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Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical...

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In this issue: Cleaning out Clutter 1 Letting Old Articles Go 1 Making Amends 3 Opening up Your Schedule 4 Cleaning out Clutter Our living space is probably the most important space we spend our time. We sleep, eat, bathe, and hopefully relax in our sacred domain. What does your home look like? Is it so cluttered and messy that you cant think straight while in the midst of the chaos? When we have a clean living space and this also includes your work- space, it frees up energy we would spend trying to maintain balance within ourselves. When your home is cluttered along with your car and workspace it serves as a protection for you. It suggests there is some emotional baggage yet to be uncovered. Cleaning out your physical clutter filters down to your emotional clutter as well. It is a non-threatening way to begin to clear your stuffed baggage. Tips to get started: You dont have to do everything at once. In fact I wouldnt recommend it because it would be easy to get overwhelmed. Begin with one room at a time. Have three boxes and label each one: Trash, Give-away and Relocate. Obviously, you know where the trash goes and the give-away box can go to your favorite charity or a friend in need. Now, what goes in this give-away box? How do you know what to keep and what to get rid of? Rule of thumb: If you havent used it or worn it in the last six months or it doesnt fit, get rid of it. Old magazines that you just dont have time right now to read but will get to later need to be put in the recycle bin. Those clothes that you are waiting to fit into and the clothes that are way too big need to leave your closet. Use the third box to place those things you still can use or would like to keep but dont belong in that room and find another place for them. Stuffed away in the closet or under the bed is not where they be- long. If they are special mementos and they mean a lot to you, keep them out so you can enjoy them. If they are from a past relation- ship (good or bad) that is a different story and we will get to that later in this issue. Make sure everything has a use and everything has a place. Release Old Articles from the Past This is different than cleaning out your closets, drawers and desk. These are the pictures, jewelry, cards and the like from your past relationships. All of these articles hold energy and a space in your memory which doesnt leave room for new memo- ries to come in. If you have bad memories associated with an article release it with the intention of forgiveness and if they are good memories release them with the in- tention for this person to be well. Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical Clutter
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In this issue:

Cleaning out Clutter 1 Letting Old Articles Go 1 Making Amends 3 Opening up Your Schedule 4

Cleaning out Clutter

Our living space is probably the most important space we spend our time. We sleep, eat, bathe, and hopefully relax in our sacred domain. What does your home look like? Is it so cluttered and messy that you can�’t think straight while in the midst of the chaos? When we have a clean living space and this also includes your work-space, it frees up energy we would spend trying to maintain balance within ourselves. When your home is cluttered along with your car and workspace it serves as a protection for you. It suggests there is some emotional baggage yet to be uncovered. Cleaning out your physical clutter filters down to your emotional clutter as well. It is a non-threatening way to begin to clear your stuffed �“baggage�”. Tips to get started: You don�’t have to do everything at once. In fact I wouldn�’t recommend it because it would be easy to get overwhelmed. Begin with one room at a time. Have three boxes and label each one: Trash, Give-away and Relocate. Obviously, you know where the trash goes and the give-away box can go to your favorite charity or a friend in need. Now, what goes in this give-away box?

How do you know what to keep and what to get rid of? Rule of thumb: If you haven�’t used it or worn it in the last six months or it doesn�’t fit, get rid of it.

Old magazines that you just don�’t have time right now to read but will get to later need to be put in the recycle bin. Those clothes that you are waiting to fit into and the clothes that are way too big need to leave your closet.

Use the third box to place those things you still can use or would like to keep but don�’t belong in that room and find another place for them. Stuffed away in the closet or under the bed is not where they be-long. If they are special mementos and they mean a lot to you, keep them out so you can enjoy them. If they are from a past relation-ship (good or bad) that is a different story and we will get to that later in this issue. Make sure everything has a use and everything has a place.

Release Old Articles from the Past This is different than cleaning out your closets, drawers and desk. These are the pictures, jewelry, cards and the like from your past relationships. All of these articles hold energy and a space in your memory which doesn�’t leave room for new memo-ries to come in.

If you have bad memories associated with an article release it with the intention of forgiveness and if they are good memories release them with the in-tention for this person to be well.

Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical Clutter

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It is just as important to let the good memories and feelings go from a past relationship because that too holds energy and a space in your heart and memory. How can someone come into your life and have a healthy fulfilling relationship with you when you are still thinking of someone else and what could have been?

Tips to get started: Round up all those old articles from your past and place them in a box. Separate them into three piles. One for good memories that you want to release, one for the less than favorable memories you need to let go and then one where there is no emotional charge. Good Memories: Take these articles one by one and mentally thank the person who gave you the article and the memories. Say a special prayer for them as you release each item. Less than Favorable Memories: Take these articles one by one and begin to forgive and release the person and the memories that were created. You can burn it, tear it up or throw it away. The important thing is that you get rid of each memoir so it doesn�’t hold any space or energy in your psyche. Think about what you have learned from the experience and how it has made you a stronger, better person. Thank them for the experience and tell them mentally that you forgive them and yourself and send them on their way. When we hold resentments against others it takes our energy away and depletes us of love. If you hold someone else responsible for your misery, then they will have control over you and your emotions. When you forgive someone it is not like you are condoning their be-havior and saying it is ok, you are letting go of all those emotions that rob you of life and love. You can then begin to take your power back in your life and you become free from the bond that holds you to them and the situation. No Emotional Charge: It is good to keep the flow of energy moving so instead of throwing away any arti-cles that are nice and have no emotional attachment to it, see if you can give it away to a charity or someone that may enjoy it. The important thing is that you rid your space of any remnants of past relationships so that you can be open and receptive when a possible one comes your way. Often times we can attract what we want but if we don�’t have an open vessel to receive it, it flows right over us. For example, think of a cup full of water. You decide you like water so you want more. You think of the biggest possible way to get some water and you arrive at the ocean. There it is all for you to enjoy but you can�’t because you already have a full cup of water. More water cannot come in unless your vessel is empty. The bigger the vessel, the more water can come in. Hence, the clearer you are from emotional baggage the more incredible and enjoyable your new relationship can be.

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Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical Clutter

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Make Amends

Take a look at all of your relationships and see where you could let go of past hurts and resentments. You are not able to move forward with your life if you are still holding on to the past. It is like you taking poi-son and expecting the other person to die. It only hurts you.

When you begin to forgive you will find a sense of freedom and peace within you. You are not saying that what they did to you or didn�’t do to you was ok; you are saying that you are no longer allowing it to run your life. Forgiveness of others as well as yourself helps you to regain control of your life and to feel empowered. You are no longer a victim of the past and can step into a more active role in creating your future.

Tips to get started: This exercise is from Louise Hay�’s book You Can Heal Your Life.

When you are ready to forgive do this exercise with a partner if you can, or do it out loud if you are alone. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and say, �“The person I need to forgive is ______________and I forgive you for_____________.�” Do this over and over. You will have many things to forgive some for and only one or two to forgive others for. If you have a partner, let him say to you,�” Thank you, I set you free now.�” If you do not, then imagine the person you are forgiving saying it to you. Do this for at least five or ten minutes. Search your heart for the injustice you still carry, and then let them go. When you have cleared as much as you can for now, turn your attention to yourself. Say out loud to your-self, �“I forgive myself for_________.�” Do this for another five minutes or so. These are powerful exercises and good to do at least once a week to clear out any remaining rubbish. Some experiences are easy to let go and some we have to chip away at, until suddenly one day they let go and dissolve. Open up Your Schedule

So many of us have a jam-packed schedule and wish we had more time in the day to do everything. Guess what? Even if you had more time, your schedule would still be jam-packed and you wouldn�’t have time to do everything. It takes a conscious effort to maintain balance in your schedule at first. A lot of people take time management courses to help them balance their lives but fail to look at the real reason why their schedule is so packed. Consider this: Are you trying to avoid an emotional issue by stay-ing so busy that you don�’t have time to reflect or be still? Do you think the busier you are the more important and productive you are? Are you just plain bored so you fill your time up with meaningless activities?

Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical Clutter

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The first step to time management and opening up your schedule is to look at the reason why you have filled it up with so much �“stuff�”. This is the first reason to open your schedule; the second rea-son is very simple. What if you get asked out on a date with someone you really want to go with and you have to book him or her 4 weeks in advance?

If you don�’t have time in your schedule to date than you will miss the opportunity when it comes along. Do you remember the full glass of water? More cannot come in unless you drink it. Someone can�’t come into your life if you don�’t have any time for him or her. Tips to get started: Ask yourself and answer the questions above and uncover the reasons why your life is so busy. This will help you become aware

of why you do all the things you think you need to do. Then go through your activities and see what can be elimi-nated so you can make room for future, more productive ac-tivities. Believe it or not, one of the most productive things you can do is spend time with yourself so that you are able to be comfortable with yourself and begin to know who you are. It may be uncomfortable and maybe even boring at first but if you don�’t like your own company how can you expect someone else to enjoy you?

Meet Dr. Lara... Are you ready for transformation in all areas of your life? Dr. Lara has been helping people re-gain control of their lives, become at peace with them-selves and find true lasting, healthy relationships for over 15 years. We could even go so far as to say that some of her clients have found their soul mate through the work she did with them and are now happily married to their right and perfect soul mate. Dr. Lara has her BA in Human Services from CSUF. After she graduated she had the ability to go into her private counseling practice. She knew she received an extensive and valuable education and would be able to assist people with their lives, but she also felt there was something missing. She studied all the big psychotherapists and learned incredible techniques but knew there had to be more. She began to explore alternative methods to �“therapy�” and embarked on a spiritual and meta-physical journey that completely transformed her perspectives on life. This physical world is just one aspect of our reality and we are the creators of what shows up in our lives. Dr. Lara has discovered and uncov-ered many ancient secrets to life transformation. She is capable of transforming people on a cellu-lar level meaning that when a change occurs it is permanent. It�’s not like getting inspired and then the sensationalism wears off. No way, this is the real deal. Dr. Lara has been teaching in a variety of ways. She has helped small children learn how to read, tutored elementary, middle and high school stu-dents in many subjects up to leading seminars to help adults manifest and fully absorb passion and purpose in their lives. She also has helped many individuals through her private practice com-pletely shift their entire thought process so they may move forward to realize their dreams. Her extensive knowledge about human behav-ior, metaphysical topics, ancient wisdom, energy healing and heightened intuition has helped her make her mark in the metaphysical, educational and seminar world. Her expertise is unsurpassed by few.

Contact the Healthy Relationships Team 949-249-0440 www.MarkRomeroMusic.com

Cleansing: Releasing Mental, Emotional and Physical Clutter

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"Why are So Many Men & Women are Missing Out on Having a Healthy Relationship?�”

Now you can have a healthy, uplifting and harmonious relationship. In this unique and powerful program, Dr. Lara & Mark Romero will take you through an amazing process that will help you create the space for a truly healthy relationship. Dr. Lara & Mark combine transformational exercises, philosophy and insights with life changing music, that will allow you to remove the blocks that are preventing you from creating the relationship you desire and de-serve.

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To Purchase, Call: Mark Romero Music Ph: 949-249-0440 Fax: 949-249-0425

