN HERB SHOP. IT» Tth at. nw,ptin ftt

MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE.J. & N. AUTO TRANSFER CO.Baggage Express and Hauling.1728 H St. N. W. F. 3820.

SMITH'S TRANSFBRAND STORAQll CO.NORTH »341 ? 3341.?. 1144 Nlk-ht or Holi¬day. Franklin Itll.

s-»J.M_-Ul_TAN_E muvlnq.

""safety firstTABaOLLTfcL- riBKPUUU» sTOsU,n_>«ttaai H aas up. Mona» aavS Pacai.sLMITCD ·??1_» ¦'TiiBAiil r*_ t*».» l3st. sw I.. t.I «ad rraaklla .¦ tl

fUJ1 H St. N. W.^.' Baggage and HaulingWm. VV. Danenhower. Jr,

Franklin tiare.7M. Night cair M. 7*71.(Tur Motto."Service".Our Motto

MOVINGW« ftn_ar» lane paotdad «as» «a« «»ratal ma»

t» .radi· jam getta».PACKE-S et tarattai«. passa«, «aia«, tate»

be·*»* "c Kaperteoeeo! a«· eats.»BIPPlNu la an »ana «a* the wars-STORAOi low __r_* sWsWk ··_ kssas»

eoiM Krooso




We Will Also Buy Partial PaymentCards.

Central Building, Room 11.Cor. 9th and Pa. Ave.


MAKES«? BEERWine» and Fruit Brandies atHome. Simple and Explicit


Two râlions of rood beer, about5% of alcohol, for 60c Can beu»ed 4 week» from date of brew¬ing. For beet- recipe »end 11-00to

The American Joy Kitchen Co.2603 Mozart Place.

Phone Columbia 2758.._mch27-tf-d *x a







Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!20th Century Insecticide

.«Ul lid yoar bom« of rosabas, ants. ««.«roti**».sad bedbua». Will aztennlnatje roachs« In jourbass» lot tUa. Sold try drufftts of A tt. COO, Ml N. T. g» Main W»_Islf-W»GENERAL HOI SE REPAIRING.

Carpenter and ContractorAlteration» and orna work dona tor rasscrasSt«

prirr. Atvly «J U at. w 1'bon« Non»«3's-j ¡LBS



liana ua.Tail l« lour Mi.» IToublas.



Wc do joir work »hue jou »»il, at pr*·arar prie«». Out »bop u equipped with -n¦**¦am «tactnc machmeo. W* mike old »bomD»tW.

H. EDLOWITZ,I34I 7th Street N. W.



??*-(-¡«?? Af-rata for


Try Our Ooodiss .

Urs M. Blair. T-fW mi* ru



gtJAUTT p?ßt.I«rsntn» «Ul UJI SS» m nw,


BUSINESS LAKbïIDO CALLING ASL" Se; ? ?G-|??.-"?cords. (Be. EARLS WAYNE, ¦ I at. aw.

_«amFO« SATISFACTORY-"HINT!NU ~~RÏABÖfS-able prioea call ? ?. PRINTING CO.;

prompt same« Praaklln f«TL it «l « ¦«


MACHINE SHOP.At.aMl«· rvptund ami owb*mr«l

to rafn-fertOun pumpi and Kim fora«

J. L. ONEY & SON.frsnUiB «74. JS3 Uta st, aa.


J. G. GEORGIOU.ron.ttt!ting Dectrictu tut-pa-m Contract·¦r\a. repair.n«, etc. :',2 Va. aie. di. I'h ¦?*KriDklK! ME ita» m


«art-stad: «ipatt bo« rspslxlaa, J. R. hopLEK. IBS O at. aw


J. Br\RBAGALLO & CO.Wholesale and Betsll

Leather and Shoe Findings817 9th St. N. W.


Batteriesl Batteries!Have lot» of pep when we do the

work.General Batterv Co.,

406 13th St. N. W.at Pa. Ave.


AND LIGHTINGSystem for Ford

Cars.iBstsilrd Complet«, Vv

Guaranteed to do sll 11 Isa« i or money re-fimrird. Out-It InclTidfw 140 stora-B« battary case,smmsasr, wir!»», u**hu. switches, fnss blocks,mie

HIÑES AUTO SUPPLY CO..¦ Dan. Franklin M»

Distributers, maff-tf

"CASCO"For tw-tr·! Home Dm

Bifblj-PoU-thed Furniture Hudwood Floor*.Linoleum, Wood«or It Etc

Mad·* Id Wuhinfton. Sold E'erTwher·DEALERS ftOLlCTTED

CENTRAL AUTO SUPPLY CO.10W G«. .·¦ :.¦' Usin tU

ï ASTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.a* ?,1.1/. .\iih.N.. wu-Don't run down your bt-Uerr while port¬

ing al ni»bt. Um Diets ***utanf Lamp».Special tale do« on, V. J. Free au imatvttna. V i-ri ita linn Open SundayHARRY BUELL 522 8th st. «.


Ì--Ì-.T »a ;.·.¦*-»- bySULLY'S SIGNS.

rb *r.« rrankhn 5SH d Ft, am nw,rah»3«


Come to the Largest Used AutoDealers in the World.

THE ROMAN AUTO CO.?a ?. Broad st..Philadelphia. I«

1.000 csrs to «elect frotn-ms 1MT. l»It modsi«.In sll msJtea. J2Ä up. Cstsiosue frs» on re-Quest. mhJ.s.T.io.u.M.iT.U.a.RS.a.Ji


191» ?tislrnars, t pass. Dopici, sportmodal; an Qoodyesr tire« sud oneextra cord; In flrst-riass meehanii-aIcondition. This la s chance to lets classy car cheap for.G*'«J

1911 «-pass National, ail near tires; carnsranteed .*?.10000

UMS Vi·«««. Chilnwrs. demonstra tur ailnew tiros.SI,tuo«

»U Palte tour-in«*. In exosllent oonditloai..S*«(M)rjHIT »Orerlend, Psndle body delirery

.na» .»i»wt-MT-psaa Hudson, (nod oondltioo; bar¬

atin .G?-«?191« S-pssa Chalmers, two extra tires.t*Z*W191· Veils, in perfsct ooodiUon.stimome Alien. 6-paas. in tine condition.US.011919 Chalmers, 7 peas, touring, lerfeet

condition .ß.*50.«]191« 8tudr-t*a*er. T-psas. tiwnng, »nod

condition .MIS.·)191« locomobile, all new tires. tww

«strs, tine condition.STSO-GiCOMBS MOTOR CO.

Used Car Ospt, Opsn Surd·,«d« V Street N. W. North T1Í1


it u/HeR<? youuKe.


w»h yam lunarie* matlrr«madud by owH-nioa VftTJ *i'.atterle· la perfeet

TKSTINU FEE*.K-i-tirun RerhaVftn».


F. C. FEHERMAN604 E Street N. W.

Ot-R rxperts aie ready for ailfirenerator und starterwork. Auto repairing

done at pre-war prieea.Don't fail to see the NorwïlkCar.

AS GOOD AS NEW; TWIN SIS PACKAH-U«eren pseaetigrr car, T-eesonsNe price snd term»will be cxmaiiieiTtd. POX 467, Herald ome«.


ash»**KamA. «FlMMMt -NfUHOT~aBaaodel perfeet

lSth st. Ph.


VIM TRUCKSh* bots, du araei or ea-onth. Bea dm *m

?*-*»-· t ?» -prtcae Pbona Franàho W* ·*

A HITK .- '.( -t re atZ.it



Phons Franklin Till.GENERAL AUTO REPAIRINGCarbon Removed. 50c a Cylinder

AUCTION SALESI bo». J. Owea A 8·«. Auctioneer»

TRUSTEES' v\!.i. OF VAXsUABLE KUALeatate od Nicho!· aee., Aua«)etia, D. O. By

ruin· ol a certain deed of tmet doty recordedIn Liber No. ¥KA. G?-ïto -MS, et e*Q- ot the ludrecord« ?? the District of (VlumfaU. and al tharequest of tbe laxrtj aecured thereby, th* uader-vaaed truatea» «Ul «all, at pubUe ß???as? In tbeoffice oí Tboe J. Owen 4 Sen. UK Ü it nw¦w The 4th du of April. A. D 1*1·, at I o'doc*p- m-, th» fofiowintf-deaeribed land and premine,attuata tn tbe Diatrict at Ou-luakbU, aad dea-tffnated a« and beinf part of Lot 5 In Section IIn Postero? and otbefa, Truateea' ëubdleiaioo of"Barry Farm." u i« plat recorded In LibarLevy Court No. Î, folio 1. of tbe Raconta of theoffice of tbe Surveyor of tht Dutnct of Cc*u»-bU. now knuern m Lot KO la Square Wi aadmore paniruUriy deaeribed to »aid deed of tragLT>nn» of aale: All caah. A d -j>«t of Jl» re-quircd at time of »ale and tbe purchAMr allowedfifteen day· to compiate the p-nrchaaa Furtherparucu'an at Üme of aale l'AL'L L. WRIGHTEUUENE. E (.ADDIS. Truateea



tnffton, D. C, llâJTi 9. it 9. Saaiad pro¬porla will b· reeeieed at thi» offie, KoomHI, Diatrict iluiìdine. natii 2 o'cioc* P. M-.April M. for furnuián* achool chain withoutcaatln-n aad for furnishing caatlagi for ohainaod deaka. «Specification· and fjrn· ot pro-poaUa may he had upon application to thePurcbaain-g. Officer, Boom 3J\ District BuildInc. U'VIH RHOWSIOW, W OWYN.nGAJUMXER, CHAULES W. ?G??. CJoavmi<oii«nen, D C. mh-U X

SPECIAL NOTICE.I WILL .NOT HL RESPONSIBLE FOR ANTdebts r-ontrseted by anyone other than nrsrjf.

nu:i*mu;K ai»am» wood, m t> mu-st

Summer Window Shades Atas ? r* p ORDIRSpecial Factory rnces. sow;

The Shade Shop, it, u. «tri« STi'KKS -.AMMO.·,*·». Ftnprtetsr.



»1 MATHER l.LLxi ni G ST. KW_mhP^Pt

MONEY TO LOAA.¦OPXÏ T«> LOAN ON APPROVED CITYreal estate at lowest current rates; special

prirllecea with respect to nice parsacnts.TÏLER & HITHERKORD. Inc.. »IT Uti at a*

MONEY TO LOAN-eSO TO (¡OK** as, D C.reel estate. Serersl trust funds. AU tr-ins-

articms conducted with ccanornlcaJ considersuoofor burrowers.

WM. B SAINDEKS a CO...Voutbero Buydins. SS 19th st. »w.


leí.»WATCH THE CLASNIKIED COLUMNS FORe-njTi!(*es of the growth of thi» citj. This

m«j seem like sn odd suereet'.on.but It len'L

_m chJI-ti

FUNERAL DESIGNS.Appropriate Funeral Tokens

Artistic.esjasssln inessenstTe.Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street

Prompt sato dettrer-r ssmce.rshO-tl


M-MCtf. cj mntauoB >»:.¦.» ¦- « m <?·-,»... t-Íemcea readeraa ,r aJI pana af ta*taited -nie» :¦, «peoaj repnatcuuteaTelephone

IAa1n5612-t>&l>17SU-3Ï Pa.ATcoua

DIED.VICKERY.Saturday. March 28, ISIS.

at 3:«0 a. m., CHARLES WYRE.beloved husband of Cora Lv Vlck-ery and father of Mr». Cora T.Horton. Mrs Stuart J. Gaa», Mr»John M Healy and Mr». Jamea U.Archer

Funeral »ervlcea from hi» late reel-dence-, 1522 Newton Street north¬west. Monday, at 2 p. m. Inter¬ment at Arlington Cemetery. Mem¬ber«! of G.irfield Post. No. 7. G. A.R.. Invited to attend


CollegesFinsT uRADE civil s&hvics: um.uinsticm« for cleiks April 9 and 13. Tuition tor

entire course tor these exsrnlnstlona, IS. TheCIVIL SERVICE I'REPAltATORY SCHOOLar cor. 10th snd E sts Franklin TUX* ]a2-SM

l321G'*tfwßuSlNf^.S(3LLEC: IrPOTEET Ar*<DWHIinOl<tl.at.rn.uMm iyppwr:!;r.g Book¬

keeping. Accounting, English,renmanchin. Letter Writing. Dayand Eventi.fî Claaaee.


YU G A '-».^r«"1 ITI»«te tí-tiooi u.IVI. ?-*·. r\m *w9*a\ «Wen aod WomiACCOL'KTA.NCY (drfree franimi jK>wanj.PRtl'ARATOBY laccredited lami.COMMERIIAI«. (Gremii sboeütiand. f:.S»> actUt,DKAKTlMì (merhantral. urblter.tural).<-<,· vpv. <-!.!j -p ereainc)New feinH>trr r-aiwea ?????«.IlTN G Si. N. W. Bulletin rrm


Holland Says By-Product ofPetroleum Has Been

Industrial Spur.Not many year» have passed «Iocs

the fate Jabea ?.. fìostwick foundhimself in great perplexity beoauMthere eeemed to be no way of util¬ising;, commercially, gaaohne Mr,Boitwlck was one of the leaderstn the Standard Oil Company. HisInterests In the development of by¬product» from petroleum was ai·ways very «Treat and It was thiawhich led htm to wonder whether Itwould not be possible to find someway by which gasoline, at that timean absolutely waste product follow¬ing the refining of petroleum, couldbe put to commercial uee. Aftermany Inquine« and much Investi¬gation Mr. Bostwlck was thrownlato association with a man whowas of a scientific turn of mind andwho was convinced that gasoline In¬stead of being an absolutely wasteproduct could be so capturad andutilized as to become perhaps quit·as important aa any of tbe by-prod¬uct» from petroleum.Thl» man made investigations snd

experiments and at last discoveredthat gasoline could be economicallysnd adequately employed In drivingan Internal combustion engine. Heestablished a plant at Bridgeport,Corn., where gasoline was made useof In driving motor boats. Ifr.Bostwlck was rejoiced. He wasconfident that In a short time gaso¬line would command a world-widemarket Then came the automobile,which might not have been develop¬ed to such an enormous extent as Isthe case, had the flrat manufactur¬ers of automobile« not taken a hintfrom the builder« of motor boatsand adapted the Internal combustionengine so that gasoline could beused as the explosive force In driv¬ing it

-at-sral RoaasrooaHaving been Invited by the Rotary

¦Club of Miami. Florida, to deliver anaddress to Its members. Dr. G.Acheson. who has been sojourningthl» winto-r at Miami, accepted the in¬vitation and spoke briefly but lm-roT*CÄ»!ve!y to these club member». Theorganization represents men whothink, men who hsve been active Inour Industrial and commercial life.Including some men of financial repu-tstlon Reports that tell of this meet-|Ing reached New Tork today.In the coursa of hla address» Dr.

Ac.eson spoke of tbe necessity ofconserving our natural rvs>s»Dureesf*ivmong which petroleum ata.nd» prom¬inent. He was able to say somethingwhich would have rejoiced Mr. Bost¬wlck were he now living, for he toldhis hearer» that gasoline was com¬

monly thought to have been, nextto munitions, the most voluminousand valuable product we supplied toour allies. For »everal years .t.

Acheson has made a careful studyof our oil resources ao that ha ma,well fortified with facts and figure«with which to emphasise tbe variouspoints which he made.He told his hearers that In 1117 we

sold to the allies 300.000.0(10 gallons ofgasoline. We were using in the sameyear at home many millions of gallonsof gasoline, the magnitude of the flg-uree not having been understood bythe po-ople until the so-called gaste»»Sundays of last fall demonstrated th«enormity of our use of it. These factsJustify the prediction made by Mr.Bostwlck tn the early 90'« that gaso¬line would become one of the moatvaluable of the by-products of petro¬leum.

Bay *IIIH..n. ,1 Co, linn.

Enormous a» ha» been the useol gasoline snd great as has beenthe export of It to our allies, stilltt does not equal the amount oflubricating oil which our alliesboupht of ua In 1$1P. Dr. Acheeonsaid, we »eld to our allies fourhundred million gallons of lubri-eating oil. Some of the statistic«which Dr. Acheson was able to putbefore his hearers caused astonish¬ment accordinig to reports receivedhere from Miami. Be asserted thatapproximately one-tenth of the pe¬troleum produced in the UnitedStates distills off and retines Intolubricating oil. That being the casethe three hundred and forty-livemillion five hundred thousand bar¬rels of petroleum which were pro¬duced In the United State» In 1>1Ifurnished thirty-four million flvahundred thousand barrels of lubri¬cating oil and that Is a quantity Inexcess of any other liquid exceptingwater. The Importance of oil to thecivilised world can beat be graspedwhen It Is known that the clothingwe wear, all the articles on our per¬son, the houses we live In andITactically every article in thehouses would not exist were thereno lubrication.This statement or one somewhat

similar to It was made a few daysago In an exhaustive article uponour oil resource«, the article golnr-.o far as to say that civilisation as

tallied were It not for lubrication.Dr. Acheson told his hearers of

the Rotary Club that If the ??¬formation he obtained be correctthe United States produce· approx-lrrat« ly 60 per oent of the pe¬troleum of the world. If that beto we must bo producing more thant* per cent of the lubricating oil,because much **f the potroleumG???a in foreicn countries is. of a

very heavy, thick character and IsboM-t available for fuel It Is likelyhat many other cVposlta of pe-

trolo-uii· will be found in th· world.Dr. Clapp. who Is one of the fourleading author!..? «? the world pe-trcleum production has recevntlypublished a series 'of articles inwhich he ha» pointed cut the vastresources of petroleum which existIn South America,

G?-lro.lo am *»«-»o»l-

There seemed to be a clear Intima¬tion in his article that the UnitedStato» may be compelled by reason ofthe possible exhaustion of our petro¬leum, some of the experts saying thatthis may occur within sixte·« years,to Import more and more petroleumfrom Mexico and from South Ameri¬ca. When It Is recalled that for a

long time one of the chief exportsfrom the l'nited States was petroleumand Its products, there does seem tobye reason for approahenalon lest theenormous use of petroleum producedin the United States may graduallyexhaust our supply so that Instead ofbecoming a heavy exporter of petro¬leum we may find ourserlvos obliged toImport pcrhap*. as much a» formerlyv»*e exponedDr. Acheson wa» one of the first

to begin an at:its'ion which had for jils purpose th· oo_serv-tJon «of our |

natur·- resources ) , - v^y,'.ly at the meeun« of the ,,s st-nwhich »«» veiled by Presad ««it Itrio.?.< to cons deo how >·¦ »¦ ·. Idoonaer-y. OUT e^,, ,^?,-«, .-tuet,are lansi. for.R. mineral« and wst«r,oil being included of coure· «ninssTthe mlsasra- Dr. Ac-esosv told hi»heaj-er, at Miami of the poeeib(ht- efgreat .naervation «rf our ooalthrough tho ul u.·.:.. r o*trlclty. our natural rseources lawater-power being '.rft_i_*l«ilt Heals* spoke of s method recently dls-covered of lubrication which permit»the reduction in the coruramption ofoil by more than one-half of thatwhich - «»<_ under Ut* »Id methoe.He Intimated that It Is poesiMe thatchemUtry may discover a prore« formaking pétrole·»- t_|-ncatlng oil fromcartoon and hydrogen which are al¬way» obtainable. In fact he intimat¬ed that we may perfect the méthodeof extracting oil from shale so as«·meet Um requirements It ts t^|ievident that the people have awaken*ed to the neceeslty of conservatKUri .efour oil resources. The recent organi¬sation of the a-soclation of oilproducers I» proof that the agitationbegun by Dr Acheaon and other« sev¬eral rear» ago is beginning to avail.HOLLA XD.

Many D. C. NewspapermenOn Staff of A. E.F. Paper.The Star* and Striper..*¦*--.-.mThe 8tars aad Stripe», the risma»'newspaper of the Amerio-«« -kp***dltlonary Forcea, In France. 1« al¬most a Washington Institution.The officer-In-charge Is CapiMark 8. Wauon (Field Artillery),who wa» in the local bureau of theChicago Tribune; the assistant offl-cer-ln-chsrce is First Lieut StephenT. Early (Machine Oua). of the L\.tC bureau of th« A. P.: the adver¬tising manager Is Second .'eut.JLB. FendHck (Air Bervlce), of ,G*»·Wa«hlngton Herald; the »portingeditor l« Nat Worley ( Errgim-s-rs).of The Wsshlngton Herald; th«

of transportation Is Sergt Charle«Buseius (Machine Oun), of TheWashington Herald, and on the edi¬torial staff la Lester Baukhege, ofthe International N« vs «The Star« and Stripe« ha« ¦*¦-av¬

erage circulation of 1,00.000. and isthe daddy of about 150 Uv-ilt paperarrlnted through the American K.-pedltlonary Forcea

Physician Tries DinnerAnd Theater As Meant

Of Winning Back Wii«Chicago. March JO..Dr. Jame» Ifo-a

reau Brown. 2d, and his wife. Mr-Edna V. Brown, cetranged ansi unit¬ing a legal battle for custody of ilaearchlld. Jame« Moreau Bro»en. ird. so setback to their courtship for a few hsawr«laat night They took dinner to*·gether and after that went to thetbeater.The Judge conducting the hear.ng aa

to whether Brown or hi« wife ahaS-dhave custody of the child was -.ad¬érate at the trial at réconciliât ? s«suggested the dinnerMrs. Brown was willing to go toThe

party, but said there waa no chanceof reconciliation Dr. Brown wa» mor«confident

J. T. Lord, ChairmanUtilities Committee

Jame» T. Lord I» chairman of thecommittee on public utilities of theChamber of Commerce, as annouSaturday, Jamea F. Oyster ischairman.Other member» are Walter C. Baild.

erstqn. John Barrett CharL. D. Burdett, S. T. Cameron. JCapers, James B- Hendrnsori. HnrlGodwin. J. D. Denty. Harrv Cs-i··Benjamin Crane. J V. Devis. Fdve#v_B I>e_n. _. C. Graham. M. t. Chame,H i "ill Walter J. Hopkins, ???,Gt?King, Phil King. Ralph W Lee. virentLeet. Theo Pickard. Jackson Hton. W. T. Weaver sr.d J. A. wTaSWfield.

Savs Telephone CompanyIs Not to Blame for RatesOklahoma City. Okla.. Marchio..As¬

serting he did not justliy the newFederal telephone ratoo». Gov«Robertson hau« vetoed the ler-irla'ìv«revocation of the Southwesterncharter. The legislature acted becauseof the Increases in rate«Decision» of the 8'ipr« ra* Court of

Oklahoma. Massachusetts and Illinois)were cited, holding the telephonepany not responsible for InstitutingIncreoaeed rates.


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