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Club Hack Mag - Dec 2010

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1st Indian "Hacking" Magazine
Issue 2 Mar 2010 | Page - 1
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Issue 11 – Dec2010 | Page - 3

Android Reverse

Engineering - A

Kick Start

Introduction Recently, the open source mobile operating system ‗Android‘ has a large community of developers writing application programs that extend the functionality of supporting devices. It seems a lot of people are getting crazy about the Android platform these days (everyone is trying to buy an Android phone!). I don‘t have an Android cell phone but still, I did manage to learn a few tricks on this Linux + java clean room engineered platform. In this article I shall explain you with an example, the simple technique of reverse engineering a normal android application.

Setting up the Ground

For the purpose of a demonstration, I have chosen an Android crackme application

published by Deurus and explained the steps involved to legally reverse engineer this application. And our objective (Don‘t get the wrong idea friends!) is to break the licensing scheme of this application. So to begin our journey we first need to get geared up. First we need the Android SDK and then the necessary tools. You can download the necessary files from these locations: Android SDK: http://developer.Android.com/sdk/index.html Smali and baksmali: http://code.google.com/p/smali/ Dex2jar: http://code.google.com/p/dex2jar/ Java decompiler: http://java.decompiler.free.fr/ Deurus Android crackme 03: http://crackmes.de/users/deurus/android_crackme03/

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Getting Started with the Game

Download all these files to your hard disk.

Unzip Android SDK to C:\. Unzip rest of the

tools to C:\ android-sdk-windows\RE. If

everything is in order you can start Android

SDK manager from C:\android-sdk-

windows\. Now it will give you a list of

packages to download and install. We need

to select at least one SDK platform to

continue our quest. After downloading and

installing, we can move on to creating a new

Android Virtual Device.

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After creating AVD, we can start emulation

by selecting AVD and clicking the start

button. Within a few minutes we can see the

emulator booting up and showing the phone

screen. That‘s it! We have our emulator up

and running. Now we need to install the

software (crackme, its legal!) to the

emulator. For that you may have to get

acquainted with Android debug bridge

(adb). Installing an apk file is pretty simple;

all you have to do is to run two commands

from the Android SDK directory/tools.

After the installation you can see the

crackme icon from application menu.

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Now run the crackme by clicking on it. If

everything went as expected you will see the

crackme application on the screen.

Now let‘s try to play with it a bit, pressing

the check button with no inputs pops a

message 'Min 4 chars', and if the check

button is pressed with a proper name it

pops up a message 'Bad boy'. Do remember

these strings because we will be using them

as our search keys when we deassemble the

apk (actually the dex) files. Also note that

we have two hardware ids and we need to

find out what those exactly mean.

Now for real Reverse Engineering

As our crackme is up and running in the

emulator, we can now move on to the

reversing part. If you have read the apk file

format, you can somewhat visualize it as an

extended JAR file which essentially is a zip

file. Now you can change the crackme file

name from „Crackme03.apk‟ to

‗Crackme03.zip‟ and decompress it to any


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Now the interesting file for us is the

‗classes.dex‘, which contains the compiled

virtual machine (vm) codes. We are now

going to deassemble the dex file with

baksmali. The commands are pretty

simple as mentioned in the screen shots


If everything worked fine, we will have a

folder structure similar to Java packages.

Interesting .smali files are located at

'\com\example\helloandroid'. Open all

the .smali files into your favorite text

editor(I use Notepad++).

If you have never done anything related to

reverse engineering/esoteric

programming/assembly(IL) programming,

don‘t start sweating. We have just opened a

disassembled dex file. Next, if you are

thinking that how on earth can someone

find the correct location of a checking

function, Well I hope you remember those

pop up strings I told earlier. Yeah, 'Min 4

chars' and 'Bad boy'. It is time to use

those strings as our search keys. After

searching the‘ Min 4 chars‘ in all the opened

.smali files, we will find a hit in the file

HelloAndroid$2.smali, quite specifically

line 130.

Our aim is now to understand the serial checking function and write a keygen for it. For which we have to know all the dalvik opcodes that are used here. You can visit this page (http://pallergabor.uw.hu/androidblog/dalvik_opcodes.html) to understand the opcodes and after that you can convert the disassembled code to much higher language constructs. Here, I will provide a brief code snippet which actually implements the algorithm. The two hardware ids used are the IMEI and the sim serial number.

01 //Read name from text box 02 const v23, 0x7f050004 03 invoke-virtual/range {v22 .. v23}, Lcom/example/helloandroid/HelloAndroid;->findViewById(I)Landroid/view/View; 04 move-result-object v9 05 06 //Read serial from text box 07 const v23, 0x7f050006 08 invoke-virtual/range {v22 .. v23}, Lcom/example/helloandroid/HelloAndroid;->findViewById(I)Landroid/view/View; 09 move-result-object v21 10 11 //Checking whether the name is of length greater than 4 12 const/16 v22, 0x4 13 move v0, v11 14 move/from16 v1, v22 15 if-ge v0, v1, :cond_51 16 17 //Popup showing Min 4 chars 18 const-string v23, "Min 4 chars" 19 const/16 v24, 0x1 20 .line 86

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21 invoke-static/range {v22 .. v24}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast; 22 move-result-object v13 23 .line 88 24 .local v13, notificacionToast:Landroid/widget/Toast; 25 invoke-virtual {v13}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->show()V 26 27 //There is a little exception trick to make integer string from username 28 //It converts aaaa to 97979797 which is ascii equivalent 29 invoke-virtual {v10, v5}, Ljava/lang/String;->charAt(I)C 30 move-result v3 31 32 //Getting first 5 chars from ascii converted name 33 const/16 v22, 0x0 34 const/16 v23, 0x5 35 move-object v0, v12 36 move/from16 v1, v22 37 move/from16 v2, v23 38 invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/String;->substring(II)Ljava/lang/String; 39 40 //Converting it into integer and xoring with 0x6B016 - Serial part 1 41 invoke-static {v12}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->parseInt(Ljava/lang/String;)I 42 move-result v22 43 const v23, 0x6b016 44 xor-int v22, v22, v23 45 46 //Getting IMEI from TelephonyManager 47 //http://developer.Android.com/reference/Android/telephony/TelephonyManager.html 48 invoke-virtual {v8}, Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getDeviceId()Ljava/lang/String; 49 move-result-object v6 50 .line 102 51 .local v6, imei2:Ljava/lang/String; 52

53 //Getting sim serial 54 invoke-virtual {v8}, Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getSimSerialNumber()Ljava/lang/String; 55 move-result-object v16 56 .line 103 57 .local v16, simsn:Ljava/lang/String; 58 59 //Getting first 6 chars from IMEI, and similarly from sim serial (IMEI.Substring(0,6) will be used as Serial part 3) 60 const/16 v22, 0x0 61 const/16 v23, 0x6 62 move-object v0, v6 63 move/from16 v1, v22 64 move/from16 v2, v23 65 invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/String;->substring(II)Ljava/lang/String; 66 67 //Converting them to integer and xoring - Serial part2 68 invoke-static/range {v19 .. v19}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->parseInt(Ljava/lang/String;)I 69 move-result v22 70 invoke-static/range {v20 .. v20}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->parseInt(Ljava/lang/String;)I 71 move-result v23 72 xor-int v22, v22, v23 73 74 //Making a new StringBuilder object and formatting the string to part1-part2-part3 75 new-instance v22, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 76 invoke-static {v12}, Ljava/lang/String;->valueOf(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; 77 move-result-object v23 78 invoke-direct/range {v22 .. v23}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V 79 const-string v23, "-" 80 invoke-virtual/range {v22 .. v23}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 81 move-result-object v22 82 invoke-static/range {v17 .. v18},

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Ljava/lang/String;->valueOf(J)Ljava/lang/String; 83 move-result-object v23 84 invoke-virtual/range {v22 .. v23}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 85 move-result-object v22 86 const-string v23, "-" 87 invoke-virtual/range {v22 .. v23}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 88 move-result-object v22 89 move-object/from16 v0, v22 90 move-object/from16 v1, v19 91 invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 92 move-result-object v22 93 94 //Checking whether user entered serial and program made serials are equal. 95 invoke-virtual {v14, v15}, Ljava/lang/String;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;) As you can see, the algorithm is pretty straight forward. It is using name and two hardware ids as input and doing some operations on them to make a serial. We can quite easily recode it in any programming language that we prefer to make it as a keygen. Anyways, I am not posting any keygen sources as it will spoil the whole phun!

Decoding the Algorithm

A demonstrative serial calculation routine

is given below:

Name: aaaaa

HW ID1: 0000000000000000

HW ID2: 89014103211118510720

Here are stepwise instructions on

generating final serial number

At first 'aaaaa' will be converted to

'9797979797', from which we will

take first 5 letters and convert it into

integer 97979

This will be ‗xor‘ed with 0x6B016

resulting 511661 and this will be the

first part of serial.

For the second part, we will take the

first 6 letters from HW ID1 and HW

ID2, convert them to integer and

xor, resulting 000000^890141 =


For the third part we will use the

first 6 characters from HW ID1.

Formatting with the specified

delimiter the serial will become


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Final Verification of Reversing

Now let us put the same magic number into

our Crackme application.

Bingo! Everything worked as expected.

Now, for all those who think it is pretty hard

to read all those deassembled instructions

and manually converting them to higher

language constructs, there are other

options. As dalvik is based on the design of

Java, it is also susceptible to decompilation.

There is no decompiler available at this

moment, but there is a hope.

For now we can use another utility which

converts dex files to jar files so that we can

use Java decompilers to see much more

abstracted code. From the starting of this

article you may have noticed a tool dex2jar.

You can use the dex2jar to convert

classes.dex to classes.dex.dex2jar.jar.

Open it in a Java decompiler and you can

see much better output than dalvik

disassembly. Please note that dex2jar is

still in a development phase and the output

you get could be meaningless in many

places. This should be used only to get a

quick understanding of all the functions.


In this introductory article, I explained reversing of an Android application using the emulator and all available tools in sequence with pictorial elaborative steps. It is mainly based to set up your ground for further reversing work on Android Platform. Well, that‘s it! We have analyzed an Android program and defeated its protection. Cheerio!

Dhanesh k

Dhanesh is a software engineer

specialized in .NET programming. In

his spare time he works on Win32

reversing and malware analysis.

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Android Security Apps

Android is creating some (a lot actually!)

buzz all over with all its awesome user

friendly features and apps. Millions of

applications and games are available to

choose from.

Our phones have all sorts of personal data –

messages, photos, etc. At some point these

apps access your data. And as we all know

data=money, so let‘s have a look at some

apps that will help you protect your data

and privacy.

Malware and Theft Protection


Here are few apps that will help you protect

your data, privacy.

1. Lookout Mobile Security

This is one of the good apps protecting your

phone from viruses, data loss, etc. This app

provides anti-virus protection, malware and

spyware blocking functions. It also scans

every app installed on your phone thus

preventing you from using those apps in


If you loose your phone, you can track your

phone‘s location via locate phone on map

feature. It basically sounds an alarm from

the device itself when asked to track it.

Another good feature of this app is that it

allows you to backup and restore your data,

like – contact, photos, text messages and e-

mails etc.

All in one package huh! And guess what? It

is a freeware!

You can get it here -


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2. WaveSecure

Another good all-in-one app that protects

your data and privacy. It can track the

location of your phone incase its stolen or

misplaced by you. It basically sends a sms

alert to a pre-defined contact. It has this

amazing ability to locate, lock and wipe a

device remotely. Yes! you can WIPE your

data remotely if your phone is not found.

Though it does not provide anti-virus

protection, it does provide backup and

restore facility.

Recently, WaveSecure was acquired by


URL: -



3. Protector

It enables users to password protect any

application stored on their phone. This

security app takes it one step further by

enabling users to even password protect any

feature of an existing app on your phone.

Many users will experience the benefits of

this security app.

The Protector allows users to password

protect various Android apps including

Chat, Notepad, Calendar, Photos, Setting,

Email, Gmail and even their SMS inbox.

One negative aspect of this app is that it

does not provide a pin recovery service. So it

can create a lot of problems if you forget or

lose your pin code.

And one more good thing – its FREE!!

URL: - http://www.android-password.com/

4. Norton Mobile Security

This app has got almost same features as

that of apps mentioned above. Like tracking,

remote lock-and-wipe ability, anti-virus etc.

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In addition to this, you can block or control

incoming calls and sms of some person from

your call log.

Again, its free!

URL: - http://us.norton.com/mobile-


5. SMobile Security Shield

This app comes in two flavors – one with

Anti-Virus and other with Parental Control.

This is a power packed app with some great

features. Features like –


Anti-spam. This blocks calls and

messages from annoying person(s).

Firewall. Helps in keeping malicious

programs at bay.

Backup and restore ability.

Lock-and-wipe ability.

GPS to locate phone when stolen.

And also parental controls like text

messages and email monitoring,

child locator, etc.

Though this is a not a free app but its worth


URL: - http://www.smobilesystems.com/

Few more app you can use – Smobile

AntiTheft, aFirewall.

I hope this will help you decide which app to

use and protect your data.

Be Safe

Saurabh Shah


Saurabh Shah has done Masters in

Computer Science from Pune university.

He says that he would love to try to do

experiments on Android phone and trying

to learn some apps, security is very

important for Android these days before

someone steals or breaks you stuff on


Working as a FrontEnd Web Developer

(@ cloudaccess.net), majorly in Joomla.

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Android Application Safety

Android is a Linux based mobile "smartphone" operating system. Android(tm) was designed with security in mind, and almost all of the important functions of the system are protected by layers of defense. Applications installed on the system declare what features and functions it needs or wish to access via a Manifest - a declaration written by the developer of the app, that cannot be changed during the lifetime of the application package installed on the Android(tm) device. Newer versions of the app can modify the Manifest, but when updating the app, the system requests the user to allow the change. The Manifest contains important information about the app - but Permissions are the most important part by far. Permissions are a declaration about what sensitive data and parts of the system are going to be accessed by the app being

installed. Some examples of android permissions : ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - access Gps location. CALL_PHONE - place calls. CAMERA - access the camera. SEND_SMS - send sms messages. INTERNET - access the web. the full list is avialable at : http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html

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When installing an app the market or other installer asks the user to confirm the permissions the app requests. Reading these carefully and understaing the implications of the permissions can help the user avoid many of the dangers of using a smartphone. for instance: SEND_SMS permission can allow the app to send SMS from the phone to premium numbers, thus deducting money from the user. MAKE_CALLS can allow the app to make phone calls and deducts money in the same way. ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION + INTERNET can allow the app to track the user location, and sell the info to advertizing companies for targeted ads in the best case scenario and in the worst actively snoop on the user. READ_SMS, READ_CALL_LOG, READ_LOGS - these permissions can be used to access the user calls, sms and more. Combined with INTERNET they can be used to snoop on the user, or steal his data. the gsf.READ_GSERVICES is especially dangerous - as it is the basic permission the

"angry birds bonus level" proof of concept used by the malware to install more apps silently in the background. Google has already fixed the problem, but the issue can still affect older phones - Never install an apps that requests this permission. A notable exception to this rule is the Appbrain app. However - apps that needs the permissions for their work by reputable developers can be installed with no problem : Chompsms need access to SEND_SMS to work, Facebook apps needs access to the internet, an alternative dialer program can be allowed to dial the phone. When an app that looks like a game, or a video player asks for SEND_SMS then you should not install it and notify someone about it - Us at DroidSecurity.com or google, or the market comments. Remember that the moblie phone is the closest thing to you after your family, it goes with you everywhere and it contains most of your personal, private and revealing information! always check the permissions before installing a new app or a game. Have fun with your Android phones!

Oren barAd

Oren barAd, working at Droidsecurity for 1 year as a Developer and Researcher focusing on mobile security. part time hacker, and hardware/gadget enthusiast.

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Electronic contracts & the Indian law

Chapter IV of the Information Technology

Act, 2000 (amendment of 2008) contains

Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 which talks about

Legal Recognition to Electronic Contracts,

Attribution, Acknowledgment and Dispatch

of Electronic Records.

Section 10A of the IT Act, 2000 provides

that, a communication or contract shouldn‘t

be denied or declared void merely because

it‘s in electronic form. i.e. Every electronic

contract has legal recognition same as

traditional paper based contract.

This Section is based on the United

Nation‟s Convention on the use of

Electronic Communications in

International Contracts.

Section 11:-

“Attribution of electronic records”,

An electronic record shall be attributed to

the originator—

a) if it was sent by the originator


b) by a person who had the authority to

act on behalf of the originator in

respect of that electronic record; or

c) by an information system

programmed by or on behalf of the

originator to operate automatically.

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Here, “Originator” means (Sec. 2(1)


―A person who sends, generates, stores or

transmits any electronic message or causes

any electronic message to be sent,

generated, stored or transmitted to any

other person‖

Originator doesn‘t include



Vivek uses his yahoo account to send an

email to Rohit.

Here, Vivek is the originator & Yahoo is the



Vivek is on vacation. During vacation he has

turned his vacation responder on with the

following message:-

―Thank you for your email. I am on

vacation, will reply your mail as soon I get


Here, though Vivek has programmed an

information system to operate automatically

on his behalf. Still Vivek is the ―originator‖

in this case.

Section 12:-

“Acknowledgement of receipt”

(1) Where the originator has not agreed

with the addressee that the

acknowledgment of receipt of

electronic record be given in a

particular form or by a particular

method, an acknowledgment may be

given by—

a) any communication by the

addressee, automated or

otherwise; or

b) any conduct of the addressee,

sufficient to indicate to the

originator that the electronic

record has been received.

Here, “Addressee” means (Sec. 2

(1) (b)):-

―A person who is intended by the

originator to receive the electronic

record but does not include any



Vivek uses his yahoo account to send

an email to Rohit.

Here, Vivek is originator, Yahoo is

intermediary & Rohit is addressee.


Rohit sends an email to Pooja

asking her that he would like to

purchase a car and would like to

know the prices of the cars available

for sale. Pooja in return sends Rohit

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a catalogue of prices of the cars

available for sale.

Now this action of Pooja is

sufficient to indicate to Rohit (the

originator) that his email (i.e. the

electronic record) has been received

by the addressee (i.e. Pooja).

(2) Where the originator has stipulated

that the electronic record shall be

binding only on receipt of an

acknowledgment of such electronic

record by him, then unless

acknowledgment has been so

received, the electronic record shall

be deemed to have been never sent

by the originator.

(3) Where the originator has not

stipulated that the electronic record

shall be binding only on receipt of

such acknowledgment, and the

acknowledgment has not been

received by the originator within the

specified time or reasonable time,

then the originator may give notice

to the addressee stating that no

acknowledgment has been received

by him and specifying a reasonable

time by which the acknowledgment

must be received by him. Now if no

acknowledgment is received within

the aforesaid time limit he may after

giving notice to the addressee, treat

the electronic record as though it has

never been sent.

Sec. 13:-

Time and place of dispatch and

receipt of electronic record

(1) Save as otherwise agreed to between the

originator and the addressee, the dispatch of

an electronic record occurs when it enters a

computer resource outside the control of the



Pooja composes a message for Rohit. At

exactly 12.00 noon she presses the

―Send‖ button. When she does that the

message leaves her computer and begins

its journey across the Internet. It is now

no longer in Pooja‘s control. The time of

dispatch of this message will be 12.00


(2) Save as otherwise agreed between the

originator and the addressee, the time of

receipt of an electronic record shall be

determined as follows, namely:—

(a) if the addressee has designated a

computer resource for the purpose

of receiving electronic records,—

(i) receipt occurs at the time when

the electronic record enters the

designated computer resource; or

(ii) if the electronic record is sent to

a computer resource of the

addressee that is not the designated

computer resource, receipt occurs at

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the time when the electronic record

is retrieved by the addressee;

(b) if the addressee has not designated a

computer resource along with the

specified timings, if any, receipt occurs

when the electronic record enters the

computer resource of the addressee.

(3) Save as otherwise agreed to between the

originator and the addressee, an electronic

record is deemed to be dispatched at the

place where the originator has his place of

business, and is deemed to be received at

the place where the addressee has his place

of business.

(4) The provisions of sub-section (2) shall

apply notwithstanding that the place

where the computer resource is located

may be different from the place where

the electronic record is deemed to have

been received under sub-section (3).


Rohit has entered into contract with a US

based company. Company has its server in

Brazil. Even if the company has its mail

server located physically in Brazil, the place

of receipt of the order would be the

company‘s office in USA.

(5) For the purposes of this section,—

(a) if the originator or the addressee

has more than one place of business,

the principal place of business, shall

be the place of business;

(b) if the originator or the addressee

does not have a place of business, his

usual place of residence shall be

deemed to be the place of business;

(c) "usual place of residence", in

relation to a body corporate, means

the place where it is registered.

Sagar Rahukar

[email protected]

Sagar Rahukar, a Law graduate, is

Head(Maharashtra) at Asian

School of Cyber Laws. Sagar

specializes in Cyber Law,

Intellectual Property Law and

Corporate Law. Sagar also teaches

law at numerous educational

institutes and has also trained

officials from various law

enforcement agencies.

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Tethering your android

Introduction Frankly this issue of ―Command Line Gyan‖

does not have as much flesh as previous

issues. But we thought of dedicating this

issue to Android so here we are with a small

article on how to tether your android.

As per wikipedia ―Tethering is the use of a

mobile device with Internet access such as

3G cellular service to serve as an Internet

gateway or access point for other devices.

Other devices may connect to the gateway

via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or by Universal Serial

Bus (USB) cabling.‖ The connectivity can be

normal GPRS/EDGE or most awaited 3G.

At the same time other device can be other

wi-fi enabled phone/pda, laptop or even


For the sake of this article I‘m taking

example of my Samsung android device but

be assured it will be same in all phones


I have personally tried this trick in

BackTrack4 and Debian5 (lenny) but I‘m

sure it will run similarly on other Linux


The moment you connect your android over

USB you‘ll be prompted with different

connectivity options on the phone as shown


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Select ―PC Internet‖ in this (obviously).

Remember exact screen might not appear as

per different models & android version.

Once you select ―PC Internet‖ there will be a

device created in your system. In all my

attempts the device created was USB0.

Make sure you check the exact device

created from dmesg.

Once you get this device/interface created,

all you need to do is seek IP over DHCP for

this interface.

dhclient usb0


dhcpcd usb0

Done sir, your tethered internet is working

on your Linux machine now. Interestingly

android works as a DHCP server and a NAT

device. That‘s really smart.



OK, as far as I have tried & seen, I haven‘t

found a way out in windows to do it via

command line. Yes there are a few apps to

tether the phone, but nothing on command


Although its against the spirit of this section

of the magazine but I‘lls til point out a few

apps to do tethering on Windows

Some of such apps are

1) PDAnet

2) EasyTether

3) Proxoid

Best of luck with GUI in windows

Rohit Srivastwa [email protected]

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