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Cloud Computing Chapter 10

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  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Cloud ComputingChapter 10

    Disaster Recovery and Business

    Continuity and the Cloud

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Learning Objectives

    Define and describe business continuity.

    Define and describe disaster recovery.

    Describe the benefits of cloud-based or off-site backups. Evaluate the risk of various threats and discuss steps to mitigate each.

    Discuss the role of colocation as a business continuity and disasterrecovery solution.

    Identify and discuss a variety of system threats.

    Describe the benefits of a cloud-based phone system.

    Describe the benefit of cloud-based data storage to business continuity.

    Describe the importance of testing/auditing the business continuity anddisaster recovery plan.

    Create a business continuity and disaster recovery plan.

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Thread Disk Failure

    Disk drives are mechanical devices, and as suchthey will eventually wear out and fail.

    Further, other threats, such as fire, flood, theft, orpower surges, can result in the loss of disk-baseddata.

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    Understanding MTBF

    All mechanical devices have an associated meantime between failure (MTBF) rating. For a diskdrive, the MTBF may be 500,000 hours of use(about 8 years).

    It is important that you understand howmanufacturers calculate the MTBF.

    To start, the manufacturer may begin running1000 disk drives. When the first disk drive fails, themanufacturer will note the timelets say after 500hours (less than a month).

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    Understanding MTBFContinued

    The manufacturers then multiply that time by thenumber of devices that they tested to determine

    the MTBF:

    MTBF = (500) (1000)

    = 500,000 hours

    Its important to note that no device in the group

    ran near the 500,000 hours!

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Reducing Disk FailureThreat

    The first and foremost risk mitigation for diskfailure is to have up-to-date disk backups.

    If a disk fails, the company can simply replace thedisk and restore the backup.

    That implies, of course, that the cause of the disk

    failure (fire, smoke, flood, or theft) did not alsodamage the disk backup.

    To reduce such risk, most companies store theirdisk backups at an off-site storage facility.

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    Real World: Iron Mountain

    Since 1951, many companies have used IronMountain to store the tape backups securely. If the

    company ever needs to restore a disk or retrievean archived letter, e-mail, or other data for legal orcompliance reasons, the company can simplyretrieve and restore the magnetic tape.

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    Iron Mountain Continued

    Today Iron Mountain provides a variety of services

    beyond digital tape storage: Document management

    Cloud-based automatic backups

    Records management and storage (including health


    Secure document shredding

    And more

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Disk Replacement: TheProblem

    The problem with the remote tape backup systemis that it takes time.

    To start, the company may need to purchase areplacement disk.

    Then the company must install and format the disk

    for use. Finally the companys tape storage facility must

    locate and return the tape that contains the data.

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    RAID Disk Systems

    Many data centers use of a redundant array ofindependent (or inexpensive) disks (RAID) toreduce the impact of disk failure. A RAID systemcontains multiple disk drives.

    Rather than simply store a file on one drive, the

    RAID system stores the data across several drivesalong with data that can be used to reconstruct thefile if one of the drives fail.

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    RAID Disk SystemsContinued

    If a disk drive fails, no file recovery is requiredfrom the tape backup. Instead, the IT staff can

    simply replace the failed disk and the RAIDsystem will rebuild the disks contents on the fly!

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    Cloud-Based Disk Storage

    Most cloud-based data storage facilities provideautomatic data replication to another cloud-based

    data repository.

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    Cloud-Based DataBackups

    Because cloud-based backups reside at a remotestorage facility, the backups immediately introducea level of protection.

    Because the backup files are immediatelyavailable from any device, anywhere, the backups

    reduce potential downtime because no time isneeded to find, retrieve, and restore a tape backupfrom a traditional backup storage facility.

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    Power Threats

    Computers are sensitive electronic devices. Whena computer loses power, the users current

    unsaved data is lost.

    Further, an electrical spike can permanentlydamage the computers electronic components,

    rendering the device unusable or destroying disk-based data.

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    Power Threats Continued

    Although power blackouts can be caused bystorms, accidents, or acts of terrorism, the morecommon power brownout is typically moredamaging.

    Unfortunately, power brownouts can be quite

    common, especially in the hot summer monthswhen electrical demands spike.

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    Uninterruptible PowerSupply (UPS)

    Users plug devices into surge suppressors toprotect the devices from power spikes.

    A UPS provides users with a few minutes ofbattery backup power so the users can save theirwork and shut down their systems in an orderly


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    Many data centers have diesel-poweredgenerators to produce power in the event of a

    long-term outage.

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    Cloud-Based Power LossRisk Mitigation

    When you consider the expensive infrastructureneeded to reduce the impact of power interruption,

    that alone should make you consider housing yourdata center off-site within the cloud.

    Most PaaS and IaaS solution providers haveeffectively dealt with power loss issues.

    Remember, such providers can share theinfrastructure costs across many customers. Also,most of the providers have colocated facilities on

    different power grids.

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    Threat: Computer Viruses

    As users surf the web (potentially downloadingand installing software) and share drives (such as

    junk drives), their systems and those in the samenetwork are at risk for a computervirus attack orspyware.

    It is estimated that within the United States alone,lost productivity time due to computer virusesexceeds $10 billion per year!

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    Computer VirusesContinued

    The best defense against computer viruses andspyware is to ensure that every system has

    antivirus software installed.

    Most antivirus solutions today automaticallyupdate themselves across the web, as often as

    daily, with the most recent virus and spywaresignatures.

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    Firewall Protection

    Home computer users and business users shouldprotect their systems by placing a firewall betweenthe systems and the Internet.

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    Other Virus ProtectionSteps

    Many organizations prevent users from installingtheir own software.

    Not only does this practice reduce the chance of acomputer virus infection, it also aids the companyin preventing the installation of software that thecompany does not own.

    Companies must train users to not open e-mailattachments in messages they receive from usersthey do not know.

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    Threat: Fire

    Fire can damage computer resources, data storedon disks, and local copies of system backups. If

    the fire itself does not damage the equipment, thesmoke or the process of putting out the fire will.

    Most offices have sprinkler systems, which, as youcan imagine, destroy computers when theydeploy. Often there is no good way to protectoffice hardware other than simply to insure it.

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    Halon-Based Fire Systems

    Within a data center, you normally wont find

    sprinkler systems, but ratherhalon systems,based on compounds of carbon and one or morehalogens, that stop fire by removing all the oxygenfrom the room.

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    Cloud-Based FireSuppression

    If you house your data center in the cloud, yoursystem will reside in a state-of-the-art data center

    that provides fire suppression systems and, inmost cases, colocated system redundancy.

    Again, because the PaaS and IaaS solutionproviders share their costs across manycustomers, they are able to provide theircustomers with top-level service at a relatively lowcost.

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    Threat: Floods

    As with fire, so with flood: the best defense is tohave current backups and insured equipment.

    Within many data centers you will find floodsensors which sound an alarm if water is detected.

    These sensors do not exist to detect widespread

    flooding, but rather water leaking from an on-sitepipe break.

    The new rule of thumb is to not select a PaaS or

    IaaS provider located in a flood zone.

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    Threat: DisgruntledEmployees

    A disgruntled employee can harm a company bylaunching a computer virus, changing or deletingfiles, or exposing system passwords.

    It is very difficult to defend completely against adisgruntled employee, particularly one who has

    physical access to systems.

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    Disgruntled EmployeesContinued

    For companies that use single-sign-on solutions,should the company terminate an employee, thecompany can quickly disable the employeesaccess to all systems by simply disabling theemployee within the authentication server.

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    Threat: Lost Equipment

    Each year, within airports alone, thousands ofnotebook computers are lost or stolen.

    When an employee loses a notebook, not only is thecomputer lost, but also the users local data, whichmay be confidential.

    Today, with users carrying powerful handheld

    devices, the opportunity for loss becomes greater. Given the amount of information a user stores on

    such a device, identity theft often follows the theft ofa device.

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    Reducing Risk of LostEquipment

    To reduce the risk of data loss when a device is

    lost or stolen (or broken), the user must maintaincurrent backups.

    Typically, the more a company utilizes the cloud,the less risk the company will have with respect to

    a lost device. If, for example, the user stores (or syncs) key files

    to a cloud-based data repository, the user is likely

    to lose only minimal data.

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    Threat: Desktop Failure

    Computers, like all devices, may eventually wearout and fail. The cause of failure may be a bad

    disk drive, motherboard, power supply, and so on.The bottom line is that a user is now without asystem.

    The first step in recovering from a desktop failureis to ensure that current backups of the users filesexist.

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    Reducing Risk throughVirtualization

    If a company delivers the users desktops ondemand, a user whose system has failed need

    only stand up, walk to another system, and log in.The employee can then resume work right wherehe or she left off.

    Further, if the user stores files in the cloud, he or

    she can likely access them from any device, and,if necessary, use software such as Office Web

    Apps to access and edit the files.

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    Blade Server Failure

    Just as desktop computers can fail, so too canservers.

    Blade server replacement is normally fast andsimple. Because most servers boot from a NASdevice, only minimal software setup is normallyrequired.

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    Threat: Network Failure

    For home computer users, when a network fails,users are going to be offline until a fix is applied.

    As a solution, some users are purchasing 3G and4G wireless hotspot devices as a backup methodof accessing the Internet.

    To avoid the network from becoming a potentialsingle point of failure, some companies bring in asecond Internet source from a vendor other thantheir primary ISP.

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    Database System Failure

    Most companies today rely on databasemanagement systems to store a wide range ofdata, from customer data, to human resourcesdata, to application specific data.

    Ifa companys database fails, many applicationsmay also fail.

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    Reducing Risk ofDatabase Failure

    Database replication creates two live copies ofdatabases on separate servers. If one database

    fails, the other can immediately take overoperations.

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    Threat: Phone SystemFailure

    Historically, there have been few ways outside ofredundancy to reduce the impact of a phone

    system failure. That was the case until the adventof cloud-based phone systems.

    To avoid a single point of failure for phonesystems, cloud-based phone systems have nowemerged. The cloud-based systems provide thefunctionality of a traditional phone system and,behind the scenes, provide system replication.

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    Real World: RingCentral

    A cloud-based phone system provider featuring:

    Free nationwide calling and faxing

    Support for existing phones and faxes as well as

    RingCentral IP phones Lets users place calls from any phone, anywhere,

    appearing to be made from the usual office number

    Caller greetings customized by the time of day

    Fully customizable call forwarding Forwarding of voice mail and faxes to e-mail

    A phone directory system

    Ability to let companies deliver music or corporate

    messaging to callers who are on hold

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Risk Mitigation

    To start the risk mitigation process, make a list ofthe companys potential technology risks. Thenestimate each risks potential for occurrence and

    its business continuity impact.

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    Disaster Recovery

    Disaster recovery describes the steps a businesswill take to restore operations in the event of a

    disaster (fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or otherevent).

    By integrating cloud-based solutions, manycompanies have significantly reduced the cost oftheir business continuity programs whilesimultaneously reducing potential risks.

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    Key Terms

  • 8/22/2019 Cloud Computing Chapter 10


    Chapter Review

    1. Define and describe business continuity.

    2. Define and describe disaster recovery.

    3. Discuss pros and cons of cloud-based backupoperations.

    4. Discuss threats to an IT data center infrastructureand provide cloud-based solutions to mitigate the

    risks.5. Create a DRP for a company with which you are

