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Cloud computting a quick reference and guide

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Biju Joseph | MCPD | March 2014 Mob: +919741600911
Page 1: Cloud computting a quick reference and guide

Biju Joseph | MCPD | March 2014Mob: +919741600911

Page 2: Cloud computting a quick reference and guide

Understanding Cloud computing Finding a definition Some common services on cloud Understanding cloud as an IT professional Cloud Applications(SaaS) Cloud Platform

Platform as a Service(PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)

Private cloud Hybrid cloud

Windows Azure - demo

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We are going to see what it really means….

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The cloud is many things to many people:

Online storage for an individual’s files and music? That’s the cloud.

Powerful servers hosted offsite to run a company’s proprietary business software? That’s the cloud, too.

Web hosting? The cloud.

Large file transfer that allows individuals to send their videos of their kids to the grandparents? Once again, the cloud.

Online software for managing a business? The cloud.

Online network management? The cloud.

Each point above describes a service that some vendor provides via the cloud. In truth, there are way too many of these services to list here,

and that’s the root of the problem.

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Let’s talk about Bob (that’s him to the right):

If I told you Bob was hired to cook meals for a family, you might call him a chef.

If I then told you that Bob also cleaned the family’s house you might call him a housekeeper.

But what if Bob also did people’s taxes, worked at a moving company and was a doctor at the local clinic?

You might call Bob crazy, but that aside,

there’s really no one word that you can use to describe what he does.

“The cloud is made up of all the

services that vendors offer both

businesses and consumers

over the Internet”.

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Along the same lines, what do you call something that:

Stores files Helps you manage your business Plays music Handles transactions Lowers the cost of doing business Markets your products Pay only for what you use Enables relationships with your customers and peers, and So very much more?

“The cloud” of course!

“The cloud is

made up of all the

services that

vendors offer both

businesses and

consumers over

the Internet”.

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Drop box - Dropbox is like

your personal folder in the

sky (or in the cloud) that

can be accessed from


Google Drive - Google Drive

is just like Dropbox, but it

integrates with all of your

Google tools like Google

Docs, Gmail and others.

Spotify is a music streaming

service that charges you a

small monthly fee so that

you can enjoy thousands

upon thousands of songs as

often as you want.

Rdio is one of Spotify’s

main competitor, which

offers music streaming for

a similar fee.

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Development Hosting Monitoring Support

Upgrade Scaling Storage/Network Managing

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Service Providers! Own Data Centres!

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You manage your application yourself,

you manage your data centre yourself

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runs its applications either in

“on-premises” data centre


“on-premises” VMs

This is the usual strategy followed across the world

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You ask your service provider to manage your application,

you don’t manage your data centre yourself.

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Cloud computing changes in three ways Cloud applications(SaaS)

Commonly called Software as a Service(SaaS) Applications run on data centres own by somebody else

accessed via internet Cloud platforms(PaaS)

Foundations for cloud applications They also provide computing resourcing at data centres

accessed across the internet Private cloud

Cloud platform used by a single organization such as inside their own data centres

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differentiating between its components.

These include

Understanding underlying technologies, Understanding the three Cloud Service Models

SaaS IaaS PaaS

Understanding how it is deployed, publicly or privately.

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Cloud applications (SaaS)

Cloud platform(PaaS)

Private cloud

Next, we will see each of them in

detail starting with cloud application

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Running application in a public cloud is referred to a Software as a Service.

SaaS applications are Cloud Applications running in public cloud accessed via internet

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Google Apps +


Office 365 + more

Move to SaaS

It is real,

it is big

and it is happening

right now

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Each tenant has his own separate application installation

More secure, More isolation

Allows customization

Customers often like this way of implementation

It is not vendors choice as it has not cost advantages

Support/Update/Maintain, it is lots of efforts

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Tenants from various organization uses the same application instance

It is vendors choice

Some say if application is not multi-tenant, it is not SaaS

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Benefits◦ Faster Deployment(because no

local installation is required)◦ Usage based pricing(letting you

pay only for what you use)◦ Less financial risk(with lower up-

front cost and try before you buy option)

◦ Reduced need for on premise resource and IT Staff

◦ Easier upgrade, with no on premise software to update

Risks◦ Requires trusting a SaaS provider

for availability and data security◦ Can raise legal/regulatory

concerns with storing data outside customer premises

◦ Can limit customization if tenants share multi-tenant applications

◦ Can be harder to integrate with on premise

◦ Can have lower performance than on premise application

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Benefits◦ Offers potential to reach new

customers in broad market

◦ Can sell directly to business decision makers without going through IT

◦ Can provide more predictable revenue than traditional licensing

◦ Can lower support cost due to shared multi-tenant application

◦ Provide more knowledge about how customers use the application

Risks◦ Must demonstrate real value up-

front with try-before-you-buy option

◦ Revenue build up more slowly

◦ May less ability to sell customization

◦ Can bring new sales challenges –due to customer resistance to cloud

◦ Requires significant business challenges. e.g. pricing and sales

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Customers◦ It is beneficial as long as the ◦ Risks are less, ◦ security concerns are not show

stoppers, ◦ Legal bindings and not against. ◦ Customers can take benefits of

the good thing it offers

Vendors◦ Everything changes◦ Life is different◦ Will be better for some one and

worst for some other◦ Change in sales, process, run

software, support software etc

However, there is no way to escape this, SaaS is real,

SaaS is big and SaaS is here.

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It provides developers a platform to develop their applications.

It is common to use cloud platform to make cloud application(SaaS) but it is not necessary to have

We can also use hosting service to make SaaS applications

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Cloud platform is for developers. It lets developers to create, run apps and store data and more(It is a platform not an app, your mother will not use cloud platform unless she is a developer)

It provides self service access to resources such as VM through browser

Cloud platform allows fine grained allocation of resources

A cloud platform allows charging only those resources an application uses

If I want a VM for 30 hours and if I want 30 VMs for 30 hours then, I need to pay only for that

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Benefits◦ Faster Deployment(because no wait

for local computing resources)◦ Usage based pricing(letting you pay

only for what you use. Use more resources during spike hours)

◦ Less financial risk(with lower up-front investment in hardware and software)

◦ Reduced need for on premise resource such as Server and IT Staff

◦ Easier upgrade, with no on premise software to update

Risks◦ Requires trusting a Cloud platform

for availability and data security◦ Can raise legal/regulatory concerns

with storing data outside customer premises

◦ Can be harder to integrate with on premise software

◦ Can have lower performance than on premise application because of the remoter data center and poor network availability

◦ Can give developers less control in some scenarios

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Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)

Users creates VMs on demand from library of VMs

Platform as a Service(PaaS)

Developers gives the application and the platform runs it. They don’t create VMs

“hi platform, here is my app, run it”

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User is not going to create VMs. It may be there or may be it is as if there.

What she has to do is simple add databases, install application that is all.

Everything the platform takes care of including load balancing.

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PaaS is Faster There is less work for developers to do Application can go from idea to availability quickly

PaaS is Cheaper There is less admin and management works Organization spend less on supporting application

PaaS is lower risk Platform does more, leaving less room for errors Creating and running applications gets more reliable

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PaaS is less familiar, VM are very familiar PaaS given less control to the developers PaaS is not identical to the on-premises. So

migration might take more time Once you set up you are locked in there

It is possible that in the long run PaaS may dominate but presently IaaS is dominating the cloud

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Scenario IaaS PaaS

Creating new cloud native-app

Yes Yes

Running HPC & Big data apps

Yes Usually(some limitationswith hpc installation

Running existing web apps Yes May be

Running standard packaged app

Yes No

VM for a dev lab/Test Yes No(doesn’t provide std VMs)

VM for general on-demand use

Yes No

Disaster Recovery Yes No

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“It is basically importing the technology into organizations own data centres”

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When a User wants a VM he makes

Request to admin

Admin validates(it takes time)

Using VM management tool he manually creates VM

To avoid delay organizations go for private cloud

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Admin creates VMs in advance with specifications and user rights in cloud

IT user requests for VM using self service portal and it is done then and there by avoiding the second step

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Benefits◦ Faster Deployment of VMs and

applications(because it is automated)

◦ Reduced administrative cost(most of them are automated)

◦ Fewer deployment errors(due to automatic deployment of standard services)

◦ Easier cost management, with per VM charge back/show back

Risks◦ VM admins find it hard to trust


◦ VM admins resist to make things automated

◦ Defining standard services can be challenging since users want different things

◦ Changing operational processes is hard

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Answer is Hybrid

Data center in private and front end server in public cloud

Leverage the server capacity

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Reference http://pluralsight.com/training http://www.microsoft.com/en-


Video http://aka.ms/hjenad
