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cloudevs basic features

Date post: 24-Jan-2017
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This manual will guide you through basic features that cloudevs offers to everyone, from individual users to large companies.

– your private and secure application to store, manage, sync and share files!

Welcome to

Privacy for your files.

1. What is cloudevs?

cloudevs is your private cloud storage. This is a virtual disk, where you can store your files and data of all kinds, e.g. photos, music, movies, documents, etc. Access to them on every device connected to the Internet in every place in the world. In order to manage your files you can use web browser or install desktop client application designed for your OS. Desktop application creates a folder, which you can use the same way, as the rest of your folders. Every file you put in this folder will be synchronized and available to any other device and browser connected with cloudevs. You don’t need to do anything! cloudevs also works on Windows, Linux and MacOS, so your files will be synchronized no matter what kind of machine you use.

You can also use cloudevs on your mobile devices, thanks to our mobile applications for iOS and Google Android. Your files will be immediately synchronized to all your devices, so you can work with them in any place and at any time.

Privacy for your files.

2. Log in and navigate the main interface.You can log in to your cloudevs account using any Web browser. Just go to your cloudevs subdomain and enter username and password.

Privacy for your files.

After successful log-in you will see files interface. Now you can create new folders, add and remove files and share them. You can also manage your account, use applications, create new users, synchronize your calendar or email. Use search field for easy searching files. To move data between main interface and folders use simply drag&drop technique.

Privacy for your files.

3. Uploading files and creating new folders.To upload new file from your computer just click

the „upload button” and choose file from hard disk.

You can create new folders and documents by clicking

„new” button. There you will see two options:

create new folder or text file.

When your folders are ready you can just simply drag and drop files to them. Any changes you make within your files and folders will sync up immediately and automatically. When your files are uploaded you can view, edit,

delete, share and restore previous versions.

Privacy for your files.

4. Creating new users and groups

As an Owner of your account you can create new users, assign them to custom groups and grant them admin privileges for the whole account or only for given groups. You can do it in user settings, which you will find after clicking on your cloudevs username in right hand top corner of Web interface.

With demo version you can create 2 more users only, but in our full version number of users can be even unlimited (depends of plan).

Privacy for your files.

Just simply write username and password, assign to group, give (or not) admin rights and choose quota in GB. Now you create new user of your cloudevs account, who can use the platform just like you.

Privacy for your files.

5. Sharing filesYou can share your files and folders in two ways.

You can share your data privately with users and groups that you create under your account. To do this hover your cursor over a file that you want share and click share icon. Type a name of user or group you want to share with. Your shared file or folder appears immediately on the user’s account with a share icon and the name of the file owner. If you want to cancel a share, just highlight the file, click share icon and when sharing pop-up appear, click trash icon next to the name.

By creating public share link you can also share files with people who don’t have cloudevs account. To do this, you need to check „Share link” option in the Share pop-up. This creates a public URL that you can send to anyone. Everyone who uses this link will see a file or folder, that you’ve shared. Only those who know the link can see your file. It’s very convenient way to send someone a large file instead of using email attachment. You have the option to protect this URL with a password, and put an expiration date on it.

Sharing folders and files is an ideal way for collaboration at work. All team members have always the same and the latest version of files they need.  Users whom you shared a folder, have access only to this given folder and not to other data of your cloudevs.

Privacy for your files.

6. Collaborative Document EditingBy using Documents app you can create documents with ODT extension. It’s an OpenDocument format, which is supported by most word processors including Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and OpenOffice Writer.

Thanks to that you can cooperative edit your files with multiple users editing files simultaneously. Now you don’t need to send a file to your co-workers and wait until they make their own notes and send you files back. You can work all together on the same document at the same time!

Privacy for your files.

7.  Restore previous versions of files

Sometimes it could happen that your colleague makes a change in your files, but you don't like it and obviously you don't have backup copy. Thanks to cloudevs you don’t need to worry about this. You can restore previous versions of all your files, no matter who and when made the changes. Highlight a file you want to revise and click “versions” icon. You will see a list of every modifcation your file has gone through. By clicking “restore” you replace the current version with one of the previous.

Privacy for your files.

8. Favorites

To easy find your important files you can star mark them and they will be added to Favorites section. Just click on Favorites on the left menu and you'll get all starred files.

Thanks for reading this whole document.

Check out our pricing plans to get a lot more from cloudevs.

If you have any questions just simply ask us via email on [email protected] or get in touch on our social media channels.

Thank you for choosing cloudevs!

That’s all for now in demo version.

Privacy for your files.

Copyright © 2015

Thanks for reading this whole document.

Check out our pricing plans to get a lot more from cloudevs.

If you have any questions just simply ask us via email on [email protected] or get in touch on our social media channels.

Thank you for choosing cloudevs!

That’s all for now in demo version.

Copyright © 2015 cloudevs.

Privacy for your files.

Thanks for reading this presentation.

Check out our website to get a lot more from cloudevs.

If you have any questions just simply ask us via email on [email protected]

or get in touch on our social media channels.

That’s all for now.

Copyright © 2015 cloudevs.

Privacy for your files.
