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Cloud Computing for Hallstahammar IT Companies

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Masters Thesis in IT Management (EIK034) School of Sustainable Development & Technology Cloud Computing: a new approach for Hallstahammars IT companies Authors: Andreas Filippos Kokkinos(aks09002) Ricky Stanley D'Cruze(rde06001) Group 12 Supervisors: Michael Le Duc (MDH) & Deepak Gupta (Amrita School of Business) Seminar Date: 2010-06-03 Final Seminar
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Masters Thesis in IT Management (EIK034)

School of Sustainable Development & Technology

Cloud Computing: a new approach for Hallstahammars IT companies

Authors: Andreas Filippos Kokkinos(aks09002)

Ricky Stanley D'Cruze(rde06001)

Group 12Supervisors: Michael Le Duc (MDH) &

Deepak Gupta (Amrita School of Business)

Seminar Date: 2010-06-03Final Seminar

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Cloud Computing in simple words…

Companies demand for small or big IT infrastructure is covered by….

Owning a data center..

Buying a car!

Huge amount of $ in front Large maintenance

& operating costs Fixed costs, that are

never be used

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Other solution?


Leasing a car!

Fixed amount paid every month no matter how frequently & in which extend you use it

No significant customizations are eligible

At the end of the contract, still it’s not yours..

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Better solution?

Using Cloud Computing!

Hiring a taxi-cab! Pay-as-you-go Escalating your resources according to the

demand Customization is accepted Pay only for what you consume

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Problem Statement

How can small/medium IT companies can reduce their IT costs and hence achieve organizational growth?

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Research Questions

Should IT companies in Hallstahammar adopt Cloud Computing with the intention of minimizing costs and hence grow more in the Western Mälardalen region?

Which are the potential business advantages that these companies can be influenced by?

What are the chances for innovation, enhancing the business model, and extending the business network?

Which are the main risk implications of moving the existing technology (IT infrastructure and IS) on to the cloud?

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Research ApproachCloud Computing:A new approach in

Hallastahammars IT companies


Secondary DataPrimary Data

OtherDatabases /Newspapers

Literature Journals


Conceptual TheoriticalFramework

Triangle ofAnalysis

Data Collection









Collection ofEmpirical Data


Conclusions -Recommendations

Critical LiteratureReview

Case StudySurveys

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Companies Interviewed

LifeCenter ABPComPartnerIDÉbild

Hallstahammar Kommun

Aros Circle AB (TotaAssist) Hanson&Verthed AB


Software Development Companies

Construction/Designing IT Companies

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Conceptual Framework

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√LifeCenter AB






Can’tdecide Now/Not firstpriority

Will adopt CC if platformapplication goes to CC, e.g.,AutoCAD

Encouragecustomers/others toAdopt CC

Planning toAdopt CC


Company Name

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IT companies in Hallstahammar should adopt Cloud Computing.

Business benefits after CC adoptation: cost-leadership, new innovative product/services, extending their business networks and enhancing their business models.

Risk may face: data security (data encryption), where exactly data resides (data location), recovery procedures, and availability of internet.

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Recommendations (cont.)

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