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Cloudera Impala - HUG Karlsruhe, July 04, 2013

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Low latency data processing with Impala Impala provides fast, interactive SQL queries directly on your Apache Hadoop data stored in HDFS or HBase. In addition to using the same unified storage platform, Impala also uses the same metadata, SQL syntax (Hive SQL), JDBC driver and user interface (Hue Beeswax) as Apache Hive. This provides a familiar and unified platform for batch-oriented or real-time queries.
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Cloudera Impala Real Time Query for HDFS and HBase Alexander Alten-Lorenz, Cloudera INC Thursday, July 4, 13
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Cloudera ImpalaReal Time Query for HDFS and HBase

Alexander Alten-Lorenz, Cloudera INC

Thursday, July 4, 13

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Beyond Batch

What is Impala




Thursday, July 4, 13

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Beyond Batch


For some things MapReduce is just too slowApache Hive:

MapReduce execution engineHigh-latency, low throughputHigh runtime overhead

Google realized this early on Analysts wanted fast, interactive results

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Google paper (2010)“scalable, interactive ad-hoc query system for analysis of read-only nested data”

Columnar storage formatDistributed scalable aggregation

“capable of running aggregation queries over trillion-row tables in seconds”


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Impala: Goals


General-purpose SQL query engine for HadoopFor analytical and transactional workloadsSupport queries that take μs to hoursRun directly with Hadoop

Collocated daemonsSame file formatsSame storage managers (NN, metastore)

Thursday, July 4, 13

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Impala: Goals


High performanceC++runtime code generation (LLVM)direct access to data (no MapReduce)

Retain user experience easy for Hive users to migrate100% open-source

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Impala: Capability


HiveQL (subset of SQL92)select, project, join, union, subqueries, aggregation, insert, alter, order by (with limit)DDL

Directly queries data in HDFS & HBaseText files (compressed)Sequence files (snappy/gzip)Avro & Parquet

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Impala: Capability


Familiar and unified platformUses Hive’s metastoreSubmit queries via ODBC | Beeswax Thrift API

Query is distributed to nodes with relevant dataProcess-to-process data exchangeKerberos authenticationNo fault tolerance

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Impala: Performance


Greater disk throughput~100MB/sec/diskI/O-bound workloads faster by 3-4x

Queries that require multiple map-reduce phases in Hive are significantly faster in Impala (up to 45x)Queries that run against in-memory cached data see a significant speedup (up to 90x)

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Impala: Architecture


impaladruns on every nodehandles client requests (ODBC, thrift)handles query planning & execution

statestoredprovides name servicemetadata distributionused for finding data

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Impala: Architecture


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Impala: Architecture


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Impala: Architecture


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Impala: Architecture


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Current limitations


1.0.1 (available since May 2013)No SerDesNo User Defined Functions (UDF’s)impalad’s read metastore at startup refresh metadata per command line

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DDL support (CREATE)Rudimentary cost-based optimizer (CBO)metadata distribution through statestoredColumnar storage format like Dremel’s

Impala + Parquet = Dremel superset

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[email protected]@cloudera.com


Web: http://goo.gl/7sxdp

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