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climate responsive residential building design in turkey

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&/,0$7( 5(63216,9( RESIDENTIAL BUILDING DESIGN IN TURKEY - A CASE STUDY 6HUSLO d(5dø dXNXURYD 8QLYHUVLW\ ± Ar chi t ec tural an Enginee ring Fa cul ty / Ar chi t ec tural D epar tment a k ays @hotmail . com Abst ra c t Passive elements could be considered the best when designing a new energy efficient building. 0DQ\ ³(QHUJ\ (IILFLHQW´ DQG µ¶&OLPDWH 5HVSRQVLYH´ EXLOGLQJV ZLWK WKH XVH RI WKH ULJKW GHVLJQ DQG JUHHQ WHFKQRORJLHV FRQVLGHUDEOH KDYH EHHQ GHYHORSHG 7KH WHFKQRORJLHV HPSOR\HG LQ VXVWDLQDELOLW\ RU JUHHQ EXLOGLQJ DUH FRQVWDQWO\ HYROYLQJ DQG PD\ GLIIHU IURP UHJLRQ WR UHJLRQ EXW IXQGDPHQWDO SULQFLSOHV SHUVLVW IURP ZKLFK WKH PHWKRG LV GHULYHG 86 (3$ :%'* This paper is based on a researching project which analyzed D UHVLGHQWLDO EXLOGLQJ DQG LWV VHWWOHPHQW GHVLJQHG E\ DXWKRU DV VXLWDEOH IRU warm and humid climate UHJLRQ FRQGLWLRQV DQG ZLWK IXQGDPHQWDO SULQFLSOHV RI FOLPDWH UHVSRQVLYH EXLOGLQJV The study tries to determine the potential of thermal comfort improvements by analyzing of the potential of natural ventilation and sun on designed building and settlement in Adana. For this purpose, a residential model were developed and some sustainable design recommendations for residential buildings in warm and humid climate regions were then introduced. K eywords : Environment al Sust ainabili ty, Passive D esign, Cli ma t e Responsive D esign, Resident ial Building D esign, Tur key. ,QWURGXFWLRQ µ3DVVLYH DUFKLWHFWXUH¶ KDV WKH JUHDW DGYDQWDJH LQ that it requires no external energy source and therefore has neither a running cost nor does it contribute to environmental pollution. Such features can enhance the visual appearance of a building and will help to preserve its fabric (Szuppinger, 2011, 3). Therefore, passive elements could be considered the best when designing a new energy efficient building. It is a key component of the 21st century's green economic revolution (Bere, 2014). 0DQ\ µ¶(QHUJ\ (IILFLHQW´ DQG µ¶&OLPDWH 5HVSRQVLYH´ EXLOGLQJV ZLWK WKH XVH RI WKH ULJKW GHVLJQ DQG JUHHQ WHFKQRORJLHV FRQVLGHUDEOH KDYH EHHQ GHYHORSHG 86 (3$ :%'* ³..Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and VKRXOG FRQWULEXWH SRVLWLYHO\ WR PDNLQJ SODFHV EHWWHU IRU SHRSOH ´ (NPPF, 2012, 1). ³&OLPDWH-UHVSRQVLYH´ RU passive design VWUDWHJLHV QDWXUDO YHQWLODWLRQ GD\OLJKWLQJ HWF DUH KDOOPDUNV RI VXVWDLQDEOH $V WHPSHUDWXUHV DQG KXPLGLW\ OHYHOV ULVH DQG DV ZLQG DQG SUHFLSLWDWLRQ SDWWHUQV IOXFWXDWH FOLPDWH-UHVSRQVLYH EXLOGLQJV PD\ QR ORQJHU UHVSRQG DV WKH\ ZHUH GHVLJQHG WR GR EXLOGLQJJUHHQFRP Optimizing passive design is the first step towards reducing the energy demand of a building or project. Initial site planning establishes the orientation, massing and location of the components and uses of a project, all of which impact and set the parameters for passive design strategies. The initial site planning of a project has significant impact towards
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Architectural an Engineering Faculty / Architectural Department

[email protected]

Abstract Passive elements could be considered the best when designing a new energy efficient building.

This paper is based on a researching project which analyzed

warm and humid climate The study tries to determine the potential of thermal comfort

improvements by analyzing of the potential of natural ventilation and sun on designed building and settlement in Adana. For this purpose, a residential model were developed and some sustainable design recommendations for residential buildings in warm and humid climate regions were then introduced. Keywords : Environmental Sustainability, Passive Design, Climate Responsive Design, Residential Building Design, Turkey.

that it requires no external energy source and

therefore has neither a running cost nor does it contribute to environmental pollution. Such features can enhance the visual appearance of a building and will help to preserve its fabric (Szuppinger, 2011, 3). Therefore, passive elements could be considered the best when designing a new energy efficient building. It is a key component of the 21st century's green economic revolution (Bere, 2014).

..Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and

(NPPF, 2012, 1).

- passive design

-Optimizing passive design is the first step towards reducing the energy

demand of a building or project. Initial site planning establishes the orientation, massing and location of the components and uses of a project, all of which impact and set the parameters for passive design strategies. The initial site planning of a project has significant impact towards

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achieving a green or high performance building. Things like the siting, massing and orientation of buildings set up the parameters and potential limitations for the later design process. These early stage design decisions are fundamental to optimizing passive design, determining the degree of site development and providing green or open space. In terms of passive design, these are the first steps in minimizing the building energy demand, providing natural ventilation, daylight, shade, and thermal comfort. Allowing for natural and mechanical ventilation along with air-conditioning can significantly reduce energy use (BCA, 2010, 24,29). Briefly, Design strategies should allow for optimal use of natural energy strategies (daylighting, natural ventilation, passive cooling, etc.) as well as integration of renewable energy devices (Haase, 2006, 3). -

Nowadays, the number of Passive houses is rapidly growing across Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In January 2004, in Germany alone more than 4000 dwelling units have been built in a passive house standard (Antonova, A., 2010, 38).

So, this paper analyzes the warm and humid climatic conditions in buildings and its energy conservation strategy. For this aim, a residential building with warm and humid climate design strategies was developed in Adana (Turkey) and the impact of location and climate, size and orientation on the thermal comfort was investigated on a model.

- - - (BEP-TR) in the buildings, -


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- - - -

conducted with objectives described above

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F igure 1. Turkey and Adana City Map (Source: bing.com/images)

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F igure 2. Views of the Old Adana City (Source; enguzelevler.com)


F igure 3. Views of the New Adana city (Photo;

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F igure 4. (Source; bing.com/images)

(F igure 5)

F igure 5. Turkey's Climate Zones (Source; mgm.gov.tr)

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Table 2. Climate Data for Adana (Source ; "Meteoroloji" (in Turkish), 2010 ; "Adana Climate, Average Monthly Temperatures, Rainfall, Sunshine Hours, Graphs", 2013)

2.2. Energy Performance Directive of Buildings of Turkey In Turkey, formal measures for the conservation of energy in architectural design are written down in -"Energy Performance of Buildings Directive" (IEP) are located. Some of the topics in this section including measures to be taken against climatic influences in the building design are as follows: -Considering zoning and land/parcel status in the architectural design of the building, heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting needs are kept to a minimum, -Taking into account the effects of sun, humidity and wind, the opportunities of natural heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting is utilized to the maximum extent, -In the orientation of interiors and buildings, considering meteorological data (solar, wind, humidity, rain, snow, and so) that in climate, architectural solutions should be created and unwanted heat gains and losses should be avoided (BEP, 2008).

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F igure 6. (Source ; www.haritamap.com)

and the area where the model residential is applied


(These are orientation of the building, shape of the building, main material of the walls, shading, trees around the house). -Then, ; walls, windows, insulation, heating system, ventilation and air conditioning, renewables. -

in warm and

(Source; Zeren, 1990)





Long rectangular form exposed wind

as follows; -

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- from south ( - -

- -


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The approximate basic area per inhabitant is around 30 square meters - - -

- -

- -

- -

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In the summer, they

allow for breeze and shadowing opportunity considering solar and dominant wind direction to reduce uncomfortable humidity and the temperature in air. In the winter, benefiting entirely solar radiation in the south, sheltered from strong winds in the north, a temperate climate in the courtyard was created.

- -

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Around the building, in particular, pedestrians in areas where they often use; warning and divider panels, boundary markers, wall and so on. landscape elements, protect from the sun, wind blocking are designed.

Also, against noise and air pollution,

alternative means and use of bicycles has been proposed.

3. Evaluation the residential model and conclusion Adana city chosen as study area are in a special position as climate. The new residential areas in city has been planned without considering the heat gain in the summer months. Interior comfort is provided with mechanical cooling systems more than natural system and caused considerable loss of energy. So, this paper focuses on providing healthy indoor and outdoor environments through the use of orientaion access to natural sunlight and wind. In the study, the recommended design guidelines for the sustainable residential buildings in Adana were focused on climate responsive design were nalyzed on climate responsive design and a local residential model developed, and some sustainable design recommendations were then introduced. Results of the measures taken in planning phase for model residential are as follows ; -During the winter months; with some measures taken such as gaining heat from sun, good heat absorbing and storing capacity of the walls, mechanical equipment for heating may not required. "Even, it may be possible overheating of the building needs its own". -During the summer months; with some measures such as the placemet of the transparent surfaces, measurement, mechanical equipment for cooling may not require.

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-In 'summer and winter'; providing indoor comfort of air conditioning, as well as in greatly reducing the load of air conditioning systems. Beside, by creating heat zones in planning, the heat losses can be reduced. As a result; this sustainable building model evaluated with - planning principles may refer to other structures in Adana city that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient.

F igure 17. -


efficiency   and   technical-­economic  aspects,  LUND  UNIVERSITY,  Sweden,  pp.38   Bere, J., Paperback - February 28, ISBN-10: 1859464939, IRIBA Publishing, UK. Haase, M.; Amato, A.; Heiselberg, Per Kvols (2006) Sichuan - Hong Kong Joint Symposium, Chengdu, June 30 - July 1, pp.3.

Central and Eastern Europe, Szentendre Ady Endre, 9-11, Hungary H-2000, www.rec.org pp. 3.

- Devlet U.S. EPA (October 28, 2010) Environmental Protection Agency Green Building Home, Retrieved November 28, 2009, from http://www.epa.gov/greenbuilding/pubs/components.htm WBDG Sustainable Committee (2009) Sustainable. Retrieved November 28, 2009, fromhttp://www.wbdg.org/designsustainable.php

National Pla Department for Communities and Local Government, March. UK. pp.1.

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Series, Singapore, This Guide is Published By The Centre For Sustainable Buildings And Construction, ISBN 978-981-08-5313-6, Singapore, pp. 24,29. BEP (2008) -"Energy Performance of Buildings Directive"27075, Section 3 (IEP) -

. www.enerji.gov.tr/mevzuat/5627/Binalarda_Enerji_Performansi_Yonetmeligi.pdf

Medcoast'03, Proceedings of the 16. International Conferance on the Meditteranean Coastal Environment", MEDCOAST Conference, 7-11 October, Ravenna, Italy, pp. 538. www.buildinggreen.com www.haritamap.com/yer/3358/cukurova-unv-balcali-kampusu.html www.adana.gov.tr www.bing.com/images www.enguzelevler.com www.mgm.gov.tr Figure 3;
