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Climate Gate Carbon Footprint Leads to Steps of the White House 1

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    MIRACLE ~ DELIVERANCE MINISTRYhttp://www.miracleinternetchurch.com Pastor Pat Holliday, Ph.D.



    The Wizards Brew



    Climategate: the scandal

    spreads, the plot thickens, the

    shame deepens







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    For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD

    shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee, Isaiah 60:2,

    Revealing THE Coming Empire of theAntichrist!


    FLASHBACK: Obamas Energy Czar: Socialist Agent for WorldGovernment

    Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mailsstolen from a British university show climate scientists trumped up global warming numbers,

    saying she considers the science settled.1

    Im sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a verylong time and agree this problem is real, said Ms. Browner, who President Obama has tapped ashis chief of policy on global warming.

    The e-mails were hacked from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia andhave come to light over the last week. They appear to show scientists saying theyve smoothedover data that doesnt back up their claims of warming, and pondering how to freeze outscientists who disagree with them.


    Wow! The scandal just gets juicier and juicier. Now it seems that the Kiwis may have been at it

    too tinkering with raw data to make Global Warming look scarier than it really is. (Hat tip:Watts Up With That;Ian Wishart)

    The alleged villains this time are the climate scientists at the National Institute of Water andAtmospheric Research (NiWA) New Zealands answer to Britains Climate Research Unit.And to judge by this news alert by the Climate Science Coalition of NZ, both institutions share asimilarly laissez-faire attitude to scientific accuracy.3


    1 Stephen Dinan Washington TimesThursday, November 26, 2009,http://www.prisonplanet.com/climate-



    3` http://www.prisonplanet.com/climategate-the-scandal-spreads-the-plot-thickens-the-shame-


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    Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore key players cashing inon Chicago Climate Exchange4March 30, 2009 Stefan Fobes

    Obamas involvement in Chicago Climate Exchangethe rest of thestory

    3.25.09 / Judi McLeod / Canadian Free Press

    Good news to know that the truth will always outeven when youre Barack Obama.

    Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congressis a FOXNewsstory by Ed Barnes. In short, While on the board of a Chicago-basedcharity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play acritical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push

    through Congress as president.5

    The charity was the Joyce Foundation on whose board of directors Obama served andwhich gave nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were instrumental indeveloping and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which nowcalls itself North Americas only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases,

    with global affiliates and projects worldwide.

    And thats only the beginning of this tawdry tale, Mr. Barnes.

    The privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange is heavily influenced by Obamacohorts Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

    For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from beingking, KJV

    4 http://warofillusions.wordpress.com/2009/03/30/obama-maurice-strong-al-gore-key-players-cashing-in-



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    Sir Robert Anderson, author, TheComing Prince writes, The denial of theexistence of God and of the future state,

    in a word, is the dethronement ofconscience; and society will pass, to saythe least, through a dangerous intervalbefore social science can fill the vacantthrone; but meanwhile mankind, orsome parts of it, may be in danger of ananarchy of self-interest, compressed, forpolitical order, by a despotism of force."

    And every spirit that confesseth notthat Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is

    not of God: and this is that spirit ofantichrist, whereof ye have heard that itshould come; and even now already is itin the world. -- (1jn. 4:3),

    The word "Christ"-- derived from theGreek word, "Christos"-- means "Messiah"or "Anointed One. The Holy Spirit

    emphasizes the point that those who deny the Deity of Christ and His Messiahship are antichrist .. . or against Christ. They are also of the "spirit of Antichrist."


    The spirit of antichrist is already at work. As these Last Days approach, more and more, we arewitnessing people abandon the bible in favor of the New Age Movement, witchcraft, andUnitarian beliefs.

    All pathways lead God will lead humanity into great deception Luciferian worship. We knowfrom the Scriptures that Satans plan is to deceive the whole world. His objective is to blind theminds of the unbelieving and to recruit those who believed to become part of his agenda to set upan end-times delusion.

    The Spirit of Antichrist includes: The New Age Movement which denies Jesus is theONLY way to Heaven; and the internationalist globalist.

    The entire world system lies in the power of the evil one. Mystery Babylon is ultimate

    wickedness that is shown in the Bible. The Mystery of Babylon is the religion of witchcraft withSatan at the center piece of its worship. He wants to steal the throne of God. He believes that hecan do this by stealing the hearts of Gods creation, humankind.

    How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut downto the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I willascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the


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    mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights ofthe clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to thesides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee,saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 Thatmade the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house

    of his prisoners? 18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, everyone inhis own house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as theraiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones ofthe pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. 20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial,because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall neverbe renowned. 21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; thatthey do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities, (Isa. 14:12-21).


    Most people today would not deny that Jesus existed. Most would not deny that He diedupon the cross. What they do deny is that Jesus is the Savior-- the Christ/Messiah. They

    deny that He is God come in the flesh. They deny His virgin birth, His sinless life and theyreject that His death upon the cross was sufficient payment for our sins. They reject Histriumphant Resurrection! They scoff at the idea of His Second Coming, (2Pet.3:3-4). Knowingthis first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers [mockers], walking after their ownlusts, and saying, where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, allthings continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

    Jesus Christ desires to return to find us not in states of confusion, fearful and unaware.The triumph of the Church, The Bride of Christ, is certain! Day by day as the end-time advancesto draw nearer, the scriptures tell us that the "Church Age" will close with great apostasies andmany so-called "Christians" will depart from the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Word, to follow

    the doctrines of the devil's lies. They will seek man-made, state-controlled methods instead ofThe Masters direction. Deceptions and supernatural heresies incited by false religious teacherswill abound. Religions of mind transformation without spiritual regeneration will prosper. Theinfidels, hypocrites, deceivers and charlatans will see a season when their own "glory" will beenshrined.

    Fear not Beloved Saints, the Bible declares, It is not possible to deceive the elect!Glory! "For there shall arise false Christ, and false prophets, and shall shew great signsand wonders; insomuch that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they shall deceive the very elect,"(Matt. 24:24). A most important point is the truth that the cause of Christ has never depended onhuman patronage, authority, means, wealth, knowledge, expression, or wisdom. The cause of

    Jesus Christ depends only upon the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit calls out workers (Acts 13).He qualifies them (1 Cor. 12.8). He insures the Church's success (Dan. 4:34). He gives all theglory to Jesus Christ. However, the Church has three enemies:

    1. The world, (1 Jn. 5:4).2. The flesh, (Gal. 5:16).3. The Devil, (Jam 4:7).

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    Hadith written in the 17th Century by Mullah Majlisi, Muhammad`s cousin named Imam Ali IbnAbi-Talib prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, theUltimate Savior of Muslims, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West".Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler in the West will carry "a clear sign"from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The Hadith concludes: "Shiites should

    have no doubt that he is with us". In a curious coincidence, Obama`s first and second namesBarack Hussein mean "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama,written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us," the magic formulain Majlisi`s tradition.

    Barack Hussein Obama definitely fits this profile. Obama is a tall, black, western leader and is(TRYING TO COMMAND) the strongest army on earth.



    It is possible for the world dictator of beyond compare authority to appear - the

    Antichrist - it is also predictable God's Word forecasts that seven empires will be existentin world before Jesus Christ comes again (Revelation 17:10), "There are seven kings: fiveare fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continuea short space."

    The Bible reveals there are five fallen empires referenced to by the Apostle John inthis verse are Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Rome is shown that ruledat the time John wrote the Book of Revelation. A final empire would arise but after therewould first be a extended delay; that global power would be the "revived Roman Empire;"and a new revived Babylon.

    And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose namein the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. --Revelation 9:11. KJV

    Antichrist will be totally controlled by a powerful spirit from the sea; he is the ultimate

    political ruler who arises to power speaking peaceful solutions to serious problems promising a

    new world utopia but he will actually do the work of Satan. He will appear the diplomat - peace-

    maker and perfect gentleman, while ruling with an iron hand. Nevertheless, he possesses all the

    evil aspects of Mephistopheles, corrupt, satanic, and doomed. His goal is to achieve the mental-

    spiritual enslavement of the world to force its worship to himself.




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    His subjects will be a classless people whose names will be replaced by numbers.

    Antichrist is a name taken from 1 and 2 John. In Daniel he is called the little horn and the vile

    person; in 2 Thessalonians as the Son of Perdition; and in Revelation as the Beast out of the

    sea. He will be indwelt by Abaddon- Apollyon. (Revelation 9:11).

    This final collection of nations will produce the figure known as theAntichrist who will reign for a brief period-just eighty-four months. Do you

    believe that this period is an event that will occur way the distant future? The

    world is on the threshold of submission to this latter-day power and this

    revived Roman Empire is presently coordinating under the leadership of the

    European Union; a federal Super-state that will shape the foundation for the

    final one-world government. This will employ an authoritarianism

    dictatorship under Antichrist who rules with supernatural power of

    Appolyan. This despotic autocracy advanced twenty-first centuries will betechnological police-state consisting of extraordinary terror.

    The European Community created the European Monetary Institute inJanuary 1994, and it is scheduled to become a central bank issuing a singlecurrency they missed their projected date in 2002. These criminal bankers,working in agreement with President Gorge Bush and followed by PresidentObama, crashed the American economy in 2009. The people of the world areunder such strong demons of deception, they cannot comprehend the realitythat these cold-blooded robber barons have stolen their futures from them toindentured slaves. With a few strokes of Presidential pens, they have madeAmerica a Third World Country. These global planners are running behindschedule but step-by-step, they imploded the banking systems of the worldcausing the New World Order to appear into view in 2009; they are usingthese financial crises to create new global world at the expense of every living

    American. One can straightforwardly see the control jeopardy and influenceof the euro.

    In addition to its growing economic ability the European Union will

    formulate common foreign and security policies with defense issues. Soon, allsecurity policies will be made jointly. The European Union is quicklydisbanding the thoughts of national sovereignty in a giant leap towardglobalism and one-world government. The Super-state is preparing the way

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    for a more authoritative central government that will eventually be headed bya world dictator.

    In Daniel 9:27, we see this future Fuhrer making a peace contract withthe nations of the earth for seven years. During the first half of this duringtribulation period, the Antichrist is controlled by satanic powers. --(Revelation 13:4).

    However, during the second forty-two months, Satan is cast out ofheaven (Revelation

    12:7-11) and incarnatesthe body of this worlddictator (Revelation13:3). When Satan takes

    over the physical beingof the Antichrist, hebegins to call himselfgod, magnifying himselfabove every god (Daniel11:36).



    Funny. They allsaid President G. W.Bush was dumb, youknow, not as smart asformer Vice PresidentGore. Bush is dumb likea fox and Gore is just

    plain stupid, promoting the big global warming lie. However, the legacy thathas been planted by Bush will play a tremendous roll in fulfilling Revelation18 and Zech 5, in the Bible.



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    "As sure as there is a God in heaven who keeps His word, Babylon will liveagain as "the seat of Satan.""

    And ...

    "Babylon will again become Satan's headquarters for a short time, serving as the governmental andcommercial capital of the world during the first half of the Tribulation Period.

    Then, after the kings ofthe earth destroy religiousBabylon near the middleof the Tribulation Period,Satan will move hisreligious headquartersfrom Rome to Babylon,

    setting the stage for thesecond three-and-one-half-year period, called"the Great Tribulation."8

    Babylon, setting the stagefor the second three-and-one-half-year period,called "the Great



    Zechariah 5:9-11:

    Then lifted I up mineeyes, and, and, behold,there came out twowomen, and the wind

    8 Back to Babylon? Could it be? by Michael G. Mickey

    http://www.rapturealert.com/2006/042206babylon.html (4-22-06)

    9 Back to Babylon? Could it be? by Michael G. Mickey

    http://www.rapturealert.com/2006/042206babylon.html (4-22-06)


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    [was] in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted upthe ephah between the earth and the heaven.

    Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?

    And he said unto me, to build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall beestablished, and set there upon her own base.

    So what does all this have to do with today?USATODAY.comis reporting that agiant US Embassy is rising in Baghdad, due to be completed and in operation by2007. The USA TODAY article describes it as follows, in part:

    The massive new embassy, being built on the banks of the Tigris River, is designedto be entirely self-sufficient and won't be dependent on Iraq's unreliable publicutilities.10

    The 104-acre complex the size of about 80 football fields will include twooffice buildings, one of them designed for future use as a school, six apartmentbuildings, a gym, a pool, a food court and its own power generation and water-treatment plants.

    An MSNBC article only adds to the drama of what is taking place, entitled "NewU.S. Embassy in Iraq cloaked in mystery." The opening lines of the article tie in soclosely with all that has been written in this commentary to this point it is



    The fortress-like compound rising beside the Tigris River here will be the largestof its kind in the world, the size of Vatican City, with the population of a smalltown, its own defense force, self-contained power and water, and a precariousperch at the heart of Iraqs turbulent future.

    The new U.S. Embassy also seems as cloaked in secrecy as the ministate in Rome.

    We cant talk about it. Security reasons, Roberta Rossi, a spokeswoman at the

    current embassy, said when asked for information about the project.

    10 USATODAY.com

    11 MSNBC "New U.S. Embassy in Iraq cloaked in mystery."

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    This embassy, according to the article, is going to dwarf other US embassiesaround the globe. Most US embassies, if the article is to be believed, are about 10acres in size. This one? 104 acres. The article indicates this embassy is going to besix times larger than the United Nations compound in NewYork, and two-thirds the acreage of Washingtons National Mall.


    Not only is the above true, the International Herald Tribune is reporting that theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)"intends to put the magic back in Babylon." The Tribune article states, in part:

    ..Iraqi leaders and UN officials are not giving up on it. They are workingassiduously to restore Babylon, home to the Hanging Gardens, one of the SevenWonders of the Ancient World. They want to turn it into a cultural center andpossibly even an Iraqi theme park. 13

    BABYLON EMBASSY DOMINATES BAGHDAD SKYLINEBuilding work at the 104-acre complex, known locally as 'George Bush's

    Palace', is supposed to be secret, but it is impossible to disguise the cranesdominating the Baghdad skyline. The new United States Embassy in Iraq wasscheduled to cost 592 million dollars to build and will be the largest embassy onearth. However, due to delays for various reasons, mainly shoddy work by themostly Asian workers that were imported to do the work at near slave wages, thecost has soared way beyond that figure. To mention just a few of the manyproblems that has slowed down construction was a fire sprinkler system that didn't

    work, when it was turned on some of the joints broke, some of the wiring melteddown, and the workers failed to build a blast proof wall. The estimated finalconstruction cost is now over 700 million dollars, and will cost more than a billiondollars a year to maintain. It will essentially be a small city, with office buildings, afuture school, six apartment buildings, and a recreation building with a gym,exercise room, the American Club, a commissary, food court, movie theater, tenniscourts, barber and beauty shops. It will also have the largest swimming pool in Iraqas well as its own electrical power plants and water plants. There will be a 1,500embassy staff including 1,000 Americans and 500 Iraqi foreign service nationals.

    The office buildings will be large enough to handle up to 8,000 workers.



    13 International Herald Tribune

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    The project is so huge that it will be equal in size to Vatican City. Incontrast, the Beijing embassy that opened in 2008, had previously been describedas the "largest single construction project undertaken by the Department of Stateon foreign soil". It is ten acres, compared to Iraq's 104 acres.14

    According to the U.K. Times, the Iraqi people call this "George W's Palace".In the Baghdad cafes, they "moan that the structure is bigger than anything SaddamHussein ever built" and are "interested in knowing whether the US StateDepartment paid for the prime real estate or simply took it. They are angry aboutthe size of the embassy and that it will have its own power and water facilities,while they still wait for the day when they will reach pre-war levels of electricityand clean water.

    Many Iraqis are still without electricity. After almost four years, the

    Americans still can't turn on the lights for the Iraqis, but that won't be a problemfor the embassy staffers. The same with the toilets, they will always flush oncommand. All services for the biggest embassy in the world will operateindependently from the rattletrap utilities of the Iraqi capital.

    Imagine the message we are sending to the Iraqi people and how thisembassy can be used as an Al Qaeda recruiting tool. Along with the military bases,this shows the United States intends to have a substantial long-term presence inIraq. The International Crisis Group said the embassy's size "is seen by Iraqis as anindication of who actually exercises power in their country". "Infidels in the holy

    land" has always been a major problem for Islamic fundamentalists. How will theyreact to the United States essentially creating a small city on the banks of the TigrisRiver? ii

    The embassy had 1,000 employees and the 2005 operating cost was about $1billion, is this an indicator of how much this new embassy will cost in the future?How effective will our diplomacy be if we start out by angering the Iraqi peoplewith the huge scale of this project?iii

    Can you imagine an area 80 times the size of this football field? ---Whew,now that's BIG!!!!!




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    This gigantic complex does not square with the repeated assertions by thepeople who run the American government that the United States will not stay inthe country after Iraq becomes a stand-alone, democratic entity. An "embassy" inwhich 8,000 people labor, along with the however many thousands of militarypersonnel necessary to defend them, is not a diplomatic outpost. It is a base, apermanent base! .iv


    The scripture show God placing a curse over the entire earth because of theplots of greedy men to establish a world order. They seek to neglect His word andchange the face of world worship. We see the famous prostitute in Revelation

    sitting in the center of the New World Government going to set up her witchcraft,Babylonia religion to rule with the Antichrist over the souls of the human race.

    Zech 5:1-8

    5 : 1 Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flyingroll.

    2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll;the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.

    3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of thewhole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this sideaccording to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that sideaccording to it.

    4 I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the houseof the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: andit shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timberthereof and the stones thereof.

    5 Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift upnow thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.

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    6 And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah (commerce) that goethforth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth. (oneworld government.)

    7 And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that

    sitteth in the midst of the ephah. (Mystery of Babylon wicked witchcraftwoman (church).

    8 And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah;and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.

    Zechariah 5:9

    Many think that these two women that fly with wings like the wings of a stork areangels. WRONG! THE BIBLE DOES NOT SAY THAT THESE WOMEN AREANGELS. They can simply fly and move the powers of evil through the air fromone place to another. Birds are always shown in the Bible symbolic as evil spirits.Women are shown here as being symbolic of religious systems. The two womencould symbolize witches because they fly. We see witches flying in the Bible inEzek. 13. The three women could symbolize the power of witchcraft that will ruleover the world during the seven year Tribulation Period.

    Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out twowomen, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings ofa stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.

    [There came out two women] It may be that there may be no symbol herein, butthat he names women because it was a woman who was so carried; yet their wingswere the wings of an unclean bird, strong, powerful, borne by a force not theirown; with their will, since they flew; beyond their will, since the wind was in theirwings; rapidly, inexorably, irresistibly, they flew and bore the Ephah betweenheaven and earth. No earthly power could reach or rescue it. God would not. Itmay be that evil spirits are symbolized, as being like to this personified humanwickedness, such as snatch away the souls of the damned, who, by serving them,have become as they. v

    Zechariah 5:11 This is happening now!

    [To build it a house in the land of Shinar] The name of Shinar, thoughstrictly Babylonia, carries back to an older power than the world-empire ofBabylon; which now too was destroyed. "In the land of Shinar" (Gen 11:2) was

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    that first attempt to array a world-empire against God, ere mankind was yedispersed. And so it is the apter symbol of the antitheist or anti-Christian world,which by violence, art, falsehood, sophistry, wars against the truth. To this greatworld-empire it was to be removed; yet to live there, no longer cramped andconfined as within an Ephah, but in pomp and splendor. A house or temple was tobe built for it, for its honor and glory; as Dagon (1 Sam 5:2-5) or Ashtaroth (1 Sam31:10), or Baal (2 Kings 10:23) had their houses or temples, a great idol temple, inwhich the god of this world should be worshiped.

    [And it] - "The house," "shall be established" firmly on its base, like thehouse of God, and it, (wickedness) shall be tranquilly rested on its base, as an idolin its temple, until the end come. In the end, the belief of those of old was, that theJews would have great share in the antagonism to Christ and His empire. At thefirst, they were the great enemies of the faith, and sent forth, Justin says,(NOTE:

    Justin Martyr, Dial. n. 17 (n. 91. Oxford Translation) and n. 108. p. 205. Eusebiusquotes the first passage, H. E. 4:18 , and repeats the statement on Isa 18), thoseeverywhere who should circulate the calumnies against Christians, which weremade a ground of early persecutions. In the end, it was believed, that antichristshould be from them, that they would receive him as their Christ, the lastfulfillment of our Lord's words, "I am come in My Father's name and ye receiveMe not; another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" (John 5:43). vi

    Rev 17:5-7

    5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THEGREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THEEARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, andwith the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered withgreat admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thoumarvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast thatcarrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. KJV


    Exhibits and vaults of the National Museum of Iraq were ransacked in the

    first days after U.S. forces entered Baghdad.

    The FBI said it has begun working with Interpol and other international lawenforcement agencies, as well as museum curators and experts in the United States,to try to locate antiquities stolen from the unnamed museum in Baghdad.vii

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    "Interpol is calling on organizations and institutions involved in conservation andtrade of antiquities to categorically decline any offers of cultural propertyoriginating from Iraq," said Karl-Heinz Kind, the agency's specialist in the theft ofart and antiquities. viii

    Why would anyone steal the idols (antiquities) from Iraqi? We know that in thepagan temples of the world, the demonic spirits are connected to the idols. Theidolaters go to the temples to visit their gods. They bring food and place it at thefeet of the idols. I believe these idols were stolen to steal the world ruling demonsand the Prince of Persia. They believe that if they have possession of the idol,they can control the demons!

    Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any shall sayunto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise falseChrists, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuchthat, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold I have toldyou before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert;go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers, believe it not. For as the

    lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall alsothe coming of the Son of man be, (Matt. 24: 22-27).

    The powers of darkness are organized in a hierarchy of rulers/principalities(archai), authorities (exousia, powers (dunamis), and spiritual forces of evil

    (Kosmokratoras).Archai is the high level satanic princes set over nations andregions of the earth.Exousia carries a connotation of both supernatural and naturalgovernment. Paul understanding there were supernatural forces that stoodbehind human structures.


    How can we know with certainty that we are close to this historical moment?The entire prophetic scenario began in the miraculous year of 1948, whenthree major world events occurred simultaneously.

    The first was the rebirth of the land of Israel. Jesus Himself predicted thisevent would precede His return in Matthew 24:32-33 when He told Hisdisciples to come to grips with the message of the parable of the fig tree, whichalways represents Israel in the Bible (Joel 1:7; Hosea 9:10). Jesus said, "When

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    his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer isnigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near,even at the doors."

    Nothing of significance prophetically, therefore, could happen until we sawThe Budding of The Fig Tree and Israel became a nation again. Thathappened in 1948."Revealing The Earth's Final Generation"

    In addition, that year witnessed the first meeting that would lead toestablishment of the revived Roman Empire, the European Union. This last-

    days entity would form the political and military basis for the coming one-world government - the apparatus by which the Antichrist would rule.

    The third important event of 1948 was the formation of the World Council of

    Churches, which would help lay the groundwork for the one-world,Ecumenical - Ecclesiastical, false religious system, a counterfeit christianity asdescribed in Revelation 13:11 and 17:9. For more than fifty years now, thestage has been set for a world dictator to emerge, a man with power andauthority far beyond the scope of Nebuchadnezzar or any of his successors.The world anxiously awaits his appearance. I have little doubt that this greatimposter is alive and waiting in the wings. How close are we to the fateful dayof his appearance?

    The internationally acclaimed Dr. Paul-Henri Spaak said, "Europe is looking

    for a man so powerful that he will hold the allegiance of all the people. Be heman or devil we are ready to receive him."

    However, it is not just a political leader for whom the world is looking. All themajor religions discuss the emergence, in the last days, of a powerful andterrifying spiritual figure someone who will ultimately proclaim himself tobe God. today's widespread New Age philosophy is laying the groundwork forthe Antichrist's global religious system. John Randolph Price, one of theworld's principal New Age political-religious gurus, says his spirit guide(demon channeler) revealed to him that 2.5 billion people may need to bekilled in order for their utopian spiritual delusions to be realized (Revelation6:8; 9:18; 13:15; 20:4)?

    Antichrist will suffer a mortal head wound and come to his end in a battlewith Russia (Daniel 11:45). After being incarnated by Satan, he then rises

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    from the dead and declares himself as the god of gods (Revelation 13:3). Hedemands that every human being worship him under penalty of death(Revelation 13:15). Is it not fitting that today's New Age leaders are alreadybeginning to justify the mass slaughter that will follow?

    The Antichrist will have more help, too, from a religious figure known as"the Beast #2, prophet." The leadership of this demonical possessed prophet,propped up by the revived European Empire, will turn the worship of theentire world to the image of the Beast #1. Rome will again be the center of theworld economically, politically, militarily, and spiritually. Those currentlymoving Europe in this direction seem inexplicably drawn to their fate.Perhaps you remember that in 1987, the Belgians minted the first ECU silvercoins. Imprinted on them was the bust of Emperor Charles the Fifth, crownedhead of the Holy Roman Empire in 1519. Charles was chosen to be

    immortalized on the first-ever European coin because of the strikinggeographical similarity between the European Community and the HolyRoman Empire.

    However, what about the ten toes and the ten nations; hasn't the EuropeanUnion evolved past this stage? Yes! We are speaking of an eventual worldgovernment, not a regional one. The European Union began as ten nations. Infact, Daniel 7:24 shows us that a very significant eleventh nation arises whichwas Spain.

    Now we have fifteen and Poland and 12 others may come aboard by the year2004 for the formation of the one-world government or New World Order.The European Super-state, will provide the platform and the structure forthis world dictatorship (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 13:7).

    When Christ returns to establish His earthly kingdom, a assemblage of tenkings or ten divisons or regions remain (Daniel 2:44). Interestingly, all of theprime movers behind the globalist dream have divided the world into tenspheres. The Trilateral Commission; the Council on Foreign Relations; theBilderbergers; the Club of Rome; and other political groups; plus religiousassemblies that promote a one-world federation eventually break up the globeinto ten regions. This activity will fulfill God's Word. Only now, after twogreat European wars have been fought and reunification has occurred couldthe promises of the Bible about a world government centered in Rome bepossible. Also, preparing to enter the twenty-first-century, computer age a

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    Pat Holliday, Ph.D.

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    iii IBID


    v (from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

    vi (from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)


