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Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for...

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Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services
Page 1: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail BasicsBusiness Letter Services

Page 2: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.


Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small Plus articles within Australia. No barcodes or sorting are required.

In this module

This module introduces you to Clean Mail and provides an overview of Australia Post’s requirements for Clean Mail preparation, sorting and lodgement.

Learning outcomes

By completing this module, you will be able to:

• list the features and benefits of Clean Mail

• identify Australia Post’s requirements for Clean Mail

• locate current pricing information for Clean Mail

Page 3: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail at a glance What is Clean Mail?

Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed articles to addresses within Australia.

Clean Mail articles are designed to ensure that the addresses are compatible with Australia Post’s automated letter sorting equipment which can efficiently process articles.

With Clean Mail, you can:

• choose not to sort or barcode your mail

• lodge bulk mailings of 300 or more articles

• maximise the space available for creative artwork

• use the Registered Post service in conjunction with Clean Mail.

In addition, the Clean Mail service also:

• has access to private box addresses

• has access to the Redirection service

• allows a postage meter to be used as a payment method

• has delivery with daily normal mail by the same professional delivery officers.

Domestic Registered Post offers you:• a unique identification number for every article• proof of posting when lodged at the post office counter• signature obtained on delivery• extra cover of up to $100 is includedAdditional services for Domestic letters:• delivery Confirmation – within Australia and International• Person-to-Person Delivery• additional Insurance up to $5,000

Australia Post differentiates between mail that is addressed by hand (“Hand Addressed”) and where the address has been printed onto the article (“Machine Addressed”).

Page 4: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail at a glance

What qualifies for Clean Mail?

To qualify:

• the minimum quantity is 300 articles per lodgement

• each lodgement must consist of articles within the same size category

• all articles within a lodgement must originate from the same organisation

• all articles must be machine addressed.

Clean Mail articles do not need to be barcoded, however, if you choose to apply barcodes they must be correct.

Page 5: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail at a glance

More information

More detailed information is available in the Clean Mail Fact Sheet and Clean Mail service guide.

Prices for Clean Mail can be found in the Post Charges booklet and the Australia Post website (auspost.com.au).

These guides are also available at any Australia Post outlet.

Page 6: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements


To qualify for Clean Mail prices, customers need to meet Australia Post’s Clean Mail requirements:• size, weight and type• correct addressing • sorting• minimum volumes• application

Each requirement is covered on the following pages.

Page 7: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements

Size, weight and type requirements

Clean Mail is only available for Small and Small Plus size categories.

Clean Mail items can weigh up to 125gms.

Articles can be either enveloped or as postcards, however plastic wrapped articles are not accepted.

All articles in a lodgement must be within the same size category.

Page 8: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics Clean Mail requirements

Correct addressing requirements

Clean Mail items do not need to be barcoded. However, if a customer chooses to apply barcodes they must be correct. Articles that have an incorrect, corrupt, out of specification or illegible 4-State Barcode are not accepted.

Articles need the addressed side to be printed with:

the Postage Paid Imprint (unless a postage meter is used)

the return address, here or on the back

a delivery address that observes the correct addressing conditions.

Page 9: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics Clean Mail requirementsCorrect addressing requirements

The delivery address is a mandatory inscription and therefore correct addressing conditions apply.

Any application for variations or additions to this format should be submitted and approved prior to lodgement.




Bottom line – Must contain in the following order: the locality, the state or territory abbreviation and finally the postcode.This line is to be printed in CAPITALS with no punctuation and no underlining.Leave one or two spaces only between the locality, state or territory abbreviation and the postcode.

Second last and bottom lines – Must be aligned left.

Additional address information such as business or persons name, must be placed above the last two lines of the address and not below, alongside or within these lines.

Non-address information such as customer reference codes, must be printed above the address.


Second last line – Must contain the number and name of the street or thoroughfare or post office box or bag number.

Page 10: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics Clean Mail requirementsCorrect addressing requirements

Adding logos, advertising and other printing

In order to access the Clean Mail service, articles must follow the requirements for clear zones on the front and back of articles.

Any colour within a clear zone must approximate one of the 78 approved PMS colours

Page 11: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements

Sort requirementsClean Mail articles do not need to be sorted.

Simply face them all in the same direction and place into correctly labelled Australia Post letter trays. Both trays and labels can be supplied by Australia Post

If there are 2,000 or more letters it is preferred that you separate them into trays for delivery to each of the 8 designated states:


You need to provide a Clean Mail lodgement document when lodging articles.

Page 12: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements

Delivery times

Clean Mail is delivered Monday to Friday with letters and other mail.

The delivery standards for regular mail are as follows (in business days).

These timetables are guidelines only and based on reasonable expectations and experience. Australia Post will not be liable for any loss or damage (including but not limited to consequential loss) resulting from a failure to deliver in accordance with these timetables.

For delivery: Same State Other State

Within metropolitan areas of capital cities or within the same city or town and environs

1 day —

Between metropolitan areas of capital cities — 2 days

Between metropolitan areas of capital cities and country locations

2 days 3 days

Between country locations 2 days 4 days

Page 13: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements

Application requirements

You do not need to apply for the Clean Mail service, however you need to provide a Clean Mail Lodgement Document (8838879) when lodging articles.

Page 14: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail requirementsOther considerations

How can I be sure an article is acceptable?

Australia Post staff inspect each lodgement to ensure that it satisfies correct addressing conditions.

If you are concerned that your articles may not satisfy all service requirements you can request a preliminary test prior to lodgement:

[email protected]

Australia Post Business Letter Services GPO BOX 1777 MELBOURNE VIC 3001

Page 15: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics

Clean Mail requirements


Clean Mail offers you an economical option for minimal effort. The prices vary by size category.

Note: For External Territories the GST free price will be the same as the GST inclusive price shown in the price table.

Prices for Clean Mail are also located in the Post Charges booklet (8833665) and the Australia Post website auspost.com.au

Australia Post provides a variety of payment options. For details, please discuss with your lodgement point or Account Manager, or the contacts detailed on the inside front cover of the Clean Mail service guide.

Norfolk Island 2899, Christmas Island 6798, Cocos (Keeling) Islands 6799 and Australian Antarctic Territories 7151.

Page 16: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

Clean Mail basics


The key points covered were:

• You must have at least 300 machine addressed articles

• Correct addressing conditions need to be adhered to

• Available only for Small and Small Plus articles

• Envelopes and Postcards can both be lodged as Clean Mail

• A Clean Mail lodgement form must be completed for each lodgement.

• Plastic wrapped articles are not acceptable in the Clean Mail service

• Usually no need to sort but articles need to be lodged all faced in the same direction in small letter trays

• Clean Mail tray labels need to be affixed to all trays in the lodgement

• Registered Post may also be used with the Clean Mail service

• Prices can be located in the Clean Mail service guide, the Postal Charges Guide (MS11), and the Australia Post web site (auspost.com.au)

Page 17: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

You now need to complete a short assessment to check your understanding of the information covered in this module. This assessment consists of 10 multiple-choice questions and should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. To pass the assessment, you need to answer at least eight of these questions correctly.Attempt this assessment as many times as you need to. If you do not pass, it is recommended that you review this module again.


Page 18: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. 100 articles

b. 150 articles

c. 300 articles

d. 500 articles



Correct answer = C300 articles is the minimum number.

What is the minimum number of articles of the same size and weight that are required to access the Clean Mail service?

Page 19: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Clean Mail service guide

b. Clean Mail service guide, Post Charges guide (MS11)

c. Clean Mail service guide, Post Charges guide (MS11), Australia Post web site (auspost.com.au).



Correct answer = ADetails of Clean Mail Correct Addressing conditions can be located in the Clean Mail service guide.

Mandatory correct addressing conditions apply to all articles in a Clean Mail lodgement. Where can you locate the details of these addressing conditions?

Page 20: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Yes

b. No



Correct answer = BClean Mail is only available for Small and Small Plus sizes.

Can you lodge 300 medium letters in the Clean Mail service?

Page 21: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes provided that they meet the mandatory addressing conditions



Correct answer = CPostcards are acceptable in the Clean Mail service provided that they meet the mandatory addressing conditions.

Are postcards acceptable in the Clean Mail service?

Page 22: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes provided that they meet the mandatory addressing conditions



Correct answer = BPlastic wrapped articles cannot be lodged as Clean Mail.

Can plastic wrapped articles be lodged as Clean Mail?

Page 23: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Bundled in rubber bands

b. Face up in a plastic letter tub

c. It does not matter as long as there are 300 articles

d. All faced in the same direction in Australia Post small letter trays

e. All faced in the same direction in Australia Post small letter trays, with Clean Mail tray labels, and completed lodgement form.



Correct answer = EClean Mail must be presented with all articles faced in the same direction in Australia Post small letter trays, with Clean Mail tray labels, and completed lodgement form.

How should Clean Mail letters be presented at the counter for lodgment?

Page 24: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Express Post

b. Registered Post

c. Cash on Delivery

d. All of the above

e. No supplementary services can be used



Correct answer = BRegistered Post can be used with the Clean Mail service.

What supplementary services can be used with Clean Mail?

Page 25: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Clean Mail service guide

b. Clean Mail service guide and Australia Post web site

c. Clean Mail service guide, Australia Post web site and Postal Charges Guide (MS11)



Correct answer = CThe correct price for a Clean mail letter can be found in the Clean Mail service guide, Australia Post web site and Postal Charges Guide (MS11).

Where can you find the correct price for a Clean Mail letter?

Page 26: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Yes

b. No

c. No, but if they are printed they must be correct.



Correct answer = CBarcodes are not required on Clean Mail items, but if they are printed they must be correct.

Are barcodes required on Clean Mail items?

Page 27: Clean Mail Basics Business Letter Services. Introduction Clean Mail is an Australia Post service for the delivery of machine addressed Small and Small.

a. Has a delivery address written by hand because it can be processed by a machine.

b. Has a delivery address printed onto the article by a machine.

c. Has been processed by Australia Post automated letter sorting equipment.



Correct answer = BA machine addressed article is one that has a delivery address printed onto the article by a machine.

Which statement best describes a machine addressed article?

A Machine addressed article is one that :
