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Client Server(Maybank)

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  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)




    TCS 3191

    Client-Server Proposal for Maybank




    Name Matrix Number

    Abdul Fatah MohamadAdrian O'neil Stephen



    Muhammad Idham Mokhter 1091106010

    Mohd Aiman Abdul Halim 1101110632

    Hazwan Burhanudin 1091106280

  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)


    1.0 Background of the company


    Maybank is among the top 5 banks in South East Asia with total assets of more than USD 150

    billion. It has an international network of over 2,200 branches and offices in 20 countries,

    employing 46,000 employees who serve over 22 million customers.


    Maybank was established in 1960, and today is the largest company by market capitalisation on

    the Malaysian Bourse (Bursa Malaysia). It is ranked first among listed Malaysian companies and

    among the top 500 companies in the Forbes Global 2000 leading companies of the world.

    The Maybank Group offers a comprehensive range of products and services that includes

    commercial banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, offshore banking, leasing and hire

    purchase, insurance, factoring, trustee services, asset management, stock broking, nominee

    services, venture capital and Internet banking.

    Maybanks mission is to humanise financial services across Asia, by providing access to

    financial services to the people at fair terms and pricing, and to be always at the heart of the



    To be a regional financial services leader.

    MissionThey want to humanize financial services across Asia by:

    I. Providing the people with convenient access to financing

    II. Having fair terms and pricing

    III. Advising customers based and on their needs

    IV. Being at the heart of community

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    Figure 1: Maybank Company

    Maybank2U Homepage

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    2.0 The companys business operation.

    I. Maybank operates consumer banking, business and corporate banking as well as private

    banking services, through a network of 401 branch offices and more than

    2,900automated teller machines in Malaysia. The company operates 22 branches in

    Singapore providing a full range of banking and financial products and services.

    Maybank, through Maybank Philippines Incorporated, has 55 branches in the Philippines

    and also has a banking presence in most of the otherSoutheast Asian markets, including

    Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. The bank also

    operates branches in New York, London, Hong Kong and Bahrain.

    II. Beside its commercial banking network, Maybank operates a number of specialized

    subsidiaries in the insurance, investment banking and assets management, and financesectors. The group's subsidiaries include Etiqa Insurance and Etiqa Takaful which

    provides conventional and Shariah-compliant insurance products respectively, and

    Maybank Investment Bank which is the Group's investment banking division following

    the acquisition of Mayban Discount and Mayban Securities. Maybank was the first

    Malaysian bank granted the right to establish a branch office in China.

    III. The companys website service are :

    a. Account Summary: Account Details, Today's Transaction, Transaction History

    (last 60 days) and M2U History ( Last 30 days)b. Cheque Services: Cheque status, stop cheque, request for cheque book

    c. Registered Bill Payment: Pay Over 500 bills and make future payments, enquire& cancel future payment.

    d. Fund transfer: Own Account, Favourite 3rd Party, Favourite Interbank GIRO,

    Favourite FTT, enquire & cancel future transfer

    e. Bills & Statement: CASA, Advices & Notices, Bills (TNB, Telekom, DiGi)

    f. Utilities: Change M2U Biz password

    g. Mobile banking (M2U mobile): Account Summary, Registered Bill Payment,

    Favourite Fund Transfer, View Forex & Deposit rates

    h. Online viewing of Foreign Currency Account (FCA) and Master ForeignCurrency Account (MFCA).

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    3.0 Client Side


    We propose to use Microsoft Windows and Unix based operating system as a platform for our

    system in normal browser. For mobile application, we propose to use Android and iOS (Apple)based operating system.


    Online electronic banking systems give everybody the opportunity for easy access to their

    banking activities. These banking activities may include retrieving an account balance, money

    transfers between a users accounts, from a users account to someone else account, and retrieving

    an account history. As technology evolves, different kinds of electronic banking systems

    emerge, each bringing a new dimension to the interaction between clients and Maybank. TheAutomated Teller Machine (ATM) is the first well known system that was introduced to

    facilitate the access of the user to their banking activities. The user can perform some of the

    transactions mentioned above via a graphical user interface. These are transmitted to the banks

    computer system with which the device has established a communication link. The next propose

    is the introduction of phone banking, users can use the phone keypad to perform banking

    operations. The Internet offers a new alternative to the phone banking system. By means of a

    more sophisticated and user friendly interface, a browser or a dedicated standalone application,

    people can use the Internet to connect to the bank computer system. Electronic devices are

    constantly getting smaller, while their functionality is extending. Now, mobile phones even offer

    the possibility to perform electronic banking.

    Example of normal browser for online banking Example of mobile banking application

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    Basic architecture of an Internet electronic banking system there are two participating entities

    which is the client and the bank. When the user has a PC with a network connection, the most

    common way to communicate with the Maybank is via a Web browser. The standard protocol for

    communication between the browser and the banks Web server is then used. It is often referred

    to as HTTPS, which is the HTTP protocol on top of a security layer HTTP is the communication

    language of the WWW.

    To avoid the problem of distribution and installation of extra software on the clients computer,we propose to deploy an intermediate solution. An ordinary browser is used at the client side, but

    to increase the functionality, a Java applet is downloaded from the Maybank website. This applet

    is a relatively small piece of software code that runs within the users browser, and that will

    provide extra security functionality. A big advantage of this approach is that the applet

    technology allows the bank to easily maintain and update the client software. Clients will

    automatically download and use new versions of the software. Banks do not need to distribute

    new software in an old fashioned way.

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    We propose more security functionality than an ordinary browser is able to provide. This extra

    security functionality included strong cryptography by using HTTPS, due to the normal transfer

    protocol like HTTP traffic is very insecure and all data is transferred in clear text, the

    authentication User ID or Password will be transmitted as clear text as well. This creates a

    problem. Anyone can sniff these User ID or Password and gain access to server. To prevent this

    we have to encrypt HTTP traffic, essentially HTTP with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or as known

    as HTTPS. Anything transferred over HTTPS is encrypted, so the user ID and Password cannot

    be easily deciphered. HTTPS runs on port 443.

    Step to configure SSL

    SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol layer that exists between the Network Layer and

    Application layer. There are three kinds of cryptographic techniques used in SSL which are

    Public-Private Key, Symmetric Key, and Digital Signature.

    1. The client request content from the Web Server using HTTPS.

    2. The web server responds with a Digital Certificate which includes the server's public key.

    3. The client checks to see if the certificate has expired.


    Then the client checks if the Certificate Authority that signed the certificate, is a trustedauthority listed in the browser. This explains why we need to get a certificate from a

    trusted Certificate Authority.

    5. If everything is successful the SSL connection is initiated.

    Public-Private Key Cryptography

    The Web server holds the private Key, and sends the Public key to the client in the Certificate.

    Symmetric Cryptography

    After the SSL connection has been established, Symmetric cryptography is used for encrypting

    data as it uses less CPU cycles. In symmetric cryptography the data can be encrypted and

    decrypted using the same key. The Key for symmetric cryptography is exchanged during the

    initiation process, using Public Key Cryptography.

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    Encryption Process

    1. In this step the Original "Clear Text" message is encrypted using the Sender's Private

    Key, which results in Cipher Text 1. This ensures the Authenticity of the sender.

    2. In this step the "CipherText 1" is encrypted using Receiver's Public Key resulting in

    "CipherText 2". This will ensure the Authenticity of the Receiver i.e. only the

    Receiver can decipher the Messsage using his Private Key.

    3. Here the SHA1 Message Digest of the "Clear Text" is created.

    4. SHA1 Message Digest is then encrypted using Sender's Private Key resulting in the

    Digital Signature of the "ClearText". This Digital Signature can be used by the

    receiver to ensure the Integrity of the message and authenticity of the Sender.

    5. Step5: The "Digital Signature" and the "CipherText 2" are then send to the Receiver.

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    Hardware Requirement:

    Intel Pentium 4 Processor or higher

    120 GB hard disk or higher

    1GB MB RAM.



    Supported Browsers:

    1. Chrome

    2. Firefox3. Safari (not supported on Windows)4. Internet Explorer


    For Windows

    1. Windows Vista2. Windows XP3. Windows 7

    4. Windows 8

    For Mac

    1. Mavericks (10.9)2. Mountain Lion (10.8)3. Lion (10.7)4. Snow Leopard (10.6)

    Mobile and tablet:

    For Android phones or tablets

    1. Eclair and up (Android 2.1+)

    For iPhone or iPad

    1. iOS 5.0+

  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)


    4.0 Middleware side.


    The most suitable platform to be used for banking portal such as MayBank shall be Service

    Oriented Architecture(SOA). The Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) is used to restrict the

    customer access for services only it is implement due to security purposes. Moreover, the

    purpose of SOA is to enable the function especially for large software applications that in this

    case, it is an online banking portal, which means there will be thousands of services provided.

    Service orientation is also platform independent and has support for stateless communication

    model. A stateless communication protocol treats each request independent transaction that is

    unrelated to any previous request that fit really well with the required specifications as

    middleware for online banking portal.


    Oracle database is known for any mission-critical commercial applications and online banking

    portal is considered as one. Oracle provides Flashback Database, Table , Query , and Transaction

    that fits really well with the needs of the entire framework . Since online banking portal database

    will be very heavy , so oracle will be preferred as the applications . And then to piece it all

    together , the application will be written in java as it is supported by Apache Struts web

    framework . Web applications differ from conventional websites that only deliver static pages .

    A website is a dynamic web application can react and interact with databases and business logic

    engines to customize client server response , and Apache Struts is a specialized solution for

    creating Java web applications . Moreover, by using java naturally allows the use of object-

    oriented architecture . Since java is , the tools that will be used will be java SDK using the

    command line and notepad to code . Alternative java IDE like Eclipse can be used as well, and in

    this case, the eclipse has native support for developing web applications ; apache struts included.


    RPC allows the implementation of client / server distributed system that allow customers to

    connect to the remote server and request one of the services provided by the server. Both client

    and server stubs will be attached to the middleware, in a way; middleware acts as an important

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    part for the RPC happens. Since the environment will be java so it will invoke a call method and

    not the procedure call; it is also called all the Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation). Java RMI

    principle is similar to RPC which allows access to remote objects, allowing an extension of the

    local environment with using dynamic code loading.


    Middleware hardware is actually a software because it is usually doesn't need any specialized

    hardware. It is used to connect two application in this case the middleware is used to connect

    client and server and passes data among them. The middleware exists is in both of the client and

    server machine. It includes needed API for client to server and send request back to client from


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    Since this is an online banking portal where security is critical, the process is done

    simultaneously which explains all the previous implementation. In RMI, when a method calls

    another, it must wait for the called method to return before it can do any other job. Middleware

    functions partly as a super-linker, finding a method that is called in the network and use network

    services to pass a parameter or a function to the procedure and then return back the results.


    The Banking Portal will run entirely on the Struts framework, so all applications are stored on

    the server side that includes web hosting will be placed inside the apache tomcat. Instead,

    customers will have access to using JavaServer Pages (JSP) that is stored on servers and linked

    by the Apache Struts framework. The middleware will play a role in use by customer demand,

    which acts as a temporary database for cases such as a monthly summary of the transaction as an

    example and change the relay, finally processed by the server back to the client JSP to be seen.

    Below shows a general framework Apache Struts framework.

    The Struts Architecture

    As seen in the diagram above, the middleware is generally the controller Servlet that are defined

    in the struts-config.xml file and the Business Logic that contains action scripts to invoke the

    model which is in the server.

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    Sample of struts-config.xml file

    SN Interceptor & Description


    This is the root node of the configuration file.



    This is where you map your ActionForm subclass to a name. You use this name as an alias for your

    ActionForm throughout the rest of the struts-config.xml file, and even on your JSP pages.

    3global forwardsThis section maps a page on your webapp to a name. You can use this name to refer to the actual

    page. This avoids hardcoding URLs on your web pages.


    This is where you declare form handlers and they are also known as action mappings.


    This section configures Struts internals and rarely used in practical situations.

    As you can see, the HelloActionForm.java file is located in the server and the index.jsp is the

    clients request page. The middleware will take these information in the .xml and invoke the

    HelloWorldActionForm. java method in the server when index.jsp is accessed and then the string

    hello world will be relayed to the helloWorld.jsp from the .java file. on the clients browser,

    the index.jsp is now replaced with helloworld.jsp and the string hello world will appear on


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    5.0 Server side.


    For the server side, we propose for the server side to use Oracle engine as the base platform. For

    a banking portal, Oracle Server is a very stable, fast, extremely popular and affordable database

    engine. There is a tremendous amount of support and resources available on the web and from

    Information Technology (IT) providers. Plus, its relatively easy to work with.


    For application, it is better to use Oracle because of its database capabilities. Oracles

    Application Server consists of an integrated, standards-based software platform. The Oracle

    Application Server configurations are designed to ensure security of all transactions, maximize

    hardware resources, and provide a reliable, standards-compliant system for enterprise computing

    with a variety of applications.


    The specific hardware used for Server deployment can vary, depending on size and usage

    requirements. These are the recommended hardware for the server.

    CPU : 64-bit dual processor, hex-core, 2.26 gigahertz (GHz) or higher

    Memory : 32 gigabytes (GB)

    Disk : 8 or more 10,000 RPM hard disk drives with at least 72 GB free disk space. Two

    of the disks should use RAID 1, and six should use RAID 10.

    Network: 1 dual-port network adapter, 1 Gbps or higher (2 recommended, which requires

    teaming with a single MAC address and single IP address)

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    Oracle Database creates server processes to handle the requests of client processes connected to

    the instance. A client process always communicates with a database through a separate server


    Server processes created on behalf of a database application can perform one or more of the

    following tasks:

    Parse and run SQL statements issued through the application, including creating

    and executing the query plan (see "Stages of SQL Processing")

    Execute PL/SQL code

    Read data blocks from data files into the database buffer cache (the DBW

    background process has the task of writing modified blocks back to disk)

    Return results in such a way that the application can process the information


    Since the server uses Oracle, the steps for configurations are:

    Basic Initialization Parameters

    Cloning Databases Using DBCA

    Database Usage Statistics

    Basic Initialization Parameters

    The following parameter basic parameters that needs to be adjusted:








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    Cloning Databases Using DBCA

    After the above parameters have been adjusted, databases need to be cloned using DBCA:

    The "Template Management" section of the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) can be

    used to clone databases. The following method creates a clone of and existing database including

    both the structure and the data.

    Start the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

    On the "Welcome" screen click the "Next" button.

    On the "Operations" screen select the "Manage Templates" option and click the "Next"


    On the "Template Management" screen select the "Create a database template" option

    and select the "From and existing database (structure as well as data)" sub-option then

    click the "Next" button. On the "Source database" screen select the relevant database instance and click the

    "Next" button.

    On the "Template properties" screen enter a suitable name and description for the

    template, confirm the location for the template files and click the "Next" button.

    On the "Location of database related files" screen choose either to maintain the file

    locations or to convert to OFA structure (recommended) and click the "Finish" button.

    On the "Confirmation" screen click the "OK" button.

    Wait while the Database Configuration Assistant progress screen gathers information

    about the source database, backs up the database and creates the template.

    By default the template files are located in the "$ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates"


    Database Usage Statistics

    Database usage statistics helps us to monitor database usage statistics. :

    DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS - Displays high waternmark statistics


    DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS - Displays database feature usage statistics


    This information can be viewed in Enterprise Manager (Administration > Database Usage

    Statistics). The page gives you access to both types of usage statistics.

  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)



    For this assignment, we will use a dedicated server as its architecture. In dedicated server

    architecture, the server process created on behalf of each client process is called a dedicated

    server process (or shadow process). This server process is separate from the client process and

    acts only on its behalf.

    Oracle Database Using Dedicated Server Processes

    As seen on the figure above, a one-to-one ratio exists between the client processes and server

    processes. Even when the user is not dynamically making a database request, the dedicated

    server process remains, although it is inactive and can be paged out on some operating systems.

    The figure shows user and server processes running on networked computers. However, the

    dedicated server architecture is also used if the same computer runs both the client application

    and the database code but the host operating system could not maintain the separation of the two

    programs if they were run in a single process. Linux is an example of such an operating system.

    In the dedicated server architecture, the user and server processes communicate using different


    If the client process and the dedicated server process run on the same computer, then the

    program interface uses the host operating system's interprocess communication

    mechanism to perform its job.

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    If the client process and the dedicated server process run on different computers, then the

    program interface provides the communication mechanisms (such as the network

    software and Oracle Net Services) between the programs.

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    6.0 Sample Maybank banking clients request up to servers reply scenario

    Automated Teller Machine(ATM)

    As we all know, Maybank is a multinational company, which involve in banking industry. The

    company communicates with millions of client every day. Here author want to show some

    scenario involving client server communication using Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

    Figure 1.1 : Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Scenario

    Figure 1.1 shows the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Scenario. Client of Maybank

    Company will use this Automated Teller Machine (ATM) as mechanism to connect to the server. This

    ATM will acts as client system interface. When client make the transaction with bank, this ATM will

    connect to the bank account server. In the server side, its contain Tele-processing monitor which control

    the transaction. Inside the account server also have the customer account database which will reply the

    client request to the client. The client will get the reply message through ATM machine.

  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)


    Internet Banking System

    Nowadays, Internet banking system is the most popular ways that people use when they make

    the transaction. This Internet banking is a system that allowing individuals to perform banking

    activities at home, via the Internet. Figure 1.2 below show the Internet banking scenario.

    Figure 1.2 : Internet Banking System Scenario

    Figure 1.2 show the internet transaction processing which involving client server

    system architecture. Client will use their computer or what ever device that can connect to thebank URL website htttps://www.maybank2u.com.my. By using Secure Socket Layer (SSL), it

    will make the connection between client and server become more secure. After that, client will

    have the HTTPS interaction with the web server which contain account service provision. This

    web server will connect to database server using SQL query to have accessed to customer

    account database. This database server will reply the request make by client. Client will get the

    message after the server make HTTPS interaction back to the client.

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    As in a nutshell, we manage to complete this proposal successfully by following all the

    requirements. For client side, operating system like windows and Unix become the major

    platform to the client side to view it in web browser. Client that normally use mobile phone to

    do the transaction, author has suggest that iOS and Android is the most suitable operating

    system. To connect to the web browser, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is highly recommended. For

    middleware, we suggest that Maybank should use Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which

    restrict customer access for service only it is implement due to security purposes. For the server

    side, author has proposed to user Oracle engine as the base platform. The main reason is because

    it is very fast, stable and extremely popular among the users.

    We got the opportunity learn deeper about the client/server environment for a client

    server system especially in banking industry called Maybank. Special thanks to our lecturer Ms.

    Lew Sook Ling who guided us for this assignment throughout this semester. Not to forget to all

    group members who have put all their efforts for this assignment.

  • 8/13/2019 Client Server(Maybank)



    1. The Struts Architecture :


    2.Sample Of struts-config.xml File :


    3.what is SSL:


    4.Inroduction Of Web Service:


