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Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY,...

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.. , .; -� NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN�ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• eltatous ottces For lnstanca: Christy Saplcs " Gordon RubberNeck $r.g� · NOTICE-glnnlnv July 9th and ending August 17th, Inclusive, our will dose on Saturday at noon. Closed all day Ju'y 4th. Search Light L C. Lanten1s< YOUR. SUMMER OUTING runks, Bags . . and Suit Cases. Dress uit Cases.-Snli<l Rnsset Leather, hnl se\ ,·ed, t•ivitNl coruers, Iiueu Ji:1el1, h· on frame, llll'Je, runtut lenUtHl' hmulle, hJ'HHN lock nud J 98 hnel<le•, 21 inch, $5.98; 24 iuch, $5.48; null 22·iucl\ at . . . Central " Palmer Tires; �ach'; s:o. . Hartford No. 77, ech 3:$ League Tires each · 3.50 M. & W. Single Tube·· each 2.75 Goodyear Tires, each 1. 75 BARD CYCLE CO., CEO •. W. WRENNICK, MANACER, 'Elm Street, Westfield· ------. . . . . . , .. Tclescope.-Snme ns ahove, nil 1 hnnwl. 2U-iucll. $1,89; 24 irwh, 22-iueh, _ $1.45; 21J inch, 7 5 18 iuch, $1.05; 16 inch, 14-inch ut· .- · · Club 8ngs.-Bt·owu Grnin Lcnt hel ', =�������������������t1ico liuiug, iush] pockett SW�ll rin- : ----- , · hnutllu. lticlcle·vtnte loci < mal cntc hP, D . THEHE is nlwaya dnn�r,r from nn nnprott! t . e 18-inch, $1.�8; W- inch, $2.23; 1 05 ol'en li re · plnce. Yon cnu hny 11 R(l'k 14 inch, $1.�;;; 12 inch, $1.GU; ANc ER nm·rl for l 25 which will fnt tlish complete Jlrotec· 10-inch at ·. . J twu. Drzss Trunks.- _c,.uvns covere<l. . _ . ... _1 " Everthing for the Fire·Piace." Bags. Imitntinn Allegntor ice linin, suwecl rin g hmulles, nll size• : 18·inch, 5 0c U-mch, 9C; 65c; at - Vlctm· brass lock, sheet·iruu hnt.tom. heavy stt'" l ' hiuge, h urd woo<l 0 33 . . . Mantles, Grates, Tiles and Furnishings ... �11\b�, l1ut. l1o tt·n�·,aU·iucll. $3.4Si s2-inch, $2.7; 2�·iuch · - ' CURT I S M. THORPE,- Dress Trunks.-Cnnvns Dnclc Cov. PAK AVE Cases-RmRet Leather. line<l, ht·us• lock nml cntche•. ererl, muslin liuml, insiile covered cnm 310"313 " ' } PLAINFIELD, N. ,J Jll'tment h'1ty, lmr wooil slnts, st rup hinge, hrnss excelsior bnclc, heavy iron lts, 2 witle ceutre btuHls 3 · 98 close!)• l'ivite<l. uo.inch, $5.98; lenthel' hnmll�. �ivilc<l RO 22 mul 2'l 111cbeH b.U 32-inch, 4.DB; 28-incb, nt 1 No Branch Stores. Free Deliveries. No Agents. Mail Orders Filled. Broad, Halsey, New & West Park Sts., in the very heart of Newark L. S. PLAUT & CO. 701 to 721 B_road & 8 Cedar St., Newark, N.J. -�----�' Clevelan�s-Crescents $ 5 0 · wE shall close ou� store every Sa tu rday . at 6. P. M. and on at ' 1 2 noon beginning July 8. day but Saturday Absolutely . Highest Grade , n » · '. l•) SEtiAL SALE! To open season we offer 1897 CRESCENTS, D ON'T buy at s tores that are open Fri- day evemngs and Saturday afternoons - $37.50 - $i5 Model, while they last. Fully Guaranteed. and even i ngs in July and August. Crescent Juvanlles--S20S 25- S 30 BARNES and ZIMMY. A . S an indticement for the ronize the· ,mot:ning trade we su p erior, bargains for ever y mornmg the vvarm moi1ths. Do not trust to. : these argai ns advertised. he e FRANK L. C. MARTIN CYCLE 00. J•loner cycte Oeal�rs of New Jersey. A. H. Barne, gr. Broad St., W�stfleld. lulu fUn•·•�, a:�l l'nl'k A \'I!,, l'lnlullc,ltt, 1\nor & �hli'UII Oyoh• t'o., 7U Hrunc1 �t� Nowna·k. ti/H lulU St . . , l•;nt IJJ'IlJlUlh Wo DO HhlHIII Ulll'(lOt Olt•nning, pholsturing, Ulli' J Wt, Lnyiug nn<l Uw�oml.ing . , . lallnfrmLtn·ers ol' l'rtt'loJ' Hulls, Oouoh- UH Mntta · t•HHOH •tu<l Sp l 'in� llt!<l», \\'ln- <l<;w �htul�- to urtlm·. Hopnil'ing lrlltil jt,g lii'IIIIUhu�, ny that we cannot arran g e inti· papers. Come_in often and exanii ... . · . t en ts of the various Brgain Counters.( S UMM E R Supplies of every kind household and the person. mo01'<1Hh fol ' \IIIIIH lllllll'lii'II"H · Awn· AWN I N G J.lm• Jll'Hlllt>IH'l!H nll<l HIOI'<'H, !JHIIClh'H Hlltl III�Hjllll, 1111, t - nl<l fl r]fl\1'11 uwl slor-u<], I. Wlll ' ll.I.Il WORK PIWAIPTI.V DONH - Wikoff & Stiglitz, ;.·,:�;�:�,�lt.�N: ·'· · p RE.E d e l tvcne s at all New Jersey rmlroad ,,, ·" H'l'lllr.r·r· lo ' lllr�ll · :llr.Y w r ·r ' ll" · 'l· rwH\Iw. stations. No extra char g e for packing. M�ATS est pl'iccs. nnd veetables I Hirchnsecl of liH give cnli.r_c ."rt· isfnction, gua ily nlways th . e very .hcHI. : llld pl'iccs ns r·coJJllhle as is wns1stcnl:, ll h l11gh· GIVE US A TRIAL. HAHNE CO., - - -, Nswark, N. J. It PATTON lN WESTFliU,J) MENDING BROKEN CHI N A •. ! HE PREACHES TO A WELL ·FILLED Hou&c IN THE coN'GREGATIONAL . CHURCH •. . A Nw "rrin1tle In .thu l'roCCH-SuccQA&' Yrle \VIth th� Ktud of '''are. 'Who ltns uot ' lind broken ut Rome time u cbori"hcd piece of ciua and re- luctantly cousigncrl it to the wnsto, . heap? Thoro arc profc�siouul repairers l,St!l'ittfPII \luHJiull.li ;Ji.h IJfuHtJ'Ilt:JuJJ uft.ht!, triH,C!IIihi�C� of"<lai:Jtit'K · ),IJ ; ·: ' whb, iuny !Jo callc upou to nwud it, lii1t the�· charge high prices. Tcn als the article is ust mlly isfigurod by riv- es ,\·liich show ·aurl mrcly ltal for :my Jimgth of. lime. A wl'iter in •rho Art lnterchungQ say�: Heccntly 11 white vit rif inble cement iu powder fortn imH been. put upou thc murlrot au.tiwugh it wilL uot mnlm your shnttoretl Lares nu Po-- llates as good us UO\V It will mnl<ro them us stroug l uow. Tho expanse is sligh� uil<l success ouly an��tttcr of patience. . R.ev. �Ii\ ·Patton opeue<l the the Cougr�gn _ tinual ltiot·l·titig, ·: by tlnyi!Jg Jl · Westfield, ud the w•H·ui"pl•ices · · · occnpy in. hiS · ·.hear:; thiS:· · charge nfter his college li fe. : few years of life in he west litHl hrnilPIIOrl his View of lllllllY t.hings mal been + grellt b�uetit preached ft·om the text: To bo sul:c, thero tiro son1o breah:s be- · yond repair. I hn brought to lllll the ot-h1·. rluy u · cup, OliO of nn exponsivD· sot, tho lmmlle of which was in several· piccos. Since every purt must bo so- cm-ly tied with uscstus cord to pre-- ''ent slipping in tho ldlu I could do· nothing with -it. ' John 17 Chnp. V vetse : "Atuluow oh Fntltet• GlOI'ify 1'hon �le." The glorifcntion thnt Chri st prayeu for WitS nut to liuv� th� 'atlter allow hiw.to gtvl'ilY ltilnself; !Jut fot· the Father to u tile work. · · Not. my will hut thin be done." 'l'o <lu 11 wm·k nccot'<ling to om owu, which umy iuvulv� dti�h u1otive, lmt to be willihg to IJ nseto do'sm.:h WUl'k us tll Uli time 8etH11d iWIJOl'�llllL_ for ,Jesus to <1o, uml to do it as tlwFntb er· willed, lll'e•ents 11 high example of.mi: Tho sooner tho nrti is mended ufto,. lJI'Cilking· tile l/cttcr, us the edges arc al- most suro to got chipped. Bo sure the· urol tcu edges 111'0 cleau-thu t is, if it . hus_ .. been . stuck together tmuporlly,. thut tho gluo or cemcut is all rcmovcrl- Iix·the conwut with W'Jll wn ter, 1nnk- . · thick ·paste, 11siug a horu paletfor tho Jllll'po•o. Apply tho pnsto · broken u<l�cs nml press together .. the ·nrticlo stuud till tho cement bo-. sel�hue6s. The W'k of this. life is •i which we enter. our eternui; Chdot's lifo II'IIS 11 tetilillv this 1\'11)' of solving On the occuslon· etc, · , . · ·.· · 'fhese' mid.• mtmy others ll · tllltples of the unselfishness men of thu church who attnine ness through these mulerlyhog 'he world ltns nlwnys shown of hu11ger for these unselfish and even now gl'cnter thuu er. ever any clnss of 11eople gi e Gotl for some new wny of ranching people on these fnndumentul pt'lnclple� great assemblages go out to hem; tltem; ' It d oes not follow tllllt these people t'ight; but it tloes follow thut the niasses Wnt proof of eteal life tuill how to utt11in it. 1'he first ruu·t of Jesus' pmyer on'tllls occusion, therefore, was to ilave God help him In showing to the wor ills t'e· emption pl• m through + (ll'llutica\ htmnn existence, Our lies are here uy divine consent nn<l wo wlll ulllke them succe�sfnl if we lose self und pmy to be glorifie. he view we tnke of life Is nlmost ns vul'ied us the <lltierent tnstes of life, A lmnlsca1Je iu the eye of'"' electt·icnl eu- . giueet• would 11ot be pelect without a trolley line nud ctt i·s running. One ur· tist wonhl see defects In the worlc of lother because. vlewe<l. from 11 different stuipolut. 'l'ho geologist would wnnt to niter H. so tilut his goologicul stmly conl<l fil t•ein·esentntlon. So all we look fot· In life nmy Le there . no one pet·son sees it ull, ··'· . ,' . suliet' hom Cuttu rh · or cold in the houd llllll lue_ never_" ecf tlle . !'Onhu· t·emedy; 'here is tio lnget·_ excuse, us tllOconts tl'inl,_ s\ze::of CronmBnlm cun be Jltid· 'of yuiir r we mull It fot· ·tocouts;· Full uO Vnrt eu St,, 'N, Y.· City lsod _ uta to tt·y Ely's Creuni n•lng it six weeks I be- . of cntuh. It is ll t;inneyi -Joseph Stewurt,' · · Ut•ooldyn, N.Y. · t�ntcſtt ln 8hno t•oURhcs. is ono of tho boHt <lross- HhocH or hoota, nl'cordiug un,mrnru Amorlcnn: •rul<e l\ sllco of rm ot'llll�u nud rnh it on , hoo ot' hoo, �'hou, '"lwu th·y, bl'nNh '''ith"11 Roft IJruHh uutll tho shoo Hlthi<• l!lco I\ looldug HI<IH�. 'J�hls iH nu .:ugllsh l'Ocl[lO, Auotlwr fruit <lroHKiu� iH Cor tuu shooR, tho lusiJJo ol' " hunnun sldu. Rub tho sltht OVlll' tho shoo thoroughly, wi p< ' nff cnlfnlly wi th u soft olotlt hrisld�· · ntou� loullwr shoos sltoul<luot l>o pol· lohorl wllh blneldug. 'l'hcHl itro t bo lmnlcslldud or Hlll>l! In IHIIIJl looldug wuU nllcll'('flll{l'o enttHhtut. unru, �L1JW,\" mny IJo ulmnHI<\ with n <lump HJlOHgo Hllll hnlllt!llllliol�· rll'i<•<l with " soft'. cloth, wHh oc<•uslouully n lltl. lo YllHOiilln CU.' HWItlt oil, �l'Jwy WUl JHJVHJ' ho floUJll'll In col tl wtltor without llllutlng, .m• t hoy wi11 ernul< nH sonu ns OXJ>nsotl Ia t.ho eoltl nlr, · · tltcu. · tio with· nsbcstus cord.. ,.-, . ..... �·····• ·scrapo oii !my SUJlOrfluoua ''Any tiu will .cuuso tho pice�· 'fnllliptirt :iud tho"· work wili:haYo to· · . . Do uot b sparii lg · of cord,. _tie pieces '\•ill slip.' · · "Is now. ready-_ , the ·s,inio as ull -thse.pioccs In th tliu if. nuy of the willuot inju. tlmit others •. 011 is lllOSt lilt& ueutcst whcu ro- ll pi tchcr of P<L- rirm.wro \i·hich hud u good sized picc ·of tho lip was 1nended so that th brcul ds lflleult to flml. A Boll ce tmy wus liOt- us . sccessfully dono; tho ce- nicilt boillg harder, tho Bollock Wllrped on· either · sido of tho original brenk� though tho joint wns so flue thllt in try- lug to brenk it npurt it broko i u llo\v· p lucc. O'NEILL' IXTH AVE., 20 to 21st Sr, NEW YOQK. 1 Orw ricn!ls t mul ttJ•ozmtl IVel- jlel£1: ,.·�;,,e b ouhl spnce In this pnp�r keep�yon' l 'oste!l na to what you ought to p11v fot• your gomls; D!villemls uro he- wgc <l�clure<l. these tlnys ' lth uhun�n. every·iuyesttueut, 111111. · there s no re,ttt wliy :yon shoul<lu't multe Lig <livien<ls· by'grent'Sitvlngs, , · ·' A uew I'II husllnwned-the olrl wuy ,lnrk . · stoi·tis ···uut1 l111·�e Jn·ices for goolls ·costly uml rislty from tlcl<le fu lou:· · . -.:, -'fhe tiew wny-an overnlmntlnnc or llgbt-gl'OIIt stl'eetij thi'Oll!dl the Rtm·e. iuuueuso fJIIItntltle.� Df go!J., 11 1nl b .. iug sutlstletl .with .II sllmll profit nll<l thm;. · qnlcltly sell out otn• eutit' •lock. +IWIIYH Jww fresh gomls nml11ot have to· betltmupthe people wi th wut·•l"_ov n•- <lnco<l stnt• tlmt <Hight hHI'c !Jeen eol<l m onths ngo if thel'H luidu't leU n Htrng� g\o for high \ 'rico•. People ( uu't eomH to Now York to · O'Neill's tu hll)' shuply '"'""''"" it-'" O'Neill's. Of C•>Hl'IJ thl·rt� nrn a uw, I· vm·y fow, 110 wightont of tJmuplill1nt .. hnt tlw �l""nt. 1HIIH.1y wlll're tlwy cn·�t. tlo hl •t. m · wlwretlwy thfnl< tlu•y t�llll <lO• · host, uwl so Jt L'lli•H nUont that onr hnt- ln�lct•t1p jn111ph1 to tltP ft'ont. Yon l'Hil tm<lo wfth ns jnst llK Willi tht·on�h tlw JiilM H� if yon Wl'l'l1 )Jtll't> ill }WJ"OU. Wu ha''" 11 pt�rf',.lltly ornnlz< ·< l "!nil or.lor D<'lltll'lllllilll," llll<l �""' "l<ecinl ('Htulo"tli'H C111c�h nou. Sc•111111H yotu• nnuat• 111111 Wt•'11 mntl yon mw-ull it. c�otH is two r•crtiH felt' tlw ""ldng--ot•if )'!� eOllll' to Nl•W Yot·k, el\11 ou 1\--\h\\'·6: hott<•l' sll\1. Dou' nH fn vi ll' n1HfHnr-ttrlt 0111' iH IHIH or tlW \1\t iJ1 fhl1 CCllttllf utttl tl111 pet!H lilt' lt'HH ht•rcthntl t�n·- whl!l'<•. \Yi! c]t•ll\'tll' nll lH\rt.'hiiHI' (t•Xt'fl]� &.ij .. t��·l·lPN HI\Cl hiH 111Hl!hiltl') lt'('l' h> f! t·rdh'<orHl "' " """ wlthlu fllW h<mt1l'o<T' llllll'HOI'NPW York H. O'NEILL & CO.,: - Wahl & Sons, Meat & Vegetables, 'l'ry tlui Ntw U1lnlt llcfmhlug. COCA COLA 'ut 'rngNCHAtms SODA Cu•·cs llctulllchc, llcllcvcs J�xhaustlon. JIOUN'I'AIN. Ucllcious anti SIXTH AVE., 20th to. 21st St.�:. NEW YORK. ' · , �::;i:,::.. , ' : ;, : - · Posa•i!cT �ram, WsTrmLo. a�t ,�d. ,,, . . ,,,, .. ;,\.,r) ' ,) Westfield Pharmacy, w. , Trci1Cl1urd, l)reacrlptlon Druggist. .< ,., ]J!Hlt-lut 1•111: , . ti•i��-'" tull\1'0'" llH niJuvu hy Ill <Ill
Page 1: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

.. , .;

I' -�

NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN�ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.•

'Reltatous 'Aottces

For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

" Gordon



· NOTICE-Beglnnlnv July 9th and ending August ::117th, Inclusive, our will dose on Saturday at noon. Closed all day Ju'y 4th.

Search Light L C. Lanten1s<


runks, Bags . .

and Suit Cases. Dress .Suit Cases.-Snli<l Rnsset

Leather, hntnl se\,·ed, t•ivit.Nl coruers, Iiueu Ji:1el1, h·on frame, llll'J.te, runtut lenUtHl' hmulle, hJ'HHN lock nud J 98 hnel<le•, 21.1 inch, $5.98; 24 iuch, 'I $5.48; null 22·iucl\ at . . .

Central "

Palmer Tires; �ach'; s:oo· . .

Hartford No. 77, e�ch 3:$() League Tires each · 3.50 M. & W. Single Tube··

each 2.75 Goodyear Tires, each 1. 75


MANACER, 'Elm Street, Westfield·

------............... � ......... ,..., ..

Tclescope.-Snme ns ahove, nil 1 hnnwl. 2U-iucll. $1,89; 24 irwh,


$1.45; 21J inch, 75/l 18 iuch, $1.05; 16 inch, � 14-inch ut· .- · ·

Club 8ngs.-Bt·owu Grnin Lcnthel', -==������������������������������� t1ico liuiug, iush]t; pockett StJW�ll rin'g- : ----- , · hnutllu. lticlcle·vtnte loci< mal cntchP/o\,

D .

• THEH.E is nlwaya dnn�r,r from nn nnprott!�t.e<l 18-inch, $::11.�8; W -inch , $2.23; 1 05 ol'en lire·plnce. Yon cnu hny 11 R(lHI'k 14 inch, $1.�;;; 12 inch, $1.GU; [j AN c ER &:nm·rl for ij;l 25 which will fnt•tlish complete Jlrotec· 10-inch at · . . - · • J twu. Drzss Trunks.- _c,.uvns covere<l.

. _ . ... _1 "Everthing for the Fire·Piace." Bags. Imitntinn Allegntor

tlice lining-, suwecl rin g hmulles, nll size•: 18·inch, 50c U-mch, '79C; 65c; at -

Vlctm· brass lock, sheet·iruu hnt.tom. heavy stt'"l' hiuge, hurd woo<l 0 33 . . . Mantles, Grates, Tiles and Furnishings ... �11\b�, l1ut. l1ox: tt·n�·,aU·iucll. $3.4Si[J s2-inch, $2.71i; 2�·iuch · - ' CURTIS M. THOR.PE,...,jn•--

Dress Trunks.-Cnnvns Dnclc Cov. PA!tK AVE Cases-RmRet Leather.

line<l, ht·us• lock nml cntche•. ererl, muslin liuml, insiile covered cnm

310"313 "' } PLAINFIELD, N. ,J Jlll.l'tment h'1ty, lmr£1 wooil slnts, strup hinge, hrnss excelsior bnclc, heavy iron bolts, 2 witle ceutre btuHls 3 · 98 close!)• l'ivite<l. uo.inch, $5.98;

lenthel' hnmll�. �ivilc<l I) RO 22 mul 2'l 111cbeH b.U 32-inch, 4.DB; 28-incb, nt • 1

No Branch Stores. Free Deliveries. No Agents. Mail Orders Filled. Broad, Halsey, New & West Park Sts., in the very heart of Newark

L. S. PLAUT & CO. 701 to 721 B_road & 8 Cedar St., Newark, N.J.

-�------------------------�,-----�--------------' Clevelan�s-Crescents $50 ·wE shall close ou� store every

Saturday . at 6. P. M. and on at ' 1 2 noon beginning July 8.

day but Saturday

Absolutely . Highest

Grade .. ,n»!J,· 'l'i. l•)'\J

SI'EtiAL SALE! To open season we offer 1897 CRESCENTS, DON'T buy at stores that are open Fri­

day evemngs and Saturday afternoons

- $37.50 -$i5 Model, while they last.

Fully Guaranteed. and even ings in July and August.

Crescent Juvanlles--S20--S25-S30 -- BARNES and ZIMMY. A. S an indticement for the

ronize the· ,mot:ning trade we superior, bargains for every mornmg the vvarm moi1ths. Do not trust to.: these b'argains advertised. 'I'he�e

FRANK L. C. MARTIN CYCLE 00. J•lonel:!r Ulcycte Oeal�rs of New Jersey.

A. H. Barnett, l'gr. Broad St., W�stfleld. :\lulu fUn•·•�, a:�l l'nl'k A \'I!,, l'lnlullc,ltt,

1\nor & �hli'UII Oyoh• t'o., ti7U Hrunc1 �t�� Nowna·k. ti/H :\lulU St .. , l•;n!it IJJ'IlJlUlh

Wo DO HhlHIII Ulll'(lOt Olt•nning, \Jpholsturing, 1:4 Ulli'JWt, Lnyiug nn<l Uw�oml.ing . • , .

i\lallnfrmLtn·ers ol' l'rtt'loJ' Hulls, Oouoh-

UH Mntta·t•HHOH •tu<l Spl'in� llt!<l», \\'ln­<l<;w �htul�- to urtlm·. Hopnil'ing lrlltil jt,g lii'IIIIUhu�,

ny that we ca nnot arrange inti· papers. Come_in often and exanii ...

. · .

tents of the various BC�-rgain Counters.(

SUMMER Supplies of every kind household and the person.

� mom· 01'<1Hh fol' \IIIIIH lllllll'lii'II"H· Awn· � � AWNING.:. J.lm• Jll'Hlllt>IH'l!H nll<l HIOI'<'H, !.JHIIClf'h'H Hlltl

� III�Hjllll, 1111, t-nl<l•fl r]fl\1'11 uwl slor-u<], � � I.

Wll.Sl'lliP.I.Il WORK PIWAIPTI. V DONH - � • • • Wikoff & Stiglitz, ;.·,:�;�:�,�lt.�,'N: ·'· ·pRE.E deltvcnes at all New Jersey rmlroad

,,, ·" H'l'lllr.r·r·:�. lo'lllr�ll·:llr.Y wr·r'll"·'l· rwH\Iw. stations. No extra charge for packing. .._

M�ATS est pl'iccs.

nnd veg-etables IHirchnsecl of liH give cnli.r_c ."rt· isfnction, gua ily nlways th

.e very .hcHI. :llld

pl'iccs ns r·cmloJJllhle as is wns1stcnl:, \I'll h l11gh· GIVE US A TRIAL.

HAHNE &, CO., - - -, Nswark, N. J.




A. Nt!w "rrin1tle In .thu l'roCCHIS-SuccQA&' Yt�.rlell \VIth th� Ktud of '''are.

'Who ltns uot' lind broken ut Rome

time u cbori"hcd piece of c!Jiua and re­luctantly cousigncrl it to the wnsto, . heap? Thoro arc profc�siouul repairers

.tl,St!l'ittfPII ,�\luHJiull.liJ: \\;Ji.h IJfuHtJ'Ilt:JuJJJ4 uft.ht!, triH,C!IIil'lhi�C'i� of"<.:lai:Jti.t.'K ·),IJ;�• ·: ' whb, iuny !Jo callcrl upou to nwud it,

lii1t the�· charge high prices. Tllcn als() the article is ustmlly clisfigurod by riv­et-s ,\·liich show ·aurl mrcly ltal<l for :my Jimgth of. lime. A wl'iter in •rho Art lnterchungQ say�: Heccntly 11 white vit.:. rifinble cement iu powder fortn imH been . put upou thc murlrot au<l.tiwugh it wilL uot mnlm your shnttoretl Lares nucl Po-­llates as good us UO\V It will mnl<ro them us stroug lUI uow. Tho expanse is sligh� • uil<l success ouly an��tttcr of patience.

.R.ev. �Ii\ ·Patton opeue<l the

the Cougr�gn_tinual ltiot·l·titig, ·: by tlnyi!Jg Jl · Westfield, urid the w•H·ui"pl•ices · · · occnpy in. hiS ··.hear:; thiS:·

· charge nfter his college life. : few years of life in .the west litHl

hr<1nilPIIOrl his View of lllllllY t.hings mal been 11 grellt b�uetit

preached ft·om the text: To bo sul:c, thero tiro son1o breah:s be-· yond repair. I hn<l brought to lllll the ot-ho'1·. rluy u · cup, OliO of nn exponsivD· sot, tho lmmlle of which was in several· piccos. Since every purt must bo so­cm-.ily tied with us!Jcstus cord to pre-­''ent slipping in tho ldlu I could do· nothing with -it. '

John 17 Chnp. V vet•se : "Atuluow oh Fntltet• GlOI'ify 1'hon �le." The glorifi· cntion thnt Christ prayeu for WitS nut to

liuv� th� J!'atlter allow hiw.to gtvl'ilY ltilnself; !Jut fot· the Father to tlu tile work.· •·Not. my will hut thintl be done." 'l'o <lu 11 wm·k nccot'<ling to om

owu, which umy iuvulv� �:�dti�h u1otive=:;, lmt to be willihg to IJti nse<lto do'sm.:h WUl'k us tll Ulif'j time 8etH11£id iWIJOl'�llllL_ for ,Jesus to <1o, uml to do it as tlwFntb er· willed, lll'e•ents 11 high example of.mi:

Tho sooner tho nrticic is mended ufto,.. lJI'Cilking· tile l/cttcr, us the edges arc al­most suro to got chipped. Bo sure the· uroltcu edges 111'0 cleau-thu t is, if it . hus_ .. been . stuck together tmupornrlly,. thut tho gluo or cemcut is all rcmovcrl-1\Iix·the conwut with Wut'Jll wnter, 1nnk-

. · thick ·paste, 11siug a horu palette:· for tho Jllll'po•o. Apply tho pnsto · broken u<l�cs nml press together ..

the ·nrticlo stuud till tho cement bo-.

selti�hue6s. The WOI'k of this. life is •i

which we enter. our eternui; Chdot's lifo II'IIS 11 te!;tiillio,llv this 1\'11)' of solving

On the occuslon·

etc, · , . · ·.· · 'fhese' mid.• mtmy others llt'e ·

tllltples of the unselfishness men of thu church who attninell ness through these mulerlyhog

'I'he world ltns nlwnys shown of hu11ger for these unselfish and even now gl'cnter thuu tn•er. ever any clnss of 11eople gi \'e Gotl for some new wny of ranching people on these fnndumentul pt'lnclple� great assemblages go out to hem; tltem;


It doe s not follow tllllt these people t'ight; but it tloes follow thut the niasses Wl\nt proof of eternal life tuill how to utt11in it.

1'he first ruu·t of Jesus' pmyer on'tllls occusion, therefore, was to ilave God help him In showing to the worltl ills t'e· <!emption pl•m through 11 (ll'llutica\ htt· mnn existence, Our li\'es are here uy divine consent nn<l wo wlll ulllke them succe�sfnl if we lose self und pmy to be glorifie<l.

'fhe view we tnke of life Is nlmost ns vul'ied us the <lltierent tnstes of life, A

lmnlsca1Je iu the eye of'"' electt·icnl eu-. giueet• would 11ot be pel'fect without a troll ey line nud ctti·s running. One ur· tist wonhl see defects In the worlc of till· other because. vlewe<l. from 11 different st'tui<lpolut. 'l'ho geologist would wnnt to niter H. so tilut his goologicul stmly conl<l fillll t•ein·esentntlon. So all we look fot· In life nmy Le there .

no one pet·son sees it ull, ----'- ··'· .,'.

suliet' hom Cuttu,-rh · or cold in the houd llllll lul\·e_ never_" taecf tlle

.!'O{lnhu· t·emedy; '!'here is tio lringet·_ excuse, us tllOconts tl'inl,,"_ s\ze::of

CronmBnlm cun be Jltid· 'of yuiir 'or we mull It fot· ·tocouts;· Full

.· uO �Vnrt�eu St,, 'N, Y.· City lsod _uta to tt·y Ely's Creuni

n•lng it six weeks I be­. of cntul'l'h. It is ll

t;innellyi-Joseph Stewurt,' ·

· Ut•ooldyn, N.Y. ·

t�ntcftt ln 8hno t•oURhcs. is ono of tho boHt <lross­

HhocH or hoota, nl'cordiug un,mrn<Jru Amorlcnn: •rul<e l\ sllco

of rm ot'llll�u nud rnh it on , ll'hoo ot' hoot-, �'hou, '"lwu th·y, bl'nNh

'''ith"11 Roft IJruHh uutll tho shoo Hlthi<•>< l!lco I\ looldug HI<IH�. 'J�hls iH nu .lo:ugllsh l'Ocl[lO, Auotlwr fruit <lroHKiu� iH Cor tuu shooR, tho lusiJJo ol' " hunnun sldu. Rub tho sltht OVlll' tho shoo thoroughly, wip< ' nff cnl'llfnlly with u soft olotlt hrisld�·· l>ntou� loullwr shoos sltoul<luot l>o pol· lohorl wllh blneldug. 'l'hcHl itro t bo lmnlcslldud or Hlll>l!/'1 In IHIIIJl looldug wuU nllcll'('flll{l'o enttHhtut. unru, �L1JW,\" mny IJo ulmnHI<\ with n <lump HJlOHgo Hllll hnlllt!llllliol�· rll'i<•<l with " soft'. cloth, wHh oc<•uslouully n lltl.lo YllHOiilln CU.' HWI.!tlt oil, �l'Jwy WUH'l JHJVHJ' ho floUJll'll In co ltl w""tltor without llllutlng, .m• t hoy wi 11 ernul< nH sonu ns OXJ>nsotl Ia t.ho eoltl nlr,

· · tltcu. · tio with· nsbcstus cord.. ,.-, ........ �·····• ·scrapo oii !my SUJlOrfluoua.

''Any i;trniu will .cuuso tho pice�· 'fnllliptirt :iud tho"· work wili:haYo to·

·-' .. Do uot bli spariilg· of cord,. _tie<! pieces '\•ill slip.'

· · "Is now. ready-_ , the ·s,inio as ull

-th'cse.pioccs In th<?­tliuti if. nuy of the.

willuot injun,..

tlmit others • . 011 i s lllOSt lilt&

ueutcst whcu ro­ll pi tchcr of P<L­

rirm.wn:ro'' \i·hich hud u good sized piccOo ·of .'tho lip was 1nended so that tho­

brculds <llflleult to flml. A Boll celt tmy wus liOt- us . sttccessfully dono; tho ce­nicilt boillg harder, tho Bollock Wllrped on· either· sido of tho original brenk� though tho joint wns so flue thllt in try­lug to brenk it npurt it broko ill u llo\v· plucc.

O'NEILL'S, .SIXTH AVE., 20 to 21st Sr.,

NEW YOQK. 1'o Orw F'ricn!ls 'ilt mul ttJ•ozmtl IVe.�<l­

jlel£1: 'J,·,.-w·�;,,e bouJlhl spnce In this pnp�r to keep�yon'l'oste!l na to what you ought to p11v fot• your gomls; D!villemls uro he­wgc .. <l�clure<l. these tlnys '�lth uhun�n. every·iuyesttueut, 111111. ·there s no re,.l'lttt wliy :yon shoul<lu't multe Lig <livi<len<ls· by'grent'Sitvlngs, , · ·' A uew <JI'II husllnwned-the olrl wuy ::J.,lnrk .· stoi·tis ·· ·uut1 l111·�e Jn·ices for illl goolls ·costly uml rislty from tlcl<le fu,;h, lou:· ·.

-.:, -'fhe tiew wny-an overnlmntlnnce- or llgbt-gl'OIIt stl'eetij thi'Oll!dl the Rtm·e. iuuueuso fJIIItntltle.� Df go01J., 111nl b .. iug sutlstletl .with .II sllmll profit nll<l thm;.· qnlcltly sell out otn• eutit'tl •lock. 'l'o· 11IWIIYH i;Jww fresh gomls nml11ot have to· betltmupthe people w ith wut·•l"_over n•­<lnco<l stntl'• tlmt <Hight hHI'c !Jeen eol<l months ngo if thel'H luidu't lll'eU n Htrng� g\o for high \'rico•.

People ( uu't. eomH to Now York to· O'Neill's tu hll)' shuply '"'""''"" it-'" O'Neill's. Of C•>Hl'l-IIJ thl·rt� nrn a l'uw, Ito· vm·y fow, \\'110 wightont of tJmuplillH·.1nt .. hnt tlw �l""nt. 1HIIH.-11Hly wlll're tlwy cn·�t. tlo hl••t. m· wlwretlwy thfnl< tlu•y t�llll <lO•· host, uwl so Jt L'OJlli•H nUont that onr hn!-t­ln�r�� lct•t1p�-' jn111ph1g- to tltP ft'ont. Yon l'Hil tm<lo wfth ns jnst llK Willi tht·on�h tlw JIUiilM H� if yon Wl'l'l1 )Jtll't> ill }WJ"ioiOU. Wu ha''" 11 pt�rf',.lltly org-nnlz<·<l ":\!nil or.lor D<'lltll'lllllilll," llll<l ��""' "l<ecinl ('Htulo"tli'H C111c�h �o�(>nt-�ou. Sc•111111H yotu• nnuat• 111111 Wt•'11 mntl yon mw-ull it. c�ol'4tH is t.wo r•crtiH felt' tlw ""ldng--ot•if )'01� eOllll' to Nl•W Yot·k, el\11 ou 1\1'1--\h\\1:'·6: hott<•l' sll\1. Dou't" f'nH fn vi1-11t: otll' n1HfHnr-ttrlt 0111'1'\ iH IHIH or tlW \1\\"I.Ct'i'lt iJ1 fhl1 CCllttllf)' utttl tl111 prlet!H lilt' lt'HH ht•rc• thntl t�n},·­whl!l'<•.

\Yi! c]t•ll\'tll' nll lH\rt.'hiiHI'l't (t•Xt'fl]� &.ij .. t��·l·lPN HI\Cl t--1.1\\'hiH 111Hl!hiltl'i'l) lt'('l' h> f!V'I:/' t·rdh'<orHl " ' " """ wlthlu fllW h<mt1l'o<T' llllll'HOI'NPW York

H. O'NEILL & CO.,: -----

Wahl & Sons, Meat & Vegetables, 'l'ry tlui Ntw U1.'lnlt llcfmhlug.


Cu•·cs llctulllchc, llcllcvcs J�xhaustlon. JIOUN'I'AIN. Ucllcious anti SIXTH AVE., 20th to. 21st St.�:.

NEW YORK. ' ·, ���::;i:,:: .. , ' :;, :- · P�tosa•i!cT �ramtn, WllsTrmLo. a�tk: ,�d.,,, . . ,,,,.'! .. ;,\.,r) ',)

Westfield Pharmacy, w. tf, Trci1Cl1urd, l)reacrlptlon Druggist. .< ,., ]J!Hlt-lut 1•111: , . ti•i��-'" tull\1'0'" llH niJuvu hy Ill <Ill�

Page 2: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

A PUGILISTIC DOMINIE IN RAMONA, A JliliiOVt!l but ... ftt!CtiYe Maunet or !liati Ina

!'iunl•. CnllfoJ nln hns n minister " ho oeca­

e louull�· ' n rltlS hh� rontino'or st•unuus allll 111:1� L'I -meet lu�s by pnttlu�: uu the buxlng-J.!'lO\ ('!; nud kno4!l\lug tlo\\·u nny loml IIUJ.:llist " ho en res to cntm· the rlu� \l i t h him.

'l'h<' He,·. �lr. "'limn, of Hnmona, Cnl.l lwnt s the unique tl l�t iuf•t lou or be lng t lw out�· �thH·a h�tl tn hush•r \\ ho hns A"tliH' Into tnl",;lllsnl nntl l�noet.s out bl� 1H i7.(l·1i:Ihtl'l'S 1 01' the lHli'PO::le of wlnuln� souls to suh n ttou.

Hnmonn h; n rung-h minhu: to" n of only u ft�w thous.uul lnh.lhlt.tnt:::oo, :.uul llll to n f-Pw months HJ.!O tlld not Jlos­sess a sin�h· cll't r:� lllolll of any tlt•nom­lnntlnn n tnony i ts t•ltlZC'lls. Tlw. o nly att<'mpts th.tt wt•t e t•,·t•t tunde to con­Vf'rt the lll'O}lle of Hnmou:1 to ni\y ktntl of reli�lon " Pl'tl ii teg-ulnt �uul tu­ft't''lth'nt t rip� nuHlll into thnt ttl'i�hllor­hoOll b�· U'.l' elhu: ministers \Vho ll.tt.ln't (H�\'Inttsh .. been WH l'llt�tl of th� uu�unl h.1ng-huec,;.s of thl' mnjot tty of its c it l­v.ens, so thnb tlwse stlnJ .. \'lslts Wllte nc,·cr t epc.ltec.l lly the s�uuc clergy­man.

Hut t he dtlzcus of Unmonn Tw' c fl(lfll'ly nll ex)lerl(lncctl n chnuge of lu.�.n t since tlw :uh eut of nr•v. lir. "'llsun �!r. "'llson is n thot'OIW;hl�· rl'fhtl'd � ouug m lnlstet· " ho 1Jelon..:� to on� of the bc�t fnmllles of Snn l 'I·n u­cisco. lie hnd m:n er seen n box:ing­mnteh In n il his llfl', Illltl se:u·eely kne,\­'' tun buxiu�-;..doves lool"e-tl lll"e, ni­t hottf!h hl' hnd the strCU!!th of fill OX: tunl n u nrm like-steel. It \\ US ns n n Ol'tiiU:IIT tr:n-cllng [li'I'UCh"l' thut t ill' ne' . �[r. 'Yilson !hot ' L•ntm t•tl Into nnmonn 'l,be tlt•st tlny he wns t het·� tlw " hole tnlk of tlie to" n " us a bunt the big prize-tight bet\\·een Corbett nml l.nnJ,y ' Bob, :nul " h en �lr. "'llsou tl'ietl to get a cro"-d toJ!ether for n pt.l�Pr-meeting t h��· onl� btoke up into kuols to tnlk nbout the fight.

'l'hl• znvc the dnrlur:; younl:' mlnl�ter n n hlt'n null he nt once set ubout S(1-cuL inJ: n course of lessons in boxtu;:: from n lo<"nl pugilist. In n fe"- " cel�s wort! wn� sent nrounll the town tllnt the ne,-. �lr. Wilson WliS rt'llth• to tmo('i< out 1111�· mln�r of his wei;: lit who mll•tl to put on the �ti0\'<"8 with hi m 11ftPr the tn·nrrr·lll£1l't inJ: tlutt .\,·�utu� but t hnt uo oue woultl be nllm it l"tl w ho luul not come In time to nttentl the prn� et• meet ing.

'!'his a nnouncement lind th e di•fretl l'll'<•ci. 'I'h,Jt night tbe mu•lc h.Ill of Hnmoua wns jnmtnl'd to suft:'ol'.itluu at the time S£"1 Yh:!'s' '\'tt.'rc to he;.;nt ntHl t hree time� ns mnnv nHlr� uu�u " eu.• d.uuotln;: Cor :ul wltinucl'.. Tbnt dt'cilletl the success of the rm;llisli<' prt�:whl'r's pt n� er·tnt""etlng n ntl C\ er)­" t•�k <I nee thnt time the popul:ulty �t tlw dN'J.:YDlRD hns been on tlw Ju­crl.'lu�t·. :111. nt nonf> or tht!' wr�l;l.) nu�•'t­hJg-8 " h i«. Ia hn,·e fllllU"'Ni tht• :�r:Jt hns tlwte lwt'u fountl n sln�h1 !.l�htt'r 1n Rumouu " ho eouhl stnutl ut, h�fote th� Oll>inu�h t of the mighty lllllll of IJud for rom rounds.

The Cranford Gas Light Co.

lncorpornt(ld IS��

GAS for Illuminating

. and Fuel Purposes.

APPLY TO • • •



HARD TO ESCAPE gi·l"ing us 1111 order for poultry nnd meuts nftcr yon hll\'e seeu the clenn· lincss und oi·uer noticcuble nbont our estnblishment and witnessed th e c.tre with which m crything is lmutlled. Just now we 11re receiYittg fresh, dnily, poultry, giune, country-fed pork , sansmges of the best m!lnnfuc­tnre (our own)-besitles, of course, beef, mutton, hams Bntl bacon.


- AND-- "'"a I POOIUUII , �-'FLOWERS� _.,�� PANSIES, NAS1\.'Il'ntJMS

, SW&IY PIAl. one Plu. of .. �iii .. ch •and) for only 6 cts '"!.,ti-e .f4""''' t• '"'* I "'" .,,p, o:>t lt-1;. t'•talr-.u• and Floral CUhuN, - lll llftb,SINM S... IIl� lllaa.


WESTFIELD, N. J, Mnnurncturers nnd Deniers In

Sash, Blinds, Mouldlnas and Doors.


�lr. \\'llson hna not out,,· llleceetl•tl In hulltl ln� n !I ttl� brlek l'hllt'di- " b lch Is th� first rer:ular house of wor­&hlt• lu llumoun-but he bus also &turt�tl 11 weekly ruwer called til• Seu­t i nf'l. .. \.fh•r his sennon on u r�ceut Sumln y a loenl h ully named Da..-e Put­onm, nl>out " hom nu ltew hatl UJlpt•Rr­ed in the Iaot l•one of tht> 8eo­tluel, " nlk(lll Ull the centre ni!th• ur the <'hurch n ud demnntlt•tl thtlt th" mlnl•tcr tnke back " hn t hP liatl pub· llshPtl nbout him, The Jltllllll&tlc prcn< h�r-<>dltor dccllnl'd to d11 ns wns dellllllltlt>tl, so l'utnnm (lUlled otr his cm•t am\ \ll i"pntt-\l to .. Wt)l\' the lnln\fl'­tf'r ofT the fnet' of tht" eat t h," 1\!it he ll•llnetl II. 'l'hr bully " a s n !11"111 dPnl hPll\ ler thnn th(' C'h�l':.!\ mnn nnd his recottl ns n p1 izthtlJ,lb t('r "ns so �;ood thnt till' «-"'nnt:rf'1!ntion sprnu)! to 1,1� ttJS· cne. Hnt tile nlilsi�tnuct\ "n� un· oet•tlPtl The Jlrt':ll'hPt &Pnt t h e bnllv to tlw tloot " lt h 11 single blm\ on th�· �nw. ntltl ns Put nn m trlt'cl to :-lie. smn�lwd. hi m on thP no�� ntul tn re"-him out of the ch Ut'C'b. Tbis "'fhl the> Tnrnlna •nd; �croll S•wln•·

lnM n t t t>mpt t hn t ""s mntle to n b ll' Wlntlow Giass. Ornnmental and Plate GI&M. tlw Jlllj;illstlc prenebor.-:'\t>w York •v•N••"•'-' DOOitaJ A a,.aQIA'-TY.­


A T E N D E R COURTSHIP, Cf!r•m.ou, \Ta ... At a Dl•«!nllnl '�a::r Dttwn

'" T•nn•t���U·e. Tln,,Piq. In hi� r�mlnl!leence!il� tt'll� of

IIU t..•xtt�lort11nnry co\llhth lp In Union t"onntr. 'J l'nn '"1 ,\�n� in th� •fro::­pnnd" tlbt rh.:t of the conutt y, "lwu n � nm1� mnn rotlf' np in f1ont of the c.thln \\lWrt' I \\ ns -stoppiu� n nllll !�;poke to n �lrl " ho Wft� tllppln� n nh't ft om 11 �prhu:. ' l:h.l\\ d:t, ��ll'f ·nm, d� . Tom:' •comt� jntut'l on tht"" ho ... � nn.' llO to Er" In " lth Ill•'.' " 1\'hnt fnt ?' '1't•r �It murrit:'tl ' 'Hut yo' luun't dou� t•o'terl 111" � it. ' 'I kilo" I hnln'l, but I 'H' h��n too }lf'Stt•lt..._l '"lth 'vork. I nlhtft luh.'IHled to nmt·r, ]tr. t hon�h.' 'llnt I a i n't got no elo's.' remon•trnt· ell the r:lrl. '\\ �II. we'll rldo on � on 'hlo nf E1·wln to �lstrr lllnJ:'s In thl! COY\', N lHl I'll glt ,.-er n tlrt.'"�.' 'Sho'ly, ll'om 'i' ·�ho'ly. !In!. "\I hut kin' or n llrl'�s?' 'lkst thnr Is In 14o " c's lltCJ'.' l'(ot nnot ht•r " ortl " n• Sit hi. She droppou the hut ket and j umtwd UIJOII t11e hor•t•. ijhonlln.: to h�r mothrr. •:.tnm, me nu' 'l'om 1.- ,:otn• tf'r ,:It uaar­riPd at E t " in. Wt•'l Ill' uy her<' in t h.l moru,n'.' Tht\ tuoth("l' �tnrtrtl nw It to rnll h�r lm�k. hnt t!w hor•t' was t:nlloplnJ: tlow n 1 h \' lnnt', uutl shP wt�nt Ulltl l'IIrl h•tl lllf the lllll'kut Of Wlltt•r wit hout '-''HUUhlUt."

lhuu l l n • Ch• nrt•r• Drlbhll'r- " l n my Ol>illlt>ll ll IIIRII who

,..-rllrs nu lll<'�lhh• luuul <lOt·� It be· cnu•" h<' t hi nks l"'OI>h• nre " l lllnr: to lliiZZic U\'t•r it. In othrr " ouls, he is • l'hunk or t.•otu.·"lt."

!lt•rihler-h:'\ot nlwny�. 8omcliii\PA a lllllll wrlh•• l ih•j:lhly not lwcllUOt:> he Ia L'Oilreilrtl, but ht•t·nuw ht Is moil· e8tu

Drlhhlt•r-"lllotl<'•t! Whnt about?" L 8crlllbler-"Abou& hla •ucllhur." _ ..

Jolt-and-Cyclone Proof IS ITS llr:C!llm.

If th�re is a " Pathlight 11 within 1000 miles of New York which is not giving sat· isfac:tion, Stn:i it to liS ana W& will fix It free of charge.

THE PL.A.C� l.: 'i::::.t::7 :::r�. eo., �41 Centre t"tret"t


CAIN'S WIFE.. \Yhcr(' clhl he get her ?

'' hu wus her brotller 'f Hntt !4ho a !> :�t�r l Hlln �h�J t\ muther? \\-ns �he 111 e-All�tull'­

Burn beftU c hh•tory­\\•ath lll'r !tlcntlt)

8h roud.ml in tu)sterr ? �l1thl •1C Pltoenloln .... e\!l'Pt • .Arttbln, Aft len, lndltt.

Or �1111-klsscd Sunbln ? \\"110 \\ob bet r.,thcr 1 \\"us lie u \'I king

Crnlslnr.: u\Jout Just to his Ilk in� : Ot i of th-o \\'benoeneSJ O\·cr tho "nter

Into thu \\'tunc Brln�lng his dBUl;hter ?

Nnth·c or Nnr\\uy. n�nmtuk or S\\Ctlt'n.

r�urell br theohttrm� Of the �otnrtlen of Bdcu 1 Blntulo or brunrttu �

n.oumlt!d m �Iemler ? Fiery or t ri�hl ?

l l tltt.thtl or tender? \\"h)' nw lter grttces Unknn\\ll to !11.me? \\'he"e dh! \..luln meet Ite r ? ""hut " u s her uamu ? 'roll me. re s.tgc�. Students ol' Ltfc. Answer my query-

\\"lto \\B!I C.ll n !I \\lfc ?-S.

ll CeiiCUI'IIIIell sncritlcctl tnu:; of tt oullles w i t h quiet tllgnlt�· nut! cousitlL•mble I tnct. !;Yei'Y one llfiZfii'IICtl that n

The ·•ollcllor blueht>tl doeply; he ttn tl<'rstoOil his client's tlnll'IY hlnt-t11� nhnn•t upolo��· f<lr biN tl iSlltJI'Oilltlllenl thut tm·!,etl in ht•r st>et•eh.

�'It LadY Clarn sbont«.l (•hnnJ.W," he H 1 ld, JIIIS;iug Ills lln;rt•i'� t lu ough the l'l'lsp etlukles of bls h u i r, n ut! iooklug t' II'IICStly IICIOSS the tn!Jie,

• I shollld be hnptn· t o n•k you to Hlugtowers, to lntt·ot.l ure \'OU-"

"As n frieull1" be qu,•,t lour<l . u.-\8 u frlcuU," the l:uly l'Chuell. "And lf"'-he bluslu.:tl ngnln·-11lf," be

•l amwcred. "If.'' Hfiit1 the Durlwss. COIIIJlOSetll,l",

Ill t i n� ltpr P\ t•s t 1 um n-to lwt-mlious hox thut (•on'tni n�d �omP tloeunwub rc· lnt iUJ.r to t'n 11111�� tlt'bt�, "if til ell you �u{•('Nl41ell In winninU" tll,\' tln n�htt'l'':! tt·tpmh;hlp. nt'l\�t·t lon, \\ ell, � ou would lun·e tuy �ootl wish��."

�he hcltl ou her

bt't'nk \Ill of some ldnll mttRt �ooner 01 ' h� '"'""'"�"··-,<. later tnl'" pluce. for the <lucnl t'Stntes l ··Bu t WC're ht•n,·ll�· enctnnh('lell. n llll the 1� ju�t ttn £"e finnnehii J!G t t lon ot the noble fa mily "'Prt•n't well " ns bl\comlug more nml tuore 1·otteu :\Ir. l'ollt'St •molo•"l7.PI1.': nt the core. Of this little Liul y

Clnr:I his IHI!IIl on�ht 11ot .to ��!'!;::��:'!:��··.·���:'!

l .. tww uothh1,;:. Her buoyant young I m:ult, 'n mlstnk .... lu t tw ll Jwn; t wns t"'nth'\lly fl'l"t' trout t he ' �t'ntli nJ! him nwn)·. 'fhen I .saltl WC'ight�· eoni<tlllctntions whll�h Pll!l.:lJlt.�ll ,,,ts no l �a ... 0n wh)- lll' �houhl go, hPL' nntortu11nte pnr�nt. Tlw plnutoro so .loek s tnrcd ami pnlntell In n nnd pl�tnil ltml be('U goml ('Uough tnnt eot llt"l"." fot• lll'r, nntl ht'�·ontl n chll tllsh nppre· • .\IH1 how tlitl yon lmow his cintion of tine fl'nt hl'l'�. �h(' hnd h'\'at "·'� .lol' k r ' etl ht•t• court nttlre "'ltli llttl!' restwet. "Oh. hl'c:tuse T hPIHtl him cniletl so. Shl' hntl inherited romnnel'-nn af· \'ou l" uow tlw pl«. tUJ'{\ '.Toc1t o'IIns�l tl�ctlon w

_�rse th:u� till' gout, ht>r mo th· 1 tlhw"i lie snt for It to ol lil::e )lr. For·

<'l sn ltl-t 1 o m "n� \\ nrd n tu:.·£>�t0 l s \\ he u• ... t. l ie is. my J oel\:, now-1 nm �nrc · IIIHI WPIItlctl whN'� !'yes nnt! (l('lll't :mtl of I t: If onh· "'" we1·e alone, we ml;:ht

not renson luul dlctntetl : ht•nee th• tl'l l t•nt h othN' nil that om· eyes huYe frn):il<' •tnte of t he fnmll�· purs!' from bt•t•n ,.11� in;:." which the tlnehe•s. her.elf ''<'illl'tl with "Oh, t'�'"" ta ll• qnlte <'llour:h." sahl stwt!e•• trnclngs of etrete blue, had Jil l•• nnrmmul : "too much, I shon!tl llO\\ to snfft.\r. I 811�-. from " bu t I tolnY tbls mornin�."

"I men u to mnrry some o11e wlio 15 Tilt• e:n·l'•th'ot>IJ<'r dltl not wnlt to talentPtl nut! nrt l •t lc." Lntly Clnrn nn· 1 heur n\ore. Sho rushctl tlown stairs. nonnct•tl. ,.hl'n suitors were talketl of llltt>ndlnt: to Wl'lte to lllr. Forrest nntl "not 11 poplnjny who will dl\'hle his nf· mn ke t1 prl'lt•xt by whi"h the sitting• ft•etious b�tw!'cn m<' nnd n rnelug sta· shoultl h<' :tllantlon�tl. Rut. lll'll In ble." I hnnd. •he eiHin�tl'll hPr mint!. Any such

Shl' l•Piml'll this from her frl�nd El :wtlou would JJI O\'e the ell\'estlroppln):: dted Un:- mon«.l. n. cle\"'er girl " hose po- , ;;r.ht' m11st net Olll'U)�· ntHl surt>rhte thl' Pills hml Pll l i tlctl her to a t>romlnent sltuntlon. 'l'he nPxt morning nearly J>osltlon n m ong tbc select Poterle uu hom· nft<'I' hN' duughter's tiPpnrtnre kuown ns "Souls." . , for tht• studio. tlu> tlucnl enrriul(e n r·

The nlluslon to the rnclnll stnhlE rh·l'tl nt tht• art ist's house. The Irate poketl at n jnunty young tlukc whc tlllrl•nt S!Wtl throu):h the doorway, nml " ns tlr•t Co,·orlte lu her mother's cnl· l nuHlt• strulght for the sh!lllo. She culu tlons Second lu the runnlnA lllt'nnt to confront the wretchNl IIJ>· enme n mllllonnlr�. sou of 11 prost>erom •tn rt who lint! mulN•mlned her tlnugh­mnnuf:wturer, whose unme w118 lg I tl'r's henrt nutl gh·r t he pnlutt•r-oltl nort•ll ���- J.ml� Clnrn. In spite of Ito <'uour:h. she lllltl thought. to h<• trust· oft-repontPtl emlllnzonm<'nt 011 bonrtl etl-11 lesson to lle rememlll'I l'll. lnJ,:s mul nth erti�ement sheets. 'l'lu� As she s"·tlpt into thP room. her n n­�out h hims<•lf, who wns not "in soel •1 r:r�· <'Yl'S focu�•t•tl the t nhl�nu In nn et� ... " 11s i•rh n tl'ly knowu to thE pa lntl'l' llt his t>nsel: 1-'hlred hy n sto\'e: DuehPt�s ot Urne(lrltu:. in eouRequeueE. tlrnpel'll'!ii.-Oil t lw modt'l's tfit·one ; the of ""' tnln mm·tr:uzlu): u·:m•.Ietlom h>•tnnt l iN' ehlltl-exquls ltc In lnw11 whN't..•iu the nri""to(•tntic Pl,;runtures ot l t Pnd iuJ,:; nnd hunC'lwd up on n low the Inti�· nuLl tilt' elt>rkllke 11 mo�:rnr•b •tool. wit), his ''"h ete"n chul bnck of his fnther •nt l'hPek b�· Jowl. �lr turm•tl , nml hi• knl'l'S supportlu;: his Bln kl'" �JI junior wn• In r:trt 11 sollc wall•r-eoloi' blo<'k. t he hnt�ful pupil ltor. t honJ:h n sll'Ppltl� p:trt ll\'l' in tht .\t tlH• hur�t of tht:' opening door t he tmtPrnnl rmaern. nml Jw "':t !iO tlroft?S pninter and I.ud�- Clntn '-l.hunltnneous­&lonnll�· n\\ n rt' of on<- m• two tuu·ro"' 1� look('ll up, nutl t lw lnttl•r J.;ll'\\ pale

In;: tlt•lnlls In thP n1·n�l'I In;:s' tlnnnclnl to the lip �he •nw the t>ont storm hhotory Pn iufnll�· n " nt't•. too, bl:... on lwr mot her s P� t'hro\\ s, nml. b� nn rnu�P nlns: he haul, l ll;:t"" thf' C'!t1s " he un rtJnsonetl Impulse, jutnpPd frotn t he Jook Utll'f'li!Pl'\-tltll � nt ldr·��"· t n ),pn in 1 throtw nml phu•t-tl h£'tself bttftHt' the e ' � ' � ht•,J nli ful llnr of I.n•lr Clmn'o ohjt•et of her n tlorntion with on nlr of ymtn� ht\nnty: h(.)t nu.;;:p hl• hntl 1-!:l?.Pd pr�tl•etlon-or tll•ti-? nce. on her ft tllll n f:u-n t t lw O}lt't'U, the StuhlPnt�� Ht_•r l.t·aee or Bl'f1('f'l'IUJ!

Sn \·o�'". .:\'hu:nrn : bt'('Jl\10it'. "·ht'l'fi-\-N stuml t t .lll""tiXPtl, nntl the nrt Plllltl,

molll') could <'UrQ- him. thPt l' hl' hnd " ho hntl lnnriP11ly ri!ll'Tl. blu�lwd und bt'Pll for the t""XlH'P'""' purpo""t' of fen�t· ho\\ £'(1 " lt h difT(>t e-net",

ln.!! his t .. � .. lo� 011 thP onl� objt�et he lmd �.�� ForJ p;;;t C'.tllllP to the rPseu£!1. "''"!' lookPtl upon to lo��. I l his J!t'lltlemnn Is m� pnpll. .\s his

" hl\ll.-. tlwrt.lfOI'll, t he contumnclou:e t im (I is limited. ;,. our dnna-htel' wns Clnrn t" btt•tl hl•r JWrt Utth• uo�e n1 1 p:ood enou;:h �o �nr ht• ueetl not ,�l is tlw hot'"-PY tlukt.', her Jl:ll't'llt's tlls Pn,'!

tintt£1' hi� " ol k on hf'r necount

tl'l'"'"'tlotl t honchts rehoun{lPll t tl 1 o Clnrn s n tn.lZ\'llll'Ut lwr p:UC"Ut

lllntHJ fneturt.•r. for hi� l'alliuJ: 0� u�: �n li!P•l

. lnw :-!Ill' looi,Ptl upon 11:-. llll'lt•h n se('Ul " \ Pry C'on;;�.hli'rAtf' m�· dnnt!htN·." sbe �� ,-pU to r·on'r thf.l fl!!!:l'l's�l\·e cow

.;;:nit I: · ·h,�r tm·

,p �f :u t O\ Prridtlos rhe- con

JliL•xiou of the \\ orl d fnml•tl trnt.h.•. ' t•nniH t: • I_ ot tnnntt�lr :\1. Blnke" ell

"You 1 1 1 t 1 1 nut! I niL' II<'IJIIllinh•tl-thour:h I wns not 11 � 1 mnn·y n WPn t I)' tmr 1 uw.ue of his tnll'nt.'' she polutl•tll\ \ l'U\l '' lw " t.l\��tl st't the ohl ho\1 ... \' ou

I nlltlt'tl . •

u� le.::s nt:nlu. tlw IntiS V\'llltll t.lod tc 'J'hen tlu:•v shook hmul<��. hint. ..Heun·mher t hn t ' our fnl'e 1• .. • \'om· onl\' fortuna' lllV Llli l lllll! " .. J \\·nil .... t�ll l t PI�· n \\ nrP of It m�·:;e1f." • • • • • · lllnkt•\wll snltl, "" k" n l <lh·, "tlll-1111


. l er� :tl('e fnC'(>, �uo. l tuenu l nhout thrt""e W(lllli:S n�o. �

)I�· frhmd to mnu, MotUt mw " IJO II npJttl'l'in tt rort·�t ndv is('tl me to J a l\t' up nn lt-pnlnt i t. or •lm: otl t•s to It-an� t hin� pnlnt� nutl ;:o 011 will!. som� <'nrl�· but l>inut It n t the ht>lhl uf n tn· " ol'i< anti with-with kiwi t•Ju•om n�� hit• like 1111 ldo,Jil7.t•tl '.\IIIII �.Ill> ' (ol lll<'llt"-IIP thll'" I I Wot•shiJ>flll l'\' Jll'OJlle tu tllu� ('01ll}lllmPnh4 n t :'' nutl J.mh· <.,lnrn-�<[ "-"

� e on l.n<IY Clnrn tl.Inr<'<l nft' " l l h �II" Tin � · "1:ht• oh)t•ct or IllY Yl•lt." th� thltPh· llloud to ttlt tor n pil•tm·.:a t httt S£l'lwlu 1 «.·�� lutl'l't'UJthltl , "Is to �o�ay t hnt " e nre l,olrt:'�t . .. \. It. A •• \\ ns In net u:f t e uti\'Xt•tll�· utlll'll to Uhu.;to\\ t>l"� : WtJ IOI!t lllU!;. lt n \'t' to Uil'ht,"

HN �H·�n tht• nrt l't nml l:l•h�·•l. I.ntl� I Clnrn's fn•·r. whlt•h hn•l l>nrtlnlh· Clurn t4. \'Ill\\'� " t.•t'P tnkln,.: n BuhPmlut� t'lt•tll t'tl, hN·nme g-1·ny \Ylth <:ou;;:;.tt.\l � t u ru. hl�:hb •IIM·uJu \• l l lu).: tu lwr nn· nt lon. hn)Jll> nuun mn, n1ul, dm·hu! tlw I ltteh • ·Hut �lr. 1"ot•rt.•st's plctm·t.•," she \l�.,· IWX t lnhll \'h'W " lth tilt' :oulldtut, <'l'h'd. trNnulnno.�)\', Rtu: uuult1 hOMh' t�, bt' llhUI Il lttll' tln u::h 1 1 J t ('1111 lit.� broUJ.:ht down tlwre IC lH! h'l' =" ' n,:n rlt·"'· f:ht.' hn" nl11wst ))rum Ilk PI'," I•I•tl 1111 lntrpchwt!nn. nntl I n t ill' pr .. • ' ''l'hn uk yon," the nrtl•t ncc�(Jit•tl, Nil •tRtl• ot llfrnlrs " II< tl nly II" !lt'e Ulll'll<l l�·. thnt l ht• nutnurnt l m c•r•' •un •tum! Ill· ".\Iul lll r.-liir."-Cini·u ht•�:nn , "lth tlu r luuu .... nntl. mnreo\ l'r. t lln t n n 1· nt hi;: tL•na·s mn,:nlryln�: Jltlr l',:\'l•s-'�whnt !Nilllt� 111 L'tll'l't•!un lll i!lhl )!liCk<• l h·,, nl " Ill ht• tlu'l'' rwoly r•• s i h'<' l ltllt• lilly lotnll�· llllllO\'· "Oh, M r. J•oH'I't••t IM " l'lromr to hrln� el·nn l th•, hi� 1•npll with ,bhn. )lr. Hlnl'kwel1. " I I ''n• III<' tnt•nh••t ml•ln kt• hn ,·· " I ll � uu Ill'l'�llt T .ncly Clnrn's lll\'ittl· lt•s: ht.'r J lnrtrn ll ltnltHPtl:' Mill' J:t'ontwd tllllt to ltlugto\\'l'rM't'' "In�· t•hil•l hns l>lt•kNI Ut> lh<· •llltllu Jnr �on. ntul rR\'<'B nbotlt 'l'tlltw•: Rt¥1 llll \IIMI lilud of rubbltb."

Th@ heat husband on earth Ia none &00 IIOOd,

D�YID 'STQAUS 685-687 Broad St. bet. w. Park and Cedar Sts . , Newark, 1.

Spec ial Values in all Departments. All-Over Embroidery Special. · Special Silk Bargains. wo Y il� ,- �n\ I ll"�> At.t •• on:H 23C E\1 BHOI IH:HY. whito untl hlnck

cml:lrohl�l\, H\lUC SI.Cll. to clo�o Rl YJ�RD

Ladies' Vest Special.

�6-IXCH XOYE£11'\' SUITIXGS Two Bl'g M uslin Underwear ll�nmtrul Ullxtn rcs, \\oJt•• •3." in

.lU-I X 0 II :siLK �IIXI:IJ Ctn�i �r 1 Specials. ��?

tth aoc, > our cLofco to clol:i� �ut.'nt SPJo�CI.\J_.fu\RU., _\�o:;;OH11ED LO"l, l . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . · ·

OF' LADlE�' DRA \\' F'H�. mn.de of , ;���;wh,�c,y;�-���:,-..u�1 ���·�·��.��;t ·�� 39c Spemal Black Goods embroider) nnd Inc�>�:. non"e \\ort h le .. R thnu 50c t o �5c, \\ hil� the lot iR-St .. ut .P.A1H �-l � C J[ H JJ A C I\. 11 .. �

SPEOJAIJ LADieS' GO\YS8. uuule CLO !'ll, strict ly, ull \\O��r�l��T�� of tbc ht't:�l UHI!!llll and cnmUrlcs In J.,lJetl, reul atJc ' nine, speclnl \lhllc ����.eW1r�r�::�1e�·\���h l����l�c:�C;�l�t 89• ���"��s�����!n�!1!it.��:� .. d�c'"s Illtt�rn er)·. Ynlcnclenu�:S n n d 'J'nrcbon U

... Lnce"', no11u \\OJ tb le!!S tbnn !I :!,; to Hf,.\CK l<"JGURED :\1011.\IH BR'L $1 iii. while lot ll\stS. Ilt . . . . . . . . . . . · EACH IJI A �TISES, JHilo mulmir, llnto "'CI�ti

Special Shirt Bargains. \'����.��!::-ru�c·��;;�:: �����-·����"'. �uk

:t.l E X 'S • AND H 0 Y 8' XEGIJIHE 8111111'8. m•ol• of �oool """ll') •hlrl- 39• Spa•lal Wash fabrl·c Ina: ... some with nttachetl collins nml U U culT!;;, others '' It bout collars. u&unll) s,oltl nt 51.1.:-, �l.ed,,l nt . . . . · . . . . . . . . . EACH ORGA!\DlES�\\·e "itT off •r 1 1

S • 1 B • • U h 1 t l'tl"t; DIPOHTEn owiA� u&�'

peCJa argatnS In P 0 S ery •uch 115 llll\ o heen sel ling 111 ale 11n�i Department. �61�����!� ��� N,�·;���8�·�it�ustgus and

1'A�!BOUR 8A811 LACE:>, \cr) fine lac �\\�!{t('eut(��'.

bl�ml�����l·�l:::�. ��� l alu e, at -I.Pc, n Uecltll•U Ual)C"idn llt • \" ARI>

C.\X\'A0\8 CO\"ERED 1'E!,I:8COI't:S. \\ lth thrl"t' bet\\)' leuth!!r strap:, tllld lL•nther lu\ndle:s-li;tu. I� lu. :,'II in :!'.! In !?.t in. :."tl ln. 49c 59c 69c l9c 89c 98c ea Durlna Jut)' and August beglnnlnl Jul)' 9, Our Store Closes Saturd8)5 at Nooa.


MAIL 0/tOir/tS "lfOM,.T.I.Y 1'1.1.'-lfD.

A.I.L ,.UitQHASifS DI!.I.IVIflti!D 1'/t.lf 01" CHII/tQif,

DAVID · STRAUS 888·887 BROAD ST. 1 Between W. Park A Cedar lt.

11� For Corll, CUI'I'aAL a. L of If, Among the IIIIlllY articles llllldo from (Anthracite eoal used exelushely,

cork waste is the familiar cork grip for cleanlineu and romfort.) Ttae-table ID Ell'ect Jmw, bicycle handles By a secret process

the waste is presse<l into the required shape, and, strnnge to ""Y· the gr

ips thus .,.t"::.'a"i'l!'i:�r�".!ril'U��.��;'"-··-·:c�o.;o·�-'·'•

made are stronger and tuore durable s.oo. (excet•t Neuarkl. 6 41, than those m.mnfnctnrcd . from c9rk I �·fi,•Pt 8�:•arkJ ,8: t:·8 �;� wood, a lthough the latter gncs a tnucb m. l:!�l, 1 ::;- : .w smoothl'r l!msh. Cork slabs for insulat- HI, T a. 8 56, 9 �. IO .:o: iug pnrpo:!es, hfo prcser\·ers, cork soles ���) 3 /! 9 <oo�'i,PJs ����rkl ond msoles nnd penholders nro nlso T 13, 8 2:1, 8" ���. 1033 p. mude from cork wnste. It is Yery l.trgc· For Pit.tn8eld 1 57,5 0!!,6 ly use<l for u _tiller m the humg of cold �1:!: 1 r.:l�.15•63.��· t 'ij;.� ; storage uud 1co houses, stnco cork i11 a 8 57', o 211, 1015.. 1 1 18, p. m • nonromluctor of bel•�· . f¥J.1"/5

8�l�:'l' lf;lo1: 6° ��8 �.1�· 1P.

Auod.wr nntl n umqno use of cork IS p. m I or. night. !lint to which It IS put Ill the mt!'r!Or For Philadelphia. 8 10. 9 :Jl, a m. uonwor

k und plates of ironclads and 523, 6 �'11 S l2, !12tl, p m I M night

steauters between the bottmu of the yes- �i;b�. «, 10 18• a. m. !! 15, • 45• u :!3, p.m., set nml tho secoutl or false floor in or<lcr to pre\ en t rnst. Tho mtertor surface of the 1rouwork 1s coated w1th paint, nnd "lulo tho latter Is •till wet It IS pow­dered with cork dust in tho snmo wny thut "ood is snntled to resem ble stone. Tho waste somL•tm1es takes tho place of nsbe�tu• iu em erlng stenm pipes. Bot I! cork wood nucl waste nmko n "erv <lc­si�ble

. h:uullc or grip for fish poles,

wb1eh Is ll comparntl\·ely recent idea. Cork hats nml helmets, f.nll or 111'1110 cmks, ring buoys aucl mooring buoys, cork fe11dcrs fone .. ei• ami cork caps or Wn:!h�r:; for tops of cnus r-cpreseut nlso s?mo of tho """" of this Ol llcle.-Now '1: ork Commercial .-\rl\'eruser.

For Easton, Bethlehem, ;, re, 8 !0, p ao a. m .. Ll2,50

!t�f. � lt.nrjt�R,t� �a!�o�. f·a� .w .. , .. ,.._,, . ··-

Returntn" lea\·e Xew ilreEt at .f. 00, 6 oo. ; 15, 8 noon, I� -15+, 1 �. I OJ, • oo. • ru. s uo. o iL•, s 6 15. 6 00, j 00, j' 30. 9 15, 1030, It � p. m. I!! 15, I 00 l 00, 6 �. 1 m, P 00, 9 15, a. m. �i!:h:.oo, &oo, -: oo, ':' 30, P (._l,

Lea\e Xe\\ York. South F�:1 n . \\ hitc� ��. 'i

atr;o, SJ�..,.lO.�J-5. �� t�.R5�t -,1�!!: t

uYo. i .. :rt d lit, 'i :lt,i OO S :!.\ 9 10, 9 a:;, 1 1 40, Jl tu.; 1 .. 1 nh:ht, i"'um\a) s. ; flO, 8 5a, 1\. m • 1.! l�l n1oob1' I.!O.'i, .! ao, a a:i, a ::a. ; :!.•, o r» 11. m . �� h n 11 ... 1218�' 1 ��'t·��·g l�: aj��· �sot· i 4•{":;�.�a ��da 6 su1, i 1rZ 35'n �ito, n fl' a.�0 :f:· �1 ;!J Pl ft J � , a 5 � T -�W W �� � , •

A Lea\e Jo�llz.abctb a.t t .W, -t- -t-5, 6 4(), 7�. I I"' Dry Salt lt•th. 10 32 a. m. 1:!3:!. 1 -&.! .! liU, 3 l\.i, t o.i, .& 111.� 36,!01• A £hy 8alt buth 1s s.ud to tono ntl tho 1 3.lJ, li -t:.J, 6 -17=, ti L�. U ltl, u :JL�. � 4--1 J � 00. 11�

geuer 1 . 1 S l t, s .ao. fi JU,!\')S, l l Ol, p.m. 1 .. 1 • • t. � . n �·ll

. n s� st�lll UU( reuovnto tho com- 1 �undnl! l .W o 15, i 4-IJ, 9 ;)), 10 U.la t_u l! :lJ. I.,., plexton ns 1f IJ) rungic. " I noYer luul .. 000,a lt , -! 30, 4 40 tJ OO. i -',j, e> l.lt, u .a ,, w � p. Zit WJytlnug d o tuo "' 0 much goo<l " suys

" , 1 ... -l8 nl"bt , wom.m " ho l1.1s tncll it tin� spring

• Exl'l'l't Sntuula) ::. ,, \Vht:!u llJV fanl'V beo·lu to turn • • + i"atltrtln) ·� ouh • 1 . t 1 • • �


scrtons- Tbrou.;b tlck�t.s to Rll points at lo"e!t ratel � 0 t mt t1re<l fcl'llllg with bmhlmg 1 mR)' lJe had on awllcl\tlou ln a<h aLco 1° thO

trC'es nud Luzzmg beelil, which it does 1 ticket M-:o�nt at tb� stl\tlon. • 0\ ery yt•nr n• smcly n• the vouth 'K does J. H. OLI!At.'REX, U. P. RALD\\ IN, t� lon.*, my J1h� si('tttu auh;i!'tml 1;19 to 6tm'l 8-u[l't, Ueu'l PA�· Ail· 1!1\'0 touics tho go by 1111<! tu try lustentl dry >.lit bnths. I lll'llrly fillet! n lingo earthen J.lndth tho tom>e>t Mlt l conhl get IUHI ndded enough wnter to this to muko n sort of thick snit pn>te, lmt not enou':h to <11-.oh o tbo llllll�rnl. Every !uornmg when I get U(J I lfnko thi• up In lnunlfuls run! rub it briskly 0\'el' Ill\'

Wt:STt'Jt:Lil i"OST Ot't'ICt:. JUL\" 1. 1�9'.!.

!\[. )(, !icuooEn. Poatmnsll•r. A. C. FITCU, .Asst. p, }of, tuul ){one)' Cl

x_��i. CJ.AUK, Oeucral Delht"r) Clerk.

bntl�·· Next I Jlllu p Into n tub of cl enr, m. eoltl ""t"r nnd tn

l;o n thorough tlou�- ""l

l llg, but Ill II •n-e•Jt I tl Tl i b i I "• m. p. m. tlunc•

"' ' 1 rJy, 1 • e 11fl �IAII,!-1 OPEl" FOil nf.J,I\"F.II\'. ' I tnko II bn>k rub down wi th 1\ I f'rom Non York Jlhllnch>l/'hla, 'l'ronton, Turld ... h towcol. 'l'ho ctl\'Ct is tluliclons Surth�a�t. l"lonth �mel !'!lout nHilt 1\t i.l», 11 gh'" ouo n •••uso of exbllnl'lltlnn. But m.1 u 110 Rlui 6,10t•· m, tbu ht••t JMrt of the <II'\• mit hnth Is not the fl'cling of fre�hn�•s nnd I'L'ltcwe•l WHEELS ll•""''"'"'''"),?gl life thnt it im pnrts, but tho soft, &ttlll'' ""'"1 "'o'1 te.sturo of tlw skin. ' '-1-�lt•bunu-A " � 8�o.i,D •

1 Built to urth•r. 8urtnuuutlnl( th"' Oh•tacJp. MEIJ Il<•r Papu-l 'm nfmhl, � oung man, P. H. ZIM "'

thut ) on nntl my dnngb tt•r woulol not bo hnpp�· t� og,•tliel·. '>.'uu 111l�ht get nlong nil rlHht for 11 ltmu tlmo nnd lll.'l'l'o ou hnl�'rtnnt uutth•r., hut whnt wonl<l lmp• I>< II "hllt tho llttlo IUillliS CIUllO tO WOI'• ry?

Iler Lo\ cr-Wcll·er-wo could hire 1 uur��e.-Nuw Yt�rk JoUI'lllll, '

Page 3: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs


setter ,Coods 'for Less Money Than Anywhere Else. - .

-t CARPETS, MATTINGS nu,•.e rou bouJ,.::ht )'our Cnr1mt or :\Jnttln�'t lf not yuu .slumhl stnrt nt. once, Dun't put olf the selec-­tiou until tltc lnst rnmu,. nt. Conu• no"'• \\"o nro c1u·pet. hend­fttuu·t ers. )lore curtwts tlum nll others cornhlllt!tl 218·220 MARKET STREET, N EWARK. REMEMBER WE WIL L�


Attcutlnu ls uulh!d to tho fnct. t hut wo tn·u mnklng IL RtJeC· lnlt�· of fut'nlsh­ln� Sumuu-�1· Curtng('s, l-Intels IUHl UOHI'Illngo l lnu�t·R. ·, Cornu Ullll lftlJ;: it 0\'t�t· with ttfl. J•:nsy tcrm:s of Crctlit.




This solid Oak Side. board. bevel plate glass, only.

This Oak Chif­foniere, with bevel glass. Other sty� les from $3 up.

60c For a nice P o r c h

Rocker. Ail styles nnd sizes. ·

Special for this week. Nicely ishcd Tables.

, Pol­Oak


Refrigar-.. ator.

.:\ g'OfJil (�11111'• I crctl Ouk I tc· fa· 1 go tl r �� t _. r II'Ci,t� $i.5U \'nl­Uo llt ·

""c luuullo only tim he�t mnkt!s-nll sir.cs.

Lnrgu Reet1 Rockers nt.. , , , , $J. 25 Large Reet1 Rockerslii�S.l':7i

Another lot of there line 'l'nftod Ltn·g., Ree<l Rockers nt, , , . , $4.50 Cord n roy Conches, hn·gc size, rcgn- Large Rem1 Hookers at • . . . . $5.75 Inrly soltl for >i< l 2, only • $8.00 ' ! SPECIAL FOLDINO BED

ODD DH1•1SS· e1·s with . shnped bevel t>lute mi•­I'Or, in nil woods, lumdsomely fin­isher). 'J'his week speciul at $10, Other styles, upholstered In all ma•

terlals, from $4.50 up.

SALE. 50 Folding Beds nt nbont om• half tJrico. >i<IO.oO Beds at $8.

Open even­ings until 7, Saturdays io. Your credit is a l w a y s good at our store. Elevators to

Mullins & Son&, Goods de­li vcred Free to any part of the State.

2 1 8·220 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Buy where you get the most f o r your monev. That's her�. every floor.

BRANCH STORES :-78-84 Jllyrtle Ave., Brooklyn ; 121 ·125 Now•u·k Ave.1

,Jersey City ; 13Q l\Iuin Street, �utersou, N. J.

Welch Bros.


' FliOll 3C ROLL ANI> U l ',

Onr· prices mm·e thuu uumt cit.): JlrlctJR. nt homo . . You will suvu time mat!

nntl he lwtter sutiHfletl. ·


Broqd Street, near Elm Street,

W•&TF'I .LD,

.. ltllUt l(utat AU\'Q 'b)' FluwttrH,

,.Jll St. Nic liui11H thoi'U IH 1111 m•tlolo on II 0\\'UI; NIIIIIOH, " wrilton hy gJIU 11, OHliy, l'ho llllthm• HIIYHI to Sn111o nf f l 11J l'DHnH Jmyo Frmlr'h hlH· rio luau"'"• "" ti�<� Hnll l'llllh' t1n M111111ni· �IU

J,IIUIII thu Hill0111llt1 ,liWilliOIIIIIIUI, tho

..,) ( 01'

Atul Wlm Hlllll'4'1l ln NII)IOh!1Jil1H ulnt'Yt ;:,��;1111111unl thnt hltot KWUI'tl hntl \von hiH

Ah, tho r t IJittlo J: {' or n tnnu h• JIUHt diHnm•nluul At Au

' ' •''w'tUHmhwt fl.lltJtun.:u 'llult"1 1'1'11t1. 11t' nt Mmlt!oW'I'I hn t•nln� r11���� fllluu wuultl l't114l In thn hllUI't or n �hnt 1!11\lltl hn lnvul l"r h11l1•o•1 t l mn l�avu llllli'K llllll l llll')' lw1at; lll li'U hy ll

IIH hnH 11!!1111 tho i'lll'lllllll ul' thn • '"'1111'11"'" l•'uohH, J<nllu, J..'Ohul, l>nh1 ll'hn Wllllll! IULVll hom1 I'm•• IIJlu lmt fm• th� fuohHin 111111

lnhulln, t111hJ!11 1Uit1 11111IIIIO our ll111'tlon8 null ruwHIN,



l:?.:ltl l n l l tl. lll . �enti :.JOo nml iJOo, l't'!.JG'l't\tn ohlllll-ti'H l1\'UI')' Wl'Uk, '


PROCTOR'S PI,NASUHI� J'A f.,\01�, r,H lhf:ll l'cot, Nuw Yurk.

UuntlnnnU!-I J Wt'rm·munl'u-l.Wl tn 11 I'· m. Jn;r U o;Jo� D Y�\ lJJ>B\' I J ,f,JC,

A LL the best fnmilies , i t)

\Vest field order their W c(\­ding l nvitntions unci An­nouncements from



II III 0\l'll \\'urk, Tho vun lt!' nf n curtnin woll lmown

pntutm• IH i·hllmah•,ll lu 11 Hlnry t11ltl nt'

him. lt. a•oluit•K t hut tho J>llill llll' 1\'IIH ii'IIYI'IIl lll ill 11 t l'll i l l t hl'l llll-ih I IIII lllllllll•

lllil lllo 111111 IIH t hu 1\"l'llf lt<•l' WIIH 1\'111'111

tuul t ho Jllillllt'l' Juu1 uot. htul l'llllllgh HI"" [I f 1111 J J ighf, )H•i < l l'll hu 11111-l'll l l l l t iH Htmt .

llo hucl 1 1 trlll'l'l lllll I!IIIII J lll llion, wh11 lnHistt•tl 11]1111 1 t 11l ldnll t o l t l l l l lllll'l'l'f l lll· ]UHH, 1 1 1 1 11 1 18 fhn fl'llill JllaHO<'II II flllll J li'I IH• puot OXIIIII I I III'd :

" 1 ,1111l<, lo11l1 I \Vhnt 11 la•nut l l'u l lnml· HOIIJlll l "

" \'up " gl'lll l f l••l t h11 p11ha t••1', <h't'tlll l· hag nutl lu !ll'lllll ll " 11hot>" pll l'il�"• " I llltl;atml lt 111yHoli', "-\'uut h 'H Utllll llllll · Olio

The Lear Cutter lice.

A writer In Knowledge describes tho interesting OJmrations of tho beo culled tho " loaf cutter. " This insect drills in 11 snncl hunlc u halo l 0 hwhos doup 111111 hnlf un inch in dilunotor 111111 divides it into ' 11UOUt It tlOZOll COIII]Jill'tlllllll!S Ol' cells. E 11ch coli is cOIUJlosod of pieces of loaf, out Into l>l'OJ101' shttpes nllll ouro· fully flttctl toguthor. Rosa lotti'OS 111111 swcot ven lciuvos uro muong tho fuvoritc::J of tho uccs. . . Tho cutting Is dnno with tho jttws, whllo tho six legs bold tho lcuf in posi­tion u1111 ouublo tho luseot to turn itsolf ubont with tho Jli'Coislou of u ]lnh· of oompttssos, SoiJI,O of tho cut plrwcs lll'e pOI'fcot olrolcs, · Othurs uro obluug flgm·lls of vm•ylug tJropm•tions, H11\'lug cut out tho sogutout of lo11f, 1111 opci'utlun ro­·quil"iug ui.Jout 20 secom1s, tho I.Jcu cur·· t•ies it to tho su1111 I.Jnult null thou l'o· tm•us fot• 11101'0 mutori11ls, 'Vh"1111 pleeu hnH boon nuul'ly out ulr, tho I.Jco, in Ill'· dm• to tn'OI'Ont tonrinl'(, Jlolsos itsolf I n tho uh• with �tH w lngH 111111 complotus tho opol'lltlun with 11 oloun out.

\\'nuft!ll 'l'hu m Suhul. Otnuur (to now Hlll'l'llltt)-ll!m·Jlhy, I

huyo lul't lilY '"""" bnols out this woru· In�. I want thmu solutl.

l'l'ivnt-o :i\hn•phy-Vm•y gn01l, sm•, 0111•••·1' (latm• iu thu dny)-Dh1 yon

tnlw t hoso l>oot.s, :i\llll'phy? J.'l•ll'llfo Mm't'lty ( f<ull lug lu his pnelmt

u1 11l putting ou t-ho tu hlo 1 8 JlllllCU)­YliH, Hill', uud t hat's ull 1 1J1111I1i gut I'm• tlwm. 'J'lto rJUI'/llll'tJl wltn lumgltt I hom Hldtl ho \1'11\lit] hlll'll f.(l\'1011 2 HhJliiiii(H h111J Jt. 11111111 I'll,\" tlta�·, ( fJoJ IUJlHII of IIIli• I!UI'o )-I,Illldllll 'J.'Jt;. J ll f.K,

ru"l"l 11ri1411Uit.lun.

"Dr> yon nxpoot to hl•UI' nfton fi'Oill )'Olll' hiiHhllllll'/"

" \'!'H, 1.,, •adtl lw '•1 wt•lto, 111111 I nuulo hllll lll'l llllitlll tll ll i VII hiH lol hli'H tn HOIIIfl nt.lllll' 1111111 t.u mull, "-1Jotrult li'rt�o l'&'OHHo

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1898�



Blue , Rule• Ia Colnn-A. Satin or Silk Coat to JJe Wo-rn "'lth ·A.bJ' Skirt II the

Late•t Fact-The Circular :Flounce l\lark• tJae New Cotton Gown•. Full of changes ns nrc tho llffn irs of

f;u;hion at this season, one charm itig 1iovclty bei11g succeeded by another equnlly delightful, it iH ensy within cm'taiu linrits to clctcrntiuc what \Viii bo wot·n for Rome thuc to come. 'I'ho Now York Sun gins tl!c following' items .am1 illustrations, which imlicato

A ST¥1.1511 A l?Tfo:JtNOON GOWN. that dross was never prettier and more graceful thun it now is and promises to I.Jo :

'flmt bluo is tho dominant no to of col­or goes without s:aying, for it is blue, bluo overywhcro, nud ovory shade be· tween dcepcist, d11rlmst IIIIYY null palest l:ivcurlcr is caller1 bluo. Jlltltl\'O 111111 gmy uro n. closo ·scc·ond, nud smno of tho fash­ionnfJio combinntious · of ·color nro blue uucl grcou,- rotl nnrl _ nmuvo with a Iittlo touch of yellow; nurl light bluo nncl black, with uuy nml every other shm1o in tho list.

Dccil1erlly tho most uovol feature of fasbiouablo dress just at }Jrcscnt is tho hlack "ntiu or silk coat to wcnr with uuy ki111l of Hldrt. It may he a plain sailor Jumlo nffai.r, with ]ilaiu or fuucy revers, or u dressy littlo gurmcut COI'cred with corclcrl tuclts set in ut inter\•als and smucthncs cut holoro fashion in tho back, witb l'Oum1 or S<]u:n·o tubs in tho front. Otlmr <•ortle<1 coats nrc cnt in tl111 regulation tnunncr, with u. short l.nu;quo roumling from tho front or in buttlo· mont squares, with rovers of corded satin.

'l'ho taft'cta silk co11t with 11 looso front and flttc<1 !melt hcl<l .in ]>]nco by 11 belt \\·hich pm:ses throu,:.(h tho smnu undQr tho nr•u is unothcr varintiun of this ucw· fashion which will doubtless blossom out later on nmong tim ultra fashion· ublc women. 'fbo tuft'cta coat iH uulin­cd, which wakes it less cxpcnsivo and

suitu blo, porhnJ>S, than tho su tin to wear with pi quo m1rl linen skirts. Tho checked wool gowns, supplemented with 11 Hulin cont, uHually h11Yo 11 bodice to nmtch tho skirt.

Any uttempt to tllsco,·cr anything now in skirts is met by the ruftlo en forme, ns tlm French cull it, wl1ioh in somo Rhnpo <lomiuutcs nearly all of our smnmcr gowm. It is circular or simp· cd only nt tho top, nnd thoro may bo mau, two or three of t-hcso flounces forming th•o en tiro sltirt, but It is hero in ovory conceil•nhlo style tho fashion mnlwrs lun·o founrl it Jmssi i.Jlo to inYcnt.

Muuy of tho l>ow llotliocs fnsten in­\'isibly nt tbo sido or up tho U:wk for youthful "'curers. It is tho hmlico slightly blousccl in front which still hus tho lend, 111111 tho muuy prophecies ubout tho nr1Yent of tho 11rincoss gown m·o us yot tmfulllllctl.

A very stmming �ostmno for uftcr· noon "'cnr is mudo of �hot glnco silk in npricot color, tlotte<l over with hlnck chenil le • . Huchos of blncl> point <l'esprit

A lJIU�HBY f,J'J"I'J,B U A I'B, not, nrr11ugm1 in 11 Wlll'o t11lsigu, m·o tho t 1•l unn lug, mul tho yolw uud U[IJll'l' Jlart. of Hh.JO\'CH lll'U fOl'lllCll of' IL H\H'f.'l'HHiOil of IHtlo frillH of' lnl!o. A l'llst•tto uf t:ur· 1 1110IHll hlno chlil'ou fll liHheH thu C111lur ut tlw bucl<.

Amon!'( r!w t1roHHY l i nlo '"'I'"" for snm111111' weur lH n nuulul In J ll!l'iwln ld ll hlno ultll'o, nuu1u w i t h two lll'ent'llion pluitml frills or1w111 w l t h 11 nwho nt' bhwlc ol!ill'nu, 'L'Jw l'>ll'oa'H m•o 111' Hill! Clll'lli'L'11 W i t h lll t<•l'l lll f ll ro\I'H II(' i>liwk vull·ot. 111111 whl t u Hutlu l'il >hnn, Auot hill' fmwy in fnwn 11lolh IH t rh> l l l ltul w i t h 1'111\'H o f nrluldnt [ wl!l t:o 11111il'11 t•lhJuua 1 1 1111 omlll'olt1ol'ur1 111 l <l uult lllltl wh i to 111111 Hf.tllll,

Fm• 1\'lllll l l ng flnl lronH 1lrnp hnlf 11 In· hluHJ1flllllt'ul of uwl tt•tl ltl l'<l l 1 1!o t.wu IJlllll'iH or \1'111'111 1\'llf lll', WuHh, th·y thm·· oughl�'mul llllt tu n 11'111' 1 1 1 pluoo uuUI thn moiHturo IH 11\'lllllll'llf:url,


· All work finishe<l ]>rom}>lly, Col'. Bl'oud 11nd Pl·o�tl(!ct Sts., "'csttlcld, N •• J.


CLOTHS, 1\IATTINGS. Carpets cleuue!l, refitted and lnid.

Elm Street, Westfield, Nenr Depot.



Office of THE UNION CoUNTY STANDARD, Westfield, New Jersey; ·

Iclcnl 11ncl Subm·hun Hmn«!s Foi· Sule nnf1 'rei Hent. l!'fru J llMUrnncH tllacetl in l!'lrs.t-Cltter. CmntmnJcs. HentR Colluctcd. .· · · .. - �. :.

C. B. IIANN; , CARPENTER. & Bun:.:i)FiR: Jobbing- proutptly attended to,

. . Estimates Ftirnished.: · ··.-,·•·

::!hop, North AvlmtlC above (Jlai;ksti·e�t. · westfi�ht. · · · • · EZR,�_.·._�;, ·;#·��:g�:?�s�·fi· :'�

· llfASON & B,U�LDER; .

WESTFJ�LD, :N< 'i P. o. Box 532, ,.:· :· .:.'.:.·. : '·



· \d1lr� P� 0. Box 12:!, \\'cstftcltl. . Reshlo�cc; First sirect.

l)rofe&stonal <tar�s. A. 0. ROGERS,

ARCHITECT, Boom UOO �u.Ucock Bitlldlng, PLAlNt'lEI.u, N.J.

Offlco close<l S11tut·<lnys. Rrn.nch onlco with Bnrton & Bul'ke. Hron1l St .•

\\'ostlluJd nud \\", H. \Yoodrutr, Crnufnn1.


OFFICE: Shmdar!l Building, Westfieltl, New Jel'sey.



Tim Ynur::��o�tt!r Cub Hi14 l�lnr:cr. u�YclJ , II r.aill .Mr. Oosliugtnu, " tho

yom1g�ter bas cnt. his finJ.wr. Tho only surprishll{ thing- is t hn t ho didn't clo it tho Ih·Ht tiny hn got tho lmlfo. How bo tlirl it ho t1ouRn't know himHolf, o:.copt thnt tho l:n i f'u sl iJ1Jll't1 nml tho lh'Ht thiug bo !mow hiH llugur wns hlcmliug. Then ho 1'11 11 to his 1nothor. I-lls f11ro wns whitn, bnt ho r1illu't ory, which I thought wns I'Ol'Y hrtwo, n111l I t h l nlt HO still, His mothlll' WIIHhmJ tho flllfl!ll' I�Cll• tly 111111 thou llni\IHI I t \111 wlt:h n strl11 of soft, wnru, whlto cotton ulnlh tl01l lll'OUI II1 llllt Wi th IL Jli"CO of Clllla lliOII cnr1l, hut With IL lllll'l'll\1' stl'ljl lnl'll oiY tho otlgll of tho doth ltxlllr. I h••m•tl hor touring It, uur1 l thought. lir�nlllllli.'tl fu· Ill ill Ill', IIIII I t ill! I I 1 1'LII IIIIU I I .�'vtl t il llt Wll" thu wuy 111y mnthm• ""'"I to <In U[l lliY tlugm•,

"'l'ht•n tho hny Wl'nt. 111'0111111 with thut lhlgl'r hPif1 nut H f l'll lght. t'rnm tho a'oHt nl' f.ho luu11l 111111 w i t h n Hnlnll>ll tool< 1111 hiH fut·n, hut hu t:mal<l l a 'f, stu,r Hnll ' l l l l l l111ag, 1 1 1 1 1 1 it: WUH HllrJII'ISillll how •tniold,l• h is t lugot' }lt•nlo•ll t oo. 'l"llllll hiH lltollwl' put; n eot; 1 1 \'1 '1' I t , n 1111,1 .. {('1' nut; from 1 1 11 11l>l lrld 11l11\"ll (.i11st wll11t 111.1' mni]Wl' \lto�Pfl to clo, ! 1 111, l l l l l l ( WOIIIlt�t· i t' ul l nwth<•l'H dn t ht•so t hings jnHI"· ulllw), tn J l l'otr .!f; tt. 1'1 11' 11 tllll' lll' t 1\'11 morll llllf l l I t gnto 'l'nll,l' w..t l . 'l'l;ut: \I'IIH whnll,1• IIIII\' to him, 111111 i t J >l<•ttH l't1 him 1'1'1')' llltWh, Hn wnl'l> t hn r�lm·11 tlug�•l' wi th t lw Jn'mul hut I'I'Hill'l'l'll t i Jgul f ,\' of OliO 1 '011\'lllUKillllg t'rom n Mnhm• Hl t•nlw itlHIPttcl o1' n ua� fmm hilt tiJ•st lmlfo, 11111! it ull nnuln mn fool youug ngniu JIIYHolf.-Now Y1wl1 Snu,


A VIGTA OF STYLES. Pnpufur Hnmmer :f'lq.terJai•-The Vo•o•

J<�or J..ooc Lhu:H nf Trhomla .. Bcsilks the w�nt'it:;: of blue ther� Is

much ntt"ectiou Hhowu for blnck and white, white drm;.,cs with blnck lace patterns being appl'cciatc<l. Black greu­ndiuo mom1t.crl ovel' "·hito silk :mel ll!wwiug friugo trinuuiugH ia nlso Ul!DIJg JJOl·cl confections, It is l'Cmurk­able how sih·eu fringe huH come to light uguiut for it is not entirely n. Entist'ac­t.ory triuuning, ·with its habit of catch-· ing all tho dust null rlirt unrl mwousi!l­m·atl trifios of crumbs tl!:tt full from our talJles.

. 'fh� tnnslitis are very �lJ�.�rtuing. Thoy show stripes mid fiurnl patterns iu col­ors, but the�·-iirc·.-,lt "tueir happiest when in ecru .touo; ·ciaintily'ombroidercd with. n rnif.:cd.F.ntin st.itcli .'uu·d dritwJl . thrcnlls�­umler\vliii:h ,cOiiil itioli, it is uccdlcss to· ol>sci·,;o.; tluiy.�iit•o CXCCCilingly tlcnr.

: 'l'here:isn tliin 'iainlm· of -linen bntisto · ·til itt cnu: I.Jo tise<l· for .tho. luost nttmcti vo of.· shlrtil;''tlnd' hi ·thls tho application of h;ory.laco;�':pluj;s its· part, extending to · the critvnt;'\\;hicb iuvnrinbly llllltches. tb·i(shirt; : mi•J:·appearin:,: . in littlo pat·· ter1is ' o\·llr , the borlico nncl down thO:­sloovCs.:.,\•1Ji10_Dnrrow·bciuliugs ut·o add-, ut'' llii,;_;i_:ctiou: Narrow lmmlings, by

· ·iai·� also to bo founrl ou tho · ' · ill II pule blue shntlo : nei·vc:ui:Jao: well bo-

111�:;�:�.-���.�t:�';:'.�:;�·:�a · bluo cout and i; is · to be seen striping:

· l�et; aud si1ch fa brio-. · to tlioso .·� �vcning _gown


tlircct-lon from tho throat or tho waist should ho w�trml y ,\·olcomerl by thoso who !mow how to npprceiate whnt is really becoming. No m1ttter how sylph­lilm a figure is it is improvctl immense­ly by 11nytbiug which tends to gi\'o 1111 nppearnnco of l ength to the waist, wbilo for t-hose "plump mall pleasing" per­Hans whotoo wnist tnensures err on tho li ucrnl sillu it is quito impossible to overmto tho e110111IOUS ntW.·nntnges of long lines of, trimming. In tho first plnco they bl'CIIk up nny undesirable ox­pause of figure, mnl in the second they lend tho oyo to contcmplllto 11 ccrtuiu gruecful length of Jiuo, which gh·es 1111 nppc>trtmco uf height uml olegunco.

A hlouso which llns this effect is of­tlclicnto blush rose colored gnthercd chilfon, trimmed with fluo mechliu in­Hertiou. The misetl collnr · nm1 1lrmlcts uro of ivm·y guipure um1 tho knot of iYory laco Hccured with hnndsomo 111ooustouo lmcldo. Tho shn]JCI1 cuff Is llnishml with n full frill of luce.

Thu Gtmteel Satchel.

Tho ni'N'ngo Now Yorker who hns anything to cnt'l'Y• it seems, is not bnp­PY uukss ho ur shu cnrrios it in n sntch­ol. Everything, from bool>s to uutohor's mcuts, is enrriecl thus. Ouo. tuorJ.tiug I mot my lundludy on tho stroot. "Going out of town, 1\lrs, Limp?" I . iuquircr1, oyiug tho hag in lwr luuul. uoh, uo, " , sho reJllictl, ' ' I h tt\'O . just como fmm tho butcher's, 'fho girl wns I.Jusy, mal I couldn't wuit for tho uutchm· to scnr1 tho choi1s homo, so I brought my sntch­ol. "

"8hnr1os of brown ]lllpor nm1 slmlo­tous of lllll l'kct hnslwts I" I cjnculnh•tl t o my�olf us I JlUHHetl on, Her scheme fnr ll]l)ll'llrlug gcllf l'l'l HIII'Jlii�SIH1 0\'CII thllt of thu poor, proncl _gll'l who enrriml lll'r lum:h to tl<u ulfico in hur musiu rull. -Yng-uu.

Jlnw t-u Bull .thJIIU'I'f:11Ko •rtw stull<s sh11nl •1 uu cut of , <•xnet.ly

oqn11l le11gth", t ll'tl ln 11 lnuwh 111111 bol l­"'!, slmullug til'" lll>ll'lll'tl in 11 tlllt•p Hnuuopnll. � l·urly twu iuchct-4 uf tho titll-i Hhoul tl lm o11t of' wnfl'l', t h11 Hft ' l l l l l �utllc· lug to '"'"'' lhl'lll, whl lo lhu lnll'll, Ht 111 lcy pnt·t J H rowlt• t't • c l ..:ol't nnd 1-i\lm•nlout. hy t h11 lolll'(l'l' l ooil iug which lldH Jlillla lJUl"· IIl itH.

nnu 'l'hlllll nncl Auntlwr. 'l'lw I I'll 1 11hl" iH 1111 ''"fnhllslwtl ft•muro

1111 tho fl•uuiH f.(l'll111Hi, 'l'lw l l l a ;�t ·l u u t , JH't'l\11 1 1 1 111 }li'IIHnt. mny

ho hllll l l ' i l < ' t l , l ll'ol\'lal'ti 111111 �lll lt•tl, tho HlliiiO llH t-OIIltt �d n l tuotHIH,

.Nut llll'llfH addl'll to chldwn �1!1111· wluh<•K Il l'" ll l l l ll"t•l 1 1 1 1 1 1 t>h•uHing 1'111'111· 1 1 1111.

1'111'1111111 1'11r t 'l ll't•a· l l llf oi'UI' jolly In J.t}UH,.It•l'l iH bilt'l l l l l i l ll{ JlopuJm•, 'J.'JHI \\'IIX IH uwl totl nwl JI IHII't • cl 11\'l'l' I hc1 j t •l ly t o ullout olll•·l f lllll'll•a• of' 111a lueh ill t hhlil· II<''"· I f. t'ol'IIIH 1 1 IIIII'! I td l'f lgh t. lllll"l•l'hllf II lid JII'IIJIH f h11 ( I IJ I of t.JIIl jolly fi'I'Hh 111111 follll(•l',

,\ l l l t lu hoi'I1Ht'llll lu tht\ 1\'lllOl' mnk�• I'IIH)' wlmluw oll'llnluu.

Page 4: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

· · , . STANDARD, FRiDAY, JUNE · 11, 1898 •

TIE IJNION tiOIJNT\' STANDOD Fuhlished everr 'luesdas find Frlllny b}·

The Standard Publishing Concern. E . • J. W'ntTt:tiEAO, Pre:\h\cnt.

A. g, Pt:AHSALL, \"'1(•6'-Prcshlent. c. E. P!--:Ans.u.I •• 8ecrcu,ry�•l'rt?-usurcr. ·

ofH11rper's W�kly. while 1\(r. Obit- J UEMEllBE it Tim llAin: ! tendon w11s on the titlitorial force of the New York Her:lid) is 1101\" "bik­i ng it cnsy" In bc11ntiCnl Westfield,

.New Jersey ; he has umdc 11 kinunlo suggestion which is :1t once cloqnon t



. .. . • .. . . . . . . �·,j 10.31> a: tu. BIIse Bt�ll. �����IH�ZH�� .:c::

We�tfteld club vs. Volunteer Athletic I s · • I . "·�

o�.���i���;�������r��:Unfurllug of paCID. Prices Every . 'Day ! ,.

on tl•1g [>ole coi·uer of Broad ami Elm .,_ �� •h·eet•. nntler tlh·ecti,.u of Cent.rnl Conn· = , · • , .

'tiUBSCRIPTION S2.00 PER YEAR unrl pt'twtica.l. 1\[t". Si nclah·'s id(:ltl 'fht! ll"Y'!t Prn};•·•un n,. �\.r�1n,;N1-Tfu! is in tho huuds of. cmnpet.cnt 'Vest- cnnnullh>o wnut )lnl'e )1'"'")'-Stnut In

cil No. 131 , Jr. 0. U. A. M., nssist�ol by .C Best Hutter, per lh - . -

. - . -\"i•iting councils from snrromuling .,_ Bnmhnms Hast.y Jdi}'COII With Smtvcnu· Spoon, 2 pncknges towns. p,,triotic exerciseJ wit!• the j � Br_rnnts Hoot Beet J�xt.mct, <3 bottles fot•


Olli�e-.STANDARD Building. Adv�t·tisinJ::" Hntes [ur�tlshetl 011 npplientlon.

.-\I .... �U.Eil •::. J'R.\ U�.-'I4L. }�tlltor, C. E. t·•�·\lt�At .. l., �lauuu;·t�r.

WESTFmLU . N. ,T. .J UNE 21. 18�8.

field Indies a1Hl is li kely soon to tnn- Ynnt· i"nh:o�,·a·It•llun nn•l It will 1m 4\c ..

tol'inl izo. H!' proposes thnt tlw six We>tficld boys who uro i n the! nrmy, in a sense repr�sent Westtiehl .nt tho front. aml t.hnt. it is not the habit ur Westti cld to forg!Jt lwr own, 'L'hcae me : Wnltm· Smith , Ezm Hloodp;oo<l, Elmer Wootlmii, Chnrles Punch, lliclull'll Sen·, and lhlph l'l1at·s:tll .

The fnct thut these "boys" are al l i n the snmc regiment-the 'l'hinl New Jersey; nnd the StllllO comp:my -Co. C, tnak�s it the easier for om· citizens to ca rry on t Bro. Sinclair's i<ka of scn<l ing each week n box b�· Pxpt·css to "om· sol<jicrs faring b!f the s�a ;"-bearing of most worth· of nil, the contimwd eritlence of goo!l-\rill, autl lo1·ing remcmlmincc wi�h such

lmnwletlgt•,l lu the Stlllhlal'tl, 'l'he coming Fourth of July will be

cl:'l�bruted e\'f'J'\"where with nnnsnul \'igor in honor� t;otouly of the siguin� of the Dt'c1nrntion of lrHlep�rult:-uee. bnt it lE-o in :honor of snch heroes as Dewey,

Hobson ntul the uwn \\' ho ure 110\\ .. nbaut to inmtle Cuba :uttl the Philippines an1l tlt·h·e the Sp·miou·tls from the islnuds,

but the celebrntion ill other places will not, RO Chnirn11\ll D.:HltU:.I n say�. touch oue >;ille of th<> " Oitl Fa•hione<l Di•play"

to take t•lace in p;ltriotic old Wt.>stiiehl.

In tho <lcnth of J:unes A. Simp- snbstnn tialities as the ."women folks" son W cstficlt! lose;; one of the most mny well bo relied upon· tb include ; I>rominent nnd beuerolent dtizens; llJ)(l not forgeting letters from tlw a 11111n of d istinguished personnl Westfield gi l ls. 'l'he wisdom of hur­dumns in sociul und church circles ; ing nn mhiaor�· committee of ineu, bolo\·e<l to tho \·erge of re\·eroncc in incl mling a rctemn or so, to $1lJ l1is home mul recognizN1 letulership wh11t wouiLl bo most needml, \\"llS nlso in the business world , idcn t.ilied con� suggested. When this geneml spicously with politicnl utl'airs in his though t e t.rnck Bro. SiucJnir he <J '�ll town nml in the broader realm 'phonell np the STAlOUtW's editor .;( the whole conn tt-y though ll!l\'lll' who wns only too glnL1 to offer the .:.Ill otlice seeker-bu t nlwnys on the ST.-\NDAitll's a�si>tnnce to the mo\·e­giving nml helping hand . No citi- ment; for one thitig, iu the hope of zen of Westfield luts n wider· circle getting other communities in terested

-of friend s, uud his loss in the �ery in the;snme kind ly wny, ns colmn rru­·pt·ime of l ife will be n subject of re- ilies, in the "boys" they may luwo .gr·et

. \fhile the memory of good deeds slmt·' to the f1·ont. 1\f:ty we be fot·­'mnl n. useful! life endures. gi�cti.. if sel fishness cuts some figure

�! r. Simpson wns 11 warm friend with us? .For one of the fiYe young­of th e STAN'tURD, nlwnys reeogniz- sters from West.fielrl belonged our! ing the honesty of I ts purpose, oren belongs to the STA:liD.I.Rn's force and while contending with it in Yie ws fumily, and through him \\"e know _,;·hich he could not endorse. how erery remembrance from fl'iends

'l'he cel�\natiou. eoulnt\tt�e hn,·e t..lechl ed to publish 11s fm· n• possible what will be the ofiicinl progt·aut for the tlar ·� ob s�l'l"nnce. The i 1lea i• that the pnlllic

uun� be thoron,.,.hh· ini'ormetl of tlw

progl'l'S� ot' arr:�Jg�tuents nntl tho�e in· temliug to particip:tte iu the en�uts h:n·e ampl� t hue for prepamtion. There may be l\ few clutn�,.es \"t>t ns it now· appen.r:::; to the couuui'tt�e

· the following- ��ill be the

OFFICIAL PROGUDDIE. Snnrise Snlute nn•l Ringing of Bells. Umlt>r direction of C. P. Wilcox. n

sn.lnte for each stnte in the Union Rml .a few extm for Uncle Snm"s granll chi),[.

reu-Cnbn Libre, Hnwnii, the Philip· ,vine Islnmls nml anything now belong

ing to Spnin thnt they can"t sink, barn up or stnn·e .

S n. m. Rnces nntl Gnmes. U mler tlirectioil of Isnnc Seeley anll

J:1�. R. P:1ter�ou. Bl'Olltl street rnces from North u\·eune t·nilroutl Cl'O$-Sing

east. Games nt post office corner. !st. !OOyd t!llsh, hn•Hlicap. 1st pl'ize

�. �nd t>rize �2. 2n<1. Potu to mce, tst 1•rize i3, 2nd ljtt. :lrll. 240 ynnl <lush, bnntlicup. for

colore<\ men only. lot prize ljt5, 2nd f�. The contestaut� m11st coYer the.distauce within 40 seconlls.

"'l'he fireworks committee for the

. ;J nl\'.

Uh celebmlion are to be com­me;ttle•l for their judgement in se­lecting R displny thai is one of il­luminntion nud nltogethel' 11n.nerial exhibition.

Fourth of Jnh without fireworks

would be n case 'of Hamlet, withou t the character of Htlm let; eonserm­ti\'e people nu1y couaider that the money bn rnNl could be more widely .-ami better distributed in runny other ·wnys, yet we were n.ll young once -.An<l to the young nnd to their enjoy­ment hee1l shou ld be tnken and there is thnt !ncinntion in displnys of fire

that all enjoy. Set piece;; of tire1�orks cost money,

mul th e displny Westfiohl couhl lmn! . i n thnt direction would be mengre, as uJe<ISnred bY l\Innlmttnn Bel1�h featmes, not c�nshleriug the ncce;;s­<Jries uece»:lr\' to mnke the etTects .rml i>tic; 11gnln, nfter sun-down on uompnrntiwly low ground, with gra&; there is alw:n-s suthcient •lnmpnt'SS to e:mse the s1;1Vke from s�t pieces to ding to th,, ground nut! not only scatter the fumes among the ;;pectn­£ors bn t obscnre the t:>ti�ct of the

·pieces themseh·••s by the cloml;; of -.3llloke. With 1111 <'llti rL•ly tll'l"inl di>­l'lay the b�st resu lt;; will be obtained there will be mort> in quantity b�tter qutllity i n the tliSJll:l)' i t.;clf mul llf­ford much bt>tt�r enjoynwut to \lb-sernrs.

It w,1s sugge> te1l thut th� blootu s of t h e Onkhuul cah·ary ccmet:u·y. �vhich is n Jll'l'l'�nial ro>l' gartlt>n, bt>,

l.Jy COllllllllll C'Oili'ent of tJu.• lot hoJd­.;rs, rl'gn lnrly j::nthcr<•ll ••uch •lnr !11111 · tnken to th� ltul i••> nt t lw f1•rry stu­

tion for ll i8tribu tion nmong the ur­ril'ing sol•l iL'r>.

'fhen our friC'ml Henri' A. Chit­

t�t�<hm , now in IJnlifornin.fot· hl'tll th

r.•a;ons, t•hynw<l nu t thn ll!O[{ IIl'll l thought ns follnw� :-'Tuko uur tlt.l\\'t'I'J\ whnt. t'l\t'n Wl',

Sohllt•l's fnrln� n'<•t· t Ill' �''" '\V ho.<t• ln•t 1!\>ll'ch )\lllltt' Is h'<>tl,

Len\·ln� n• tn l't••t, tllttl lhlll.

'\\',, our \lllllk•. ton, hll\'o' fnujlht, \"h.'h.lrh·� wort, In cltti.•tl nncl thnnu-ht,

..Now (l·nu1 t•nrth ly 11H't't1t4 Hl't' [l't't1, :::Jolt1tt:tl'r' (IU'ill)ot o't'l' t IW tWII,

FJnwt•rl'4 tu Jln\\'tlt' ft.H't h we.� hnw1, i'lo.,.,.,. nf out· tt•t'mhtll lnml ,

:-1�1 Wff f'lt'U tft•r \'HU llhi'UHt), . S<>Wht)l yon' tu fnuuo uml llo<l.

'\"o>tn·• tlw nn\th•r lui to l'lwo•o. l.ur"t'r un ln, thl• ur .. tu lnu•u-

.Sown rnr \tit•• I Llh•t·nlly ' llh·u u tu llml null liiH•rty, &•hllt•r• mlllnu u'ur tluo •t'll·

"Uurry'' wil l bo glut! to Journ tl111� t"Al:ill friatul Uoburt 11. Sluoh•lr, (utlltor

, ·

nnd home is h·ctiSIIfed ; how lettet·s are yem·ttelt for nud ho"' some poor, himgry-eyed fel!O\n tnm sndly, .if not tearfully llwny, empt.y-ht•ml�tl

tmd he:�1·y hearted frout the post office ; not to mention the deeply un· fortunate class, brn\"ely we11riug the blne of the Republic, thnt htn·e neither home nor friends to hear from. An•l, should Bro. Sinclair's suggestion become one of Westfield's li:ted habits, we Clltt promise, know­ing the good American stnlf that the six We&tfield boys are 'made of, that the bron<lest und most iu telligen t generosity in the distribn tion of any surplus, nor will they wait for tlult thnt mny go down in the weekly t:�xes, for nfter nil most of_ these fellows receil·e weekly i nstnll-llll'U ts from their own fomilies. 13ut flmt is not the point. 'l'lti• is: \\"estfiehl as Jrc.•ftield will uot forget lier own , ami she hns nu open pnlm beyond the thought of selfishness.

G otl ble>s tlenr ohl \V�,; tfiehl, nuy­

how : she is ul wnys doing something u nnstllll. Slw thrin's nuLl makes good use of her thri\·ings. 'l'l111t she does mnkl' good me of her thrh·ings i�, perhap�, why she thri ns. \\"Ito k nows? ·

But to return, yon know how it is; the tired people of the \\"Orld do the work of tho worhl ; so right :\WilY "'� c\lllllllenced to think of some tride·tl-wake womnn to report the mggest ion to nnol soon hllll llll embunnosment of l"icheg on our huutls. So the cd· itor just erm�e.l orer Cnrl�to'tt place to )Jt·g. Johnson's hom�. Of coursl' :l[rs. ,lohusou wns "renll,r to b11sy" nml nil that sort of thing ; nml Rlso. of eom·;;e , "�he ll i<l n ' t sel' how sh.c po.;sibl,r L'onhl ;" null still, also, o( conr:;e, she ngn.1et1 to Slll� some of the !.111iN nntl now we lrnm

4th. 220 ynnl dnsh, hnllllicap. 1st

prize �. �ml f'l. atb. 8:1ck ruce, halll\icnp. 1st prize

oj:8. �ud �I. ' Entries for nil games nud races cnu

be left witll 0. P. W ilcox. Eutrunce fee to running rnce.o 50c, potato nULl sack rnce �5c.

Pie Enting Contest. ltllmediately nfter n \'l"llrLliug prizes for

coaching pnrade at Schmitt's coruer ; prize of f.� aud pies contribllted by John J. Schmitt. Entries for this contest tiiUst boi wade to Mr. Schmitt by July 2, lo ortler for him to h111·e sufficient J>it!Ol

on band. Tub Races

at Clnrk's pond, Broad stl'@t<t, lifter pie eating conttst. No entrance fee. Prize.o to be tleterwined by the showing of the

contestant•. No prize to any entry not

crossing the pontl. , 9 a, 111. , Bicycle Pnrade in connection with "Ye Ancient and

Horrible Couching l'•nty." Dr. F . • -\. Kincb, Local C.:msnl L. A. W., Mat11hal Bicycle diYi8iou ; M.M. Scmlder Manohal "Ye Ancients nnd Horribles. "

Bicycle Di�i•ion. Color Bearer, Lloyd Thompson, Aides,

R. I. 'l'owuley, Geu. B. Dickerson, A. H. Clnrk, ; C. B. Denman. First tlivis· ion, Chihlren unLler 1:! yenl1! of nge ; Sccoml tli\·isiou, Cl<tbs, in or<ler of ••n· iority ; Thlr<l <lh"ision, Unattnche•l rhl· en.,(uot clnb members :) Fourth di..-ioion, Comiclll nbtl GroteStjllt! co�tumeol riolers.

Route:-Form nt DepGt P.nk, st<�rt to btl llllllle promptly ot uiueo'clock, thence North 11\"e., to C�utral n\·e. , to Broad st. , to Mountniu n•·e., to Lawrence n•·e. , to Kintball n..-e., to Elm st., to Bro:1d st., to Pros)leet st., to Dmll�y nve., to Clark st., to North nve., to Westfield tl\'e., to Park i!t., to :5mu mit nYe., .to A.C1llieJny pl., to�Boule,·,u<l, to Pnrk •t .. to Carle· ton pl., to Roo• pl . . to Centml ll\-e., to Pictou st., to, Eimer st.. to Bro:t<l st .• to Post Olll<·e, wh�re a double line will be f\.1rmeU to nl low the couching pnrmle- to pass in reYiew. Prizes-B��t \lecorutetl Ind ies' wh<>el.silrer wonutt>�l <'owll nut! brash . De•t <lecornte,l gentleman·s wheel, si ll·er handled umbrell11. /Best d��on\te-..1 gh·l:!!' wheel Bntl boys· whee), each ba\"e choice of anything they ,1e<ir� uot to exceed ljtl in vnlne. Each l>oy nn•l girl lliU'tlciJHiting iu the pnrll!le nt its clo;,• ''"ill be gl\·cn 11 ticket g001l for ti..-� <·ents nt eitht'r Dor�nl's or Trench· tlmt " tlw thing is taking shnp1•," IU"ol's tlrn.� store or nt Wittke's or D ttghi's

011 tlw tmin to t lw ei t�· the ot ho'l' cnn<ly 1\1111 frnit stor�s. 'l'he prize for

llllH"IIillJ: till' ST.I !i i i.\ B ll mnn hml the mo;t l'OUlical m· art isttc co;tnwe in thL• p:u·n,\e will be the choice of on• thL• pll'IISU l'l! of :.;hnring a sent wi th momh'• cvuu11ntntlou !ld�•t bet o\'cen \\', G . l'L•ekhnm. "'l' hn t'� n !(O<'tl \Ye;ttleld nm1 New ).\>rk . a ton of coal .

itle:t of Si nclnir'�. l ll'I'O's i<:O 11101'<' 1 1101\" on exhlbillon 111 Tullle Dro'•· co.1l if yon want i t ; I snppo>L• t lwn•'ll be / y•ml, or tlve olollnr;' worth or shaves nnd

fn•ight to pay L'll'." ,T u�t p,.ck hum's , huh' cnts ut l[ich�l'• tou;uriul •>tnblish

Wil l' ! A� tlw t l'llin bowl••ol in to t h£> J m�.���· \ 1 1 1 ti it 1 c I I I' • - . • 1 • t1 .� nc l'U n tH orr a eo one ' UJ.: ll''!>ot nt .J ��·��·y Ct ty h•' sl•U� : ' ' l l ow'� 1 Pnrry" will """''llblt• 011 El1u ••n·�•. fill'

ti l l�, l'l'tlr�:tll ; 11'0 huron t h:11l ulll' lull DrotHl. 111111 on llro;h\ •t r,•�t ructug nsnnl qnnncll�" Ct'utrnl t\ \'NHW, lwn•l"l IJy Hobtor1

" lint tho train hnsn't g topp�d \'ct" \Yov,lrnff'g rom hor;e lrnL•k cnrrytug

1.,, >lit•ll tho tww• 111 >or mnn. '

Cnln"• �lll ltnry Ba11tl, of Uroukl)·u, will 1 I , . I I follow the l>iL'YdL• J>:lln<h• II< tl r•nch..,. UuttoiHIL•Il, \I'll sultlto yon ! !ho <'tlrner of Ct•ntrnl n..-�un• nntl Droml

Unolt•rjlrumlll lo<>llolrnt coutniiiH H, OOO llll ll'M llf Ml'\\'l'rll, 11 ·1,000 tlllll'� Of !(•IU• J:tlll'h w lrt••, 4, l>UO milo• .of wntor mntn�. tl,IJUO utile• of Blll l'tJ>c., all dcd• ultuly lllllll,

•tn•�t. A c<�>h J>rlzc• or f lO wlll lw ltl\'•u·•lt'l tlw mo.t uud.-ut uutl burrllrle rll( Itt llm•. .Ttlll�•·• of lh� blcyclu llh·J . •lon-1 •. . M. Whltak•r. W. 0. Delllhlll· tL•r nml .TnmM 0. Cl11rk. Of coaching llh'lslon--Hnrry E. Knight, Clu•rles F�· ler ROll tl. \\', R�'\'W.

nnfnrling • the flag will be uccomtllmieLI :: 'Knnpps " . " " pet' bottle by th� henrly cheers of e1·er�· trne hear· � II ires " " ]>CI' bottle 1 6c ·l

1 7c ed American present Hnd. the n�·iuJ,r of � 'l'etu� lm\·e nd\'1\UCOU toe IJCr lb .• but the \'Cl')" best we soll l\t itll cents Pet· llJ. cninloU 5ttlutes r·�prestmtiug f:Jw thh·teeu 3 !t!cJiorlb . .L Hroth�euse, 3 bnxcs for !?5c.

Good 'l'ea.

original states of t he Uninn. = F TCH 0 f under 1hrechou of A. H. Barnett. Two C • • ' . . �

?-30 !--'· Ill. Bicycle Race ... E L I . . rocer. BROAD ST. , :: mile open mce •tm tit>g frow Stantlur<l �%-%·%·%%·%·%·%%·%·%%-%·lC:%·H%·%-I·%%·%·%::Z:·%-%%::Z:·%-%·ftZ%%·%·%:1::·%·%·%!U!·%,%I%·%·2: : building- nntl :ro to Oakhnl!l null return, tiuishiu� nt starting point. A. one milo hallllicnp. a one mile open nntl ll scl'lltch rnce for Uovs will start nt . the corner in front of D;rml's 1h·ug store nml go out Broatl street. tO\\"ard Fair\·iew cetuetnry HnJ] rf.ltnrn t1nisllingat th� stnt·tiug point. 'l'bere \vill al:!o be a fat wen·s slow rnct!. i\It·. Baruett h11s lll'l':tllgetl to l11n·e the contse in gt-.ml coullitiou. Prizes con­siHing of melluls. bicycle tires, Jumps, swt-ater::;, shoes etc., will be pl't.'Sentetl to the winne1·s. Enh·ies must be nccom­pauie<l with the entry fee ol 2;;c for each ruce. _-\l l entries mnst be n<ltlre5setl to

A. H. Barnet.t, clinirwun bicycle mce I committee, post ollice b<.lz 4�ii. Westfielll N. J.

3.30 p. tu. Base BaiL Westfield clnb , .•. Ornufonl A. 0.

7.30 p. tu. Btuul Concert.

A •elect patriotic nud dn;sicnl concert by Cninl'� Bllnll at the ball gt'OIIIlll.

Pyrotechnic Di•play on ball gronmls. BroiiLI street. to com­mence nt dark an.l not before. Bnml will 1>h1y >It n:pproi>Tillte intervals during the exhibition

The fncinnting _spectacle \\ill com­mence with 1'hirteen Aerial Salutes, one for each of the thirteen original states.

Minllture Electric Fouutniu-si:l: pris · mntic fountain�, encli fountain lh·e feet nptlrt nntl the sprny flllling in ..-nriL'<l color�.

Our Own Mosquitoes impersonntetl by immense six pouml Jnpauese lire tly rockets, ntul will still be buzzing nml shooting in the nlr when there will be sent nfter thew

Constable 1111d Deputy Sheriffs In the shape of sis pieci'S of f:mr-ponnd porn· clmte rockets, the stars from which will haug In the air IUlll s'lowly !!out awny to· imrds Cranford, R11hway or any way the wind may be.

Grand Illumination to show the pleas· et\ faces of en•ryhotly-this is dilferent from what is ordinarily seen-green or retl fire, it will be maroon and plenty of it.

Ground Display consisting of �ix large minH of Sl'rpenu, fired simultaneously. This allords e\·erybody a chance to see snakee without any annoying accom­par:.hnent.

Flight ot Wbirhvinds-sis · prl8watic, seething, sizzling, screeching, sky aersp· el't!!!.

Dragon's Dance wade by uniting six pieees of dragon's nesi. in one large tlis· play. The dance Is en used by each nest trying to get away from the bunch.

Begiuniug July n, nntl duri ug July ami August thfl store closes-

. . . every Sutn rduy ot noon.

�---��&TI;�JA\W� Th>l!!J�lf '$>1f�-ID131'-,V;J'..- ,_

147· 14 g · MARKf.T 5T. N EWARK, N . J .

For�ing the Outer '! · Oarment Busi'ness ..... _:;

:i� A sale is now. in progress in our big Outer G�r- ,J. ment Dcpartm·ent that will surely be a record bre;1k. :.i cr.. 'Ve have determined to force trade arici n ame J prices on fashionable, new and bright wares that ij are ridiculously low, considering their quality and ,_;, the fact that they arc now required.

L�UIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS, of nil wor.l clotbs, fly front Jackets with silk lining 111111 perfectlJ- tnlloretl Skll·ts, Suits wade to sell nt 10.00 to 15.00, mnrked at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . , . . LADIES' AND MISSES SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS, tnude of blnck anll navy Serge and of plaiu llllll flgnretl :Mohair, velvet bound

uicely. linetl and f!"OO<l finish, worth 2.98 to 8. 71i for. . . . . . • . . . . _ . . . . . . : LADIES' BICYCLE SUITS. made of fine wool mixtures, with tly front .Tnckets nud circular sh11pe skirt with rows of stitching around

bottom, real . worth 7. 98 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . LADIES' BICYCLE SUITS. ma<le of Cotton Covert clotbs, fine

linen• anll liuen crashes, wasbnble and very cowfortoble, weJI Dllltle, . 5.00 vnlnt! at . . . . , . . . . . , • . , . . ,_ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . • . . . . , . . � . . . . , . . .MISSES AND CHILDREN'S ORGANDIE DRESSES, in white,

plain high shades and florul de•igt1s, trluunetl with rumes ntul satin ribbon and with drop skirts, for ages ol to 14 years real value 10.00 to go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .

WRAPPERS AND HC USE DRESSES, of French Percales, Din1ities and white and coloretl lawns, perfect fitting, skirts 3 and 4 yards wi<le, separate fitted linin(, .. , new pl11ited backs, bound arru holes and tloished se81lls, 8 dilferent styll!fl, usually 1.73 to 2.00. to go at 1.2.'i an<L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · - · · : - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · - · · · · · ··· The bargain story (Ould be continued

without end, but you can judge.

by the above how big the values are • .

Mall orden promptly and carefully Oiled. Goods Dehvered Free. ·

L. BAMBERGER & CO., Flight of llortar Bombshells, tweh·.i inch shells lire•! frotn iron aml steel mor· tars-from this yon can imagine the bombt�rdmeut of either ll•lllill\, Santi· ugo or Hnvnun, it wit! be so ditfer�nt.

Market and Halsey .Sts�, Flight of rockets, 24 colored star rock·

ets n..<ceu<ling �50 (eet and bnrat throw­lug out colored stars.

Diamoml Chnins. formetl by mam· moth eight Jl<llllld rockets, which ut n height of 600 feet, release chains of stars wh ich lloat snspemletl in the uir by large Japanese parachutes.

SecoU<l Illumination Colore<l Fires, so the nssemblage muy Yiew t hemsel..-es once tnore.

Umbrellas of Fire,extrn lnrge e:<celsior re..-oh·iug geysers or water Sjl<lllts. The.e ure truly w.:.nderfnl. risinl( in a soliol column of golden sprny to n height of 100 feet. -

Grntul Flight and Sky Race, oue or two nt n time. so that each may oo en. joye'l by itself, of t, G nutl 8 poum\ ex· hibition rockets followe1l •lowly by par.


Ladies' Tan Yici Kill Bicycle Boots, nil widths, Lnllies' 'l'nu Goat Bicl'ele Boots · Lndies' Blnck Vici Kld Hicycle Boots Ladiea' 'l'tm Goat t Bicycle Boots Lndies' Tun Goat Bicycle Ox!orlls Ladies' 'l'an Vici Kid Bicycle Oxfords

S2.50 St.95 $2.50 S1 .65 $1 .25 $1.65

H. C. PJ K·ER, BROtt\D ST,

\Vestficld's Busiest Shoe Store. admte•. tluuting slurs, bwtmhell revolv· ��:;=���:::�·:���::�:�::�::���:;:������:��� iug 1lragou ltarlt'<jllin, whistliug <le•il nml comet 1""kots, these followetl in tum by the more benutifnl effects ol the \\"illow tree, goh1en clontl, t riple bon· quet jewelletl st•·eamer, chnngt.>nule star< nn.t tnnunnoth halloon rocket< Tlti• tine di<t>lny will b" given nt 11 height or 400 to GOO f<'t't. 'fo bring the spectators back to enrth ngnin, the best thing is-

.Tnpnue:;(l Jnggler!l, which con!'i�tL• of

Continued on page 8.

l(oT•I -I!tl tbo f- ,.,., •ht-•ull tkllc .....

Don't \\'aate Money

by hn>·lng to )'Ottr hon•e. It foro •ometblng Is ing, Rill[ the liiO!Ie)' COIIISII�UIE'\1 1\ttle HOOII lllll0tlllt8 orlglnnl of Jirot clnu

at SINOER'S FISH MARKET are low. �omplete In every detail.

the finest In the market; Oo to

5c STRAIGHT For uTAPI." U.1t sc CIJ" markot. Try one and enJoy a 1ooJ

· A•k for "TAPS."

Wrtlilo•'• Dllar . •-. '!', • .. -.... 11!�•,·.-·:·._'!1!'�·. �-. .. • . . .....




.... -. ••. 11!11 .... , /'1 ,1'.· . " ,;_,\ . . ' . < .: Bt.n.ITitEBT,�WBITJ:IB�· :

�. '' :'J . ·''· •:, :. a -. · :.. · ''1··1 ···�.; · H , ,, .,,..,\, . • :, ·� r

Page 5: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

THE IJNION (OITM· STANDARD Tile '.' Standard!a " Fourth of July ' WESl'FIELJ?. N. J., ,'!UNE 21, 1898. Thermometer.

-Tbill iB the longat day of the year. -Harry A .. Knlgbt Is eujoylng a two

;'· \.--- Jl)le�.

:---:::·�· - llaltmts ant) lii'fters.

• soo.oo


Patriotic Hoot

July 1 June 28

-.,.------! J•1ue 24 8D3.GV 220.35

June 2 1 Juno 1 7

weeks vacation. · -Wm. 'nialr baa given up bls position

In B. H. W ocirnll'a store: -W.,;tftelit Conclave, No. Iilii, · I. 0.

H. will luild a. regnlar meeting this even· �� .

-Tit!! public fouutnlr� Is gettlug to be 11 t:tu·orit" stopping pla"e fo1· out of town wbeehueu.

· ·�'J' \�?nAiiD Js o11 en.le nt 'l'•·cnchnt·d,s � 144. 50 Ju no' 14 Tn��l'tig lt;i"ure Oil Ht•ou<l nml P•·o�JM!Cf SIH., -----.-----1-------- ··. -Jtunes 1\loffett \Jus nbont completetl the new Bhe<ls In the rear of the 11Ieth· otl!st chnrch,

. · t( ' lo't:: tint� �>turo. UrOild St .• C. i:l'. \V. -�fl1\'i,t�!� t;toro, F�lm Jtml Hrmul Sb. , Union Nc\\·.s co., ut de1mt ntu� from all JIO\\'H boys.

FOtt. �AI.Jf�-(Jilt on P11r·k B:t.rcot, OO.yffl)l), · blgi-1, sluulc ; 1m.r!{n�n. C. )i;, Pcni'BilH & Co. · · �It \GE Hoomtt In let, chmlJl. Ollhy bu.lhl­O In!!: Broutl.n.ntl Elm streets. hul uh·o ,J_. .li\ J)oi'\'Ull. 'IW J1E'l'-llou!:!t! contnhling 7 runms on 1-�lm

�trcof· Jhmt $1V.t1U per month. htrJnire of Jl, ].Jo l•'illko . rrO {(f<:N'P-A IWW s room hotu.;o, with nll lm-

111"0\'Cilll!UtS, oai Cllu·kAt rcet. J\Jlt•lr to '1'. ,, \Vbcclcr.

·---------------------\ ''T \X'l'1�D-H).' womon. e.nch with nn tnfnnt. 1r · ,,, � or >·nUll!.! chlltl. Hituntlous tn tho co•me � ·tn· (�t·uN>ttl lwusowork. plntn cno\{tnu, 11tc.) · rtitnll w�t"e!-; t!XIWCtllll. AlJIJIY !'3llltO Chnr ltlcs

· Al l ,\sso'ehdlon. tn'J Enst 'l'WOI\t.)'eSlll'UIItl str�et, X on· Ym·k city. ·

ennn�· � Leading Shoe Store �- . of Westfield. .�������·


i 'ill be the most popular Shoe

>this season and we ,hate them :,�for au. ·�

. -.- # !'JOHN O'BLEN.IS

Broad Street, w._.tfleld.


IJojmlur· Con trilJu tiona.

liCJ·o is tho record of euch i>sno of the 81',lN'IlAIW 1111tl sh�IVS holf the conkibutioi1s ·are warming up. E1•crybody coutrii.Juto' their· mite nnd lift tho pntl'iotiaru up to its full heat, $500.00


• --T. D. Bn•holl, of)3nyunne, bus sohl ills former resi!leuce ou l�imbull lil•mme to W. G. Delumnter.

-George F. 1\lursh, of Kimbull �ve­Jllte, is enjoy�ng o. two weeks \'ncatiou nt Portlnntl, lllnine.


-'Tho •·egulm· m�eting of the West· fiel<l Bniltling & Lonn nssocintion will be held tltis eveulug. ' -At t.he la�.t •·egnlur meeting of Hook null Latlller comvauy Etlwin lloll�es WHR JH'npo:o;etl for metnbel'ship.

-VeHtJet• Rer\·ice� will he lwltl Snmln)· ercniugs at 7.tl0 o'clock during .Jnly uml August iu the llletho<list chmch.

-Frank i\Iolfutt is mu·sing 11 puir .of -l\Ir. uml l\It·s. ciarence 'l'renchnril, poisoned IHmtl•. · nf South Ol'llnge, spent Smu1uy �·ith

-Tho Westliehl fire ile(mrtment will �lr. nuil :Mrs. W. H. 'J'renchard.

tncc£ this cve;Jiug.- � ' · ' ·· ··· · · -Eugene Dl·owu is out ngniu aftc1· -1\lrs. '1'. R Htn•vey is visiting relit� haviug been confined to his home on

tives in PeunsylvanitL. NJrth ILveune for a week by illuess. · -8. Jo�liu, of Droud street, is spend · -'l'he lllonntuinsi<le base bnll team

iug severn! weeks ut Newport. WIIS ilefented by the Pluiufieltl Junlot•s

-1\Iiss l\Iuude Trenchurd is 'visiting

Saturday morning by t' score of 17 to 0. her gl·tmdmother 11t South Orunge. -l\hs I. C. Lumbert will leaJ the

W. C. '1'. U. meetlug this nfter11oou. The nud�.�-!����;;;;,/�/������:���01:::e.

roof subject will I.Je, A. few words uiJout Cocuiue. , -Pride of Centml .Council, DnughterH

of Llbetty will m�et to-llwrl·ow evening. -·rhe PresiJyteriun Sllutllly schoollvill go on their .lllllllllll excnrsion to Asbury

-The Fourth ofJnly Celebmtiou com - Purk and Ocean Grove on· .'l'uesduy, mlttee ts still wuiting fur ymu· sui.Jscri)lt· Aug11st 2. · ion. -Tlte Rev. CIJtts. Fisk�. of St. Paul's

-'l'he Fourth of J uly is nbuost here, church, is awny attending the meeting Have you contl'itnted to the celebmtion of the. coitvocation of Ne1v Brunswick, fundY nt NhVesink.

-1\liss Annie Gilby, of �01-th avenue, bus uccel•ted ll position ns bookeeper at Roselle.

-Broil!) street lms been left iu lmd condition by the 'Cranford Gns Light company.

-A pre1111retory sermon will be )>reach­ed In, tbe Congre"atioual church to· monow evening.

.,... We are In receipt of " well arranged 1vnr utlns sent 01it I.Jy the N. Y. & N. J 'l'elepbone compRny.

-Harry Ryman, of the University of Pennsylvania, bas entered the dental office of Dr. •r. R. Harvey.

-Electriclau W. H. Cb8111berlaln lms the contract to 1vh·e the New York uve. nne Buptist church for electric lights.

(-The afternoon sessions of St. P11ul's Stmilay school have been eusJlended for the summer mul there is i1o\� 11 session Sunday evenings Rt D. 30.

- Arrange to utteml the lawu fete nml c11ke sale on the Ia wu at the •·esidence of C. N. Codding, ou the Boulevard, Satur· ilay afternoon 1111d evening.

. -A 111Jy who does not wish Iter name tuentioned kl1•dly sent three quarts of tlelicloos ice. cream to the children at the Country Home, recently.

-The Fourth of July celebration committee have given R. M. Stickle the pl'ivilege of publishing the official pro· grRm for the days celebration.

•l•f :t:�e11h11f• -Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fitch enter·

-':('he Riverdale ·Athletic associl\\lon of New York, 1wlll plar with · the West· field basa bull te11m on-next Saturday on the North Broad street grounds. Deaplle the stormy evening on Son· talned a nu1uber of frlenda at their

' day the Congregational church was well home on Carl11ton place Saturday even­. -ftllet1 when the Cbildntn's Day excerclses ing. : wer�Qiuld. The church WRB prtlttily de- -Tbe Infant class of the Poesbyterlan

corated wltb ftowen, palma and Amerl· church wlli be given a lawn party on - cau tlugs and · the &Jl"Cially prepaJ•ed the church luwn 'l'hursday afternoon, . program was carried ot'l In a most soc· June 30. cessfnl manner. The pllrtlciiJIIIlts all -C. A. Brown and Jessie King wheel­

e<l to Dover on Stmtllly where they were entertained by lib·. Brown's brother, J. N. Bro\Vn.

. took their )lart� in a charming manner. · The service was opeue<l with prRye•·

by R<�v. Henry Ketcham. The follow· lug recitations were well d�live•·e<l :

·· ·"The Dl .. :oulented Flower, " E<lith Cowpertwalte; "LessOti From Nnture''

· )!arion Brown, anil "In Dulsy Time" I.Jy Ctn'l'ie Kenneily ; a solo, " God who hns wn<le d!ds�s" was well rendered I.Jy ·lUur­jorie Dorman, the chorus being sung I.Jy D1em!Jers from the Infant chtss· . Tlte evening's excerclses closed with an In terestiug address by the Rev. C. H.

�ton. The music was a fenture of the exei'Cises and was well reuilel'e<1 under the direction of Robert Johnston the cboll'lunster. . There was 11lso 1111 Interesting <11'111 en·

tltle<l "An Otrerlug ofJflowers" ln which the following little ladies took Jllll't : Bessie Brown, Berth \Vood, Bessie H1m· for!l, lllll<lre<l Gomes, 1\lidom Ritchie, Lllll'l·euce Jones nud Allee Hnnford.

------�··40------l•uma.t�miM tu ·uhlhhen'lil lfnme frum lUny

fu .JnnM 1:1, JHfiH. ' 6 sheets, 0 Jl\110\V CllSeH, 0 towels , 2

t1re•ses, 1 <1oz. wnsh cloths, Rnhwny Gnjil1, thl'Oilllh Mrs. Ingl'lllll : 24 over· nll•, Eplscottitl Gnlhl ; 4 ontlng jnckot8, li outing fl11nnel th•esse• · IIIIUle bl' 1\h·s. Knne for 1II1·s. Endlcott ; .12 l10ys' wnl•t',,

' lllothot11st · Altl suolety : 2ll glngh n m <lresses, Pt·eshyter\tm S. society : t tl

: glngluuu tlmwel'll, 12 night <1rnn'IU'R, 1 1 nl�ht gowus, Congt•egntlounl ohnrch so·

, cloty ; plchue 1\(m·tbll Wnohlngton's t·e· 1 Ceftt!Otl, nm1 ! t1ov.. ohllh'R, 1\h·�. 'l'on ·

nell : llllint, A Friuutl ; ctothhl!(, 1\h·•· llmu·y Knight ; \l()oks, A Fl'lmul : mmit

_.'llhwo, 1\h·. Sm�t1<1or : mont minco, 1\lr. Wumh·n!Y; jolly mul beii!IR, 1\h·. Wlllltm• : h11rrol Hll!(lll', 1\[r. I�n<lloott ; tggs, 21 <lozolt, 1\lt•s, W. E<lJ!III' : cnlw 111111 cooltlus, �lt'M, '1'. ]], Gl'tloll ; � ton

. COli), 'i'ul,l)o llt'OH , Hh'IIIVh!ll'l'illH 1\JIHH Cltn•ll : mont, !Ill', Bny<1tll' l 11l<lllt,, t.wll'o, llll', W11hl ; high ohr1ir, 1\lrH, l�oRtUI' 1 high clmh·, !\Irs. Sjnol,l'OIIl : leo Ol't•lllll, n ftl01ul ; lomJI(o, 1111''• Orr, mont, lift•, M11rsh : 1Uon<11nl.( chnlr .1\lr. Fronoh : t"�h�i llO!IItOtlH, i1 fl'l<llll); 81111111111S, 1\11',

llghi 1 mm11uino1 Jlh•. Om·vnll : kuU.Io, ltt!•ll!\ llllllM, bowls,' II ft•\oll!l l HhO!!H 1111!\ Rlocklngs : 1\hs. Oitu•ll,

ll.lus. '1'. n. Gul�llN, 11111.18 A, 1\1, CJJnUIK,


..:Joseph Faulkner, 11liss Faulkner, 1\li� imd !\Irs. E. H. Faulkner uud l\lr. Rtid,lllre. W. J. Bogert spent Snmlny ut Sen bright.

..:...The Rev. C. 111. Amlerson dellveretl '111 n<1<lress nt tbe 4th. annlvers•u·y of the Blhle l\lisslon school ut Crunford on 'SundRY 11ftornoon.

-There will i.Je nu election of officers Rn<l an initi11tion nt tbe meettug of Ceu. h'al Council, No, 131, Jr. 0. U. A. 111. on Friday eve11iug.

-Hnrry A. Johnson is nursing " bn<l­ly discolore<l eye IVhich he received by being bit with the b111l during u I.Juse bull gnmo on Slltnrdny morning.

-D1·s R. R. Sinclnir mHl Sherm11u Coo11er )Jreforme<l u successful opemtion mt Frunl< Y1·eeltulll for nrpeut1eoltla on

Snn<1ny . Mr. Vreelnml ls now hntn·ov· lug:

-1\[rs. Georgp N. Williams letl the Christhm Endeavor meeting in the Pres­I.Jyterl;m ohm·ch on Sum111y evening. The subject Will', Chrlstitmity comp11re<l wltlt otltm• religions.

-'l'he Rev. Clutrles l\[. Amterso11, lliiStor of tho 1\fetho<ll•t chmcli wont to n11yonno lust oveu\ug to pre11clt 11 fUIIOI'Ill

�01•1·1co over the remntns uf ono of his former Jllli'Hhlcuel's,

-WIIlitun U. Wm·t1, of South nvenne,

who 1111� hven slok aluco New Yetu•s 111111

who vlaltml hls tllll'oiiiAIIt Mon•er, N. Y. snv�l·nl IVtmlc• III(O for hla henlth, t•otlll'n·

on to his homo on Fl•i11ny. , -'l'lw fllllPI'IIl aol'l'i<Wa of tho lute W.

W. 1tt!o<1m· wen• heltl nt hi• lnte. humu In Gtll'WOml on Snt.tu•tlny nttoruooll, tho

nov. Churlus l\1. Atli1Ut'HOII ollicntlng. lut.unnnnt wn• In l�V<ll'l!l'tlOII uomotm•y,

Wlv.ulwth. -Sovorul ovouhti.(H ngu 1lhout �0 young

pnot1io l't·om tlw J.lh·•tstl'out, M. 11, ohm•uh, Bnyunllo, unmu to W ostl!ulll n u<l tomlur·

ml 11 Kllt'jt!'iHo jl!&l'ty to tlwh• fm•mnl'

(IIIHI<II', tho ltuv. Olml'lus i\l, Ant]!li'KOII,

11111\ fnmify, 'i'hn•OVUIIi ll!( WIIH Jl)llltHIIIlt•

ly JIIIRHIH1 · 11H KliCh OC!lllHHi<IIIH !l!liiUt'IIIJ)'

Ul'!l nUll tho vi•lturB luff, on 11 Into tl'llht for homu, 'l'hu NomtH1H, 11 hloynlu olnh OOIIIII!IHet1 uf ln<liOH 1111!1 f!ttutlolll!lll ft'lllll

Ullyonuo, l'lKn vlHIIml 1\h•, 1111!1 llh·�. Amlcrson 11 few c I' d.il:t::; I IIlO•

-The Rev. Ueorge F. Green, of tlte Presbyterian church, Cranford, occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church on Sunday mornlrog. The Rev. N. W. C11dwell preached at Crnnford.

-Ellner Wooilrntr and Ralph C. Pear-81111 came 1111 rroom St�ndy Hook on Snt· nrd11y to visit relntlves nnil fl'ienils here. Both were looking goO<I an<l s11id th11t Uncle Sum Is using them gooil.

-This evening ft·om 7 till 10 o'clock the Woman's assochat!on of the Congre· gaHom\1 church, w\11 holil R )Jutriotlc ten nt the home of Mrs. Wilft•etl Johnsou on Curleton 11il1ce. Go unil enjoy ymuself.

-llliss Enlllilll G11skill, of Centr11l avenue, celebmte<l her ninth birtlulny in u very plellstmt wny Sntnr<1ny after· noon I.Jy giving u (llculc to twenty.two of her frl�mls. She was the rec ipient of some vei·y )Jretty · presents, ns 'a rem em· hmnce of the <:�ccaslon.

. -'l'he•·e will be " IRIVII festival and sl\le of cnke S11tnrtluy llfte•·noon nntl e1•ening from 4 to 10 o'clock nt the resl· ilence of Cllllrles N, Cotltling, on the Doulevunl. The festh•nl is given by the Lntlies' Guild of St. Pnnl's chmch for the benefit of the Gulltl trensm·y.

-l\Irs. Clmrles Emory Apgm', so-jour· nPying nt Ashmy Park, nnd w hose chtu•ming personnlity hns beeu so 1nnch misse<1 this summer by tho rcsi<lonts of om· f11ir1town, wns for 11 few dnya tho gnest df l\Irs Clutrles King Dnnow, of Clmrlos stt·eet l11sL woe!<. Upon tho retm•n of her hnslnt•u1, who Is still nht·on<l, l\[l's, Apgnr w lll re-opell her res· h1euce on Cnrlotou plnce.

-Al'l'llll�omeuts fot• 11 tennis tom•nn· ment IIIUOng the memlJm•n ol' the I. 0. S. nre 11hnost complete, 'l'ho •l•ort Is fnst bocomi ug 1111 nccuptetl sn1u uwr pnstlmr 11mong these 11thlotlc yonth, nutny of whom m•o <1nito expert with thu rllcqnot. 'l'ho committee In uhm·go hopo to Ill'· mugo fm• n n111tch I.Jotwoen every mum · hm• who entm·s nn<l will 111\'111'<1 th• prizes on 11 b,IHis of the nYol'lll!CS mmlo In thuKo 1unto!ws. AH Boon "" lll'l'nngetl tho �che<lnl<• wlll nppon•· ln tho ST.\Nil.ll!IJ,

-Dnrl ng Uw Nuti01HLI l!ltlnontlonnl (JIJIIVOUt.iOII t.hu Ocntml mlh'Olltl or Nnw .Joi'RY will Kttll OlWIII'Nion UclwtH ln \Vnshiugtou t'wm polutH o 1 1 ii:H r01ul nt f'tll'O OliO lVII)' for tho I'OIUH1 tl'i(l, in llt1· tl!Uuu lo $2 to COVIll' IIIUIIIhhl'Hhi)J I'm•, 'l'hllHO t lllltots will hn gom\ to go ,J uly •I l:o 7 Irwin• In•, 111111 I'm• t•otlll'll lunvhtll \VnHhlnJ.tl:on ,l nly ll lo tr. lnelnK\vo. By ''''l'''"ltlug l lolwtH with t.Iw ngout nt. Wn•hlnl!lnu, 011 ol' hul'ot•o .l nly 12 nm1 1111 Jucynwllt ol' no ctrut• wl•llllounl, tlw l'ul.m•n limit IIIII)' bu uxtout1U<1 to Aul(u•t Ul1 �fJOfJ, .

GILDERSLEEVE'S Ifevery lady in town knew

what excellent Duck, Cloth, and Serg-e Skirts we h:we in stock and what they'd save by buying them, our store would not be .big enough to hold the crowds who'd flock to us.

. \>V c're not complaining-, for we're busy; but l ike Dickens' Oliver we cry for "more."

· Greater values hardly posst­ble; what shall ,,;e do to bring you-1o them ?


Dry Goods AND .


Dress Linings & Trimmings.



BUILDER. Prospect Street,

Westfield, New jersey. �.� r· 'i

Estimates Cheerfully Fur-•J nished.

�n•�<•••••�<•-'••••�<••••••' j .YITOI BEAOH i • • "' Attractions ilri•·lng tl1e month of • . = w June. .Dally 11111•ic·3 to B p. m. iii • • = Full orchestrR on Satnrilnys, !I! � <ltmclug afternoon free, e\·e11ing I = 25c. The popular free SundRy !i! . ; = Concerts commence for the sea· • w son on Jnne 12th at p. 111. I . .. �.,. .. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.:.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.., 6,000 PEOPLE

Will be in WESTFI E L D on the

Joilrt- ol Bnl� •

YoUR Business Announcement

Shoul<l be in the Official l'rogram

Published by

R. M. STICKLE -Au ncconnt of the township com­

mittee meeting hehl on Frill11y e1•eniug, is crowtled ont this issue, nn<l will np· penr on Friday .

-'.fhere will he 11 S)Jecinl meeting . of tlte Sociul club nt 8 o'clock to· night to tuke nction In reference to the lle11th of Cnpt. Simpson.

-The twenty thinl llllUh·m·snt·y ani! gruilnlltlng el(ercises of tha Now Jersey 13nsiness College will ba hel•l Frh1ny evening, Jtuoo 24th, In Krueger's Amli · tol'inm, Ne\\'lll'k. ·

-The Rovnl Arc11nnm entertnlmuent am1ouncell for '!'hnrsdny e\·eniug haH heon lmlefinntely post1•on(!(1 on ncconut of the denth of .l11m�s A. Slllli>son , 11 nwmher of the connell.

-1\fl"s Stelln Cmumt, of 13rool<lyu, Is Ylsltlu� nt Wnotl•i<lo cottngu 011 Pros· poet street, where l\f!ss E<lnn l\1, Fretl ol'ick hns ltlso mtiii'IIR<l, n t'tol' gi'Julnnt­lug frotn Pelltllu h1stltnll'.

-A hm·so lmlnuglug to 13. H. Woml· t'Ylit t•nn nwn�· Sntm•tln)" uvutdng ntHl crentm1 n grenf, <1<'111 of oxdltHIIUilt nn<1

C. M. TRAVIS tc CO., _ __ INo,�nmental and Cemetery I orks,

30 and 3::1 Somer5et St • • Plainfleld,-N. J. · Hnving bought .tit A entire stock uml gooil will of Town• sen�·s Ma.rble and Oranl�e _Works, we are prepnred to furmsh f'Htlrnates und tlo ht'Ht-class wol'k nt renROiutble Jll'Wes. 1\k Ellll'ttrtl Sebrin&{, who lms oePn in the business in Pin infield for the pnst 18 yeurs, is with us.

�:::=;��i!,.. We Invite a Call or Correspondent:e-----.. YonrH 'l,l'nly.

C. JVJ. TRAVIS & CO ... ********************** ****

$. TUTTLE BROS. ! * ------- * � Sales Agents for ,� i lisler' s Slan�ar� Ferli l izers ! � For Lawn. Garden and Farm. � � Don't place your orders 34f * until you get our prices. = * * � We are still headquarters for *

: :Lu.M.BER and ·CoAL. S ·* ' . * * * � Telephone 32-B. � * Yards-Westfield avenue, * � Spring and Broad streets, Westfield. � �************************:

riREWORKS ORAND DISPLAY of large and small set pieces. Colored Fire: All kinds of Fire Crackers from the small baby er to the large Cam1on Cracker.

Unheard of Low · Prices on all Stock.

Let the young and old enjoy the Glorious Fourth.

Buy your FIREWORKS of me and save money.

• • F. B. TURRILL . •

................................................ � Daway, Sampson & Schley Three American Boys who are Fly.

IF YOU 'Vant to be fly and get a real good thing just get one of our fan{ous Bltie Scr�e ' Suits. We

have 'em from $ .r o up/ C'Ji;,��·; olle i� n bargain. 'L· . � � ·";,·,f·. ,�"•·"' Come nnd sec us • . .

Colyer « Co., C,lol!dn/J Onu' 1

815 Broad St. , NEWARK, N . J. lll'ol<e liJ> o n • • of �II·. Wot>�lru!r'H t!f!lll'ot')' ........................................ .... .... WII�OIIR, '1'11!' tll'il'l!t' \1'118 t10I!I'CI'\Ilj.( 1111 -........ � ......... -......... ------------�- -���---- · -�-111 .. 111 .. 111 .. 111 .... 111. 111 ... 111 . ...... lll .. lll._lll_lll_lll .... lll_llll_llllll_lll_\

_ _ m•tll'r when l lw lun·•u st11rh•tl oft. '!'Ill' CENTRAL. NEW JERSEY DRIVING I l'l' ightunoll nuhnnl 1'1111 <lnwn Pr<•H(II'el ASSOACI TIO N. A PHOTO Hti'O!!t mu1 IWI'O.'H l)w \'llt'llllt lnt n t lh<• t�ol'IHH' ot' Bt·ontl Hll'tlllt,, Bncmui ll J.( i'l'Pil fro!ll tho WUJ(oll lw 1\'Prtt. to thR stnhlo lol' A rchholtl '" tlotH1t1ur, whur" lw \I'IIH cllnght..

-----� · --------\\'tllll llt•Ht 1.11"-4'"- n fJuwf f!Hhnn,

.TniiiUA A. H!n1 psnn <1ic<1 Itt h !H l'!lHI · •loncu on Hnss Pineo iJ>IH lllfii'Uiu� nt. ll,�ll nt'tur 11 long llhu'""· Mr. Bl mttson WIIH ono of Wt!Hiilnltl'H ln!sl: 1<1111\Vn nm1 hluhly I'L'HIII'lli.Ut1 cll.l�''ll" nllll !hn luHH I n U w eomJn nnlt)' will ht1 J(l'enlly !'oil:, '.l'lw l'nruwnl Mel'l'lct•� will bu hul•l nt hiH lui !I hmno, nn lln�� 1>lnco, 'l'hlli'Mclny uvunhtl.(, nt 8 o'uloulc,

f·'nlll' ;\lm•l lllj,;:'M�·I1111'Mt•M IIIII) t:tiiPHWK I"!UIIII! I l l J·:t•UI1h,

At: Pl!tlullol<l, .lmw �� nn•1 �!I; nt Som · !11'1' 1 1 1<', ,J mw �II 111111 IJU; Flt>llli ltll'lou, ,July ·1 nwl l l ; N1111' llnw•wldc, Ill 111111

t •L 'l'llll t•n ! r!!IH n! l h !'RII nu•nlilt!(' II I'll !lOll•

llnP•I I o Nuw .Tni'"''Y hm'"''"· "liiglt lnll<l Boy," 01\'IH•tl hy olllll lt'H w. Arlwl l , 111111 "T•tuly llniTIHon," oWII"•l h)' Hoht. A . l•'lllrltnll'll, ltnlh Wt'Hiilotltl hnl'"''"• lll't• l!lli !II'IH) IIf, ni l o!' l.iiii'<J plnt•oH, M t•, l�nh· lmii'II'H luli'Hfl lH to lt·nf, on Wt•tiii11H11lly, .Tum• �·�. 111111 Mr. Arlwil'H htli'Ho uu 'i'hnrHtlny, ,J uuu ���. nl Plniuilul•l.

of a relati ve or friend is

always cherished hy yo u.

YOUR PH OTO would also he cltcrishcll

hy them,

()0 '['() • • 0

F. O. l.AN C H O R N E . 107 U. l'ront St., l,lahtllold, N. J •.


Page 6: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

�·;.�!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!����������T=HE��UN�IO�N��C�O�UN�T�Y�S�T�A�N�D�A�R�D�,- �TTiUWE�S�DMA�Y;:, �Jruu· fNENE:lJ2J.,

·.·'.:_ . . '

' Thoa•b' tlae -.onduo:tor 8hot an Ai>plo H'OT WEf\TH�R 600D·8 J898.

I went ullll left bcr a II<Nltiug wreck, uud • .. out of· his l'Cbellious subject tho Wyo- tbeu turuC<l bis utteution to t-bo but· Au engineer rnunlng over the Pnn· N A V AJJ FIGHT miug coul<l uu<l woul!l without much . terilis. Tlto \Vyomiug's men rlgge<l the bundle brunch of the Sunt1a }'e is ·some­urgiug. This struck tho go\·m·nmcut as smith's forge on <leek llll<l tossed hot what superstitious nml believes in ll good thlug mul •m ensy wuy out of the shot iuto tho worlts llshoro till they set wantiugs. AT HEROIC BATTLE iuteruutioual <lilllculty, . so lllcDugal l them nllro untl the soldiers llell, nu<1 the Oue night h e wns rolling nloug nt R wns gh·cu carte blaucho to settle nc· ot.her .Tar•• 011 tho remuiuing cruiser, do- good rnte of spl'l!<l, when ho saw ll cl�:>r, cmmts with tho Princo of Nagnto in be· citliug enough wns us good us n fenst, white light, like n will-o'-tha-wtsp,

O�·•r••ll••h•nl••a O•hl• the America• half of ull tho powers concerne<l, nml followe�l their oxtlllliJie. <lancing nrouml just over the tmck " fow Puaau •·uu�:ht one or the be forthwith sailed nway. so JllcDn�:all mcndcd his rigging nud hun11t·erl feet in front of him. He shnt and Su••••Afnl t:"""""' It w�ts tl�o mi<l<llo of .·T�tly wbc�t tl�o pntchcd his bul Wlll'ks, 1�1111 uwa�m·hilo ofT stenm aml ctuno to n stop ns quickly , "'yoJmug fouud lwrsclt Ill tho str1ut I sent wortl to tile rccalcttnmt pruwo to us be could. �'he coudur.tor nrul truiu the IIIMtory of 1\tauluu " arfaru. of Sitnonosc]d nud in sight of tho shm•o cmuu down mnl 60ttlo or he would tmil crew canto rnnniug ttp to tho engine to

i t may seem, tile 'N�-o- ba�teri,cs W�tich were n

_ l•:u·t of .the \ inland nml �hnl,l tho royal palnce nbout see whnt wns tho mutter. ' battle is au almost uu- I prutco s defenses to Sfn'' nul. Bef�ro its royal ownPr R curs. "Thoro is Home ouo swinp,!ug n lnn· of 0111• wn·aJ unuuls, I sho h1ul tinto to <l]lOll l'll t ho lmtterJOs l , �·he vriwJt.l, who was no Jess c1iscrr.ct tern acro�s tlw ti·nck, , Rnfd tho cu-

I . 1 . . t f two .Tapnuuse gnul.loats loomc<l up, ouo th·lu Coluud Crockett.'s coon, cmuo gint•'Jl", nud tho Cl'OW went uhca<� to in-, , .. •�.g �cr 1�1 �l�u.� 0� , ahencl uu<l ono usteru, !tt tho uat'l'l�W do�\'U 1Jro:n11tly, and of tbo rcsultin.g in- \9er;tigate. •1M11,111"t o�en1\ h ��:u .strnit, lmtl prc.cutly a tim·•� cnnwcrn�s- 1 demuity 8�00,000 fell to tllll lot of t lte " W" mu't fiutl 1111�· one, " reported

• tho. clu;ea� n t '.0 � a- iug out fl'Olll muoug thu ltt.nghlloru�g lS· United Stnh.•s. It wus nm11y yt.•tn.':'i lm- tlw t•oar bt·nkenHm, nnfl tho cugiuccl' \\ yonuug H �t:-o:tc•: sf.np, the lauds. It "�a!'i a Jtasty place for a hgh!, f'uru this uwuev got into tho trcmmr� of pu1J£Hl ant ugnin, lint ho weut slow�y,· Bnt the \\·:;onung nu\'N' l\IuDugnll being witltout- chal'ts or PI· tho United s'tates, bnt meantime tho nntl hi 11 few minutes ho sto1�ed ngam. grL•nt hu:k as a lltl\'nl �����·· lots, nwl tho ... ot1t1K '�·ere �lllll'? than stnte flopartment luul charge of it und 'l,ho crow went nbend onco il'&oro to sno part thto�tghont t�w �1' 11 �uongh for Nchmn llnnsclf, bmug 48 had iu\·ostetl i t HO well that there was u what was tho cn\u;o of tho light., 'rhO ltunlcst ot �lock'.':lw� ":"! guns of tho three .T1q�ancso vessels to �-he wry little short. of li'2, 000,000 flu:•ll y oonductor, who wns n good shot, drew hiR nutl fou�ht " ul l " hc !t· :w of tho old \Vyonuug, to say nothtug turnc<l o\'el' to tho g:ovcrtuncut, which, revolver nml at tho �ecotul shot ho uuulo tho chance, �nt _"1111 rlul of tho batteries on slmr�. There wns after nil, wns rn·ctty good pay for one nt the mysterions light thero wasn crash, luck of g:tttng Into thll still a chnnl'O to run, bm·r1ng �ome tlan- <lny's figlltin�, with u. lnt;s ot: only tivo l\ scrt�1uu au(\ tlu�,." ligbt weltit out nnd w;�s sent on ·•� tim s;1mo ger of groundiug in tho nan·ow chnrrncls killu<l aml six wouudc•l. -"'ashiugtou something white Clllllc lluttering !lowu Ko:u·oargo to crmse for that muong tho i slunds, but tllo i<lm does not Post. from the clouds. tho l'inas, the .Alnbnlu:l, aull seen1 to lm,·c occurre<l to nuy ouc nboanl · Tho suporstitions eugineer wns scnred. ho:r b:r tho mert�st clmuoe tho frigate. lll5mader"tood, "You've shot 011 uugcl, sure, " be csuid in the China •cas. Wm·kiug to windwnr<l of tho ncnrost Doctor-! just met your wife. That to tho conductor, with his fnce pule us 1863, toward tho cud of. tho .Tup:meso, tho Wyoming opened nt l�ng medicine 1 sent her hy you seems to dentb. of the t�·<'oou and the nnku- mngo 111111 worked down ou her hll, have bouelitCil her b'l'entl�·· hl\·estigntiou brought out tho . fact .Tnpnu was in tho throes of when closo ubmml, thei'O was nothing of Dmnle�·-,;eut her? Why, doctor, I that 11 smnll l>oy with a lnutcru tied to nml the forces of tho •·cue! the enemy left stnurliug n l>o\'O !leeks. thought you ,;,till that was for me, null tho tail of his kite wus tho cuuso of if resistiug to tho last tho �'ho othot• two \'esscls bnd come up in I .wus iu tho 110spitnl n w�ek after I ull, hut it tensestho engiueer to sny llllY· ohl feudal ·�·�tem. �'ho I tho meauthuo nn<l engaged t-ho Amcri- tool< it.-Richmoml Dispatch. thing ubout "shooting nugels. "--:Te-"'"" one of these, mul can on either side, but �lto luy to llll<l pekn Stntll .Tonrunl. that fruutetl 011 gave them sltot for shot, port mul star- The Prot•het Lutt. --------Sillllllltl>CI<i he dc�lar�<l hom·<l, till her gnuuci'S were smoke " Lochiel, Locbicl, bcwnro of t-he <ltty: "

IJU,rnmt>llllt of '"'''r�·tlnug m blirul nml the flame of tho· f.\'IIIIS 110 lou· The prophet }lilt on ll mcuncing look tlte ucif:ltboring sea�, get• servetl to light tho bnttlccloud thnt ns he spake tho grim words.

ho took generous toll us <h<l o�·ollcd in white billows o\'1'1' tlw sn.ooth "Out mal upou. t-hee, " quoth Lochiol. pirato t•hiefs of Tarifn. Ho waters of tho •tmi' tt \\�H .�sperate " Why should I hsten to tho sorry I'll\'· violent lmmls· nud hot shot work in tho �haJ lu\� wnter, but tho iugs of n do turd c:h,url?"

of Yarious }Jowers, in · \Vvoming "·ns tho uc�t \'C�scl, nud she 1 4 Bnt I mn n seer. " . . . Britniu, }"'rauco, tho onimnueu\�l�recl bet· two opponents fron1 ":And 1 an overseer, " stncl LQchtol,

unci tbe United States. start · to finish, though twice ugromul l uud he beat l�lm forth.with,

foe:- •nd Princu N.nguto !hroYo nn� mulonco ntlre, wi


th as nmuymcn knock· slaps on. the wrtst..-Bufialo Enquucr. .tlto strtnt of Sunonosckt, 011 out from splinters nml heat us from . . one rluy to wring trilntte or 'tho ctwm,·'s shot. Contrary t� a wulespr':ml �chef t!m�

bJ· nur other mt•nus he tlrt•!l Fighti;1g themeel\'os out of ouc 1 hurd w�o<ls "·"'? m�ro h�n t- "' bul'III�IJ Inorclmutmuu Pom- smolw patch into tluotbcr, the tht·ee cant� than soft ranches. tt. h;.l� be��� slio'' ·�

ldll,,tl a couple of her crew. batants circled nronml J il<o two crows that tho :,;r;atest 1�ower ts possess?<! ��­:mother rliplomntic protest of and 11 ldugbirtl till they hml drifted tho woo_<l of . the hnrlen tre•• •.

winch 18 foreign reprcswJtath�es to down iu raugo of tho shore b�1ttct·icl-', very soft. l�tr st:u}(l� next to hudeu ntul

go\·crmncut, null Com- which gayh• took 11 han<l iu tho game. ulmust cqua __



____ _ '!"'�""""' who happene<l to he But 1\IcDit•;nll rau across the bows of 'Y�·omiu�, sug:gc�tetl ouo of bi;' euouties, rnke<1 hot• as he

could not talm a full · In }ll'O!)I)t'tion to its size, n tty ,,,.alk:-i

Hl timet! '"'-S fast ns n lUUu l'all t uu. t'l

A. KIRCI1 & CO . • . 5=107 Market Street, Newark, N. J.

of (Cor. Washington .street.)

\Ve have be�n f�rtunate in securi ng a special lot of Carpets

ighest grade, and are able to offer th<:m at a �ery low price.

lVIoquette Carpet IDe per yd

Axmin�ter Carpet 881 per yd ·

Velvet Carpet 761 per yd . Brussels Carpet 481, &81,· lOC p'er yd

Ingrain Carpet 23C, 29C, 35C, 50C, 65C per yd

2� per cent.

. , ' J\11 made, laid �nd lined free of extra charge.

reduction on all BED ROOM SUITS. Iron Beds $ 1 .75 and up. Odd Dressers J3.9 8 and up.

AL HAI R COUC H ES at $12.98 regular at

.Solid Oak ,$ 1 . 19 PORCH ROCK ERS,

�9c and up. · Solid Oak 11 .50

o;n. . . Refrigerators 1ng .

Chai r $J�98 and up.

Sol id Others ask $ 5 .oo 1for



Refrigerator we sell

at $3 .98. ��"7

KI.�Q.H ""· · � CO . , .�s··.:�L!�·::,�·��'iflf.\!·e · ··:(�t',·iJ·:.�:;, .:�. �: , : . �\ . .� . . · · ·. · · �

I Rubber Tire •10.88.

IOS•I07 ,MARKET etrnt, NEWARK, N, J,

Queer· Funeral )ll•takea ID Jlaloe. Thoro lmve beeu •ome <Jileer mi•tnkes

made of ull kimls, but this is Olto of the most nnnsuul nml nnrlcsirnl>le, al-· though 110 real hnrtn \\•as done: A tuan, ono time prmniuent in profcssiounl life of tbis city, died. He. wa• 11 memb�r of n certnin society iu this city, which sent rc)lrescutativcs to the fnueral.' 'J'he lllctubm•s of tho org:anizutiou WCl'C uoti· fic<l of the <loath of their fellow mem· her by postnl curds sent out by the >ec­rctnry. One of tho cards was :ulfhessecl to mul dclivcrcrl at the Into residence of tho <kud mmnlJer, inviting him to at· tend hiH own olJ:scquies.

.A shnilur incident "•as, if nuythiug, "·Orse. A mcutbl;r of u secret society dic<l nnrl his fellows were notitie<l of, his rlc-'J m11l the time nml place of the fuuer•� us: nsui1l . .A cnr(l ·was delivered at tho achlrc8s of the dcml umu, clircctecl to him in his own hamlwriting. He hnd been the �ect·ctary of tho organiza­tion tllld had nrldresse!l sets of postal curds to the tnembcrs ut his leisure. When a member <lied, a set of the ml· dressed cnr<ls wet·o sent to tho printer, who J>riuted the unmo of tho !lecensud member ou tl10 back with tho other wntttll' used In tho notice. So when the secretary <lied his assistant or successor sent u s�t of the cards to the Jlriuter, so that the dead iunn wns seut·ouo ad· dressetl by his own hand.-Portlnnd Express.

,.feto•l• aad Joha Bro-. "Pol liinuenr" Is a fn,·orite cast uenr

Ba1moral castle am1 was always held as the special prmllin·e of the late John

. Brown, her majesty's personal attend­ant. Jobu was uu euthusiasllo ami in· \'eternte fisher, nud often the royal · larder was iudebte<l to his prowess for its Bnpplies of •1•riug Bnlmou when tho rolls of the other fisheruaeu fnilell &o bring them to tho bank. It Is nntbon· tically reported utuoug llllglers on Dee­side that when the qneen wnutml .Tohu he ,\·as lnuue<lintely at her call, except when ungliug, uml nt such times silo studie!l not. to <li•turh him. Tho tncit uud�rshmdiug between them I• said to ha,·o nl'isen in tho following fnshion: Her JUnjesty one dny sent au impcruth·o message to the ri·.-er side, desiring .Tabu to immediately wait upon ber.

"Tell her majesty, " re1•1 ictl John, iu his usunl Doric, "that 1 am riuuiu a suhnou nud· I cnnua conte. • •

The messenger camo bnck t o bhn i n hot hnsto saying tluat tho queen desire<! to seo him tbiH \'ery mhtute.

" Well, tell her majesty this time tbat I Ulll rinllhl " suhuou au<l l "\\·iuuu como, " nru.l thnt settled it.-Pcursou 's Weekly.

\\�hea Molten Lead \\'ou'' Dura. When the Priucoof Wale•wns stmly­

lug tm<let· Sh· Lyou Plnyfair iu l:<lin­bnrgh, that gentleuum, nftor Inking tho l>recautiou to mnke hliu wnsh his hmul• with nnuuouia to get I."id of any grease tlmt might �e au them, said:

" No\\;. •ir, if you hnvo fnlth lu sci· eucoyon will plunge your rigltt hnllll in­to thnt cn.hlrott of boiliug lun<l tuul lu­dle it ont iuto tho cold wntct· wbich is stnmling by. " .

• • Are you �crious?' ' nsko<l tho pupil. "Perfectly, ' ' wn� tho roply. "If ,·on tdl 1110 to do it, I wlll, " suid

thu princu, · .

1 1 I du tell you, " rejohwcl Playfnit•, nnd tho prince iunuetliutcly ltulle<l out tho bnruin;: lif]uid with perfect hupn· uity.-London Stnndnr!l.

WIM)' l•rlde, lu tlto conr•o of u couyor-.ttiou bo·

twcou two worldngmon 's wives onu lmp· IHmo•l to rom111'l1 tll11t hot• husbutul nl· wnys put 1111 11 cleon 1\•hlto shirt. 011 Suu­duy lnm•uiug, �'hu other roplictl : "1 uu,·ur ctu'u "" much nbont tho SmulnyH, but I uyo ltlto to see ,l"lm wl' 11 clt•nu 8hil't on, Sntnr,luy nftm·noon, bcunuso he's goy hot tompcrod, 111111 If ho slwnltl tuko otf his oont to fcuht I Iiiio him to look clouu anti <ll'llcutl"-Lomlou '!'olu· ijrUJlh.

Thenry h All \'11ry \\'oil, Jlh·s. Mlalum·.:...Yott lll'nt.o ymn:selt

too uml'11, my <i••nr. PcuJIIL• wouhl 1111· t•r�clntu you 11101'0 Ulltl wuuhl t11ll yon Hu If yon wm•e to cml_th·nto ll llttlo luocl· cst ''"tlcence. .

llh·. lllMIIlw-Thot•u 'H whoro you uro out, 1 dhl thut fur yciii'H, uncl nnhnrly took uny uotlcu of mu but you.-U1•ook· lyu f.iCo,

IIJe-11 lhlt!eptloa, It wo coultl 111:0 ourHuh·oa M other. - Ill, IIIORl �� UN 1\'0itldu 1& boJIOVO OW' t)'oll. -:-Sow�vlllll .louru11l,

• Woodhall & ftlatrtin's , •

B•aoklyn Blue Flame Oil Stoves.

2 burners

3 burners Positi�•cly no i'llll)kc, no


F. A., Whitney Carriages. The

constructed, best

Baby best

finish· ed, easiest rnnnmg car�

i·iage made. 30 styles. Prices $4.98 to $Jo.

PORCH GOODS. New England Ooods.

Cle:.m, smoothly finished and �nade from perfeCt stock.

M any other styles.

Like Cat J1.75 Like Cit Jf.SI H A M M OCK8-YPr)' COIIIlJlete Celebrated "Jewett" �efrigera.

liue of ·fine H111muocl<s in nll uewest- tors, chnrconl tilled, dry uir circn la· wenves nnd Rluules tuchttling ,:om� extra sizes with tufted Pillu"'"• the \'ery ideal of cmi1fort. Our ).,,ult•t .. n cnu\"Uli' well\'e, hen\'y friu�:e. extrn lurge with pillow nllll spl'ea•ler nt 81 .98

tion, scieutific11lly constructed

$4.98 to $4o,oo

All goods delivered promptly. All goo41i delivered promptly. Everything to be as represented or money refunded. ·


I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Woodrutrs New Storage Warehouse , ••• North A."enue, W�tfteld, N. J•

Desirnble stornge for Furniture, Pinuos, Pic­tures, lllirl'ot·s, Bl'ic-u· Bmc, :Mcrchuml isc, etc. Low mtes. Low iusur· auce. Upbolstel'e<l Vaus for mO\·iug iu city or coun try. .-Goods l�t�udlcll by e:t�:pcrienced nnd oblig­ing employees.

Call or sefid 110staJ cttrd ltnd reiJresentath·e will gh•tn•sthnnte

R. WOODRUFF, Proprietor.

• , Tel•phone �•·I • • I!IDRDDIIIII!ll!IIIIIIIIIDIIDDII!!llllmml .. !!ll!lll!ll!!llll!!!ll!!rn!IIII!lllDilll1Ulll ------�- ----�--JOHN INGRAM,

Practical Plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Heating, 'l'l.SNINU, ROO�'INU, ETC., HAI\lJWA!H�, UOURE FUl\NISIHNG GOODS,






I f i t C\'Cr docs, w,car our famous soft madras shi rts. ] ust t he thing to wear to keep cool. : From 39c up .

1 Large assortment of chi ldren's H;1ts anti Caps. C HARLES C LARK, ·

BROAD STRUT, • waaTPIILD, N. J, �----�·-------------

/ ON E ] ;.. O• I ' o\J ,_____:.· _ _;,_:__._......,


How many "People will discover the ad van·

· ' ' ' "* · •· ·

tage of trading with YOU if 'y'ou . I don't advertise ? ThtH celu•r.s are the ""t IIIHIII• ' for nachllll .... ...,...,..,.. ' ' -:-

Page 7: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs

!F; ·��������������!!"!!!!!!!!!!!���!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!����!!!!!'!!!!!!! (r THE- UNION .COUNTY STANiiARD, TUESDAY, JUNE. 21, 1898. 1

' •'· '

��============������������==========�� m,. ··


· . . m�•·· T':RicKs oF. TIIIEVIN�. oun DEBT To BUMBLEBEEs;

· · d

· ·.. · --. -.. - . .. · ·· · l"he .Pan .Th� .HUIJ' Workf!!:n Pl•J' Ia t:he �mm�mMmmmPJmmas::::�� , HOW SHOPLIFTERS PILFER IN NEW Fnt.lllntiou of irlow�ra. ·

- ... -- ·- �-- _____ !;!;!3.'i:l}!,EN 7. YORK'S BIG STORE3. Burney HoHkin StundiHh writes uo

m. . · � . Brticle on "The Bumblobeo" for St.

�� H s ld � Womea Wl1o tlae C:lenr C:blldreo Tralaed .Nicllolus. 1\lr. Stnuclish eayH : The work

� ouses 0 , . i�' &o tho UualueA aa Aldo Ju Tbelr NdiO• I of the IJilll_'�lcbee in briugiug u.bont tho

r� � Store DPte.uvo. portuut liS that of tho hono�:beo, nnd

. :Easy to Take · · · ·asy to Operate

Arc features pecu11ar to J(ood's Jlltls. Srnnll In

t�ro·oa� 1<l?,l · .,�--. . rlouo Calllos-TIIe ct...., Watch 0� 111., 1 cross fertlllzlltlon of flowers IH us h!J·

� D 1 d P 1 d - . 1.1eso two stuu<l ut tho heu<l of tho liHt

� .Lte/lte , .1�,'/:C/l{ll/fle ., m·P: Schools for shoplifters nrc not ndvcr- 1.f i11sects useful iu this respect. Each

I. T �I t iaml, but thoy tht·iyo. Fuwnle Fugins bus its flowc·nl which it nluno yisib;1 saltl : '' Ymanc\·cr,Jmuw yon p•'

.L 118lt1'e{t , •· ·• nr? n_o .longer t·cgurde�l "" ph.onomcual l but there. �tre muuy flowers on neutral h:�:c ,;".�,"," '� Pill till it Is all I l ls •J ?- crtmmul�-they aro considered well es- gl'Onml v1s1ted by both. , So · wo may 0,'.�'· . �··"· C. I. llno<t & Co.,

Loans J{enotia!er.1 M\ tubli�hc<l CIIOJUics to tho JlOiice, Vigil- ' •uy of the bmublobeo, UH of tho houoy- i: ''" 1�1""'· l.ollcll, Mn<S. ·

:1 '1 • !f.£< mum versus shopliftm•s, though, is u I bee, the moro bmu blo!Jecs the moro '""" l' i>ills to tuko wllh Ilood's Silrsal>arlllu.

G I R · � contest in which the store thio\·es uro l sce�s; tho more sccclH tho moro flowers • enera eal Estate and I I. ' invariably brought to grief. -especially wil<l flowers, IIH the tall Oo to ·

� • I n· ' "' . As R WOIIIIIIJ len<ling n little ghl pass- bellflower, touch mo llot, Solommr•s scul, BACON'S for !2!il 8 t d ed fl'Dm counter to counter in n Siith gentian, Dutcluucn'H breeches nnd tur- S

I sura nee ustness ransar.te �Kl nveuue Htoro OliO <lily lnHt week nnother tlo hond. But probnhly tho lllOSt impor- . pring Chickens, ' ' �· womnn clo8oly followed mul no\·er took tnnt work thiH iw;cct docs for ngricnl- Lobsters, her eyes off her. 'rho woman wilh tho· tm·o is upon tho fiohl• of •·ed clover. Soft Shell Crabs, '<:'( Sole Agent§ for ' little girl wullmd und tnlkcd rapidly. Thoro is ubull(lant proof that this Jllant CUBAN Mackerel, �'!(:! Hartford Fire Insurance Co. � Tboy nHI<cd for nothing; their eyes will not p1•o•luco seed without the co·

� Northern AssuranPa Co. . � st.ught much. Their stops nt various operation of tho bmublo!Jea. It is im· Blue Fish, . 1�'&.

. - ' K� •. l _ counters soldom lasted more th1111 a pos�i ble fot• tho wind to bring n!Jout tho Halibut,

-� Norwich Union Fire Office. � second. When thoy had rimche<l tho fertilization of the scm!, ns it mny do

� Ca'edonian Insurance Co, ·. ' jowdry department, their pace slnck- in tho cnse of IJUlinn corn, grain und Weakfish,

�:@. New Vork Underwriters Agency. ;;;�;, enml. As thoy passed a counter where some forest trees. 'rho tullo of red clo- Eels, Spring Duck , etc. >-'..'.! Lloyds Plate Olass Co. . 19. n sale of gol<l mouutml combs was vm· blossoms, too, is so lnng that other

�>l I� ' in prngross tho wmmm's 11rm flow imects (inclu•ling tho honey!Joc) uro JOH N. BACON'S, � � out from li{Jncuth a bluck Cll}lO nml buCk uot rcgnlur yif;itun ts.

�� c E P.EARSALL &. c·

o I ngaiu. 'Vith tho arm on its rotul"JJ trip Hero is proof that this plnnt IIIU8t

:; · (.:t' had gone one of the most h1111dsome und hn\'c visits from the bumblobco. This !... I I • 19 ·' ·

CXJlensivo comhs. insect is not 11 native of Australia, uml

� N h A • d p � On tho woman and tho littlo girl red clover faile<l to produce seed thero �� ort ve . • an rospect St., I' p:l"sed IJJJ!il they CIIIHO opposi to a tray until bumblebees wcro imported. A s

Z W tf' ld ¥.. of C!Lrrings. The cler1t "'US about t o re- noou us they became numerous tho plant

��''"� es le , �' tnm tho tmy to its caso. COll)d bo depcndo<l upon for seed.

;,-i� "'YI..mt pretty stones, llUUlllllU l" ox· .Aguiu, tho blossmns of the fit•st crop of f�:ru��!'T-:"�";��mv���i\.T�rr;t,}T.d�/c?".&�'3?i('.';o! clnimcd the child. tho Medium Red cloYcr of our own �;;:�ru�\Q.��11�;Si}.1lM� ... W.i:<Zi-<�}.r,!lli�>���� "YcH, my llcnr, " rcspoudecl tho wom- country nrc just us Jlcrfcct us those of �� • �i;j no, " lmt we won 't look ut thom toduy. " tho second crop, bnt thoro uro too few

miD� �m� "Oh, yes. Lot's stop. You know you bmnblcbccs in the 11eld, AO early in tho promised to buy me somo earrings for season, to prodnco fertilization, hcnco 1ny birthday. " little or no seed in this crop.' If !Jumble·

�.,.., ... ,,,. Roasted to retain the de­licious · qualities of the Coffee.

..,. ;:,. ..,.

"l lmow, hut your birthday is still bees were snftlciently nmnerous, thero far uwny. " · is no reason why tnuch larger yields of

" Why, mamma, you know that it is elO\·or seC>! might not bo expected than next 'l'uesduy. " . nt prc�:cut.

"My goodnoss I Tho child toll� tho ,Hero is what n well informed farmer truth. How time <loes fly 1 Well, we'll says about it : look nt them, but I'll not promise you " It. waH fol"llJCrly thought that the to buy them today. " 1 world rcsted on tho shoulder.� of A tins.


New England Bread. Westfield Bakery


Cakes, Pies and:PaslrJ. ICE CREAn delivered In quuntltles

to suit.

Wngon makes regular culls. Drop m " postal cnrd nml your wants will be 11ttendetl to.

This cut .is a facsimile of the package. Put up only in J and 2 lb. sealed pack­ages.

Thou begins tho exmuinntion of chil- I can provo that its prosperity rests on ilren's earrings. 1\lotber uml daughter tho bumbleuce. The worhl cannot pros· look ot them critically-they admire per without tho farmers' prmluct. Tho most of them. 'l'his goes on fnr several fnrm will not he productiYo without minutes, the mother protesting to the ciO\·er. \Vo c:umot t•aiso clm·er without chihl that tho purchase should not be sce<l, and we cannot lm\'o clm·cr semi Broad St. Westfield.

.;1- ,;fo ,;fo

Walker, Westfield, N. ·J.

J. S. I RVI NG CO., . D.AL.It8 I N

Coal, , Lumber, ' Building Materials, Mouldlnas and Klnd.llna Wood. Fertilizers

For Lllwn,:carden and Field. Office�andlYard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Westfield

Ordera by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention. TllLEPHOBEJ19 A.




mn<lo today. Diamond earrings of nil without tho bumblebee, because it i s sizes nro in tho truy. this insect that carries tho pollen from

A customer stops up to mnko nn in- flower to flower, securing its <levclop· quiry. Tho clerk turns her eyes for an mont nu!l continuance. Let us leurn to instant tow11rd her questioner. Ouo of know mul to protect our friends. " the largest of tho diamond earrings gives n flash nnd is gono. Tho littlo girl comes between her mother nud the

, counter. When tho c.ustomor is gone, tho little girl hns two smull earrings in her hum! und says:

"Won't you got Wllllllllll to buy me this pair?"

While tho clerk smiles and tho moth­er is suyi!ll! they will cull oguin in a dny or two tho lnrge diumond earring is being fustcned inside the c11pe. Tho mother thanks tho clerk, then they hurry from the store.

They aro acarcely out on the sidewalk before a comtu!Wd is whispered iu tho woman's cor:

"Return thut stolcu property. " The girl takes to her IJCels. A Jnan

follows uud cntohcs her, The woman culls it an outmge. She

protests; says she'll n111ko them plly for the Insult. She grows hysterical. They lend tho two buck to a sido door. They tnke them into the· senrcber's room. Then tho womtm dotecth·o carefully ox­umines all their clothing. 'l'ho child cries. Tho womun becomes silent. She sees it's nil up. What'� the use of go­ing to the trouble of mnking unothor scene? 'rho child is 1:! yours ol<l nud bus been but " week under instruotiou. Do­ing urrestml is new to her.

A society tokes the chil<l. Her teacher in crime, the woman who posed as her mother, is held for trinl.

This is but u sumple cnso. In tho SIIIIIO store lust week there wero 15 tn·· rests for shoplifting. 'rhoso of tho pris­oners who had uoycr been i'n such scrupcH Uoforo wero relcnsm1. This Jmr-ticulur Ktoro trios to uvoid tho courts ns tnuch us }JOssiblo. "


Ono wonunt who \VUS urrestcd woro a shoplifter's skirt. This skirt consists chiefly of poclmts. Thel'O nrc pockets of nil widths and depths. This sl<irt is mmnlly "'oru us un umlct·sldd. Au opening is provided in tho overskb·t, thmugh which tho pocl<ot filled skh't is euslly uceessi blo.

TWO WAYS OF LOOKI NG. If All Saw TblDKO Alike, Thlo Would IJp

aa l1nlntereatln• World. "It is a Jlity thnt more of us cannot

cult! �nte the twofolc! way of looking nt thing•, " writes Edward W. Bok in 'rho Ladies' Homo Journal. "There would bo JosH friction in lifo if we clid, nnd sweeter sympnthy, kiJI(lcr understun<l­iug and broader und fuller living. The fuct is that we never reach the dignity of true living unless wo do learn this nil importuut lesson. Anc! thut it muy !10 cultivated admits of no doubt. It is simply n question of schooling ourselves not to condemn generally whut indi· viduully docs not boppeu to bo to our taste. If, for ol<ample, we profer brown us 11 color, there is no rcnsou on eurth why we should condemn the tusto of uny oue who preferred to we11r green. Wh11t the vast mnjority of us need is to be n little more solf poise<!, more judi· ciul, lnm•e willing to see good in tho tastes of others, although they do not Jlleuse our owu particular fnucios. It wo all thought 11likc, rend tho •nn10 bool<s, saw the sumo plays, wOro tho smne col· ors, this wonhl bo no exceedingly unin· teresting world.

" \Ve cunnot seo all things in tho sumo wny, IJut wo <!tlll como nonr to jnstico uml tmu respect by tnking a two· fold view of things whilo still •·etniniug our strong individual viows. Seeing " possiblo goo<l or uso for e\·m·ything does not necossuirly mean 11 weak indiYidu· ulity. Tho most uncomfort11blo people in tho world tu•o those who t(ssort thuir judgmontH in n. luu·d, decisive uu£1 final nnmncr, ns if they were courts of lust rosort. On the othoc hund, tho bright­est aml best minds nro thoso thnt hnvu tuo.st l'OHl>OCt for tlw opiui ouH of otllot's, • 1

Hetneuyl and J•ututternlckel.

' Onlers called for and <lelivered.

In thu conceulcd pockets of tho WOIII· an moutimwtl wuro found two }liecos of cmbmhlury, suveml t·olls of sill< hrnltl, HiX l'OUUUtuts of sillc, HOYl'l'Hl }lil!COS of BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD. jowulry >uul " Jmir of shoes. •rwo of tho

"l\ly first meeting with Rcmeuyi, " suys H . • T. 010\·oluntl, " wus o\'er 11 Jiy. ery stublu in Counci l Bln!l's, A concert hull wus thoro nut! ho wus to piny. A jnclms• in n stall beneath persistently bruyorl. Remeuyi would not piny. I wus on my wuy to .Tnpun , or thought I wns, 111111 intrmlncml mysolf to him uftor his umliouco hu1l been dismissed, Ho hog· ge<l of mo to llutl somo plllliJJcruiclwl for him. I senruh etl Pour! Htrcct resorts until I fnnwl snmo 111111 tool( It to Ills roum. Hu utu with sutlsfuotlon uutl thou pl11yc•l fm• mo, l•luyml until, boy us I wns, I cried, 'rhut wus ut � o 'clocl< iu tho llllll'lllug, 111111 in 11 Jm·gu hotel llilml with puoplu. Wu l11ul thu hulls flllc<l with Jleot•lu lu thoh• ulghtrohos bol'oro that pdmtn uout•urt tliHlt"l· lliH lo\'o for p11111Jl(ll'JJ(u(w( WIIH 1 10 l llnro Hl'l'llllJl"U th1111 thut uf .TanunHchul< fol" Htnlu bum·, ullll I hli\'U Hilt lllllny II pint or thnt I'm· lwr nflu1' 11 n>ust. thriilluu •lt•plctlon nf Jllury, IJtWell uf Hcut"', "-Uhil•ugo 'l1hllUH·IIU1'• nhl.

For Extra Ml LK and CREAM . • . •

. Send your order to

Mount Ararat Creamery. We also have n qunn�ity of Milk and Cream at Trenchard's

Drug Store for your convenience.

IRA C. LAM�ERT, Prop. ._ __

. Geo. P. Brow� ·�����;��:-43somerset St., Plainfield. UJatu or Ontm.l �1., Nu\V \"IH'k,) ltanulooturor of Window fhades,

TWnlngs, Eents, to.

:t\hin \\•uu l'niiUI' nllll Iulol'iut• JJumu• .. nl fllllHo

AwuluuH tnlwn tl11WII I\1Hl t41Ur1'1l l'ol' thn wlntul'. l•!�o�tl· llllltUH IJ!tUOI'(IIJI)' J'UI'IIIM)U111,

fJltllflllh•H tn I'OIIt (UI' \\'mltlhiJ.(H llllll JttJllUJilluiiH,

atut•o detectives, lL uum uutl n woHIIlll, luul wntohml tho pudoiu ing uf ull thu;o 111•tlcles.

It iH lhu rnlo of most stores that no shot>liftor.< 11ro to bo urreste•l until they l'onch tho streut. ScuuuN cun•u<l by 111"­I'OHtH 111'0 vury ttn<iuHil'llblo (II II pl11c0 of busluesH, 13csi<leH thiH, thnsu phu:e1l 1m· dor llrruHt in storuH oftuu m11lw tho llo-fcuHo th11t thuy <lhl uol i utellll to tnlw tho goodH IIWUy-thoy Him ply doHh·ml to OXIllllillu them In II gum! IIHht,

Ouo Hhopliflur, nrroHtllli lust WPolc, Jlllli OliO 011 Whom tho Htuit•IJ J!UOIJH WUI"U fouml, hu<l Hlx uhll•h·ou nt hmue. 'fho youugoHt wns 0 HHllllhs olll. 'rho wom· 1111 'H huHhnml hns u H!liJI! lmHill i'HH, Ho furniHhull hull I'Ul· hur, Wlwn tho Jll'D• l!lmiMihln, tn•letm•H of tho H!ot•o lt•lll'li!Hl th11t tho " Who iH thnt I """ �·on i'<•P<l lng lll'lll'• wmunu !nul u (J·IUill l lhH·ol<l u h l lrl nt ly u\'!'I'Y utuht In thu ltl l l'lll!ll, J\lolliul" holllll thuy w l t l ul>•ow tllll t•nn>plnlnt " 'l'hnt.'s lilY iJ> ltoiH il'd, thu pnliuollllLII, ngnlnHt hm·, 'l.hu wuJJIIII11H hul'llmucl t�tdtl u1n •um, ' ' h o ennld uut. UIIIIUJ'Hilllttl why Hho Hhould " Wull, It' tw'H Yl lll l' intt•llllml, why w!Hh to Hlulll. tlon ' l; you IIUII'l'Y h l lnl"

81m•o <lt•ll'ul i i•PH <I<Hty llml; t horo iH " I 'Ill wnl l ln 1 1 11 hiH llJlJil!lllo Jl"ll<'H uuy Hllllh thlug IIH l<luptunuudu. <1111\'ll ll l>lt, utu'utu. "-Yilll lli •I'H SlntuH•

"Klt•t•lolll llllhL IH n ndHtnlwll uol lnn 1111111, t hut Hlllllll wumt�n lmvu thut Htm•urt nru A l'h•tu"ut. 4\ unh·••nuny. <'IIHlly \'l"tlml"ud, " I H lho <lnl lul l lou l'lmt tho dol outinJH gil·o,-Nuw Yurlc 'l'ulo· 111'11111, --·-......... ----

Jlh•, Ft•nul<>lowu-�pllllu'H l>h·l lulny (�tiiiW� lw.··a wtwlc. JJPt.'H Hh'u IL HllltJiwr iu hl11 honol', " lllll' or l(l:ul cool"'' t o 11lmut. IIIlO •lu·

f.!l't'(IH lll' i l lll' ""I'l l, lll'clll'dfl tg ·lo 111 1 llX• purhut•ll� ur 111, l'lolu l , gll'uH out wlton

Rcsf;!cnc•·, w�stllc!d. Ht1'11Clt 11 lltll'O 111\IHlcul tuuu.

Mr. J,nl'Ju>m·-'l.'hui.'H 1 1 111 \'1 11'.\' lltlug, Hpl!llitH dni'H l l 'L UHII ell!ll l'H lltl<l <•nu't )lOIII' lho Hll t ! ' l l ol' l nhlll'!'IJ,-l'li lHUIII"II Uhl'ultll•lu-'1\lll'lll'lll>h.






Rou Build in�:, Bound Brook, N. J, Bennett Bnlldlntr, New York.

REMOVAL! REMOVAL! Jhe N. J. Business College, Is now locntcll nt

683 BROAD ST. , N IEWARK, , 0\'cr llnrt�;::1��'�ifi\t����r/;1,���re, and op�

A llcltghttul 1ocnltnn. Benutlfnl n.ml airy ruoms. E\·ery. requisite fat• n Hu�lncss College. Op��t tdl tbo )'UIU', V isitors ctmllnlly tn\'ltod.

Ierms \'el'y re1usonnblu. Cntntoune t1·ee. C. T. MILLE�, Proprietor.

S. 8. 'l'he :!-&:th commeucoment will occur June 24, nt the 1�1·uu�cr Auditorium. 'l'lle ��c0���� mny be bull ntter June 1, u.t t11e College

Mt. A.lderne)' Dalr)'

Superior l\[i!k nnd Cream delircrod to your door.

H.WILLOUOHDV, Proprietor.

Fnrni turo moving, g-rtuling nud tcnm work by dny or coutmct.





WASH I NGTON whit:lt tu•o utoat tllLI'Ilctivo poiuts nt

thi• tlmo,

OF' '1' 1 1 1•1 OLD DoMINION LINE l'lo:tii>"IJ II�I l l A I Io\" Mlo:tl l' l l l to:,

'J'h rough tickets ret u rn i n g from \Vnshington h y


ra i l or wal:!!l',

l•'nJ• rull lnftii'Jnnllun nJ'I'h' ln Old Dominion Steamship Co., l'l•r •1•, Nnrlh IUver, Now Vork.

1\',1,, !lnllltllllluu, \'luu·l'••u, & 'l'••nlllo Mil•·

HE COIIETED THE DIAMONDS. Row hrMh uut.'• 1<:}·• ••• §toZ•n and tile

Yurtime·Ubr .. lued for Jt. At the beginning of the elghteentb

century a soldier belonging to one or l.he l"rcuch garl"isons In 1India became �namored or the eyes or Brahma In the tem[Jie of Sel'J'Iughnm. These eyea were diamonds, rnore bri lliant than 6V• er shone under the eyebrows of Cra­pnud's European divinities. Tbelr Ill&• tre captivated his soul. He haunted the temple, nnd, yieldl rig to the might of the god, became a convert to bl• worship, At least so he persuaded the priests, who went so far as to ndmlt h i m to some cure o f the temple, donbt­Jes stres i n g Bl'Uh m � to protect h!s own. But on n stormy night the convert dis- . appeared, and with h i m one of the Idol's eyes, the other lu.L.vlng resisted all his efforts to dislodge ft. So Brah­ma was left squinting, und the perfid· 'tous Frenchman sold his prize to a captai n !n the English navy ror about $10,000 Luter it was bought by the Armenian merchant Schnf­fras fm• more than five times this . sum, and shown by blm to Cnthorlue of Russia, who offered for It about $400,000, a l ife (lenslon of $18,000 · and u patent of nobility. Schaffras re­fused this offer, an d subsequently sold the diamond to Gregory Orloff for the same sum, without the paten t of nobil­Ity.· Orloff, part author of Catharine's greatness, and raised by ber to the steps of the th rone, for whom she struck mmlnls, raised t.rlumphnl arch­es and dedicated palaces "par l 'ami tle reconnnlssb.ntc," to whom she offered sec1'H marriage and whom In another capl'loc she banlshed,-Oount Gregory, being reinstated In favor, offered his lmperlnl m lsll·ess two toltens of recon­ciliation, the St. Petersburg nrsenal and the Orloff dlamond.-Nel th Boyce, In Lippincott's.

AN AFGHAN N EW WOMAN. !S h e \\'all AJiuwecl t n Uematu' Unruarrled

and <'lsuliM the IIIU'I'tu'" )lo•uuutcer. The new woman has penetrated even

to the harem of the Ameer of Afghan­Istan, where she wea1·s male attire and does precisely as she pleases, The Ameer picked her up, says a writer In tbe Ladles' Pictorial, on bls return journey from the northern part of his tlomlnlons a good many years ugo. She had been brought before him by an ln­l!lgnnnt ruther and proposed husband for punish ment. She would not con­form to the usage or the country and mter the mn>;rled state, though she bad then rencbed the age when It became Incumbent upon her to do so. The �tlrl declared she had run wild all ber l i fe, and did not wish to give up her free­dom and be shut up in a harem. She sotight the Ameer's protection and ob­tai ned II.

"All right," he sai d, 11Since you want to be free yon shall be, but free you must also remain; that is your punish­ment. You wish to live like a man; • yon shall Jive like one, and for your own protection you· must wear men's clothes."

On ber arrival In Cabul she was clv­en the title or older, or chief, and wus made the harem'• ruessenger. She comes and goes as ehe pleases or Is or­dered, both by night and duy, and no one even In slande•·ous Cabul has ever breathed a wo1·d ogalnst her fair nome.

EXPLORER NA NS " N 'S CLOTH ES. II• Ia V•r.J" lluch Addicted to Ot·ay an4

Dh•llk•• 'o ft'e�ar A. II)' OLher Cnlor. Doctor Nan,sen, for so g1•eat a lion,

Impressed those who met him In this country as being r,\llgulorly f1•ee from eccentricities. Yet lt uppears that be bus hnd to struggie to overcome any nu mber of youth ful vagaries, and among others n passion tor wenrlns gray.


Since he grew old enough to persuada bls mother to Jet h i m bnve 11 choice In his cl othi ng, every garment In his wn>•drobe was of n u ni form color. And from that time until his marriage the young Norwegian never once deviated from his enrly selr.ctlon. Hats, shirts, aoclra, undnr clothing, gloves, and or course hls top clothes, \\"ere all gruy,

Remoustrnt.ed with upon the abslll"d­lty of his course, he ngnln and ugaln ordered or bought hlnck clothes, but when It cnme w wearing them, his courage fRlled, and he would go back en ch time to his rherlshed gray,

It was not, Indeed, until It cnme to n question of sm·renrlQrlng bls bride or his prejudice that Ductor Nansen could muster resolution ; o get Into n ulack ijlllt, nnd his frlentls sny that to this doy ho cl ings tono c!ously to his love of grny, und during Ills Arctic explorn· !Ions be woro uo olhe1· color.-Golrlen D11ys.


'J'h� l•'ut :\11111 OtttA t:vtUio A party of trnvele>·s were"'llll in the

same sleepel', One ot the Jll\l"ty, the fattest, turned In curly. 'l'ho othe>·s dl<l uot reel sleepy , �o they spent un hour Ol' two In lho pleaanut d l ve•·slon o f lteeplng tho rut mnn wide uwulce,

'J'he fn vorlto method w us to "'nit un­til tho rut llllln 1\'UR dozing lind then throw Humcthlng In tho bol'th. At 1 0 o'clorl< one o f tho I�•Hly cnrclm;sly toss­ml In 11 shoo, It wns n good, hlg, hon· oat shoo, nud I t hit the fill mnn In the to lliiOI'CHt part of hi• nn11tomy, hiR H(Olllll<lh,

l l o 111111 l>ol'lln It nil �:ood nntnrmlly hnfnt'" th llt. llul. ho dro w th" l in e thOI'e, Ho ho OI>Ut\ell tho cut· w l udow . n u ll I JUiotly llt'<>l'l"�ol t lw Hlwc out In tho RII0\1', Tho othOI'S hnll RlOilllO<I t h u l t• lli'Hll l<ij 1111!1 tho fnt 1111111 wont to Hlo<'l' with n po11cMul sm l lo 011 hiR ftwo, !l!llllfOI'Ied hy tho thought th11t ho wus gonll un•l ni'OII with ijQ1lJObUIIy,

l l o 11'118, I I. \\'IlK Ills 01\'11 Rhoe.-IJIII!IIIO Eln•


Nntni'O IR hnl'd to llocolvo. !lob untul'e 0 11<1 she wilt rob you. . I

Page 8: Clevelan s-Crescents $50 - DigiFind-It · I' - NO. 25. WESTFIELD, UN ON COUNTY,. N.J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2J, 1898. Copies 3c.• 'Reltatous 'Aottces For lnstanca: Christy Sapcllcs


CRANFORD. Tl<e Sta11da,d is 011 sale T11e;day a11d

Fr1daJ1 at the U11ion News Co.'s sta11d.

Communicatious for lite Slandart! wmy lJt! left at Co.1/.'J }Jiwrmol!y.

1'he A lc11ens club will go to Borntou l3t•llch In 11 l.lotly on Sutunluy.

�li"" Helen W i lbnt·, of Hurtfonl, Conn. , is \'isiting friem1s in towu.

__ 'l'he \V . C 'l'. U. lwhl a 111eeti1tg this £fternoou ttl the home of �lrs. Cox.

:'ltrs. E. L. l:1�<1t•ullerg Is entertain· it1g 1\lrs .. l\{nt ion StOIIl', of BrooJdyu.

TJwJ"e will be n euuht·c eutet·tninmeut

it1 H:uuptou hull to-tnorrow tYreniug:

Mrs. a .. m·ge Yonng nm\ family, of PittsUnrg, Penn . • are the gn�"sts of Dr.

J. K • .MncCouuell. 'l'o-n\ort·ow e\�t:!niug the 45th nnnhet··

AAry of the Pt·esllyterinu church Sunday 8t:bool will be celebrutetl.

The yonug people of the Baptist church ure nrruuging fo1• n grmHl pllh'iotic cou­cer' ou the Fourth of .Tnly.

'fhe C . .'l.. C. llase llall taum <lefeut·

w t\1., Dl\kotl\ Fiel<l club 011 'the home gronuds Snturtlny nftetnoon:

.Mr. t•.ntl lllrs.' S. \V. Shtu·p, Mr. null 1\Irs. Keunon ;)1£>sick null l\li·. nll!l ;)Irs. Jones left this morning fur Sachem's Hend, Conn., where they will •l'eutl the summer.

The tll'l'tlllgements are all completed for the organ recital to be gh·en in

Trinitl· l'hnreh to·llJOl'rolr C\'ellillg by

orgnuist 13nnlllllll Lowe. He will lle ns· •islet\ by Miss Annie Etlgecnl!!be, soprn· no :unl Clnrence l.J. Robinson, tenor.

AT T H E THEATRE. Keith's Unim� 'rhe.ltre pl·es­

euts 11 ,.el'r nttr1wti \·e progr.nnnta for the we�l� of Jnue 20-�3. Pnpiutn, 'l'he ltlyriaul tlnncer, l'elllt\ins the pl'ituH favorit�. ntn1 thi� week she iutt·o1lnc�s for the !ir::-t time iu New York suW<;t ot' the remltt·knble spect:um1nr eff�ct� which -"h� huSl'ecently iu,·entetl, uml which she first exhibitetl thu iug her long engage · Jllent nt K�ith's Thetlh-e in BJ� tou.

Felix �loris, will be seeu itt his uh,•nys JlOlmlar . . A Gmue of C-ftrtls. u Othet· ftauhn-es will bl3 the Biogt•aph with ue\v views. Tony Wilson nml Clown. Europ· Cc'\11 artiste; �Ierl"i 0$born nml Witlimu Norrb. iu n new sketch : Bentrico llforel uucl & Co .• in "A (T,uu3 of Gvlf antl mnny others.

------�·· �------

We�ttleld, June 20, 'US. To tile EtlUor of tile SluJHlar·d

D&AII Sm-.Mt·s. W. B. Woo<lrnff hns requestetl iUe to Wl'ite )'Otl nskiug if yon will be so kiml 118.to insert u notice in tlte nest i .. ue of the ST.\:SD.\IID with r�f· erence to the •ending of hoxes of e<libleS to tlte Westfield soltlier boys

As the llnpti•t church comes fir,;t in alplmbetical ortler the membeJ·,; of t h11t cbmch will this week •eml u box, Mrs W oot1rnff htl\'ing '"'"" se\�etetl to look after th� packing thereof will be glatl to receh·e douatiou!'l of either mon�\· or ent· ableA from tho�� wi�hing to cot;trihnte

N�.st we�k the Congreg,Jtional<t$ will l'elltl, to lie followe� t ill! en>nin!{ week by the E!•iseonalinns, nft�r t hem the l\lethmlists nu<l Justly the Presbyterinns.

Dotuotions this week to be •eut to the Bnptist lecture room ou Thtn·•tlny afternoon.

Yonr• trnl�·. emus. R. Honsox.

----·--4, ,...,,. .....

On nntl nfter June ��. 1\'e will g\ye ont the green trtullng stnlliiiS e\·ery time yon Sllllllll 10 cents nt om •tore yon gN a stum p. Now Is the time "' fill your books nn<l �ecnre 11 nice pn•sent for your. ��elve.

Tcuuu.t.'�. De)lnrtment Stor�. Westfieltl. N . • T.

____ __. . �-----IU•Isrht uf lta1ut In Cbntch.

Mauy ycnrs ngo, when .losopb �Inrs· doll Jh•ed In Huwuil, bo ut tl'nrled clnll'ch au Snuduy morninR in Ililo. l\lr. �lnrs· den wns then noted far hi• >ltill in leg· t:�rdcmufu, \\' I.Jcu �r. -- pnssed urouucl tho cotttr!bntlott lmu nt u 8umhw scr\'· lee, 1\Jr. �lnr:-;chm ht,hl np u � t ll gold pieoo between Ins thum h unci fortJIIllgor 110 tlmt Dr. -- t•oul tl plninly '"" it. Jro th<•n (Jluccd bio luuul m·cr tlw !tag, J>tlhued·thu !�Oltlplt•co tllttl tlrop;wtl in u Mih·ur qu:trtcr. Ur. -- rctnmerl to tbu h•hlo w i t h hi• coll�<·tlou. After tho ..,nko l:o ompt lt·tl tho hn�-: '"' 11 lnhle, but could not lind tho $ ! 0 goldpiecu. Ho •hool• tlw l-:11: ll'IWIItUtll�·, tumed m'<'r t hu •tna l l pl lu <1f <'ontrthtJiion•, �nt down ou tbL' llonr ntut lunl;etl uudt•r t ht' lllbltl, wul ln·tl duwu tho ui�J,•, luul;htu cln"'oly ut tht' t•rul'l::M in tht• tlnor, fult iu bl• uwn pucht•l•, ft•urln� t hnr hu htul tut"lo ti.01HL' mhtukt•, uud tJwu we>nt JJOJUO '\'1})1!)ll1'1llJ.; nt t hu ::<:hli11HII lu�s of tlm �nhlpl<>t't! l'nmn t l tn•• nftt•rwunl t ht> th•t•oh•t•t' c lui l ' l ly H'llt t h o ,.:ullfpit•L't' tn lito OIJUI'()IJ , - J 'uclllu l:UIIIIlli'TI'illl .\d · ""rtlsor.

. \ 1 1 1 ''-J I Inn 1 1 luu, 'l'ltt• I'•'II�OU ror· (htt g'f't1ilt (hlptrJnl'it�· of

l !mul'ot l'.tt·•np•ttlllu if,., In t lu• fut•l l l tnt lhi• lll•••lfl'htt• p:•• l t f l•,•lr t •nl'"'- I I I• .J\ III I'I h'JI'.H C i l't1llft'ott :\lt••l il'ilh1, Ulltl tilt' Alllt•l lt•nu I'' llplt• hnl't• 11n nhltl h•� mll · lltlt•nt't' In l l• l llt•t l t• . 'l'h••y hn)' ntul tult•• It fill' Kltll)lll' IlK \l't•Jl n• Kl't'\OliK nlltlll'llfK, •:oulldcmt th11t il will tlll t lll'llt uo"'l.

--- - · - ----tlllt' \·h•\r ,,, n ;'t1nnt l'nlu\.,

1 1 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 00 ll iiO

. 2 00 1 00 1 Oil 1 00 I 1 1

liO I 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 ao 2 no 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 1 uo 1 00 1 011 2 00 I 00 2 Oll !l ou 1 ou l) 00 l fll)

��; � (10 1 110 � 00

.iO 1 .,.. 1 on 1 110 1 110 1 nu 1 no 1 no 1 (Ill :1 :\ll a u11 !! 00 1 no 1 !10 1 (>(! I !Ill I (ltl I IIII l lltl

It Hill\' he •• d<l th.tl tlu! l f t llt• \l'nr<l ' t .l� " ).Jiat.'tt l•l'foro thn wuu1 "tl«·nr· •

!w� u -"" i;.milh·nul'U of it� nwu. \\'lwn \lH't\ hPt Wt'l'll t hu l:ulir� thnl", " �ly <h·nr )lr:-.. ..\ . . " it i"' tn tlt�,'Otn 1111 (\Xtra Ulllottmt nf cot·•llullty 111111 frlt•Jttllitw·•· nwl np.n in wh"n n puutlt•mnu ,.n writt•s tu 11 l<ttlv pf hi• "'''fiiUiutnllt'll It hllK tho .amo ,..,;,din!-(. 011 tho ntlwr hunt!, "�I,\' <lt•ur �lr, ll. ' ' I� "'•ltlom ur 111!\'t•r writ· h•u hi' ltttllt•� tn tht•lr m<•n n�qunlntmw<•6, " Dt•ti•• Mr. II. " IJolnl! oonKitll•rl'!l �ulll·

vh111Uy lllTL'CtlOIIIIIO, }�hlc!'IY lmllt•M, howo\'l'r, nro otJtshl<l of thb rnlo nml

' 'l\11 1\cnr Illr. ll. '' to men whom


HE11EMBEU TJil� ]lAJNE ! C•mtinued /1'0111 page 4.

thr•e iuuuense J�tpauese wlue9 flrell nt o11ce 1mtl followed by

Electric Showers th·ed ft·om mines mnking 11 \'olcnuo shooting from Hi di!Ye1·eut points at once.

Bttttery Dist•ltty fonuetl by six butter· it•s of colorell stm·s 111111 serpent•.

Flight of Exhibition Rockets-these rockets m·"' of heuvy cnliUre mul <.•hnrgell with \'ery llril li11ut fire nntl extm tiue co1ored etnrs of loug durnf ion.

�Jndr iu 11 Bo."t"-Sts lurge �Tnc1r in Box 11\t·ce� }l\nyiug nt. once to the great .nnn�emt·llt. of the children.

�ix Dinmmu_l ,Tet 0 CaJ.:e� wil l bf: fin•<l at ouce from dilft•rent p:trts of the gronuds Ehon·iug superb jerU fires nml �]ll('llid �o<l'inti11ntioulil.

13ombl"lw11 Di�play, one after

$31,,000,000. �

An nggregnt1ou of buse bull J•lnyns from the Br·i.,l'htou A. A. n t South Or uuge. ,io ruey�d t o 'Vesttittltl in n large stugu ou Sntnl'll''Y t&ftt!ruoou to cro:-s llnts with the Westfieltl elnb team . '!'hey were ll jolly lot of f�llows coming lmt goiug Lnuk, • ' •Ob ; whnt l&. {}iJ:"fer�rwe. '' They hml cL11lle all thnt tlistunce only to be be11teu by 1t scot·e of 17 to 4.

The home team sblrtetl oft in the fh·.t inng by scoriug three runs but iit the

and third ti!6J' retire<! iu oue ti\'O ol'dt'r. 'l'lum, thn.t fonrth inning, mnn on the te1nn crossetl the howe

lllnte uml the home "rooters., uhuo8t went cmzy. In the fifth they score.! three more 1111<1 in the sixth two. S�•·en inni11gs wtte nllowetl the ,·isitors but they conltl tlo nu more thnn score four rmis. One In the first ou Uoth's et•t·or,

t ho otlll't' ther� will be lire.! (!'Jill stctJI mortnrs, 12 �peciul 18-iueh ho!llllshell. These will 81ll pu�e uuything ever firell at .Mnubuttun Bench nn•l ure t•eally the \'e· ry finest III'O<luetiuu of the py1·ot�clmiot's art. ::;:�. ��o;: The PrUaential �;s�::ci:a�o.

in the fifth, when Bl'isco \rent to on four llnlls to second on Rell�··s

nud saoretl on 1\IcLarry's 1\'il<l 11itch lllltl twu iu the se\'tmth. Bdsco went to first on Roth's enm·, to thirtl on u wilt\ pitch tmt\ home ou �lnllln's snfe hit. Dettl>e>tf, who got to tiJ•st on fonr bulls. nlso cume home ou this hit.

'l'h� scme Uy inuiugs: \Vestfieltl club. 3 0 0 0 Brighton A. A. 1 0 0 0 3 � x-li

1 0 2- 4 is gh•en be·


Gl'lltul Fituile-A gt••md lli�ht of of roc:ktots fired stmnltuueonsly from •pecially }lrtm<tred tlight boxes, 'l'he); will ris'e to 11 height of 400 feet, forming a benutlful boquet of st11rs. gohl rain ami meteors, tunkiug 11 fitting eud to the finest tl!splny of nct·inl firewot·ks evt:r gi\'eu iu Westfield.

The Fa,.� and tb" FID•·

A goml �tory is told of a certain Scotch balllo who, •.m rising one morn· ing, found thut be had O\'ersl�pt billl· self nud )uul bnt a few ;ninnies in which to keep n most iluportuut llPJ•ointmeut. Makiug o hurried tuilot, he rushed from the house •md l111iled l\ passing Jehu.

� · Uri\'0 tue, " be said to the nwu, "to the courts of justice with all possible speed. On uo nccouut delay 'Ill instant. "

l<'nithfnl to his insn·ur.tinns, the drh·er urge<! his stee<l to its 1·ery ut· most. Fu•ter aud fnstor they went nn· til, after uu exciting drh·e, be deposit· ed his tare ut his clcstiuntiou iu time

1 04,000 or anything is a goodly output, but 104,000 ? P!ano3 point to n repntnt:io1t nud popututity which arc beyond disput::.

' is th;.! cu\'iaLl� n:cor�l oft he

I �

II. P.O. A. E. for the appointment, but not before be 1 3 had dnu;uged 11 pn«iug vehicle in his

�.rhis rccmd nc�cr would have hecu rca:hcd if the Fi5chcr Piano was not 1;.�,... embodiment uf l{eliabtllt\•, Aru�tic awl �lu�ical l'crfccHo!l These tucrits distinguished it-hence iis S g ���e�11���- h�hf�r�:·����;b0�.:

l����!;•;� WORLD•WIDE POPULARITY. � f, of a substantial tip, and then, to the

i 1 mnu'sastonishmeut, pressed no shillings o o into Ius bunt!. nt the •ume time saying : 0 11 " tlero·s :JO slulliugs, my mnu. You

Endorsed by Leading Artists, �lnsicians and musical people everywhere.

11 will be brou11ht before me to.:•nrrow for lur10us dnnng, uUll 1 shall fiue you

Sold at Moderate Prices-Cash or Easy Payments. 33 UNION SQUARE-WEST, NEW YORK.

Betweeo lOth ond 17th Streets.

A. E. tb\lt amount 1 1 Firs� clnss tuning aud rcpairmg done, o f our owu and all other makes, in all sect10ns .. � 3 0 0 3 l () 0 0

Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • a 1s 1a Struck out bs· Mcl,arts·. 5 b)' )I ullin. a. b""""

on· bait., bs· lloLarts·, 8, by llttltln, 3, wild pt\cheo )1cLart)', a, )!ullin,�. bit by pitched ball., liotb, Bolsterle and De1hotr, •tolen \\"'estftcld, t, Brll'hton, 4. hon1e run, !\lcLarly, three haose bits, Kelt)· aml 1\:ebtar, two bn.� hll•. L""antl llcLarts·. Umpire, llr. Utzinger.

B.\SE lilTS •

That home run of McLarty's Hcot·ker. "

Lee may rnu like nn Ice wagon bnt be gets there jnst the same

Bolsterle Is putting ll)l n fine _gnme ut secolltl tmd he Isn't behintl ut the but either.

1\lr. Utsiuger fill"'l the position of uw pire nt Sutnr<luy'g gnme 1md there wusu't 1\ single kick.

Kehler, who co\·erell right field in Sntnrtluy's gume, has his eye ou the bull In grent sh1111e.

The STA:SD.\l!D will hereafter give the offic11l scor" of ull gumes plllyt'11 bJ tile Westfieltl Clnll t"ntu.

Slly, �luuuger DJwne•. bo\\' about 11 tuble for the rejJOI"ters ullrl score• r Are we of uo imporh\uce 't

The Westtieltl club tennis con riot m·e 11\'ely now with the men J>rnctidug for the Fout th of .Tnly tourm11ueut.

Roth nuule two costly erwrs n t •hort Sutut·tlny but he tuu<le np fm· them by cO\"CI iug the bJI�t�ll thl'Pe t iJnes.

;)l!ll'LIIrtr. thl.' new pill.! her is J•opnlnr with thl' cn,uks. He pitches W<•ll, lleltl• hi� position, m11.l kt.�ps both �Yt'� on the �llllltt.

l'lt'o l(nme• un th• Fourth of .Jnlr. In thu utur niu� with the \"olnutet�l· A A. of NPw Yorl< mul ln the uftl'l·twou with tlw Cruufortl A. U,

Cutchet· K�llr luul the littl<• llng�r on hi< right lunul tll•ln<•n!t•tl in Sat . nrolul''• gnmt' hut it <lftl 11ot ju lt•rfett• with hi• pinyin!( r;ootl ball,

'fhe ne,·. Chns. :\1. Anl1t"T!-'0Jlf }JU"ttOJ' of thP :llethmll•t church. I• n g rt•Ut tul mlrer or tlw nnt lllnnl !(Hill<' untl ls ttl · wuy� n n iuh•r(·�h'll H}Jt>ctutor n t tht• Sntnnlny nft.�ruonu gnmt��

A purty of Wt>.•ttil'lrl club Ill I'll 1rlll mull� u t t ip to Lalm Hopall'OIIJl IH'l>t Stllnlll)' tb� �lith, lt•u\'htl( tlw clnh hon•l' nt iJ n. 111 . , in O\'tlt-r to t•tljt�Y t.'m,l t'ltliuJ.C Slow l"'c" I• guuniutet•<l, ntnl u nut lc•• I• \ll,.t<•tl lu tlu• club hon•u hl\' it l tt!( uny llll'llll>••r to join the cruwtl. H�tttl'll trip lu tht> Into nflt•l'llouu.


z' lwrel>r •nh•ori!Jt• .. . . . . . . • to tlw Wc•tll�hl Bn•e Unll clnh Jllt\'• 11\t\t! 11ptl11 t)Uill tlllt\ llf thll l l'l'l .. lll'• or.

--------··�------\\"bt•e lmt•n .\th•utlnn: Cntldoguo. TornJs, otc. moiJo� fi'Ce on OflJ>llcnrlon,

A cor.' II\! invitation is extentle<l to all cycli•ts of this toiVn lllnl vicinity to pat·· ticip11te in the bi<•ycle t•arntle on the Fourth of July. Tha celebration cotll• mittee are \'ery anxion• to htl\'e as large " reJneseutatiou as pO!!slble, 1111d make this J>Rrll<leas much "" possible a gr11t11l feature of the •lays' recreation·. Where so many ride wheels we can surely look for 11 large number.

Tltere will be a <lh·lslon where chihlt•en muter twelve \'ears of age will rltle 1111tl lllltl R prize will be given to the boy Rn<l girl who makes tlte UJ'pearanee tmtl best tlP.coratim• of wheel . Similar prize� will be oll:eretl to <ttlult l'iders tnu\ ni!!O for the most grute••Iue tmtl comiettl costume.

The ronte Is given elsewbete in the Jlllper antl is only fom· mile• long. Peo­t•le along tbe line of murch nre eurueotlr requeste<l to <iecorute their ltou�es In honor of the IVheelmeu.

E\·erybody come, there \�ill lle 11 pl11CC for nil anti }'on nre ull im·ltetl.

The Celebration Comwlttee. Du. Fu�:o. A. Kt:scn,



Noweltle• In SiJYf'rWa�, Glaaa, Ett'!, Attractions pro\'iclcd in sll\'orwnre,

china uml gluss nt·o noted lly Tho Jewel· ers' Circular as follows:

Extrcm�ly . bmntifnl uud rich iu 11 quiet way uro the ,.nf!est jugs uml simi .. lnr articles of Rookwood wuro oY�rlaid \�ith silwr in 11 solid, oimply cllllsW de· stgu. 1'heso are exceedingly artistic pro· ductious.

l\luch nrt is expettde<l on llam\ lll\int· eel bouil lon cups of cb ina. Mum· of them uro thiugs of beaut\', nml wbei1 set In a ftumo of chnse<l sih;er they become luxurious.

'flw sih·er mountiug of somo of tho Amcricnu cut gins• t. iu extremely go01l tuste! t'Ollsisting of " witle, smooth, cur\'lll!! Lancl of sih·er on n tnll msc for instuuce, with ouly a beautifully .,,.: ccntc<l tiuy bcacling where tho l�wer edge joiuts tho glass.

Tho Quccu .\uno rcm:tius a stan<hml pattern In sih·er tnlllewnro. Of much tho stuno shnpc, llnt somewhat different tinting untl lJCII\'ier lu ell'ect, is ·II later Ynriutiou of this •h·le.

.\ . red Bohemlim glass pitcher so hen\'lly CO\'eretl with sih·er cut work that unlrotoucl�es of tho color uppmr hm·o nntl tbet·o 1• huutlsomo mul uuvcl.

Table l.loeu "'•II Car*cJ l'"'ar. Ohio Woman Suffered Groilt Agony Fir•t, �;ays Good Housekeeping, !IC\'Cr

From • Terrible Sore-Her Story of nllow tn?Jecloth• or nnpkins to got ycry V'" Cue, •nd Her Cure. �llUl'h smled, tlo nuy darning or mcml·

" For many years I was amlcted with n lllg u_ece.'.·m·y !>efmv ll'aHuiug. If •tuiu· c<l ,�·uh h·a or cotfeo, ftnit, He., pour milk lei!', and a lew years ago It broke out bollmg watm· thruu�h thu linen whoro lu a sore and spread !rom mr loot to my stuim•.tl. D�> thi" bcfuro wu•lliug. Snuk kne<>, I suHered great agony. It would O\"l'J"lllght Ill t'lt•ar wJJieJ'. Tlwu boll burii Olld itcb all the t une and dbcbar�:c tho l im•ns all!l rub w<·ll in bot water. n great 'deal. My lll•nlt h was t,:ood with ).lakP a lather of wbito :-uap mul rnh tho t!Je eJ<ceptlun ol this sore. ! tried n grea t h�u·H lJ<•Iw<•<!ll the llnlldo lllltil clcnn. many kluds of anl\•e, but some would l.;lft c�ut of thl• lJoiler with u �til'k llUtl lrrltato the soru so thnt I could hardly drop mto " tuu of cold water. Hlmo stand the pain. l 1>ould not go uoar the Wt·l l nll<l Wl'ill!( tightly, Dit> intn 11 tuu tlrc wJtbou� lfUtfl•rlng tnt f.>JlSl,Jy. :;OHlf.'OJlC of enl1l wntt•r, to which Uluiug lut� lJ<.•t.•u 1ent Ill<' pnp<rs containing t•sthnonlal• o f adtlcd llutil tho wut •t• 1 1· . bl <lures by lloo<l'' Sarsaparilla, nnd I told J Wring lltmin an< I ht�ug ���� •)to d:��· my husband I would I l k<> to try thl• nwd• I Sturch ligh t}�· mul lmu,

) . lclne. lie got me a bottle nml l !onnd It bel(lCd m�. I kqlt•on tAking It until m:: A Clflnr :Sutlun In l'llhnt��. limb W<U completely lwn l<•<i, l cannot Tho Ln<lit > ' Hlllnll .Tunrnnl iflu,trui<•s pralso I!ood'" 8.u.;.1pnrll!n t·llough lor tho 11 \"t•ry •lluplo pil low whkh I• lllllllo great Lcnctlt It ha• hc<•n to me. It 1 fl•nm two rt•<l hutuhumn hunl\lwJ·<•hlt'fA cleanses I be blood ol nil lmpur lt l<·• nntl tiP<! In hm>t• l:nutA ut the ,.111•11 •t '1'1 lt'R\'Ci It rf<:h Cltld pur<', , 3!US, 1\.s".\'•\ l .. �. 1lllfll1ket'cltff'fto�: Uii<.'f{ JIHl\' fJU l•itf�l.·:.· f . f lit! _,_..�E:<, Wbltll•••e.l', Ohio. or cotluu, 'l'ho idl'tl 'mny b<• 11;'uj:,.,: 'l ou �nn IJuy lhmtl'• l'!a.,npnrl lln ol nil dru�gl�ts. Be t�Urt! t o J:N only Hood':-�. --�--- -- - -tiood's Pills ...... th; (a\nrlto Intuit)· t' 1� > l . l ll t', l'r!�·L• �:"(',

BED DIN� II !Ill SPRINGS �lnttrcsscs uuule u1·cr ttcathcrM N!Cit!1l drcsSCI( Carpel• C:leltllecl

A f NAYLOR 011 Ute l�loor tl\!,11tom_er1•ot ateet ,. alnne d, llr, .,

8allln• on. Jo"'rre11h WateP.

A Pittsburgcr who nt OIJO time ed nn eulistmeut on tho United steamship Michigan, 11 ves>el of tbe Uuit�>cl Stl\tea unvy which is sltLtioul'<l on tho great Iukes, tells tt Churles V. Gri<lley, cuptuiu of ship Olympia, which lc1l tho fi"'ht!JJur l• ut 1\lnnilla.

Young Gridley, shortly nfter =''""' .. ·;­tiou ut thn Nn,·ul nctulemy, was to tho Michigan for duty. A nrtcr he had reported tho Nnnmallllcr ·.\1• or<lerctl tho usual boat clrill, uu<l tbo cJ·ew went tht·ongh tho prore•s of uball· douiug tho shil•· \VIlcu the cutter which Oridley was iu coumllllHI bad gnuo n 111ile or two nwny !rom the , ... •el, tho young oftlcer, who had nom before •nik>d ou frcslt water, iuqaiMI sharply for tho wutcr cu.<k, which he •li•cO\·ered bud not been place<! iu the boat.

"Wlrnt do you fellon·s t!a for ing wttter whcu yon uro from tho •hip!' • ha ttskctl tho with sowe usp<•ritv.

t tSure-, sir, 11 l:epll�tl tbnt "wo generally ditJ over tho sitlc. "

liridloy htt<l uothiug more tu sny, tho joke hns been iu dt"Gnlutiou SiliCP.-Pittshnrg Dis)llltl'h. -·......_.:....:.�·• . __,...­Rattlt>•hh• and Cruls�r.

Tho <lllforenco lwtwcen n ba aml nu nrntored crui�Pl' i :-i experts h"\'C Rtmuble<l ow1· the A !Juttleship is SUJIJ•osl'll tu haro gnus uua nrnwt• uud to bo to wlthstnml hurd lmncks front

llll-.:iuf.( furcl'. But this tlm•H not bolt\ good, us muy !Jo H't'll iu llw tllo lfnhw Ul'i t'Olll}UU"et1 with the lyu. 'l'hu lllttino wns a · ' Nho wns uot so hugo nor tin mul't'll as tlw m·nwrt•d t•ruJ..t•r On ouu powt t lwro !-il'l'lllS tn ho no jl\ltu, nml thut Is tho fuel thlll L'l'Uii'iL'fs nt•u fnstt•r than thP U.tt ' nwl il i� L'Olll'l'1h•1l ubn that in titlllll'L'N tbu llnttle�hips nl'e Ll'ttcr tcctl•tl. -�ow Yo1·k 'l'ribm1e •

1\ \\'t>l\k Urutlwr.

Pt•nn hnll 11 \'t'I'Y •trun;: nv�rolon

tubttl'L'o. UJH'u hu t•uuw IIJIIIII �O)JJ(! llf lhu J<'l'ft•llll� whu ju�·f tt!( tb� i'J'ttl.(rnnt wt•••tl, J,ut ll'>JII'l'l f'ul' th<·lr !(l't•nt lt•tulu· tlll'l r pip<•<, ll'l r ioh, hu\\'1'\'t'l', •t i ll. t iu nt•tl to om it l"JIIolw. }1l'n·d I

thu J.{O\'t•l'liOl' JotUit\ Jlll'IIMlllll�·, , h·it•wll", I nm H1wl to M'l' thut .r.on �,


}U�t U."iiJUUIJII) of :\'01.11' n}t\ )lfHl't UJ!, 1 1Nol t1Uth•t•ly ·11o, ' ' n•plil''' oJ1l' tlf

hl'Pthl'\\ll , "hut ,,.o lll't'ft•l'l't•d . <lu\1'11 ul!l' p i ;�·� tu t lu• •luuwl' ol Ill� 11 Wl'tll<l'l' hrotlll't', "-J,ondull lll l •.
