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CLINICAL APPLICATION OF LASERS USE IN … in... · Root canal shaping & obturation ... *All of the...

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รศ. ปทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุลรศ. ปทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกุล


LaserLaser characteristicscharacteristics

MonochromaticPhotons stimulate photons ofthe same frequency, One specific colorCoherentPhoton waves in phase-maximumintensity, Identical amplitudeNon-divergentPhotons at angles to cavity axis, notstimulate others

LaserLaser OutputOutput

ContinuousContinuous wavewaveChopChop beambeam toto produceproduce pulsespulses((mechanicalmechanical)),, PulsePulse cancan bebeshortershorter thanthan thethe thermalthermalrelaxationrelaxation timetime ofof thethe tissuetissue((nono heatheat transmissiontransmission))PulsedPulsed laserlaser ((higherhigher powerpower))

Electromagnetic Wave ScaleElectromagnetic Wave Scale

100 100 nmnm

400 nm400 nm 750 nm750 nmUltraviolet Ultraviolet VisibleVisible


HeNeHeNe (632nm)(632nm)

KTP (532nm)KTP (532nm)

Argon (514 nm)Argon (514 nm)

Argon Argon (488nm)(488nm)

Diode 812nmDiode 812nm

Diode 980nmDiode 980nm

NdNd: YAG : YAG (1064 nm)(1064 nm)


Er:YAGEr:YAG ( 2.94( 2.94µµ))

CO (10,600 nm)CO (10,600 nm)22

10,000 nm10,000 nm

XeF(351 nm)XeF(351 nm)ExcimerExcimer

ExcimerExcimer XeClXeCl (308 nm)(308 nm)

KrFKrF (248nm)(248nm)

ArFArF (193nm)(193nm)

2.78 2.78 µµ

A A bsorbancebsorbance--usefuluseful energyenergyR R eflectanceeflectanceT T ransmittanceransmittanceS S catteringcattering


RemovalRemoval ofof tissuetissue byby laserlaser energyenergyVisiblVisible & e & IRIR laserslasers -- thermalthermal processprocessEExcimerxcimer laserslasers –– photochemicalphotochemicalprocesprocess (bs (beakeak bondsbonds))

ExcimerExcimer laserlaser

NonthermalNonthermal laserslasers --interactinteract withwith tissuestissuesthroughthrough a a photochemicalphotochemicalprocessprocess,, ablationablation beingbeing thetheresultresult ofof breakingbreaking bondsbondswithinwithin tissuetissue

ExcimerExcimer laserlaser

MostMost prevalentprevalent excimerexcimer::ArArF (193 F (193 nmnm) ) producesproduces a a cleanercleanercutcut withwith lessless thermalthermal damagedamage ininbothboth hardhard && softsoft tissuestissuesXeCXeCl (308 l (308 nmnm) ) cancan bebe delivereddeliveredthroughthrough anan opticaloptical fiberfiber muchmuch moremorereliablereliable

AbsorptionAbsorption WindowsWindows

200200--350 350 nnm (Um (UV) V) proteinprotein &&DNADNA dominatedominate absorptionabsorption>>20002000nnm (Im (IR) R) waterwater isis mainmainabsorberabsorber600600--3000 3000 nmnm lowlow opticalopticalabsorptionabsorption,, highhigh penetrationpenetration


NdYAGNdYAG NeodymiumNeodymium--yttriumyttrium--aluminumaluminum--garnetgarnetGaAlAsGaAlAs GalliumGallium--aluminumaluminum--arsenidearsenideNdYAPNdYAP NeodymiumNeodymium--yttriumyttrium--aluminumaluminum--perovskiteperovskite

LaserLaser mathmath

PowerPower -- laserlaser outputoutput expressedexpressedasas wattswattsEnergyEnergy-- laserlaser outputoutput expressedexpressedasas joulesjoulesFluenceFluence--laserlaser energyenergy densitydensityexpressedexpressed asas joulesjoules//cmcm22

1 1 wattwatt == 1 1 joulejoule//secondsecondwattswatts x x secondsseconds == joulesjoules

DyeDye enhancedenhanced laserlaser ablationablation

IIncreasencrease absorptionabsorption bybyadditionaddition ofof anan exogenousexogenousdyedye onon thethe surfacesurface ofof tissuetissueEnergyEnergy thatthat wouldwould bebereflectedreflected oror scatteredscattered isisnownow coupledcoupled intointo dyedye--tissuetissueinterfaceinterface

ClinicalClinical applicationsapplications ofof laserlaser inin endodonticsendodontics

DiagnosisDiagnosis ofof pulpalpulpal bloodblood flowflowDentinalDentinal hypersensitivityhypersensitivityPulpPulp cappincapping & g & pulpotomypulpotomySterilizationSterilization ofof rootroot canalscanalsRootRoot canalcanal shapinshaping & g & obturationobturationApicectomyApicectomyOthersOthers

DiagnosisDiagnosis ofof bloodblood flowflow inin dentaldental pulppulp

LaserLaser DopplerDopplerFlowmetryFlowmetry ((LDFLDF))HeHe--NeNe,, GaAlAsGaAlAs,, IRIRLowLow--powerpower levellevel ofof11--22 mWmW

LLightight scatteredscattered byby movingmoving RBCRBC,, produceproduce a a signalsignalthatthat waswas a a functionfunction ofof thethe redred cellcell fluxflux ((volvol ofofcellscells illuminatedilluminated x x meanmean cellcell velocityvelocity))

DentalDental hypersensitivityhypersensitivity

22 grgr :: lowlow outputoutput powerpower((HeHe--NeNe,, GaAlAsGaAlAs))

: : middlemiddle outputoutput powerpower((NdNd--YAGYAG,, COCO22))

DentalDental hypersensitivityhypersensitivity

LowLow powerpower :: laserlaser’’ss energyenergy isistransmittedtransmitted throughthroughenamelenamel//dentinedentine toto reachreach thethe pulppulp

: : affectaffect actionactionpotentialpotential oror blockblockdepolarizationdepolarization ofof CC--fiberfiber,, nonodamagedamage toto pulppulp

DentalDental hypersensitivityhypersensitivity

MiddleMiddle powerpower :: laserlaser’’ss energyenergy isistransmittedtransmitted throughthrough dentinedentine,,thermallythermally effectseffects && pulpalpulpal analgesiaanalgesia

: : sealingsealing dentinaldentinaltubulestubules

: : hyperemiahyperemia: : focalfocal degenerationdegeneration ofof


PulpPulp cappingcapping && pulpotomypulpotomy

VaporizeVaporize tissuestissues,, coagulatecoagulate &&sealseal smallsmall bloodblood vesselsvessels totoproduceproduce bloodlessbloodless fieldfieldSterileSterile woundwound surfacesurfaceTheThe firstfirst laserlaser pulpotomypulpotomy waswasCOCO22 laserlaserNdYAGNdYAG,, GaAlAsGaAlAs,, ArAr

SterilizationSterilization ofof rootroot canalscanals

NdYAGNdYAG isis popularpopular becausebecause of of a a thinthin fiberfiber--opticoptic forfor enteringentering canalscanalsNdYAGNdYAG significantlysignificantly reducedreducedEE..faecalisfaecalis whilewhile NaOClNaOCl effectivelyeffectivelydisinfecteddisinfected canalcanals s (M(Moshonovoshonov etet alal..,, 1995)1995)


SterilizationSterilization ofof rootroot canalscanals

NdYAPNdYAP ++ SerialSerial prepprep ++ MMM 3000M 3000 showedshowed thethecleanestcleanest preprep (Yp (Yvesves BluBlum & m & AbadieAbadie,, 1997)1997)BactericidalBactericidal effecteffectPrecautionsPrecautions :: spreadingspreading bacterialbacterial contaminationcontaminationtoto patienpatient & t & dentaldental teamteam viavia smokesmoke byby laserlaser

: : thermalthermal injuryinjury toto periodontperiodontiumium

Bactericidal effectBactericidal effect

Chemical rinseChemical rinse 100 100 µµmmUltrasonic cleansingUltrasonic cleansing1000 1000 µµmmLaser Laser > > 10001000 µµmm

ExcimerExcimer inin EndodonticsEndodontics ((inin vitrovitro))

PiniPini,, LasersLasers inin SurSurgg & & MeMed d 9, 9, 352352--7, 19897, 1989

308 308 nmnm XeClXeCl laserlaserNecroticNecrotic dentinedentine inin canalcanal wallswallsisis removeremovedd atat lowerlower fluencesfluencesthanthan healthyhealthy tissuestissuesCanalCanal preparedprepared iin 10 n 10 minsmins

RootRoot canalcanal shapinshaping &g & obturationobturation

WeichmaWeichman & n & JohnsonJohnson (1971)(1971)firstfirst appliedapplied COCO22 laserlaser totosealseal apicalapical foramenforamen inin vitrovitro

RemovedRemoved debridebris & s & smearsmearlayerlayer:: ErYAGErYAG isis moremoreeffectiveeffective thanthan ArAr oror NdYANdYAG G (M(Matsuokaatsuoka etet alal..,, 1998:1998:Takeda Takeda etet alal..,, 1999) 1999)


MeltMelt dentindentine & e & sealseal exposedexposedtubulestubules :: XeClXeCl,, ArFArFArAr,, COCO22,, NdYAGNdYAG :: softensoften gpgpHardHard toto cleanclean allall wallswalls becausebecausethethe laserlaser isis emittedemitted straightstraight,,makingmaking itit impossibleimpossible toto irradiateirradiatethethe laterallateral wallswalls

InfectedInfected teethteeth,, postoppostop discomfortdiscomfortinin thethe laserlaser--treatedtreated grgr waswassignificantlysignificantly reducedreduced comparedcompared totononlasernonlaser--treatedtreated grgr(K(Kobaoba,, 19951995; ; KobaKoba etet alal..,, 19991999))

UsefulUseful asas anan adjunctadjunct duringduring RCTRCTbutbut notnot possiblepossible toto useuse alonealone forforRCTRCT


Fiber tip Fiber tip cannot be curvedcannot be curved to to follow the natural curvatures follow the natural curvatures of the root (cof the root (canals are often anals are often curved curved ≥≥ 2 dimensions)2 dimensions)EElevationlevation in temp can in temp can damagedamagethe tooth, soft tissue the tooth, soft tissue surrounding the bonesurrounding the bone


AdvantageAdvantage forfor thethe surgerysurgery––BloodlessBloodless fieldfield––SterilizationSterilization ofof woundwound––LessLess opop && postpost--opop painpain––ShorterShorter hospitalhospital staysstays


AdvantageAdvantage forfor thethe cutcut surfacesurface––SurfaceSurface isis sterilizedsterilized––DentinalDentinal tubulestubules areare sealedsealed––NoNo needneed forfor mechanicalmechanical drilldrilleliminateeliminate thermalthermal &&structuralstructural damagedamage


COCO22 laserlaser waswas firstfirst useused (Md (Miserendinoiserendino,,19881988))BadeBader &r & LejeuneLejeune (1998) (1998) showedshowed thatthatCOCO22 diddid notnot improveimprove thethe healinghealing processprocessNdYANdYAG G (S(Sumitomumitomo & o & FuruyaFuruya,, 1988)1988)smoothsmooth,, cleanclean resectedresected rootroot surfacessurfaces,,improveimprove healinhealing &g & postoppostop discomfortdiscomfortLessLess workingworking timetime thanthan ultrasonicultrasonic



SterilizeSterilize dentaldental instrumentsinstruments :: ArAr,, COCO22,,NdYAGNdYAGFusedFused fracturedfractured rootroot (A(Arakawarakawa etet alal..,,19961996) ) butbut waswas notnot achievedachievedRetreatmentRetreatment :: NdYAPNdYAP (F(Fargearge etet alal..,,19981998))


ApprovalApproval forfor manymany softsofttissuetissue proceduresproceduresErYAGErYAG recentlyrecently approvedapprovedforfor cavitycavity preprep & p & cariescariesremovalremoval

Millennium Specifications

Wavelength 2780 nanometers (Er, Cr:YSGG)

Frequency 20 Hz

Power 0.0-6.0 W

Pulse Energy 0-300mJOperating Voltage 115~ ±10%

Cooling System Air & water

Erbium, chromium: yttrium scandium gallium garnet

Waterlase™ Technology

Revolutionary Er, Cr: YSGG Waterlase™ for Hard & Soft Tissue

•Half size & weight of original Millennium.

•Elegant. Slender. Fits into any operatory.

•Incorporates state-of-the-art technological advances-laser design, optics, electronics, computerization & delivery system.

•Optimize costs, service & decrease shipping expenses.

•Macrospheres, generated by atomization chamber, are impinged at the laser beam delivery tip, & become superkinetically energized.

•This causes the macrospheres to disperse whereby the energy is released in an interactive zone within 1.5 mm from the laser delivery tip.

•The energized macrosphereacts as cutting agent to remove the target tissue.

Macrospheres1.5 mmInteractive Zone

Atomization Chamber

Hydrokinetic Energy



Waterlase™ vs Laser Comparative Clinical Evidence

Cut produced by Waterlase™with atomized water spray

Optical Photomicrograph of a Human Tooth

Cut produced by same laser with NO water spray

*Both cuts were done at the same power setting with a micro-positioner, controlling the rate of speed & distance to tissue.

Hard Tissue Procedures(Adult & pediatric patients)Cavity Prep - Cl I-V

Caries Removal

Roughening & Etching


Excavation of pits & fissures for sealants

Root canal treatment

Soft Tissue ProceduresGingival Recontouring



Fibroma Removal



Aphthous Ulcer Treatment

WaterlaseWaterlase™™ Clinical ApplicationsClinical Applications

EffectEffect onon periodontalperiodontal tissuestissuesThresholdThreshold levellevel forfor bonebone survivalsurvival waswas4747o o CC ((ErikssonEriksson && AlbrektssonAlbrektsson,, 1983)1983)AnkylosisAnkylosis,, CementalCemental lysislysis,, MajorMajor boneboneremodelingremodeling

EffectEffect onon periodontalperiodontal tissuestissues

NdYAGNdYAG producedproduced thermalthermaleffectseffects whichwhich couldcould causecausepulpalpulpal traumatrauma..WWaterater coolantcoolant waswaseffectiveeffective inin reducingreducingthermalthermal effectseffects (G(Gowow etetalal..,, 19991999))

EffectEffect onon periodontalperiodontal tissuestissues

NdYAGNdYAG lasinglasing cyclescycles ofof 33 JJ//S S forfor 1515S S followedfollowed byby a a 1515 S S recoveryrecoveryintervalinterval cancan bebe continuedcontinued withoutwithoutriskrisk ofof thermalthermal damagedamage (R(Ramskoldamskold etetalal..,, 19971997))QQ--switchedswitched nanosecondnanosecond pulsepulse modemode(K(Kimuraimura etet alal..,, 1997, 1998)1997, 1998)

TemperatureTemperature requirementsrequirements

COCO22 laserlaser cooledcooled withwithairair--waterwater spraysprayproducedproduced similarsimilar pulpalpulpaltemperaturetemperature changeschangestoto thosethose causedcaused byby ananairair--waterwater cooledcooled highhighspeedspeed drilldrill

FactorsFactors relatedrelated toto heatheat generationgeneration

WavelengthWavelength ofof laserlaser:: excimerexcimerproduceproduce lessless heatheatAbsorptionAbsorption characteristicscharacteristics ofofexposedexposed tissuestissuesPowerPower densitydensity ofof laserlaserExposureExposure timetimeModeMode -- pulsedpulsed vsvs continuouscontinuous

Clinical CasesClinical Cases

Xenon Bulb & Xenon Bulb & Liquid Light Guide Liquid Light Guide technologytechnology


Sweden, 1980 KavoDiode red light 655 nmReduce signals in deminarea0-14: No caries15-20: Enamel caries21-99: Dentine caries


Intra-op Preparation Completed

Post-op Restoration Completed

Photos courtesy of William A. Greider, D.M.D., M.A.G.D.

Cl V With Gingival Recontouring

ClCl V With Gingival V With Gingival RecontouringRecontouring

Two Cl V lesions located on the labial surface of teeth No. 6 & 7.

Class V where decay is located subgingivally is one of the best uses for the Millennium

ClCl V With Gingival V With Gingival RecontouringRecontouring

The decay is extended subgingivally so soft tissue recontouring was necessary before preparation. No anesthesia was utilized.

Tissue was removed using preset no.1. The soft tissue recontouring took < 1 min & the hemostasis was completed. Preset no.4 was used to access the carious lesions. The left shows the result immediately following surgery.

ClCl V With Gingival V With Gingival RecontouringRecontouring

The entire restoration & recontouring was performed with the BIOLASE Millennium®, in < 10 min - no shots, no pain.


Intra-opPreparation Completed

Post-opRestoration Completed

ClCl I RestorationI Restoration

Photos courtesy of William A. Greider, D.M.D., M.A.G.D.

Cl I carious lesions on the occlusalsurface of teeth No. 28 & 29.

Cl I Restoration

Class I Restoration

The “Enamel” Preset was used, carious lesions were eradicated. Anesthesia was not utilized - no shot, no pain!

Class I Restoration

Hydrokinetic usage totaling 1 min for completed restoration.

SEMSEMScanning Electron MicrographsScanning Electron Micrographs

Waterlase™ Millennium®

vs Air Abrasion

Air abrasion causes smear layer & debris on enamel. SEM of enamel cut surface shows smear layer & debris. (x1000)

100 µm

Millennium® Er, Cr: YSGG cuts enamel with NO smear layer, no micro fractures. SEM of enamel cut structure is compact with no column displacement & no modification of the intercolumnar distances. No smear layer or denaturatedtissue structure. (x1000)

100 µm

Bonding surface quality for enamel

Air abrasion causes smear layeron dentin. SEM shows smear layer covers the dentinal tubules. (x1000)

100 µm

Millennium® Er, Cr: YSGG creates cuts on dentin with no smear layer. SEM shows longitudinally cut dentinal tubules which are open & free of smear layer.(x1000)

100 µm

Bonding surface quality for dentin

Waterlase™ Millennium®

vs. Air Abrasion

*All of the above slides were performed at a magnificationof x2000 on a Jeol SEM model JSM-840.

SEM of enamel cut with high speed drill & etched. Notice typical etched enamel surface structure. (x2000)

10 µm

Waterlase™ Millennium®

vs Drill, Air Abrasion & Acid Etch

10 µm

SEM of enamel cut with Waterlase is similar to that of the acid etched surface. Notice the microroughness & absence of smear layer. This structure provides strong micromechanical bonding of the resin composite material to the cut surface. (x2000)

*All of the above slides were performed at a magnificationof x2000 on a Jeol SEM model JSM-840.

Waterlase™ Millennium®

vs. Drill, Air Abrasion & Acid Etch

Enamel Bonding Surface Quality

Cutting Hard Tissue with HighCutting Hard Tissue with High--speed Drill speed Drill vsvs MillenniumMillennium

Drill creates smear layer & microfracture of approximately 10 μ in width (x200)

Millennium creates clean cuts on dentin. No smear layer, tubules open & free of debris (x3500)


AppropriateAppropriate eyewearseyewearsWavelengthWavelength dependentdependentOperatoOperator &r & patientpatient mustmustbebe protectedprotected

RecommendedRecommended readingreading

LasersLasers inin Dentistry (2003) Dentistry (2003) Ishikawa I, Ishikawa I, Frame JW, Aoki A editors.Frame JW, Aoki A editors. International International Congress Series 1248Congress Series 1248..ChailertvanitkulChailertvanitkul PP,, JitpakdeebodinJitpakdeebodin KK,,SattayutSattayut S (S (20020011) ) AnAn apicalapical microleakagemicroleakageofof SuperSuper EBAEBA,, NdNd::YAGYAG laselaser &r & coldcoldburnishedburnished gpgp inin apicoectomyapicoectomy.. KDJKDJ 4 (1), 4 (1), 5454--61.61.

RecommendedRecommended readingreading

ปทมาปทมา ชัยเลิศวณิชกลุชัยเลิศวณิชกลุ (2547) (2547) การประยุกตใชเลเซอรการประยุกตใชเลเซอรในงานวทิยาเอนโดในงานวทิยาเอนโดดอนตดอนต.. เอ็นโดสารเอ็นโดสาร 9 (2), 179 (2), 17--2323..www.laserdentistry.orgwww.laserdentistry.org

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