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CloudOpen 2012 Slides: Open Source and Federation

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In this talk I propose open source and cloud federation as key drivers for a competitive cloud marketplace.
Open Source and Federa.on Key Drivers For Compe//ve Marketplace
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Open  Source  and  Federa.on  Key  Drivers  For  Compe//ve  Marketplace  


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What  am  I  going  to  talk?  

§  Role  of  OSS  in  Cloud  Compu/ng  §  Conven/onal  Wisdom  §  Debunking  Conven/onal  Wisdom  §  Federa/on  Is  Key  §  Cloud  Wisdom  §  Debunking  Cloud  Wisdom  §  Open  Source  as  an  enabler  of  Federa/on  §  Examples  and  Conclusion  

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Why  I  am  talking  here?  

•  Because  I  am  an  analyst  

•  30000  feet  view  •  No  emo/ons  (Ideally)  

•  Ac/vist  analyst?  •  Compe//ve  market  is  key  

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Open  Source:  Building  Blocks  For  Cloud  

§ Web  Services  to  Cloud:  Open  Source  Is  The  Reason  

§ License  Freedom  § Economics  § Imagine  AWS  without  OSS  

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Conven.onal  Wisdom  

•  Mostly  western  pundits  

•  Economics  of  scarcity  

•  C  O  N  S  O  L  I  D  A  T  I  O  N    


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Why  CW  Worked?  

§ Market  was  mostly  US  § Forced  to  believe  in  economics  of  scarcity  

§ Open  source  was  rela/vely  new  § Barrier  to  entry  for  non-­‐soRware  products  was  very  high  

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Debunking  Conven.onal  Wisdom  

§ World  is  flat  and  markets  are  global  § Global  Investors  making  local  play  § Handful  of  providers  cannot  meet  diverse  needs  

§ Regulatory  regimes  are  not  going  away  § Open  source  enlightenment  

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New  Conven.onal  Wisdom  

§  Economics  of  abundance  §  Open  source  showed  the  way  §  Innova/on  and  mone/za/on    at  higher  orders  

§  Technology  is  pushing  the  markets  towards  this  trend  

§  Compe//on  is  key  for  the  market  system  to  be  successful  

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Wait  A  Second!!  

 Take  a  look  at  the  shared  

hos/ng  landscape  

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Federated  Clouds  

Conven/onal  Wisdom  (Economics  of  Scarcity)  

Open  Source  Thinking  (Economics  of  Abundance)  

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Federated  Clouds  

§  Federated  Clouds  is  an  an/dote  for  market  monopoly  

§  Federated  clouds  can  meet  global  needs  including  regulatory  requirements  

§  Scalability?  No  worries.  Federa/on  can  help  §  Key  for  the  Big  Data  world  §  Different  economics  

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Defining  Federated  Cloud  Ecosystems  

§ Mul/tude  of  players  § Heterogeneity  of  cloud  plaZorms  § Interoperability  and  Portability  § No  vendor  lock-­‐in  § Geographical  distribu/on  

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Mul.tude  of  players  

§ Central  to  the  very  idea  of  federated  clouds  

§ Datacenters  are  not  turning  into  football  fields  

§ Cri/cal  to  protect  against  market  vulnerability,  monopoly  

§ Community  Clouds  and  Regional  Clouds  

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Heterogeneity  of  Cloud  PlaKorms  

§  Federa/on  is  possible  with  just  one  plaZorm  but  

§  ShiRs  the  danger  of  market  vulnerability  to  the  plaZorm  than  provider  

§ Monopoly  is  bad  even  if  it  is  open  source  §  Heterogeneity  handles  diversity  §  Complex  Adap/ve  Systems  &  Heterogeneous  Environments    

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Interoperability  and  Portability  

§ Interoperability  and  Workload  portability  are  cri/cal  

§ Needed  to  avoid  any  lock-­‐in  § Don’t  care  about  standardiza/on  at  this  moment  

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Geographical  Distribu.on  

§ Geographical  distribu/on  is  key  § Requirement  for  mul/ple  providers  not  enough  

§ Needs  are  diverse  (performance,  customiza/on,  etc.)  

§ Regulatory  needs  

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Tim  O’  Reilly  School  Of  Thought  

§ Architecture  Triumphs  Licensing  

§ Focus  on  Interfaces  and  Formats  


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Open  Cloud  Ini.a.ve  

§ Open  Cloud  =  No  Vendor  Lock  In  § Open  Cloud  =  Open  Interfaces  &  Open  Formats  

§ But  Weird  Requirement:  At  least  one  of  the  implementa/on  should  be  open  source  

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What  #OCI  Can  Achieve?  

§ It  Can  Avoid  Vendor  Lock-­‐In  § Help  You  Ensure  Business  Con/nuity  

 But,  But,  But  ………  

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§  It  Doesn’t  Actually  Help  Users  Much    

Why?    § The  “nature”  of  markets  will  lead  to  smaller  number  of  players  

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Apple  Mantra  


Less  Choice  Is  Good,  Right?  

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Ya  Think?  

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Open  Source  and  Federa/on  are  key  to  enable  a  compe//ve  


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Why  Open  Source?  


Federa/on  !=  Open  Source    

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Why  Open  Source?  

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§  IaaS:  Eucalyptus,  CloudStack,  OpenStack,  etc.  

§ PaaS:  CloudFoundry,  OpenShiR,  Brooklyn  Project,  Cloudify,  etc.  

 Disclosure:  Vmware,  RedHat,  CloudSoR,  Cloudify  sponsors  of  DeployCon  2012  

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Open  Source  in  ac.on  

 Tier  3,  Uhuru  SoRware,  

Ac/veState  and  AppFog’s  use  of  CloudFoundry  

 Disclosure:  Tier  3  (also  client),  Ac/veState  &  AppFog  

were  sponsors  of  DeployCon  2012  

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§ Open  Source  =  Rapid  Innova/on  § Federa/on  =  Compe//ve  Cloud  Marketplace  

§ Open  Source  enables  easy  federa/on  and  plays  a  role  in  keeping  the  market  honest  

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One  more  thing  (fortunately,  Apple  didn’t  patent  this)  

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Yes,  Open  Source  is  Important  

If  you  agree  with  me,  please  tweet  Hey  @samj,  open  source  is  cri2cal  for  open  

cloud  #oci    

If  you  are  not  convinced,  please  tweet  Hey  @krishnan,  E  N  O  U  G  H  #oci  

 Thank  You  


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My  Coordinates  

Work:  Principal  Analyst,  Rishidot  Research  and  Editor,  CloudAve.com  Email:  [email protected]  Twiker:  @krishnan  Website:  www.rishidot.com  Blog:  www.cloudave.com/author/krishnan/  
