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Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

Date post: 29-Aug-2014
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plant and animal classification
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Classifying Organisms What are they? How are they alike?
Page 1: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

ClassifyingOrganismsWhat are they? How are they alike?

Page 2: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

What are organisms?

An organism is…….any living thing, such as a plant, animal, and even bacteria!

Click here for more info!

Page 3: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

Humans are organisms!

What do you have to do to be an organism:

● eat● grow● respond to the environment● have offspring

Page 4: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

How do we classify all things?

First, we begin with two main groups!Either you are living, or you’re not.If you are living, then you are an organism.

But, we divide those groups into groups based on their properties

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How do we group parts of biomes?

Living and non-living factors Why makes up a prairie?

Living: Biotic Non-living: Abiotic

tall grasses dark soil

wildflowers small creeks

dragonflies, bees, mice, snakes open sky, changing seasons

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How do we group plants?

Flowering and non-flowering!What kinds of plants flower?Do you eat the flowers of any plants?

Flowering Non-flowering

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How do we group plants?

What kinds of plants flower? See some samples!

Flowering Non-flowering

roses pin cone trees

fruits--apples, blueberries, pears, etc.

lichens and muchrooms

grasses moss

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Create a T-chart and get ready!

Flowering Non-flowering

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Put the following into 2 groups.

apples mushrooms green pepper grass

pine trees moss ferns dandelions

cucumber tomatoe lichens lettuce

carrots potatoes broccoli roses

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How did you do?

Flowering Non-flowering

applesgreen peppergrassdandelionscucumbertomatoelettucebroccoliroses

mushroomspine treesfernsmosslichenslettucepotatoescarrots

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What are conifers?

Let’s look and learn about pinecones. Pine trees and most Evergreens do not flower.


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What are deciduous trees?

Maple trees and deciduous treesdecide to change their colors and drop their leaves!Click here to see more!

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Why do plants adapt? How?

Plants survive in different ways. Discuss how!1. Dry climate2. Harsh sun3. Limited sunlight4. Poor soil5. Flooding6. Invasive animals

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Let’s review!

Take notes on VIP’s of this Study Jam and be prepared to take the quiz!

Plant Adaptations

Page 17: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

What are organisms?

Organisms are biotic parts of a biome that are living.

How do we classify organisms?We classify organisms into groups based on their structure.

Page 18: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

Pick a Biome! Now it’s YOUR turn.

1. Select an environment to research.2. Find at least 3 plants that are an important part of this biome.3. Select a photo of each. Classify its group.4. How does this plant adapt, or survive?5. What animals are use the plants? How?

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Use this organizer to help you.Name of Biome:______________________

Plant name Floweringor non-flowering

Adaptations Animals it attracts

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Rubric: Self-Evaluate First

Overall info Specific info Adaptations Animals Creative

complete specific clear for all complete originalattractive and easy to understand

mostly complete

mostly specific clear for some mostly complete

originalformat mostly clear

missing 2 or more facts

general terms used

unclear relationship

missing 2 or more items

format difficult to read or understand

Page 22: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

What are organisms?

Organisms are anything that are living.

How do we classify organisms?We classify organisms into groups based on their characteristics or structure.

Page 23: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

Classify all animals into 2 groups!

Draw a t-chart and sort these!Add more to your list.

worms parrot monkey you

spiders snails dolphins copperhead

cardinal salamander jellyfish turtle

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Did you group them by structures?

Backbone No backbone

Page 25: Classifying organisms part 1 (1)

Did you group them by structures?

Backbone No backbonedolphins parrot starfish fleas

copperhead you squid crab

cardinal salamander jellyfish shrimp





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How can all vertebrates be grouped?

birds mammals fish reptiles amphibians

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Let’s explore vertebrates!

● mammals● fish● amphibians● reptiles● birdsLet’s see them! We will explore examples.

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Research Time!

Select a vertebrate.
